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1/04/2020 8:49 pm  #1

OHOTMU - X-Men: Age of Apocalypse 2005

Historical text from Comixfan:

Andy E. Nystrom

Apr 15, 2010, 07:48 pm

Another case where the original thread is gone.

List of changes in hardcovers. This one is a bit unusual in that only selected entries were tapped for the hardcovers

All covered: Abilities, Superhuman Powers, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; Distinguishing Features, Marital Status, Special Limitations removed, First Appearance added.

The Age of Apocalypse
Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Age of Apocalypse
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics added, History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Map removed; new captioned main illo, 18 new captioned headshots

Apocalypse: this version not transferred over
Abyss: this version not transferred over

Dark Beast
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics heavily revised/expanded. History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely revised. Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

Mikhail: this version not transferred over
Sinister: this version not transferred over

Sugar Man
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics tweaked. History and Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

X-Men: this version not transferred over
Magneto: this version not transferred over
Colossus: this version not transferred over
Dazzler: this version not transferred over
Gambit: this version not transferred over
Jean Grey: this version not transferred over
Nightcrawler: this version not transferred over
Quicksilver: this version not transferred over
Rogue & Charles Lensherr: these versions not transferred over
Shadowcat: this version not transferred over
Storm: this version not transferred over
Sunfire: this version not transferred over
Weapon X: this version not transferred over
Wild Child: this version not transferred over
Wolfsbane: this version not transferred over
Silver Samurai: this version not transferred over
Kirika: this version not transferred over
Xorn: this version not transferred over
Beak: this version not transferred over

The Exiles
Hardcover Volume: 4
Now Listed As: Exiles
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: Vital Statistics added. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed inc. headshots; 7 new illos (6 captioned); 24 new headshots of main team plus 7 headshots of the Wolverine Squad, 6 of the Earth-33629 team, 5 of the Earth-91172 team; all headshots have issue active; deceased characters are noted as such in the headshots

Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Blackwing (Bohusk)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Physical Statistics as Bohusk added. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Both illos removed. New main illo with four secondary illos (2 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 7
Now Listed As: Magik (Rasputin-4210)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name, Citizenship, Known Relatives revised. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new expanded text. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new expanded text. Intelligence and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Now Listed As: Mimic (Earth-12)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new expanded text. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos removed, replaced with 6 captioned new ones.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Now Listed As: Morph (Earth-1081)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new expanded text. Eyes revised. Intelligence and Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos removed, replaced with 4 new ones (3 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Namora (Earth-2185)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewtitten.
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 4 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Sabretooth (Earth-295)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Weight, Eyes revised. Strength on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Heather Hudson (Earth-3470)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new expanded text. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed, replaced with two new illos patched together to make one main illo.

Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Sunfire (Earth-210)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Speed and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed/less cropped.

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Thunderbird (Earth-1100)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo reversed/less cropped; 5 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Timebreakers
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Old Vital Statistics categories removed, replaced with Base of Operations and First Appearance. History completely rewritten/expanded. Physical Statistics, Superhuman Powers, Power Grid removed
Graphic Changes: Old illo now shares caption with another, new illo. 3 additional new captioned secondary illos.

Weapon X
Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Weapon X (Exiles)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics added. History almost completely rewritten/expanded. Note added.
Graphic Changes: 12 of the original 16 headshots replaced with new illos and 3 additional new headshots added; original headshot notes replaced with issues Active

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