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9/15/2022 2:08 pm  #181

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

343 Martha Wayne, Batman Begins


9/15/2022 2:11 pm  #182

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

348 Maxwell Allen as Batman, Confessions of a Superhero


9/15/2022 2:13 pm  #183

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

349 Asabi, Lois and Clark


9/15/2022 2:15 pm  #184

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

350 David Warfield, Superman IV


9/15/2022 2:18 pm  #185

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

353 Phillips, Watchmen TV


9/15/2022 2:19 pm  #186

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

390 Bian My clone, Watchmen TV


9/15/2022 2:20 pm  #187

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

372 Jane Crawford, Watchmen TV


9/15/2022 2:24 pm  #188

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

379 Lady Trieu, Watchmen TV


9/15/2022 5:39 pm  #189

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

Latest answers correct; list updated. Jane Crawford is worth 20 bonus shots, bringing Loki's total to 70.

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9/16/2022 3:24 am  #190

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

367 Franco Bertinelli, Birds of Prey movie


9/16/2022 3:30 am  #191

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

364 Crispus Allen, Justice League


9/16/2022 3:34 am  #192

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

382 Cassius Payne Clayface, Birds of Prey TV


9/16/2022 3:37 am  #193

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

388 Arnold Flass, Batman Begins


9/16/2022 3:39 am  #194

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

389 Tom Kalmaku, Green Lantern movie


9/16/2022 3:43 am  #195

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

393 Darkseid, Smallville


9/16/2022 3:47 am  #196

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

396 Neila, Superboy


9/16/2022 3:54 am  #197

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

406 Garth / Aqualad, Titans


9/16/2022 5:25 am  #198

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

Latest answers correct; list updated.

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9/16/2022 6:38 am  #199

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

Cleaned up clues:
339. Original TV show character; 10s; member of black ops team
344. Original TV show character; 80s; professional singer
345. Original TV show character; 90s; aunt by adoption of major character
355. From a TV show; based on comics (arguably indirectly); 10s; Outsiders; successor to another villain filling same role in group
358. Original TV pilot character; 90s; reporter seen in just one scene
359. Original TV show character but named after a real person; 10s; news anchor
360. Original TV show character; 20s; janitor
366. From a commercial; based on comics (kind of); 80s; Action Comics; appears with another actor known for playing same character
369. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Outsiders; can communicate with technology
375. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Batman; seen only in portrait
377. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Batman; co-owner of restaurant
378. Original TV show character; 10s; identity usurped by another character
383. Original TV show character; 20s; enforcer for main villain
385. From a TV show; based on real person (at least in part); 10s; judge
394. Original TV show character; 00s; executive who briefly took charge of company when boss went missing
397. Original TV show character; 10s; son of super-villain
399. Original TV show character; 80s; robbed banks and jewelry stores
400. Original TV show character; 80s; archaeologist working for museum
407. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Detective Comics; son of a billionnaire couple
408. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 20s; son of a vigilante
409. From a movie; based on comics; 90s; Steel; arms dealer
411. Original TV show character; 10s; telepathic meta-human therapist
413. Original TV show character; 00s; design engineer woorking on new train
414. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Brightest Day; impersonated a superhero
415. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; New Teen Titans; assassin
417. Original TV show character; 20s; works for weapons manufacturer
418. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Outsiders; counterpart of cast character
420. Original TV show character; 00s; ex-lover of main character
424. Original movie character; 10s; wife of crime family leader
425. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Detective Comics; street cop
426. Original TV show character; 00s; owned a bar and safe house
427. From a movie; name only based on religion; 00s; Christianity; half-breed demon
429. Original movie character; 20s; incumbent mayor
432. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Batman; corrupt police detective
433. From a TV show; based on real person (at least in part); 10s; judge
437. Original TV show character; 00s; targeted due to actions by his brother
439. From a TV show; has elements of at least two comics character using same alias; 10s; Shadowpact and Batman: The Dark Knight; hypnotized to leave clues about the whereabouts of a villain's victims
440. Original TV show character; 80s; former partner of the main villain of the episode
443. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Detective Comics; seen only in fake reality
444. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hellblazer; ex-wife of cast character
445. From a movie; somewhat based on comics; 10s; Detective Comics; made a bomb threat
446. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Batman; police commissioner
447. Original TV show character; 80s; has same name as a James Bond villain
450. Original TV show character; 20s; wife of key ally of main character
451. Original TV show character; 20s; doublecrossed main character
452. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Watchmen; seen briefly in flashback
453. Original movie character; 00s; attended a dinner date
455. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Batman; I think this version only appeared in news broadcast
456. Original TV show character; 10s; law enforcement officer of sorts
458. Original TV show character; 10s; mother of superhero
459. Original TV show character; 90s; bar owner/criminal
462. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Swamp Thing; biologist
465. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Batman; wealthy surgeon
466. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; All-American Comics; super-villain on life support
467. From a TV show; based on comics; 80s; Action Comics; soldier turned farmer
468. Original TV show character; 80s; federal agent
469. Original TV show character; 20s; possessed by alien
474. Original TV show character; 70s; international terrorist
475. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version's first name unrevealed); 10s; Green Arrow: Year One; criminal who abused young girl
476. From a TV show; based on comics; 80s; Action Comics; farmer
478. From a TV show; based on comics (original comics version had different first name); 00s; Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane; mother of major villain
480. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version's first name unrevealed and this version gender swapped); 10s; Detective Comics; mercenary with poison-tipped blades
482. Original TV show character; 10s; high school dropout
485. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Outsiders; part of a family of villains
486. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Green Lantern; criminal CFO of a corporation
487. Original movie character; 80s; gas station attendant
488. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Doctor Fate; psychiatrist
489. From a movie; code name based on comics; 90s; Batman; information sparse on this version but presumably a villainess
490. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Justice League; telepath
491. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hellblazer; possessed people with enormous hunger
493. From a movie; based on TV show (TV version has different first name); 10s; Batman: The Animated Series' construction company owner
495. Original movie character; 80s; elementary school student
496. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Action Comics; can pass through objects
497. From a movie; based on comics; 80s; Swamp Thing; sister of main character
501. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Batman: The Long Halloween; criminal second-in-command
504. Original TV show character; 80s; bank robber
505. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Action Comics; presumed farmer
506. Original movie character; 10s; childhood bully of main character
509. Original TV show character; 10s; fallen angel
510. From a TV show; based on radio show; 90s; The Adventures of Superman; from a skit
512. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 20s; merged with counterpart for a time
513. Original TV show character; 20s; white supremacist
514. Original TV show character; 10s; mother of a villain
518. Original TV movie character; 70s; worked for main villain
519. Original TV show character; 00s; could create psychic illusions
520. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Showcase; metahuman physician
522. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Arkham Asylum: Living Hell; circus strongman
524. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Detective Comics; seen with another character this collage who was already identified
526. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Detective Comics; shape-shifter
527. Original TV show character; 70s; dropped out of school to become a mechanic
528. Original movie character; 10s; security guard until injured
530. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Tales of the Teen Titans; heroic son of a villain
531. Original movie character; 10s; Mayan shaman
532. Original TV show character; 10s; prison warden
537. Original movie character; 00s; board member
538. Original TV show character; 10s; circus acrobat
539. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Green Arrow; martial artist/archer
540. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Joker; worked for major villain
541. From a TV show; based on religion/myths; 90s; probably impossible to trace to a specific source; personification of an abstract concept
542. Original TV show character; 00s; clone of major character's brother
543. Original TV show character; 00s; killed by wraith resembling main character
546. From a TV show; based on comics with slightly different surname, though named on radio show 70s; Action Comics, named in Adventures of Superman; seen in alternate reality Nazi Germany
549. From a TV show; shares code name with comics character but that's probably coincidental; 70s; musician who can control minds
551. Original TV show character; 10s; mother of recurring villains
557. Original TV show character; 90s; one of the main characters once tried to steal his food
558. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Detective Comics; part of special ops team of cops
560. From a webseries (I've been trying to avoid those but this one slipped in); based on comics; 10s; All Star Comics; in some sort of music competition
561. Original movie character; 80s; helped villain try to stave off effects of aging
563. From a commercial; based on comics; 80s; Detective Comics; did a shopping trip in costume
564. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; tasked his three child brides to find him a fourth
565. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; legal father of major character
567. From a commercial; based on comics; 90s; Detective Comics; seen in live show ad
568. Original TV show character; 00s; head of cyber-security firm
569. Original movie character; 00s; mentor to main character
570. Original TV show character; 00s; deputy turned sheriff
571. Original movie character; 10s; food bar cook
572. Original movie character; 90s; part of circus themed criminal gang
578. Original TV show character; 10s; Russian leader of corrupt organization
579. Original movie character, though at least one comics character has same name; 00s; can resurrect people
581. From a TV show; based on comics (gender swapped so slightly different first name); 10s;  Tales of the New Teen Titans; war veteran
583. From a TV show; dressed as character based on comics; 80s; Detective Comics; started to have a "romantic" encounter with another such character
585. Original TV show character; 00s; attempted a killing on a flight
586. Original TV show character; 70s; wanted to stop a horse from being put down
587. Original TV show character, though at least one comics character has same name; 20s; bounty hunter
590. Original TV show character; 10s; ally of main character
591. From a TV show; based on comics; 90s; Action Comics; older counterpart of main character
592. Original TV show character; 10s; wife of super-villain
594. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity and surname nod to earlier comics character who isn't a counterpart; 20s; Superboy; editor-in-chief
596. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Catwoman; police detective
598. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Superman; police detective
602. Original TV show character; 10s; possessed people
606. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Outsiders; part of a family of villains
607. Original TV show character; 70s; hypnotist
610. Original TV show character; 10s; helped defend town from invaders from another country
611. Original TV show character; 10s; legal guardian of cast character
612. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; New Teen Titans; can transmute matter
616. From a TV show; based on comics (slightly different first name); 10s; Justice Society of America; counterpart of cast character
620. Original movie character; 00s; police detective in special unit
621. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; counterpart of recurring villain
622. Original TV show character; 00s; reporter for newspaper
624. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; astronaut in movie and in real life
625. Original TV show character; 10s; metahuman with unrevealed powers
626. Original TV movie character; 70s; no info online about character and it's been decades since I saw the movie; I think from the image I cropped this from she's a criminal
627. From a TV show; based on comics (though likely different real name); 10s; Detective Comics; depicted as a family member
629. From a TV show; based on comics (different real name and slightly different code name); 10s; Green Lantern; various powers including strength and self-resurrection
631. From a TV show; based on radio show; 90s;     The Adventures of Superman; presumed editor
633. Original TV show character; 90s; minion of major villain
634. From a TV show; dressed as character based on comics; 80s; All Star Comics; started to have a "romantic" encounter with another such character
635. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Batman/Huntress: Cry for Blood; brother of future vigilante
638. Original TV show character; 10s; multiple clones all sharing same name, though usually only one active at a time
639. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Wonder Woman; warrior and mentor
641. Original TV show character; 10s; general counsel for engineering firm
643. From a movie; code name based on comics; 90s; Detective Comics; robber
647. Original TV show character; 80s; dated main character briefly
649. Original TV show character; 80s; sister-in-law of main character
650. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; JSA; cousin of cast character
651. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hawk and Dove; abused by husband
652. Original movie character; 10s; co-worker of main character
653. Original TV show character; 20s; lawyer to main villain
654. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; discovered she's from another world
657. Original movie character; 10s; secretary for main villain
660. From a TV show; based on comics; 90s; Showcase or Flash, depending on which version this is supposed to be; from skit
661. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Richard Dragon, Kung-Fu Fighter;  thief turned assassin
662. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Action Comics; from skit
664. From a movie; code name based on comics; 70s; Detective Comics; son of another hero
665. Original TV show character though name alludes to real person; 20s; major villain
670. Original TV show character; 10s; law enforcement officer of sorts
671. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Action Comics; reporter
673. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Action Comics; counterpart of major character
674. Original TV show character; 10s; worked for rebel organization

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9/18/2022 6:44 am  #200

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

Tally added for source series. As before I've hidden "first timers" with a clue. To minimize counting errors, I may retally occasionally.

Black Lightning    13
Gotham    13
Titans    13
Smallville    12
Superboy    8
Flash 1990    7
Human Target (2010)    6
Stargirl    6
Constantine TV    5
Peacemaker    5
SNL (various skits)    5
Superman and Lois    5
Krypton    4
Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)    3
Joker    3
Naomi    3
Watchmen (TV)    3
Wonder Woman tv series    3
Alyas Batman en Robin (1991)    2
Batman Begins    2
Birds of Prey TV    2
Catwoman    2
Doom Patrol    2
Flash modern    2
[non-DC action series]    2
Powerless    2
Shazam! TV    2
Swamp Thing movie    2
The Dark Knight    2
Watchmen movie    2
Wonder woman 1974 TV movie    2
Wonder Woman 1984    2
Aquaman movie    1
Batman Returns    1
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice    1
Batwoman and Robin (1972)    1
[commercial for specific product]    1
[commercial for  defunct store chain] 1
Conan     1
Constantine movie    1
[music series]     1
[biopic]   1
Justice League pilot    1
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman    1
MTV Awards 2018    1
Pennyworth    1
Six Flags Fiesta Texas, San Antonio commerical    1
Steel    1
Suicide Squad (2016)    1
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace    1
Swamp Thing (1990s series)    1
Swamp Thing (2019 series)    1
The Batman (2022)    1
The Dark Knight Rises    1
The Return of Swamp Thing    1


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9/18/2022 7:06 am  #201

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

567 Batman, DC Comics Superheroes Live show (1996)


9/18/2022 7:07 am  #202

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

546 Jimmy Olstein, SNL's 1979 What If Superman was a Nazi sketch


9/18/2022 7:08 am  #203

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

538 Alphonse Grayson, Gotham


9/18/2022 7:10 am  #204

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

558 Josie Mac, Gotham


9/18/2022 7:12 am  #205

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

542 Grant Gabriel, Smallville


9/18/2022 7:14 am  #206

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

551 Lily Valeska, Gotham


9/18/2022 7:25 am  #207

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

489 Catwoman, Alyas Batman en Robin


9/18/2022 7:27 am  #208

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

643 Tiyo Paenguin, Alyas Batman en Robin


9/18/2022 7:30 am  #209

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

662 Superman, Conan's San Diego Comic Con skit "Batman wants to join the Marvel Universe"


9/18/2022 7:35 am  #210

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #53 DC Live Update 2022 2 of 4

409 Mr. Weston, Steel


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