Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works 20 YEARS! 2004-2024

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9/14/2024 10:07 am  #151

Re: The Official Handbooks General Q&A Thread

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

When creating character or index profiles have there been times when two stories contradict each other (beyond different clothing/dialogue) but can't been explained away by alternate realities/successor characters or other simple means, and you've just had to gloss over the contradiction to avoid a really complicated explanation?

I think that might have happened with Brother Voodoo and the death of one of his supporting characters.


10/08/2024 5:20 pm  #152

Re: The Official Handbooks General Q&A Thread

Given that when Barry Windsor-Smith drew Conan, he gave him the same look that he previously did Starr the Slayer, could Marvel still use Starr with the same look, since Marvel published the Starr story first?

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