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1/11/2022 3:57 am  #61

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

48 Carter Bowen


1/11/2022 8:14 am  #62

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

201 I'll allow because I didn't clarify before that everyone in the collage series is an specific character unlike past collages (though sometimes as in this case their race is all you have to go by in terms of name), and because this is the only character of that race in this collage series and possibly anywhere in the Arrowverse thus far. So this is Unnamed K'hund (Fort Rozz escapee). The rest are correct; list updated.

No worries if people don't get to these too often due to other commitments (aside from making a living I'm a firm believer in people spending time offline), though after 24 hours I reserve the right to add more clues as the mood strikes me.


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     Thread Starter

1/14/2022 7:55 am  #63

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Adding next 50 occupations
1. Comics; criminal
4. Original; unrevealed
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer
6. Original; university dean
9. Real person; warrior; fictional version briefly actress
10. Original; businessman
12. Original; cultist
16. Original; police detective
17. Original; unrevealed
18. Comics; criminal
19. Comics; warden
20. Comics; terrorist
21. Comics; crime lord
22. Comics; mayor
23. Original; scientist
24. Original; editor-in-chief
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal
26. Original; criminal
27. Original; sheriff
29. Original; federal agent
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer)
31. Original; drug dealer
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman
33. Original; engineer turned professor
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave
36. Comics; unrevealed
37. Original; attorney
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer
39. Comics; military general
40. Original; university professor
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none
42. Original; assassin
46. Original; sheriff
51. Comics; unrevealed
52. Comics (different first name); police department employee
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife
57. Original; criminal
58. Original; alderman
60. Original; criminal
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist
62. Original; security agent
63. Original; caretaker
64. Comics; criminal
65. Original; chef
66. Original; student
67. Comics; bank robber
69. Original; unrevealed
70. Original; likely assassin
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed
72. Original; unrevealed
73. Real person; queen
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal
77. Original; unrevealed
78. Comics; businessman
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power
80. Original; medical doctor
81. Original; pianist
82. Original; unrevealed
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff
84. Original; unrevealed
85. Original; businessman
86. Original; serial killer
87. Original; CEO
88. Original; criminal
89. Original; councilman
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster
92. Comics; king
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin
94. Real person; prince
95. Original; unrevealed
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer
97. Original; prison guard
98. Original; pilot
99. Original; some sort of media employee
100. Original; drug dealer
101. Comics; unrevealed
102. Original; crime boss
103. Real person; singer
105. Comics; bar owner
106. Original; documentary director
107. Original; bartender
108. Original; retail manager
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts
110. Comics; cage fighter
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared
113. Real person
114. Original
116. Original
117. Comics
118. Original
119. Original
121. Original
122. Original
124. Original
125. Original
126. Original but related to character from comics
127. Original
128. Original
129. Original
130. Likely comics
131. Comics
132. Original
133. Original
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same
135. Comics
136. Comics
137. Original
138. Original
139. Original
140. Original
141. Original
142. Original
143. Original
144. Original
145. Real person
146. Real person
147. Comics
148. Original (real name), comics (alias)
149. Original
150. Original
151. Comics character with different name
152. Original
153. Original
154. Original
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar)
156. Original
157. Original
158. Comics
159. Original
160. Original mixed with mythology
162. Original
163. Original
164. Original
165. Original
166. Comics
167. Original
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same)
170. Original
171. Original
172. Mentioned in a movie
173. Original but related to character from comics
174. Original
175. Original
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person
177. Original
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people
180. Original
181. Real person
182. Original
183. Real person
184. Comics
185. Original
186. Movie
187. Comics
188. Original
189. Comics
190. Original
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person
193. Original
194. Original
195. Original
196. Original
197. Original
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use
199. Original
200. Original
202. Original
203. Original
204. Original
205. Original
206. Real person
207. Original
208. Real person (at least going by first name)
209. Comics
210. Original, though shares name with comics character
211. Original
212. Original
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs.
214. Original
215. Original but related to character from comics
216. Original
217. Original
218. Original though code name used by comics characters
219. Original
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character
221. Real person
222. Original
223. Original
224. Comics
225. Comics
226. Original
227. Original
228. Original
229. Original
230. Original
231. Original
232. Original
233. Original
234. Original
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show
236. Original
237. Comics
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics)
239. Original
240. Comics (comics version has different surname)
241. Comics (comics version has different surname)
242. Comics
243. Comics
244. Original
245. Original
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share
247. Comics
248. Original
249. Comics
251. Real person
252. Original
253. Original
255. Original
256. Original
257. Comics
258. Comics
259. Original
261. Original
262. Comics but different name
263. Earlier show (different real name)
264. Original
265. Comics
266. Comics (comics vdersion unnamed)
267. Original
268. Original
270. Original
271. Original
272. Comics
273. Original
274. Original
275. Original
276. Comics
277. Original
278. Original
279. Original
280. Comics
281. Original
283. Real person
286. Comics
287. Original
288. Comics
289. Comics
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown
291. Original
292. Original
293. Comics (comics version has different first name)
294. Earlier character this continuity
295. Original
296. Original
297. Original
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different
299. Comics
301. Comics
302. Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities
303. Original
304. Original
305. Original
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show
307. Comics
308. Original
309. Original
310. Original
311. Original
312. Original
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics)
314. Comics
315. Original
316. Original
317. Original
318. Original
319. Original
320. Original
321. Original
322. Original
323. Original
324. Original
325. Original
326. Original
327. Original
328. Original
329. Original
330. Original
331. Original
333. Original
334. Real person
335. Comics
336. Original
337. Original
338. Original
339. Comics
340. Comics
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently
342. Original
343. Comics
344. Original
345. Original
346. Original
347. Original
348. Original
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name
350. Original
351. Original
352. Original
353. Comics, though heavily changed
354. Original
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people
356. Original
357. Original
358. Original
359. Original
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name
361. Original
362. Original
363. Comics
364. Original
365. Real person (with caveat)
366. Original
367. Original


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     Thread Starter

1/16/2022 1:22 pm  #64

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Adding next 50 occupations
1. Comics; criminal
4. Original; unrevealed
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer
6. Original; university dean
9. Real person; warrior; fictional version briefly actress
10. Original; businessman
12. Original; cultist
16. Original; police detective
17. Original; unrevealed
18. Comics; criminal
19. Comics; warden
20. Comics; terrorist
21. Comics; crime lord
22. Comics; mayor
23. Original; scientist
24. Original; editor-in-chief
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal
26. Original; criminal
27. Original; sheriff
29. Original; federal agent
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer)
31. Original; drug dealer
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman
33. Original; engineer turned professor
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave
36. Comics; unrevealed
37. Original; attorney
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer
39. Comics; military general
40. Original; university professor
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none
42. Original; assassin
46. Original; sheriff
51. Comics; unrevealed
52. Comics (different first name); police department employee
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife
57. Original; criminal
58. Original; alderman
60. Original; criminal
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist
62. Original; security agent
63. Original; caretaker
64. Comics; criminal
65. Original; chef
66. Original; student
67. Comics; bank robber
69. Original; unrevealed
70. Original; likely assassin
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed
72. Original; unrevealed
73. Real person; queen
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal
77. Original; unrevealed
78. Comics; businessman
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power
80. Original; medical doctor
81. Original; pianist
82. Original; unrevealed
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff
84. Original; unrevealed
85. Original; businessman
86. Original; serial killer
87. Original; CEO
88. Original; criminal
89. Original; councilman
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster
92. Comics; king
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin
94. Real person; prince
95. Original; unrevealed
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer
97. Original; prison guard
98. Original; pilot
99. Original; some sort of media employee
100. Original; drug dealer
101. Comics; unrevealed
102. Original; crime boss
103. Real person; singer
105. Comics; bar owner
106. Original; documentary director
107. Original; bartender
108. Original; retail manager
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts
110. Comics; cage fighter
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared; assassin
113. Real person; king
114. Original; disc jockey/assassin
116. Original; ex-criminal
117. Comics; attorney
118. Original; CEO/businessman/land baron
119. Original; councilman
121. Original; federal law enforcement agent
122. Original; student when last seen
124. Original; solider
125. Original; time pirate
126. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed
127. Original; toy shop worker
128. Original; unrevealed
129. Original; temporal agent
130. Likely comics; high ranking military officer
131. Comics; criminal
132. Original; nightclub employee
133. Original; student
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same; unrevealed
135. Comics; unrevealed
136. Comics; travel enforcement officer
137. Original; medical doctor
138. Original; student
139. Original; fire chief
140. Original; CEO/businessman
141. Original; personal assistant
142. Original; restaurant employee
143. Original; real estate developer
144. Original; career criminal
145. Real person; prop master turned film director
146. Real person; army commander, likely turned prime minister
147. Comics; board member
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante
149. Original; unrevealed
150. Original; criminal
151. Comics character with different name; warrior
152. Original; unrevealed
153. Real person; astronaut
154. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer)
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar); arsonist
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker
157. Original; board member
158. Comics; businessman
159. Original; police officer
160. Original mixed with mythology; coachman
162. Original; district attorney
163. Original; unrevealed, but likely student if any when last seen
164. Original; student when last seen
165. Original; criminal
166. Comics
167. Original
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same)
170. Original
171. Original
172. Mentioned in a movie
173. Original but related to character from comics
174. Original
175. Original
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person
177. Original
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people
180. Original
181. Real person
182. Original
183. Real person
184. Comics
185. Original
186. Movie
187. Comics
188. Original
189. Comics
190. Original
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person
193. Original
194. Original
195. Original
196. Original
197. Original
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use
199. Original
200. Original
202. Original
203. Original
204. Original
205. Original
206. Real person
207. Original
208. Real person (at least going by first name)
209. Comics
210. Original, though shares name with comics character
211. Original
212. Original
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs.
214. Original
215. Original but related to character from comics
216. Original
217. Original
218. Original though code name used by comics characters
219. Original
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character
221. Real person
222. Original
223. Original
224. Comics
225. Comics
226. Original
227. Original
228. Original
229. Original
230. Original
231. Original
232. Original
233. Original
234. Original
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show
236. Original
237. Comics
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics)
239. Original
240. Comics (comics version has different surname)
241. Comics (comics version has different surname)
242. Comics
243. Comics
244. Original
245. Original
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share
247. Comics
248. Original
249. Comics
251. Real person
252. Original
253. Original
255. Original
256. Original
257. Comics
258. Comics
259. Original
261. Original
262. Comics but different name
263. Earlier show (different real name)
264. Original
265. Comics
266. Comics (comics vdersion unnamed)
267. Original
268. Original
270. Original
271. Original
272. Comics
273. Original
274. Original
275. Original
276. Comics
277. Original
278. Original
279. Original
280. Comics
281. Original
283. Real person
286. Comics
287. Original
288. Comics
289. Comics
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown
291. Original
292. Original
293. Comics (comics version has different first name)
294. Earlier character this continuity
295. Original
296. Original
297. Original
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different
299. Comics
301. Comics
302. Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities
303. Original
304. Original
305. Original
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show
307. Comics
308. Original
309. Original
310. Original
311. Original
312. Original
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics)
314. Comics
315. Original
316. Original
317. Original
318. Original
319. Original
320. Original
321. Original
322. Original
323. Original
324. Original
325. Original
326. Original
327. Original
328. Original
329. Original
330. Original
331. Original
333. Original
334. Real person
335. Comics
336. Original
337. Original
338. Original
339. Comics
340. Comics
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently
342. Original
343. Comics
344. Original
345. Original
346. Original
347. Original
348. Original
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name
350. Original
351. Original
352. Original
353. Comics, though heavily changed
354. Original
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people
356. Original
357. Original
358. Original
359. Original
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name
361. Original
362. Original
363. Comics
364. Original
365. Real person (with caveat)
366. Original
367. Original

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     Thread Starter

1/17/2022 11:04 am  #65

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Adding next 50 occupations
1. Comics; criminal
4. Original; unrevealed
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer
6. Original; university dean
9. Real person; warrior; fictional version briefly actress
10. Original; businessman
12. Original; cultist
16. Original; police detective
17. Original; unrevealed
18. Comics; criminal
19. Comics; warden
20. Comics; terrorist
21. Comics; crime lord
22. Comics; mayor
23. Original; scientist
24. Original; editor-in-chief
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal
26. Original; criminal
27. Original; sheriff
29. Original; federal agent
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer)
31. Original; drug dealer
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman
33. Original; engineer turned professor
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave
36. Comics; unrevealed
37. Original; attorney
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer
39. Comics; military general
40. Original; university professor
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none
42. Original; assassin
46. Original; sheriff
51. Comics; unrevealed
52. Comics (different first name); police department employee
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife
57. Original; criminal
58. Original; alderman
60. Original; criminal
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist
62. Original; security agent
63. Original; caretaker
64. Comics; criminal
65. Original; chef
66. Original; student
67. Comics; bank robber
69. Original; unrevealed
70. Original; likely assassin
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed
72. Original; unrevealed
73. Real person; queen
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal
77. Original; unrevealed
78. Comics; businessman
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power
80. Original; medical doctor
81. Original; pianist
82. Original; unrevealed
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff
84. Original; unrevealed
85. Original; businessman
86. Original; serial killer
87. Original; CEO
88. Original; criminal
89. Original; councilman
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster
92. Comics; king
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin
94. Real person; prince
95. Original; unrevealed
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer
97. Original; prison guard
98. Original; pilot
99. Original; some sort of media employee
100. Original; drug dealer
101. Comics; unrevealed
102. Original; crime boss
103. Real person; singer
105. Comics; bar owner
106. Original; documentary director
107. Original; bartender
108. Original; retail manager
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts
110. Comics; cage fighter
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared; assassin
113. Real person; king
114. Original; disc jockey/assassin
116. Original; ex-criminal
117. Comics; attorney
118. Original; CEO/businessman/land baron
119. Original; councilman
121. Original; federal law enforcement agent
122. Original; student when last seen
124. Original; solider
125. Original; time pirate
126. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed
127. Original; toy shop worker
128. Original; unrevealed
129. Original; temporal agent
130. Likely comics; high ranking military officer
131. Comics; criminal
132. Original; nightclub employee
133. Original; student
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same; unrevealed
135. Comics; unrevealed
136. Comics; travel enforcement officer
137. Original; medical doctor
138. Original; student
139. Original; fire chief
140. Original; CEO/businessman
141. Original; personal assistant
142. Original; restaurant employee
143. Original; real estate developer
144. Original; career criminal
145. Real person; prop master turned film director
146. Real person; army commander, likely turned prime minister
147. Comics; board member
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante
149. Original; unrevealed
150. Original; criminal
151. Comics character with different name; warrior
152. Original; unrevealed
153. Real person; astronaut
154. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer)
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar); arsonist
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker
157. Original; board member
158. Comics; businessman
159. Original; police officer
160. Original mixed with mythology; coachman
162. Original; district attorney
163. Original; unrevealed, but likely student if any when last seen
164. Original; student when last seen
165. Original; criminal
166. Comics; police detective
167. Original; Unrevealed, possible criminal
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same), cryogeneticist, bartender, criminal
170. Original; deputy sheriff
172. Mentioned in a movie; physician
173. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed
174. Original; terrorist
175. Original; marine biologist
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person; babysitter
177. Original; judge
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people; collections officer
180. Original; nun turned singer/guitarist
181. Real person; tsarina
182. Original; fence
183. Real person; musician
184. Comics; board member, businessman
185. Original; lawyer turned criminal
186. Movie; witch
187. Comics; wrestler turned criminal
188. Original; unrevealed
189. Comics; student
190. Original; criminak
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person; physician
193. Original; orphanage head, foster mother
194. Original; bowler
195. Original; police sergeant
196. Original; criminal
197. Original; probable student
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use; bank robber
199. Original; medical doctor
200. Original; nurse
202. Original; bartender
203. Original; unrevealed, possible student when last seen
204. Original; activist of sorts
205. Original; electrics company employee
206. Real person; novelist
207. Original; soldier
208. Real person (at least going by first name); unrevealed
209. Comics; energy source
210. Original, though shares name with comics character; unrevealed
211. Original; bank robber
212. Original; criminal
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs; ruler
214. Original; therapist
215. Original but related to character from comics; fire chief
216. Original; religious figure (can't say what kind without revealing name), possible assassin
217. Original; sheriff
218. Original though code name used by comics characters; crime lord
219. Original; criminal
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character; criminal of sorts, though possibly not by occupation
221. Real person
222. Original
223. Original
224. Comics
225. Comics
226. Original
227. Original
228. Original
229. Original
230. Original
231. Original
232. Original
233. Original
234. Original
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show
236. Original
237. Comics
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics)
239. Original
240. Comics (comics version has different surname)
241. Comics (comics version has different surname)
242. Comics
243. Comics
244. Original
245. Original
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share
247. Comics
248. Original
249. Comics
251. Real person
252. Original
253. Original
255. Original
256. Original
257. Comics
258. Comics
259. Original
261. Original
262. Comics but different name
263. Earlier show (different real name)
264. Original
265. Comics
266. Comics (comics vdersion unnamed)
267. Original
268. Original
270. Original
271. Original
272. Comics
273. Original
274. Original
275. Original
276. Comics
277. Original
278. Original
279. Original
280. Comics
281. Original
283. Real person
286. Comics
287. Original
288. Comics
289. Comics
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown
291. Original
292. Original
293. Comics (comics version has different first name)
294. Earlier character this continuity
295. Original
296. Original
297. Original
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different
299. Comics
301. Comics
302. Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities
303. Original
304. Original
305. Original
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show
307. Comics
308. Original
309. Original
310. Original
311. Original
312. Original
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics)
314. Comics
315. Original
316. Original
317. Original
318. Original
319. Original
320. Original
321. Original
322. Original
323. Original
324. Original
325. Original
326. Original
327. Original
328. Original
329. Original
330. Original
331. Original
333. Original
334. Real person
335. Comics
336. Original
337. Original
338. Original
339. Comics
340. Comics
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently
342. Original
343. Comics
344. Original
345. Original
346. Original
347. Original
348. Original
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name
350. Original
351. Original
352. Original
353. Comics, though heavily changed
354. Original
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people
356. Original
357. Original
358. Original
359. Original
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name
361. Original
362. Original
363. Comics
364. Original
365. Real person (with caveat)
366. Original
367. Original

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
     Thread Starter

1/22/2022 9:01 am  #66

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Adding next 50 occupations
1. Comics; criminal
4. Original; unrevealed
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer
6. Original; university dean
9. Real person; warrior; fictional version briefly actress
10. Original; businessman
12. Original; cultist
16. Original; police detective
17. Original; unrevealed
18. Comics; criminal
19. Comics; warden
20. Comics; terrorist
21. Comics; crime lord
22. Comics; mayor
23. Original; scientist
24. Original; editor-in-chief
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal
26. Original; criminal
27. Original; sheriff
29. Original; federal agent
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer)
31. Original; drug dealer
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman
33. Original; engineer turned professor
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave
36. Comics; unrevealed
37. Original; attorney
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer
39. Comics; military general
40. Original; university professor
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none
42. Original; assassin
46. Original; sheriff
51. Comics; unrevealed
52. Comics (different first name); police department employee
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife
57. Original; criminal
58. Original; alderman
60. Original; criminal
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist
62. Original; security agent
63. Original; caretaker
64. Comics; criminal
65. Original; chef
66. Original; student
67. Comics; bank robber
69. Original; unrevealed
70. Original; likely assassin
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed
72. Original; unrevealed
73. Real person; queen
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal
77. Original; unrevealed
78. Comics; businessman
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power
80. Original; medical doctor
81. Original; pianist
82. Original; unrevealed
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff
84. Original; unrevealed
85. Original; businessman
86. Original; serial killer
87. Original; CEO
88. Original; criminal
89. Original; councilman
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster
92. Comics; king
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin
94. Real person; prince
95. Original; unrevealed
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer
97. Original; prison guard
98. Original; pilot
99. Original; some sort of media employee
100. Original; drug dealer
101. Comics; unrevealed
102. Original; crime boss
103. Real person; singer
105. Comics; bar owner
106. Original; documentary director
107. Original; bartender
108. Original; retail manager
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts
110. Comics; cage fighter
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared; assassin
113. Real person; king
114. Original; disc jockey/assassin
116. Original; ex-criminal
117. Comics; attorney
118. Original; CEO/businessman/land baron
119. Original; councilman
121. Original; federal law enforcement agent
122. Original; student when last seen
124. Original; solider
125. Original; time pirate
126. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed
127. Original; toy shop worker
128. Original; unrevealed
129. Original; temporal agent
130. Likely comics; high ranking military officer
131. Comics; criminal
132. Original; nightclub employee
133. Original; student
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same; unrevealed
135. Comics; unrevealed
136. Comics; travel enforcement officer
137. Original; medical doctor
138. Original; student
139. Original; fire chief
140. Original; CEO/businessman
141. Original; personal assistant
142. Original; restaurant employee
143. Original; real estate developer
144. Original; career criminal
145. Real person; prop master turned film director
146. Real person; army commander, likely turned prime minister
147. Comics; board member
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante
149. Original; unrevealed
150. Original; criminal
151. Comics character with different name; warrior
152. Original; unrevealed
153. Real person; astronaut
154. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer)
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar); arsonist
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker
157. Original; board member
158. Comics; businessman
159. Original; police officer
160. Original mixed with mythology; coachman
162. Original; district attorney
163. Original; unrevealed, but likely student if any when last seen
164. Original; student when last seen
165. Original; criminal
166. Comics; police detective
167. Original; Unrevealed, possible criminal
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same), cryogeneticist, bartender, criminal
170. Original; deputy sheriff
172. Mentioned in a movie; physician
173. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed
174. Original; terrorist
175. Original; marine biologist
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person; babysitter
177. Original; judge
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people; collections officer
180. Original; nun turned singer/guitarist
181. Real person; tsarina
182. Original; fence
183. Real person; musician
184. Comics; board member, businessman
185. Original; lawyer turned criminal
186. Movie; witch
187. Comics; wrestler turned criminal
188. Original; unrevealed
189. Comics; student
190. Original; criminak
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person; physician
193. Original; orphanage head, foster mother
194. Original; bowler
195. Original; police sergeant
196. Original; criminal
197. Original; probable student
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use; bank robber
199. Original; medical doctor
200. Original; nurse
202. Original; bartender
203. Original; unrevealed, possible student when last seen
204. Original; activist of sorts
205. Original; electrics company employee
206. Real person; novelist
207. Original; soldier
208. Real person (at least going by first name); unrevealed
209. Comics; energy source
210. Original, though shares name with comics character; unrevealed
211. Original; bank robber
212. Original; criminal
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs; ruler
214. Original; therapist
215. Original but related to character from comics; fire chief
216. Original; religious figure (can't say what kind without revealing name), possible assassin
217. Original; sheriff
218. Original though code name used by comics characters; crime lord
219. Original; criminal
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character; criminal of sorts, though possibly not by occupation
221. Real person; priestess
222. Original; pirate
223. Original; film director
224. Comics; outlaw
225. Comics; student
226. Original; unrevealed; posed as treasure seeker
227. Original; federal agent
228. Original; crime family consigliere
229. Original; student
230. Original; robotics engineer
231. Original; federal agent posing as accountant
232. Original; government (not American) agent
233. Original; waitress
234. Original; criminal
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show; police task force officer
236. Original; high school coach
237. Comics; police commissioner
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics); bank robber
239. Original; unrevealed
240. Comics (comics version has different surname); unrevealed
241. Comics (comics version has different surname); legal aid attorney
242. Comics; high ranking military officer
243. Comics; mobster/money launderer, nightclub manager
244. Original; SWAT officer turned bodyguard
245. Original; federal agent
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share; head of security, criminal
247. Comics; gangster
248. Original; unrevealed
249. Comics; trivia night hostt
251. Real person; shogun
252. Original; high priestess
253. Original; board member
255. Original; unrevealed
256. Original; shopkeeper
257. Comics; assassin
258. Comics; military officer
259. Original; unrevealed
261. Original; criminal turned boxer
262. Comics but different name; hitman
263. Earlier show (different real name); drug dealer
264. Original; bank robber
265. Comics; apparrent criminal
266. Comics (comics vdersion unnamed); unrevaled
267. Original; unrevealed, possibly none
268. Original; probably none so far, possibly student
270. Original; parole officer
271. Original; member of resistance group
272. Comics; probably criminal
273. Original; car thief
274. Original; soldier
275. Original
276. Comics
277. Original
278. Original
279. Original
280. Comics
281. Original
283. Real person
286. Comics
287. Original
288. Comics
289. Comics
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown
291. Original
292. Original
293. Comics (comics version has different first name)
294. Earlier character this continuity
295. Original
296. Original
297. Original
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different
299. Comics
301. Comics
302. Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities
303. Original
304. Original
305. Original
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show
307. Comics
308. Original
309. Original
310. Original
311. Original
312. Original
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics)
314. Comics
315. Original
316. Original
317. Original
318. Original
319. Original
320. Original
321. Original
322. Original
323. Original
324. Original
325. Original
326. Original
327. Original
328. Original
329. Original
330. Original
331. Original
333. Original
334. Real person
335. Comics
336. Original
337. Original
338. Original
339. Comics
340. Comics
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently
342. Original
343. Comics
344. Original
345. Original
346. Original
347. Original
348. Original
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name
350. Original
351. Original
352. Original
353. Comics, though heavily changed
354. Original
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people
356. Original
357. Original
358. Original
359. Original
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name
361. Original
362. Original
363. Comics
364. Original
365. Real person (with caveat)
366. Original
367. Original

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     Thread Starter

1/23/2022 9:39 am  #67

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Adding next 50 occupations
1. Comics; criminal
4. Original; unrevealed
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer
6. Original; university dean
9. Real person; warrior; fictional version briefly actress
10. Original; businessman
12. Original; cultist
16. Original; police detective
17. Original; unrevealed
18. Comics; criminal
19. Comics; warden
20. Comics; terrorist
21. Comics; crime lord
22. Comics; mayor
23. Original; scientist
24. Original; editor-in-chief
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal
26. Original; criminal
27. Original; sheriff
29. Original; federal agent
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer)
31. Original; drug dealer
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman
33. Original; engineer turned professor
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave
36. Comics; unrevealed
37. Original; attorney
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer
39. Comics; military general
40. Original; university professor
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none
42. Original; assassin
46. Original; sheriff
51. Comics; unrevealed
52. Comics (different first name); police department employee
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife
57. Original; criminal
58. Original; alderman
60. Original; criminal
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist
62. Original; security agent
63. Original; caretaker
64. Comics; criminal
65. Original; chef
66. Original; student
67. Comics; bank robber
69. Original; unrevealed
70. Original; likely assassin
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed
72. Original; unrevealed
73. Real person; queen
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal
77. Original; unrevealed
78. Comics; businessman
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power
80. Original; medical doctor
81. Original; pianist
82. Original; unrevealed
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff
84. Original; unrevealed
85. Original; businessman
86. Original; serial killer
87. Original; CEO
88. Original; criminal
89. Original; councilman
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster
92. Comics; king
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin
94. Real person; prince
95. Original; unrevealed
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer
97. Original; prison guard
98. Original; pilot
99. Original; some sort of media employee
100. Original; drug dealer
101. Comics; unrevealed
102. Original; crime boss
103. Real person; singer
105. Comics; bar owner
106. Original; documentary director
107. Original; bartender
108. Original; retail manager
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts
110. Comics; cage fighter
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared; assassin
113. Real person; king
114. Original; disc jockey/assassin
116. Original; ex-criminal
117. Comics; attorney
118. Original; CEO/businessman/land baron
119. Original; councilman
121. Original; federal law enforcement agent
122. Original; student when last seen
124. Original; solider
125. Original; time pirate
126. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed
127. Original; toy shop worker
128. Original; unrevealed
129. Original; temporal agent
130. Likely comics; high ranking military officer
131. Comics; criminal
132. Original; nightclub employee
133. Original; student
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same; unrevealed
135. Comics; unrevealed
136. Comics; travel enforcement officer
137. Original; medical doctor
138. Original; student
139. Original; fire chief
140. Original; CEO/businessman
141. Original; personal assistant
142. Original; restaurant employee
143. Original; real estate developer
144. Original; career criminal
145. Real person; prop master turned film director
146. Real person; army commander, likely turned prime minister
147. Comics; board member
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante
149. Original; unrevealed
150. Original; criminal
151. Comics character with different name; warrior
152. Original; unrevealed
153. Real person; astronaut
154. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer)
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar); arsonist
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker
157. Original; board member
158. Comics; businessman
159. Original; police officer
160. Original mixed with mythology; coachman
162. Original; district attorney
163. Original; unrevealed, but likely student if any when last seen
164. Original; student when last seen
165. Original; criminal
166. Comics; police detective
167. Original; Unrevealed, possible criminal
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same), cryogeneticist, bartender, criminal
170. Original; deputy sheriff
172. Mentioned in a movie; physician
173. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed
174. Original; terrorist
175. Original; marine biologist
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person; babysitter
177. Original; judge
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people; collections officer
180. Original; nun turned singer/guitarist
181. Real person; tsarina
182. Original; fence
183. Real person; musician
184. Comics; board member, businessman
185. Original; lawyer turned criminal
186. Movie; witch
187. Comics; wrestler turned criminal
188. Original; unrevealed
189. Comics; student
190. Original; criminak
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person; physician
193. Original; orphanage head, foster mother
194. Original; bowler
195. Original; police sergeant
196. Original; criminal
197. Original; probable student
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use; bank robber
199. Original; medical doctor
200. Original; nurse
202. Original; bartender
203. Original; unrevealed, possible student when last seen
204. Original; activist of sorts
205. Original; electrics company employee
206. Real person; novelist
207. Original; soldier
208. Real person (at least going by first name); unrevealed
209. Comics; energy source
210. Original, though shares name with comics character; unrevealed
211. Original; bank robber
212. Original; criminal
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs; ruler
214. Original; therapist
215. Original but related to character from comics; fire chief
216. Original; religious figure (can't say what kind without revealing name), possible assassin
217. Original; sheriff
218. Original though code name used by comics characters; crime lord
219. Original; criminal
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character; criminal of sorts, though possibly not by occupation
221. Real person; priestess
222. Original; pirate
223. Original; film director
224. Comics; outlaw
225. Comics; student
226. Original; unrevealed; posed as treasure seeker
227. Original; federal agent
228. Original; crime family consigliere
229. Original; student
230. Original; robotics engineer
231. Original; federal agent posing as accountant
232. Original; government (not American) agent
233. Original; waitress
234. Original; criminal
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show; police task force officer
236. Original; high school coach
237. Comics; police commissioner
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics); bank robber
239. Original; unrevealed
240. Comics (comics version has different surname); unrevealed
241. Comics (comics version has different surname); legal aid attorney
242. Comics; high ranking military officer
243. Comics; mobster/money launderer, nightclub manager
244. Original; SWAT officer turned bodyguard
245. Original; federal agent
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share; head of security, criminal
247. Comics; gangster
248. Original; unrevealed
249. Comics; trivia night hostt
251. Real person; shogun
252. Original; high priestess
253. Original; board member
255. Original; unrevealed
256. Original; shopkeeper
257. Comics; assassin
258. Comics; military officer
259. Original; unrevealed
261. Original; criminal turned boxer
262. Comics but different name; hitman
263. Earlier show (different real name); drug dealer
264. Original; bank robber
265. Comics; apparrent criminal
266. Comics (comics vdersion unnamed); unrevaled
267. Original; unrevealed, possibly none
268. Original; probably none so far, possibly student
270. Original; parole officer
271. Original; member of resistance group
272. Comics; probably criminal
273. Original; car thief
274. Original; soldier
275. Original; soldier turned leader of vigilante group
276. Comics; toy manufacturing company owner
277. Original; high ranking politician
278. Original; EMT
279. Original; attorney
280. Comics; physician
281. Original; philanthropist/clinic owner
283. Real person; student when last seen; likely later an attorney, philanthropist, and civic leader
286. Comics; police detective
287. Original; influencer
288. Comics; criminal
289. Comics; journalist
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown; criminal
291. Original; criminal/double agent
292. Original; very high ranking poiltician
293. Comics (comics version has different first name); criminal
294. Earlier character this continuity; none
295. Original; banker
296. Original; football coach
297. Original; mercenary
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different; mechanical engineer turned criminal
299. Comics; assassin/black ops agent
301.  Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities; quantum engineer/CEO
302. Original; police officer
303. Original; student
304. Original; student if any
305. Original; student
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show; biomedical engineer, CEO
307. Comics; criminal
308. Original; mixed martial arts fighter
309. Original; waitress
310. Original; singer
311. Original; computer hacker
312. Original; fence
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics); CEO
314. Comics; unrevealed if applicable
315. Original; criminal
316. Original; museum curator
317. Original; maid
318. Original; shop owner
319. Original; drug dealer
320. Original; artifacts collector
321. Original; unrevealed; possible professional fighter
322. Original; reverend
323. Original; judge
324. Original; unrevealed
325. Likely comics (not DC), different surname; probable student when last seen
326. Original; soldier
327. Original; adventurer
328. Original; asylum nurse
329. Original
330. Original
331. Original
333. Original
334. Real person
335. Comics
336. Original
337. Original
338. Original
339. Comics
340. Comics
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently
342. Original
343. Comics
344. Original
345. Original
346. Original
347. Original
348. Original
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name
350. Original
351. Original
352. Original
353. Comics, though heavily changed
354. Original
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people
356. Original
357. Original
358. Original
359. Original
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name
361. Original
362. Original
363. Comics
364. Original
365. Real person (with caveat)
366. Original
367. Original


My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
     Thread Starter

1/23/2022 9:40 am  #68

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

I know this one's a tough one so I'm open to suggestions on making this a bit easier for people.

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
     Thread Starter

1/24/2022 8:52 am  #69

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Adding remaining occupations
1. Comics; criminal
4. Original; unrevealed
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer
6. Original; university dean
9. Real person; warrior; fictional version briefly actress
10. Original; businessman
12. Original; cultist
16. Original; police detective
17. Original; unrevealed
18. Comics; criminal
19. Comics; warden
20. Comics; terrorist
21. Comics; crime lord
22. Comics; mayor
23. Original; scientist
24. Original; editor-in-chief
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal
26. Original; criminal
27. Original; sheriff
29. Original; federal agent
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer)
31. Original; drug dealer
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman
33. Original; engineer turned professor
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave
36. Comics; unrevealed
37. Original; attorney
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer
39. Comics; military general
40. Original; university professor
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none
42. Original; assassin
46. Original; sheriff
51. Comics; unrevealed
52. Comics (different first name); police department employee
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife
57. Original; criminal
58. Original; alderman
60. Original; criminal
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist
62. Original; security agent
63. Original; caretaker
64. Comics; criminal
65. Original; chef
66. Original; student
67. Comics; bank robber
69. Original; unrevealed
70. Original; likely assassin
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed
72. Original; unrevealed
73. Real person; queen
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal
77. Original; unrevealed
78. Comics; businessman
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power
80. Original; medical doctor
81. Original; pianist
82. Original; unrevealed
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff
84. Original; unrevealed
85. Original; businessman
86. Original; serial killer
87. Original; CEO
88. Original; criminal
89. Original; councilman
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster
92. Comics; king
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin
94. Real person; prince
95. Original; unrevealed
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer
97. Original; prison guard
98. Original; pilot
99. Original; some sort of media employee
100. Original; drug dealer
101. Comics; unrevealed
102. Original; crime boss
103. Real person; singer
105. Comics; bar owner
106. Original; documentary director
107. Original; bartender
108. Original; retail manager
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts
110. Comics; cage fighter
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared; assassin
113. Real person; king
114. Original; disc jockey/assassin
116. Original; ex-criminal
117. Comics; attorney
118. Original; CEO/businessman/land baron
119. Original; councilman
121. Original; federal law enforcement agent
122. Original; student when last seen
124. Original; solider
125. Original; time pirate
126. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed
127. Original; toy shop worker
128. Original; unrevealed
129. Original; temporal agent
130. Likely comics; high ranking military officer
131. Comics; criminal
132. Original; nightclub employee
133. Original; student
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same; unrevealed
135. Comics; unrevealed
136. Comics; travel enforcement officer
137. Original; medical doctor
138. Original; student
139. Original; fire chief
140. Original; CEO/businessman
141. Original; personal assistant
142. Original; restaurant employee
143. Original; real estate developer
144. Original; career criminal
145. Real person; prop master turned film director
146. Real person; army commander, likely turned prime minister
147. Comics; board member
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante
149. Original; unrevealed
150. Original; criminal
151. Comics character with different name; warrior
152. Original; unrevealed
153. Real person; astronaut
154. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer)
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar); arsonist
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker
157. Original; board member
158. Comics; businessman
159. Original; police officer
160. Original mixed with mythology; coachman
162. Original; district attorney
163. Original; unrevealed, but likely student if any when last seen
164. Original; student when last seen
165. Original; criminal
166. Comics; police detective
167. Original; Unrevealed, possible criminal
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same), cryogeneticist, bartender, criminal
170. Original; deputy sheriff
172. Mentioned in a movie; physician
173. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed
174. Original; terrorist
175. Original; marine biologist
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person; babysitter
177. Original; judge
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people; collections officer
180. Original; nun turned singer/guitarist
181. Real person; tsarina
182. Original; fence
183. Real person; musician
184. Comics; board member, businessman
185. Original; lawyer turned criminal
186. Movie; witch
187. Comics; wrestler turned criminal
188. Original; unrevealed
189. Comics; student
190. Original; criminak
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person; physician
193. Original; orphanage head, foster mother
194. Original; bowler
195. Original; police sergeant
196. Original; criminal
197. Original; probable student
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use; bank robber
199. Original; medical doctor
200. Original; nurse
202. Original; bartender
203. Original; unrevealed, possible student when last seen
204. Original; activist of sorts
205. Original; electrics company employee
206. Real person; novelist
207. Original; soldier
208. Real person (at least going by first name); unrevealed
209. Comics; energy source
210. Original, though shares name with comics character; unrevealed
211. Original; bank robber
212. Original; criminal
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs; ruler
214. Original; therapist
215. Original but related to character from comics; fire chief
216. Original; religious figure (can't say what kind without revealing name), possible assassin
217. Original; sheriff
218. Original though code name used by comics characters; crime lord
219. Original; criminal
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character; criminal of sorts, though possibly not by occupation
221. Real person; priestess
222. Original; pirate
223. Original; film director
224. Comics; outlaw
225. Comics; student
226. Original; unrevealed; posed as treasure seeker
227. Original; federal agent
228. Original; crime family consigliere
229. Original; student
230. Original; robotics engineer
231. Original; federal agent posing as accountant
232. Original; government (not American) agent
233. Original; waitress
234. Original; criminal
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show; police task force officer
236. Original; high school coach
237. Comics; police commissioner
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics); bank robber
239. Original; unrevealed
240. Comics (comics version has different surname); unrevealed
241. Comics (comics version has different surname); legal aid attorney
242. Comics; high ranking military officer
243. Comics; mobster/money launderer, nightclub manager
244. Original; SWAT officer turned bodyguard
245. Original; federal agent
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share; head of security, criminal
247. Comics; gangster
248. Original; unrevealed
249. Comics; trivia night hostt
251. Real person; shogun
252. Original; high priestess
253. Original; board member
255. Original; unrevealed
256. Original; shopkeeper
257. Comics; assassin
258. Comics; military officer
259. Original; unrevealed
261. Original; criminal turned boxer
262. Comics but different name; hitman
263. Earlier show (different real name); drug dealer
264. Original; bank robber
265. Comics; apparrent criminal
266. Comics (comics vdersion unnamed); unrevaled
267. Original; unrevealed, possibly none
268. Original; probably none so far, possibly student
270. Original; parole officer
271. Original; member of resistance group
272. Comics; probably criminal
273. Original; car thief
274. Original; soldier
275. Original; soldier turned leader of vigilante group
276. Comics; toy manufacturing company owner
277. Original; high ranking politician
278. Original; EMT
279. Original; attorney
280. Comics; physician
281. Original; philanthropist/clinic owner
283. Real person; student when last seen; likely later an attorney, philanthropist, and civic leader
286. Comics; police detective
287. Original; influencer
288. Comics; criminal
289. Comics; journalist
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown; criminal
291. Original; criminal/double agent
292. Original; very high ranking poiltician
293. Comics (comics version has different first name); criminal
294. Earlier character this continuity; none
295. Original; banker
296. Original; football coach
297. Original; mercenary
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different; mechanical engineer turned criminal
299. Comics; assassin/black ops agent
301.  Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities; quantum engineer/CEO
302. Original; police officer
303. Original; student
304. Original; student if any
305. Original; student
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show; biomedical engineer, CEO
307. Comics; criminal
308. Original; mixed martial arts fighter
309. Original; waitress
310. Original; singer
311. Original; computer hacker
312. Original; fence
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics); CEO
314. Comics; unrevealed if applicable
315. Original; criminal
316. Original; museum curator
317. Original; maid
318. Original; shop owner
319. Original; drug dealer
320. Original; artifacts collector
321. Original; unrevealed; possible professional fighter
322. Original; reverend
323. Original; judge
324. Original; unrevealed
325. Likely comics (not DC), different surname; probable student when last seen
326. Original; soldier
327. Original; adventurer
328. Original; asylum nurse
329. Original; soime sort of information provided
330. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer)
331. Original; criminal agent
333. Original; criminal
334. Real person; very high ranking politician
335. Comics; farmer
336. Original; firearms store owner
337. Original; criminal/car workshop owner
338. Original; serial killer
339. Comics; bank robber/terrorist
340. Comics; high priestess
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently; village leader
342. Original; probable student when last seen
343. Comics; jewel thief
344. Original; unrevealed
345. Original; mayor
346. Original; unrevealed
347. Original but related to character from comics; physics professor/philanthropist/criminal/engineering professor
348. Original; scullery maid
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; physical therapist
350. Original; police technician
351. Original; prison officer
352. Original; high ranking military officer/government agent/criminal
353. Comics, though heavily changed; bodyguard/criminal
354. Original; unrevealed
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people; mayor
356. Original; unrevealed
357. Original; criminal
358. Original; crime boss employee
359. Original; criminal
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name; photographer/thief
361. Original; scientist
362. Original; member of secret, arguably criminal organization
363. Comics; hypnotist
364. Original; soldier/mercenary
365. Real person (with caveat); serial killer/probable physician
366. Original; student
367. Original; reporter


My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
     Thread Starter

1/26/2022 11:32 am  #70

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Added first 50 character specific clues.
1. Comics; criminal; former classmate of two cast characters
4. Original; unrevealed; girlfriend of oine villain who was killed by another
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer; powers related to his tears
6. Original; university dean; ally of a hate group
9. Real person; princess turned warrior; fictional version briefly actress; from 1253 BC but ended up in 1937
10. Comics; businessman; related to a reformed villain
12. Original; cultist; become disillusioned with source of worship
16. Original; police detective; in sole appearance directed a main character to someone's office
17. Original; unrevealed; mother of kidnap victim
18. Comics; criminal; insecure re: physical appearance
19. Comics; warden; sold meta-humans to villain
20. Comics; terrorist; leads group attempting to blow up city
21. Comics; crime lord; one of four remaining leaders in his org surviving after a purge
22. Comics; mayor; wounded by a bullet during a riot
23. Original; scientist; originally from 1925 but now time travelling
24. Original; editor-in-chief; believed main character had gone bad
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal; infected by alien parasite
26. Original; criminal; member of China-based crime group
27. Original; sheriff
29. Original; federal agent; abadoned daughter upon learning she was a lesbian
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
31. Original; drug dealer; drug his sold turned people into monsters
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman; half-brother of a main character
33. Original; engineer turned professor; murdered by a super-villain
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal; killed by a main character to save an ally
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave; daughter of #17
36. Comics; unrevealed; murdered by her husband
37. Original; attorney; killed by a vigilante
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer; used VR as a means of torture
39. Comics; military general; father of counterpart of a main character
40. Original; university professor; betrayed her sister
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none; son of a main character
42. Original; assassin; committed suicide to avoid further interrogation
46. Original; sheriff; active in 1925
51. Comics; unrevealed; mother of hero active in the future
52. Comics (different first name); police department employee; super-villain's sister in law
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company; father of a cast character
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader; succeeded a super-villain in a comics tie-in
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife; mother of a main character
57. Original; criminal; henchman to a villain who is the son of a reformed villain
58. Original; alderman; kidnapped and killed by villain for revenge
60. Original; criminal; alcoholic who abused his ex-girlfriend
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist; murdered people he felt had abadoned him
62. Original; security agent; helped keep a protest from going further out of control
63. Original; caretaker; from an erased future
64. Comics; criminal; could shrink objects
65. Original; chef (police offcer in another timeline); killed in revenge for actions from temporary timeline
66. Original; student when last seen; friend/classmate of major character
67. Comics; bank robber; has psychic powers
69. Original; unrevealed; drug addict, wife of major character
70. Original; likely assassin
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed
72. Original; unrevealed
73. Real person; queen
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal
77. Original; unrevealed
78. Comics; businessman
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power
80. Original; medical doctor
81. Original; pianist
82. Original; unrevealed
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff
84. Original; unrevealed
85. Original; businessman
86. Original; serial killer
87. Original; CEO
88. Original; criminal
89. Original; councilman
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster
92. Comics; king
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin
94. Real person; prince
95. Original; unrevealed
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer
97. Original; prison guard
98. Original; pilot
99. Original; some sort of media employee
100. Original; drug dealer
101. Comics; unrevealed
102. Original; crime boss
103. Real person; singer
105. Comics; bar owner
106. Original; documentary director
107. Original; bartender
108. Original; retail manager
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts
110. Comics; cage fighter
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared; assassin
113. Real person; king
114. Original; disc jockey/assassin
116. Original; ex-criminal
117. Comics; attorney
118. Original; CEO/businessman/land baron
119. Original; councilman
121. Original; federal law enforcement agent
122. Original; student when last seen
124. Original; solider
125. Original; time pirate
126. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed
127. Original; toy shop worker
128. Original; unrevealed
129. Original; temporal agent
130. Likely comics; high ranking military officer
131. Comics; criminal
132. Original; nightclub employee
133. Original; student
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same; unrevealed
135. Comics; unrevealed
136. Comics; travel enforcement officer
137. Original; medical doctor
138. Original; student
139. Original; fire chief
140. Original; CEO/businessman
141. Original; personal assistant
142. Original; restaurant employee
143. Original; real estate developer
144. Original; career criminal
145. Real person; prop master turned film director
146. Real person; army commander, likely turned prime minister
147. Comics; board member
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante
149. Original; unrevealed
150. Original; criminal
151. Comics character with different name; warrior
152. Original; unrevealed
153. Real person; astronaut
154. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer)
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar); arsonist
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker
157. Original; board member
158. Comics; businessman
159. Original; police officer
160. Original mixed with mythology; coachman
162. Original; district attorney
163. Original; unrevealed, but likely student if any when last seen
164. Original; student when last seen
165. Original; criminal
166. Comics; police detective
167. Original; Unrevealed, possible criminal
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same), cryogeneticist, bartender, criminal
170. Original; deputy sheriff
172. Mentioned in a movie; physician
173. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed
174. Original; terrorist
175. Original; marine biologist
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person; babysitter
177. Original; judge
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people; collections officer
180. Original; nun turned singer/guitarist
181. Real person; tsarina
182. Original; fence
183. Real person; musician
184. Comics; board member, businessman
185. Original; lawyer turned criminal
186. Movie; witch
187. Comics; wrestler turned criminal
188. Original; unrevealed
189. Comics; student
190. Original; criminak
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person; physician
193. Original; orphanage head, foster mother
194. Original; bowler
195. Original; police sergeant
196. Original; criminal
197. Original; probable student
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use; bank robber
199. Original; medical doctor
200. Original; nurse
202. Original; bartender
203. Original; unrevealed, possible student when last seen
204. Original; activist of sorts
205. Original; electrics company employee
206. Real person; novelist
207. Original; soldier
208. Real person (at least going by first name); unrevealed
209. Comics; energy source
210. Original, though shares name with comics character; unrevealed
211. Original; bank robber
212. Original; criminal
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs; ruler
214. Original; therapist
215. Original but related to character from comics; fire chief
216. Original; religious figure (can't say what kind without revealing name), possible assassin
217. Original; sheriff
218. Original though code name used by comics characters; crime lord
219. Original; criminal
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character; criminal of sorts, though possibly not by occupation
221. Real person; priestess
222. Original; pirate
223. Original; film director
224. Comics; outlaw
225. Comics; student
226. Original; unrevealed; posed as treasure seeker
227. Original; federal agent
228. Original; crime family consigliere
229. Original; student
230. Original; robotics engineer
231. Original; federal agent posing as accountant
232. Original; government (not American) agent
233. Original; waitress
234. Original; criminal
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show; police task force officer
236. Original; high school coach
237. Comics; police commissioner
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics); bank robber
239. Original; unrevealed
240. Comics (comics version has different surname); unrevealed
241. Comics (comics version has different surname); legal aid attorney
242. Comics; high ranking military officer
243. Comics; mobster/money launderer, nightclub manager
244. Original; SWAT officer turned bodyguard
245. Original; federal agent
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share; head of security, criminal
247. Comics; gangster
248. Original; unrevealed
249. Comics; trivia night hostt
251. Real person; shogun
252. Original; high priestess
253. Original; board member
255. Original; unrevealed
256. Original; shopkeeper
257. Comics; assassin
258. Comics; military officer
259. Original; unrevealed
261. Original; criminal turned boxer
262. Comics but different name; hitman
263. Earlier show (different real name); drug dealer
264. Original; bank robber
265. Comics; apparrent criminal
266. Comics (comics vdersion unnamed); unrevaled
267. Original; unrevealed, possibly none
268. Original; probably none so far, possibly student
270. Original; parole officer
271. Original; member of resistance group
272. Comics; probably criminal
273. Original; car thief
274. Original; soldier
275. Original; soldier turned leader of vigilante group
276. Comics; toy manufacturing company owner
277. Original; high ranking politician
278. Original; EMT
279. Original; attorney
280. Comics; physician
281. Original; philanthropist/clinic owner
283. Real person; student when last seen; likely later an attorney, philanthropist, and civic leader
286. Comics; police detective
287. Original; influencer
288. Comics; criminal
289. Comics; journalist
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown; criminal
291. Original; criminal/double agent
292. Original; very high ranking poiltician
293. Comics (comics version has different first name); criminal
294. Earlier character this continuity; none
295. Original; banker
296. Original; football coach
297. Original; mercenary
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different; mechanical engineer turned criminal
299. Comics; assassin/black ops agent
301.  Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities; quantum engineer/CEO
302. Original; police officer
303. Original; student
304. Original; student if any
305. Original; student
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show; biomedical engineer, CEO
307. Comics; criminal
308. Original; mixed martial arts fighter
309. Original; waitress
310. Original; singer
311. Original; computer hacker
312. Original; fence
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics); CEO
314. Comics; unrevealed if applicable
315. Original; criminal
316. Original; museum curator
317. Original; maid
318. Original; shop owner
319. Original; drug dealer
320. Original; artifacts collector
321. Original; unrevealed; possible professional fighter
322. Original; reverend
323. Original; judge
324. Original; unrevealed
325. Likely comics (not DC), different surname; probable student when last seen
326. Original; soldier
327. Original; adventurer
328. Original; asylum nurse
329. Original; soime sort of information provided
330. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer)
331. Original; criminal agent
333. Original; criminal
334. Real person; very high ranking politician
335. Comics; farmer
336. Original; firearms store owner
337. Original; criminal/car workshop owner
338. Original; serial killer
339. Comics; bank robber/terrorist
340. Comics; high priestess
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently; village leader
342. Original; probable student when last seen
343. Comics; jewel thief
344. Original; unrevealed
345. Original; mayor
346. Original; unrevealed
347. Original but related to character from comics; physics professor/philanthropist/criminal/engineering professor
348. Original; scullery maid
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; physical therapist
350. Original; police technician
351. Original; prison officer
352. Original; high ranking military officer/government agent/criminal
353. Comics, though heavily changed; bodyguard/criminal
354. Original; unrevealed
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people; mayor
356. Original; unrevealed
357. Original; criminal
358. Original; crime boss employee
359. Original; criminal
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name; photographer/thief
361. Original; scientist
362. Original; member of secret, arguably criminal organization
363. Comics; hypnotist
364. Original; soldier/mercenary
365. Real person (with caveat); serial killer/probable physician
366. Original; student
367. Original; reporter


My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
     Thread Starter

1/28/2022 11:19 am  #71

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Added next 50 character specific clues.
1. Comics; criminal; former classmate of two cast characters
4. Original; unrevealed; girlfriend of one villain who was killed by another
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer; powers related to his tears
6. Original; university dean; ally of a hate group
9. Real person; princess turned warrior; fictional version briefly actress; from 1253 BC but ended up in 1937
10. Comics; businessman; related to a reformed villain
12. Original; cultist; become disillusioned with source of worship
16. Original; police detective; in sole appearance directed a main character to someone's office
17. Original; unrevealed; mother of kidnap victim
18. Comics; criminal; insecure re: physical appearance
19. Comics; warden; sold meta-humans to villain
20. Comics; terrorist; leads group attempting to blow up city
21. Comics; crime lord; one of four remaining leaders in his org surviving after a purge
22. Comics; mayor; wounded by a bullet during a riot
23. Original; scientist; originally from 1925 but now time travelling
24. Original; editor-in-chief; believed main character had gone bad
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal; infected by alien parasite
26. Original; criminal; member of China-based crime group
27. Original; sheriff
29. Original; federal agent; abadoned daughter upon learning she was a lesbian
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
31. Original; drug dealer; drug his sold turned people into monsters
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman; half-brother of a main character
33. Original; engineer turned professor; murdered by a super-villain
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal; killed by a main character to save an ally
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave; daughter of #17
36. Comics; unrevealed; murdered by her husband
37. Original; attorney; killed by a vigilante
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer; used VR as a means of torture
39. Comics; military general; father of counterpart of a main character
40. Original; university professor; betrayed her sister
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none; son of a main character
42. Original; assassin; committed suicide to avoid further interrogation
46. Original; sheriff; active in 1925
51. Comics; unrevealed; mother of hero active in the future
52. Comics (different first name); police department employee; super-villain's sister in law
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company; father of a cast character
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader; succeeded a super-villain in a comics tie-in
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife; mother of a main character
57. Original; criminal; henchman to a villain who is the son of a reformed villain
58. Original; alderman; kidnapped and killed by villain for revenge
60. Original; criminal; alcoholic who abused his ex-girlfriend
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist; murdered people he felt had abadoned him
62. Original; security agent; helped keep a protest from going further out of control
63. Original; caretaker; from an erased future
64. Comics; criminal; could shrink objects
65. Original; chef (police offcer in another timeline); killed in revenge for actions from temporary timeline
66. Original; student when last seen; friend/classmate of major character
67. Comics; bank robber; has psychic powers
69. Original; unrevealed; drug addict, wife of major character
70. Original; likely assassin; killed over 200 people
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed; was the wife of a major character
72. Original; unrevealed; part of family cheated out of life's savings
73. Real person; queen; real version is still alive
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier; father of major villain
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal; prison escapee
77. Original; unrevealed; mother of major character
78. Comics; businessman/terrorist; part of a plan to rid the Earth of most of humanity
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power; invited major characters on opposing sides to be keynote speakers in a media summit.
80. Original; medical doctor; treated main character for free in support of their actions
81. Original; pianist; from artificial reality
82. Original; unrevealed; patient at major character's clinic
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff; assisted in major character's political campaign
84. Original; unrevealed; parent of major character
85. Original; businessman; embezzled about $30 million from a pension plan
86. Original; serial killer; drowned victims before dressing them up
87. Original; CEO; from Markovia
88. Original; criminal; helped rob seven banks in three states within two weeks
89. Original; councilman; opposed a request from a major charadter, fearing for his city's survival
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince; sister was a major villain
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster; from same artificial reality as #81
92. Comics; king; father of #90
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin; artificial lifeform
94. Real person; prince; reincarnated after death
95. Original; unrevealed; daughter has alien pet
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer; father of major character
97. Original; prison guard; brought in as part of prison reform effort
98. Original; pilot; father of close friend of major character
99. Original; some sort of media employee; major character did composions for him
100. Original; drug dealer; stopped as part of an effrort to show someone a better way in dealing with criminals
101. Comics; unrevealed; wife of a villain
102. Original; crime boss; at attempt to kill him happened in an arena
103. Real person; singer; this version wrote a song after seeing a character get abducted
105. Comics; bar owner; some of his customers were killed in a weapons test
106. Original; documentary director; accompanied major characters to Russia
107. Original; bartender; friend of a major character who visits the bar
108. Original; retail manager; major character briefly worked for him
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts; courted a major character
110. Comics; cage fighter; fought main character in a match
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron; led island operation
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared; assassin; hired to kill a mayor
113. Real person; king; resurrected after death
114. Original; disc jockey/assassin; DJ work was for a major character
116. Original; ex-criminal; extra-terrestrial
117. Comics; attorney; represented main character in trial
118. Original; CEO/businessman/land baron; used company to swindle hundreds out of their homes and life savings
119. Original; councilman; tried to get a bribe from father of main character
121. Original; federal law enforcement agent; investigated main character
122. Original; student when last seen; history changed significantly due to the Crisis
124. Original; solider
125. Original; time pirate
126. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed
127. Original; toy shop worker
128. Original; unrevealed
129. Original; temporal agent
130. Likely comics; high ranking military officer
131. Comics; criminal
132. Original; nightclub employee
133. Original; student
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same; unrevealed
135. Comics; unrevealed
136. Comics; travel enforcement officer
137. Original; medical doctor
138. Original; student
139. Original; fire chief
140. Original; CEO/businessman
141. Original; personal assistant
142. Original; restaurant employee
143. Original; real estate developer
144. Original; career criminal
145. Real person; prop master turned film director
146. Real person; army commander, likely turned prime minister
147. Comics; board member
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante
149. Original; unrevealed
150. Original; criminal
151. Comics character with different name; warrior
152. Original; unrevealed
153. Real person; astronaut
154. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer)
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar); arsonist
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker
157. Original; board member
158. Comics; businessman
159. Original; police officer
160. Original mixed with mythology; coachman
162. Original; district attorney
163. Original; unrevealed, but likely student if any when last seen
164. Original; student when last seen
165. Original; criminal
166. Comics; police detective
167. Original; Unrevealed, possible criminal
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same), cryogeneticist, bartender, criminal
170. Original; deputy sheriff
172. Mentioned in a movie; physician
173. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed
174. Original; terrorist
175. Original; marine biologist
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person; babysitter
177. Original; judge
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people; collections officer
180. Original; nun turned singer/guitarist
181. Real person; tsarina
182. Original; fence
183. Real person; musician
184. Comics; board member, businessman
185. Original; lawyer turned criminal
186. Movie; witch
187. Comics; wrestler turned criminal
188. Original; unrevealed
189. Comics; student
190. Original; criminak
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person; physician
193. Original; orphanage head, foster mother
194. Original; bowler
195. Original; police sergeant
196. Original; criminal
197. Original; probable student
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use; bank robber
199. Original; medical doctor
200. Original; nurse
202. Original; bartender
203. Original; unrevealed, possible student when last seen
204. Original; activist of sorts
205. Original; electrics company employee
206. Real person; novelist
207. Original; soldier
208. Real person (at least going by first name); unrevealed
209. Comics; energy source
210. Original, though shares name with comics character; unrevealed
211. Original; bank robber
212. Original; criminal
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs; ruler
214. Original; therapist
215. Original but related to character from comics; fire chief
216. Original; religious figure (can't say what kind without revealing name), possible assassin
217. Original; sheriff
218. Original though code name used by comics characters; crime lord
219. Original; criminal
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character; criminal of sorts, though possibly not by occupation
221. Real person; priestess
222. Original; pirate
223. Original; film director
224. Comics; outlaw
225. Comics; student
226. Original; unrevealed; posed as treasure seeker
227. Original; federal agent
228. Original; crime family consigliere
229. Original; student
230. Original; robotics engineer
231. Original; federal agent posing as accountant
232. Original; government (not American) agent
233. Original; waitress
234. Original; criminal
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show; police task force officer
236. Original; high school coach
237. Comics; police commissioner
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics); bank robber
239. Original; unrevealed
240. Comics (comics version has different surname); unrevealed
241. Comics (comics version has different surname); legal aid attorney
242. Comics; high ranking military officer
243. Comics; mobster/money launderer, nightclub manager
244. Original; SWAT officer turned bodyguard
245. Original; federal agent
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share; head of security, criminal
247. Comics; gangster
248. Original; unrevealed
249. Comics; trivia night hostt
251. Real person; shogun
252. Original; high priestess
253. Original; board member
255. Original; unrevealed
256. Original; shopkeeper
257. Comics; assassin
258. Comics; military officer
259. Original; unrevealed
261. Original; criminal turned boxer
262. Comics but different name; hitman
263. Earlier show (different real name); drug dealer
264. Original; bank robber
265. Comics; apparrent criminal
266. Comics (comics vdersion unnamed); unrevaled
267. Original; unrevealed, possibly none
268. Original; probably none so far, possibly student
270. Original; parole officer
271. Original; member of resistance group
272. Comics; probably criminal
273. Original; car thief
274. Original; soldier
275. Original; soldier turned leader of vigilante group
276. Comics; toy manufacturing company owner
277. Original; high ranking politician
278. Original; EMT
279. Original; attorney
280. Comics; physician
281. Original; philanthropist/clinic owner
283. Real person; student when last seen; likely later an attorney, philanthropist, and civic leader
286. Comics; police detective
287. Original; influencer
288. Comics; criminal
289. Comics; journalist
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown; criminal
291. Original; criminal/double agent
292. Original; very high ranking poiltician
293. Comics (comics version has different first name); criminal
294. Earlier character this continuity; none
295. Original; banker
296. Original; football coach
297. Original; mercenary
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different; mechanical engineer turned criminal
299. Comics; assassin/black ops agent
301.  Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities; quantum engineer/CEO
302. Original; police officer
303. Original; student
304. Original; student if any
305. Original; student
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show; biomedical engineer, CEO
307. Comics; criminal
308. Original; mixed martial arts fighter
309. Original; waitress
310. Original; singer
311. Original; computer hacker
312. Original; fence
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics); CEO
314. Comics; unrevealed if applicable
315. Original; criminal
316. Original; museum curator
317. Original; maid
318. Original; shop owner
319. Original; drug dealer
320. Original; artifacts collector
321. Original; unrevealed; possible professional fighter
322. Original; reverend
323. Original; judge
324. Original; unrevealed
325. Likely comics (not DC), different surname; probable student when last seen
326. Original; soldier
327. Original; adventurer
328. Original; asylum nurse
329. Original; soime sort of information provided
330. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer)
331. Original; criminal agent
333. Original; criminal
334. Real person; very high ranking politician
335. Comics; farmer
336. Original; firearms store owner
337. Original; criminal/car workshop owner
338. Original; serial killer
339. Comics; bank robber/terrorist
340. Comics; high priestess
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently; village leader
342. Original; probable student when last seen
343. Comics; jewel thief
344. Original; unrevealed
345. Original; mayor
346. Original; unrevealed
347. Original but related to character from comics; physics professor/philanthropist/criminal/engineering professor
348. Original; scullery maid
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; physical therapist
350. Original; police technician
351. Original; prison officer
352. Original; high ranking military officer/government agent/criminal
353. Comics, though heavily changed; bodyguard/criminal
354. Original; unrevealed
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people; mayor
356. Original; unrevealed
357. Original; criminal
358. Original; crime boss employee
359. Original; criminal
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name; photographer/thief
361. Original; scientist
362. Original; member of secret, arguably criminal organization
363. Comics; hypnotist
364. Original; soldier/mercenary
365. Real person (with caveat); serial killer/probable physician
366. Original; student
367. Original; reporter


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     Thread Starter

1/31/2022 12:26 pm  #72

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Added next 50 character specific clues.
1. Comics; criminal; former classmate of two cast characters
4. Original; unrevealed; girlfriend of one villain who was killed by another
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer; powers related to his tears
6. Original; university dean; ally of a hate group
9. Real person; princess turned warrior; fictional version briefly actress; from 1253 BC but ended up in 1937
10. Comics; businessman; related to a reformed villain
12. Original; cultist; become disillusioned with source of worship
16. Original; police detective; in sole appearance directed a main character to someone's office
17. Original; unrevealed; mother of kidnap victim
18. Comics; criminal; insecure re: physical appearance
19. Comics; warden; sold meta-humans to villain
20. Comics; terrorist; leads group attempting to blow up city
21. Comics; crime lord; one of four remaining leaders in his org surviving after a purge
22. Comics; mayor; wounded by a bullet during a riot
23. Original; scientist; originally from 1925 but now time travelling
24. Original; editor-in-chief; believed main character had gone bad
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal; infected by alien parasite
26. Original; criminal; member of China-based crime group
27. Original; sheriff
29. Original; federal agent; abadoned daughter upon learning she was a lesbian
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
31. Original; drug dealer; drug his sold turned people into monsters
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman; half-brother of a main character
33. Original; engineer turned professor; murdered by a super-villain
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal; killed by a main character to save an ally
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave; daughter of #17
36. Comics; unrevealed; murdered by her husband
37. Original; attorney; killed by a vigilante
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer; used VR as a means of torture
39. Comics; military general; father of counterpart of a main character
40. Original; university professor; betrayed her sister
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none; son of a main character
42. Original; assassin; committed suicide to avoid further interrogation
46. Original; sheriff; active in 1925
51. Comics; unrevealed; mother of hero active in the future
52. Comics (different first name); police department employee; super-villain's sister in law
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company; father of a cast character
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader; succeeded a super-villain in a comics tie-in
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife; mother of a main character
57. Original; criminal; henchman to a villain who is the son of a reformed villain
58. Original; alderman; kidnapped and killed by villain for revenge
60. Original; criminal; alcoholic who abused his ex-girlfriend
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist; murdered people he felt had abadoned him
62. Original; security agent; helped keep a protest from going further out of control
63. Original; caretaker; from an erased future
64. Comics; criminal; could shrink objects
65. Original; chef (police offcer in another timeline); killed in revenge for actions from temporary timeline
66. Original; student when last seen; friend/classmate of major character
67. Comics; bank robber; has psychic powers
69. Original; unrevealed; drug addict, wife of major character
70. Original; likely assassin; killed over 200 people
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed; was the wife of a major character
72. Original; unrevealed; part of family cheated out of life's savings
73. Real person; queen; real version is still alive
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier; father of major villain
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal; prison escapee
77. Original; unrevealed; mother of major character
78. Comics; businessman/terrorist; part of a plan to rid the Earth of most of humanity
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power; invited major characters on opposing sides to be keynote speakers in a media summit.
80. Original; medical doctor; treated main character for free in support of their actions
81. Original; pianist; from artificial reality
82. Original; unrevealed; patient at major character's clinic
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff; assisted in major character's political campaign
84. Original; unrevealed; parent of major character
85. Original; businessman; embezzled about $30 million from a pension plan
86. Original; serial killer; drowned victims before dressing them up
87. Original; CEO; from Markovia
88. Original; criminal; helped rob seven banks in three states within two weeks
89. Original; councilman; opposed a request from a major charadter, fearing for his city's survival
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince; sister was a major villain
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster; from same artificial reality as #81
92. Comics; king; father of #90
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin; artificial lifeform
94. Real person; prince; reincarnated after death
95. Original; unrevealed; daughter has alien pet
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer; father of major character
97. Original; prison guard; brought in as part of prison reform effort
98. Original; pilot; father of close friend of major character
99. Original; some sort of media employee; major character did composions for him
100. Original; drug dealer; stopped as part of an effrort to show someone a better way in dealing with criminals
101. Comics; unrevealed; wife of a villain
102. Original; crime boss; at attempt to kill him happened in an arena
103. Real person; singer; this version wrote a song after seeing a character get abducted
105. Comics; bar owner; some of his customers were killed in a weapons test
106. Original; documentary director; accompanied major characters to Russia
107. Original; bartender; friend of a major character who visits the bar
108. Original; retail manager; major character briefly worked for him
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts; courted a major character
110. Comics; cage fighter; fought main character in a match
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron; led island operation
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared; assassin; hired to kill a mayor
113. Real person; king; resurrected after death
114. Original; disc jockey/assassin; DJ work was for a major character
116. Original; ex-criminal; extra-terrestrial
117. Comics; attorney; represented main character in trial
118. Original; CEO/businessman/land baron; used company to swindle hundreds out of their homes and life savings
119. Original; councilman; tried to get a bribe from father of main character
121. Original; federal law enforcement agent; investigated main character
122. Original; student when last seen; history changed significantly due to the Crisis
124. Original; soldier (private); killed as part of a plan to frame someone in the theft of weapons
125. Original; time pirate; erased from history due to future deeds
126. Original but related to character from comics; in one timeline was a hero's adoptive father
127. Original; toy shop worker; mother of a cast character
128. Original; unrevealed; with husband, acted as guardian for grandson after grandson's pamrents were killed
129. Original; temporal agent; hypnotized during a performance review
130. Likely comics;  military general; taken hostage during weapons demonstation
131. Comics; criminal; can manipulate people's emotions
132. Original; nightclub employee; made out with a guy has part of nthe latter's attempt to break up with his girlfriend
133. Original; student; plays high school football
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same; unrevealed; active as such in the Old West
135. Comics; unrevealed; mother of a main character
136. Comics; travel enforcement officer; has telepathy and other powers of the mind
137. Original; medical doctor/slave trader; sent humans off world
138. Original; student; dated a cast character
139. Original; fire chief; targeted by #61
140. Original; CEO/businessman; hired an assassin to kill bidders of a company he wished to own
141. Original; personal assistant; posed as his employer (a major villain) to help them escape anothr major villain
142. Original; restaurant employee; own name unknown but restaurant name refers to something you might find on a table at a restaurant
143. Original; real estate developer; people died in his buildings due to inadequate heating
144. Original; career criminal; took over boyfriend's criminal business why he was incarcerated
145. Real person; prop master turned film director; real version still alive
146. Real person; army commander, likely turned prime minister; participated in an invasion in 1961
147. Comics; board member; tried to use company owner's emails to ruin her reputation
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante; hero active in the future on a parallel Earth
149. Original; unrevealed; clubber who used drugs
150. Original; criminal; injured himself shooting someone he didn't know had powers.
151. Comics character with different name; warrior; active in the 31th century in one future under a different name
152. Original; unrevealed; broke up with girlfriend for cheating on her
153. Real person; astronaut; real version still alive
154. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar); arsonist; briefly acquitted when issues arose in his trial but arrested again after another crime
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker; brought a main character home after time away
157. Original; board member; mkilled by some sort of robotic tech
158. Comics; businessman; took over a mjaor character's body
159. Original; police officer; held captive for a time in another world
160. Original mixed with mythology; coachman; replaced a Hindu god
162. Original; district attorney; represented a case against a main character
163. Original; unrevealed, but likely student if any when last seen; father falsely charged with the murder of her mother
164. Original; student when last seen; star high school quarterback
165. Original; criminal; killed by his boss
166. Comics; police detective; cast character and romantic interest to another cast character
167. Original; Unrevealed, possible criminal; prisoner on a ship
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same), cryogeneticist, bartender, criminal; romantic interest to cast character
170. Original; deputy sheriff; in one timeline investigated #122's death
172. Mentioned in a movie; physician to adoptive mother of main character
173. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed; twin sister of a key recurring character
174. Original; terrorist; tried to stop the launch of a VR service
175. Original; marine biologist; widow of the counterpart of a super-villain
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person; babysitter for the child of a super-villain
177. Original; judge
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people; collections officer
180. Original; nun turned singer/guitarist
181. Real person; tsarina
182. Original; fence
183. Real person; musician
184. Comics; board member, businessman
185. Original; lawyer turned criminal
186. Movie; witch
187. Comics; wrestler turned criminal
188. Original; unrevealed
189. Comics; student
190. Original; criminak
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person; physician
193. Original; orphanage head, foster mother
194. Original; bowler
195. Original; police sergeant
196. Original; criminal
197. Original; probable student
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use; bank robber
199. Original; medical doctor
200. Original; nurse
202. Original; bartender
203. Original; unrevealed, possible student when last seen
204. Original; activist of sorts
205. Original; electrics company employee
206. Real person; novelist
207. Original; soldier
208. Real person (at least going by first name); unrevealed
209. Comics; energy source
210. Original, though shares name with comics character; unrevealed
211. Original; bank robber
212. Original; criminal
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs; ruler
214. Original; therapist
215. Original but related to character from comics; fire chief
216. Original; religious figure (can't say what kind without revealing name), possible assassin
217. Original; sheriff
218. Original though code name used by comics characters; crime lord
219. Original; criminal
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character; criminal of sorts, though possibly not by occupation
221. Real person; priestess
222. Original; pirate
223. Original; film director
224. Comics; outlaw
225. Comics; student
226. Original; unrevealed; posed as treasure seeker
227. Original; federal agent
228. Original; crime family consigliere
229. Original; student
230. Original; robotics engineer
231. Original; federal agent posing as accountant
232. Original; government (not American) agent
233. Original; waitress
234. Original; criminal
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show; police task force officer
236. Original; high school coach
237. Comics; police commissioner
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics); bank robber
239. Original; unrevealed
240. Comics (comics version has different surname); unrevealed
241. Comics (comics version has different surname); legal aid attorney
242. Comics; high ranking military officer
243. Comics; mobster/money launderer, nightclub manager
244. Original; SWAT officer turned bodyguard
245. Original; federal agent
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share; head of security, criminal
247. Comics; gangster
248. Original; unrevealed
249. Comics; trivia night hostt
251. Real person; shogun
252. Original; high priestess
253. Original; board member
255. Original; unrevealed
256. Original; shopkeeper
257. Comics; assassin
258. Comics; military officer
259. Original; unrevealed
261. Original; criminal turned boxer
262. Comics but different name; hitman
263. Earlier show (different real name); drug dealer
264. Original; bank robber
265. Comics; apparrent criminal
266. Comics (comics vdersion unnamed); unrevaled
267. Original; unrevealed, possibly none
268. Original; probably none so far, possibly student
270. Original; parole officer
271. Original; member of resistance group
272. Comics; probably criminal
273. Original; car thief
274. Original; soldier
275. Original; soldier turned leader of vigilante group
276. Comics; toy manufacturing company owner
277. Original; high ranking politician
278. Original; EMT
279. Original; attorney
280. Comics; physician
281. Original; philanthropist/clinic owner
283. Real person; student when last seen; likely later an attorney, philanthropist, and civic leader
286. Comics; police detective
287. Original; influencer
288. Comics; criminal
289. Comics; journalist
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown; criminal
291. Original; criminal/double agent
292. Original; very high ranking poiltician
293. Comics (comics version has different first name); criminal
294. Earlier character this continuity; none
295. Original; banker
296. Original; football coach
297. Original; mercenary
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different; mechanical engineer turned criminal
299. Comics; assassin/black ops agent
301.  Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities; quantum engineer/CEO
302. Original; police officer
303. Original; student
304. Original; student if any
305. Original; student
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show; biomedical engineer, CEO
307. Comics; criminal
308. Original; mixed martial arts fighter
309. Original; waitress
310. Original; singer
311. Original; computer hacker
312. Original; fence
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics); CEO
314. Comics; unrevealed if applicable
315. Original; criminal
316. Original; museum curator
317. Original; maid
318. Original; shop owner
319. Original; drug dealer
320. Original; artifacts collector
321. Original; unrevealed; possible professional fighter
322. Original; reverend
323. Original; judge
324. Original; unrevealed
325. Likely comics (not DC), different surname; probable student when last seen
326. Original; soldier
327. Original; adventurer
328. Original; asylum nurse
329. Original; soime sort of information provided
330. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer)
331. Original; criminal agent
333. Original; criminal
334. Real person; very high ranking politician
335. Comics; farmer
336. Original; firearms store owner
337. Original; criminal/car workshop owner
338. Original; serial killer
339. Comics; bank robber/terrorist
340. Comics; high priestess
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently; village leader
342. Original; probable student when last seen
343. Comics; jewel thief
344. Original; unrevealed
345. Original; mayor
346. Original; unrevealed
347. Original but related to character from comics; physics professor/philanthropist/criminal/engineering professor
348. Original; scullery maid
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; physical therapist
350. Original; police technician
351. Original; prison officer
352. Original; high ranking military officer/government agent/criminal
353. Comics, though heavily changed; bodyguard/criminal
354. Original; unrevealed
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people; mayor
356. Original; unrevealed
357. Original; criminal
358. Original; crime boss employee
359. Original; criminal
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name; photographer/thief
361. Original; scientist
362. Original; member of secret, arguably criminal organization
363. Comics; hypnotist
364. Original; soldier/mercenary
365. Real person (with caveat); serial killer/probable physician
366. Original; student
367. Original; reporter


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     Thread Starter

1/31/2022 12:33 pm  #73

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

As these are particularly hard, the next round of clues after these are finished will be to note the letter/number positions. So if someone is John Doe (Earth-2) I'll type it as **** *** (*****-#). People will then be able to guess letters. So if someone guesses E I'll do **** **E (E****-#). If anyone wants to try to guess letters before that set of clues, and if they letter they guess is in fact part of the person's name, I'll bring up the above pattern at that moment instead of waiting for the next round.

Usual Q&A rules apply. You can ask up to five characters per day if they have a particular letter, and you can use 20 questions to guess four sets of five letters. Okay to ask different letters for same character.

This way even the most difficult character can be found eventually.

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     Thread Starter

2/01/2022 9:31 am  #74

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Added next 50 character specific clues.
1. Comics; criminal; former classmate of two cast characters
4. Original; unrevealed; girlfriend of one villain who was killed by another
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer; powers related to his tears
6. Original; university dean; ally of a hate group
9. Real person; princess turned warrior; fictional version briefly actress; from 1253 BC but ended up in 1937
10. Comics; businessman; related to a reformed villain
12. Original; cultist; become disillusioned with source of worship
16. Original; police detective; in sole appearance directed a main character to someone's office
17. Original; unrevealed; mother of kidnap victim
18. Comics; criminal; insecure re: physical appearance
19. Comics; warden; sold meta-humans to villain
20. Comics; terrorist; leads group attempting to blow up city
21. Comics; crime lord; one of four remaining leaders in his org surviving after a purge
22. Comics; mayor; wounded by a bullet during a riot
23. Original; scientist; originally from 1925 but now time travelling
24. Original; editor-in-chief; believed main character had gone bad
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal; infected by alien parasite
26. Original; criminal; member of China-based crime group
27. Original; sheriff
29. Original; federal agent; abadoned daughter upon learning she was a lesbian
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
31. Original; drug dealer; drug his sold turned people into monsters
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman; half-brother of a main character
33. Original; engineer turned professor; murdered by a super-villain
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal; killed by a main character to save an ally
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave; daughter of #17
36. Comics; unrevealed; murdered by her husband
37. Original; attorney; killed by a vigilante
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer; used VR as a means of torture
39. Comics; military general; father of counterpart of a main character
40. Original; university professor; betrayed her sister
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none; son of a main character
42. Original; assassin; committed suicide to avoid further interrogation
46. Original; sheriff; active in 1925
51. Comics; unrevealed; mother of hero active in the future
52. Comics (different first name); police department employee; super-villain's sister in law
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company; father of a cast character
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader; succeeded a super-villain in a comics tie-in
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife; mother of a main character
57. Original; criminal; henchman to a villain who is the son of a reformed villain
58. Original; alderman; kidnapped and killed by villain for revenge
60. Original; criminal; alcoholic who abused his ex-girlfriend
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist; murdered people he felt had abadoned him
62. Original; security agent; helped keep a protest from going further out of control
63. Original; caretaker; from an erased future
64. Comics; criminal; could shrink objects
65. Original; chef (police offcer in another timeline); killed in revenge for actions from temporary timeline
66. Original; student when last seen; friend/classmate of major character
67. Comics; bank robber; has psychic powers
69. Original; unrevealed; drug addict, wife of major character
70. Original; likely assassin; killed over 200 people
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed; was the wife of a major character
72. Original; unrevealed; part of family cheated out of life's savings
73. Real person; queen; real version is still alive as of Feb 2022
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier; father of major villain
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal; prison escapee
77. Original; unrevealed; mother of major character
78. Comics; businessman/terrorist; part of a plan to rid the Earth of most of humanity
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power; invited major characters on opposing sides to be keynote speakers in a media summit.
80. Original; medical doctor; treated main character for free in support of their actions
81. Original; pianist; from artificial reality
82. Original; unrevealed; patient at major character's clinic
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff; assisted in major character's political campaign
84. Original; unrevealed; parent of major character
85. Original; businessman; embezzled about $30 million from a pension plan
86. Original; serial killer; drowned victims before dressing them up
87. Original; CEO; from Markovia
88. Original; criminal; helped rob seven banks in three states within two weeks
89. Original; councilman; opposed a request from a major charadter, fearing for his city's survival
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince; sister was a major villain
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster; from same artificial reality as #81
92. Comics; king; father of #90
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin; artificial lifeform
94. Real person; prince; reincarnated after death
95. Original; unrevealed; daughter has alien pet
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer; father of major character
97. Original; prison guard; brought in as part of prison reform effort
98. Original; pilot; father of close friend of major character
99. Original; some sort of media employee; major character did composions for him
100. Original; drug dealer; stopped as part of an effrort to show someone a better way in dealing with criminals
101. Comics; unrevealed; wife of a villain
102. Original; crime boss; at attempt to kill him happened in an arena
103. Real person; singer; this version wrote a song after seeing a character get abducted
105. Comics; bar owner; some of his customers were killed in a weapons test
106. Original; documentary director; accompanied major characters to Russia
107. Original; bartender; friend of a major character who visits the bar
108. Original; retail manager; major character briefly worked for him
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts; courted a major character
110. Comics; cage fighter; fought main character in a match
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron; led island operation
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared; assassin; hired to kill a mayor
113. Real person; king; resurrected after death
114. Original; disc jockey/assassin; DJ work was for a major character
116. Original; ex-criminal; extra-terrestrial
117. Comics; attorney; represented main character in trial
118. Original; CEO/businessman/land baron; used company to swindle hundreds out of their homes and life savings
119. Original; councilman; tried to get a bribe from father of main character
121. Original; federal law enforcement agent; investigated main character
122. Original; student when last seen; history changed significantly due to the Crisis
124. Original; soldier (private); killed as part of a plan to frame someone in the theft of weapons
125. Original; time pirate; erased from history due to future deeds
126. Original but related to character from comics; in one timeline was a hero's adoptive father
127. Original; toy shop worker; mother of a cast character
128. Original; unrevealed; with husband, acted as guardian for grandson after grandson's pamrents were killed
129. Original; temporal agent; hypnotized during a performance review
130. Likely comics;  military general; taken hostage during weapons demonstation
131. Comics; criminal; can manipulate people's emotions
132. Original; nightclub employee; made out with a guy has part of nthe latter's attempt to break up with his girlfriend
133. Original; student; plays high school football
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same; unrevealed; active as such in the Old West
135. Comics; unrevealed; mother of a main character
136. Comics; travel enforcement officer; has telepathy and other powers of the mind
137. Original; medical doctor/slave trader; sent humans off world
138. Original; student; dated a cast character
139. Original; fire chief; targeted by #61
140. Original; CEO/businessman; hired an assassin to kill bidders of a company he wished to own
141. Original; personal assistant; posed as his employer (a major villain) to help them escape anothr major villain
142. Original; restaurant employee; own name unknown but restaurant name refers to something you might find on a table at a restaurant
143. Original; real estate developer; people died in his buildings due to inadequate heating
144. Original; career criminal; took over boyfriend's criminal business why he was incarcerated
145. Real person; prop master turned film director; real version still alive as of Feb 2022
146. Real person; army commander, likely turned prime minister; participated in an invasion in 1961
147. Comics; board member; tried to use company owner's emails to ruin her reputation
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante; hero active in the future on a parallel Earth
149. Original; unrevealed; clubber who used drugs
150. Original; criminal; injured himself shooting someone he didn't know had powers.
151. Comics character with different name; warrior; active in the 31th century in one future under a different name
152. Original; unrevealed; broke up with girlfriend for cheating on her
153. Real person; astronaut; real version still alive as of Feb 2022
154. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar); arsonist; briefly acquitted when issues arose in his trial but arrested again after another crime
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker; brought a main character home after time away
157. Original; board member; mkilled by some sort of robotic tech
158. Comics; businessman; took over a mjaor character's body
159. Original; police officer; held captive for a time in another world
160. Original mixed with mythology; coachman; replaced a Hindu god
162. Original; district attorney; represented a case against a main character
163. Original; unrevealed, but likely student if any when last seen; father falsely charged with the murder of her mother
164. Original; student when last seen; star high school quarterback
165. Original; criminal; killed by his boss
166. Comics; police detective; cast character and romantic interest to another cast character
167. Original; Unrevealed, possible criminal; prisoner on a ship
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same), cryogeneticist, bartender, criminal; romantic interest to cast character
170. Original; deputy sheriff; in one timeline investigated #122's death
172. Mentioned in a movie; physician to adoptive mother of main character
173. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed; twin sister of a key recurring character
174. Original; terrorist; tried to stop the launch of a VR service
175. Original; marine biologist; widow of the counterpart of a super-villain
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person; babysitter for the child of a super-villain
177. Original; judge; presided over main character trial
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people; collections officer; can manipulate people's emotions
180. Original; nun turned singer/guitarist; part of a band that a cast character is also part of
181. Real person; tsarina; family targeted in an assassination attempt
182. Original; fence; arrested during the sale of a stolen jewel
183. Real person; musician; smoked psychedlic cigarettes
184. Comics; board member, businessman; saved from assassination attempt by a main character
185. Original; lawyer turned criminal; sought revenge against the lawyer firm
186. Movie; witch; survived her reality being destroyed by the Crisis
187. Comics; wrestler turned criminal; other than a fang, thus far only seen in photo
188. Original; unrevealed; extra-terrestrial
189. Comics; student; aged at accelarated rate
190. Original; criminal; snapped after family killed in a mall
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person; physician; often helped main character and allies
193. Original; orphanage head, foster mother; raised a major character
194. Original; bowler; extra-terrestrial or at least operates outside of Earth
195. Original; police sergeant; briefed main characters on missions
196. Original; criminal; attended crime family gathering
197. Original; probable student; dated a cast character for a time
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use; bank robber; part of family of criminals
199. Original; medical doctor; treated a cast character
200. Original; nurse; worked for cast character
202. Original; bartender; ex-girlfriend of cast character
203. Original; unrevealed, possible student when last seen; could heal mortal injuries
204. Original; activist of sorts; part of anti-alien group
205. Original; electrics company employee; assigned to develop a weapon that could penetrate a super-suit
206. Real person; novelist; killed by a creature in an erased timeline
207. Original; soldier; helped broyther steal weaponry from military base
208. Real person (at least going by first name); unrevealed; sought autograph from heroes
209. Comics; energy source; has strong connection to a major character
210. Original, though shares name with comics character; unrevealed; once erroneously believed to have killed a major character
211. Original; bank robber; sent to steal for comics based villain
212. Original; criminal; prisoner in other dimensional realm
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs; ruler; offered deal to major character
214. Original; therapist for main character
215. Original but related to character from comics; fire chief; wife has launched campaign for major
216. Original; religious figure (can't say what kind without revealing name), possible assassin; officiates rituals and ceremonies
217. Original; sheriff; lived in Oregon
218. Original though code name used by comics characters; crime lord; wanted to create coalition of crime gangs
219. Original; criminal; joined major villain's army
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character; criminal of sorts, though possibly not by occupation; tormented major character for years
221. Real person; priestess; active in New Orleans
222. Original; pirate; lover of famous pirate
223. Original; film director; did documentary on main character
224. Comics; outlaw; responsible for town's destruction
225. Comics; student; related to a main character
226. Original; unrevealed; posed as treasure seeker in VR reality
227. Original; federal agent; has woprked closely with directors of her organization
228. Original; crime family consigliere; killed by boss' daughter
229. Original; student; accidentally electrocuted by unconscious friend
230. Original; robotics engineer
231. Original; federal agent posing as accountant
232. Original; government (not American) agent
233. Original; waitress
234. Original; criminal
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show; police task force officer
236. Original; high school coach
237. Comics; police commissioner
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics); bank robber
239. Original; unrevealed
240. Comics (comics version has different surname); unrevealed
241. Comics (comics version has different surname); legal aid attorney
242. Comics; high ranking military officer
243. Comics; mobster/money launderer, nightclub manager
244. Original; SWAT officer turned bodyguard
245. Original; federal agent
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share; head of security, criminal
247. Comics; gangster
248. Original; unrevealed
249. Comics; trivia night hostt
251. Real person; shogun
252. Original; high priestess
253. Original; board member
255. Original; unrevealed
256. Original; shopkeeper
257. Comics; assassin
258. Comics; military officer
259. Original; unrevealed
261. Original; criminal turned boxer
262. Comics but different name; hitman
263. Earlier show (different real name); drug dealer
264. Original; bank robber
265. Comics; apparrent criminal
266. Comics (comics vdersion unnamed); unrevaled
267. Original; unrevealed, possibly none
268. Original; probably none so far, possibly student
270. Original; parole officer
271. Original; member of resistance group
272. Comics; probably criminal
273. Original; car thief
274. Original; soldier
275. Original; soldier turned leader of vigilante group
276. Comics; toy manufacturing company owner
277. Original; high ranking politician
278. Original; EMT
279. Original; attorney
280. Comics; physician
281. Original; philanthropist/clinic owner
283. Real person; student when last seen; likely later an attorney, philanthropist, and civic leader
286. Comics; police detective
287. Original; influencer
288. Comics; criminal
289. Comics; journalist
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown; criminal
291. Original; criminal/double agent
292. Original; very high ranking poiltician
293. Comics (comics version has different first name); criminal
294. Earlier character this continuity; none
295. Original; banker
296. Original; football coach
297. Original; mercenary
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different; mechanical engineer turned criminal
299. Comics; assassin/black ops agent
301.  Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities; quantum engineer/CEO
302. Original; police officer
303. Original; student
304. Original; student if any
305. Original; student
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show; biomedical engineer, CEO
307. Comics; criminal
308. Original; mixed martial arts fighter
309. Original; waitress
310. Original; singer
311. Original; computer hacker
312. Original; fence
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics); CEO
314. Comics; unrevealed if applicable
315. Original; criminal
316. Original; museum curator
317. Original; maid
318. Original; shop owner
319. Original; drug dealer
320. Original; artifacts collector
321. Original; unrevealed; possible professional fighter
322. Original; reverend
323. Original; judge
324. Original; unrevealed
325. Likely comics (not DC), different surname; probable student when last seen
326. Original; soldier
327. Original; adventurer
328. Original; asylum nurse
329. Original; soime sort of information provided
330. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer)
331. Original; criminal agent
333. Original; criminal
334. Real person; very high ranking politician
335. Comics; farmer
336. Original; firearms store owner
337. Original; criminal/car workshop owner
338. Original; serial killer
339. Comics; bank robber/terrorist
340. Comics; high priestess
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently; village leader
342. Original; probable student when last seen
343. Comics; jewel thief
344. Original; unrevealed
345. Original; mayor
346. Original; unrevealed
347. Original but related to character from comics; physics professor/philanthropist/criminal/engineering professor
348. Original; scullery maid
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; physical therapist
350. Original; police technician
351. Original; prison officer
352. Original; high ranking military officer/government agent/criminal
353. Comics, though heavily changed; bodyguard/criminal
354. Original; unrevealed
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people; mayor
356. Original; unrevealed
357. Original; criminal
358. Original; crime boss employee
359. Original; criminal
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name; photographer/thief
361. Original; scientist
362. Original; member of secret, arguably criminal organization
363. Comics; hypnotist
364. Original; soldier/mercenary
365. Real person (with caveat); serial killer/probable physician
366. Original; student
367. Original; reporter


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2/02/2022 10:43 am  #75

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Added next 50 character specific clues.
1. Comics; criminal; former classmate of two cast characters
4. Original; unrevealed; girlfriend of one villain who was killed by another
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer; powers related to his tears
6. Original; university dean; ally of a hate group
9. Real person; princess turned warrior; fictional version briefly actress; from 1253 BC but ended up in 1937
10. Comics; businessman; related to a reformed villain
12. Original; cultist; become disillusioned with source of worship
16. Original; police detective; in sole appearance directed a main character to someone's office
17. Original; unrevealed; mother of kidnap victim
18. Comics; criminal; insecure re: physical appearance
19. Comics; warden; sold meta-humans to villain
20. Comics; terrorist; leads group attempting to blow up city
21. Comics; crime lord; one of four remaining leaders in his org surviving after a purge
22. Comics; mayor; wounded by a bullet during a riot
23. Original; scientist; originally from 1925 but now time travelling
24. Original; editor-in-chief; believed main character had gone bad
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal; infected by alien parasite
26. Original; criminal; member of China-based crime group
27. Original; sheriff
29. Original; federal agent; abadoned daughter upon learning she was a lesbian
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
31. Original; drug dealer; drug his sold turned people into monsters
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman; half-brother of a main character
33. Original; engineer turned professor; murdered by a super-villain
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal; killed by a main character to save an ally
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave; daughter of #17
36. Comics; unrevealed; murdered by her husband
37. Original; attorney; killed by a vigilante
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer; used VR as a means of torture
39. Comics; military general; father of counterpart of a main character
40. Original; university professor; betrayed her sister
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none; son of a main character
42. Original; assassin; committed suicide to avoid further interrogation
46. Original; sheriff; active in 1925
51. Comics; unrevealed; mother of hero active in the future
52. Comics (different first name); police department employee; super-villain's sister in law
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company; father of a cast character
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader; succeeded a super-villain in a comics tie-in
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife; mother of a main character
57. Original; criminal; henchman to a villain who is the son of a reformed villain
58. Original; alderman; kidnapped and killed by villain for revenge
60. Original; criminal; alcoholic who abused his ex-girlfriend
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist; murdered people he felt had abadoned him
62. Original; security agent; helped keep a protest from going further out of control
63. Original; caretaker; from an erased future
64. Comics; criminal; could shrink objects
65. Original; chef (police offcer in another timeline); killed in revenge for actions from temporary timeline
66. Original; student when last seen; friend/classmate of major character
67. Comics; bank robber; has psychic powers
69. Original; unrevealed; drug addict, wife of major character
70. Original; likely assassin; killed over 200 people
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed; was the wife of a major character
72. Original; unrevealed; part of family cheated out of life's savings
73. Real person; queen; real version is still alive as of Feb 2022
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier; father of major villain
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal; prison escapee
77. Original; unrevealed; mother of major character
78. Comics; businessman/terrorist; part of a plan to rid the Earth of most of humanity
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power; invited major characters on opposing sides to be keynote speakers in a media summit.
80. Original; medical doctor; treated main character for free in support of their actions
81. Original; pianist; from artificial reality
82. Original; unrevealed; patient at major character's clinic
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff; assisted in major character's political campaign
84. Original; unrevealed; parent of major character
85. Original; businessman; embezzled about $30 million from a pension plan
86. Original; serial killer; drowned victims before dressing them up
87. Original; CEO; from Markovia
88. Original; criminal; helped rob seven banks in three states within two weeks
89. Original; councilman; opposed a request from a major charadter, fearing for his city's survival
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince; sister was a major villain
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster; from same artificial reality as #81
92. Comics; king; father of #90
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin; artificial lifeform
94. Real person; prince; reincarnated after death
95. Original; unrevealed; daughter has alien pet
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer; father of major character
97. Original; prison guard; brought in as part of prison reform effort
98. Original; pilot; father of close friend of major character
99. Original; some sort of media employee; major character did composions for him
100. Original; drug dealer; stopped as part of an effrort to show someone a better way in dealing with criminals
101. Comics; unrevealed; wife of a villain
102. Original; crime boss; at attempt to kill him happened in an arena
103. Real person; singer; this version wrote a song after seeing a character get abducted
105. Comics; bar owner; some of his customers were killed in a weapons test
106. Original; documentary director; accompanied major characters to Russia
107. Original; bartender; friend of a major character who visits the bar
108. Original; retail manager; major character briefly worked for him
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts; courted a major character
110. Comics; cage fighter; fought main character in a match
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron; led island operation
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared; assassin; hired to kill a mayor
113. Real person; king; resurrected after death
114. Original; disc jockey/assassin; DJ work was for a major character
116. Original; ex-criminal; extra-terrestrial
117. Comics; attorney; represented main character in trial
118. Original; CEO/businessman/land baron; used company to swindle hundreds out of their homes and life savings
119. Original; councilman; tried to get a bribe from father of main character
121. Original; federal law enforcement agent; investigated main character
122. Original; student when last seen; history changed significantly due to the Crisis
124. Original; soldier (private); killed as part of a plan to frame someone in the theft of weapons
125. Original; time pirate; erased from history due to future deeds
126. Original but related to character from comics; in one timeline was a hero's adoptive father
127. Original; toy shop worker; mother of a cast character
128. Original; unrevealed; with husband, acted as guardian for grandson after grandson's pamrents were killed
129. Original; temporal agent; hypnotized during a performance review
130. Likely comics;  military general; taken hostage during weapons demonstation
131. Comics; criminal; can manipulate people's emotions
132. Original; nightclub employee; made out with a guy has part of nthe latter's attempt to break up with his girlfriend
133. Original; student; plays high school football
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same; unrevealed; active as such in the Old West
135. Comics; unrevealed; mother of a main character
136. Comics; travel enforcement officer; has telepathy and other powers of the mind
137. Original; medical doctor/slave trader; sent humans off world
138. Original; student; dated a cast character
139. Original; fire chief; targeted by #61
140. Original; CEO/businessman; hired an assassin to kill bidders of a company he wished to own
141. Original; personal assistant; posed as his employer (a major villain) to help them escape anothr major villain
142. Original; restaurant employee; own name unknown but restaurant name refers to something you might find on a table at a restaurant
143. Original; real estate developer; people died in his buildings due to inadequate heating
144. Original; career criminal; took over boyfriend's criminal business why he was incarcerated
145. Real person; prop master turned film director; real version still alive as of Feb 2022
146. Real person; army commander, likely turned prime minister; participated in an invasion in 1961
147. Comics; board member; tried to use company owner's emails to ruin her reputation
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante; hero active in the future on a parallel Earth
149. Original; unrevealed; clubber who used drugs
150. Original; criminal; injured himself shooting someone he didn't know had powers.
151. Comics character with different name; warrior; active in the 31th century in one future under a different name
152. Original; unrevealed; broke up with girlfriend for cheating on her
153. Real person; astronaut; real version still alive as of Feb 2022
154. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar); arsonist; briefly acquitted when issues arose in his trial but arrested again after another crime
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker; brought a main character home after time away
157. Original; board member; mkilled by some sort of robotic tech
158. Comics; businessman; took over a mjaor character's body
159. Original; police officer; held captive for a time in another world
160. Original mixed with mythology; coachman; replaced a Hindu god
162. Original; district attorney; represented a case against a main character
163. Original; unrevealed, but likely student if any when last seen; father falsely charged with the murder of her mother
164. Original; student when last seen; star high school quarterback
165. Original; criminal; killed by his boss
166. Comics; police detective; cast character and romantic interest to another cast character
167. Original; Unrevealed, possible criminal; prisoner on a ship
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same), cryogeneticist, bartender, criminal; romantic interest to cast character
170. Original; deputy sheriff; in one timeline investigated #122's death
172. Mentioned in a movie; physician to adoptive mother of main character
173. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed; twin sister of a key recurring character
174. Original; terrorist; tried to stop the launch of a VR service
175. Original; marine biologist; widow of the counterpart of a super-villain
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person; babysitter for the child of a super-villain
177. Original; judge; presided over main character trial
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people; collections officer; can manipulate people's emotions
180. Original; nun turned singer/guitarist; part of a band that a cast character is also part of
181. Real person; tsarina; family targeted in an assassination attempt
182. Original; fence; arrested during the sale of a stolen jewel
183. Real person; musician; smoked psychedlic cigarettes
184. Comics; board member, businessman; saved from assassination attempt by a main character
185. Original; lawyer turned criminal; sought revenge against the lawyer firm
186. Movie; witch; survived her reality being destroyed by the Crisis
187. Comics; wrestler turned criminal; other than a fang, thus far only seen in photo
188. Original; unrevealed; extra-terrestrial
189. Comics; student; aged at accelarated rate
190. Original; criminal; snapped after family killed in a mall
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person; physician; often helped main character and allies
193. Original; orphanage head, foster mother; raised a major character
194. Original; bowler; extra-terrestrial or at least operates outside of Earth
195. Original; police sergeant; briefed main characters on missions
196. Original; criminal; attended crime family gathering
197. Original; probable student; dated a cast character for a time
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use; bank robber; part of family of criminals
199. Original; medical doctor; treated a cast character
200. Original; nurse; worked for cast character
202. Original; bartender; ex-girlfriend of cast character
203. Original; unrevealed, possible student when last seen; could heal mortal injuries
204. Original; activist of sorts; part of anti-alien group
205. Original; electrics company employee; assigned to develop a weapon that could penetrate a super-suit
206. Real person; novelist; killed by a creature in an erased timeline
207. Original; soldier; helped broyther steal weaponry from military base
208. Real person (at least going by first name); unrevealed; sought autograph from heroes
209. Comics; energy source; has strong connection to a major character
210. Original, though shares name with comics character; unrevealed; once erroneously believed to have killed a major character
211. Original; bank robber; sent to steal for comics based villain
212. Original; criminal; prisoner in other dimensional realm
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs; ruler; offered deal to major character
214. Original; therapist for main character
215. Original but related to character from comics; fire chief; wife has launched campaign for major
216. Original; religious figure (can't say what kind without revealing name), possible assassin; officiates rituals and ceremonies
217. Original; sheriff; lived in Oregon
218. Original though code name used by comics characters; crime lord; wanted to create coalition of crime gangs
219. Original; criminal; joined major villain's army
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character; criminal of sorts, though possibly not by occupation; tormented major character for years
221. Real person; priestess; active in New Orleans
222. Original; pirate; lover of famous pirate
223. Original; film director; did documentary on main character
224. Comics; outlaw; responsible for town's destruction
225. Comics; student; related to a main character
226. Original; unrevealed; posed as treasure seeker in VR reality
227. Original; federal agent; has worked closely with directors of her organization
228. Original; crime family consigliere; killed by boss' daughter
229. Original; student; accidentally electrocuted by unconscious friend
230. Original but distant relative of comics based character; robotics engineer; seen in 2147
231. Original; federal agent posing as accountant; killed by villainous cast character
232. Original; government agent; from China but killed in New Zealand
233. Original; waitress; sister-in-law and ex-girlfriend of major character
234. Original; criminal; broken out of jail by super-villain girlfriend
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show; police task force officer; romantically involved with super-villain
236. Original; high school coach; allowed main character to be assistant coach
237. Comics; police commissioner; disapproved of main character's actions
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics); bank robber; son of #198
239. Original; unrevealed; husband of long recurring character
240. Comics (comics version has different surname); unrevealed; son of cast character
241. Comics (comics version has different surname); legal aid attorney; was the best friend of a cast character
242. Comics; high ranking military officer; trained a main character
243. Comics; mobster/money launderer, nightclub manager; managed the nightclub on behalf of a super-villain
244. Original; SWAT officer turned bodyguard; briefly replaced a major character in job
245. Original; federal agent; possessed by villain based on comics hero
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share; head of security, criminal; killed by anti-matter
247. Comics; gangster; can turn his body into a specific element
248. Original; unrevealed; mother of #122
249. Comics; trivia night host; comics version is a major villain
251. Real person; shogun; died ten years prior to real world version
252. Original; high priestess; prisoner whose name was used for prison
253. Original; board member; got major character ousted from company they were running
255. Original; unrevealed; lives in a Maritimes city
256. Original; shopkeeper; active in the near future
257. Comics; assassin; second in command in her organization
258. Comics; military Lieutenant Colonel working for major character
259. Original; unrevealed; father of #122
261. Original; criminal turned boxer; wrongly suspected of being a super-villain
262. Comics but different name; hitman; hired to spy on main character
263. Earlier show (different real name); drug dealer; ex-lover of main character
264. Original; bank robber; has fire powers
265. Comics; apparrent criminal; can generate acid
266. Comics (comics vdersion unnamed); unrevealed; ex-mistress of #313
267. Original; unrevealed, possibly none; engaged to a guy but secretly in love with a woman
268. Original; probably none so far, possibly student; foster daughter of major characters
270. Original; parole officer for main character
271. Original; member of resistance group; extra-terrestrial
272. Comics; probably criminal; extra-terrestrial convict
273. Original; car thief who claimed that a cast character was trying to steal his car
274. Original; soldier; father of cast character
275. Original; soldier turned leader of vigilante group inspired by main character
276. Comics; toy manufacturing company owner; ex-boss of super-villain
277. Original; senator with an interest in extra-terrestrials
278. Original; EMT; could swap people's DNA
279. Original; attorney; did pro-bono work for comapny major character worked at
280. Comics; personal physician for major villain
281. Original; philanthropist/clinic owner; wife of major character, mainly seen in photo
283. Real person; student when last seen; likely later an attorney, philanthropist, and civic leader; former student of major character
286. Comics; police detective; former work partner of major character
287. Original; influencer
288. Comics; criminal
289. Comics; journalist
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown; criminal
291. Original; criminal/double agent
292. Original; very high ranking poiltician
293. Comics (comics version has different first name); criminal
294. Earlier character this continuity; none
295. Original; banker
296. Original; football coach
297. Original; mercenary
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different; mechanical engineer turned criminal
299. Comics; assassin/black ops agent
301.  Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities; quantum engineer/CEO
302. Original; police officer
303. Original; student
304. Original; student if any
305. Original; student
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show; biomedical engineer, CEO
307. Comics; criminal
308. Original; mixed martial arts fighter
309. Original; waitress
310. Original; singer
311. Original; computer hacker
312. Original; fence
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics); CEO
314. Comics; unrevealed if applicable
315. Original; criminal
316. Original; museum curator
317. Original; maid
318. Original; shop owner
319. Original; drug dealer
320. Original; artifacts collector
321. Original; unrevealed; possible professional fighter
322. Original; reverend
323. Original; judge
324. Original; unrevealed
325. Likely comics (not DC), different surname; probable student when last seen
326. Original; soldier
327. Original; adventurer
328. Original; asylum nurse
329. Original; soime sort of information provided
330. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer)
331. Original; criminal agent
333. Original; criminal
334. Real person; very high ranking politician
335. Comics; farmer
336. Original; firearms store owner
337. Original; criminal/car workshop owner
338. Original; serial killer
339. Comics; bank robber/terrorist
340. Comics; high priestess
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently; village leader
342. Original; probable student when last seen
343. Comics; jewel thief
344. Original; unrevealed
345. Original; mayor
346. Original; unrevealed
347. Original but related to character from comics; physics professor/philanthropist/criminal/engineering professor
348. Original; scullery maid
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; physical therapist
350. Original; police technician
351. Original; prison officer
352. Original; high ranking military officer/government agent/criminal
353. Comics, though heavily changed; bodyguard/criminal
354. Original; unrevealed
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people; mayor
356. Original; unrevealed
357. Original; criminal
358. Original; crime boss employee
359. Original; criminal
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name; photographer/thief
361. Original; scientist
362. Original; member of secret, arguably criminal organization
363. Comics; hypnotist
364. Original; soldier/mercenary
365. Real person (with caveat); serial killer/probable physician
366. Original; student
367. Original; reporter


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2/03/2022 4:23 pm  #76

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Added next 50 character specific clues.
1. Comics; criminal; former classmate of two cast characters
4. Original; unrevealed; girlfriend of one villain who was killed by another
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer; powers related to his tears
6. Original; university dean; ally of a hate group
9. Real person; princess turned warrior; fictional version briefly actress; from 1253 BC but ended up in 1937
10. Comics; businessman; related to a reformed villain
12. Original; cultist; become disillusioned with source of worship
16. Original; police detective; in sole appearance directed a main character to someone's office
17. Original; unrevealed; mother of kidnap victim
18. Comics; criminal; insecure re: physical appearance
19. Comics; warden; sold meta-humans to villain
20. Comics; terrorist; leads group attempting to blow up city
21. Comics; crime lord; one of four remaining leaders in his org surviving after a purge
22. Comics; mayor; wounded by a bullet during a riot
23. Original; scientist; originally from 1925 but now time travelling
24. Original; editor-in-chief; believed main character had gone bad
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal; infected by alien parasite
26. Original; criminal; member of China-based crime group
27. Original; sheriff
29. Original; federal agent; abadoned daughter upon learning she was a lesbian
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
31. Original; drug dealer; drug his sold turned people into monsters
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman; half-brother of a main character
33. Original; engineer turned professor; murdered by a super-villain
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal; killed by a main character to save an ally
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave; daughter of #17
36. Comics; unrevealed; murdered by her husband
37. Original; attorney; killed by a vigilante
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer; used VR as a means of torture
39. Comics; military general; father of counterpart of a main character
40. Original; university professor; betrayed her sister
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none; son of a main character
42. Original; assassin; committed suicide to avoid further interrogation
46. Original; sheriff; active in 1925
51. Comics; unrevealed; mother of hero active in the future
52. Comics (different first name); police department employee; super-villain's sister in law
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company; father of a cast character
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader; succeeded a super-villain in a comics tie-in
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife; mother of a main character
57. Original; criminal; henchman to a villain who is the son of a reformed villain
58. Original; alderman; kidnapped and killed by villain for revenge
60. Original; criminal; alcoholic who abused his ex-girlfriend
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist; murdered people he felt had abadoned him
62. Original; security agent; helped keep a protest from going further out of control
63. Original; caretaker; from an erased future
64. Comics; criminal; could shrink objects
65. Original; chef (police offcer in another timeline); killed in revenge for actions from temporary timeline
66. Original; student when last seen; friend/classmate of major character
67. Comics; bank robber; has psychic powers
69. Original; unrevealed; drug addict, wife of major character
70. Original; likely assassin; killed over 200 people
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed; was the wife of a major character
72. Original; unrevealed; part of family cheated out of life's savings
73. Real person; queen; real version is still alive as of Feb 2022
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier; father of major villain
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal; prison escapee
77. Original; unrevealed; mother of major character
78. Comics; businessman/terrorist; part of a plan to rid the Earth of most of humanity
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power; invited major characters on opposing sides to be keynote speakers in a media summit.
80. Original; medical doctor; treated main character for free in support of their actions
81. Original; pianist; from artificial reality
82. Original; unrevealed; patient at major character's clinic
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff; assisted in major character's political campaign
84. Original; unrevealed; parent of major character
85. Original; businessman; embezzled about $30 million from a pension plan
86. Original; serial killer; drowned victims before dressing them up
87. Original; CEO; from Markovia
88. Original; criminal; helped rob seven banks in three states within two weeks
89. Original; councilman; opposed a request from a major charadter, fearing for his city's survival
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince; sister was a major villain
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster; from same artificial reality as #81
92. Comics; king; father of #90
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin; artificial lifeform
94. Real person; prince; reincarnated after death
95. Original; unrevealed; daughter has alien pet
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer; father of major character
97. Original; prison guard; brought in as part of prison reform effort
98. Original; pilot; father of close friend of major character
99. Original; some sort of media employee; major character did composions for him
100. Original; drug dealer; stopped as part of an effrort to show someone a better way in dealing with criminals
101. Comics; unrevealed; wife of a villain
102. Original; crime boss; at attempt to kill him happened in an arena
103. Real person; singer; this version wrote a song after seeing a character get abducted
105. Comics; bar owner; some of his customers were killed in a weapons test
106. Original; documentary director; accompanied major characters to Russia
107. Original; bartender; friend of a major character who visits the bar
108. Original; retail manager; major character briefly worked for him
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts; courted a major character
110. Comics; cage fighter; fought main character in a match
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron; led island operation
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared; assassin; hired to kill a mayor
113. Real person; king; resurrected after death
114. Original; disc jockey/assassin; DJ work was for a major character
116. Original; ex-criminal; extra-terrestrial
117. Comics; attorney; represented main character in trial
118. Original; CEO/businessman/land baron; used company to swindle hundreds out of their homes and life savings
119. Original; councilman; tried to get a bribe from father of main character
121. Original; federal law enforcement agent; investigated main character
122. Original; student when last seen; history changed significantly due to the Crisis
124. Original; soldier (private); killed as part of a plan to frame someone in the theft of weapons
125. Original; time pirate; erased from history due to future deeds
126. Original but related to character from comics; in one timeline was a hero's adoptive father
127. Original; toy shop worker; mother of a cast character
128. Original; unrevealed; with husband, acted as guardian for grandson after grandson's pamrents were killed
129. Original; temporal agent; hypnotized during a performance review
130. Likely comics;  military general; taken hostage during weapons demonstation
131. Comics; criminal; can manipulate people's emotions
132. Original; nightclub employee; made out with a guy has part of nthe latter's attempt to break up with his girlfriend
133. Original; student; plays high school football
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same; unrevealed; active as such in the Old West
135. Comics; unrevealed; mother of a main character
136. Comics; travel enforcement officer; has telepathy and other powers of the mind
137. Original; medical doctor/slave trader; sent humans off world
138. Original; student; dated a cast character
139. Original; fire chief; targeted by #61
140. Original; CEO/businessman; hired an assassin to kill bidders of a company he wished to own
141. Original; personal assistant; posed as his employer (a major villain) to help them escape anothr major villain
142. Original; restaurant employee; own name unknown but restaurant name refers to something you might find on a table at a restaurant
143. Original; real estate developer; people died in his buildings due to inadequate heating
144. Original; career criminal; took over boyfriend's criminal business why he was incarcerated
145. Real person; prop master turned film director; real version still alive as of Feb 2022
146. Real person; army commander, likely turned prime minister; participated in an invasion in 1961
147. Comics; board member; tried to use company owner's emails to ruin her reputation
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante; hero active in the future on a parallel Earth
149. Original; unrevealed; clubber who used drugs
150. Original; criminal; injured himself shooting someone he didn't know had powers.
151. Comics character with different name; warrior; active in the 31th century in one future under a different name
152. Original; unrevealed; broke up with girlfriend for cheating on her
153. Real person; astronaut; real version still alive as of Feb 2022
154. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar); arsonist; briefly acquitted when issues arose in his trial but arrested again after another crime
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker; brought a main character home after time away
157. Original; board member; mkilled by some sort of robotic tech
158. Comics; businessman; took over a mjaor character's body
159. Original; police officer; held captive for a time in another world
160. Original mixed with mythology; coachman; replaced a Hindu god
162. Original; district attorney; represented a case against a main character
163. Original; unrevealed, but likely student if any when last seen; father falsely charged with the murder of her mother
164. Original; student when last seen; star high school quarterback
165. Original; criminal; killed by his boss
166. Comics; police detective; cast character and romantic interest to another cast character
167. Original; Unrevealed, possible criminal; prisoner on a ship
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same), cryogeneticist, bartender, criminal; romantic interest to cast character
170. Original; deputy sheriff; in one timeline investigated #122's death
172. Mentioned in a movie; physician to adoptive mother of main character
173. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed; twin sister of a key recurring character
174. Original; terrorist; tried to stop the launch of a VR service
175. Original; marine biologist; widow of the counterpart of a super-villain
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person; babysitter for the child of a super-villain
177. Original; judge; presided over main character trial
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people; collections officer; can manipulate people's emotions
180. Original; nun turned singer/guitarist; part of a band that a cast character is also part of
181. Real person; tsarina; family targeted in an assassination attempt
182. Original; fence; arrested during the sale of a stolen jewel
183. Real person; musician; smoked psychedlic cigarettes
184. Comics; board member, businessman; saved from assassination attempt by a main character
185. Original; lawyer turned criminal; sought revenge against the lawyer firm
186. Movie; witch; survived her reality being destroyed by the Crisis
187. Comics; wrestler turned criminal; other than a fang, thus far only seen in photo
188. Original; unrevealed; extra-terrestrial
189. Comics; student; aged at accelarated rate
190. Original; criminal; snapped after family killed in a mall
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person; physician; often helped main character and allies
193. Original; orphanage head, foster mother; raised a major character
194. Original; bowler; extra-terrestrial or at least operates outside of Earth
195. Original; police sergeant; briefed main characters on missions
196. Original; criminal; attended crime family gathering
197. Original; probable student; dated a cast character for a time
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use; bank robber; part of family of criminals
199. Original; medical doctor; treated a cast character
200. Original; nurse; worked for cast character
202. Original; bartender; ex-girlfriend of cast character
203. Original; unrevealed, possible student when last seen; could heal mortal injuries
204. Original; activist of sorts; part of anti-alien group
205. Original; electrics company employee; assigned to develop a weapon that could penetrate a super-suit
206. Real person; novelist; killed by a creature in an erased timeline
207. Original; soldier; helped broyther steal weaponry from military base
208. Real person (at least going by first name); unrevealed; sought autograph from heroes
209. Comics; energy source; has strong connection to a major character
210. Original, though shares name with comics character; unrevealed; once erroneously believed to have killed a major character
211. Original; bank robber; sent to steal for comics based villain
212. Original; criminal; prisoner in other dimensional realm
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs; ruler; offered deal to major character
214. Original; therapist for main character
215. Original but related to character from comics; fire chief; wife has launched campaign for major
216. Original; religious figure (can't say what kind without revealing name), possible assassin; officiates rituals and ceremonies
217. Original; sheriff; lived in Oregon
218. Original though code name used by comics characters; crime lord; wanted to create coalition of crime gangs
219. Original; criminal; joined major villain's army
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character; criminal of sorts, though possibly not by occupation; tormented major character for years
221. Real person; priestess; active in New Orleans
222. Original; pirate; lover of famous pirate
223. Original; film director; did documentary on main character
224. Comics; outlaw; responsible for town's destruction
225. Comics; student; related to a main character
226. Original; unrevealed; posed as treasure seeker in VR reality
227. Original; federal agent; has worked closely with directors of her organization
228. Original; crime family consigliere; killed by boss' daughter
229. Original; student; accidentally electrocuted by unconscious friend
230. Original but distant relative of comics based character; robotics engineer; seen in 2147
231. Original; federal agent posing as accountant; killed by villainous cast character
232. Original; government agent; from China but killed in New Zealand
233. Original; waitress; sister-in-law and ex-girlfriend of major character
234. Original; criminal; broken out of jail by super-villain girlfriend
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show; police task force officer; romantically involved with super-villain
236. Original; high school coach; allowed main character to be assistant coach
237. Comics; police commissioner; disapproved of main character's actions
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics); bank robber; son of #198
239. Original; unrevealed; husband of long recurring character
240. Comics (comics version has different surname); unrevealed; son of cast character
241. Comics (comics version has different surname); legal aid attorney; was the best friend of a cast character
242. Comics; high ranking military officer; trained a main character
243. Comics; mobster/money launderer, nightclub manager; managed the nightclub on behalf of a super-villain
244. Original; SWAT officer turned bodyguard; briefly replaced a major character in job
245. Original; federal agent; possessed by villain based on comics hero
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share; head of security, criminal; killed by anti-matter
247. Comics; gangster; can turn his body into a specific element
248. Original; unrevealed; mother of #122
249. Comics; trivia night host; comics version is a major villain
251. Real person; shogun; died ten years prior to real world version
252. Original; high priestess; prisoner whose name was used for prison
253. Original; board member; got major character ousted from company they were running
255. Original; unrevealed; lives in a Maritimes city
256. Original; shopkeeper; active in the near future
257. Comics; assassin; second in command in her organization
258. Comics; military Lieutenant Colonel working for major character
259. Original; unrevealed; father of #122
261. Original; criminal turned boxer; wrongly suspected of being a super-villain
262. Comics but different name; hitman; hired to spy on main character
263. Earlier show (different real name); drug dealer; ex-lover of main character
264. Original; bank robber; has fire powers
265. Comics; apparrent criminal; can generate acid
266. Comics (comics vdersion unnamed); unrevealed; ex-mistress of #313
267. Original; unrevealed, possibly none; engaged to a guy but secretly in love with a woman
268. Original; probably none so far, possibly student; foster daughter of major characters
270. Original; parole officer for main character
271. Original; member of resistance group; extra-terrestrial
272. Comics; probably criminal; extra-terrestrial convict
273. Original; car thief who claimed that a cast character was trying to steal his car
274. Original; soldier; father of cast character
275. Original; soldier turned leader of vigilante group inspired by main character
276. Comics; toy manufacturing company owner; ex-boss of super-villain
277. Original; senator with an interest in extra-terrestrials
278. Original; EMT; could swap people's DNA
279. Original; attorney; did pro-bono work for comapny major character worked at
280. Comics; personal physician for major villain
281. Original; philanthropist/clinic owner; wife of major character, mainly seen in photo
283. Real person; student when last seen; likely later an attorney, philanthropist, and civic leader; former student of major character
286. Comics; police detective; former work partner of major character
287. Original; influencer; disfigured subsequent to cosmetic surgery
288. Comics; Russian federal agent; investigated by an American agency
289. Comics; journalist; operated in a different city pre- and post-Crisis
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown; drug dealer; can manipulate time
291. Original; criminal/double agent; acted as recruiter for her actual organization
292. Original; very high ranking poiltician; predecessor killed in alien invasion
293. Comics (comics version has different first name); criminal; counterpart of cast character's brother
294. Earlier character this continuity; none; VR version of cast character
295. Original; banker; saved from building that was blown up
296. Original; football coach; hid that a player has brain damage and was using steroids
297. Original; mercenary; worked for cast character's mother
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different; mechanical engineer turned criminal; uses robotic creatures
299. Comics; assassin/black ops agent; deserted federal agency she used to work for
301.  Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities; quantum engineer/CEO; was replaced by a doppleganger who posed as her
302. Original; police officer; betrayed his PD to a super-villain
303. Original; student; wore homemade costumes based on main character
304. Original; student if any; saved by main character from parahcute bombs
305. Original; high school student seeking university admission
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show; biomedical engineer, CEO; mother of cast charater
307. Comics; criminal; wrongly imprisoned for false confession
308. Original; mixed martial arts fighter; affected by a totem being activated
309. Original; waitress; dropped food and drinks after bumping into co-worker
310. Original; singer; from Old West
311. Original; computer hacker; seducted by someone who killed him
312. Original; fence; tried to steal from jewel thief
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics); CEO; masterminded an outbreak of tuberculosis
314. Comics; unrevealed if applicable; demonic rival to cast character
315. Original; criminal; worked for comics-based villain
316. Original; museum curator; super-villain stole necklace she had obtained permission to exhibit
317. Original; maid; murdered by employer
318. Original; shop owner; aunt of super-villain
319. Original; drug dealer; sold drugs to cast character
320. Original; artifacts collector; attacked by super-villain
321. Original; unrevealed; possible professional fighter; part of super-villain's fight club
322. Original; reverend; arrested villager accused of being a witch
323. Original; judge; helped send prisoners to death row regardless of guilt or innocence
324. Original; unrevealed; was once a potential date for cast character via dating ap
325. Likely comics (not DC), different surname; probable student when last seen; wnet drag racing with boyfriend
326. Original; military sergeant; part of army strike team
327. Original; adventurer; current cast character
328. Original; asylum nurse; informed by main and other cast character she was in danger but she realized they weren't entirely telling the truth
329. Original; some sort of information provider; member of a shadow organization
330. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
331. Original; criminal agent; leader of group within a group
333. Original; criminal; prison bunk mate for recurring character
334. Real person; very high ranking politician; timeline altered when he became unable to lie
335. Comics; farmer; adoptive father of main character
336. Original; firearms store owner; sold bullets to vigilante
337. Original; criminal/car workshop owner; killed by someone he tried to blackmail
338. Original; serial killer; her son was intially believed by heroes to be the killer
339. Comics; bank robber/terrorist
340. Comics; high priestess
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently; village leader
342. Original; probable student when last seen
343. Comics; jewel thief
344. Original; unrevealed
345. Original; mayor
346. Original; unrevealed
347. Original but related to character from comics; physics professor/philanthropist/criminal/engineering professor
348. Original; scullery maid
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; physical therapist
350. Original; police technician
351. Original; prison officer
352. Original; high ranking military officer/government agent/criminal
353. Comics, though heavily changed; bodyguard/criminal
354. Original; unrevealed
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people; mayor
356. Original; unrevealed
357. Original; criminal
358. Original; crime boss employee
359. Original; criminal
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name; photographer/thief
361. Original; scientist
362. Original; member of secret, arguably criminal organization
363. Comics; hypnotist
364. Original; soldier/mercenary
365. Real person (with caveat); serial killer/probable physician
366. Original; student
367. Original; reporter


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     Thread Starter

2/05/2022 1:43 pm  #77

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Added remaining character specific clues.
1. Comics; criminal; former classmate of two cast characters
4. Original; unrevealed; girlfriend of one villain who was killed by another
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer; powers related to his tears
6. Original; university dean; ally of a hate group
9. Real person; princess turned warrior; fictional version briefly actress; from 1253 BC but ended up in 1937
10. Comics; businessman; related to a reformed villain
12. Original; cultist; become disillusioned with source of worship
16. Original; police detective; in sole appearance directed a main character to someone's office
17. Original; unrevealed; mother of kidnap victim
18. Comics; criminal; insecure re: physical appearance
19. Comics; warden; sold meta-humans to villain
20. Comics; terrorist; leads group attempting to blow up city
21. Comics; crime lord; one of four remaining leaders in his org surviving after a purge
22. Comics; mayor; wounded by a bullet during a riot
23. Original; scientist; originally from 1925 but now time travelling
24. Original; editor-in-chief; believed main character had gone bad
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal; infected by alien parasite
26. Original; criminal; member of China-based crime group
27. Original; sheriff
29. Original; federal agent; abadoned daughter upon learning she was a lesbian
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
31. Original; drug dealer; drug his sold turned people into monsters
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman; half-brother of a main character
33. Original; engineer turned professor; murdered by a super-villain
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal; killed by a main character to save an ally
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave; daughter of #17
36. Comics; unrevealed; murdered by her husband
37. Original; attorney; killed by a vigilante
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer; used VR as a means of torture
39. Comics; military general; father of counterpart of a main character
40. Original; university professor; betrayed her sister
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none; son of a main character
42. Original; assassin; committed suicide to avoid further interrogation
46. Original; sheriff; active in 1925
51. Comics; unrevealed; mother of hero active in the future
52. Comics (different first name); police department employee; super-villain's sister in law
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company; father of a cast character
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader; succeeded a super-villain in a comics tie-in
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife; mother of a main character
57. Original; criminal; henchman to a villain who is the son of a reformed villain
58. Original; alderman; kidnapped and killed by villain for revenge
60. Original; criminal; alcoholic who abused his ex-girlfriend
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist; murdered people he felt had abadoned him
62. Original; security agent; helped keep a protest from going further out of control
63. Original; caretaker; from an erased future
64. Comics; criminal; could shrink objects
65. Original; chef (police offcer in another timeline); killed in revenge for actions from temporary timeline
66. Original; student when last seen; friend/classmate of major character
67. Comics; bank robber; has psychic powers
69. Original; unrevealed; drug addict, wife of major character
70. Original; likely assassin; killed over 200 people
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed; was the wife of a major character
72. Original; unrevealed; part of family cheated out of life's savings
73. Real person; queen; real version is still alive as of Feb 2022
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier; father of major villain
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal; prison escapee
77. Original; unrevealed; mother of major character
78. Comics; businessman/terrorist; part of a plan to rid the Earth of most of humanity
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power; invited major characters on opposing sides to be keynote speakers in a media summit.
80. Original; medical doctor; treated main character for free in support of their actions
81. Original; pianist; from artificial reality
82. Original; unrevealed; patient at major character's clinic
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff; assisted in major character's political campaign
84. Original; unrevealed; parent of major character
85. Original; businessman; embezzled about $30 million from a pension plan
86. Original; serial killer; drowned victims before dressing them up
87. Original; CEO; from Markovia
88. Original; criminal; helped rob seven banks in three states within two weeks
89. Original; councilman; opposed a request from a major charadter, fearing for his city's survival
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince; sister was a major villain
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster; from same artificial reality as #81
92. Comics; king; father of #90
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin; artificial lifeform
94. Real person; prince; reincarnated after death
95. Original; unrevealed; daughter has alien pet
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer; father of major character
97. Original; prison guard; brought in as part of prison reform effort
98. Original; pilot; father of close friend of major character
99. Original; some sort of media employee; major character did composions for him
100. Original; drug dealer; stopped as part of an effrort to show someone a better way in dealing with criminals
101. Comics; unrevealed; wife of a villain
102. Original; crime boss; at attempt to kill him happened in an arena
103. Real person; singer; this version wrote a song after seeing a character get abducted
105. Comics; bar owner; some of his customers were killed in a weapons test
106. Original; documentary director; accompanied major characters to Russia
107. Original; bartender; friend of a major character who visits the bar
108. Original; retail manager; major character briefly worked for him
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts; courted a major character
110. Comics; cage fighter; fought main character in a match
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron; led island operation
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared; assassin; hired to kill a mayor
113. Real person; king; resurrected after death
114. Original; disc jockey/assassin; DJ work was for a major character
116. Original; ex-criminal; extra-terrestrial
117. Comics; attorney; represented main character in trial
118. Original; CEO/businessman/land baron; used company to swindle hundreds out of their homes and life savings
119. Original; councilman; tried to get a bribe from father of main character
121. Original; federal law enforcement agent; investigated main character
122. Original; student when last seen; history changed significantly due to the Crisis
124. Original; soldier (private); killed as part of a plan to frame someone in the theft of weapons
125. Original; time pirate; erased from history due to future deeds
126. Original but related to character from comics; in one timeline was a hero's adoptive father
127. Original; toy shop worker; mother of a cast character
128. Original; unrevealed; with husband, acted as guardian for grandson after grandson's pamrents were killed
129. Original; temporal agent; hypnotized during a performance review
130. Likely comics;  military general; taken hostage during weapons demonstation
131. Comics; criminal; can manipulate people's emotions
132. Original; nightclub employee; made out with a guy has part of nthe latter's attempt to break up with his girlfriend
133. Original; student; plays high school football
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same; unrevealed; active as such in the Old West
135. Comics; unrevealed; mother of a main character
136. Comics; travel enforcement officer; has telepathy and other powers of the mind
137. Original; medical doctor/slave trader; sent humans off world
138. Original; student; dated a cast character
139. Original; fire chief; targeted by #61
140. Original; CEO/businessman; hired an assassin to kill bidders of a company he wished to own
141. Original; personal assistant; posed as his employer (a major villain) to help them escape anothr major villain
142. Original; restaurant employee; own name unknown but restaurant name refers to something you might find on a table at a restaurant
143. Original; real estate developer; people died in his buildings due to inadequate heating
144. Original; career criminal; took over boyfriend's criminal business why he was incarcerated
145. Real person; prop master turned film director; real version still alive as of Feb 2022
146. Real person; army commander, likely turned prime minister; participated in an invasion in 1961
147. Comics; board member; tried to use company owner's emails to ruin her reputation
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante; hero active in the future on a parallel Earth
149. Original; unrevealed; clubber who used drugs
150. Original; criminal; injured himself shooting someone he didn't know had powers.
151. Comics character with different name; warrior; active in the 31th century in one future under a different name
152. Original; unrevealed; broke up with girlfriend for cheating on her
153. Real person; astronaut; real version still alive as of Feb 2022
154. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar); arsonist; briefly acquitted when issues arose in his trial but arrested again after another crime
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker; brought a main character home after time away
157. Original; board member; mkilled by some sort of robotic tech
158. Comics; businessman; took over a mjaor character's body
159. Original; police officer; held captive for a time in another world
160. Original mixed with mythology; coachman; replaced a Hindu god
162. Original; district attorney; represented a case against a main character
163. Original; unrevealed, but likely student if any when last seen; father falsely charged with the murder of her mother
164. Original; student when last seen; star high school quarterback
165. Original; criminal; killed by his boss
166. Comics; police detective; cast character and romantic interest to another cast character
167. Original; Unrevealed, possible criminal; prisoner on a ship
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same), cryogeneticist, bartender, criminal; romantic interest to cast character
170. Original; deputy sheriff; in one timeline investigated #122's death
172. Mentioned in a movie; physician to adoptive mother of main character
173. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed; twin sister of a key recurring character
174. Original; terrorist; tried to stop the launch of a VR service
175. Original; marine biologist; widow of the counterpart of a super-villain
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person; babysitter for the child of a super-villain
177. Original; judge; presided over main character trial
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people; collections officer; can manipulate people's emotions
180. Original; nun turned singer/guitarist; part of a band that a cast character is also part of
181. Real person; tsarina; family targeted in an assassination attempt
182. Original; fence; arrested during the sale of a stolen jewel
183. Real person; musician; smoked psychedlic cigarettes
184. Comics; board member, businessman; saved from assassination attempt by a main character
185. Original; lawyer turned criminal; sought revenge against the lawyer firm
186. Movie; witch; survived her reality being destroyed by the Crisis
187. Comics; wrestler turned criminal; other than a fang, thus far only seen in photo
188. Original; unrevealed; extra-terrestrial
189. Comics; student; aged at accelarated rate
190. Original; criminal; snapped after family killed in a mall
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person; physician; often helped main character and allies
193. Original; orphanage head, foster mother; raised a major character
194. Original; bowler; extra-terrestrial or at least operates outside of Earth
195. Original; police sergeant; briefed main characters on missions
196. Original; criminal; attended crime family gathering
197. Original; probable student; dated a cast character for a time
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use; bank robber; part of family of criminals
199. Original; medical doctor; treated a cast character
200. Original; nurse; worked for cast character
202. Original; bartender; ex-girlfriend of cast character
203. Original; unrevealed, possible student when last seen; could heal mortal injuries
204. Original; activist of sorts; part of anti-alien group
205. Original; electrics company employee; assigned to develop a weapon that could penetrate a super-suit
206. Real person; novelist; killed by a creature in an erased timeline
207. Original; soldier; helped broyther steal weaponry from military base
208. Real person (at least going by first name); unrevealed; sought autograph from heroes
209. Comics; energy source; has strong connection to a major character
210. Original, though shares name with comics character; unrevealed; once erroneously believed to have killed a major character
211. Original; bank robber; sent to steal for comics based villain
212. Original; criminal; prisoner in other dimensional realm
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs; ruler; offered deal to major character
214. Original; therapist for main character
215. Original but related to character from comics; fire chief; wife has launched campaign for major
216. Original; religious figure (can't say what kind without revealing name), possible assassin; officiates rituals and ceremonies
217. Original; sheriff; lived in Oregon
218. Original though code name used by comics characters; crime lord; wanted to create coalition of crime gangs
219. Original; criminal; joined major villain's army
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character; criminal of sorts, though possibly not by occupation; tormented major character for years
221. Real person; priestess; active in New Orleans
222. Original; pirate; lover of famous pirate
223. Original; film director; did documentary on main character
224. Comics; outlaw; responsible for town's destruction
225. Comics; student; related to a main character
226. Original; unrevealed; posed as treasure seeker in VR reality
227. Original; federal agent; has worked closely with directors of her organization
228. Original; crime family consigliere; killed by boss' daughter
229. Original; student; accidentally electrocuted by unconscious friend
230. Original but distant relative of comics based character; robotics engineer; seen in 2147
231. Original; federal agent posing as accountant; killed by villainous cast character
232. Original; government agent; from China but killed in New Zealand
233. Original; waitress; sister-in-law and ex-girlfriend of major character
234. Original; criminal; broken out of jail by super-villain girlfriend
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show; police task force officer; romantically involved with super-villain
236. Original; high school coach; allowed main character to be assistant coach
237. Comics; police commissioner; disapproved of main character's actions
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics); bank robber; son of #198
239. Original; unrevealed; husband of long recurring character
240. Comics (comics version has different surname); unrevealed; son of cast character
241. Comics (comics version has different surname); legal aid attorney; was the best friend of a cast character
242. Comics; high ranking military officer; trained a main character
243. Comics; mobster/money launderer, nightclub manager; managed the nightclub on behalf of a super-villain
244. Original; SWAT officer turned bodyguard; briefly replaced a major character in job
245. Original; federal agent; possessed by villain based on comics hero
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share; head of security, criminal; killed by anti-matter
247. Comics; gangster; can turn his body into a specific element
248. Original; unrevealed; mother of #122
249. Comics; trivia night host; comics version is a major villain
251. Real person; shogun; died ten years prior to real world version
252. Original; high priestess; prisoner whose name was used for prison
253. Original; board member; got major character ousted from company they were running
255. Original; unrevealed; lives in a Maritimes city
256. Original; shopkeeper; active in the near future
257. Comics; assassin; second in command in her organization
258. Comics; military Lieutenant Colonel working for major character
259. Original; unrevealed; father of #122
261. Original; criminal turned boxer; wrongly suspected of being a super-villain
262. Comics but different name; hitman; hired to spy on main character
263. Earlier show (different real name); drug dealer; ex-lover of main character
264. Original; bank robber; has fire powers
265. Comics; apparrent criminal; can generate acid
266. Comics (comics vdersion unnamed); unrevealed; ex-mistress of #313
267. Original; unrevealed, possibly none; engaged to a guy but secretly in love with a woman
268. Original; probably none so far, possibly student; foster daughter of major characters
270. Original; parole officer for main character
271. Original; member of resistance group; extra-terrestrial
272. Comics; probably criminal; extra-terrestrial convict
273. Original; car thief who claimed that a cast character was trying to steal his car
274. Original; soldier; father of cast character
275. Original; soldier turned leader of vigilante group inspired by main character
276. Comics; toy manufacturing company owner; ex-boss of super-villain
277. Original; senator with an interest in extra-terrestrials
278. Original; EMT; could swap people's DNA
279. Original; attorney; did pro-bono work for comapny major character worked at
280. Comics; personal physician for major villain
281. Original; philanthropist/clinic owner; wife of major character, mainly seen in photo
283. Real person; student when last seen; likely later an attorney, philanthropist, and civic leader; former student of major character
286. Comics; police detective; former work partner of major character
287. Original; influencer; disfigured subsequent to cosmetic surgery
288. Comics; Russian federal agent; investigated by an American agency
289. Comics; journalist; operated in a different city pre- and post-Crisis
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown; drug dealer; can manipulate time
291. Original; criminal/double agent; acted as recruiter for her actual organization
292. Original; very high ranking poiltician; predecessor killed in alien invasion
293. Comics (comics version has different first name); criminal; counterpart of cast character's brother
294. Earlier character this continuity; none; VR version of cast character
295. Original; banker; saved from building that was blown up
296. Original; football coach; hid that a player has brain damage and was using steroids
297. Original; mercenary; worked for cast character's mother
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different; mechanical engineer turned criminal; uses robotic creatures
299. Comics; assassin/black ops agent; deserted federal agency she used to work for
301.  Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities; quantum engineer/CEO; was replaced by a doppleganger who posed as her
302. Original; police officer; betrayed his PD to a super-villain
303. Original; student; wore homemade costumes based on main character
304. Original; student if any; saved by main character from parahcute bombs
305. Original; high school student seeking university admission
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show; biomedical engineer, CEO; mother of cast charater
307. Comics; criminal; wrongly imprisoned for false confession
308. Original; mixed martial arts fighter; affected by a totem being activated
309. Original; waitress; dropped food and drinks after bumping into co-worker
310. Original; singer; from Old West
311. Original; computer hacker; seducted by someone who killed him
312. Original; fence; tried to steal from jewel thief
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics); CEO; masterminded an outbreak of tuberculosis
314. Comics; unrevealed if applicable; demonic rival to cast character
315. Original; criminal; worked for comics-based villain
316. Original; museum curator; super-villain stole necklace she had obtained permission to exhibit
317. Original; maid; murdered by employer
318. Original; shop owner; aunt of super-villain
319. Original; drug dealer; sold drugs to cast character
320. Original; artifacts collector; attacked by super-villain
321. Original; unrevealed; possible professional fighter; part of super-villain's fight club
322. Original; reverend; arrested villager accused of being a witch
323. Original; judge; helped send prisoners to death row regardless of guilt or innocence
324. Original; unrevealed; was once a potential date for cast character via dating ap
325. Likely comics (not DC), different surname; probable student when last seen; went drag racing with boyfriend
326. Original; military sergeant; part of army strike team
327. Original; adventurer; current cast character
328. Original; asylum nurse; informed by main and other cast character she was in danger but she realized they weren't entirely telling the truth
329. Original; some sort of information provider; member of a shadow organization
330. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
331. Original; criminal agent; leader of group within a group
333. Original; criminal; prison bunk mate for recurring character
334. Real person; very high ranking politician; timeline altered when he became unable to lie
335. Comics; farmer; adoptive father of main character
336. Original; firearms store owner; sold bullets to vigilante
337. Original; criminal/car workshop owner; killed by someone he tried to blackmail
338. Original; serial killer; her son was intially believed by heroes to be the killer
339. Comics; bank robber/terrorist; electricity powers
340. Comics; high priestess; Egyptian who died thousands of years ago
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently; village leader; ancestor of a major character
342. Original; probable student when last seen; boyfriend of  #325
343. Comics; jewel thief; bonded with alien symbiote
344. Original; unrevealed; father of #255
345. Original; mayor; killed by hero's imposter
346. Original; unrevealed; asks reporters to help locate missing son
347. Original but related to character from comics; physics professor/philanthropist/criminal/engineering professor; wife of major villain
348. Original; scullery maid; lover of #267
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; physical therapist; divorced from cast character
350. Original; police technician; required to review footage involving main character
351. Original; prison officer; was fired
352. Original; high ranking military officer/government agent/criminal; watched cage fight
353. Comics, though heavily changed; bodyguard/criminal; arrested for murder
354. Original; unrevealed; #274's wife
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people; mayor; surname may refer to actor who was in another Arrowverse show
356. Original; unrevealed; was devastated when ex-wife was murdered
357. Original; criminal; worked for two different boses (not concurrently)
358. Original; crime boss employee; killed by boss' daughter
359. Original; criminal; part of Chinese crime family
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name; photographer/thief; drawn to shiny objects
361. Original; scientist; tasked to recreate a virus
362. Original; member of secret, arguably criminal organization; friend turned enemy of major character
363. Comics; hypnotist; worked for major villains
364. Original; soldier/mercenary; hired to bomb waterfront
365. Real person (with caveat); serial killer/probable physician; briefly resurrected
366. Original; student; helped beat up cast characters
367. Original; reporter; cast character


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2/05/2022 1:45 pm  #78

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

As before, okay to ask questions. Next set of clues will reveal specific sources for non-original characters/characters not based on real people.

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2/06/2022 8:33 am  #79

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

If I counted correctly, for the first 50 applicable characters, I noted where they first appeared if not original or confirmed based on real people.
1. Comics; criminal; former classmate of two cast characters; Action Comics
4. Original; unrevealed; girlfriend of one villain who was killed by another
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer; powers related to his tears; Master Comics
6. Original; university dean; ally of a hate group
9. Real person; princess turned warrior; fictional version briefly actress; from 1253 BC but ended up in 1937
10. Comics; businessman; related to a reformed villain; The Flash
12. Original; cultist; become disillusioned with source of worship
16. Original; police detective; in sole appearance directed a main character to someone's office
17. Original; unrevealed; mother of kidnap victim
18. Comics; criminal; insecure re: physical appearance; Batman Family
19. Comics; warden; sold meta-humans to villain; The Flash: Iron Heights
20. Comics; terrorist; leads group attempting to blow up city; Green Arrow
21. Comics; crime lord; one of four remaining leaders in his org surviving after a purge; Green Arrow
22. Comics; mayor; wounded by a bullet during a riot; Batman: Turning Points
23. Original; scientist; originally from 1925 but now time travelling
24. Original; editor-in-chief; believed main character had gone bad
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal; infected by alien parasite; Firestorm
26. Original; criminal; member of China-based crime group
27. Original but related to comics based character; sheriff; abandoned daughter upon learning she was a lesbian
29. Original; federal agent; electrocuted
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
31. Original; drug dealer; drug his sold turned people into monsters
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman; half-brother of a main character
33. Original; engineer turned professor; murdered by a super-villain
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal; killed by a main character to save an ally
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave; daughter of #17
36. Comics; unrevealed; murdered by her husband; New Teen Titans
37. Original; attorney; killed by a vigilante
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer; used VR as a means of torture
39. Comics; military general; father of counterpart of a main character; Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane
40. Original; university professor; betrayed her sister
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none; son of a main character
42. Original; assassin; committed suicide to avoid further interrogation
46. Original; sheriff; active in 1925
51. Comics; unrevealed; mother of hero active in the future; Green Arrow
52. Webseries (different first name); police department employee; super-villain's sister in law; Gotham Girls
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company; father of a cast character; Superman Annual
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader; succeeded a super-villain in a comics tie-in; Animal Man
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife; mother of a main character
57. Original; criminal; henchman to a villain who is the son of a reformed villain
58. Original; alderman; kidnapped and killed by villain for revenge
60. Original; criminal; alcoholic who abused his ex-girlfriend
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist; murdered people he felt had abandoned him; Detective Comics
62. Original; security agent; helped keep a protest from going further out of control
63. Original; caretaker; from an erased future
64. Comics; criminal; could shrink objects; The All-New Atom
65. Original; chef (police officer in another timeline); killed in revenge for actions from temporary timeline
66. Original; student when last seen; friend/classmate of major character
67. Comics; bank robber; has psychic powers; Daring New Adventures of Supergirl
69. Original; unrevealed; drug addict, wife of major character
70. Original; likely assassin; killed over 200 people
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed; was the wife of a major character; Showcase
72. Original; unrevealed; part of family cheated out of life's savings
73. Real person; queen; real version is still alive as of Feb 2022
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier; father of major villain; unsure, possible The Flash Secret Files and Origins
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal; prison escapee
77. Original; unrevealed; mother of major character
78. Comics; businessman/terrorist; part of a plan to rid the Earth of most of humanity; Green Arrow
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power; invited major characters on opposing sides to be keynote speakers in a media summit.
80. Original; medical doctor; treated main character for free in support of their actions
81. Original; pianist; from artificial reality
82. Original; unrevealed; patient at major character's clinic
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff; assisted in major character's political campaign
84. Original; unrevealed; parent of major character
85. Original; businessman; embezzled about $30 million from a pension plan
86. Original; serial killer; drowned victims before dressing them up
87. Original; CEO; from Markovia
88. Original; criminal; helped rob seven banks in three states within two weeks
89. Original; councilman; opposed a request from a major character, fearing for his city's survival
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince; sister was a major villain
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster; from same artificial reality as #81
92. Comics; king; father of #90; Superman Family
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin; artificial lifeform
94. Real person; prince; reincarnated after death
95. Original; unrevealed; daughter has alien pet
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer; father of major character
97. Original; prison guard; brought in as part of prison reform effort
98. Original; pilot; father of close friend of major character
99. Original; some sort of media employee; major character did compositions for him
100. Original; drug dealer; stopped as part of an effort to show someone a better way in dealing with criminals
101. Comics; unrevealed; wife of a villain; Deadshot
102. Original; crime boss; at attempt to kill him happened in an arena
103. Real person; singer; this version wrote a song after seeing a character get abducted
105. Comics; bar owner; some of his customers were killed in a weapons test; Lobo
106. Original; documentary director; accompanied major characters to Russia
107. Original; bartender; friend of a major character who visits the bar
108. Original; retail manager; major character briefly worked for him
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts; courted a major character; Superman
110. Comics; cage fighter; fought main character in a match; Adventures of Superman
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron; led island operation; World's Finest Comics
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared; assassin; hired to kill a mayor
113. Real person; king; resurrected after death
114. Original; disc jockey/assassin; DJ work was for a major character
116. Original; ex-criminal; extra-terrestrial
117. Comics; attorney; represented main character in trial; Showcase
118. Original; CEO/businessman/land baron; used company to swindle hundreds out of their homes and life savings
119. Original; councilman; tried to get a bribe from father of main character
121. Original; federal law enforcement agent; investigated main character
122. Original; student when last seen; history changed significantly due to the Crisis
124. Original; soldier (private); killed as part of a plan to frame someone in the theft of weapons
125. Original; time pirate; erased from history due to future deeds
126. Original but related to character from comics; in one timeline was a hero's adoptive father
127. Original; toy shop worker; mother of a cast character
128. Original; unrevealed; with husband, acted as guardian for grandson after grandson's parents were killed
129. Original; temporal agent; hypnotized during a performance review
130. Likely comics;  military general; taken hostage during weapons demonstration; All-American Men of War
131. Comics; criminal; can manipulate people's emotions; The Flash
132. Original; nightclub employee; made out with a guy has part of the latter's attempt to break up with his girlfriend
133. Original; student; plays high school football
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same; unrevealed; active as such in the Old West; Weird Western Tales
135. Comics; unrevealed; mother of a main character; Detective Comics
136. Comics; travel enforcement officer; has telepathy and other powers of the mind; Mister Terrific
137. Original; medical doctor/slave trader; sent humans off world
138. Original; student; dated a cast character
139. Original; fire chief; targeted by #61
140. Original; CEO/businessman; hired an assassin to kill bidders of a company he wished to own
141. Original; personal assistant; posed as his employer (a major villain) to help them escape another major villain
142. Original; restaurant employee; own name unknown but restaurant name refers to something you might find on a table at a restaurant
143. Original; real estate developer; people died in his buildings due to inadequate heating
144. Original; career criminal; took over boyfriend's criminal business why he was incarcerated
145. Real person; prop master turned film director; real version still alive as of Feb 2022
146. Real person; army commander, likely turned prime minister; participated in an invasion in 1961
147. Comics; board member; tried to use company owner's emails to ruin her reputation; Superman: The Man of Steel
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante; hero active in the future on a parallel Earth
149. Original; unrevealed; clubber who used drugs
150. Original; criminal; injured himself shooting someone he didn't know had powers.
151. Comics character with different name; warrior; active in the 31th century in one future under a different name; Legion of Super-Heroes
152. Original; unrevealed; broke up with girlfriend for cheating on her
153. Real person; astronaut; real version still alive as of Feb 2022
154. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar); arsonist; briefly acquitted when issues arose in his trial but arrested again after another crime; Justice League Task Force
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker; brought a main character home after time away
157. Original; board member; killed by some sort of robotic tech
158. Comics; businessman; took over a major character's body; Underworld Unleashed
159. Original; police officer; held captive for a time in another world
160. Original mixed with mythology; coachman; replaced a Hindu god
162. Original; district attorney; represented a case against a main character
163. Original; unrevealed, but likely student if any when last seen; father falsely charged with the murder of her mother
164. Original; student when last seen; star high school quarterback
165. Original; criminal; killed by his boss
166. Comics; police detective; cast character and romantic interest to another cast character; Superman
167. Original; Unrevealed, possible criminal; prisoner on a ship
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same), cryogeneticist, bartender, criminal; romantic interest to cast character; The Flash Annual
170. Original; deputy sheriff; in one timeline investigated #122's death
172. Mentioned in a movie; physician to adoptive mother of main character; Superman: The Movie
173. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed; twin sister of a key recurring character
174. Original; terrorist; tried to stop the launch of a VR service
175. Original; marine biologist; widow of the counterpart of a super-villain
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person; babysitter for the child of a super-villain
177. Original; judge; presided over main character trial
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people; collections officer; can manipulate people's emotions
180. Original; nun turned singer/guitarist; part of a band that a cast character is also part of
181. Real person; tsarina; family targeted in an assassination attempt
182. Original; fence; arrested during the sale of a stolen jewel
183. Real person; musician; smoked psychedelic cigarettes
184. Comics; board member, businessman; saved from assassination attempt by a main character; Steel
185. Original; lawyer turned criminal; sought revenge against the lawyer firm
186. Movie; witch; survived her reality being destroyed by the Crisis; Supergirl
187. Comics; wrestler turned criminal; other than a fang, thus far only seen in photo; Detective Comics
188. Original; unrevealed; extra-terrestrial
189. Comics; student; aged at accelerated rate; The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive
190. Original; criminal; snapped after family killed in a mall
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person; physician; often helped main character and allies
193. Original; orphanage head, foster mother; raised a major character
194. Original; bowler; extra-terrestrial or at least operates outside of Earth
195. Original; police sergeant; briefed main characters on missions
196. Original; criminal; attended crime family gathering
197. Original; probable student; dated a cast character for a time
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use; bank robber; part of family of criminals
199. Original; medical doctor; treated a cast character
200. Original; nurse; worked for cast character
202. Original; bartender; ex-girlfriend of cast character
203. Original; unrevealed, possible student when last seen; could heal mortal injuries
204. Original; activist of sorts; part of anti-alien group
205. Original; electrics company employee; assigned to develop a weapon that could penetrate a super-suit
206. Real person; novelist; killed by a creature in an erased timeline
207. Original; soldier; helped brother steal weaponry from military base
208. Real person (at least going by first name); unrevealed; sought autograph from heroes
209. Comics; energy source; has strong connection to a major character; The Flash
210. Original, though shares name with comics character; unrevealed; once erroneously believed to have killed a major character
211. Original; bank robber; sent to steal for comics based villain
212. Original; criminal; prisoner in other dimensional realm
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs; ruler; offered deal to major character; possibly Book Job
214. Original; therapist for main character
215. Original but related to character from comics; fire chief; wife has launched campaign for major
216. Original; religious figure (can't say what kind without revealing name), possible assassin; officiates rituals and ceremonies
217. Original; sheriff; lived in Oregon
218. Original though code name used by comics characters; crime lord; wanted to create coalition of crime gangs
219. Original; criminal; joined major villain's army
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character; criminal of sorts, though possibly not by occupation; tormented major character for years
221. Real person; priestess; active in New Orleans
222. Original; pirate; lover of famous pirate
223. Original; film director; did documentary on main character
224. Comics; outlaw; responsible for town's destruction; Weird Western Tales
225. Comics; student; related to a main character; Convergence: Superman
226. Original; unrevealed; posed as treasure seeker in VR reality
227. Original; federal agent; has worked closely with directors of her organization
228. Original; crime family consigliere; killed by boss' daughter
229. Original; student; accidentally electrocuted by unconscious friend
230. Original but distant relative of comics based character; robotics engineer; seen in 2147
231. Original; federal agent posing as accountant; killed by villainous cast character
232. Original; government agent; from China but killed in New Zealand
233. Original; waitress; sister-in-law and ex-girlfriend of major character
234. Original; criminal; broken out of jail by super-villain girlfriend
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show; police task force officer; romantically involved with super-villain
236. Original; high school coach; allowed main character to be assistant coach
237. Comics; police commissioner; disapproved of main character's actions
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics); bank robber; son of #198
239. Original; unrevealed; husband of long recurring character
240. Comics (comics version has different surname); unrevealed; son of cast character
241. Comics (comics version has different surname); legal aid attorney; was the best friend of a cast character
242. Comics; high ranking military officer; trained a main character
243. Comics; mobster/money launderer, nightclub manager; managed the nightclub on behalf of a super-villain
244. Original; SWAT officer turned bodyguard; briefly replaced a major character in job
245. Original; federal agent; possessed by villain based on comics hero
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share; head of security, criminal; killed by anti-matter
247. Comics; gangster; can turn his body into a specific element
248. Original; unrevealed; mother of #122
249. Comics; trivia night host; comics version is a major villain
251. Real person; shogun; died ten years prior to real world version
252. Original; high priestess; prisoner whose name was used for prison
253. Original; board member; got major character ousted from company they were running
255. Original; unrevealed; lives in a Maritimes city
256. Original; shopkeeper; active in the near future
257. Comics; assassin; second in command in her organization
258. Comics; military Lieutenant Colonel working for major character
259. Original; unrevealed; father of #122
261. Original; criminal turned boxer; wrongly suspected of being a super-villain
262. Comics but different name; hitman; hired to spy on main character
263. Earlier show (different real name); drug dealer; ex-lover of main character
264. Original; bank robber; has fire powers
265. Comics; apparrent criminal; can generate acid
266. Comics (comics vdersion unnamed); unrevealed; ex-mistress of #313
267. Original; unrevealed, possibly none; engaged to a guy but secretly in love with a woman
268. Original; probably none so far, possibly student; foster daughter of major characters
270. Original; parole officer for main character
271. Original; member of resistance group; extra-terrestrial
272. Comics; probably criminal; extra-terrestrial convict
273. Original; car thief who claimed that a cast character was trying to steal his car
274. Original; soldier; father of cast character
275. Original; soldier turned leader of vigilante group inspired by main character
276. Comics; toy manufacturing company owner; ex-boss of super-villain
277. Original; senator with an interest in extra-terrestrials
278. Original; EMT; could swap people's DNA
279. Original; attorney; did pro-bono work for comapny major character worked at
280. Comics; personal physician for major villain
281. Original; philanthropist/clinic owner; wife of major character, mainly seen in photo
283. Real person; student when last seen; likely later an attorney, philanthropist, and civic leader; former student of major character
286. Comics; police detective; former work partner of major character
287. Original; influencer; disfigured subsequent to cosmetic surgery
288. Comics; Russian federal agent; investigated by an American agency
289. Comics; journalist; operated in a different city pre- and post-Crisis
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown; drug dealer; can manipulate time
291. Original; criminal/double agent; acted as recruiter for her actual organization
292. Original; very high ranking poiltician; predecessor killed in alien invasion
293. Comics (comics version has different first name); criminal; counterpart of cast character's brother
294. Earlier character this continuity; none; VR version of cast character
295. Original; banker; saved from building that was blown up
296. Original; football coach; hid that a player has brain damage and was using steroids
297. Original; mercenary; worked for cast character's mother
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different; mechanical engineer turned criminal; uses robotic creatures
299. Comics; assassin/black ops agent; deserted federal agency she used to work for
301.  Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities; quantum engineer/CEO; was replaced by a doppelgänger who posed as her
302. Original; police officer; betrayed his PD to a super-villain
303. Original; student; wore homemade costumes based on main character
304. Original; student if any; saved by main character from parachute bombs
305. Original; high school student seeking university admission
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show; biomedical engineer, CEO; mother of cast character
307. Comics; criminal; wrongly imprisoned for false confession
308. Original; mixed martial arts fighter; affected by a totem being activated
309. Original; waitress; dropped food and drinks after bumping into co-worker
310. Original; singer; from Old West
311. Original; computer hacker; seduced by someone who killed him
312. Original; fence; tried to steal from jewel thief
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics); CEO; masterminded an outbreak of tuberculosis
314. Comics; unrevealed if applicable; demonic rival to cast character
315. Original; criminal; worked for comics-based villain
316. Original; museum curator; super-villain stole necklace she had obtained permission to exhibit
317. Original; maid; murdered by employer
318. Original; shop owner; aunt of super-villain
319. Original; drug dealer; sold drugs to cast character
320. Original; artifacts collector; attacked by super-villain
321. Original; unrevealed; possible professional fighter; part of super-villain's fight club
322. Original; reverend; arrested villager accused of being a witch
323. Original; judge; helped send prisoners to death row regardless of guilt or innocence
324. Original; unrevealed; was once a potential date for cast character via dating ap
325. Likely comics (not DC), different surname; probable student when last seen; went drag racing with boyfriend
326. Original; military sergeant; part of army strike team
327. Original; adventurer; current cast character
328. Original; asylum nurse; informed by main and other cast character she was in danger but she realized they weren't entirely telling the truth
329. Original; some sort of information provider; member of a shadow organization
330. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
331. Original; criminal agent; leader of group within a group
333. Original; criminal; prison bunk mate for recurring character
334. Real person; very high ranking politician; timeline altered when he became unable to lie
335. Comics; farmer; adoptive father of main character
336. Original; firearms store owner; sold bullets to vigilante
337. Original; criminal/car workshop owner; killed by someone he tried to blackmail
338. Original; serial killer; her son was intially believed by heroes to be the killer
339. Comics; bank robber/terrorist; electricity powers
340. Comics; high priestess; Egyptian who died thousands of years ago
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently; village leader; ancestor of a major character
342. Original; probable student when last seen; boyfriend of  #325
343. Comics; jewel thief; bonded with alien symbiote
344. Original; unrevealed; father of #255
345. Original; mayor; killed by hero's imposter
346. Original; unrevealed; asks reporters to help locate missing son
347. Original but related to character from comics; physics professor/philanthropist/criminal/engineering professor; wife of major villain
348. Original; scullery maid; lover of #267
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; physical therapist; divorced from cast character
350. Original; police technician; required to review footage involving main character
351. Original; prison officer; was fired
352. Original; high ranking military officer/government agent/criminal; watched cage fight
353. Comics, though heavily changed; bodyguard/criminal; arrested for murder
354. Original; unrevealed; #274's wife
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people; mayor; surname may refer to actor who was in another Arrowverse show
356. Original; unrevealed; was devastated when ex-wife was murdered
357. Original; criminal; worked for two different bosses (not concurrently)
358. Original; crime boss employee; killed by boss' daughter
359. Original; criminal; part of Chinese crime family
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name; photographer/thief; drawn to shiny objects
361. Original; scientist; tasked to recreate a virus
362. Original; member of secret, arguably criminal organization; friend turned enemy of major character
363. Comics; hypnotist; worked for major villains
364. Original; soldier/mercenary; hired to bomb waterfront
365. Real person (with caveat); serial killer/probable physician; briefly resurrected
366. Original; student; helped beat up cast characters
367. Original; reporter; cast character


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2/07/2022 8:12 am  #80

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

For remaining applicable characters, I've noted where they first appeared if not original or confirmed based on real people.
1. Comics; criminal; former classmate of two cast characters; Action Comics
4. Original; unrevealed; girlfriend of one villain who was killed by another
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer; powers related to his tears; Master Comics
6. Original; university dean; ally of a hate group
9. Real person; princess turned warrior; fictional version briefly actress; from 1253 BC but ended up in 1937
10. Comics; businessman; related to a reformed villain; The Flash
12. Original; cultist; become disillusioned with source of worship
16. Original; police detective; in sole appearance directed a main character to someone's office
17. Original; unrevealed; mother of kidnap victim
18. Comics; criminal; insecure re: physical appearance; Batman Family
19. Comics; warden; sold meta-humans to villain; The Flash: Iron Heights
20. Comics; terrorist; leads group attempting to blow up city; Green Arrow
21. Comics; crime lord; one of four remaining leaders in his org surviving after a purge; Green Arrow
22. Comics; mayor; wounded by a bullet during a riot; Batman: Turning Points
23. Original; scientist; originally from 1925 but now time travelling
24. Original; editor-in-chief; believed main character had gone bad
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal; infected by alien parasite; Firestorm
26. Original; criminal; member of China-based crime group
27. Original but related to comics based character; sheriff; abandoned daughter upon learning she was a lesbian
29. Original; federal agent; electrocuted
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
31. Original; drug dealer; drug his sold turned people into monsters
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman; half-brother of a main character
33. Original; engineer turned professor; murdered by a super-villain
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal; killed by a main character to save an ally
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave; daughter of #17
36. Comics; unrevealed; murdered by her husband; New Teen Titans
37. Original; attorney; killed by a vigilante
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer; used VR as a means of torture
39. Comics; military general; father of counterpart of a main character; Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane
40. Original; university professor; betrayed her sister
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none; son of a main character
42. Original; assassin; committed suicide to avoid further interrogation
46. Original; sheriff; active in 1925
51. Comics; unrevealed; mother of hero active in the future; Green Arrow
52. Webseries (different first name); police department employee; super-villain's sister in law; Gotham Girls
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company; father of a cast character; Superman Annual
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader; succeeded a super-villain in a comics tie-in; Animal Man
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife; mother of a main character
57. Original; criminal; henchman to a villain who is the son of a reformed villain
58. Original; alderman; kidnapped and killed by villain for revenge
60. Original; criminal; alcoholic who abused his ex-girlfriend
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist; murdered people he felt had abandoned him; Detective Comics
62. Original; security agent; helped keep a protest from going further out of control
63. Original; caretaker; from an erased future
64. Comics; criminal; could shrink objects; The All-New Atom
65. Original; chef (police officer in another timeline); killed in revenge for actions from temporary timeline
66. Original; student when last seen; friend/classmate of major character
67. Comics; bank robber; has psychic powers; Daring New Adventures of Supergirl
69. Original; unrevealed; drug addict, wife of major character
70. Original; likely assassin; killed over 200 people
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed; was the wife of a major character; Showcase
72. Original; unrevealed; part of family cheated out of life's savings
73. Real person; queen; real version is still alive as of Feb 2022
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier; father of major villain; unsure, possible The Flash Secret Files and Origins
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal; prison escapee
77. Original; unrevealed; mother of major character
78. Comics; businessman/terrorist; part of a plan to rid the Earth of most of humanity; Green Arrow
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power; invited major characters on opposing sides to be keynote speakers in a media summit.
80. Original; medical doctor; treated main character for free in support of their actions
81. Original; pianist; from artificial reality
82. Original; unrevealed; patient at major character's clinic
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff; assisted in major character's political campaign
84. Original; unrevealed; parent of major character
85. Original; businessman; embezzled about $30 million from a pension plan
86. Original; serial killer; drowned victims before dressing them up
87. Original; CEO; from Markovia
88. Original; criminal; helped rob seven banks in three states within two weeks
89. Original; councilman; opposed a request from a major character, fearing for his city's survival
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince; sister was a major villain
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster; from same artificial reality as #81
92. Comics; king; father of #90; Superman Family
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin; artificial lifeform
94. Real person; prince; reincarnated after death
95. Original; unrevealed; daughter has alien pet
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer; father of major character
97. Original; prison guard; brought in as part of prison reform effort
98. Original; pilot; father of close friend of major character
99. Original; some sort of media employee; major character did compositions for him
100. Original; drug dealer; stopped as part of an effort to show someone a better way in dealing with criminals
101. Comics; unrevealed; wife of a villain; Deadshot
102. Original; crime boss; at attempt to kill him happened in an arena
103. Real person; singer; this version wrote a song after seeing a character get abducted
105. Comics; bar owner; some of his customers were killed in a weapons test; Lobo
106. Original; documentary director; accompanied major characters to Russia
107. Original; bartender; friend of a major character who visits the bar
108. Original; retail manager; major character briefly worked for him
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts; courted a major character; Superman
110. Comics; cage fighter; fought main character in a match; Adventures of Superman
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron; led island operation; World's Finest Comics
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared; assassin; hired to kill a mayor
113. Real person; king; resurrected after death
114. Original; disc jockey/assassin; DJ work was for a major character
116. Original; ex-criminal; extra-terrestrial
117. Comics; attorney; represented main character in trial; Showcase
118. Original; CEO/businessman/land baron; used company to swindle hundreds out of their homes and life savings
119. Original; councilman; tried to get a bribe from father of main character
121. Original; federal law enforcement agent; investigated main character
122. Original; student when last seen; history changed significantly due to the Crisis
124. Original; soldier (private); killed as part of a plan to frame someone in the theft of weapons
125. Original; time pirate; erased from history due to future deeds
126. Original but related to character from comics; in one timeline was a hero's adoptive father
127. Original; toy shop worker; mother of a cast character
128. Original; unrevealed; with husband, acted as guardian for grandson after grandson's parents were killed
129. Original; temporal agent; hypnotized during a performance review
130. Likely comics;  military general; taken hostage during weapons demonstration; All-American Men of War
131. Comics; criminal; can manipulate people's emotions; The Flash
132. Original; nightclub employee; made out with a guy has part of the latter's attempt to break up with his girlfriend
133. Original; student; plays high school football
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same; unrevealed; active as such in the Old West; Weird Western Tales
135. Comics; unrevealed; mother of a main character; Detective Comics
136. Comics; travel enforcement officer; has telepathy and other powers of the mind; Mister Terrific
137. Original; medical doctor/slave trader; sent humans off world
138. Original; student; dated a cast character
139. Original; fire chief; targeted by #61
140. Original; CEO/businessman; hired an assassin to kill bidders of a company he wished to own
141. Original; personal assistant; posed as his employer (a major villain) to help them escape another major villain
142. Original; restaurant employee; own name unknown but restaurant name refers to something you might find on a table at a restaurant
143. Original; real estate developer; people died in his buildings due to inadequate heating
144. Original; career criminal; took over boyfriend's criminal business why he was incarcerated
145. Real person; prop master turned film director; real version still alive as of Feb 2022
146. Real person; army commander, likely turned prime minister; participated in an invasion in 1961
147. Comics; board member; tried to use company owner's emails to ruin her reputation; Superman: The Man of Steel
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante; hero active in the future on a parallel Earth
149. Original; unrevealed; clubber who used drugs
150. Original; criminal; injured himself shooting someone he didn't know had powers.
151. Comics character with different name; warrior; active in the 31th century in one future under a different name; Legion of Super-Heroes
152. Original; unrevealed; broke up with girlfriend for cheating on her
153. Real person; astronaut; real version still alive as of Feb 2022
154. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar); arsonist; briefly acquitted when issues arose in his trial but arrested again after another crime; Justice League Task Force
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker; brought a main character home after time away
157. Original; board member; killed by some sort of robotic tech
158. Comics; businessman; took over a major character's body; Underworld Unleashed
159. Original; police officer; held captive for a time in another world
160. Original mixed with mythology; coachman; replaced a Hindu god
162. Original; district attorney; represented a case against a main character
163. Original; unrevealed, but likely student if any when last seen; father falsely charged with the murder of her mother
164. Original; student when last seen; star high school quarterback
165. Original; criminal; killed by his boss
166. Comics; police detective; cast character and romantic interest to another cast character; Superman
167. Original; Unrevealed, possible criminal; prisoner on a ship
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same), cryogeneticist, bartender, criminal; romantic interest to cast character; The Flash Annual
170. Original; deputy sheriff; in one timeline investigated #122's death
172. Mentioned in a movie; physician to adoptive mother of main character; Superman: The Movie
173. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed; twin sister of a key recurring character
174. Original; terrorist; tried to stop the launch of a VR service
175. Original; marine biologist; widow of the counterpart of a super-villain
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person; babysitter for the child of a super-villain
177. Original; judge; presided over main character trial
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people; collections officer; can manipulate people's emotions
180. Original; nun turned singer/guitarist; part of a band that a cast character is also part of
181. Real person; tsarina; family targeted in an assassination attempt
182. Original; fence; arrested during the sale of a stolen jewel
183. Real person; musician; smoked psychedelic cigarettes
184. Comics; board member, businessman; saved from assassination attempt by a main character; Steel
185. Original; lawyer turned criminal; sought revenge against the lawyer firm
186. Movie; witch; survived her reality being destroyed by the Crisis; Supergirl
187. Comics; wrestler turned criminal; other than a fang, thus far only seen in photo; Detective Comics
188. Original; unrevealed; extra-terrestrial
189. Comics; student; aged at accelerated rate; The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive
190. Original; criminal; snapped after family killed in a mall
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person; physician; often helped main character and allies
193. Original; orphanage head, foster mother; raised a major character
194. Original; bowler; extra-terrestrial or at least operates outside of Earth
195. Original; police sergeant; briefed main characters on missions
196. Original; criminal; attended crime family gathering
197. Original; probable student; dated a cast character for a time
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use; bank robber; part of family of criminals
199. Original; medical doctor; treated a cast character
200. Original; nurse; worked for cast character
202. Original; bartender; ex-girlfriend of cast character
203. Original; unrevealed, possible student when last seen; could heal mortal injuries
204. Original; activist of sorts; part of anti-alien group
205. Original; electrics company employee; assigned to develop a weapon that could penetrate a super-suit
206. Real person; novelist; killed by a creature in an erased timeline
207. Original; soldier; helped brother steal weaponry from military base
208. Real person (at least going by first name); unrevealed; sought autograph from heroes
209. Comics; energy source; has strong connection to a major character; The Flash
210. Original, though shares name with comics character; unrevealed; once erroneously believed to have killed a major character
211. Original; bank robber; sent to steal for comics based villain
212. Original; criminal; prisoner in other dimensional realm
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs; ruler; offered deal to major character; possibly Book of Job
214. Original; therapist for main character
215. Original but related to character from comics; fire chief; wife has launched campaign for major
216. Original; religious figure (can't say what kind without revealing name), possible assassin; officiates rituals and ceremonies
217. Original; sheriff; lived in Oregon
218. Original though code name used by comics characters; crime lord; wanted to create coalition of crime gangs
219. Original; criminal; joined major villain's army
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character; criminal of sorts, though possibly not by occupation; tormented major character for years
221. Real person; priestess; active in New Orleans
222. Original; pirate; lover of famous pirate
223. Original; film director; did documentary on main character
224. Comics; outlaw; responsible for town's destruction; Weird Western Tales
225. Comics; student; related to a main character; Convergence: Superman
226. Original; unrevealed; posed as treasure seeker in VR reality
227. Original; federal agent; has worked closely with directors of her organization
228. Original; crime family consigliere; killed by boss' daughter
229. Original; student; accidentally electrocuted by unconscious friend
230. Original but distant relative of comics based character; robotics engineer; seen in 2147
231. Original; federal agent posing as accountant; killed by villainous cast character
232. Original; government agent; from China but killed in New Zealand
233. Original; waitress; sister-in-law and ex-girlfriend of major character
234. Original; criminal; broken out of jail by super-villain girlfriend
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show; police task force officer; romantically involved with super-villain; Batman
236. Original; high school coach; allowed main character to be assistant coach
237. Comics; police commissioner; disapproved of main character's actions; Green Arrow
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics); bank robber; son of #198
239. Original; unrevealed; husband of long recurring character
240. Comics (comics version has different surname); unrevealed; son of cast character; Adventures of Superman
241. Comics (comics version has different surname); legal aid attorney; was the best friend of a cast character; Green Arrow
242. Comics; high ranking military officer; trained a main character; 52
243. Comics; mobster/money launderer, nightclub manager; managed the nightclub on behalf of a super-villain; Detective Comics
244. Original; SWAT officer turned bodyguard; briefly replaced a major character in job
245. Original; federal agent; possessed by villain based on comics hero
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share; head of security, criminal; killed by anti-matter
247. Comics; gangster; can turn his body into a specific element
248. Original; unrevealed; mother of #122
249. Comics; trivia night host; comics version is a major villain; Action Comics
251. Real person; shogun; died ten years prior to real world version
252. Original; high priestess; prisoner whose name was used for prison
253. Original; board member; got major character ousted from company they were running
255. Original; unrevealed; lives in a Maritimes city
256. Original; shopkeeper; active in the near future
257. Comics (somewhat different name); assassin; second in command in her organization; Batwoman: Rebirth
258. Comics; military Lieutenant Colonel working for major character; Human Defense Corps
259. Original; unrevealed; father of #122
261. Original; criminal turned boxer; wrongly suspected of being a super-villain
262. Comics but different name; hitman; hired to spy on main character; Superman
263. Earlier show (different real name); drug dealer; ex-lover of main character; Batman: The Animated Series
264. Original; bank robber; has fire powers
265. Comics; apparent criminal; can generate acid; Action Comics
266. Comics (comics vdersion unnamed); unrevealed; ex-mistress of #313; unsure, possibly New Year's Evil: Prometheus
267. Original; unrevealed, possibly none; engaged to a guy but secretly in love with a woman
268. Original; probably none so far, possibly student; foster daughter of major characters
270. Original; parole officer for main character
271. Original; member of resistance group; extra-terrestrial
272. Comics; probably criminal; extra-terrestrial convict; Superman
273. Original; car thief who claimed that a cast character was trying to steal his car
274. Original; soldier; father of cast character
275. Original; soldier turned leader of vigilante group inspired by main character
276. Comics; toy manufacturing company owner; ex-boss of super-villain; Action Comics
277. Original; senator with an interest in extra-terrestrials
278. Original; EMT; could swap people's DNA
279. Original; attorney; did pro-bono work for comapny major character worked at
280. Comics; personal physician for major villain; Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen
281. Original; philanthropist/clinic owner; wife of major character, mainly seen in photo
283. Real person; student when last seen; likely later an attorney, philanthropist, and civic leader; former student of major character
286. Comics; police detective; former work partner of major character; Green Arrow and Black Canary
287. Original; influencer; disfigured subsequent to cosmetic surgery
288. Comics; Russian federal agent; investigated by an American agency; Superman: Red Son
289. Comics; journalist; operated in a different city pre- and post-Crisis; Adventures of Superman
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown; drug dealer; can manipulate time; Showcase
291. Original; criminal/double agent; acted as recruiter for her actual organization
292. Original; very high ranking poiltician; predecessor killed in alien invasion
293. Comics (comics version has different first name); criminal; counterpart of cast character's brother; Justice League of America's Vibe
294. Earlier character this continuity; none; VR version of cast character
295. Original; banker; saved from building that was blown up
296. Original; football coach; hid that a player has brain damage and was using steroids
297. Original; mercenary; worked for cast character's mother
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different; mechanical engineer turned criminal; uses robotic creatures; The Atom
299. Comics; assassin/black ops agent; deserted federal agency she used to work for; Detective Comics
301.  Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities; quantum engineer/CEO; was replaced by a doppelgänger who posed as her; Animal Man
302. Original; police officer; betrayed his PD to a super-villain
303. Original; student; wore homemade costumes based on main character
304. Original; student if any; saved by main character from parachute bombs
305. Original; high school student seeking university admission
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show; biomedical engineer, CEO; mother of cast character; The Flash (1990-1991 series)
307. Comics; criminal; wrongly imprisoned for false confession; Supergirl
308. Original; mixed martial arts fighter; affected by a totem being activated
309. Original; waitress; dropped food and drinks after bumping into co-worker
310. Original; singer; from Old West
311. Original; computer hacker; seduced by someone who killed him
312. Original; fence; tried to steal from jewel thief
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics); CEO; masterminded an outbreak of tuberculosis; Vigilante
314. Comics; unrevealed if applicable; demonic rival to cast character; Hellblazer
315. Original; criminal; worked for comics-based villain
316. Original; museum curator; super-villain stole necklace she had obtained permission to exhibit
317. Original; maid; murdered by employer
318. Original; shop owner; aunt of super-villain
319. Original; drug dealer; sold drugs to cast character
320. Original; artifacts collector; attacked by super-villain
321. Original; unrevealed; possible professional fighter; part of super-villain's fight club
322. Original; reverend; arrested villager accused of being a witch
323. Original; judge; helped send prisoners to death row regardless of guilt or innocence
324. Original; unrevealed; was once a potential date for cast character via dating ap
325. Likely comics (not DC), different surname; probable student when last seen; went drag racing with boyfriend; Pep Comics
326. Original; military sergeant; part of army strike team
327. Original; adventurer; current cast character
328. Original; asylum nurse; informed by main and other cast character she was in danger but she realized they weren't entirely telling the truth
329. Original; some sort of information provider; member of a shadow organization
330. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
331. Original; criminal agent; leader of group within a group
333. Original; criminal; prison bunk mate for recurring character
334. Real person; very high ranking politician; timeline altered when he became unable to lie
335. Comics (originally unnamed, then different first name); farmer; adoptive father of main character; Action Comics
336. Original; firearms store owner; sold bullets to vigilante
337. Original; criminal/car workshop owner; killed by someone he tried to blackmail
338. Original; serial killer; her son was intially believed by heroes to be the killer
339. Comics; bank robber/terrorist; electricity powers; All-Star Squadron
340. Comics; high priestess; Egyptian who died thousands of years ago; Flash Comics
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently; village leader; ancestor of a major character; Hellblazer
342. Original; probable student when last seen; boyfriend of  #325
343. Comics; jewel thief; bonded with alien symbiote; Action Comics
344. Original; unrevealed; father of #255
345. Original; mayor; killed by hero's imposter
346. Original; unrevealed; asks reporters to help locate missing son
347. Original but related to character from comics; physics professor/philanthropist/criminal/engineering professor; wife of major villain
348. Original; scullery maid; lover of #267
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; physical therapist; divorced from cast character; Spectre
350. Original; police technician; required to review footage involving main character
351. Original; prison officer; was fired
352. Original; high ranking military officer/government agent/criminal; watched cage fight
353. Comics, though heavily changed; bodyguard/criminal; arrested for murder; World's Finest Comics
354. Original; unrevealed; #274's wife
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people; mayor; surname may refer to actor who was in another Arrowverse show
356. Original; unrevealed; was devastated when ex-wife was murdered
357. Original; criminal; worked for two different bosses (not concurrently)
358. Original; crime boss employee; killed by boss' daughter
359. Original; criminal; part of Chinese crime family
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name; photographer/thief; drawn to shiny objects; The Man of Steel
361. Original; scientist; tasked to recreate a virus
362. Original; member of secret, arguably criminal organization; friend turned enemy of major character
363. Comics; hypnotist; worked for major villains; Teen Titans
364. Original; soldier/mercenary; hired to bomb waterfront
365. Real person (with caveat); serial killer/probable physician; briefly resurrected
366. Original; student; helped beat up cast characters
367. Original; reporter; cast character


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2/07/2022 8:16 am  #81

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Starting tomorrow I'll start noting the letter/number pattern in character names. Hopefully that will make it easy even if you don't watch the shows.

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2/08/2022 8:35 am  #82

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Adding the letter (*) and number (#) patterns for characters up to #200. If there is a forward slash, the first name is the code name and the second name is the real name (for such characters I'll accept either name). Once the patterns are established for the remaining characters, will start revealing letters and numbers using a random system.

1. Comics; criminal; former classmate of two cast characters; Action Comics **** ********
4. Original; unrevealed; girlfriend of one villain who was killed by another ****
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer; powers related to his tears; Master Comics *** ******
6. Original; university dean; ally of a hate group ******
9. Real person; princess turned warrior; fictional version briefly actress; from 1253 BC but ended up in 1937 ***** ** ****
10. Comics; businessman; related to a reformed villain; The Flash ****** ********
12. Original; cultist; become disillusioned with source of worship ******
16. Original; police detective; in sole appearance directed a main character to someone's office *****
17. Original; unrevealed; mother of kidnap victim ****** ********
18. Comics; criminal; insecure re: physical appearance; Batman Family ***** ****
19. Comics; warden; sold meta-humans to villain; The Flash: Iron Heights ******* *****
20. Comics; terrorist; leads group attempting to blow up city; Green Arrow ******** ****
21. Comics; crime lord; one of four remaining leaders in his org surviving after a purge; Green Arrow ***** *********
22. Comics; mayor; wounded by a bullet during a riot; Batman: Turning Points  ******* *****
23. Original; scientist; originally from 1925 but now time travelling; cast character **** ******
24. Original; editor-in-chief; believed main character had gone bad ***** *****
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal; infected by alien parasite; Firestorm ******** / **** *****
26. Original; criminal; member of China-based crime group ***** *****
27. Original but related to comics based character; sheriff; abandoned daughter upon learning she was a lesbian ***** *****
29. Original; federal agent; electrocuted **** ***
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers) ***** **** ***** ******
31. Original; drug dealer; drug his sold turned people into monsters ***** ******
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman; half-brother of a main character ****** **** / ***-***
33. Original; engineer turned professor; murdered by a super-villain ******* ****
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal; killed by a main character to save an ally **** ****
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave; daughter of #17 **** ********
36. Comics; unrevealed; murdered by her husband; New Teen Titans ***** *****
37. Original; attorney; killed by a vigilante *** ********
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer; used VR as a means of torture ****** *****
39. Comics; military general; father of counterpart of a main character; Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane *** **** (*****-***##)
40. Original; university professor; betrayed her sister ***** ***
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none; son of a main character *****
42. Original; assassin; committed suicide to avoid further interrogation *** ****
46. Original; sheriff; active in 1925 ***** ****
51. Comics; unrevealed; mother of hero active in the future; Green Arrow ***** *****
52. Webseries (different first name); police department employee; super-villain's sister in law; Gotham Girls  *** ******
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company; father of a cast character; Superman Annual  ******** *****
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader; succeeded a super-villain in a comics tie-in; Animal Man ******* *****
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife; mother of a main character ******* *******
57. Original; criminal; henchman to a villain who is the son of a reformed villain ********
58. Original; alderman; kidnapped and killed by villain for revenge ******* ****
60. Original; criminal; alcoholic who abused his ex-girlfriend ******* ******
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist; murdered people he felt had abandoned him; Detective Comics ******** *****
62. Original; security agent; helped keep a protest from going further out of control *****
63. Original; caretaker; from an erased future ****
64. Comics; criminal; could shrink objects; The All-New Atom ********* / ******* *******
65. Original; chef (police officer in another timeline); killed in revenge for actions from temporary timeline ****** ********
66. Original; student when last seen; friend/classmate of major character ****
67. Comics; bank robber; has psychic powers; Daring New Adventures of Supergirl *** / ***** *****
69. Original; unrevealed; drug addict, wife of major character ***** *******
70. Original; likely assassin; killed over 200 people ********
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed; was the wife of a major character; Showcase **** ******
72. Original; unrevealed; part of family cheated out of life's savings **** *****
73. Real person; queen; real version is still alive as of Feb 2022 ********* **
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier; father of major villain; unsure, possible The Flash Secret Files and Origins ***** *******
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal ******* ************
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal; prison escapee *******
77. Original; unrevealed; mother of major character ****** *****
78. Comics; businessman/terrorist; part of a plan to rid the Earth of most of humanity; Green Arrow **** ********
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power; invited major characters on opposing sides to be keynote speakers in a media summit. ***** ** ******** ****
80. Original; medical doctor; treated main character for free in support of their actions ********
81. Original; pianist; from artificial reality *****
82. Original; unrevealed; patient at major character's clinic *********
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff; assisted in major character's political campaign **** *****
84. Original; unrevealed; parent of major character **** ******'* ******
85. Original; businessman; embezzled about $30 million from a pension plan ****** *******
86. Original; serial killer; drowned victims before dressing them up ********* aka ***** **** ****** / ****** ******
87. Original; CEO; from Markovia **** ******
88. Original; criminal; helped rob seven banks in three states within two weeks ***** *** / ****** *******
89. Original; councilman; opposed a request from a major character, fearing for his city's survival ***-**
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince; sister was a major villain ******
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster; from same artificial reality as #81 ***** ****' *******
92. Comics; king; father of #90; Superman Family *** **** / *****
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin; artificial lifeform **** ***** (*****)
94. Real person; prince; reincarnated after death *****
95. Original; unrevealed; daughter has alien pet *****'* ******
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer; father of major character ***** *. ****
97. Original; prison guard; brought in as part of prison reform effort *****
98. Original; pilot; father of close friend of major character ***** ******'* ******
99. Original; some sort of media employee; major character did compositions for him ******
100. Original; drug dealer; stopped as part of an effort to show someone a better way in dealing with criminals ******* *****
101. Comics; unrevealed; wife of a villain; Deadshot ***** ******
102. Original; crime boss; at attempt to kill him happened in an arena ******* ******
103. Real person; singer; this version wrote a song after seeing a character get abducted ***** *****
105. Comics; bar owner; some of his customers were killed in a weapons test; Lobo ** *****
106. Original; documentary director; accompanied major characters to Russia ***** ******
107. Original; bartender; friend of a major character who visits the bar *****
108. Original; retail manager; major character briefly worked for him ***
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts; courted a major character; Superman ********
110. Comics; cage fighter; fought main character in a match; Adventures of Superman ******
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron; led island operation; World's Finest Comics ******
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared; assassin; hired to kill a mayor ********
113. Real person; king; resurrected after death ***** ****
114. Original; disc jockey/assassin; DJ work was for a major character *****
116. Original; ex-criminal; extra-terrestrial ******* *****
117. Comics; attorney; represented main character in trial; Showcase **** ******
118. Original; CEO/businessman/land baron; used company to swindle hundreds out of their homes and life savings **** ****
119. Original; councilman; tried to get a bribe from father of main character ***** *******
121. Original; federal law enforcement agent; investigated main character ******* ******
122. Original; student when last seen; history changed significantly due to the Crisis ***** **
124. Original; soldier (private); killed as part of a plan to frame someone in the theft of weapons *******
125. Original; time pirate; erased from history due to future deeds ****** ******
126. Original but related to character from comics; in one timeline was a hero's adoptive father ***** ******
127. Original; toy shop worker; mother of a cast character **** *******
128. Original; unrevealed; with husband, acted as guardian for grandson after grandson's parents were killed ****** *****'* ***********
129. Original; temporal agent; hypnotized during a performance review ******
130. Likely comics;  military general; taken hostage during weapons demonstration; All-American Men of War *****
131. Comics (slightly different surname); criminal; can manipulate people's emotions; The Flash ******* ****** / *** ******
132. Original; nightclub employee; made out with a guy has part of the latter's attempt to break up with his girlfriend *****
133. Original; student; plays high school football ******* ******
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same; unrevealed; active as such in the Old West; Weird Western Tales ****-***'* ##** ******* *************
135. Comics; unrevealed; mother of a main character; Detective Comics **** ****
136. Comics; travel enforcement officer; has telepathy and other powers of the mind; Mister Terrific ********** / ******* *****
137. Original; medical doctor/slave trader; sent humans off world ********** ******
138. Original; student; dated a cast character ***** ******
139. Original; fire chief; targeted by #61 ******
140. Original; CEO/businessman; hired an assassin to kill bidders of a company he wished to own ****** *****
141. Original; personal assistant; posed as his employer (a major villain) to help them escape another major villain ****** *****'* *********
142. Original; restaurant employee; own name unknown but restaurant name refers to something you might find on a table at a restaurant ***** **** *******
143. Original; real estate developer; people died in his buildings due to inadequate heating **** ******
144. Original; career criminal; took over boyfriend's criminal business why he was incarcerated ******
145. Real person; prop master turned film director; real version still alive as of Feb 2022 ****** *****
146. Real person; army commander, likely turned prime minister; participated in an invasion in 1961 ***** ******
147. Comics; board member; tried to use company owner's emails to ruin her reputation; Superman: The Man of Steel **** *********
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante; hero active in the future on a parallel Earth; Green Arrow ***** ***** / ****** ***** /  **** ******, **. (*****-##)
149. Original; unrevealed; clubber who used drugs ******** ******
150. Original; criminal; injured himself shooting someone he didn't know had powers. ******* ******
151. Comics character with different name; warrior; active in the 31th century in one future under a different name; Legion of Super-Heroes **********
152. Original; unrevealed; broke up with girlfriend for cheating on her *****
153. Real person; astronaut; real version still alive as of Feb 2022 **** *****
154. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers) ***** ****** ***** ******
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar); arsonist; briefly acquitted when issues arose in his trial but arrested again after another crime; Justice League Task Force **** ****** / ******** ********
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker; brought a main character home after time away *******
157. Original; board member; killed by some sort of robotic tech ****
158. Comics; businessman; took over a major character's body; Underworld Unleashed *****
159. Original; police officer; held captive for a time in another world ***** ******
160. Original mixed with mythology; coachman; replaced a Hindu god ******** / ******
162. Original; district attorney; represented a case against a main character *** ******
163. Original; unrevealed, but likely student if any when last seen; father falsely charged with the murder of her mother **** ******
164. Original; student when last seen; star high school quarterback **** ******
165. Original; criminal; killed by his boss ****** ******
166. Comics; police detective; cast character and romantic interest to another cast character; Superman ****** ******
167. Original; Unrevealed, possible criminal; prisoner on a ship ******** *** *****
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same), cryogeneticist, bartender, criminal; romantic interest to cast character; The Flash Annual *********** / **** ******
170. Original; deputy sheriff; in one timeline investigated #122's death *******
172. Mentioned in a movie; physician to adoptive mother of main character; Superman: The Movie ****
173. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed; twin sister of a key recurring character ***
174. Original; terrorist; tried to stop the launch of a VR service *** ********
175. Original; marine biologist; widow of the counterpart of a super-villain ***** ******
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person; babysitter for the child of a super-villain *******
177. Original; judge; presided over main character trial *********
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people; collections officer; can manipulate people's emotions ******* ****** #.# / ****** *****
180. Original; nun turned singer/guitarist; part of a band that a cast character is also part of *****
181. Real person; tsarina; family targeted in an assassination attempt  ********* ********
182. Original; fence; arrested during the sale of a stolen jewel ***** ******
183. Real person; musician; smoked psychedelic cigarettes ***** ******
184. Comics; board member, businessman; saved from assassination attempt by a main character; Steel *** ******
185. Original; lawyer turned criminal; sought revenge against the lawyer firm ****** ******
186. Movie; witch; survived her reality being destroyed by the Crisis; Supergirl ****** (*****-***##)
187. Comics; wrestler turned criminal; other than a fang, thus far only seen in photo; Detective Comics ****** **** / ****** *****
188. Original; unrevealed; extra-terrestrial *****
189. Comics; student; aged at accelerated rate; The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive ******* ****
190. Original; criminal; snapped after family killed in a mall ***** ******
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person; physician; often helped main character and allies ***** *********
193. Original; orphanage head, foster mother; raised a major character **** ******
194. Original; bowler; extra-terrestrial or at least operates outside of Earth ***** *** *****
195. Original; police sergeant; briefed main characters on missions *. ********
196. Original; criminal; attended crime family gathering ****** ********
197. Original; probable student; dated a cast character for a time *****
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use; bank robber; part of family of criminals ***. ******
199. Original; medical doctor; treated a cast character ******
200. Original; nurse; worked for cast character ***
202. Original; bartender; ex-girlfriend of cast character
203. Original; unrevealed, possible student when last seen; could heal mortal injuries
204. Original; activist of sorts; part of anti-alien group
205. Original; electrics company employee; assigned to develop a weapon that could penetrate a super-suit
206. Real person; novelist; killed by a creature in an erased timeline
207. Original; soldier; helped brother steal weaponry from military base
208. Real person (at least going by first name); unrevealed; sought autograph from heroes
209. Comics; energy source; has strong connection to a major character; The Flash
210. Original, though shares name with comics character; unrevealed; once erroneously believed to have killed a major character
211. Original; bank robber; sent to steal for comics based villain
212. Original; criminal; prisoner in other dimensional realm
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs; ruler; offered deal to major character; possibly Book of Job
214. Original; therapist for main character
215. Original but related to character from comics; fire chief; wife has launched campaign for mayor
216. Original; religious figure (can't say what kind without revealing name), possible assassin; officiates rituals and ceremonies
217. Original; sheriff; lived in Oregon
218. Original though code name used by comics characters; crime lord; wanted to create coalition of crime gangs
219. Original; criminal; joined major villain's army
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character; criminal of sorts, though possibly not by occupation; tormented major character for years
221. Real person; priestess; active in New Orleans
222. Original; pirate; lover of famous pirate
223. Original; film director; did documentary on main character
224. Comics; outlaw; responsible for town's destruction; Weird Western Tales
225. Comics; student; related to a main character; Convergence: Superman
226. Original; unrevealed; posed as treasure seeker in VR reality
227. Original; federal agent; has worked closely with directors of her organization
228. Original; crime family consigliere; killed by boss' daughter
229. Original; student; accidentally electrocuted by unconscious friend
230. Original but distant relative of comics based character; robotics engineer; seen in 2147
231. Original; federal agent posing as accountant; killed by villainous cast character
232. Original; government agent; from China but killed in New Zealand
233. Original; waitress; sister-in-law and ex-girlfriend of major character
234. Original; criminal; broken out of jail by super-villain girlfriend
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show; police task force officer; romantically involved with super-villain; Batman
236. Original; high school coach; allowed main character to be assistant coach
237. Comics; police commissioner; disapproved of main character's actions; Green Arrow
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics); bank robber; son of #198
239. Original; unrevealed; husband of long recurring character
240. Comics (comics version has different surname); unrevealed; son of cast character; Adventures of Superman
241. Comics (comics version has different surname); legal aid attorney; was the best friend of a cast character; Green Arrow
242. Comics; high ranking military officer; trained a main character; 52
243. Comics; mobster/money launderer, nightclub manager; managed the nightclub on behalf of a super-villain; Detective Comics
244. Original; SWAT officer turned bodyguard; briefly replaced a major character in job
245. Original; federal agent; possessed by villain based on comics hero
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share; head of security, criminal; killed by anti-matter
247. Comics; gangster; can turn his body into a specific element
248. Original; unrevealed; mother of #122
249. Comics; trivia night host; comics version is a major villain; Action Comics
251. Real person; shogun; died ten years prior to real world version
252. Original; high priestess; prisoner whose name was used for prison
253. Original; board member; got major character ousted from company they were running
255. Original; unrevealed; lives in a Maritimes city
256. Original; shopkeeper; active in the near future
257. Comics (somewhat different name); assassin; second in command in her organization; Batwoman: Rebirth
258. Comics; military Lieutenant Colonel working for major character; Human Defense Corps
259. Original; unrevealed; father of #122
261. Original; criminal turned boxer; wrongly suspected of being a super-villain
262. Comics but different name; hitman; hired to spy on main character; Superman
263. Earlier show (different real name); drug dealer; ex-lover of main character; Batman: The Animated Series
264. Original; bank robber; has fire powers
265. Comics; apparent criminal; can generate acid; Action Comics
266. Comics (comics vdersion unnamed); unrevealed; ex-mistress of #313; unsure, possibly New Year's Evil: Prometheus
267. Original; unrevealed, possibly none; engaged to a guy but secretly in love with a woman
268. Original; probably none so far, possibly student; foster daughter of major characters
270. Original; parole officer for main character
271. Original; member of resistance group; extra-terrestrial
272. Comics; probably criminal; extra-terrestrial convict; Superman
273. Original; car thief who claimed that a cast character was trying to steal his car
274. Original; soldier; father of cast character
275. Original; soldier turned leader of vigilante group inspired by main character
276. Comics; toy manufacturing company owner; ex-boss of super-villain; Action Comics
277. Original; senator with an interest in extra-terrestrials
278. Original; EMT; could swap people's DNA
279. Original; attorney; did pro-bono work for comapny major character worked at
280. Comics; personal physician for major villain; Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen
281. Original; philanthropist/clinic owner; wife of major character, mainly seen in photo
283. Real person; student when last seen; likely later an attorney, philanthropist, and civic leader; former student of major character
286. Comics; police detective; former work partner of major character; Green Arrow and Black Canary
287. Original; influencer; disfigured subsequent to cosmetic surgery
288. Comics; Russian federal agent; investigated by an American agency; Superman: Red Son
289. Comics; journalist; operated in a different city pre- and post-Crisis; Adventures of Superman
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown; drug dealer; can manipulate time; Showcase
291. Original; criminal/double agent; acted as recruiter for her actual organization
292. Original; very high ranking poiltician; predecessor killed in alien invasion
293. Comics (comics version has different first name); criminal; counterpart of cast character's brother; Justice League of America's Vibe
294. Earlier character this continuity; none; VR version of cast character
295. Original; banker; saved from building that was blown up
296. Original; football coach; hid that a player has brain damage and was using steroids
297. Original; mercenary; worked for cast character's mother
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different; mechanical engineer turned criminal; uses robotic creatures; The Atom
299. Comics; assassin/black ops agent; deserted federal agency she used to work for; Detective Comics
301.  Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities; quantum engineer/CEO; was replaced by a doppelgänger who posed as her; Animal Man
302. Original; police officer; betrayed his PD to a super-villain
303. Original; student; wore homemade costumes based on main character
304. Original; student if any; saved by main character from parachute bombs
305. Original; high school student seeking university admission
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show; biomedical engineer, CEO; mother of cast character; The Flash (1990-1991 series)
307. Comics; criminal; wrongly imprisoned for false confession; Supergirl
308. Original; mixed martial arts fighter; affected by a totem being activated
309. Original; waitress; dropped food and drinks after bumping into co-worker
310. Original; singer; from Old West
311. Original; computer hacker; seduced by someone who killed him
312. Original; fence; tried to steal from jewel thief
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics); CEO; masterminded an outbreak of tuberculosis; Vigilante
314. Comics; unrevealed if applicable; demonic rival to cast character; Hellblazer
315. Original; criminal; worked for comics-based villain
316. Original; museum curator; super-villain stole necklace she had obtained permission to exhibit
317. Original; maid; murdered by employer
318. Original; shop owner; aunt of super-villain
319. Original; drug dealer; sold drugs to cast character
320. Original; artifacts collector; attacked by super-villain
321. Original; unrevealed; possible professional fighter; part of super-villain's fight club
322. Original; reverend; arrested villager accused of being a witch
323. Original; judge; helped send prisoners to death row regardless of guilt or innocence
324. Original; unrevealed; was once a potential date for cast character via dating ap
325. Likely comics (not DC), different surname; probable student when last seen; went drag racing with boyfriend; Pep Comics
326. Original; military sergeant; part of army strike team
327. Original; adventurer; current cast character
328. Original; asylum nurse; informed by main and other cast character she was in danger but she realized they weren't entirely telling the truth
329. Original; some sort of information provider; member of a shadow organization
330. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)
331. Original; criminal agent; leader of group within a group
333. Original; criminal; prison bunk mate for recurring character
334. Real person; very high ranking politician; timeline altered when he became unable to lie
335. Comics (originally unnamed, then different first name); farmer; adoptive father of main character; Action Comics
336. Original; firearms store owner; sold bullets to vigilante
337. Original; criminal/car workshop owner; killed by someone he tried to blackmail
338. Original; serial killer; her son was intially believed by heroes to be the killer
339. Comics; bank robber/terrorist; electricity powers; All-Star Squadron
340. Comics; high priestess; Egyptian who died thousands of years ago; Flash Comics
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently; village leader; ancestor of a major character; Hellblazer
342. Original; probable student when last seen; boyfriend of  #325
343. Comics; jewel thief; bonded with alien symbiote; Action Comics
344. Original; unrevealed; father of #255
345. Original; mayor; killed by hero's imposter
346. Original; unrevealed; asks reporters to help locate missing son
347. Original but related to character from comics; physics professor/philanthropist/criminal/engineering professor; wife of major villain
348. Original; scullery maid; lover of #267
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; physical therapist; divorced from cast character; Spectre
350. Original; police technician; required to review footage involving main character
351. Original; prison officer; was fired
352. Original; high ranking military officer/government agent/criminal; watched cage fight
353. Comics, though heavily changed; bodyguard/criminal; arrested for murder; World's Finest Comics
354. Original; unrevealed; #274's wife
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people; mayor; surname may refer to actor who was in another Arrowverse show
356. Original; unrevealed; was devastated when ex-wife was murdered
357. Original; criminal; worked for two different bosses (not concurrently)
358. Original; crime boss employee; killed by boss' daughter
359. Original; criminal; part of Chinese crime family
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name; photographer/thief; drawn to shiny objects; The Man of Steel
361. Original; scientist; tasked to recreate a virus
362. Original; member of secret, arguably criminal organization; friend turned enemy of major character
363. Comics; hypnotist; worked for major villains; Teen Titans
364. Original; soldier/mercenary; hired to bomb waterfront
365. Real person (with caveat); serial killer/probable physician; briefly resurrected
366. Original; student; helped beat up cast characters
367. Original; reporter; cast character


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     Thread Starter

2/09/2022 5:04 am  #83

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Adding the letter (*) and number (#) patterns for remaining characters. If there is a forward slash, the first name is the code name and the second name is the real name (for such characters I'll accept either name). Will start revealing letters and numbers using a random system once a day has passed without any guesses.

1. Comics; criminal; former classmate of two cast characters; Action Comics **** ********
4. Original; unrevealed; girlfriend of one villain who was killed by another ****
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer; powers related to his tears; Master Comics *** ******
6. Original; university dean; ally of a hate group ******
9. Real person; princess turned warrior; fictional version briefly actress; from 1253 BC but ended up in 1937 ***** ** ****
10. Comics; businessman; related to a reformed villain; The Flash ****** ********
12. Original; cultist; become disillusioned with source of worship ******
16. Original; police detective; in sole appearance directed a main character to someone's office *****
17. Original; unrevealed; mother of kidnap victim ****** ********
18. Comics; criminal; insecure re: physical appearance; Batman Family ***** ****
19. Comics; warden; sold meta-humans to villain; The Flash: Iron Heights ******* *****
20. Comics; terrorist; leads group attempting to blow up city; Green Arrow ******** ****
21. Comics; crime lord; one of four remaining leaders in his org surviving after a purge; Green Arrow ***** *********
22. Comics; mayor; wounded by a bullet during a riot; Batman: Turning Points  ******* *****
23. Original; scientist; originally from 1925 but now time travelling; cast character **** ******
24. Original; editor-in-chief; believed main character had gone bad ***** *****
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal; infected by alien parasite; Firestorm ******** / **** *****
26. Original; criminal; member of China-based crime group ***** *****
27. Original but related to comics based character; sheriff; abandoned daughter upon learning she was a lesbian ***** *****
29. Original; federal agent; electrocuted **** ***
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers) ***** **** ***** ******
31. Original; drug dealer; drug his sold turned people into monsters ***** ******
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman; half-brother of a main character ****** **** / ***-***
33. Original; engineer turned professor; murdered by a super-villain ******* ****
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal; killed by a main character to save an ally **** ****
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave; daughter of #17 **** ********
36. Comics; unrevealed; murdered by her husband; New Teen Titans ***** *****
37. Original; attorney; killed by a vigilante *** ********
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer; used VR as a means of torture ****** *****
39. Comics; military general; father of counterpart of a main character; Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane *** **** (*****-***##)
40. Original; university professor; betrayed her sister ***** ***
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none; son of a main character *****
42. Original; assassin; committed suicide to avoid further interrogation *** ****
46. Original; sheriff; active in 1925 ***** ****
51. Comics; unrevealed; mother of hero active in the future; Green Arrow ***** *****
52. Webseries (different first name); police department employee; super-villain's sister in law; Gotham Girls  *** ******
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company; father of a cast character; Superman Annual  ******** *****
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader; succeeded a super-villain in a comics tie-in; Animal Man ******* *****
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife; mother of a main character ******* *******
57. Original; criminal; henchman to a villain who is the son of a reformed villain ********
58. Original; alderman; kidnapped and killed by villain for revenge ******* ****
60. Original; criminal; alcoholic who abused his ex-girlfriend ******* ******
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist; murdered people he felt had abandoned him; Detective Comics ******** *****
62. Original; security agent; helped keep a protest from going further out of control *****
63. Original; caretaker; from an erased future ****
64. Comics; criminal; could shrink objects; The All-New Atom ********* / ******* *******
65. Original; chef (police officer in another timeline); killed in revenge for actions from temporary timeline ****** ********
66. Original; student when last seen; friend/classmate of major character ****
67. Comics; bank robber; has psychic powers; Daring New Adventures of Supergirl *** / ***** *****
69. Original; unrevealed; drug addict, wife of major character ***** *******
70. Original; likely assassin; killed over 200 people ********
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed; was the wife of a major character; Showcase **** ******
72. Original; unrevealed; part of family cheated out of life's savings **** *****
73. Real person; queen; real version is still alive as of Feb 2022 ********* **
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier; father of major villain; unsure, possible The Flash Secret Files and Origins ***** *******
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal ******* ************
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal; prison escapee *******
77. Original; unrevealed; mother of major character ****** *****
78. Comics; businessman/terrorist; part of a plan to rid the Earth of most of humanity; Green Arrow **** ********
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power; invited major characters on opposing sides to be keynote speakers in a media summit. ***** ** ******** ****
80. Original; medical doctor; treated main character for free in support of their actions ********
81. Original; pianist; from artificial reality *****
82. Original; unrevealed; patient at major character's clinic *********
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff; assisted in major character's political campaign **** *****
84. Original; unrevealed; parent of major character **** ******'* ******
85. Original; businessman; embezzled about $30 million from a pension plan ****** *******
86. Original; serial killer; drowned victims before dressing them up ********* aka ***** **** ****** / ****** ******
87. Original; CEO; from Markovia **** ******
88. Original; criminal; helped rob seven banks in three states within two weeks ***** *** / ****** *******
89. Original; councilman; opposed a request from a major character, fearing for his city's survival ***-**
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince; sister was a major villain ******
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster; from same artificial reality as #81 ***** ****' *******
92. Comics; king; father of #90; Superman Family *** **** / *****
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin; artificial lifeform **** ***** (*****)
94. Real person; prince; reincarnated after death *****
95. Original; unrevealed; daughter has alien pet *****'* ******
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer; father of major character ***** *. ****
97. Original; prison guard; brought in as part of prison reform effort *****
98. Original; pilot; father of close friend of major character ***** ******'* ******
99. Original; some sort of media employee; major character did compositions for him ******
100. Original; drug dealer; stopped as part of an effort to show someone a better way in dealing with criminals ******* *****
101. Comics; unrevealed; wife of a villain; Deadshot ***** ******
102. Original; crime boss; at attempt to kill him happened in an arena ******* ******
103. Real person; singer; this version wrote a song after seeing a character get abducted ***** *****
105. Comics; bar owner; some of his customers were killed in a weapons test; Lobo ** *****
106. Original; documentary director; accompanied major characters to Russia ***** ******
107. Original; bartender; friend of a major character who visits the bar *****
108. Original; retail manager; major character briefly worked for him ***
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts; courted a major character; Superman ********
110. Comics; cage fighter; fought main character in a match; Adventures of Superman ******
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron; led island operation; World's Finest Comics ******
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared; assassin; hired to kill a mayor ********
113. Real person; king; resurrected after death ***** ****
114. Original; disc jockey/assassin; DJ work was for a major character *****
116. Original; ex-criminal; extra-terrestrial ******* *****
117. Comics; attorney; represented main character in trial; Showcase **** ******
118. Original; CEO/businessman/land baron; used company to swindle hundreds out of their homes and life savings **** ****
119. Original; councilman; tried to get a bribe from father of main character ***** *******
121. Original; federal law enforcement agent; investigated main character ******* ******
122. Original; student when last seen; history changed significantly due to the Crisis ***** **
124. Original; soldier (private); killed as part of a plan to frame someone in the theft of weapons *******
125. Original; time pirate; erased from history due to future deeds ****** ******
126. Original but related to character from comics; in one timeline was a hero's adoptive father ***** ******
127. Original; toy shop worker; mother of a cast character **** *******
128. Original; unrevealed; with husband, acted as guardian for grandson after grandson's parents were killed ****** *****'* ***********
129. Original; temporal agent; hypnotized during a performance review ******
130. Likely comics;  military general; taken hostage during weapons demonstration; All-American Men of War *****
131. Comics (slightly different surname); criminal; can manipulate people's emotions; The Flash ******* ****** / *** ******
132. Original; nightclub employee; made out with a guy has part of the latter's attempt to break up with his girlfriend *****
133. Original; student; plays high school football ******* ******
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same; unrevealed; active as such in the Old West; Weird Western Tales ****-***'* ##** ******* *************
135. Comics; unrevealed; mother of a main character; Detective Comics **** ****
136. Comics; travel enforcement officer; has telepathy and other powers of the mind; Mister Terrific ********** / ******* *****
137. Original; medical doctor/slave trader; sent humans off world ********** ******
138. Original; student; dated a cast character ***** ******
139. Original; fire chief; targeted by #61 ******
140. Original; CEO/businessman; hired an assassin to kill bidders of a company he wished to own ****** *****
141. Original; personal assistant; posed as his employer (a major villain) to help them escape another major villain ****** *****'* *********
142. Original; restaurant employee; own name unknown but restaurant name refers to something you might find on a table at a restaurant ***** **** *******
143. Original; real estate developer; people died in his buildings due to inadequate heating **** ******
144. Original; career criminal; took over boyfriend's criminal business why he was incarcerated ******
145. Real person; prop master turned film director; real version still alive as of Feb 2022 ****** *****
146. Real person; army commander, likely turned prime minister; participated in an invasion in 1961 ***** ******
147. Comics; board member; tried to use company owner's emails to ruin her reputation; Superman: The Man of Steel **** *********
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante; hero active in the future on a parallel Earth; Green Arrow ***** ***** / ****** ***** /  **** ******, **. (*****-##)
149. Original; unrevealed; clubber who used drugs ******** ******
150. Original; criminal; injured himself shooting someone he didn't know had powers. ******* ******
151. Comics character with different name; warrior; active in the 31th century in one future under a different name; Legion of Super-Heroes **********
152. Original; unrevealed; broke up with girlfriend for cheating on her *****
153. Real person; astronaut; real version still alive as of Feb 2022 **** *****
154. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers) ***** ****** ***** ******
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar); arsonist; briefly acquitted when issues arose in his trial but arrested again after another crime; Justice League Task Force **** ****** / ******** ********
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker; brought a main character home after time away *******
157. Original; board member; killed by some sort of robotic tech ****
158. Comics; businessman; took over a major character's body; Underworld Unleashed *****
159. Original; police officer; held captive for a time in another world ***** ******
160. Original mixed with mythology; coachman; replaced a Hindu god ******** / ******
162. Original; district attorney; represented a case against a main character *** ******
163. Original; unrevealed, but likely student if any when last seen; father falsely charged with the murder of her mother **** ******
164. Original; student when last seen; star high school quarterback **** ******
165. Original; criminal; killed by his boss ****** ******
166. Comics; police detective; cast character and romantic interest to another cast character; Superman ****** ******
167. Original; Unrevealed, possible criminal; prisoner on a ship ******** *** *****
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same), cryogeneticist, bartender, criminal; romantic interest to cast character; The Flash Annual *********** / **** ******
170. Original; deputy sheriff; in one timeline investigated #122's death *******
172. Mentioned in a movie; physician to adoptive mother of main character; Superman: The Movie ****
173. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed; twin sister of a key recurring character ***
174. Original; terrorist; tried to stop the launch of a VR service *** ********
175. Original; marine biologist; widow of the counterpart of a super-villain ***** ******
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person; babysitter for the child of a super-villain *******
177. Original; judge; presided over main character trial *********
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people; collections officer; can manipulate people's emotions ******* ****** #.# / ****** *****
180. Original; nun turned singer/guitarist; part of a band that a cast character is also part of *****
181. Real person; tsarina; family targeted in an assassination attempt  ********* ********
182. Original; fence; arrested during the sale of a stolen jewel ***** ******
183. Real person; musician; smoked psychedelic cigarettes ***** ******
184. Comics; board member, businessman; saved from assassination attempt by a main character; Steel *** ******
185. Original; lawyer turned criminal; sought revenge against the lawyer firm ****** ******
186. Movie; witch; survived her reality being destroyed by the Crisis; Supergirl ****** (*****-***##)
187. Comics; wrestler turned criminal; other than a fang, thus far only seen in photo; Detective Comics ****** **** / ****** *****
188. Original; unrevealed; extra-terrestrial *****
189. Comics; student; aged at accelerated rate; The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive ******* ****
190. Original; criminal; snapped after family killed in a mall ***** ******
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person; physician; often helped main character and allies ***** *********
193. Original; orphanage head, foster mother; raised a major character **** ******
194. Original; bowler; extra-terrestrial or at least operates outside of Earth ***** *** *****
195. Original; police sergeant; briefed main characters on missions *. ********
196. Original; criminal; attended crime family gathering ****** ********
197. Original; probable student; dated a cast character for a time *****
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use; bank robber; part of family of criminals ***. ******
199. Original; medical doctor; treated a cast character ******
200. Original; nurse; worked for cast character ***
202. Original; bartender; ex-girlfriend of cast character *****
203. Original; unrevealed, possible student when last seen; could heal mortal injuries ********
204. Original; activist of sorts; part of anti-alien group *****
205. Original; electrics company employee; assigned to develop a weapon that could penetrate a super-suit ***** *******
206. Real person; novelist; killed by a creature in an erased timeline *. ***** **********
207. Original; soldier; helped brother steal weaponry from military base **** ******
208. Real person (at least going by first name); unrevealed; sought autograph from heroes ****
209. Comics; energy source; has strong connection to a major character; The Flash ***** *****
210. Original, though shares name with comics character; unrevealed; once erroneously believed to have killed a major character ****
211. Original; bank robber; sent to steal for comics based villain *****
212. Original; criminal; prisoner in other dimensional realm ****
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs; ruler; offered deal to major character; possibly Book of Job *****
214. Original; therapist for main character *****
215. Original but related to character from comics; fire chief; wife has launched campaign for mayor **** *******
216. Original; religious figure (can't say what kind without revealing name), possible assassin; officiates rituals and ceremonies *** *********
217. Original; sheriff; lived in Oregon *** *******
218. Original though code name used by comics characters; crime lord; wanted to create coalition of crime gangs ****** *****
219. Original; criminal; joined major villain's army ******
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character; criminal of sorts, though possibly not by occupation; tormented major character for years ***** **********
221. Real person; priestess; active in New Orleans ***** ******
222. Original; pirate; lover of famous pirate **** *****
223. Original; film director; did documentary on main character ****** ********
224. Comics; outlaw; responsible for town's destruction; Weird Western Tales ******* ********
225. Comics; student; related to a main character; Convergence: Superman ******** **** (****-*****)
226. Original; unrevealed; posed as treasure seeker in VR reality ******** ****** ***** / ****** ******
227. Original; federal agent; has worked closely with directors of her organization *****
228. Original; crime family consigliere; killed by boss' daughter **** *******
229. Original; student; accidentally electrocuted by unconscious friend ***** ***
230. Original but distant relative of comics based character; robotics engineer; seen in 2147 *****
231. Original; federal agent posing as accountant; killed by villainous cast character ******* *********
232. Original; government agent; from China but killed in New Zealand *** ****
233. Original; waitress; sister-in-law and ex-girlfriend of major character ***** ******
234. Original; criminal; broken out of jail by super-villain girlfriend **** ******
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show; police task force officer; romantically involved with super-villain; Batman ***** *******
236. Original; high school coach; allowed main character to be assistant coach ******
237. Comics; police commissioner; disapproved of main character's actions; Green Arrow ***** *********
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics); bank robber; son of #198 *** / **** ******
239. Original; unrevealed; husband of long recurring character ***
240. Comics (comics version has different surname); unrevealed; son of cast character; Adventures of Superman **** ******
241. Comics (comics version has different surname); legal aid attorney; was the best friend of a cast character; Green Arrow ****** ** ** ****
242. Comics; high ranking military officer; trained a main character; 52 *** *** ******
243. Comics; mobster/money launderer, nightclub manager; managed the nightclub on behalf of a super-villain; Detective Comics ****** ********
244. Original; SWAT officer turned bodyguard; briefly replaced a major character in job *** *****
245. Original; federal agent; possessed by villain based on comics hero  *******
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share; head of security, criminal; killed by anti-matter **** ******* (*****-#)
247. Comics; gangster; can turn his body into a specific element ******** / *****
248. Original; unrevealed; mother of #122 *** **
249. Comics; trivia night host; comics version is a major villain; Action Comics ****** ******
251. Real person; shogun; died ten years prior to real world version ******** *******
252. Original; high priestess; prisoner whose name was used for prison ****** *** ****
253. Original; board member; got major character ousted from company they were running ******
255. Original; unrevealed; lives in a Maritimes city ***** ******
256. Original; shopkeeper; active in the near future *****
257. Comics (somewhat different name); assassin; second in command in her organization; Batwoman: Rebirth *******
258. Comics; military Lieutenant Colonel working for major character; Human Defense Corps  **** *******
259. Original; unrevealed; father of #122 ***** **
261. Original; criminal turned boxer; wrongly suspected of being a super-villain **** / ***** *******
262. Comics but different name; hitman; hired to spy on main character; Superman ***** *********
263. Earlier show (different real name); drug dealer; ex-lover of main character; Batman: The Animated Series **** **** / ********* ******
264. Original; bank robber; has fire powers **** ****
265. Comics; apparent criminal; can generate acid; Action Comics **** ****** / ****** ******
266. Comics (comics version unnamed); unrevealed; ex-mistress of #313; unsure, possibly New Year's Evil: Prometheus ****** *********
267. Original; unrevealed, possibly none; engaged to a guy but secretly in love with a woman **. ********
268. Original; probably none so far, possibly student; foster daughter of major characters ****
270. Original; parole officer for main character ***** *******
271. Original; member of resistance group; extra-terrestrial *'****
272. Comics; probably criminal; extra-terrestrial convict; Superman ******
273. Original; car thief who claimed that a cast character was trying to steal his car ***
274. Original; soldier; father of cast character ***** *******
275. Original; soldier turned leader of vigilante group inspired by main character *****
276. Comics; toy manufacturing company owner; ex-boss of super-villain; Action Comics ******* ********
277. Original; senator with an interest in extra-terrestrials *********
278. Original; EMT; could swap people's DNA ******* ***** / ******* ***
279. Original; attorney; did pro-bono work for comapny major character worked at *********
280. Comics; personal physician for major villain; Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen ****** *******
281. Original; philanthropist/clinic owner; wife of major character, mainly seen in photo ******* ******
283. Real person; student when last seen; likely later an attorney, philanthropist, and civic leader; former student of major character ******* *****, **.
286. Comics; police detective; former work partner of major character; Green Arrow and Black Canary ***** ******
287. Original; influencer; disfigured subsequent to cosmetic surgery ******** ******
288. Comics; Russian federal agent; investigated by an American agency; Superman: Red Son ***** ******
289. Comics; journalist; operated in a different city pre- and post-Crisis; Adventures of Superman *** ******
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown; drug dealer; can manipulate time; Showcase ****** # / ***** *******
291. Original; criminal/double agent; acted as recruiter for her actual organization **** *****
292. Original; very high ranking poiltician; predecessor killed in alien invasion ***** *******
293. Comics (comics version has different first name); criminal; counterpart of cast character's brother; Justice League of America's Vibe ******* / ***** ***** (*****-#)
294. Earlier character this continuity; none; VR version of cast character **** ******* (******** ********)
295. Original; banker; saved from building that was blown up ****
296. Original; football coach; hid that a player has brain damage and was using steroids **** *******
297. Original; mercenary; worked for cast character's mother ***** ********
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different; mechanical engineer turned criminal; uses robotic creatures; The Atom ***-**** ****** a.k.a. ***** *** / **** ******
299. Comics; assassin/black ops agent; deserted federal agency she used to work for; Detective Comics **** *****
301.  Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities; quantum engineer/CEO; was replaced by a doppelgänger who posed as her; Animal Man *** *********
302. Original; police officer; betrayed his PD to a super-villain *****
303. Original; student; wore homemade costumes based on main character *****
304. Original; student if any; saved by main character from parachute bombs *****
305. Original; high school student seeking university admission ***** ******
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show; biomedical engineer, CEO; mother of cast character; The Flash (1990-1991 series) ***** **********
307. Comics; criminal; wrongly imprisoned for false confession; Supergirl ****** ******* ****
308. Original; mixed martial arts fighter; affected by a totem being activated **** *******
309. Original; waitress; dropped food and drinks after bumping into co-worker *****
310. Original; singer; from Old West ****** ********
311. Original; computer hacker; seduced by someone who killed him ***** *****
312. Original; fence; tried to steal from jewel thief **** ********
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics); CEO; masterminded an outbreak of tuberculosis; Vigilante ****** **********
314. Comics; unrevealed if applicable; demonic rival to cast character; Hellblazer **********
315. Original; criminal; worked for comics-based villain ***** ******
316. Original; museum curator; super-villain stole necklace she had obtained permission to exhibit *******
317. Original; maid; murdered by employer ****** **********
318. Original; shop owner; aunt of super-villain ******
319. Original; drug dealer; sold drugs to cast character ****** ****
320. Original; artifacts collector; attacked by super-villain ********* *****
321. Original; unrevealed; possible professional fighter; part of super-villain's fight club *****
322. Original; reverend; arrested villager accused of being a witch *******
323. Original; judge; helped send prisoners to death row regardless of guilt or innocence ******* *********
324. Original; unrevealed; was once a potential date for cast character via dating ap ***** ******
325. Likely comics (not DC), different surname; probable student when last seen; went drag racing with boyfriend; Pep Comics ***** ******
326. Original; military sergeant; part of army strike team *****
327. Original; adventurer; current cast character ****** / ********* ****
328. Original; asylum nurse; informed by main and other cast character she was in danger but she realized they weren't entirely telling the truth *****
329. Original; some sort of information provider; member of a shadow organization ********* *********
330. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers) ***** ***** ***** ******
331. Original; criminal agent; leader of group within a group *******
333. Original; criminal; prison bunk mate for recurring character ** ******
334. Real person; very high ranking politician; timeline altered when he became unable to lie ******* *****
335. Comics (originally unnamed, then different first name); farmer; adoptive father of main character; Action Comics  ******** ****, **.
336. Original; firearms store owner; sold bullets to vigilante ****
337. Original; criminal/car workshop owner; killed by someone he tried to blackmail ****** *****
338. Original; serial killer; her son was intially believed by heroes to be the killer **** ***** ******* / ***** ******
339. Comics; bank robber/terrorist; electricity powers; All-Star Squadron ********* / **** *******
340. Comics; high priestess; Egyptian who died thousands of years ago; Flash Comics ****-***
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently; village leader; ancestor of a major character; Hellblazer **********
342. Original; probable student when last seen; boyfriend of  #325 ***** ******
343. Comics; jewel thief; bonded with alien symbiote; Action Comics ********* / ****** ******
344. Original; unrevealed; father of #255 *****
345. Original; mayor; killed by hero's imposter ***** ******
346. Original; unrevealed; asked reporters to help locate missing son ****** ******
347. Original but related to character from comics; physics professor/philanthropist/criminal/engineering professor; wife of major villain  ******* *****
348. Original; scullery maid; lover of #267 *****
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; physical therapist; divorced from cast character; Spectre **** ****
350. Original; police technician; required to review footage involving main character ******
351. Original; prison officer; was fired ***** *******
352. Original; high ranking military officer/government agent/criminal; watched cage fight ***** *****
353. Comics, though heavily changed; bodyguard/criminal; arrested for murder; World's Finest Comics *****
354. Original; unrevealed; #274's wife ********* *******'* ******
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people; mayor; surname may refer to actor who was in another Arrowverse show ****** ****
356. Original; unrevealed; was devastated when ex-wife was murdered ******** ****
357. Original; criminal; worked for two different bosses (not concurrently) **** *******
358. Original; crime boss employee; killed by boss' daughter **** *******
359. Original; criminal; part of Chinese crime family ** ***** ***
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name; photographer/thief; drawn to shiny objects; The Man of Steel ****** / ******
361. Original; scientist; tasked to recreate a virus ****** ****
362. Original; member of secret, arguably criminal organization; friend turned enemy of major character ***** *****
363. Comics; hypnotist; worked for major villains; Teen Titans ****** / ****** *****
364. Original; soldier/mercenary; hired to bomb waterfront ********** / ****** ******
365. Real person (with caveat); serial killer/probable physician; briefly resurrected **** *** ******
366. Original; student; helped beat up cast characters ***** ****
367. Original; reporter; cast character ******* ***


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2/09/2022 5:18 am  #84

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

I've set up the letter/number pattern for what is revealed when. Some letters might take a few days for me to reveal them all if they're very common, while in the case of numbers and some letters I might do multiples in a day. Some of these, especially comics characters and real people based characters, probably have enough info to guess at even if you're unfamiliar with the episode(s) they appeared in. I'll likely freeze the letters for a particular character when there is only one letter left (but not the numbers as numbers aren't as big a clue).

These rounds utilize Arrowverse Wiki's use of Temporary Universe Designations for Earths lacking official numbers. They are used in the clues. So five letters then hyphen then digit(s) or five letters then hyphen then three letters then digit(s) could refer to an Earth. Three letters can refer to "The" especially if it's a code name. A single letter after an apostrophe could be an "s". Less common, seven letters at the start of a "name" can refer to "Unnamed".

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2/10/2022 8:07 am  #85

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Adding letters/number to answers as chosen by Random Number Generator. Letter (*) and number (#) patterns below. If there is a forward slash, the first name is the code name and the second name is the real name (for such characters I'll accept either name).  Not every number appears in this collage but every letter does.

The first letter is a T.  Any character with nothing added does not have the letter T anywhere in their name. In addition, there are no 4s in any of the characters

Letters/numbers used so far: T4

1. Comics; criminal; former classmate of two cast characters; Action Comics **** ********
4. Original; unrevealed; girlfriend of one villain who was killed by another ****
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer; powers related to his tears; Master Comics  T** ******
6. Original; university dean; ally of a hate group ******
9. Real person; princess turned warrior; fictional version briefly actress; from 1253 BC but ended up in 1937 ***** ** T***
10. Comics; businessman; related to a reformed villain; The Flash ****** **T*****
12. Original; cultist; become disillusioned with source of worship ******
16. Original; police detective; in sole appearance directed a main character to someone's office *****
17. Original; unrevealed; mother of kidnap victim ****** ********
18. Comics; criminal; insecure re: physical appearance; Batman Family ***** ***T
19. Comics; warden; sold meta-humans to villain; The Flash: Iron Heights ******* *****
20. Comics; terrorist; leads group attempting to blow up city; Green Arrow ******** ****
21. Comics; crime lord; one of four remaining leaders in his org surviving after a purge; Green Arrow ***** *********
22. Comics; mayor; wounded by a bullet during a riot; Batman: Turning Points  ******* *****
23. Original; scientist; originally from 1925 but now time travelling; cast character **** ******
24. Original; editor-in-chief; believed main character had gone bad ***** *****
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal; infected by alien parasite; Firestorm ******T* / **** *****
26. Original; criminal; member of China-based crime group **T** *****
27. Original but related to comics based character; sheriff; abandoned daughter upon learning she was a lesbian ***** *****
29. Original; federal agent; electrocuted T*** ***
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers) ****T **** T**** ******
31. Original; drug dealer; drug his sold turned people into monsters ***** ******
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman; half-brother of a main character ****** **** / T**-***
33. Original; engineer turned professor; murdered by a super-villain ******* ****
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal; killed by a main character to save an ally **** ****
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave; daughter of #17 **** ********
36. Comics; unrevealed; murdered by her husband; New Teen Titans ***** *****
37. Original; attorney; killed by a vigilante *** ****T***
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer; used VR as a means of torture ****** **T**
39. Comics; military general; father of counterpart of a main character; Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane *** **** (***T*-T**##)
40. Original; university professor; betrayed her sister ***** ***
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none; son of a main character *****
42. Original; assassin; committed suicide to avoid further interrogation T** ****
46. Original; sheriff; active in 1925 T***** ****
51. Comics; unrevealed; mother of hero active in the future; Green Arrow ***** *****
52. Webseries (different first name); police department employee; super-villain's sister in law; Gotham Girls  *** ***T**
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company; father of a cast character; Superman Annual  ******** *****
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader; succeeded a super-villain in a comics tie-in; Animal Man ****T** *****
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife; mother of a main character ****T** *******
57. Original; criminal; henchman to a villain who is the son of a reformed villain ********
58. Original; alderman; kidnapped and killed by villain for revenge ******* ****
60. Original; criminal; alcoholic who abused his ex-girlfriend ******* ******
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist; murdered people he felt had abandoned him; Detective Comics ******** *****
62. Original; security agent; helped keep a protest from going further out of control *****
63. Original; caretaker; from an erased future **T*
64. Comics; criminal; could shrink objects; The All-New Atom ******T** / ******T *******
65. Original; chef (police officer in another timeline); killed in revenge for actions from temporary timeline *T***T ********
66. Original; student when last seen; friend/classmate of major character ****
67. Comics; bank robber; has psychic powers; Daring New Adventures of Supergirl *** / ***** *****
69. Original; unrevealed; drug addict, wife of major character ***** *******
70. Original; likely assassin; killed over 200 people T*******
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed; was the wife of a major character; Showcase **** ******
72. Original; unrevealed; part of family cheated out of life's savings **** *****
73. Real person; queen; real version is still alive as of Feb 2022 *******T* **
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier; father of major villain; unsure, possible The Flash Secret Files and Origins ***** *******
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal ******* **********T*
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal; prison escapee *******
77. Original; unrevealed; mother of major character ****** *****
78. Comics; businessman/terrorist; part of a plan to rid the Earth of most of humanity; Green Arrow **** ****T***
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power; invited major characters on opposing sides to be keynote speakers in a media summit. ***** ** **T***** **T*
80. Original; medical doctor; treated main character for free in support of their actions *******T
81. Original; pianist; from artificial reality *****
82. Original; unrevealed; patient at major character's clinic ***TT****
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff; assisted in major character's political campaign **** *****
84. Original; unrevealed; parent of major character **** T*****'* **T***
85. Original; businessman; embezzled about $30 million from a pension plan ****** *******
86. Original; serial killer; drowned victims before dressing them up ********* aka ***** **** ****** / ***T** **T***
87. Original; CEO; from Markovia **** T*****
88. Original; criminal; helped rob seven banks in three states within two weeks ***** *** / ****** *******
89. Original; councilman; opposed a request from a major character, fearing for his city's survival ***-**
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince; sister was a major villain ******
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster; from same artificial reality as #81 ***** ****' *******
92. Comics; king; father of #90; Superman Family *** **** / *****
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin; artificial lifeform **** ***** (****T)
94. Real person; prince; reincarnated after death *****
95. Original; unrevealed; daughter has alien pet *****'* ******
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer; father of major character ***** *. ****
97. Original; prison guard; brought in as part of prison reform effort ***T**
98. Original; pilot; father of close friend of major character ***** ******'* **T***
99. Original; some sort of media employee; major character did compositions for him ******
100. Original; drug dealer; stopped as part of an effort to show someone a better way in dealing with criminals **T**** *****
101. Comics; unrevealed; wife of a villain; Deadshot ***** ***T**
102. Original; crime boss; at attempt to kill him happened in an arena ******* **T***
103. Real person; singer; this version wrote a song after seeing a character get abducted ***** *****
105. Comics; bar owner; some of his customers were killed in a weapons test; Lobo ** *****
106. Original; documentary director; accompanied major characters to Russia ***** ******
107. Original; bartender; friend of a major character who visits the bar *****
108. Original; retail manager; major character briefly worked for him ***
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts; courted a major character; Superman *****T**
110. Comics; cage fighter; fought main character in a match; Adventures of Superman ******
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron; led island operation; World's Finest Comics ******
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared; assassin; hired to kill a mayor ********
113. Real person; king; resurrected after death ***** ****
114. Original; disc jockey/assassin; DJ work was for a major character *****
116. Original; ex-criminal; extra-terrestrial ******* *****
117. Comics; attorney; represented main character in trial; Showcase **** ******
118. Original; CEO/businessman/land baron; used company to swindle hundreds out of their homes and life savings **** ****
119. Original; councilman; tried to get a bribe from father of main character ***** *******
121. Original; federal law enforcement agent; investigated main character ******* **T***
122. Original; student when last seen; history changed significantly due to the Crisis ***** **
124. Original; soldier (private); killed as part of a plan to frame someone in the theft of weapons *******
125. Original; time pirate; erased from history due to future deeds ****** ******
126. Original but related to character from comics; in one timeline was a hero's adoptive father ***** ******
127. Original; toy shop worker; mother of a cast character **** *******
128. Original; unrevealed; with husband, acted as guardian for grandson after grandson's parents were killed T***** *****'* *******T***
129. Original; temporal agent; hypnotized during a performance review ***T**
130. Likely comics;  military general; taken hostage during weapons demonstration; All-American Men of War *****
131. Comics (slightly different surname); criminal; can manipulate people's emotions; The Flash ******* ****** / *** ******
132. Original; nightclub employee; made out with a guy has part of the latter's attempt to break up with his girlfriend *****
133. Original; student; plays high school football ******* T*****
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same; unrevealed; active as such in the Old West; Weird Western Tales ****-***'* ##T* ***T*** *********T***
135. Comics; unrevealed; mother of a main character; Detective Comics **** ****
136. Comics; travel enforcement officer; has telepathy and other powers of the mind; Mister Terrific ******T*** / ******* *****
137. Original; medical doctor/slave trader; sent humans off world ********** ***T**
138. Original; student; dated a cast character ***** ******
139. Original; fire chief; targeted by #61 ******
140. Original; CEO/businessman; hired an assassin to kill bidders of a company he wished to own ****** **T**
141. Original; personal assistant; posed as his employer (a major villain) to help them escape another major villain ****** *****'* *****T**T
142. Original; restaurant employee; own name unknown but restaurant name refers to something you might find on a table at a restaurant T**** ***T ***T***
143. Original; real estate developer; people died in his buildings due to inadequate heating **** ******
144. Original; career criminal; took over boyfriend's criminal business why he was incarcerated ******
145. Real person; prop master turned film director; real version still alive as of Feb 2022 ****** *****
146. Real person; army commander, likely turned prime minister; participated in an invasion in 1961 ***** ***T**
147. Comics; board member; tried to use company owner's emails to ruin her reputation; Superman: The Man of Steel **** ****T****
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante; hero active in the future on a parallel Earth; Green Arrow ***** ***** a.k.a. ****** ***** /  **** ******, **. (***T*-##)
149. Original; unrevealed; clubber who used drugs ******** ******
150. Original; criminal; injured himself shooting someone he didn't know had powers. ******* ******
151. Comics character with different name; warrior; active in the 31th century in one future under a different name; Legion of Super-Heroes ***T******
152. Original; unrevealed; broke up with girlfriend for cheating on her *****
153. Real person; astronaut; real version still alive as of Feb 2022 **** *****
154. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers) ****T *****T T**** ******
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar); arsonist; briefly acquitted when issues arose in his trial but arrested again after another crime; Justice League Task Force ***T ****** / ******** ********
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker; brought a main character home after time away ***T***
157. Original; board member; killed by some sort of robotic tech ****
158. Comics; businessman; took over a major character's body; Underworld Unleashed *****
159. Original; police officer; held captive for a time in another world ***** ******
160. Original mixed with mythology; coachman; replaced a Hindu god ******** / ******
162. Original; district attorney; represented a case against a main character *** ******
163. Original; unrevealed, but likely student if any when last seen; father falsely charged with the murder of her mother **** ******
164. Original; student when last seen; star high school quarterback **** ******
165. Original; criminal; killed by his boss *****T ******
166. Comics; police detective; cast character and romantic interest to another cast character; Superman ****** ******
167. Original; Unrevealed, possible criminal; prisoner on a ship ******** *** *****
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same), cryogeneticist, bartender, criminal; romantic interest to cast character; The Flash Annual *********** / **** ******
170. Original; deputy sheriff; in one timeline investigated #122's death *******
172. Mentioned in a movie; physician to adoptive mother of main character; Superman: The Movie ****
173. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed; twin sister of a key recurring character ***
174. Original; terrorist; tried to stop the launch of a VR service *** ********
175. Original; marine biologist; widow of the counterpart of a super-villain T**** ******
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person; babysitter for the child of a super-villain *******
177. Original; judge; presided over main character trial *********
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people; collections officer; can manipulate people's emotions ******* ****** #.# / ****** *****
180. Original; nun turned singer/guitarist; part of a band that a cast character is also part of *****
181. Real person; tsarina; family targeted in an assassination attempt  ********* ********
182. Original; fence; arrested during the sale of a stolen jewel ***** ****TT
183. Real person; musician; smoked psychedelic cigarettes ***** ******
184. Comics; board member, businessman; saved from assassination attempt by a main character; Steel T** ***T**
185. Original; lawyer turned criminal; sought revenge against the lawyer firm **T*** ******
186. Movie; witch; survived her reality being destroyed by the Crisis; Supergirl ****** (***T*-T**##)
187. Comics; wrestler turned criminal; other than a fang, thus far only seen in photo; Detective Comics ****** **** / ****** *****
188. Original; unrevealed; extra-terrestrial *****
189. Comics; student; aged at accelerated rate; The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive ******* ****
190. Original; criminal; snapped after family killed in a mall ***** ******
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person; physician; often helped main character and allies ***** *******T*
193. Original; orphanage head, foster mother; raised a major character **** ******
194. Original; bowler; extra-terrestrial or at least operates outside of Earth ***** *** *****
195. Original; police sergeant; briefed main characters on missions *. ********
196. Original; criminal; attended crime family gathering ****** ********
197. Original; probable student; dated a cast character for a time *****
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use; bank robber; part of family of criminals ***. ***T**
199. Original; medical doctor; treated a cast character ******
200. Original; nurse; worked for cast character ***
202. Original; bartender; ex-girlfriend of cast character *****
203. Original; unrevealed, possible student when last seen; could heal mortal injuries ********
204. Original; activist of sorts; part of anti-alien group *****
205. Original; electrics company employee; assigned to develop a weapon that could penetrate a super-suit ***** *******
206. Real person; novelist; killed by a creature in an erased timeline *. ***** **T*******
207. Original; soldier; helped brother steal weaponry from military base **** ******
208. Real person (at least going by first name); unrevealed; sought autograph from heroes ****
209. Comics; energy source; has strong connection to a major character; The Flash ***** *****
210. Original, though shares name with comics character; unrevealed; once erroneously believed to have killed a major character ****
211. Original; bank robber; sent to steal for comics based villain ***T*
212. Original; criminal; prisoner in other dimensional realm ****
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs; ruler; offered deal to major character; possibly Book of Job **T**
214. Original; therapist for main character *****
215. Original but related to character from comics; fire chief; wife has launched campaign for mayor **** *******
216. Original; religious figure (can't say what kind without revealing name), possible assassin; officiates rituals and ceremonies T** *****T***
217. Original; sheriff; lived in Oregon *** *******
218. Original though code name used by comics characters; crime lord; wanted to create coalition of crime gangs  T***** *****
219. Original; criminal; joined major villain's army ******
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character; criminal of sorts, though possibly not by occupation; tormented major character for years ***** ***T*****T
221. Real person; priestess; active in New Orleans ***** ******
222. Original; pirate; lover of famous pirate **** *****
223. Original; film director; did documentary on main character ****** ******T*
224. Comics; outlaw; responsible for town's destruction; Weird Western Tales ****T** T*******
225. Comics; student; related to a main character; Convergence: Superman ****T*** ***T (***T-*****)
226. Original; unrevealed; posed as treasure seeker in VR reality  T******* ***T** T**** / ****** ******
227. Original; federal agent; has worked closely with directors of her organization *****
228. Original; crime family consigliere; killed by boss' daughter **** *****T*
229. Original; student; accidentally electrocuted by unconscious friend ***** ***
230. Original but distant relative of comics based character; robotics engineer; seen in 2147 *****
231. Original; federal agent posing as accountant; killed by villainous cast character ******* *********
232. Original; government agent; from China but killed in New Zealand *** ****
233. Original; waitress; sister-in-law and ex-girlfriend of major character ***** ******
234. Original; criminal; broken out of jail by super-villain girlfriend **** ******
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show; police task force officer; romantically involved with super-villain; Batman ***** ***T***
236. Original; high school coach; allowed main character to be assistant coach ******
237. Comics; police commissioner; disapproved of main character's actions; Green Arrow ***** *********
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics); bank robber; son of #198 *** / **** ***T**
239. Original; unrevealed; husband of long recurring character ***
240. Comics (comics version has different surname); unrevealed; son of cast character; Adventures of Superman **** ***T**
241. Comics (comics version has different surname); legal aid attorney; was the best friend of a cast character; Green Arrow ****** ** ** ****
242. Comics; high ranking military officer; trained a main character; 52 *** *** ******
243. Comics; mobster/money launderer, nightclub manager; managed the nightclub on behalf of a super-villain; Detective Comics ****** ****T***
244. Original; SWAT officer turned bodyguard; briefly replaced a major character in job *** ***TT
245. Original; federal agent; possessed by villain based on comics hero  *******
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share; head of security, criminal; killed by anti-matter **** ******* (***T*-#)
247. Comics; gangster; can turn his body into a specific element ******** / ***T*
248. Original; unrevealed; mother of #122 *** **
249. Comics; trivia night host; comics version is a major villain; Action Comics ****** ******
251. Real person; shogun; died ten years prior to real world version  T******* ****T**
252. Original; high priestess; prisoner whose name was used for prison ****** *** ****
253. Original; board member; got major character ousted from company they were running ******
255. Original; unrevealed; lives in a Maritimes city ***** ******
256. Original; shopkeeper; active in the near future *****
257. Comics (somewhat different name); assassin; second in command in her organization; Batwoman: Rebirth  T*T****
258. Comics; military Lieutenant Colonel working for major character; Human Defense Corps  **** ****TT*
259. Original; unrevealed; father of #122 ***** **
261. Original; criminal turned boxer; wrongly suspected of being a super-villain ***T / ***** *******
262. Comics but different name; hitman; hired to spy on main character; Superman ***** ******T**
263. Earlier show (different real name); drug dealer; ex-lover of main character; Batman: The Animated Series **** **** / ********* ***T**
264. Original; bank robber; has fire powers **** ****
265. Comics; apparent criminal; can generate acid; Action Comics **** ***T** / ****** ***T**
266. Comics (comics version unnamed); unrevealed; ex-mistress of #313; unsure, possibly New Year's Evil: Prometheus ****** ***T*****
267. Original; unrevealed, possibly none; engaged to a guy but secretly in love with a woman **. ********
268. Original; probably none so far, possibly student; foster daughter of major characters ****
270. Original; parole officer for main character ***** *T*****
271. Original; member of resistance group; extra-terrestrial *'****
272. Comics; probably criminal; extra-terrestrial convict; Superman ***T**
273. Original; car thief who claimed that a cast character was trying to steal his car ***
274. Original; soldier; father of cast character ***** *******
275. Original; soldier turned leader of vigilante group inspired by main character *****
276. Comics; toy manufacturing company owner; ex-boss of super-villain; Action Comics ******* ******T*
277. Original; senator with an interest in extra-terrestrials *********
278. Original; EMT; could swap people's DNA ***T*** ****T / **TT*** ***
279. Original; attorney; did pro-bono work for comapny major character worked at ****T****
280. Comics; personal physician for major villain; Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen ****** *******
281. Original; philanthropist/clinic owner; wife of major character, mainly seen in photo ******* ******
283. Real person; student when last seen; likely later an attorney, philanthropist, and civic leader; former student of major character ******* **T**, **.
286. Comics; police detective; former work partner of major character; Green Arrow and Black Canary ***** ***T**
287. Original; influencer; disfigured subsequent to cosmetic surgery ******** *****T
288. Comics; Russian federal agent; investigated by an American agency; Superman: Red Son ***T* ******
289. Comics; journalist; operated in a different city pre- and post-Crisis; Adventures of Superman *** T*****
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown; drug dealer; can manipulate time; Showcase T**T** # / ***** *******
291. Original; criminal/double agent; acted as recruiter for her actual organization **** *****
292. Original; very high ranking poiltician; predecessor killed in alien invasion ***** *******
293. Comics (comics version has different first name); criminal; counterpart of cast character's brother; Justice League of America's Vibe ***T*** / ***T* ***** (***T*-#)
294. Earlier character this continuity; none; VR version of cast character **** ******* (******** ***T****)
295. Original; banker; saved from building that was blown up ****
296. Original; football coach; hid that a player has brain damage and was using steroids ***T *******
297. Original; mercenary; worked for cast character's mother ***** ********
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different; mechanical engineer turned criminal; uses robotic creatures; The Atom ***-**** *****T a.k.a. ***** *** / **** ******
299. Comics; assassin/black ops agent; deserted federal agency she used to work for; Detective Comics **** *****
301.  Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities; quantum engineer/CEO; was replaced by a doppelgänger who posed as her; Animal Man *** *********
302. Original; police officer; betrayed his PD to a super-villain *****
303. Original; student; wore homemade costumes based on main character *****
304. Original; student if any; saved by main character from parachute bombs *****
305. Original; high school student seeking university admission ***** ******
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show; biomedical engineer, CEO; mother of cast character; The Flash (1990-1991 series) ***** T*********
307. Comics; criminal; wrongly imprisoned for false confession; Supergirl ****** ******* ****
308. Original; mixed martial arts fighter; affected by a totem being activated **** *T*****
309. Original; waitress; dropped food and drinks after bumping into co-worker  T****
310. Original; singer; from Old West ****** *****T**
311. Original; computer hacker; seduced by someone who killed him ***** **T**
312. Original; fence; tried to steal from jewel thief **** ********
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics); CEO; masterminded an outbreak of tuberculosis; Vigilante ***T** **********
314. Comics; unrevealed if applicable; demonic rival to cast character; Hellblazer **********
315. Original; criminal; worked for comics-based villain ***** ******
316. Original; museum curator; super-villain stole necklace she had obtained permission to exhibit *******
317. Original; maid; murdered by employer ****** *******T**
318. Original; shop owner; aunt of super-villain ******
319. Original; drug dealer; sold drugs to cast character ****** ****
320. Original; artifacts collector; attacked by super-villain *****T*** *****
321. Original; unrevealed; possible professional fighter; part of super-villain's fight club *****
322. Original; reverend; arrested villager accused of being a witch *******
323. Original; judge; helped send prisoners to death row regardless of guilt or innocence ******* *********
324. Original; unrevealed; was once a potential date for cast character via dating ap ***** ******
325. Likely comics (not DC), different surname; probable student when last seen; went drag racing with boyfriend; Pep Comics **TT* ******
326. Original; military sergeant; part of army strike team **T**
327. Original; adventurer; current cast character ****** / ********* ****
328. Original; asylum nurse; informed by main and other cast character she was in danger but she realized they weren't entirely telling the truth  T****
329. Original; some sort of information provider; member of a shadow organization *****T*** *********
330. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers) ****T ***T* T**** ******
331. Original; criminal agent; leader of group within a group *******
333. Original; criminal; prison bunk mate for recurring character ** T*****
334. Real person; very high ranking politician; timeline altered when he became unable to lie ******* *****
335. Comics (originally unnamed, then different first name); farmer; adoptive father of main character; Action Comics  ****T*** ***T, **.
336. Original; firearms store owner; sold bullets to vigilante ****
337. Original; criminal/car workshop owner; killed by someone he tried to blackmail ****** *****
338. Original; serial killer; her son was intially believed by heroes to be the killer **** ****T ******* / **T** ******
339. Comics; bank robber/terrorist; electricity powers; All-Star Squadron ***T****T / **** *******
340. Comics; high priestess; Egyptian who died thousands of years ago; Flash Comics ****-***
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently; village leader; ancestor of a major character; Hellblazer ****T**T**
342. Original; probable student when last seen; boyfriend of  #325  T**** ******
343. Comics; jewel thief; bonded with alien symbiote; Action Comics ********* / ****** ******
344. Original; unrevealed; father of #255  T****
345. Original; mayor; killed by hero's imposter ***** ***T**
346. Original; unrevealed; asked reporters to help locate missing son ****** ******
347. Original but related to character from comics; physics professor/philanthropist/criminal/engineering professor; wife of major villain  ******* *****
348. Original; scullery maid; lover of #267 *****
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; physical therapist; divorced from cast character; Spectre **** ***T
350. Original; police technician; required to review footage involving main character ***T**
351. Original; prison officer; was fired ***** *******
352. Original; high ranking military officer/government agent/criminal; watched cage fight ***** *****
353. Comics, though heavily changed; bodyguard/criminal; arrested for murder; World's Finest Comics *****
354. Original; unrevealed; #274's wife ********* *******'* **T***
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people; mayor; surname may refer to actor who was in another Arrowverse show ****** ****
356. Original; unrevealed; was devastated when ex-wife was murdered ******** ****
357. Original; criminal; worked for two different bosses (not concurrently) **** *******
358. Original; crime boss employee; killed by boss' daughter **** *******
359. Original; criminal; part of Chinese crime family ** ***** ***
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name; photographer/thief; drawn to shiny objects; The Man of Steel ****** / *****T
361. Original; scientist; tasked to recreate a virus *****T ****
362. Original; member of secret, arguably criminal organization; friend turned enemy of major character ***** *****
363. Comics; hypnotist; worked for major villains; Teen Titans ****** / ****** *****
364. Original; soldier/mercenary; hired to bomb waterfront *********T / *****T ******
365. Real person (with caveat); serial killer/probable physician; briefly resurrected **** T** ******
366. Original; student; helped beat up cast characters  T**** ****
367. Original; reporter; cast character ******* ***


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2/11/2022 6:07 am  #86

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Adding letters/number to answers as chosen by Random Number Generator. Letter (*) and number (#) patterns below. If there is a forward slash, the first name is the code name and the second name is the real name (for such characters I'll accept either name).  Not every number appears in this collage but every letter does. Obviously if a letter is revealed but not shown for a particular character, they don't have that letter in their name.

The next letter is H.

Letters/numbers used so far: HT4

1. Comics; criminal; former classmate of two cast characters; Action Comics **** ********
4. Original; unrevealed; girlfriend of one villain who was killed by another ****
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer; powers related to his tears; Master Comics  TH* ******
6. Original; university dean; ally of a hate group ******
9. Real person; princess turned warrior; fictional version briefly actress; from 1253 BC but ended up in 1937  H**** ** T***
10. Comics; businessman; related to a reformed villain; The Flash ****** **TH****
12. Original; cultist; become disillusioned with source of worship ******
16. Original; police detective; in sole appearance directed a main character to someone's office *****
17. Original; unrevealed; mother of kidnap victim ****** ********
18. Comics; criminal; insecure re: physical appearance; Batman Family ***** ***T
19. Comics; warden; sold meta-humans to villain; The Flash: Iron Heights ******* *****
20. Comics; terrorist; leads group attempting to blow up city; Green Arrow ******** ****
21. Comics; crime lord; one of four remaining leaders in his org surviving after a purge; Green Arrow ***** *********
22. Comics; mayor; wounded by a bullet during a riot; Batman: Turning Points  ******* *****
23. Original; scientist; originally from 1925 but now time travelling; cast character **** ******
24. Original; editor-in-chief; believed main character had gone bad ***TT *****
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal; infected by alien parasite; Firestorm ******T* / **** *****
26. Original; criminal; member of China-based crime group **T** *H***
27. Original but related to comics based character; sheriff; abandoned daughter upon learning she was a lesbian ***** *****
29. Original; federal agent; electrocuted T*** ***
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers) ****T **** T**** ******
31. Original; drug dealer; drug his sold turned people into monsters ***** ******
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman; half-brother of a main character ****** **** / T**-*H*
33. Original; engineer turned professor; murdered by a super-villain ******* ****
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal; killed by a main character to save an ally **** ****
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave; daughter of #17 **** ********
36. Comics; unrevealed; murdered by her husband; New Teen Titans ***** *****
37. Original; attorney; killed by a vigilante *** ****T***
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer; used VR as a means of torture ***H*** **T**
39. Comics; military general; father of counterpart of a main character; Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane *** **** (***TH-T**##)
40. Original; university professor; betrayed her sister ***** ***
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none; son of a main character *****
42. Original; assassin; committed suicide to avoid further interrogation TH* ****
46. Original; sheriff; active in 1925 TH**** ****
51. Comics; unrevealed; mother of hero active in the future; Green Arrow ***** H****
52. Webseries (different first name); police department employee; super-villain's sister in law; Gotham Girls  *** ***TH*
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company; father of a cast character; Superman Annual  ******** *****
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader; succeeded a super-villain in a comics tie-in; Animal Man ****T** H****
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife; mother of a main character ****TH* H******
57. Original; criminal; henchman to a villain who is the son of a reformed villain ********
58. Original; alderman; kidnapped and killed by villain for revenge ***H*** ****
60. Original; criminal; alcoholic who abused his ex-girlfriend ***H*** ******
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist; murdered people he felt had abandoned him; Detective Comics ******** *****
62. Original; security agent; helped keep a protest from going further out of control *****
63. Original; caretaker; from an erased future **TH
64. Comics; criminal; could shrink objects; The All-New Atom ******T** / ******T *******
65. Original; chef (police officer in another timeline); killed in revenge for actions from temporary timeline *T***T H*******
66. Original; student when last seen; friend/classmate of major character ****
67. Comics; bank robber; has psychic powers; Daring New Adventures of Supergirl *** / ***** ****H
69. Original; unrevealed; drug addict, wife of major character ***** *******
70. Original; likely assassin; killed over 200 people T*******
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed; was the wife of a major character; Showcase **** ******
72. Original; unrevealed; part of family cheated out of life's savings **** *****
73. Real person; queen; real version is still alive as of Feb 2022 *******TH **
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier; father of major villain; unsure, possible The Flash Secret Files and Origins ***** *******
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal ******* H*********T*
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal; prison escapee *H*****
77. Original; unrevealed; mother of major character ****** *****
78. Comics; businessman/terrorist; part of a plan to rid the Earth of most of humanity; Green Arrow **** ****T***
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power; invited major characters on opposing sides to be keynote speakers in a media summit. ***** ** **T***** **T*
80. Original; medical doctor; treated main character for free in support of their actions ****H**T
81. Original; pianist; from artificial reality *****
82. Original; unrevealed; patient at major character's clinic ***TT****
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff; assisted in major character's political campaign **** *****
84. Original; unrevealed; parent of major character **** T*****'* **TH**
85. Original; businessman; embezzled about $30 million from a pension plan ****** *******
86. Original; serial killer; drowned victims before dressing them up ********* aka ***** **** ****** / ***T** **TH**
87. Original; CEO; from Markovia **** T*****
88. Original; criminal; helped rob seven banks in three states within two weeks ***** *** / ****** *******
89. Original; councilman; opposed a request from a major character, fearing for his city's survival ***-**
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince; sister was a major villain ******
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster; from same artificial reality as #81 ***** ****' H******
92. Comics; king; father of #90; Superman Family *** **** / *****
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin; artificial lifeform **** ***** (****T)
94. Real person; prince; reincarnated after death *H***
95. Original; unrevealed; daughter has alien pet *****'* **TH**
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer; father of major character ***** *. ****
97. Original; prison guard; brought in as part of prison reform effort ***T**
98. Original; pilot; father of close friend of major character ***** ******'* **TH**
99. Original; some sort of media employee; major character did compositions for him  H***H*
100. Original; drug dealer; stopped as part of an effort to show someone a better way in dealing with criminals **TH*** *****
101. Comics; unrevealed; wife of a villain; Deadshot ***** ***T**
102. Original; crime boss; at attempt to kill him happened in an arena ***H*** **T***
103. Real person; singer; this version wrote a song after seeing a character get abducted ***** *****
105. Comics; bar owner; some of his customers were killed in a weapons test; Lobo ** *****
106. Original; documentary director; accompanied major characters to Russia ***** H*****
107. Original; bartender; friend of a major character who visits the bar H****
108. Original; retail manager; major character briefly worked for him ***
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts; courted a major character; Superman *****T**
110. Comics; cage fighter; fought main character in a match; Adventures of Superman ******
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron; led island operation; World's Finest Comics ******
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared; assassin; hired to kill a mayor ********
113. Real person; king; resurrected after death  H**** ****
114. Original; disc jockey/assassin; DJ work was for a major character *H***
116. Original; ex-criminal; extra-terrestrial ******* *****
117. Comics; attorney; represented main character in trial; Showcase **** ******
118. Original; CEO/businessman/land baron; used company to swindle hundreds out of their homes and life savings **** H***
119. Original; councilman; tried to get a bribe from father of main character  H**** *******
121. Original; federal law enforcement agent; investigated main character ******* **T***
122. Original; student when last seen; history changed significantly due to the Crisis ***** **
124. Original; soldier (private); killed as part of a plan to frame someone in the theft of weapons *******
125. Original; time pirate; erased from history due to future deeds ****** ******
126. Original but related to character from comics; in one timeline was a hero's adoptive father *H*** ******
127. Original; toy shop worker; mother of a cast character **** *******
128. Original; unrevealed; with husband, acted as guardian for grandson after grandson's parents were killed T***** *****'* *******TH**
129. Original; temporal agent; hypnotized during a performance review ***T**
130. Likely comics;  military general; taken hostage during weapons demonstration; All-American Men of War *****
131. Comics (slightly different surname); criminal; can manipulate people's emotions; The Flash ******* ****** / *** ******
132. Original; nightclub employee; made out with a guy has part of the latter's attempt to break up with his girlfriend *****
133. Original; student; plays high school football ******* T*****
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same; unrevealed; active as such in the Old West; Weird Western Tales *H**-***'* ##TH ***T*** *********T***
135. Comics; unrevealed; mother of a main character; Detective Comics **** ****
136. Comics; travel enforcement officer; has telepathy and other powers of the mind; Mister Terrific ******T*** / ******* *****
137. Original; medical doctor/slave trader; sent humans off world ********** ***T**
138. Original; student; dated a cast character *H*** ******
139. Original; fire chief; targeted by #61 ******
140. Original; CEO/businessman; hired an assassin to kill bidders of a company he wished to own ****** **T**
141. Original; personal assistant; posed as his employer (a major villain) to help them escape another major villain ****** ***H*'* *****T**T
142. Original; restaurant employee; own name unknown but restaurant name refers to something you might find on a table at a restaurant T**** ***T H**T***
143. Original; real estate developer; people died in his buildings due to inadequate heating **** ******
144. Original; career criminal; took over boyfriend's criminal business why he was incarcerated ******
145. Real person; prop master turned film director; real version still alive as of Feb 2022 ****** *****
146. Real person; army commander, likely turned prime minister; participated in an invasion in 1961 ***** ***T**
147. Comics; board member; tried to use company owner's emails to ruin her reputation; Superman: The Man of Steel **** ****T****
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante; hero active in the future on a parallel Earth; Green Arrow ***** ***** a.k.a. ****** H**** /  **** ******, **. (***TH-##)
149. Original; unrevealed; clubber who used drugs ******** ******
150. Original; criminal; injured himself shooting someone he didn't know had powers. ******* ******
151. Comics character with different name; warrior; active in the 31th century in one future under a different name; Legion of Super-Heroes ***T******
152. Original; unrevealed; broke up with girlfriend for cheating on her *****
153. Real person; astronaut; real version still alive as of Feb 2022 **** H****
154. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers) ****T *****T T**** ******
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar); arsonist; briefly acquitted when issues arose in his trial but arrested again after another crime; Justice League Task Force H**T ****** / ******** ********
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker; brought a main character home after time away ***T***
157. Original; board member; killed by some sort of robotic tech *H**
158. Comics; businessman; took over a major character's body; Underworld Unleashed *****
159. Original; police officer; held captive for a time in another world ***** ******
160. Original mixed with mythology; coachman; replaced a Hindu god ******** / ******
162. Original; district attorney; represented a case against a main character *** ******
163. Original; unrevealed, but likely student if any when last seen; father falsely charged with the murder of her mother **** ******
164. Original; student when last seen; star high school quarterback **** H*****
165. Original; criminal; killed by his boss *****T ******
166. Comics; police detective; cast character and romantic interest to another cast character; Superman ****** ******
167. Original; Unrevealed, possible criminal; prisoner on a ship  H******* *** *****
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same), cryogeneticist, bartender, criminal; romantic interest to cast character; The Flash Annual *H********* / **** ******
170. Original; deputy sheriff; in one timeline investigated #122's death *******
172. Mentioned in a movie; physician to adoptive mother of main character; Superman: The Movie ****
173. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed; twin sister of a key recurring character ***
174. Original; terrorist; tried to stop the launch of a VR service *** ****H***
175. Original; marine biologist; widow of the counterpart of a super-villain T**** ******
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person; babysitter for the child of a super-villain *******
177. Original; judge; presided over main character trial  H********
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people; collections officer; can manipulate people's emotions ******* ****** #.# / ****** *****
180. Original; nun turned singer/guitarist; part of a band that a cast character is also part of *****
181. Real person; tsarina; family targeted in an assassination attempt  ********* ********
182. Original; fence; arrested during the sale of a stolen jewel ***** ****TT
183. Real person; musician; smoked psychedelic cigarettes ***** ******
184. Comics; board member, businessman; saved from assassination attempt by a main character; Steel T** ***T**
185. Original; lawyer turned criminal; sought revenge against the lawyer firm **TH** ******
186. Movie; witch; survived her reality being destroyed by the Crisis; Supergirl ****** (***TH-T**##)
187. Comics; wrestler turned criminal; other than a fang, thus far only seen in photo; Detective Comics ****** **** / ****** *****
188. Original; unrevealed; extra-terrestrial *****
189. Comics; student; aged at accelerated rate; The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive ******* ****
190. Original; criminal; snapped after family killed in a mall ***** ******
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person; physician; often helped main character and allies ***** **H****T*
193. Original; orphanage head, foster mother; raised a major character **** ******
194. Original; bowler; extra-terrestrial or at least operates outside of Earth ***** *** *****
195. Original; police sergeant; briefed main characters on missions *. ********
196. Original; criminal; attended crime family gathering ****** ********
197. Original; probable student; dated a cast character for a time *****
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use; bank robber; part of family of criminals ***. ***T**
199. Original; medical doctor; treated a cast character ******
200. Original; nurse; worked for cast character ***
202. Original; bartender; ex-girlfriend of cast character *****
203. Original; unrevealed, possible student when last seen; could heal mortal injuries ********
204. Original; activist of sorts; part of anti-alien group *****
205. Original; electrics company employee; assigned to develop a weapon that could penetrate a super-suit ***** H******
206. Real person; novelist; killed by a creature in an erased timeline *. ***TT **T*******
207. Original; soldier; helped brother steal weaponry from military base **** ******
208. Real person (at least going by first name); unrevealed; sought autograph from heroes ****
209. Comics; energy source; has strong connection to a major character; The Flash ***** *****
210. Original, though shares name with comics character; unrevealed; once erroneously believed to have killed a major character ****
211. Original; bank robber; sent to steal for comics based villain ***T*
212. Original; criminal; prisoner in other dimensional realm ****
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs; ruler; offered deal to major character; possibly Book of Job **T**
214. Original; therapist for main character *****
215. Original but related to character from comics; fire chief; wife has launched campaign for mayor **** ***H***
216. Original; religious figure (can't say what kind without revealing name), possible assassin; officiates rituals and ceremonies TH* *****T***
217. Original; sheriff; lived in Oregon *** *******
218. Original though code name used by comics characters; crime lord; wanted to create coalition of crime gangs  T***** *H***
219. Original; criminal; joined major villain's army ******
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character; criminal of sorts, though possibly not by occupation; tormented major character for years ***** ***T****HT
221. Real person; priestess; active in New Orleans ***** ******
222. Original; pirate; lover of famous pirate **** *****
223. Original; film director; did documentary on main character ****** ******T*
224. Comics; outlaw; responsible for town's destruction; Weird Western Tales ****T** T*******
225. Comics; student; related to a main character; Convergence: Superman ****TH** ***T (***T-*****)
226. Original; unrevealed; posed as treasure seeker in VR reality  T******* H**T** T**** / ****** ******
227. Original; federal agent; has worked closely with directors of her organization *****
228. Original; crime family consigliere; killed by boss' daughter **** *****T*
229. Original; student; accidentally electrocuted by unconscious friend ***** ***
230. Original but distant relative of comics based character; robotics engineer; seen in 2147 *****
231. Original; federal agent posing as accountant; killed by villainous cast character ******* ********H
232. Original; government agent; from China but killed in New Zealand *** ****
233. Original; waitress; sister-in-law and ex-girlfriend of major character ***** ******
234. Original; criminal; broken out of jail by super-villain girlfriend **** ******
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show; police task force officer; romantically involved with super-villain; Batman ***** ***T***
236. Original; high school coach; allowed main character to be assistant coach ******
237. Comics; police commissioner; disapproved of main character's actions; Green Arrow ***** *********
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics); bank robber; son of #198 *** / **** ***T**
239. Original; unrevealed; husband of long recurring character ***
240. Comics (comics version has different surname); unrevealed; son of cast character; Adventures of Superman **** ***T**
241. Comics (comics version has different surname); legal aid attorney; was the best friend of a cast character; Green Arrow ****** ** ** ****
242. Comics; high ranking military officer; trained a main character; 52 *** *** ******
243. Comics; mobster/money launderer, nightclub manager; managed the nightclub on behalf of a super-villain; Detective Comics ****** ****T***
244. Original; SWAT officer turned bodyguard; briefly replaced a major character in job *** ***TT
245. Original; federal agent; possessed by villain based on comics hero  *******
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share; head of security, criminal; killed by anti-matter **** ******* (***T*-#)
247. Comics; gangster; can turn his body into a specific element ******** / ***TH
248. Original; unrevealed; mother of #122 *** **
249. Comics; trivia night host; comics version is a major villain; Action Comics ****** ******
251. Real person; shogun; died ten years prior to real world version  T******* ****T**
252. Original; high priestess; prisoner whose name was used for prison ****** *** ****
253. Original; board member; got major character ousted from company they were running ******
255. Original; unrevealed; lives in a Maritimes city ***** ******
256. Original; shopkeeper; active in the near future *****
257. Comics (somewhat different name); assassin; second in command in her organization; Batwoman: Rebirth  T*T****
258. Comics; military Lieutenant Colonel working for major character; Human Defense Corps  **** ****TT*
259. Original; unrevealed; father of #122 ***** **
261. Original; criminal turned boxer; wrongly suspected of being a super-villain ***T / *H*** *******
262. Comics but different name; hitman; hired to spy on main character; Superman ***** ******T**
263. Earlier show (different real name); drug dealer; ex-lover of main character; Batman: The Animated Series **** **** / ********* ***T**
264. Original; bank robber; has fire powers **** ****
265. Comics; apparent criminal; can generate acid; Action Comics **** ***T** / *H**** ***T**
266. Comics (comics version unnamed); unrevealed; ex-mistress of #313; unsure, possibly New Year's Evil: Prometheus ****** ***T*****
267. Original; unrevealed, possibly none; engaged to a guy but secretly in love with a woman **. ********
268. Original; probably none so far, possibly student; foster daughter of major characters ****
270. Original; parole officer for main character ***** *T*****
271. Original; member of resistance group; extra-terrestrial *'****
272. Comics; probably criminal; extra-terrestrial convict; Superman ***T**
273. Original; car thief who claimed that a cast character was trying to steal his car ***
274. Original; soldier; father of cast character ***** *******
275. Original; soldier turned leader of vigilante group inspired by main character *****
276. Comics; toy manufacturing company owner; ex-boss of super-villain; Action Comics ******* ***H**T*
277. Original; senator with an interest in extra-terrestrials *********
278. Original; EMT; could swap people's DNA ***T*** ****T / **TTH** ***
279. Original; attorney; did pro-bono work for comapny major character worked at ****T****
280. Comics; personal physician for major villain; Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen ****** *******
281. Original; philanthropist/clinic owner; wife of major character, mainly seen in photo ******* ******
283. Real person; student when last seen; likely later an attorney, philanthropist, and civic leader; former student of major character ******* **T**, **.
286. Comics; police detective; former work partner of major character; Green Arrow and Black Canary ***** H**T**
287. Original; influencer; disfigured subsequent to cosmetic surgery ******** ****HT
288. Comics; Russian federal agent; investigated by an American agency; Superman: Red Son ***T* ******
289. Comics; journalist; operated in a different city pre- and post-Crisis; Adventures of Superman *** T*****
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown; drug dealer; can manipulate time; Showcase T**T** # / ***** *******
291. Original; criminal/double agent; acted as recruiter for her actual organization **** *****
292. Original; very high ranking poiltician; predecessor killed in alien invasion ***** *******
293. Comics (comics version has different first name); criminal; counterpart of cast character's brother; Justice League of America's Vibe ***T*** / ***T* ***** (***TH-#)
294. Earlier character this continuity; none; VR version of cast character **** ******* (******** ***T****)
295. Original; banker; saved from building that was blown up ****
296. Original; football coach; hid that a player has brain damage and was using steroids ***T ****H**
297. Original; mercenary; worked for cast character's mother ***** ********
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different; mechanical engineer turned criminal; uses robotic creatures; The Atom ***-**** *****T a.k.a. ***** *** / **** ******
299. Comics; assassin/black ops agent; deserted federal agency she used to work for; Detective Comics **** *****
301.  Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities; quantum engineer/CEO; was replaced by a doppelgänger who posed as her; Animal Man *** ********H
302. Original; police officer; betrayed his PD to a super-villain *****
303. Original; student; wore homemade costumes based on main character *****
304. Original; student if any; saved by main character from parachute bombs H****
305. Original; high school student seeking university admission H**** ******
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show; biomedical engineer, CEO; mother of cast character; The Flash (1990-1991 series) ***** T***H*****
307. Comics; criminal; wrongly imprisoned for false confession; Supergirl ****** / ***H*** ****
308. Original; mixed martial arts fighter; affected by a totem being activated **** *T*****
309. Original; waitress; dropped food and drinks after bumping into co-worker  T****
310. Original; singer; from Old West ****** *****T**
311. Original; computer hacker; seduced by someone who killed him ***** **T**
312. Original; fence; tried to steal from jewel thief **** ********
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics); CEO; masterminded an outbreak of tuberculosis; Vigilante ***T** **********
314. Comics; unrevealed if applicable; demonic rival to cast character; Hellblazer **********
315. Original; criminal; worked for comics-based villain ***** ******
316. Original; museum curator; super-villain stole necklace she had obtained permission to exhibit *******
317. Original; maid; murdered by employer ****** *******T**
318. Original; shop owner; aunt of super-villain ******
319. Original; drug dealer; sold drugs to cast character ****** ****
320. Original; artifacts collector; attacked by super-villain *****T**H *****
321. Original; unrevealed; possible professional fighter; part of super-villain's fight club *****
322. Original; reverend; arrested villager accused of being a witch *******
323. Original; judge; helped send prisoners to death row regardless of guilt or innocence ******* *********
324. Original; unrevealed; was once a potential date for cast character via dating ap ***** H*****
325. Likely comics (not DC), different surname; probable student when last seen; went drag racing with boyfriend; Pep Comics **TT* ******
326. Original; military sergeant; part of army strike team **T**
327. Original; adventurer; current cast character ****** / ********* ****
328. Original; asylum nurse; informed by main and other cast character she was in danger but she realized they weren't entirely telling the truth  T****
329. Original; some sort of information provider; member of a shadow organization *****TH** *********
330. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers) ****T ***TH T**** ******
331. Original; criminal agent; leader of group within a group *******
333. Original; criminal; prison bunk mate for recurring character ** T*****
334. Real person; very high ranking politician; timeline altered when he became unable to lie ***H*** *****
335. Comics (originally unnamed, then different first name); farmer; adoptive father of main character; Action Comics  ****TH** ***T, **.
336. Original; firearms store owner; sold bullets to vigilante ****
337. Original; criminal/car workshop owner; killed by someone he tried to blackmail ****** *****
338. Original; serial killer; her son was intially believed by heroes to be the killer **** ***HT ******* / **TH* ******
339. Comics; bank robber/terrorist; electricity powers; All-Star Squadron ***TH***T / **** *******
340. Comics; high priestess; Egyptian who died thousands of years ago; Flash Comics *H**-***
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently; village leader; ancestor of a major character; Hellblazer ****T**T**
342. Original; probable student when last seen; boyfriend of  #325  T**** ******
343. Comics; jewel thief; bonded with alien symbiote; Action Comics ********* / ****** ******
344. Original; unrevealed; father of #255  T****
345. Original; mayor; killed by hero's imposter ***** ***T**
346. Original; unrevealed; asked reporters to help locate missing son *H**** ******
347. Original but related to character from comics; physics professor/philanthropist/criminal/engineering professor; wife of major villain  ******* *****
348. Original; scullery maid; lover of #267 *****
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; physical therapist; divorced from cast character; Spectre **** H**T
350. Original; police technician; required to review footage involving main character ***T**
351. Original; prison officer; was fired ***** *H*****
352. Original; high ranking military officer/government agent/criminal; watched cage fight ***** *****
353. Comics, though heavily changed; bodyguard/criminal; arrested for murder; World's Finest Comics *****
354. Original; unrevealed; #274's wife ********* *******'* **TH**
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people; mayor; surname may refer to actor who was in another Arrowverse show ****** ****
356. Original; unrevealed; was devastated when ex-wife was murdered ******** ****
357. Original; criminal; worked for two different bosses (not concurrently) **** *******
358. Original; crime boss employee; killed by boss' daughter **** *******
359. Original; criminal; part of Chinese crime family ** *H*** H**
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name; photographer/thief; drawn to shiny objects; The Man of Steel ****** / *****T
361. Original; scientist; tasked to recreate a virus *****T ****
362. Original; member of secret, arguably criminal organization; friend turned enemy of major character ***** *****
363. Comics; hypnotist; worked for major villains; Teen Titans ****** / ****** *H***
364. Original; soldier/mercenary; hired to bomb waterfront *********T / *****T ******
365. Real person (with caveat); serial killer/probable physician; briefly resurrected **** TH* ******
366. Original; student; helped beat up cast characters  T**** ****
367. Original; reporter; cast character ******* ***


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2/11/2022 6:10 am  #87

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

If you want to guess at part of a name, you can make such guesses from the daily 20 questions. Some of these can probably now be guessed just from the description and letters revealed.

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2/12/2022 5:53 am  #88

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

Adding letters/number to answers as chosen by Random Number Generator. Letter (*) and number (#) patterns below. If there is a forward slash, the first name is the code name and the second name is the real name (for such characters I'll accept either name).  Not every number appears in this collage but every letter does. Obviously if a letter is revealed but not shown for a particular character, they don't have that letter in their name.

The next letter is K.

Letters/numbers used so far: HKT4

1. Comics; criminal; former classmate of two cast characters; Action Comics ***K ********
4. Original; unrevealed; girlfriend of one villain who was killed by another ****
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer; powers related to his tears; Master Comics  TH* ******
6. Original; university dean; ally of a hate group ******
9. Real person; princess turned warrior; fictional version briefly actress; from 1253 BC but ended up in 1937  H**** ** T***
10. Comics; businessman; related to a reformed villain; The Flash ****** **TH****
12. Original; cultist; become disillusioned with source of worship ******
16. Original; police detective; in sole appearance directed a main character to someone's office *****
17. Original; unrevealed; mother of kidnap victim ****** ********
18. Comics; criminal; insecure re: physical appearance; Batman Family ***** ***T
19. Comics; warden; sold meta-humans to villain; The Flash: Iron Heights ******* *****
20. Comics; terrorist; leads group attempting to blow up city; Green Arrow ******** ****
21. Comics; crime lord; one of four remaining leaders in his org surviving after a purge; Green Arrow ***** ********K
22. Comics; mayor; wounded by a bullet during a riot; Batman: Turning Points  ******* *K***
23. Original; scientist; originally from 1925 but now time travelling; cast character **** ******
24. Original; editor-in-chief; believed main character had gone bad ***TT *****
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal; infected by alien parasite; Firestorm ******T* / **** *****
26. Original; criminal; member of China-based crime group  K*T** *H***
27. Original but related to comics based character; sheriff; abandoned daughter upon learning she was a lesbian ***** *****
29. Original; federal agent; electrocuted T*** K**
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers) ****T **** T**** ******
31. Original; drug dealer; drug his sold turned people into monsters ***** ******
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman; half-brother of a main character ****** **** / T**-*H*
33. Original; engineer turned professor; murdered by a super-villain ******* K***
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal; killed by a main character to save an ally **** K***
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave; daughter of #17 **** ********
36. Comics; unrevealed; murdered by her husband; New Teen Titans ***** *****
37. Original; attorney; killed by a vigilante *** ****T***
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer; used VR as a means of torture ***H*** **T**
39. Comics; military general; father of counterpart of a main character; Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane *** **** (***TH-T**##)
40. Original; university professor; betrayed her sister ***** ***
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none; son of a main character *****
42. Original; assassin; committed suicide to avoid further interrogation TH* **K*
46. Original; sheriff; active in 1925 TH**** ****
51. Comics; unrevealed; mother of hero active in the future; Green Arrow ***** H**K*
52. Webseries (different first name); police department employee; super-villain's sister in law; Gotham Girls  *** ***TH*
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company; father of a cast character; Superman Annual  ******** *****
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader; succeeded a super-villain in a comics tie-in; Animal Man ****T** H****
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife; mother of a main character ****TH* H******
57. Original; criminal; henchman to a villain who is the son of a reformed villain ********
58. Original; alderman; kidnapped and killed by villain for revenge ***H*** ****
60. Original; criminal; alcoholic who abused his ex-girlfriend ***H*** ******
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist; murdered people he felt had abandoned him; Detective Comics ******** *****
62. Original; security agent; helped keep a protest from going further out of control *****
63. Original; caretaker; from an erased future **TH
64. Comics; criminal; could shrink objects; The All-New Atom ******T** / ******T *******
65. Original; chef (police officer in another timeline); killed in revenge for actions from temporary timeline *T***T H*******
66. Original; student when last seen; friend/classmate of major character ****
67. Comics; bank robber; has psychic powers; Daring New Adventures of Supergirl *** / ***** ****H
69. Original; unrevealed; drug addict, wife of major character ***** *******
70. Original; likely assassin; killed over 200 people T*******
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed; was the wife of a major character; Showcase **** ******
72. Original; unrevealed; part of family cheated out of life's savings **** *****
73. Real person; queen; real version is still alive as of Feb 2022 *******TH **
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier; father of major villain; unsure, possible The Flash Secret Files and Origins ***** *******
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal ******* H*********T*
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal; prison escapee *H*****
77. Original; unrevealed; mother of major character ****** *****
78. Comics; businessman/terrorist; part of a plan to rid the Earth of most of humanity; Green Arrow **** ****T***
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power; invited major characters on opposing sides to be keynote speakers in a media summit. ***** ** **T***** **T*
80. Original; medical doctor; treated main character for free in support of their actions ***KH**T
81. Original; pianist; from artificial reality *****
82. Original; unrevealed; patient at major character's clinic ***TT****
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff; assisted in major character's political campaign **** *****
84. Original; unrevealed; parent of major character **** T*****'* **TH**
85. Original; businessman; embezzled about $30 million from a pension plan ****** *******
86. Original; serial killer; drowned victims before dressing them up ********* aka ***** **** K***** / ***T** **TH**
87. Original; CEO; from Markovia **** T**K**
88. Original; criminal; helped rob seven banks in three states within two weeks *K*** *** / ****** ***K***
89. Original; councilman; opposed a request from a major character, fearing for his city's survival ***-**
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince; sister was a major villain ******
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster; from same artificial reality as #81 ***** ****' H******
92. Comics; king; father of #90; Superman Family *** K*** / *****
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin; artificial lifeform **** ***** (****T)
94. Real person; prince; reincarnated after death KH***
95. Original; unrevealed; daughter has alien pet *****'* **TH**
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer; father of major character ***** *. ***K
97. Original; prison guard; brought in as part of prison reform effort ***T**
98. Original; pilot; father of close friend of major character ***** ******'* **TH**
99. Original; some sort of media employee; major character did compositions for him  H***H*
100. Original; drug dealer; stopped as part of an effort to show someone a better way in dealing with criminals **TH*** *****
101. Comics; unrevealed; wife of a villain; Deadshot ***** ***T**
102. Original; crime boss; at attempt to kill him happened in an arena **KH*** **T***
103. Real person; singer; this version wrote a song after seeing a character get abducted ***** *****
105. Comics; bar owner; some of his customers were killed in a weapons test; Lobo ** *****
106. Original; documentary director; accompanied major characters to Russia  K**** H*****
107. Original; bartender; friend of a major character who visits the bar H****
108. Original; retail manager; major character briefly worked for him ***
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts; courted a major character; Superman *****T*K
110. Comics; cage fighter; fought main character in a match; Adventures of Superman ******
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron; led island operation; World's Finest Comics ******
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared; assassin; hired to kill a mayor ********
113. Real person; king; resurrected after death  H**** ****
114. Original; disc jockey/assassin; DJ work was for a major character *H***
116. Original; ex-criminal; extra-terrestrial ******* *****
117. Comics; attorney; represented main character in trial; Showcase **** ******
118. Original; CEO/businessman/land baron; used company to swindle hundreds out of their homes and life savings **** H***
119. Original; councilman; tried to get a bribe from father of main character  H**** *******
121. Original; federal law enforcement agent; investigated main character ******* **T***
122. Original; student when last seen; history changed significantly due to the Crisis  K**** **
124. Original; soldier (private); killed as part of a plan to frame someone in the theft of weapons *******
125. Original; time pirate; erased from history due to future deeds  K***** ******
126. Original but related to character from comics; in one timeline was a hero's adoptive father *H**K ******
127. Original; toy shop worker; mother of a cast character **** *******
128. Original; unrevealed; with husband, acted as guardian for grandson after grandson's parents were killed T***** *****'* *******TH**
129. Original; temporal agent; hypnotized during a performance review ***T**
130. Likely comics;  military general; taken hostage during weapons demonstration; All-American Men of War *****
131. Comics (slightly different surname); criminal; can manipulate people's emotions; The Flash ******* ****** / *** ******
132. Original; nightclub employee; made out with a guy has part of the latter's attempt to break up with his girlfriend *****
133. Original; student; plays high school football ******* T*****
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same; unrevealed; active as such in the Old West; Weird Western Tales *H**-***'* ##TH ***T*** *********T***
135. Comics; unrevealed; mother of a main character; Detective Comics **** K***
136. Comics; travel enforcement officer; has telepathy and other powers of the mind; Mister Terrific ******T*** / ******* *****
137. Original; medical doctor/slave trader; sent humans off world ********** ***T**
138. Original; student; dated a cast character *H*** ******
139. Original; fire chief; targeted by #61 ******
140. Original; CEO/businessman; hired an assassin to kill bidders of a company he wished to own ****** **T**
141. Original; personal assistant; posed as his employer (a major villain) to help them escape another major villain ****** ***HK'* *****T**T
142. Original; restaurant employee; own name unknown but restaurant name refers to something you might find on a table at a restaurant T**** ***T H**T***
143. Original; real estate developer; people died in his buildings due to inadequate heating **** ***K**
144. Original; career criminal; took over boyfriend's criminal business why he was incarcerated ******
145. Real person; prop master turned film director; real version still alive as of Feb 2022 ****** *****
146. Real person; army commander, likely turned prime minister; participated in an invasion in 1961 ***** ***T**
147. Comics; board member; tried to use company owner's emails to ruin her reputation; Superman: The Man of Steel ***K ****T****
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante; hero active in the future on a parallel Earth; Green Arrow ***** ***** a.k.a. ****** H**** /  **** ******, **. (***TH-##)
149. Original; unrevealed; clubber who used drugs ******** ****K*
150. Original; criminal; injured himself shooting someone he didn't know had powers. ******* ******
151. Comics character with different name; warrior; active in the 31th century in one future under a different name; Legion of Super-Heroes ***T******
152. Original; unrevealed; broke up with girlfriend for cheating on her *****
153. Real person; astronaut; real version still alive as of Feb 2022 **** H****
154. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers) ****T *****T T**** ******
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar); arsonist; briefly acquitted when issues arose in his trial but arrested again after another crime; Justice League Task Force H**T ****** / ******** ********
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker; brought a main character home after time away ***T***
157. Original; board member; killed by some sort of robotic tech *H**
158. Comics; businessman; took over a major character's body; Underworld Unleashed *****
159. Original; police officer; held captive for a time in another world ***** K*****
160. Original mixed with mythology; coachman; replaced a Hindu god  K******* / ******
162. Original; district attorney; represented a case against a main character *** ******
163. Original; unrevealed, but likely student if any when last seen; father falsely charged with the murder of her mother **** ******
164. Original; student when last seen; star high school quarterback **** H*****
165. Original; criminal; killed by his boss *****T ******
166. Comics; police detective; cast character and romantic interest to another cast character; Superman ****** ******
167. Original; Unrevealed, possible criminal; prisoner on a ship  H******K *** *****
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same), cryogeneticist, bartender, criminal; romantic interest to cast character; The Flash Annual *H********* / ***K ******
170. Original; deputy sheriff; in one timeline investigated #122's death *******
172. Mentioned in a movie; physician to adoptive mother of main character; Superman: The Movie ****
173. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed; twin sister of a key recurring character ***
174. Original; terrorist; tried to stop the launch of a VR service *** ****H***
175. Original; marine biologist; widow of the counterpart of a super-villain T**** ******
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person; babysitter for the child of a super-villain *******
177. Original; judge; presided over main character trial  H**K*****
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people; collections officer; can manipulate people's emotions ******* ****** #.# / ****** *****
180. Original; nun turned singer/guitarist; part of a band that a cast character is also part of *****
181. Real person; tsarina; family targeted in an assassination attempt  ********* ********
182. Original; fence; arrested during the sale of a stolen jewel ***** ****TT
183. Real person; musician; smoked psychedelic cigarettes ***** ******
184. Comics; board member, businessman; saved from assassination attempt by a main character; Steel T** ***T**
185. Original; lawyer turned criminal; sought revenge against the lawyer firm **TH** ******
186. Movie; witch; survived her reality being destroyed by the Crisis; Supergirl ****** (***TH-T**##)
187. Comics; wrestler turned criminal; other than a fang, thus far only seen in photo; Detective Comics K***** **** / ****** *****
188. Original; unrevealed; extra-terrestrial *****
189. Comics; student; aged at accelerated rate; The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive ******* ****
190. Original; criminal; snapped after family killed in a mall ***** ******
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person; physician; often helped main character and allies ***** **H****T*
193. Original; orphanage head, foster mother; raised a major character **** ******
194. Original; bowler; extra-terrestrial or at least operates outside of Earth ***** *** *****
195. Original; police sergeant; briefed main characters on missions *. ********
196. Original; criminal; attended crime family gathering ****** ********
197. Original; probable student; dated a cast character for a time *****
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use; bank robber; part of family of criminals ***. ***T**
199. Original; medical doctor; treated a cast character  K*****
200. Original; nurse; worked for cast character ***
202. Original; bartender; ex-girlfriend of cast character *****
203. Original; unrevealed, possible student when last seen; could heal mortal injuries ********
204. Original; activist of sorts; part of anti-alien group ****K
205. Original; electrics company employee; assigned to develop a weapon that could penetrate a super-suit ****K H******
206. Real person; novelist; killed by a creature in an erased timeline *. ***TT **T*******
207. Original; soldier; helped brother steal weaponry from military base **** ******
208. Real person (at least going by first name); unrevealed; sought autograph from heroes ****
209. Comics; energy source; has strong connection to a major character; The Flash ***** *****
210. Original, though shares name with comics character; unrevealed; once erroneously believed to have killed a major character *K**
211. Original; bank robber; sent to steal for comics based villain ***T*
212. Original; criminal; prisoner in other dimensional realm ****
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs; ruler; offered deal to major character; possibly Book of Job **T**
214. Original; therapist for main character *****
215. Original but related to character from comics; fire chief; wife has launched campaign for mayor  K*** ***H***
216. Original; religious figure (can't say what kind without revealing name), possible assassin; officiates rituals and ceremonies TH* *****T***
217. Original; sheriff; lived in Oregon *** *******
218. Original though code name used by comics characters; crime lord; wanted to create coalition of crime gangs  T***** *H***
219. Original; criminal; joined major villain's army ******
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character; criminal of sorts, though possibly not by occupation; tormented major character for years ***** ***T****HT
221. Real person; priestess; active in New Orleans ***** ******
222. Original; pirate; lover of famous pirate **** *****
223. Original; film director; did documentary on main character ****** ******T*
224. Comics; outlaw; responsible for town's destruction; Weird Western Tales ****T** T*******
225. Comics; student; related to a main character; Convergence: Superman ****TH** K**T (***T-*****)
226. Original; unrevealed; posed as treasure seeker in VR reality  T******* H**T** T**** / ****** ***K**
227. Original; federal agent; has worked closely with directors of her organization *****
228. Original; crime family consigliere; killed by boss' daughter **** *****T*
229. Original; student; accidentally electrocuted by unconscious friend ***** K**
230. Original but distant relative of comics based character; robotics engineer; seen in 2147 *****
231. Original; federal agent posing as accountant; killed by villainous cast character ******* K******H
232. Original; government agent; from China but killed in New Zealand *** ****
233. Original; waitress; sister-in-law and ex-girlfriend of major character ***** ******
234. Original; criminal; broken out of jail by super-villain girlfriend **** ******
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show; police task force officer; romantically involved with super-villain; Batman ***** ***T***
236. Original; high school coach; allowed main character to be assistant coach ******
237. Comics; police commissioner; disapproved of main character's actions; Green Arrow ***** *********
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics); bank robber; son of #198 *** / K*** ***T**
239. Original; unrevealed; husband of long recurring character ***
240. Comics (comics version has different surname); unrevealed; son of cast character; Adventures of Superman **** ***T**
241. Comics (comics version has different surname); legal aid attorney; was the best friend of a cast character; Green Arrow ****** ** ** ****
242. Comics; high ranking military officer; trained a main character; 52 *** *** ******
243. Comics; mobster/money launderer, nightclub manager; managed the nightclub on behalf of a super-villain; Detective Comics ****** ****T***
244. Original; SWAT officer turned bodyguard; briefly replaced a major character in job *** ***TT
245. Original; federal agent; possessed by villain based on comics hero  *******
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share; head of security, criminal; killed by anti-matter **** ******* (***T*-#)
247. Comics; gangster; can turn his body into a specific element ******** / K**TH
248. Original; unrevealed; mother of #122 *** **
249. Comics; trivia night host; comics version is a major villain; Action Comics ****** ******
251. Real person; shogun; died ten years prior to real world version  T*K***** ****T**
252. Original; high priestess; prisoner whose name was used for prison ****** *** ****
253. Original; board member; got major character ousted from company they were running ******
255. Original; unrevealed; lives in a Maritimes city ***** ******
256. Original; shopkeeper; active in the near future *****
257. Comics (somewhat different name); assassin; second in command in her organization; Batwoman: Rebirth  T*T****
258. Comics; military Lieutenant Colonel working for major character; Human Defense Corps  **** ****TT*
259. Original; unrevealed; father of #122 ***** **
261. Original; criminal turned boxer; wrongly suspected of being a super-villain ***T / *H*** ******K
262. Comics but different name; hitman; hired to spy on main character; Superman ***** ******T**
263. Earlier show (different real name); drug dealer; ex-lover of main character; Batman: The Animated Series **** **** / ********* ***T**
264. Original; bank robber; has fire powers ***K ****
265. Comics; apparent criminal; can generate acid; Action Comics **** ***T** / *H**** ***T**
266. Comics (comics version unnamed); unrevealed; ex-mistress of #313; unsure, possibly New Year's Evil: Prometheus ****** ***T*****
267. Original; unrevealed, possibly none; engaged to a guy but secretly in love with a woman **. ********
268. Original; probably none so far, possibly student; foster daughter of major characters ****
270. Original; parole officer for main character ***** *T*****
271. Original; member of resistance group; extra-terrestrial *'K***
272. Comics; probably criminal; extra-terrestrial convict; Superman ***T**
273. Original; car thief who claimed that a cast character was trying to steal his car ***
274. Original; soldier; father of cast character ***** *******
275. Original; soldier turned leader of vigilante group inspired by main character *****
276. Comics; toy manufacturing company owner; ex-boss of super-villain; Action Comics ******* ***H**T*
277. Original; senator with an interest in extra-terrestrials *********
278. Original; EMT; could swap people's DNA ***T*** ****T / **TTH** ***
279. Original; attorney; did pro-bono work for comapny major character worked at ****T****
280. Comics; personal physician for major villain; Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen ****** *******
281. Original; philanthropist/clinic owner; wife of major character, mainly seen in photo ******* ******
283. Real person; student when last seen; likely later an attorney, philanthropist, and civic leader; former student of major character ******* **T**, **.
286. Comics; police detective; former work partner of major character; Green Arrow and Black Canary ***** H**T**
287. Original; influencer; disfigured subsequent to cosmetic surgery ******** ****HT
288. Comics; Russian federal agent; investigated by an American agency; Superman: Red Son ***T* ******
289. Comics; journalist; operated in a different city pre- and post-Crisis; Adventures of Superman *** T*****
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown; drug dealer; can manipulate time; Showcase T**T** # / ***** *******
291. Original; criminal/double agent; acted as recruiter for her actual organization **** *****
292. Original; very high ranking poiltician; predecessor killed in alien invasion ***** *******
293. Comics (comics version has different first name); criminal; counterpart of cast character's brother; Justice League of America's Vibe ***T*** / ***T* ***** (***TH-#)
294. Earlier character this continuity; none; VR version of cast character **** ******* (******** ***T****)
295. Original; banker; saved from building that was blown up ****
296. Original; football coach; hid that a player has brain damage and was using steroids K**T ****H**
297. Original; mercenary; worked for cast character's mother ***** **K*****
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different; mechanical engineer turned criminal; uses robotic creatures; The Atom ***-**** *****T a.k.a. ***** *** / **** ******
299. Comics; assassin/black ops agent; deserted federal agency she used to work for; Detective Comics **** *****
301.  Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities; quantum engineer/CEO; was replaced by a doppelgänger who posed as her; Animal Man *** ********H
302. Original; police officer; betrayed his PD to a super-villain *****
303. Original; student; wore homemade costumes based on main character *****
304. Original; student if any; saved by main character from parachute bombs H****
305. Original; high school student seeking university admission H**** ******
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show; biomedical engineer, CEO; mother of cast character; The Flash (1990-1991 series) ***** T***H*****
307. Comics; criminal; wrongly imprisoned for false confession; Supergirl ****** / ***H*** ****
308. Original; mixed martial arts fighter; affected by a totem being activated **** *T*****
309. Original; waitress; dropped food and drinks after bumping into co-worker  T****
310. Original; singer; from Old West ****** *****T**
311. Original; computer hacker; seduced by someone who killed him  K**** **T**
312. Original; fence; tried to steal from jewel thief **** *******K
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics); CEO; masterminded an outbreak of tuberculosis; Vigilante ***T** **********
314. Comics; unrevealed if applicable; demonic rival to cast character; Hellblazer **********
315. Original; criminal; worked for comics-based villain ***** *****K
316. Original; museum curator; super-villain stole necklace she had obtained permission to exhibit *******
317. Original; maid; murdered by employer ****** ******KT**
318. Original; shop owner; aunt of super-villain ******
319. Original; drug dealer; sold drugs to cast character ****** K***
320. Original; artifacts collector; attacked by super-villain *****T**H ***K*
321. Original; unrevealed; possible professional fighter; part of super-villain's fight club *****
322. Original; reverend; arrested villager accused of being a witch *******
323. Original; judge; helped send prisoners to death row regardless of guilt or innocence ******* ********K
324. Original; unrevealed; was once a potential date for cast character via dating ap ***** H*****
325. Likely comics (not DC), different surname; probable student when last seen; went drag racing with boyfriend; Pep Comics **TT* ******
326. Original; military sergeant; part of army strike team **T**
327. Original; adventurer; current cast character ****** / ********* ****
328. Original; asylum nurse; informed by main and other cast character she was in danger but she realized they weren't entirely telling the truth  T****
329. Original; some sort of information provider; member of a shadow organization *****TH** *********
330. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers) ****T ***TH T**** ******
331. Original; criminal agent; leader of group within a group *******
333. Original; criminal; prison bunk mate for recurring character ** T*****
334. Real person; very high ranking politician; timeline altered when he became unable to lie ***H*** *****
335. Comics (originally unnamed, then different first name); farmer; adoptive father of main character; Action Comics  ****TH** K**T, **.
336. Original; firearms store owner; sold bullets to vigilante ****
337. Original; criminal/car workshop owner; killed by someone he tried to blackmail ****** *****
338. Original; serial killer; her son was intially believed by heroes to be the killer **** ***HT ******* / K*TH* ******
339. Comics; bank robber/terrorist; electricity powers; All-Star Squadron ***TH***T / **K* *******
340. Comics; high priestess; Egyptian who died thousands of years ago; Flash Comics *H**-***
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently; village leader; ancestor of a major character; Hellblazer K***T**T**
342. Original; probable student when last seen; boyfriend of  #325  T**** ******
343. Comics; jewel thief; bonded with alien symbiote; Action Comics ********* / ****** ******
344. Original; unrevealed; father of #255  T****
345. Original; mayor; killed by hero's imposter ***** ***T**
346. Original; unrevealed; asked reporters to help locate missing son *H**** ******
347. Original but related to character from comics; physics professor/philanthropist/criminal/engineering professor; wife of major villain  ******* *****
348. Original; scullery maid; lover of #267 *****
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; physical therapist; divorced from cast character; Spectre **** H**T
350. Original; police technician; required to review footage involving main character  K**T**
351. Original; prison officer; was fired ***** *H*****
352. Original; high ranking military officer/government agent/criminal; watched cage fight ***** *****
353. Comics, though heavily changed; bodyguard/criminal; arrested for murder; World's Finest Comics **K**
354. Original; unrevealed; #274's wife ********* ***K***'* **TH**
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people; mayor; surname may refer to actor who was in another Arrowverse show ****** ****
356. Original; unrevealed; was devastated when ex-wife was murdered ******** *K**
357. Original; criminal; worked for two different bosses (not concurrently) **** *******
358. Original; crime boss employee; killed by boss' daughter **** *******
359. Original; criminal; part of Chinese crime family ** KH*** H**
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name; photographer/thief; drawn to shiny objects; The Man of Steel ****** / *****T
361. Original; scientist; tasked to recreate a virus *****T ****
362. Original; member of secret, arguably criminal organization; friend turned enemy of major character ***** *****
363. Comics; hypnotist; worked for major villains; Teen Titans ****** / ****** *H***
364. Original; soldier/mercenary; hired to bomb waterfront *********T / *****T ******
365. Real person (with caveat); serial killer/probable physician; briefly resurrected ***K TH* ******
366. Original; student; helped beat up cast characters  T**** ****
367. Original; reporter; cast character ******* ***


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2/12/2022 6:10 am  #89

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

There aren't that many Fs so decided to add that as well.

Letters/numbers used so far: FHKT4

1. Comics; criminal; former classmate of two cast characters; Action Comics ***K ********
4. Original; unrevealed; girlfriend of one villain who was killed by another ****
5. Comics; unwilling drug producer; powers related to his tears; Master Comics  TH* ******
6. Original; university dean; ally of a hate group ******
9. Real person; princess turned warrior; fictional version briefly actress; from 1253 BC but ended up in 1937  H**** ** T***
10. Comics; businessman; related to a reformed villain; The Flash ****** **TH****
12. Original; cultist; become disillusioned with source of worship ******
16. Original; police detective; in sole appearance directed a main character to someone's office *****
17. Original; unrevealed; mother of kidnap victim ****** ********
18. Comics; criminal; insecure re: physical appearance; Batman Family ***** ***T
19. Comics; warden; sold meta-humans to villain; The Flash: Iron Heights ******* ***F*
20. Comics; terrorist; leads group attempting to blow up city; Green Arrow ******** ****
21. Comics; crime lord; one of four remaining leaders in his org surviving after a purge; Green Arrow ***** ********K
22. Comics; mayor; wounded by a bullet during a riot; Batman: Turning Points  ******* *K***
23. Original; scientist; originally from 1925 but now time travelling; cast character **** ******
24. Original; editor-in-chief; believed main character had gone bad ***TT *****
25. Comics; scientist turned criminal; infected by alien parasite; Firestorm ******T* / **** *****
26. Original; criminal; member of China-based crime group  K*T** *H***
27. Original but related to comics based character; sheriff; abandoned daughter upon learning she was a lesbian ***** *****
29. Original; federal agent; electrocuted T*** K**
30. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)  F***T F*** T**** ******
31. Original; drug dealer; drug his sold turned people into monsters ***** ******
32. Original, but uses comics character as alias; businessman; half-brother of a main character ****** **** / T**-*H*
33. Original; engineer turned professor; murdered by a super-villain ******* K***
34. Original; marine turned bodyguard/criminal; killed by a main character to save an ally **** K***
35. Original; would-be unwilling slave; daughter of #17 **** ********
36. Comics; unrevealed; murdered by her husband; New Teen Titans ***** *****
37. Original; attorney; killed by a vigilante *** ****T***
38. Original; computer engineer/programmer; used VR as a means of torture ***H*** **T**
39. Comics; military general; father of counterpart of a main character; Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane *** **** (***TH-T**##)
40. Original; university professor; betrayed her sister ***** ***
41. Original; unrevealed; given age, possible student at some point, otherwise none; son of a main character *****
42. Original; assassin; committed suicide to avoid further interrogation TH* **K*
46. Original; sheriff; active in 1925 TH**** ****
51. Comics; unrevealed; mother of hero active in the future; Green Arrow ***** H**K*
52. Webseries (different first name); police department employee; super-villain's sister in law; Gotham Girls  *** ***TH*
54. Comics; owner/leader of a branch of a company; father of a cast character; Superman Annual  ******** *****
55. Comics; bodyguard turned "church" leader; succeeded a super-villain in a comics tie-in; Animal Man ****T** H****
56. Original; unrevealed; possible housewife; mother of a main character ****TH* H******
57. Original; criminal; henchman to a villain who is the son of a reformed villain ********
58. Original; alderman; kidnapped and killed by villain for revenge ***H*** F***
60. Original; criminal; alcoholic who abused his ex-girlfriend ***H*** ******
61. Comics; firefighter turned arsonist; murdered people he felt had abandoned him; Detective Comics ******** *****
62. Original; security agent; helped keep a protest from going further out of control *****
63. Original; caretaker; from an erased future **TH
64. Comics; criminal; could shrink objects; The All-New Atom ******T** / ******T *******
65. Original; chef (police officer in another timeline); killed in revenge for actions from temporary timeline *T***T H*******
66. Original; student when last seen; friend/classmate of major character *****
67. Comics; bank robber; has psychic powers; Daring New Adventures of Supergirl *** / ***** ****H
69. Original; unrevealed; drug addict, wife of major character ***** *******
70. Original; likely assassin; killed over 200 people T*******
71. Comics but with different first name as comics version's first/last name taken by different character; unrevealed; was the wife of a major character; Showcase **** ******
72. Original; unrevealed; part of family cheated out of life's savings **** *****
73. Real person; queen; real version is still alive as of Feb 2022 *******TH **
74. Comics, though comics version is unnamed; soldier; father of major villain; unsure, possible The Flash Secret Files and Origins ***** *******
75. Character's race based on single comics character; criminal ******* H*********T*
76. Comics characters use code name but none seem to be the basis of this character; criminal; prison escapee *H*****
77. Original; unrevealed; mother of major character ****** *****
78. Comics; businessman/terrorist; part of a plan to rid the Earth of most of humanity; Green Arrow **** ****T***
79. Original; politician in some sort of position of power; invited major characters on opposing sides to be keynote speakers in a media summit. ***** ** **T***** **T*
80. Original; medical doctor; treated main character for free in support of their actions ***KH**T
81. Original; pianist; from artificial reality *****
82. Original; unrevealed; patient at major character's clinic ***TT****
83. Original; political strategist turned chief of staff; assisted in major character's political campaign **** *****
84. Original; unrevealed; parent of major character **** T*****'* F*TH**
85. Original; businessman; embezzled about $30 million from a pension plan ****** *******
86. Original; serial killer; drowned victims before dressing them up ********* aka ***K** **** K***** / ***T** **TH**
87. Original; CEO; from Markovia **** T**K**
88. Original; criminal; helped rob seven banks in three states within two weeks *K*** *** / ****** ***K***
89. Original; councilman; opposed a request from a major character, fearing for his city's survival ***-**
90. Original but related to character from comics; likely prince; sister was a major villain ******
91. Original but deliberately made to look like unrelated Arrowverse character; mobster; from same artificial reality as #81 ***** F***' H******
92. Comics; king; father of #90; Superman Family *** K*** / *****
93. Imposter of character somewhat but not entirely based on comics; assassin; artificial lifeform **** ***** (****T)
94. Real person; prince; reincarnated after death KH***
95. Original; unrevealed; daughter has alien pet *****'* F*TH**
96. Original but relative of character from comics; engineer; father of major character ***** *. ***K
97. Original; prison guard; brought in as part of prison reform effort  F**T**
98. Original; pilot; father of close friend of major character ***** ******'* F*TH**
99. Original; some sort of media employee; major character did compositions for him  H***H*
100. Original; drug dealer; stopped as part of an effort to show someone a better way in dealing with criminals **TH*** *****
101. Comics; unrevealed; wife of a villain; Deadshot ***** ***T**
102. Original; crime boss; at attempt to kill him happened in an arena **KH*** **T***
103. Real person; singer; this version wrote a song after seeing a character get abducted ***** *****
105. Comics; bar owner; some of his customers were killed in a weapons test; Lobo ** *****
106. Original; documentary director; accompanied major characters to Russia  K**** H*****
107. Original; bartender; friend of a major character who visits the bar H****
108. Original; retail manager; major character briefly worked for him ***
109. Comics; former criminal of sorts; courted a major character; Superman *****T*K
110. Comics; cage fighter; fought main character in a match; Adventures of Superman ***T**
111. Comics (an alias in comics); baron; led island operation; World's Finest Comics ******
112. Original apparently, though comics characters with same name have appeared; assassin; hired to kill a mayor ********
113. Real person; king; resurrected after death  H**** ****
114. Original; disc jockey/assassin; DJ work was for a major character *H***
116. Original; ex-criminal; extra-terrestrial ******* *****
117. Comics; attorney; represented main character in trial; Showcase **** ******
118. Original; CEO/businessman/land baron; used company to swindle hundreds out of their homes and life savings **** H***
119. Original; councilman; tried to get a bribe from father of main character  H**** *******
121. Original; federal law enforcement agent; investigated main character ******* **T***
122. Original; student when last seen; history changed significantly due to the Crisis  K**** **
124. Original; soldier (private); killed as part of a plan to frame someone in the theft of weapons *******
125. Original; time pirate; erased from history due to future deeds  K***** ******
126. Original but related to character from comics; in one timeline was a hero's adoptive father *H**K ******
127. Original; toy shop worker; mother of a cast character **** *******
128. Original; unrevealed; with husband, acted as guardian for grandson after grandson's parents were killed T***** *****'* *******TH**
129. Original; temporal agent; hypnotized during a performance review ***T**
130. Likely comics;  military general; taken hostage during weapons demonstration; All-American Men of War *****
131. Comics (slightly different surname); criminal; can manipulate people's emotions; The Flash ******* ****** / *** ******
132. Original; nightclub employee; made out with a guy has part of the latter's attempt to break up with his girlfriend *****
133. Original; student; plays high school football ******* T*****
134. Comics, though names may or may not be the same; unrevealed; active as such in the Old West; Weird Western Tales *H**-***'* ##TH ***T*** *********T***
135. Comics; unrevealed; mother of a main character; Detective Comics **** K***
136. Comics; travel enforcement officer; has telepathy and other powers of the mind; Mister Terrific ******T*** / ******* *****
137. Original; medical doctor/slave trader; sent humans off world ********** ***T**
138. Original; student; dated a cast character *H*** ******
139. Original; fire chief; targeted by #61 ******
140. Original; CEO/businessman; hired an assassin to kill bidders of a company he wished to own ****** **T**
141. Original; personal assistant; posed as his employer (a major villain) to help them escape another major villain ****** ***HK'* *****T**T
142. Original; restaurant employee; own name unknown but restaurant name refers to something you might find on a table at a restaurant T**** ***T H**T***
143. Original; real estate developer; people died in his buildings due to inadequate heating **** ***K**
144. Original; career criminal; took over boyfriend's criminal business why he was incarcerated ******
145. Real person; prop master turned film director; real version still alive as of Feb 2022 ****** *****
146. Real person; army commander, likely turned prime minister; participated in an invasion in 1961  F**** ***T**
147. Comics; board member; tried to use company owner's emails to ruin her reputation; Superman: The Man of Steel ***K ****T****
148. Original (real name), comics (aliases); vigilante; hero active in the future on a parallel Earth; Green Arrow ***** ***** a.k.a. ****** H**** /  **** ******, **. (***TH-##)
149. Original; unrevealed; clubber who used drugs ******** ****K*
150. Original; criminal; injured himself shooting someone he didn't know had powers. ******* ******
151. Comics character with different name; warrior; active in the 31th century in one future under a different name; Legion of Super-Heroes ***T******
152. Original; unrevealed; broke up with girlfriend for cheating on her *****
153. Real person; astronaut; real version still alive as of Feb 2022  F*** H****
154. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)  F***T *****T T**** ******
155. Comics but gender swapped (real names may or may not be similar); arsonist; briefly acquitted when issues arose in his trial but arrested again after another crime; Justice League Task Force H**T ****** / ******** ********
156. Original; high ranking fishing boat worker; brought a main character home after time away ***T***
157. Original; board member; killed by some sort of robotic tech *H**
158. Comics; businessman; took over a major character's body; Underworld Unleashed *****
159. Original; police officer; held captive for a time in another world ***** K*****
160. Original mixed with mythology; coachman; replaced a Hindu god  K******* / ******
162. Original; district attorney; represented a case against a main character *** ******
163. Original; unrevealed, but likely student if any when last seen; father falsely charged with the murder of her mother **** ******
164. Original; student when last seen; star high school quarterback **** H*****
165. Original; criminal; killed by his boss *****T ******
166. Comics; police detective; cast character and romantic interest to another cast character; Superman ****** ******
167. Original; Unrevealed, possible criminal; prisoner on a ship  H******K *** *****
169. Comics (real names may or may not be the same), cryogeneticist, bartender, criminal; romantic interest to cast character; The Flash Annual *H********* / ***K ******
170. Original; deputy sheriff; in one timeline investigated #122's death *******
172. Mentioned in a movie; physician to adoptive mother of main character; Superman: The Movie  F***
173. Original but related to character from comics; unrevealed; twin sister of a key recurring character ***
174. Original; terrorist; tried to stop the launch of a VR service *** ****H***
175. Original; marine biologist; widow of the counterpart of a super-villain T**** ******
176. Original but surname is a nod to real person; babysitter for the child of a super-villain *******
177. Original; judge; presided over main character trial  H**K*****
178. Original but successor to comics based character; first and last names are nods to two different real people; collections officer; can manipulate people's emotions ******* ****** #.# / ****** **T**
180. Original; nun turned singer/guitarist; part of a band that a cast character is also part of *****
181. Real person; tsarina; family targeted in an assassination attempt  ********* ********
182. Original; fence; arrested during the sale of a stolen jewel ***** ****TT
183. Real person; musician; smoked psychedelic cigarettes ***** ******
184. Comics; board member, businessman; saved from assassination attempt by a main character; Steel T** ***T**
185. Original; lawyer turned criminal; sought revenge against the lawyer firm **TH** ******
186. Movie; witch; survived her reality being destroyed by the Crisis; Supergirl ****** (***TH-T**##)
187. Comics; wrestler turned criminal; other than a fang, thus far only seen in photo; Detective Comics K***** **** / ****** *****
188. Original; unrevealed; extra-terrestrial *****
189. Comics; student; aged at accelerated rate; The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive ***FF** ****
190. Original; criminal; snapped after family killed in a mall ***** ******
191. Original but surname possible nod to real person; physician; often helped main character and allies ***** **H****T*
193. Original; orphanage head, foster mother; raised a major character **** ******
194. Original; bowler; extra-terrestrial or at least operates outside of Earth ***** TH* *****
195. Original; police sergeant; briefed main characters on missions  F. ********
196. Original; criminal; attended crime family gathering ****** ********
197. Original; probable student; dated a cast character for a time *****
198. Original but related to character based on comics and is more or less a stand-in for a code name she apparently didn't use; bank robber; part of family of criminals ***. ***T**
199. Original; medical doctor; treated a cast character  K*****
200. Original; nurse; worked for cast character ***
202. Original; bartender; ex-girlfriend of cast character *****
203. Original; unrevealed, possible student when last seen; could heal mortal injuries  F*******
204. Original; activist of sorts; part of anti-alien group  F***K
205. Original; electrics company employee; assigned to develop a weapon that could penetrate a super-suit ****K H******
206. Real person; novelist; killed by a creature in an erased timeline  F. ***TT F*T*******
207. Original; soldier; helped brother steal weaponry from military base **** ******
208. Real person (at least going by first name); unrevealed; sought autograph from heroes ****
209. Comics; energy source; has strong connection to a major character; The Flash ***** *****
210. Original, though shares name with comics character; unrevealed; once erroneously believed to have killed a major character *K**
211. Original; bank robber; sent to steal for comics based villain ***T*
212. Original; criminal; prisoner in other dimensional realm ****
213. Religion or real person, depending on your beliefs; ruler; offered deal to major character; possibly Book of Job **T**
214. Original; therapist for main character *****
215. Original but related to character from comics; fire chief; wife has launched campaign for mayor  K*** ***H***
216. Original; religious figure (can't say what kind without revealing name), possible assassin; officiates rituals and ceremonies TH* *****T***
217. Original; sheriff; lived in Oregon *** *******
218. Original though code name used by comics characters; crime lord; wanted to create coalition of crime gangs  T***** *H****
219. Original; criminal; joined major villain's army ******
220. Original, though nicknamed by another character after a literary character; criminal of sorts, though possibly not by occupation; tormented major character for years ***** ***T****HT
221. Real person; priestess; active in New Orleans ***** ******
222. Original; pirate; lover of famous pirate **** *****
223. Original; film director; did documentary on main character ****** ******T*
224. Comics; outlaw; responsible for town's destruction; Weird Western Tales ****T** T*******
225. Comics; student; related to a main character; Convergence: Superman ****TH** K**T (***T-*****)
226. Original; unrevealed; posed as treasure seeker in VR reality  T******* H**T** T**** / ****** ***K**
227. Original; federal agent; has worked closely with directors of her organization ***FF
228. Original; crime family consigliere; killed by boss' daughter **** *****T*
229. Original; student; accidentally electrocuted by unconscious friend ***** K**
230. Original but distant relative of comics based character; robotics engineer; seen in 2147 *****
231. Original; federal agent posing as accountant; killed by villainous cast character ******* K******H
232. Original; government agent; from China but killed in New Zealand *** ****
233. Original; waitress; sister-in-law and ex-girlfriend of major character ***** ******
234. Original; criminal; broken out of jail by super-villain girlfriend **** ******
235. Comics, though possibly created for earlier show; police task force officer; romantically involved with super-villain; Batman ***** ***T***
236. Original; high school coach; allowed main character to be assistant coach ******
237. Comics; police commissioner; disapproved of main character's actions; Green Arrow ***** *********
238. Mostly comics (real name original but related to character from comics); bank robber; son of #198 *** / K*** ***T**
239. Original; unrevealed; husband of long recurring character ***
240. Comics (comics version has different surname); unrevealed; son of cast character; Adventures of Superman **** F**T**
241. Comics (comics version has different surname); legal aid attorney; was the best friend of a cast character; Green Arrow ****** ** ** ****
242. Comics; high ranking military officer; trained a main character; 52 *** F** ******
243. Comics; mobster/money launderer, nightclub manager; managed the nightclub on behalf of a super-villain; Detective Comics ****** ****T***
244. Original; SWAT officer turned bodyguard; briefly replaced a major character in job *** ***TT
245. Original; federal agent; possessed by villain based on comics hero  *******
246. Earlier version of character; earlier version has code name from comics that this version doesn't share; head of security, criminal; killed by anti-matter **** ******* (***TH-#)
247. Comics; gangster; can turn his body into a specific element ******** / K**TH
248. Original; unrevealed; mother of #122 *** **
249. Comics; trivia night host; comics version is a major villain; Action Comics ****** ******
251. Real person; shogun; died ten years prior to real world version  T*K***** ****T**
252. Original; high priestess; prisoner whose name was used for prison ****** *** ****
253. Original; board member; got major character ousted from company they were running ******
255. Original; unrevealed; lives in a Maritimes city ***** ******
256. Original; shopkeeper; active in the near future  F****
257. Comics (somewhat different name); assassin; second in command in her organization; Batwoman: Rebirth  T*T****
258. Comics; military Lieutenant Colonel working for major character; Human Defense Corps  **** ****TT*
259. Original; unrevealed; father of #122 ***** **
261. Original; criminal turned boxer; wrongly suspected of being a super-villain  F**T / *H*** ******K
262. Comics but different name; hitman; hired to spy on main character; Superman ***** F*****T**
263. Earlier show (different real name); drug dealer; ex-lover of main character; Batman: The Animated Series **** **** / ********* ***T**
264. Original; bank robber; has fire powers ***K F***
265. Comics; apparent criminal; can generate acid; Action Comics **** ***T** / *H**** ***T**
266. Comics (comics version unnamed); unrevealed; ex-mistress of #313; unsure, possibly New Year's Evil: Prometheus ****** ***T*****
267. Original; unrevealed, possibly none; engaged to a guy but secretly in love with a woman **. ********
268. Original; probably none so far, possibly student; foster daughter of major characters ****
270. Original; parole officer for main character ***** *T*****
271. Original; member of resistance group; extra-terrestrial *'K***
272. Comics; probably criminal; extra-terrestrial convict; Superman ***T**
273. Original; car thief who claimed that a cast character was trying to steal his car ***
274. Original; soldier; father of cast character ***** *******
275. Original; soldier turned leader of vigilante group inspired by main character *****
276. Comics; toy manufacturing company owner; ex-boss of super-villain; Action Comics ******* ***H**T*
277. Original; senator with an interest in extra-terrestrials *********
278. Original; EMT; could swap people's DNA ***T*** ****T / **TTH** ***
279. Original; attorney; did pro-bono work for comapny major character worked at ****T****
280. Comics; personal physician for major villain; Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen ****** *******
281. Original; philanthropist/clinic owner; wife of major character, mainly seen in photo ******* ******
283. Real person; student when last seen; likely later an attorney, philanthropist, and civic leader; former student of major character ******* **T**, **.
286. Comics; police detective; former work partner of major character; Green Arrow and Black Canary ***** H**T**
287. Original; influencer; disfigured subsequent to cosmetic surgery ******** ****HT
288. Comics; Russian federal agent; investigated by an American agency; Superman: Red Son ***T* ******
289. Comics; journalist; operated in a different city pre- and post-Crisis; Adventures of Superman *** T*****
290. Comics but gender swapped and comics version's real name is unknown; drug dealer; can manipulate time; Showcase T**T** # / F**** ****K**
291. Original; criminal/double agent; acted as recruiter for her actual organization **** F****
292. Original; very high ranking poiltician; predecessor killed in alien invasion ***** *******
293. Comics (comics version has different first name); criminal; counterpart of cast character's brother; Justice League of America's Vibe ***T*** / ***T* ***** (***TH-#)
294. Earlier character this continuity; none; VR version of cast character **** ******* (******** ***T****)
295. Original; banker; saved from building that was blown up ****
296. Original; football coach; hid that a player has brain damage and was using steroids K**T ****H**
297. Original; mercenary; worked for cast character's mother ***** **K*****
298. Comics but gender swapped thus real first name different; mechanical engineer turned criminal; uses robotic creatures; The Atom ***-**** *****T a.k.a. ***** *** / **** ******
299. Comics; assassin/black ops agent; deserted federal agency she used to work for; Detective Comics **** *****
301.  Somewhat based on comics (gender swapped), though another character has the comics version's abilities; quantum engineer/CEO; was replaced by a doppelgänger who posed as her; Animal Man *** ********H
302. Original; police officer; betrayed his PD to a super-villain *****
303. Original; student; wore homemade costumes based on main character *****
304. Original; student if any; saved by main character from parachute bombs H****
305. Original; high school student seeking university admission H**** ******
306. Possible gender swapped version of character from earlier show; biomedical engineer, CEO; mother of cast character; The Flash (1990-1991 series) ***** T***H*****
307. Comics; criminal; wrongly imprisoned for false confession; Supergirl ****** / ***H*** ****
308. Original; mixed martial arts fighter; affected by a totem being activated **** *T*****
309. Original; waitress; dropped food and drinks after bumping into co-worker  T****
310. Original; singer; from Old West ****** *****T**
311. Original; computer hacker; seduced by someone who killed him  K**** **T**
312. Original; fence; tried to steal from jewel thief **** *******K
313. Comics (but this name not used in comics); CEO; masterminded an outbreak of tuberculosis; Vigilante ***T** **********
314. Comics; unrevealed if applicable; demonic rival to cast character; Hellblazer **********
315. Original; criminal; worked for comics-based villain ***** *****K
316. Original; museum curator; super-villain stole necklace she had obtained permission to exhibit *******
317. Original; maid; murdered by employer ****** ******KT**
318. Original; shop owner; aunt of super-villain ******
319. Original; drug dealer; sold drugs to cast character ****** K***
320. Original; artifacts collector; attacked by super-villain *****T**H ***K*
321. Original; unrevealed; possible professional fighter; part of super-villain's fight club *****
322. Original; reverend; arrested villager accused of being a witch *******
323. Original; judge; helped send prisoners to death row regardless of guilt or innocence ******* ********K
324. Original; unrevealed; was once a potential date for cast character via dating ap ***** H*****
325. Likely comics (not DC), different surname; probable student when last seen; went drag racing with boyfriend; Pep Comics **TT* ******
326. Original; military sergeant; part of army strike team **T**
327. Original; adventurer; current cast character ****** / ********* ****
328. Original; asylum nurse; informed by main and other cast character she was in danger but she realized they weren't entirely telling the truth  T****
329. Original; some sort of information provider; member of a shadow organization *****TH** *********
330. Original; some sort of bearer (I can't be much more specific without revealing the answer); first of their kind (connected to other bearers)  F***T ***TH T**** ******
331. Original; criminal agent; leader of group within a group *******
333. Original; criminal; prison bunk mate for recurring character ** T*****
334. Real person; very high ranking politician; timeline altered when he became unable to lie ***H*** *****
335. Comics (originally unnamed, then different first name); farmer; adoptive father of main character; Action Comics  ****TH** K**T, **.
336. Original; firearms store owner; sold bullets to vigilante F***
337. Original; criminal/car workshop owner; killed by someone he tried to blackmail ****** *****
338. Original; serial killer; her son was intially believed by heroes to be the killer **** ***HT ******* / K*TH* ******
339. Comics; bank robber/terrorist; electricity powers; All-Star Squadron ***TH***T / **K* *******
340. Comics; high priestess; Egyptian who died thousands of years ago; Flash Comics *H**-***
341. Comics but spelled slightly differently; village leader; ancestor of a major character; Hellblazer K***T**T**
342. Original; probable student when last seen; boyfriend of  #325  T**** F*****
343. Comics; jewel thief; bonded with alien symbiote; Action Comics ********* / ****** ******
344. Original; unrevealed; father of #255  T****
345. Original; mayor; killed by hero's imposter ***** ***T**
346. Original; unrevealed; asked reporters to help locate missing son *H**** ******
347. Original but related to character from comics; physics professor/philanthropist/criminal/engineering professor; wife of major villain  ******* *****
348. Original; scullery maid; lover of #267 *****
349. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; physical therapist; divorced from cast character; Spectre **** H**T
350. Original; police technician; required to review footage involving main character  K**T**
351. Original; prison officer; was fired ***** *H*****
352. Original; high ranking military officer/government agent/criminal; watched cage fight ***** *****
353. Comics, though heavily changed; bodyguard/criminal; arrested for murder; World's Finest Comics **K**
354. Original; unrevealed; #274's wife ********* ***K***'* **TH**
355. Original, though name might be a nod to two real life people; mayor; surname may refer to actor who was in another Arrowverse show ****** ****
356. Original; unrevealed; was devastated when ex-wife was murdered ******* *K**
357. Original; criminal; worked for two different bosses (not concurrently) **** *******
358. Original; crime boss employee; killed by boss' daughter **** *******
359. Original; criminal; part of Chinese crime family ** KH*** H**
360. Comics, though different but similar real first name; photographer/thief; drawn to shiny objects; The Man of Steel ****** / *****T
361. Original; scientist; tasked to recreate a virus *****T ****
362. Original; member of secret, arguably criminal organization; friend turned enemy of major character ***** *****
363. Comics; hypnotist; worked for major villains; Teen Titans ****** / ****** *H***
364. Original; soldier/mercenary; hired to bomb waterfront *********T / *****T ******
365. Real person (with caveat); serial killer/probable physician; briefly resurrected ***K TH* ******
366. Original; student; helped beat up cast characters  T**** ****
367. Original; reporter; cast character ******* ***


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2/12/2022 7:12 am  #90

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2021-2022 1 of 4

I won't say which letter, but I've already prepared the clues for when a day passes again with no guesses. In doing so I fixed a few oversights in the above.

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