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2/07/2020 10:13 am  #1

OHotMU A-Z Vol. 14 Premiere HC

Historical text from Comixfan

Andy E. Nystrom

Feb 16, 2010, 12:37 pm

Coming from Marvel in May...


The final volume in the Official Handbook hardcovers completes this series’ alphabetical profiling of the Marvel Universe, but also offers updates and expansions on 2008-2009 profiles not in the previous 13 volumes, and another run through the alphabet – including dozens of BRAND-NEW profiles! Featuring expanded and up-to-date profiles of critters like Ant-Man’s ants, Brightwind, Neils the bouncing cat, the Collector’s Zoo and Cosmo the telepathic astrodog! Deities like the Asgardians, Hela, Neptune and Zeus! Ne’er-do-wells like Steven Lang, Growing Man, Mastermind (Jason Wyngarde), Master Pandemonium and Zarathos! And, of course, heroes like Australia’s Talisman, the Microverse’s Marionette, Devil Dinosaur and Punisher (2099)! Don't miss this ultimate installment in this amazing hardcover collection!

Rated T …$24.99
Trim size: standard
In Stores: May 26, 2010

I hope Talisman's entry causes him to be used more or means that there's plans for him. He's been underused (probably in part because of the similar character Gateway) and has a lot of potential.


Feb 16, 2010, 12:55 pm

I can't tell who some of them are. I see Anti-Venom, Diablo, Zombie, Zabu, Talisman, Zzzax, Zeus, Lockjaw, Hela, Groot, Devil Dinosaur. I can't tell who's the woman to the left of Anti-Venom and the guy to the right of Hela. Is that Hermes to the right of Lockjaw and Menace in the background?


Feb 16, 2010, 12:57 pm

I guess the woman to the left of Anti-Venom is Marionette?

Eduardo M.

Feb 16, 2010, 01:25 pm

This is who I recoginze

Talisman (australian)
Zombie (Garth)
Diablo (Esteban)
Wally the Wizard
Devil Dinosaur


Feb 16, 2010, 02:33 pm

Wally the Wizard? REALLY?


Feb 16, 2010, 03:16 pm

I just can't wait for this to come out. I had just quickly scanned the cover but once I read Eduardo's post about Wally The Wizard being on the cover, I had to check it out. And that's definitely Wally The Wizard.

I know I been asking the Handbook team to do profiles on Marvel's original Star Comics characters, but I never imagined that they would appear in one of the hardcovers. I had hoped that they would have been featured in one of the new handbooks coming out this year. But since at least Wally is going to be in Vol. 14, I want to say thank you to the whole Handbook team.

I am also looking forward to the rest of the profiles, especially Neils the Cat and Lockjaw. Hopefully the Pet avengers stuff will make in into their entries. Also looking forward to seeing Devil Dinosaur in this HC with a main illo by Jack Kirby.

I know that I say thank you and tell the handbook team that they do a great, great job. But no amount of praise can reflect just what a tremendous job on these hardcovers you have done. You have put together a 14 book masterpiece - a set that I will always cherish.

Again thank you,



Feb 16, 2010, 05:14 pm

Finally, Diablo (Esteban) is included! Cool!

This series has been beyond great! Excellent all-around! Congrats for all those involved in bringing us this work of reference and a big thank you too!

Plus, the Official Update 2010, Deadpool Corps Rank and Foul, Iron Manual Mark 3 and Avengers Assemble seem to cover many interesting and long-wanted characters and teams!


Feb 16, 2010, 05:35 pm

shazam2271 wrote:

I am also looking forward to the rest of the profiles, especially Neils the Cat and Lockjaw. Hopefully the Pet avengers stuff will make in into their entries.

I'd be very surprised if it didn't.

Very nice to see Groot on the cover. He is Groot.

Sidney Osinga

Feb 17, 2010, 04:47 am

Here's the final installment of the half-page alphabetical enties:

Yankee Clipper
Y Ddraig Goch
Yu Huang
Yukon Jack

That's 5, and the only one that may get a full page is Yu Huang. If not, then we will see a new entry. My guess would be Yeti of the First Line or Yetigar.

Prof. Zaxton
Philo Zog
Zombie Master

That's 8. However, I believe that Zom will get a full page due to his recent use with Dr. Strange. Also, if Zemu isn't under the X's, he probably has enough history to warrant a full page too, leaving 6.


Feb 17, 2010, 07:28 am

Whoa, volume 14 alone will have more than 200 entries closing for a grand total of 2000 plus entries in the HC series. Impressive!

I wonder how the entries will be fitted onto the back cover of this volume.

Roger Ott

Feb 19, 2010, 12:22 am

sucellos11 wrote:

Whoa, volume 14 alone will have more than 200 entries closing for a grand total of 2000 plus entries in the HC series.

I think Mark Gruenwald would be proud.

Sidney Osinga

Feb 27, 2010, 06:53 pm

There's a couple of things I'm wondering about. First, will the Zodiac entries be broken down into separate groups? I hope so. Second, will the entry for Cuchulain also cover the version from Guardians of the Galaxy?


Feb 27, 2010, 06:55 pm

Here's the list of confirmed entries up till now with page count for this volume (i'm assuming the Y half-pages will be listed at the end of vol 13):

Z’nox 1
Zabu 1
Zaniac 1
Zar 1/2
Zara 1/2
Zaran 2
Zarathos 1
Zarek 1
Zarrko the Tomorrow Man 2
Zaxton, Professor 1/2
Zeitgeist 1
Zemu 1/2
Zeus 1/2
Zhered-Na 1
Zimmer, Abraham 1
Zodiac 4
Zodiac Key 1
Zodiak 1
Zog, Philo 1/2
Zola, Arnim 2
Zom 1/2
Zombie 2
Zombie Master 1/2
Zota 1/2
Zxaxz 1
Zzzax 2

Aboriginal Gods 1
Ahau 1
Ajak 1
Akua 1
Anelle 1
Anti-Venom 3
Apu 1
Aragorn 1
Arbogast, Bambi 1
Asgardians 1
Achelous 1/2
Anansi 1/2
Ant-Man's Ants 1/2
Ape 1/2
Apollo 1/2
Aria 1/2
Athena 1/2
Azrael/Lazaer 1

Baymax 1
Blue Blaze 1
Blue Shield 1
Bradley, Isaiah 1
Brightwind 1
Balder the Brave 1/2
Barton, Breeze 1/2
Bennet, Dexter 1/2
Big 1/2
Bill & Don 1/2
Blaze the Wonder Collie 1/2
Bookie 1/2
Bor 1/2
Bran the Blessed 1/2
Brass 1/2
Brecker 1/2

Cabe, Bethany 1
Cerberus 1
Chimera 1
Collector's Creatures 2
Cosmo 1
Coy, Nguyen Ngoc 1
Caber 1/2
Captain Marvel (Khn’nr) 1/2
Carter, Whirlwind 1/2
Charlemagne 1/2
Cloak Imposter 1/2
Connor, Avery 1/2
Cooper, Carlie 1/2
Cronus 1/2
Cr'reee 1/2
Cuchulain 1/2
Currs 1/2

Daevas 1
Dean, Betty 1
Devil Dinosaur 2
Diablo (Esteban) New!
Dievas 1
Dirt Nap 1
Diwatas 1
Dynamic Man 1
Dagda 1/2
Dakor the Magician 1/2
Dale 1/2
Deadline Dawson 1/2
Dean, Dave 1/2
Deuce 1/2
Diablo (creature) 1/2
Dionysus 1/2
Dogma 1/2
Doombringer 1/2
Dragon-Men 1/2
Dreamstalker 1/2
Dynaman 1/2

Ebon Samurai 1
Electro (Zog’s Robot) 1
Ebony 1/2
Everett, Jimmy 1/2

Fen 1
Fiery Mask 1
Fomorians 1
Freak (Spider-Man foe) 1
Falcon (Burgess) 1/2
Ferret 1/2
Flexo 1/2
Flying Flame 1/2
Foser, Flash 1/2
Freki & Geri 1/2
Frogs of Central Park 1/2

Garm 1
Giganto (Atlantean monster) 1
Go-Go Tomago 1
Groot 1
Growing Man 1
Gibborim 1/2
Gonzales, Vincent 1/2
Gorman, Don 1/2
Green Flame 1/2
Green Knight 1/2
Gwynn 1/2

Heliopolitans (Ennead) 1
Hellstorm's Demon-Steeds 1
Hodge, Cameron 2
Honey Lemon 1
Horton, Phineas T. 1
Harris, Lynne 1/2
Heimdall 1/2
Hela 1/2
Hellhorse 1/2
Hephaestus 1/2
Hera 1/2
Hercules (David) 1/2
Hermes 1/2
Hippolyta 1/2
Horde 1/2
Horus 1/2
Human Top (Bravelle) 1/2
Hungry 1/2

Ina & Biri 1/2
Inanna 1/2
Invisible Man 1/2
Izanagi 1/2

Jackpot 1
Jumala 1
Jones, Zephyr 1/2

Kimora 1
Kalahia 1/2
Kerberos 1/2
Kobayashi, Amiko 1/2
Kraven (Ana) 1/2
Kraven the Hunter's Menagerie 1/2
Krill 1/2

Landau, Luckman & Lake 2
Lang, Steven 1
Laughing Mask 1
Liger, Tigon 1
Lobo 1
Lockjaw 1
Loners 1
Lady of the Lake 1/2
Leapfrog (vehicle) 1/2
Leir 1/2
Leviticus, Saint Cyrus 1/2
Lion-People 1/2
Lord Dark Wind 1/2
Lord Shingen 1/2

Majesdanians 1
Mana 1
Mandate (Earth-3071) 1
Manidoog 1
Marionette New!
Masked Raider 1
Master Mind Excello 1
Master Pandemonium 2
Mastermind (Jason Wyngarde) 2
McKenzie, Leonard 1
Menace 1
Mister E 1
Mole Man's Monsters 3
Mr. Negative 1
Magar the Mystic 1/2
Manitou 1/2
Man-oo 1/2
Mantor 1/2
Marvex 1/2
Masters, Ken 1/2
Max 1/2
Merzah 1/2
Monako 1/2
Monkey Joe 1/2
Mullen, Barney 1/2
Munin & Hugin 1/2
Muro 1/2

Neptune 1/2
Niels 1/2
Nimo 1/2
Nuada 1/2

Otherworld 2
Outcasts 1
Oberon 1/2
Owayodata 1/2

Phantom Reporter 1
Punisher 2099 New!
Phantom Bullet 1/2
Phantom of the Underworld 1/2
Phobos 1/2
Pierce, Comet 1/2
Prast, Klara 1/2
Princess Python's Pythons 1/2

Quetzalcoatl 1/2

Rama-Tut New!
Red Lord 1/2
Robinson, Luther 1/2

Swords of Sorcerous Might 1 - might be in the appendix?
Shango 1/2 - could be profiled as Chango, since it was skipped
Sky Devils 1/2
Space Rangers 1/2
Steele, John 1/2
Strong, Captain Bob 1/2

Talisman (australian) New!
Talismans of Mystic Power 1 - might be in the appendix?
Tomes of Eldritch Knowledge 1 - might be in the appendix?

Uranus 1/2 - could be profiled as Ouranos, since it was skipped

Wally the Wizard New!

It totals 228 profiles, but most of them are half-pagers (about 130), so there's still space for some more new characters!


Apr 28, 2010, 04:45 pm

Incredible, only one volume left! It has been a long and great run! The grand finale to this series of reference is finally approaching.,, I feel a mix of sadness and joy.

Eduardo M.

Apr 28, 2010, 06:18 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

Here's the list of confirmed entries up till now with page count for this volume (i'm assuming the Y half-pages will be listed at the end of vol 13):

Z’nox 1
Zar 1/2
Zara 1/2
Zarathos 1
Zarek 1
Zarrko the Tomorrow Man 2
Zaxton, Professor 1/2
Zeitgeist 1
Zemu 1/2
Zeus 1/2
Zhered-Na 1
Zimmer, Abraham 1
Zodiac 4
Zodiac Key 1
Zodiak 1
Zog, Philo 1/2
Zola, Arnim 2
Zom 1/2
Zombie 2
Zombie Master 1/2
Zota 1/2
Zxaxz 1
Zzzax 2

Aboriginal Gods 1
Ahau 1
Ajak 1
Akua 1
Anelle 1
Anti-Venom 3
Apu 1
Aragorn 1
Arbogast, Bambi 1
Asgardians 1
Achelous 1/2
Anansi 1/2
Ant-Man's Ants 1/2
Ape 1/2
Apollo 1/2
Aria 1/2
Athena 1/2
Azrael/Lazaer 1

Baymax 1
Blue Blaze 1
Blue Shield 1
Bradley, Isaiah 1
Brightwind 1
Balder the Brave 1/2
Barton, Breeze 1/2
Bennet, Dexter 1/2
Big 1/2
Bill & Don 1/2
Blaze the Wonder Collie 1/2
Bookie 1/2
Bor 1/2
Bran the Blessed 1/2
Brass 1/2
Brecker 1/2

Cabe, Bethany 1
Cerberus 1
Chimera 1
Collector's Creatures 2
Cosmo 1
Coy, Nguyen Ngoc 1
Caber 1/2
Captain Marvel (Khn’nr) 1/2
Carter, Whirlwind 1/2
Charlemagne 1/2
Cloak Imposter 1/2
Connor, Avery 1/2
Cooper, Carlie 1/2
Cronus 1/2
Cr'reee 1/2
Cuchulain 1/2
Currs 1/2

Daevas 1
Dean, Betty 1
Devil Dinosaur 2
Diablo (Esteban) New!
Dievas 1
Dirt Nap 1
Diwatas 1
Dynamic Man 1
Dagda 1/2
Dakor the Magician 1/2
Dale 1/2
Deadline Dawson 1/2
Dean, Dave 1/2
Deuce 1/2
Diablo (creature) 1/2
Dionysus 1/2
Dogma 1/2
Doombringer 1/2
Dragon-Men 1/2
Dreamstalker 1/2
Dynaman 1/2

Ebon Samurai 1
Electro (Zog’s Robot) 1
Ebony 1/2
Everett, Jimmy 1/2

Fen 1
Fiery Mask 1
Fomorians 1
Freak (Spider-Man foe) 1
Falcon (Burgess) 1/2
Ferret 1/2
Flexo 1/2
Flying Flame 1/2
Foser, Flash 1/2
Freki & Geri 1/2
Frogs of Central Park 1/2

Garm 1
Giganto (Atlantean monster) 1
Go-Go Tomago 1
Groot 1
Growing Man 1
Gibborim 1/2
Gonzales, Vincent 1/2
Gorman, Don 1/2
Green Flame 1/2
Green Knight 1/2
Gwynn 1/2

Heliopolitans (Ennead) 1
Hellstorm's Demon-Steeds 1
Hodge, Cameron 2
Honey Lemon 1
Horton, Phineas T. 1
Harris, Lynne 1/2
Heimdall 1/2
Hela 1/2
Hellhorse 1/2
Hephaestus 1/2
Hera 1/2
Hercules (David) 1/2
Hermes 1/2
Hippolyta 1/2
Horde 1/2
Horus 1/2
Human Top (Bravelle) 1/2
Hungry 1/2

Ina & Biri 1/2
Inanna 1/2
Invisible Man 1/2
Izanagi 1/2

Jackpot 1
Jumala 1
Jones, Zephyr 1/2

Kimora 1
Kalahia 1/2
Kerberos 1/2
Kobayashi, Amiko 1/2
Kraven (Ana) 1/2
Kraven the Hunter's Menagerie 1/2
Krill 1/2

Landau, Luckman & Lake 2
Lang, Steven 1
Laughing Mask 1
Liger, Tigon 1
Lobo 1
Lockjaw 1
Loners 1
Lady of the Lake 1/2
Leapfrog (vehicle) 1/2
Leir 1/2
Leviticus, Saint Cyrus 1/2
Lion-People 1/2
Lord Dark Wind 1/2
Lord Shingen 1/2

Majesdanians 1
Mana 1
Mandate (Earth-3071) 1
Manidoog 1
Marionette New!
Masked Raider 1
Master Mind Excello 1
Master Pandemonium 2
Mastermind (Jason Wyngarde) 2
McKenzie, Leonard 1
Menace 1
Mister E 1
Mole Man's Monsters 3
Mr. Negative 1
Magar the Mystic 1/2
Manitou 1/2
Man-oo 1/2
Mantor 1/2
Marvex 1/2
Masters, Ken 1/2
Max 1/2
Merzah 1/2
Monako 1/2
Monkey Joe 1/2
Mullen, Barney 1/2
Munin & Hugin 1/2
Muro 1/2

Neptune 1/2
Niels 1/2
Nimo 1/2
Nuada 1/2

Otherworld 2
Outcasts 1
Oberon 1/2
Owayodata 1/2

Phantom Reporter 1
Punisher 2099 New!
Phantom Bullet 1/2
Phantom of the Underworld 1/2
Phobos 1/2
Pierce, Comet 1/2
Prast, Klara 1/2
Princess Python's Pythons 1/2

Quetzalcoatl 1/2

Rama-Tut New!
Red Lord 1/2
Robinson, Luther 1/2

Swords of Sorcerous Might 1 - might be in the appendix?
Shango 1/2 - could be profiled as Chango, since it was skipped
Sky Devils 1/2
Space Rangers 1/2
Steele, John 1/2
Strong, Captain Bob 1/2

Talisman (australian) New!
Talismans of Mystic Power 1 - might be in the appendix?
Tomes of Eldritch Knowledge 1 - might be in the appendix?

Uranus 1/2 - could be profiled as Ouranos, since it was skipped

Wally the Wizard New!

It totals 228 profiles, but most of them are half-pagers (about 130), so there's still space for some more new characters!

We can take out the ones that were covered in Vol.13. Some of these entries are probably going to be expanded. I'm guessing Balder, Zom, John Steele, and Menance are definately getting expanded. Some of the gods might be also.

Michael Regan

Apr 28, 2010, 07:10 pm

Odd order... why is 'Z' first?


Apr 28, 2010, 07:51 pm

Odd order... why is 'Z' first?

Volume 14 is going to finish out the alphabet, then feature the characters who received profiles from 2008-2009 (from the All-New Iron Manual to the Marvel Mystery Handbook: 70th Anniversary Special) after their alphabetical slot in the hardcovers.

Michael Regan

Apr 28, 2010, 08:01 pm

Ah, that makes sense.

Roger Ott

Apr 28, 2010, 08:53 pm

I am so looking forward to this final volume, but probably not as much as the OHOTMU staff (though for different reasons, I'm sure).

Andy E. Nystrom

Apr 28, 2010, 09:31 pm

I suspect given just how far v13 got that the Z's will just wind up at the end of the alphabet. Otherwise the book might look a bit strange, especially to impulse buyers who may have missed the previous volumes. Back in Feb I would have also guessed that the tail end would be first but not that seems less likely.

Will be interested in seeing how the various magical items from the Mystic Arcanda volume get handled.

Roger Ott

Apr 29, 2010, 10:39 am

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Will be interested in seeing how the various magical items from the Mystic Arcanda volume get handled.

I was just wondering this not long ago myself. Here's hoping they'll be expanded a bit!


Apr 30, 2010, 03:13 pm

Hela and Zeus entries are definitely going to be some of the most expanded.


Apr 30, 2010, 06:02 pm

I agree. I hope the fact that grown-up Zeus is on the cover doesn't mean that Kid Zeus isn't the main picture. That was what he looked like when he died.

Michael Regan

Apr 30, 2010, 06:10 pm

ToddCam wrote:

I agree. I hope the fact that grown-up Zeus is on the cover doesn't mean that Kid Zeus isn't the main picture. That was what he looked like when he died.

Zeus would more commonly be recognized in his adult form, regardless how he died. He was only in child form for a short period of time. I would accept his adult form as the main picture, with a child image as a secondary image.


May 3, 2010, 01:10 pm

According to marvel.com, this comes out June 3.


May 3, 2010, 02:38 pm

Bother, another pushback.


May 13, 2010, 04:13 pm

I can wait and it will be worth the wait. I am really looking forward to this last volume and some of the profiles it has. I hope that the Lockjaw, Devil Dinosaur, Niels the cat and Frogs of Central Park entries will include the events of the Pet Avengers minii-series. It's been a great 13 volumes so far and this last book will cap an amazing Hardcover series. I know that Mark Gruenwald would be proud of what you have accomplished with the Handbooks and I hope that these 14 books are just the beginning of Marvel Handbook goodness. Again, thank you all for your tireless hard work and your dedication.

Jon Erin Mundy


May 13, 2010, 04:39 pm

shazam2271 wrote:

I can wait and it will be worth the wait. I am really looking forward to this last volume and some of the profiles it has. I hope that the Lockjaw, Devil Dinosaur, Niels the cat and Frogs of Central Park entries will include the events of the Pet Avengers minii-series.

I don't think the Pet Avengers series was considered 616


May 13, 2010, 05:08 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

I don't think the Pet Avengers series was considered 616

That, sadly, does seem to be the case. A careful placement on the timeline can account for trifles like Thanos being alive and the Inhumans still living on the moon, and just because we'd never seen Aunt May's dog before doesn't mean she doesn't have one.

But certain events of the second series make it a tad harder to justify with 616-canon.


May 13, 2010, 06:56 pm

In the interviews for the first mini, the writer states that he used previous storylines from X-men and such to add to the story, such as Lockheed mourning for Kitty Pryde. With how continuity in the Marvel Universe is nowadays, you can't dismiss things because they don't seem to fit. As long as some events don't shatter things to badly, then it shouldn't matter. Anyway, it's a good concept and deserves to be a part of the 616 canon.

In fact, I am introducing my daughter to comicbooks right now and she loves this. When I explained to her that the stories they write add to all the stories and that if she keeps reading, these stories would be mentioned and expanded upon, she was thrilled. I am trying to pass on my love for Marvel and I hope that Marvel sees that kid friendly stories can be a part of 616. The younger generation needs to have a base of stories to wet their feet and join the tapestry that is Marvel.

So I am placing them in the 616 universe and hope that others do as well.


Madison Carter

May 15, 2010, 03:01 am

PA is officially not 616. Sorry.


May 15, 2010, 07:38 pm

shazam2271 wrote:

In the interviews for the first mini, the writer states that he used previous storylines from X-men and such to add to the story, such as Lockheed mourning for Kitty Pryde. With how continuity in the Marvel Universe is nowadays, you can't dismiss things because they don't seem to fit. As long as some events don't shatter things to badly, then it shouldn't matter. Anyway, it's a good concept and deserves to be a part of the 616 canon.

In fact, I am introducing my daughter to comicbooks right now and she loves this. When I explained to her that the stories they write add to all the stories and that if she keeps reading, these stories would be mentioned and expanded upon, she was thrilled. I am trying to pass on my love for Marvel and I hope that Marvel sees that kid friendly stories can be a part of 616. The younger generation needs to have a base of stories to wet their feet and join the tapestry that is Marvel.

So I am placing them in the 616 universe and hope that others do as well.


Good thing Jon, I hope your daughter will become a big Marvel fan as well!  ;)

And that's one of the reason why I am not happy with this current trend of Marvel by releasing nowadays so much miniseries who are not in-continuity. Especially for new readers it will be more difficult to understand which stories are part of Earth-616 and which not.

Michael Regan

May 15, 2010, 09:23 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

PA is officially not 616. Sorry.

I kept wanting to ask that, thanks for the answer.


May 20, 2010, 03:31 pm

I'm still considering it part of 616. The way the editors are treating continuity and timelines nowadays, who knows?

On the CBR forums, someone made a thread asking where Seige fits into Spideys continuity.


Originally Posted by DetectiveDupin
"I hope Wacker or Slott can shed some light on this."

Wacker -

"I really don't think I care. Where stuff fits in isn't important at all to me. I'ves said so on several occasions. I really think fans are way too hung up on fitting everything in perfectly.

What was the question?"


"Truth is Siege fit in around the time of now. Where ever the pieces fit best for you. In general, all the editors of the various books try not to contradict each other and leave it to the fans to place exactly what fell when.

In the case of a crossover book like Siege, an editor (Brevoort in this case) may take the time build a up a time line to make sure all the crossovers jibe with the main book, but USUALLY for the regular non-crossover issues, we don't handcuff the writers by asking them to fit their story into a 20 minute period next Tuesday afternoon when the Avengers are in town."


So if their not handcuffed to fit things in, then what matters when and even if it fits in. The story was a great story and with Wacker's statement's, I say they fit in for me. What about the rest of you?

Madison Carter

May 21, 2010, 12:58 am

shazam2271 wrote:

I'm still considering it part of 616.

That's your call as far as your own opinion, but officially, it's not.

Roger Ott

May 21, 2010, 01:56 am

shazam2271 wrote:

I really don't think I care. Where stuff fits in isn't important at all to me. I've said so on several occasions.  I really think fans are way too hung up on fitting everything in perfectly.

I remember a time when continuity was the editor's job, and it helped make the Marvel Universe a more cohesive whole. The statement above helps me understand why it's sometimes hard to follow the big event stories these days.

But I'd rather not get started on that rant here...:rant:


May 21, 2010, 10:00 am

Roger Ott wrote:

I remember a time when continuity was the editor's job, and it helped make the Marvel Universe a more cohesive whole. The statement above helps me understand why it's sometimes hard to follow the big event stories these days.

But I'd rather not get started on that rant here... :Rant:

I agree 100%. I don't think continuity should handicap a story, but if you're working in a "shared universe" with crossovers and such, things need to make sense. Otherwise, nothing matters.


May 21, 2010, 06:43 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

I agree 100%. I don't think continuity should handicap a story, but if you're working in a "shared universe" with crossovers and such, things need to make sense. Otherwise, nothing matters.

Think of the nightmare over at DC. One thing I'll respect Marvel for over their distinguished competition (and I'm a fan of said competition) is their willingness to respect and build on virtually ALL corners of their universe, no matter how obscure or temporarily "out of fashion." I mean, we're going to be getting an entry on Johnny freakin' Guitar, possibly largely because of the truly awesome story he got in Avengers Initiative!


May 27, 2010, 11:15 am

I wonder if theTalismans, Swords and Tomes entries will be expanded and merged with Mystic Arcana respective appendix info or receive a new treatment as appendix-only material...

Also, trying to guess the number of new entries. Over a dozen? Around twenty? More?

Well, only a week or so to know.


May 31, 2010, 08:20 pm

Hopefully, the prisons index from the New Avengers: Most Wanted Files as well as the cowboy horses and miscellaneous pets index from Marvel Pets Handbook will be included in this final volume too. :cross:


May 31, 2010, 08:35 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

Hopefully, the prisons index from the New Avengers: Most Wanted Files as well as the cowboy horses and miscellaneous pets index from Marvel Pets Handbook will be included in this final volume too. :cross:

The appendices/index are already available here (http://www.marvunapp.com/ohotmu/appendixes/).

Looks like it's coming out Thursday. Count on me to be at my comics shop when it opens at 11:00 that day!


May 31, 2010, 08:42 pm

Thanks, slevin! Well, I guess we'll see at least the regular 1-page entries for Tomes, Swords and Talismans (maybe expanded)?.

We'll be counting on you for fresh news Thursday, then! That's great man! Cheers!


Jun 1, 2010, 10:06 am

sucellos11 wrote:

Thanks, slevin! Well, I guess we'll see at least the regular 1-page entries for Tomes, Swords and Talismans (maybe expanded)?


We'll be counting on you for fresh news Thursday, then! That's great man! Cheers!
I think our folks north of the border can get this tomorrow, so if any of you Canadian fans want to post a contents list come time, it would be much appreciated!

Andy E. Nystrom

Jun 1, 2010, 12:38 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

I think our folks north of the border can get this tomorrow, so if any of you Canadian fans want to post a contents list come time, it would be much appreciated!

I'll let someone else type up the long list so I can focus my energies on the final rounds of the list of changes. Hard to believe this will be the last time I do these, at least for the foreseeable future. Congratulations to the Handbook writers for reaching the end of what was originally supposed to just be a one-year project. And since these are never going to reach the sales of, say, a Spider-Man or X-Men hardcover, thank you to anyone in sales reading this for letting this go to completion.

Roger Ott

Jun 1, 2010, 02:24 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

And since these are never going to reach the sales of, say, a Spider-Man or X-Men hardcover, thank you to anyone in sales reading this for letting this go to completion.

Seconded. I realize that handbooks appeal to a small subset of comic fans, so it's nice to see the release of new handbooks, and the hardcover series in particular. Here's hoping the trend continues on well into the future!

Eduardo M.

Jun 1, 2010, 04:00 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

Seconded. I realize that handbooks appeal to a small subset of comic fans, so it's nice to see the release of new handbooks, and the hardcover series in particular. Here's hoping the trend continues on well into the future!

Trifecta. This set has been a dream come true for me and I thank everyone who made it possible.

Sidney Osinga

Jun 1, 2010, 11:26 pm

I'll let someone else type up the long list so I can focus my energies on the final rounds of the list of changes.

Unless someone beats me to it, I'll do it once I get back from the comic store.


Jun 2, 2010, 11:20 am

Thanks Sidney. Hopefully,you'll manage to do it in the next couple of hours...can't wait...much...longer...! :]

Stuart V

Jun 2, 2010, 11:29 am

sucellos11 wrote:

Thanks Sidney. Hopefully,you'll manage to do it in the next couple of hours...can't wait...much...longer...! :]

Rather than watch you torture yourself, here's who is listed on the back cover. Not the same order they appear in the book (which finishes off the alphabet before going back to cover the stragglers) and not including the page counts.

Aboriginal Gods
Ahau (Mayan gods)
Ajak the Eternal
Akua (Oceanic gods)
Ant-Man’s ants
Anti-Registration Underground
Ape (Karlbad’s)
Apollo (Phoebus Apollo)
Apu (Incan gods)
Aragorn (Valkyrie/Brunnhilde’s steed)
Bambi Arbogast
Breeze Barton
Dexter Bennett
Blue Blaze
Blue Shield
Isaiah Bradley
Bran the Blessed
Brass (Watanabe)
Edward Brecker
Bethany Cabe
Vera Cantor
Captain Marvel (Khn’hr)
Whirlwind Carter
Cerberus (Hades hound)
Charlemagne (mercenary)
Chimera (extradimensional merc)
Cloak imposter (Mantz)
Collector’s zoo
Avery Conner
Carlie Cooper
Cosmo (dog)
Nguyen Ngoc Coy
Daevas (Hindu gods)
Dale of the FBI
Deadline Dawson
Y Ddraig Goch
Betty Dean
Dave Dean
Devil Dinosaur (Earth-78411)
Diablo (bear)
Diablo (Esteban Diablo)
Dievas (Slavic gods)
Diablo (smoke monster)
Dionysus (Olympian)
Dirt Nap
Diwatas (Filipino gods)
Doombringer (extradimensional)
Dragon-Men of Ligra
Dynamic Man
Ebon Samurai
Ebony (cat)
Electro (Zog’s robot)
Ennead (Heliopolitans/Egyptian gods)
Jimmy Everett
Falcon (Burgess)
Fiery Mask
Flying Flame
Flash Foster
Freak (drug addict)
Freki & Geri
Frogs of Central Park
Giganto (aquatic)
Gogo Tomago
Vin Gonzales
Don Gorman
Green Knight
Growing Man
Mark Gruenwald
Lynne Harris
Hellstorm’s horses
Hercules (David)
Cameron Hodge
Honey Lemon
Horde (mutant)
Phineas T. Horton
Hugin & Munin
Human Top (Bruce Bravelle)
Ina & Biri
Invisible Man (Gade)
It the Living Colossus
Jackpot (Alana Jobson)
Zephyr Jones
Jumala (Finnish gods)
Justice Peace
Derek Khanata
Kirby (Kerberos)
Amiko Kobayashi
Kraven the Hunter’s menagerie
Ana Kravinoff
Lady of the Lake (Niamh)
Landau, Luckman, & Lake
Steven Lang
Laughing Mask
Leapfrog (vehicle)
Saint Cyrus Leviticus
Tigon Liger
Lobo (wolves)
Lord Dark Wind
Lord Shingen
Mandate (Earth-3071)
Manidoog (Native American gods)
Manitou (Gitche Manitou)
Marvel Boy (Bank)
Masked Raider (Gardley)
Masque (Whitney Frost
Master Mind Excello (Everett)
Master Pandemonium
Mastermind (Jason
Ken Masters
Max (Punisher/Castle’s dog)
Leonard McKenzie
Menace (Mutant imposters)
Menace (Hollister)
Mister E (Jay)
Mister Negative
Mole Man’s Monsters
Monkey Joe
Monstro the Mighty
Barney Mullen
Oberon (Otherworld)
Outcasts (New Mexico)
Phantom Bullet
Phantom of the Underworld
Phantom Reporter
Phobos (Aaron)
Comet Pierce
Klara Prast
Princess Python
Joey Pulaski
Punisher (2099 AD; Jake Gallows)
Rama-Tut (Richards)
Red Lord
Rising Sons
Luther Robinson
Siege (Kelly)
Sky Devils
Space Rangers
John Steele
Captain Bob Strong
Talisman (Australian)
Tarantula (Vasquez)
Tuk the Caveboy
Wally the Wizard
Zarrko the Tomorrow Man
Professor Zaxton
Zeitgeist (Ekler)
Abraham Zimmer
Zodiac (teams)
Zodiac Key
Philo Zog
Arnim Zola
Zombie Master
Zota of Pergamum


Jun 2, 2010, 11:34 am

Yes! You're great Stuart Vandal! Thank you for once again calming down my fanboy-annoying-eager for news-side. I'm one happy fan now! *Checks list*  :Read:

Eduardo M.

Jun 2, 2010, 12:03 pm

No appendix??


Jun 2, 2010, 12:21 pm

There are so many neat surprises! Hijacker, It the Living Colossus, Gruenwald, Mark (just wow), Netherlands, Osiris, Princess Python (derived from P. Python's Pythons), Rising Sons, Psi-Lord, Siege and Tarantula are some of my favourites! Oh, Cockroaches and Chronomancer too! It seems a very interesting read.

Just a question though, are the following characters not included: Big, Bill & Don, Blaze the Wonder Collie, Green Flame and Uranus?


Jun 2, 2010, 12:53 pm

Is this the nation of the Netherlands?


Jun 2, 2010, 02:21 pm

From looking at the list, the new profiles are:

Anti-Registration Underground
Vera Cantor
Chronomancer (Fitzroy?)
Diablo (Esteban Diablo)
Diablo (smoke monster)
Mark Gruenwald
It the Living Colossus
Justice Peace
Derek Khanata
Luna - Is this the Inhuman one?
Marvel Boy (Bank)
Masque (Whitney Frost bio-duplicate)
Menace (Mutant imposters)
Misty (?)
Monstro the Mighty
Netherlands - Country?
Princess Python
Joey Pulaski
Punisher (2099 AD; Jake Gallows)
Rising Sons
Siege (Kelly)
Talisman (Australian)
Tarantula (Vasquez)
Tuk the Caveboy
Wally the Wizard

Madison Carter

Jun 2, 2010, 03:03 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

There are so many neat surprises! Hijacker, It the Living Colossus, Gruenwald, Mark (just wow), Netherlands, Osiris, Princess Python (derived from P. Python's Pythons), Rising Sons, Psi-Lord, Siege and Tarantula are some of my favourites! Oh, Cockroaches and Chronomancer too! It seems a very interesting read.

Just a question though, are the following characters not included: Big, Bill & Don, Blaze the Wonder Collie, Green Flame and Uranus?

Big, Bill & Don and Blaze are included; oversight in typing the list I guess.

Uranus is a no, but he will be showing up in one of the new Updates, just can't say which.

Madison Carter

Jun 2, 2010, 03:12 pm

ultrabasurero wrote:

From looking at the list, the new profiles are:

Anti-Registration Underground
Vera Cantor
Chronomancer (Fitzroy?)
Diablo (Esteban Diablo)
Diablo (smoke monster)
Mark Gruenwald
It the Living Colossus
Justice Peace
Derek Khanata
Luna - Is this the Inhuman one?
Marvel Boy (Bank)
Masque (Whitney Frost bio-duplicate)
Menace (Mutant imposters)
Misty (?)
Monstro the Mighty
Netherlands - Country?
Princess Python
Joey Pulaski
Punisher (2099 AD; Jake Gallows)
Rising Sons
Siege (Kelly)
Talisman (Australian)
Tarantula (Vasquez)
Tuk the Caveboy
Wally the Wizard

Gormuu is another new one.

To start answering some questions before they're asked regarding the new entries:

1. Several of these entries were originally done for other books, but were cut for various reasons. Some of them are from a book that was cut entirely.

2. Yes, we did include a small few "heavy hitters" here (Diablo, Rama Tut) for the sake of having a more marketable book.

3. A few of the entries were ones that we saw weren't really going to get a chance to show up in the themed books anytime soon.

Anyway, I hope everyone likes it, and I'm proud that we finally got the entire run out there. It's been a fantastic and frustrating experience.

Andy E. Nystrom

Jun 2, 2010, 03:19 pm

Looks good for the most part, nice to see the Mark Gruenwald entry. One question though: what happened to the various magical items entries?

To answer ultrabasurero's questuions, yes to Chronomancer being Fitzroy and Netherlands being the country (the latter, while only a page, manages to include a few capsule passages on prominent characters, including apparently a version of Spiderman (sic) from Dutch comics). Misty is the Star Comics character.


Jun 2, 2010, 03:22 pm

Congratulations! The work of the entire OHOTMU is worth of praise! :clap: I couldn't be more satisfied with this collection! I hope all of you have deserved breaks now and then and slow down the pace to recover energies! :cheers:


Jun 2, 2010, 03:36 pm

Wow, what a book! There must be at least 60 great character entries! Thanks to everyone for the list. :wave:

:dance: I am especially happy to see: Anti-venom, Blue Shield, Aragon, Collector's zoo, Hellstrom's horses, Ina & Buri, Ebony, Cosmo, (I am an animal lover), Psi-Lord, Lady of the Lake, Landau Luckman Lake and the Z'nox!!! (While I thought the Z'nox would be featured in July's upcoming Phoenix Force Handbook, I am happy to see them listed here. Also, it saves more room for other needed entries in the Handbook!) :dance:

:Co9ol: So, a few more on my list get scratched off...

Madison Carter

Jun 2, 2010, 03:43 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

Wow, what a book! There must be at least 60 great character entries! Thanks to everyone for the list. :wave:

:dance: I am especially happy to see: Anti-venom, Blue Shield, Aragon, Collector's zoo, Hellstrom's horses, Ina & Buri, Ebony, Cosmo, (I am an animal lover), Psi-Lord, Lady of the Lake, Landau Luckman Lake and the Z'nox!!! (While I thought the Z'nox would be featured in July's upcoming Phoenix Force Handbook, I am happy to see them listed here. Also, it saves more room for other needed entries in the Handbook!) :dance:

:Cool: So, a few more on my list get scratched off...

The Z'nox entry was previously published in the 2006 A-Z series.


Jun 2, 2010, 03:49 pm

Nice list!
I am very happy to see those totally new profiles (Vera Cantor, Chronomancer, Gravemoss, Mannites, Rising Sons, etc). I can't wait to have this handbook!
And who would ever thought the Netherlands got their own profile! Now I can learn which superhumans I can meet here  

Sidney Osinga

Jun 2, 2010, 05:05 pm

Derek Khanata
Rising Sons
These characters weren't in the book. Give me some time and I'll type up a list with page counts.

Stuart V

Jun 2, 2010, 05:25 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

These characters weren't in the book. Give me some time and I'll type up a list with page counts.

Sorry, I think the list I posted was inaccurate/out of date. Some entries missed, others included that shouldn't have been.

Andy E. Nystrom

Jun 2, 2010, 05:42 pm

ultrabasurero wrote:

Diablo (smoke monster)

Recently had a lengthy stint on a popular TV series  

ultrabasurero wrote:

Luna - Is this the Inhuman one?

Overlooked this earlier. Yes, it's her. It would be pretty inhuman to leave her out, don't you think?

Sidney Osinga

Jun 2, 2010, 06:23 pm

Zarathos (1), Zarek (1), Zarrko the Tomorrow Man (2), Zeitgeist (Ekler,1), Zemu (1), Zeus (3), Zhered-Na (1), Abraham Zimmer (1), Z'Nox (1), Zodiac (teams,6), Zodiac Key (1), Zodiak (1), Armin Zola (2), Zom (1), Zombie (2), Zxaxz (1), Zzzax (2), half page: Zar, Zara, Professor Zaxton, Philo Zog, Zombie Master, Zota

Aboriginal gods (1), Ahau (Mayan gods,1), Ajak (Eternal,1) Akua (Oceanic gods,1), Ant-Man's Ants (1), Anti-Registration Underground (1), Anti-Venom (4), Apollo (Olympian,1), Apu (Incan gods,1), Aragon (Valkyrie's steed,1), Bambi Arbogast (1), Asgardians (7), Athena (2), Azrael/Lazaer (1),

Balder (2), Baymax (1), Blue Blaze (1), Blue Shield (1), Isaiah Bradley (1), Brightwind (1),

Bethany Cabe (1), Vera Cantor (1), Cerberus (Hades' hound,1), Chimera (extradimentional merc,1), Chronomancer (1), Cockroaches (1), Collector's Zoo (2), Cosmo (dog,1), Nguyen Ngoc Coy (1),

Daevas (Hindu gods,1), Betty Dean (1), Devil Dinosaur (Earth-78411, 2), Diablo (Esteban,3), Dievas (Slavic gods,1), Dionysus (1), Dirt Nap (1), Diwatas (Filipino gods,1), Dynamic Man (1),

Ebon Samurai (1), Electro (Zog's robot,1), Ennead (Heliopolitans/Egyptian gods,2)

Fen (1), Fiery Mask (1), Fomor (1), Freak (drug addict,1),

Garm (1), Giganto (aquatic,1), Go-Go Tomago (1), Green Knight (1), Groot (1), Growing Man (1),

Heimdall (1), Hela (2), Hellstorm's Horses (1), Hephaestus (1), Hera (Olympian, 2), Hermes (1), Hijacker (2), Hippolyta (1), Cameron Hodge (2), Honey Lemon (1), Phineas T. Horton (1), Horus (1),

Inanna (1), It, the Living Colossus (2), Jackpot (Jobson,1), Jumala (Finnish gods,1), Justice Peace (1), Kimora (1),

Lady of the Lake (Nianh,1), Landau, Luckman, & Lake (2), Steven Lang (1), Laughing Mask (1), Leir (1), Tigon Liger (1), Lobo (wolves,1), Lockjaw (1), Loners (1), Luna (1),

Majesdanians (1), Mana (1), Mandate (Earth-3071, 1), Manidoog (Native American gods,2), Mannites (1), Maronette (2), Masked Raider (Gardley,1), Masque (bio-duplicate,1), Master Mind Excello (1), Master Pandemonium (2), Mastermind (Jason Wyngarde,2), Leonard McKenzie (1), Menace (Hollister,2), Mister E (Jay,1), Mister Negative (2), Misty (1), Mole Man's Monsters (3),

Netherlands (atlas entry,1), Nuada (1), Oracle (1), Otherworld (5), Outcasts (New Mexico,1),

Phantom Reporter (1), Phobos (Aaron,1), Poseidon (1), Princess Python (2), Psi-Lord (2), Punisher (2099 A.D.,2),

Quetzalcoatl (1), Rama-Tut (Richards,3), Red Lord (1), Siege (Kelly,1), Wally the Wizard (1), Yandroth (1)

half page entries: Achelous, Anansi, Anelle, Ape (Karlbad's), Aria, Blaze Barton, Dexter Bennett, Big, Bill & Don, Blaze the Wonder Collie, Bookie, Bor, Bran the Blessed, Brass (Watanabe), Edward Brecker, Caber, Captain Marvel (Khn'nr), Whirlwind Carter, Charlemagne (mercenary), Cloak imposter (Mantz), Avery Conner, Carlie Cooper, Cr'reee, Cronus, Cuchulain, Currs, Dagda, Dakor, Dale of the FBI, Deadline Dawson, Y Ddraig Goch, Dave Dean, Deuce, Diablo (bear), Diablo (smoke monster), Dogma, Doombringer (extradimensional), Dragon-Men, Dreamstalker, Dynaman, Ebony (cat), Jimmy Everett, Falcon (Burgess), Ferret, Flexo, Flying Flame, Flash Foster, Freki & Geri, Frogs of Central Park, Gibborim, Vin Gonzales, Don Gorman, Gormuu, Gwynn, Lynne Harris, Hellhorse, Hercules (David), Horde (mutant), Hugin & Munin, Human Top (Bravelle), Hungry, Ina & Buri, Invisible Man (Gade), Izanagi, Zephyr Jones, King Cadaver, Kirby (Kerberos), Amiko Kobayashi, Kraven the Hunter's Menagerie, Ana Kravenoff, Krill, Leapfrog (vehicle), Saint Cyrus Leviticus, Lion-People, Lord Dark Wind, Lord Shingen, Magar the Mystic, Man-Oo, Manitou (Gitche), Mantor, Marvel Boy (Bank), Marvex, Ken Masters, Max (Punisher's dog), Menaces (mutant imposters), Merzah, Monako, Monkey Joe, Monstro, Barney Mullen, Muro, Niels, Nimo, Oberon (Otherworld), Omnivore, Owayodata, Phantom Bullet, Phantom of the Underworld, Comet Pierce, Klara Prast, Joey Pulaski, Luther Robinson, Shango, Sky Devils, Space Rangers, John Steele, Captain Bob Strong, Talisman (Australian), Tarantula (Vasquez), Tuk the Caveboy

Mark Gruenwald (1)


Jun 2, 2010, 08:04 pm

Thanks Sidney! So, there's no appendix? What about Tomes, Swords and Talismans? Wasn't there a 4th missing part for the Magic appendix also?

Also, did you forget to list The Green Flame from Marvel Mystery Handbook, Sidney?

Stuart V

Jun 2, 2010, 08:53 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

No appendix??

No, sorry.

ToddCam wrote:

Is this the nation of the Netherlands?

Yes. Netherlands is one originally considered way back for the Atlas, but we ended up losing a number of nations due to space constraints. Hopefully we'll be including the odd nation, real and Marvel Universe, now and again in future books.

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Looks good for the most part, nice to see the Mark Gruenwald entry. One question though: what happened to the various magical items entries?

Not entirely sure why they weren't included, other than space. I'll ask.

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Netherlands being the country (the latter, while only a page, manages to include a few capsule passages on prominent characters, including apparently a version of Spiderman (sic) from Dutch comics).

Yes, the Dutch guy is Spiderman, not Spider-Man like the US. And like the entries on places like the Savage Land and Otherworld, we felt it'd be good to include pics of the locals where possible.

Rayeye wrote:

Nice list!
I am very happy to see those totally new profiles (Vera Cantor, Chronomancer, Gravemoss, Mannites, Rising Sons, etc). I can't wait to have this handbook!

Apologies again for the inaccurate list I posted. I copied the text from what must have been an earlier draft of the back cover, and didn't mean to get anyone's hopes up. There were a few late changes to the line-up, and one reason is the availablity of new art - certain people planned as new handbook entries got swapped out so that if and when we can cover them they will hopefully have a better bodyshot than is currently available. So the ones I gave you false hope for are hopefully still going to be seen some time soon.

sucellos11 wrote:

Thanks Sidney! So, there's no appendix? What about Tomes, Swords and Talismans? Wasn't there a 4th missing part for the Magic appendix also?

Also, did you forget to list The Green Flame from Marvel Mystery Handbook, Sidney?

I'll check on what happened with these. I think however it was just space for the appendix - we'd had new entries prepared and as we got closer to the end we found ourselves having to expand certain entries due to new developments and fit in new entries from other projects. Something had to give, and it proved to be some of the planned Appendix entries.

Sidney Osinga

Jun 2, 2010, 10:02 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

Thanks Sidney! So, there's no appendix? What about Tomes, Swords and Talismans? Wasn't there a 4th missing part for the Magic appendix also?

Also, did you forget to list The Green Flame from Marvel Mystery Handbook, Sidney?

I forgot Nothing! The Green Flame wasn't in this book.


Jun 2, 2010, 10:11 pm

Didn't want to offend you, sorry. Just asking. Hopefully, the OHOTMU team will put it in one of the near future updates like they'll be doing for Uranus.

If we are lucky they'll also include the appendix material. Because the HC run, as excellent as it turned out, feels kind of incomplete without it...

Sidney Osinga

Jun 2, 2010, 10:38 pm

sucellos11: I'm not offended, I was just goofing around. I too am disappointed that the swords, talismans, and tombs weren't included, along with the list of prisons and the rest of the Golden Age heroes.

Eduardo M. wrote:

No appendix??

It got removed. Zing!

Eduardo M.

Jun 2, 2010, 11:04 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

It got removed. Zing!

Hey!! no using bad puns!!!

Andy E. Nystrom

Jun 2, 2010, 11:27 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

Hey!! no using bad puns!!!

Are good ones okay?

Madison Carter

Jun 3, 2010, 12:53 am

Green Flame was an extremely last-minute addition to the Mystery Handbook, and that was a major factor in our oversight.

Yes, we missed him.

Sidney Osinga

Jun 3, 2010, 09:08 am

So I read through the first part of the book last night and spotted a couple of possible mistakes.

In the Zemu entry, he was 2 for Energy Projection on the power grid, but there's nothing mentioned in the Abilities/Accessories section to back it up.

In the Zeus entry, Uranus was called Ouranos. While not a mistake, it may be a sign that when the character does get an official entry, it will be under that name just to keep the parthenons straight.

In the Zodiac entry, Pisces and Aries aren't identified in the Ecliptic's Zodiac picture. Also, Pisces is I.D.ed as Aquarius in it. In the text, the Baal Abib Virgo is referred to as Aquarius. Personally, I'm a little disappointed that the entry wasn't separated into one entry for each group.

In the Zar entry, his son Zoro is called Zor once.

Andy E. Nystrom

Jun 3, 2010, 10:35 am

Madison Carter wrote:

Green Flame was an extremely last-minute addition to the Mystery Handbook, and that was a major factor in our oversight.

Yes, we missed him.

Kalahia from the same book was apparently also overlooked


Jun 3, 2010, 11:21 am

I'm pretty confident Kalahia and Green Flame will somehow make their way into one of the planned updates...at least I hope so.

Just a curious side note: the exact number of entries in the HC run is 2080! Nice!

Andy E. Nystrom
Jun 3, 2010, 01:02 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

I'm pretty confident Kalahia and Green Flame will somehow make their way into one of the planned updates...at least I hope so.

If they ever do a hardcover covering other material, perhaps reworked monster and western character entries, I'd like to see them. But I don't think there's be much point in adding them to a regular "floppy" update book; most of the entries in Marvel Mystery hadn't changed much due to the characters either not having appeared in many years or due to their limited series being on indefinite hold, thus preventing other writers from using them for the time being. I'd rather the "floppy" updates either being for new entries or those who have undergone significant changes.


Jun 3, 2010, 01:52 pm

I understand your point of view Andy, but it's for completion's sake. Both amount to only 1 page, so they don't take away too much space from the new characters.

Andy E. Nystrom

Jun 3, 2010, 02:43 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

I understand your point of view Andy, but it's for completion's sake. Both amount to only 1 page, so they don't take away too much space from the new characters.

I understand your point as well, but for me, if it was just floppy to floppy it wouldn't fit the completion sake criteria, since everything including the binding would be the same as the old entry, most likely. That is, I would treat it as an unrelated projhects (to the hardcovers) and not do one of my list of changes for that. I'd see it as more reprint for the sake of reprint and not part of the hardcover project.

If, on the other hand, the Green Flame robot gets rebuilt, goes berserk and kidnaps and tortures the Fantastic Four in Kalahia, and when the Avengers and X-Men go in to rescue the FF, Kalahia is heavily damaged and gets rebuilt in modified form using heat from a regretful Green Flame, then that's worth updating.


Jun 3, 2010, 06:13 pm

I just got my copy today. Again a very nice handbook! Although a lot of gods and Golden Age characters (which is of course understandable because of their entries in the former handbook specials and I apreciate the Asgardian and Olympian entries), I like the new entries and the Otherworld entry!
Still I'd prefer another character profile instead of this Misty girl, which is one Golden Age character too many for me

I have also a little question. In the Chronomancer entry Black Rook is listed as an alias of Fitzroy, but IIRC he was the White Rook of the Hellfire Club. And wasn't he part of the Summers Rebellion?

And since Gravemoss and the Rising Sons were erroneously listed at the back of the book, I guess they will show up soon in another handbook!

Sidney Osinga

Jun 3, 2010, 06:17 pm

Rayeye wrote:

Still I'd prefer another character profile instead of this Misty girl, which is one Golden Age character too many for me

Misty's not from the Golden Age, she's from a six issue Star mini series from the '80's.


Jun 4, 2010, 01:36 am

Vera Cantor certainly took me by surprise. I kept looking to see if I missed Iceman's girlfriend Zelda in there.

Andy E. Nystrom

Jun 4, 2010, 01:50 am

captainswift wrote:

Vera Cantor certainly took me by surprise. I kept looking to see if I missed Iceman's girlfriend Zelda in there.

I've long wanted to see a Coffee A-Go-Go entry covering Zelda, Bernard et al

Madison Carter

Jun 4, 2010, 01:52 am

captainswift wrote:

Vera Cantor certainly took me by surprise. I kept looking to see if I missed Iceman's girlfriend Zelda in there.

Now It Can Be Told:

We actually did the Cantor profile for HC #2 because we somehow ended up with a page extra. At the VERY last minute, we realized we had left out Caiera and had to re-add her, bumping Vera back to a later date.


Jun 4, 2010, 03:54 am

Interesting fact there! For curiosity's sake, do you have any more last minute changes in characters (re)placements along the HC run that you can share with us?

Sidney Osinga

Jun 4, 2010, 04:18 am

Madison Carter wrote:

1. Several of these entries were originally done for other books, but were cut for various reasons. Some of them are from a book that was cut entirely.

What book was that?

Madison Carter

Jun 4, 2010, 05:10 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

What book was that?

Not sure I can say yet, as the project may still one day see life, just with changes of who's in it.

Madison Carter

Jun 4, 2010, 05:11 am

sucellos11 wrote:

Interesting fact there! For curiosity's sake, do you have any more last minute changes in characters (re)placements along the HC run that you can share with us?

Just the ones already noted. Think there may've been some others, but I can't remember.

Stuart V

Jun 4, 2010, 06:31 am

Rayeye wrote:

I have also a little question. In the Chronomancer entry Black Rook is listed as an alias of Fitzroy, but IIRC he was the White Rook of the Hellfire Club.

He should be the White Rook.

Rayeye wrote:

And since Gravemoss and the Rising Sons were erroneously listed at the back of the book, I guess they will show up soon in another handbook!  

They are on the list for appearing down the line. Mind you, so are a lot of characters, so I can't promise as and when it will happen.

sucellos11 wrote:

Interesting fact there! For curiosity's sake, do you have any more last minute changes in characters (re)placements along the HC run that you can share with us?

Yandroth got accidentally missed from HC #13, as noted in that thread. His reinstatement here saw someone else bumped into an upcoming book.

And not a last minute change, as such. Months ago we sourced an image to get a headshot of Monstro, the Golden Age son of Ares, to add to the Olympians entry. It proved to be quite a task, as he only had one, hard to find, appearance, and we ended up with a copy of his entire story. He wasn't originally on our list of characters who might get included in the final volume's spare pages, but once we had that story, given the effort it took to get hold of and the fact that most fans have never had a chance to see what he looks like, he won his way onto the final cut.

Madison Carter

Jun 4, 2010, 08:18 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

In the Zodiac entry, Pisces and Aries aren't identified in the Ecliptic's Zodiac picture. Also, Pisces is I.D.ed as Aquarius in it. In the text, the Baal Abib Virgo is referred to as Aquarius. Personally, I'm a little disappointed that the entry wasn't separated into one entry for each group.

Sonuva....Argh - Could have sworn we had all those worked out. Dangit.

As the handler of that profile, I was given the option of separating the various teams. I finally opted not to due to a few factors. First, there's a bit of overlap history-wise between the Cartel and the LMD versions. Then there was the problem that pretty much all of the teams post-LMDs have very little history; heck, one incarnation of the team was never even depicted, just mentioned, and two of them only saw one member each depicted.


Jun 4, 2010, 01:31 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

I've long wanted to see a Coffee A-Go-Go entry covering Zelda, Bernard et al

A la my "Supporting Cast" handbook idea. However, with so many great characters to cover even beyond the X-Men, I think a HC book would be needed! LOL.

Dare to dream...:cloud9:


Jun 4, 2010, 02:34 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

I understand your point of view Andy, but it's for completion's sake. Both amount to only 1 page, so they don't take away too much space from the new characters.

It doesn't make terribly much sense to me to reprint those profiles in just another floppy. It doesn't strike me as "completion" so much as "random insertion." It's like if they left a page of Secret Avengers #3 out of the trade paperback, then reprinted it in Secret Avengers #12.


Jun 4, 2010, 03:50 pm

I'd prefer to have that missing Avengers page later in the series as an addendum or errata of some sort than not have it at all. That kind of move was common policy back in the day. And a legitimate one I think.

However, the difference in this case is that Green Flame and Kalahia are missing, but have already seen print, so there wouldn't be new info. So, why reprint them? For completion's sake is my justification.

I speak of completion's sake in considering the HC run to be a landmark. So, I'd like every entry printed before the run to be part of it, as it was OHOTMU team goal too. But as that didn't happen by a chance or lapse I wouldn't bother to see them in the general updates as they are natural extensions of the HC run (considering that even the character updates pick their history where it was left in the HC). You may call me picky or perfectionist, but when the subject is encyclopedic lore the details are quite important.

Anyways, opinions are just that and don't deter from being personal and subjective. So I suggest leaving further considerations to the OHOTMU team as they are the final judge on the matter. :Yes:

Madison Carter

Jun 4, 2010, 04:04 pm

If we ever do a volume 15 of the HCs, Green Flame and the other will be put there for sure. But unless they have major updating, they aren't being reprinted in another "floppy"


Jun 4, 2010, 05:08 pm

After reading Honey Lemon's profile I was wondering why her profile wasn't updated with the events from the latest Big Hero 6 miniseries where she was also briefly called Whiplash.

And compliments for the Netherlands profile! The headshots were nice and all Dutch names/words were correctly used.

Madison Carter

Jun 4, 2010, 07:21 pm

Rayeye wrote:

After reading Honey Lemon's profile I was wondering why her profile wasn't updated with the events from the latest Big Hero 6 miniseries where she was also briefly called Whiplash.

The events were referenced, albeit briefly. The alias was an oversight.

Stuart V

Jun 4, 2010, 08:04 pm

Rayeye wrote:

And compliments for the Netherlands profile! The headshots were nice and all Dutch names/words were correctly used.

Glad you enjoyed it. Always a bit worrying doing a history and language that isn't your native one, because you keep waiting for someone local to find the flaws you overlooked. And glad you liked the headshots - hopefully any future country entries will try and do something similar, showing you the locals (though for certain countries with lots of characters that might not be practical). We'd hoped to include a full body shot of the rarely seen Dutch Spiderman, which our art guys had colored specifically for the occasion - sadly, there wasn't enough room to use more than a headshot.


Jun 4, 2010, 09:26 pm

Just wanna thank all involved for producing my favorite handbook series ever. The hardcover format is by far the best iteration of these references to date. I will refer to these for years and years to come. My name in the thank you section was the icing on the cake!

I will continue to support the handbooks as long as they keep this same level of quality. Here's hoping that when the time is right, the hardcovers continue. Thank you!

Eduardo M.

Jun 4, 2010, 09:58 pm

picked this up today. Haven't gotten down to reading the entries yet but from what I've glamced at I am so far impressed. Love the mix of new entries that were added in with the "missing slot" people. Thanks to the new entries a couple of slots on my wish list got filled.

It amazing some of the work done to entries that first appeared in the Encyclopedia Mytholica. Balder, Sif, Zeus went from half a page to two or more pages. yeouch! (same can be said for Lily Hollister if you don't count the Menace entry.)

Here's a question. In Volume 1, Anti-Cap was listed before Ant-Man. Here in Vol.14, Anti-Venom and the Anti-Registration Underground are listed after Ant-Man's ants. So which is correct here? Should Anti-Cap have been moved? Sorry if this sounds weird but I've been compiling a list of all the entries that were in the Handbooks and I'm a stickler for correctness.

Sidney Osinga

Jun 5, 2010, 12:55 am

Stuart V wrote:

And not a last minute change, as such. Months ago we sourced an image to get a headshot of Monstro, the Golden Age son of Ares, to add to the Olympians entry. It proved to be quite a task, as he only had one, hard to find, appearance, and we ended up with a copy of his entire story. He wasn't originally on our list of characters who might get included in the final volume's spare pages, but once we had that story, given the effort it took to get hold of and the fact that most fans have never had a chance to see what he looks like, he won his way onto the final cut.

Can we assume that Tuk the Caveboy got an entry because the staff had to research it for the Marvel Index of the Golden Age Captain America Comics?

Madison Carter

Jun 5, 2010, 01:57 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Can we assume that Tuk the Caveboy got an entry because the staff had to research it for the Marvel Index of the Golden Age Captain America Comics?

Not quite - he was part of the cut-entirely book we were planning a few years back. As were Misty, Joey Pulaski, Marvel Boy and Wally the Wizard. Think you can probably see where we were going with it.

Eduardo M.

Jun 5, 2010, 02:14 am

Madison Carter wrote:

Not quite - he was part of the cut-entirely book we were planning a few years back. As were Misty, Joey Pulaski, Marvel Boy and Wally the Wizard. Think you can probably see where we were going with it.

characters with the letter Y in their name Handbook?


Jun 5, 2010, 02:23 am

Kid heroes or something like that, I'd guess.

Madison Carter

Jun 5, 2010, 02:24 am

Eduardo M. wrote:

characters with the letter Y in their name Handbook?

Holy crap, I can't believe someone actually guessed it!

But no.

Eric J. Moreels

Jun 5, 2010, 07:37 am

Couple of quick questions regarding Chronomancer's entry:

* one of his aliases is Black Rook, but that was Madelyne Pryor's title in Shaw's restructured Hellfire Club with Selene as Black Queen. Fitzroy was their White Rook as per X-Man #22-23.

* he's listed as being 5'10" and 150 lbs.; however the X-Men Encyclopedia has him as 6'2" and 170 lbs.

Also found it odd that there was no mention of Shard's involvement in his seeming demise, especially given their past romantic history.


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2/07/2020 10:13 am  #2

Re: OHotMU A-Z Vol. 14 Premiere HC

Final historical text from Comixfan:


Jun 5, 2010, 12:52 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

If we ever do a volume 15 of the HCs, Green Flame and the other will be put there for sure. But unless they have major updating, they aren't being reprinted in another "floppy"

That's cool. I'm all for more volumes! :yeah:


Jun 5, 2010, 05:01 pm

Y'know, this almost feels like the end of an era.

Now that the Hardcovers are finished, I've got a question. We're starting to see "update" entries for characters like Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, the Avengers, etc., who've already received full entries in the hardcovers, and that's great, and during the hardcover run we saw several characters who initially received half-page entries get expanded into full entries. My question is, what would it take for characters who only got a half-page entry in the hardcover run to be updated or expanded into full-page entries? I'm thinking in particular of characters like the Headsman (see his run in THUNDERBOLTS) and Lois London (who as near as I can tell, re-appeared for the first time in years in the X-books Necrosha storyline, complete with a new codename).

Sidney Osinga

Jun 5, 2010, 11:47 pm

I found a couple of Typos. In the Apollo entry, he was called "LApollo" once. In the Athena entry, there was a line that read "Hercules (as he was no known)". It should be now.

In the Cockroaches entry (which I was right in guessing), there's a reference to Dr. Harrison Kane. I think it should be Keen instead of Kane, as per the Blue Blaze entry.

I hope to see full entries for some of the Asgardians who received capsule entries, especially Karnilla, Kelda, Lorelei, the Norns, Skurge the Executioner, Tyr, and the Valkyrior.


Jun 6, 2010, 11:57 am

sucellos11 wrote:

That's cool. I'm all for more volumes! :yeah:

Hi there.

Longtime fan -- love the handbooks. I'd be all for an updated annual HC with all of the new entries from the year's worth of "floppies" too.


Jun 6, 2010, 12:51 pm

Hi, welcome to the boards! It's always good to have a longtime fan joining the ranks! Yeah, it'd be pretty neat to have that annual HC update you mentioned.

The possibility has been mentioned by the OHOTMU team itself, but they're now focusing on other projects, possibly needing a break from the HC overclocked work. Even if later on they want to make it happen, they'll still need green light from the higher ups.

Personally, I think new HC volumes would have the potential to sell pretty well (for its genre of course). We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Andy E. Nystrom
Jun 6, 2010, 05:07 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

The possibility has been mentioned by the OHOTMU team itself, but they're now focusing on other projects, possibly needing a break from the HC overclocked work. Even if later on they want to make it happen, they'll still need green light from the higher ups.

Another concern that was mentioned was making sure enough of the entries had changed enough so that it's less of a reprint book. I think at this stage there's enough material for additional hardcovers if you reformat enough of the Files books (Western, Monsters) and toss in the remaning Age of Apocalypse entries, the Ultimate volumes, and anyone who was just in the encyclopedia, but if you focus just on the newer hardbooks, the diferences are going to be minimal. In contrast the last hardcovers had a lot of big names who got small entries because the style was quite different in 2004-2005, and a lot of major characters had small entries probably to attract readers who might only pick up the handbook if it had enough "hot" characters.

I want to stress that this is not an argument against newer hardcovers. It's more I think if something like this were to be attempted again and attract people who already had the "floppies", they'll need to have a heavily dose of the aforementioned types of entries. Otherwise you're moving closer in the direction of straight reprint.

Roger Ott

Jun 6, 2010, 08:18 pm

Yeah, this was quite a discussion elsewhere on the board, and I agree with Andy. I think there's enough leftover stuff from the Files books and elsewhere to do probably one more HC volume right now, but honestly waiting a couple years to release a "HC Update" would probably be the best bet.

Plus, I'm sure just the words "updated annual HC" are almost enough to send the OHOTMU staff into hiding...

Eduardo M.

Jun 6, 2010, 10:32 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

Plus, I'm sure just the words "updated annual HC" are almost enough to send the OHOTMU staff into hiding...

is that before or after they yell at us with tears in their eyes screaming "For GOD'S sake, can't I at least remind my children they have a father first?"


Jun 7, 2010, 11:13 pm

A round of applause to all involved with this handbook run. I just gone mine in the mail and love it.

One thing, the Osiris profile is missing. I guess his listing on the back is a mistake.

Sidney Osinga

Jun 8, 2010, 12:40 am

I found two mistakes in the Diablo (Esteban) entry. First, his membership in Mephisto's Legion Accursed wasn't in his Group Affiliation even though it was referred to in the text. Second, the picture of Petrachnus wasn't credited.

captainswift wrote:

Kid heroes or something like that, I'd guess.

That's the way I'm thinking too. Hopefully, we might see this at some point. Some characters that could be covered are Artie, Leech, Wiz Kid (Matsuya), Chance and Gomi of the Fallen Angels, individual entries for the Power siblings, Kofi, Pathfinder (Laura Dean), Goblyn, Persuasion, Replica, and group entries for the Fallen Angels, Kids Commandos, and X-Terminators (X-Factor trainees).

Madison Carter

Jun 8, 2010, 02:33 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Second, the picture of Petrachnus wasn't credited.

Not an error. That's refurbished Alan Davis artwork and thus, does not get credited.


Jun 10, 2010, 04:35 pm

Stuart V wrote:

Glad you enjoyed it. Always a bit worrying doing a history and language that isn't your native one, because you keep waiting for someone local to find the flaws you overlooked. And glad you liked the headshots - hopefully any future country entries will try and do something similar, showing you the locals (though for certain countries with lots of characters that might not be practical). We'd hoped to include a full body shot of the rarely seen Dutch Spiderman, which our art guys had colored specifically for the occasion - sadly, there wasn't enough room to use more than a headshot.

The inclusion of the Dutch Spiderman was very nice!
But I just realized King Cobra (Klaus Voorhees) was missing! He was born in the Netherlands for sure.

Stuart V

Jun 10, 2010, 04:43 pm

Rayeye wrote:

The inclusion of the Dutch Spiderman was very nice!
But I just realized King Cobra (Klaus Voorhees) was missing! He was born in the Netherlands for sure.

Blast. Yes, you're right. US citizen these days, but Dutch born. And Beak should have been listed as a one time resident (he's been established as not being native Dutch, but he grew up there).

Roger Ott

Jun 10, 2010, 09:37 pm

I've been building an OHOTMU-styled Windows database application in Visual Basic for most of the past decade, and have a stored query that makes finding citizens a snap. Granted, my data isn't all up to date, but it works!

Jun 26, 2010, 04:50 pm

Given that Marvex is still around, shouldn't his abilities/accessories box be in the present tense? Only a minor quibble, I know.

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