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3/10/2022 4:49 pm  #1

Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

He Who Failed This City has captured 1360 individuals plus 26 special cases from across the Arrowverse and stored them in four locations. Your job is to rescue them. This time you have 50 shots per day, boostable by bonus shots to up to 80 (so 30 bonus shots to max out).

20 questions per day boostable to 40 by bonus shots (so 20 bonus shots to max out), but only five of the same question per day. Questions are up to you, but players are encouraged to be creative and not limit themselves to the same question. To avoid narrowing things down too much, I won't answer the actor/director was, and instead of who the creator was, I'll answer who was/were the writer(s) of the first episode.

Five characters have random shots, worth 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 in order of how they are listed by random generator.

Rules I'm playing by this round (some rules will differ in the special section in round 4):
1. If a particular version of a character was played by multiple actors, only one actor is used, not always my own favourite.
2. Conversely the same actor can appear in multiple roles, even in the same continuity.
3. No characters from previous rounds (including the 2020 rounds), though counterparts possible.
4. Going with the Arrowverse wiki standard, altered timeline versions are generally considered the same character but parallel Earth versions and past lives versions are treated as separate characters.
5. Aside from parallel Earth versions, clones, robot imposters, and other duplicates are possible.
6. For characters who have an Earth-1 version and an Earth-2, etc version, the default is the Earth-1 version.
7. While I'll accept an answer without this, naming the primary show or crossover for the bulk of their appearances is strongly encouraged. In some cases there are characters whose last name is unknown but whose first name only is used in multiple shows.
8. Real people are possible, sometimes played by themselves.
9. Characters who only appear in archive footage (e.g. old footage of the real life Hitler, characters from Welcome Back Kotter seen on TV) are not included.
10. Because many images (or close variants thereof) only appear in the Arrowverse Wiki (or that site has the best image for collage purposes), for the first 48 hours, don't just scour that side looking at images and trying to match them to the collage. However, during that time you can still check that site to doublecheck what a particular character looks like and if you stumble upon someone else in the process that's fine. Just don't keep "accidentally" clicking on links to other character names while checking a specific character. After 48 hours it's okay to "play Concentration" and mine that site for stragglers.
11. If a character's name has never been identified or if the character probably doesn't even have a name, just use a  description that will signal to me you have the right person.
12. All characters are derived from the core Arrowverse shows: Arrow, The Flash (modern era), Supergirl, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Batwoman, and Superman and Lois. To allow for enough characters for a future update in 2023 or 2024, secondary Arrowverse shows such as The Flash (1990-1991), Constantine, and Black Lightning are being held for that later update.
13. Crisis characters normally seen in non-Arrowverse shows/movie are normally not included. However if a a character from such a world is unique to Crisis, they can be in the main section and if they have a Crisis-specific look they can be in the special section.
14. Pre- and Post-Crisis versions of characters are generally treated as the same character unless there is some reason they cannot be the same person (e.g. confirmed to have been born over a decade apart).
15. This collage series includes characters introduced up to December 2021.
16. For unidentified Earths, it's okay to either describe them or use the Arrowvese Wiki's Temporary Universe Designation (TUD) systerm.
17. Part four has a special section for characters from earlier collages with a distinct different look. More on that in that section.

Recap of 2020 collage characters found and 1-367: See part 1.
368. General Kilgore, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
369. Mercy Graves, Supergirl
370. Daniel Collins, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
371. Theresa Howard, The Flash
372. Samuel Bernard, Supergirl
373. Mason Bridge, The Flash
374. Acolyte/Craig, The Flash
375. Jack (Teddy Reston), Arrow
376. Bruno Moretti, The Flash
377. Tamera Dalley, Superman and Lois
378. Bill Carlisle, The Flash
379. Ezra Castellanos, Batwoman
380. Taylor Moore, Arrow
381. Salvador Dalí, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
382. Officer Daily, Arrow
383. Martin Somers, Arrow
384. Danny de la Vega, Arrow
385. Leyna Nguyen, Supergirl
386. Harrison Sherloque Wells' fifth ex-wife, The Flash
387. Turtle (Russell Glossom), The Flash
388. Wolf Spider/Evan Blake, Batwoman
389. Fitzmartin, Arrow
390. Irma Rose, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
391. Kazumi Adachi, Arrow
392. Shinatro Shimosawa, Arrow
393. Guillermo Barrera, Arrow
394. Corey Wellnitz, Superman and Lois
395. Isaac Newton, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
396. Alessandro, Batwoman
397. Clay Stanley, The Flash
398. Mitch Romero, The Flash
399. Massimo, Supergirl
400. Trevor Shinick, The Flash
401. Kilovolt/Michael Kastrinos, Batwoman
402. Talibah (Mesi Natifah), Arrow
403. Jordan Pierce, Arrow
404. Hartmann, Supergirl
405. Red Daughter/Snowbird, Supergirl
406. Owen Post, Arrow
407. Maya (Earth-719), The Flash
408. Lucius Fox (AI), Batwoman
409. Irma Sayres, Superman and Lois
410. Freydis, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
411. Hawkman (Scythian Torvill/2nd Carter Hall), DC's Legends of Tomorrow
412. Mallus, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
413. Steve Aoki, Arrow
414. Bear, Arrow
415. Alan Durand, Arrow
416. Harrison Sherloque Wells fourth ex-wife (Earth-TUD10), The Flash
417. Cassandra Austen, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
418. Stu Donnelly, Batwoman
419. Laura Hoffman, Arrow
420. Sargon the Sorcerer, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
421. Henry Stein, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
422. Virgil Getty, Batwoman
423. H.P. Wells (Earth-25), The Flash
424. Fred Chyre, The Flash
425. Rich (Nate Heywood's uncle), DC's Legends of Tomorrow
426. Mr. Black, Arrow
427. Thomas Edison, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
428. Eddie Slick (Earth-1), The Flash
429. Myron Forest, Arrow
430. Soviet Firestorm (Valentina Vostok), DC's Legends of Tomorrow
431. Django Reinhardt, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
432. John Deegan, Elseworlds crossover
433. Harold Backman, Arrow
434. Enchantress, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
435. Leif Eriksson, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
436. Tormock, Supergirl
437. Gotham City Police Department officer, Batwoman
438. John F. Kennedy, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
439. Cal DeVito, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
440. Nasreen Tarazi, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
441. Mayor Altman, Arrow
442. Tegan Wickhem, Superman and Lois
444. Ichiro Yamashiro, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
445. Freddy Meyers, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
446. Dana Ford, Supergirl
447. Natalie Lane Irons (Earth-TUD22), Superman and Lois
448. Victor Nocenti, Arrow
449. Alana (L-Corp), Supergirl
450. Red, Arrow
451. Joanie, The Flash
452. Fuerza/Alexa Rivera, The Flash
453. Dr. Jarrett Parker, Arrow
454. Harrison Wells (Earth-TUD2), The Flash
455. Linda Park, The Flash
456. Wyatt Kote, Supergirl
457. Tiberius, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
458. William Shakespeare, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
459. Ali, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
460. Isabel Nal, Supergirl
461. Jennifer Bates, Supergirl
462. Eve Baxter, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
463. Lucious Presley, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
464. Felicity Smoak's Earth-X doppelgänger, The Flash
465. Marie Antoinette, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
466. Jonathan Kent (Pre-Crisis), Batwoman
467. Blake, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
468. Del Toro, The Flash
469. Renee Adler, Arrow
470. Stephanie Brown, Batwoman
471. Toyman/Winn Schott (Earth-TUD19), Supergirl
472. Galahad, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
473. Dr. Park, Supergirl
474. Brackett, Arrow
475. Singh (Earth-2), The Flash
476. Dreamer (Obsidian Platinum), Supergirl
477. Girder (Tony Woodward), The Flash
478. Alex Danvers' mother (Obsidian Platinum), Supergirl
479. Chet Miner, Supergirl
480. Vasquez (Earth-38), Supergirl
481. Josie, Supergirl
482. Alexa Van Owen, Arrow
483. Metallo (John Corben), Supergirl
484. A.J. Diggle, Arrow
485. Razorsharp/Raelene Sharp, The Flash
486. Bell, Arrow
487. Foyinsola, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
488. Leslie Larr, Superman and Lois
489. Emily Nocenti, Arrow
490. Araz Darbinyan, The Flash
491. Reynolds, Supergirl
492. Unnamed shape-shifter, Supergirl
493. Vicki Donahue, Supergirl
494. Henry Scott, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
495. Carl, Supergirl
496. Ayala's Earth-TUD17 doppelgänger, Supergirl
497. Paula Cooper, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
498. Kayla, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
499. Zari Tarazi (robot), DC's Legends of Tomorrow
500. Jenny Russo, Arrow
501. Godspeed , The Flash
502. Music Meister, Supergirl and The Flash (more in the latter)
503. Jada Jet, Batwoman
504. Khufu's 1941 reincarnation, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
506. Torque, Arrow
507. Lionel Luthor, Supergirl
508. Brutus, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
509. Cassandra Savage, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
510. Dexter Myles, The Flash
511. Biomax / Jack Spheer, Supergirl
512. M. Butler, Batwoman
513. Marco, The Flash
514. Anton Slater, The Flash
515. Deathstroke (Grant Wilson, Earth-16), DC's Legends of Tomorrow
516. Sharon Finkel, The Flash
517. Deathstroke (Billy Wintergreen), Arrow
518. Steven Forbes, Batwoman
519. David Chin, Arrow
520. Jesse Federico, Arrow
521. Miranda Crane, Supergirl
522. President Shaw, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
523. Val, Supergirl
524. Tammy, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
525. Liza Warner, Arrow
526. Deputy Marshal Bass Reeves, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
527. White Martian (Alex Danvers), Supergirl
528. Pippa, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
529. Violet, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
531. El Cura, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
532. Plastique/Bette Sans Souci, The Flash
533. Manchester Black, Supergirl
534. Cicada/Grace Gibbons, The Flash
535. Mikhail, Supergirl
536. Nate Heywood (robot), DC's Legends of Tomorrow
537. Daisy Korber (Mirrorverse), The Flash
538. Midnight, Supergirl
539. Olga, The Flash
540. Jana Washington, Arrow
541. Alex Scott, Arrow
542. Cameron Abrams, Arrow
543. Dr. Malone, Batwoman
544. Malcolm Merlyn (Earth-2), Arrow
545. The Commander, Supergirl
546. Mary, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
547. Randy Sharpe, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
548. Chief of Staff in National City, Supergirl
549. Dave Hackett, Arrow
550. Alex Faust, Arrow
551. Psych/Bashir Malik, The Flash
552. Lydia Lockwood, Supergirl
553. Tyler, Batwoman
554. Tsung, Supergirl
555. Sara Lance (clone), DC's Legends of Tomorrow
556. Dionysus, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
557. Sean Smith, Superman and Lois
558. Akio Yamashiro, Arrow
559. C. McGarvey, Arrow
560. Mikey T., DC's Legends of Tomorrow
561. Fiona Byrne, Supergirl
562. Black Caesar, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
563. Candice Long, Batwoman
565. King (3rd Royalo Flush Gang), The Flash
566. Officer Medina, Batwoman
567. Evan Wender, Arrow
568. James Olsen's Earth-X doppelgänger, Supergirl
569. Kevin Huggins, Supergirl
570. Hat, Supergirl
571. Matthew Norvock, The Flash
572. Alice Bolen, The Flash
573. Black Bison/Mina Chaytan, The Flash
574. Abraham, Batwoman
575. Nigel, The Flash
576. Powell, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
577. Rhonda Beeman, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
578. Hanson, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
579. Doug Miller, Arrow
580. Alana (Spike's owner), Supergirl
581. Marcus Stockheimer, The Flash
582. Evelyn Dent, Batwoman
583. Terry (blackjack dealer), The Flash
584. Mad Dog, Batwoman
585. Officer Gibbons, The Flash
586. Maxima, Supergri
587. Mrs. Sharp, Superman and Lois
588. Tanya Spears, Supergirl
589. Galileo, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
590. Hannibal, Supergirl
591. Smith, Batwoman
592. Hedy Lamarr, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
593. Mikhail Arkadin, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
594. Taiana Venediktov, Arrow
595. Traveler, The Flash
596. Brett Collins (Earth-2), Arrow
597. Paulina, Supergirl
598. Judge Mandelbaum, The Flash
599. Ms. Sinclair's mother, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
600. Xotar, The Flash
601. Emily Phan, Superman and Lois
602. White Martian (Miranda Crane), Supergirl
603. Amygdala/Aaron Helzinger, Batwoman
604. Top/Rosa Dillon, The Flash
605. Parker Torres, Batwoman
606. Peter Thompson, Supergirl
607. Henry Hewitt (Earth-2), The Flash
608. Block/Vanessa Jansen, The Flash
609. Rohan Vose, Supergirl
610. Star City Slayer a.k.a. Inmate 9922/Stanley Dover, Arrow
611. Frank Creed, Supergirl
612. P. Parks, Arrow
613. Rip Roar/Russell Rogers, Supergirl
614. Jane Woods, Arrow
615. Prince Charles, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
616. Kate Kane (Earth-99), Batwoman
617. Brion Markov, Arrow
618. Pyotr Friedkin, Arrow
619. Noelle, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
620. Phil Baker, Supergirl
621. Bratva mechanic, Arrow
622. Silencer/Honor, Arrow
623. Theresa Merkel, The Flash
624. Chris, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
625. Fallout/Neil Borman, The Flash
626. The Mayor/Xavier Reed, Arrow
627. Officer Brock, Arrow
628. Felra, Supergirl
629. Janet, Batwoman
630. Aleister Crowley, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
631. David Singh (Mirrorverse), The Flash
632. Jay Reimsdyk, Arrow
633. Detonator/Miguel Robles, Batwoman
634. Vickie Bolen, The Flash
635. Whitney Hutchinson, Batwoman
636. Gene Huskk, The Flash
637. Leo Mueller, Arrow
638. Metallo (Earth-X), The Flash
639. Astra Logue (robot), DC's Legends of Tomorrow
640. Neil McNeil, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
641. Paul Nal, Supergirl
642. Jor-El, Supergirl
643. Keisha Moore, The Flash
644. Jess, Supergirl
645. Rene Carpenter, The Flash
646. Jasper Townes, Superman and Lois
647. Sheck, Arrow
648. Superman/Kal-El (Earth-TUD22), Superman and Lois
649. Philip Henslowe, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
650. J'onn J'onzz (Obsidian Platinum), Supergirl
651. Kullens, Arrow
652. Kline, The Flash
653. Reagan, Batwoman
654. Gail Knox, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
655 Cutter Moran, The Flash
656. Dr. Rafael Rodriguez, Batwoman
657. Anson, Arrow
658. Mackenzie, Batwoman
659. Ethan Rogers, Batwoman
660. Kyle Fedak, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
661. Malefic J'onzz, Supergirl
662. Sean Sonus, Arrow
663. Merritt Davis, Arrow
664. Blackout (Farooq Gibran), The Flash
665. Samuel Foswell, Superman and Lois
666. John Byrne, Arrow
667. John Swigert, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
668. Vlad Venediktov, Arrow
669. Infernian attacker, Supergirl
670. Dana Dewitt, Batwoman
671. Cyrus Gold, Arrow
672. The Pilgrim, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
673. El Gato, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
674. Orlin Dwyer's sister, The Flash
675. Wilcox, Batwoman
676. Silas White, Supergirl
677. Dr. Light (Kimiyo Hoshi), The Flash
678. Master Jailer/Carl Draper, Supergirl
679. Pablo, The Flash
680. Cayden James, Arrow
681. Iris West-Allen (Earth-2), Arrow
682. Ogre / Frederic, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
683. Doris, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
684. Daxamite palace guard, Supergirl
685. Stein, Arrow
686. Bertie/Herbert George Wells, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
687. Chupacabra, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
688 Jane Hawthorne, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
689. Vanita Ripson, Supergirl
690. Nyxlygsptlnz, Supergirl
691. Joyner, Arrow
693. Natalie Logue, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
694. Metadoctor, Supergirl
695. Cornwallis, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
696. Max Fuller, Arrow
697. Peter Kang, Arrow
698. Panda (Rudy), Batwoman
699. Rick, Supergirl
700. Dodger/Winnick Norton, Arrow
701. Antony, Superman and Lois
702. Tokamak / Henry Hewitt, The Flash
703. Miller, Batwoman
704. Xneen, Arrow
706. Saucéy, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
705. Virgil, Arrow
707. Athena, Arrow
708. Apollo Teslow, Batwoman
709. Kelly, Supergirl
710. Tess Morgan, The Flash
711. Mad Hatter (Liam Crandle), Batwoman
712. Derrick Simmons, Supergirl
713. Arnold Coleson, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
714. Officer Jones, Arrow
715. Janis Joplin, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
716. Alex Danver's father (Obsidian Platinum), Supergirl
717. Jeturian Industries hematologist (possibly Dr. Tuva), Batwoman
718. Edith Boardman, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
719. Scorcher, Supergirl
720. Cecile Horton (Mirrorverse), The Flash
721. J. Edgar Hoover, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
722. Farzad Qadir, Arrow
723. Demos, Supergirl
724. Widgick, The Flash
725. Dante, Arrow
726. Metallo (Otis Graves), Supergirl
727. Gor, Supergirl
728. Alexi Leonov, Supergirl
729. Cyber-Woman (Laura Washington), Arrow
730. Weather Witch/Joslyn Jackam, The Flash

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (4/30/2022 8:11 am)

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3/10/2022 4:50 pm  #2

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

Loki has 20 bonus shots, zuckyd1 has 51. Note that I reduced the "No Concentration" rule from 72 to 48 hours.

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3/10/2022 4:55 pm  #3

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

Also note that there are two possible answers to 408. Go with the answer that isn't someone found in 2020.

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3/11/2022 4:45 pm  #4

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

It's been a day with no guesses so I'll end the "No Concentration" rule early. Go ahead and skim through the Arrowverse Wiki as much as you'd like.

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3/12/2022 9:09 am  #5

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

411 Hawkman (Scythian Torvill/Carter Hall)


3/12/2022 9:11 am  #6

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

711 Mad Hatter (Liam Crandle)


3/12/2022 9:12 am  #7

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

633 Earth X Metallo


3/12/2022 9:15 am  #8

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

726 Metallo (Otis Graves)


3/12/2022 9:20 am  #9

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

680 Cayden James


3/12/2022 9:20 am  #10

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

565 King, Earth Prime Royal Flush Gang (Season 8 Flash)


3/12/2022 9:22 am  #11

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

433 Metallo (John Corben)


3/12/2022 9:24 am  #12

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

517 Billy Wintergreen


3/12/2022 9:25 am  #13

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

533 Manchester Black


3/12/2022 9:25 am  #14

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

515 Grant Wilson Deathstroke, Earth-16


3/12/2022 9:27 am  #15

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

526 Bass Reeves


3/12/2022 9:30 am  #16

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

476 Obsidian Platinum's Dreamer


3/12/2022 9:38 am  #17

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

501 Godspeed


3/12/2022 9:38 am  #18

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

412 Mallus


3/12/2022 9:43 am  #19

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

405 Red Daughter


3/12/2022 9:44 am  #20

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

426 Mr Blank


3/12/2022 9:48 am  #21

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

650 Obsidian Platinum's J'onn J'onzz


3/12/2022 9:48 am  #22

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

583 Terry the blackjack dealer


3/12/2022 9:52 am  #23

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

707 Athena


3/12/2022 10:06 am  #24

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

375 Jack (Teddy Reston), Earth 1 Royal Flush Gang


3/12/2022 10:07 am  #25

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

395 Isaac Newton


3/12/2022 10:09 am  #26

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

469 Renee Adler


3/12/2022 10:12 am  #27

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

571 Matthew Norvock


3/12/2022 10:15 am  #28

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

698 Panda (Rudy) of the False Face Society


3/12/2022 4:59 pm  #29

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

Earth-X and Corben Metallo I'll allow (638 not 633 and 483 not 433 respectively). The rest are correct; list updated.

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3/13/2022 10:16 am  #30

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #49 Arrowverse Update 2022 2 of 4

Source clues (first 50)

368. Original, but make is a nod to a non-DC movie character
369. Earlier show
370. Original
371. Original
372. Original
373. Comics (this version's surname missing a syllable)
374. Original
376. Original
377. Original
378. Original
379. Original
380. Original
381. Real person
382. Original
383. Comics
384. Original
385. Real person
386. Slightly earlier (same episode) character this continuity
387. Comics
388. Comics, though comics version's real name is unknown
389. Original
390. Original
391. Comics
392. Mostly original, though name a nod to a real person
393. Comics
394. Mostly original. Surname possible reference to comics character and definitely to real person
396. Original
397. Original
398. Original
399. Original
400. Original; possible but unconfirmed connection to earlier character
401. Original
402. Original
403. Original
404. Original
406. Original
407. Original
408. Comics (indirectly)
409. Original
410. Real person
413. Real person
414. Comics (has different code name with same meaning)
415. Original
416. Slightly earlier (same episode) character this continuity
417. Real person
418. Original
419. Original
420. Comics
421. Original, but related to comics based character
422. Original


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