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1/04/2020 9:05 pm  #1

Avengers Roll Call

Historical text from Comixfan:


Jan 20, 2012, 09:27 pm

Didn't see a thread for this :


"(W) Jeff Christiansen & Various (A) Dalibor Talajic, Gus Vazquez (CA) Ariel Olivetti
• The Perfect Primer For Marvel's The Avengers Motion Picture! • New Profiles, Updates On The Stars Of The Movie And More! • Avengers Members (Charlie-27, Flux/Dennis Sykes), Enemies (Agamotto, Scarlet Beetle, The Atlantean Tyrak), Allies (Doorman/Demarr Davis, Victoria Hand, The Inhuman Karnak) And Everyone In Between (Carina, Cat People, Trickshot/Barney Barton)! • Plus: Avengers Academy, Secret Avengers, An Update On The Team Itself And A Full Feature Profile On Hawkeye (Clint Barton)!"

Sounds good...hopefully this or the tpbs of the HC will cover the Initiative and give us the full names of the 50 state teams!


Eduardo M.

Jan 20, 2012, 09:47 pm

Can't wait Can't wait Can't wait Can't wait Can't wait Can't wait Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Madison Carter

Jan 20, 2012, 10:31 pm

shazam2271 wrote:

 Sounds good...hopefully this or the tpbs of the HC will cover the Initiative and give us the full names of the 50 state teams!


Don't count on us giving them names. That's the type of new information that's not really our place to feature.

Sidney Osinga

Jan 21, 2012, 11:35 pm

So Charlie-27 is going to be covered. That just leaves Nikki.

Good to see Doorman getting an entry, since I've seen his profile picture in the art for the Deadpool Handbook. I guees he got bumped from that one. Hopefully we'll get Red Ronin, another entry that was bumped, here too.

Starnge that Karnak is in here. I had assume that it would be Triton who got an entry, since he appeared during the Kree-Skrull War.

I hope that Skurge the Executioner gets an entry in these pages.


Jan 22, 2012, 02:15 pm

So.....Avengers Academy will be covered as well, eh....??

That's great news indeed........ [img]file:///E:/To%20Move%20to%20External%20Hard%20Drive/MU/Avengers%20Roll%20Call_files/cool.gif[/img] :yeah:

Andy E. Nystrom

Jan 24, 2012, 04:45 pm

Minor additions and tweaks in the new official solicitation announced today:
The Ohotmu Team Led By Jeff Christiansen, Mike O’sullivan & Stuart Vandal (W)
[The original solicit only listed Jeff as a main writer; missing caps as per the listing]

64 Pgs./Rated T+ …$4.99

The page count, while not surprising, is good news, as it'll allow for the needed updates as well as the newer listings; if a new round of hardcovers appear covering characters who have been profiled since the last series, including those with updates, I shudder to think how big Cap's entry would now be.

No one hard to guess on the cover: Loki, Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye. Characters are drawn as the movie versions. I suspect there won't be entries for the movie versions of the characters but it would be neat if the movie versions did get profiled.


Apr 5, 2012, 06:56 pm

When is this one coming out?

Eduardo M.

Apr 5, 2012, 07:04 pm

Rayeye wrote:

When is this one coming out?

I'm guessing last week in April

Sidney Osinga

Apr 8, 2012, 06:27 pm

I hope to see some entries on oddball characters and groups such as the Inhuman nanny Marilla and the Split Second Squad, as well as more event entries such as Avengers Under Seige, Disassembled, and Blood Ties.

Madison Carter

Apr 9, 2012, 08:32 am

You're getting at least one of those, I just won't say which one(s).

William Keogh

Apr 21, 2012, 11:16 am

According to the releases listings for next week, this one is indeed on time for next Wednesday.


Apr 25, 2012, 03:17 pm

Since no one else has posted it, here's the list of characters covered:

Agamotto (3)
Avengers update (3)
Avengers Academy (3)
Ba-Bani race (1/2)
Jason Beere (1/2)
Black Widow (Romanova) update (1)
Bride of Nine Spiders (1)
Captain America (Rogers) update (1)
Carina (1)
Cat People (2)
Charlie-27 (3)
Death Tiger (1/2)
Doctor Minerva (1)
Doorman (Davis) (2)
Sebastian Druid (1)
Fat Man (1/2)
Flux (Sykes) (2)
Victoria Hand (1)
Hawkeye (Barton) update/Sky Cycles (5)
Hawkeye's Weaponry (3)
Hecate (1)
Hellfire (James) (1)
Hellrazor (1/2)
Hulk update (1)
Hyena (1)
Iron Man (Stark) update (1)
Jimmy Jupiter (1)
Kallusians race (1/2)
Karnak (2)
Kyknos (1)
Loki update (1)
Magistrati (1)
Para-Man (1/2)
Power Man (Alvarez) (1)
Raptor (Wilton) (1/2)
Revengers (Wonder Man's team) (1)
Scarlet Beetle (2)
Secret Avengers (2)
Sekhmet (1)
Serpent Crown (3)
Skymax (1)
Thor (Odinson) update (1)
Trickshot (Barton) (2)
Tyrak (1)
Under Siege (1)
Vorms race (1)

Eduardo M.

Apr 25, 2012, 03:54 pm

got this earlier and flipped through it on the way home. Looks good. cant wait to read all the Hawkeye stuff and the entries to the various Avengers teams

Andy E. Nystrom

Apr 25, 2012, 07:18 pm

Unfortunately Diamond either forgot to or decided not to ship any copies to Victoria BC, even for those people who were down for copies. My dealer has no idea why they weren't sent. They almost for sure won't be in next week because they aren't on the list of books the store's getting next week. Whether they show up the week after probably depends on available copies and Diamond's whims.


Apr 29, 2012, 02:35 pm

I'd been looking forward to this, particularly to see whether some characters were or weren't Avengers - Prince of Orphans, Shang-Chi, and Dr Voodoo (because of the cover of New Avengers 6). The result was what I thought, which pleased me.

However, I think there's a mistake on the Avengers Update page. Vision (Shade) is missing from the active members.

All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable handbook as always.

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