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2/06/2020 7:03 am  #1

OHotMU A-Z Vol. 4 Premiere HC

Historical text from Comixfan:

Eric J. Moreels
May 20, 2008, 07:13 pm
Coming from Marvel Comics in August...


Continuing the most exciting and comprehensive Marvel Handbook ever assembled! This twelve-volume guide to the Marvel Universe features more than 100 huge entries in each tome! This issue – from the Elf with a Gun to Guardians of the Galaxy! Spotlighting people (Eternity, Exodus, Falcon, Fin Fang Foom, Emma Frost, Nick Fury, Galactus, Gambit, two Ghost Riders, Gravity, Guardian), places (Genosha), teams (Excalibur, Exiles, Fantastic Four, Frightful Four, Generation X, the Great Lakes Initiative, the Hand), species (Eternals) and more!

240 PGS./Rated T+ …$24.99
ISBN: 978-0-7851-3101-4
Trim size: standard

William Keogh
May 20, 2008, 07:36 pm
So, I know everyone on the cover except the guy beside the Grim Reaper and Fury, and below Fin Fang Foom. A little help?

Stuart V
May 20, 2008, 07:50 pm

William Keogh wrote:

So, I know everyone on the cover except the guy beside the Grim Reaper and Fury, and below Fin Fang Foom. A little help?

I believe it is Forge's current look.

William Keogh
May 20, 2008, 07:57 pm
Thanks. I guess Forge generally is a character who doesn't really have a stand-out look to begin with.

Andy E. Nystrom
May 20, 2008, 10:41 pm
Looking forward to it, though I've spotted an error in the solicitation: It apparently goes up to Guardians of the Galaxy, but the Hand's supposedly one of the teams covered. I'll take a guess (admittedly 50-50) that the first part is correct that that the Hand will have to wait until volume 5?

Regardless, I suspect we're in for some pretty nice updated team entries in this one.

May 20, 2008, 10:54 pm
Shouldn't the solicits list 3 Ghost Riders? Blaze, Ketch and 2099?

May 21, 2008, 12:43 am

ultrabasurero wrote:

Shouldn't the solicits list 3 Ghost Riders? Blaze, Ketch and 2099?

Maybe... or maybe not. :Biggrin:
Seems one was overlooked during the solicits.
I blame Mephisto for it myself. :Devil:

May 21, 2008, 01:12 pm
Is Happy Hogan going to profiled for the Hardcovers, or will it be solely his Freak aspect in Volume 4?

Stuart V
May 21, 2008, 01:20 pm

ToddCam wrote:

Is Happy Hogan going to profiled for the Hardcovers, or will it be solely his Freak aspect in Volume 4?

He'll be covered in full.

May 21, 2008, 11:17 pm
I'm looking forward to this one a lot more than others, mostly just due to the fact that there's a ton of 2004/2005 entries that will get their fair share in the new format. Can't wait to read updates on Emma, Gambit, Nick Fury, Galactus, Firestar, Enchantress, Ghost Rider, Fin Fang Foom, etc. Also, surprised to see that Frog Man made it to the cover! I'm hoping Tom Grummett is signed on for all twelve of these, his covers are always spectacular!

Eduardo M.
May 22, 2008, 12:20 am

ToddCam wrote:

Is Happy Hogan going to profiled for the Hardcovers, or will it be solely his Freak aspect in Volume 4?

It would not surprise me if the Freak does not get an entry in the hardcovers since both people who have assumed the identity (Happy Hogan and Eddie March) have entries under their real names.

now I don't know if Eddie March will be in the hardcovers since his first entry came in the Iron Manual about a week ago. However, even if he doesn't get into the hardcovers, since the Freak's entry in the 60s handbook was about Hogan, we can assume there won't be an entry on Freak in volume 4.

Michael Hoskin
May 23, 2008, 01:32 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

Also, surprised to see that Frog Man made it to the cover!

That was my call - I hoped Grummett would use him to bring a little levity to the cover and he did!

Andy E. Nystrom
May 23, 2008, 10:23 pm

Michael Hoskin wrote:

That was my call - I hoped Grummett would use him to bring a little levity to the cover and he did!

He's a good choice for the cover because he's an excellent goodwill ambassador: despite more setbacks than most superheroes, he never stops trying to get it right.

Sidney Osinga
May 24, 2008, 03:11 pm
Here is a list of half page entries we'll see in this issue, based on what entries we've all ready seen:

2 E's:

6 F's:
Faceles Ones
Father Darklyte
the Fox
Freedom Ring
maybe we'll see Friday from the Iron Manual, I'm not sure.

And since the Hand will kick off #5, I assume we'll see the G's.
11 G's:
Gargoyle (Topolov)
Garko the Man Frog
Blackie Gaxton
Generic Super Hero

Sean McQuaid
May 24, 2008, 05:33 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

It apparently goes up to Guardians of the Galaxy, but the Hand's supposedly one of the teams covered. I'll take a guess (admittedly 50-50) that the first part is correct that that the Hand will have to wait until volume 5?

Page layouts change on occasion as we repeatedly revise the contents, so yes, the Hand will be waiting until volume 5.

Regardless, I suspect we're in for some pretty nice updated team entries in this one.

That's the plan...


Sean McQuaid
May 24, 2008, 05:37 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

now I don't know if Eddie March will be in the hardcovers since his first entry came in the Iron Manual

Eddie will be in the hardcovers, as will any other Handbook-style Iron Manual profiles that fit within the hardcovers' alphabetical run from this point onward.


Eduardo M.
May 25, 2008, 12:54 am

Sean McQuaid wrote:

Eddie will be in the hardcovers, as will any other Handbook-style Iron Manual profiles that fit within the hardcovers' alphabetical run from this point onward.


That's cool. It's too bad poor Bethany Cabe and Bambi Aborgast came too late to be Vol.2. Oh well. Maybe next time.

May 25, 2008, 03:20 am
Is Excalibur broken up between Excalibur and New Excalibur?

Stuart V
May 25, 2008, 05:52 am

ultrabasurero wrote:

Is Excalibur broken up between Excalibur and New Excalibur?

Nope. There was enough continuity between the two incarnations to make it viable to cover in a single entry.

May 26, 2008, 02:59 am

Stuart V wrote:

Nope. There was enough continuity between the two incarnations to make it viable to cover in a single entry.

I assume the same won't be said for the Exiles (team of Axis villains in support of the Red Skull) and the Exiles (team of constantly changing multiverse-travelling alternatie counterparts of heroes and villains). :dance:

I hope all the upcoming team entries feature identifying head shots and captions for all the members. I reread my copy of the Teams 2005 Handbook and still couldn't figure who the handful of members shown for the First Line were save for Pixie and Oxbow, and I couldn't figure out who any of the members of Euroforce in the picture were.

Stuart V
May 26, 2008, 06:21 am

skippcomet wrote:

I assume the same won't be said for the Exiles (team of Axis villains in support of the Red Skull) and the Exiles (team of constantly changing multiverse-travelling alternatie counterparts of heroes and villains). :dance:

Totally different teams who happened to have the same name, so no, they will have separate entries. However Excalibur and "New" Excalibur are more akin to the differing Avengers, Defenders or X-Men team incarnations - same team, with a few breaks in their history where the team was inactive.

skippcomet wrote:

I hope all the upcoming team entries feature identifying head shots and captions for all the members. I reread my copy of the Teams 2005 Handbook and still couldn't figure who the handful of members shown for the First Line were save for Pixie and Oxbow, and I couldn't figure out who any of the members of Euroforce in the picture were.

The intention for team entries is to show all members as far as possible, and to identify them in their pictures or headshots.

Sidney Osinga
May 26, 2008, 07:21 pm

Sean McQuaid wrote:

Eddie will be in the hardcovers, as will any other Handbook-style Iron Manual profiles that fit within the hardcovers' alphabetical run from this point onward.


So, that does mean that Friday will be included, which will make 7 half page F's. Now, as to who I'd like to see fill the spaces, I'm sticking with Golden Age characters: Falcon (Burgess), Fighting Yank, Flexo the Rubber Man, the Fourth Musketeer, or the Flying Flame for the F's, and Gary Gaunt, the original Golden Girl (Ross), or the Great Video from Marvel Boy for the G's.

Stuart V
May 27, 2008, 11:50 am

Eduardo M. wrote:

That's cool. It's too bad poor Bethany Cabe and Bambi Aborgast came too late to be Vol.2. Oh well. Maybe next time.

Right from the start we have had a strategy in place for this kind of problem. By our alphabetical nature, we considered the possibility of some entries causing problems, such as Wonder Man hypothetically changing his name to "Mr. Strong" after we got past M but before we got to W. In such instances, attempted alphabetical escapees will be rounded up and placed in the final volume under whatever name they finally decide to stick with.

Sidney Osinga wrote:

So, that does mean that Friday will be included, which will make 7 half page F's.

Friday will be included.

Sidney Osinga
May 27, 2008, 02:43 pm

Stuart V wrote:

Right from the start we have had a strategy in place for this kind of problem. By our alphabetical nature, we considered the possibility of some entries causing problems, such as Wonder Man hypothetically changing his name to "Mr. Strong" after we got past M but before we got to W. In such instances, attempted alphabetical escapees will be rounded up and placed in the final volume under whatever name they finally decide to stick with.

Let me get this straight. In vol. 12, there will be an "appendix" of characters that got entries after their letter rolled around (such as Mrs. Aborgast and Bethany) as well as characters who "jumped" in the alphabetic order? Will this also include characters who need significant rewrites after their initial entry?

And no hints about who might get a new entry in this volume? Please toss us a bone.

Eduardo M.

May 27, 2008, 02:55 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Let me get this straight. In vol. 12, there will be an "appendix" of characters that got entries after their letter rolled around (such as Mrs. Aborgast and Bethany) as well as characters who "jumped" in the alphabetic order? Will this also include characters who need significant rewrites after their initial entry?

And no hints about who might get a new entry in this volume? Please toss us a bone.

I don't know about you, Uber, but I'd rather be surprised. Its more fun that way

Stuart V
May 27, 2008, 03:51 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Let me get this straight. In vol. 12, there will be an "appendix" of characters that got entries after their letter rolled around (such as Mrs. Aborgast and Bethany) as well as characters who "jumped" in the alphabetic order? Will this also include characters who need significant rewrites after their initial entry?

More or less. Yes, the plan is that as far as space permits the final volume will include those who skipped their letter for whatever reason. There is no plan at present to include updates for other characters who got covered earlier in the hardcover run but then have significant changes happen, as (1) that might be half the run for all we know, and (2) that's what new Handbooks down the line would logically be for.

Sidney Osinga wrote:

And no hints about who might get a new entry in this volume? Please toss us a bone.

I'd imagine "Zola, Arnim" is a likely candidate for #12.

Sidney Osinga
May 29, 2008, 03:08 pm

Stuart V wrote:

More or less. Yes, the plan is that as far as space permits the final volume will include those who skipped their letter for whatever reason. There is no plan at present to include updates for other characters who got covered earlier in the hardcover run but then have significant changes happen, as (1) that might be half the run for all we know, and (2) that's what new Handbooks down the line would logically be for.

I'd imagine "Zola, Arnim" is a likely candidate for #12.

OK, that's cool. I guess that means there is still hope for expanded entries for Cannonball and Carnage.

And don't be a smart ass. That's my job. I meant what new entries might we see in vol. 4. (I'm the type of guy who flips to the end of a novel to see how it ends.)

Stuart V
May 29, 2008, 03:51 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

OK, that's cool. I guess that means there is still hope for expanded entries for Cannonball and Carnage.

Not currently on the cars, but not impossible.

Sidney Osinga wrote:

And don't be a smart ass. That's my job. I meant what new entries might we see in vol. 4. (I'm the type of guy who flips to the end of a novel to see how it ends.)

Hmm. The volumes are kind of running together with me, since we just finished proofing 3, and are working on 6 right now with some 5 stragglers. 3 has a few surprises; honestly can't recall right now who is in 4. I do know all the volumes include some vastly expanded entries.

Sidney Osinga
May 29, 2008, 09:04 pm

Stuart V wrote:

Hmm. The volumes are kind of running together with me, since we just finished proofing 3, and are working on 6 right now with some 5 stragglers. 3 has a few surprises; honestly can't recall right now who is in 4. I do know all the volumes include some vastly expanded entries.

That's good to know. I hope that all the entries that need expanded get it (that's the problem I have with the Cannonball and Carnage entries). I pretty much assume that all the entries from the first year and a half will get expanded, especially the ones from the Women of the Marvel Universe Handbook.

Also can you at least tell us if vol. 5 is coming out in September?

William Keogh
May 30, 2008, 12:51 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Also can you at least tell us if vol. 5 is coming out in September?

I believe they release the hardcovers every other month, so probably in October.

Sidney Osinga
Jun 2, 2008, 03:24 pm

William Keogh wrote:

I believe they release the hardcovers every other month, so probably in October.

The thing is that the series was originally announced as a monthly. I'm just hoping that it will get back on track.

Eduardo M.
Jun 2, 2008, 07:23 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

The thing is that the series was originally announced as a monthly. I'm just hoping that it will get back on track.

Or hopefully something equally cool will come out that month. September is my birthday and I hope I can celebrate it with some sort of Handbooky goodness.

Captain Speedbump
Jun 22, 2008, 10:51 pm
Unfortunately, it seems to me that the entire run of hardcover Handbooks is destined to come out bi-monthly as opposed to monthly as was originally stated (although if someone knows if they will be moving to a monthly schedule at some point, I would love to be proven wrong). In the interim, it looks like other recent handbook type material is being put into hardcover as well (the Atlases and the Iron Man book in September). I hope the Hardcovers are finished soon, because I'd love to continue with new entries and there are still many characters who I'd love to see new entries for.

Captain Speedbump

Jun 27, 2008, 02:09 pm
Is Norman Osborn under Green Goblin in this volume or is he under Norman Osborn.

Eduardo M.
Jun 27, 2008, 03:17 pm

ultrabasurero wrote:

Is Norman Osborn under Green Goblin in this volume or is he under Norman Osborn.

My guess is he's going to be in a future volume under Norman Osborn. If he was going to be in volume 4, I'm sure he would have made the cover and been mentioned in the solicts.

While we're on the subject, I'm guessing Phil urich will also be listed under his own name and not Green Goblin. And I'm sure the same goes for Harry Osborn.

Eduardo M.
Jun 28, 2008, 11:14 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

And since the Hand will kick off #5, I assume we'll see the G's.
11 G's:
Gargoyle (Topolov)
Garko the Man Frog
Blackie Gaxton
Generic Super Hero

I don't think the Hand will be the first entry in Vol. 5. Volume 4 goes up to the Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm missing a couple of handbooks so I might be missing names but to the best of my knowledge that would mean volume 5 would still need to have the entries for at least Guardsmen and Gunrunner. So the 1/2 G's will be there.

Sidney Osinga
Jul 7, 2008, 05:44 pm
I wonder if we'll see an entry for Sally Floyd, Quesada's second favorite character after Sentry, in this edition?

William Keogh
Jul 7, 2008, 07:18 pm
Quiet, Sid! We haven't heard anything from the Worlds' Most Sanctimonious Reporter in months!  

Stuart V
Jul 7, 2008, 07:36 pm

William Keogh wrote:

Quiet, Sid! We haven't heard anything from the Worlds' Most Sanctimonious Reporter in months!

I've heard that if you say Sally Floyd's name three times while looking in a bathroom mirror, she will appear from nowhere to write an expose on you!

William Keogh
Jul 7, 2008, 07:51 pm
Sally Floyd, Sally Floyd, Sally Floyd...

Sally: Are the rumors true that you've used medical marijuana? Was that you in that explicit video with the Senators' daughter? Am I not the most outstanding journalist of all time?

:scared: Run away! Run away! The Floyd is loose!

Madison Carter
Jul 8, 2008, 10:13 am
I guarantee Sally Forth is not in any of the upcoming Handbooks. Heck, she isn't even a Marvel character.
Wait. Sally FLOYD?

My bad.

Dunno about her.

Jul 11, 2008, 03:02 pm
OK.... just two questions regarding the entries for This latest Handbook....

1.) Will EXCELSIOR {aka THE LONERS} be included within this Handbook {or will that be under L for Loners :dunno:}.....

2.) Will there be an entry for ENERGIZER {of POWER PACK}; only this one is from within the MC2's/SPIDER-GIRL Universe in which she's a member of the AVENGERS NEXT Team.....??

Eduardo M.
Jul 11, 2008, 04:11 pm

PaxHouse wrote:

OK.... just two questions regarding the entries for This latest Handbook....

1.) Will EXCELSIOR {aka THE LONERS} be included within this Handbook {or will that be under L for Loners :dunno:}.....

2.) Will there be an entry for ENERGIZER {of POWER PACK}; only this one is from within the MC2's/SPIDER-GIRL Universe in which she's a member of the AVENGERS NEXT Team.....??

1. My guess the team will be listed under L for Loners since that's the group's current name.

Jul 11, 2008, 06:42 pm

PaxHouse wrote:

OK.... just two questions regarding the entries for This latest Handbook....

1.) Will EXCELSIOR {aka THE LONERS} be included within this Handbook {or will that be under L for Loners :dunno:}.....

2.) Will there be an entry for ENERGIZER {of POWER PACK}; only this one is from within the MC2's/SPIDER-GIRL Universe in which she's a member of the AVENGERS NEXT Team.....??

I don't think Loners will make it in as they never received an entry before, same thing with Energizer, who will receive some coverage since Power Pack had an entry in Teams 2005. Unless I'm missing something...

Moira Brandon
Jul 14, 2008, 06:51 am
I´m afraid the only entry for Energizer will be in the "P" of "Power Pack since any member of this team have had an entry in the past handbooks.... :No:

Aug 26, 2008, 02:14 pm
I guess this is out tomorrow. Should we expecting a bunch of surprises, maybe new entries?

Sean McQuaid
Aug 27, 2008, 04:35 am

ultrabasurero wrote:

I guess this is out tomorrow. Should we expecting a bunch of surprises, maybe new entries?

It being Wednesday in North America by now, details of the volume's contents can be made available as follows:

Earthmover, Elf with a Gun, Elixir, Elysius, Holly-Ann Ember, Empathoid, Emplate, Enchantress, Enforcers, Epoch, Equinox, Ereshkigal, Eric the Red, Ero, Eternal Brain, Eternals, Eternity, Euroforce, Euro-Trash, Eurth, Excalibur, Exemplars, Exiles (World War II), Exiles (dimensionhopping), Exodus, Eye Killers, Ezekiel

Faceless One, Faceless Ones, Factor Three, Falcon (Wilson), Fallen One (Galactus herald), Fantastic Five (MC-2), Fantastic Five (Spider-Man), Fantastic Force, Fantastic Four, Fantomex, Father Darklyte, Father Time (Scott), Fathom Five, Femme Fatales, Ferocia, Feron, Fight-Man, Fin (Noble), Fin Fang Foom, Firebird, Firelord, Firepower, Firestar, First Line, Richard Fisk, Vanessa Fisk, Fixer (Ebersol), Flag-Smasher, Flex, Fly, Flying Dutchman’s Ghost, Flying Tiger, Folding Circle, Followers of the Light, Foolkiller (Everbest), Foolkiller (Gerhardt), Force (Wilson), Force Four, Force Works, Forge, Don Fortunato, Fox (Slinker), Frankenstein’s Monster, Freedom Ring, Free Spirit, Friday (Iron Man’s computer program), Frightful Four, Frog-Man (Patilio), Deacon Frost, Emma Frost, Rumiko Fujikawa, Fury (cybiote), Nick Fury, Fusion (Fusser twins), Fusion (Markley)

Gabriel the Air-Walker, Gabriel the Devil-Hunter, Gaea, Galactic Guardians, Galactus, Galaxy Master, Gambit, Gamesmaster, Gamma Corps, Gamma Mutates, Gamora, Ganymede, Gargoyle (Christians), John Garrett, Gatherers, Geist, Vera Gemini, Generation X, Genesis, Genosha, Geshem, Ghost, Ghost Dancer, Ghost Rider (Blaze), Ghost Rider (2099 AD), Gibbon, Gilgamesh, Gladiator (Potter), Gladiators, Glob, Glorian, Gnobians, Ma Gnucci, Goddess, Goldbug, Golem (creature), Goliath (Bill Foster), Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Book, Gorgon (Shishido), Gorilla-Man (Hale), Grand Director, Grandmaster, Glory Grant, Graviton, Gravity, Great Game, Great Lakes Initiative, Great One, Grey Gargoyle, Griffin, Grim Hunter, Grim Reaper, Grizzly (Markham), Guardian (James Hudson) and the Guardians of the Galaxy.


Aug 27, 2008, 02:21 pm

Thanks so much for the list of the contents of Vol. 4. I am looking forward to this edition as I have the others.


Aug 27, 2008, 02:37 pm
Picked this up on my lunch, plus the Marvel Your Universe saga, I've got plenty of handbook goodness to look forward to when I get home! Only had about 15 minutes to skim through it but what I saw looked awesome. That Galactus entry was HUGE! But I'm wondering how Fight Man got expanded to two pages, he had what, two appearances? (sorry, still reeling over Domino beeing kept down to one page) But this really looks great!

Aug 27, 2008, 05:59 pm
So I guess Captain Marvel (Skrull), and Groot, from Marvel: Your Universe, are going to be in Volume 12.

And where is the Ketch Ghost Rider?

Aug 27, 2008, 06:16 pm
I noticed that about Ketch as well, I know he's been popping up in Ghost Rider as of late, but I don't read that book so I don't know if he changed his name or not. I'm assuming he'll be under Ketch, Daniel. Also, Green Goblin (Urich) was left out, so he should probably be under Urich, Phil. Checking the master list, I didn't notice any other entries were missing this volume. And the Everbest version of Foolkiller appears to be the only brand-new from scratch entry this volume.

Andy E. Nystrom
Aug 27, 2008, 09:55 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

I noticed that about Ketch as well, I know he's been popping up in Ghost Rider as of late, but I don't read that book so I don't know if he changed his name or not. I'm assuming he'll be under Ketch, Daniel. Also, Green Goblin (Urich) was left out, so he should probably be under Urich, Phil. Checking the master list, I didn't notice any other entries were missing this volume. And the Everbest version of Foolkiller appears to be the only brand-new from scratch entry this volume.

Norman Osborn also previously had a Green Goblin entry but will undoubtedly also appear as Osborn. And the Fallen One (Champion) has already appeared under his old name. Forbidden Land alreeady covered under El Dorado, and Freak will be covered under Happy Hogan (I believe this was already confirmed somewhere on this board)

Nice job as usual. Nice to see long-timers such as Fin Fang Foom and Nick Fury getting extra breathing space.

Captain Morgan
Aug 28, 2008, 12:39 am
I take it Gladiator(Kallark) does not have a entry?

Sidney Osinga
Aug 28, 2008, 02:32 am

Captain Morgan wrote:

I take it Gladiator(Kallark) does not have a entry?

Nope, and you're not the only one disappointed by that. Hopefully, if there are any more Handbooks other than the hard covers, we'll see him in them.

Aug 28, 2008, 03:59 am

Just got this. I'm pleased overall by the hardcovers, but I do have a few concerns, or maybe better put, curiosities.

I should preface this by saying that I know the writers are working within the time restraints they have as best they can and are putting out a very thoughtful and worthwhile product. Most profiles are well updated, organized and added to with at least additional illustrations, and some of the all-new stuff is great (Citizen V III!). If you're a fan of this kind of material, it's a great and mostly definitive collection and revision of what's been presented in the handbooks since the 2004 relaunch. I've enjoyed the released ones and look forward to getting the rest.

Some things have struck me as odd, though. Other posters have noted the lack of textual additions (beyond events that occurred after the profiles' previous release) to major characters (Cyclops, Dr. Octopus, Doom, Electro, Domino, others) and a few I've noticed myself but not heard mentioned (Earth X--as rich a story as that's had, D'Spayre, a few others). I suppose I felt the need to clarify this issue for myself because of the Fantastic Four entry--a mere five pages for the longest running title of the current Marvel universe. Compared with the six-page Defenders profile, this doesn't make sense if presenting everyone the appropriate space is a concern that can be met right now.

There seem to be some past books that the hardcover collects that get more thorough text revisions than others (Women, Golden Age) and others that are oddly shortchanged (Spider-man '04, X-Men '04, some of FF '05, Horror '05). I haven't checked if all the writers of those books are on the hardcover jackets, but I didn't notice the Spider-man one on it, so I was wondering if this was an issue of who's on staff right now? It's understandable that if an expert on a title or character left; it would be near-impossible for another writer to give a complete revision to a decades-old character when there's already loads on their plate.

The discrepancy obviously doesn't dissuade me much. Those characters that are textually expanded are not only so very well handled, but most often are characters that are a bit shy of making any post-hardcover handbook priority just on the basis that they were shorted before. The major characters that were shorted could be given more complete revisions later, because it seems that handbooks lately, no matter how generally populated with the obscure, tend to need or are dictated to have an "anchor" character or characters to draw irregular or first-time handbook buyers (i.e., Iron Manual '08), and perhaps that figures in on space considerations in the hardcovers, too. As a long-time buyer, I just couldn't help but ask.

Captain Morgan
Aug 28, 2008, 10:11 am
That is a bit of a letdown that Gladiator(Kallark) has no entry.

Aug 28, 2008, 10:53 am
I'm sure Gladiator will be covered somewhere down the line, not surprised he wasn't in here as he hasn't been covered anywhere in the latest series. Imperial Guard will get an entry next volume as they were in Teams 05, and hopefully it will be expanded greatly as they've had what, like 30 plus members? Gladiator hasn't appeared too often outside of the Guard, so he should be covered well enough in the team entry.

In regards to F4, I was also kinda surprised they didn't get more coverage. I would have liked to see more team shots showing the slight variations on their costumes over the years. It would have been nice to see all their vehicles and headquarters, a la the Avengers entry.

Andy E. Nystrom
Aug 28, 2008, 12:09 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

In regards to F4, I was also kinda surprised they didn't get more coverage. I would have liked to see more team shots showing the slight variations on their costumes over the years. It would have been nice to see all their vehicles and headquarters, a la the Avengers entry.

I suspect that the vehicles/headquarters might have partly been an element of the rules tha the writers are playing by. Just as Gladiator didn't make it in because he wasn't covered in any of the 2004-2008 "pamphlets", Avengers HQ/Vehicles were in fact covered in a previously Avengers book in their own separate entry whereas the F4's counterparts were not (likewise we'll probably see an X-Mansion entry because it was previously covered). Of course there's been a few new additions to the hardcovers but they've been the exceptions rather than the rules.

But agreed there could have been some more team shots. For one I'd have like to have seen HQ illos that were in the 1960s and 1980s Legacy volumes (a partial way of getting around the above, albeit in the F4 entry itself rather than a separate entry). And a token illo of the non-F4 team (Spidey et al) would have been nice as well.

Along those lines I love how the Frankenstein's Monster entry was given an extra page to allow more illos to show his unique world.

Andy E. Nystrom
Aug 28, 2008, 01:22 pm
Doing my usual list of changes. Apologies if I miss anything. Anything I miss is entirely the fault of the writers for putting so much info into each volume that no one person could possibily sift through everything.

Marvel Legacy: 1960s

All: Art Credits, Place of Birth, Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½ pagers)

Exiles (WW2): Known members expanded (mostly first names added). New text added to end of 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs (latter incorporating info from Where are They Now?). New captioned secondary illo

Faceless Ones: Expanded from ½ to 1 page. Traits and Physical Stats added. History completely revised, incorporating details from Where are They Now? 3 new secondary illos 92 captioned)

Factor Three: Members and Base of Operations expanded (in former case, adding alter egos). New final GHistory parapgrah incorporating info from Where are They Now? New Sonny Baredo headshot. Two new captioned illos.

Fantastic Four: expanded from 2 to 5 pages. Team Stats and History completely revised and expanded. Two illos dropped (including Baxter Building cross section), 5 illos (3 captioned) plus 30 headshots added (13 members and 17 employees).

Fox: expanded from ½ to 1 page. Original History paragraph largely but not completely revised and expanded; new 2nd paragraph including info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories largely expanded. Original illo replaced with new main illo and two secondary illos (1 captioned).

Marvel Legacy: 1970s

All: Art Credits, Place of Birth, Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½ pagers)

Faceless One: Background removed from main illo. Omni-Ship illo removed. History and Abilities/Accessories somewhat expanded, the former incorporating info from Where are They Now?

Fantastic Four: expanded from 2 to 5 pages. Team Stats and History completely revised and expanded. Both illos dropped, 6 illos (3 captioned) plus 30 headshots added (13 members and 17 employees).

Father Darklyte: Illo now shows full body; illo’s background removed

Golem: Occupation/Group Affiliation revised. First 2 History paragraphs somewhat expanded; new sentences added to 3rd paragraph incorporating Where are They Now? Material. Background removsed from original illo, 4 captioned secondary illos added.

Goliath (previously listed as Giant-Man): expanded from 1 to 3 pages. Vital Statistics, History, and abilities/Accessories mostly revised and expanded. Two illos removed, remaining one decropped/captioned/Power Man etc removed. New main illo, 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Marvel Legacy: 1980s:

All: Art Credits, Place of Birth, Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½ pagers)

Holly-Ann Ember: New sentence added to Abilities/Accessories. Main
Illo now secondary and vice versa. Main illo (in hardcover) background removed. Secondary illo (in hardcover) now captioned.

Fantastic Four: expanded from 2 to 5 pages. Team Stats and History completely revised and expanded. Two illos dropped (including HQ), remaining illo captioned, 5 illos (2 captioned) plus 30 headshots added (13 members and 17 employees).

Followers of the Light: 2nd last History paragraph incorporates info from Where are They Now? Text removed from Sanctuary illo, two new captioned illos added.

Fusion (Fusser): History expanded to incorporate info from Where are They Now? One secondary illo removed

Gladiators: Alter egos added to Current Members, final History paragraph revised and expanded.

Marvel Legacy: 1990s

All: Art Credits, Place of Birth, Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½ pagers)

Exodus: Group Affiliation expanded. 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs merged, final paragraph replaced with new one incorporating infro from Where are They Now? New main illo, old main illo now secondary, old secondary illo removed.

Gamesmaster: no significant changes beyond the above

Generation X: Current Members added to Former Members. Some History paragraphs merged; large new final paragraph added including info from Where are They Now? Main illo now captioned, 2 new captioned secondary illos added, 8 of 9 headshots removed (9th clarified).

Ghost Rider (2099): Citizenship tweaked, one secondary illo cropped.

Goddess: no significant changes beyond the above

Great One: no significant changes beyond the above

Marvel: Your Universe

Griffin: no significant changes (unsurprising as both books released on same day)

Spider-Man 2005

All: Known Aliases now Aliases. Marital Status removed. Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories.

Fly: Original illo replaced with classic Handbook main illo and 2 secondary illos (1 captioned)

Fusion (Markley): First History paragraph tweaked. Abilities/Accessories revised. Original illo replaed with main illo and 2 secondary illos (1 captioned)

Glory Grant: Final History paragraph revised and expanded. New sentence added to Abilities/Accessories.

Horror 2005

All: Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia replaced with Abilities/Accessories

Frankenstein’s Monster: expanded from 2 to 3 pages. Note greatly expanded. Original illo reversed/less cropped. 9 new captioned illos plus 15 headshots with first appearances of Frankenstein family members.

Gabriel the Devil-Hunter: Final History paragraph and Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.

X-Men 2004

All: Marital Status deleted; Powers & Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; First Appearances moved from back of book to entries

Emma Frost: expanded from 2 to 3 pages. Some Vital Statistics revised. While a lot of the original text is still present, History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Power Grid largely revised. 7 new secondary illos (5 captioned)

Gambit: expanded from 2 to 3 pages. Some Vital Statistics revised. While a lot of the original text is still present, History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Fighting Skills on Power Grid increased. New main illo (original illo still present as secondary illo). 7 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

X-Men 2005

All: Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories

Fantomex: fighting Skills on Power Grid reduced. One secondary illo less cropped.

Genosha: Vital Statistics a bit revised. New paragraph at end of History

Avengers 2004

All: Marital Status deleted; Powers & Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; First Appearances moved from back of book to entries

Falcon: expanded from 2 to 3 pages. Some Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. New main illo (original illo still present as secondary illo). 11 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Wolverine 2004

All Individuals: Marital Status, Distinguishing Features removed; Superhuman Powers, Special Skills, Costume, Personal Weaponry merged as Abilities/Accessories

Genesis: Place of Birth now gives Earth number. Main illo reversed/less cropped. New secondary illo.

Daredevil 2004

All: Marital Status deleted; Powers & Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories

Vanessa Fisk: Last 2 sentences of History removed, but new large final paragraph added. Fighting Skills on Power Grid increased.

Gladiator: expanded from 2 to 3 pages. Vital Statistics a bit revised. History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories revised. Original illo less cropped. 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

All-New Iron Manual

Firepower: no significant changes

Force: Two headshot captioned reversed to fix error

Friday: 4 new secondary illos

Rumiko Fujikawa: no significant changes

Mighty Avengers Most Wanted Files: no entries this volume

Alternate Universes 2005

Eurth: exapanded from 1 to 3 pages. 8 new captioned secondary illos. 13 new illos utilizing a number key

Fantastic Five (Spider-Man): final History paragraph revised/expanded.

Gatherers: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Former Members have Earth numbers added. First Appearance expanded to cover individual members. New sentence added to end of 3rd History paragraph; 4th paragraph revised and expanded, new paragraph added efore final paragraph. Note added. Original illo captioned. 6 new captioned secondary illos.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Expanded from 3 to 5 pages. Base of Operations expanded. Some History paragraph merging and text tweaking; new paragraph added at end of History. New 3-paragraph note added re: other Guardians. New captioned main illo. Original illo now captioned secondary illo. 13 new captioned secondary illos plus 14 headshots indicating when first Active.

Core Continuum Designations: 6 additional pages added to what was originally a 1-page entry. I'd be shocked if any other entry ended up being as expanded as this one. Note that this list doesn't just include comic book realities but also worlds seen in the Marvel role-playing game material (even from Dragon Magazine!), TV shows, movies, etc. I'm betting they'll get around to Choose Your Own Adventure books before this list is over.

Stuart V
Aug 31, 2008, 09:08 am

PaxHouse wrote:

OK.... just two questions regarding the entries for This latest Handbook....

1.) Will EXCELSIOR {aka THE LONERS} be included within this Handbook {or will that be under L for Loners :dunno:}.....

2.) Will there be an entry for ENERGIZER {of POWER PACK}; only this one is from within the MC2's/SPIDER-GIRL Universe in which she's a member of the AVENGERS NEXT Team.....??

1) L for Loners.

2) No individual Power Pack members entries, sadly. During the early themed book part of our run they generally didn't fit the theme, plus they'd been largely inactive for several years. With a couple of them recently reappearing, they've moved up the priority stakes though, so I wouldn't be surprised to see them covered as and when we get appropriately themed new books after the HC run.

There's a few cases where those kind of circumstances have left certain corners of the MU underrepresented - the Asgardians for example, who didn't fit the themes and then were all dead during the A-Z run. First chance we get, we intend to address those gaps and fill them.

bigvis497 wrote:

I noticed that about Ketch as well, I know he's been popping up in Ghost Rider as of late, but I don't read that book so I don't know if he changed his name or not. I'm assuming he'll be under Ketch, Daniel. Also, Green Goblin (Urich) was left out, so he should probably be under Urich, Phil. Checking the master list, I didn't notice any other entries were missing this volume. And the Everbest version of Foolkiller appears to be the only brand-new from scratch entry this volume.

We got told Ketch was back, but not as Ghost Rider, so we moved him to K for Ketch. Then further solicits came out showing he was back to being Ghost Rider, a little too late to put him back under G. He will be covered, though I can't say whether he is under K or will now be held back for our "slipped the net" section of the last book. Urich will be under U, unless he changes back to being the Goblin (or adopts another codename) in the time between now and the U section being published.

Captain Morgan wrote:

I take it Gladiator(Kallark) does not have a entry?

No. He hasn't had an individual entry in the prior books, so he missed out on being in the hardcovers. He's highish priority for down the line.

TMFGC wrote:

Just got this. I'm pleased overall by the hardcovers, but I do have a few concerns, or maybe better put, curiosities.

I should preface this by saying that I know the writers are working within the time restraints they have as best they can and are putting out a very thoughtful and worthwhile product. Most profiles are well updated, organized and added to with at least additional illustrations, and some of the all-new stuff is great (Citizen V III!). If you're a fan of this kind of material, it's a great and mostly definitive collection and revision of what's been presented in the handbooks since the 2004 relaunch. I've enjoyed the released ones and look forward to getting the rest.

Thank you for the kind words. :blush:

TMFGC wrote:

Some things have struck me as odd, though. Other posters have noted the lack of textual additions (beyond events that occurred after the profiles' previous release) to major characters (Cyclops, Dr. Octopus, Doom, Electro, Domino, others) and a few I've noticed myself but not heard mentioned (Earth X--as rich a story as that's had, D'Spayre, a few others). I suppose I felt the need to clarify this issue for myself because of the Fantastic Four entry--a mere five pages for the longest running title of the current Marvel universe. Compared with the six-page Defenders profile, this doesn't make sense if presenting everyone the appropriate space is a concern that can be met right now.

There's a couple of factors which affect the size of expanded (and non-expanded) entries. Absolutely every entry is meant to be brought right up to date (though we do occassionally miss stuff - the Delilah entry didn't include her recent appearance in Loners simply because I wasn't aware she'd turned up again). The maps for the hardcovers are set in place months in advance - in fact, we've got the maps done through to the final book, though we still have some wiggle room to modify things here and there if needs be. That means that in most cases we've had to figure out the number of additional pages we have to play with for entries well before they are written. Sometimes we find we've underestimated and could have done with more pages (I'd dearly have loved an additional page for 1602 to show body shots rather than headshots of the residents), but it's too late to shift all the other entries to make the extra space. Also, we have to strike a balance between entries too - we can't expand every single entry with additional pages, or as many additional pages as we might wish. In those cases, one factor which comes into play is the likelihood we'll have another chance to expand them down the line - for example, the Fantastic Four are more likely to have a themed handbook where we can give them a ten page team entry than Defenders.

With alternate realities, where space permits we've tried to show the appearances of as many of the important characters as we can - and as you can see, when you compare (say) Age of Apocalypse with Earth X, this is an ongoing, evolving process. In Earth X's case, the entry got several extra pages, but it has a huge cast, and it soon became clear there was going to be a trade off between expanding the text or visually depicting more of the unique and distinctive characters.

And there's more factors, one of which I will discuss after your next paragraph...

TMFGC wrote:

There seem to be some past books that the hardcover collects that get more thorough text revisions than others (Women, Golden Age) and others that are oddly shortchanged (Spider-man '04, X-Men '04, some of FF '05, Horror '05). I haven't checked if all the writers of those books are on the hardcover jackets, but I didn't notice the Spider-man one on it, so I was wondering if this was an issue of who's on staff right now? It's understandable that if an expert on a title or character left; it would be near-impossible for another writer to give a complete revision to a decades-old character when there's already loads on their plate.

This is a factor to a degree. We do have Spider and X experts, but there's also more Spider and X entries to cover in a single go than there are of any other themes, so those writers are tighter on time. It is also down somewhat to the individual writers on the team - the group might go "Toast Woman only had 1 page in Woman of Marvel. We think she needs 2 to cover her fully. Bob Writer, you wrote that entry, can you handle the expansion?" and Bob Writer goes "Sorry, no, unfortunately I have 99 other entries in this book, and while Toast Woman is interesting, I can't fit an expansion for her in too." At which point everyone on the group is asked if they are up for taking over the expansion - 99% of the time, someone does, but sometimes there's no one else both willing AND able (you have to have a copy of every single Toast Woman appearance, which for long running characters can be tricky). And if Toast Woman is a likely candidate for a later handbook, post-hardcovers, then necessity of the moment might mean she gets a lesser expansion at this time.

Another factor is simply how long the prior entry was. Almost everyone in Woman should be expanded somewhat, since they were all single page entries. Most of Horror are less likely, since that book was one of the first to have really lengthy entries. Plus, multi-page entries from '04 books can be dramatically expanded without adding new pages - we've got better at writing more info heavy, less verbose entries, giving greater content in the same word count, plus there's more flexibility in the layout which allows for greater word count. A one-page entry in Avengers '04 might have text amounting to 400 words; we fit nearly double that in a single page entry these days, and still manage to squeeze in supplementary images alongside the main one.

TMFGC wrote:

The discrepancy obviously doesn't dissuade me much. Those characters that are textually expanded are not only so very well handled, but most often are characters that are a bit shy of making any post-hardcover handbook priority just on the basis that they were shorted before. The major characters that were shorted could be given more complete revisions later,

Yes, as I discussed above, that's one factor.

TMFGC wrote:

because it seems that handbooks lately, no matter how generally populated with the obscure, tend to need or are dictated to have an "anchor" character or characters to draw irregular or first-time handbook buyers (i.e., Iron Manual '08), and perhaps that figures in on space considerations in the hardcovers, too. As a long-time buyer, I just couldn't help but ask.

Understood, and no problem. When the run of 12 hardcovers was first suggested, the head writer put together a map which included all the file book people (such as Monster Files, Western Files, etc.), expanded everyone to what he felt was optimum length, and added in major characters (and all the minor ones covered in previous handbook runs) who'd missed out being included in our run because they were either new or down to not fitting one theme or other. For some unfathomable reason () our editors felt that 500+ pages per volume was pushing it, so we had to scale down our plans a little.

bigvis497 wrote:

I'm sure Gladiator will be covered somewhere down the line, not surprised he wasn't in here as he hasn't been covered anywhere in the latest series. Imperial Guard will get an entry next volume as they were in Teams 05, and hopefully it will be expanded greatly as they've had what, like 30 plus members? Gladiator hasn't appeared too often outside of the Guard, so he should be covered well enough in the team entry.

The Guard will be getting an expanded entry.

bigvis497 wrote:

In regards to F4, I was also kinda surprised they didn't get more coverage. I would have liked to see more team shots showing the slight variations on their costumes over the years. It would have been nice to see all their vehicles and headquarters, a la the Avengers entry.

As someone else noted, the Avengers got an entry for the costumes and HQs because they'd had an entry like that back in Avengers '04. The FF's vehicles and HQs are more likely to get their own entry next time we get a themed FF book. And since individual members' entries will showcase their costume variations, the feeling was the space was better served with more text and images of the different line-ups over the years.

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

I suspect that the vehicles/headquarters might have partly been an element of the rules tha the writers are playing by. Just as Gladiator didn't make it in because he wasn't covered in any of the 2004-2008 "pamphlets", Avengers HQ/Vehicles were in fact covered in a previously Avengers book in their own separate entry whereas the F4's counterparts were not (likewise we'll probably see an X-Mansion entry because it was previously covered). Of course there's been a few new additions to the hardcovers but they've been the exceptions rather than the rules.

Exactly right.

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

But agreed there could have been some more team shots. For one I'd have like to have seen HQ illos that were in the 1960s and 1980s Legacy volumes (a partial way of getting around the above, albeit in the F4 entry itself rather than a separate entry). And a token illo of the non-F4 team (Spidey et al) would have been nice as well.

Strictly speaking, they would be a separate FF entry, as they were never part of the official team.

Andy E. Nystrom
Aug 31, 2008, 12:14 pm

Stuart V wrote:

Strictly speaking, they would be a separate FF entry, as they were never part of the official team.

It was actually me, not bigvis who made the last quote. I agree that the tricked team was technically a separate team, but I see this as kind of like showing Tom Foster in the Goliath entry or the Skrull in the Captain Marvel entry. Neither were the real thing but both were in some way connected to the story of the original heroes.

Not a huge deal though. I think it would require that 500+ page format to come even close to getting in everything that everyone wanted, and even then stuff would fall through the cracks.

Andy E. Nystrom
Aug 31, 2008, 12:28 pm
More changes found:

Update 1

Fantastic Five (MC2): expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Current and Former members revised. Final History paragraph revised/expanded. Original main illo removed, replaced with new captioned one. 8 new captioned secondary illos.

Freedom Ring: Final History sentence expanded. Power Numbers now include ring stats.

Graviton: 3 History paragraphs merged, 2 new sentences added to end of final paragraph; there’s also some other tweaking of History so I may be overlooking a few additions.

Update 2

Flying Tiger: New sentence added at end of final History paragraph. Main illo a bit less cropped.

Update 3

Ferocia: no significant changes

Flex: no significant changes

Ghost: no significant changes

Update 4

Ero: no significant changes

Goldbug: Captions switched for the Bug-Ships and submarines (apparently all 4 previously had the wrong captions)

Marvel Zombies

No entries this volume. They're taking a long lunch.

Spider-Man 2004

All: Marital Status removed; Powers & Abilities merged with Paraphernalia; First Appearances moved from back of book to main text

Ezekiel: Abilities/Accessories now past tense

Golden Age 2004

All Individuals: Marital Status deleted; Superhuman Powers/Abilities/Paraphernalia/Limitations merged as Abilities/Accessories

Fin: New sentence added to end of 2nd History paragraph, 3 new setences added to end of 4th paragraph. 2 new secondary illos added.

Fin Fang Foom: expanded from 1 to 3 pages. Vital Statistics and Physical Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Grand Director; expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Vital Statistics somewhat revised. History almost completely revised/expanded 9some bits of old test still present). Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded. Old secondary illo removed, 3 new captioned secondary illos (illo as Cap now shows him as depicted in the 1950s, pre-retcon).

Book of the Dead 2004

All: Marital Status removed; Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories

Gilgamesh: Final 2 History sentences replaced with 2 new ones. 2 new secondary illos

X-Men: Messiah Complex Mutant Files

Excalibur: expanded from 2 to 4 pages, now covering all versions, not just the new team. Team stats just completely revised/expanded. Old History new begins on 3rd page of current History, with some tweaking to what was the first paragraph to make it flow better from the new text. New sentence added to end of History. One illo removed, 6 new captioned illos added.

Exiles: Expanded from 3 to 5 pages: Members lists completely revised, updating current/former members, eliminating references to a Weapon X team, and added references to Earth-33629 and 91172 teams. History largely but not completely revised/expanded. 5 new captioned illos added. Headshots for Weapon X team removed but headshots for the 2 Earths above added. Alter egos removed from headshots (but still listed in members list). Shadowcat-Unrevealed amended to Cat-Unrevealed. Gambit-6706 added.

Spider-Man: Back in Black

Empathoid: secondary illo removed

Enforcers: 1st History paragraph expended, end of final paragraph greatly expanded. Main illo no longer shows neither Big Man nor Spider-Man; new headshot shows Ox’s new look. Dialogue removed from Inner Circle illo but caption added.

Grim Hunter: no significant changes

Grizzly: First 2 History paragraphs merged; 2 new sentences added to final paragraph. As he’s resumed using an older costume, main illo and one of the secondary illos switched.

A-Z 4

Elf with a Gun: 3rd paragraph added to Note

Elysius: new sentence added to end of History. New secondary illo

Emplate: Penance removed as possible Known Relative

Epoch: final History paragraph expanded. New secondary illo

Equinox: Group Affili8ation expanded. New final paragraph added to History

Erishkigal: new captioned secondary illo added as Steckley

Eric the Red: new secondary illo added

Eternal Brain: Walkabout illo removed and replaced with new captioned illo; new captioned illo of Homunculus form

Eternals: Base of Operations expanded. Additional History material weaves in and out of old material, including new paragraphs. New captioned illo of Uni-Mind. Headshots: First appearances still listed but “First appearance:” caption removed; not read left to right rather than up to down; illo updated for Ajax; Ajax, Forgotten One no longer deceased; new headshots for Kazantra, Legba.

Eternity: Final History paragraph expanded, Power Grid added.

Euro-Trash: First 2 History paragraphs: text added, split at different spot in narrative

Exemplars: 2nd History paragraph split in 2 and revised. New main illo, old main illo removed. Headshot text no longer white in black background.

Father Time: 3rd History paragraph expanded slightly to reference Twelve#1. Main and secondary illos replaced with new ones (both now face forward rather than to the left)

Fathom Five: no significant changes

Femme Fatales: Physical Stats and Power Numbers added for each member (no doubt they’d appreciate that their birth place and education wasn’t included but their weight was. J ). New secondary illo.

Feron: 2 new secondary illos

Fight-Man: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. History greatly revised and expanded (a fair amount of original text still present). 12 headshots of foes with first appearances added.

Richard Fisk: First Appearance expanded to cover various identities.

Fixer: Ended of final History paragraph revised. Secondary illos now captioned.

Flag-Smasher: final History paragraph expanded.

Flying Dutchman’s Ghost: No significant changes

Folding Circle: final history paragraph expanded. New secondary illo

Force Four: 4 new secondary illos

Forge: History greatly revised (some old text still present). New paragraph added to Abilities/Accessories. Old illos removed. New main illo and 5 secondary illos (3 captioned).

Don Fortunato: Intelligence and fighting Skills reduced on power Grid. 2 new captioned secondary illos

Free Spirit: No significant changes

Frog-Man: Entry now covers only Eugene, not Vincent (I’m guessing Vincent will appear later as Vincent Patilio or Leapfrog), thus Vincent-specific text and illos removed. Beyond this: Group Affiliation expanded for Eugene. History heavily revised in other areas to remove Vincent-only material and expand on Eugene (History more or less starts on what was the 3rd paragraph); more info added on other Frog-Men. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded. 2 new captioned secondary illos plus captioned Action Pack headshots.

Deacon Frost: History slightly revised, with second paragraph split in 2.

Fury: final History paragraph revised/expanded. New secondary illo. Speed on Power Grid revised.

Galactic Guardians: History tweaked.

Ganymede: new secondary illo

Gargoyle: Group Affiliation expanded. Final History paragraph greatly expanded. New secondary illo.

John Garrett: No significant changes

Geist: No significant changes

Geshem: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. 17 new captioned secondary illos.

Gibbon: Final History paragraph greatly expanded. Strength reduced on Power Grid. 2 new secondary illos 9one captioned).

Glob: new sentence added to end of History.

Gnobians: Death’s Head Squadron illo replaced with new one (still captioned). New captioned illo of Lump

Ma Gnucci: New sentence added to end of History. New secondary illo.

Goliath: expanded from 2 to 3 pages. Known Relatives and Group Affiliation expanded. New history text weaves in and out of old material (particularly expanded at end). Black Goliath illo less cropped. New captioned secondary illo of Tom Foster.

Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzherg & Book (previously Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzherg & Holliway): expanded from 1 to 2 pages. New categories added: Known Staff, Former Staff, Freeman Bonding Inc., Notable clients. Base of Operations accidentally listed twice (second time expanded to include Freeman). First Appearance expanded to include Freeman. History mostly (not completely) revised and expanded. Positions removed from headshots; headshots removed for Jennifer Walters, Ditto, Pug, Matt Hawk, Mallory, Stu and replaced with captioned illo of above plus Chas, Bobo, Lewis (note added to list First appearances of these); new headshots for Emilee Freeman, Cecil Pierce, Smedley F. Smedley.

Aug 31, 2008, 01:51 pm
In the Elixir entry, he is listed as a former member of the X-men.

Can somebody tell me where and when ? In which issue ?

Thanks in advance,

Michael Regan
Aug 31, 2008, 02:31 pm

RVcousin wrote:

In the Elixir entry, he is listed as a former member of the X-men.

Can somebody tell me where and when ? In which issue ?

Thanks in advance,

That would have been when he was assinged to Dani's New Mutant team, New Mutants #5 if I remember correctly.

Sidney Osinga
Aug 31, 2008, 02:45 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

More changes found:
A-Z 4

Femme Fatales: Physical Stats and Power Numbers added for each member (no doubt they’d appreciate that their birth place and education wasn’t included but their weight was. J ). New secondary illo

You forgot to mention that the final paragraph had a new sentence added to include Mindblast's recent appearence, and the last sentence was altered.


My photostream (over 8 million photos!)

2/06/2020 7:34 am  #2

Re: OHotMU A-Z Vol. 4 Premiere HC

Final historical text from Comixfan:Andy E. Nystrom
Aug 31, 2008, 02:49 pm
More changes:

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files

All: Vital Statistics, Power Grid added; Abilities Renamed Abilities/Accessories; User Notes removed. Art credits added

Foolkiller: First History paragraph split in 2 and chronology reworked. Abilities/Accessories slightly expanded.

Graviton: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. History and abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Grey Gargoyle: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. History greatly revised/expanded (starting for the most part with 2nd paragraph). Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded (huge amount of new text). New captioned secondary illo.

Griffin: 2nd History paragraph somewhat revised, with end of paragraph expanded; new final paragraph. 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Teams 2005

Euroforce: More alter egos added to Current Members. Base of Operations revised. History greatly revised and expanded 9some original text still present, particularly final paragraph). Old illo removed, replaced with 7 captioned new illos.

Excalibur: Expanded from 2 to 4 pages (largely to merge it with team covered in Messiah Complex). Team Stats thus completely revised/expanded. Final History paragraph removed, then the first full paragraph on the 3rd page moves on to the Messiah Complex text. Original illos now captioned. 7 new captioned secondary illos.

Exiles: expanded from 1 to 5 pages. Team Stats and History completely revised and expanded (the subsequent Messiah Complex entry closer to the current form). Original illo removed, 6 new captioned illos followed by 42 headshots covering 4 versions of the team.

Fantastic Force: Original illo captioned. 3 Headshots with issues joined added.

First Line: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Original illo captioned. 18 new captioned secondary illos.

Force Works: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. New paragraph added at end of History. Original illo captioned. 12 new captioned secondary illos, 3 listing issues joined.

Frightful Four: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Team Stats revised. History completely revised/expanded. Original illo removed. 2 new captioned illos plus 18 headshots indicating issues joined.

Fantastic Four 2005

All: Abilities, Superhuman Powers, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; Distinguishing Features and Marital Status removed

Fantastic Four: expanded from 3 to 5 pages. Team Stats revised and expanded, including large section on Employees. Original illo captioned. 18 new captioned secondary illos. History greatly expanded; initially text more or less untouched, with 2 paragraphs merged; starting on 3rd page, text starts to diverge more from the original text, with some text embedded within existing paragraphs, new paragraphs added even before post-2004 material, existing paragraphs rewritten. Old illos removed; new main illo, 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned by Handbook writers with a 4th captioned as originally printed). 30 headshots with issues joined (21 members, 29 employees)

Galactus: expanded from 4 to 5 pages. Aliases/Occupation expanded. History: revisions to 1st, 3rd, 16th paragraphs; 4 new paragraphs added before final paragraph. Main illos removed, replaced with classic Handbook illo; secondary illo now captioned; 3 new captioned secondary illos followed by 20 headshots of Galactus as viewed by other races.

Hulk 2004

All: Abilities, Superhuman Powers, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; Distinguishing Features and Marital Status removed

Galaxy Master: Power Grid revised. Illo now shows less of the outer area but more of the inner area

Avengers 2005

All: Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia replaced with Abilities/Accessories

Firebird: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Some Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Note added. 3 new captioned secondary illos of older costumes.

Great Lakes Initiative (previously listed as Great Lakes Avengers): Former Members and First Appearance expanded. Final History paragraph greatly expanded. Original illo removed; new captioned main illo with issue Active, new captioned secondary illo, 8 headshots with issues Active.

Grim Reaper: expanded from 2 to 3 pages. 4th History paragraph split in 2 and expanded; next paragraph has new material embedded; the former final paragraph expanded with 3 new large paragraphs added afterward. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded. Secondary illo cropped/captioned; 6 new secondary illos (5 captioned).

Mystic Arcana

Earthmover: feet now visible

Eye Killers: One secondary illo no longer cropped, now new main illo; old main illo now secondary illo (image reversed); onomatopoeia removed from other secondary illo.

Vera Gemini: reference to Deathlok has Earth number. Secondary illo less cropped.

Ghost Dancer: no significant changes

Marvel Knights 2005

All: Abilities, Superhuman Powers, Paraphrenalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; Marital Status removed

Nick Fury: expanded from 4 to 5 pages. Place of Birth and Group Affiliation revised. Some text in 7th History paragraph moved to 8th so material from a recent mini-series could be added to the 7th; 2nd last paragraph revised at end; final paragraph removed, replaced with 4 new ones. Abilities/.Accessories greatly revised/expanded. 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Ghost Rider (Blaze): expanded from 3 to 4 pages. Some Vital Statistics revised. New sentences added at end of 4th History paragraph; 6th paragraph split in 2 and from then until second half of paragraph just before one beginning “Years later…” almost completely revised/expanded; 4 new paragraphs added at end. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Speed revised on Power Grid. Both illos removed; new main illo and 10 secondary illos (5 individually captioned, 3 more share same caption).

To be concluded…

Andy E. Nystrom
Aug 31, 2008, 02:56 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

You forgot to mention that the final paragraph had a new sentence added to include Mindblast's recent appearence, and the last sentence was altered.

Thanks for the catch. 95% of the time my practice of eyeballing the first and last paragraphs and comparing paragraph lengths works, but in this case it didn't register that the "three" had become a "two".

Captain Morgan
Aug 31, 2008, 08:01 pm
Well, I just purchased this volume on Ebay. Can't wait for it to get here as I wanna see where they ranked Emma's strength in diamond form and Gambit's fighting skills.

Madison Carter
Aug 31, 2008, 10:55 pm

Stuart V wrote:

1) L for Loners.

I just want to clarify what Stuart said here. IF they were to appear, it would be under the L's. However, I really really do not want to get your hopes up if you read that wrong.

Andy E. Nystrom
Aug 31, 2008, 11:59 pm
Final changes for v4

New entry

Foolkiller (Everbest): Expanded from 0 to ½ page. Everything thus completely revised/expanded from nothingness. ½ a blank page now has a primary and secondary illo.

Annihilation Nova Corps Files

All: Background now History. Natural Abilities and Powers, Weapons, & Minions reworked as Abilities/Accessories. Most other categories removed and regular handbook categories added

Fallen One: 1st History paragraph split in 2 (second paragraph somewhat rewritten); 2 sentences added to end of 2nd paragraph. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded. Main illo background removed but body no longer cropped; one secondary illos less cropped; other 3 secondary illos removed.

Firelord: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly (not completely) revised/expanded. Main illo background removed but body/staff no longer cropped; one secondary illo less cropped; other 3 secondary illos removed, new secondary illo added.

Gabriel the Air-Walker: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Old illos removed; Handbook main illo and 4 secondary illos (3 captioned) added.

Galactus: expanded from 1 to 5 pages. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. One secondary illo less cropped/background removed/captioned; other old illos removed; classic Handbook main illo and 4 captioned secondary illos added, followed by 20 headshots of how Galactus is viewed by various races.

Gamora: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Background removed from main illo; secondary illos removed, replaced with 2 new ones (1 captioned).

Glorian: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Background/use of power removed from main illo; classic Handbook illo no longer cropped; other secondary illos removed, replaced with 2 new ones (1 captioned).

Women of Marvel 2005

All: Marital Status removed; Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories

Enchantress: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised. Original illo no longer cropped; 2 new captioned secondary illos

Firestar: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Note added. 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Gaea: expanded from 1 to 3 pages. Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned). Editorial: I understand her ability to change form at will, but she does seem to have a preferred default form which maybe could have been covered: black hair, blue eyes; not sure the height/weight of this form.

World War Hulk Gamma Files

Gamma Corps: Base of operations expanded. 3rd History paragraph removed, 2nd revised/expanded. Ryker illo cropped to headshot.

Gamma Mutates: expanded from 5 to 6 pages. New sentence added to Abomination, Bannerman, and Lucy Ryker. New sentence and captioned illo added to Rick Jones Hulk. ½ sentence added to Geiger. 4 headshots of Headshot replaced with captioned illo (Largo still a headshot). General Rigby now William, not Dwight; paragraph completely revised/expanded but still no illo. Rhino, Sasquatch, and X-Force now separated out. 2 new sentences added to Froma. New paragraphs devoted to Horde and red-skinned Hulk. Some cropping/resizing of illos. Unfortunately still no First Appearances.

A-Z 5

Gorgon: illo now shows full body/sword

Gorilla-Man: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Vital Statistics somewhat revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Strength and Fighting Skills increased on Power Grid. New main illo (old one now secondary). 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Grandmaster: expanded from 3 to 4 pages. 6th History paragraph expanded; 2 new paragraphs added before final paragraph, which is mostly revised and followed by 2 more new paragraphs.

Gravity: Occupation revised. Right arm/hand now fully visible. New final History paragraph. Note removed.

Great Game: While still listed as deceased in History, Huan and Scott no longer listed as deceased under Known Sponsors. Headshots now captioned Players (except chance: Player/Sponsor) and 5 Sponsor headshots added; headshots now read up to down rather than left to right.

Guardian: Known Relatives slightly expanded. Unmasked shot replaced with new one, new captioned secondary illo.

Unlike the Handbook writers, I now have 2 months to rest before starting these again.

Sep 1, 2008, 11:35 am

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Exiles: Expanded from 3 to 5 pages: Members lists completely revised, updating current/former members, eliminating references to a Weapon X team, and added references to Earth-33629 and 91172 teams. History largely but not completely revised/expanded. 5 new captioned illos added. Headshots for Weapon X team removed but headshots for the 2 Earths above added. Alter egos removed from headshots (but still listed in members list). Shadowcat-Unrevealed amended to Cat-Unrevealed. Gambit-6706 added.

Exiles: expanded from 1 to 5 pages. Team Stats and History completely revised and expanded (the subsequent Messiah Complex entry closer to the current form). Original illo removed, 6 new captioned illos followed by 42 headshots covering 4 versions of the team.

Actually, there were 3 new teams of Exiles added to the profile. One team that is rarely discussed on forums because they have only had one appearance. It is one of the captioned images that was added to the profile that you mentioned.

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Ghost Rider (Blaze): expanded from 3 to 4 pages. Some Vital Statistics revised. New sentences added at end of 4th History paragraph; 6th paragraph split in 2 and from then until second half of paragraph just before one beginning “Years later…” almost completely revised/expanded; 4 new paragraphs added at end. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Speed revised on Power Grid. Both illos removed; new main illo and 10 secondary illos (5 individually captioned, 3 more share same caption).

While I know you do a quick look through comparing each profile, I just wanted to point out that there are new sentences and information added throughout the entire profile that cover numerous adventures and/or new information on the character. For example “Big Daddy” Dawson, Miracle Man, Loan Shark, Steel Wind, Steel Vengeance, Dixie, and others were either given names or full names.

RVcousin wrote:

In the Elixir entry, he is listed as a former member of the X-men.

Can somebody tell me where and when ? In which issue ?

Thanks in advance,

The X-Men disbanded and the institution closed for a short time (end of Messiah Complex) and his status as a member was not clear as a result, so he was listed as "former member."

Sep 1, 2008, 03:28 pm
Thank you for your answer, but does that mean that after Messiah Complex, all students became X-Men, or just the New X-Men or just a few ones or just Elixir ?

About the Exiles entry, will the Weapon X get their own entry, just like the one they had in the AoA handbook) ?

Sidney Osinga
Sep 1, 2008, 05:05 pm

RVcousin wrote:

About the Exiles entry, will the Weapon X get their own entry, just like the one they had in the AoA handbook) ?

Yes, as it is hyperlinked in the alternate universe appendix. Also, the Sasquatch of the Exiles is going to be listed as Heather Hudson.

Sep 2, 2008, 06:41 pm

Sean McQuaid wrote:

Gabriel the Air-Walker, Gabriel the Devil-Hunter, Gaea, Galactic Guardians, Galactus, Galaxy Master, Gambit, Gamesmaster, Gamma Corps, Gamma Mutates, Gamora, Ganymede, Gargoyle (Christians), John Garrett, Gatherers, Geist, Vera Gemini, Generation X, Genesis, Genosha, Geshem, Ghost, Ghost Dancer, Ghost Rider (Blaze), Ghost Rider (2099 AD), Gibbon, Gilgamesh, Gladiator (Potter), Gladiators, Glob, Glorian, Gnobians, Ma Gnucci, Goddess, Goldbug, Golem (creature), Goliath (Bill Foster), Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Book, Gorgon (Shishido), Gorilla-Man (Hale), Grand Director, Grandmaster, Glory Grant, Graviton, Gravity, Great Game, Great Lakes Initiative, Great One, Grey Gargoyle, Griffin, Grim Hunter, Grim Reaper, Grizzly (Markham), Guardian (James Hudson) and the Guardians of the Galaxy.


Was the profile Ghoul not included in this handbook, or did you simply forgot to mention him here?

Sep 2, 2008, 06:54 pm
Ghoul was a half pager, so he'll most likely be in the next volume after the G's.

Sep 7, 2008, 11:10 pm
Did anyone notice that the end of the Nick Fury entry revealed the outcome of secret invasion?

Sep 8, 2008, 09:30 am

ultrabasurero wrote:

Did anyone notice that the end of the Nick Fury entry revealed the outcome of secret invasion?

I haven't got this hardback yet, so I'll be careful not to read all of Nick Fury's entry when I do get it. Thanks for the warning.

I remember when one of the Marvel SAGA role-playing game supplements revealed that Hawkeye was going to be the leader of the Thunderbolts. At first, I read it and thought "This is a mistake - Hawkeye's not the leader of the Thunderbolts" and then it happened in the comics.

Michael Hoskin
Sep 8, 2008, 01:46 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Elysius: new sentence added to end of History. New secondary illo

Something else has changed. Can you see it?

Sep 8, 2008, 03:16 pm

Michael Hoskin wrote:

Something else has changed. Can you see it?

Pupils were drawn in the eyes? I remember the original ill looked different....

Andy E. Nystrom
Sep 9, 2008, 10:33 am

bigvis497 wrote:

Pupils were drawn in the eyes? I remember the original ill looked different....

You're right. Looking at them again with my own eyes, the original drawing's eyes were closed. One other difference: You can now see the rest of her right hand.

Andy E. Nystrom
Sep 9, 2008, 10:42 am

Michael Hoskin wrote:

Something else has changed. Can you see it?

Admit it: you were hoping I wouldn't notice that at first so you could use that pun, right?

Michael Hoskin
Sep 10, 2008, 01:46 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Admit it: you were hoping I wouldn't notice that at first so you could use that pun, right?

As a matter of fact, I had a whole chain of puns to use. "Use your eyes." "Look again."

Captain Speedbump
Sep 12, 2008, 02:01 pm
Hello all. Great job on OHOTMU #4, as usual. I did notice one error: Geist's real name (Nikolaus Geist) was revealed in the Marvel Atlas Germany section. But that's just a minor nitpick.

Anyway, there's something that's been bothering me since 2006, and I didn't think about it until I read it again in Book #4, in the entry concerning the Elf with a Gun.

It states that the original Elf was run over by a truck which

"took his measure and found him wanting."

I've never heard this particular expression before. It wasn't used in Defenders #46 (which I have seen reprinted in Essential Defenders #3). Looking at that issue, it's obviously implied the truck ran over and killed the Elf, but I was wondering if this expression is just a fancy way of saying "the Elf got killed", or if it means something more?

Just curious,

Captain Speedbump
asker of extremely annoying questions

Sidney Osinga
Sep 17, 2008, 12:49 pm
On the subject of eyes being changed, I noticed to in the Firestar entry, her pupils were shifted from looking to the left to the center. Unfortunately, the art mistake that made her left eye twice the size of her right one wasn't corrected.

I also noticed a discrepancy. The Frankenstein's Monster entry said that he was possibly the Frank who was a member of the First Line, but the First Line entry said he was definitely the same. Which is it?

Stuart V
Sep 17, 2008, 03:50 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

On the subject of eyes being changed, I noticed to in the Firestar entry, her pupils were shifted from looking to the left to the center. Unfortunately, the art mistake that made her left eye twice the size of her right one wasn't corrected.

The eye's hardly twice the size - a little bigger yes, but not twice the size.

Sidney Osinga wrote:

I also noticed a discrepancy. The Frankenstein's Monster entry said that he was possibly the Frank who was a member of the First Line, but the First Line entry said he was definitely the same. Which is it?

Not quite correct. The First Line entry simply said Frank's real identity was "Frankenstein Monster" - which he is. Which one is another matter. As the Frankenstein Monster entry points out, there's dozens of Frankensteins, many of whom have created monsters similar to the original. All can be accurately called the "Frankenstein Monster." In fact, given the overall look and idea of making a reanimated man from stolen body parts has slipped into the public consciousness (the novel Frankenstein was published in 616, even though most people consider it a work of fiction), you'd find that even a monster created by someone not of the Frankenstein family is going to get called a "Frankenstein Monster" - the name comes as much from the concept as the creator now.

Sidney Osinga
Sep 17, 2008, 06:02 pm

Stuart V wrote:

The eye's hardly twice the size - a little bigger yes, but not twice the size.

OK, so I exaggerated somewhat, but you have to admit that the left eye is noticeably larger.

And as for the explanation on Frankenstein's Monster, That makes sense. Although in this case, maybe it should have worded in the First Line entry that he was "a" Frankenstein's Monster or even added quotation marks around it.

Captain Speedbump
Sep 19, 2008, 01:16 pm

=12.0pt Captain Speedbump wrote:

 Anyway, there's something that's been bothering me since 2006, and I didn't think about it until I read it again in Book #4, in the entry concerning the Elf with a Gun.

It states that the original Elf was run over by a truck which

"took his measure and found him wanting."

I've never heard this particular expression before. It wasn't used in Defenders #46 (which I have seen reprinted in Essential Defenders #3). Looking at that issue, it's obviously implied the truck ran over and killed the Elf, but I was wondering if this expression is just a fancy way of saying "the Elf got killed", or if it means something more?

Just curious,

Captain Speedbump
asker of extremely annoying questions

Oh COME ON, PEOPLE!! This is driving me insane... well, even more insane than usual, which is pretty darn insane, let me tell you! :aaargh:

Since the quote wasn't in Defenders #46, SOMEONE had to have written it for the Elf profile, and more likely someone else edited it. What is the origin of this quote? Does it just mean "got killed"? Is it a paticular expression from somewhere? Or is it just a nonsense phrase? I HAVE TO KNOW!!! It's been a week and no one has responded! PLEASE don't leave me hanging!  :Bawl:

Captain Speedbump

Michael Regan
Sep 19, 2008, 02:05 pm
What exactly are you asking: what does the phrase mean?

To "take someone's measure" is to basically asses their abilities. "To find them wanting" is to come to the determination that their abilities fall short of possibile expectations. In this case the statement is rather silly as the elf was simply run over by the truck. I doubt the truck actually assesed his abilities.

Stuart V
Sep 19, 2008, 03:25 pm

Michael Regan wrote:

What exactly are you asking: what does the phrase mean?

To "take someone's measure" is to basically asses their abilities. "To find them wanting" is to come to the determination that their abilities fall short of possibile expectations. In this case the statement is rather silly as the elf was simply run over by the truck. I doubt the truck actually assesed his abilities.

Presumably it assessed his ability to resist being squashed by several tons worth of truck...

Madison Carter
Sep 19, 2008, 07:02 pm
anyone else find the humor in someone named Captain Speedbump asking about a situation in which someone got turned into a speedbump?  :Biggrin:

Michael Regan
Sep 19, 2008, 07:05 pm
Very much so... that and the strange obsession with understanding a relatively benign sentence.

Captain Speedbump
Sep 20, 2008, 11:40 am

Michael Regan wrote:

Very much so... that and the strange obsession with understanding a relatively benign sentence.

Believe you me, I have LOTS of strange obsessions (look at most of my other postings. I am clearly not a sane or rational person).

But anyway, thanks to all for the responses (particularly yours Madison Carter- I can't believe I didn't think of it! LOL). Hopefully I can move on, and leave you people in peace for a little while... :flower:

Captain Speedbump

Eduardo M.
Sep 30, 2008, 11:14 pm

Finally got this today. Have only had a chance to briefly peek at the entries but I like what I see so far.

One thing though, and I've notoced this in the previous volumes and the individuak handbooks as well. I've seen that some entries in the current crop of handbooks have less pages dedicated to them then their previous appearances in earlier versions of the handbook. For example, Dorma and Destiny (Paul Destine) both had 2 pages when they were covered in the Deluxe Edition Book of the Dead. In the 04 Book of the Dead and again in volume 3, both had only 1 page. In the case of this volume, I noticed that Foolkiller (Everbest) had a half a page while in the same Book of the Dead that had the previous two entries, Foolkiller had an entire page. I'm curious to know why this. I'm complaining. I'm just curious.

Oct 2, 2008, 04:08 pm
One possibility would be to point out how much of those two pages Destiny and Dorma got apiece in the Deluxe Edition was taken up by artwork, versus how the current crop is morely likely to be comprised of mostly text. Another is the difference in writing styles between the entries then and now. (I think Mark Gruenwald, rest his soul, would have been shocked at the notion of some characters getting more than two or three pages, no matter how longstanding they were or how much has been revealed about their histories.)

I remember, when I first got the DE issue which gave Foolkiller I a separate entry that I was surprised. He'd been successfully summarized in the entry for Foolkiller in general back in issue #4, and that was a one-page entry as well (covering two characters with the same alias, costume, and basic modus operandi). It kinda made less sense, I thought, than the later entry for Viper I, because at least then there were some substantial differences between Viper/Jordan Stryke and Viper/Madame Hydra.

Madison Carter
Oct 3, 2008, 09:53 pm

skippcomet wrote:

One possibility would be to point out how much of those two pages Destiny and Dorma got apiece in the Deluxe Edition was taken up by artwork, versus how the current crop is morely likely to be comprised of mostly text. Another is the difference in writing styles between the entries then and now. (I think Mark Gruenwald, rest his soul, would have been shocked at the notion of some characters getting more than two or three pages, no matter how longstanding they were or how much has been revealed about their histories.)

That's pretty much it. Earlier versions had the luxury of being more verbose and using more space for images. We've gone a more concise route on things. With an extra 20 years of history for these characters, there's a lot to fit in.

Eduardo M.
Oct 16, 2008, 01:03 pm
Question regarding the Gambit entry.

Is he still blind? i didn't see anything the text saying that his sight was restored but I also didn't see any mention of his loss of sight and how that has effected his any of abilities under Powers

Oct 16, 2008, 02:04 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

Question regarding the Gambit entry.

Is he still blind? i didn't see anything the text saying that his sight was restored but I also didn't see any mention of his loss of sight and how that has effected his any of abilities under Powers

I noticed that as well, to answer your question he was cured in the last issue of X-Men before Milligan took over. I Forgot the issue number, it was a holiday issue by Claremont/Larocca. Sage used her powers to heal him. In similar territory, I noticed that in the Captain America entry, it wasn't made clear how he got his strength back after he realized the super-soldier serum was crippling him (mid-90's, Gruenwald story). I vaguely remember it had something to do with the Red Skull during the Waid/Garney run, but it should have been mentioned.

Oct 18, 2008, 07:08 pm
Just got this handbook this week. I have a few questions after reading Firestar's en Elixir's profiles.
Firestar is listed as a former member of Mutant Liberation Force. When was this and who is this team, because I only konw the Mutant Liberation Front?
Elixir is listed as a former X-Men member (besides being a former New X-Men member). When was he exactly an X-Man then?

Michael Regan
Oct 18, 2008, 07:30 pm
Personally, I don't know of a Mutant Liberation Force other than a possible mention in a What if arc. I'll check that

I believe Firestar was only a member of the X-Men in the Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends cartoon. Her first comic book appearance was in Uncanny X-Men #193, shortly before her mini-series, which commonly causes a membership confusion.

Oct 18, 2008, 08:08 pm

Michael Regan wrote:

I believe Firestar was only a member of the X-Men in the Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends cartoon. Her first comic book appearance was in Uncanny X-Men #193, shortly before her mini-series, which commonly causes a membership confusion.

I wasn't talking about Firestar, but Elixir and his X-Men membership. ;)

Oct 18, 2008, 08:11 pm
I think Firestar's membership in the MLF is a reference to Earth-Forever Yesterday (http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/earthfvy.htm)

As for Elixir's membership in the X-Men, I think that was addressed a page or two ago.

Rayeye wrote:

Just got this handbook this week. I have a few questions after reading Firestar's en Elixir's profiles.
Firestar is listed as a former member of Mutant Liberation Force. When was this and who is this team, because I only konw the Mutant Liberation Front?
Elixir is listed as a former X-Men member (besides being a former New X-Men member). When was he exactly an X-Man then?

Michael Regan
Oct 18, 2008, 08:19 pm
:frust: Earth Forever Yesterday. I hope an alternate reality was not considered for a 616 profile :frust:

Rayeye wrote:

I wasn't talking about Firestar, but Elixir and his X-Men membership. ;)

A bad read through my haze, sorry.

Didn't someone ask this a few weeks ago? I think I looked this up already. :stars: I'll double check

Edit: It must have been another character I had discussed previously (stupid cold is messing me up)

I can't find the issues, but Josh was originally anti-mutant, gained his powers and then joined the Academy as a trainee. At that point I would assume he would be considered an X-Man regardless of being in training I think. When was that, issue #5 or 6? Unless that only makes him a New Mutant; a New X-Man.

And the What if reference I had in mind was a faulty memory, which may also be what perpertrated the assumed error in the handbook. In What if #46 the Mutant Liberation Front and Freedom Force appear. I had merged the two in memory as the Mutant Liberation Force, possibly what also happened in the handbook

Sean McQuaid
Jul 28, 2009, 08:21 am
Clearing out some of my correspondence folders and realized I'd started some replies for HC4 that I never got around to posting at the time, so here we go...

bigvis497 wrote:

I'm wondering how Fight Man got expanded to two pages, he had what, two appearances? (sorry, still reeling over Domino beeing kept down to one page) But this really looks great!

Thanks for the kind words.

Stuart's excellent replies circa HC4's publication on how and why profiles get expanded (or not) already covered the generalities of that topic pretty well, but I'll add a few specifics.

I've got no strong feelings regarding either Fight Man or Domino -- I don't particularly like or dislike either of them, and I didn't write either of their profiles, so I think I can impartially assess where those characters stand.

The page counts they ended up with are questionable, but justifiable. Could Domino have filled multiple pages? In theory, easily; and in a pefect world where every profile had every possible advantage and the best possible luck, I think she'd be entitled to a solid 2-pager. But a one-pager captures her basic essentials reasonably well (and thanks to layout & design changes, a single page usually includes a lot more content now than it did back in early 2005).

As for Fight Man, sure, two pages is a lot for such a minor character -- but it makes at least some sense when you consider that his profile isn't just about one character. A whole community of new characters was built around that character, characters unlikely to be covered anywhere else, and the profile covers them to a limited extent in addition to covering the main character. US1's US Archer, while slightly less obscure, gets a 2-pager partly for similar reasons, because a whole group of distinctive characters unlikely to be covered anywhere else were developed around him. Crystar easily could have been (and perhaps should have been) expanded to a multi-pager for similar reasons, though it didn't happen in his case. Domino has no such "extended family" of characters and concepts, at least not one unique to her or built around her -- she's a later addition to a larger family of characters, not the foundation of such a family, and many of the significant characters linked to her have gotten or will get profiles of their own.

And of course, not every profile is equally lucky in terms of circumstances; Domino was first profiled in a modern Handbook early on (in WOMEN OF MARVEL 2005), when many characters were routinely crammed into ill-fitting single-page entries. We've made an ongoing effort, since those early days, to expand many of those one-pagers as opportunities arose to do so -- but Domino didn't get a chance before the hardcovers, and when the hardcovers came around, her luck was poor. Our writing team's been stretched pretty thin throughout the HC run, and when Domino's second chance came, there just didn't happen to be anyone available to do a major rewrite or a large-scale expansion of her profile beyond a basic update. Her profile's original author was trying to cut back on his workload, and no one else available at that moment had the necessary combination of free time, strong interest and Domino-centric knowledge/expertise, so she had to make do with a modest update.

Regardless, it was never a matter of someone deciding that Fight Man was a better, more important or more deserving character than Domino, and that he'd therefore get more pages. Each profile follows its own unique arc in terms of how or if it gets revamped, and Fight Man got luckier than Domino did. At a different point in time, with a different set of circumstances, their roles in the page count could have easily ended up reversed.


Sean McQuaid
Jul 28, 2009, 08:30 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

you're not the only one disappointed by [Shi'ar Gladiator's absence]. Hopefully, if there are any more Handbooks other than the hard covers, we'll see him in them.

As you've seen by now, Marvel has continued to release various other Hadbookish projects during the HC run, so you never know where or when Gladiator might turn up.

That being said, while Gladiator's certainly a character deserving of a profile, I'm not sure why anybody expected to see him in the current HC run. Most of the profiles in the HCs cover subjects that already got profiled in 2004-2008. We've added a handful of brand-new profiles to the HCs, but those are rare and they often arise from the need to fill gaps that develop in the page map, and those gaps are seldom bigger than a page (often as small as a half-page). A not-recently-profiled character like Gladiator who could easily fill a couple of pages is unlikely to slip into the current HC run under those conditions, though he's certainly a good candidate for future Handbook coverage in general.

Sean McQuaid
Jul 28, 2009, 08:45 am

TMFGC wrote:

I know the writers are working within the time restraints they have as best they can and are putting out a very thoughtful and worthwhile product. Most profiles are well updated, organized and added to with at least additional illustrations, and some of the all-new stuff is great (Citizen V III!). If you're a fan of this kind of material, it's a great and mostly definitive collection and revision of what's been presented in the handbooks since the 2004 relaunch. I've enjoyed the released ones and look forward to getting the rest.

Thanks kindly for all of the above.

TMFGC wrote:

Other posters have noted the lack of textual additions (beyond events that occurred after the profiles' previous release) to major characters (Cyclops, Dr. Octopus, Doom, Electro, Domino, others) and a few I've noticed myself but not heard mentioned (Earth X--as rich a story as that's had, D'Spayre, a few others).

As indicated by Stuart's earlier comments and the specific Domino/Fight Man examples I discussed, the circumstances of each profile subject and each profile writer vary on a case by case basis. Not every character is going to get the same amount or same type of expansion as other characters do.

The main thing is that we try to get every single character as much space as they need for proper coverage of their key points. Sometimes that can be done in the same page count they had before (especially since we get many more words per page in the current layout than we did in past books), and sometimes the profiles get a page-count expansion, big or small. Cyclops gets an additional page this time around while Doc Ock stays the same page-count-wise, but I don't think either updated profile seems incomplete.

Keep in mind, too, that space is limited -- we've only got so many volumes, and both the writing team and Marvel's internal production/editorial team can only devote so many hours to the project. We literally can't afford to expand everything, so a strong case has to be made for each expansion that gets approved as we go along. If a profile can be done ample justice in its previous page count, then we probably won't expand it.

TMFGC wrote:

I suppose I felt the need to clarify this issue for myself because of the Fantastic Four entry--a mere five pages for the longest running title of the current Marvel universe. Compared with the six-page Defenders profile, this doesn't make sense if presenting everyone the appropriate space is a concern that can be met right now.

Having written both the FF and Defenders profiles, I'm uniquely positioned to respond here. Some key points:

1) Length does not equal importance. Importance does not equal length. How important or long-running a subject might be plays a part in what space is assigned to it, but only a part; other factors come into play.

2) Complexity is also a key factor. The FF are a very important, very prominent group with a very long history -- but they're also a very small group with a very select membership, and most of their run has been devoted to featuring the same four characters apart from a small array of substitutes, some of whom served for only a handful of issues.

A more varied group like the Defenders (or the Avengers or the Warriors or the Thunderbolts for that matter) is more complicated: many more members, much more variety in terms of roster combinations, more numerous (and often more drastic) changes over the years. Heck, in terms of headshots and roster images alone, a group like the Defenders inevitably eats up a significant amount of space.

And the FF doesn't fare too badly by comparison here. Like the Defenders, they get their team history covered in considerable detail (and all the FF members will get profiles of their own with further details -- not all of the Defenders will be so lucky). All of the FF's key rosters are pictured, as are all of the team's members to date in those pictures, and there are headshots for all the team members and many staff/associates besides. The Defenders only get a select few team rosters pictured, many of their members only appear in the headshots, and none of their non-member associates get pictures or headshots.

The Defenders get a bit more space than the FF not because they deserved it more, but because they needed it more.

3) Circumstances and random chance play a role. At one point, the Defenders were slated for the same page count as the FF. As the profiles were being prepared, two things happened: it became clear that the page count in question was going to be a much tighter squeeze for the Defenders than it was for the FF, and an extra page happened to open up late in the game in Volume 3, near the Defenders entry, when another profile got scaled back. The Defenders got a lucky break that helped get them the extra page they needed.

TMFGC wrote:

There seem to be some past books that the hardcover collects that get more thorough text revisions than others (Women, Golden Age) and others that are oddly shortchanged (Spider-man '04, X-Men '04, some of FF '05, Horror '05).

The Women and Golden Age books were relatively broad topics trying to cover the widest possible range of characters, and they were done at a point when smaller entries were the norm (late 2004/early 2005), so just about every character in those books got a mere single-page entry. That means more room for expansion, and in many cases a more pressing need for expansion, so those are profiles where you're most likely to see some heavy-duty revamping.

And again, results vary on a case by case basis. You've seen expanded page counts for Golden Age '04/Women '05 characters like Angel (Halloway), Arana, Yelena Belova, Bucky, Sharon Carter, Clea, Crystal, Dagger, Dark Angel, Dazzler, Destroyer, Doctor Druid, Enchantress, Fin Fang Foom, Firestar and Grand Director, but you've also seen Black Fox, Black Marvel, Blazing Skull, Blue Diamond, Citizen V, Crimson Commando, Domino and Fin from the same books remain single-pagers. How it all turns out depends on the character, depends on the writer, depends on the circumstances.

If Enchantress from Women '05 gets an extra page and Electro from Spider-Man '04 doesn't, it's because Enchantress needs it more. She only had a single page to begin with (Electro had two from the start), she's been through many more changes, and her powers and personality are a bit more complex than those of the relatively straightforward Electro.

The example of Electro also brings me back to another important point: prominence and longevity do not guarantee (or necessarily require) lengthier coverage. Characters like Electro or D'Spayre or Hydro-Man who have a particular gimmick and a particular basic function/personality and don't tend to change or diversify all that much, they don't necessarily need large entries just by virtue of having been around for a long time, because they're essentially pretty simple characters who tend to do the same types of stuff over and over again.

I wasn't involved in the X-Men '04 and Spidey '04 books, but I was involved in the FF '05 and Horror '05 books, and I don't think any of those books are being uniformly shortchanged in the updates so far. Some characters get more expansion and revision than others, but it's a case by case thing. In terms of the FF profile, while there's plenty of stuff I'd have liked to add (mostly more images), my only real regret is not having space to cover the team's HQs and vehicles in detail. I did compile some info on those topics as I went along during the research, though, and that's something we may come back to someday.

TMFGC wrote:

I haven't checked if all the writers of those books are on the hardcover jackets, but I didn't notice the Spider-man one on it, so I was wondering if this was an issue of who's on staff right now? It's understandable that if an expert on a title or character left; it would be near-impossible for another writer to give a complete revision to a decades-old character when there's already loads on their plate.

The Spidey 04 head writer left the Handbooks years ago, and some of the other early core Handbook writers have played reduced roles in the HC run for various reasons, but there aren't any major subjects where we're wholly lacking in expertise -- for instance, the formidable Mike Fichera's been a hardcore Spidey expert for a long time, and he's heavily involved in the hardcovers, and we have other Spidey specialists as well.

TMFGC wrote:

The discrepancy obviously doesn't dissuade me much. Those characters that are textually expanded are not only so very well handled, but most often are characters that are a bit shy of making any post-hardcover handbook priority just on the basis that they were shorted before. The major characters that were shorted could be given more complete revisions later, because it seems that handbooks lately, no matter how generally populated with the obscure, tend to need or are dictated to have an "anchor" character or characters to draw irregular or first-time handbook buyers (i.e., Iron Manual '08), and perhaps that figures in on space considerations in the hardcovers, too. As a long-time buyer, I just couldn't help but ask.

While it doesn't tend to dominate our calculations, the "may cover them again someday" thought is factored in on occasion. X-characters and Spider-characters, for instance, especially major ones, stand a solid chance of turning up in future Handbook projects, so they've got a better chance of a do-over someday -- as opposed to less prominent characters for whom the HCs might be their last shot profile-wise for a long time to come.

And going back to one of the examples we've discussed, the Fantastic Four stand a better chance of getting additional profiles someday than the Defenders do, so it's not like this'll probably be the FF's last kick at the can.


Sean McQuaid
Jul 28, 2009, 08:49 am

bigvis497 wrote:

In regards to F4, I was also kinda surprised they didn't get more coverage. I would have liked to see more team shots showing the slight variations on their costumes over the years. It would have been nice to see all their vehicles and headquarters, a la the Avengers entry.

I'd have liked more team shots, too (and had to cut a number of them for space), but we did manage to picture all the members at least once; and regarding the variant costumes of the core FF members, see their individual entries for plenty of pix covering that angle.

As for vehicles and headquarters...

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

I suspect that the vehicles/headquarters might have partly been an element of the rules tha the writers are playing by. Just as Gladiator didn't make it in because he wasn't covered in any of the 2004-2008 "pamphlets", Avengers HQ/Vehicles were in fact covered in a previously Avengers book in their own separate entry whereas the F4's counterparts were not (likewise we'll probably see an X-Mansion entry because it was previously covered).

In terms of the HQ/vehicle thing, Andy's right -- the fact that the Avengers got a profile section for their HQ and vehicles in 2004 pretty much guaranteed we'd be doing something along those lines for them in 2008. The FF not having gotten that particular type of additional coverage the first time around, they were less likely to get it now -- though as noted, we may explore that area a bit more someday.

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

I agree that the tricked [FF] team was technically a separate team, but I see this as kind of like showing Tom Foster in the Goliath entry or the Skrull in the Captain Marvel entry. Neither were the real thing but both were in some way connected to the story of the original heroes.

I like those sorts of extras myself, but they tend to fall under the heading of "stuff that's nice to include if we have extra space." The FF definitely didn't have any space to spare, so only the real rosters got pictures.


Sean McQuaid
Jul 28, 2009, 08:53 am

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

I think it would require that 500+ page format to come even close to getting in everything that everyone wanted, and even then stuff would fall through the cracks.

Very true. Every volume has multiple entries where we would have liked "just a little more space" (and sometimes a lot more space), but we do what we must to keep the project's size and cost realistic and we exercise restraint.

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Gilgamesh: Final 2 History sentences replaced with 2 new ones. 2 new secondary illos

Like Domino, Gilgamesh is one of the few profiles that ended up randomly semi-orphaned. Like her, he was a one-pager that could have filled two pages, but the original profile writer wasn't interested in doing a full expansion and no one else could find the time to add Gil to their already full plates, so he got a fairly modest update. The original writer did add some new snippets to Gil's History, though, as you noted, and the Abilities/Accessories section got a quick rewrite during the layout proofing phase when we realized the old version had grammatical problems and information omissions.

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Father Time: 3rd History paragraph expanded slightly to reference Twelve#1. Main and secondary illos replaced with new ones (both now face forward rather than to the left)

Big props to the editorial/production folks at Marvel for the way Father Time turned out. We uncovered that vastly better main image extremely late in the game, and they made the switch just in the nick of time (so to speak).

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Book: Base of Operations accidentally listed twice (second time expanded to include Freeman).

Frustrating -- that's a mistake that actually got caught during the proofing and still didn't get fixed somehow or other. Accidents will happen...

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Firestar: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Note added. 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Also worth noting (though this particular fact going unnoticed is a tribute to the craftsmanship involved), Firestar's main image artwork was altered so that her costuming is finally up to date. When she first adopted her Avengers-era costume, it had crazy extreme cleavage as designed by Wasp. Not comfortable with this, Angelica almost immediately changed it so that the cleavage was covered up with red cloth, but this was just a temporary measure, and she later altered the costume to eliminate that plunging neckline element altogether.

In recent years, two of the most popular profile-style images of Angelica (both online and in print) have either featured her with the extreme cleavage (like from the pullout poster of Avengers v3 #4) or with the transitional outfit where she somewhat awkwardly covered the plunging cleavage in red cloth (like her original Women of Marvel profile, adapted from an image in Avengers v3 #12). As of HC vol. 4, she's finally got a profile-friendly image with her proper current costuming.


Sean McQuaid
Jul 28, 2009, 08:56 am

=12.0pt Captain Speedbump wrote:

It states that the original Elf was run over by a truck which "took his measure and found him wanting." I've never heard this particular expression before. ...I was wondering if this expression is just a fancy way of saying "the Elf got killed", or if it means something more?

It's a fancy, artistic and slightly tongue-in-cheek way of saying the truck smooshed him.

The Elf with a Gun profile came from our head writer Jeff C and I think it remains some of his best work, partly because his obvious passion for the subject inspired some of his most colourful prose to date.


Sean McQuaid
Jul 28, 2009, 09:09 am

Eduardo M. wrote:

I've seen that some entries in the current crop of handbooks have less pages dedicated to them then their previous appearances in earlier versions of the handbook. For example, Dorma and Destiny (Paul Destine) both had 2 pages when they were covered in the Deluxe Edition Book of the Dead. In the 04 Book of the Dead and again in volume 3, both had only 1 page.

That's partly because Dorma and Destiny got their modern profiles during a period (2004) when most Handbook profiles were done as single-pagers except for really major characters. As for why they stayed one-pagers when they came back for the HC run, it's partly a matter of priorities (long-dead characters don't seem as urgently in need of expanded coverage as others), and partly the fact that our modern Handbook layouts squeeze a lot more content into a page than older Handbooks usually did.


Sean McQuaid
Jul 28, 2009, 09:19 am

slevin87 wrote:

I think Firestar's membership in the MLF is a reference to Earth-Forever Yesterday (http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/earthfvy.htm)


Michael Regan wrote:

:frust: Earth Forever Yesterday. I hope an alternate reality was not considered for a 616 profile :frust:

Earth Forever Yesterday is a special case. Partly because it was a temporarily altered reality (like Morgan le Fay's medieval fantasyland in early AVENGERS v3), though it may still exist in some timeline as a proper alternate reality; and partly because there are Earth-616 characters who not only participated in that reality but also retained memories of their participation in that reality and were affected by it in various ways (Nova, Firestar, Vance, Dwayne).

So while we mostly don't list alternate-reality memberships -- for instance, Quicksilver doesn't get listed as part of the X-Men based on the WHAT IF where he was among the replacements for the slain Krakoa team -- we do sometimes make exceptions in exceptional circumstances where the mainstream/616 characters were part of that reality, like characters who served with the Queen's Vengeance in Morgan le Fay's world.


Beast of Averoigne
May 9, 2010, 01:16 pm

One Thing about her Power Grid: In Warlock and the Infinity Watch # 14 her Strenght was said to be around Iron Man's Level (because of the new Body she got in Infinity Gauntlet). She should be around a 6, certainly not a 3. She trashed a Couple of Tanks in that Issue, too. Bad. Too bad for a Girl weaker than Spider-Man...

The same Issue said, that Pip is around Spidey's Strength, and he's got the 4 in PHC #9.

Anyway, unless I missed a depowering, which is unlikely, she should be a lot stronger than a 3...

Stuart V
May 29, 2010, 11:15 am

Beast of Averoigne wrote:

One Thing about her Power Grid: In Warlock and the Infinity Watch # 14 her Strenght was said to be around Iron Man's Level (because of the new Body she got in Infinity Gauntlet). She should be around a 6, certainly not a 3. She trashed a Couple of Tanks in that Issue, too. Bad. Too bad for a Girl weaker than Spider-Man...

The same Issue said, that Pip is around Spidey's Strength, and he's got the 4 in PHC #9.

Anyway, unless I missed a depowering, which is unlikely, she should be a lot stronger than a 3...

You missed a depowering. Gamora and Pip's enhanced strength levels were related to their Infinity Gems, which they no longer possess. That information about being compared to Iron Man while wearing the Time Gem is specifically noted in Gamora's abilities section. She's not demonstrated that level of strength in more recent showings.

For Pip, we don't know if he retained the strength for certain given that he rarely fights, but we do know that he retained the ability to teleport even after he gave up the Gem. The entry also mentions that he rarely uses that strength.

Beast of Averoigne
May 29, 2010, 02:54 pm
It's a good explanation but it doesn't really add up.

1. She fought Ronan the Accuser during "Annihilation" in hand-to-hand (with a Sword, alright :Biggrin. I'd think that shows the Iron Man-Strenght Level.

2. In "Warlock and the Infinity Watch" they say, that their new Strength comes from their new Bodies:

Pip: When Warlock renovated these new Bodies for us, he evidently improved upon the Design
Gamora: Yes, I have noticed I'm stronger than I was in my previous Incarnation
Pip: Me too. At least as strong as that Spider-Man Character.

Gamora mentions, that Pip knocked out Wolverine. I don't remember which Issue that was. If they only noticed their new Power after the got the Gems, they could just be mistaken about their new Bodies. Still, it seems unlikely, that a Strength 3 could go toe to toe with Ronan like she did. On the other Hand Iron Man Level (6) would put her above Ronan who has a 5. That seems unlikely as well.

I'm glad, I don't have to do your Jobs. ;)And you are doing a great Job, I might add.

BTW: I don't have the HC Handbook. I've just seen the Grid and I don't know the Text, sorry. And it's still most unlikely, that I missed an Issue with Gamora or any Member of the Infinity Watch in it. ;)

May 29, 2010, 03:51 pm

Beast of Averoigne wrote:

1. She fought Ronan the Accuser during "Annihilation" in hand-to-hand (with a Sword, alright :Biggrin. I'd think that shows the Iron Man-Strenght Level.
I'm glad, I don't have to do your Jobs. ;)And you are doing a great Job, I might add.

Captain America beat Hercules in hand-to-hand combat during at least one training exercise. In Marvel terms, going toe-to-toe with Ronan could very well be an example of superior fighting skills, not super-strength. And Gamora is a superior fighter, regardless of physical strength.

Mar 27, 2011, 12:55 am
Hey, there's some debate (as usual) going on on Wikipedia about whether Gambit's middle name is really Etienne. According to some contributors there, the name comes from fanfic, not the actual comics, which may be true, but the important thing is that his middle name is listed as Etienne in this volume, which makes it canon, right? But, before I go to bat defending all of the handbook writers from charges of putting out books that are "badly researched," I just wanted to double check with you guys and make sure that the middle name ISN'T a mistake . . .

Though I guess it could only be a mistake it a different middle name was established before this handbook came out . . . or if some writer (and editor) put out a "badly researched" comic giving him a different name after this handbook was published, and for some reason that name was given official status. ;)

Stuart V
Mar 29, 2011, 06:43 pm

DeadpoolRP wrote:

Hey, there's some debate (as usual) going on on Wikipedia about whether Gambit's middle name is really Etienne. According to some contributors there, the name comes from fanfic, not the actual comics, which may be true, but the important thing is that his middle name is listed as Etienne in this volume, which makes it canon, right? But, before I go to bat defending all of the handbook writers from charges of putting out books that are "badly researched," I just wanted to double check with you guys and make sure that the middle name ISN'T a mistake . . .

Though I guess it could only be a mistake it a different middle name was established before this handbook came out . . . or if some writer (and editor) put out a "badly researched" comic giving him a different name after this handbook was published, and for some reason that name was given official status. ;)

Yes, no it isn't, yes and yes.

Roger Ott
Mar 29, 2011, 09:34 pm

Stuart V wrote:

Yes, no it isn't, yes and yes.

'Nuff said!

Andy E. Nystrom
Feb 27, 2012, 10:20 pm
Okay, here's the kind of question that only arises if you try to do something insane like catalogue all the Earths for the Master List: In the Appendix, between Earth-89947 and Earth-90110 is Earth-900651. Is this Earth out of sequence or is one of the digits a typo?

Feb 27, 2012, 10:32 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Okay, here's the kind of question that only arises if you try to do something insane like catalogue all the Earths for the Master List: In the Appendix, between Earth-89947 and Earth-90110 is Earth-900651. Is this Earth out of sequence or is one of the digits a typo?

I think it's just out of order. The Appendix website lists it as 900651, as well.

Andy E. Nystrom
Feb 27, 2012, 11:21 pm

=12.0ptcaptainswift wrote:

I think it's just out of order. The Appendix website lists it as 900651, as well.

Okay, thank you. I'll treat it as such unless I hear otherwise. 

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