Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works estab. 2004

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1/31/2020 8:29 am  #1

Marvel Legacy: The 1960s Handbook

Historical text from Comixfan site:

Eric J. Moreels
Nov 7, 2005, 06:13 am

Coming in February from Marvel Comics...


Here it is, True Believers! You knew we’d do it sooner or later! From the Venerable Vaults of Marveldom, it’s the Mighty Marvel Handbook -- 1960s style! Just what is the 1960s Handbook, you ask? Imagine a Handbook written at 11:59 p.m. Dec. 31, 1969. The profiles within cover everything published by the hallowed House of Ideas up until that point. So if it’s from a comic that has a December 1969 cover date or earlier, you’ll find it in this magnificent mag! From the Acrobat to Zota -- with the Avengers, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Daredevil, Dr. Strange, the Fantastic Four, the Hulk, the Silver Surfer, Spider-Man, the Sub-Mariner, Thor and the X-Men as they were in the 1960s, as well as ’60s-era characters such as Factor Three, the Beasts of Berlin, Chili, the Infant Terrible, Mogul of the Mystic Mountain, the Painter of 1000 Perils, the Living Brain, Patsy Walker, the Blackie Drago Vulture, the Ringo Kid and more!

64 PGS. NO ADS/RATED T+ ...$4.99

Groovy! :flower:

Nov 8, 2005, 08:49 am
Sweet! That cover alone is enough for me to buy it!! Love the Sal!

Michael Regan
Nov 8, 2005, 09:20 am

When is this due for realese? I'm a chronic indexer and would love to get a copy as soon as I can.

Eric J. Moreels
Nov 8, 2005, 03:00 pm

Michael Regan wrote:

When is this due for realese? I'm a chronic indexer and would love to get a copy as soon as I can.

February next year.

Nov 20, 2005, 11:02 am
I'll be preordering this but I'm wondering, does the book just cover the 1960's or will it be bio's that cover their lives all the way up until the present day?

Stuart V
Nov 20, 2005, 02:11 pm

Crimson wrote:

I'll be preordering this but I'm wondering, does the book just cover the 1960's or will it be bio's that cover their lives all the way up until the present day?

Just the 1960s, but with a section at the end covering what's happened to the characters and groups covered since then.

Nov 27, 2005, 04:14 pm

I would like to commend the people who came up with this idea.

I had some questions:

1) Will each of the X-Men get an individual entry?

2) Will there be 1960's art featured in the body of the bio's? (A few of the bio's in the X-Men 2004 OHOTMU had additional small pictures in the body of the bio.)

3) Will 1960's artists be doing the main drawings,or modern artists drawing in the more classic style?

Stuart V

Nov 27, 2005, 05:19 pm

Steve wrote:

I would like to commend the people who came up with this idea.

I had some questions:

1) Will each of the X-Men get an individual entry?

Not allowed to say about which individuals get entries, beyond what is revealed in solicits. Sorry.

Steve wrote:

2) Will there be 1960's art featured in the body of the bio's? (A few of the bio's in the X-Men 2004 OHOTMU had additional small pictures in the body of the bio.)

We do try to have some extra art in any profile more than a page in length, and certainly in any profile three or more pages. In addition, where someone has an untransformed or unmasked appearance, we now try to include an image (whether stand alone or insert) which shows that alternate appearance.

Steve wrote:

3) Will 1960's artists be doing the main drawings,or modern artists drawing in the more classic style?

For the profile's I wrote, I certainly stuck to art suggestions taken only from the 1960s, as it seemed contradictory and unrepresentative of the era to do a 1960s book with art from someone who wasn't working in comics back then. I'm fairly sure the same is true of my fellow writers.


Nov 27, 2005, 05:31 pm

Thanks for the quick reply, sir. I understand that you can't give out any extra information.
That would be so cool if there was a 1960's Individual entry for the Beast,though. The original, more human looking Beast has long been a favorite of mine. :worthy:

I want to congratulate you, Eric, and the other authors on your successful handbooks. You've taken a great idea (The OHOTMU) and resurrected it for the new millenium. I was a Marvel Super Heroes role-playing fan who got into comics in the 80's by reading the cool technical, precise Marvel Comics Handbooks. I thought I'd never see such a thing happen again and figured it was just a part of my childhood past.

Now you've really expanded the program. I'm looking forward to more cool specials like this as well as the A-Z.

Eric J. Moreels

Jan 5, 2006, 04:41 am

Steve wrote:

I want to congratulate you, Eric, and the other authors on your successful handbooks. You've taken a great idea (The OHOTMU) and resurrected it for the new millenium. I was a Marvel Super Heroes role-playing fan who got into comics in the 80's by reading the cool technical, precise Marvel Comics Handbooks. I thought I'd never see such a thing happen again and figured it was just a part of my childhood past.

From all of us, many, many thanks, Steve! We're all fans of the original Handbooks too, which is why this is a dream gig for all of us.

Steve wrote:

Now you've really expanded the program. I'm looking forward to more cool specials like this as well as the A-Z.

Indeed. 2006 is going to be a bumper year for Marvel Handbook fans! :Yes:


Jan 30, 2006, 07:25 am

When exactly will be the 1960s Handbook in the comic stores in February? Because I want to be sure I'll get my hands on it before it is sold out!

Mike Fichera

Feb 7, 2006, 09:51 pm

Today is Feb 8th - the Legacy 60's book should be in comic shops today!

The 60s Bibliography is now online:

-Mike Fichera


Feb 9, 2006, 01:52 pm

I'm about just a third of the way done reading this and I am loving it! Its so much fun to read. I commend you guys for not just coming up with this, but for executing it so well, reflecting the time that it is representing. I was a little thrown at first by the 'inaccurate alphabitization' until I realized the logic behind it (full page spreads bumping half page spreads).

What's the story with future volumes of this book? I'm pretty sure I read that there was going to be 70s, 80s, etc books, but I'm not sure. If there will be future volumes, how far up are you going? 90s? Will the format change slightly for each one to reflect the time period (ie 90s having power charts)?

I didn't think I would be buying into this set of Handbooks, but once I looked through this one, I was sold. Oh, and nice touch with the 'water stain' on the side pages.


Feb 10, 2006, 09:00 am

Even though I'm only 26, this Handbook really brought me back. I felt like I was reading about these characters for the first time. It was similar to reading the old Fantastic Four Index I had when I was in my early teens (if you ever get a chance, those series really put a nice light on those old issues). The Captain Marvel bio just made me miss this classic character (complete with green uniform and jet pack), the Hurricane bio made me excited for the upcoming appearance of the character in June's Western Month and all those Human Torch rogues' bios made me really want to reconsider getting that Essential Human Torch trade.

I really have to thank everyone for putting this book together. This is one of the best things I've read in recent years and its obvious it was a complete labor of love.

Ann Nichols

Feb 10, 2006, 12:11 pm

During my unpacking, I located my copies of Mr. Olshevsky's "The Marvel Comics Index" v.1, #1-9B. What would this book offer me (if I ever have the money to buy it) that those don't, please?


Feb 10, 2006, 01:53 pm

A truly original idea! Usually I'm not interested in the "one shot specials" but this was especially fun! I especially miss the days when Marvel would have those fun phrases "vociferous volume" and "see ya next ish!"

Not that I was around in those days but I've read many a back issue.....
but why aren't the artists credited? Thats my one dissapointment with this, looking forward to more!


Feb 11, 2006, 05:21 pm

Well, I've got this issue sitting at the bottom of a stack of handbooks, but flipping through, it looks very neat. Nicely nostalgic, and some great classic characters.

Can't wait to really sink my teeth in. These are very interesting themed one shots. And will give some lesser known characters a bit of a spotlight, that would never turn up in the current A-Z volume.



Feb 12, 2006, 11:15 am

Wow, this gave up the zeitgeist. I think the most remarkable thing was how many communists and aliens were present among the villians. It's interesting to look at some of these guys and try and figure out why they were never used again--personally, looking at the Conquistador (among others ), I think there's some cool and weird things to be done with a few of these long forgotten villians. Bolstered by snapshots of the major heroes in more innocent times, I'd say this is mighty fine, inspired work. Can't wait for the other volumes--especially the 90's...I was there, damnit!


Feb 17, 2006, 03:38 pm

Wow, this gave up the zeitgeist. I think the most remarkable thing was how many communists and aliens were present among the villians.
Yeah, it's also remarkable there weren't a lot of black or female characters then.
I'm glad that nowadays there's a lot more diversity in comics (although I think it's a pity most of the time the teams still contain more male than female characters).


May 8, 2006, 12:41 am

I've just started this handbook and it is a great piece of work, thanks guys.

One question: there are many omissions - what was the criteria for inclusion and will the contents of the 70s, 80s and 90s volumes answer this question?

Madison Carter

May 8, 2006, 03:15 am

Unfortunately, a one-shot for each decade simply doesn't allow for every character pertaining to that decade to be featured. One of the first things we look at in terms of inclusion is which characters were unique to the time period. You'll notice quite a few characters in the 1960s book that only appeared during that time and haven't been seen since. With characters that were, and still are, more prominent, we looked at how they were portrayed during the given time period and several factors were used to decide their inclusion or omission. But overall, the Legacy books aren't meant to be all-inclusive, they're meant to give the reader a view of what the decade was about.

Thank you for the kind words.

PeteD wrote:

I've just started this handbook and it is a great piece of work, thanks guys.

One question: there are many omissions - what was the criteria for inclusion and will the contents of the 70s, 80s and 90s volumes answer this question?


May 15, 2006, 01:48 pm

I wanted to let you guys know that I'm really excited for the 1970s Handbook coming out this week. This set has to be the most ingenius collection of handbooks yet, in my opinion. How are things looking for the 1980s Handbook? Is it still on schedule? I have no idea what the sales are like on things like this.


May 15, 2006, 02:10 pm

Same here....I am hoping the 80's and 90's are still going to happen. I am looking forward to both more so than I was the 60's and 70's even.

Stuart V

May 15, 2006, 02:17 pm

Inferno wrote:

Same here....I am hoping the 80's and 90's are still going to happen. I am looking forward to both more so than I was the 60's and 70's even.

Well, since officially we are not allowed to discuss anything not yet solicited, I don't think we are able to confirm that we are even planning on doing Handbooks for the '80s and '90s. But I will say that none of the Handbooks planned for release this year have been dropped; indeed, we seem to be doing more than planned. Whether or not that means there will be 80s and 90s to follow the 60s and 70s, again, I am not officially allowed to say. :gag:


May 15, 2006, 02:57 pm

Stuart V wrote:

Well, since officially we are not allowed to discuss anything not yet solicited, I don't think we are able to confirm that we are even planning on doing Handbooks for the '80s and '90s. But I will say that none of the Handbooks planned for release this year have been dropped; indeed, we seem to be doing more than planned. Whether or not that means there will be 80s and 90s to follow the 60s and 70s, again, I am not officially allowed to say. :gag:

Thanks for the info! Nice to know nothing has been dropped.


May 17, 2006, 11:22 am

Now that I am half-way through the 60s Handbook I can see that there is no way a single book could begin to cover even all the main characters, never mind the many who only made one appearance.

I think the 60s Handbook is a great combination of major players and those with smaller roles, even to the inclusion of a monster story or two - not just the Marvel superhero Universe characters.

Really looking forward to the 70s book where the choice for inclusion must have been very difficult.

Andy E. Nystrom

Feb 6, 2011, 06:01 pm

At long last: the final List of Changes in Hardcovers. And what better way to end it than by paying tribute to Marvel’s most pivotal decade? This list of changes is decided to all the people who worked on the hardcovers. As time consuming as it was to catalogue all the changes, the people who edited and often entirely rewrote the old entries had a much bigger job. Apparently a number of New X-Men Academy X entries also got carried over, b ut alas that's the one major Files book I haven't been able to locate.

Looks like I’ll have to tweak my Never Been Kissed list slightly, since two of the Crimson Dynamos share an entry here and the focus is more on the characters than the armor. Even so, present day perspective entries for both would be fun to see.

Text Changes All: Art Credits, Place of Birth, Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½ pagers)

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: History mostly revised and expanded, incorporating Where are They Now info. New sentence and then new paragraph added to end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: Old illo cropped; new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New final History paragraph, incorporating Where are They Now info
Graphic Changes: None

Android Man
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics beyond First Appearance added. 4 sentences added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Asbestos Man
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Main illo slightly more cropped

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 12
Text Changes: History mostly revised and expanded (old History spans pages 2-3 of hardcover in revised form).
Graphic Changes: Old illo new secondary, with captions removed; new main captioned illo and 15 new secondary illos (8 captioned); 86 new headshots of members with issues active, followed by 57 headshots of Civilian Staff & Associates with issues active

Beasts of Berlin
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded, with paragraphs merged, including info from Where are They Now
Graphic Changes: Old illo captioned; new secondary illo

Bull’s Eye
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New final History paragraph with info from Where are They Now
Graphic Changes: None

Captain America
Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Captain America (Rogers)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 8
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 11 new secondary illos (9 captioned)

Captain Marvel
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 6 new secondary illos (3 sharing captioned, 2 more captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. Old History greatly revised/expanded, then 2 new final paragraphs with Where are They Now info.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Chili Storm
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded, the latter including info from Where are They Now. Weight, Eyes, Hair revised/
Graphic Changes: New headshot

Collective Intelligence
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old illo captioned; new captioned secondary illo

Colossus (Super-Computer)
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics beyond First Appearance added. History mostly revised
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Colossus (Vegan)
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories tweaked
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Comrade X
Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Madame X
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely revised/expanded; Abilities/Accessories revised.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo removed and old main illo cropped to a headshot; new main illo.

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History greatly revised with info from Where are They Now. Final sentence added to Abilites/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo differently cropped. Secondary illo now captioned; new captioned secondary illo.

Crimson Dynamo
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics other than First Appearance (itself abridged) replaced with Known Members and Base of Operations. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Physical Stats added for 5 additional armor wearers.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned secondary; New captioned main illo and 12 captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real name and Citizenship identified. Note added
Graphic Changes: Illo no longer obscured by energy

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real name identified. History greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo replaced with new one. One secondary illo captioned, the other removed; classic Eliot R. Brown Billy Club diagram added; 10 additional new secondary illos (7 captioned)

Death’s Page
Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Death’s Head (Page)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New final History paragraph with Where are They Now info
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Destroyer (Stanton)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Doctor Strange
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed. New main illo and 8 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 4
Now Listed As: Exiles (WW2)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known members expanded (mostly first names added). New text added to end of 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs (latter incorporating info from Where are They Now?).
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Dr. Strange
Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Doctor Strange (Carlo)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name and History tweaked.
Graphic Changes: None

Faceless Ones
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Physical Stats added. History completely revised, incorporating details from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Factor Three
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Members and Base of Operations expanded (in former case, adding alter egos). New final History paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: New Sonny Baredo headshot. Two new captioned illos.

Fantastic Four
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 5
Text Changes: Team Stats and History completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Two illos removed (including Baxter Building cross section), 5 illos (3 captioned) plus 30 headshots added (13 members and 17 employees).

Forbidden Land
Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: El Dorado
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History completely revised.
Graphic Changes: One illo removed, one cropped differently, three added (2 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Original History paragraph greatly revised and expanded; new final paragraph including info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Original illo replaced with new main illo and two secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Happy Hogan
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics greatly revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Eyes revised.
Graphic Changes: Original illos replaced with new main illo and 2 secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics beyond First Appearance added. New final History sentence incorporating Where are They Now? info.
Graphic Changes: Original illo replaced with new main illo and 2 secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and History a somewhat revised, incorporating info from Where are They Now? Note added. Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo added

Hidden Man
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History expanded by 2 sentences, in part incorporating info from Where are They Now
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo added

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 9
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original illos replaced with new main illo and 2 secondary illos (20 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Hurricane (Kane)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: end of History expanded, in part including info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories a little revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Infant Terrible
Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Delinquent
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Old History paragraph greatly revised and expanded; 2 new final paragraphs with Where are They Now info. Note added. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary)

Iron Man
Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Iron Man (Tony Stark)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 11
Text Changes: Vital Statistics greatly revised and expanded. History and Abilities Accessories completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original illos replaced with new captioned main illo with First appearance, 46 secondary illos (37 captioned with First Appearances, 4 more captioned). Additional page of armour specs (Bio/Metalo-Mimetic Suit Series Mk III)

Iron Mask
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History somewhat revised (in part incorporating info from Where are They Now?). New sentence added to Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Citizenship and History tweaked to incorporate Where are They Now? info. Abilities/Accessories revised.
Graphic Changes: Caption on main illo expanded, secondary illo captioned, new captioned secondary illo.

Jack O’Diamonds
Hardcover Volume: 6
Now Listed As: Living Diamond
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Aliases revised due to name reversal. 2 sentences added to end of History incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Junior Juniper
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History somewhat revised and expanded, in part incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Citizenship revised. History a little revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Occupation and Citizenship revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Legion of the Living Lightning
Hardcover Volume: 6
Now Listed As: Lords of the Living Lightning
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: 5 new sentences added to end of History, incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: One of the illos now captioned.

Living Brain
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: New final History paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories mostly revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Mad Pharaoh
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Madame Menace
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new captioned one.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real name revised. History and Anilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History expanded, including but not limited to new sentence at end. Note added. Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Education revised. History revised/expanded. New sentence added at end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: None

Mister Rasputin
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Considerable amount of text added to end of History, incorporating info from Where are they Now?
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Mogul of the Mystic Mountain
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Citizenship, Known
Relatives and Group Affiliation revised. Original History paragraph split in 2 and expanded, 2 new paragraphs added at end (Where are They Now? info added into the text). Last Abilities/Accessories sentence expanded.
Graphic Changes: 10 new secondary illos (9 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Occupation and Group Affiliation tweaked. History revised/expanded, including but not limited to new material at end. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new one.

Painter of 1000 Perils
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. Originally History paragraph mostly revised, then two new ones added incorporating info from Where are They Now? End of abilities/Accessories greatly expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name, Occupation, Education revised. History somewhat expanded, with new text weaving in and out of the old text. Abilities/Accessories a bit expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old headshot replaced with new one.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Known Members revised and new final History paragraph, both incorporating info from Where are They Now? New sentence added at end of Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Aliases and Education revised. History somewhat revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised
Graphic Changes: None

Rabble Rouser
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised and 4 sentences added to end of History (all incorporating info from Where are They Now?). Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned headshot.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised and 4 sentences added to end of History (all incorporating info from Where are They Now?). Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and new captioned headshot.

Ringo Kid
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Citizenship, Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo reversed; new captioned secondary illo (unfortunately neither illo has his face looking towards the reader).

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: Known Members moved to Former Members, which has numerous additional members. New categories: Contingency, Elite Agents, Euromind, Eurolab, Howling Commandos, Super Agents (First Team, Second Team), Task Force. Base of Operations revised. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: New main illo and 5 new captioned secondary illos. Occupations removed from headshots. 6 headshots removed entirely, the remaining 9 old images replaced with new ones; 45 additional new headshots.

Silver Surfer
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Eyes and Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed); 6 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. History somewhat revised. Eyes revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Sorcerer (Murdstone)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised. Eyes revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Sorcerer (East)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name, Occupation, Education revised. History somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo cropped to headshot and captioned

Space Parasite
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. New half sentence added to end of old History paragraphs, then two new paragraphs added. Height and Weight tweaked. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now cropped as secondary illo)

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 13
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 40 new secondary illos (36 captioned) of which one full page is completely drawn by Eliot R. Brown and one ½-page is co-drawn by him

Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Namor
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 8 new secondary illos

Sun Stealer
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Identity, Occupation, Citizenship revised. History somewhat revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History slightly revised. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Terrible Trio
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Membership, Base of Operations revised. Old History somewhat revised, with 1st 2 paragraphs merged, alter egos added, etc.; new final paragraph including info from Where are They Now
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Occupation, Citizenship, Group Affiliation revised. History greatly revised. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Thermal Man
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics beyond First Appearance added. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo less cropped/eyebeams redrawn; new captioned secondary illo

Thing Imposter
Hardcover Volume: 6
Now Listed As: Ricardo Jones
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name and Known Relatives revised. Original History text tweaked/a bit condensed, with 2nd and 3rd paragraphs merged; new final paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Height and Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 18 new secondary illos (11 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo tilted. New secondary illo

El Toro
Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: El Toro (Rojo)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History greatly revised/expanded, including Where are They Now info. New sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name revised. History somewhat revised. New sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Triumvirate of Terror
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Alter egos added to Members. Base of Operations tweaked. History somewhat revised, including paragraphs merged and alter egos added
Graphic Changes: Old illo captioned; new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Info on a second Tumbler added to all categories. Vital Statistics revised. History considerably revised/expanded. The 2nd Tumbler’s name added to Physical Stats, though the stats themselves were inadvertently left out. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos, 2 sharing a caption, the other also captioned

Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Vulture (Drago)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name and Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised, the former including part of the Where are They Now passage
Graphic Changes: Main illo cropped differently

Patsy Walker
Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Hellcat
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics considerably revised and expanded. Weight and Eyes revised. History and Abilities Accessories completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 6 new secondarfy illos (5 captioned)

Warlord Wrogg
Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Wrogg
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Occupation tweaked. Citizenship, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised, the former including info from Where are They Now
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Wobbow
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Known Members, Base of Operations revised. Physical Stats added. History initially only a little revised, then 3 new final sentences with Where are They Now info.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Wrecker (Kort)
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. History somewhat revised
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo less cropped

Wrecker (Smith)
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. History somewhat revised
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo partly obscured by main illo

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 12
Text Changes: Old Vital Statistics revised/expanded; 10 new categories plus Note. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 29 new secondary illos (19 captioned). 7 new team headshots, 47 new sub-team headshots, 3 new imposter headshots, all with issues active

Professor Zaxton
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name revised. Thor’s surname added to History
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Occupation revised. History considerably revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary, slightly obscured by the former); new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Identity revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded, the former including Where are They Now info. Height and Weight tweaked
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History considerably revised/expanded, including Where are They Now info. 2 sentences added to end of Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

With that I step down... for now. But should another hardcover appear, I shall take the plunge again.


Feb 6, 2011, 07:02 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Apparently a number of New X-Men Academy X entries also got carried over, b ut alas that's the one major Files book I haven't been able to locate.

They were actually done in Handbook form, not files. Covered pretty much everyone that was in the comic at the time.

Andy E. Nystrom

Feb 6, 2011, 07:10 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

They were actually done in Handbook form, not files. Covered pretty much everyone that was in the comic at the time.

Good to know that. I was going to include them in my Never Been Kissed lists using Eric's Master List as a guide but if they were in Handbook format I won't. Well, if I ever locate a copy (and trying to find an X-Men one-shot in the back issue bins is like looking for a needle in a haystack; amazed I actually found the 198 files after the fact), I'll tackle them as well as one final list of changes.


Feb 7, 2011, 08:04 am

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

(and trying to find an X-Men one-shot in the back issue bins is like looking for a needle in a haystack; amazed I actually found the 198 files after the fact)

Ha! I hear you there. I bought mine after the fact once I found out it had handbook material. Mine was filed under New Mutants/New X-Men if that helps. Happy hunting!

Roger Ott

Feb 7, 2011, 08:14 pm

That's partially why I do 90% of my back issue shopping online. Easier to find items that might otherwise be filed in an unlikely spot at a brick and mortar shop.

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)

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