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1/07/2020 6:25 pm  #1

The Imaginary Black Panther Handbook Challenge

Historical text from CxPulp:
08-01-2014, 04:58 AM
Hey, guys, time for another Imaginary Handbook challenge. This time, let's focus on The Black Panther. And just so everybody is encouraged to participate, I'll just limit my suggestions to the oh so very obvious: Black Panther (T'Challa) Update. So, the floor is open -- who, or what, or where, would you like to see covered in a Panther Handbook? Heroes? Villains? Allies? Adversaries? Supporting cast? Groups? Events? Objects? Weird tangentially connected to the Black Panther entries that would surprise people? The floor is open!
Eduardo M.
08-01-2014, 08:06 AM
Arabian Knight (Iraqui)
Black Knight (Vatican)
Black Panther (T'Challa) update
Black Panther (Shuri)
Doom War
Kiber the Cruel
Abner Little
Monica Lynne
Network (Martin)
Everett K. Ross
Wakanda update
Count Andreas Zobra
Dr. Noh
08-21-2014, 10:27 AM
This is a cool idea that should get published.

Nikki Adams
The Avengers
Black Panther (King Solomon Frog version)
The Crew
Dora Milaje
Iron Man (King Solomon Frog version)
King Solomon's Frogs
Queen Divine Justice
The Quinjet
Sgt. Tork
Princess Zanda

The list goes on...

-- DN
Eduardo M.
08-21-2014, 04:39 PM

Dr. Noh wrote:

This is a cool idea that should get published.

Nikki Adams
The Avengers
Black Panther (King Solomon Frog version)
The Crew
Dora Milaje
Iron Man (King Solomon Frog version)
King Solomon's Frogs

Queen Divine Justice
The Quinjet
Sgt. Tork

Princess Zanda

The list goes on...

-- DN

The people in italics had entries in the last round of handbooks. The chances of them getting an entry in Black Panther handbook would depend on how much the character in question has done since their last appearance handbook wise.
08-22-2014, 01:15 PM

Dr. Noh wrote:

This is a cool idea that should get published.

Nikki Adams
The Avengers
Black Panther (King Solomon Frog version)
The Crew
Dora Milaje
Iron Man (King Solomon Frog version)
King Solomon's Frogs
Queen Divine Justice
The Quinjet
Sgt. Tork
Princess Zanda

The list goes on...

-- DN

I really wouldn't put entries covering The Avengers or the X-Men in a Black Panther Handbook, especially since they could so very easily support new handbooks on their own in which said teams get Update entries. (Although now that I think about it, almost every Avengers handbook has had an Avengers Update entry, while no X-Men Handbook I can think of has had an X-Men Update entry.) However, this would be a good and surprising place for an entry on the "Avengers Vs. X-Men" mini, especially considering how that story affected both Wakanda and the T'Challa/Ororo relationship.

Likewise, I don't see how either the Punisher or Ka-Zar would be appropriate entries for a Panther handbook. I don't know if enough has been done with Ka-Zar since he was last covered to truly merit an Update entry, and he's not a Panther-centric character. Jungle settings and different varieties of vibranium are all they seem to have in common. While Ka-Zar is currently at-best a B-level character (no offense to his fans), Punisher is definitely too A-level (in terms of repeatedly being the lead of his own series) to be put in somebody else's handbook. As for the Quinjet, it was covered under Avengers Vehicles; unless we really need to see the Eliot R. Brown schematic of it again, perhaps the Wakandan Design Group would be a better choice (if enough with the WDG has been done to merit an entry?).

Storm, I'm actually torn on. On the one hand, yes, she's important to T'Challa personally, and has played an important role in Panther stories in the past. On the other hand, she did get a fully updated entry in the Storm by Warren Ellis & Terry Dodson TPB last year, she's getting her own series, and she was not created as a Black Panther character. It seems to me then when two characters who were created independently (and not under the banner of a team book) of each other are paired up romantically, the female character usually gets the worst of it. The most extreme example that comes to mind being DC's Green Arrow & Black Canary. Point being, I find it troubling when Male Super-Heroes can be regarded independently of their Super-Hero Girlfriends but Female Super-Heroes cannot be regarded independently of their Super-Hero Boyfriends.
08-22-2014, 03:30 PM
Here's some more suggestions for a Black Panther Handbook.

American Panther
Baron Macabre*
Black Dwarf
Zanti Chikane
Coal Tiger (Earth-355)
Andreas de Ruyter
Doctor Crocodile
Ebony Blade
Elmer Gore
Franz Gruber
High Technician
Joshua Itobo
Lord Karnaj*
Madam Slay*
Malice (Killmonger's agent)*
Panther (Naville)
Panther (Earth-111, Exiles)
Anton Pretorius
Radioactive Man (Stancheck)
Salamander K'Ruel*
Stinger (Valkon)
Vlad the Impaler

*These characters could be grouped together as Killmonger's Lieutenants.
Dr. Noh
08-28-2014, 10:11 AM

skippcomet wrote:

I really wouldn't put entries covering The Avengers or the X-Men in a Black Panther Handbook, especially since they could so very easily support new handbooks on their own in which said teams get Update entries. (Although now that I think about it, almost every Avengers handbook has had an Avengers Update entry, while no X-Men Handbook I can think of has had an X-Men Update entry.) However, this would be a good and surprising place for an entry on the "Avengers Vs. X-Men" mini, especially considering how that story affected both Wakanda and the T'Challa/Ororo relationship.

Likewise, I don't see how either the Punisher or Ka-Zar would be appropriate entries for a Panther handbook.

I thought the idea was to list any character, however tangentially in this list:

skippcomet wrote:

Weird tangentially connected to the Black Panther entries that would surprise people?

That is why I listed Ka-Zar and the Punisher, for instance. I would only give references to entries on teams like the Avengers and/or The X-Men, The Fantastic Four, The Fantastic Force (whom Black Panther financed), Deviant Lemurans, etc., and not actually include their entries in a book about the Black Panther. I would do the same for popular characters like Deadpool as well.

Ka-Zar and Punisher are linked to Black Panther via Everett K. Ross' first appearance in KA-ZAR #17 by Christopher Priest, when Ross was Ka-Zar's lawyer.

Re. Malice:

I wonder if Malice should be listed under "Dora Milaje" or have a separate entry entirely??
Eduardo M.
08-28-2014, 04:06 PM

Dr. Noh wrote:

Re. Malice:

I wonder if Malice should be listed under "Dora Milaje" or have a separate entry entirely??

She had a separate entry in the 06 handbooks and in the hardcovers under Malice (Nakia). If the Dora Milaje get an entry, she'd be a part of it since she's been a member.
08-30-2014, 04:05 PM

Dr. Noh wrote:

I thought the idea was to list any character, however tangentially in this list:
That is why I listed Ka-Zar and the Punisher, for instance. I would only give references to entries on teams like the Avengers and/or The X-Men, The Fantastic Four, The Fantastic Force (whom Black Panther financed), Deviant Lemurans, etc., and not actually include their entries in a book about the Black Panther. I would do the same for popular characters like Deadpool as well.

Ka-Zar and Punisher are linked to Black Panther via Everett K. Ross' first appearance in KA-ZAR #17 by Christopher Priest, when Ross was Ka-Zar's lawyer.

Re. Malice:

I wonder if Malice should be listed under "Dora Milaje" or have a separate entry entirely??

Here's the thing, though: Not only have Ka-Zar and the Punisher each already received entries in the past, they are as much headliners in their own right as the Black Panther. The Punisher especially, as he's currently starring in his own book again. This isn't the 2004-2005 days, when the OHOTMU staff had no idea how long they'd be given by Marvel to do Handbooks and were admittedly trying to cram as many chararacters under as broad a theme or catergory as they could (see the X-Men 2004-05 Handbooks, the Avengers 2004-05 Handbooks, Marvel Knights 2005, Women of Marvel 2005, Horror 2005, Teams 2005, Alternate Universes 2005, Golden Age 2004, etc.)

I could possibly, maybe, see putting Ka-Zar and Black Panther in the same Handbook if it was one of the A-Z Update style issues, or if there was a larger theme they both fit under. Say, MARVEL JUNGLES (along with other jungle-themed entries like Shanna the She-Devil, Gorilla-Man, Savage Land, Pangea, Tuk the Caveboy, Man-Ape, Wakanda, etc.) or MARVEL'S MADE-UP COUNTRIES. Or if there was a Black Panther movie and, surprise, Ka-Zar makes a guest appearance in it.

"Any character, however tangentially" wasn't meant to shoehorn in other headliner characters into another headliner's handbook. It was meant to refer to lesser-known, no-way-are-they-a-headliner characters who have ties to other characters besides the Specific Headliner a Particular Handbook is Focusing On. Some examples:

-- Gorgon of the Inhumans was covered in the X-Men: Phoenix Force Handbook (not the first place I'd look for him, tbh), as was Wille Evans (originally introduced in Fantastic Four), Alphie O'Meaghan from The Nth Man, the Goblin Force from Mutant X, and Phoenix IX from the 31st Century-set Guardians of the Galaxy.

-- The Thor: Asgard's Avenger Handbook included entries on Son of Satan (1950's era villain from the Venus comic who has been identified as the child of Loki), Thena and Sylene (characters from the MC2 universe identified as the children of that universe's counter-parts of Thor and Loki), Artemis from the Olympian pantheon, Vali Halfling (also identified as a child of Loki) aka Agamemnon of the Pantheon from the pages of Incredible Hulk, and Virako of the Eternals.

-- Captain America: America's Avenger included entries on Captains America from two alternate universe (2099 AD and Mutant X-verse, neither of whom was Steve Rogers), Captain Kerosene (Plasmer), Jim Morita and Jacques Dernier (from the pages of Sgt. Fury & His Howling Commandos), Lance Hunter (a character from the pages of Captain Britain), the Porcupine (a long-time villain whose main tie to Captain America was dying in his title), and Super-Soldiers from the Marvel UK line.

Characters who we might not think of right away when thinking of the main character around which a handbook might be constructed, whose otherwise best hope for a handbook entry might be either random inclusion in an A-Z Update or a handbook centered on an even more obscure, lesser-known central character or theme. (The contents of the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Plasmer 2014? Probably pretty small.) Or from a central character, group, or theme that hasn't been the focus of a handbook but for whom many characters have already been covered elsewhere. (I'd love to see handbooks focusing heavily on the Inhumans, the Eternals, the 2099 line, or MC2, for instance, but most of the main characters from each of those have been pretty well covered elsewhere.) Just as I wouldn't expect Marvel to, hypothetically release a new Spider-Man-centric handbook that included an entry on Wolverine or Hawkeye.

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