Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works 20 YEARS! 2004-2024

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Reference Works that are Non-Marvel/Not Officially Marvel » The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines » 9/02/2024 9:47 am

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Added the data from #S13 (Cloak and Dagger) and #113 (Hellcat).

Individual Official Marvel Handbook, Guidebook, and Files Book Discussion » Handbook profiles announcement - Marvel Voices: Pride 2022 » 6/28/2022 11:43 am

Replies: 14

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Loki wrote:

Since it came out today, I can share who is covered.

Kyle Jinadu-Beaubier - 2 pages
Jumbo Carnation - 2 pages
Escapade - 1 page
Somnus - 1 page
Valkyrie (Runa) - 2 pages
Viv Vision - 4 pages

I really love it this Marvel's Voices edition got some Handbook profiles!
I also love the list, especially Kyle Jinadu-Beaubier!
Personally I find it odd Escapade got their own entry since they were just first introduced in the very same issue. I would rather see a profile of Jesse Drake. And instead of 4 pages for Viv Vision I'd love to see her just having 2 pages which would give space for another LGBTQ+ character or two. But those are just trifles, overall I love this and I hope more Handbook entries will follow!

Individual Official Marvel Handbook, Guidebook, and Files Book Discussion » Handbook profiles announcement - Marvel Voices: Pride 2022 » 5/15/2022 12:29 pm

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This is great! I love last year's Marvel's Voices: Pride, so now knowing the 2022 version includes handbook profiles as well, I can't wait!

General Information/Discussion on Official Marvel Works » The Official Handbooks General Q&A Thread » 12/30/2021 2:55 pm

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Not sure if this is the right topic to post my question, but does anyone know if the Trojan War miniseries by Roy Thomas part of the Reality-616/main Marvel Universe (or is this non-canon)?

Reference Works that are Non-Marvel/Not Officially Marvel » The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines » 5/31/2021 11:20 am

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Added the data of #150 (Triton), #156 (Toad), #162 (Karnak), #165 (Photon), #181 (Sebastian Shaw), #192 (Wolfsbane) and #193 (Stingray).

General Information/Discussion on Official Marvel Works » The Official Handbooks General Q&A Thread » 5/08/2021 12:13 pm

Replies: 151

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RVcousin wrote:

Pinball_Lizard wrote:

Time for a couple more about my favorite subject: obscure mutants! The Secrets Behind the X-Men blog mentions yet another '90s mutant whose story arc was apparently canceled, a mutant aide to the notoriously mutophobic Senator Kelly who appeared in UXM 299, 322-23, and XM 51, and then vanished without a trace. Does anyone here know anything more about this character or what direction he was supposed to be taken in?

According to the Deadpool Ranks and Fool Handbook, it's Noah Dubois from Landau, Luckman & Lake

But Noah Dubois wasn't a mutant, was he? I thought his powers were derived from technology.

General Information/Discussion on Official Marvel Works » Things people keep getting wrong (Round 2) redux » 2/26/2021 2:12 pm

Replies: 221

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Loki wrote:

There's some similarity in appearances, with the red cross, bulky build and beard, so you can see why people think it is him in Secret Avengers. But the guy in Secret Avengers also differs in appearance, with the blue elements of his costume that Captain England lacks. And we've got to remember that many of the Corps look similar - costumes based to varying degrees on the Union Flag, and many being alternate reality counterparts to other members. Plus if you know your UK dialects you know that "laddie" is more commonly associated with Scotland than any English region. So just from the panel there's an element of doubt. I don't have any doubt though, as I can cheat; I have access to something those sites don't, the script for the issue, which identifies the guy speaking by name. He's Captain Scotland.  

Nice to know! I don't remember Captain Scotland being named in any Handbook yet, does he?

Marvel Multiverse » Dr. James Xavier (Earth-92131) » 1/17/2021 8:28 am

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Nice profile, zuckyd1!
Never knew before Professor X had an ancestor showing up in that animated series.

Individual Official Marvel Handbook, Guidebook, and Files Book Discussion » Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook » 12/22/2020 2:52 pm

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Loki wrote:

Rayeye wrote:

On a final note I remember a comic page with icons of those X-Men who lived on Utopia. At that page the main X-Men team was named the Extinction Team, Psylocke's team was called Security Recon (X-Men) and there was a Street Team with Dazzler, Boom Boom and Lifeguard as members. I wonder if these were official (sub-team) names? IIRC the Street Team was also called San Francisco Street Team in some later comic issue.

Just spotted this comment and query, which I managed to overlook earlier and thus didn't pass it on. Before I do, any chance you recall which specific issue these designations were shown?

First, big thanks for all your replies and answers to my questions!

I just checked it: the Extinction Team, Street Team, etc. were listed and named in Uncanny X-Men (2012) #1. I haven't found yet in which issue the Street Team was called San Francisco Street Team.

Individual Official Marvel Handbook, Guidebook, and Files Book Discussion » Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook » 11/03/2020 12:03 pm

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warriorX wrote:

Rayeye wrote:

A few questions:

I am not the right person to answer how these decisions came to be, but some thoughts about the X-Men membership IMHO.

Rayeye wrote:

About the X-Men membership:
3) I'm missing Alchemy. IIRC Cyclops told him he was an X-Man prior to his death.

Rayeye wrote:

7) Triage, Hijack, Goldballs, Morph and Tempus were Cyclops' revolutionary X-Men trainees. I wonder why they did not make it to X-Men-in-Training, since they all eventually joined the Xavier Institute.

I am  guessing that regarding points 3 and 7, as the file says, Cyclops' revolutionary team is not considered official X-Men, as they were totally against Cyclops actions, therefore Alchemy, as well as the trainees, are not part of the X-Men. When the trainees joined the Xavier Institute, they may have joined only as students, but that does not mean they are X-Men-In-Training.

Rayeye wrote:

4) What about Doop? Was he an X-Man or only part of the Jean Grey School staff (much like Deathlok Prime)?

While I think Doop  was only part of the Jean Grey School staff, I would have expected that there was a sub-team called AvX Jean Grey School  X-Men or something like that, refering to the faculty and staff that defended the school from Phoenix Colossus in Wolverine and the X-Men 14 (2012).  This provisional team included (Kitty Pryde, Lockheed, Husk, Warbird, Deathlok (Earth-10511), Doop, Toad and Krakoa)?

Maybe Loki can  share his  thoughts about this.

Rayeye wrote:

5) I guess Kid Apocalypse/Genesis should have been listed in the Time-Displaced X-Men roster.


Rayeye wrote:

About the X-Men-In-Training membership:
6) I wonder why Broo, Crosta, Ernst, Eye Boy, Indra, Face, Hindsight, Kid Gladiator, Kid Omega, Nature Girl, Sapna, Scorpion Boy, Shark-Girl, Sprite, Wolf Cub and Ziggy Karst are not consided X-Men trainees? Could you tell me when someone is officially a trainee, because it's

Individual Official Marvel Handbook, Guidebook, and Files Book Discussion » Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook » 11/03/2020 11:47 am

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Loki wrote:

Rayeye wrote:

I also want to say the profiles in this handbook are written very well! Although I really like Broo's profile, I wonder why he is in this handbook (since he was no role in X of Swords so far; same goes for Meggan).
I also wonder why in Magik's profile Magik was referred as Rasputina instead of her first name Illyana?

Broo was a replacement for young Cable - we had to find someone we could fit into the available space, and wanted to include at least one character not previously covered. We figured Broo would be an interesting option. I can't recall if we'd been told if he also features more in X of Swords; I'm not the one who deals with editorial most of the time, so I don't recall who was on the list of "must haves", "good to include because they'll play a role" and "no prominent role, but it'd be nice if we could squeeze in a few more previously not-yet-covered characters."

As for Magik's entry, we've been given editorial instructions to use surnames except where that would be confusing (e.g. two characters sharing the same surname being discussed in the same profile).

Thanks for clarifying, makes much sense! Just finished reading the whole handbook yesterday and although Broo is the only character not previously covered I quite like this handbook! Just wished the Horsemen of Apocalypse had got their own profile.

Individual Official Marvel Handbook, Guidebook, and Files Book Discussion » Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook » 10/30/2020 2:12 pm

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I also want to say the profiles in this handbook are written very well! Although I really like Broo's profile, I wonder why he is in this handbook (since he was no role in X of Swords so far; same goes for Meggan).
I also wonder why in Magik's profile Magik was referred as Rasputina instead of her first name Illyana?

Individual Official Marvel Handbook, Guidebook, and Files Book Discussion » Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook » 10/30/2020 2:06 pm

Replies: 103

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Loki wrote:

We're in the middle of proofing for King in Black handbook (and some other, non-handbook stuff we've been asked to check over) right now, so I will see about getting answers to the queries above, but it won't be immediately. As such, please feel free to bump the posts to remind me if I've not got back to you in the next week or two.

And here I am :-)
If possible could you answer some of the questions? Please no pressure though, I'm just curious ;-)

Rayeye wrote:

]Finally the handbook is there! At first sight I like it, though I agree with slevin87 I hoped to see more new profiles. I like pictures/art, though Magik's main picture above her data is a bit small compared to the other profiles. I'm glad we finally got an updated X-Men roster!

A few questions:
1) Wolverine's profile states Raiden being his great-great-great-grandson (Wolverine: Exit Wounds #1) is in error. Can you tell my why it was decided it was an error? I mean Raidens mother Hoshiko is listed as a relative of Logan.
2) Are Moira's previous lifes considered to be occurred in alternate realities?

About the X-Men membership:
3) I'm missing Alchemy. IIRC Cyclops told him he was an X-Man prior to his death.
4) What about Doop? Was he an X-Man or only part of the Jean Grey School staff (much like Deathlok Prime)?
5) I guess Kid Apocalypse/Genesis should have been listed in the Time-Displaced X-Men roster.

About the X-Men-In-Training membership:
6) I wonder why Broo, Crosta, Ernst, Eye Boy, Indra, Face, Hindsight, Kid Gladiator, Kid Omega, Nature Girl, Sapna, Scorpion Boy, Shark-Girl, Sprite, Wolf Cub and Ziggy Karst are not consided X-Men trainees? Could you tell me when someone is officially a trainee, because it's hard to tell in the comics when someone becomes an X-Men trainee. By the way, I feel bad for Wolf Cub not being an X-Men trainee, since he was part of the Young X-Men.
7) Triage, Hijack, Goldballs, Morph and Tempus were Cyclops' revolutionary X-Men traine

Individual Official Marvel Handbook, Guidebook, and Files Book Discussion » Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook » 10/17/2020 10:29 am

Replies: 103

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RVcousin wrote:

Loki wrote:

We're in the middle of proofing for King in Black handbook (and some other, non-handbook stuff we've been asked to check over) right now, so I will see about getting answers to the queries above, but it won't be immediately. As such, please feel free to bump the posts to remind me if I've not got back to you in the next week or two.

We have waited 10 years for this Handbook, so don't worry 😉. It's already very nice to have this Handbook and an answer one day.
Good work for the next Handbook and if you need help, I am here.

Totally agree with you, RVcousin!

Individual Official Marvel Handbook, Guidebook, and Files Book Discussion » Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook » 10/16/2020 5:26 am

Replies: 103

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Loki wrote:

Rayeye wrote:

Finally the handbook is there! At first sight I like it, though I agree with slevin87 I hoped to see more new profiles. I like pictures/art, though Magik's main picture above her data is a bit small compared to the other profiles. I'm glad we finally got an updated X-Men roster!

A few questions:
1) Wolverine's profile states Raiden being his great-great-great-grandson (Wolverine: Exit Wounds #1) is in error. Can you tell my why it was decided it was an error? I mean Raidens mother Hoshiko is listed as a relative of Logan.
2) Are Moira's previous lifes considered to be occurred in alternate realities?

About the X-Men membership:
3) I'm missing Alchemy. IIRC Cyclops told him he was an X-Man prior to his death.
4) What about Doop? Was he an X-Man or only part of the Jean Grey School staff (much like Deathlok Prime)?
5) I guess Kid Apocalypse/Genesis should have been listed in the Time-Displaced X-Men roster.

About the X-Men-In-Training membership:
6) I wonder why Broo, Crosta, Ernst, Eye Boy, Indra, Face, Hindsight, Kid Gladiator, Kid Omega, Nature Girl, Sapna, Scorpion Boy, Shark-Girl, Sprite, Wolf Cub and Ziggy Karst are not consided X-Men trainees? Could you tell me when someone is officially a trainee, because it's hard to tell in the comics when someone becomes an X-Men trainee. By the way, I feel bad for Wolf Cub not being an X-Men trainee, since he was part of the Young X-Men.
7) Triage, Hijack, Goldballs, Morph and Tempus were Cyclops' revolutionary X-Men trainees. I wonder why they did not make it to X-Men-in-Training, since they all eventually joined the Xavier Institute.


I'll check with the team and get back to you, as I have a general idea about the roster, but others were more closely involved. 

Thanks in advance!

By the way I spotted the Hellfire Academy and its Hellions were missing under Broo's Group Affiliation. Also in Cypher's profile his membership of the original Hellions was missin

Individual Official Marvel Handbook, Guidebook, and Files Book Discussion » Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook » 10/15/2020 1:28 pm

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Finally the handbook is there! At first sight I like it, though I agree with slevin87 I hoped to see more new profiles. I like pictures/art, though Magik's main picture above her data is a bit small compared to the other profiles. I'm glad we finally got an updated X-Men roster!

A few questions:
1) Wolverine's profile states Raiden being his great-great-great-grandson (Wolverine: Exit Wounds #1) is in error. Can you tell my why it was decided it was an error? I mean Raidens mother Hoshiko is listed as a relative of Logan.
2) Are Moira's previous lifes considered to be occurred in alternate realities?

About the X-Men membership:
3) I'm missing Alchemy. IIRC Cyclops told him he was an X-Man prior to his death.
4) What about Doop? Was he an X-Man or only part of the Jean Grey School staff (much like Deathlok Prime)?
5) I guess Kid Apocalypse/Genesis should have been listed in the Time-Displaced X-Men roster.

About the X-Men-In-Training membership:
6) I wonder why Broo, Crosta, Ernst, Eye Boy, Indra, Face, Hindsight, Kid Gladiator, Kid Omega, Nature Girl, Sapna, Scorpion Boy, Shark-Girl, Sprite, Wolf Cub and Ziggy Karst are not consided X-Men trainees? Could you tell me when someone is officially a trainee, because it's hard to tell in the comics when someone becomes an X-Men trainee. By the way, I feel bad for Wolf Cub not being an X-Men trainee, since he was part of the Young X-Men.
7) Triage, Hijack, Goldballs, Morph and Tempus were Cyclops' revolutionary X-Men trainees. I wonder why they did not make it to X-Men-in-Training, since they all eventually joined the Xavier Institute.

Individual Official Marvel Handbook, Guidebook, and Files Book Discussion » Handbook Announcement - King in Black Handbook » 9/14/2020 1:53 pm

Replies: 37

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slevin87 wrote:

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Also glad to see these continuing. As with Rayeye I'm not a huge Venom fan but I'll take any excuse for a Handbook. I'm also not a Deadpool fan but that book still had entries on characters I like. Hope these do well enough that we can get another hardcover run, at least for profiles that didn't make it into the previous run but newer updates (lots of books with just one profile have come out since the last hardcover run).

I'd be all for new hardcovers for the last 10 years' worth of profiles, but I do think it would take a lot of work to reformat the 2010-2015 ones to fit the style of the more recent books, so I'm not sure how feasible Marvel would consider it or if the writers would be up for it.

I'm with you on this! Hardcover handbook series v2 is what we need! :-)

Raw Data on Official Marvel Works » OHOTMU Sightings Outside the Handbooks - Current Version » 9/03/2020 2:29 pm

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The Marvel Universe by John Byrne HC vol. 2 got a reprint of the OHOTMU profile Kenneth Connell (1 page).

Individual Official Marvel Handbook, Guidebook, and Files Book Discussion » Handbook announcement - Empyre Handbook » 8/19/2020 1:10 pm

Replies: 55

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Loki wrote:

Correct on all counts. We asked about all the groups that had used the Avengers name and were told none of those ones were official. It all came down to which characters had the right to create new Avenger teams, and Sunspot (for example) didn't.

Thanks for clarifying this!

Individual Official Marvel Handbook, Guidebook, and Files Book Discussion » Handbook announcement - Empyre Handbook » 8/18/2020 12:49 pm

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I have a question regarding the Avengers profile and the Avengers updated roster.
I noticed Avengers like Squirrel Girl, Pod and Songbird weren't listed (neither in the previous Avengers Now! handbook), so does that mean Sunspot's "New Avengers" and his USAvengers aren't officially "part" of the Avengers like the Avengers Unity Division does?
Same thing for the War Avengers (from the recent War of the Realm event) and the Occupy Avengers (which included Hawkeye and Earth-51920's Red Wolf).

Individual Official Marvel Handbook, Guidebook, and Files Book Discussion » Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook » 8/12/2020 1:38 pm

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Loki wrote:

Nexus wrote:

A follow-on question I have is, how do you handle retcons between handbooks? It may not be an issue due to the history constraint your faced with.

First, it's worth noting there's a light difference between types of retcons. One type is a deliberate choice to change things by the writer - they know what they are revealing alters the past version, but still choose to do so. Prime examples of this would be the recent(ish) revelation that Carol Danvers powers originate from her being half-Kree, and going back further we've got things like the massive retcon to the New Universe's Justice's backstory that happened when Peter David took over the title, or the reveal of the true identity of the child hero Captain Hero who had appeared in the final issues of Power Man and Iron Fist, etc. These usually come with in-story reasons why what was seen previously was misleading, so they aren't too problematic for the handbooks - we just present the facts as now understood, noting what has changed and why the old info was misleading.

The second type of retcon is the continuity insert. It doesn't change what we thought we knew, it just fill in gaps with new info. Peter Parker discovering his parents were spies is an example; it's not contradicting previous information, just adding in additional backstory. There can be some overlap between the first version and this; Carol Danvers discovering one of her parents was a Kree is not changing what had been established about her, as I don't recall her parents ever really coming up before, but revealing that it is this genetic heritage that gave her powers is a retcon, since previously it had all been ascribed to a genetic transfer from Mar-Vell. Again, this kind of retcon is usually easy to handle; no contradictions to explain, so it's just mentioned as new information in the handbook profile.

The third type of retcon is the unintentional one. A writer unwittingly alters the backstory because they didn't

Individual Official Marvel Handbook, Guidebook, and Files Book Discussion » Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook » 8/12/2020 1:30 pm

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Loki wrote:

Nexus wrote:

I don't know if this is the right place for a question, so forgive me if it's in the wrong section. When putting together a handbook, how are character updates handled. How is it decided what makes it in to an update and what doesn't?

Perfectly reasonable place to ask, so no worries. 

In terms of updates, it's mostly space that ultimately determines what gets left out. Using this book as an example, and without naming specific characters, it started with editorial at Marvel picking the theme and identifying a few characters who HAD to be included, then sending that remit to our head writer Mike O'Sullivan. Mike then looked at the remit (X-Men, and this specific event), figured out how many pages the already chosen characters needed to give them proper coverage, then looked at who else might go into the book - so he considered who was involved in this event, weighing up those who might not have had a modern era (early 2000s on) handbook entry, how much those who did have a prior entry had appeared between this event and their last handbook profile (no point covering someone who has so few appearances between the two that the update would be entry), and then tried to juggle page counts based on how many appearances have happened between times (and how significant those were. Once Mike had a basic list of people he wanted to include, but before he worked out page counts, he ran the list by the rest of the team for feedback, so we could suggest people we might think he had overlooked or raise any other concerns we might foresee with his list. Once we've got that list hashed out, it's taken back to editorial for approval or revision. Once all that's done, page counts are finalized, and writers are assigned entries. 

Every writer reads every appearance their characters have had since the last time they got a profile (or every single appearance for someone without a prior profile), making notes. A fair few appearances can be utterly ins

Comics » Alternate Realities designations » 7/14/2020 1:35 pm

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Loki wrote:

Yes, Marvunapp's Master List is the best place to keep an eye out for reality designators. It's the website of Jeff Christiansen, who was the head handbook writer for many years, and who is still the person who usually allocates the reality numbers when the handbooks need them. So while numbers that have only appeared on Marvunapp remain unofficial until they see print in a Marvel publication, those Marvunapp numbers are usually the ones that do see print once an appropriate entry comes up.

Good to know, I knew a lot of Marvunapp writers are Handbook writers as well, and the Master List is great!

Loki wrote:

This one isn't an alternate reality, and so has no designator. To explain - for things like Age of Apocalypse, House of M, etc., time or reality got rewritten, spawning alternate realities. However, X-Man didn't do that for Age of X-Man; instead he created a pocket dimension filled with mostly fake people. Think of it as the difference between the Enterprise crew visiting the Mirror Universe, versus the Enterprise crew finding themselves trapped on the Holodeck.

You're right about that one. I just wish at least they give it an official name, just like Counter-Earth was named.

Loki wrote:

Rayeye wrote:

Finally I got some question about the Old Man Logan reality (aka the Wastelands). His reality was officially listed as Earth-807128. When Old Man Logan reappeared on Battleworld, Marvunapp.com listed this Logan and his reality as Earth-21923. Does this mean the Old Man Logan who until recently was active in Reality-616 hails from 21923?

Yes. We've got two versions of Old Man Logan. Originally we had OML-807128 who we saw in the Old Man Logan storyline, and who went on to become the Hooded Man of the future Defenders seen in Fantastic Four. However, the multiverse collapse diverged a new version, 21923, who ended up on 616 instead of staying on his own world to become Hooded Man.

Rayeye wrote:

Furthermore, does the stories in t

Comics » Alternate Realities designations » 7/13/2020 11:44 am

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Since I don't know where to post this topic I put it here (but feel free to transfer my thread to another room).
I've always liked the Marvel Multiverse concept and a few years ago when the Official Handbooks returned I was glad to see an appendix full of official numbered realities.
Although, with Secret Wars happened I think it became perhaps tougher to get a hold on those alternate realities (and with all those time/reality traveling characters who created diverging realities). Beside the Handbooks I often consult http://www.marvunapp.com/master/earthteaz.htm#numbered, which has the most accurate online list of numbered alt. realities in my opinion.

Since not all (new) realities have been officially designated with a number yet, I started this thread for discussions about alternate realities designations.

Examples of alternate realities/Earths who haven't officially designated (as far as I know) are:
- Age of X-Man
- Deadpool Max reality
- New Mutant Forever reality
- X-Factor Forever reality
- X-Istence (from the Major X series)
- 68th Century where Amber and the Revenant Queen/Owl Queen come from
- Legion tv series
- The Gifted tv series
- Wolverine: the Long Night reality
- realities in Avengers Fairy Tales series
- X2: Year One Hundred (from Powers of X)
- X3: Year One Thousand (from Powers of X)
- Mergiverse/Warp World
- Ideaverse
- 2061 A.D. (2014 Specials)
- X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever reality

Finally I got some question about the Old Man Logan reality (aka the Wastelands). His reality was officially listed as Earth-807128. When Old Man Logan reappeared on Battleworld, Marvunapp.com listed this Logan and his reality as Earth-21923. Does this mean the Old Man Logan who until recently was active in Reality-616 hails from 21923?
Furthermore, does the stories in the Old Man Hawkeye and Old Man Quill  take place in 21923 or 807128? Wiki sites like the Marvel Database (I know, not the most reliable source) list Old Man Hawkeye as 807128 but Old Man Quill as 2192

Individual Official Marvel Handbook, Guidebook, and Files Book Discussion » Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades Handbook TPB » 7/09/2020 2:21 pm

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zuckyd1 wrote:

Rayeye wrote:

Could somebody tell me which profiles in this trade were updated/expanded? Thanks in advance!

The only one I know of offhand is the golden age Black Widow.


Individual Official Marvel Handbook, Guidebook, and Files Book Discussion » Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades Handbook TPB » 6/22/2020 12:31 pm

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Could somebody tell me which profiles in this trade were updated/expanded? Thanks in advance!

Raw Data on Official Marvel Works » A-Z Premier HC vs TPB » 6/22/2020 12:25 pm

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RVcousin wrote:

BLACKWING (BOHUSK) - relatives and affiliations are different

Could you tell me which new relatives and affiliations are in the TPB (or are corrected)?

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