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3/03/2023 9:31 am  #1

Mr. Gordons


Real Name: Unknown

Identity/Class: Human, Technological

Occupation: Criminal mastermind

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Criminal underworld

Enemies: Remo Williams, Chiun, Harold W. Smith

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Various hidden locations throughout the world

First Appearance: "The Destroyer" novel series

Height: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Eyes: Unknown

Hair: Unknown

Powers/Abilities: Mr. Gordons is a highly intelligent and resourceful criminal mastermind who possesses extensive knowledge in various fields, including technology, finance, and politics. He has access to vast resources and advanced technology, including highly sophisticated weaponry, surveillance equipment, and mind control devices. He is also skilled in hand-to-hand combat.

History: Little is known about the early life of Mr. Gordons. He emerged as a criminal mastermind and became a notorious figure in the criminal underworld, with various law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies attempting to track him down. He was first encountered by Remo Williams, a former police officer turned assassin, and his mentor Chiun, a master of the martial arts. Together, they were part of a secret government agency known as CURE, dedicated to protecting the United States from various threats.

Mr. Gordons became a recurring antagonist to Remo and Chiun, using his vast resources and advanced technology to carry out various criminal activities, including terrorism, extortion, and mind control. He was a formidable foe, but ultimately, Remo and Chiun were able to thwart his plans and bring him to justice.

Strength Level: Mr. Gordons possesses average human strength.

Miscellaneous: Mr. Gordons is a character from "The Destroyer" novel series, created by Warren Murphy and Richard Sapir. The series follows the adventures of Remo Williams, an assassin, and Chiun, his mentor, as they protect the United States from various threats. Mr. Gordons is one of the most notorious and formidable villains in the series, known for his vast resources, advanced technology, and cunning intellect.

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3/03/2023 9:32 am  #2

Re: Mr. Gordons

No, he's a robot, though it's true that he's a recurring adversary.

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