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8/20/2024 8:50 pm  #1

'Lemonhead' Lemansky

Real Name: Curtis Lemansky
Aliases: "Lemonhead," "Lem"
Identity: Public
Occupation: Detective, former Strike Team member
Citizenship: American
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California
Known Relatives: None known
Group Affiliation: Los Angeles Police Department, formerly the Strike Team
Education: Police academy training
First Appearance: The Shield Season 1, Episode 1 ("Pilot") (2002)
History: Curtis "Lemonhead" Lemansky, known as "Lem" to his friends, was a detective in the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). Lem grew up in a tough neighborhood, which shaped his outlook on life and his dedication to justice. Despite his rough edges, Lem was known for his strong sense of morality and loyalty, traits that often placed him in conflict with the more corrupt elements within the LAPD.Lem became a member of the Strike Team, an elite unit within the LAPD that operated in the fictional Farmington district. The team, led by Vic Mackey, was notorious for using questionable and often illegal methods to achieve their goals. Lem was initially drawn to the Strike Team due to his desire to make a real difference in the community and take down the worst criminals.Over time, however, Lem became increasingly uncomfortable with the actions of the Strike Team, particularly the more extreme measures taken by Vic Mackey and Shane Vendrell. Despite his reservations, Lem remained loyal to his friends, often acting as the moral compass of the group. His internal conflict grew as the Strike Team became embroiled in drug trafficking, money laundering, and other illegal activities.Lem's loyalty was tested to its limits when the Strike Team stole a large sum of money from the Armenian Mafia, an event known as the "Money Train Heist." This heist set off a chain of events that led to increasing tension within the team and with external threats. Lem's growing unease with the team's actions culminated in his decision to turn in the stolen money and leave the Strike Team, but his plans were cut short.

In the series' most tragic moment, Lem was betrayed by his fellow team member Shane Vendrell, who, fearing that Lem would turn on the team, murdered him with a grenade. Lem's death marked a turning point in the series, highlighting the ultimate cost of the team's corruption and setting the stage for the Strike Team's eventual downfall.

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 190 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Abilities: Lem was a highly skilled and physically capable police officer. He was proficient in hand-to-hand combat, firearms, and tactical operations. His strong moral compass, loyalty, and dedication to justice often placed him at odds with the more corrupt elements of the Strike Team, but also made him a beloved member of the LAPD.
Accessories: As a detective and member of the Strike Team, Lem was typically equipped with a standard-issue LAPD sidearm, a tactical vest, and various law enforcement tools. He often wore plainclothes suited to undercover work, blending in easily with the community he served.
Notable Appearances:

  • The Shield Season 1, Episode 1 ("Pilot") (2002)
  • The Shield Season 5, Episode 11 ("Post Partum") (2006)
  • Various appearances throughout the series until his death in Season 5.

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8/20/2024 8:52 pm  #2

Re: 'Lemonhead' Lemansky

I added a spoiler tag because the profile accurately spoils a key plot point.

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