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8/23/2024 3:53 pm  #1

Duela Doe (Gotham Knights TV)

Real Name: Duela Doe
Aliases: Joker's Daughter
Identity: Public
Occupation: Vigilante, Former Criminal
Citizenship: American
Place of Birth: Gotham City
Known Relatives: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Gotham Knights
First Appearance: Gotham Knights (2023)
Duela Doe, known in Gotham as the "Joker's Daughter," is a complex and enigmatic figure with a mysterious past. Although she claims to be the daughter of the infamous Joker, her true parentage remains unclear, shrouded in rumors and conflicting accounts. Growing up in Gotham City, Duela lived a troubled life, often resorting to crime and manipulation to survive.Her life took a significant turn when she became involved with the Gotham Knights, a group of young vigilantes formed in the aftermath of Bruce Wayne's death. Initially, Duela was seen as a wildcard, untrustworthy due to her criminal past and erratic behavior. However, as she fought alongside the team, she began to prove her loyalty and value as an ally.Duela's unique perspective and unorthodox methods often put her at odds with her teammates, but her resourcefulness and determination made her an integral part of the group. Over time, she became a key member of the Gotham Knights, using her knowledge of Gotham's underworld to help the team navigate the city's dangers.Despite her often abrasive personality, Duela struggles with her identity and the legacy of the Joker, seeking to carve out her own path as a hero rather than being defined by her supposed lineage.
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Powers and Abilities:

  • Skilled Fighter: Duela is highly trained in hand-to-hand combat, with a street-fighting style that is unpredictable and brutal.
  • Expert Manipulator: Duela is adept at psychological manipulation, often using her wit and charm to outmaneuver opponents.
  • Criminal Expertise: Her background in Gotham's underworld gives her a deep understanding of criminal operations and tactics.
  • Stealth and Infiltration: Duela is skilled in sneaking into secure locations and gathering information without being detected.


  • Throwing Knives: Duela carries a set of throwing knives, which she uses with deadly accuracy.
  • Joker's Cards: She often uses specially modified playing cards as weapons or distractions.
  • Gadgets: Duela has access to a variety of gadgets and tools, many of which are adapted from the Joker's arsenal.


  • Joker-Inspired Mask: Duela often wears a mask that is a twisted homage to the Joker, symbolizing her connection to the Clown Prince of Crime.
  • Customized Outfit: Her attire is a mix of punk and gothic styles, reflecting her rebellious nature and dark sense of humor.


  • Mental Instability: Duela's chaotic upbringing and identity issues contribute to her mental instability, making her unpredictable and difficult to trust.
  • Reputation: Her association with the Joker casts a long shadow, leading others to question her motives and loyalty.
  • Isolation: Despite her efforts to connect with the Gotham Knights, Duela often feels like an outsider, struggling to find her place in the team.

Duela Doe is a fascinating character whose struggle with identity and redemption adds depth to the Gotham Knights TV series. Her journey from criminal to vigilante reflects the complexities of living in Gotham, a city where the line between hero and villain is often blurred.

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8/23/2024 3:54 pm  #2

Re: Duela Doe (Gotham Knights TV)

I don't recall her wearing a mask that often if at all.

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