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3/05/2023 12:19 pm  #1



Real Name: Girmar

Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Shi'ar)

Occupation: Imperial Guardsman

Group Membership: Imperial Guard (Hussar, Magique, Manta, Neosaurus, Plutonia, Schism, Smasher (Vril Rokk), Starbolt, others)

Affiliations: D'Ken, Gladiator (Kallark), Lilandra, X-Men (Cyclops/Scott Summers, Marvel Girl/Jean Grey, Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner, Professor X/Charles Xavier, Wolverine/Logan)

Enemies: Erik the Red, Phoenix (Jean Grey), Starjammers (Corsair/Christopher Summers, Hepzibah, Raza, Sikorsky, others), X-Men (Angel/Warren Worthington III, Beast/Hank McCoy, Colossus/Peter Rasputin, Iceman/Bobby Drake, Phoenix/Jean Grey, Storm/Ororo Munroe)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Shi'ar Galaxy

First Appearance: X-Men I#107 (October, 1977)

Powers/Abilities: Girmar possesses the standard Shi'ar physical attributes of superhuman strength, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes. He also has retractable wings that allow him to fly at high speeds. Girmar is a skilled fighter, trained in the combat techniques of the Imperial Guard.

Height: Unrevealed

Weight: Unrevealed

Eyes: White

Hair: None

History: Girmar is a member of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard, a group of superhuman warriors tasked with protecting the Shi'ar Empire. He was among the members of the Guard who fought against the X-Men during the Phoenix Saga.

(X-Men I#107) - Girmar and the Imperial Guard were sent by Lilandra to capture the X-Men, who had come to the Shi'ar Empire to stop the trial of Phoenix (Jean Grey). Girmar fought against the X-Men, but was defeated along with the rest of the Guard.

(Uncanny X-Men#137) - Girmar was present during the trial of Phoenix on the Shi'ar homeworld. When Phoenix's true power was unleashed, Girmar and the rest of the Imperial Guard fought against her, but were ultimately defeated. After Phoenix sacrificed herself to save the universe, Girmar and the Guard returned to their duties protecting the Shi'ar Empire.

(New X-Men I#122) - Girmar and the Imperial Guard were sent to Earth to capture the escaped prisoner, Lilandra, who had fled to the planet to seek the aid of the X-Men. Girmar and the Guard fought against the X-Men, but were ultimately defeated and forced to return to the Shi'ar Empire empty-handed.

Comments: Created by Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum.

Girmar was one of the earliest members of the Imperial Guard to appear, but has had very few appearances over the years. His most notable appearances were in the Phoenix Saga, where he was a background character who didn't get much focus.

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3/05/2023 12:22 pm  #2

Re: Girmar

Two thoughts: Girmar is a character from Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. Two, this looks like it might have been cribbed, with name changed, from The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe

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3/05/2023 12:23 pm  #3

Re: Girmar

Second try:


Real Name: Girmar

Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Martian)

Occupation: Martian leader

Group Membership: Martian ruling council

Affiliations: Kimar, Voldar, Droppo

Enemies: Santa Claus, Earthlings

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mars

First Appearance: Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964)

Powers/Abilities: Girmar is a skilled politician and leader, able to maintain the respect and loyalty of his fellow Martians. He is also an accomplished scientist and engineer, contributing to the development of advanced technology on Mars.

History: Girmar was a member of the ruling council on Mars, alongside his friend Kimar and their colleague Voldar. When they observed their children becoming increasingly unhappy and disenchanted with their lives, they decided to seek the advice of Santa Claus on Earth, hoping to bring some joy and happiness to their children. However, Voldar disagreed with this plan and tried to sabotage it, leading to a confrontation between the Martian rulers.

Girmar ultimately sided with Kimar and helped to defeat Voldar's plot. With Santa's help, they were able to bring joy to the Martian children and foster a new spirit of cooperation and goodwill between Earth and Mars.

Note: Girmar was portrayed by actor Carl Don in the film Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.

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3/05/2023 12:24 pm  #4

Re: Girmar

No, she was one of the kids, played by Pia Zadora.

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