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1/05/2020 11:55 am  #1

Imaginary Handbook Challenges: Cloak & Dagger and Shang-Chi, Master of

Historical text from CxPulp:
11-08-2014, 06:19 PM
So, a lot of the Imaginary Handbook threads I started earlier this year were based on looking at the old Marvel Knights Handbook from 2005 and trying to expand on the characters covered in it, and their respective corners of the Marvel Universe. Blade could be arguably covered by the Vampire of the Marvel Universe Handbook of 2011. Moon Knight gave me the most trouble of the ones I attempted. But looking at Cloak and Shang-Chi gave me real pause. How big is the Cloak and Dagger corner of the MU, anyway? Even if you included characters who've already been covered, that's, what, four? Cloak, Dagger, Ecstasy, and the Predator. Maybe Mister Negative, since his origins were tied into C&D's. And Shang-Chi...not only are his family/greatest enemies licensed characters, but most of his allies/supporting cast have been covered, are also licensed, or were last covered in 1989 (Black Jack Tarr...does he really need a new entry...for the sake of completism, maybe.) Villains who aren't licensed? There's Shockwave, and Zaran, and Midnight Sun...most of the rest could probably be given half-page entries at best, or maybe a group entry for "Shang-Chi's Foes".

Is there enough of either corner of the MU to even merit a full Handbook? Maybe to be included in a Saga type book, or the back pages of a yearbook or a trade paperback. Or maybe I'm wrong. So here's the challenge...pick one or both. but try to come up with a possible list of Cloak & Dagger-, or Shang-Chi-, centric entries. Included the main characters themselves however you want (one-page updates or full entries). Previously covered entries if you want. Let's see if these two corners of the Marvel Universe can be shed light on in the (Imaginary) Marvel Handbook fashion!
Stuart V
11-09-2014, 01:48 AM

skippcomet wrote:

Even if you included characters who've already been covered, that's, what, four? Cloak, Dagger, Ecstasy, and the Predator. Maybe Mister Negative, since his origins were tied into C&D's.

Also Mayhem, covered in the Deluxe Edition. And Mr. Jip. The Predator in Cloak's darkness, X-Force (M-Branch) and Jack the Ripper.

skippcomet wrote:

And Shang-Chi...not only are his family/greatest enemies licensed characters, but most of his allies/supporting cast have been covered, are also licensed, or were last covered in 1989 (Black Jack Tarr...does he really need a new entry...for the sake of completism, maybe.) Villains who aren't licensed? There's Shockwave, and Zaran, and Midnight Sun...

And Cat.

skippcomet wrote:

Is there enough of either corner of the MU to even merit a full Handbook? Maybe to be included in a Saga type book, or the back pages of a yearbook or a trade paperback. Or maybe I'm wrong. So here's the challenge...pick one or both. but try to come up with a possible list of Cloak & Dagger-, or Shang-Chi-, centric entries. Included the main characters themselves however you want (one-page updates or full entries). Previously covered entries if you want. Let's see if these two corners of the Marvel Universe can be shed light on in the (Imaginary) Marvel Handbook fashion!

C&D: Father Francis Delgado, Father Mike Bowen, Lord of Light (Dagger's dad), Bill Clayton (supporting cast), Warlord (Morell), Detective "Rusty" Nales, Thule, Crimson Daffodil, Night, Day, the Marked Man, Holy Ghost Church, Byan'Nantandu race entry.

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