Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works 20 YEARS! 2004-2024

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2/29/2020 8:55 am  #1

DC Heroes Role-Playing Game Listings

Return to the 1980s! This thread celebrates the original DC game.
NOTE: As this is a new thread, some info below, including real names and character placement may change as I add in more books. Please only offer corrections if they are things I likely wouldn’t pick up on in sweeps through other books.
Rules I’m playing by:

  • No distinction is made between the variations (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Edition). However, only entries that are recognizably the original game are included. Later DC games are not.
  • Characters appear under the name they last appeared under in a RPG module.
  • See abbreviations for notes on each module.
  • Some books are listed with and without a hyphenated module. Sometimes the bulk of the listings appear in a core book in a set but a few characters appear in other books in the set. The default is the book with the most stats, with the hyphenated book being for the remaining stats.
  • Armours and vehicles are general only noted if they have their own entry separate from the characters. However if characters are noted within an armour etc entry (common in Weapons locker), they’re noted as a sub-entry
  • Page counts are largely meaningless due to different formatting between books so only noted in the broad sense in the abbreviations)
  • Assume all entries in allcaps have periods after each letter.
  • Real names are what they were known as at the time the series ended.
  • Sub-classes within a group generally aren’t noted but specific characters are.
  • I normally list characters as sub-entries of teams only if there’s at least a description of the team before the members are listed or if they`re really crammed together
  • Generally speaking I’m not adding brand new characters created for the games (because no one is likely to search for them). I may consider select new characters if they are variants of existing Marvel characters
  • If no stats are given for a character or other entry, or if the reader is told to refer to generic character types, they’re not included
  • I only distinguish between pre- and post- Crisis (and other history changing events) if in my mind the differences are significant enough that they are essentially a different character.

Apok:  The Apokolips Sourcebook (characters/setting; only select equipment noted so far)
Atlas: Atlas of the DC Universe (settings)
Bat: Batman (characters, mostly ½-1 page, plus mini-adventures; only select equipment noted so far)
BatS: The Batman Sourcebook (characters, plus mini-adventures; only select equipment noted so far)
BReve: The Belle Reve Sourcebook (characters)
DAsk: Don’t Ask! (adventure; stats at beginning)
DCH2: DC Heroes Role-Playing Game 2nd Edition (main rules; default: Background Roster Book)
DCH3: DC Heroes Role-Playing Game 3rd Edition (main rules; stats towards the back of the book)
DCH2-Exp: DC Heroes Role-Playing Game 2nd Edition (Exposed adventure that came with set; stats at start)
EHell: Escort to Hell (solo adventure)
GLCor: The Green Lantern Corps Sourcebook (characters and other stats)
ingame: stats in the middle of an adventure
JLea: Justice League Sourcebook (characters and other stats)
KCri: King of Crime (adventure; stats at start of book)
LSH1: Legion of Super-Heroes Volume I (characters and other stats)
LSH2: Legion of Super-Heroes Volume II: The World Book (characters and other stats)
Mag: Magic (characters and other stats)
Mshot: Moonshot (adventure; has The Doom Patrol Sourcebook with characters and other stats attached separately – default)
Mshot-ADV: Moonshot (actual adventure book)
NGot: Night in Gotham (campaign book)
NTit: The New Titans Sourcebook (characters and other stats)
OAtl: Operation: Atlantis (adventure; stats at start of book)
SMSte: Superman: The Man of steel Sourcebook (characters and other stats)
SPar: Strangers in Paradise (solo adventure; has Wonder Woman with characters and other stats attached separately – default)
SPar-Adv: Strangers in Paradise (actual solo adventure book)
SThi: Swamp Thing Sourcebook/Adventure (two books attached together, one with solo adventure, one with characters and other stats; default is Swamp Thing Sourcebook
SThi-RRat: Swamp Thing Sourcebook/Adventure: Swamp Thing in Racing with the Rats (solo adventure included in above)
sub: Sub-entry (at my discretion)
SupS: The Superman Sourcebook (characters and other stats)
TTra: Taking Out the Trash (adventure)
WatS: Watchmen Sourcebook (characters and other stats)
WBal: World in the Balance (adventure)
WWar: The World at War (characters and other stats)
WWat: Who Watches the Watchmen (adventure)
Hardware Handbook and DC Technical Manual are entirely equipment so will be tackled at a later date
Abel: DCH2; Mag with Cain
Abigail Arcane-Cable: DCH2 as Abigail Arcane Cable; Mag as as Abigail Arcane-Cable; SThi as Aibgail “Abby” Arcane-Cable
Abin Sur: Atlas, GLCor
Abnegazar, Rath & Ghast: JLea, Mag
Abra Kadabra: JLea sub
Absorbancy Boy: LSH1
Ace Android: JLea sub
Adam Strange: DCH2, JLea
Adeline Kane Wilson: NTit
Adolf Hitler: WWar
Aellan: Atlas
Aero-Troopers: Apok
Agni: BReve
Air Wave (Hal Jordan): GLCor
Air Wave (Lawrence Jordan): WWar
Alanna: Atlas
Alec Holland: SThi
Alexei Luthor (Earth-2): SupS
Alfred (Alfy Twidgett): WWar sub
Alfred Pennyworth: Bat, BatS, DCH2
Amalgamax (Xan): LSH1
Amanda Waller: DCH2
The Amazing Bruce: JLea suib
Amazing Grace: Apok, SMSte
Amazing-Man: WWar
Amazo: DCH2, JLea, SupS
Amazon: SPar as Standard Amazon; Atlas as Typical Amazon
Ambush Bug (Irwin Schwab): DAsk, DCH2, SupS
Amethyst (Amy Winston): Atlas, DCH2 as Amethyst; Mag as Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld
Andre Blanc-Dumont: WWar sub
Andre Chavard: WWar sub
Angry Charlie: SMSte sub
Animal-Man (Buddy Baker): DCH2 as Animal-Man; JLea as Animal Man
Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man (Sven Larsen): Mshot
Anthro the Cave Boy: DCH2
The Anti-Fate (Benjamin Stoner): Mag
The Anti-Monitor: DCH2
The Antithesis: NTit
Anton Arcane: SThi
Antonio Stafancci: LSH1
Apollo: LSH1
Appa Ali Apsa: Atlas, GLCor
The Appellaxians: JLea
Apros: GLCor
Aqualad (Garth): NTit x2
Aquaman (Arthur Curry): DCH2, DCH3, JLea, OAtl, WBal
Arathaza (Barbara Kowaleski): SMSte
Archimedes: TTra sub
Arella: NTit
Ares: Atlas
Arion: Atlas, DCH2 as Arion; Mag as Arion, Lord of Atlantis
Arisia: GLCor
Arkkis chummuck: GLCor
Arsenal: Mshot-Adv
Ash-Crawler: Apok
Atlan the Loner” Atlas
Atlantean Guards: OAtl
The Atom (Raymond Palmer): DCH2, JLea
The Atom (Al Pratt): DCH2, WWar
Atomic Skull (Albert Michaels): SupS
Auron (Lambien): GLCor
Azrael: NTit
Axis Amerika: WWar
Axis Foot Soldier: WWar
Az-Rel: SupS
Badb: BReve
Baron Bedlam (Frederick DeLamb): Atlas
Baron Blitzkrieg: DCH2, WWar
Baron Sunday: SMSte
Baron Tyrano: GLCor
Baron Winters: Mag
Barrage: SMSte
Barter: Mag
Bat-Computer: Bat as Bat-Computer; BatS as The Batcomputer
Batgirl (Barbara Gordon): Bat as Batgirl; BatS as Batgirl/Oracle
Batman (Bruce Wayne): Bat, BatS x2, DCH2, JLea The Batman; DCH3 as Batman
Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder (Bruce Wayne & Dick Grayson; Earth-2): WWar
Beast Boy (Garfield Logan): see Changeling
Beast Boy (Lallorian): LSH1 sub
Beautiful Dreamer: Apok sub
Behemoth (Taro Raiden): NTit sub
Belcher: SMSte sub
Ben Hunter: WWar sub
Benn Pares: LSH1
Bernadeth: Apok sub, BReve sub
Bestiamorphs: SPar
Bethany Snow: Atlas
Bgtzlr: Atlas
“Bibbo” Bibbowski: SMSte
Big Barda (Barda Free): Apok, DCH2, JLea
Big Bear: Apok sub
The Big Figure (Tom Ryan): WatS
Big Sir: JLea sub
Big Words (Anthony Rodriguez II): SMSte sub-sub
Bill Craig: WWar sub
Bizarre Imperfect Duplicate: DCH2 as Bizarro (though not actually called Bizarro in the story); SMSte as Bizarre Imperfect Duplicate
Bizarro (Earth-1): SupS
Bizarro (Post-Crisis): see Bizarre Imperfect Duplicate
Black Adam (Teth-Adam): DCH2
Blackbriar Thorn: SupS
Black Canary (Dinah Laurel Lance): DCH2, GLCor, JLea
The Black Condor (Richard Grey, Jr.): WWar
Blackfire (Komand’r): DCH2, DCH3
Black Hand (William Hand): GLCor
Blackhawk (Janos Prohaska): DCH2, WWar sub
The Blackhawks: WWar
Black Lightning (Jefferson Pierce): Bat
Black Mace: LSH1 sub
Black Manta: DCH2
Black Mask (Roman Sionis): NGot
Black Orchid (“Susan Linden”): BReve, DCH2, Mag
Blackout Boy: LSH1 sub
Blackrock (Peter Silverstone): SupS, WBal
Black Spider (Eric Needham): BatS
Black Thorn: DCH2
Blaze (Angelica Blaze): SMSte
Blaze (Scott Fischer): Mshot
Blindspot: SMSte
Blockhouse: SMSte
Blok: LSH1 x2, LSH2
Bloodsport (Robert DuBois): SMSte
Blood’s Troops: NTit sub
Blue Beetle (Ted Kord): DCH2, JLea, WBal
Blue Devil (Dan Cassidy): DCH2
Blue Jay: JLea sub
Bismollian: Atlas
The Blitzkrieg Brain: WWar
Blockbuster (Mark Desmond): BReve, NGot
Bolovax Vik Resident: Atlas
Bolshoi: BReve sub
Bolt: DCH2, DCH2-Exp, WBal
Bonecrusher (Kenneth Harbinger): BatS
Booster Gold (Michael Jon Carter): DCH2, JLea, WBal
Bouncing Boy (Chuck Taine): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Bounty: LSH1
The Bowman: JLea
The Boy Commandos: WWar
Braalian: Atlas
The Brain: DCH2, Mshot sub, NTit
Brainiac (robot; Earth-1): SupS
Brainiac (Milton Fine/Vril Dox; Post-Crisis): DCH2, SMSte
Brainiac 5 (Querl Dox): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Brain Storm (Axel Storm): WBal
Brain Wave (Henry King): WWar
Brainwave (Henry King Jr.): DCH2
Branx Warrior: Atlas
Brimstone: Apok, BReve
Bronze Tiger (Benjamin Tiger): BReve, DCH2, OAtl
“Brooklyn”: WWar sub
Broot (Charis-Nar):  GLCor
Brother Blood: DCH2, NTit
The Brotherhood of Evil: DCH2, Mshot as The Brotherhood of Evil; NTit as The New Brotherhood of Evil
Brujería: SThi
Brujería Shamans: SThi sub
Bruno (Ugly) Mannheim: SMSte sub
Brute (soldier): WWar sub
Brute (nightmare) and Glob: Mag
Bulldozer (Nichols): DCH2 sub, WWar sub
The Bumblebee (Karen Beecher): NTit
Byth: Atlas
The Cadmus Project: SMSte
Cain: DCH2; Mag with Abel
Calculha: Atlas
The Calendar Man (Julian Day): Blu-ray
Calorie Queen: LSH1 sub
Cap: WWar sub-sub
Captain Atom (Nathaniel Adam): DCH2, JLea
Captain Axis (Hans von Krupp): WatS
Captain Boomerang (George Harkness): BReve, DCH2, OAtl
Captain Carnage: WatS
Captain Cold (Leonard Snart): BReve, DCH2, KCri
Captain Marvel (Billy Batson): DCH2, DCH3, JLea
Captain Metropolis: TTra, WatS as Captain Metropolis; WWat as Capt. Metropolis
Captain Nazi (Albrecht Krieger): WWar
Captain Richard Davis: GLCor
Captain Speed: JLea sub as Captain Speed/Jack B. Quick
Captain Triumph (Lancelot Gallant): WWar
Carggite: Atlas
Carlo (Chuck) Sirianni: WWar sub
Carny: JLea sub
Carol Ferris: see Star Sapphire
Catherine Cobert: JLea, WBal
Catherine Jane (Cat) Grant: SMSte
Cat-Man (Thomas Blake): Bat, BatS
Catwoman (Selina Kyle; Earth-1): Bat
Catwoman (Selina Kyle; Post-Crisis): BatS, DCH2
The Cavalier (Mortimer Drake): BatS
Celebrand: LSH1 sub
Celsius (Arani Desai Caulder): Msh
Cerberus: SMSte
Chairman Dasor and Iona Cane: GLCor
Chameleon Boy (Reep Daggle): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Chameleon Chief: LSH1 sub
Chameleon Kid (Toog Lintens): LSH1 sub
The Champions of Angor: JLea
Changralyn Sleeper: Atlas
Changeling (Garfield Logan): DCH2, NTit as Changeling; Mshot, NTit as Beast Boy
Charger: SMSte sub
Charlie Vickers: GLCor
Charma: LSH1
Checkmate Knight: DCH2
Cheeks: DAsk
Cheetah (Deborah Domaine): KCri
The Cheetah (Barbara Minerva): DCH2, SPar
Chemical King (Condo Arlik): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Chemo: DCH2, SupS
“Chemoids”: LSH1 sub
Cheshire (Jade): NTit
Chester Williams: Atlas, SThi
The Chief (Niles Caulder): Mshot
Chief Zoltaurus: LSH1 sub
Child and Flaw: Mag
Chlorphyll Kid (Ral Benem): LSH1 sub
Ch’p: Atlas, GLCor
Christopher King: Atlas
Chronos (David Clinton): BReve, DCH2, JLea sub, KCri
The Chunk (Chester P. Runk): DCH2
Circadian Senius: LSH1
Circe: DCH2, Mag, SPar
The Circle: SMSte
Citadellian: Atlas
Claire Montgomery: WBal
Clayface (Matthew Hagen): Bat, BatS
Clayface (Preston Payne): BatS
Clock King: JLea sub
Cluemaster: JLea sub
Coldsnap (Darrel): DCH2 sub
Colonel Future (Edmond Hamilton): SupS
Colonel Rick Flag, Jr. (Richard Rogers Flag, Jr.): BReve as Col. Richard Rogers Flag, Jr.; OAtl as Colonel Rick Flag, Jr.
Color Kid (Ulu Vark): LSH1
Colossal Boy (Gim Allon): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Coluans: DCH2 as Coluan; Atlas as Typical Coluan
The Comedian (Edward Blake): DCH2, TTra, WatS, WWat
Comet Queen (Grava): LSH1
Commander Steel (Henry Heywood I): WWar
Command Kid: LSH1
Commissioner Gordon (James W. Gordon; Post-Crisis): BatS x2, DCH2
Commissioner James Gordon (Earth-1): Bat, NGot
Computo: LSH1
The Conclave Hound: SThi
The Conglomerate: WBal
Concussion (Sthula): SMSte
The Construct: JLea
Control: WWar sub
Controllers: GLCor, LSH1 as Controllers; Atlas as Typical Controller
Copperhead: DCH2, DCH2-Exp, KCri, WBal
The Corinthian: Mag
Cora: Atlas
Cosmic Boy (Rokk Krinn): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Cosmic King: LSH1 sub
Count Vertigo (Werner Vertigo): DCH2
Crazy-Quilt (Quilt): Bat, BatS
The Creature Commandos: WWar
The Creeper (Jack Ryder): DCH2, JLea
The Crimson Avenger (Lee Travis): WWar
The Crimson Fox (Constance D’Aramis): WBal with Vivian
The Crimson Fox (Vivian D’Aramis): JLea; WBal with Constance
Croc (Waylon Jones): Bat, DCH2
Crystal Kid (Bobb Kohan): LSH1
Culacaon: Atlas each male/female
Cyborg (Victor Stone): DCH2, NTit
The Cyborg (Superman impsoster): DCH3
Cyclotron (Terry Curtis): WWar
The Daemon King (Roderick Burgess): Mag
Dagon the Avenger (Wezil Yondor): LSH1
Dale Gunn: JLea
Daniel (Terrible) Turpin: SMSte
Danny Chase: DCH2, NTit
Dardanus: Atlas
The Dark Circle: LSH1
The Dark Man (Tharok clone): LSH1 sub
Dark Opal: Atlas
Darkseid: DCH2, DCH3, LSH1, SPar as Darkseid; Apok as Darkseid the Destroyer
Dartalg: LSH1 sub
Dawnstar: LSH1 x2, LSH2
Daxamites: DCH2 as Daxamites; Atlas as Typical Daxamite
Deacon Blackfire: BatS
Deadman (Boston Brand): DCH2, Mag
Deadshot (Floyd Lawton): Bat, BatS, BReve, DCH2, OAtl
Deathbolt (Jake Simmons): WWar
Death Mayhew: WWar sub
Death-Rite (Draaga): SMSte
Deathstroke the Terminator (Slade Wilson): DCH2, NTit as Deathstroke the Terminator; DCH3 as Terminator
Decay: SPar
The Deep Six: Apok
Deimos: Atlas, SPar
The Demolition Team: GLCor
Demon (lower caste): Atlas
The Demon (Etrigan/Jason Blood): DCH2 as The Demon; Atlas as Etrigan; Mag as The Demon Etrigan, Jason Blood
Demonia (Duamzshee-Paan): GLCor
Deregon: LSH1
DeSaad: Apok, DCH2
Despero: JLea
Det. Sgt. Harvey Bullock: see Harvey Bullock
Deuce: SMSte
El Diablo (Rafael Sandoval): Atlas
Diamondette (Diana Theotocopoulis): DCH2
Diamond Man: JLea sub
Dinosaur Island: WWar (stats for various life)
The Djinn: BReve
Doctor Alchemy (Alvin Desmond): DCH2, DCH2-Exp
Doctor Bedlam: Apok
Doctor Destiny (John Dee): JLea, Mag
Dr. Diehard: JLea sub
Doctor Fate (Inza Cramer Nelson): Mag
Doctor Fate (Kent Nelson/Nabu): Mag, JLea, WWar
Doctor Fate (Eric Strauss & Linda Strauss combined): DCH2, JLea, Mag
Doctor Fate (Linda Strauss): JLea, Mag
Dr. Helga Jace: Atlas
Dr. Leslie Thompkins: BatS
Doctor Light (Kimyo Hoshi): JLea, WBal
Doctor Light (Arthur Light): GLCor as Dr. Light; DCH2, JLea, NTit as Doctor Light
Doctor Manhattan (Jon Osterman): DCH2 as Doctor Mahattan; TTra, WatS, WWat as Dr. Manhattan
Dr. Medusa (Myrna Rhodes): WWar sub
Dr. Megala: Atlas
Doctor Midnight (Beth Chapel): DCH2
Doctor Mid-Nite (Charles McNider): DCH2, WWar
Doctor Mist (Nommo): Mag
Doctor Occult (Richard Occult/Rose Psychic): Atlas, Mag, WWar
Dr. Phosphorus (Emi Sartorius): NGot
Doctor Polaris (Neal Emerson): DCH2, DCH2-Exp, GLCor, WBal
Dr. Saul Erdel: Atlas
Dr. Sebastian Goodman: Mshot
Dr. Sivana (Thaddeus Bodog Sivana): DCH2
Doctor Stratos (Constantine Stratos): SMSte
Doctor Thirteen (Terrence Thirteen): Mag
Dr. Tzin-Tzin: NGot
Dr. U’bx: GLCor
Dr. Virman Vundabar: Apok
Dr. Will Magnus: Atlas
Doctor Zaxton Regulus: LSH1
Dog Cavalry: Apok
Dog Soldiers: Apok
Dollar Bill (Bill Brady): TTra
Doll Man (Darrell Dane): WWar
The Dominators: DCH2 as The Dominiators; Atlas, WBal as Typical Dominator
Doomsday: DCH3
Dorine Clay: GLCor
Dove (Dawn Grainger): DCH2, NTit
Dove (Don Hall): NTit with Hawk
The Dragon King: DCH2, WWar
Dralgo: LSH1
Dream Girl (Nura Nal): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Dreamslayer: JLea sub
Driq: GLCor
Drones (Apokolips): Apok
Dryadan: Atlas
Dubbilex: SMSte sub
Duchess (Lashina): see Lashina
Duke Spearo: Atlas
The Dummy: WWar
Duo Damsel (Luornu Durgo Taine): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Duplicate Boy (Ord Quelu/Quelu Ord): LSH1 sub
Durlan Lizard: LSH1
Durlans: DCH2 as Durlans; Atlas as Typical Durlan
Dvron: LSH1
Dynamo Boy (Vorn): LSH1
Earthquake Beast: LSH1
Easy Company: DCH2, WWar
Echidna: SPar, SPar-Adv
Echo (Terri Eckhart): WBal
Eclipso (entity): DCH2, Mag
Eclipso (Bruce Gordon): GLCor
Eddie Craig: WWar sub
Eddore: GLCor
Elastic Kid (Jimmy Olsen; Earth-1): see James Bartholemew (Jimmy) Olsen
Elasti-Girl (Rita Farr): Mshot
Element Lad (Jan Arrah): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Elliot (Lucky) Taylor: WWar sub
Elongated Man (Ralph Dibny): DCH2 as Elongated Man; JLea, WBal as The Elongated Man
Elu (LonocElu OsPho): GLCor
Elvo: LSH1 sub
Emerald Empress (Saryva): LSH1 sub
The Emperor: SMSte sub
The Enchantress (June Moone): BReve
Enemy Ace (Hans Von Hammer): DCH2
Eon: SMSte sub
The Eradicator: SMSte as The Eradicator; DCH3 as The Kryptonian
Eris: SPar, SPar-Adv
Esper Lass (Meta Ulnoor): LSH1 sub
Etrigan: see Demon
Etta Candy: SPar
Euphorixian: Atlas
Eve Doremus: GLCor
The Evil Factory: SMSte
Evillo: LSH1
Evil Star: GLCor
Evolvo Lad: LSH1 sub
The Extremists: JLea
The Exiles: SMSte
The Faerie Queen (Titania): Mag
Falcon: WWar sub
The Family Man: Mag
Faora Hu-Ul: SupS
Farmer Boy: WWar sub
The Fatal Five: LSH1
Fay “Ma” Gunn: BatS
The Fearsome Five: DCH2, NTit
Feitheran: Atlas
Felicity: GLCor
Felix Faust: JLea, Mag
The Female Furies: Apok, BReve
Fenton Pike: LSH1
Ferro Lad (Andrew Nolan): LSH1 x2, LSH2
The Fiddler (Isaac Bowin): DCH2, OAtl, WWar
The Film Freak (Burt Weston): NGot
Fire (Beatriz DaCosta): DCH2, WBal
Firebrand (Danette Railly): WWar
Firebrand (Rodney Reilly): WWar
Firehawk (Lorraine Reilly): DCH2
Fire Lad (Staq Mevlen): LSH1
Fire Man: JLea sub
Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond/Mikhail Arkadin/Martin Stein): DCH2 (all three), JLea (Raymond & Stein), JLea (Raymond & Arkadin)
Flamebird (Ak-Var): SupS
Flamebird (Bette Kane): NTit
The Flash (Barry Allen): GLCor, JLea
The Flash (Jay Garrick): DCH2, WWar
Flash (Wallace West): DCH2, JLea, NTit, WBal as The Flash; DCH3 as Flash; NTit x2 as Kid Flash
Flasher Beast: LSH1
Fledermaus: WWar sub
Fleur: WWar sub
Flodo Span: GLCor
Flip (Walter Johnson II): SMSte sub-sub
The floronic Man (Jason Woodroe): SThi
The Flying Fox: WWar
Forager: Apok
The Forever People: Apok
The Four-Armed Terror: SMSte
4-Eyes: WWar sub
Frances Kane: NTit
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: 16. What organized crime group got an entry in Mighty Avengers: Most Wanted?
Funky Flashman: DCH2, DCH2-Exp
Fury (Helena Kosmatos): WWar
Fury (Lyta Trevor): DCH2
Gabby (John Gabrielli II): SMSte sub-sub
Galactic Golem: SupS
The Gambler (Steven Sharpe III): WWar
Gangbuster (José Delgado): SMSte
The Gargoyle (Bromwell Stikk): NTit as Mr. Twister, The Gargoyle
Garguax: DCH2, Mshot
Garn Danuuth: Atlas
Garryn Bek: Atlas
Gas Girl (Sev): LSH1 sub
General Dru-Zod: SupS
General Immortus: DCH2, Mshot
General JEB Stuart: WWar sub
General Zahl: NTit, Mshot
Gentleman Ghost (James Craddock): Mag
Geo-Force (Brion Markov): Atlas, Bat
Gernsback: WWar
Giant Bird: JLea sub
Gigi Cusimano: LSH1
Gil’dispan: DCH2 as Gil’dishpan; Atlas as Typical Gil’dishpan
GI Robot  (Jungle Automatic Killer – Experimental 2): WWar sub
Gizmo (Mikron O’Jeneus): DCH2 sub, NTit sub
Glass Man: JLea sub
GLC Computer: GLCor
Glommer: Apok
Glorious Godfrey: Apok, BReve
Gnort: DCH2, JLea
Godiva: DCH2, NTit
Gold: DCH2 sub
Golden Eagle (Charley Parker): NTit
Golden Glider (Lisa Snart/Star): KCri
Goldface (Keith Kenyon): DCH2, DCH2-Exp, GLCor, KCri
Gole: Apok
Golgoth: LSH1 sub
Gordanians: DCH2 as Gordanians; Atlas as Typical Gordanian
Gorgon: JLea sub
Gorgon the Terrible (Andonis Bal): NTit sub
Gorilla City Resident: Atlas
Gorilla Grodd: DCH2, DCH2-Exp
Graffaloon: Atlas
Granny Goodness: Apok
Gravedigger (Ulysses Hazard): WWar sub
The Gray Man: JLea, Mag
The Great Horned Owl: WWar sub
Green Arrow (Oliver Queen): DCH2, DCH3, GLCor, JLea
Green Lantern (Harold Jordan): DCH2, DCH3, JLea, WBal as Green Lantern; GLCor as Hal Jordan
Green Lantern (Alan Scott): DCH2 as Green Lantern; WWar as The Green Lantern
Green Lantern (John Stewart): DCH2 as Green Lantern; GLCor as John Stewart
The Green Man: GLCor
Grimbor: LSH1
The Guardian (James Harper): SMSte, WWar
Guardians of the Universe: DCH2, GLCor
Gudra: WWar sub
Gunner: WWar sub
Gus Gray: WWar sub
Guy Gardner: DCH2, DCH3, GLCor, JLea, WBal
Gym’ll: LSH1
Gypsy: JLea, WBal
Hagga: LSH1
Hal Jordan: see Green Lantern
Halo (Gabrielle Doe): Bat
Hammer: BReve sub
Harbinger (Lyla): DCH2
Hardhat: GLCor sub
The Harlequin (Duela Dent): NTit
The Harlequin (Molly Maynne): WWar
Harpis (A’Hwiirdh-Paan’A): GLCor
Harry Stein: DCH2
Harvey Bullock: Bat, DCH2 as Harvey Bullock; NGot as Det. Sgt. Harvey Bullock
Haumond the Peacemaker: Atlas
The Haunted Tank: WWar
Hawk (Henry Hall): DCH2, NTit; NTit with Dove
Hawkgirl (Shiera Sanders): WWar with Hawkman
Hawkman (Carter Hall): DCH2; WWar with Hawkgirl
Hawkman (Katar Hol; pre-Hawkworld): DCH2
Hawkman (Katar Hol; post-Hawkworld): DCH3
Hawkwoman (Shayera Thal Hol): DCH2
Heatstroke (Joanne): DCH2 sub
“Heavy Metal” Shock Troops: SMSte sub
Hector Hammond: DCH2, GLCor
The Herald (Mal Duncan): NTit
Hero Hotline: DCH2
Highfather (Izaya): Apok, DCH2
Himon: Apok
The HIVE: NTit
The HIVE Mistress: NTit sub
H’lvenite: Atlas
Holdur: LSH1
Homo Magi: Atlas
Honsu the Conqueror: Atlas
Hooded Justice (Rolf Muller): TTra, WatS
Horrible Harpy (Angelika Bal): NTit sub
Host: SMSte
Hotshot (William Lefferts): DCH2
Houngan (Jean-Louis Droo): DCH2, NTit
Hourman (Rex Tyler): DCH2, WWar
Hourman (Richard Tyler): DCH2
Humaan Harjavti: JLea
The Human Bomb (Roy Lincoln): WWar
Hunger Dogs: Apok
Hunter: LSH1 sub
Hunter’s  Hellcats: WWar sub
The Huntress (Helena Bertinelli): DCH2, JLea
Husque: SMSte sub
The Hybrid: NTit
Hykrain: Atlas
Ian Karkull: WWar
Ice (Tora Olafsdotter): DCH2, WBal as Ice; JLea as Icemaiden/Ice
Ice Cream Soldier: WWar sub
Icicle (Joar Makent): WWar
Icicle (of Injustice Unlimited): DCH2 as The Icicle; DCH2-Exp as Icicle
The Ifrit: BReve as Mindboggler; BReve as The Ifrit
Immorto: LSH1
Immune: LSH1
Imskian: Atlas
Indra: Mag
The Infantry (Apokolips): Apok
Infeftious Lass: LSH1 sib
Infinite Man (Jaxon Rugarth): LSH1
Infinity, Inc.: DCH2
Infinity Man: Apok
The Injustice Gang of the World: JLea
The Injustice League: JLea
Intergang: SMSte
Invisible Kid (Jacques Foccart): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Invisible Kid (Lyle Norg): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Invunche: SThi
Iron: DCH2 sub
The Iron Major: DCH2, WWar
“Iron” Munro (Arnold Munro): WWar
Isadore (Izzy) O’Toole: Atlas
Itty: GLCor
i…Vampire (Andrew Bennett): DCH2, Mag
Jack (Robert Danforth): JLea sub
Jackhammer: GLCor sub
Jackie Johnson: DCH2 sub, WWar sub
Jack-O-Lantern: JLea
Jaculi (both Jihad mmebers): BReve
Jade (Jennie-Lynn Hayden): DCH2
Jaffar: Apok suib
James Bartholemew (Jimmy) Olsen (Earth-1): SupS as James Bartholemew (Jimmy) Olsen; LSH as Elastic Kid
James Bartholemew Olsen (Post-Crisis): see Jimmy Olsen
James Olsen (Earth-2): SupS
Jan Haasan: WWar sub
Japanese Robot: WWar
Jason Blood: see Demon
Javelin: BReve, GLCor
Jax-Ur: SupS
Jean Loring: Atlas
Jeb Stuart: WWar sub
Jennifer Morgan: Atlas
Jer-Em: SupS
Jericho (Joseph Wilson): DCH2, NTit
The Jester (Charles Lane): WWar
The Jihad: BReve
Jim Corrigan: see The Spectre
Jimmy Olsen (James Bartholemew Olsen; Post-Crisis): DCH2 as Jimmy Olsen; SMSte as James Bartholmew Olsen
Jinx: NTit sub
Joachim Hesse: Mag
Joan Garrick: Atlas
John Constantine: DCH2, Mag, SThi
Johnny Cloud: WWar sub
Johnny Quick (John Chambers): DCH2, WWar
Johnny Thunder (John Thunder): DCH2
John Stewart: see Green Lantern
The Joker: Bat, BatS, DCH2, DCH3
Jolt: SMSte
Jonah Hex: DCH2, EHell
Jonathan Kent (Earth-1): SupS
Jonathan Kent (Post-Crisis): DCH2 as Pa Kent; SMSte as Jonathan Kent
Jonni DC: DAsk
Jon Ross: SupS sub
Jor-El: Atlas
Jovian Montressor: LSH1
Judomaster (Irving Jagger): WWar
Juggler: WWar sub
Julia Kapatelis: DCH2, SPar
Julia Remarque: Bat
Jungle King: LSH1
Justice League America: DCH2 as Justice League International; WBal as Justice League America
Justice League Europe: DCH2, WBal
Justice League of America: DCH2
H. Wilbur Wolfingham: SupS
“Kalibak” (Darkseid’s): LSH1
Kalibak the Cruel: Apok
Kalista: GLCor
Kalki (Ashok Desai): Mshot
Kamikaze (Tetsujiro Yoneda): WWar
Kana the Shadow Warrior: WWar sub
Kanjar Ro: Atlas
Kanto: Apok
Karate Kid (Val Armorr): LSH1
Karb-Brak: SupS
Kari Limbo: GLCor
Karma (Wayne Hawkins): Mshot
Karnan Feline: Atlas
Katana (Tasu Yamashiro): Bat
Kathoonian: Atlas
Katma Tui: Atlas, GLCor
The Key: JLea
The KGBeast (Anatoli Knyazev): BatS
Khunds: DCH2, LSH1 as Khunds; Atlas as Typical Khund
Kid Eternity (Christopher Freeman): Mag
Kid Flash (Wallace West): see Flash
Kid Psycho (Gnill Opral): LSH1
Killer Frost (Louise Lincoln): BReve, DCH2, OAtl
Killer Moth (Cameron Van Cleer): BatS, KCri
Killer Penguins: JLea
Shark (Ernest Haifisch):
Killgrave (Thaddeus Killgrave): SMSte
Kilowog: GLCor, JLea
Kimball Zendak: LSH1
Kim Liang: DCH2, Mag
King (Joe Carny): JLea sub
King Solovar: Atlas
Kobra: DCH2
Kole (Kole Weathers): NTit
Kordax: Atlas
Korugaran: Atlas
Koschei the Deathless: BReve
Kraken the Monstrous: Atlas
Krona: GLCor
Kru-El: SupS
Krypto: SupS
The Kryptonian:  see The Eradicator
Kryptonite Man: SMSte sub
Kryssma: GLCor
Kulak: Atlas, WWar
Kulak’s Undred Warrior: WWar sub
Kung (Thomas Morita): WWar
Kurin: Apok sub
Labo (Gene LaBostrie): SThi
Lady Blackhawk (Nataluie Reed): WWar sub
Lady Chian: Atlas
Lady Quark (Tashana): DCH2
Lady Shiva (Shiva Woosan): DCH2
Lallorian Champions: LSH1
Lamprey (Tayla Scott): LSH1
Lana Lang (Earth-1): SupS
Lana Lang (Post-Crisis): DCH2, SMSte
Lara: Atlas
Lashina: BReve, DCH2, OAtl as Duchess; Apok sub, BReve sub as Lashina
Laurel Gand: Atlas
Lazon: LSH1 sub
Lead: DCH2 sub
League of Super-Assassins: LSH1
Legion of Substitute Heroes: LSH1
Legion of “Super-Rejects”: LSH1
Legion of Super-Villains: LSH1
Leipzig Program: WWar
Lexcorp: SMSte
Lex Luthor (Earth-1): DAsk, SupS
Lex Luthor (Post-Crisis): DCH2, SMSte as Lex Luthor; DCH3 as Lex Luthor II; SMSte as Lex Luthor Jr.
Liberty Belle (Libby Lawrence): DCH2, WWar
Libra WBal: JLea sub
Life Lass (Somi): LSH1 sub
Lightning Beasts: Atlas as Lightning Beasts; LSH1 as Lightning Beast
Lightning Bug: LSH1
Lightning Lad (Garth Ranzz): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Lightning Lass (Ayla Ranzz): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Lightning Lord (Mekt Ranzz): LSH1
Lightray (Sollis): Apok
Lilith: NTit
Linda Holland: SThi
Little Sure Shot: DCH2 sub, WWar sub
Lizabeth Tremaine: SThi as Lizabeth Tremaine; Atlas as Lizabeth (Liz) Tremaine
Lobo: Atlas, DCH3
Lodestone (Rhea Jones): Mshot
Lois Lane (Earth-1): SupS
Lois Lane (Post-Crisis): DCH2, SMSte
Lois (Lane) Kent (Earth-2): SupS
Long Round: WWar sub
Lord Havok: JLea
Lord Satanus: SupS
Lori Lemaris (Pre-Crisis): SupS
Lori Lemaris (Post-Crisis): SMSte
The Losers: WWar
Lucas “Shapper” Carr: JLea
Lucius Fox: Bat, BatS
Luck Lords: Atlas
Luthor’s Bodyguards: SMSte
Lyrissa Mallor: Atlas
Machiste: Atlas
Madame Rouge (Laura De Mille): Mshot, NTit
Madame Xanadu: DCH2, Mag
Mademoiselle Marie: WWar sub
Mad Harriet: Apok sub, BReve sub
The Mad Hatter (Jervis Tetch): Bat, BatS, DCH2
The Mad Mod: NTit
Magnetic Kid (Pol Krinn): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Magnetic Kid (spy): LSH1 sub
Magno Lad (Kort Grezz): LSH1 sub
Magpie: LSH1
Major Disaster (Paul Booker): DCH2, DCH2-Exp, GLCor, JLea sub
Major Force (Clifford Zmeck): DCH2
Ma Kent (Martha Clark Fordman Kent; Post-Crisis): see Martha Clark Fordman Kent
Mammoth (Baran): DCH2 sub, NTit sub
Man-Bat (Kirk Langstrom): Bat, BatS
Manga Khan: DCH2, JLea
Manga Khan’s Mister Miracle Robot: JLea
Manhunter (Paul Kirk): WWar
Manhunter (Donald Richards): WWar
Manhunter (Mark Shaw): Breve as The Privateer; DCH2 as Manhunter
Manhunters: BReve, GLCor as Manhunters; DCH2 as Manhunter Androids
Mano: LSH1
The Man of Steel: DCH3
Manticore (both Jihad members): BReve
Mantis: Apok
Mantis Morlo: LSH1
Margaret (Maggie) Sawyer: SMSte
Marj: Mag
Mark Moonrider: Apok sub
Martha Clark Fordman Kent (Post-Crisis): DCH2 as Ma Kent; SMSte as Martha Clark Fordman Kent
Martha Kent (Martha Clark Kent; Earth-1): SupS
Martian Manhunter (J’Onn J’Onzz): DCH2, JLea as The Martian Manhunter; DCH3 as Martian Manhunter
Master Jailer (Carl Draper): SupS
The Masters of Disaster: DCH2
Matrix (“Lana Lang”): SMSte
Matt Cable: SThi
Matter-Eater Lad (Temzil Kem): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Matter Master (Mark Mandrill): DCH2, DCH2-Exp, KCri
Matthew Shrieve: WWar sub
Maw: LSH1
Maxima: SMSte, WBal
Maxi-Man (Henry Hayes): WBal
Maxwell Lord: DCH2, DCH2-Exp, JLea
‘Mazing Man (Sigfried Horatio Hunch III): DCH2
Medphyll: GLCor
Mekanique: WWar
Menalippe: Atlas, SPar
Mento (Steve Dayton): see Steve Dayton
Mera (Mera Curry): DCH2, OAtl
Mercury (robot): DCH2 sub
Mercury (teenage girl): Mag
Mercury Blob: JLea sub
Merlin: Mag sub
Metallic Monsters: LSH1
Metallo (John Corben): SMSte
Metallo (Roger Corben): SupS
The Metal Men: DCH2
Metamorpho (Rex Mason): Bat, DCH2, JLea
Metron: Apok
Micro Lad (Lalo Muldroon): LSH1 sub
Microwavabelle (Belle Jackson): DCH2
Midnight (David Clark): WWar
The Mikado (Spaulding): DCH2
Mindboggler: see Ifrit
Mirror Master (Samuel Scudder): JLea sub, KCri
Miss America (Joan Dale): WWar
Mister America (Tex Thomson): WWar
Mr. Atom: BatS
Mister Bones: DCH2
Mister E (Eric): Mag
Mr. Esper: NTit
Mister Freeze: Bat as Mr. Freeze; BatS as Mister Freeze
Mister Miracle (Scott Free): Apok, DCH2, JLea
Mr. Morden: Mshot sub
Mister Muscle (Sturgis Butterfield): DCH2
Mr. Mxyzptlk (Earth-1): SupS
Mister Mxyzptlk (Post-Crisis): DCH2 as Mr. Mxyzptlk; DCH3, SMSte as Mister Mxyzptlk
Mr. 104 (John Dubrovny): BReve, Mshot
Mister Terrific (Terrence Sloan): WWar
Mr. Twister (Bromwell Stikk): see The Gargoyle
Mister Z: SMSte
Mist Master: LSH1 sub
Mnemoth: Mag
Mogo: GLCor
Mokkari: SMSte
The Mole (TB Harrah): NGot
Molecule Master: LSH1
Moloch (Edgar William Jacobi): TTra, WatS, WWat
Moloch’s Goons:  WatS, WWat sub
Molotov: BReve sub
Mon-El (Lar Gand; Pre-Crisis): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Mongul (Pre-Crisis): SupS
Mongul (Post-Crisis): SMSte
The Monitor: DCH2
The Monkey King: SThi
Monsieur Mallah: DCH2, Mshot sub, NTit
Mordru: LSH1
Morgan Edge (Earth-1): SupS
Morgan Edge (Post-Crisis): Atlas, SMSte sub
Mother Box: Apok, Atlas
Mother Mayhem (May Bennett): NTit sub
Mother Windom: JLea
Mothman (Byron Lewis): TTra
Multi-Man: JLea sub
Multiplex (Danton Black): BReve
Muurian Spies: LSH1
Myg: LSH1
Myndi Mayer: SPar
Myra Connelly Fermin: Atlas
Mystelor: LSH1 sub
Nabu: Mag
Nadira: SupS
Naltorian: Atlas
Nam-Ek: SupS
Nazi Soldiers: DCH2
Negative Man (Lawrence Trainor): Mshot
Negative Woman (Valentina Vostok): Mshot
Nemesis (Thomas Tresser): BReve, `DCH2, OAtl
Nemesis Kid: LSH1
Neptune Perkins: WWar
Neptunian: Atlas
Nergal: Mag
Neutrax: LSH1 sub
The New Brotherhood of Evil: see The Brotherhood of Evil
The Newsboy Legion: SMSte sub
New Titans: DCH2
New Wave (Becky): DCH2 sub
Nicholas Galtry: Mshot
Night and Fog: WWar
Nightfall: WBal
Night Girl (Lydda Jah): LSH1 sub
Nighthound: SupS
Nightmaster (James Rook): Atlas
Nightshade (Eve Eden): BReve, DCH2, OAtl
Night-Slayer (Anthon Knight): Bat
Nightwind (Berta Haris): LSH1
Nightwing (Richard Grayson): Bat, BatS, DCH2, DCH3, NTit as Nightwing; NTit as Robin the Boy Wonder, Robin the Teen Wonder
Nightwing (Van-Zee): SupS
Nimbus: GLCor
Nite Owl (Daniel Dreiberg): DCH2, TTra, WatS, WWat
Nilte Owl (Hollis Mason): TTra, WatS
Nocturna (Nocturna Knight): Bat
Norman Brawler: Atlas
Nosferatu Squid: WWar
Nova: SupS sub
Nukeface: SThi
Nuklon (Albert Rothstein): DCH2
“Oan”: LSH1
Oberon: DCH2, DCH2-Exp, JLea, WBal
Obsidian (Todd Rice): DCH2
Ocean Master (Orin Curry Marius): DCH2 as The Ocean Master; OAtl as Ocean Master
Octosaurus: LSH1
Ogyptu Giant: Atlas
Okaaran Warlord: Atlas
Olaf Friedricksen: WWar sub
Olapet: GLCor
Ol-Vir: LSH1 sub
Omega: LSH1
Omen: LSH1
Ona: WWar sub
Organus: LSH1
Ontiir: LSH1 sub
Orin: Atlas
Orion: Apok
“Orion” (Darkseid’s): LSH1
Ornitho: LSH1 sub
The OSS: WWar
Ozymandias (Adrian Veidt): DCH2, TTra, WatS, WWat
Pa Kent (Jonathan Kent): see Jonathan Kent
Papa Midnite: Mag
Papa Midnite’s Zombies: Mag sub
Parademons: Apok
The Parasite (Rudy Jones): BReve, DCH2, SMSte
Parasite (Raymond Maxwell): SupS
Pariah (Kell): DCH2
The Patchwork Man (Gregori Arcane): SThi
Peacemaker (Christopher Smith): DCH2
Pennamaquot Werewolves: SThi
The Penguin (Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot): Bat, BatS, BReve, DCH2, DCH3
The People’s Heroes: BReve
Per Degaton: WWar
Perimele: SPar-Adv
Perry White (Earth-1): SupS
Perry White (Perry Jerome White; Post-Crisis): DCH2 as Perry White; SMSte as Perry Jerome White
The Persuader: LSH1 sub
Pete Ross (Pre-Crisis): SupS
Peter Ross (Post-Crisis): SMSte
Petey the Demon (Guarchamoolee): Mag
Phantom: WatS sub
Phantom Girl (Tinya Wazzo): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Phantom Lad (Solon Darga): LSH1 sub
Phantom Lady (Sandra Knight): WWar
Phantom of the Fair: WWar
The Phantom Stranger: DAsk, DCH2, JLea, Mag
Phantom Zoner: SupS
Pharoxx: LSH1
Philippus: SPar
Phobia (Angela Hawkins III): DCH2, NTit
Phobos: SPar, SPar-Adv
Pied Piper (Hartley Rathaway): KCri
Platinum: DCH2 sub
Plasmus (Otto von Furth): DCH2 sub, NTit
Plastic Man (“Eel” O’Brien): DCH2
Plastic Men: Mshot sub various
Plastique (Bette): BReve, DCH2
Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley): Bat, BatS, DCH2, JLea sub, Mag
Polar Boy (Brek Bannin): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Pooch: WWar sub-sub
Porcupine Pete: LSH1 sub
Poseidonian: Atlas
Power Boy (Jed Rikane): LSH1
Power Girl (Kara; Earth-2): SupS
Power Girl (Kara; Post-Crisis): DCH2, JLea, WBal
Prana: SMSte
Prankster (Oswald Loomis; Earth-1): SupS
The Prankster (Oswald Loomis; Post-Crisis): SMSte
Pravda: BReve
Praxis: WBal
Predator (Carol Ferris): GLCor
President Marlo: Atlas
Primus (Pren): GLCor
Prince Ra-Man (Mark Merlin): Atlas
The Privateer (Mark Shaw): see Manhunter
Private Eyes (Lester Lee): DCH2
Professor Amos Fortune: JLea
Professor Emil Hamilton: SMSte
Professor Hugo Strange: Bat, BatS
Professor Ivo (Anthony Aio): JLea
Professor Phineas Potter: SupS
Project Übermeister: WWar
Prometheus (Curt Calhoon): NTit sub
Prophet: LSH1
Protean: Atlas
The Proto-Demon: Mag
Proty II: LSH1
Psi: BReve
Psimon (Simon Jones): NTit sub
Psions: DCH2
Psi-Phon and Dreadnaught: SMSte
Psyche: LSH1
Pteral: LSH1
Pteradon (Israel harel): NTit sub
Pulsar Stargrave: LSH1
The Pursuer (Devilance): Apok
The Puzzler: SupS
Quanto: LSH1 sub
Quantum Queen: LSH1
Queen (Mona Taylor): JLea sub
Queen Bee (Zazzala): JLea
Queen Bee (Bialyan): JLea
Queen Hippolyte: DCH2, SPar
The Question (Charles Victor Szasz): DCH2
Quicksand: LSH1
Quislet: LSH1 x2, LSH2
Radiation Roy: LSH1 sub
Ragman (Rory Regan): DCH2
Rampage (Karen Lou Faulkner): SMSte
Rannian: Atlas
Ra’s al Ghul: Bat, BatS; DCH2 misspelled R’as al Ghul
The Ravager (Gran Wilson): NTit
Ravan: BReve
Raven: DCH2, NTit
The Ray (“Happy” Terrill): WWar
Reactron (Martin Krull): Mshot
The Reaper (Judson Caspian): BatS
The Red Bee (Richard Raleigh): WWar
The Red Bee’s Bee Swarm: WWar sub
The Red Panzer (Helmut Streicher): WWar
Red Star (Leonid Kovar): DCH2, NTit
The Red Toronado (John Smith): JLea
Relnic: LSH1
Resource Raiders: LSH1
Reverb (Armando Ramone): WBal
Rick Rawlins: WWar sub
The Riddler (Edward Nashton/Nigma): Bat, BatS, DCH2
Rip Carter: WWar sub
Rip Hunter: DCH2
Ritter Hendricksen: WWar sub
R J Brande: LSH1
Robby Reed: Atlas
Robin (Timothy Drake): DCH3, NTit
Robin (Jason Todd; Earth-1): Bat
Robin (Jason Todd; Post-Crisis): BatS, DCH2, NTit
Robin the Boy Wonder (Richard Grayson): see Nightwing
Robin the Teen Wonder (Richard Grayson): see Nightwing
Robotman (Robert Crane): WWar
Robotman (Clifford Steele): Mshot
Rocket Red (typical): Atlas
Rocket Red #13 (Dmitri Pushkin Gorki): DCH2 as Rocket Red JLea as Rocket Red #13
Rogarth: LSH1 sub
Roger Huntoon: Mag
Roguian: Atlas
Rond Vidar: LSH1
Ron-Karr: LSH1 sub
Rorc: SMSte sub
Rorschach (Walter Jacob Kovacs): DCH2, TTra, WatS, WWat
Rosewood Vampires: SThi
Rosie: GLCor sub
The Royal Flush Gang: JLea
Rustam: BReve
Ryand’r: GLCor
Sadahuru: LSH1
Salakk: Atlas, GLCor
The Sandman (Wesley Dodds): DCH2; WWar with Sandy the Golden Boy
The Sandman (Morpheus): DCH2, Mag
Sandy the Golden Boy: WWar with The Sandman
Sardath: Atlas
Sarge: WWar sub
“Sarge” Steel: DCH2
Sargon the Sorcerer (John Sargent): Mag, WWar
Saturn Girl (Imra Adreen-Ranzz): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Saturn Queen: LSH1 sub
Sazu: SMSte suib
Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane): Bat as Scarecrow; BatS, DCH2, DCH2-Exp, JLea sub as The Scarecrow
The Scarlet Skier: JLea
Schnauzerphant: LSH1
Scientists (of Apokolops): Apok
Scirocco (Cassandra Sharp): NTit sub
Scoopshovel: GLCor
Scrapper (Patrick MacGuire II): SMSte sub-sub
The Screaming Skull (Walter Zileski): WatS
Sden: LSH1
The Sea Wolf: WWar
Sensei: LSH1
Sensor Girl (Projectra): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Sergeant Harvey Hainer: BatS
Sergeant Rock (Frank Rock): DCH2, WWar
Serifan: Apok sub
The Shade: WWar
Shade the Changing Man (Rac Shade): BReve, DCH2, OAtl
Shadow Demons: Atlas as Typical Shadow Demon; GLCor as Shadow Demons
Shadow Lad (Grev Mallor): LSH1
Shadow Lass (Tasmia Mallor): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Shadow-Thief (Carl Sands): JLea sub,  KCri
“Shadow Woman”: LSH1
The Shaggy Man: JLea, WBal
Shagrek: LSH1 sub
Shakedown: DCH2 sub
Shakira: Atlas
Shalako: Atlas
Shalingo the Flying Finback: Apok sub
The Shark: DCH2, GLCor, KCri, WBal
Shatterfist: WBal
Shimmer (Selinda): DCH2 sub, NTit sub
The Shining Knight (Sir Justin): WWar
Shockwave (Clarence Schiffel): SMSte
Short Round: WWar sub
Shrapnel (Mark Williamson): DCH2, Mshot
Shrinking Violet (Salu Digby): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Shvaughn Erin: LSH1
Sickle: BReve
Silhouette (Ursula Zandt): TTra
Silk Spectre (Sally Jupiter): TTra, WatS
Silk Spectre (Laurel Jane Juspeczyk): DCH2, WatS, WWat as Silk Spectre; TTra as The Silk Spectre
The Silver Banshee (Siobhan McDougal): SMSte
Silver Slasher: LSH1
Silver Sorceress (Laura Cynthia Nielsen): Mag as The Silver Sorceress; JLea sub as Silver Sorceress
Silver Swan (Valerie Beaudry): SPar
Simian: SMSte sub
Sinbad (Davood Nassur): SMSte
Sindromedan Humanoid: Atlas
Sinestro: Atlas, GLCor
Size Kid: LSH1 sub
Skyhook (Aleister Hook): SMSte
Sleez: Apok, SMSte
Slig: Apok sub
Slipknot: BReve
Slith: LSH1
Slud: Apok
Slyggian: Atlas
Snake Oil: WWar sub
Solar Council Member: GLCor
Solomon Grundy: DCH2, WWar
Somahturian: Atlas
Sonar (Bito Wladon): Atlas, GLCor
500Z-Q (Soozie-Q): DCH2
Sorcerer: WWar sub
The Source: Apok
Space Dragons: LSH1
The Spectre (James Corrigan): DCH2, Mag, WWar as The Spectre; Mag as Jim Corrigan
Speedy (Roy Harper Jr.): BReve, DCH2, GLCor, NTit x3
Spider-Girl: LSH1 sub
Spider Guild Strand Captain: Atlas
Spittroid: Atlas
The Spook (Val Kaliban): NGot
The Sportsmaster (“Crusher” Crock): WWar
Sslithiss: Atlas
Stalnoivolk: Atlas
Stanolislaus Drozdowski: WWar sub
Star Boy (Thom Kallor): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Starburst Bandits: LSH1
Starfinger (Lars Hanscom): LSH1
Starfire (Koirand’r): DCH2, DCH3, NTit
Starhaven Native: Atlas
Starman (Gavyn): Atlas
Starman (Theodore Knight): DCH2, WWar
Starman (William Payton): DCH2, SMSte
Starro the Conqueror: JLea
Star Sapphire (Carol Ferris): GLCor as Carol Ferris; GLCor as Star Sapphire; GLCor as Predator
The Star-Spangled Kid and Stripesy (Sylvester Pembeton, Jr. & Patrick Dugan): WWar
Steamroller: GLCor sub
Steel (Henry Heywood III): JLea
Stel: GLCor
Steppenwolf: Apok
Steve Dayton (Steven Dayton): Mshot as Mento; NTit as Steven Dayton
Steve Lombard: SupS
Steve Trevor: DCH2, SPar
Stompa: Apok sub, BReve sub
Stone Boy (Dag Ventim): LSH1
Stone Man: JLea sub
Stormwind: WWar sub-sub
Strata: Atlas
Stretch (Thomas Longacre): DCH2
Stuff the Chinatown Kid (Victor Leong): WWar sub
Sue Dibny: JLea, WBal
Sue Williams and Jack & Jim Gordon: GLCor
Sugyn: LSH1
Suicide Squad: DCH2
Sumo the Samurai: WWar
Sun Boy (Dirk Morgna): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Sun-Eater: LSH1
Sun Emperor: LSH1 sub
Superbaby (Clark Kent/Kal-El; Earth-1): see Superman
Superboy (Clark Kent/Kal-El; Earth-1): see Superman
Superboy (Post-Crisis): DCH3
Superboy Robots: SupS
Super-Cycle: Apok sub
Supergirl (Kara Zor-El): LSH1 x2, LSH2, SupS
Superman (Clark Kent/Kal-El; Earth-1): LSH1 x2, LSH2, SupS as Superboy; SupS as Superman
Superman (Clark Kent/Kal-El; Post-Crisis): DCH2, DCH3, JLea, SMSte, WBal
Superman (Clark Kent/Kal-L; Earth-2): SupS, WWar
“Superman” (Darkseid’s): LSH1
Superman Robots: SupS
Superwoman (Kristen Wells): SupS
Suzy (“Susan Linden”): DCH2 sub, Mag sub
Swamp Thing (“Alec Holland”): DCH2, Mag, SThi x2, SThi -RRat
Swinger: WWar sub
Syrene: SupS
Tala: Mag
Talia: Bat, BatS
Tamaranian: Atlas
Tannarak: Mag
Tara: Atlas
The Tarantula (Jonathan Law): WWar
Tarik the Mute: LSH1 sub
Tattooed Man (Abel Tarrant): GLCor, JLeasub
Taurus Gang: LSH1
Tawny Young: GLCor
Tehra: SMSte sub
Tellus (Ganglois): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Tempest (Joshua Clay): Mshot
Ten (Wanda Weyland): JLea sub
Tentacaglor: LSH1
Terminator (Slade Wilson): see Deathstroke the Terminator
Terra (Tara Markov): NTit
Terra-Man (Tobias Manning; Post-Crisis): SMSte
Terra-Man (Toby Manning; Earth-1): SupS
Terry Long: DCH2, NTit
Thanagarians: DCH2
Tharok: LSH1 sub
Tharrian: Atlas
The Thinker (Clifford Devoe): Breve, WWar
Thomas “Pieface” Kalmaku: GLCor
The Thorn (Rose Forrest): SMSte
Thor the Thunder Dog: WWar sub
Thunder and Lightning (Gan Williams & Tavis Williams): NTit
Thunderbolt: DCH2 sub, WWar sub
The Thunderers: Atlas as Typical Thunderer; GLCor as The Thunderers
Tickytarkopolis: Atlas
Tiger: WWar sub
Tigorr (T’ghuurhu): GLCor
The Tigress (Paula Brooke): WWar
Timber Wolf (Brin Londo): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Time-Bomb: SMSte
Time Trapper: LSH1
Timothy Hunter: Mag
Tin: DCH2 sub
Tinder (Joshua Morgan): Atlas
Titania: LSH1
Titanite: Atlas
Titano: SupS
TNT and Dan the Dyna-Mite (Thomas N. Thomas & Daniel Dunbar): WWar
Tomar Re: GLCor
Tommy (Thomas Thompkins II): SMSte sub-sub
TO Morrow (Thomas Oscar Morrow): JLea
Tornado Twins: LSH1
Toyman (Winslow P. Schott; Earth-1): SupS
The Toyman (Winslow  P. Schott; Post-Crisis): DCH2, SMSte
Tracer: JLea
Trainers (of Apokolops): Apok
Trident (Sammy jaye, “Prof”, & ally): NTit
Trigon the Terrible: NTit
Tritonian: Atlas
Troia (Donna Troy): DCH2, NTit as Troia; NTit x2 as Wonder Girl
Trok: Apok sub
Tromian: Atlas
Tsunami (Miya Shimada): WWar
TT Jordan (Titus Thomas Jordan): GLCor
Tweedledee (Denver Tweed): BatS
Tweedledum (Dumfree Tweed): BatS
The Twilight Lady (Leslie Chadwicke): WatS
Two-Face (Harvey Dent): Bat, BatS x2, DCH2, DCH3
Typhon: Mag
Typical… see name after (“Typical” is understood for most races unless otherwise noted)
Tyr: LSH1
Tyroc (Troy Stewart): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Übermensch: WWar sub
Ultra Boy (Jo Nah): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Ultra-Humanite: SupS, WWar
Uncle Sam: WWar
Underboss (Anthony Rizzoli): WatS
Ungaran: Atlas
The Union: SMSte
Universe (Vidar): LSH1
The Unknown Soldier: DCH2, WWar
Un-Men: SThi sub
Usil: WWar sub
Va-Kox: SupS
Validus: LSH1 sub
Valor (Lar Gand; Post-Crisis): Atlas
Vampire Queen: SThi sub
Vandal Savage: DCH2, SupS, WWar
Vanessa Kapateis: SPar
Vapor (Carrie Donahue): WBal
Vartox: SupS
Vibe (Paco Ramone): JLea
Vibrex: LSH1
Vicki Grant: Atlas
Vicki Vale: Bat, BatS, DCH2
The Vigilante (Gregory Saunders): WWar
The Viking Commando (Valoric): DCH2, WWar
Viking Prince (Jon): DCH2
Vince Velcro: WWar sub
Vixen (Mari Jiwe Macabe): BReve, DCH2, JLea, OAtl
Voice-Over (Andrew P. Greenwald): DCH2
Volcano Beast: LSH1
Voorlian: Atlas
Vornian Mole: LSH1
Vulcan (Christopher Pike): OAtl
Vran: LSH1
Vril Dox II: Atlas
Vykin the Black: Apok sub
Wade Eiling: DCH2
“Wall Crawlers”: SMSte sub
Wanderers: LSH1
Wandjina: JLea sub
Warlock of Ys: Atlas
The Warlord (Travis Morgan): Atlas, DCH2
The Warlords of Okaara: DCH2
Warp (Emil LaSalle): DCH2 sub, NTit
Warren Griffith: WWar sub
Weaponers of Qward: Atlas as Typical Weaponer of Qward; GLCor as Weaponers of Qward
The Weasel (John Monroe): BReve
Weng Chen: WWar sub
The Whip (Rodney Elwood Gaynor): WWar
The White Lions: WWar
White Witch (Mysa): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Wildcat (Theodore Grant): DCH2, WWar
Wildcat (Yolanda Montez): DCH2
Wild Dog (Jack Wheeler): DCH2
Wildebeest: NTit as Average Wildebeest
Wildfire (Drake Burrroughs): LSH1 x2, LSH2
Wild Huntsman: LSH1
Wildman: DCH2 sub, WWar sub
William Hell: BReve
William James Henderson: SMSte
William Storm: WWar sub
Wing: WWar sub
Winged Victory: WWar sub
Wingman: Atlas
Witch Wolf: Atlas
The Wizard (William Asmodeus Zard): DCH2, SupS, WWar
Wizard (Spearo’s flunky): Atlas
Wonder Girl (Donna Troy): see Troia
Wonder Woman (Diana; Earth-2): WWar
Wonder Woman (Diana; Post-Crisis): DCH2, DCH3, JLea, SMSte, SPar, SPar-Adv
Wood Man: JLea sub
Word-Bringer (Hfuhruhurr): SMSte sub
Worry Wart: WWar sub
Wotan: Mag, WWar
Wyynde: Atlas
Xax: GLCor
X’Hal: Atlas
Yera: LSH1
Yo-Yo: Mag sub
Zackk Nolan: WWar sub
Zahara: SMSte
The Zamarons: GLCor
Zastrow: Atlas
Zatanna (Zatanna Zatara): DCH2, JLea, Mag
Zatara the Magician (Giovanni Zatara): Mag, WWar
Zed: Mag
Zerox Sorcerer: Atlas
Zerox Student: Atlas
Zwenite: Atlas
Zyklon: WWar
Zymyr: LSH1 sub

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (3/05/2020 7:13 pm)

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2/29/2020 8:59 am  #2

Re: DC Heroes Role-Playing Game Listings

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2/29/2020 8:59 am  #3

Re: DC Heroes Role-Playing Game Listings

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3/05/2020 7:13 pm  #4

Re: DC Heroes Role-Playing Game Listings

Added more books. Tentatively more tomorrow, though tomorrow's a busier day for me than today.

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