Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works estab. 2004

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1/23/2020 4:13 pm  #1

Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Iron Man

Historical text from CxPulp:
07-14-2015, 04:42 PM
It seems like we have a new handbook, albeit in something I would have never expected.

At last, the Marvel Cinematic Universe receives its own guidebook! Starting with the 2008 blockbuster Marvel's Iron Man, this series will profile fan-favorite Marvel Studios films and Marvel Television series! But this isn't your daddy's Official Handbook — the MCU Guidebooks are completely overhauled, slicker, sleeker and packed with vital information about the people, places, and objects that make the Marvel Cinematic Universe so compelling! Chock full of “fast facts,” movie-to-comic comparisons, behind-the-scenes artwork and production stills, this inaugural issue features Tony “Iron Man” Stark himself; allies like Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, Ho Yinsen and Agent Phil Coulson; enemies like Obadiah Stane and the Ten Rings; Tony's armors and equipment including JARVIS, the Arc Reactor, Stark Mansion…and don't forget “Dum-E!” And much more! Relive the big-screen thrills of Marvel's Iron Man, and begin building your indispensable library of Cinematic Universe reference books!
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
07-14-2015, 06:15 PM
Wow, very cool! I hope this series will include info from the shorts, tv (including Netflix) and all the MCU comic tie-ins. And I doubt it will ever happen, but I'd love to see a similar coverage for Fox's films as well.
07-14-2015, 07:40 PM
Great news! Glad to see Handbooks and Guides making it back in the solits hopefully more of both will be coming soon!
07-14-2015, 10:48 PM
How is this possible? I thought Earth-19999 would have been destroyed like the rest of the multiverse in the lead up to Secret Wars.

Sarcasm aside, I do hope this book has profiles that are compatible with the style of the OHotMU and not be a lame movie tie-in magazine.
07-15-2015, 12:50 AM

Sidney Osinga wrote:

How is this possible? I thought Earth-19999 would have been destroyed like the rest of the multiverse in the lead up to Secret Wars.

Sarcasm aside, I do hope this book has profiles that are compatible with the style of the OHotMU and not be a lame movie tie-in magazine.

I"m kinda with Sidney on this. I'm sure there's probably some kind of audience for this, even though I'm not sure I'm in that audience: but "This isn't your daddy's Official Handbook" and so on sounds kinda...dismissive, almost. I'm not begrudging the OHOTMU team getting more work by any means, but I was perfectly fine separating the comics from all the cartoons, movies, TV shows, direct to dvd animated films, novels, coloring books, etc. from the comics. I just hope the door hasn't been closed to future handbooks and OHOTMU entries on both new AND older subjects.

An aside: I'm not really following Secret Wars, and even less about the "All-New, All-Different" Marvel Universe; too many comics to follow, not remotely enough money, etc. But are alternate realities like Earths-928 (2099 AD), -712 (Squadron Supreme), -691 (Killraven and GotG), and 982 (MC2) really supposed to have been destroyed and their inhabitants wiped out? Because I know Marvel wanted to end the Ultimate Universe, but that's like throwing out the baby with the bathwater, right?
07-15-2015, 05:46 AM
Count me in as someone who is also wary of this. I like the OHOTMU (obviously). Other than trying out the digital X-Men '92, it's the only comic (sadly also digital) I've picked up in a couple years. It connects me to a hobby I loved and can't really afford any more. If this is consistent with the regular OHOTMU, I can appreciate it, though the subject matter is not as interesting to me. Maybe it can explain that ridiculous rescue of all those people falling out the plane, and how there seemed to be no acceleration due to gravity?

Skippcomet, I think that even the main Marvel Universe was destroyed, so there's a possibility that these realities will be restored, too. I get the sense, though, that it's going to be like how Crisis ended before the forgetting wave or whatever happened, and there will just be people placed within the new reality but remembering the old.
07-15-2015, 08:52 AM

skippcomet wrote:

I was perfectly fine separating the comics from all the cartoons, movies, TV shows, direct to dvd animated films, novels, coloring books, etc. from the comics.

Previous handbooks have included references to numerous novels and even to a Fantastic Four coloring book. And the recent Spider-Verse event confirmed ties between 616 and realities from various cartoons and other media.
Stuart V
07-15-2015, 10:30 AM

Sidney Osinga wrote:

How is this possible? I thought Earth-19999 would have been destroyed like the rest of the multiverse in the lead up to Secret Wars.

Destroyed in the incursions, but later restored - as confirmed by Tom Brevoort online (sorry, can't locate the specific place he made that statement).

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Sarcasm aside, I do hope this book has profiles that are compatible with the style of the OHotMU and not be a lame movie tie-in magazine.

It'll be a little different in style from the normal handbooks, but still compatible.

skippcomet wrote:

I"m kinda with Sidney on this. I'm sure there's probably some kind of audience for this, even though I'm not sure I'm in that audience: but "This isn't your daddy's Official Handbook" and so on sounds kinda...dismissive, almost.

We didn't write the solicit. That said, while we might have worded it somewhat differently, I know why they said that - they want to try and appeal to a wider audience than the existing handbook fans, and if that requires that they make it clear that this is a little different from the perception many have of the handbooks then it is all too the good - after all, evidence sadly shows that there aren't enough people who regularly buy handbooks to sustain the series on a regular publication basis.

skippcomet wrote:

I'm not begrudging the OHOTMU team getting more work by any means, but I was perfectly fine separating the comics from all the cartoons, movies, TV shows, direct to dvd animated films, novels, coloring books, etc. from the comics. I just hope the door hasn't been closed to future handbooks and OHOTMU entries on both new AND older subjects.

They've never been separate, despite what some might have thought - too many confirmed crossovers for that to be the case. And no, the door isn't closed to future non-movie related handbooks. It's just that the latest book announced is a movie related one.

skippcomet wrote:

An aside: I'm not really following Secret Wars, and even less about the "All-New, All-Different" Marvel Universe; too many comics to follow, not remotely enough money, etc. But are alternate realities like Earths-928 (2099 AD), -712 (Squadron Supreme), -691 (Killraven and GotG), and 982 (MC2) really supposed to have been destroyed and their inhabitants wiped out? Because I know Marvel wanted to end the Ultimate Universe, but that's like throwing out the baby with the bathwater, right?

Yes, all destroyed. Tom Brevoort has even confirmed that our reality was destroyed "months ago" on Formspring. Destroyed now doesn't necessarily mean destroyed forever - forthcoming solicits have already clearly shown that some sort of multiverse will be back in the near future. The only question is how many realities will be restored, and how changed they might be.

zuckyd1 wrote:

Previous handbooks have included references to numerous novels and even to a Fantastic Four coloring book. And the recent Spider-Verse event confirmed ties between 616 and realities from various cartoons and other media.

including movies, albeit via a couple of slightly tongue in cheek references.
07-16-2015, 02:36 PM

Stuart V wrote:

Tom Brevoort has even confirmed that our reality was destroyed "months ago" on Formspring.

I thought it was only realities in the Marvel Multiverse that were destroyed? And—no offense to Tom Brevoort—but I doubt he has the capacity to "confirm" that our reality was destroyed. ;)
09-09-2015, 10:53 AM

Saw this preview. Looks pretty cool even a though it deviates from the layout we know.
Sidney Osinga
09-09-2015, 07:32 PM

ultrabasurero wrote:


Saw this preview. Looks pretty cool even a though it deviates from the layout we know.

Yeah, it looks close enough, although I'd've prefered to see bio info included in it.
Andy E. Nystrom
09-09-2015, 09:30 PM

ultrabasurero wrote:


Saw this preview. Looks pretty cool even a though it deviates from the layout we know.

Oh, I can tell those "In the Comics" sub-sections are going to make adding these to the Master List a bit of a headache. I'll probably treat them as sub-entries as best I can.
Andy E. Nystrom
10-19-2015, 02:41 PM
Same offer as the Secret Wars thread: now that it's nine days away, anyone want to make an educated guess on who's in it (other than who is listed in the solicitations)? Whoever gets the most right I'll send a No-Prize to once we see who's in it. In the event of a tie, the winners get to share the No-Prize. (I have no idea myself; just trying to drum up excitement for the two new Handbooks).
10-22-2015, 11:00 PM
4 page preview http://www.comicbookresources.com/co...el-comics-2015
Andy E. Nystrom
10-23-2015, 07:01 AM
One page in the preview is an introduction page. It doesn't mention the shorts. However, it does mention that the comics will be folded into whatever movie they're most connected to, and that TV series with be covered by season. That being the case I hope that Agents of SHIELD season one's issue will be extra-sized, as there is a ton of concepts that are introduced there, with Coulson needing a major update and Sif a minor one. Plus Skye and Ward have a fair bit of backstory to cover (the others as well but those two in particular).

Any guesses on the No-Prize game? So far no one's played, so if only one person plays and they get even one right, they get the No-Prize
Andy E. Nystrom
10-23-2015, 09:05 AM
A question for Stuart or any of the other writers: for these books, do you have a transcript to work with, or is it necessary for most entries to do a lot of fast-forwarding and rewinding to ensure you catch all the details, as you can't just eyeball things the way you can with a comic?

I hope that all of Stan's characters get covered in some fashion, even if just in an Appendix of minor characters.
Andy E. Nystrom
10-25-2015, 03:34 PM
No one has made any guesses so anyone could win a No-Prize at this point. I'll make the cut-off time 6 am Pacific/9 am Eastern to ensure no guesses after purchasing.

Just to start things off I'll make one guess myself: that guy Tony thought was Hugh Hefner. So if my guess is right you'll need one correct answer to tie me and two to beat me.

Andy E. Nystrom
10-26-2015, 07:02 AM
Two days away. Other than my own guess no one's made an attempt at the No-Prize contest yet so I'll dangle a new rule: if no one gets any right, everyone who made guesses will get a No-Prize just for playing.

If the Guidebooks end up covering the short films with the blu-ray attached to the movie... sorry, none for this particular movie. It hasn't been announced that this will happen, but it would be a logical place to slot them in. The other possibility is slotting them in with whatever movie they're most thematically attached to. Even at that, probably not this go.
Sidney Osinga
10-26-2015, 07:54 PM
Christine Everhart
Jericho missile
James Rhodes
Stark Industries
Andy E. Nystrom
10-27-2015, 07:22 AM
Out tomorrow! Remember, the contest ends tomorrow at 6 am Pacific/9 am Eastern and equivalent overseas. The drought is almost over, and with two books the same day!
Andy E. Nystrom
10-28-2015, 07:10 AM
Predictions are now locked. Sidney more than likely has the No-Prize because he's the only person other than myself to make a guess, and I can't imagine Stan Lee's character making it in and James Rhodes not. But I'll make it official once I have a copy.
10-28-2015, 11:53 AM

Arc Reactor (1)
Abu Bakaar (1/2)
Phil Coulson (1)
Christine Everhart (1)
Nick Fury (1/2)
Happy Hogan (1)
Iron Man (4)
Iron Man's Armors (3)
Pepper Potts (1)
Raza (1)
Obadiah Stane (3)
Stark Estate (2)
Stark Industries (2)
Stark's Workshop Robots (2)
Ten Rings (1)
Ho Yinsen (1)
Andy E. Nystrom
10-28-2015, 03:12 PM

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Christine Everhart
Jericho missile
James Rhodes
Stark Industries

Everhart and Stark made it in so your No-Prize is on the way. Rhodes' omission is disappointing. I'm betting it had to do with the change in actors; if so I'm wondering if, for the next book we'll see CGI Hulk but not Norton as Banner in the Hulk entry.
10-28-2015, 04:21 PM
Congrats Sidney Osinga! Nicely done.
Sidney Osinga
10-28-2015, 06:08 PM

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Everhart and Stark made it in so your No-Prize is on the way. Rhodes' omission is disappointing. I'm betting it had to do with the change in actors;


I found the omission odd, especially since he had more effect on the plot then Everhart.
Sidney Osinga
10-31-2015, 08:17 PM

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