Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works 20 YEARS! 2004-2024

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1/06/2020 5:18 pm  #1

Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades Handbook TPB

Apr 20, 2010, 01:49 pm

Coming from Marvel in July...

Cover by TOM RANEY

This is the year of Marvel's women, and the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe is joining the celebration with this collection of profiles of the brightest female stars in the Marvel firmament! This encyclopedic volume covers the entire span of Marvel Comics and features hundreds of eye-catching characters! Entries include the good (Aurora, Big Bertha, Dazzler, Psylocke, Squirrel Girl), the bad (Hela, Moonstone, Selene, Titania, Viper) and everyone in-between (Gamora, Millie the Model, May Parker, Valeria Richards, Typhoid). This is a vital resource for any fan of the Women of Marvel!
240 PGS./Rated T+ …$19.99
ISBN: 978-0-7851-4912-5

Please tell me these are just reprints...
Apr 20, 2010, 01:58 pm

Hmm...it's cheaper than the normal hardcover handbooks.

Apr 20, 2010, 03:14 pm

Does this have expanded or all-new material or just direct ports from the Hardcovers and subsequent handbooks?

Apr 20, 2010, 04:37 pm

Just a few questions:

1) Will any entries be new profiles--that is, profiles not previously done in the last 3 yrs in the modern format?

2) Is this a HC format, like Vols 1-14?

3) When is this to be released?

Thanks for the info. I think this is a fitting tribute to the Lovely Ladies of the Marvel U!

Andy E. Nystrom
Apr 20, 2010, 09:14 pm

Found a cover image, but not on the Marvel site:

Doesn't answer too many questions but it does show some of tha characters.

Eduardo M.
Apr 20, 2010, 09:30 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Found a cover image, but not on the Marvel site:

Doesn't answer too many questions but it does show some of tha characters.

hhhmmmmmm......... gotta agree with you there. Still doesnt answer Phoenixx9's question.

Although, Firestar isnt wearing her Avengers costume so maybe the entrys are updated

Apr 20, 2010, 10:06 pm

It's a TPB, not hardcover.

I really, really hope these are just reprints, because if there's even the slightest bit of new info I'm gonna feel compelled to buy it. Really don't wanna buy a whole trade just for a little bit of new info, especially since we're gonna just be finished with the hardcover run by the time this comes out.

Apr 21, 2010, 04:27 pm

I am hoping that these are Updated entries, like the way Black Widow was in the Iron Man Manual. Many characters could use these updates along with tweeks in the abilities/accessories or power grid sections.

I plan on buying the TPB (or HC if Marvel changes their minds), so I would like some new info, costumes, pics and history. I also hope some previously unfeatured females will be added. Anyway, I can't wait till this comes out in July 20-10!

May 1, 2010, 10:36 am

I hope there are some new profile pics as some like dazzlers were horrible

Madison Carter
May 2, 2010, 07:57 am

As far as I know - and I could be wrong - unless someone else is handling this, it's straight reprints.

May 2, 2010, 10:54 am

Madison Carter wrote:

As far as I know - and I could be wrong - unless someone else is handling this, it's straight reprints.

Oh no! :nonono:
Not that the originals were not good and inclusive, they were. But, since the HC series started in 2008, some women characters (may) need an update (like BW got in IM) and even if it is only a tweek here and there.

Also, I had expected Jean, Rachel and Maddie to be updated in the Phoenix Force Handbook, as well as a Hope Summers entry, which is also to be released in July 20-10, and I thought that their entries in the Women of Marvel would be those updated formats, or at least a combo of original + the updated info. Is this not going to be the case?

I was also hoping for some women characters who have not yet appeared to be featured. I only need the addition of 21 superwomen (and 21 supermen) to make me happy!

If anyone can shed any light on this I would be most appreciative. I was going to order this if some new info/new characters were involved, but I may reconsider if it is just all reprints of what I already have. :bawl:

May 2, 2010, 03:05 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

As far as I know - and I could be wrong - unless someone else is handling this, it's straight reprints.

God, I hope that's the case.

May 3, 2010, 12:15 am

Yeah, Phoenixx9, I don't think this is supposed to be for you. Or me or the regular posters around here. It's more a single book to sell to more selective fans who aren't going to fork over for 14 volumes of hardcovers, covering hundreds of characters the average comic fan hasn't even heard of.

It's not supposed to sell to us (although I'll probably buy it). It's supposed to appeal to more casual fans. (Similarly, I think a 200+ page book just collecting major Avengers entries, for example, could be offered, for fans who want to read all about Captain America and Iron Man, but could care less for the Kidney Lady or some dude Nova fought once in 1979.)

There's still plenty of handbooky goodness coming out. It doesn't all have to be pointed in our direction.

Roger Ott
May 3, 2010, 09:18 am

On an upside, if this reprint material appeals to a different subset of fandom, it might encourage them to try the regular handbooks, which is always a good thing.

David Branson
May 3, 2010, 11:54 am

Oh look, no Spider-Girl. What a shock. :wall:

(I find it more and more irritating that Marvel's longest-running (without breaks, for the most part) solo female character -- and one which is popular among female readers, too -- is getting no promotion at all in this "Women of Marvel" event, and is even on the chopping block yet again.)

You'd think she'd at least be in the background or something.

(On a side note, I'm also annoyed that Gail Simone's run on Deadpool isn't available in TPB. I don't care much for Deadpool but I love her writing, and you'd think that what with Girl Comics and all, plus Deadpool's current wave of popularity, having some of his early adventures written by one of the current big names in comics (Wonder Woman, Secret Six) who is also female would be an obvious move.)

May 6, 2010, 12:56 pm

I am still not sure that this will be strictly reprints. Overall, the majority may well be reprints, as 99% of characters have not been updated, but what about the ones that have been/are soon to be updated? Would this book revert to the older entries for the updated characters? Doing that doesn't make any sense to me as it would not benefit any of the readers.

The "Avengers Assemble" handbook, soon to-be-released, is purported to have updated entries as well as new entries in it.

The "Phoenix Force Handbook" to-be-released in July 20-10, is likewise touted to have updates and new entries.

It makes sense then that a compilation of the women would have any updated info and newly entried characters as well.

I agree with Captainswift that it doesn't all need to appeal to all of us, however, I would think that ANY fan, "new" or "old" would want the most updated info and pics and characters as possible. I know I would!

Madison Carter
May 6, 2010, 01:42 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

I am still not sure that this will be strictly reprints. Overall, the majority may well be reprints, as 99% of characters have not been updated, but what about the ones that have been/are soon to be updated? Would this book revert to the older entries for the updated characters? Doing that doesn't make any sense to me as it would not benefit any of the readers.

The "Avengers Assemble" handbook, soon to-be-released, is purported to have updated entries as well as new entries in it.

The "Phoenix Force Handbook" to-be-released in July 20-10, is likewise touted to have updates and new entries.

It makes sense then that a compilation of the women would have any updated info and newly entried characters as well.

I agree with Captainswift that it doesn't all need to appeal to all of us, however, I would think that ANY fan, "new" or "old" would want the most updated info and pics and characters as possible. I know I would!

Thing is, we're working on the Avengers Assemble and Phoenix Force books, as we speak. We know what's going to be in them. This Women of Marvel book hasn't come across the writing team's table, so again, unless someone else is handling it, it's reprints.

May 6, 2010, 01:46 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

The "Avengers Assemble" handbook, soon to-be-released, is purported to have updated entries as well as new entries in it.

The "Phoenix Force Handbook" to-be-released in July 20-10, is likewise touted to have updates and new entries.

It makes sense then that a compilation of the women would have any updated info and newly entried characters as well.

But Avenges Assemble and Phoenix Force are NEW handbooks.

Women of Marvel is a reprint collection.

I expect new material in this month's Amazing Spider-Man, and new material in this month's Web of Spider-Man, but I really don't expect anything new in Essential Spider-Man #10 when it comes out.

May 6, 2010, 02:45 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

Thing is, we're working on the Avengers Assemble and Phoenix Force books, as we speak. We know what's going to be in them. This Women of Marvel book hasn't come across the writing team's table, so again, unless someone else is handling it, it's reprints.

Ohhh. OK, now I get it. Sorry for not understanding before, but I thought it was a new project. :worthy:

Well, you can't blame a guy for wishin' an update for his favorite gals! :dizzy:

Since I like all these fabulous babes so much, I may still purchase this when it is released. :dunno:

Roger Ott
May 6, 2010, 06:52 pm

I'd say it's probably worth picking up just to have all the gals compiled together in one book, kinda like picking up the Iron Man Index trade to have all the Iron Man index entries together.

Madison Carter
May 6, 2010, 07:15 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

Ohhh. OK, now I get it. Sorry for not understanding before, but I thought it was a new project. :worthy:

Well, you can't blame a guy for wishin' an update for his favorite gals! :dizzy:

Since I like all these fabulous babes so much, I may still purchase this when it is released. :dunno:

Don't get me wrong, I'd love for it to be up-to-date and such, but it just hasn't been brought to us to do. I *think* some of the other writers may have had a hand in choosing which profiles to include, but I believe - and again, I could be wrong - that's the extent of our interaction with it.

David Branson
May 6, 2010, 07:50 pm

Oh, please, please let Spider-Girl be in it...

Michael Regan
May 6, 2010, 08:39 pm

David Branson wrote:

Oh, please, please let Spider-Girl be in it...

David, what are you doing here. This is Women of Marvel ;)

May 25, 2010, 07:07 pm

I have a question: I can't find the Women of Marvel Handbook listed at various bookstores that usually get all kinds of Marvel books, including TPB and HC.

Some stores have a Women of Marvel listed, but it is a compilation of individual issues of some of the women, scheduled for August release, not the Handbook, the July release. Is it just too soon to find this listed or will it only be sold through Marvel?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Madison Carter
May 25, 2010, 07:31 pm

I want to correct myself. It has come to our attention that there will be some slight revisions to the profiles. It won't be all-encompasing the way the 2004-2006 books were turned into the HCs, but some of the profiles will have some updating done, just not on as grand a scale.

May 25, 2010, 07:35 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

I have a question: I can't find the Women of Marvel Handbook listed at various bookstores that usually get all kinds of Marvel books, including TPB and HC.

Some stores have a Women of Marvel listed, but it is a compilation of individual issues of some of the women, scheduled for August release, not the Handbook, the July release. Is it just too soon to find this listed or will it only be sold through Marvel?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Copy the ISBN number at the end of the solicit, and take it to the bookstore with you. As a professional book store guy, I can tell you, that is the quickest way to find the exact book you're looking for.

May 26, 2010, 02:02 pm

Thanks much, captainswift!

I will certainly give this a try.

May 26, 2010, 11:29 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

I want to correct myself. It has come to our attention that there will be some slight revisions to the profiles. It won't be all-encompasing the way the 2004-2006 books were turned into the HCs, but some of the profiles will have some updating done, just not on as grand a scale.

I'll only pick up updated entries in pamphlet form. Even though I'm a handbook completist, I'm going to pass on this.

May 27, 2010, 12:43 am

Actually, it doesn't show up on the computer at my store, either. It's not marked as direct-market only in the Previews, but I'm wondering.

Stuart V
May 27, 2010, 06:44 am

bigvis497 wrote:

I'll only pick up updated entries in pamphlet form. Even though I'm a handbook completist, I'm going to pass on this.

That's perfectly reasonable. As Madison has said, we have now been informed there will be some amendments made, but they'll be pretty minimal. While I obviously want to see handbooks sell as well as possible, I don't want any of our regular supporters to buy this under false pretences.

May 27, 2010, 08:27 am

false pretences? Like what happened with the solicit of the Wolverine Encyclopedia volume 3 that mysteriously didn't get published in the Wolverine Files Handbook! What was the story behind that, did you ever find out?


Stuart V
May 27, 2010, 08:51 am

rplss wrote:

false pretences? Like what happened with the solicit of the Wolverine Encyclopedia volume 3 that mysteriously didn't get published in the Wolverine Files Handbook! What was the story behind that, did you ever find out?


I'm afraid I still have no idea what happened there. We were originally told it was going to include the third volume, and the first we knew that wasn't the case was when it came out and we picked up our own copies.

May 28, 2010, 12:36 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

I want to correct myself. It has come to our attention that there will be some slight revisions to the profiles. It won't be all-encompasing the way the 2004-2006 books were turned into the HCs, but some of the profiles will have some updating done, just not on as grand a scale.

Yah! That's all I was asking for! :love:
Actually, it doesn't show up on the computer at my store, either. It's not marked as direct-market only in the Previews, but I'm wondering.
:look: Yeah, I know. That's why I thought I would ask all you experts, 'cause I could not and still cannot find it. Hopefully, it is just a glitch? If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears. :chin:

Andy E. Nystrom
May 28, 2010, 01:53 pm

I'm not finding it on Bookfinder either (http://www.bookfinder.com), and that's a multi-bookseller search engine.

David Branson
May 28, 2010, 03:48 pm

Valeria Richards, but no Spider-Girl??

Michael Regan
May 28, 2010, 08:13 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

I'm not finding it on Bookfinder either (http://www.bookfinder.com), and that's a multi-bookseller search engine.

It's on the Marvel site: http://marvel.com/catalog/?date=2010-07-28

It's on Diamond: http://www.diamondbookshelf.com/publ...s=441&ai=94926

What's the problem with finding it?

May 28, 2010, 08:26 pm

Many bookstores that carry Marvel TPB and HC volumes don't seem to have this handbook TPB listed. (They may have the $24.99 book containing stories focusing on various female characters, but not the handbook.)

Examples of stores who usually carry Marvel products but not this handbook include: Borders, Barnes and Noble, Bookfinder, among others. Captainswift also couldn't find it at his bookstore where he works.

Michael Regan
May 28, 2010, 08:32 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

Many bookstores that carry Marvel TPB and HC volumes don't seem to have this handbook TPB listed. (They may have the $24.99 book containing stories focusing on various female characters, but not the handbook.)

Examples of stores who usually carry Marvel products but not this handbook include: Borders, Barnes and Noble, Bookfinder, among others. Captainswift also couldn't find it at his bookstore where he works.

Many larger chains build their own lists rather than use source listings. The best way to completey confirm is to have someone use the ISBN number for their search.

Thinking of the larger chains that I have visited I have rarely seen a handbook type publication on sale. They typically only have the "story" titles.

May 28, 2010, 08:39 pm

Michael Regan wrote:

Many larger chains build their own lists rather than use source listings. The best way to completey confirm is to have someone use the ISBN number for their search.

This is true. I will look into it and report back here with what I find.

Michael Regan wrote:

Thinking of the larger chains that I have visited I have rarely seen a handbook type publication on sale. They typically only have the "story" titles.

This is true, too. Although, there has not been a handbook of this size, which is really a TPB. A TPB listing handbook info/handbook profiles. I am not sure if the stores care about the content (handbook profiles); if this is a TPB it should be on their list. Hopefully myself or someone else will get to the bottom of this dilemma. :bite:

Jun 1, 2010, 01:47 pm

:frust: OK, so after much searching, here is what I found:

I can't find the Women of Marvel CSD Handbook TPB! It's as if it doesn't exist (which, technically it doesn't as of now, however, even soon-to-be books can be located)! But not this one.

I have searched by both name and ISBN at: Borders, Barnes & Noble, Atlantic, Bookfinders, Books-a-Million and Powell books. Two stores, B&N and Powell list it as being not available/out of stock, respectively.

Some of the stores do list the Aug 2010 344 page, $24.99 WoM CSD TPB, which contains reprinted individual stories featuring the famous ladies. However, about half of the stores don't even list this.

I don't think it has anything to do with being a TPB because:
a) I have purchased TPBs from some of these places
b) Some have the above mentioned August release which is a TPB

I think it may have to do with the stores either not knowing about this handbook release, thinking it is the same as the August release (only "Handbook" and the page count/price are different), or perhaps it doesn't even show up to them for some reason. A glitch.

:scared: I am afraid I and others will miss this book! Despite trying to find this book since I first learned of it on April 21, it seems to be elusive. And now 6 wks has gone by. Can any of the writers or contributors here ask Marvel about this problem? I hope it is not too late to get it to some distributors, because then it will appear as a "flop", but only because the distribution was not done the same as other TPBs.

:cross: Here's hoping that some help will be provided so that this book will be found when it debuts in July 2010! I really want to buy it!

Michael Regan
Jun 1, 2010, 02:46 pm

Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades Handbook TPB @ Amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com/Women-Marvel-C...5414329&sr=8-5)

Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades Handbook TPB @ Amazon.ca (http://www.amazon.ca/Women-Marvel-Ce...5414427&sr=8-2)

Jun 1, 2010, 02:56 pm

Michael Regan wrote:

Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades Handbook TPB @ Amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com/Women-Marvel-C...5414329&sr=8-5)

Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades Handbook TPB @ Amazon.ca (http://www.amazon.ca/Women-Marvel-Ce...5414427&sr=8-2)

Unfortunately, these both are for the August 2010 release ($24.95 USA, 344 pgs) which are the reprint stories highlighting one of the featured females.

These are NOT the Women of Marvel Handbook TPB, (240 pges, $19.99 USA), featuring the handbook entries.

Michael Regan
Jun 1, 2010, 03:23 pm

So, perhaps the problem here is that there are multiple publications with the same name?

Looking at the image presented, it is the same image on Amazon.com that is presented on Marvel.com

Marvel image (http://i.annihil.us/u/prod/marvel/i/...b-1684398..jpg)

Amazon image (http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...500_AA300_.jpg)

So, is that not the right issue referenced on the Marvel site?

Jun 1, 2010, 05:13 pm

Michael Regan wrote:

So, perhaps the problem here is that there are multiple publications with the same name?

Looking at the image presented, it is the same image on Amazon.com that is presented on Marvel.com

Marvel image (http://i.annihil.us/u/prod/marvel/i/...b-1684398..jpg)

Amazon image (http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...500_AA300_.jpg)

So, is that not the right issue referenced on the Marvel site?

Yes, I believe the problem stems from both books having practically the same name ("Handbook" being the operative word).

I reviewed both(the same) pics you presented. While I love this one, especially Jean's Phoenix Effect, this is the image for the 344 pg Aug 2010 $24.99 USA compilation of stories spotlighting various women.

This is NOT the correct cover for the HANDBOOK, July 2010 release which is 240 pgs and $19.99 USA, which should have all the women flying/floating in space with purpleish hue. Jean is in her white costume, with Ms M behind her, Wanda has a protective hex-field, Sue is prominent, Wasp has her black/gold costume, Elektra more upfront, Natasha more background, Storm in her new white costume, and Firestar in her yellow costume. (There are a few heroines I left out of this discription, but this is the jist).

As a side note, while Amazon does try to provide the correct image for each book, sometimes they do use the wrong image (such as the inside cover, back cover, the true book cover under a book cover or other image). I know Amazon does their best and uses the info/pic sent to them.

So, we do not have the Handbook listed, and certainly not represented with the true cover. :bite:

What can we do to correct this problem??

Jun 4, 2010, 04:21 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

:cross: Here's hoping that some help will be provided so that this book will be found when it debuts in July 2010! I really want to buy it!

Phoenixx9 wrote:

So, we do not have the Handbook listed, and certainly not represented with the true cover. :bite:

What can we do to correct this problem??

Just wanted to post an update on the missing HANDBOOK:
So with time ticking away, :rant: I contacted Amazon, a large distributor who may be interested in locating and stocking the HANDBOOK TPB. :hope: I have only received a preliminary response so far, that they are looking into it, but I was promised to be notified regarding an outcome. I will post here when I get any definitive news, for anyone interested in picking up this book.

Michael Regan
Jun 4, 2010, 05:24 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

Just wanted to post an update on the missing HANDBOOK:
So with time ticking away, :rant: I contacted Amazon, a large distributor who may be interested in locating and stocking the HANDBOOK TPB. :hope: I have only received a preliminary response so far, that they are looking into it, but I was promised to be notified regarding an outcome. I will post here when I get any definitive news, for anyone interested in picking up this book.

At least you have a contact Amazon option.

Roger Ott
Jun 4, 2010, 07:13 pm

Honestly, I'd preorder it through a comic book dealer like G-Mart or Discount Comic Book Service, because you can get a substantial discount, usually in the neighborhood of 35%-40%.

For instance, I got the Iron Man Index TPB for 50% off by preordering.

Andy E. Nystrom
Jun 5, 2010, 10:07 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

Honestly, I'd preorder it through a comic book dealer like G-Mart or Discount Comic Book Service, because you can get a substantial discount, usually in the neighborhood of 35%-40%.

For instance, I got the Iron Man Index TPB for 50% off by preordering.

Even so, having it on Amazon would be good just for the extra exposure.

Jun 19, 2010, 12:26 am

So is this going to be in colour or BW??

Jun 20, 2010, 12:32 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Even so, having it on Amazon would be good just for the extra exposure.

Thank you, Andy, I feel the same way.

Update info: Well, despite being promised to be kept advised, I was not. I have made four additional contacts and was told that they are "looking into it; reports have been issued, and your numerous contacts have been noted. Now, it is up to research to look into it." One employee even asked me "what I was about and if I worked for Marvel", to which I replied, "No, but I sure wish I did! I am just a rapid-reader who is trying to help get this book out there for all those who are like me and need my fill of EVRYTHING OHOTMU!"

So, all I can say for now is that hopefully :hope:, the listing will get corrected (correct pic, details, date of release and allow one to order it). I have done all I can do to remedy this situation. Oh, by the way, if it does get listed, it should be at a discounted rate of 35-40% off the suggested retail price. :cool:
So is this going to be in colour or BW??
Uggh! I haven't even pondered this question and just assumed it was in color! Let's not give out any ideas for BW, at least not on the initial printing! :shhh:

Jun 20, 2010, 12:37 pm

lurkerabove wrote:

So is this going to be in colour or BW??

The only thing Marvel publishes in Black & White is the Essential line. I'm not sure why they'd make an exception here. Color, for sure.

Stuart V
Jun 20, 2010, 02:58 pm

It's going to be in colour.

Jun 30, 2010, 12:23 pm

Great New Update:

"Hope" is the word for today and for July 2010.

It seems that making all those contacts have finally paid off: AMAZON has just listed the Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades HB TPB!!

This is the correct book with the correct ISBN.

No pic as yet (but at least it is not the incorrect one)and no discount as yet. However all Marvel books are given a discount and I was told @35-40% for this one. It is now available for pre-order which means that between when you order and when the book ships, you will receive the lowest price offered by Amazon, even if the price was higher when you ordered. So feel free to reserve your copy now by pre-order if you are inclined to purchase this book.

I "Hope" this helps everyone who needed a place to order this book. I know my DCBS (the "D" standing for distant) won't be ordering it, nor a few others even further away. And, I "Hope" Hope Summers is among the updated info!

Andy E. Nystrom
Jun 30, 2010, 10:38 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

It seems that making all those contacts have finally paid off: AMAZON has just listed the Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades HB TPB!!

Congrats. I'll probably just pick up a copy at my local comic shop, but the more exposure the better.

David Branson
Jul 1, 2010, 05:09 pm

So why no Spider-Girl?

Stuart V
Jul 5, 2010, 09:53 am

David Branson wrote:

So why no Spider-Girl?

No idea. It wasn't really our call who got included.

Jul 20, 2010, 07:39 am

Stuart V wrote:

No idea. It wasn't really our call who got included.

Darn, I wish they had let you guys be more actively involved with this book. I was especially hoping for more info in Aurora's profile regarding her X-Men membership, since so many fans seem to be confused about and/or averse to considering her a member of the team (not that I am).

Stuart V
Jul 20, 2010, 11:30 am

DeadpoolRP wrote:

Darn, I wish they had let you guys be more actively involved with this book. I was especially hoping for more info in Aurora's profile regarding her X-Men membership, since so many fans seem to be confused about and/or averse to considering her a member of the team (not that I am).

We ended up being involved in updating entries - we just didn't have any real input as to which women of Marvel got included. With regards to Aurora's X-Men membership, the deal is fairly simple. She became a member during Secret Invasion, when she helped fight the Skrulls.

Jul 28, 2010, 05:28 am

So whose in it??

Jul 29, 2010, 03:59 am

From the back cover:

Aurora (Beaubier)
Banshee (Theresa Cassidy)
Yelena Belova
Big Bertha
Black Cat (Hardy)
Black Widow (Voyant)
Black Widow (Romanova)
Abigail Brand
Betty Brant
Sharon Carter
Clea (Dark Dimension)
Dagger (Bowen)
Dazzler (Blaire)
Domino (Thurman)
Elektra Natchios
Emma Frost
Molly Hayes
Maria Hill
Invisible Woman
Jubilee (Lee)
Misty Knight
Lady Deathstrike
Lilith (Daughter of Dracula)
Madame Masque (Frost)
Magik (Rasputin)
Marvel Girl (Rachel Summers)
Alicia Masters
Medusa (Boltagon)
Menace (Hollister)
Millie the Model
Miss America (Frank)
Mockingbird (Barton)
Moonstone (Sofen)
Morgan Le Fay
Ms. Marvel (Danvers)
May Parker
Phoenix (Jean Grey)
Photon (Rambeau)
Pixie (Gwynn)
Polaris (Dane)
Pepper Potts
Kitty Pryde
Psylocke (Braddock)
Valeria Richards
Rogue (Anna Marie)
Betty Ross
Satana (Hellstrom)
Scarlet Witch (Maximoff)
Shanna the She-Devil (O'Hara)
She-Hulk (Walters)
Silver Sable
Spider-Woman (Drew)
Squirrel Girl
Gwen Stacy
Storm (Monroe)
Tigra (Nelson)
Titania (MacPherran)
Typhoid Mary
Valkyrie (Brunnhilde)
Valkyrie (Parrington)
Venus (siren)
Vindicator (Heather Hudson)
Viper (Madame Hydra)
Wasp (Van Dyne)
Mary Jane Watson
Colleen Wing
X-23 (Kinney)

Hope that helps!

Eduardo M.
Jul 29, 2010, 11:12 am

Interesting. There does seem to be some updating with this since we have Theresa Cassidy under her uncle's name and Abigal Brand, Big Bertha, Hope, and Pixie made it onto the book

Jul 29, 2010, 11:40 am

Banshee is her father, not her uncle.

Eduardo M.
Jul 29, 2010, 12:46 pm

ToddCam wrote:

Banshee is her father, not her uncle.

Your right. My bad. This is what happens when you type before having some sort of morning caffeine

Jul 29, 2010, 01:21 pm

Where did the list of women come from?

While the book was originally listed as a 07/28/10 release date, I thought it was pushed back to 08/10/10?

Yes, there should be some updates in this TPB, including costumes, such as Firestar (back) in a yellow costume with red accents.

Jul 29, 2010, 07:17 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

Where did the list of women come from?

While the book was originally listed as a 07/28/10 release date, I thought it was pushed back to 08/10/10?

It came out yesterday. I haven't read it yet, but I've looked through it, and it looks pretty nice. Most of the entries I looked at were updated (to varying degrees), so I'd say it's worth picking up. Especially since there are 18 X-Men members covered (22 if you count Hope, Generation X [M], and the "Great Lakes X-Men" [Big Bertha and Squirrel Girl ])!

Jul 29, 2010, 11:15 pm

How updated is it? Do they use the new Phoenix and Marvel Girl profiles from the latest handbook? Are there major changes with Betty Ross? Do some older profiles (like Invisible Woman) get added pages?

Eduardo M.
Jul 30, 2010, 03:20 pm

Phoenixx9 and I were talking and we were both wondering, any chance the release of this tPB could lead to other specialized Handbook TPBs?

For example, X-Men, FF, Avengers, Cosmic, Supernatural,/magic, Spider-Man, even a villians Handbook.

Aug 7, 2010, 08:27 am

Sorry it's taken me a while to do this, but here are the page counts for each entry:

Aphrodite 4
Athena 2
Aurora (Beaubier) 2
Banshee (Theresa Cassidy) 2
Yelena Belova 2
Big Bertha 2
Black Cat (Hardy) 3
Black Widow (Voyant) 1
Black Widow (Romanova) 4
Abigail Brand 1
Betty Brant (not in the book?)
Sharon Carter 2
Clea (Dark Dimension) 3
Crystal 2
Dagger (Bowen) 2
Dazzler (Blaire) 3
Domino (Thurman) 2
Elektra Natchios 3
Enchantress 2
Firestar 2
Emma Frost 3
Gamora 2
Molly Hayes 1
Hela 2
Hellcat 4
Maria Hill 1
Hope 2
Invisible Woman 4
Jewel 2
Jocasta 2
Jubilee (Lee) 2
Misty Knight 2
Lady Deathstrike 2
Lilith (Daughter of Dracula) 2
M 2
Madame Masque (Frost) 2
Magik (Rasputin) 3
Mantis 3
Marvel Girl (Rachel Summers) 3
Alicia Masters 2
Medusa (Boltagon) 2
Menace (Hollister) 2
Millie the Model 2
Miss America (Frank) 2
Mockingbird (Barton) 3
Moondragon 3
Moonstone (Sofen) 4
Morgan Le Fay 3
Ms. Marvel (Danvers) 4
Mystique 2
Namora 2
Namorita 3
May Parker 3
Phoenix (Jean Grey) 5
Photon (Rambeau) 3
Pixie (Gwynn) 2
Polaris (Dane) 3
Pepper Potts 3
Kitty Pryde 3
Psylocke (Braddock) 3
Valeria Richards 2
Rogue (Anna Marie) 3
Betty Ross 2
Satana (Hellstrom) 3
Scarlet Witch (Maximoff) 6
Selene 2
Sersi 2
Shanna the She-Devil (O'Hara) 2
She-Hulk (Walters) 5
Sif 3
Silver Sable 3
Snowbird 2
Songbird 4
Spider-Woman (Drew) 3
Squirrel Girl 2
Gwen Stacy 2
Stature 2
Storm (Monroe) 5
Thena 2
Thundra 2
Tigra (Nelson) 3
Titania (MacPherran) 2
Typhoid Mary 3
Umar 2
Valkyrie (Brunnhilde) 3
Valkyrie (Parrington) 2
Venus (siren) 1
Vindicator (Heather Hudson) 2
Viper (Madame Hydra) 4
Wasp (Van Dyne) 5
Mary Jane Watson 4
Colleen Wing 2
X-23 (Kinney) 2

I'm not sure which ones are expanded and which ones aren't, but now at least everyone can see which entries have more pages, etc.

And as noted above, unless she was shoved somewhere random and I somehow missed her, Betty Brant is listed on the back cover but doesn't have an entry in the actual book.

Hope that helps!

Marty P
Aug 7, 2010, 03:14 pm

Why is Kitty not listed as Shadowcat?:stars:

Aug 7, 2010, 03:18 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

Phoenixx9 and I were talking and we were both wondering, any chance the release of this tPB could lead to other specialized Handbook TPBs?

For example, X-Men, FF, Avengers, Cosmic, Supernatural,/magic, Spider-Man, even a villians Handbook.

Yes, any of those would be great. :yes: If not though, I would enjoy a Women of Marvel: HB TPB VOL 2 after more great heroines are featured. This VOL 2 could contain only those not getting an entry in Vol 1. There are still plenty of fabulous femmes out there (at least 35 on my list) who not only need a profile, but a HB TPB entry! Oh please....:hope:

DeadpoolRP wrote:

Sorry it's taken me a while to do this, but here are the page counts for each entry:

Aphrodite 4
Athena 2
Aurora (Beaubier) 2
Banshee (Theresa Cassidy) 2
Yelena Belova 2
Big Bertha 2
Black Cat (Hardy) 3
Black Widow (Voyant) 1
Black Widow (Romanova) 4
Abigail Brand 1
Betty Brant (not in the book?)
Sharon Carter 2
Clea (Dark Dimension) 3
Crystal 2
Dagger (Bowen) 2
Dazzler (Blaire) 3
Domino (Thurman) 2
Elektra Natchios 3
Enchantress 2
Firestar 2
Emma Frost 3
Gamora 2
Molly Hayes 1
Hela 2
Hellcat 4
Maria Hill 1
Hope 2
Invisible Woman 4
Jewel 2
Jocasta 2
Jubilee (Lee) 2
Misty Knight 2
Lady Deathstrike 2
Lilith (Daughter of Dracula) 2
M 2
Madame Masque (Frost) 2
Magik (Rasputin) 3
Mantis 3
Marvel Girl (Rachel Summers) 3
Alicia Masters 2
Medusa (Boltagon) 2
Menace (Hollister) 2
Millie the Model 2
Miss America (Frank) 2
Mockingbird (Barton) 3
Moondragon 3
Moonstone (Sofen) 4
Morgan Le Fay 3
Ms. Marvel (Danvers) 4
Mystique 2
Namora 2
Namorita 3
May Parker 3
Phoenix (Jean Grey) 5
Photon (Rambeau) 3
Pixie (Gwynn) 2
Polaris (Dane) 3
Pepper Potts 3
Kitty Pryde 3
Psylocke (Braddock) 3
Valeria Richards 2
Rogue (Anna Marie) 3
Betty Ross 2
Satana (Hellstrom) 3
Scarlet Witch (Maximoff) 6
Selene 2
Sersi 2
Shanna the She-Devil (O'Hara) 2
She-Hulk (Walters) 5
Sif 3
Silver Sable 3
Snowbird 2
Songbird 4
Spider-Woman (Drew) 3
Squirrel Girl 2
Gwen Stacy 2
Stature 2
Storm (Monroe) 5
Thena 2
Thundra 2
Tigra (Nelson) 3
Titania (MacPherran) 2
Typhoid Mary 3
Umar 2
Valkyrie (Brunnhilde) 3
Valkyrie (Parrington) 2
Venus (siren) 1
Vindicator (Heather Hudson) 2
Viper (Madame Hydra) 4
Wasp (Van Dyne) 5
Mary Jane Watson 4
Colleen Wing 2
X-23 (Kinney) 2

I'm not sure which ones are expanded and which ones aren't, but now at least everyone can see which entries have more pages, etc.

And as noted above, unless she was shoved somewhere random and I somehow missed her, Betty Brant is listed on the back cover but doesn't have an entry in the actual book.

Hope that helps!

Thanks for the page counts, deadpoolRP.

Just a few questions as mine has not yet arrived:
1) Does Betty Ross' entry give her superhuman stats, like for Harpy and She-Rulk? Just wondering since there has been no mention of a She-Rulk profile (yes, yes I know some claimed there was one in the pages of Hulk in the beginning of the year, yet all info was blacked out, and I am not sure we could trust the power grid if other info was not "known" at that time)

2) I remember Wasp (Janet) got 8 pages in the HC. Is the Wasp's entry here the same 5 pages of history as in HC without her 3 pages of costumes?

@MartyP: Well, I know Kitty wasn't listed as "Shadowcat" in the HC, but after Prowler as "Kitty Pryde", so perhaps they are following the same naming here. I don't think the HB team can change what Marvel decides.

I remember this made me think either Kitty was going to be killed (well, she was living in a bullet in space at that time) or going to be renamed by Marvel. Then, they could recycle the "Shadowcat" name for someone else. Just my guess.

Aug 7, 2010, 04:04 pm

Marty P wrote:

Why is Kitty not listed as Shadowcat?:stars:

Kitty's just one of those characters who, like Emma Frost and Jean Grey, is more well known by her real name than any of her various code names. There could be a deeper meaning behind it, I guess, but I personally wouldn't read too much into it. These handbooks aren't an exact science or anything (hence Psylocke's entry not listing X-Club as a group affiliation, while Storm's lists X-Treme X-Men, etc.).

Phoenixx9 wrote:

Thanks for the page counts, deadpoolRP.

Just a few questions as mine has not yet arrived:
1) Does Betty Ross' entry give her superhuman stats, like for Harpy and She-Rulk? Just wondering since there has been no mention of a She-Rulk profile (yes, yes I know some claimed there was one in the pages of Hulk in the beginning of the year, yet all info was blacked out, and I am not sure we could trust the power grid if other info was not "known" at that time)

2) I remember Wasp (Janet) got 8 pages in the HC. Is the Wasp's entry here the same 5 pages of history as in HC without her 3 pages of costumes?

1.) Yep, there are power ratings for her as Red She-Hulk and (I believe) the Harpy.

2.) I believe you have that exactly right, because I don't remember 3 pages of costumes. There was, however, over a page of power/ability ratings: I originally put her entry down as 4 pages and then turned the page to find a whole additional page full of powers info . . .

Oh, and you're welcome!

Eduardo M.
Jan 31, 2011, 04:00 pm

Finally got my hands on this thanks to Amazon.

Hanvent had a chance to really sit down and read it but it looks like alot of entries have new artwork and at least some updates as far as history is concerned. Many Avengers related entries are up to date as far as the end of Siege/begining of the Heroic Age and the X-Men entries seem to go as far as the events of Necrosha.

Jan 31, 2011, 07:09 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

Finally got my hands on this thanks to Amazon.

Hanvent had a chance to really sit down and read it but it looks like alot of entries have new artwork and at least some updates as far as history is concerned. Many Avengers related entries are up to date as far as the end of Siege/begining of the Heroic Age and the X-Men entries seem to go as far as the events of Necrosha.

Wow, Eduardo, you have patience :halo: not to have picked this up sooner, although if you collected the HCs then for the most part, you already had these entries.

Glad to hear Amazon still has these in stock and that all those points of contacts I made in June & July paid off. At that time, no one had this book listed for July release and I was afraid I/we would miss it! I also purchased through Amazon. Others claimed they had this book, but it was the Women of Marvel 75th anniversary issues, either the 344 page collection of stories or that humongous collection costing USA $125.00

I appreciated the updating that was done on the entries, which is what I mentioned in the summer I was Hoping they would do for those who needed such treatment. So thank you hard-working HB staffers! The updating was a great touch! :worthy:

I love this book which is very unique and I love the cover: the color, appearance and the great artwork. The layout of characters worked well. And get Wanda with a hex-sphere encasing herself--very unique! That must be what Wanda used when she entered Onslaught :hmmm:!

:read: You have much good reading ahead, Eduardo. Enjoy!

Eduardo M.
Jan 31, 2011, 10:02 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

Wow, Eduardo, you have patience :halo: not to have picked this up sooner.
I know. I didnt know how much updating was going to be in the book. But I was looking for something Handbooky to keep me going till April and thought I'd give this a chance. Glad I did
:read: You have much good reading ahead, Eduardo. Enjoy!

oh I WILL.

(evil chuckle)

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)

6/22/2020 12:31 pm  #2

Re: Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades Handbook TPB

Could somebody tell me which profiles in this trade were updated/expanded? Thanks in advance!


7/06/2020 9:21 am  #3

Re: Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades Handbook TPB

Rayeye wrote:

Could somebody tell me which profiles in this trade were updated/expanded? Thanks in advance!

The only one I know of offhand is the golden age Black Widow.


7/09/2020 2:21 pm  #4

Re: Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades Handbook TPB

zuckyd1 wrote:

Rayeye wrote:

Could somebody tell me which profiles in this trade were updated/expanded? Thanks in advance!

The only one I know of offhand is the golden age Black Widow.



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