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1/06/2020 8:24 am  #1

What If...we nominated entries for a Ghost Rider Handbook? (Purely hyp

Historical text from Comixfan


Jan 24, 2012, 05:46 pm

There's going to be a new Ghost Rider movie starring Nic Cage as John Blaze, a sequel to the last one...but there's no accompanying Ghost Rider Handbook. And while that's unfortunate for Handbook fans, I'm still curious...who would we suggest be covered in a Ghost Rider Handbook?

I'd start with an update on Ghost Rider/John Blaze, of course, as seems to be the case with the previous handbooks that were released for other Marvel movies, so that's a given. Roxanne Simpson, Blaze's former wife, would be a good candidate for an entry. Anybody got any other suggestions?

This, as the title suggests, is all purely hypothetical. Draw on all the Ghost Rider titles starring either Blaze or Dan Ketch, Spirits of Vengeance, the Champions, alternate reality Ghost Riders, stories teaming up Ghost Rider with other characters (either team-up books or guest appearances), etc.

Stuart V

Jan 24, 2012, 06:44 pm

Quentin Carnival would seem a must. The new Vengeance would make sense, as, of course, would the newest Ghost Rider, Alejandra. Caleb from Trail of Tears. Though very few of the other Spirits of Vengeance we've seen would have enough info to elicit their own entry, a group entry in the style of the Corps would be feasible; there's probably not enough info to allow for the layout used for Gamma Mutates, as you'd have tiny paragraphs with either minute images next to them, or decent sized images and loads of blank space - better to place the images at the end, full body like the Corps, as headshots would be pointless (they'd all look more or less identical). Ghost Rider 2099's been done, but not the Spirit of Vengeance from Guardians of the Galaxy. Supporting cast - both Caretakers, Stacy Dolan, Emerson Bale, Flagg Fargo, Red Fowler, Ski Sokolowski (and the Team), Shriker, Adam from the latest series. Shadow Riders from Marvel UK. Phantom Eagle. The Blood, or individual members. Plenty of old villains from past series still to cover - Snowblind, the Apparition, the Fallen, several individual Lilin, the new Orb, Reverand, Suicide, Steel Vengeance, Trull the Unhuman, Reverand Styge, Next Wave, Heart Attack, HEART, Anton Hellgate and his minions.

Plenty of interesting characters not yet covered who could fill this out. But sadly, not many marketing might believe would be good to guarantee sales.


Jan 24, 2012, 06:49 pm

And, Stuart forgets Roxie Simpson in his supporting cast list. That's almost like not listing "Sub-Mariner" as an alias for Namor.

Andy E. Nystrom

Jan 24, 2012, 06:57 pm

Updates for sure for Blaze and Ketch, Roxanne for sure. Any prominent member of the Blaze and Ketch family. Crash Simpson.

Also, separate entries for the various Phantom Riders. The Friend, Challenger (demon), Enforcer, Phantom Eagle, De'Lila's Fantastic Four.

Has the new Orb gotten much new info since his 2010 entry in Update #3? I haven't read much Ghost Rider since the original series, hence most of my thoughts being related to the first series, so I'm asking more out of honest curiosity.

From a sales standpoint rather than a desire to see them, individual Updates on the various Champions members.

captainswift wrote:

And, Stuart forgets Roxie Simpson in his supporting cast list. That's almost like not listing "Sub-Mariner" as an alias for Namor.

Not necessarily, since she was mentioned in the original post.

Stuart V

Jan 24, 2012, 08:20 pm

captainswift wrote:

And, Stuart forgets Roxie Simpson in his supporting cast list. That's almost like not listing "Sub-Mariner" as an alias for Namor.

No, as Andy surmised, I left her out because the first post had already mentioned her.

Has the new Orb gotten much new info since his 2010 entry in Update #3? I haven't read much

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Ghost Rider since the original series, hence most of my thoughts being related to the first series, so I'm asking more out of honest curiosity.

Probably not - I'd overlooked that he already had an entry, and thought we'd only covered the first Orb.


Jan 24, 2012, 08:41 pm

Stuart V wrote:

No, as Andy surmised, I left her out because the first post had already mentioned her.

Ah, so it does. My bad.

Roxanne, like Beverly Switzer, has the unfortunate luck of being a major supporting character of a not-major lead character, where she's a desirable profile, without much opportunity to fit her in.

Eduardo M.

Jan 24, 2012, 09:25 pm

Caretaker (both)
Challenger (demon)
Stacy Dolan
Fantastic Four (De'Lila group)
Ghost Rider/Blaze (update)
Ghost Rider/Ketch (update)
Heart Attack
Anton Hellgate
Phantom Eagle
Quentin Carnival
Crash Simpson
Roxanne Simpson
Reverand Styge


Jan 24, 2012, 09:43 pm

Thanks for posing the question, Skippcomet. Here are my votes for entries, all of which are on my Wish List:

Bounty Hunter
Black Juju
Death Riders from Beyond
Diesel of Doom
Sirens of Kronos
Suicide Squad

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