Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works estab. 2004

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1/10/2020 4:30 pm  #1

The Imaginary OHOTMU Book of the Dead 2014 Thread

Historical text from CxPulp:

07-08-2014, 11:20 PM
This is the last Imaginary Handbook thread honoring the handbooks cover-dated 2004, aka the year the Handbooks returned. This one focuses on the Book of the Dead. Couple of notes: I originally was going to include for updates some characters featured in Uncanny Avengers who were, at the time, dead (Scarlet Witch, Rogue, Wonder Man) as well as maybe a few other characters who were previously covered but were now dead, kinda like how the 2004 BoD featured entries on Thor, Ant-Man, Hawkeye, and Vision, all of whom were considered dead due to the events of Avengers: Dissambled (or Thor: Disassembled in Thor's case) after they had all been previously covered while alive in Avengers 2004. But the characters from Uncanny Avengers, shall we say, Got Better. So I decided to focus mostly on previously uncovered characters considered deceased, with one or two excepto. So here's who I came up with:

Apache Kid (Kare)
Martine Bancroft (Morbius's love interest)
Blue Eagle (Dore)
Box (Boches)
Kid Cassidy
Alyssa Conover (love interest of Sleepwalker's host Rick Sheridan)
Cyclone (Gerard)
Dakimh the Enchanter
Doom (Earth-928's 2099 AD)
Dorrek VII
Magda Eisenhardt
Frog-Man (LeBlanc)
Adrienne Frost
Ben Gallagher (Knights of Pendragon)
Gunhawk (Old West bounty hunter)
Pamela Hawley (Nick Fury love interest from WWII)
Headsman (Cleavon Twain)
Henrietta Hunter
Jackdaw (elf)
John the Skrull
Jay Little Bear
Dino Manelli
Melinda Morrison (former lover of Xandu, queen of the Death Dimension)
Quill (Jordan)
Rattler (Krueger)
Maureen Raven (Earth-616)
Courtney Ross
F.A. Schist
Scion (Microverse)
Sentry (Reynolds) Update
Serpentina (2099 AD)
Smasher (Imperial Guard)
Sunpyre (Yoshida)
Tarot (Cobert)
Turbo (Jeffries)
Una (love Interest of Mar-Vell)

And that's just who I came up with. Who's on YOUR list?
Eduardo M.
07-09-2014, 08:55 AM
Victoria Bentley
Bloodmace (2099)
Blue Streak (Thomas)
William Cobb III (Bill, Kelda's boyfriend)
Crime Buster (Mason)
Crime-Master (Brant)
Demolition Man
Dynamic Man
Firey Mask
Professor X
John Steele
Viper (Murtaugh)
Stuart V
07-09-2014, 10:18 AM

Eduardo M. wrote:

Bil (Kelda's lover, needs a last name)

William Cobb III
07-09-2014, 11:44 AM
I presume the following are dead, although their deaths have never been shown (to my knowledge):

Rex Fury
Tex Taylor
Arizona Kid
Clay Harder
Lorna the Jungle Girl

And of course:
Stuart V
07-09-2014, 11:52 AM

vanhornluke wrote:

I presume the following are dead, although their deaths have never been shown (to my knowledge):

Rex Fury
Tex Taylor
Arizona Kid
Clay Harder
Lorna the Jungle Girl

And of course:

Risky assumption. After all, we recently learned that Kid Colt is still alive in the modern era.

I'd add Kent Blake to the list - 1950s headline character, and we know he's dead, since Spider-Man ran into his ghost.
Eduardo M.
07-09-2014, 04:21 PM

Stuart V wrote:

William Cobb III

thanks Stuart.

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