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3/08/2020 2:19 pm  #1

The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

For those who collect the Classic Marvel Figurine Collection know they came with magazines containing profiles in an unique handbook style of the Marvel characters. Every magazine consists of a head profile presenting the character of the figurine (about 5 till 7 pages), a comic cover pinpup, an 2-page article about the character's powers and/or personality, a friends, family & foes (Who's Who) section and a Behind the Scenes article (often about the character, but in later issues it's about the story of the Marvel Comics). Usually the last page (or part of it) is about how much some comics the character appeared in are worth. The magazines of the (mega)specials and double packs also contains a doubleside poster. Issues #1-100 were 20 pages, while issues #101-200 were 16 pages.

I do not own all magazines, but here's a list with the Marvel characters who got their own magazine (M). I also list characters, teams or items who have small entries in the magazines, whether as insets (IN) or in the friends, family & foes (F) pages. Usually a F entry is a 1/3 or 1/4 page, while an inset is about a 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4 page with 3 or 4 subjects/characters.
Some magazines, like #2 Wolverine's Who's Who pages, don't have clear dinstictive profiles; if that's the case I will only list those characters who are also pictured in those pages. Same goes (even more so) for when a character (other than the main magazine character) is a sort of highlighted in the Behind the Scenes pages (BTS).
The specials (S), mega-specials (MS) en double packs (DP) have their own numbering.

Abomination #S9 M
Abominatrix #38 IN
Abraxas #MS1 F
Absorbing Man #88 M, #37 F, #126 F
Abyss #42 F (with Kiwi Black)
Acanti #14 F
Acolytes #5 F
Adamantium #2 IN
Adams, Nikki #30 F
Adversary #14 F, #169 F
Aegis (Proemial God) #MS1 F (with Tenebrous)
Aftershock (MC2) #62 IN
Afrikaa #30 F
Age of Apocalypse #S6 IN (or F?)
Agent Axis #85 F
Agent X #56 F, #104 F
Ahmyor/Annihilus (AoA) #97 F
Ahura #43 F, #65 F
A.I.M. #MS6 F
Airstrike #122 F
Airwalker #7 F (as Gabriel, the Airwalker)
Ajak #109 F
Ajax (Francis Fanny) #56 F (with Dr. Killebrew)
Akhenaton #S4 IN
Albion (Peter Hunter) #107 F
Alcmena #68 F
Alexander, Carrie and Caleb #36 F
Alioth #73 F
Alkhema/War Toy #26 F, #131 F
Allan, Liz #1 F, #8 F (as Liz Allan Osborn)
All-Winers Squad #9 F (as part of World War II Super-Teams), #S12 F
Alpha Flight #89 BTS, #187 F, #DP3 BTS, #DP4 F
Alraune, Marlene #82 F
American Eagle #50 F, #187 BTS
Anachronauts #73 F
Anais #S6 F
Anders, Mary Alice #3 IN
Anderson, Victoria #48 F
Android Pirates of Dimension Nine #77 IN
Angar the Screamer #65 IN, #155 F
Angel (Thomas Halloway) #31 BTS, #S12 F (and (M) as part of Marvel Comics profile)
Angel (Warren Worthington III) #31 M, #66 F (as Archangel), #S6 F (as Archangel)
Angel (AoA) #31 IN
Angel (Earth X) #31 IN
Anger, Dirk #110 F
Angkor #79 F
Annihilus #132 M, #41 F, #54 F, #MS1 F
Anti-Vision #48 IN, #78 F (as Vision)
Ant-Man (Eric O'Grady) #58 IN
Ant-Man (Scott Lang) #129 M, #58 F
Apocalypse #S6 M, #25 F, #31 F, #63 F, #80 F, #125 F, #128 F
Arachne (Deathweb) #61 IN
Arachne (Julia Carpenter) #174 M, #61 F/BTS (as Spider-Woman II), 76 F (as Spider-Woman II)
Araña #61 IN, #76 F
Arcade #8 IN, #156 F, #S2 F
Ardina #7 IN
Ares #151 M, #68 F
Argo the Almighty #68 IN
Arize #185 F, #MS7 F
Arkon #14 F, #55 F
Arlis-Newell, Diane #193 F
Armageddon #S4 IN
Armour (Thanos Clone) #S4 IN
Arrow Ace #50 IN (as Mortimer Freebish)
Asbestos Man #18 F
Assassin (Marie) #17 IN
Assassin (MK-9) #86 F
Assassin's Guild #178 F
Astra (Imperial Guard) #45 IN, #98 IN
Astra (Mutant) #5 F
Astrologer #72 F
Atlas (Erik Josten) #58 IN, #123 F (as Power Man)
Attuma #36 F
Aurora #DP4 M (with Northstar), #89 F, #DP3 F
Avalanche #173 M
Avengers/New Avengers #12 F, #16 F (with Defenders), #37 F, #38 F, #61 F, #62 F, #71 F, #73 F, #112 F, #121 F, #129 F, #193 F, #MS2 F
Awesome Andy #38 F
Azazel #39 F (with Nightcrawler), #42 F
Baal (Sandstormers) #S6 F
Baba Yaga #37 IN
B.A.D. Girls, Inc. #56 IN
Bain, Sunset #104 F, #110 F
Baker, Mrs. #27 F
Balder #153 M, #15 F, #37 F
Baldry, Marcus #49 F (with Scott Hoskins)
Balor #25 IN
Baltag #73 F
Bamf(s) #42 IN
Bancroft, Martine #99 F
Bandit #50 IN
Banshee #100 M, #159 F, #S2 F
Baptiste, Tante Mattie #35 F
Banshee #100 M, #39 F
Baron Blood (John Falsworth) #107 F
Baron Brimstone #110 F
Baron Mordo #40 F, #64 F
Baron Strucker #34 F
Baron Zemo (Heinrich Zemo) #9 F, #85 F, #103 F
Baron Zemo (Helmut Zemo) #103 M, #9 F, #11 IN (as Helmut Zemo/Phoenix), #34 F, #155 F
Baroness #103 F
Barton, Barney #50 F
Basilisk (Wayne Gifford) #99 F
Bastion #25 F, #120 F, #MS2 F
Batroc the Leaper #138 M, #9 IN
Battlestar/Bucky (Lemar Hoskins) #85 IN
Beak #16 F
Beast #16 M, #79 F, #MS5 F
Beast (Ultimate) #16 IN
Beast of the Hand #17 F
Beatrice and the Armajesuits #178 F
Bedlam (Olisa Kabaki) #S2 IN
Beetle #167 M
Behemoth (Atlantean Monster) #36 IN
Belasco #117 F, #166 F, #S3 F, #DP2 F
Belladonna (Narda Ravanna) #102 F
Belmonde, Raymonde #DP4 F
Bengal #30 IN
Bennett, Dexter #180 F
Bentley, Victoria #112 F
Bes #37 IN
Bessie the Hellcow #172 F
Bestman, Gregory #67 F
Beta Ray Bill #140 M, #15 F
Beyonder #10 IN, #126 F
Bi-Beast #69 IN
Bill Junior/William the Warrior #153 F
Birdy #84 F
Bishop #92 M, #14 F, #47 IN, #199 F
Bishop (Ultimate) #92 IN (1/2 page)
Black Bolt #65 M, #43 F, #78 F
Black Box #63 F
Black Cat #20 M, #1 F, #3 IN #S13 F
Black Cat "Disco-Diva" (Earth-?) #20 IN
Black Cat (Manga) #20 IN
Black Cat "Supernatural" (Earth-?) #20 IN
Black Cat (Ultimate) #20 IN
Black Fox (Thief) #20 IN
Black Crow #14 IN
Black Knight (Dane Whitman) #112 M, #47 IN, #78 F
Black Knight (Nathan Garrett) #112 BTS
Black Knight (Sir Percy of Scandia) #112 M/BTS (as part of main profile)
Black Panther #30 M, #14 F, #75 BTS, #78 BTS (with Storm), #165 F
Black Raazer #DP3 F (as Raazer)
Black Spectre #82 F
Black Swan #56 F
Black Tarantula #62 F
Black, Tess #37 F
Black Tom Cassidy #100 F, #159 F, #S2 F
Black Widow (Claire Voyant) #S12 F
Black Widow (Natasha Romanova) #12 F, #13 F, #19 F, #72 M, #49 F, #85 F, #122 F #S13 F
Black Widow (Yelena Belova) #72 IN (1/2 page)
Blackheart #160 M, #22 F, #24 F
Blackjack #35 IN
Blackout (Lilin) #22 F
Blackout (Marcus Daniels) #54 IN
Blackwing (Joseph Manfredi) #34 F
Blade #6 M, #99 F, #172 F
Blastaar #70 F, #27 F
Blastaar (AoA) #97 F, #150 F
Blazing Skull #S12 F
Blessing, Morgan #40 F
Blind Al #56 F
Blindspot (Mutant) #29 IN, #125 F
Blink #97 IN/BTS
Blink (AoA) #97 M
Blizzard (Donald Gill) #33 IN
Blizzard (Gregor Shapanka) #33 IN (as Jack Frost), #62 F
Blob #MS5 M
Blonde Phantom #38 F, #86 BTS, #S12 M (as part of Marvel Comics profile)
Bloodstorm (Mutant X) #14 IN, #74 IN
Bloodthirst #99 F
Bloodwraith #112 F
Blow-Hard #14 IN
Blur (Earth-31916) #71 IN
Bogan, Elias #29 F
Boom-Boom #84 F (as Boomer)
Boomerang #49 IN
Boris (Latverian) #10 F
Boudreaux, Bella Donna #29 F, #35 F
Boudreaux, Julien #35 F
Bova #55 F (as Lady Bova)
Bowman #50 IN
Box (Roger Bochs) #S3 IN, #DP3 F, #DP4 F
Braddock, Elizabeth #66 F (with Sir James Braddock)
Braddock, Jamie #21 F, #66 F
Braddock, Sir James #21 F, #66 F (with Elizabeth Braddock)
Brainchild #62 F, #69 IN
Brandenberg, Sandi #56 IN, #104 F
Brandt, Ellen #S11 F
Brant, Betty #1 F, #3 IN, #102 F, #180 F (as Betty Brant-Leeds)
Bres #75 F
Brood #45 F
Brother Nathan (Earth-58161) #63 IN
Brother Voodoo/Doctor Voodoo #75 BTS, #165 F
Brotherhood of Evil Mutants #5 F, #141 F, #152 F (with Mystique), #156 F, #173 F
Brothers Grimm #61 F
Brute (Counter-Earth) #28 F
Brute (Mutant X) #16 IN, #74 IN
Brutus (Deviant) #81 F
Bucky (Fred Davis) #85 IN
Bullseye #49 M, #13 F, #17 F
Burdick, Peggy Rae #129 F
Bushman #82 F
Cabal of Scriers #8 F
Cabe, Bethany #101 F
Cable #63 M, #11 F, #25 F/IN, #56 F, #80 F, #128 F, #149 F, #159 F, #178 F, #S6 F
Cable (Earth X) #63 IN
Cable (Ultimate) #63 IN
Cage, Luke #59 M, #8 F, #30 F, #44 F, #75 BTS
Caliban #45 F, #84 F, #S6 F
Callisto #14 F, #31 F, #S3 F
Calypso #23 F
Cannonball #149 M
Capricorn (LMD) #16 IN
Captain America (Steve Rogers) #9 M, #34 F (with Falcon), #50 F, #75 F, #84 BTS, #87 F, #107 F, #108 F, #S12 M (as part of Marvel Comics profile), #S19 F (with Hulk, Iron Man and Thor), #MS6 F
Captain America (Ultimate) #9 IN
Captain America (Isaiah Bradley) #9 IN (as "Proto-Cap")
Captain America (Mutant X) #74 IN
Captain Britain (Brian Braddock) #21 M, #66 F, #69 BTS, #107 F
Captain Marvel (Genis-Vell) #46 M, #165 F
Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) #164 M, #46 M/BTS (as part of Genis-Vell's profile), #76 F, #S4 F
Captain Marvel (Marvin Ellwood) (Manga) #46 IN
Captain Marvel (Earth X) #46 IN
Captain Marvel (Ultimate) #46 IN
Captain UK #21 IN (with Betsy Braddock)
Captain Universe #1 IN, #41 IN (as "Captain Uni-Sue")
Carnage #70 M
Carnage (MC2) #70 IN
Carnage (Ultimate) #70 IN
Carnage Cosmic (Earth-985) #70 IN
Carnivore (Andreas Zorba) #S2 IN
Carrie (Rogue's Aunt) #29 F
Carrion #70 F
Carter, Sharon #9 F
Cat (She Kuei) #44 IN
Caulder, Safron #6 F
Cavella, Nick (Earth-200111) #19 F (with Teresa Gazzera)
Celestials #15 IN
Centurious #22 F
Cerebro #DP1 F
Cerise #42 F
Chalmers, Judge Robert #MS2 F
Chambers, Alynn #4 IN
Chameleon #116 M, #23 F, #67 F
Champion of the Universe #126 F, #S2 IN
Champions of LA #20 F, #31 F, #68 F
Chandler Jones, Marlo #46 F, #69 F
Changeling #39 IN, #DP1 F
Charlemagne #2 F
Chase, Randall #148 F
Cheetah #30 IN
Cheney, Lila #42 IN, #115 F, #149 F
Children of the Vault #63 F
Childress, Delia #105 F
Chondu #67 IN
Ciegrimites #7 IN
Circus of Crime #33 F
Citizen V (John Watkins) #S12 F, #103 F
Clan Akkaba #S6 F
Clan Askani #11 F
Clan Destine #DP1 F
Clea #40 F, #64 F
Cloak (with Dagger) #S13 M, #20 F, #70 F
CLOC #77 F
Cloud #33 F
Cobra/King Cobra (Klaus Voorhees) #20 F (with Mister Hyde)
Cole #18 F
Collins, Rusty #67 F
Colossus #S3 M, #45 F, #72 BTS, #80 F, #166 F
Colossus (AoA) #S3 IN
Colossus (Earth X) #S3 IN (unpictured)
Colossus (Ultimate) #S3 IN
Commando (M-Nell) #98 F
Commissar #72 IN
Condor (Bird People) #54 F
Conquest (Bridget Malone) #S2 IN
Constrictor #191 M, #68 F, #84 F
Cooper, Valerie #39 F
Copycat #39 IN, #56 F/IN, #63 F (with Domino)
Corsair #25 IN, #74 F
Cortez, Fabian #5 F, #71 F, #78 F
Cosmic Deities (Eternity, Celestials, etc) #90 F
Cougar #30 IN
Council of Godheads #68 BTS
Count Nefaria #79 F, #171 F
Craig, Reverend #192 F
Crawley, Bertrand #82 F
Crazy Eight #79 F
Creed, Graydon #33 F, #39 F, #84 F
Crew #101 F
Crimebuster (Frank Moore) #54 F
Crimson Bands of Cyttorak #40 IN
Crismon Crystals of Cyttorak #40 IN
Crimson Dynamo #122 M, #12 F, #S3 BTS
Crimson Sage (Earth X) #55 IN
Cromwell, Elspeth #24 IN
Crossbones #9 F, #34 F
Crystal #78 M, #18 F, #65 F, #71 F, #77 F
Crystal (Ultimate) #78 IN
Crystar #187 F
Cushing, Kathryn #3 IN
Cussler, Phillip #86 F
Cutthroat #34 F
Cyber #S3 IN
Cyclone (André Gerard) #14 IN
Cyclops #25 M, #11 F, #25 F (as Erik the Red), #47 F, #63 F (as Slym), #74 F
Cypher #45 F (as Doug Ramsey)
Daap (Doop) #53 F
Dagger (with Cloak) #S13, #20 F, #70 F
Dakimh the Enchanter #S11 F
Damage Control #68 F
D|amian, Margo #109 F
Dane, Arnold and Suzanna #53 F (as Mr. and Mrs. Dane)
Danger #DP1 F
Danny Boy #77 IN
Danvers Family #76 F
Darcenaux, Genevieve #35 F
Daredevil #13 M, #23 F, #49 F, #72 F, #144 F
Daredevil 2099 #13 IN
Dark Avengers #151 F, #194 F
Dark Beast #16 F, #92 F, #97 F
Darkdevil (MC2) #13 IN
Darkoth the Death Demon #4 F
Dascylla #150 F
Daughters of the Dragon #44 F
Davis, Carol #75 F
Dazzler #115 M, #16 F, #185 F
Deadpool #56 M, #17 IN, #104 F, #144 F, #159 F
Death #7 F (with Eternity), #56 F, #MS1 F (with Eternity), #S4 F
Death Sting #44 F
Deathbird #199 M, #76 F, #92 F, #98 F
Deathcry #68 F
Deathlok #83 M, #70 F
Death's Head (FPA) #26 IN
Deathwatch #22 F
Deathweb #174 F
Decay (Yoshiro Hachiman) #S2 IN
Deep Six #193 F
Defenders #16 F (with Avengers), #33 F (as New Defenders), #36 F, #50 F
Delilah #62 F (with Rose)
Demogoblin #70 F
Demolition Man #9 F
Desert Sword #141 F, #173 F
Destiny (Irene Adler) #152 M, #39 F
Destroyer (Kevin "Keen" Marlow) #S12 M
Destroyer (Enchanted Armor) #7 F, #153 F
Devereux, Margrite #100 F
Devos the Devastator #18 F
DeWolff, Captain Jean #20 F
Dexter, Phil #72 F
Diablo #10 F
Diamond Lil #86 F
Diamondhead #54 F
Dillon, Anita and Jonathan #62 F
Dillon, Norma Lynn #62 F
Director #56 F
D.K. #67 F
D'ken #98 F, #199 F
D.O.A. (Hydra) #6 F
Doc Samson #105 M, #53 F, #122 F (with She-Hulk)
Doctor Angst (Floyd Mangles) #40 IN
Doctor Angst (Jonas Mueller) #8 F (with Green Goblin construct)
Doctor Doom #10 M, #4 F, #28 F, #36 F, #79 F, #126 F
Doctor Doom (Earth-938) #MS3 F (under "Doomsday")
Doctor Druid #40 F
Doctor Faustus #34 F
Doctor Octopus #3 M, #1 F, #27 F, #91 F
Doctor Octopus (Earth-50101) #3 IN (as "Indian Octopus")
Doctor Octopus (Ultimate) #3 IN
Doctor Octopus (Carolyn Trainer) #3 IN (as Doctor Octopus II)
Doctor Octopus (Carlyle Calamari) #3 IN (as Doctor Octopus III)
Doctor Sax #115 F (with Johnny Guitar)
Doctor Strange #40 M, #20 F
Doctor Yesterday #95 F
Dominic Fortune #91 F
Domino #178 M, #56 IN, #63 F (with Copycat)
Donovan, Lefty #102 F
Doom, Bob #10 IN
Doom, Cynthia von #10 F, #24 IN
Doom, Victor von (Clone) #10 F
Doomsday Man #76 F
Doppelganger #70 F
Dora Milaje #30 F
Dorma #36 F (as Lady Dorma)
Dormammu #64 M
Doughboy #9 IN
Dracula #172 M, #6 F (as Count Dracula), #S6 F
Dragon Man #4 F, #43 F
Dragon of the Moon #157 F
Drake #17 F (with Stick)
Drake, Divinity #6 F
Drake, Frank #6 F, #172 F
Drake, Madeline and William #33 F
Dran, Damon #72 F
Drax the Destroyer #133 M, #54 F, #157 F, S4 F
Dreadnought #26 IN
Dreamqueen #DP3 F
Drew, Jonathan and Meriem #61 F
Druig #109 F
Duncan, Fred #25 F
Dusk (Demon) #144 F
Dust (Sooraya Qadir) #27 IN
Dynaman #62 IN/BTS
Earth-717 #MS3 IN (as alt. Sub-Mariner)
Earth-2108/Earth-10208 #MS3 IN (as alt. Civil War)
Earth-8020 #MS3 IN (as alt. Shi'ar)
Earth-523003 #MS3 IN (as alt. Fantastic Four)
Echo #187 BTS
Eel #75 IN (with Scarecrow)
Egghead #3 BTS, #58 F, #S19 F
Ego #MS1 IN
8-Ball (Jeff Hagees) #49 IN
Electro (Maxwell Dillon) #62 M, #91 F
Electro (Robot) #62 BTS
Electron #98 IN
Elektra #17 M, #13 F, #49 F
Elektro #62 BTS
El-Gibar, Achmed #14 F
Elsie Dee #2 F
"Elvises" #MS6 F
Elysius #46 F
Ember (Jason Pierce) #141 F
Emissaries of Evil #62 F
Emplate #120 F
Enchantress (Amora) #123 M, #15 F, #37 F, #43 F (with Lady Liberators), #79 F, #115 F
Enchantress (Sylvie Lushton) #123 F
Enclave #65 F, #90 F
Enforcers #27 F
Entropy #46 F
En-Vad, Captain #46 F
Eon #46 F
Epiphany #46 F
Eric the Red (Davan Shakari) #53 F
Essex, Rebecca #80 F
Esther #34 F
Eternals #15 IN
Eternity #7 F (with Death), #MS1 F (with Death)
Excalibur/New Exalibur #42 F, #66 F, #115 F
Exemplars #S2 IN
Exiles (WWII criminals) #75 F
Exiles (Ultraverse) #S2 F
Exodus #71 F, #112 F, #S6 F
Externals #149 F
Factor Three #25 F, #100 F
Falcon (Sam Wilson) #75 M, #9 F, #34 F (with Captain America)
Falcon (Sam Wilson) (Ultimate) #75 IN
Fallen (Mutant X) #31 IN, #74 IN
Fallen One #S4 F
Fang #98 IN
Fantastic Four #4 BTS, #10 F, #18 BTS, #27 F, #41 BTS, #65 F, #129 F, #MS3 F
Fantastic Four (Earth-1228) #4 IN
Fantastic Four (Earth-7712) #MS3 F
Fantastic Four (Earth-9510) #MS3 F (under "Divergence")
Fantasticar #18 IN
Fenris #5 F
Fenris Wolf #37 F (as Fenris)
Ferret (Dennis Piper) #S12 M (as part of Marvel Comics profile)
Fin Fang Foom #MS4 M, #92 BTS
Firebird #58 F
Firebrand (Gary Gilbert) #12 IN
Fire-Eater #78 IN
Firelord #196 M, #7 F
Firestar #148 M, #18 IN, #70 F
Fitzroy, Trevor #47 F
Fixer #103 F
Flame Thrower #18 IN
Flames of Faltline #40 IN
Flashfire #98 IN (as Tempest)
Flatman #28 IN
Flying Dutchman #24 IN
Flyx #64 F
Fomalhauti #7
Foolkiller (Ross. G. Everbest) #S11 F
Force Works #79 F, #174 F
Foreigner #20 F
Forge #169 M, #14 F, #74 F, #187 BTS (unpictured)
Forrrester, Lee #25 F
Foster, Bill #58 F, #75 BTS (as Black Goliath), #S19 F
Foster, Jane #179 F
Frederickson, Kolina #8 F
Freedom Force #39 F, #87 F, #141 F, #173 F
Frenchie (Jean-Paul DuChamp) #82 F
Frightful Four #43 F
Frost, Adrienne, Christian and Cordelia #47 F
Frost, Deacon #6 F
Frost, Emma #47 M, #25 F, #45 F, #100 F, #148 F, #181 F
Frost, Emma (Ultimate) #47 IN
Frost, Winston and Hazel #47 F
Fujikawa, Rumiko #12 F
Furor #49 IN (with Plan Master)
Fury #S2 IN
Fury, Nick #51 M, #9 F, #61 F, #72 F, #85 F
Gaard (Earth-721) #18 IN
Galactus #MS1 M, #6 IN, #7 F, #10 IN, #95 F
Galactus (Earth X) #MS1 IN
Galactus (Earth-552) #97 F
Galactus (Last Galactus Story) #MS1 IN
Galactus (Marvel Zombies) #MS1 IN
Galactus (Ultimate) #MS1 IN
Galaxy Master #MS1 IN
Gambit #35 M, #14 F, #29 F, #47 IN, #80 F, #92 F
Gambit (AoA) #35 IN
Gambit (Exiles) #35 IN
Gambit (Mutant X) #35 IN, #74 IN
Gambit (Ultimate) #35 IN
Gamma-Burn #38 F, #79 F
Gamora #189 M, #90 F, #S4 F
Ganymede #121 F
Gargoyle (Isaac Christians) #113 F
Garrett, John #17 F
Gateway #92 F
Gazzera, Teresa (Earth-200111) #19 F (with Nick Cavella)
Geiger #105 F
Geller, Uri #13 IN
General #77 F
Generation X #47 F, #112 F
Genesis (Tyler Dayspring) #25 IN, #63 F
Ghaur #55 F
Ghost #45 IN
Ghost Rider #22 M, #83 F
Ghost Rider (2099) #22 IN
Ghost Rider (Manga) #22 IN
Ghost Rider "Hellfire Suit" (Earth-?) #22 IN
Gibbon #1 IN, #23 F
Gideon, Gregory #43 F
Giganto #36 IN, #81 F
Gilded Lily #DP3 F
Gladiator (Kallark) #98 M
Gladiator (Melvin Potter) #124 M, #13 F
Glamour #48 F(with Illusion)
Glob #S11 IN
Gnucci, Ma #19 F
Goblin Queen (Elan DeJunae) (MC2) #8 IN
God Squad #136 F
Goddess #90 F
Godzilla #6 IN
Goff, Lucien #47 F (as Lucien)
Gog (Tsiln) #23 F
Gog and Magog #158 F
Golden Archer (Wyatt McDonald) #50 IN
Goldwulf and the Redeemers #83 F
Golgotha #53 F
Gomurr #S2 F (with Tar)
Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway #38 F
Gopher #38 IN
Gorgon (Gorgon Petragon) #127 M, #65 F, #78 F, #162 F
Gorgon (Tomi Shishido) #17 F
Grainger, Bruno #20 F (with Boris Korpse)
Grandmaster #73 F
Grapplers #115 F, #155 F
Gravity #83 F
Great Beast #187 F
Great Lakes Avengers #175 F
Green Goblin/Norman Osborn #8 M, #1 F, #86 F, #105 F, #155 F, #DP4 F
Green Goblin (Earth-50101) #8 IN (as "Indian Goblin")
Green Goblin (Mangaverse) #8 IN
Green Goblin (Ultimate) #8 IN
Green Goblin (Dr. Barton Hamilton) #8 F
Green Goblin (Construct) #8 F (with Doctor Angst)
Green Knight #107 F
Gremlin (Synthezoid) #48 F
Grey, Jean #11 M, #2 F, #25 F/IN, #63 F (as Redd)
Grey, Jean (AoA) #128 F (with Scott Summers)
Grey, John and Elaine #11 F
Greystone #74 F
Griffin (John Horton) #68 F
Grim Reaper #131 M, #26 F, #48 F, #79 F
Grimm, Petunia #4 F
Grinder (Brute Bashby) #54 IN
Grotesk #81 F
Growing Man #73 F, #48 IN
Guardian (James Hudson) #89 M
Guardian (Michael Pointer) #89 IN (1/4 page)
Guardian of the Galaxy #90 F
G'uranthic Guardian #64 F
the Guthries #149 F
Gypsy Moth #61 F
Gyrich, Henry Peter #169 F, #MS2 F
Half-Life #69 F
Haller, Gabrielle #5 F
Hammer, Justin #86 F
Hammerhead #184 M, #3 F
Hand #178 F
Hanover, Dr. Robyn #25 F
Hardy, Lydia #20 F
Harker, Quincy #6 F, #172 F
Harkness, Agatha #41 F, #55 F
Harmon, Judy #33 F
Harvester of Sorrows #MS1 IN
Hate-Monger #34 F, #108 F
Hauptmann #10 F
Hauptmann Englande #21 IN
Havok #74 M, #25 IN, #53 F
Hawkeye (Clint Barton) #50 M, #72 F, #155 F, #175 F, #194 F
Hawekye (Ultimate) #50 IN
Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) #50 IN
Head Case (Sean Madigan) #MS6 F
Headshop #69 IN
Hela #200 M, #37 F
Heliopolitan Gods #15 IN (as Heliopolis Gods)
Hellcat #113 M, #16 F, #64 F, #148 F
Helleyes #99 F
Hellfire Club #47 F, #181 F, #MS2 F
Hellinger #83 F
Hellions #47 F, #148 F, #149 F
Hell-Lords #113 F
Hell's Belles's #74 F
Helsing, Rachel van #6 F, #172 F
Hemingway, Ernest #DP3 F
Hera #68 F
Heralds (Galactus) #MS1 F
H.E.R.B.I.E. #18 IN, #48 IN
Hercules #68 M, #15 F, #72 F, #151 F
Hercules (Earth-829) #68 IN
Heroes for Hire #44 F
High Evolutionary #68 F, #90 F, #162 F, #168 F, #DP2 F
Hi-Lite #88 F
Hippy #77 IN
Hitler, Adolf #34 F, 85 F
Hitmaker #79 IN
Hitman #19 F
Hive (Halphas) #42 F
Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth #40 IN
Hobgoblin (Imperial Guard) #98 IN
Hobgoblin (Roderick Kingsley) #102 M, #8 F
Hoder #50 IN
Hodge, Cameron #31 F
Hogan, "Happy" #12 F
Holocaust #97 F, #128 F
Horton, Phineas T. #26 F, #48 F
Hoskins, Scott #49 F (with Marcus Baldry)
Howard the Duck #6 IN, #20 F, #44 IN, #S11 F
Hrimhari #192 F (as Wolf Prince)
Hulk (Bruce Banner) #S1 M, #3 F, #27 F, #38 F, #69 BTS, #77 F, #79 F, #88 F, #105 F, #173 F, #S2 F, #S19 F (with Captain America, Iron Man and Thor), #MS6 F
Hulk (Bruce Banner) (Earth-4080) #MS3 F (under "Hulk Smash!")
Hulkling #198 F
Human Torch (Jim Hammond) #18 IN/BTS (also part of Johnny Storm profile), #84 BTS, #S12 M (as part of Marvel Comics profile)
Human Torch (Johnny Storm) #18 M, #20 F, #33 F, #78 F
Human Torch (Mangaverse) #18 IN
Humanoids #69 F
Hunt, Amber #11 IN
Hunt, Jerry #61 F
Hunter, Stevie #45 F
Huntsman #68 F
Husk #31 F
Hybrid (Jimmy Marks) #152 F
Hybrid (Scott Washington) #32 IN
Hydra #61 F (with Viper), #DP4 F
Hydra (Earth-1720) #97 F (with Sue Storm)
Hydro-Man #163 M, #27 F, #78 IN, #91 F
H'ylthri #44 F
Hyperion (Earth-4023) #97 F
Hyperstorm #28 F
Iceman #33 M, #53 F
Ice-Man (Mutant X) #74 IN
Iceman (Ultimate) #33 IN
Icemaster #33 IN
Iconoclast #41 F
Ikaris #109 M
Illuminati #28 F
Illusion #48 F (with Glamour)
Immortus #48 F, #73 F, #101 F
Imperial Guard #11 F (as Shi'ar Guard), #98 F (or IN?)
Impia #95 F (or IN?)
Impossible Man #95 M, #18 F
Impossible Woman #95 F (or IN?)
Impulse (Imperial Guard) #25 IN, #98 IN
In-Betweener #MS1 F
Infectia #16 F
Inferno (Samantha McGee) #S2 IN
Inferno (Slifter) #22 F
Infinites #121 F
Infinity Watch #81 F (with Adam Warlock)
Inhumans #43 F, #65 BTS, #71 F
Inhumans (Ultimate) #43 IN
Initiative #104 F
Intelligencia #MS6 F
Inua #136 F (as the Northern Gods)
Invaders #9 F (as part of World War II Super-Teams), #85 F
Invisible Woman #41 M, #1 F, #28 F (with Franklin and Valeria Richards), #36 F, #73 F, #78 BTS (with Mr. Fantastic)
Invisible Woman (Mangaverse) #41 IN
Invisible Woman (Marvel Zombies) #41 IN
Invisible Woman (Ultimate) #41 IN
Invisiguanodon (Earth-99476) #41 IN
Iron Fist #44 M
Iron Lad #12 IN
Iron Maiden (Mangaverse) #12 IN (as "Manga Iron Man/Woman")
Iron Man (Tony Stark) #12 M, #S8 M (1st app movie version), #58 F, #65 F, #71 IN, #101 F, #120 BTS, #122 F, #S19 F (with Captain America, Hulk and Thor), #MS6 F
Iron Man (Ultimate) #12 IN
Iron Man 2020 #12 IN, #110 F
Ironclad #S3 IN
It #S11 IN
It the Living Colossus #S3 IN (as Colossus)
J2 #S2 BTS
Jack Frost (Golden Age) #33 BTS
Jack of Hearts #121 M, #35 IN, #129 F
Jack O'Lantern (Jason Macendale) #8 F
Jackal (Dr. Miles Warren) #8 F, #19 F
Jackdaw (Heather O'Gara) #69 F
Jacobs, Parnell #101 F
Jameson, J. Jonah #180 M, #1 F, #62 F, #86 F, #108 F
Jameson, Marla #180 F
Janet #2 F (unpictured)
Jankos, Arianna #S2 F
Jann of the Jungle #168 BTS
Janus the Nega-Man #28 F
Jarvis, Edwin #12 F
Jason of Sparta #43 F
Jaspers, Mad Jim #66 F (as Sir James Jaspers)
Jaxon, Jerry #89 F, #DP4 F
Jaye, Ginger #54 F
Jazinda #126 F
Jenskot (Aliya Dayspring) #63 F
Jessup, Valerie #67 F
Jester #35 F
Jigsaw #19 F
Jocasta #119 M, #26 F, #110 F, #S19 F
Johnny Guitar #115 F (with Doctor Sax)
Jones, Jessica #61 F
Jones, Rick #46 F, #69 F, #85 IN (as Bucky)
Joseph #5 IN
Jubilee #120 M, #2 IN
Judans #7 IN
Judge #42 IN
Juggernaut #S2 M, #74 BTS (with Professor X)
Jury #32 F
Justice (Vance Astrovik) #148 F
Justice Peace #75 F
Kafka, Ashley #108 F
Kaine #3 F, #67 F
Kala #81 F
Kale, Jennifer #S11 F
Kane, Joshua & Andy #S11 F
Kang #73 M (and F), #198 F
Karisma #41 F
Karnak #162 M, #78 F, #150 F
Karnilla #123 F, #153 F
Karpov, Vasily #85 F
Kawa #7 IN
Ka-Zar (David Rand) #DP2 BTS (and (M) as part of main profile), #175 F, #S12 M (as part of Marvel Comics profile)
Ka-Zar (Kevin Plunder) #DP2 M (with Zabu), #23 F (with Zabu), #168 F
Keegan, dr. Rikki #69 IN
Keeper (Earth-691) #7 IN
Kelly, Senator (Robert) #39 F, #141 F, #173 F, #MS5 F
Khan #35 F
Khonshu #82 F
Kid Commandos #85 F
Kid Omega (Quentin Quire) #DP1 F
Kid Quarry #54 IN
Killebrew, Dr. #56 F (with Ajax)
"Killer Angel" (What If?) #31 IN
Killkelly, Troy #47 F
Killmonger #30 F
Kimura #117 F
Kinder #103 F
King, Hannibal #6 F
Kingmaker (NSA) #49 F (as "Old Man")
Kingpin #S11 M, #S13 F, #13 F, #49 F, #144 F
Kingsley, Daniel #102 F
Kissinger, Henry #10 F
Kiwi Black #42 F (with Abyss)
Klaw #130 M, #30 F
Knights of Wundagore #71 F
Korpse, Boris #20 F (with Bruno Grainger)
Korvus #98 F
Kosmosians #73 F
Kragg, Colonel #110 F
Krakoa #25 F, #171 F
Kraven the Hunter #23 M
Kraven the Hunter (Ultimate) #23 IN
Kravinoff, Alyosha #23 F
Kravinoff, Vladimir #23 F
Kree Sentry (Sentry 459) #77 IN
Kro #109 F
Krobaa the Living Darkness #32 IN
Krowler, Viscount Heinrich #64 F
Kuragari #66 F
Kurtzberg, Zelda #33 F (as Zelda the Waitress)
Kwannon/Revanche #66 F/IN
Lady Deathstrike #87 M, #2 F, #125 F
Lady Deathstrike (Ultimate) #87 IN
Lady Liberators #43 IN (with Enchantress)
Landau, Luckman and Lake #56 F (incl. Zoe Culloden)
Lang, Steven #11 F (with Sentinels)
Lau, King #17 F
Laughing Mask #S12 M/IN (as part of Marvel Comics profile)
Laviano, Detective John #19 F
LeBeau Boys (Henri, Jacques and Jean-Luc) #35 F
Leader #69 M
Leapfrog (Vincent Patilo) #13 IN
Lee, Lindy #77 F
Leech #29 IN
Leeds, Ned #102 F
Legion (David Haller), #14 F, #149 F, #152 F, #DP1 F
Legion of the Unliving #131 F
Lei Kung the Thunderer #44 F
Leopard Girl #168 BTS
Lethal Legion #131 F
Liberty Legion #9 F (as part of World War II Super-Teams), #85 F
Life Foundation #32 F
Lightmaster #23 F
Lilandra #DP1 M, #98 F, #199 F
Lilith (Demon) #22 F, #99 F
Lionheart #21 IN
Living Laser #12 F
Living Pharaoh/Monolith #74 F
Living Tribunal #90 F
Livingstone, Faye #80 F
Lizard #52 M, #1 F (2x, as Dr. Curt Connors ánd Lizard), #99 F
Locke, Jeremy #17 F
Lockheed #45 F
Lockjaw #4 F, #65 F, #78 IN, #162 F
Locust #49 IN
Loki #37 M, #15 F, #64 F, #88 F, #153 F, #179 F, #DP3 F, #DP4 F
Loki (Earth X) #37 IN
Loki (Earth-3515) #37 IN
Loki (Heroes Reborn) #37 IN
Loki (MC2) #37 IN
Loki (Ultimate) #37 IN
Longshot #185 M, #29 F, #115 F, #158 F, #MS7 F
Lord Dark Wind #87 F
Lorelei (Asgardian) #37 F, #123 F, #179 F
Lorna the Jungle Queen/Lorna the Jungle Girl #168 BTS
Lubensky, Nathan #67 F
Lucifer #DP1 F
Lukin, Aleksander #85 F
Luna #71 F, #78 F
Lyja the Lazerfist #18 F (as Alicia Masters/Lyja)
Lynne, Monica #30 F
M (Monet St. Croix) #106 F, #159 F
MacBryde, Chastity #17 F
Machine Man #110 M, #26 F, #76 IN
Machinesmith #9 F
Mace #32 F
MACH-IV (Abe Jenkins) #91 F (as Beetle), #155 F
MacLain, Dr. Myron #26 F
MacTaggert, Moira #100 F, #106 F, #192 F, #DP1 F
Mad Dog #113 F
Mad Thinker #18 F, #26 F
Mad Viking #S11 F
Madame Hydra (Susan Storm) (Earth-1720) #97 F (as Sue Storm; with Hydra)
Madame Masque #12 F
Madame Web #174 F
Madcap #9 IN
Madman #69 F
Madrox the Multiple Man #106 M, #159 F
Maelstrom #65 F
Maggie, Sister #13 F
Magik (Illyana Rasputin) #166 M, #45 F, #120 F, #S3 F
Magma #18 IN
Magneta (MC2) #5 IN
Magneto #5 M, #2 F, #53 F, #55 F, #71 F, #78 F, #MS5 F
Magneto (AoA) #5 IN
Magnetor #5 IN
Magno-Man #5 IN
Magnum, Moses #78 IN
Magnus (Exiles) #5 IN
Magus ("Adam Warlock") #90 F
Mahkizmo #43 F
Major Domo #MS7 F
Makkari #71 IN/BTS, #109 F
Malcolm #92 F (with Randall)
Malevolence #24 F
Malice (Mutant) #53 F
Man-Ape #30 F
Man-Beast #90 F
Mandarin #94 M, #12 F
Mandrill #168 F (with Nekra)
Mangog #15 F
Manslaughter #17 IN
Man-Thing #S11 M, #16 BTS
Mantis #48 F, #157 F
Mantor #40 IN
Man-Wolf #108 M, #23 F, #38 F (as John Jameson)
Marauders #31 F, #35 F, #80 F, #84 F
Marcus XXIV #73 F, #76 F (as Marcus, Son of Immortus)
Marko, Dr. Kurt #S2 F
Marrina #36 F, #89 F
Marrow #S3 F
Marvel Apes/Earth-8101 #MS3 F (under "Other Worlds")
Marvel Boy (Robert Grayson) #87 BTS, #S12 F
Marvel Boy (Martin Oksner Burns) #S12 F (unpictured)
Marvel Boy (Martin Simon Burns) #S12 F (unpictured)
Marvel Bullpen #95 F
Marvel Comics/Timely Comics/Atlas Comics #S12 M
"Marvel Divas" #165 F
Marvel Universe #10 F
Masked Raider #S12 M (as part of Marvel Comics profile)
Master Man (Wilhelm Lohmer) #36 F
Master Pandemonium #8 IN, #24 F
Master of the World #89 F
Mastermind (Braddock Manor Computer) #21 F
Mastermind (Jason Wyngarde) #11 F, #55 F (with Toad)
Masters, Alicia #4 F
Masters of Evil #3 F, #26 F, #86 F, #91 F, #194 F
Matador #13 IN
Maverick (David North) #84 F
Maximus the Mad #26 F, #43 F, #65 F, #71 F, #78 F, #150 F
Mayhem #S13 F
McCabe, Lindsay #61 F
McCall, Meredith #12 F
McCoy, Norton and Edna #16 F
McDowell, Scotty #61 F
McMasters, Ian #72 F
Meanstreak (2099) #71 IN
Mechadoom #83 F
Medusa #43 M, #27 F, #65 F, #78 F
Megans #25 IN
Megaton #46 F
Meggan #21 F
Melter (Bruno Horgan) #12 IN
Meng, Lady #44 F (with Lord Tuan)
Mengo Brothers #35 F
Mentor (A'lars) #157 F, #S4 F
Mentor (Imperial Guard) #98 IN
Mephista #24 F
Mephisto #24 M, #22 F, #62 F (as Mr. Bitterhorn), #79 F
Merlyn/Merlin #21 F (with Roma), #112 F
Merryweather, Irene #63 F
Mesmero #53 F
Metal Master #5 IN
Metallak #MS2 F
Microchip #19 F
Midnight (Jeff Wilde) #82 F
Midnight Man #82 F
Mikaboshi/Chaos King #37 IN, #151 F, #171 F
Midnight Sons #6 F
Miller, Layla #106 F
Mindless Ones #40 F, #64 IN
Mindworm #69 IN
Minor Domo #MS7 F
Minoru, Nico #177 M
Misfits #156 F
Miss America #55 F (with Whizzer), #S12 F
Miss Sinister #181 F
Mister Doll #12 IN
Mister Fantastic #28 M, #3 F, #77 F, #78 BTS (with Invisible Woman)
Mister Hyde #20 F (with Cobra)
Mister Jip #S13 F
Mister M #92 F
Mister Rasputin #40 IN
Mister Sinister #80 M, #25 F, #74 F, #S3 F, #S6 F
Mister Sinister (AoA) #80 IN, #128 F
Mister Sinister (Earth-41001) #80 IN
Mister Sinister (Ultimate) #80 IN
Mockingbird #175 M, #50 F, #DP2 F (as Bobbi Morse)
"Mockingskrull" (H'rpra) #175 F
M.O.D.A.M. #58 F
M.O.D.O.G. #MS6 F
M.O.D.O.K. #MS6 M, #76 F
Modred the Mystic #61 F
Mojo #MS7 M, #66 F (with Spiral), #158 F
Mojo II the Sequel #185 F
Mole Man #81 M, #41 F
Mole Man (Ultimate) #81 IN
Molecule Man #41 F
Moloids #81 F
Molten Man #8 F
Mongrain, Alison #8 F
Moomji, Indries #12 F
Moon Knight #82 M
Moon-Boy #82 IN
Moondark #82 IN
Moondragon #157 M, #46 F, #82 IN, #S4 F
Moonstar, Danielle/Mirage #195 M, #187 BTS
Moonstone (Karla Sofen) #194 M, #103 F, #155 F, #165 F
Moonstone (Lloyd Bloch) #194 F
Morbius #99 M, #32 F
Morg the Berserker #7 F
Morgan #67 F
Morgan Le Fay #27 F, #151 F (as Morgan Le Fey)
Morlocks #14 IN
Morph (Exiles) #39 F
Morpheus #82 F
Morwen #37 F
"Moskull" #34 IN
Mosquito #65 IN
Mother Askani #25 IN
Motormouth #65 IN
Mountjoy #92 F
Moy, Alyssa #28 F
Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers) #76 M, #2 F (as Warbird), #16 F, #39 F, #86 F, #194 F (as Captain Marvel), #199 F
Ms. Marvel/She-Thing (Sharon Ventura) #4 F, #76 IN, #126 F
Ms. M.O.D.O.K. (Kate Waynesboro) #MS6 F
Mud-Pi #S11 IN
Munroe, David and N'dare #14 F
Murdock, Battlin' Jack #13 F
Mutant X-verse #74 IN (1/2 page)
Muto, Junzo #44 F
Myrmidon (Grottu) #129 F
Mys-Tech Board #24 F
Mysterio #57 M
Mystic (Thanos Clone) #S4 IN
Mystique #39 M, #29 F (as Mystique/Foxx), #84 F, #152 F (with Brotherhood), #169 F, #173 F, #MS5 F
Namor the Sub-Mariner #36 M, #10 F, #28 F, #41 F, #44 F (with Namorita), #84 BTS, #150 F/BTS, #193 F, #S12 M (as part of Marvel Comics profile)
Namora #150 BTS
Namora (Exiles) #36 IN, #150 BTS
Namorita #18 F, #44 F (with Namor), #150 BTS
Nanabozho #37 IN
N'astirh #63 F
Nasty Boys #80 F
Natchios, Hugo and Christina #17 F
Naze #169 F
Nebula #S4 F
Nekra #131 F, #168 F (with Mandrill)
Nereel #S3 F (with Shakani)
Nelson, "Foggy" #13 F
Nemesis (Daryl Kane) #75 F
Neutron/Quasar #98 IN
New Mutants #47 F, #141 F, #192 F #S13 F
New Warriors I #44 F, #54 F, #162 F
New Warriors II #120 F
New X-Men #117 F
Nextwave #110 F, #165 F
Night Nurse #76 BTS
Night People #75 F
Night Thrasher (Dwayne Taylor) #148 F
Nightcrawler #42 M, #39 F (with Azazel), #45 F, #S3 F
Nightcrawler (AoA) #42 IN
Nightcrawler (Earth X) #42 IN
Nightcrawler (Earth-597) #42 IN
Nightcrawler (Ultimate) #42 IN
Nighthawk #96 M, #24 F
Nightmare #40 F
Nightshade #75 F, #108 F
Nightside #98 IN
Nimrod #S2 F, #MS2 IN
Nitro #46 F
Nocturne (Talia Wagner) #42 F
No-Girl #41 IN
Nomad (Jack Monroe) #135 M, #9 F, #85 IN
Northstar #DP4 M (with Aurora), #29 F, #71 IN, #89 F
Norvell, "Red" #15 IN, #179 F
Nova (Frankie Raye) #7 F, #18 F, #MS1 F
Nova (Peter Parker) (Earth-51977) #54 IN
Nova (Richard Rider) #54 M
Nova, Cassandra #DP1 F, #98 F, #MS2 F
Number None #MS6 F
Nut #14 IN
N'Yami #30 F (with T'Chaka)
Oamat, Beben #17 F
O'Brien, Kathryn (Earth-200111) #19 F
Octavius, Mary Lavinia #3 F
Odin #S17 M, #15 F, #37 F
Ogre #100 F
Ogress #38 IN
Ogun #2 F, #45 F
O'Hara, Rose #2 F
Olympians #15 IN, #68 BTS
Omega Flight #89 F
Omega Red #S15 M, #2 F, #100 F
Omega Sentinel #MS2 IN
Omnibus #69 F
Oracle #98 IN
Orb #22 F
Ord #16 F, #S3 F
Orini #64 F
Orka #36 F
Orpington-Smythe, Nigel #42 F
Ortega, Ismael #92 F
Osborn, Gabriel and Sarah #8 F
Osborn, Norman "Normie" Jr. #8 F
Osnick, Ollie (Steel Spider) #3 F
Other #61 IN
Outcasts #81 F
Outcasts (AoA) #128 F
Outlaw (Inez Temple) #104 F, #56 IN
Ovoids #10 F
Owl #183 M, #3 F, #13 F, #67 F
Ozymandias #S6 F
Page, Karen #13 F, #49 F
Paibok the Power-Skrull #18 F
Paine, Dr. Thaddeus #99 F
Parker, May #1 F (as Aunt May)
Patchwork #105 F
Patriot (Jeffrey Mace) #S12 F
Paul (Mount Haven) #87 F
Payback (Edward Dyson) #19 IN
Perry, Arthur #17 F
Pestilence (F.R. Crozier) #136 F, #187 F
Petrovich, Ivan #72 F
Peyer, Daniel #100 F
Phantom Reporter #S12 M (as part of Marvel Comics profile)
Phantom Rider (Jaime Slade) #175 F
Phantom Rider (Lincoln Slade) #175 F
Phat #28 IN
Phobos #151 F
Phoenix IX (Giraud) #11 IN
Phoenix Force #11 M (as part of Jean Grey profile), #47 F
Phyla-Vell #46 F, #157 F
Pierce, Donal #87 F
Pig #35 F
Pip the Troll #90 F, #S4 F
Plan Master #79 IN (with Furor)
Plantman #75 IN
Plunder, Matthew #DP2 F (with Zira)
Plunderer #168 F, #DP2 F
Pluto #68 F, #151 F
Polaris #53 M, #5 F, #33 F (as Lorna Dane), #71 F, #74 F
Polaris (AoA) #53 IN
Polaris (Earth X) #53 IN
Polaris (Earth-3931) #53 IN
Polaris (Mutant X) #53 IN
Polaris (Ultimate) #53 IN
Porcupine #75 IN
Potts, "Pepper" #12 F
Powerhouse (Rieg Davan) #54 F
Predator X #117 F
Presence #121 F
Priscilla and Owen (Rogue's Parents) #29 F
Prodigy (Timothy Wilkerson) #69 IN
Professor X #DP1 M, #16 F, #74 BTS (with Juggernaut), #171 F, #S2 F, #MS5 F
Prosh #33 F
Proteus (House of M) #97 F
Prowler #147 M
Pryde, Kitty #45 M (as Shadowcat), #2 IN, #42 F, #S3 F
Pryde, Kitty (Earth-8280) #166 F
Pryor, Madelyne #11 IN, #25 F/IN
Pryor, Madelyne (Mutant X) #74 IN
"Pryor, Madelyne" (Red Queen of Earth-9575) #128 F
Psyklop #25 IN
Psylocke #66 M, #21 F/IN, #31 F, #80 F, #158 F, #MS7 F
Psylocke (AoA) #66 IN (unpictured)
Psylocke (Days of Future Past) #66 IN
Psylocke (Earth X) #66 IN
Psylocke (Earth-9620) #66 IN (unpictured)
Psylocke (House of M) #66 IN
Psylocke (MC2) #66 IN (unpictured)
Psylocke (Ultimate) #66 IN
Psyk-Out #79 IN
Puck (Eugene Judd) #DP3 M, #89 F
Puck (Zuzha Yu) #DP3 F
Pugliese, Augustus #38 F
Puma #20 F, #187 BTS
Punisher (Frank Castle) #19 M, #49 F, #83 F, #S13 F
Punisher (2099) #19 IN
"Punisher Goes Postal" (Earth-?) #19 IN
"Punisher Groupies" (Earth-?) #19 IN
"Punisheress" (Earth-?) #19 IN
Punishers (Robots) #MS1 F
Puppet Master #161 M, #4 F, #67 IN
Purcell, Mary #35 F
Pym, Henry #58 M (as Yellowjacket), #S19 M (as Giant-Man), #16 F (as Yellowjacket), #26, #78 BTS (with Wasp), #92 BTS, #120 BTS (as Ant-Man)
Pym Experimential Prison/Big House #126 F (as Hank Pym's "Ant Farm")
Pyro #141 M, #173 F, #MS5 F
Quark (Mojoworld) #185 F
Quasar (Wendell Vaughn) #146 M, #32 F, #54 F, #76 F, #157 F
Quasimodo #48 IN
Queen #61 IN
Quicksand #27 IN
Quicksilver #71 M/F, #5 F, #55 F, #78 F/BTS
Quiet Bill #35 F
Quiet Man #39 F
Qwrlln #89 F
Radioactive Man #143 M, #3 BTS, #122 F, #155 F
Raga-Shah #168 F
Rama-Tut #28 F, #73 IN (1/2 page), #S6 F
Rambeau, Monica #165 M (as Photon), #45 IN, #46 IN
Rampage #79 IN
Randall #92 F (with Malcolm)
Rand-K'ai, Wendell and Heather #44 F
Random #53 F
Rapier #91 F
Rasputin, Dimitriy, Klara, Konstanin and Larisa Mishchenko #S3 F (as "Dead Cousins")
Rasputin, Grigori #S3 F
Rasputin, Mihail #14 F, #S3 F
Ra-Venn #150 F
Razor-Fist #17 F (as Razorfist)
Reanimators #3 F
Reavers #66 F, #87 F
Recorder #26 IN
Red Ghost #28 F, #72 IN, #3 BTS
Red Guardian (Aleksey Lebedev) #72 BTS
Red Guardian (Alexi Shostakov) #72 F, #S3 BTS
Red Lord #107 F
Red Lotus #35 F
Red Raven #31 BTS, #S12 F (and (M) as part of Marvel Comics profile)
Red Skull #34 M, #9 F, #10 F, #72 IN, #85 F, #104 F, #S12 F
Red Skull (Earth X) #34 IN
Red Skull (Albert Malik) #34 IN
Red Skull (John Maxon) #34 IN
Red Sonja #76 BTS
Red Wolf #187 BTS
Redwing #75 F
Reno and Molokai #120 F
Reptyl #S4 IN
Rhapsody #106 F
Rhino #S7 M, #38 F
Richards, David (Earth-2600) #97 F
Richards, Franklin #24 F, #28 F (with Sue and Valeria Richards), #41 F
Richards, Nathaniel #28 F
Richards, Valeria #10 F (as Valeria von Doom), #28 F (with Sue and Franklin Richards) #41 F
Richardson, Annie #11 F
Rictor #192 F
Rider, Charles and Gloria #54 F
Ringer #20 IN
Rintrah #40 F
Riot Squad #69 F
Risman, Matthew #117 F
Rita, Ricochet #158 F
Roaring Bear #187 BTS
Robertson, Joseph "Robbie" #1 F, #180 F
Robertson, Martha #70 IN
Rogue #29 M, #5 F, #35 F, #39 F, #125 F, #152 F, #DP4 F
Rogue (Earth-2182) #29 IN
Rom (as Spaceknight Rom) #39 F, #54 F
Roma #21 F (with Merlin), #66 F
Ronan the Accuser #S14 M, #41 F
Rory, Richard #S11 F
Rose (Black Widow Foe) #72 F
Rose (Jacob Conover) #62 F (with Delilah)
Rosenthal, Bernie #9 F
Ross, Betty #69 F, #105 F
Ross, General "Thunderbolt" #69 F
Rourke, Maeve #100 F
Ruckus #65 IN
Runaways #198 F #S13 F
Russian #19 F
Ryker, Harlan #83 F
Ryker, Simon #83 F
Sabretooth #84 M, #2 F, #39 F
Sabretooth (AoA) #84 IN, #97 F
Sabretooth (Ultimate) #84 IN
Sage #29 F, #92 F, #181 F
Salem, Mia #62 F
Sandman (Alien) #27 IN
Sandman (William Baker) #27 M, #1 F, #3 F
Sandstorm #27 IN
Saroyan, Neal #79 F
Sasquatch #DP3 M, #84 F, #89 F, #136 F
Sasquatch II #DP3 F
Satannish #40 F, #64 F
Saturnyne #21 F
Sauron #S16 M, #29 IN, #DP2 F
Savage Land Mutates #DP2 F
Scalphunter #80 F
Scarecrow #75 IN (with Eel)
Scarlet Spider #139 M, #1 IN, #26 F, #67 F
Scarlet Witch #55 M, #5 F, #9 F, #48 F, #50 F, #71 F, #156 F, #198 F
Scarlet Witch (1602) #55 IN
Scarlet Witch (AoA) #55 IN
Scarlet Witch (Ultimate) #55 IN
Schist, Eric #S11 F
Schits, F.A. #S11 F
Scintilla #98 IN (as Midget)
Scorpia #86 IN
Scorpion (MacDonald Gargan) #86 M, #76 F
Scorpion (Ultimate) #86 IN
Scorpion (Earth-989192) #86 IN
Scorpion (Carmilla Black) #86 F
Scourge (of the Underworld) #91 F
Scout (Billy Turner) #77 F
Scratch, Nicholas #113 F
Scy'ar Tal #98 F
Seaweed Man #36 IN
Secret Empire #33 F
Sefton, Amanda #42 F (as Jimaine Szardos)
Selene #29 IN, #47 F, #141 F, #152 F, #181 F
Sentinel(s) #MS2 M, #11 F (with Steven Lang, #87 F
Sentinel Squad O*N*E #MS2 IN (and (M) as part of main profile), #101 F
Sentry (Robert Reynolds) #77 M, #28 F
Sentry (Marvel Zombies) #77 IN
Sentry (Ultimate) #77 IN
Sentry (Curtis Elkins) #77 IN
Sentry (Robot) #26 IN
Sentry (Spaceknights) #77 IN
Seraph (Madripoor) #2 F (unpictured)
Sersi #109 F, #112 F
Servitors #MS1 IN
Seth #153 F
Seyfert, Juston #MS2 F
Shadow Initiative #144 F
Shadow King #11 F, #66 F, #152 F, #159 F
Shadowforce #74 F
Shadowmasters #19 F
Shakani #S3 F (with Nereel)
Shalla Bal #7 F
Shaman #187 M, #89 F, #136 F
Shang-Chi #111 M, #44 IN/BTS
Shanna the She-Devil #168 M, #16 IN, #76 BTS, #DP2 F
Shard #53 F, #92 F
Shatterstar (Arides) #65 F, #162 F
Shatterstar (Gaveedra-Seven) #158 F, #MS7 F
Shaw, Hiram #64 F
Shaw, Sebastian #181 M
Shaw, Shinobi #181 M
She-Hulk #38 M, #4 F, #69 F, #81 F, #88 F, #105 F, #108 F, #122 F (with Doc Samson), #126 F
Shi'ar #65 F, #199 BTS
Shield of the Seraphim #40 F
Shiva #84 F
Shocker (Herman Schultz) #91 M, #62 F
Shocker (Ultimate) #91 IN
Shortpack #39 F
Shou-Lao the Undying #44 F
Shriek #32 F, #70 F
Shroud #61 F, #86 F, #174 F
Shu-Hu #44 F
Sif #179 M, #15 F (as Lady Sif)
Silver Dagger #40 F
Silver Fox #84 F, #187 BTS (unpictured)
Silver Sable #142 M, #27 F, #83 F
Silver Samurai #125 F
Silver Surfer #6 M, #4 F, #10 IN, #24 F, #90 F, #95 F, #MS1 F
Silvermane #20 F #S13 F
Sin #34 F (as Synthia Schmidt)
Sin Eater (Stan Carter) #32 F
Sinister Seven #62 F
Sinister Six #3 F, #23 F
Sinister Twelve #91 F
Siryn #159 M, #56 F, #100 F/BTS, #106 F, #S2 F
Six Pack #178 F
Skin #28 IN
Skornn #63 F
Skreet #S4 F
"Skrull Pym" (Criti Noll) #S19 F
Skrulls #98 F
Skurge the Executioner #S20 M, #123 F
Slaughter, Eric #49 F
Slaughter, Vic #99 F
Slayback #56 F
Slaymaster #21 F
Sleepwalker #76 IN
Slyde #20 IN
Smasher #98 IN
Smith, Jennifer #54 F
Smythe, Alistaire #180 F
Sneak Thief #20 IN
Snowbird #136 M, #2 F, #89 F
Soap, Detective Martin #19 F
Son of Satan #134 M, #20 F (as Hellstrom), #113 F
Songbird #155 M, #65 IN
Sons of the Tiger #44 IN
Sorcerers Supreme #64 F
Soul Skinner #166 F
Southern, Candy #31 F
Southpaw #38 F
Soviet Sentinels #MS2 F
Soviet Super-Soldiers #72 BTS
Spacker Dave #19 F
Special Executive #21 F
Spector, Randall #82 F
Speed #48 F (as Thomas), #55 F (with Wiccan), #198 F
Speed Demon #71 IN/BTS, #91 F
Sphinx (Anath-Na-Mut) #54 F
Spider (Earth-15) #70 IN
Spidercide #28 IN
Spider-Girl (MC2) #1 IN, #61 IN/BTS
Spider-Man (Peter Parker) #1 M, #S5 (black costume) M, #13 F, #20 F, #67 F, #70 F (as Spider-Carnage), #77 F, #78 BTS (with Mary Jane Watson), #83 F, #86 F, #88 F, #91 F, #95 F, #108 F, #120 BTS, #126 F (with Spider-Woman I), #180 F (as Peter Parker), #S11 F, #S13 F
Spider-Man (Mangaverse) #1 IN
Spider-Man (Ultimate) #1 IN
Spider-Man (Pavitr Prabhakar) #1 IN
Spider-Man 2099 #197 M
Spider-Mobile #1 IN
Spider-Slayer #26 IN
Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) #61 M, #29 F, #174 F, #126 F (with Spider-Man), #S2 F
Spider-Woman (Charlotte Witter) #3 F, #61 IN
Spider-Woman (Mattie Franklin) #61 IN
Spiral #158 M, #66 F (with Mojo), #87 F, #MS7 F
Spirit (Jacob Pace) #45 IN (as Jacob)
Spirit of '76 #9 F
Spitfire #36 F, #107 F
Splice #79 F
Spot #42 IN
Sprite (Eternal) #109 F
Spymaster #17 IN
Squid-Boy #S2 F
Stacy, Gwen #1 F
Stacy, Gwen (Clones) #56 IN
Stacy X #31 F
Stained Glass Scarlet #82 F
Starbolt #98 IN
Starfox #38 F, #108 F, #S4 F (as Eros)
Starhawk #71 IN
Starjammers #25 F, #199 F
Starr, Trish #58 F
Starwolf #108 F
Stature #58 IN, #129 F
Steel Serpent #44 F
Steel Vengeance and Steel Wind #22 F
Stein, Gunther #70 IN
Stepford Cuckoos #47 F/IN, #117 F
Stewart, McKinley #17 F
Stick #13 F, #17 F (with Drake)
Stiletto #75 F
Stilt-Man (Wilbur Day) #13 IN
Stinger (James Valkon) #41 IN
Stingray #193 M, #36 F, #150 F
Stonecutter #S2 IN
Stoneface #75 F
Storm #14 M, #11 F, #30 F, #78 BTS (with Black Panther), #169 F
Storm (Earth-8280) #166 F
Storm (Mangaverse) #14 IN
Storm (Ultimate) #14 IN
Storm (X-Baby) #14 IN
Storm, Franklin #18 F, #41 F
Strange, Victor/Baron Blood #40 F
Stranger #5 F, #83 F, #121 F, #156 F
Stromm, Prof. Mendell #8 F
Strong Guy #106 F
Stroud, Simon #99 F
Stryfe #25 IN, #92 F, #S6 F
Stryker, Reverend William #45 F, #87 F
Stunt-Master #22 F
Styx and Stone #32 F
Sublime (Earth-15104) #16 IN
Sum, Agent #76 IN
Summers, Hope #181 F
Summers, Philip and Deborah #25 F
Summers, Prelate Scott (AoA) #97 F, #128 F (with Jean Grey)
Summers, Rachel #145 M (as Marvel Girl), #11 F, #25 IN
Summers Family #80 F (incl. Daniel Summers)
Sun Girl #86 BTS
Sunfire #125 M, #29 F
Super-Skrull #60 M, #41 F
Supreme Intellignece #46 F, #98 F
Supreme Pontiff #42 F
Supreme Soviets #72 BTS
Surtur #15 F
Swordsman (Jacques Duquesne) #182 M, #50 F
S'ym #166 F
Szardos, Margali and Stefan #42 F
Talisman (Elizabeth Twoyoungmen) #187 F
Tanaka, Opal #33 F
Tar #S2 F (with Gomurr)
Tarantula (Anton Miguel Rodriquez) #19 F, #23 F
Tarantula (Maria Vasquez) #61 IN
Taskmaster #104 M,#17 F
Taurus (Cornelius van Lunt) #8 IN
Taylor, Leila #75 F
T'Chaka #30 F (with N'Yami)
Technet #21 F (as Gatecrasher's Technet), #42 F (as N-Men)
Tempest (Nicolette Giroux) #S2 IN
Tenebrous #MS1 F (with Aegis)
Tenshi (X-Men Fairy Tales) #31 IN
Terminatrix #73 F (also as Ravonnah)
Terminus #81 F
Terrax the Tamer #7 F, #S18 M
Terrible Trio (Madame MacEvil's) #157 F
Terrigen Mists #43 IN
Thanos #S4 M, #7 F, #24 F, #90 F, #157 F, #DP2 F
That Which Endures #55 IN (as "Symbiote")
Thena #109 F
Thermite (Earth-712) #18 IN
Thing #4 M, #81 F, #95 F
Thing #4 IN, #18 F
Thomas, Dai #21 F
Thompson, Dough #136 F
Thompson, "Flash" #1 F, #20 F, #102 F
Thor #15 M, #24 F, #37 F, #88 F, #120 BTS, #123 F, #126 F, #S19 F (with Captain America, Hulk and Iron Man)
Thor Girl #15 IN
Thorne, Coach Sam #18 F
Thunderbird (John Proudstar) #171 F, #187 BTS (unpictured)
Thunderbird (Neal Shaara) #66 F, #171 IN (3/4 page)
Thunderbolts #46 F, #49 F, #50 F, #86 F, #194 F
Thunderstrike (Eric Masterson) #15 IN, #88 F, #179 F
Thundra #4 F, #27 F
Thurman, Milo #178 F
Tiger Shark #176 M, #36 F, #193 F
Tigra #118 M, #16 IN, #23 F, #58 F, #76 BTS (as the Cat), #S19 F
Tilby, Trish #16 F
Tim Boo Ba #S2 IN
Time Keepers #73 F
Timebreakers #97 F
Tinkerer #20 F
Titan (Atlantean Monster) #36 IN
Titan (Imperial Guard) #98 IN
Titania (Mary MacPherran) #126 M, #38 F, #88 F
Titanium Man #12 F, #122 F, #S3 BTS
Toad #156 M, #55 F (with Mastermind I), #MS5 F
Tombstone #20 F
Toomes, Malachi #67 F
Torgo #4 F
Toro (Thomas Raymond) #85 F
Toros #162 F
Torr #92 BTS (unnamed)
Toxin #32 F, #70 F
Trainer, Seward #8 F
Trapster #186 M, #18 F, #27 F, #91 F
Trask, Bolivar, Larry and Donald #MS2 F
T-Ray #56 F
Tremont, Jonathan #148 F
Trick Shot (Buck Chisholm) #50 F
Trikon #65 F
Tri-Sentinel #MS2 F
Triton #150 M, #78 F, #193 F
Troll Associates #33 F
Trovaya, Maria #58 F
True Believers #62 F
Tryp, Damian #106 F
Tundra #136 F
Turbo (Michiko Musashi) #95 F
Turgenev, Boris #72 F
Turner D. Century #49 IN
Twelve (Golden Age) #S12 IN (1/2 page)
Two-Gun Kid #50 F, #86 BTS
Typhoid Mary #144 M, #56 IN
Tyrannus #81 F
Tyrant #121 F, #S4 F, #MS1 F
Tyrk, Arisen #108 F
Ulik #15 F
Ultimate Federalist Freedom Fighters (Earth-717) #MS3 F
Ultron #26 M, #48 F, #58 F, #65 F, #77 F, #131 F, #162 F (as Ultron-13), #S19 F
Umar #40 F, #64 F
Unicorn #S3 BTS
Union Jack (Brian Falsworth) #107 M/BTS(as part of main profile), #21 IN (with Union Jack I)
Union Jack (Joey Chapman) #107 M, #21 IN
Union Jack (Lord Montgomery Falsworth) ##107 M/BTS (as part of main profile), 21 IN (with Union Jack II)
Unus #MS5 F
Upstarts #87 F
Urich, Ben #13 F
Ursa Major #72 IN (with Vanguard)
USAgent #50 F
Utgard-Loki #153 F
Valkyrie (Brunnhilde) #93 M, #113 F
Vamp (Clone) #56 IN
Vance Astro #190 M
Vanguard #72 IN (with Ursa Major)
Vanisher #31 F
Vargas #29 F
Varnae #172 F
Vega-Superior #42 F (as Krakoa's Son)
Vendor #77 IN
Vengeance #22 IN, #32 F
Venom (Eddie Brock) #32 M, #1 F
Venom (May Parker) (Earth X) #32 IN
Venom (Symbiote) #32 M (with Eddie Brock), #1 IN, #70 F
Venom (Earth-92164) #32 IN
Venom 2099 #32 IN (end part of main profile)
Venus/Aphrodite #86 BTS, #S12 M (as part of Marvel Comics profile)
Vermin #23 F
Vermis, Count Otto #61 F
Vernard, Kristoff #10 F
Vindicator (Heather Hudson) #89 IN (1/4 page), #DP3 F
Viper (Madame Hydra) #114 M, #2 F, #61 F (with Hydra), #72 F
Virako #109 F
Vision #48 M, #55 F, #156 F
Vision (Mangaverse) #48 IN
Vision (Ultimate) #48 IN
Vision (Aarkus) #48 IN, #S12 F
Vision (Jonas) #48 IN
Voght, Amelia #DP1 F
Void #77 F
Volcana #88 F, #126 F
Voodoo Queen #99 F
Vulcan (Gabriel Summers) #25 IN (as Kid Vulcan/"Third Summers Brother"), #74 F, #98 F, #100 F, #199 F, #DP1 F
Vulture (Adrian Toomes) #67 M, #1 F
Vulture (Blackie Drago) #67 IN
Vulture (Clifton Shallot) #67 IN
Vulture (Dr. Scarlotti) #67 IN
Vulturians #67 IN
Walker #S4 IN
Walrus #1 IN
Walter, Sheriff William #38 F
Wanderer (Prester John) #63 F
War Machine (James Rhodes) #101 M, #12 IN, #122 F
Ward, Senator Stewart #32 F
Warhawks #68 F
Warlock #45 F (as Douglock), #95 F
Warlock, Adam #90 M, ##7 F, 81 F (with Infinity Watch), #179 F, #S4 F
Warpath #171 F/IN, #187 BTS
Warrior (Thanos Clone) #S4 IN
Warriors Three #15 F
Warwolf #83 F
Wasp #137 M, #26 F, #58 F, #78 BTS (with Henry Pym), #129 F, #S19 F
Watchdog #77 F
Watcher (Uatu) #MS3 M, #67 IN, #MS1 F
Watson, Mary Jane #1 F, #70 IN, #78 BTS (with Spider-Man)
Weapon X (AoA) #2 IN (unnamed)
Weasel (Jack Hammer) #56 F
Weiderman, Charlie #S3 IN (as "Vibranium Man")
Weird Happenings Organisation (W.H.O.) #21 F
Wendigo #89 F, #136 F
Werewolf by Night (Jack Russell) #188 M, #16 BTS, #82 F, #99 F
Werner (1602 A.D.) #31 IN
West Coast Avengers #101 F, #174 F
Westside Ripper #144 F
Weying, Ann #32 F
Whirlwind #58 F, #71 IN
White Ninja #41 IN
White Rabbit #1 IN
White Tiger (Hector Ayala) #30 F, #44 IN, #121 F
White Wolf #30 F
Whizzer (Robert Frank) #55 F (with Miss America), #71 BTS, #S12 F (and (M) as part of Marvel Comics profile)
Wiccan #198 M, #15 IN, #48 F (as William), #55 (with Speed)
Widdle Wade #56 IN
Wild Child #DP4 F
Wild Sentinels #MS2 IN
Wildboys #144 F
Williams, Martha #131 F
Wilson, Paul & Darlene #75 F
Windrider (Earth-5311) #14 IN (as Wind-Rider the Genie)
Winds of Watoomb #40 IN
Windshear #78 IN
Wingfoot, Wyatt #18 F, #38 F, #187 BTS
Winter Soldier/Bucky (James Barnes) #85 M, #9 F, #34 F
Wisdom, Pete #45 F, #149 F
Witness (LeBeau) #35 IN
Wizard #170 M, #27 F, #28 F
W'Kabi #30 FF
Wolfe, Hedy #113 F
Wolfsbane #192 M
Wolverine #2 M, #4 F, #11 F, #45 F, #74 F, #84 F, #87 F, #117 BTS, #120 F, #125 F, #178 F, #MS5 F, #DP4 F
Wonder Man #79 M, #16 F, #26 F, #48 F, #55 F, #76 F, #131 F
Wong #40 F
World Counter-Terrorism Agency #175 F
Worth, Dr. Cornelius #77 F
Worthington, Burtram (aka Dazzler) #31 F
Worthington, Warren Kenneth jr. #31 F
Wrecker (Dirk Garthwaite) #154 M, #37 F, #88 F
Wrecker (Karl Kort) #72 BTS
X (Thanos Clone) #S4 IN
X-23 #117 M, #2 IN
Xandu #55 F
Xavier, Dr. Brian #DP1 F (with Sharon Xavier)
Xavier, Sharon #DP1 F (with Dr. Brian Xavier), #S2 F
X-Babies #92 F, #115 F, #158 F, #185 F, #MS7 F
X-Beast #16 IN
X-Corps #173 F
Xemu the Merciless #43 F
Xenophage #32 IN
X-Factor #11 F, #53 F, #71 F, #74 F, #141 F, #169 F, #192 F
X-Factor Investigations #185 F, #192 F
X-Force #63 F, #117 F, #178 F
X-Man (Nate Grey) #128 M, #25 IN, #63 F
X-Men #80 F, #89 F, #95 F, #98 F, #125 F, #171 F, #173 F, #DP2 F, #MS2 F
X-Men (AoA) #97 F
Xorn (Kuan-Yin Xorn) #5 IN
Yancy Street Gang #4 F
Yellow Claw #9 F
Yellowjacket (Rita DeMara) #58 IN
Ymir #33 IN
Yon-Rogg #46 F (with Zey-Rogg)
Young Allies #148 F
Young Avengers #198 F/BTS
Yukio #14 F
Yüti #44 F (as Lord Tuan; with Lady Meng)
Zabu #DP2 M (with Ka-Zar), #23 F (with Zabu), #168 F
Zaladane #5 F, #29 F, #DP2 F
Zanda, Princess #30 F
Zaran #17 IN
Zeus #68 F, #151 F
Zeller, Gretchen #85 F
Zey-Rogg #46 F (with Yon-Rogg)
Zira #DP2 F (with Matthew Plunder)
Zius #41 F
Zola, Arnim #34 F
Zsaji #18 F, #S3 F
Zuras #109 F
Zzzax #50 F

For a list of the issues by number, you can check: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Classic_Marvel_Figurine_Collection

Last edited by Rayeye (9/02/2024 9:46 am)


3/08/2020 2:34 pm  #2

Re: The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

In the following months I will add more more data. Feel free to post your info about those magazines, so I can add it to the list!

     Thread Starter

3/08/2020 2:48 pm  #3

Re: The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

Interesting post. I hadn't heard of these before. Were the magazines actually published by Marvel? If not I'll move the post to the "Non-Marvel/Not Officially Marvel" section as it would fall under the latter (no slight regarding the quality, as some great Marvel related material has been published by other sources). Regardless, nice to learn of a new area of profiles.

My photostream (over 7.5 million photos!)

3/09/2020 2:16 pm  #4

Re: The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Interesting post. I hadn't heard of these before. Were the magazines actually published by Marvel? If not I'll move the post to the "Non-Marvel/Not Officially Marvel" section as it would fall under the latter (no slight regarding the quality, as some great Marvel related material has been published by other sources). Regardless, nice to learn of a new area of profiles.

I'm not sure. The figures itself were created by Eaglemoss. The index of the magazines doesn't explicitely mention the publisher, but all credits to the art and characters are for Marvel. Their site http://www.marvel-figurines.co.uk doesn't seem to work anymore. According to wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Classic_Marvel_Figurine_Collection) the magazines were published by Eaglemoss Publications.

     Thread Starter

3/09/2020 3:06 pm  #5

Re: The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

Added all character magazines incl. the specials. Added the data from #31 and 39, as well the BTS section.

     Thread Starter

3/09/2020 5:53 pm  #6

Re: The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

Okay. Sounds like they weren't published by Marvel so I moved the section. The distinction is that writers of Handbooks (as well as writers of the Spider-Girl profiles etc.) have that extra level of ovesight. That's why the Marvel RPG goes in this section (despite some great Gamer's Handbook profiles) as would a thread on the Marvel Encyclopedia despite Marvel staffers working on it.

My photostream (over 7.5 million photos!)

3/11/2020 12:49 pm  #7

Re: The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Okay. Sounds like they weren't published by Marvel so I moved the section. The distinction is that writers of Handbooks (as well as writers of the Spider-Girl profiles etc.) have that extra level of ovesight. That's why the Marvel RPG goes in this section (despite some great Gamer's Handbook profiles) as would a thread on the Marvel Encyclopedia despite Marvel staffers working on it.

I understand.

     Thread Starter

3/11/2020 2:49 pm  #8

Re: The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

Added the data of #35 (Gambit), #68 (Hercules), #48 (Vision), #86 (Scorpion), #84 (Sabretooth), #45 (Shadowcat), #81 (Mole Man), #73 (Kang), #64 (Dormammu), #63 (Cable), #82 (Moon Knight) and #85 (Winter Soldier).

     Thread Starter

3/12/2020 3:53 pm  #9

Re: The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

Added data of #77 (Sentry), #33 (Iceman), #67 (Vulture), #87 (Lady Deathstrike), #72 (Black Widow), #79 (Wonder Man), #36 (Namor the Sub-Mariner), #49 (Bullseye), #62 (Electro) and #76 (Ms. Marvel).

     Thread Starter

3/13/2020 10:23 am  #10

Re: The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

The magazines are published by Eaglemoss, who also published Marvel Fact Files. They publish similar magazines for several other properties (DC, Star Trek, etc.). Since I don't collect figurines, I try to find people who are selling just the magazines themselves (which makes it considerably cheaper).

I posted my collection a while back over on the non-Marvel handbooks thread. Here it is again:

zuckyd1 wrote:

Just picked up a bunch of THE CLASSIC MARVEL FIGURINE COLLECTION magazines by Eaglemoss. Each issue is centered around one feature character. The issues are 14 or 16 pages and usually include a 5 or 7 page “Life and Times” section, a 2 page “Amazing Secrets” section, a 2 or 3 page “Who’s Who” section, and a 2-page “Behind the Scenes” section. Here are the notable character sub-entries for the issues I have. A full list of issues can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Classic_Marvel_Figurine_Collection

#1 the Amazing Spider-Man 
costumes: Symbiotic Alien, Back in Black, the Scarlet Spider, Clone Ranger, Shock-Proof, Spider-Armour, Cosmic
The Daily Bugle: J. Jonah Jameson, Joseph “Robbie” Robertson
Girl Power: Sue Storm, Black Cat, Betty Brant, Liz Allen, Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane, Aunt May
Friends: Flash Thompson, Doctor Curt Connors
Bad Guys: Venom, the Lizard, the Green Goblin, Vulture, Doctor Octopus, the Sandman
Losers: Walrus, the White Rabbit, the Gibbon
other versions: Mangaverse Spider-Man, Bombay Spidey, Ultimate Spider-Man, Spider-Girl

#2 Wolverine
costumes: Weapon X, Patch, Brown Classic, Leather, Age of Apocalypse, Classic Reloaded
Villains: Sabretooth, Ogun, Lady Deathstrike, Omega Red, Magneto
Sidekicks: Jubilee, Shadowcat, X-23

#3 Doctor Octopus
other versions: Doctor Octopus II, Doctor Octopus III, Ultimate Ock, Indian Octopus
Friends and Allies: the Owl, Reed Richards, the Reanimators, Mary Lavinia Octavius, Masters of Evil, Sinister Six, Ollie Osnick, Charlotte Witter
foes: Hulk, Kaine, Torbert Octavius, Sandman, Hammerhead
hostages: Betty Brant, Kathryn Cushing, the Black Cat

#4 the Thing
Friends and Family: the Yancy Street Gang, Alicia Masters, Aunt Petunia, Thundra, Lockjaw, Sharon Ventura, Wolverine, the Silver Surfer, Torgo, She-Hulk
Bad Guys: Doctor Doom, the Puppet Master, Darkoth the Death Demon, Dragon Man

#5 Magneto
other versions: Magneta, Age of Apocalypse Magneto, Magnus, Joseph, Xorn/Magneto IV
Friends and Allies: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, the Acolytes, Savage Land Mutates, the Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Gabrielle Haller, Rogue, Polaris
Foes: Zaladane, Astra II, the Stranger, Fabian Cortez, Fenris
other magnetic characters: Magnetor, Magno-Man, Metal Master

#6 Blade
Fellow Nightstalkers: Hannibal King, Frank Drake, Safron Caulder, Rachel Van Helsing, Quincy Harker, Midnight Sons, Divinity Drake
foes: Count Dracula, Deacon Frost, D.O.A.

#7 Silver Surfer
Associates: Galactus, Eternity & Death, Thanos, Shalla Bal, Adam Warlock
Heralds of Galactus: Gabriel—the Airwalker, Firelord, the Destroyer, Terrax the Tamer, Nova, Morg the Berserker
Species: Ciegrimites, Kawa, Judans, Fomalhuati

#8 Green Goblin
other versions: Ultimate Goblin, the Demogoblin, Manga Goblin, Indian Goblin, Goblin Girl
Friends, Allies, and Loves: Kolina Frederickson, Dr. Miles Warren (the Jackal), Seward Trainer, Alison Mongrain, the Cabal of Scriers, Dr. Angst & Genetic Construct (Green Goblin V)
Family: Liz Allan Osborn, Gabriel and Sarah Osborn, Mark Raxton (Molten Man), Norman “Normie” Osborn
Foes: Professor Mendel Stromm, Luke Cage, Jack O’Lantern, Dr. Barton Hamilton (Green Goblin III), the original Hobgoblin
other loopy tycoons: Arcade, Taurus, Master Pandemonium

#9 Captain America
other versions: Spirit of ’76, Ultimate Cap, Proto-Cap, Space Cap, Capwolf
Friends and Allies: Nick Fury, Bucky, Jack Monroe, World War II super-teams, the Falcon, Demolition-Man
Family and Loves: Sharon Carter, Bernie Rosenthal, the Scarlet Witch
Foes: Crossbones, Baron Zemo I and II, Machinesmith, Yellow Claw, Red Skull

#10 Doctor Doom
Foes: the Fantastic Four, the Red Skull, the Marvel universe, Diablo
Lovers: Valeria
Friends and Family: Cynthia Von Doom, Boris, Victor Von Doom II, Valeria Von Doom, Kristoff
Allies: Henry Kissinger, the Sub-Mariner, the Ovoids, Hauptmann
stolen powers from: Galactus, Silver Surfer, the Beyonder

#11 Jean Grey—Phoenix
Madelyne Pryor
Dr. John Grey & Elaine Grey, Sara Grey-Bailey, Joey and Gailyn Bailey, Rachel Summers, Scott Summers, Nathan Summers
Enemies: Steven Lang/the Sentinels, Clan Askani, Shadow King, Shi’ar Guard, Mastermind
Allies, Friends and Loves: Annie Richardson, Wolverine, Storm, X-Factor
other Phoenixes: Giraud, Helmut Zemo, Amber Hunt

#12 the Invincible Iron Man
other versions: Manga Iron Man/Woman, Iron Man 2020, Ultimate Iron Man, Young Avenger
Special Missions Armour: Space Armour, War Machine Armour, Stealth Armour, Modular Armour and Hulkbuster Suit, Hydro Armour, Remote-Controlled Armour
Allies: the Black Widow, Happy Hogan, the Avengers, Edwin Jarvis
Love Interests: Pepper Potts, Rumiko Fujikawa, Meredith McCall, Indries Moomji, Madame Masque
Bad Guys: Titanium Man, the Living Laser, Crimson Dynamo, the Mandarin
dead foes: Firebrand, the Melter, Mister Doll

#13 Daredevil
other versions: Red and Grey Armour, Brainwashed-Devil, Daredevil 2099, Darkdevil
Lovers: Karen Page, Elektra, Black Widow
Friends and Family: Battlin’ Jack Murdock, Spider-Man, Ben Urich, Sister Maggie, Stick, Foggy Nelson
foes: the Owl, Bullseye, the Kingpin, the Gladiator
Duds: the Matador, the Stiltman, Leapfrog

#14 Storm
the Morlocks
other versions: Storm—Goddess of Thunder, X-Baby Storm, Wind-Rider the Genie, Bloodstorm, Manga Storm
Family: David Munroe, N’Dare Munroe
Friends, Allies and Loves: Acanti, Arkon, Achmed El-Gibar, Forge, Gambit, Black Panther, Yukio, Bishop
Bad Guys: Callisto, Legion, the Adversary, Mikhail Rasputin
other climate controllers: Black Crow, Blow-Hard, Cyclone, Nut
Ultimate Storm

#15 the Mighty Thor
other versions: Thunderstrike, Thor Girl, Wiccan, Red Norvell
Family, Friends and Loves: Lady Sif, Odin, the Warriors Three, the Enchantress, Balder the Brave, Beta Ray Bill, Hercules
foes: Mangog, Ulik, Loki, Surtur
other pantheons: the Olympians, Heliopolis gods, the Celestials, the Eternals

#16 the Beast
other versions: Ultimate Beast, the Brute, X-Beast, Sublime
Allies: Avengers and Defenders, Yellowjacket, Hellcat, Ms. Marvel
Friends and Family: Norton & Edna McCoy, Charles Xavier, Wonder Man
Loves: Trish Tilby, Dazzler
Foes: Dark Beast, Beak, Ord of the Breakworld, Infectia
other beastly characters: Capricorn, Tigra, Shanna

#17 Elektra
other killers-for-hire: Deadpool, Spymaster, Manslaughter, Assassin, Zaran
Foes: Bullseye, Razorfist, Jeremy Locke, Taskmaster, Arthur Perry, Chastity MacBryde, Beast of the Hand, Beben Oamat, the Gorgon
Allies: Drake and Stick, John Garrett, “Foggy” Nelson and Matt, parents, King Lau, McKinley Stewart

#18 Human Torch
Jim Hammond, Jonatha Storm
Friends, Allies, Team-Mates: Impossible Man, Wyatt Wingfoot, Coach Thorne
Family and Loves: Dr. Franklin Storm, Crystal, Alicia Masters/Lyja, Frankie Raye, Cole, Zsaji, Namorita
Foes: Devos and Paibok, Mad Thinker, Paste-Pot Pete aka the Trapster, Asbestos Man, the Thing
other fiery characters: Magma, Firestar, Thermite, Flame Thrower

#19 the Punisher
other versions: Punisher 2099, Punisher Goes Postal, Payback, Punisheress, Punisher Groupies
Allies: Black Widow, Microchip, the Jackal, Tarantula, Shadowmasters
Friends and Family: Spacker Dave, Detective Laviano, Kathryn O’Brien, Detective Soap
Foes: Hitman, Nick Cavella and Teresa, Jigsaw, Ma Gnucci, the Russian

#20 Black Cat
other versions: Disco-Diva Costume, Manga Kitty, Ultimate Black Cat, Supernatural Felicia
Friends and Allies: Spider-Man, Flash Thompson, Bruno and Dr. Boris Korpse, Lydia Hardy, Dr. Strange, Captain Jean DeWolff, Cloak and Dagger, Johnny Storm, the Tinkerer
Foes: Silvermane, Mr. Hyde and the Cobra, the Foreigner, Puma, Tombstone
other thieves: Sneak Thief, Slyde, the Ringer, Black Fox

#21 Captain Britain
other British characters: Union Jack I & II, Betsy Braddock and Captain UK, Hauptmann Englande, Lionheart, Union Jack III
Friends and Family: Meggan, Betsy Braddock—Psylocke, Jamie Braddock, Sir James Braddock, Dai Thomas, Merlin & Roma, Weird Happenings Organisation (W.H.O.)
Foes: Saturnyne, Gatecrasher’s Technet, Slaymaster, the Special Executive, Mastermind

#22 Ghost Rider
other versions: Hellfire Suit, Vengeance, Ghost Rider 2099, Manga Ghost Rider
Enemies: Mephisto, the Orb, Blackout, Inferno, Deathwatch, Lilith, Blackheart, Steel Vengeance & Steel Wind, Centurious
Allies: Hellstrom, Stunt-Master, the Champions, Howard the Duck

#23 Kraven the Hunter
Ultimate Kraven
Friends and Allies: the original Sinister Six, Tarantula I, Gog, the Gibbon, Lightmaster
Family and Loves: Vladimir Kravinoff, Chameleon, Alyosha Kravinoff, Calypso
Foes: Ka-Zar and Zabu, Tigra, Man-Wolf, Vermin, Daredevil

#24 Mephisto
Family and Other Fiends: Mephista, Blackheart, Malevolence, the Mys-Tech Board, Thanos, Master Pandemonium
Foes: Thor, Franklin Richards, the Silver Surfer, Nighthawk
Desperate Souls: the Flying Dutchman, Elspeth Cromwell, Cynthia Von Doom

#25 Cyclops
relatives: Jean Grey, Alex Summers, Madelyne Pryor, Nathan Summers, Stryfe, Rachel Summers, Mother Askani, Nate Grey, Christopher Summers, Tyler Summers, Kid Vulcan
Friends and Allies: Dr. Robyn Hanover, Fred Duncan, Starjammers, Factor Three
Family and Loves: Nathan Christopher Summers/Cable, Lee Forester, Philip and Deborah Summers, Erik the Red, Maddie Pryor, Jean Grey and Emma Frost
Foes: Apocalypse, Krakoa, Mr. Sinister, Bastion
other one-eyed characters: Balor, Impulse, Psyklop, Megans

#26 Ultron
other robots: Sentry, Dreadnought, Spider-Slayer, Death’s Head I, Recorder
Foes: Hank Pym, Jocasta, Machine Man, the Vision, Janet Van Dyne, Wonder Man, Grim Reaper, Scarlet Witch, Alkhema (aka War Toy)
Allies: Phineas T. Horton, the Masters of Evil, the Mad Thinker, Maximus the Mad, Dr. Myron MacLain

#27 Sandman
Allies: Silver Sable, the Wizard, Medusa, the Trapster, the Enforcers, Thundra, Blastaar, Hydro-Man
Family: Mrs. Baker
Foes: Hulk, Morgan Le Fay, Fantastic Four, Doc Ock
other sand-based characters: Quicksand, Sandman (alien), Sandstorm, Dust

#28 Mr. Fantastic
other versions: Ultimate Reed Richards, Big Brain, Zombie Reed, 2099 Richards, Manga Mr. Fantastic
Foes: Victor Von Doom, Brute, the Wizard, Janus/Nega-Man, Rama Tut, the Red Ghost
Allies: the Sentry, Sub-Mariner, the Illuminati
Friends and Family: Sue/Franklin/Valeria, Nathaniel Richards, Hyperstorm, Alyssa Moy
other stretching characters: Phat, Flatman, Spidercide, Skin

#29 Rogue
Allies: Sage, Sunfire, Northstar
Loves: Longshot, Gambit
Friends and Family: Priscilla and Owen, Carrie, Belladonna, Mystique/Foxx
Foes: Vargas, Spider-Woman, Zaladane, Elias Bogan
other absorbing characters: Sauron, Leech, Selene, Blindspot

#30 Black Panther
Allies: Luke Cage, Afrikka, Princess Zanda
Loves: Storm, Monica Lynne, Nikki Adams
Friends and Family: T’Chaka and Y’ami, the Dora Milaje, W’Kabi
Foes: Man Ape, White Wolf, Klaw, Killmonger
other feline characters: Cougar, Cheetah, Bengal, White Tiger

#31 Angel
other versions: Tenshi, Ye Olde Angel, Age of Apocalypse, Earth X, the Fallen, Killer Angel
Family: Warren Kenneth Worthington Jnr., Kathryn Worthington, Burtram Worthington
Friends, Allies and Loves: Candy Southern, Stacy X, Psylocke, Husk, the Champions, Callisto
Foes: the Marauders, the Vanisher, Cameron Hodge, Apocalypse

#32 Venom
Foes: Shriek, Styx and Stone, Senator Stewart Ward, the Jury, Quasar, Sin Eater, Life Foundation Symbiotes, Toxin
Allies and Friends: Morbius, Mace, Vengeance, Ann Weying

#33 Iceman
Foes: Circus of Crime, Secret Empire, Graydon Creed, the Troll Associates
Friends and Family: the New Defenders, Mum and Dad, Human Torch, Prosh
Loves: Judy Harmon, Zelda the Waitress, Lorna Dane, Opal, Cloud
other cold characters: Ymir, Icemaster, Jack Frost, Blizzard

#34 Red Skull
Allies: Wolfgang von Strucker, Hate-Monger, Adolf Hitler, Baron Zemo, Blackwing, Arnim Zola, Cutthroat, Crossbones
Loves: Synthia Schmidt, Esther
Foes: Dr. Faustus, Captain America and the Falcon, the Winter Soldier
other skull characters: Fever Pitch, Glob Herman, Skullbuster II, Sack

#35 Gambit
other versions: Age of Apocalypse, Ultimate, X.S.E., Mutant X, Exiles
Friends and Allies: Quiet Bill, Red Lotus, Marauders
Family and Loves: Rogue, Julien Boudreaux, Genevieve Darcenaux, Tante Mattie, the LeBeau Boys, Bella Donna Boudreaux
Foes: the Pig, Khan, Mary Purcell, Mengo Brothers
other card-themed characters: Blackjack, Jack of Hearts, Jester

#36 Namor the Sub-Mariner
Allies: Defenders, Dr. Doom, Spitfire, Carrie and Caleb Alexander, Stingray, Union Jack
Loves: Lady Dorma, Sue Storm, Marrina
Foes: Attuma, Orka, Master Man, Tiger Shark
other ocean-dwellers: Titan, Seaweed Man, Giganto, Behemoth

#37 Loki
other versions: MC2 Universe, Earth X, Ultimate Universe, Heroes Reborn, Future-History 2170
Family: Thor, Odin, Hela, Sigyn, Tess Black, Fenris
Foes: the Avengers, Morwen, Balder
Fellow Conspirators: Lorelei, the Wrecker, the Enchantress, the Absorbing Man
other mischievous gods: Mikobushi, Nanabozho, Bes, Baba-Yaga

#38 She-Hulk
Friends and Family: Sheriff Walters, Dr. Bruce Banner, Goodman Lieber Kurtzberg & Holliway, the Avengers, the Blonde Phantom, Augustus Pugliese, John Jameson, the Thing, Awesome Andy, Wyatt Wingfoot
Adversaries: Starfox, Titania, Southpaw, Rhino
other gamma-based females: Ogress, Abominatrix, Gamma-Burn

#39 Mystique
Enemies: Sabretooth, Senator Kelly, Banshee, Quiet Man, Spaceknight Rom, Ms. Marvel
Family: Graydon Creed, Rogue, Kurt Wagner & Azazel
Allies: Valerie Cooper, Destiny, Shortpack, Freedom Force
other shape-shifters: Changeling, Morph, Copycat

#40 Doctor Strange
Spells: the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak, Shield of the Seraphim, the Flames of the Faltine, the Crimson Crystals of Cyttorak, By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth, the Winds of Watoomb
Foes: Baron Mordo, Umar, Nightmare, Satannish, Silver Dagger, the Mindless Ones
Loves: Clea, Morganna Blessing
Friends and Family: Victor Strange—Baron Blood III, Wong, Rintrah, Doctor Druid
other wizards: Mantor, Dr. Angst, Mr. Rasputin

#41 Invisible Woman
other versions: Ultimate, Dino, Zombie, Manga, Captain Uni-Sue
Foes: Annihilus, Iconoclast, Molecule Man, Ronan the Accuser, Mole Man, Super-Skrull, Zius, Karisma
Loves: Sub-Mariner
Friends and Family: Valeria, Franklin Richards, Agatha Harkness, Franklin Storm
other invisible characters: White Ninja, No-Girl, Stinger

#42 Nightcrawler
other versions: Bamf, Age of Apocalypse, Ultimate, Earth X, Nazi
Excalibur, N-Men
Loves: Cerise
Friends and Family: Azazel, Abyss and Kiwi Black, Margali and Stefan Szardos, Jimaine Szardos, Talia Wagner/Nocturne, Kitty Pryde
Foes: Krakoa’s Son, Nigel Orpington-Smythe, Hive, the Supreme Pontiff
other teleporters: Lila Cheney, the Spot, Judge

#43 Medusa
the Terrigen Mists, the Ultimate Inhumans
Allies: the Frightful Four, Jason of Sparta, Black Panther, Enchantress and the Lady Liberators, Dragon Man
Loves: Black Bolt, Ahura, the Inhumans
Foes: Maximus the Mad, Mahkizmo, Xemu the Merciless, Gregory Gideon

#44 Iron Fist
other martial artists: Howard the Duck, Shang-Chi, Sons of the Tiger, White Tiger, the Cat
Allies: Lei Kung the Thunderer, Luke Cage, Prince Namor and Namorita, Daughters of the Dragon, New Warriors, Heroes for Hire
Friends and Family: Mum and Dad, Miranda Rand-K’ai/Death Sting, Lord Tuan and Lady Meng
Foes: Shou-Lao the Undying, Steel Serpent, Junzo Muto, Shu-Hu, the H’ylthri

#45 Shadowcat
Friends and Allies: Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Lockheed, Doug Ramsey, Illyana Rasputin, Peter Paul Wisdom, Stevie Hunter
Friend or Foe?: Caliban
Foes: Ogun, Reverend Stryker, the Brood, Emma Frost
other phasers: Astra, Jacob, Monica Rambeau, the Ghost

#46 Captain Marvel
other versions: Monica Rambeau, Mangaverse, Ultimate, Universe X
Allies: Rick Jones, Moondragon, Thunderbolts, Eon, Supreme Intelligence
Friends and Family: Elysius, Phyla-Vell, Marlo
Loves: Epiphany
Foes: Yon-Rogg and his son Zey-Rogg, Captain En-Vad, Nitro, Megaton, Entropy

#47 Emma Frost
Students: New Mutants, Hellions, Generation X, the Stepford Cuckoos
Allies: Hellfire Club
Loves: Troy Kilkelly, Cyclops
Family: Parents, Siblings
Foes: Lucien, Selene, the Phoenix Force, Trevor Fitzroy
other chess-related characters: Black Knight, Bishop, Gambit

#48 the Vision
other versions: Golden Age, Mangaverse, Young Avenger, Ultimate, Anti-Vision
Family and Friends: Scarlet Witch, Phineas T. Horton, Victoria Anderson, Wonder Man, Glamour and Illusion, Thomas and William, Mantis
Foes: the Grim Reaper, Ultron, the Gremlin, Immortus
other artificial beings: Growing Man, Quasimodo, H.E.R.B.I.E.

#49 Bullseye
Targets: Daredevil, Elektra, Karen Page, Special Agents Baldry and Hoskins, the Punisher, Black Widow, the Old Man
Criminal Associates: Kingpin, Thunderbolts, Eric Slaughter, Valeria Merrick

#50 Hawkeye
Friends and Allies: Mockingbird, Barney Barton, the Dynamic Defenders, Two-Gun Kid, Captain America, the Scarlet Witch, Thunderbolts
Foes: the Swordsman, Trick Shot, Zzzax, US Agent
other archers: Mortimer Freebish, Hoder, American Eagle, Golden Archer, Bandit, Bowman

#58 Yellowjacket
Allies: Ant-Man II, Firebird, Bill Foster, Iron Man, Trish Starr
Loves: Maria Trovaya, the Wasp, Tigra
Foes: Egghead, MODAM, Whirlwind, Ultron, Doctor Nemesis
other Pym-Particle-based characters: Yellowjacket II, Atlas, Ant-Man III, Stature

#69 the Leader
“Gamma Heads”: Prodigy, Dr. Rikki Keegan, the Headshop
Associates: Rick Jones, Half-Life, Riot Squad, Omnibus, Marlo Chandler, Jackdaw, Humanoids
Adversaries: Madman, She-Hulk, General Thunderbolt Ross, Betty Ross
other brainy villains: Brainchild, Mindworm, Bi-Beast

#71 Quicksilver
other speedsters: Speed Demon, Makkari, Meanstreak, Blur, Whirlwind
Allies: the Avengers, the Inhumans, X-Factor, the Knights of Wundagore
Family: Magneto, Crystal, Polaris, Luna, the Scarlet Witch
Enemies: Fabian Cortez, Exodus, Maximus the Mad, Quicksilver (his greatest enemy is himself…)
other super egos: Northstar, Iron Man, Starhawk

#72 Black Widow
Yelena Belova
Friends and Allies: Phil Dexter, Nick Fury, Ivan Petrovich, Boris Turgenev
Loves: Daredevil, Hawkeye, Hercules, Red Guardian
Enemies: Ian McMasters, the Astrologer, Damon Dran, Rose, Viper
other commies: Vanguard and Ursa Major, the Red Skull, the Commissar, the Red Ghost

#83 Deathlok
Allies: Spider-Man, Silver Sable, Punisher, Godwulf & the Redeemers, Ghost Rider, Gravity
Foes: Simon Ryker, Mechadoom, the Stranger, Hellinger, Warwolf, Harlan Ryker

#84 Sabretooth
other versions: Ultimate, Age of Apocalypse/Exiles
Allies: the Marauders, Graydon Creed, Mystique, the Constrictor, Birdy
Enemies: Maverick, Wolverine, Caliban, Shiva, Silver Fox, Sasquatch, Boomer

#87 Lady Deathstrike
Ultimate Lady Deathstrike
Allies: Donald Pierce, William Stryker, Spiral, Reavers, Lord Dark Wind
Enemies: Wolverine, Captain America, Freedom Force, the Upstarts, Paul, Sentinels

#88 Absorbing Man
Allies: the Wrecker, the Masters of Evil, Volcana, Thunderstrike, Hi-Lite, Titania, Loki
Enemies: She-Hulk, Thor, Spider-Man, Hulk

#91 Shocker
Ultimate Shocker
Sinister Twelve, Doctor Octopus, Rapier, the Trapster, Masters of Evil, Speed Demon, Hydro-Man, Spider-Man, Electro, Dominic Fortune, Scourge, the Beetle

#92 Bishop
Aliyah, Ultimate Bishop
Allies: Malcolm and Randall, Gambit, Sage, X-Babies, Ismael Ortega
Family: Shard, Gateway
Loves: Deathbird
enemies: Mr. M, Mountjoy, Stryfe, Dark Beast

#95 Impossible Man
Family: Impossible Woman, Impossible Kids, Impia
Fall Guys: the Thing, Silver Surfer, Marvel Bullpen, Spider-Man, Turbo, X-Men
Foes: Dr. Yesterday, Warlock, Galactus

#98 Gladiator
Imperial Guard: Nightside, Titan, Quasar/Neutron, Hobgoblin, Astra, Electron, Smasher, Oracle, Mentor, Fang, Impulse, Tempest, Midget, Starbolt
Allies: Deathbird, D’Ken, Lilandra, Commando, Vulcan
Foes: Korvus Rook’shir, Skrulls, Supreme Intelligence, Scy’Ar Tal, Cassandra Nova, the X-Men

#99 Morbius the Living Vampire
Friends: Martine Bankcroft, Jack Russell, Dr. Curt Connors
Foes: Stroud, Voodoo Queen, Bloodthirst, Dr. Paine, Blade, Vic Slaughter, Lilith, Basilisk, Helleyes

#100 Banshee
Family and Loves: Black Tom Cassidy, Siryn, Moira MacTaggert
Family and Allies: Daniel Peyer, Maeve Rourke, Emma Frost, Margrite Devereux
Enemies: Factor Three, Vulcan, Ogre, Omega Red

#101 War Machine
Tony Stark, Parnell Jacobs, Bethany Cabe, Immortus, Sentinel Squad O*N*E, West Coast Avengers, the Crew

#102 Hobgoblin
Spider-Man, Belladonna, Daniel Kingsley, Betty Brant Leeds, Lefty Donovan, Ned Leeds, Flash Thompson

#103 Baron Zemo
Baron Heinrich Zemo, the Baroness, the Kinder, Moonstone, the Fixer, Citizen V

#104 Taskmaster
the Red Skull, Agent X, Sunset Bain, Sandi Brandenberg, Outlaw, Deadpool, the Initiative

#105 Doc Samson
She-Hulk, Betty Ross, Hulk, Geiger, Delia Childress, Patchwork, Norman Osborn

#106 Madrox
Layla Miller, Strong Guy, Moira MacTaggart, Rhapsody, Siryn, M, Damian Tryp

#107 Union Jack
Baron Blood, Spitfire, Albion, Green Knight, the Red Lord, Captain America, Captain Britain

#108 Man-Wolf
She-Hulk, Starfox, Arisen Tyrk, Starwolf, J. Jonah Jameson, Nightshade, Captain America, Spider-Man, Kafka, Hate-Monger

#109 Ikaris
Makkari, Kro, Thena, Sersi, Sprite, Druig, Ajak, Virako, Zuras, Margo Damian

#110 Machine Man
Jocasta, Colonel Kragg, Nextwave, Iron Man 2020, Sunset Bain, Dirk Anger, Baron Brimstone

#120 Jubilee
Wolverine, New Warriors, Magik, Bastion, Emplate, Rena and Molokai, Generation X

#121 Jack of Hearts
Tyrant, the Stranger, Ganymede, the White Tiger, Infinites, the Presence, the Avengers

#122 Crimson Dynamo
Iron Man, Black Widow, Airstrike, War Machine, Radioactive Man, Titanium Man, She-Hulk & Doc Samson

#123 Enchantress
Thor, Skurge, Karnilla, Power Man, Enchantress II, Lorelei

#125 Sunfire
Apocalypse, Silver Samurai, X-Men, Rogue, Lady Deathstrike, Blindspot, Wolverine

#126 Titania
Doctor Doom, Volcana, the Absorbing Man, Thor, She-Hulk, Spider-Man & Spider-Woman, Hank Pym’s ‘Ant Farm’, the Beyonder, the She-Thing, the Champion of the Universe, Jazinda Kl’rt-Spawn

#129 Ant-Man
the Wasp, the Avengers, Stature, the Fantastic Four, Jack of Hearts, Peggy Rae Burdick, Myrmidon

#131 Grim Reaper
Wonder Man, Nekra, the Lethal Legion, Alkhema, Ultron, Martha Williams, Legion of the Unliving IV

#149 Cannonball
Cable, Lila Cheney, Hellions, the Guthries, Legion, Externals, Pete Wisdom

#151 Ares
Zeus, Pluto, Phobos, Dark Avengers, Morgan Le Fey, Hercules, the Chaos King

#153 Balder the Brave
Karnilla, Loki, Bill Junior (William the Warrior), the Destroyer, Seth, Utgard-Loki

#157 Moondragon
Mentor, Drax the Destroyer, Quasar, Thanos, Mantis, Madame MacEvil’s Terrible Trio, Dragon of the Moon, Phyla-Vell

#158 Spiral
Ricochet Rita, Mojo, Longshot, Shatterstar, the X-Babies, Betsy Braddock, Gog and Magog

#159 Siryn
Banshee, Black Tom, Deadpool, Shadow King, Monet St. Croix, the Multiple Man, Cable

#169 Forge
Mystique, Storm, Naze, the Adversary, Henry Peter Gyrich, X-Factor

#171 Thunderbird
Professor X, Chaos King, the X-Men, James Proudstar, Count Nefaria, Krakoa

#172 Dracula
Varnae, Frank Drake, Rachel Van Helsing, Bessie the Hellcow, Quincy Harker, Blade

#174 Arachne
the Shroud, Death Web, West Coast Avengers, Jessica Drew, Force Works, Madame Web

#175 Mockingbird
Hawkeye, the Great Lakes Avengers, Ka-Zar, “Mockingskrull”, the World Counter-Terrorism Agency, Phantom Rider (Lincoln Slade), Phantom Rider (Jaime Slade)

#178 Domino
the Assassin’s Guild, Milo Thurman, Beatrice & the Armajesuits, Cable, Six Pack, the Hand, X-Force, Wolverine

#179 Lady Sif
Eric Masterson, Lorelei, Red Norvell, Him/Adam Warlock, Jane Foster, Loki

#194 Moonstone
Thunderbolts, Dark Avengers, Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers), Masters of Evil II, Hawkeye, Moonstone I

Special #1 Apocalypse
The Age of Apocalypse
Friends and Allies: Clan Akkaba, Ozymandias, Anais, Baal
Foes: Exodus, Mister Sinister, Rama-Tut, Archangel, Dracula, Cable, Stryfe, Caliban

Special #19 Giant-Man
Jocasta, the Wasp, Captain America & Iron Man & the Hulk & Thor, Tigra, Bill Foster, Ultron, Egghead, the Skrull Pym

Mega-Special #1 Galactus
Ultimate Galactus
alternate realities: the Last Galactus Story, Earth X, Marvel Zombies
Enemies: the Watcher, Annihilus, Abraxas, Tyrant, Tenebrous and Aegis
Cosmic Entities: Eternity and Death, the In-Betweener
Servants: Heralds, the Silver Surfer, Nova, the Punishers
Planet Eaters: Ego, Galaxy Master, Harvester of Sorrows, Servitors

Last edited by zuckyd1 (3/13/2020 10:24 am)


3/15/2020 3:18 am  #11

Re: The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

zuckyd1 wrote:

The magazines are published by Eaglemoss, who also published Marvel Fact Files. They publish similar magazines for several other properties (DC, Star Trek, etc.). Since I don't collect figurines, I try to find people who are selling just the magazines themselves (which makes it considerably cheaper).

I posted my collection a while back over on the non-Marvel handbooks thread. Here it is again:

Thanks, I'll use it to update the list!

     Thread Starter

3/17/2020 1:53 pm  #12

Re: The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

Added data of issues #1-18.

     Thread Starter

3/20/2020 5:09 pm  #13

Re: The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

Added the data of magazines of Ares, the Watcher, Taskmaster, Nightcrawler, She-Hulk, Quicksilver, Black Bolt, Spider-Woman, Loki, Professor X & Lilandra.

     Thread Starter

3/26/2020 11:10 am  #14

Re: The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

Added a lot of data to the list. Thanks to David for using his list (though I can't check if there are any entries within the Behind the Scenes pages of those issues).

Still missing info from the following issues:
    Issue 51: Nick Fury
    Issue 52: The Lizard
    Issue 57: Mysterio
    Issue 59: Luke Cage
    Issue 60: Super Skrull
    Issue 93: Valkyrie
    Issue 94: Mandarin
    Issue 96: Nighthawk
    Issue 111: Shang Chi
    Issue 113: Hellcat
    Issue 114: Viper (Madame Hydra)
    Issue 116: Chameleon
    Issue 118: Tigra
    Issue 119: Jocasta
    Issue 124: Gladiator (Melvin Potter)
    Issue 127: Gorgon
    Issue 130: Klaw
    Issue 132: Annihilus
    Issue 133: Drax the Destroyer
    Issue 134: Son of Satan
    Issue 135: Nomad (Jack Monroe)
    Issue 137: Wasp
    Issue 138: Batroc the Leaper
    Issue 139: Scarlet Spider
    Issue 140: Beta Ray Bill
    Issue 142: Silver Sable
    Issue 143: Radioactive Man
    Issue 145: Marvel Girl
    Issue 146: Quasar
    Issue 147: Prowler
    Issue 150: Triton
    Issue 154: Wrecker
    Issue 156: Toad
    Issue 160: Blackheart
    Issue 161: Puppet Master
    Issue 162: Karnak
    Issue 163: Hydro-Man
    Issue 164: Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell)
    Issue 165: Photon
    Issue 167: Beetle
    Issue 170: Wizard
    Issue 176: Tiger Shark
    Issue 177: Nico Minoru
    Issue 181: Sebastian Shaw
    Issue 182: Swordsman
    Issue 183: Owl
    Issue 184: Hammerhead
    Issue 186: Trapster
    Issue 188: Werewolf by Night
    Issue 189: Gamora
    Issue 190: Vance Astro
    Issue 191: Constrictor
    Issue 192: Wolfsbane
    Issue 193: Stingray
    Issue 195: Danielle Moonstar
    Issue 196: Firelord
    Issue 197: Spider-Man 2099
    Issue 200: Hela
    Issue 1: The Incredible Hulk
    Issue 5: Black Costume Spider-Man
    Issue 7: Rhino
    Issue 8: Iron Man (1st Appearance Movie Version)
    Issue 9: Abomination
    Issue 10: Man-Thing
    Issue 11: Kingpin
    Issue 13: Cloak & Dagger
    Issue 14: Ronan the Accuser
    Issue 15: Omega Red
    Issue 16: Sauron
    Issue 17: Odin
    Issue 18: Terrax the Tamer
    Issue 20: Skurge the Executioner
    Issue 4: Fin Fang Foom
    Issue 7: Mojo

Last edited by Rayeye (4/28/2020 12:55 pm)

     Thread Starter

3/26/2020 11:17 am  #15

Re: The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

Rayeye wrote:

Added a lot of data to the list. Thanks to David for using his list (though I can't check if there are any entries within the Behind the Scenes pages of those issues).

Barring an error on my part, if I didn't list them there weren't any.


3/26/2020 12:47 pm  #16

Re: The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

zuckyd1 wrote:

Rayeye wrote:

Added a lot of data to the list. Thanks to David for using his list (though I can't check if there are any entries within the Behind the Scenes pages of those issues).

Barring an error on my part, if I didn't list them there weren't any.

I'm sure it's mostly complete, so no worries!

     Thread Starter

4/28/2020 12:56 pm  #17

Re: The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

Added the data of #54 (Nova), #180 (J. Jonah Jameson) and Mega-Special #6 (M.O.D.O.K.).

     Thread Starter

5/31/2021 11:20 am  #18

Re: The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

Added the data of #150 (Triton), #156 (Toad), #162 (Karnak), #165 (Photon), #181 (Sebastian Shaw), #192 (Wolfsbane) and #193 (Stingray).

Last edited by Rayeye (6/27/2021 10:05 am)

     Thread Starter

5/10/2022 1:05 pm  #19

Re: The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

Added the data from #MS7 (Mojo).

     Thread Starter

8/17/2024 1:06 pm  #20

Re: The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

Added the data from #S11 (Man-Thing).

     Thread Starter

9/02/2024 9:47 am  #21

Re: The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazines

Added the data from #S13 (Cloak and Dagger) and #113 (Hellcat).

     Thread Starter

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