Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works 20 YEARS! 2004-2024

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5/12/2024 7:32 am  #1

List of Superheroes from Commercials

Characters must have originated in ads to count. I’ve tried to screen out fake ads. If any slip in, let me know. If a product/org has changed its name since, I use the name from the commercial.
Character Name / What’s Being Advertised / Debut Year
URL (if character is recurring, a single example is used)
Live Action: (animated commercials will be added at a later date)
Alarmo (recurring) / Slomin’ Shield / 1990s

Captain Swordfish Nose (two characters) / GoGurt / 2015

Catherine Hickland (fictionalized) / CatCosmetics / 2014

Cookie Man / Chips Ahoy / 1960s

Darren and multiple unidentified heroes / Heineken / 2006

The Hammer / Isaacs & Isaacs Personal Injury Lawyers  / 2019

Heisman / ESPN/Cheez-it Commercial: Heisman Sweepstakes / 2015?

Justice Man / DiGiorno Pizza / 2004

Kool-Aid Man (recurring) / Kool-Aid / 1974

Lucas (arguably real world) / Kelowna Community Food Bank / 2009

Man of Popsicle / Popsicle Wild Bunch / 2005

Mukhi / Parle Magik / 2018

Pepsiman (recurring) / Pepsi / 1990s

Super Toyota Man / Toyota / 1984

Telekinesis Twins (Pam and Linda) / Hiver / ??
Tyre Queen / TyreQueen.com / 2015?

Unidentified / Alcohol: Know Your Limits / 2010?

Unidentified / Axe / ??

Unidentified (two heroes) / Barclaycard / 2021

Unidentified (sounds like woman thanks him by name but I can’t make it out) / Bisleri / 2013

Unidentified (debatable; seems to ignore crises) / DirectTV / 2010s?

Unidentified / Eggo / 2023

Unidentified (multiple heroes) / Hotstar / 2021?

Unidentified / Kei Wires / 2017

Unidentified / McDonald’s / 2022

Unidentified (red and yellow “Ranger” style heroes) / McDonald’s (China?)  / ??

Unidentified / Mentos / ??

Unidentified (four heroes) / Motorpoint / 2018

Unidentified (father and son) / Panadol / 2015?

Unidentified / SanSão / 2014?

Unidentified (four heroes) / St Cuthberts Primary School Superhero Seeds / 2013

Unidentified (multiple heroes) / Subway / 2012?


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5/12/2024 7:45 am  #2

Re: List of Superheroes from Commercials

I've decided that since I'm compiling them anyway for collages, I'd attempt to create this list and make it as complete as possible. This list is just in the beginning stages so I haven't necessarily overlooked anyone so far but rather just haven't gotten to a lot of characters yet. That said feel free to suggest characters if you want to save me some time.

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
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