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1/23/2020 4:40 pm  #1

Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Incredible Hulk/Iron Man 2

Historical text from CxPulp:
08-20-2015, 01:19 PM
Our comprehensive coverage of the fan-favorite Marvel Studios films and Marvel Television series rolls on! This second issue, in fantastic flipbook format, shines a spotlight on the Hulk’s gamma-charged feature film and Iron Man’s return to the silver screen! With fact sheets, movie-to-comic comparisons, behind-the-scenes art and production stills, this issue features profiles of the ever-incredible Hulk and a comprehensive Iron Man update — plus these future Avengers’ friends and family including Betty Ross, Samuel Sterns, War Machine, Black Widow and Howard Stark; enemies including Abomination, Thunderbolt Ross, Whiplash and Justin Hammer; high-tech devices like Iron Man’s new RT and the Hammer Drones; and updates on Nick Fury, Phil Coulson and more! Relive the big-screen thrills of 2008’s The Incredible Hulk and 2010’s Iron Man 2, and continue building your indispensable library of Cinematic Universe reference books!
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99

Didn't see this posted.
Andy E. Nystrom
08-21-2015, 11:08 PM
Hmm, given that #2 has updates to characters profiled in #1, I wonder if there will be a Marvel Legacy element to the profiles, i.e. they can only include history up to the movie/s covered. It would suck if Coulson's initial profile said, "He walked around with Pepper, then he walked with her some more, then more walking..." or Nick Fury's profile in #1 saying, "We really don't know much about him except that he welcomed Tony Stark to the Avengers Initiative".
Sidney Osinga
08-22-2015, 01:56 PM
I had assumed the previous Iron Man book was going to cover all three films.
Andy E. Nystrom
08-23-2015, 08:17 PM
My previous comment aside, I am looking forward to this. I've long wanted to see the Handbooks cover realities from other media so it's nice to see this happening.
08-24-2015, 04:51 AM
Looking forward to this. I am also unclear on how the entries will be organized and what they will cover.
Stuart V
10-21-2015, 11:55 AM

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Hmm, given that #2 has updates to characters profiled in #1, I wonder if there will be a Marvel Legacy element to the profiles, i.e. they can only include history up to the movie/s covered. It would suck if Coulson's initial profile said, "He walked around with Pepper, then he walked with her some more, then more walking..." or Nick Fury's profile in #1 saying, "We really don't know much about him except that he welcomed Tony Stark to the Avengers Initiative".

I think since we've got some online previews of a few entries and the first issue will be out very soon, it is okay for me to confirm that each issue covers only stuff revealed up to and including the movies being covered within. However, the initial profiles for Coulson and Fury do cover a bit more than the versions suggested above, and we are including info from relevant tie-in comics so long as they were published before or during the respective film's cinema run.

Sidney Osinga wrote:

I had assumed the previous Iron Man book was going to cover all three films.

Nope. There's enough material in one movie to fill the first book.

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

My previous comment aside, I am looking forward to this. I've long wanted to see the Handbooks cover realities from other media so it's nice to see this happening.

It is an interesting departure, and I hope people like it.

frogoat wrote:

Looking forward to this. I am also unclear on how the entries will be organized and what they will cover.

See above.
10-21-2015, 12:41 PM
What about the original short films included on the blu-rays? Where will they be covered?
Andy E. Nystrom
10-24-2015, 09:46 AM
Was the decision to merge Incredible Hulk and Iron Man 2 because the former movie underperformed in the box office or were there other reasons like number of concepts to cover? I imagine the former had a lot to do with it, though these will mostly be sold in comic shops where Hulk as a character is generally pretty popular.

ultrabasurero, hope you don't mind but I added caps to the thread title to make it look nicer. Will do the same with the Iron Man thread.
Sidney Osinga
10-28-2015, 09:20 PM
At least this one is 32 pages. That will provide more room for entries, although given evereything that's going to be covered, it still may not be enough.

Also, the entry I most hope to see is Whiplash's bird.
Andy E. Nystrom
10-29-2015, 11:29 AM
This book is currently slated for a Nov 25 release, which jibes with the release date of the Iron Man book this month. Okay to start making No-Prize predictions now. All I ask is you clarify what are actually guesses and what are hopes, or both.

I think that my policy with No-Prizes will be the competition starts the month before the release. When the books are following a monthly schedule, the contest will usually start the day after the release of the previous book. The date can be adjusted according to circumstances.
Sidney Osinga
10-30-2015, 12:21 AM
I think most of the entries were mentioned in the description. Still, I going to guess for an update on Happy Hogan, since he did much more in this movie than in the first one.
Andy E. Nystrom
11-18-2015, 07:18 AM

Sidney Osinga wrote:

I think most of the entries were mentioned in the description. Still, I going to guess for an update on Happy Hogan, since he did much more in this movie than in the first one.

I can think of a few other possibilities. But you make a good point: due to the nature of the beast, characters from previous Guidebooks are eligible; just don't guess anyone in the solicitations. One week now. What are other people's guesses for the No-Prize? Cut off roughly this time next week (7 am PST/9 am EST) or when the contents are revealed here, whichever comes first.
Andy E. Nystrom
11-22-2015, 12:18 PM
Three days away. Any guesses? I've been trying to resist making any predictions because I don't want to risk No-Prizing myself but what the heck: Stanley. Not only does he have a fairly lengthy scene in Incredible Hulk, but he was played by Paul Soles (Bruce Banner in the Marvel Super-Heroes cartoon series: Hulk segments, as well as Spider-Man in the latter's 1967 cartoon series). While playing a previous Marvel character is no guarantee, I think the length of the scene will tip him into the book.
11-22-2015, 02:08 PM
Having recently watched these two films, I'll make a couple of guesses:
Leonard (Samson)
Senator Stern
Andy E. Nystrom
11-24-2015, 08:40 AM
Less than a day away before our monthly book (and despite being a Guidebook and not a handbook it's great to see these on a monthly rotation again). Place your bets on who's in the book for a No-Prize. Remember this is a flip book (a first for Handbook-like books) and Incredible Hulk and Iron Man 2 are both covered.
11-25-2015, 01:49 AM
A flip book? Didn't know that....

Iron Man II: Iron Man/Stark, Whiplash/Vanko, Justin Hammer, Black Widow, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, Rhodey, Iron Man Armors, Whatever the Robots are that Vanko works on for Hammer.

Incredible Hulk: Hulk/Banner, Betty Ross, Thunderbolt Ross, Emil Blonsky, Sam Sterns, Leonard Samson, Gamma Radiation.

If Coulson's not included, I'll bet he won't be included until the one for Marvel's Avengers.
Andy E. Nystrom
11-25-2015, 06:59 AM

skippcomet wrote:

Iron Man II: Iron Man/Stark, Whiplash/Vanko, Justin Hammer, Black Widow, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, Rhodey, Iron Man Armors, Whatever the Robots are that Vanko works on for Hammer.

Incredible Hulk: Hulk/Banner, Betty Ross, Thunderbolt Ross, Emil Blonsky, Sam Sterns, Leonard Samson, Gamma Radiation.

If Coulson's not included, I'll bet he won't be included until the one for Marvel's Avengers.

Most of those are ineligible because they're in the solicitations: Iron Man, Hulk, Betty Ross, Samuel Sterns, Rhodey (as War Machine), Black Widow, Emil Blonsky (as Abomination), Thunderbolt Ross, Whiplash, Justin Hammer, Hammer Drones, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson. Also Iron Man's new RT.

That leaves you with: Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, any Iron Man armor not covered by "new RT", Leonard Samson, Gamma Radiation. Not as big a list as you'd have liked but still some possibilities.

While not confirmed, it wouldn't surprise me if Coulson made it to the Thor book.

Five more minutes, then the votes are locked in as people might start buying the books/seeing the listings online.
Andy E. Nystrom
11-25-2015, 12:10 PM
Skippcomet wins the No-Prize due to Potts and Hogan, plus Armors in general covers more than just the RT. Incredible Hulk side shorter than Iron Man 2 side. Hammer Drones got folded into another entry (see below). Sidney had also guessed Hogan but skippcomet wins on quantity.

Incredible Hulk:
Abomination 1
Hulk 3
Betty Ross 1
General Ross 2
Tony Stark update 1/2
Dr. Samuel Sterns 1/2

Iron Man 2:
Black Widow 2
Nick Fury update 1
Justin Hammer 1
Hammer Industries 2
Iron Man update 2
Iron Man Armors update 2
Virginia "Pepper" Potts update 1
Stark Expo 2
War Machine 2
Whiplash 1 2/3
Anton Vanko 1/3
Phil Coulson update 1/2
Christine Everhart update 1/2
Happy Hogan update 1/2
JARVIS update 1/2
Senator Stern 1/2
Howard Stark 1/2
Andy E. Nystrom
11-26-2015, 08:18 PM
General thoughts:

A shame Stanley didn't get a half-pager. Hopefully these will do well enough for a collection and maybe then we can see a few additions like him, and maybe Whiplash's cockatoo as Sidney mentioned (maybe in an Appendix).

Looks like my guess that we wouldn't see Hulk as Banner for the same reason that Rhodey didn't make the first book (recasting) was right. Of course more than one actor has played Howard Stark, but in that instance different actors play him at different points in his life.

Most pleasant surprise was probably the Stark Expo entry.

I won't suggest changes that are unrealistic but one change that probably could be done is to mention the actor's name below the entry title.

I definitely prefer the regular Handbook style, but it's still nice to have something at least on a monthly basis again. Hope these do well enough to eventually get to Jessica Jones. That's going to be one messed up Guidebook if it happens.

Other thoughts? The regular Handbooks are more fun but in the absence of them let's talk about the Guidebooks!
Sidney Osinga
11-27-2015, 09:05 PM
It should be mentioned that in addition to the Iron Man 2 movie, the Iron Man section also covered Iron Man 2 (2010) #s 1-2 (the movie adaptation, I assume), Iron Man: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2010) #1, and Iron Man: Public Identity (2010) #s 1-3. The Hulk section just covered the movie.
Eduardo M.
11-30-2015, 10:42 AM

Sidney Osinga wrote:

It should be mentioned that in addition to the Iron Man 2 movie, the Iron Man section also covered Iron Man 2 (2010) #s 1

I noticed that. But why wasn't some of what happened in the comic book mini "Fury's Big Week" mentioned? For example, the fact that Black Widow was present for the Hulk's battle with Ross' forces on the college campus.

Eduardo M. wrote:

I noticed that. But why wasn't some of what happened in the comic book mini "Fury's Big Week" mentioned? For example, the fact that Black Widow was present for the Hulk's battle with Ross' forces on the college campus.

I belive Fury's Big Week didn't come out until around the time of the Avengers movie. Remember that these guidebooks are "legacy style", and I assume that pertains to any later-revealed flashbacks or retcons.

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