Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works 20 YEARS! 2004-2024

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3/06/2023 7:30 pm  #1

Norman Neale


Real Name: Norman Neale

Identity/Class: Human

Occupation: High school science teacher, superhero trainer

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Victor Ventura (Sidekick), Strobe (former student)

Enemies: Crimson Fury

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unknown

First Appearance: Sidekick (2005)

Powers/Abilities: Norman Neale is a brilliant high school science teacher with a passion for superheroes. He has no superhuman abilities but has trained and mentored Sidekick (Victor Ventura) to become a superhero. Norman is also skilled in hand-to-hand combat and has extensive knowledge of gadgets and technology.

History: Norman Neale was a science teacher at a local high school who had always been fascinated by superheroes. He took it upon himself to train and mentor his student, Victor Ventura, to become a superhero known as Sidekick. Norman trained Victor in various combat techniques and equipped him with a wide range of gadgets and technology to aid him in his crime-fighting endeavors.

Norman's former student, Strobe, had turned to a life of crime and became the villain Crimson Fury. When Crimson Fury began targeting Sidekick, Norman helped Victor fight back and ultimately defeat Crimson Fury.

Despite his success in training Sidekick, Norman was forced to resign from his teaching job due to his unconventional methods. He continues to train and mentor Victor as he grows into a full-fledged superhero.

Height: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Strength Level: Norman Neale possesses the strength level of a normal human who engages in moderate regular exercise.

Note: Norman Neale is a character from the 2005 movie Sidekick, which was not associated with Marvel Comics.

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3/06/2023 7:30 pm  #2

Re: Norman Neale

More incorrect than correct.

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