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12/22/2021 9:01 am  #1

Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

He Who Failed This City has captured 1357 individuals plus 26 special cases from across the Arrowverse and stored them in four locations. Your job is to rescue them. This time you have 50 shots per day, boostable by bonus shots to up to 80 (so 30 bonus shots to max out).

20 questions per day boostable to 40 by bonus shots (so 20 bonus shots to max out), but only five of the same question per day. Questions are up to you, but players are encouraged to be creative and not limit themselves to the same question. To avoid narrowing things down too much, I won't answer the actor/director was, and instead of who the creator was, I'll answer who was/were the writer(s) of the first episode.

Five characters have random shots, worth 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 in order of how they are listed by random generator.

Rules I'm playing by this round (some rules will differ in the special section in round 4):
1. If a particular version of a character was played by multiple actors, only one actor is used, not always my own favourite.
2. Conversely the same actor can appear in multiple roles, even in the same continuity.
3. No characters from previous rounds (including the 2020 rounds), though counterparts possible.
4. Going with the Arrowverse wiki standard, altered timeline versions are generally considered the same character but parallel Earth versions and past lives versions are treated as separate characters.
5. Aside from parallel Earth versions, clones, robot imposters, and other duplicates are possible.
6. For characters who have an Earth-1 version and an Earth-2, etc version, the default is the Earth-1 version.
7. While I'll accept an answer without this, naming the primary show or crossover for the bulk of their appearances is strongly encouraged. In some cases there are characters whose last name is unknown but whose first name only is used in multiple shows.
8. Real people are possible, sometimes played by themselves.
9. Characters who only appear in archive footage (e.g. old footage of the real life Hitler, characters from Welcome Back Kotter seen on TV) are not included.
10. Because many images (or close variants thereof) only appear in the Arrowverse Wiki (or that site has the best image for collage purposes), for the first 72 hours, don't just scour that side looking at images and trying to match them to the collage. However, during that time you can still check that site to doublecheck what a particular character looks like and if you stumble upon someone else in the process that's fine. Just don't keep "accidentally" clicking on links to other character names while checking a specific character. After 72 hours it's okay to "play Concentration" and mine that site for stragglers.
11. If a character's name has never been identified or if the character probably doesn't even have a name, just use a  description that will signal to me you have the right person.
12. All characters are derived from the core Arrowverse shows: Arrow, The Flash (modern era), Supergirl, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Batwoman, and Superman and Lois. To allow for enough characters for a future update in 2023 or 2024, secondary Arrowverse shows such as The Flash (1990-1991), Constantine, and Black Lightning are being held for that later update.
13. Crisis characters normally seen in non-Arrowverse shows/movie are normally not included. However if a a character from such a world is unique to Crisis, they can be in the main section and if they have a Crisis-specific look they can be in the special section.
14. Pre- and Post-Crisis versions of characters are generally treated as the same character unless there is some reason they cannot be the same person (e.g. confirmed to have been born over a decade apart).
15. This collage series includes characters introduced up to December 2021.
16. For unidentified Earths, it's okay to either describe them or use the Arrowvese Wiki's Temporary Universe Designation (TUD) systerm.
17. Part four has a special section for characters from earlier collages with a distinct different look. More on that in that section.

Already found in the 2020 collages
Agent Liberty
Alex Danvers
Allegra Garcia
Alura Zor-El
Amanda Waller
Anatoly Knyazev
Andy Diggle
Anthony Bellows
Anthony Ivo
Astra In-Ze
Astra Logue
Ava Sharpe (main clone)
Barry Allen of Earth-2
Batwoman (Kate Kane)
Behrad Tarazi
Beth Kane of (likely) Earth-99
Bethany Snow
Black Canary (Dinah Drake)
Black Canary (Laurel Lance)
Black Siren
Brainiac 5
Bronze Tiger
Brother Blood
Bruce Wayne, Earth-99
Canary (Sara Lance)
Captain Cold
Cat Grant
Catherine Hamilton-Kane
Cecile Horton
China White
Cicada (Orlin Dwyer)
Citizen Cold
Clock King
Commander Steel (Hank Heywood Sr)
Connor Hawke
Count (Vertigo)
Damien Dahrk
Dark Archer
Dark Arrow (Earth-X)
David Singh
Deathstorm of Earth-2
Dinah Lance
Donna Smoak
Dr. Mid-Nite
Eddie Thawne
Eliza Danvers
Elongated Man
Emiko Adachi/Queen
Eve Tessmacher
Fairy Godmother
Felicity Smoak
Firestorm (Jax)
Firestorm (Ronnie)
Flash (Barry Allen)
Flash (Barry Allem; 1990s)
Flash (Jay Garrick)
Floyd Lawton of Earth-2
Gary Green
General Sam Lane
Gideon (Waverider version)
Golden Glider
Green Arrow
Green Arrow of Earth-16
Hood (Adrian Chase of Earth-2)
Jimmy Olsen
Kelly Olsen
Hank Heywood Jr.
Harrison Wells, Earth-2
Heat Wave
Henry Allen
HR Wells (Earth-19)
Iris West
Isabel Rochev
Izzy Bowen
Jacob Kane
Jeremiah Danvers
Jesse Quick
Joan Williams
Joe West
Joe West of Earth-2
John Constantine
John Diggle Jr.
Jonah Hex
Jonah Hex of Earth-18
Julia Pennyworth
Julian Albert
Julio Mendez (Flashpoint)
Kamila Hwang of Mirrorvese
Kid Flash
Killer Frost
Killer Frost of Earth-2
King Shark
Lena Luthor
Lewis Snart
Lex Luthor
Lillian Luthor
Lily Stein
Lois Lane
Lucy Lane
Luke Fox
Malcolm Merlyn
Martian Manhunter
Mary Hamilton
Maxwell Lord
Mia Smoak
Mick Rory (likely Heat Wave) of Earth-74
Mirror Monarch
Miss Martian
Mister Terrific
Moira Queen
Moira Queen of Earth-2
Mona We
Nora Allen
Nora Dahrk
Nyssa al Ghul
Overgirl (Earth-X)
Patty Spivot
Pied Piper
Quentin Lance
Rama Kahn
Ra's al Ghul
Red Tornado
Reverb of Earth-2
Ricardo Diaz
Rip Hunter
Robert Queen
Ruby Arias
Sara Diggle
Saturn Girl
Sebastian Blood
Sherloque Wells (Earth-221)
Silver Banshee
Sophie Moore
Sue Dearborn
Susan Williams
Talia al Ghul
Tina McGee
Tommy Merlyn
Toyman (Winslow Schott Sr.)
Trickster (Axel Walker)
Trickster (James Jesse)
Trickster of Earth-3
Vandal Savage
Vigilante (Vincent Sobel)
Vixen (Amaye)
Vixen (Mari McCabe)
Wade Eiling
Walter Steele
Weather Wizard (Mark Mardon)
Wild Dog
William Clayton
Winn Schott
Zari Tarazi
Zari Tomaz
Zoe Ramirez

Characters found so far:
1. Rick Malverne, Supergirl
2. Harrison Orson Wells, The Flash
3. Perry White, Superman and Lois
4. Zoey, Batwoman
5. The Weeper, The Flash
6. Dean Warren, Supergirl
7. Masher, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
8. Ocean, Batwoman
9. Helen of Troy, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
10. Osgood Rathaway, The Flash
11. Psycho-Pirate, Elseworlds
12. Olivia, Supergirl
13. Harrison Wells (Earth-17), The Flash
14. Minotaur, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
15. Albert Einstein, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
16. Detective Addie, The Flash
17. Regina Williams, Supergirl
18. Duela Dent, Batwoman
19. Gregory Wolfe, The Flash
20. Veronica Dale, The Flash
21. Cyrus Broderick, Arrow
22. Michael Akins, Batwoman
23. Gwyn Davies, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
24. Scott Evans, The Flash
25. Parasite (Rudy Jones), Supergirl
26. Katsu Cheng, Arrow
27. Oscar Rodas, Supergirl
28. John Noble, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
29. Tony Kim, Batwoman
30. First Fire Totem Bearer, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
31. Jerry Miller, Supergirl
32. Morgan Edge (Tal-Rho), Superman and Lois
33. Lindsay Kang, The Flash
34. Paul Knox, Arrow
35. Izzy Williams, Supergirl
36. Doris Chase, Arrow
37. Gus Sabatoni, Arrow
38. Richard Bates, Supergirl
39. Sam Lane (Earth-TUD22), Superman and Lois
40. Maeve Nal, Supergirl
41. Jonas, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
42. The Pike, Batwoman
43. Gerry Conway, Arrow
44. Konane/El Lobo, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
45. Phillip Karnowsky, Supergirl
46. Thomas Wood, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
47. Cupid, Arrow
48. Carter Bowen, Arrow
49. Batman, Batwoman
50. Gypsy (Earth-19), The Flash
51. Sandra Hawke, Arrow
52. Dee Smithy, Batwoman
53. J. Edgar Hoover robot, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
54. Bernardo Rojas, Supergirl
55. Clinton Hogue, Arrow
56. Dorothy Heywood, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
57. Nylander, Arrow
58. Richard Ford, Arrow
59. Al Capone, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
60. Michael Ancona, Arrow
61. Garfield Lynns, Arrow
62. Abara, Batwoman
63. Beth, The Flash
64. Dwarfstar (Sylbert Rundine), The Flash
65. Stuart Holzman, The Flash
66. Margo, Arrow
67. Psi (Gayle Marsh), Supergirl
68. Vixen (Kuasa), DC's Legends of Tomorrow
69. Laura Ramirez, Arrow
70. Tigressa, Arrow
71. Anna Loring, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
72. Eric Moore, Arrow
73. Elizabeth II, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
74. James Zolomon, The Flash
75. Unnamed Hellgrammite, Supergirl
76. Chimera, Arrow
77. Debbie Dibny, The Flash
78. Milo Armitage, Arrow
79. Mayor of National City, The Flash
80. Dr. Lockhart, Arrow
81. Grady, The Flash
82. Whittaker, Batwoman
83. Alex Davis, Arrow
84. Zari Tarazi's father, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
85. Marcus Redmond, Arrow
86. Dollmaker/Broken Doll Killer, Arrow
87. Alec Tarkov, Arrow
88. Skull Man (Rickie Jenkins), Arrow
89. Jul-Us, Supergirl    
90. Bryxly, Supergirl
91. Digsy Foss' husband, The Flash
92. Mad King (Brpxz), Supergirl
93. Sara Lance (robot), DC's Legends of Tomorrow
94. Khufu, The Flash, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
95. Alana's father, Supergirl
96. Quincy P. Runk, The Flash
97. Felton, Arrow
98. Cindy Simone's father, Arrow
99. Hayashi, Supergirl
100. Anthony Venza, Arrow
101. Susie Lawton, Arrow
102. Mikhail Petrov, Arrow
103. David Bowie, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
104. Hells Wells (unidentified Earth), The Flash
105. Al Crane, Supergirl
106. Kevin Harris, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
107. Harry, Supergirl
108. Val, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
109. Myxzptlk, Supergirl
110. Draaga, Supergirl   
111. Baron Reiter, Arrow
112. Scimitar, Arrow
113. Henry VIII, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
114. Chase, Arrow
115. Genghis Khan, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
116. Orlando Davis, Supergirl
117. Jean Loring, Arrow
118. Adam Hunt, Arrow
119. Henry Goodwin, Arrow
120. Abraham Lincoln (Obsidian Platinum), Supergirl
121. Samanda Watson, Arrow
122. Kenny Li, Supergirl
123. Rag Doll, The Flash
124. Private Collins, Arrow
125. Kaylex Druzan, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
126. Chuck McCabe, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
127. Mary McGowan, Supergirl
128. Taylor Moore's grandmother, Arrow
129. Dietel, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
130. General Cloud, The Flash
131. Rainbow Raider (Roy Bivolo), The Flash
132. Becky, Arrow
133. Malcolm Teague, Superman and Lois
134. Chay-Ara's 19th century reincarnation, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
135. Gabi Kane, Batwoman
136. Brainstorm (Dominic Lanse), The Flash
137. Maaldorian doctor, Supergirl
138. Shane Colvin, Arrow
139. Raynes, Arrow
140. Warren Patel, Arrow
141. Damien Darhk's assistant, Arrow
142. Table Salt hostess, Arrow
143. John Nickel, Arrow
144. Vivian, Arrow
145. George Lucas, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
146. Fidel Castro, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
147. Dirk Armstrong, Supergirl
148. Green Arrow/Connor Hawke (John Diggle, Jr., Earth-16), DC's Legends of Tomorrow
149. Veronica Sparks, Arrow
150. Unnamed mugger, The Flash
151. Pestilence, Supergirl
152. Emily, Supergirl
153. Fred Haise, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
154. First Spirit Totem Bearer, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
155. Heat Monger (Lucious Coolidge), The Flash
156. Captain, Arrow
157. Phil, Arrow
158. Neron, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
159. Daisy Korber, The Flash
160. Kamadeva (Sunjay), DC's Legends of Tomorrow
161. King Louis XIII of France, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
162. Sam Armand, Arrow
163. Izzy Declan, Arrow
164. Jake Howell, Supergirl
165. Robert Baylor, Arrow
166. Maggie Sawyer, Supergirl
167. Hendrick Von Arnim, Arrow
168. Wells 2.0 (Earth-22), The Flash
169. Chillblaine (Mark Blaine), The Flash
170. Deputy Clemens, Supergirl
171. Maala, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
172. Dr. Frye, Superman and Lois
173. Mei, Arrow
174. Amy Sapphire, Supergirl
175. Tanya Lamden, The Flash
176. Queller, Supergirl
177. Hankerson, The Flash
178. Rainbow Raider 2.0 (Carrie Bates), The Flash
179. Pete Andrews, Supergirl
180. Gilly, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
181. Alexandra Romanova, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
182. Claire Abbott, Arrow
183. Jerry Garcia, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
184. Tom Weston, Arrow
185. Arthur Willis, Supergirl
186. Selena (Earth-TUD17), Supergirl
187. Killer Croc (Waylon Jones), Batwoman
188. Brian, Supergirl
189. Griffin Grey, The Flash
190. James Edlund, Arrow
191. Dr. Elisa Schwartz, Arrow
192. Roulette, Supergirl
193. Mary Xavier, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
194. Merve the Curve, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
195. Sergeant F. Bingsley, Arrow
196. Sergio Espinoza, Arrow
197. Eliza, Superman and Lois
198. Mrs. Reston, Arrow
199. Dr. Kaplan, Supergirl
200. Amy, Batwoman
201. Unnamed K'hund (Fort Rozz escapee), Supergirl
202. Darla, Supergirl
203. Fernando, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
204. Frank, Supergirl
205. Derek Holcomb, Batwoman
206. F. Scott Fitzgerald, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
207. Ezra Barnes, Arrow
208. Marv, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
209. Speed Force, The Flash
210. Skel, Arrow
211. Certo, Arrow
212. Scar, Supergirl
213. Satan, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
214. Dr. Wiles, Superman and Lois
215. Kyle Cushing, Superman and Lois
216. The Priestess, Arrow
217. Bud Ellison, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
218. Tobias Church, Arrow
219. Ripped, Arrow
220. Mabel Cartwright, Batwoman
221. Marie Laveau, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
222. Anne Queen, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
223. Marcia Pedowitz, Arrow
224. Quentin Turnbull, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
225. Jonathan Kent (Post-Crisis), Superman and Lois
226. Treasure Hunter Tilly (Bonnie Walker), Supergirl
227. Reiff, Supergirl
228. Nick Salvati, Arrow
229. Daria Kim, The Flash
230. Dr. Bryce, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
231. Jackson Klimavich, Arrow
232. Sen Ming, Arrow
233. Carly Diggle, Arrow
234. Clay Parker, The Flash
235. Renee Montoya, Batwoman
236. Coach Gaines, Superman and Lois
237. Brian Nudocerdo, Arrow
238. Ace (Kyle Reston), Arrow
239. Rob, The Flash
240. Adam Foster, Supergirl
241. Joanna De La Vega, Arrow
242. Yao Fei Gulong, Arrow
243. Johnny Sabatino, Batwoman
244. Rob Scott, Arrow
245. Donovan, Supergirl
246. Rene Ramirez (Earth-2), Arrow
247. Goldface (Keith), The Flash
248. Amy Li, Supergirl
249. Oswald Loomis, The Flash
250. King Arthur, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
251. Tokugawa Iemitsu, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
252. Jindah Kol Rozz, Supergirl
253. Dennis, Arrow
254. Mark Francis, Arrow
255. Peggy Bishop, Supergirl
256. Felix, Arrow
257. Tatiana, Batwoman
258. Lieutenant Colonel Reno Rosetti, Superman and Lois
259. Lloyd Li, Supergirl
260. Julius Caesar, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
261. Fist (Chris Medlock), Batwoman
262. David Fuglestad, Superman and Lois
263. Baby Doll (Angelique Martin), Batwoman
264. Erik Frye, The Flash
265. Acid Master (Philip Master), The Flash
266. Amanda Westfield, Arrow
267. Ms. Sinclair, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
268. Esme, Supergirl
269. Peter Lockwood, Supergirl
270. Susan Stevens, Batwoman
271. N'kkey, Supergirl
272. Vartox, Supergirl
273. Eli, Batwoman
274. James Jackson, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
275. Aglin, Supergirl
276. Chester Dunholtz, Supergirl
277. Senator Granberry, Supergirl
278. Melting Point (Matthew Kim), The Flash
279. Anastasia, Arrow
280. Dabney Donovan, Superman and Lois
281. Rebecca Merlyn, Arrow
282. Kelex, Supergirl
283. William Gates, Sr., DC's Legends of Tomorrow
284. Konstantin Kovar, Arrow
285. Solovar (Earth-2), The Flash
286. Lucas Hilton, Arrow
287. Kimberly Wright, Batwoman
288. Pyotr Roslov, Arrow
289. Ron Troupe, Superman and Lois
290. Turtle 2 (Frida Novikov), The Flash
291. Mina Fayad, Arrow
292. Susan Brayden, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
293. Rupture (Dante Ramon; Earth-2), The Flash
294. Alex Danvers (Obsidian Platinum), Supergirl
295. Gary, Arrow
296. Kurt Donahue, Batwoman
297. Shane McKillen, Batwoman
298. Bug-Eyed Bandit/Queen Bee (Brie Larvan), The Flash, Arrow
299. Onyx Adams, Arrow
300. Jack (Earth-Prime version), The Flash
301. Eva McCulloch, The Flash
302. officer Jones, The Flash
303. Laura, Supergirl
304. Henry, The Flash
305. Henry Neuman, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
306. Carla Tannhauser, The Flash
307. Murmer (Michael Amar), Arrow
308. Igor Starros, Supergirl
310. Cowboy Narrator, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
311. Kirby Bates, Arrow
312. Cass Derenick, Arrow
313. Justin Claybourne, Arrow
314. Calibraxis, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
315. Eddie Walczak, Arrow
316. Roxanna, Batwoman
317. Galina Venediktov, Arrow
318. Sinead, Supergirl
319. Jordan Kern, Arrow
320. Christoph Banks, The Flash
321. Quill, Supergirl
322. Parsons, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
323. Raymond Calverick, Batwoman
324. Chris Hayner, Batwoman
325. Betty Seaver, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
326. Sergeant Bates, The Flash
327. Spooner (Esperanza Cruz), DC's Legends of Tomorrow
328. Tammy, Batwoman
329. Leviathan Messenger, Supergirl
330. First Earth Totem Bearer, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
331. Alvarez, Arrow
332. M'yrnn J'onzz, Supergirl
333. Bo Travis, Arrow
334. Richard Nixon, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
335. Jonathan Kent Sr., Superman and Lois
336. Fred, Arrow
337. Daniel Burge, The Flash
338. Prom Night Slasher (Kathy Meyers), DC's Legends of Tomorrow
339. Deathbolt (Jake Simmons), The Flash
340. Chay-Ara, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Arrow, The Flash
341. Konstentyn, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
342. Tommy Fuller, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
343. Menagerie (Pamela Ferrer), Supergirl
344. Tommy (possibly surnamed Bishop), Supergirl
345. Celia Castle, Arrow
346. Sharon Powell, Superman and Lois
347. Marlize DeVoe, The Flash
348. Ellen, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
349. Paul Holt, Arrow
350. Kelton, Arrow
351. Larry Chapman, Supergirl
352. Alexi Burov, Arrow
353. Ankov, Arrow
354. Jefferson Jackson's mother, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
355. George Dean, Superman and Lois
356. Charles Eked, Arrow
357. Greg Osborne, Arrow
358. Paul Copani, Arrow
359. Li Khuan Hui, Arrow    
360. Magpie (Margot), Batwoman
361. Robert Wong, Arrow
362. Zaman Druce, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
363. Enigma (Evelyn Rhyme), Batwoman
364. Bloodsport (Robert DuBois), Supergirl
365. Jack the Ripper, Legends of Tomorrow
366. Timmy Ryan, Superman and Lois

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (3/10/2022 4:40 pm)

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12/22/2021 9:02 am  #2

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Note the 72 hour rule for Arrowverse Wiki in particular. Let me know if you have any questions about that or any other rule.

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12/22/2021 9:04 am  #3

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Also note that I'm still working on part 3 so total numbers may change.

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12/23/2021 12:29 pm  #4

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

It's been a day and no guesses so far so here are the source clues for the first 30. All of them are from a TV show of course so just noting if original or what their source is if not.
1. Comics
2. Earlier character same continuity
3. Radio show but likely inspirated by comic character
4. Original
5. Comics
6. Original
7. Original
8. Original
9. Real person
10. Original
11. Comics
12. Original
13. Earlier character same continuity
14. Mythological type
15. Real person
16. Original
17. Original
18. Comics
19. Comics
20. Comics
21. Comics
22. Comics
23. Original
24. Original
25. Comics
26. Original
27. Original
28. Real person
29. Original
30. Original


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12/25/2021 8:39 am  #5

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Merry Xmas everyone. In less than half an hour the 72 hour period where people can't simply scour Arrowverse Wiki for images will be up and everyone will be allow to "play Concentration", but people are still encouraged to try to recognize characters. With the holiday season being busy for a lot of people I won't add any more clues until at least the 27th, maybe later.

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12/25/2021 10:17 am  #6

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

123 Ragdoll


12/25/2021 10:18 am  #7

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

332 M'yrnn J'onzz


12/25/2021 10:20 am  #8

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

284 Konstantin Kovar


12/25/2021 10:22 am  #9

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

15 Albert Einstein


12/25/2021 10:22 am  #10

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

86 Dollmaker


12/25/2021 10:29 am  #11

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

300 Jack, Earth Prime's Royal Flush Gang


12/25/2021 10:30 am  #12

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

285 Solovar, Earth-Two


12/25/2021 8:01 pm  #13

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Those are correct. List updated.

When I list characters, I'm noting just the show(s) they're most known for. Unless otherwise noted, characters are from Earth-1 2012-2019 and Earth-Prime 2020-on except characters from Supergirl (Earth-38 2015-2019 and Earth Prime 2020-2021).


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12/27/2021 6:23 am  #14

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Over 24 hours so adding next 60 source clues:
1. Comics
2. Earlier character same continuity
3. Radio show but likely inspirated by comic character
4. Original
5. Comics
6. Original
7. Original
8. Original
9. Real person
10. Original
11. Comics
12. Original
13. Earlier character same continuity
14. Mythological type
16. Original
17. Original
18. Comics
19. Comics
20. Comics
21. Comics
22. Comics
23. Original
24. Original
25. Comics
26. Original
27. Original
28. Real person
29. Original
30. Original
31. Original
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias
33. Original
34. Original
35. Original
36. Comics
37. Original
38. Original
39. Comics
40. Original
41. Original
42. Original
43. Named after real person but not really a counterpart of them
44. Original, but race is from folklore
45. Comics
46. Original
47. Comics
48. Original
49. Comics
50. Comics
51. Comics
52. Comics (different first name)
53. Probably original but imposter of real life person
54. Comics
55. Comics
56. Original
57. Original
58. Original
59. Real person
60. Original

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12/27/2021 6:38 am  #15

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

11 Psycho Pirate


12/27/2021 6:39 am  #16

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

14 Minotaur, Earth-1


12/27/2021 6:41 am  #17

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

68 Vixen (Kuasa), Earth-Prime


12/27/2021 6:42 am  #18

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

47 Cupid


12/27/2021 6:44 am  #19

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

179 Pete Andrews


12/27/2021 6:45 am  #20

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

242 Yao Fei


12/27/2021 6:52 am  #21

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

50 Gypsy (Earth-19)


12/27/2021 6:55 am  #22

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

28 John Noble (in character as Denethor on the LoTR sets) 


12/27/2021 8:44 am  #23

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Those are correct; list updated.

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12/28/2021 8:54 am  #24

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Adding next 30 source clues
1. Comics
2. Earlier character same continuity
3. Radio show but likely inspired by comic character
4. Original
5. Comics
6. Original
7. Original
8. Original
9. Real person
10. Original
12. Original
13. Earlier character same continuity
16. Original
17. Original
18. Comics
19. Comics
20. Comics
21. Comics
22. Comics
23. Original
24. Original
25. Comics
26. Original
27. Original
29. Original
30. Original
31. Original
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias
33. Original
34. Original
35. Original
36. Comics
37. Original
38. Original
39. Comics
40. Original
41. Original
42. Original
43. Named after real person but not really a counterpart of them
44. Original, but race is from folklore
45. Comics
46. Original
48. Original
49. Comics
51. Comics
52. Comics (different first name)
53. Probably original but imposter of real life person
54. Comics
55. Comics
56. Original
57. Original
58. Original
59. Real person
60. Original
61. Comics
62. Original
63. Original
64. Comics
65. Original
66. Original
67. Comics
69. Original
70. Original
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character
72. Original
73. Real person
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed
75. Character's race based on single comics character
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character
77. Original
78. Comics
79. Original
80. Original
81. Original
82. Original
83. Original
84. Original
85. Original
86. Original
87. Original
88. Original
89. Original
90. Original
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character
92. Comics

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
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12/29/2021 8:42 am  #25

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Adding next 30 source clues
1. Comics
2. Earlier character same continuity
3. Radio show but likely inspired by comic character
4. Original
5. Comics
6. Original
7. Original
8. Original
9. Real person
10. Original
12. Original
13. Earlier character same continuity
16. Original
17. Original
18. Comics
19. Comics
20. Comics
21. Comics
22. Comics
23. Original
24. Original
25. Comics
26. Original
27. Original
29. Original
30. Original
31. Original
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias
33. Original
34. Original
35. Original
36. Comics
37. Original
38. Original
39. Comics
40. Original
41. Original
42. Original
43. Named after real person but not really a counterpart of them
44. Original, but race is from folklore
45. Comics
46. Original
48. Original
49. Comics
51. Comics
52. Comics (different first name)
53. Probably original but imposter of real life person
54. Comics
55. Comics
56. Original
57. Original
58. Original
59. Real person
60. Original
61. Comics
62. Original
63. Original
64. Comics
65. Original
66. Original
67. Comics
69. Original
70. Original
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character
72. Original
73. Real person
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed
75. Character's race based on single comics character
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character
77. Original
78. Comics
79. Original
80. Original
81. Original
82. Original
83. Original
84. Original
85. Original
86. Original
87. Original
88. Original
89. Original
90. Original
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character
92. Comics
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics
94. Real person
95. Original
96. Original but relative of character from comics
97. Original
98. Original
99. Original
100. Original
101. Comics
102. Original
103. Real person
104. Earlier characfter same continuity
105. Comics
106. Original
107. Original
108. Original
109. Comics
110. Comics
111. Comics (an alias in comics)
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared
113. Real person
114. Original
115. Real person
116. Original
117. Comics
118. Original
119. Original
120. Duplicate of real person
121. Original
122. Original


My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
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12/29/2021 8:46 am  #26

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

59 Al Capone


12/29/2021 8:48 am  #27

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

260 Julius Caesar


12/29/2021 8:53 am  #28

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

13 Harrison Wells (Earth-17)


12/29/2021 8:55 am  #29

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

2 Harrison Orson Wells


12/29/2021 8:58 am  #30

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

254 Mark Francis


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