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7/22/2021 6:33 pm  #811

Re: General Comics Trivia

6. Lucas
10. Dollboy
14. Slam Bradley
17. World of Krypton


7/22/2021 7:16 pm  #812

Re: General Comics Trivia

Those four are all correct.

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7/28/2021 5:56 am  #813

Re: General Comics Trivia

Calling a day on the following;

1. The Comics Buyer's Guide had a column that sometimes gave out awards named after which minor comics character?
2. Which Richie Rich title included a common word with no actual meaning?
3. What was 711's real name?
4. You are a superhero whose earliest adventures in the 1970s were usually written in the second person.
5. Which superhero declared on the cover of his first issue/first appearance that he faced his greatest battle yet.
7. A password in Howard the Duck Annual #1 was phonetically a commercial jingle for what?
8. Hi There was a one-shot that as part of which line of one-shot comics?
11. Which superheroine once had a coffee meet in her nightie and who did she meet with?
13. Who is Groo's dog?
18. Which mini-series revisited most of a team's earliest adventures (not just year one) as a team from a then-modern perspective?


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7/28/2021 4:37 pm  #814

Re: General Comics Trivia

1. Mopee
13. Ruffelo
18. JLA Year One


7/28/2021 6:28 pm  #815

Re: General Comics Trivia

1 is correct. 13 is close enough (Rufferto). 18 is incorrect as the question goes beyond year one. The series I'm thinking of has the heroes looking back on past adventures.

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7/29/2021 6:08 pm  #816

Re: General Comics Trivia

Meant to give the answers earlier but ran out of time:
2. Which Richie Rich title included a common word with no actual meaning?
Richie Rich Zillionz. Kids in particular will use zillion/zillions/zillionz but it's not an actual number,
3. What was 711's real name?
Daniel Dyce
4. You are a superhero whose earliest adventures in the 1970s were usually written in the second person.
You are not Iron Man, but you are Iron Fist.

5. Which superhero declared on the cover of his first issue/first appearance that he faced his greatest battle yet.
Megaton Man

7. A password in Howard the Duck Annual #1 was phonetically a commercial jingle for what?
McDonald's/Big Mac (phonetically Two all beef patties etc al)

8. Hi There was a one-shot that as part of which line of one-shot comics?\
Chick Tracts

11. Which superheroine once had a coffee meet in her nightie and who did she meet with?
Wasp; Paladin

18. Which mini-series revisited most of a team's earliest adventures (not just year one) as a team from a then-modern perspective?
America vs. the Justice Society.

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9/17/2021 5:48 am  #817

Re: General Comics Trivia

Looking at superheroes and superhero universes

1. What was Zatara's first appearance?
2. What was Cyborg (Vic Stone's) first appearance?
3. What was Roscoe Simons' heroic alter ego?
4. What is the Thing's religion if any?
5. What is the Not Brand Echh version of SHIELD?
6. When Stan Lee referred to Brand Echh in editorials, he was likely talking mainly of whose line of superheroes?
7. How did the Fox and first Charlton versions of the Blue Beetle differ in their real names?
8. Firestorm once vaporized which terrorist's clothing?
9. What were the names of Lois Lane's first ongoing series and her first mini-series?
10, Who secretly learned Superboy's secret identity but didn't tell him until adulthood?
11. Who killed one of Triplicate Girl's bodies and what was she called afterwards?
12. What was another name for the Ani-Men, and who was left out of the team under the alternate name?
13. Which DCU character is the main magic skeptic?
14. What weapon does Galactus fear?
15. What was the real name of Archie's first Shield?
16. Which two members of the Squadron Supreme resigned over the Utoipia program, in order of resigning right away and resigning mid-way?
17. Billy Baxton was whose alter ego?
18. Who published Jack Quick Frost's adventures?
19. Who was the main artist on Prime for most or all of its run?
20. Members of which alien race were once fooled by comic book art into cancelling invasion plans?

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9/17/2021 6:02 am  #818

Re: General Comics Trivia

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

3. What was Roscoe Simons' heroic alter ego?
4. What is the Thing's religion if any?
6. When Stan Lee referred to Brand Echh in editorials, he was likely talking mainly of whose line of superheroes?
14. What weapon does Galactus fear?
20. Members of which alien race were once fooled by comic book art into cancelling invasion plans?

3. Captain America?
4. Judaism
6. DC
14. Ultimate Nullifier
20. Skrulls


9/17/2021 6:14 am  #819

Re: General Comics Trivia

3-4 are correct.
6 may seem like the right answer given their rivalry, but a closer examination reveals that Stan was likely taking a shot at a different company that was more directly swiping their style.
14 and 20 are correct.

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9/17/2021 6:13 pm  #820

Re: General Comics Trivia

1. Hawkman #4
2. DC Comics Presents #26
5. S.H.E.E.S.H.
6. Archie/MLJ
7. Dan Garret vs, Dan Garrett
8. Plastique
9. Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane; Lois Lane
10. Pete Ross
11. Computo; Duplicate Damsel
12. the Uncanny Trio; Frog-Man
13. Dr. Terrence Thirteen (I see what you did there)
16. Nighthawk and Amphibian
18. Harvey


9/17/2021 8:14 pm  #821

Re: General Comics Trivia

1 is incorrect. It was his daughter Zatanna who first appeared there.
2 is correct (in dream sequence preceding New Teen Titans #).
5-10 are correct. 6:Comics such as Mighty Comics had the corner boxes on the covers and writing that attempted to imitate Lee.
11 is close enough: Duo Damsel
12-13. 16, 18 are correct. Believe it or not 13 was just a coincidence. I wasn't paying much attention to the numbering beyond making sure there were 20 questions. Maybe my sub-conscious?

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9/23/2021 6:39 am  #822

Re: General Comics Trivia

Calling a day on the following:

1. What was Zatara's first appearance?
15. What was the real name of Archie's first Shield?
17. Billy Baxton was whose alter ego?
19. Who was the main artist on Prime for most or all of its run?

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9/24/2021 7:38 am  #823

Re: General Comics Trivia

1. What was Zatara's first appearance?
Action Comics #1 (so Superman only beat him by a few pages and a cover)

15. What was the real name of Archie's first Shield?
Joe Higgins

17. Billy Baxton was whose alter ego?
Captain Marvel (MF version)

19. Who was the main artist on Prime for most or all of its run?
Norm Breyfogle

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9/24/2021 7:58 am  #824

Re: General Comics Trivia

I've been rereading the "New" X-Men stories from Essential X-Men (and in a few cases reading a few that I'd missed), so while it's fresh in my mind, this quiz is that era 1974-1981, arguably the peak period, though there were certain great stories to come.

1. What was Thunderbird's nickname for Cyclops?
2. During the first time in this range that Phoenix was believed dead by the X-Men, though readers knew otherwise, who else did the team believe to be dead?
3. Who wanted to date Cyclops during the period in q.2?
4. Who was Kitty Pryde initially afraid of the most.
5. Banshee lost his powers for a time during a clash with which villain?
6. Which member of the team was most skilled at getting out of locks?
7. After Phoenix seemingly died for real, who was the first woman to want to date Cyclops?
8. Who killed the father of the woman in q.7?
9. What contradictory bit of information were the readers given about Mastermind?
10. In the earliest issues of this era, one member of the team was overly protective of another team member. Who was overly protective of whom?
11. When Wolverine decided to make nice with Vindicator, who joined him, who was with Vindicator, and who did the four of them fight?
12. As far was was known at the time, which member of the original time, which member of the original X-Men did not participate in the battle on the Blue Area of the Moon?
13. Who ejected whom from a structure in the battle in q.12?
14. What sort of creatures aided Nightcrawler at Cassidy Keep and who were the opponents?
15. Which villain came closest to assassinating Robert Kelley and who stopped them?
16. What were the original X-Men imposters created by Steven Lang called?
17. Other original X-men imposters were created by whose subconscious?
18. Who brainwashed Polaris and Havok for a time?
19. Who battled a monster alone as the X-Mansion
20. Which two future X-Men aided the then active X-Men in their first fight against the Hellfire Club?

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9/24/2021 8:11 am  #825

Re: General Comics Trivia

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

4. Who was Kitty Pryde initially afraid of the most.
20. Which two future X-Men aided the then active X-Men in their first fight against the Hellfire Club?

4. Nightcrawler?
20. Dazzler?


9/24/2021 8:18 am  #826

Re: General Comics Trivia

4 is correct.
20 is correct so far; that just leaves one other.

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9/24/2021 1:27 pm  #827

Re: General Comics Trivia

1 One Eye
2 Beast. After they escaped Magneto's base in different groups.
3 Colleen Wing. Didn't just want to date, did date.
5 Moses Magnum
6 Storm
7 Lee Forester
8 D'Spayre iirc
9 That Jason Wyngarde was / was not his real name.
11 Nightcrawler, Shaman and Snowbird, Wendigo
12 Iceman
13 Uatu kicked Wolverine out his home.
14 Leprechauns vs Black Tom and Juggernaut
15 Destiny stopped by Kitty Pryde, at that moment possessed by spirit of her DoFP self.
16 X-Sentinels
17 Xavier's
18 Erik the Red (Dakan Shakari version)
19 Kitty battled a N'garai demon
20 Kitty Pryde


9/24/2021 6:18 pm  #828

Re: General Comics Trivia

Those are correct. For 3 I see it as a bit ambiguous: Cyclops, who can be a bit clueless at times seems to see them as just friends hanging out, at least so he said when Jean turned up alive.

What's interesting about 10 is that "Jason as alias" was told by the narrator while "Jason as real name" was in Cyclops' thoughts right after jeanh's suicide. So had other Wyngardes not subsequently turned up, the discrepancy could have been explained by Cyclops doing a rushed checked while grieving.

That leaves:

10. In the earliest issues of this era, one member of the team was overly protective of another team member. Who was overly protective of whom?

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9/30/2021 3:16 am  #829

Re: General Comics Trivia

Calling a day on the last question.
10. In the earliest issues of this era, one member of the team was overly protective of another team member. Who was overly protective of whom?

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10/01/2021 6:23 am  #830

Re: General Comics Trivia

Much to her annoyance, in the initial stories, Colossus was always trying to protect Storm.

I think instead of doing two trivia things a week I'll switch to just one unless I come up with 15 or more questions I really have to ask beyond the other weekly quiz.

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11/21/2021 8:54 am  #831

Re: General Comics Trivia

What British post-punk band took its name from narrative text in a Daredevil comic?


5/02/2022 5:17 pm  #832

Re: General Comics Trivia

zuckyd1 wrote:

What British post-punk band took its name from narrative text in a Daredevil comic?

I realize I never gave the answer to this question.


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