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8/23/2024 5:37 am  #1

Judge Dredd (1995 Movie)

Real Name: Joseph Dredd
Aliases: None
Identity: Public
Occupation: Street Judge
Citizenship: Mega-City One
Place of Birth: Mega-City One
Known Relatives: Rico Dredd (brother)
Group Affiliation: Judges of Mega-City One
First Appearance: Judge Dredd (1995)
In the dystopian future of the 22nd century, Mega-City One is a sprawling, crime-ridden metropolis where law and order are maintained by the Judges—elite law enforcement officers who serve as judge, jury, and executioner. Among them, Judge Joseph Dredd stands out as the most feared and respected, a symbol of unwavering justice and dedication to the law.Dredd was genetically engineered to be the perfect Judge, created from the same genetic material as his brother Rico Dredd, who would later become his greatest adversary. Raised within the Academy of Law, Dredd excelled in his training, embodying the ideals of the Justice Department and quickly rising through the ranks to become one of the most prominent and effective Judges in Mega-City One.The movie follows Dredd as he is framed for a murder he did not commit, orchestrated by his corrupt brother Rico, who has escaped from prison and seeks to overthrow the Justice Department. Stripped of his rank and sentenced to prison, Dredd is determined to clear his name and bring his brother to justice. With the help of a former prisoner named Fergee and Judge Hershey, Dredd uncovers a conspiracy that threatens the very foundation of Mega-City One.Despite the betrayal and the overwhelming odds against him, Dredd's resolve remains unshaken. He confronts Rico in a final showdown, ultimately upholding the law and restoring order to the city. Though offered the position of Chief Judge, Dredd declines, choosing instead to continue serving on the streets, where he believes he is most needed.Height: 6'1"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark Brown

  • Expert Marksmanship: Dredd is highly skilled in the use of firearms, particularly the Lawgiver, a specialized sidearm equipped with multiple ammunition types.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat: Trained extensively in unarmed combat, Dredd can take down multiple opponents with ease.
  • Strategic Mind: Dredd is a brilliant tactician, capable of analyzing complex situations and making quick decisions in the heat of battle.
  • Unyielding Willpower: Dredd's mental fortitude and dedication to the law make him nearly impervious to psychological manipulation or intimidation.


  • Lawgiver: Dredd's primary weapon, the Lawgiver, is a versatile, voice-activated handgun that can fire various types of ammunition, including standard bullets, armor-piercing rounds, incendiary rounds, and more.
  • Daystick: A collapsible baton used for close-quarters combat and crowd control.
  • Boot Knife: A concealed knife stored in Dredd's boot, used for emergencies.
  • Grenades: Standard issue for Judges, used for crowd control and tactical operations.


  • Judge's Helmet: Dredd's helmet is a symbol of his authority, providing protection and anonymity. It is equipped with a heads-up display (HUD) and communications systems.
  • Body Armor: Dredd wears heavy-duty armor that offers protection against gunfire, explosions, and other hazards.
  • Lawmaster: Dredd's motorcycle is equipped with advanced weaponry, including machine guns and rocket launchers, as well as a powerful AI system.


  • Rigid Adherence to the Law: Dredd's uncompromising commitment to the law can sometimes lead to conflicts with others who value compassion or flexibility over strict justice.
  • Isolated: Dredd often struggles with personal relationships, as his devotion to his duty leaves little room for emotional connections.
  • Vulnerability to Political Manipulation: As seen when he was framed by his brother Rico, Dredd's position as a Judge can make him a target for those seeking to undermine the Justice Department.

Judge Joseph Dredd is the embodiment of the law in Mega-City One, a relentless enforcer who stops at nothing to uphold justice. His unwavering dedication and formidable skills make him both a feared and respected figure in the dystopian world he inhabits.

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