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8/23/2024 5:31 am  #1

Addison Augustine

Real Name: Addison Augustine
Aliases: None
Identity: Public
Occupation: U.S. Army Intelligence Officer, Quantum Leap Project Lead
Citizenship: American
Place of Birth: United States
Known Relatives: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Quantum Leap Project
First Appearance: Quantum Leap (2022) Season 1, Episode 1 "July 13th, 1985"
Addison Augustine is an intelligent and capable U.S. Army officer who plays a crucial role in the Quantum Leap project, a government-funded initiative designed to send individuals back in time to correct historical wrongs. A skilled operative with a strong background in military intelligence, Addison was initially slated to be the next leaper after Dr. Ben Song. However, when Ben unexpectedly steps into the Quantum Leap accelerator, Addison finds herself in the role of his holographic guide, assisting him in navigating the past and ensuring that he successfully corrects the timeline.Addison is highly dedicated to her mission and deeply cares about the people she works with, especially Ben. As a hologram, she appears to Ben during his leaps, providing crucial information, advice, and emotional support. Despite the physical distance between them, Addison and Ben share a close and complex relationship, one that is tested by the unpredictable nature of the Quantum Leap project.As the series progresses, Addison’s role expands beyond just guiding Ben. She must also manage the Quantum Leap team back in the present, dealing with the project's political implications, technological challenges, and the personal toll of being separated from the man she loves. Her leadership and resilience are put to the test as she balances her duties with her emotional connections, all while uncovering the mysteries surrounding Ben’s unauthorized leap.
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

  • Military Training: Addison is highly trained in combat, tactics, and intelligence gathering, skills honed during her service in the U.S. Army.
  • Strategic Thinking: Addison possesses a sharp mind, capable of analyzing complex situations and devising effective strategies under pressure.
  • Holographic Interface: As a hologram, Addison can access information from the future and relay it to Ben during his leaps, helping him understand the context of each situation he encounters.
  • Communication and Leadership: Addison is a natural leader and communicator, able to inspire and guide her team while maintaining composure in high-stress situations.
  • Empathy and Emotional Support: Despite her tough exterior, Addison has a deep sense of empathy, offering emotional support to Ben during his leaps and helping him navigate the personal challenges that arise.


  • None (As a Hologram): In her holographic form, Addison cannot physically interact with the environment. However, she can provide crucial information and guidance.


  • Quantum Interface Device: Addison uses a sophisticated device to project herself as a hologram into the past, where she can communicate with Ben and access information about the timeline.
  • Military Equipment (In Flashbacks): In her military role, Addison is equipped with standard issue weapons and tools for intelligence operations.


  • Holographic Limitations: As a hologram, Addison is unable to physically interact with the environment or intervene directly in events, relying on Ben to execute the necessary actions during his leaps.
  • Emotional Vulnerability: Addison’s close relationship with Ben can sometimes cloud her judgment, especially when his safety is at risk. This emotional connection can be both a strength and a weakness.
  • Isolation: While Addison provides guidance to Ben, she herself can feel isolated, cut off from direct involvement in the physical world, which can be mentally and emotionally taxing.

Addison Augustine is a strong, multi-faceted character who brings both military precision and heartfelt compassion to her role in the Quantum Leap project. Her dedication to the mission and to Ben adds depth to her character, making her an essential part of the series.

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8/23/2024 5:34 am  #2

Re: Addison Augustine

She wasn't supposed to succeed Ben. Ben was supposed to be her hologram while she leapt but due to something he learned chose to leap himself.

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