Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works estab. 2004

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9/21/2020 2:45 pm  #31

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Acchter, Gavrel ANADiff head

should be "Achter"


10/16/2020 1:30 pm  #32

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Alecto Hardc #5 head, Hardc #8 caps
Aleta (Aleta Ogord; Earth-691)  Orig #10 w/Stakar as Starhawk; Mas #28 2 as Starhawk; Hardc #1 head, Hardc #4 head, DefSH 3 as Aleta; MCUG-GBGu caps InCom as Aleta Ogord
Alecto Hardc #2 body

The second Alecto is misalphabetized.


10/16/2020 1:55 pm  #33

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Actually there should be three Alecto entries.
Alecto (Corps) Hardc #2 body
Alecto (Inhuman) Hardc #5 head
Alecto (Olympian) Hardc #8 caps


11/01/2020 2:26 pm  #34

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Allegrre, Luis MUUp 5 head

should be Allegre


11/03/2020 5:24 pm  #35

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Made the corrections and added X of Swords. I had to use one of the extra spaces I figured I'd need at some point. Does anyone know how to remove the coding from post 9?

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11/06/2020 10:33 am  #36

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Made the corrections and added X of Swords. I had to use one of the extra spaces I figured I'd need at some point. Does anyone know how to remove the coding from post 9?

Post 9 as a whole seems to have somehow gotten corrupted. I tried editing the post and it simply is not behaving normally the way the other posts are. Probably the only thing that can be done is to shift everything downward (using up the last remaining extra space) and then delete that post.
There's one remaining thing I could try, but if it doesn't work it will definitely mean shifting things downward.


11/07/2020 2:13 am  #37

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Hard to say. Another post looked simiarly corrupted but then I split it differently and it looked fine. What I'm wondeing is, is there a way to put the document on another site, and then link it here in such a way that all the text appears here? That would be ideal because then I could do stuff I had planned to do with this thread before I realized there were serious size limits, e.g. adding images.

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11/23/2020 4:01 pm  #38

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Amador. Akela (MCU) GMCU-AoS1 ½

should be a comma, not a period


11/23/2020 4:49 pm  #39

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Ampias, George & Mathias Vamp App

should be Amplas


12/02/2020 10:23 am  #40

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Thank you for the beautiful additions you made for us all


12/03/2020 3:51 pm  #41

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Anaconda (Blanche Sitznski) Orig #1 1, Del #1 1, Del #11 head, U89 #6 head, Mas #1 2, Deadp 2
Anachronauts AvLog, ME6FF 1/3, ANew #1 1, Hardc #1 1
Anachronism (Aiden Gillespie) AvNow 1

Anaconda should be at the bottom alphabetically.


12/03/2020 4:04 pm  #42

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Analyzer Mas #32 2
Recorder CoC #3, Orig #9 2/3

These are the same character.


12/05/2020 5:22 pm  #43

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Animal Liberation Party ME5MK App

should be Animal Liberation Army


12/08/2020 4:09 pm  #44

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Argos (land) Conan

should be Conan ½


12/16/2020 1:22 pm  #45

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Thx for those corrections. List updated.

Does anyone know any way to make large documents viewable on this site? It's a bit of a pain to split up the Master List into so many smaller sections and then upload each section separately as needed. If there was some way to upload the doc to another site but embed it here, that would save me a bit of uploading time.

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12/16/2020 2:42 pm  #46

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Thx for those corrections. List updated.

Does anyone know any way to make large documents viewable on this site? It's a bit of a pain to split up the Master List into so many smaller sections and then upload each section separately as needed. If there was some way to upload the doc to another site but embed it here, that would save me a bit of uploading time.

Afaik the only things you can embed are images and Youtube videos.


1/08/2021 4:22 pm  #47

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Aries (Oscar Gordon) Hardc #14 caps
Aries (Grover Raymond’s successor) ANew #12 caps

These are the same character.


1/08/2021 4:31 pm  #48

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Armbruster, John< Hardc #5 body



1/10/2021 4:13 pm  #49

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Asmodar AZsc #3 head

should be Asmodiar


1/10/2021 4:16 pm  #50

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

A'Sai ME4S 1/3

not sure how you're alphabetizing names like this, but it's definitely in the wrong place


1/11/2021 11:16 am  #51

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Atasaia AZsc #3 head

should be Atahsaia


3/03/2021 1:17 pm  #52

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Updated the Master List for both zuckyd1's suggestions plus the new King in Black Handbook. Lee Price somehow created a lot of coding issues so I had to use the last slot. At least one section has coding issues that I'll worry about later because I think it took me over half an hour just to copy and paste.

Have to be honest: This site is unsuitable for large documents like the Master List. I'm going to have to find an off site location to paste it and include links there. I could create a closed thread here that's just for the list and leave the commentary here, but only by splitting many times and then having to to copy and paste numerous sections separately. Does anyone have recommendations for sites that can handle very large documents? I can post on my blog if need be but that requires splitting as well, just not as much. Sorry, it's either find a new site for the Master List or updates to the list are over. The situation's gotten that bad.

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3/03/2021 3:12 pm  #53

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Would Google Docs work?


3/03/2021 4:14 pm  #54

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

zuckyd1 wrote:

Would Google Docs work?

Yeah. That might work. I just remembered I have a separate gmail account for this forum so I'll try to create a Google doc for that.

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3/03/2021 4:42 pm  #55

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Trying this link. Can anyone see if they can edit without making a copy? I still have the master copy on my computer and will keep saving there first before copying to the drive, but I still want to make sure no one else can edit the online version so that it doesn't get vandalized when I'm offline for a period of time.

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3/03/2021 5:59 pm  #56

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Trying this link. Can anyone see if they can edit without making a copy? I still have the master copy on my computer and will keep saving there first before copying to the drive, but I still want to make sure no one else can edit the online version so that it doesn't get vandalized when I'm offline for a period of time.

It looks like I can only view it, unless I request edit access.


3/03/2021 6:04 pm  #57

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Perfect, thx. Looks like this is the way to go. This will free me up to make other improvements as well, such as noting what the various sub-entries are linked to. I know in a perfect world I'd have everything on site, but I think this is a fair trade off in exchange for having a complete list of where to find everything.

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3/03/2021 6:16 pm  #58

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

I've modified the first post to include the link with explanation and deleted the subsequent posts to avoid having multiple versions of the Master List here.

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3/07/2021 10:38 am  #59

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Now that everything's in one document I'm now able to start making enhancements. There is now a Table of Contents including the various sections. Usually it's the letter of the alphabet, but in some cases there are sub-sections. For E and M many entries have a as the second letter (for the letter E this is due to the various Earth entries) and the letter S of course is pretty massive. I also changed the font because it was easier to add the Contents if I did so.

Let me know what you think of these enhancements and if you have any suggestions for further enhancements. About to start on another enhancement.

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3/07/2021 11:24 am  #60

Re: The OHOTMU Master List (also Files, Guidebooks, and Related Works)

Would it be possible to insert links into the table of contents?


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