Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD
Real Name: Harry Griswold
Aliases: None
Occupation: Police officer
Identity: Publicly known
Legal status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record
Place of birth: New York City, New York
Marital status: Married
Known relatives: Mrs. Griswold (wife)
Group affiliation: NYPD
Base of operations: New York City, New York
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 180 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Powers and abilities: Sgt. Kabukiman possesses the ability to channel the powers of kabuki theater, granting him enhanced strength, speed, and agility. He is also an expert in martial arts and weapons use, particularly with his signature weapon, the Kabukirifle.
History: Harry Griswold was an average police officer in the NYPD until he was chosen to be the successor to the previous Kabukiman, a mystical superhero who used the power of kabuki theater to fight crime.
As Sgt. Kabukiman, Harry was able to tap into the power of kabuki, granting him incredible strength, agility, and martial arts skills. He also gained the ability to use the Kabukirifle, a powerful weapon that fires blasts of energy.
Throughout his adventures, Sgt. Kabukiman faced a variety of foes, from street-level thugs to interdimensional beings. He also teamed up with other superheroes, such as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, to take down larger threats.
Known allies: The NYPD, particularly his partner Detective Tony "Toni" Mozuku. He has also worked alongside other superheroes, including the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Toxic Avenger.
Known enemies: A variety of villains, including the evil Master Tak, a kabuki theater master who seeks to take over the world.
Strength level: Sgt. Kabukiman possesses enhanced strength, allowing him to lift and carry heavy objects, as well as engage in hand-to-hand combat with ease.
Equipment: The Kabukirifle, a powerful energy weapon that fires blasts of energy. He also wears a kabuki mask and costume, which enhance his powers.
Weaknesses: Sgt. Kabukiman's powers are dependent on his ability to channel the power of kabuki theater, and he can be weakened if he is unable to do so. He is also vulnerable to attacks that exploit his sensitivity to bright lights and loud noises.
This probably goes without saying. but while they're all based in New York, Kabukiman has not met the Turtles.