Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works estab. 2004

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4/09/2020 12:39 am  #61

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

All the below are questions on the Deluxe Edition
4. What three Captain America-related entries immediately follow Cap’s own entry?

Cap's bike, van and shield?

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

7. What is the real name of the Ghost Rider who got an entry under that name?

Since Blaze was freed of Zarathos at this juncture and Ketch yet to debut, I'd presume it's one of the Western ones - Hamilton Slade rather than Carter?

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

11. What were the two entries that began with “Savage Land”?

Races and Mutates?

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

13. Which two Vision and the Scarlet Witch characters have never been covered in any other Handbook?

The married couple Glamor and Illusion.

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

15. Why did #9 reprint pages from #8?

Iirc, they were miscolored - I recall Mass Master, Mayhem and a few others being wrong. 


4/09/2020 4:54 am  #62

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

4. Bike yes, though called something different, van yes, shield no.
7. Hamilton yes. Carter did get an entry as well in the Book of the Dead but under Phantom Rider.
11. Correct. Races in the Book of the Dead and Mutates in the "living" section
13. Correct. Disappointed that they never appeared after that series ended to my knowledge. Vision and the Scarlet Witch never learned they were thieves. They're great superheroes in terms of sheer power but they should probably never try to become detectives.
15. Correct. Looking at my copy the other two were the last pages of the Man-Ape and Mockingbird entries.

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4/09/2020 5:51 am  #63

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

4. Bike yes, though called something different, van yes, shield no.

Hotline then.

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

13. Correct. Disappointed that they never appeared after that series ended to my knowledge. Vision and the Scarlet Witch never learned they were thieves. They're great superheroes in terms of sheer power but they should probably never try to become detectives.

They turned up again in 2004's Witches#1 and 2. 


4/09/2020 7:11 am  #64

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

Correct about Hotline. So Hotline, Motorcycle (1/2 pagers), then Van (1 page).

If it'[s the book I'm thinking of, I bought Witches #1 but it didn't really grab me so I zoned out a bit reading it and never bought #2. Did any heroes find out they were criminals, albeit not super-villains in the ordinary sense?

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4/09/2020 9:30 am  #65

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Correct about Hotline. So Hotline, Motorcycle (1/2 pagers), then Van (1 page).

If it'[s the book I'm thinking of, I bought Witches #1 but it didn't really grab me so I zoned out a bit reading it and never bought #2. Did any heroes find out they were criminals, albeit not super-villains in the ordinary sense?

No, I don't think anyone did.


4/11/2020 1:07 pm  #66

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

All the below are questions on the Deluxe Edition
1. Which villain got a ¼ page sub-entry under Champions of Xandar?
2. How did the Deluxe Edition usually handle the kind of equipment stats found in vol. 1 #15?
3. What entry appears between Avengers and Avengers Mansion in #1?
4. What three Captain America-related entries immediately follow Cap’s own entry?
5. Who is the first character to appear in both the “living” section and in the Book of the Dead section?
6. How many volumes did it take for the Essential series to reprint the Deluxe Edition?
7. What is the real name of the Ghost Rider who got an entry under that name?
8. Which character had 1 page in the living section followed by 3 pages in the Book of the Dead?
9. Which entry in the Book of the Dead covered characters killed by the essentially the same source? That is, their being killed by that source was the focus of the entry.
10. What was the ½ page sub-entry (as opposed to the many 1/4-pagers) under Squadron Supreme?
11. What were the two entries that began with “Savage Land”?
12. Why did John Byrne stop doing the covers?
13. Which two Vision and the Scarlet Witch characters have never been covered in any other Handbook?
14. Which entry has a headshot of a character from Savage Sword of Conan?
15. Why did #9 reprint pages from #8?

1. Powerhouse
2. Incorporating them within the entries of their users (usually)?
3. Avengers Compund
5. Blackout
6. Three
8. Spymaster
9. Scourge's Victims
10. Map of Squadron City
12. Byrne had left Marvel to help reboot Superman
14. Serpent Crown (Thoth-Amon is shown as one of its previous users)


4/11/2020 5:48 pm  #67

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

skippcomet wrote:

1. Powerhouse
2. Incorporating them within the entries of their users (usually)?
3. Avengers Compund
5. Blackout
6. Three
8. Spymaster
9. Scourge's Victims
10. Map of Squadron City
12. Byrne had left Marvel to help reboot Superman
14. Serpent Crown (Thoth-Amon is shown as one of its previous users)

1.I forgot that Powerhouse was briefly a villain while amnesiac but the character I'm thinking of is more a true villain. The rest of your answers are correct though. To expand:

5. Full disclosure: I had overlooked blackout. However, please don't try to guess who I was really thinking of as I'll use that for a later round.
9. zuckyd1 was really close but I had worded the question to focus on the victims rather than the assailant. Also, curiously, while the first Scourge was (and remains) dead, heactually got an entry in the "living" section.
10. The entry was simply called Squadron City but it is indeed a map so close enough.
12. Rebooting DC's flagshift character was no doubt a step down for Byrne from doing handbook covers (even though it resulted in a who's who cover) but you have to pay the bills.
14. Good job, you even went beyond the question itself and correctly identified the character in question.

Really good job skippcomet, you nearly cleaned out the remaining questions. So the only remaining question is #1

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4/12/2020 12:53 am  #68

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

skippcomet wrote:

1. Powerhouse

1.I forgot that Powerhouse was briefly a villain while amnesiac but the character I'm thinking of is more a true villain. So the only remaining question is #1

Hmm. If it's not Powerhouse then I'm not sure who you mean. The other quarter page Champions of Xandar were Nova-Prime, Protector, Comet and Crimebuster, none of whom were villains. Diamondhead, who is a true villain and was listed alongside the Champions (with a headshot) in the original run, wasn't included in the quarter pages.


4/12/2020 5:50 am  #69

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

Sorry, my memory played tricks on me and I kept visualizing a quarter page Diamondhead sub-entry in my head. I'll drop that question and next time I do another general or Delxue round I'll do a replacement question.

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (4/12/2020 5:50 am)

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4/12/2020 7:03 am  #70

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

This round focuses on Update ‘89

1. Which character was believed to have recently returned from the dead at the time of their entry but was later revealed to still be deceased?
2. Which two characters with the same code name got back to back entries?
3. Which second version of a team was treated as separate from the original in this series but nowadays is considered a continuation of the original team?
4. Which character in the first issue was also in the first issue of the Deluxe Edition?
5. Who was the penciller for the original Human Torch’s entry?
6. Which character was listed under their real name in Deluxe Edition but under their code name for Update ’89? (full entry in both cases, not sub-entry)
7. How many pages were in each issue, excluding covers?
8. What team in the final issue had their own limited series?
9. Who pencilled the Chameleon’s entry?
10. How many issues did Update ’89 run?
11. Which 1950s villain got their first full entry this series?
12. This series continued something that only started to become common with Deluxe Edition’s Book of the Dead, something that has remained common in the modern era. What am I referring to?
13. Who pencilled the Fallen Angels entry?
14. Which Howard the Duck character got an entry?
15. Who penciled the character from Question 14?


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4/12/2020 9:04 am  #71

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

This round focuses on Update ‘89
2. Which two characters with the same code name got back to back entries?

14. Which Howard the Duck character got an entry?
15. Who penciled the character from Question 14?


2. Chance - Spider-Man villain vs. Fallen Angel mutant
14. Doctor Bong iirc.
15. John Byrne.


4/12/2020 9:42 am  #72

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

Loki wrote:

2. Chance - Spider-Man villain vs. Fallen Angel mutant
14. Doctor Bong iirc.
15. John Byrne.

Those three are all correct. That's even the correct order for Chance. Doctor Bong had at the time recently returned in Byrne's Sensational She-Hulk; I believe that was the first time he appeared outside of Howard the Duck..

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4/12/2020 11:58 am  #73

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

10. How many issues did Update ’89 run?

Eight. I have a special fondness for the final issue, particularly its Data Corrections section.


4/12/2020 5:03 pm  #74

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

zuckyd1 wrote:

Eight. I have a special fondness for the final issue, particularly its Data Corrections section.

Correct. You probably also have a fondness for Manikin after that issue.

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4/12/2020 11:22 pm  #75

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

This round focuses on Update ‘89

1. Which character was believed to have recently returned from the dead at the time of their entry but was later revealed to still be deceased?
2. Which two characters with the same code name got back to back entries?
3. Which second version of a team was treated as separate from the original in this series but nowadays is considered a continuation of the original team?
4. Which character in the first issue was also in the first issue of the Deluxe Edition?
5. Who was the penciller for the original Human Torch’s entry?
6. Which character was listed under their real name in Deluxe Edition but under their code name for Update ’89? (full entry in both cases, not sub-entry)
7. How many pages were in each issue, excluding covers?
8. What team in the final issue had their own limited series?
9. Who pencilled the Chameleon’s entry?
10. How many issues did Update ’89 run?
11. Which 1950s villain got their first full entry this series?
12. This series continued something that only started to become common with Deluxe Edition’s Book of the Dead, something that has remained common in the modern era. What am I referring to?
13. Who pencilled the Fallen Angels entry?
14. Which Howard the Duck character got an entry?
15. Who penciled the character from Question 14?


1. Iron Fist?
4. Archangel (as Angel in the Deluxe Edition)
5. Jack Abel
6. Madison Jeffries was covered under his own name in the Deluxe Edition, and was also covered with a new, then-fully updated entry as "Box IV."  (Poor Roger Boches, or "Mr. Bo-chees," is still awaiting a new entry some 30-odd years later.)
7. 48 pages
8. The X-Terminators (I always thought that was an unfortunate choice of name for what was supposed to be a team on the side of good.  Might as well have had a team of heroic mutants who got turned into vampires call themselves "The X-Sanguinated" -- or is there one already and I missed it?  It's entirely possible at this point.)
9. Todd McFarlane
11. Xemnu the Titan
12. The inclusion of entries on supporting characters who weren't retired, de-powered, or reformed heroes and villains.  The Deluxe Edition included entries on J. Jonah Jameson and Henry Peter Gyrich in its first 15 issues (characters then believed to be alive and active), but given their combative and adversarial relationships to, respectively, Spider-Man and the Avengers at the time, they were probably considered more "adversaries" than "supporting cast."


4/13/2020 7:17 am  #76

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

skippcomet wrote:

1. Iron Fist?
4. Archangel (as Angel in the Deluxe Edition)
5. Jack Abel
6. Madison Jeffries was covered under his own name in the Deluxe Edition, and was also covered with a new, then-fully updated entry as "Box IV."  (Poor Roger Boches, or "Mr. Bo-chees," is still awaiting a new entry some 30-odd years later.)
7. 48 pages
8. The X-Terminators (I always thought that was an unfortunate choice of name for what was supposed to be a team on the side of good.  Might as well have had a team of heroic mutants who got turned into vampires call themselves "The X-Sanguinated" -- or is there one already and I missed it?  It's entirely possible at this point.)
9. Todd McFarlane
11. Xemnu the Titan
12. The inclusion of entries on supporting characters who weren't retired, de-powered, or reformed heroes and villains.  The Deluxe Edition included entries on J. Jonah Jameson and Henry Peter Gyrich in its first 15 issues (characters then believed to be alive and active), but given their combative and adversarial relationships to, respectively, Spider-Man and the Avengers at the time, they were probably considered more "adversaries" than "supporting cast."

First off, with only 8 issues to play with, and a series that didn't quite engage me the way the first two series did, there were a couple of times as we'll see that I overlooked a second correct answer. In those cases I'll note them as correct but rephrase to try to point to the answer I was looking for.

1. Incorrect. This is someone who was seen as alive at the time but later revealed never to have come back. To my knowledge they remain deceased.
3. Correct. In Update '89 their first appearance matched that of the new team but modern handbooks have treated them as part of the full team (eventually the new team grew to the point where there was little to distinguish it from the classic team).
4-7 all correct; nothing to add.
8. This is one of the cases where the answer is correct but I had another in mind. Rephrased:
What team appearing in the last issue had a limited series that could have worked outside the Marvel Universe with little or no changes?
9. correct
11. This is the other case where the answer is correct but not what I was looking for. Rephrased:
Which 1950s villain who fought at least one superhero in their first appearance got a full entry for the first time in this series?
12. Correct. As you note a few slipped in before (and Rick Jones straddles the fence between adventurer and supporting character) and that is why I used "common" as a caveat but the Book of the Dead Deluxe started a tradition that spilled over to the living in earnest with this series. This was the series where key players such as Betty Ross Banner and May Parker finally got their due.

So that leaves:

1. Which character was believed to have recently returned from the dead at the time of their entry but was later revealed to still be deceased?
Reworded 8. What team appearing in the last issue had a limited series that could have worked outside the Marvel Universe with little or no changes?
Reworded 11. Which 1950s villain who fought at least one superhero in their first appearance got a full entry for the first time in this series?
13. Who pencilled the Fallen Angels entry?

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4/15/2020 5:17 pm  #77

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Reworded 8. What team appearing in the last issue had a limited series that could have worked outside the Marvel Universe with little or no changes?
Reworded 11. Which 1950s villain who fought at least one superhero in their first appearance got a full entry for the first time in this series?

8. Wolfpack?
11. communist Red Skull?


4/15/2020 6:24 pm  #78

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

zuckyd1 wrote:

8. Wolfpack?
11. communist Red Skull?

Both of those two are correct. It's been a while since I read the mini-series but i recall at the time being unsure if it was set in the Marvel Universe. That Red Skull had previously received in Appendix entry in the original series but this was the first time he received a full entry, likely because he had just appeared in Solo Avengers around that time,

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4/15/2020 7:24 pm  #79

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

zuckyd1 wrote:

8. Wolfpack?
11. communist Red Skull?

Both of those two are correct. It's been a while since I read the mini-series but i recall at the time being unsure if it was set in the Marvel Universe. That Red Skull had previously received in Appendix entry in the original series but this was the first time he received a full entry, likely because he had just appeared in Solo Avengers around that time,

I pulled out my back issues of UPDATE '89, and I can't find the communist Red Skull anywhere.  There's a new, updated entry on Johann Shmidt, as he'd been recently revealed to be alive in the pages of CAPTAIN AMERICA, and in that entry there's a brief mention of the communist Skull as well as mentions of George Maxon and at least one other "Skull impersonator" in the notes for First Appearance and First Modern Appearance).  So, where's this entry on the communist Skull supposed to be?


4/15/2020 7:58 pm  #80

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

skippcomet wrote:

I pulled out my back issues of UPDATE '89, and I can't find the communist Red Skull anywhere.  There's a new, updated entry on Johann Shmidt, as he'd been recently revealed to be alive in the pages of CAPTAIN AMERICA, and in that entry there's a brief mention of the communist Skull as well as mentions of George Maxon and at least one other "Skull impersonator" in the notes for First Appearance and First Modern Appearance).  So, where's this entry on the communist Skull supposed to be?

Sigh. When I was doublechecking my memory I went with the Contents for that issue, which incorrectly called him Red Skull II. But I see now the entry is for the original. Sorry about that. I vaguely recall now decades ago being suprised to see him instead of the Communist version because of the Roman numerals. I'll add a new question next time it's applicable.

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (4/15/2020 8:07 pm)

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4/18/2020 6:05 am  #81

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

Last chance to answer the two questions below. Tomorrow I'll reveal these answers, together with a new round, complete with replacement bonus questions.
1. Which character was believed to have recently returned from the dead at the time of their entry but was later revealed to still be deceased?
13. Who pencilled the Fallen Angels entry?

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4/19/2020 6:05 am  #82

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

Here are the remaining two answers.
1. Phineas T. Horton. His return from the dead was revealed to be a Space Phantom in Avengers Forever.
13. Mini-series artist Colleen Doran.

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4/19/2020 7:11 am  #83

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

General questions. The two lower number questions are replacements for dead questions from previous rounds
-1. Who drew Ammo in Update ’89?
0. In Deluxe, which villain team had an entry for their headquarters?
1. Which team in original #12 was out of order alphabetically, wrong letter even?
2. At least some copies of this A-Z hardcover had duplicate pages. Nothing missing, just a few repeated pages.
3. Two versions of which two-headed character are listed in original #2’s Appendix?
4. In all Handbooks that give them a full entry, two characters who adopted this alias appear under their original costumed alias, not the later identity (and what are they listed as)?
5.  Which character in Marvel Legacy: 1980s was after the 1980s revealed to be a long time Fantastic four foe?
6. Which character and their team, listed together in Marvel Legacy: 1990s were split off into separate entries for the A-Z hardcovers?
7. Two characters with which name appeared in Horror 2005?
8.  Stan Lee had an Appendix entry in which Encyclopedia volume (by theme)?
9. Which entry in the softcovers’ Update Appendix updated a sub-entry from Deluxe Edition?
10. What category in Master Edition came closest to History, without being quite the same?
11. Schematics for what in the Marvel Knights Encyclopedia came from a source that’s closer to a Files type book (if that) than a handbook?
12. In Alternate Universes 2005, what was Spider-Ham’s world listed as?
13. Which humour character has had Handbook-esque profiles in a cover variant and in the Gamer’s Handbook series, but never a profile in the actual Handbooks?
14. Which Savage Land Mutate got an entry in new Avengers Most Wanted?
15. Which character whose code name begins with the letter T had an entry in Deluxe Edition #16?

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4/19/2020 7:50 am  #84

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

General questions. The two lower number questions are replacements for dead questions from previous rounds
-1. Who drew Ammo in Update ’89?

John Romita Jr.

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

5.  Which character in Marvel Legacy: 1980s was after the 1980s revealed to be a long time Fantastic four foe?

Not answering this, since I was involved with that book, but I remember being one of the ones who pushed for covering this character because it was the only way they'd ever get a handbook entry for that character, rather than who they were later revealed/retconned to really be.

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

13. Which humour character has had Handbook-esque profiles in a cover variant and in the Gamer’s Handbook series, but never a profile in the actual Handbooks?

Hmm. I'm trying to recall if we actually covered Forbush Man in the Secret Wars book, or if he's who you mean.



4/19/2020 8:10 am  #85

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

General questions. The two lower number questions are replacements for dead questions from previous rounds
1. Which team in original #12 was out of order alphabetically, wrong letter even?
3. Two versions of which two-headed character are listed in original #2’s Appendix?
7. Two characters with which name appeared in Horror 2005?
12. In Alternate Universes 2005, what was Spider-Ham’s world listed as?

1. U-Foes?
3. Beta-Beast?
7. Lilith?
12. Larval Earth?


4/19/2020 8:14 am  #86

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

- 1 is correct and for 13 Forbush-Man is who I was going for. Lots of great characters in SW but not him, though as noted in a previous question, Obnoxio and Teen Hulk from Crazy ensured the book did have some humour characters. Sadly, probably to try to be funny, the Gamer's Handbook history doesn't seem to match the published history.

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4/19/2020 8:21 am  #87

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

zuckyd1 wrote:

1. U-Foes?
3. Beta-Beast?
7. Lilith?
12. Larval Earth?

1. Incorrect. The U-Foes have an entry but it's filed in its proper location.
3. I was going to give you that as being close enough, but there is another character called Beta-Beast so I can't quite give you that one, though you're on the right track in terms of name.
7. Correct. Dracula's Daughter and Daughter of Demons
12. Correct.

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4/22/2020 11:44 am  #88

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

0. Serpent Society
1. New Mutants
3. Bi-Beast
5. Captain Hero
6. Blackwulf and the Underground Legion
10. Bibliography?
14. Barbarus


4/22/2020 12:29 pm  #89

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

skippcomet wrote:

0. Serpent Society
1. New Mutants
3. Bi-Beast
5. Captain Hero
6. Blackwulf and the Underground Legion
10. Bibliography?
14. Barbarus

0. Correct
1. Correct. At the time the New Mutants really were new, so they got placed at the end of the X-man entry.
3. Correct. zuckyd1 came close, but the trick was to remember that Bi equals two, so the two-headed being was B-Beast.
5. Correct, not to be confused with Jughead's alter ego. Once my curiosity got the best of me and I actually emailed Christopher Priest (using an address on his website) to ask if he had always intended Captain Hero to be the Super-Skrull. He replied back and said he hadn't, but that John Byrne had asked his permission first and wouldn't have done the retcon had he said no.
6. Correct
10. Right format, but it was called something else in the Master Edition
14. Correct.

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4/25/2020 7:19 am  #90

Re: The OHOTMU Trivia Game

Final call! Answers tomorrow. Remaining questions:
2. At least some copies of this A-Z hardcover had duplicate pages. Nothing missing, just a few repeated pages.
4. In all Handbooks that give them a full entry, two characters who adopted this alias appear under their original costumed alias, not the later identity (and what are they listed as)?
8.  Stan Lee had an Appendix entry in which Encyclopedia volume (by theme)?
9. Which entry in the softcovers’ Update Appendix updated a sub-entry from Deluxe Edition?
10. What category in Master Edition came closest to History, without being quite the same?
11. Schematics for what in the Marvel Knights Encyclopedia came from a source that’s closer to a Files type book (if that) than a handbook?
15. Which character whose code name begins with the letter T had an entry in Deluxe Edition #16?


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