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1/04/2020 7:52 pm  #1

Heroic Age: Villains #1

Historical info from Comixfan site:

Zachary J. Morrison

Aug 18, 2010, 05:03 am

Coming from Marvel in November...

Written by VARIOUS
Cover by JAE LEE

Under the guidance of Steve Rogers, Earth’s heroes are at an all-time high but that doesn’t mean the villains are taking it lying down! Get inside Steve Rogers’ secret files as he analyzes evil from the cosmic menaces of Thanos and the Cancerverse, to the arcane might of Hela and Black Talon, to the armies of Leviathan and Hydra, to the costumed escapades of Deadpool and the White Rabbit! It’s 64 fact-filled pages of the worst men and women the Marvel Universe can offer!

64 PGS./Handbook/One-Shot/Rated T+ …$3.99


Aug 18, 2010, 05:12 am

A files book? Sorry, I'll pass this one. I'm not too fond of this type of format...but hey, nice for its fans!

Eduardo M.

Aug 18, 2010, 07:32 am

I night pick this and the Heroes book up. However, is there any chance these two one-shots will be collected together ala the Marvel Atlas? If so, then I may wait till that comes out

Roger Ott

Aug 27, 2010, 07:16 am

sucellos11 wrote:

A files book? Sorry, I'll pass this one. I'm not too fond of this type of format...but hey, nice for its fans!

I feel much the same way. While I own many of the Files type books, I hardly ever refer back to them for information.

Eduardo M.

Aug 27, 2010, 07:39 am

I don't really use the Files books as a source of information but I find they can be an interesting in-universe source for information on how a character is looked by others. Also I can find they are a great resource for finding characters that don't have regular Handbook entries yet. Just look at all the people in the Dark Reign who haven't been covered yet.


Aug 27, 2010, 08:45 am

Files are OK, not exactly my cup of tea though. Some have been really good like the 198 Files or Civil War files, others not so much like the Secret War and Planet Hulk files.

The main reason I don't like them is because we usually won't get a handbook that month.


Aug 27, 2010, 09:47 am

While I like the file (source) books to some degree, I am a Handbook man from way back! And, while file books have their time and place, Handbooks Rule!

I like the quantitative and analytical descriptions on the characters such as how strong this one is or just how many volts of electricity that one can zap at you, etc. I like the details and the more descriptive or numbers given, the better. (ex. could only move 10 lbs originally but over time got up to 20 tons. Then got to to the point of moving 50 tons, unenhanced. etc).

Because the Handbooks are ongoing and will be coming out in 2011 as well, I don't mind the alternation with the file books as much. At least every month we will be getting some kind of update info. And, as Eduardo M. mentioned, it does give a (different) perspective of certain characters from their "peers" if you will.

Eduardo M.

Aug 27, 2010, 11:54 am

Phoenixx9 wrote:

And, as Eduardo M. mentioned, it does give a (different) perspective of certain characters from their "peers" if you will.

I've always thought that to be an interesting double-edged sword. A bio written by a character in-universe does need to be taken with a grain of salt. For example: Veronica Hand in the Siege: Storming Asgard book called Clint Barton a "b-lister" and said Pym Particles were the only thing the Mighty Avengers had going for them. I don't know about anyone else, but I would call into question her assessments in both counts.

Then there's Quasimodo's rundown on his creator in the Dark Reign Files. Its pretty clear there that you could not rely on Quasi to give an impartial and accurate assessemt in that case.

Andy E. Nystrom

Aug 28, 2010, 08:52 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

I've always thought that to be an interesting double-edged sword. A bio written by a character in-universe does need to be taken with a grain of salt. For example: Veronica Hand in the Siege: Storming Asgard book called Clint Barton a "b-lister" and said Pym Particles were the only thing the Mighty Avengers had going for them. I don't know about anyone else, but I would call into question her assessments in both counts.

Then there's Quasimodo's rundown on his creator in the Dark Reign Files. Its pretty clear there that you could not rely on Quasi to give an impartial and accurate assessemt in that case.

One fun way around that could be to create a debate. To use a couple of extreme examples, have the savage Hulk and Phil Sheldon discuss Spider-Man's strength, or Dr. Doom and Wilkie Lumpkin discuss Mr. Fantastic's intelligence

Another idea would be to do a Files-Handbook hybrid where the in-universe stuff would be accompanied by real world text putting things in context.

Eduardo M.

Aug 28, 2010, 09:48 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

One fun way around that could be to create a debate. To use a couple of extreme examples, have the savage Hulk and Phil Sheldon discuss Spider-Man's strength, or Dr. Doom and Wilkie Lumpkin discuss Mr. Fantastic's intelligence

Another idea would be to do a Files-Handbook hybrid where the in-universe stuff would be accompanied by real world text putting things in context.

They kinda did that with the New Avengers Most Wanted files. Most of the data on the Raft escapees was pretty straightforward while you also had some observations from various Avengers


Sep 15, 2010, 05:33 pm

Heroic Age: Heroes was released today right? I have to wait for my monthly order. Seeing that there was no thread for this I posted here. Anyone have listings for this?

Eduardo M.

Sep 16, 2010, 07:22 am

ultrabasurero wrote:

Heroic Age: Heroes was released today right? I have to wait for my monthly order. Seeing that there was no thread for this I posted here. Anyone have listings for this?

I think it was Heroic Age: Heroes that got released. If anyone bought it can they please post something over in that thread?

Andy E. Nystrom

Sep 16, 2010, 10:54 am

Eduardo M. wrote:

I think it was Heroic Age: Heroes that got released. If anyone bought it can they please post something over in that thread?

I think that ultra's point was that there's not yet a thread for that, but there probably should be. I bought it but there's 63 pages of entries (after one intro page) and 3 entries per page so I'll defer to someone else to list all 189 entries while I focus on the final 3 or so lists of changes in hardcovers.


Nov 13, 2010, 05:55 am

Anyone buy this yet and care to list the contents? I won't be getting mine until the end of the month.

William Keogh

Nov 13, 2010, 07:49 am

It's not out until the 17th.


Nov 13, 2010, 10:18 am

Odd. DCBS already pulled it for me. Unless that's a mistake.

William Keogh

Nov 13, 2010, 12:57 pm

It must be a mistake. Do they get some preview books for the week after?


Nov 13, 2010, 01:24 pm

William Keogh wrote:

It must be a mistake. Do they get some preview books for the week after?

I wouldn't imagine so. Marvel used to send out weekly sneak peeks for a small fee, but shortly after they announced that they were going to vastly increase the price (supposedly due to increased shipping prices), Marvel canceled the program altogether. I would imagine that most stores were like my local comics shop and backed out, so the program was no longer financially viable for Marvel and/or Diamond. But I could be wrong.


Nov 13, 2010, 02:07 pm

DeadpoolRP wrote:

I wouldn't imagine so. Marvel used to send out weekly sneak peeks for a small fee, but shortly after they announced that they were going to vastly increase the price (supposedly due to increased shipping prices), Marvel canceled the program altogether. I would imagine that most stores were like my local comics shop and backed out, so the program was no longer financially viable for Marvel and/or Diamond. But I could be wrong.

No, you're not wrong......in fact, the owner of my LCS has just recently only got one or two "advance" previews from Marvel, instead of the usual week's worth from them...... :frust: :bite:


Nov 18, 2010, 10:23 am

Covered in this issue are...

Absorbing Man
Badd Axe
Baron von Blitzschlag
Baron Zemo
Bastards of Evil
Black Talon
Captain America (Burnside)
Captain Fate
Chaos King
Dansen Macabre
Deadly Dozen
Death Reaper
Death Throws
Walter Declun
Delphyne Gorgon
Dire Wraiths
Doc Tramma
Doctor Doom
Doctor Faustus
Doctor Octopus
Doctor Sax
Dragon Man
Echo People
Force of Nature
Faternity of Raptors
Gamma Corps
Great Wall
Justin Hammer
Sasha Hammer
Heavy Mettle
High Evolutionary
Iron Maiden
Jack O'Lantern
Ana Kraven
Lady Bullseye
Lady Deathstrike
Lady Stilt-Man
Lava Men
Lethal Legion
Living Laser
Mad Dog
Moses Magnum
Manslaughter Marsdale
Mister Hyde
Mister Negative
Mister X
Negative Zone
Norman Osborn
Phantom Rider
Philip Prometheus
Puppet Master
Purple Man
Red Skull
Sovel Redhand
Algeanon Rottwell
Roxxon Oil
Ruby Thursday
Savage Land Mutates
Secret Empire
Shadow Council
Skeleton Ki
Gabriel Stacy
Morgan Stark
Strikeforce X
Damian Tryp
General Ulysses
Vali Halfling
White Rabbit
Young Masters
Zapata Brothers
Arnim Zola

Zach Kinkead

Nov 18, 2010, 11:07 am

I know these aren’t completely canon but this and the Heroes one really make me question how well the Heroic Age will go. I’m one of those people that thought CW should have ended with Cap leading SHIELD instead of IM but these files books make Steve look far too naïve and uninformed to be running the show. Plus most of the entries for cosmic, magic, and even international threats are basically Steve throwing his arms up and saying “they’re someone else’s problem”. That really doesn’t seem like him at all.

It’s particularly amusing that he can look at so many unrepentant murderers and think “oh, they just need some psychiatric counseling and then they’ll be productive members of society” when he failed so many fellow Avengers like Scarlet Witch, Sentry, and Demolition Man.

I do appreciate the occasional moments of genre awareness though. I liked that the Mysterio entry amounted to “the first thing we need to do is make sure it’s actually Beck and not an illusion, an imposter, or a robot or something.”

PS: Did you have a lot of last minute cuts? Half the characters on the cover aren’t even covered here.

Stuart V

Dec 24, 2010, 05:45 am

Zach Kinkead wrote:

I know these aren’t completely canon but this and the Heroes one really make me question how well the Heroic Age will go. I’m one of those people that thought CW should have ended with Cap leading SHIELD instead of IM but these files books make Steve look far too naïve and uninformed to be running the show. Plus most of the entries for cosmic, magic, and even international threats are basically Steve throwing his arms up and saying “they’re someone else’s problem”. That really doesn’t seem like him at all.

To be fair, it's a bit more like Steve accepting that certain problems are just bigger than his resources alone can handle.

Zach Kinkead wrote:

It’s particularly amusing that he can look at so many unrepentant murderers and think “oh, they just need some psychiatric counseling and then they’ll be productive members of society” when he failed so many fellow Avengers like Scarlet Witch, Sentry, and Demolition Man.

Yes, Steve is ever the optimist, willing to give people a chance. Unless they once kicked him in the...

Zach Kinkead wrote:

I do appreciate the occasional moments of genre awareness though. I liked that the Mysterio entry amounted to “the first thing we need to do is make sure it’s actually Beck and not an illusion, an imposter, or a robot or something.”

Something that always amuses me about the difference between the final episode of original Star Trek and the final episode of TNG: In the former Kirk tells his best friends that he's been bodyswapped into a woman, and has a heck of a time convincing them, despite all the equally bizarre things they've seen over the years. In TNG Picard stumbles from his quarters in his PJs, acting a bit distressed and befuddled, and tells two of his bridge crew that he's slipping back and forward in time; instantly they believe him and start looking for a solution. Because, you know, that's really not the most unusual thing that's happened to them during their voyages; heck, it's probably not the most unusual thing to have happened to them in the last week!

If you really want a genre aware file book though, you want it to be co-written by Deadpool, PAD-era Rick Jones and Byrne/Slott-era She-Hulk.
"I always carry a parachute in case I need to jump out of an exploding alien spaceship."

Zach Kinkead wrote:

PS: Did you have a lot of last minute cuts? Half the characters on the cover aren’t even covered here.

Not really. I think that Marvel just gave Jae Lee a fairly free hand about who he drew, and it wasn't co-ordinated with the contents.

Zach Kinkead

Dec 30, 2010, 09:02 pm

Stuart V wrote:

To be fair, it's a bit more like Steve accepting that certain problems are just bigger than his resources alone can handle.

Bah, you never would have caught Nick Fury saying that.

(Of course, that’s the main reason he lost the job)

Stuart V wrote:

If you really want a genre aware file book though, you want it to be co-written by Deadpool, PAD-era Rick Jones and Byrne/Slott-era She-Hulk.
"I always carry a parachute in case I need to jump out of an exploding alien spaceship."

Next time there’s a big shake-up they need to put Rick in charge of whatever they’re calling SHIELD that week. I can’t decide which would be more fun; seeing how Rick handles various situations or watching the established power structure deal with the fact that a former musician / talk show host is doing a better job than them. Let’s face it, there would have been no Skrull invasion under Rick’s watch.

Stuart V wrote:

Not really. I think that Marvel just gave Jae Lee a fairly free hand about who he drew, and it wasn't co-ordinated with the contents.

Pity, it would have been interesting to read Cap’s thoughts on Sandman* and and MODOK**.

*Partly because he’s not someone Cap usually fights. Partly because he used to be an Avenger. Partly because he was doing the Thunderbolt thing long before the Thunderbolts (and was far more interesting as a hero). Seriously, when is someone going to realize that Sandy isn’t himself and reverse Byrne…er…the Wizard’s mental tampering?

**Mostly because of all the other lost causes Cap thinks he can save. “The Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing just needs a hug”

Madison Carter

Dec 30, 2010, 09:13 pm

Zach Kinkead wrote:

**Mostly because of all the other lost causes Cap thinks he can save. “The Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing just needs a hug”

"...and possibly a fresh colostomy bag..."

William Keogh

Dec 31, 2010, 10:27 am

A toothbrushing wouldn't hurt either for the big guy.

Zach Kinkead

Dec 31, 2010, 01:18 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

"...and possibly a fresh colostomy bag..."

Suddenly I understand MODOK’s motivation.

It’s like watching the Star Wars prequels and realizing that Darth Vader became evil because everyone called him “Annie” as a kid. I'd have killed all those Jedi too if I was him.

Andy E. Nystrom

Dec 31, 2010, 02:37 pm

Zach Kinkead wrote:

Suddenly I understand MODOK’s motivation.

It’s like watching the Star Wars prequels and realizing that Darth Vader became evil because everyone called him “Annie” as a kid. I'd have killed all those Jedi too if I was him.

After I saw Rocky IV I concluded that the reason that Drago did the most evil thing he does in the movie was because his opponent was overly obnoxious during the Living in America song. I don't condone what he did, but it was rather "in your face"


Jan 2, 2011, 12:16 pm

I might pick this and the Heroes book up. However, is there any chance these two one-shots will be collected together ala the Marvel Atlas? If so, then I may wait till that comes out

If Marvel are planning to do this; then chance are that you might have to wait for the HEROIC AGE: X-MEN One Shot (which has already been released) and then you'll have to complete set of all of the HEROIC AGE "Files".......(And yes, Steve Rogers is also commentarying on the X-Men, Friends & Foes within the One Shot.)

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