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2/07/2020 10:29 am  #1

OHotMU A-Z Vol. 1 TPB

Historical text from Comixfan:

Zachary J. Morrison

Jun 19, 2011, 05:16 am

Coming from Marvel in September...

Written by VARIOUS

AT LAST! The landmark encyclopedia-style Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover series finally is reprinted in softcover format! Each volume has corrected any errors in all profiles — and features an all-new, 16-page “Where Are They Now?” update addendum with text and art! An indispensable resource for all true Marvel fans! Vol. 1 spotlights hundreds of characters beginning with A and B — including Absorbing Man, Armadillo, Alpha Flight, the Avengers, two Baron Zemos, Beyonder, Black Knight (Whitman) and Beta Ray Bill!

256 PGS./Rated T+ …$19.99
ISBN: 978-0-7851-5803-5


Aug 3, 2011, 03:25 pm

Has there not been any chat about this or have I missed it?

As someone who owns all the hardbacks, is there anything new/different in the trades?

William Keogh

Aug 3, 2011, 06:32 pm

It looks like corrections and updates are what's new for it. Since I prefer softcovers to the hardcovers, I've been waiting on something like this to be released.

Stuart V

Aug 3, 2011, 06:33 pm

bonaya wrote:

Has there not been any chat about this or have I missed it?

As someone who owns all the hardbacks, is there anything new/different in the trades?

Each volume has corrected any errors in all profiles — and features an all-new, 16-page “Where Are They Now?” update addendum with text and art!


Aug 7, 2011, 10:28 pm

Stuart V wrote:


How far into production is this book, Mr. Vandal? Have you guys already done all of the updates and corrections and started proofing, or can we still send you change proposals? Since this was announced, I've been meaning to go over my copy, but things have been crazy and I just haven't gotten to it, though I do know of at least one change/correction that I wanted to send you.

Stuart V

Aug 8, 2011, 12:36 am

DeadpoolRP wrote:

How far into production is this book, Mr. Vandal? Have you guys already done all of the updates and corrections and started proofing, or can we still send you change proposals? Since this was announced, I've been meaning to go over my copy, but things have been crazy and I just haven't gotten to it, though I do know of at least one change/correction that I wanted to send you.

There's still time, but it is fast ticking away.


Aug 8, 2011, 12:45 am

Stuart V wrote:

There's still time, but it is fast ticking away.

Okay, thanks for the info. Just out of curiosity, can you say if there were a lot of changes/corrections made or give us any information about what format the update/"where they are now" section is going to be in?

Stuart V

Aug 8, 2011, 07:57 am

DeadpoolRP wrote:

Okay, thanks for the info. Just out of curiosity, can you say if there were a lot of changes/corrections made or give us any information about what format the update/"where they are now" section is going to be in?

We've submitted a fair few corrections. The update section will be at the back, and is a mix of text and images. But we've still yet to see the first proofing pdf, so until we do it's hard to go into too much detail on how it will look - that's partially in our hands, but partially in the hands of those laying out the info provided.


Sep 28, 2011, 03:31 pm

Got it today. The updates are good, except for those of Anole and Black Widow (Voyant).

Eduardo M.

Sep 28, 2011, 03:41 pm

ToddCam wrote:

Got it today. The updates are good, except for those of Anole and Black Widow (Voyant).

Are all the updates in the back section or are some in the main part? Ex: is Black Widow (Voyant)'s entry the same as the hardcover or is it her more recent one?


Sep 28, 2011, 04:23 pm

I'd love to see a list of what's been updated. I won't pick this up right away, but if I can get it cheaper down the road I would consider it.


Sep 28, 2011, 04:37 pm

Well, for Anole, Beast (missed it the first time), and Black Widow (Voyant) it says see some other trade for updates. So I assume the Voyant one is the same as the original.

Updates include:

1602 A.D.
2099 A.D.
Absorbing Man
Age of Apocalypse
Aged Genghis
Agent X
Agents of Atlas
All-Winners Squad
Alpha Flight
Ancient One
Angel (Halloway)
Angel (Worthington)
U.S. Archer
Asbestos Man
Atom Smasher
Avengers Headquarters
Avengers Vehicles
Awesome Android
Axis Mundi
B.A.D. Girls, Inc.
Sunset Bain
Baron Mordo
Baron Strucker
Baron Zemo (Heinrich)
Baron Zemo (Helmut)
Yelena Belova
Beta Ray Bill
Big Hero 6
Big Wheel
Black Bolt
Black Cat
Black Crow
Black Knight
Black Marvel
Black Panther
Black Talon
Black Widow (Romanova)
Blackwing (Bohusk)

Andy E. Nystrom

Sep 28, 2011, 04:45 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

I'd love to see a list of what's been updated. I won't pick this up right away, but if I can get it cheaper down the road I would consider it.

EDIT - D'oh! Simultaneous replies. Well, maybe there's the odd entry that one or the other of us missed

1602 AD
2099 AD
Absorbing Man
Age of Apocalypse
Aged Genghis
Agent X
Agents of Atlas
All-Winners Squad
Alpha Flight
Ancient One
Angel (Halloway) - cross-reference only
Angel (Worthington)
Anole - cross-reference only
US Archer
Asbestos Man
Atom Smasher
Avengers Headquarters
Avengers Vehicles
Awesome Android
BAD Girls Inc
Sunset Bain
Baron Mordo
Baron Strucker
Baron Zemo (Heinrich)
Baron Zemio (Helmut)
Beast - cross-reference only
Yelena Belova
Beta Ray Bill
Big Hero 6
Big Wheel
Black Bolt
Black Cat
Black Crow
Black Knight
Black Marvel
Black Panther
Black Talon
Black Widow (Voyant) - cross-reference only
Black Widow (Romanova)
Blackwing (Bohusk)


Sep 28, 2011, 04:56 pm

Oh, sorry Andy! Didn't mean to be redundant.

And I did miss Albion.


Sep 28, 2011, 05:43 pm

Wow, I guess I should have asked who DIDN'T get an update!

How are they done? Does everybody receive equal space or is it more of an appendix-type deal where it depends how much they've done? Is there any artwork?


Sep 28, 2011, 06:15 pm

Loads of artwork. Different sizes. (More than two pages for Avengers; Agent X gets one sentence.)


Sep 28, 2011, 06:29 pm

Seems to be quite a few who got updates!

May very well be worthwhile to pick this up!

Are the updates just 1-2 sentences or is the entire profile updated?

Andy E. Nystrom

Sep 28, 2011, 06:43 pm

ToddCam wrote:

Oh, sorry Andy! Didn't mean to be redundant.

No need to apologize. Your list was before mine; it was just my bad luck that you posted your list as I was typing mine. I nearly missed Albion as well. Angel (Halloway) also gets a cross reference, but that's hardly stop the presses news.

Andy E. Nystrom

Sep 28, 2011, 06:49 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

Are the updates just 1-2 sentences or is the entire profile updated?

No entire entry, but as Todd notes, the revisions range from minimal (a cross-reference) to substantial (esp. Avengers; Agents of Atlas, Atlantis, and Black Pather are also heavily updated; Atlantis now has the typical Atlas categories added).

In the core section, the changes seem to be minor, like errors in the original Black Widow (Voyant) entry being removed. Will study this further and if there are enough changes in the core section, will do a list of changes from hardcovers. I won't do it just for Claire, though, as much as I like the character.


Sep 28, 2011, 09:39 pm

The changes in the main section are limited to correcting typos and outright mistakes (as opposed to later revealed information). Anything new is in the update appendix.

Andy E. Nystrom

Sep 28, 2011, 09:54 pm

captainswift wrote:

The changes in the main section are limited to correcting typos and outright mistakes (as opposed to later revealed information). Anything new is in the update appendix.

I've noticed a few other things. Albion, for example, has a new caption for one of the illos. I might make note of those.


Sep 28, 2011, 10:11 pm

Yeah, there's a few labels added. Banshee's main image was traded out because the HC main wasn't representative of his most current look. Stuff like that, so there's some differences, but it still boils down to correcting mistakes.

Sidney Osinga

Sep 29, 2011, 01:23 am

Does the Avengers update here contain material from the Avengers update in the Avengers Assemble Handbook or does it pick up where that left off?


Sep 29, 2011, 05:21 pm

I have to say that I am really displeased with this TPB. I was expecting it to be like the Women Handbook TPB but it isn't. I don't understand why the updated profiles from the Women TPB weren't used. Most of them are the same number of pages. Why couldn't you add the one sentence update to Agent X's profile or add Black Cat's niece to Known Relatives (like the Women TPB)? It boggles my mind.
How come Banshee's main picture was changed but not both Black Widows (like the Women TPB)?
I have a feeling this wasn't your guys' idea to do these TPBs and I appreciate the work done here, but it's a mess. Sorry if I sound harsh, it's only because I love you guys and what you've done with the handbooks. I'm just disappointed.
I still think themed handbook updated TPBs would be better.


Sep 29, 2011, 07:32 pm

I've only skimmed through the book and read some of the updates so far, but the corrections I noticed in the main body text were the ones I pointed out on here: (1.) Nemesis was treated as one person in the original Alpha Flight entry, but in this corrected version, both Nemesis (Jane Thorne) and Nemesis (Amelia Weatherly) were listed, and (2.) the Nemesis entry (in a later hardcover volume) listed Jane Thorne as a member of Gamma Flight but not Alpha Flight, which doesn't seem to correspond to the events in the comics, but this was corrected here and she's listed as an Alpha member. A picture of her isn't added to the Alpha Flight entry, but she does get a headshot in the update section (see below). Also, the name Jane Thorne may be new information, but I'd have to check the Nemesis entry to be sure. (I'm glad all of these corrections made it into the book, since I intended to e-mail Stuart about them, but I've had a horribly crazy last few months, so it never happened.)

In addition, in the update section, Alpha Flight and other teams, groups, races, etc., get headshots like later volumes had for (most) groups, along with active dates or first appearances, etc., which is nice. Here's hoping updates for later teams that didn't get headshots (like at least one of the X-Factor teams, I believe) will include headshots. (And I believe this has been pointed out before, but speaking of X-Factor, Random was left off of the membership list for the government team, just in case that's still been overlooked.)

And regarding where to put updated information, there's really no perfect solution. In some ways it might be "better" to have the new information with the main entry, but I kind of like having it separate in the back so that I know exactly what's new information and don't have to pull out the hardcover edition so I can compare each entry and see what's new. I'll probably do that eventually while looking for corrections, but it's still nice right now to see exactly what's happened since the hardcover. I guess the other option would be to put a note saying "what's happened since the hardcover" in each entry, but that would be kind of awkward/strange, especially for people who never picked up the hardcovers, plus it wouldn't apply to things like updated team memberships and newly revealed relatives, etc. Plus I'm sure it would cause tons of paging/spacing problems throughout the book. I do wish, however, that I didn't have to pick up that X-Men Legacy trade just for the updated entries, since I already have the individual issues. I'm still debating picking up the various Legacy trades with entries . . .

So far, though, I have to say great job on the trade!


Sep 29, 2011, 11:30 pm

@Golden Guardian:

The book was given 16 extra pages. The way it was done, everybody who needed an update got one. If the updating was done within the existing entries, people who only needed a sentence or two could be done, probably, but most entries didn't have room for a full paragraph to be added without expanding the page count. So, that allows 16 profiles to be expanded a page, and the rest of them to get either a sentence, or nothing.


Sep 30, 2011, 12:49 am

I'm so torn on buying this, I love getting new material, but I really don't wanna pay full TPB price for just 16 pages and the occassional error correction. I wish there was another way to release the new material for us dedicated handbook fans who buy everything.

Stuart V

Sep 30, 2011, 04:20 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Does the Avengers update here contain material from the Avengers update in the Avengers Assemble Handbook or does it pick up where that left off?

It covers everything from where the original HC entry left off.

golden_guardian wrote:

I have to say that I am really displeased with this TPB. I was expecting it to be like the Women Handbook TPB but it isn't. I don't understand why the updated profiles from the Women TPB weren't used. Most of them are the same number of pages. Why couldn't you add the one sentence update to Agent X's profile or add Black Cat's niece to Known Relatives (like the Women TPB)? It boggles my mind.
How come Banshee's main picture was changed but not both Black Widows (like the Women TPB)?
I have a feeling this wasn't your guys' idea to do these TPBs and I appreciate the work done here, but it's a mess. Sorry if I sound harsh, it's only because I love you guys and what you've done with the handbooks. I'm just disappointed.
I still think themed handbook updated TPBs would be better.

I'm sorry it's not to your liking. I do see your points, though as captainswift notes, we couldn't just intersperse the 16 update pages to individual entries. As to the specifics of the updates - Marvel wanted this to be a reprint book, to keep costs down. We were instructed to add anything that had been revealed since the HC in the updates, rather than modifying the main entries, and the only changes to be made to main entries were things that were errors or oversights. In most cases that meant text tweaks, but in Banshee's case, his last entry had a main that didn't show the correct costume for when the entry had come out. Thus, in that instance, we were allowed to change the art.

DeadpoolRP wrote:

I've only skimmed through the book and read some of the updates so far, but the corrections I noticed in the main body text were the ones I pointed out on here: (1.) Nemesis was treated as one person in the original Alpha Flight entry, but in this corrected version, both Nemesis (Jane Thorne) and Nemesis (Amelia Weatherly) were listed, and (2.) the Nemesis entry (in a later hardcover volume) listed Jane Thorne as a member of Gamma Flight but not Alpha Flight, which doesn't seem to correspond to the events in the comics, but this was corrected here and she's listed as an Alpha member.

Yes, we'd had confirmation that they were not all the same woman. You'll also find that the Alpha Flight entry corrects/includes the real name for the Nemesis who slew Deadly Ernest.

DeadpoolRP wrote:

A picture of her isn't added to the Alpha Flight entry, but she does get a headshot in the update section (see below).

There was no space to add it. That was the only break from the "corrections allowed in main text, updates to the 16 pages at the end" rule - if there was no space to fit a correction (generally art related, as they eat more space) it went into the updates.

DeadpoolRP wrote:

Also, the name Jane Thorne may be new information, but I'd have to check the Nemesis entry to be sure.

It is. James Hudnall kindly provided it.

And regarding where to put updated information, there's really no perfect solution. In some ways it might be "better" to have the new information with the main entry, but I kind of like having it separate in the back so that I know exactly what's new information and don't have to pull out the hardcover edition so I can compare each entry and see what's new. I'll probably do that eventually while looking for corrections, but it's still nice right now to see exactly what's happened since the hardcover. I guess the other option would be to put a note saying "what's happened since the hardcover" in each entry, but that would be kind of awkward/strange, especially for people who never picked up the hardcovers, plus it wouldn't apply to things like updated team memberships and newly revealed relatives, etc. Plus I'm sure it would cause tons of paging/spacing problems throughout the book.
And that's the biggest single reason why we couldn't do it. There was a brief period where it was considered, but it very, very quickly became obvious it would effectively mean rejigging the whole book.

DeadpoolRP wrote:

So far, though, I have to say great job on the trade!



Sep 30, 2011, 11:27 am

Thanks for responding Stuart. It's a shame that you guys were kinda forced into doing the updates like this. I guess it's better than nothing though.


Oct 2, 2011, 06:20 am

Stuart V wrote:

Yes, we'd had confirmation that they were not all the same woman. You'll also find that the Alpha Flight entry corrects/includes the real name for the Nemesis who slew Deadly Ernest.

I am sorry but I am a little confused now. Which Nemesis was now called Jane Thorne? The first one (who was previously called Jane St. Ives in the OHOTMU HC I believe) or the second one who joined Gamma Flight (previously called "Jane Doe")? Also, am I correct that the second one is now confirmed to be a former member of Alpha Flight, just like the latest Nemesis (Amelia Weatherly) was?

bigvis497 wrote:

I'm so torn on buying this, I love getting new material, but I really don't wanna pay full TPB price for just 16 pages and the occassional error correction. I wish there was another way to release the new material for us dedicated handbook fans who buy everything.

Totally agree with you. I have all the handbooks (including the hardcover series) so far and I don't want to buy these TPB's only to get the 16 pages material. I wish too there is some way to get the new material only.

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

In the core section, the changes seem to be minor, like errors in the original Black Widow (Voyant) entry being removed. Will study this further and if there are enough changes in the core section, will do a list of changes from hardcovers. I won't do it just for Claire, though, as much as I like the character.

That would be really appreciated. I know it will be perhaps a lot of work, but it would be nice to know which errors or omissions were corrected.

Stuart V

Oct 2, 2011, 06:54 am

Rayeye wrote:

I am sorry but I am a little confused now. Which Nemesis was now called Jane Thorne? The first one (who was previously called Jane St. Ives in the OHOTMU HC I believe) or the second one who joined Gamma Flight (previously called "Jane Doe")? Also, am I correct that the second one is now confirmed to be a former member of Alpha Flight, just like the latest Nemesis (Amelia Weatherly) was?

You have Isabel St. Ives, who was Deadly Ernest's daughter. Then the Gamma Flight one is Jane Thorne, and yes, she joined Alpha Flight in AF #125. And then you have Amelia Weatherly.


Oct 2, 2011, 06:55 am

Stuart V wrote:

You have Isabel St. Ives, who was Deadly Ernest's daughter. Then the Gamma Flight one is Jane Thorne, and yes, she joined Alpha Flight in AF #125. And then you have Amelia Weatherly.

Thanks, that is indeed new information. Nice to know!


Oct 18, 2011, 04:39 pm

Did the Where Are They Now? section for the Avengers also mention which new members has joined since then?
Because I was wondering if Victoria Hand, Sharon Carter and Maria Hill are listed as official members or only as Avengers liasions/associates. Same for Squirrel Girl.

Stuart V

Oct 18, 2011, 05:42 pm

Rayeye wrote:

Did the Where Are They Now? section for the Avengers also mention which new members has joined since then?

Yes, it did.

Rayeye wrote:

Because I was wondering if Victoria Hand, Sharon Carter and Maria Hill are listed as official members or only as Avengers liasions/associates. Same for Squirrel Girl.

Hill, Cart and Hand are staff, not team members. Ditto Squirrel Girl.


Oct 20, 2011, 11:02 pm

Stuart V wrote:

Hill, Cart and Hand are staff, not team members. Ditto Squirrel Girl.

And the same for Speedball—he's just an instructor, not a full Avenger, which is too bad considering how well he did against Korvac compared to the rest of the Avengers . . .

Stuart V

Oct 25, 2011, 08:16 am

All this Avengers discussion, but it seems nobody spotted the new information revealed among the headshots for same.


Oct 25, 2011, 10:37 am

Stuart V wrote:

All this Avengers discussion, but it seems nobody spotted the new information revealed among the headshots for same.

That the guy from One Month to Live became an official Avengers member? If that's what you meant, I noticed that, but I didn't read the series and just assumed it had been talked about there.

Or is it something else?

Stuart V

Oct 25, 2011, 10:58 am

DeadpoolRP wrote:

That the guy from One Month to Live became an official Avengers member? If that's what you meant, I noticed that, but I didn't read the series and just assumed it had been talked about there.


DeadpoolRP wrote:

Or is it something else?

Something else.


Oct 26, 2011, 11:09 pm

Stuart V wrote:


Something else.

Is it Skrull Mockingbird being named?

Stuart V

Oct 26, 2011, 11:15 pm

ultrabasurero wrote:

Is it Skrull Mockingbird being named?

Yes. She's H'rpra.

Mind you, if I'd thought I could get away with it, I'd have suggested we name her T'kila.


Oct 30, 2011, 09:57 am

I just discovered that in X-Men: Hidden Years #3 Beast mentioned his aunt Gertrude. So was this relative included in Known Relatives in the Beast profile in this tpb?

Michael Regan

Oct 30, 2011, 11:51 am

Stuart V wrote:

Yes. She's H'rpra.

Mind you, if I'd thought I could get away with it, I'd have suggested we name her T'kila.

:rofl: awesome!


Nov 20, 2011, 06:42 pm

I have a question about the Avengers update : why Prince of Orphans and Shang-Chi are not listed as new members ?

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