343 Menagerie
339 Deathbolt/Jake Simmons
338 Prom Night Slasher
337 Daniel Burge
329 Leviathan Messenger
331 Alvarez
353 Ankov
341 Konstentyn
340 Shayara
333 Bo Travis
327 Spooner
328 Tammy
326 Bates
325 Betty Seaver
324 Chris Hayner
323 Raymond Calverick
322 Parsons
Those are correct. List updated. Marlize DeVoe was the wife of The Thinker. George Dean may be a reference to George Reeves and Dean Cain, two TV Supermen. Carla Tannhauser may be a nod to Carl Tanner from 90s Flash. In terms of my last clue with William Dey,
the false article led to Lex Luthor murdering him in the second last episode of Supergirl.
That leaves the following clues:
66. Original; student when last seen; friend/classmate of major character; obtained pills *ARGO [LOCKED; characters found at time of locking: ABDEFGHJKLORTVWYZ13457890]
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince; extra-dimensional BRY*LY [LOCKED; characters found at time of locking: BDEFGHJKLORTWYZ1345790]
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer; father of major character; son encountered him while time travelling QU**Y *. RU*K
98. Original; pilot; father of close friend of major character; raised daughter as a single dad after wife died ***DY S*MO*E'S FATHER
105. Comics; bar owner; some of his customers were killed in a weapons test; Lobo; cast character worked for him for a time AL *RA*E
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts; courted a major character; Superman; plane by two different actors M*YZ*TLK
124. Original; soldier (private); killed by corrupt general as part of a plan to frame someone in the theft of weapons *OLL**S
127. Original; toy shop worker; mother of a cast character and wife of a super-villain MARY M*GOWA*
129. Original; Time Bureau agent; hypnotized during a performance review D*ETEL [LOCKED; characters found at time of locking: DEFGHJKLORT345790]
143. Original; real estate developer; people died in his buildings due to inadequate heating; surname kind of currency JOH* ***KEL
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante; hero active in the future on a parallel Earth; Green Arrow; only appeared once but his world appared twice GREE* ARROW a.k.a. *O**OR HAWKE / JOH* D*GGLE, JR. (EARTH-1#)
151. Comics character with different name; warrior; active in the 31th century in one future under a different name; Legion of Super-Heroes; name refers to kind of disaster *EST*LE**E
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker; brought a main character home after time away; name is a descriptor *A*TA**
170. Original; deputy sheriff; in one timeline investigated #122's death; only identified in show credits *LEME*S
173. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed; twin sister of a key recurring character; both characters only seen in flashback ME* [LOCKED; characters found at time of locking: ABDEFGHJKLMOQRSTVWYZ13457890]
177. Original; judge; presided over main character trial; also oversaw another cast chatracter's arrignment HA*KERSO* [LOCKED; both remaining letters the same; characters found at time of locking: ABDEFGHJKLORSTVWYZ13457890]
188. Original; unrevealed; extra-terrestrial; has terran name BR*A*
193. Original; orphanage head, foster mother; raised a major character and also encountered same character as time travelling adult MARY *AV*ER
199. Original; medical doctor; treated a cast character who is a sibling to another cast character KA*LA*
208. Real person (at least going by first name); unrevealed; sought autograph from heroes; does he look familiar somehow? Actor who played him is better known for non-acting work*ARV [LOCKED; characters found at time of locking: ABDEFGHJKLORTVWYZ13457890]
210. Original, though shares name with comics character; unrevealed; once erroneously believed to have killed a major character; interrogated by cast character *KEL [LOCKED; characters found at time of locking: EFGHJKLORTU3457]
211. Original; bank robber; sent to steal for comics based/time motif villain *ERTO [LOCKED; characters found at time of locking: EFGHJKORT345]
212. Original; criminal; prisoner in other dimensional realm; name refers to an injury of some sort S*AR [LOCKED; characters found at time of locking: ABDEFGHJKLORSTVWYZ13457890]
219. Original; criminal; joined major villain's army; nname refers to a kind if physique R***ED
222. Original; pirate; lover of famous 18th century pirate A**E QUEE* [LOCKED; all remaing letters the same; characters found at time of locking: ABDEFGHJKLOQRSTVWYZ13457890]
223. Original; film director; did documentary on main character; followed hero in pursuit of #76 MAR**A *EDOW*TZ
228. Original; crime family consigliere; killed by boss' daughter out of a revenge for a kill he did ***K SALVAT*
232. Original; government agent; from China but killed in New Zealand; used Darrylo as an alias SE* M**G
236. Original; high school football coach; allowed main character to be assistant coach GA**ES
237. Comics; police commissioner; disapproved of main character's actions; while not killed off, only seen in one episode; Green Arrow BR*A* *UDO*ERDO
239. Original; unrevealed; husband of long recurring police character RO* [LOCKED; characters found at time of locking: EFGHJKORT345]
253. Original; board member; got major character ousted from tech company they were running DE***S
256. Original; shopkeeper; active in the near future; shares name with famous non-DC feline character FEL**
257. Comics (somewhat different name); assassin; second in command in her organization which operates out of an island; Batwoman: Rebirth TAT*A*A
268. Original; probably none so far, possibly student; foster daughter of major characters, one of who was a cast character the entire series ES*E [LOCKED; characters found at time of locking: ABDEFGHJKLORSTVWYZ13457890]
271. Original; member of resistance group; extra-terrestrial; IIRC has never been to Earth *'KEYY [LOCKED; characters found at time of locking: BDEFGHJKLORTWYZ1345790]
277. Original; Washington DC senator with an interest in extra-terrestrials GRA*BERRY [LOCKED; characters found at time of locking: ABDEFGHJKLORTVWYZ13457890]
279. Original; attorney; did pro-bono work for company major character worked at during sabbatical from her main employer A*ASTAS*A
301. Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities; quantum engineer/CEO; was replaced by a doppelgänger who posed as her; her doppelgänger first appeared before she did; Animal Man EVA M**ULLO*H [LOCKED; all remaining letters the same; characters found at time of locking: ABDEFGHJKLMOQRSTVWYZ13457890]
302. Original; police officer; betrayed his PD to a super-villain; was not a villain in the season he first appeared in JO*ES [LOCKED; characters found at time of locking: ABDEFGHJKLORSTVWYZ13457890]
303. Original; student; wore homemade costume based on main character that she later threw in the trash L*UR*[LOCKED; both remaining letters the same; characters found at time of locking: EFGHJKLORT3457]
305. Original; high school student seeking Hudson University admission HE*RY *EUMA* [LOCKED; both remaining letters the same; characters found at time of locking: ABDEFGHJKLMOQRSTVWYZ13457890]
307. Comics; criminal; wrongly imprisoned for false confession; became thief upon release; Supergirl MURMUR / M**HAEL AMAR
308. Original; mixed martial arts fighter; affected by humanity totem being activated *GOR STARROS [LOCKED; characters found at time of locking: ABDEFGHJKLORSTVWYZ13457890]
309. Original; waitress; dropped food and drinks after bumping into co-worker; only appearance was in a series pilot TRA*Y [LOCKED; characters found at time of locking: ABDEFGHJKLORTVWYZ13457890]
310. Original; singer; from Old West; briefly inside a time machine *OWBOY *ARRATOR
311. Original; computer hacker; spent five years in prison; seduced by someone who killed him K*RBY BATES [LOCKED; characters found at time of locking: ABDEFGHJKLORSTVWYZ13457890]
312. Original; fence; tried to steal from jewel thief; alive from 1968 to 2013 *ASS DERE***K
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics); CEO; masterminded an outbreak of tuberculosis; son was a the main villain of a season; Vigilante JUST** *LAYBOUR*E
314. Comics; unrevealed if applicable; demonic rival to cast character; only seen in Hell; Hellblazer *AL*BRA**S
315. Original; criminal; worked for comics-based villain wi8th time motif EDD*E WAL*Z*K
316. Original; Museum of Antiquities curator; super-villain stole necklace she had obtained permission to exhibit *O*A**A
317. Original; maid; murdered by employer; only seen in flashbacks GAL**A VE*ED*KTOV
318. Original; shop owner; aunt of super-villain; Irish S**EAD
319. Original; drug dealer; sold drugs to cast character at a mansion JORDA* KER* [LOCKED; both remaining letters the same; characters found at time of locking: ABDEFGHJKLORTVWYZ13457890]
320. Original; artifacts collector; attacked by super-villain he was showing his collection to *HR*STO*H BA*KS
321. Original; unrevealed; possible professional fighter; part of super-villain's fight club; a Brevakk QU*LL [LOCKED; characters found at time of locking: ABDEFGHJKLOQRSTVWYZ13457890]
342. Original; probable student when last seen; boyfriend of #325 in Harmony Falls TO**Y FULLER [LOCKED; characters found at time of locking: BDEFGHJKLORTWYZ1345790]
66 Margo
90 Bryxly
96 Quincy P. Runk
98 Cindy Simone's father
105 Al Crane
109 Myxzptlk
124 Collins
127 Mary McGowan
129 Dietel
143 John Nickel
148 Green Arrow/Connor Hawke/John Diggle Jr