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3/05/2023 8:31 am  #541

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #57 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 2 of 9?

749 Hulk, Zeal commercial

"Hulk supplement commercial" just got me adverts starring Hulk Hogan. And "Hulk smash commercial" got me toy adverts. "Hulk smash supplement commercial" worked though.


3/05/2023 8:51 am  #542

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #57 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 2 of 9?

Loki wrote:

749 Hulk, Zeal commercial

"Hulk supplement commercial" just got me adverts starring Hulk Hogan. And "Hulk smash commercial" got me toy adverts. "Hulk smash supplement commercial" worked though.

Interesting. For me you had to scroll down a fair ways but you eventually got there. This ends the current round and the next round will begin shortly, but I wanted to share this... unique commercial with everyone else first.

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