B.A. Baracus
Real Name: Bosco Albert Baracus
Occupation: Mechanic, mercenary
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with a criminal record
Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois
Group Affiliation: A-Team
First Appearance: The A-Team #1 (Marvel Comics, 1984)
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 230 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Bald
Powers/Abilities: B.A. Baracus is a skilled mechanic and driver. He is also a formidable fighter, with expertise in boxing, karate, and various other martial arts. He is very strong and durable, and has a high tolerance for pain. He is also highly skilled in the use of various weapons, especially guns.
Equipment: B.A. Baracus is known for his gold chains and Mohawk haircut. He also has a custom-built van, which he designed and maintains himself.
Weaknesses: B.A. Baracus has a fear of flying, due to a traumatic experience during the Vietnam War.
The first appearance is interesting. If you count the comic as a separate continuity from the show, it's accurate for the comics version. Otherwise it's not (in the absence of any evidence either way, despite the comic being less funny, I tend to see it as canon). This is also true for the next two profiles.