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5/21/2022 5:50 pm  #31

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

768 is correct; list updated.

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)

5/21/2022 6:20 pm  #32

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

Only one guess in the last day so...

Adding letters/number to answers as chosen by Random Number Generator. Letter (*) and number (#) patterns below. If there is a forward slash, the first name is the code name and the second name is the real name (for such characters I'll accept either name).  Not every number appears in this collage but every letter does. Obviously if a letter is revealed but not shown for a particular character, they don't have that letter in their name.

Adding the letter D.

Letters/numbers found so far: DGQUWX14

731. Comics (indirectly); criminal if any; Daring New Adventures of Supergirl; *** (****D*** ******U*)
732. Original; geology professor *. D****
733. Original; philosophy student **D**** D*******
734. Original; security agent ******
735. Real person; military officer ******* *****G* (one letter has accent)
736. Original; none G***** (**** **U**)
737. Original; businessman F**** ****
738. Original; musician D*****
739. Original; unrevealed ***. F******
740. Original; psychiatrist, crime boss D*. W***
741. Original;  bartender to the extent applicable *** (****D*** ******U*)
742. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed to the extent applicable  **** (****D*** ******U*)
743. Original; serial killer **** *** *****
744. Comics (at least code name); bank robber; Justice League of America *** (*****D ***** F*U** G**G)
745. Original; police detective D******** *****
746. Comics; criminal; The Flash **** **D**** (********)
747. Original; computer programmer *** *W**
748. Comics; soldIer and government agency director turned terrorist; Adventures of Superman *****G *U****** / **** ******W
749. Original; businessman **. G**D***
750. Original; bearer of some sort of item F**** *** ***** ******
751. Original, but likely named after crew member; scientist/cultist *. *****
752. Comics; assassin; Titans, though at least one earlier character used the same code name **********
753. Original; student if any when last seen **
754. Original; unrevealed ****** *****
755. Original; club owner/illegal technology dealer ********
756. Original (Arrowverse claims a comics connection but it's a reach) but related to comics based character; socialite; if going by Arrowverse claims, Huntress ****** **********
757. Original; professional bowler **** *** ******
758. Comics; some sort of overseer; The Multiversity Guidebook **********D ***
759. Original; government agent **** ****G
760. Original; some sort of school worker (saying more would revealed too much of the answer) **** ********* *F D**** **DD** ******
761. Original; unrevealed ** G*****
762. Comics; police commissioner; Batman: The Dark Knight ************ F*****
763. Original; student/army agent **G ******
764. Race based on comics; slave trader or at least ally of one; race: Adventure Comics U*****D D******** (*****-##)
765. Mythology; club employee; Greek mythology ********
766. Real person; army general turned national president G***G* W*****G***
767. Earlier character this continuity; wizard, hacker W**** *** G*** (*****-1#)
769. Comics; bio-geneticist; Firestorm *U*****X / D***** *****
770. Original; unrevealed *******
771. Original (Arrowverse claims a comics connection but it's a reach) but related to a character whose alias is based on comics; would-be conquerer; if you want to go with Arrowverse claims, then Superman ****-***
772. Comics; CEO/crime syndicate leader; The Flash ****** ******
773. Comics; government agency secretary/mlitary colonel; Wonder Woman ******* **U** *****
774. Original; editor-in-chief **** ******
775. Comics; government agent; Batman ******* *****
776. Original; councilman *****D G******
777. Comics; head of security; The Brave and the Bold ****
778. Original; army officer *****
779. Comics; unrevealed; Fury of Firestorm ******** *****
780. Original; police officer **** W*****G***
781. Original; student (graduated) ******* ******
782. Original; socialite ***** *******
783. Original; crime family member F**** *******
784. Possibly comics at least for code name; gender swapped if so; criminal turned security guard; Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. *** ******* / **** *****
785. Original; unrevealed ****
786. Comics; government agent; Green Lantern *****
787. Original; Director of Tutoring *****
788. Original; unrevealed ***-***
789. Original; unrevealed **** *****
790. Earlier character this continuity; author/scientist ******** W**FG**G W**** (*****-1#)
791. Original; warrior *U***
792. Original; art smuggler ***D**X
793. Comics; stewardess turned crime boss; The Flash: Iron Heights **U** ***** / ****** *****
794. Earlier show; military lieutenant;  Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman ***** *****
795. Original; attorney **** D*****
796. Comics; unrevealed; Hellblazer ***** ***********
797. Comics; circus strongman/enforcer and bodyguard; Showcase *'W*** *****
798. Original; criminal (posed as security agent) ***** ******
799. Original; unrevealed ***** *****
800. Original; unrevealed ***D*
801. Comics, though almost for sure different surname; model; Batman ***** ******
802. Real person; mobster/club owner ******** "*UG**" ***G**
803. Original; vehicle company owner *****
804. Original; biochemist ******* *****
805. Comics (indirectly); unrevealed to the extent applicable; Action Comics **** D****** (****D*** ******U)
806. Original; terrorist ******* **W***G*
807. Original; criminal GU*** / *** *UFF***
808. Original; bar owner *****
809. Original; student U*****D ***
810. Original; outlaw/gang leader *** *****W****
811. Comics; assassin; probably Batwoman *** **F**
812. Comics; business manager; Batman *U**U* F*X
813. Original; crime boss ******* *******
814. Comics; criminal; 52 ******** / ******** *****
815. Original, but has since appeared in comics; code name from comics; vigilante/martial arts instructor/bar manager/acting CEO ***W**** / **** W**D**
816. Real person; pilot ****** *******
817. Original; lab technician *** W******
818. Comics (code name missing a word); drug dealer/crime boss; Green Arrow *****G* / W***** *****
819. Comics; government agent/mercenary/crime leader; Tales of the Teen Titans **** W****** / *** W*****
820. Original; apparent criminal **** G**D
821. Original; lab employee ****
822. Comics (comics version's real name unreveale); criminal arms dealer; Green Lantern ******* / ******* ***D
823. Original; social networking platform employee **** (U****** ********)
824. Original; CEO's assistant **U****
825. Original; gang member under duress ***** *******
826. Original; weapons manufacturing company employee *D**
827. Original, but race based on comics; some sort of monarch at least in name D******** QU***
828. Original; unrevealed **D* *****G***D
829. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed ******** ******QU* W****' *****D **-W*F* (*****-*UD#)
830. Original; student ***** ****
831. Comics (possibly); criminal; Tom Strong or The Silencer Annual if so (if the latter, code name has extra word in show) G*** ******
832. Original; unrevealed G****** ****
833. Original; priestess *****
834. Comics; thief; The Flash D*. **G** / ***D* **** (*****-#)
835. Original; possible criminal G****** ******** a.k.a. ******** #444
836. Comics; test subject; Supergirl for closest match ******* / **** D**
837. Comics; criminal; Firestorm ***D D**** / *DD** ***** / *****-#)
838. Comics (somewhat; different code name); assassin; Justice League of America *****-X / **U*** ***** (*****-X)
839. Comics but gender swapped so slightly different first name; prison maintenance worker/criminal; Action Comics ***QU***** *******
840. Original; district attorney ****** ***
841. Real person; film director ****** ***D* (one letter has accent)
842. Original; unrevealed DU* ****
843. Original but inspired by real person; performer/circus attraction ****D*D **D* / ***D*
844. Original; student ***** ********
845. Comics (slightly different first name); crime boss/CEO; Huntress F**** **********
846. Original; student ******** **** U********* **UD***
847. Original; unrevealed ***** ***
849. Comics; police officer; More Fun Comics *** *****G**
850. Original; student D*****
851. Comics; toy shop owner/serial bomber; Doom Patrol ******** / **** ****FF**
852. Original; firefighter ****** *******
853. Real person (though this version's surname unconfirmed); robber ******
854. Original; unrevealed ***** D*****
855. Radio show; sales associate/arsonist; The Adventures of Superman ****-*** ***** ******
856. Original; revealed *****
857. Original; judge *******
858. Comics (different code name or different real name depending on how you look at it); criminal/hacker; Adventure Comics (closest match among those with same code names), Justice League of America (variation of real name) **** ***** ***** (*****-1#)
859. Original; missionary ****** F****
860. Real person; national president ******* *****
861. Original; alien trafficker F*G**** / *****
862. Original; housewife D**** *****
863. Original; businessman ****** ******
864. Original; police detective *** *********
865. Original; apparent criminal ******* F*** **** *******
866. Original; attorney ****D *********
867. Original; businesswoman/co-CEO ****** ********
868. Original; bank employee ****
869. Movie (mentioned); housewife; Superman: The Movie *** ***********'* ******
870. Comics (indirectly); government agent to the extent applicable; Action Comics ****** / QU*** D*X (****D*** ******U*)
871. Original; businessman ****** *****
872. Original but parody of real person; DJ *'**** *****
873. Religion (so depending on beliefs real person); comics as separate being from a better known name; some sort of ruler; under this name, possibly The Hebrew Bible, possibly specifically Deuteronomy or Book of Proverbs being first mention or maybe Apocrypha ******
874. Stage musical; newspaper employee; It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman **X *******
875. Original; unrevealed D****
876. Original but named after two real people; photographer ***** *****
877. Comics; criminal; The Flash ****** ****** / *** **UDD**
878. Original but made to look like earlier character based on comics; unrevealed to the extent applicable ***** *****
879. Original; bowler ***** *** *****
880. Comics (but missing suffix); henchman; Action Comics ***
881. Original; police officer/terrorist D*** **********
882. Original; criminal **** *****
883. Original; housewife ****** ***********
884. Original; technology manufacturing company employee/terrorist ***** ***X
885. Original; councilwoman **** ******
886. Comics; unrevealed; The Flash F**D*D *** / **W** G*U**
887. Comics (mix of two characters, one by name, the other by role); housewife; The Flash going by name, possibly same for role ****** *******
888. Comics; some sort of group leader; JLA **** **U*****
889. Original; unrevealed **** **X
890. Comics; scientist; Action Comics ***-**
891. Original; unrevealed **** WU
892. Comics; student if any; Deadshot *** **W***
893. Real person; unrevealed (real version was domestic servant) ***** ****
894. Original; unrevealed **. ****
895. Original; drug supplier ******** ****
896. Comics; mobster; Green Arrow ***** / D**** *********
897. Original; friend of cast character *****
898. Real person; mystic/monk **D **** / G**G*** ****U***
899. Original; advanced technology company employee **DD ********
900. Original but name probably inspired by two real people; national leader ****** ****D**
901. Original; unrevealed ***-**
902. Real person; army commander *******U*
903. Earlier show; therapist/criminal; Batman: The Animated Series ****** QU*** (note: only appeared in deleted scene)
904. Comics; businesswoman/head of branch of advanced technology company/owner and  editor-in-chief/assassin; Superman Annual ****** / **D*** *****
905. Comics if just going by code name, but earlier show by code name and theme (different real name in both cases); prison worker (exact type is his code name)/vigilante; Detective Comics or Gotham *X**U******* / *******D **D**
906. Comics; mercenary; More Fun Comics W****** G******G**
907. Comics; criminal; Detective Comics ******** / ******* ***G**
908. Original; unrevealed **UD**** **W******
909. Original; test subject *U***** #### / *D**
910. Comics; unrevealed; Action Comics ******** # / "****** F*F*" (*****-*UD##)
911. Original; double agent *. **G***
912. Original; totem bearer ***** **W*'* ********
913. Original; attorney G**G *U**
914. Original; some sort of employer to the extent applicable ****'* ****
915. Comics; bank robber; Justice League of America QU*** (***** ***** **U** G**G)
916. Original; student if any *****
917. Comics (comics version's first name unknown); unrevealed; Green Arrow: Year One *** *******
918. Original; soldier *D** ******
919. Comics; assassin; possibly Titans U********* / ********** G*****
920. Earlier show (photos only); doctor/plastic surgeon/philanthropist/university professor/criminal; Gotham *********** a.k.a. ***** ******** / *UGU** ****W**G**
921. Original; unrevealed D*** *******
922. Original; slave *******
923. Original; high school strudent/vigilante ***D** ****
924. Comics; mercenary; Green Lantern **********
925. Possibly comics but a bit of a reach; police detective; Detective Comics if comics, Batman using surname ***** ******
926. Original; attorney D***** F***
927. Real person; soldier turned author *.*.*. *******
928. Earlier show; criminal; Batman: The Animated Series **** F****
929. Comics; criminal/CEO/real estate mogul; Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen ***G** **G* (*****-##)
930. Original; district attorney D***
931. Original but related to comics based character; student, terrorist turned peace activist G***G* ****W**D
932. Original; unrevealed ***** *******
933. Original; villager ****** *********
934. Original; CFO/criminal **** *****
935. Original; mercenary arsonist *** ******
936. Original; barista/server ******
937. Original; vigilante/computer technician/custodian/car wash attendant ****** / ****** F***
938. Original; waitress ******
939. Comics; senator; Suicide Squad ******* ****
940. Original; drug lord ***** ******
941. Original; security guard W***'* **********
942. Original; agency director W***U* *******
943. Comics; agency director; Action Comics ******** # / QU*** D*X (*****-*UD1#)
944. Original; technology firm employee/crime syndicate member ******* ********D
945. Comics; mercenary; Savage Hawkman ***D** ****F / ***** ***U**
946. Original; student if any ***G*
947. Original; unrevealed **** ***X*********
948. Original; unrevealed ******* *D***
949. Original; some sort of capturer (can't be more speific without revealing part of "name") ****X **U*** *U****
950. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; doctor; Adventures of Superman ****** ********
951. Demonology; unrevealed if applicable; possibly Ars Goetia **********
952. Comics but gender swapped (comics version real name unknown); thief; Hawkman *U** a.k.a. *U***** 11 / ***** *****
953. Original; temporal agent *****
954. Original; arms industry and defense contractor company employee D*** D*****UX
955. Original; unrevealed **** D****
956. Original; unrevealed ****** (one letter has accent)
957. Original; family restaurant co-owner *U***
958. Comics; scientist/physics professor plus vigilante in one future; Brave New World **** / **** ****
959. Original; reporter F******
960. Comics; reporter; Action Comics **** **** (*****-*UD##)
961. Comics; army intelligence officer/government commission member, interim police captain; The Flash Secret Files and Origins ******* ******
962. Comics (code name and real name being separate characters in comics); industrial company foreman turned bank robber; Justice League of America for both code name and real name **** / D**** ******
963. Folklore; arguably real person but heavily embellished if so; warrior turned queen; possibly Historia Regum Britanniae GU******
964. Mythology; prophet of sorts; Greek mythology *******
965. Shares surname (minus one letter) with comics character who fought the same hero but appearently actually named after two characters from non-DC show, making him essentially Original; crime leader ******* *********
966. Comics; security agent/criminal gang member; Batwing *U***** ********
967. Original; unrevealed *****
968. Comics; streamer/scientist/tech consultant; The Flash ****** *. *U**
969. Comics (comics version's first name unknown); weapons dealer; Huntress ***** *******
970. Original; instituion worker (can't be more specific without revealing "name") ****** ****U* *U***
971. Original; some sort of business head (can't be more specific without revealing "name") *** ** ********** ****** ***U*****
972. Comics (different relation in comics); military general/marine commandant/chairman; probably Green Lantern *** *******
973. Original; security agent *****
974. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed if any *** *****
975. Original; student ***G**
976. Comics; scientist/criminal; 52 ********** / ***** ******
977. Original; crime boss *U***** *****
978. Original; cult leader *** **
979. Possible amalgmation of two comics characters; unrevealed; if comics, both from the same issue of The Flash F******* W***
980. Original; police captain/police detective ******** ****
981. Original; crime captain ******
982. Comics; blackjack dealer/bank robber; Infinity Inc. *****D / ***** ******
983. Comics; criminal; The Flash *** *** / ****** **********
984. Original; government agent/terrorist ******
985. Original; football player tight end turned criminal ***** / *** *****W
986. Original; engineer ****
987. Original; unrevealed *D** *******
988. Real person (indirectly); possible inventor/businessman if applicable ****** *D**** (*****)
989. Original; cultist *******
990. Original; unrevealed **** D********
991. Original; unrevealed ******* F***W******
992. Original in terms of names but power set apparently close to a comics character with different name; gender swapped if counterpart; blogger/junior reporter ******* **U*G
993. Comics; bartender; probably Hellblazer **** ****
994. Original; unrevealed **** *****
995. Comics; terrorist; JLA *****
996. Original; weapons supplier ***U* ******
997. Original; unrevealed ********* G****
998. Original, though aludes to being part of a comics character's legacy; executive vice president/CEO ***QU** ***
999. Original; night club owner **** *******
1000. Original; military general ******** ****
1001. Possible counterpart of comics character with different name; barkeep; possibly Constantine: The Hellblazer D******
1002. Original; crime boss/shipping port facility owner ***** **********
1003. Original; government divisiion director **** ******
1004. Original; police lieutenant *** *******
1005. Original, though comics character posed as him previously; scientist/lab director ******** W**** (*****-1)
1006. Original; unrevealed ***** W*******
1007. Original; assistant district attorney **G** *******
1008. Original; unrevealed *** ****D***
1009. Original; COO **D F*****
1010. Race based on folklore; entertainer; race from Celtic folklore U*****D *Ú**
1011. Comics; unrevealed; New Teen Titans **G**** / F****** ****
1012. Original; psychiatric doctor ******
1013. Original; high school student D***** *****
1014. Movie; priestess/judicator/council member; Supergirl ******
1015. Original; CEO/businessman ***** ******
1016. Movie apparently; unrevealed; Superman II *****-## D****D** *********
1017. Race based on comics; would-be conquerer; Adventure Comics for race U*****D D******** (*****-1)
1018. Original; house staff *****
1019. Earlier character this continuity; temporal agent to the extent applicable ********* **U* (*****)
1020. Original; unrevealed ****D*
1021. Original, though with similarities to comics character; possible criminal, terrorist under duress ****
1022. Real person; novelist **** *U****
1023. Original; crime leader *******
1024. Real person; singer ***** *******
1025. Original but resembles other character this continuity; mobster D*G** F***
1026. Original; unrevealed G***** **U*
1027. Gender swapped version of comics character despite other versions of the character who aren't gender swapped also existing; gangster/black market arms dealer; Showcase **** *****G
1028. Movies; criminal/warlord/military general; Superman: The Movie ***
1029. Comics; crime boss; probably Huntress **** **********
1030. Original; musician ***
1031. Original; used car salesman D*** *W***
1032. Original; nation ruler *** D*G****
1033. Original; crime boss *****G*** *******
1034. Comics; district attorney; Manhunter **** *******
1035. Comics; editor-in-chief; The Brave and the Bold ******** ****
1036. Original; unrevealed D****
1037. Original; student ****
1038. Original; security agent ***QU** (*****-#)
1039. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed ***** W**** (*****-#4)
1040. Original; university professor **DU* ****D****
1041. Comics; scientist; Firestorm ***** *U***
1042. Comics; criminal; The Flash ***** ******
1043. Comics; game show host turned criminal; Detective Comics **U******* / ****** ***W*
1044. Original; apparent criminal *****
1045. Original; criminal *U**U*
1046. Original; unrevealed ******** D******
1047. Real person; pharaoh ******** **
1048. Original; unrevealed G**** G******' ******
1049. Original; unrevealed *****
1050. Original; undercover agent/freelance IT specialist ***** *******
1051. Real person; physicist ***** *U***
1052. Real person (with caveat); none ***** *******
1053. Original; CEO ***** *******
1054. Original but name refers to two real people; criminal ******* ******
1055. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed ****'* *****-*UD1# D*****G**G** (one letter has accent)
1056. Original; art thief ******* ******
1057. Race from mythology; camp counselor; race from  Albanian mythology U*****D *****G* / "***D ********"
1058. Original; influencer ******** *** / ****** D*****
1059. Original; government agent ***** ****D**
1060. Comics; criminal; Flash Comics *** ***** / *DW*** *******
1061. Original; time pirate D****
1062. Comics (different code name); lawyer/serial killer; Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters *******G ******* / ******D
1063. Comics; bar owner; Lobo ** (*****-*UD1#)
1064. Comics (indirectly); criminal to the extent applicable; Adventures of Superman **** ******W (****D*** ******U*)
1065. Original; actress *** ******
1066. Original; technology firm employee ***** G*****
1067. Original; technician D**** *U******G
1068. Earlier character this continuity; scientist/socialite *. ******** W**** (*****-4#)
1069. Original; terrorist/technology firm employee ***G** ********
1070. Earlier character this continuity; some sort of cook ***F ***
1071. Comics (comics version has different real first name); criminal turned bartender; The Flash ****-*-*** / ***W** ****
1072. Comics; mortgage manager/cheerleading coach/mayor; Superboy **** ***G *U****G
1073. Comics; political decoy/bodyguard; Action Comics *********** ******
1074. Original but race from comics; none; race from Adventure Comics GU*****
1075. Comics (indirectly); criminal of sorts; Showcase **** W***-***** (***********)
1076. Original; nightclub employee *****
1077. Original; head of PR ******* ******
1078. Comics (different first name); unrevealed; The Flash **G *** / D***D *******
1079. Original; CTO/hacktivist/tech store employee **** ****G******* / ***** W*******
1080. Original; police detective ******* ****
1081. Comics; police sergeant/criminal; Flash Comics D**** D**** (*****-#)
1082. Original; crime syndicate member/army special ops member *U****** / ****** **W****
1083. Comics; bank robber; The Flash ***** ***D**
1084. Original; unrevealed **GG** ******'* G***D******
1085. Comics (amalgmation of two characters); unrevealed; New Teen Titans and New Teen Titans Annual **** *****
1086. Earlier character this continuity; criminal of sorts ******** D****** (***********)
1087. Original; can't state occupation without revealing the answer but worked in a prison in some capacity W****D ** *******'* *****D ************
1088. Original; Chief of Staff ***** W*****
1089. Origina; judge;   ***D* *******
1090. Possibly comics but different though somewhat similar name if so; drug dealer/crime boss; possibly More Fun Comics D**** *******
1091. Comics; unrevealed; Action Comics ******** # (*****-*UD1#)
1092. Original; scientist ***D *'******
1093. Comics; princess; Captain Atom **** ********
1094. Real person; Prohibition agent ***** ****
1095. Original; some sort of bearer (being specific would reveal answer) F**** W**** ***** ******
1096. Comics; crime godfather; Outsiders ******* G**G**
1097. Comics (somewhat, with different name); village guardian; Justice League of America ***
1098. Comics; pet; Action Comics *******
1099. Original; student *U**
1100. Original; scientist D*. D*****D ****
1101. Comics; welder; All-Star Squadron ** ********* (*****-1)


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5/22/2022 4:58 am  #33

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

As before, this link is a good location if you're stuck: https://arrow.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Characters

In addition, I'll allow partial guesses to help narrow things down. Just let me know that it's a partial guess. If for example you think that a phrase is "Obsidian Platinum" or part of the name is "Tommy" feel free to ask me that. If you're right, I'll make a note that part of that answer was correctly guessed.

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5/22/2022 5:07 am  #34

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

Easy wins:
797 (costume is comics accurate)

The following are main characters, which I define as having been played by a member of the cast for the bulk of at least one season, as opposed to imposters/counterparts played by the same cast member:

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5/22/2022 5:26 pm  #35

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

Adding letters/number to answers as chosen by Random Number Generator. Letter (*) and number (#) patterns below. If there is a forward slash, the first name is the code name and the second name is the real name (for such characters I'll accept either name).  Not every number appears in this collage but every letter does. Obviously if a letter is revealed but not shown for a particular character, they don't have that letter in their name.

Adding the letter P.

Letters/numbers found so far: DGPQUWX14

731. Comics (indirectly); criminal if any; Daring New Adventures of Supergirl; P** (****D*** P*****U*)
732. Original; geology professor *. D****
733. Original; philosophy student **D**** D*******
734. Original; security agent ******
735. Real person; military officer ******* *****G* (one letter has accent)
736. Original; none G***** (**** **U**)
737. Original; businessman F**** ****
738. Original; musician D*****
739. Original; unrevealed ***. F******
740. Original; psychiatrist, crime boss D*. W***
741. Original;  bartender to the extent applicable *** (****D*** P*****U*)
742. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed to the extent applicable  **** (****D*** P*****U*)
743. Original; serial killer **** *** *****
744. Comics (at least code name); bank robber; Justice League of America *** (*****D ***** F*U** G**G)
745. Original; police detective D******** *****
746. Comics; criminal; The Flash **** **D**** (P*******)
747. Original; computer programmer *** *W**
748. Comics; soldIer and government agency director turned terrorist; Adventures of Superman *****G *UP***** / **** ******W
749. Original; businessman **. G**D***
750. Original; bearer of some sort of item F**** *** ***** ******
751. Original, but likely named after crew member; scientist/cultist *. *****
752. Comics; assassin; Titans, though at least one earlier character used the same code name **********
753. Original; student if any when last seen **
754. Original; unrevealed ****** *****
755. Original; club owner/illegal technology dealer ********
756. Original (Arrowverse claims a comics connection but it's a reach) but related to comics based character; socialite; if going by Arrowverse claims, Huntress ****** **********
757. Original; professional bowler **** *** ******
758. Comics; some sort of overseer; The Multiversity Guidebook **********D ***
759. Original; government agent **** ****G
760. Original; some sort of school worker (saying more would revealed too much of the answer) **** P******** *F D**** **DD** ******
761. Original; unrevealed ** G*****
762. Comics; police commissioner; Batman: The Dark Knight ************ F*****
763. Original; student/army agent **G ******
764. Race based on comics; slave trader or at least ally of one; race: Adventure Comics U*****D D******** (*****-##)
765. Mythology; club employee; Greek mythology ********
766. Real person; army general turned national president G***G* W*****G***
767. Earlier character this continuity; wizard, hacker W**** *** G*** (*****-1#)
769. Comics; bio-geneticist; Firestorm *U**P**X / D***** *****
770. Original; unrevealed *******
771. Original (Arrowverse claims a comics connection but it's a reach) but related to a character whose alias is based on comics; would-be conquerer; if you want to go with Arrowverse claims, then Superman ****-***
772. Comics; CEO/crime syndicate leader; The Flash ****** ******
773. Comics; government agency secretary/mlitary colonel; Wonder Woman ******* **U** *****
774. Original; editor-in-chief **** ******
775. Comics; government agent; Batman ******* *****
776. Original; councilman *****D G******
777. Comics; head of security; The Brave and the Bold ****
778. Original; army officer **P**
779. Comics; unrevealed; Fury of Firestorm ******** *****
780. Original; police officer **** W*****G***
781. Original; student (graduated) ******* ***P**
782. Original; socialite ***** *******
783. Original; crime family member F**** *******
784. Possibly comics at least for code name; gender swapped if so; criminal turned security guard; Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. *** ******* / **** *****
785. Original; unrevealed ****
786. Comics; government agent; Green Lantern *****
787. Original; Director of Tutoring *****
788. Original; unrevealed ***-***
789. Original; unrevealed **** *****
790. Earlier character this continuity; author/scientist ******** W**FG**G W**** (*****-1#)
791. Original; warrior PU***
792. Original; art smuggler ***D**X
793. Comics; stewardess turned crime boss; The Flash: Iron Heights **U** ***** / ****** *****
794. Earlier show; military lieutenant;  Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman ***** *****
795. Original; attorney **** D*****
796. Comics; unrevealed; Hellblazer ***** ***********
797. Comics; circus strongman/enforcer and bodyguard; Showcase *'W*** *****
798. Original; criminal (posed as security agent) ***** ******
799. Original; unrevealed ***** *****
800. Original; unrevealed ***D*
801. Comics, though almost for sure different surname; model; Batman ***** ******
802. Real person; mobster/club owner ******** "*UG**" ***G**
803. Original; vehicle company owner *****
804. Original; biochemist ******* *****
805. Comics (indirectly); unrevealed to the extent applicable; Action Comics **** D****** (****D*** P*****U*)
806. Original; terrorist ******* **W***G*
807. Original; criminal GU*** / *** *UFF***
808. Original; bar owner *****
809. Original; student U*****D ***
810. Original; outlaw/gang leader *** *****W****
811. Comics; assassin; probably Batwoman *** **F**
812. Comics; business manager; Batman *U**U* F*X
813. Original; crime boss ******* *******
814. Comics; criminal; 52 ******** / ******** *****
815. Original, but has since appeared in comics; code name from comics; vigilante/martial arts instructor/bar manager/acting CEO ***W**** / **** W**D**
816. Real person; pilot ****** *******
817. Original; lab technician *** W******
818. Comics (code name missing a word); drug dealer/crime boss; Green Arrow *****G* / W***** *****
819. Comics; government agent/mercenary/crime leader; Tales of the Teen Titans **** W****** / *** W*****
820. Original; apparent criminal **** G**D
821. Original; lab employee ****
822. Comics (comics version's real name unreveale); criminal arms dealer; Green Lantern ******* / ******* ***D
823. Original; social networking platform employee **** (UP***** ********)
824. Original; CEO's assistant **U****
825. Original; gang member under duress ***** *******
826. Original; weapons manufacturing company employee *D**
827. Original, but race based on comics; some sort of monarch at least in name D******** QU***
828. Original; unrevealed **D* *****G***D
829. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed ******** ******QU* W****' *****D *X-W*F* (*****-*UD#)
830. Original; student ***** P***
831. Comics (possibly); criminal; Tom Strong or The Silencer Annual if so (if the latter, code name has extra word in show) G*** ******
832. Original; unrevealed G****** ****
833. Original; priestess *****
834. Comics; thief; The Flash D*. **G** / ***D* P*** (*****-#)
835. Original; possible criminal G****** P*****P* a.k.a. P******* #444
836. Comics; test subject; Supergirl for closest match ******* / **** D**
837. Comics; criminal; Firestorm ***D D**** / *DD** ***** / *****-#)
838. Comics (somewhat; different code name); assassin; Justice League of America *****-X / **U*** ***** (*****-X)
839. Comics but gender swapped so slightly different first name; prison maintenance worker/criminal; Action Comics ***QU***** *******
840. Original; district attorney ****** ***
841. Real person; film director ****** ***D* (one letter has accent)
842. Original; unrevealed DU* P***
843. Original but inspired by real person; performer/circus attraction ****D*D **D* / ***D*
844. Original; student ***** ********
845. Comics (slightly different first name); crime boss/CEO; Huntress F**** **********
846. Original; student ******** **** U********* **UD***
847. Original; unrevealed ***** ***
849. Comics; police officer; More Fun Comics *** *****G**
850. Original; student D*****
851. Comics; toy shop owner/serial bomber; Doom Patrol ****P*** / **** ****FF**
852. Original; firefighter ****** *******
853. Real person (though this version's surname unconfirmed); robber ******
854. Original; unrevealed P**** D*****
855. Radio show; sales associate/arsonist; The Adventures of Superman ****-*** ***** ******
856. Original; revealed *****
857. Original; judge P******
858. Comics (different code name or different real name depending on how you look at it); criminal/hacker; Adventure Comics (closest match among those with same code names), Justice League of America (variation of real name) **** ***** ***** (*****-1#)
859. Original; missionary ****** F****
860. Real person; national president ******* *****
861. Original; alien trafficker F*G**** / *****
862. Original; housewife D**** *****
863. Original; businessman ****** ******
864. Original; police detective *** P********
865. Original; apparent criminal P****** F*** **** ****P**
866. Original; attorney ****D *********
867. Original; businesswoman/co-CEO ****** ********
868. Original; bank employee ****
869. Movie (mentioned); housewife; Superman: The Movie *** ***********'* ******
870. Comics (indirectly); government agent to the extent applicable; Action Comics ****** / QU*** D*X (****D*** P*****U*)
871. Original; businessman ****** *****
872. Original but parody of real person; DJ *'**** *****
873. Religion (so depending on beliefs real person); comics as separate being from a better known name; some sort of ruler; under this name, possibly The Hebrew Bible, possibly specifically Deuteronomy or Book of Proverbs being first mention or maybe Apocrypha ******
874. Stage musical; newspaper employee; It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman **X *******
875. Original; unrevealed D****
876. Original but named after two real people; photographer ***** *****
877. Comics; criminal; The Flash ****** ****** / *** **UDD**
878. Original but made to look like earlier character based on comics; unrevealed to the extent applicable ***** *****
879. Original; bowler ***** *** *P***
880. Comics (but missing suffix); henchman; Action Comics ***
881. Original; police officer/terrorist D*** P*********
882. Original; criminal **** *****
883. Original; housewife ****** ***********
884. Original; technology manufacturing company employee/terrorist ***** ***X
885. Original; councilwoman **** ******
886. Comics; unrevealed; The Flash F**D*D *** / **W** G*U**
887. Comics (mix of two characters, one by name, the other by role); housewife; The Flash going by name, possibly same for role ****** *******
888. Comics; some sort of group leader; JLA **** **U*****
889. Original; unrevealed **** **X
890. Comics; scientist; Action Comics ***-**
891. Original; unrevealed **** WU
892. Comics; student if any; Deadshot *** **W***
893. Real person; unrevealed (real version was domestic servant) ***** ****
894. Original; unrevealed **. ****
895. Original; drug supplier ******** ****
896. Comics; mobster; Green Arrow ***** / D**** *********
897. Original; friend of cast character *****
898. Real person; mystic/monk **D **** / G**G*** ***PU***
899. Original; advanced technology company employee **DD ********
900. Original but name probably inspired by two real people; national leader ****** ****D**
901. Original; unrevealed ***-**
902. Real person; army commander *P*****U*
903. Earlier show; therapist/criminal; Batman: The Animated Series ****** QU*** (note: only appeared in deleted scene)
904. Comics; businesswoman/head of branch of advanced technology company/owner and  editor-in-chief/assassin; Superman Annual ****** / **D*** *****
905. Comics if just going by code name, but earlier show by code name and theme (different real name in both cases); prison worker (exact type is his code name)/vigilante; Detective Comics or Gotham *X**U******* / *******D **D**
906. Comics; mercenary; More Fun Comics W****** G******G**
907. Comics; criminal; Detective Comics ******** / ******* ***G**
908. Original; unrevealed P*UD**** **W******
909. Original; test subject *U***** #### / *D**
910. Comics; unrevealed; Action Comics ******** # / "****** F*F*" (*****-*UD##)
911. Original; double agent *. **G***
912. Original; totem bearer ***** **W*'* ********
913. Original; attorney G**G *U**
914. Original; some sort of employer to the extent applicable ****'* ****
915. Comics; bank robber; Justice League of America QU*** (****D ***** F*U** G**G)
916. Original; student if any *****
917. Comics (comics version's first name unknown); unrevealed; Green Arrow: Year One *** *******
918. Original; soldier *D** ******
919. Comics; assassin; possibly Titans U********* / **P******* G*****
920. Earlier show (photos only); doctor/plastic surgeon/philanthropist/university professor/criminal; Gotham *****P***** a.k.a. ***** ***P**** / *UGU** ****W**G**
921. Original; unrevealed D*** *******
922. Original; slave *******
923. Original; high school strudent/vigilante ***D** ****
924. Comics; mercenary; Green Lantern **********
925. Possibly comics but a bit of a reach; police detective; Detective Comics if comics, Batman using surname ***** ******
926. Original; attorney D***** F***
927. Real person; soldier turned author *.*.*. *******
928. Earlier show; criminal; Batman: The Animated Series **** F****
929. Comics; criminal/CEO/real estate mogul; Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen ***G** **G* (*****-##)
930. Original; district attorney D***
931. Original but related to comics based character; student, terrorist turned peace activist G***G* ****W**D
932. Original; unrevealed ***** *******
933. Original; villager ****** *********
934. Original; CFO/criminal **** *****
935. Original; mercenary arsonist *** ******
936. Original; barista/server ******
937. Original; vigilante/computer technician/custodian/car wash attendant ****** / ****** F***
938. Original; waitress ******
939. Comics; senator; Suicide Squad *****P* ****
940. Original; drug lord ***** ******
941. Original; security guard W***'* *****P****
942. Original; agency director W***U* *******
943. Comics; agency director; Action Comics ******** # / QU*** D*X (*****-*UD1#)
944. Original; technology firm employee/crime syndicate member ******* ********D
945. Comics; mercenary; Savage Hawkman ***D** ****F / ***** ***U**
946. Original; student if any P**G*
947. Original; unrevealed **** ***X*********
948. Original; unrevealed ******* *D***
949. Original; some sort of capturer (can't be more speific without revealing part of "name") ****X **U*** *U****
950. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; doctor; Adventures of Superman ****** ********
951. Demonology; unrevealed if applicable; possibly Ars Goetia **********
952. Comics but gender swapped (comics version real name unknown); thief; Hawkman *U** a.k.a. *U***** 11 / ***** P****
953. Original; temporal agent *****
954. Original; arms industry and defense contractor company employee D*** D*****UX
955. Original; unrevealed **** D****
956. Original; unrevealed ****** (one letter has accent)
957. Original; family restaurant co-owner *U***
958. Comics; scientist/physics professor plus vigilante in one future; Brave New World **** / **** ****
959. Original; reporter F******
960. Comics; reporter; Action Comics **** **** (*****-*UD##)
961. Comics; army intelligence officer/government commission member, interim police captain; The Flash Secret Files and Origins ******* ******
962. Comics (code name and real name being separate characters in comics); industrial company foreman turned bank robber; Justice League of America for both code name and real name **** / D**** ******
963. Folklore; arguably real person but heavily embellished if so; warrior turned queen; possibly Historia Regum Britanniae GU******
964. Mythology; prophet of sorts; Greek mythology ****P**
965. Shares surname (minus one letter) with comics character who fought the same hero but appearently actually named after two characters from non-DC show, making him essentially Original; crime leader ******* *********
966. Comics; security agent/criminal gang member; Batwing *U***** ********
967. Original; unrevealed *****
968. Comics; streamer/scientist/tech consultant; The Flash ****** P. *U**
969. Comics (comics version's first name unknown); weapons dealer; Huntress ***** *******
970. Original; instituion worker (can't be more specific without revealing "name") ****** ****U* *U***
971. Original; some sort of business head (can't be more specific without revealing "name") *** ** ********** ****** ***U*****
972. Comics (different relation in comics); military general/marine commandant/chairman; probably Green Lantern *** *******
973. Original; security agent *****
974. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed if any *** P****
975. Original; student ***G**
976. Comics; scientist/criminal; 52 ********** / ***** ******
977. Original; crime boss *U***** *****
978. Original; cult leader *** **
979. Possible amalgmation of two comics characters; unrevealed; if comics, both from the same issue of The Flash F******* W***
980. Original; police captain/police detective ******** ****
981. Original; crime captain ******
982. Comics; blackjack dealer/bank robber; Infinity Inc. *****D / ***** ****P*
983. Comics; criminal; The Flash *** P** / ****** **********
984. Original; government agent/terrorist ******
985. Original; football player tight end turned criminal ***** / *** *****W
986. Original; engineer ****
987. Original; unrevealed *D** *******
988. Real person (indirectly); possible inventor/businessman if applicable ****** *D**** (*****)
989. Original; cultist *******
990. Original; unrevealed **** D****P***
991. Original; unrevealed ******* F***W******
992. Original in terms of names but power set apparently close to a comics character with different name; gender swapped if counterpart; blogger/junior reporter *P***** **U*G
993. Comics; bartender; probably Hellblazer **** ****
994. Original; unrevealed **** *****
995. Comics; terrorist; JLA *****
996. Original; weapons supplier ***U* ******
997. Original; unrevealed ********* G****
998. Original, though aludes to being part of a comics character's legacy; executive vice president/CEO ***QU** ***
999. Original; night club owner **** *******
1000. Original; military general **P***** ****
1001. Possible counterpart of comics character with different name; barkeep; possibly Constantine: The Hellblazer D******
1002. Original; crime boss/shipping port facility owner ***** **********
1003. Original; government divisiion director ***E ***P**
1004. Original; police lieutenant *** *******
1005. Original, though comics character posed as him previously; scientist/lab director ******** W**** (*****-1)
1006. Original; unrevealed ***** W*******
1007. Original; assistant district attorney **G** *******
1008. Original; unrevealed *** ****D***
1009. Original; COO **D F*****
1010. Race based on folklore; entertainer; race from Celtic folklore U*****D PÚ**
1011. Comics; unrevealed; New Teen Titans **G**** / F****** ****
1012. Original; psychiatric doctor ******
1013. Original; high school student D***** *****
1014. Movie; priestess/judicator/council member; Supergirl ******
1015. Original; CEO/businessman ***** ******
1016. Movie apparently; unrevealed; Superman II *****-## D****D** P********
1017. Race based on comics; would-be conquerer; Adventure Comics for race U*****D D******** (*****-1)
1018. Original; house staff *****
1019. Earlier character this continuity; temporal agent to the extent applicable **P****** **U* (*****)
1020. Original; unrevealed ****D*
1021. Original, though with similarities to comics character; possible criminal, terrorist under duress **P*
1022. Real person; novelist **** *U****
1023. Original; crime leader *******
1024. Real person; singer ***** P******
1025. Original but resembles other character this continuity; mobster D*G** F***
1026. Original; unrevealed G***** **U*
1027. Gender swapped version of comics character despite other versions of the character who aren't gender swapped also existing; gangster/black market arms dealer; Showcase **** *****G
1028. Movies; criminal/warlord/military general; Superman: The Movie ***
1029. Comics; crime boss; probably Huntress P*** **********
1030. Original; musician ***
1031. Original; used car salesman D*** *W***
1032. Original; nation ruler *** D*G****
1033. Original; crime boss *****G*** *******
1034. Comics; district attorney; Manhunter **** *P*****
1035. Comics; editor-in-chief; The Brave and the Bold ******** ****
1036. Original; unrevealed D****
1037. Original; student ****
1038. Original; security agent ***QU** (*****-#)
1039. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed ***** W**** (*****-#4)
1040. Original; university professor **DU* ****D****
1041. Comics; scientist; Firestorm ***** *U***
1042. Comics; criminal; The Flash ***** ******
1043. Comics; game show host turned criminal; Detective Comics **U******* / ****** ***W*
1044. Original; apparent criminal *****
1045. Original; criminal *U**U*
1046. Original; unrevealed P******* D******
1047. Real person; pharaoh ******** **
1048. Original; unrevealed G**** G******' ******
1049. Original; unrevealed *****
1050. Original; undercover agent/freelance IT specialist ***** *******
1051. Real person; physicist ***** *U***
1052. Real person (with caveat); none (not even the real version) ***** P******
1053. Original; CEO ***** *******
1054. Original but name refers to two real people; criminal ******* ******
1055. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed ****'* *****-*UD1# D*PP**G**G** (one letter has accent)
1056. Original; art thief ******* ******
1057. Race from mythology; camp counselor; race from  Albanian mythology U*****D *****G* / "***D ***P****"
1058. Original; influencer ******** *** / ****** D*****
1059. Original; government agent ***** ****D**
1060. Comics; criminal; Flash Comics *** ***** / *DW*** *******
1061. Original; time pirate D****
1062. Comics (different code name); lawyer/serial killer; Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters *******G ******* / ******D
1063. Comics; bar owner; Lobo ** (*****-*UD1#)
1064. Comics (indirectly); criminal to the extent applicable; Adventures of Superman **** ******W (****D*** P*****U*)
1065. Original; actress P** ******
1066. Original; technology firm employee ***** G*****
1067. Original; technician D**** *U******G
1068. Earlier character this continuity; scientist/socialite *. ******** W**** (*****-4#)
1069. Original; terrorist/technology firm employee ***G** ********
1070. Earlier character this continuity; some sort of cook ***F ***
1071. Comics (comics version has different real first name); criminal turned bartender; The Flash P***-*-*** / ***W** ****
1072. Comics; mortgage manager/cheerleading coach/mayor; Superboy **** ***G *U****G
1073. Comics; political decoy/bodyguard; Action Comics *********** ******
1074. Original but race from comics; none; race from Adventure Comics GU*****
1075. Comics (indirectly); criminal of sorts; Showcase **** W***-***** (***********)
1076. Original; nightclub employee *****
1077. Original; head of PR ******* ******
1078. Comics (different first name); unrevealed; The Flash **G *** / D***D *******
1079. Original; CTO/hacktivist/tech store employee **** ****G******* / ***** W*******
1080. Original; police detective ******* ****
1081. Comics; police sergeant/criminal; Flash Comics D**** D**** (*****-#)
1082. Original; crime syndicate member/army special ops member *U****** / ****** **W****
1083. Comics; bank robber; The Flash ***** ***D**
1084. Original; unrevealed **GG** ******'* G***D******
1085. Comics (amalgmation of two characters); unrevealed; New Teen Titans and New Teen Titans Annual **** *****
1086. Earlier character this continuity; criminal of sorts P******* D****** (***********)
1087. Original; can't state occupation without revealing the answer but worked in a prison in some capacity W****D ** *******'* *****D P***********
1088. Original; Chief of Staff ***** W*****
1089. Origina; judge;   ***D* *******
1090. Possibly comics but different though somewhat similar name if so; drug dealer/crime boss; possibly More Fun Comics D**** ***P***
1091. Comics; unrevealed; Action Comics ******** # (*****-*UD1#)
1092. Original; scientist ***D *'******
1093. Comics; princess; Captain Atom **** ********
1094. Real person; Prohibition agent ***** ****
1095. Original; some sort of bearer (being specific would reveal answer) F**** W**** ***** ******
1096. Comics; crime godfather; Outsiders ******* G**G**
1097. Comics (somewhat, with different name); village guardian; Justice League of America ***
1098. Comics; pet; Action Comics *******
1099. Original; student *U**
1100. Original; scientist D*. D*****D ****
1101. Comics; welder; All-Star Squadron ** ********* (*****-1)


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5/23/2022 6:08 am  #36

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

Easy wins (especially if you know the comics version/real person):
797 (costume is comics accurate)

Easy wins if you follow the patterns from the first two collages in this series:

The following are main characters, which I define as having been played by a member of the cast for the bulk of at least one season, as opposed to imposters/counterparts played by the same cast member:

Partial guesses okay.

As before, this link is a good location if you're stuck: https://arrow.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Characters

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5/23/2022 4:56 pm  #37

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

Adding letters/number to answers as chosen by Random Number Generator. Letter (*) and number (#) patterns below. If there is a forward slash, the first name is the code name and the second name is the real name (for such characters I'll accept either name).  Not every number appears in this collage but every letter does. Obviously if a letter is revealed but not shown for a particular character, they don't have that letter in their name.

Adding the numbers 2 and 3 and the letter K.

Letters/numbers found so far: DGKPQUWX1234

731. Comics (indirectly); criminal if any; Daring New Adventures of Supergirl; P** (****D*** P*****U*)
732. Original; geology professor *. D****
733. Original; philosophy student **D**** D*******
734. Original; security agent ******
735. Real person; military officer ******* *****G* (one letter has accent)
736. Original; none G***** (**** **U**)
737. Original; businessman F***K ****
738. Original; musician D*****
739. Original; unrevealed ***. F***K**
740. Original; psychiatrist, crime boss D*. W***
741. Original;  bartender to the extent applicable *** (****D*** P*****U*)
742. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed to the extent applicable  **** (****D*** P*****U*)
743. Original; serial killer **K* *** ***K*
744. Comics (at least code name); bank robber; Justice League of America *** (*****D ***** F*U** G**G)
745. Original; police detective D******** K****
746. Comics; criminal; The Flash **** K*D**** (P*******)
747. Original; computer programmer *** KW**
748. Comics; soldIer and government agency director turned terrorist; Adventures of Superman *****G *UP***** / ***K ******W
749. Original; businessman **. G**D***
750. Original; bearer of some sort of item F**** *** ***** ******
751. Original, but likely named after crew member; scientist/cultist *. ****K
752. Comics; assassin; Titans, though at least one earlier character used the same code name *******K**
753. Original; student if any when last seen **
754. Original; unrevealed ****** *****
755. Original; club owner/illegal technology dealer ********
756. Original (Arrowverse claims a comics connection but it's a reach) but related to comics based character; socialite; if going by Arrowverse claims, Huntress ****** **********
757. Original; professional bowler **K* *** ****K*
758. Comics; some sort of overseer; The Multiversity Guidebook **********D ***
759. Original; government agent **** ****G
760. Original; some sort of school worker (saying more would revealed too much of the answer) **** P******** *F D**** **DD** ******
761. Original; unrevealed ** G*****
762. Comics; police commissioner; Batman: The Dark Knight ************ F*****
763. Original; student/army agent **G ******
764. Race based on comics; slave trader or at least ally of one; race: Adventure Comics U*****D D******** (*****-3#)
765. Mythology; club employee; Greek mythology ********
766. Real person; army general turned national president G***G* W*****G***
767. Earlier character this continuity; wizard, hacker W**** *** G*** (*****-13)
769. Comics; bio-geneticist; Firestorm *U**P**X / D***** *****
770. Original; unrevealed *******
771. Original (Arrowverse claims a comics connection but it's a reach) but related to a character whose alias is based on comics; would-be conquerer; if you want to go with Arrowverse claims, then Superman ****-***
772. Comics; CEO/crime syndicate leader; The Flash ****** ******
773. Comics; government agency secretary/mlitary colonel; Wonder Woman ******* **U** *****
774. Original; editor-in-chief **** ***K**
775. Comics; government agent; Batman ******* *****
776. Original; councilman *****D G******
777. Comics; head of security; The Brave and the Bold ****
778. Original; army officer **P**
779. Comics; unrevealed; Fury of Firestorm ******** *****
780. Original; police officer **** W*****G***
781. Original; student (graduated) ******* ***P**
782. Original; socialite ***** ***K***
783. Original; crime family member F***K *******
784. Possibly comics at least for code name; gender swapped if so; criminal turned security guard; Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. *** ******* / **** *****
785. Original; unrevealed ****
786. Comics; government agent; Green Lantern *****
787. Original; Director of Tutoring *****
788. Original; unrevealed ***-***
789. Original; unrevealed **** *****
790. Earlier character this continuity; author/scientist ******** W**FG**G W**** (*****-12)
791. Original; warrior PU***
792. Original; art smuggler ***D**X
793. Comics; stewardess turned crime boss; The Flash: Iron Heights **U** ***** / ****** *****
794. Earlier show; military lieutenant;  Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman ***** ****K
795. Original; attorney **** D*****
796. Comics; unrevealed; Hellblazer ***** ***********
797. Comics; circus strongman/enforcer and bodyguard; Showcase *'W*** *****
798. Original; criminal (posed as security agent) ***** K*****
799. Original; unrevealed K**** *****
800. Original; unrevealed ***D*
801. Comics, though almost for sure different surname; model; Batman ***** ******
802. Real person; mobster/club owner ******** "*UG**" ***G**
803. Original; vehicle company owner **K**
804. Original; biochemist ******* *****
805. Comics (indirectly); unrevealed to the extent applicable; Action Comics K*** D****** (****D*** P*****U*)
806. Original; terrorist ******* **WK**G*
807. Original; criminal GU*** / *** *UFF***
808. Original; bar owner *****
809. Original; student U*****D ***
810. Original; outlaw/gang leader *** *****W****
811. Comics; assassin; probably Batwoman *** **F**
812. Comics; business manager; Batman *U**U* F*X
813. Original; crime boss ******* *******
814. Comics; criminal; 52 ******** / ******** *****
815. Original, but has since appeared in comics; code name from comics; vigilante/martial arts instructor/bar manager/acting CEO ***W**** / **** W**D**
816. Real person; pilot ****** *******
817. Original; lab technician *** W**K***
818. Comics (code name missing a word); drug dealer/crime boss; Green Arrow *****G* / W***** *****
819. Comics; government agent/mercenary/crime leader; Tales of the Teen Titans K*** W****** / *** W*****
820. Original; apparent criminal **** G**D
821. Original; lab employee K***
822. Comics (comics version's real name unreveale); criminal arms dealer; Green Lantern ******* / ******* ***D
823. Original; social networking platform employee **** (UP***** ********)
824. Original; CEO's assistant **U****
825. Original; gang member under duress K**** *******
826. Original; weapons manufacturing company employee *D**
827. Original, but race based on comics; some sort of monarch at least in name D******** QU***
828. Original; unrevealed **D* *****G***D
829. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed ******** ******QU* W****' *****D *X-W*F* (*****-*UD#)
830. Original; student ***** P***
831. Comics (possibly); criminal; Tom Strong or The Silencer Annual if so (if the latter, code name has extra word in show) G*** ******
832. Original; unrevealed G****** ****
833. Original; priestess *****
834. Comics; thief; The Flash D*. **G** / ***D* P*** (*****-#)
835. Original; possible criminal G****** P*****P* a.k.a. P******* 2444
836. Comics; test subject; Supergirl for closest match ******* / **** D**
837. Comics; criminal; Firestorm ***D D**** / *DD** ****K / *****-2)
838. Comics (somewhat; different code name); assassin; Justice League of America *****-X / **U*** ***** (*****-X)
839. Comics but gender swapped so slightly different first name; prison maintenance worker/criminal; Action Comics ***QU***** *******
840. Original; district attorney ****** ***
841. Real person; film director ****** ***D* (one letter has accent)
842. Original; unrevealed DU* P***
843. Original but inspired by real person; performer/circus attraction ****D*D **D* / ***D*
844. Original; student ***** ********
845. Comics (slightly different first name); crime boss/CEO; Huntress F***K **********
846. Original; student ******** **** U********* **UD***
847. Original; unrevealed K**** K**
849. Comics; police officer; More Fun Comics *** *****G**
850. Original; student D*****
851. Comics; toy shop owner/serial bomber; Doom Patrol ****P*** / ***K ****FF**
852. Original; firefighter ****** *******
853. Real person (though this version's surname unconfirmed); robber ******
854. Original; unrevealed P**** D*****
855. Radio show; sales associate/arsonist; The Adventures of Superman ****-*** ***** ******
856. Original; revealed *****
857. Original; judge P******
858. Comics (different code name or different real name depending on how you look at it); criminal/hacker; Adventure Comics (closest match among those with same code names), Justice League of America (variation of real name) **** ***** ***** (*****-1#)
859. Original; missionary ****** F****
860. Real person; national president ******K *****
861. Original; alien trafficker F*G**** / *****
862. Original; housewife D**** *****
863. Original; businessman ****** ******
864. Original; police detective *** P********
865. Original; apparent criminal P****** F*** **** ****P**
866. Original; attorney ****D *********
867. Original; businesswoman/co-CEO ****** ********
868. Original; bank employee ****
869. Movie (mentioned); housewife; Superman: The Movie *** ***********'* ******
870. Comics (indirectly); government agent to the extent applicable; Action Comics ****** / QU*** D*X (****D*** P*****U*)
871. Original; businessman ****** *****
872. Original but parody of real person; DJ *'**** *****
873. Religion (so depending on beliefs real person); comics as separate being from a better known name; some sort of ruler; under this name, possibly The Hebrew Bible, possibly specifically Deuteronomy or Book of Proverbs being first mention or maybe Apocrypha ******
874. Stage musical; newspaper employee; It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman **X ****K**
875. Original; unrevealed D***K
876. Original but named after two real people; photographer ***** K****
877. Comics; criminal; The Flash ****** ****** / *** **UDD**
878. Original but made to look like earlier character based on comics; unrevealed to the extent applicable ***** *****
879. Original; bowler ***** *** *P***
880. Comics (but missing suffix); henchman; Action Comics ***
881. Original; police officer/terrorist D*** P*********
882. Original; criminal **** *****
883. Original; housewife ****** ***********
884. Original; technology manufacturing company employee/terrorist ***** K**X
885. Original; councilwoman **** ***K**
886. Comics; unrevealed; The Flash F**D*D *** / **W** G*U**
887. Comics (mix of two characters, one by name, the other by role); housewife; The Flash going by name, possibly same for role ****** *******
888. Comics; some sort of group leader; JLA **** **U*****
889. Original; unrevealed **** **X
890. Comics; scientist; Action Comics ***-**
891. Original; unrevealed **** WU
892. Comics; student if any; Deadshot *** **W***
893. Real person; unrevealed (real version was domestic servant) ***** ****
894. Original; unrevealed **. ****
895. Original; drug supplier ******** K***
896. Comics; mobster; Green Arrow ****K / D**** ****KW***
897. Original; friend of cast character ***K*
898. Real person; mystic/monk **D ***K / G**G*** ***PU***
899. Original; advanced technology company employee **DD ********
900. Original but name probably inspired by two real people; national leader ****** ****D**
901. Original; unrevealed ***-**
902. Real person; army commander *P*****U*
903. Earlier show; therapist/criminal; Batman: The Animated Series ****** QU*** (note: only appeared in deleted scene)
904. Comics; businesswoman/head of branch of advanced technology company/owner and  editor-in-chief/assassin; Superman Annual ****** / **D*** *****
905. Comics if just going by code name, but earlier show by code name and theme (different real name in both cases); prison worker (exact type is his code name)/vigilante; Detective Comics or Gotham *X**U******* / *******D **D**
906. Comics; mercenary; More Fun Comics W****** G******G**
907. Comics; criminal; Detective Comics ******** / ******* K**G**
908. Original; unrevealed P*UD**** **W******
909. Original; test subject *U***** #331 / *D**
910. Comics; unrevealed; Action Comics ******** # / "****** F*F*" (*****-*UD##)
911. Original; double agent *. **G***
912. Original; totem bearer ***** **W*'* ********
913. Original; attorney G**G *U*K
914. Original; some sort of employer to the extent applicable ****'* ****
915. Comics; bank robber; Justice League of America QU*** (****D ***** F*U** G**G)
916. Original; student if any *****
917. Comics (comics version's first name unknown); unrevealed; Green Arrow: Year One *** ***K***
918. Original; soldier *D** ****K*
919. Comics; assassin; possibly Titans U********* / **P******* G*****
920. Earlier show (photos only); doctor/plastic surgeon/philanthropist/university professor/criminal; Gotham *****P***** a.k.a. ***** ***P**** / *UGU** ****W**G**
921. Original; unrevealed D*** *******
922. Original; slave *******
923. Original; high school strudent/vigilante ***D** K***
924. Comics; mercenary; Green Lantern ***K******
925. Possibly comics but a bit of a reach; police detective; Detective Comics if comics, Batman using surname ***** ******
926. Original; attorney D***** F**K
927. Real person; soldier turned author *.*.*. ***K***
928. Earlier show; criminal; Batman: The Animated Series **** F****
929. Comics; criminal/CEO/real estate mogul; Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen ***G** **G* (*****-##)
930. Original; district attorney D***
931. Original but related to comics based character; student, terrorist turned peace activist G***G* ***KW**D
932. Original; unrevealed ***** *******
933. Original; villager ****K* *********
934. Original; CFO/criminal **** *****
935. Original; mercenary arsonist *** ******
936. Original; barista/server ******
937. Original; vigilante/computer technician/custodian/car wash attendant ****** / ****** F**K
938. Original; waitress ******
939. Comics; senator; Suicide Squad *****P* ****
940. Original; drug lord ***** ******
941. Original; security guard W***'* *****P****
942. Original; agency director W***U* *******
943. Comics; agency director; Action Comics ******** # / QU*** D*X (*****-*UD1#)
944. Original; technology firm employee/crime syndicate member ******* ********D
945. Comics; mercenary; Savage Hawkman ***D** ****F / ***** ***U**
946. Original; student if any P**G*
947. Original; unrevealed **** K**X*********
948. Original; unrevealed **X**** *D***
949. Original; some sort of capturer (can't be more speific without revealing part of "name") *****X **U*** *U****
950. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; doctor; Adventures of Superman ****** ********
951. Demonology; unrevealed if applicable; possibly Ars Goetia **********
952. Comics but gender swapped (comics version real name unknown); thief; Hawkman *U** a.k.a. *U***** 11 / ***** P****
953. Original; temporal agent *****
954. Original; arms industry and defense contractor company employee D*** D*****UX
955. Original; unrevealed **** D****
956. Original; unrevealed ****** (one letter has accent)
957. Original; family restaurant co-owner *U***
958. Comics; scientist/physics professor plus vigilante in one future; Brave New World **** / **** ****
959. Original; reporter F***K***
960. Comics; reporter; Action Comics **** **** (*****-*UD22)
961. Comics; army intelligence officer/government commission member, interim police captain; The Flash Secret Files and Origins K****** K*****
962. Comics (code name and real name being separate characters in comics); industrial company foreman turned bank robber; Justice League of America for both code name and real name K*** / D***K ******
963. Folklore; arguably real person but heavily embellished if so; warrior turned queen; possibly Historia Regum Britanniae GU******
964. Mythology; prophet of sorts; Greek mythology ****P**
965. Shares surname (minus one letter) with comics character who fought the same hero but appearently actually named after two characters from non-DC show, making him essentially Original; crime leader ******* *********
966. Comics; security agent/criminal gang member; Batwing *U***** ********
967. Original; unrevealed ***K*
968. Comics; streamer/scientist/tech consultant; The Flash ****** P. *U*K
969. Comics (comics version's first name unknown); weapons dealer; Huntress ***** *******
970. Original; instituion worker (can't be more specific without revealing "name") **K*** ****U* *U***
971. Original; some sort of business head (can't be more specific without revealing "name") *** ** ********** ****** ***U*****
972. Comics (different relation in comics); military general/marine commandant/chairman; probably Green Lantern *** *******
973. Original; security agent ***K*
974. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed if any *** P****
975. Original; student ***G**
976. Comics; scientist/criminal; 52 ********** / ***** ******
977. Original; crime boss *U***** *****
978. Original; cult leader *** **
979. Possible amalgmation of two comics characters; unrevealed; if comics, both from the same issue of The Flash F******* W***
980. Original; police captain/police detective ******** ****
981. Original; crime captain **K***
982. Comics; blackjack dealer/bank robber; Infinity Inc. *****D / ***K* ****P*
983. Comics; criminal; The Flash *** P** / ****** **********
984. Original; government agent/terrorist ******
985. Original; football player tight end turned criminal ***** / *** *****W
986. Original; engineer ****
987. Original; unrevealed *D** *******
988. Real person (indirectly); possible inventor/businessman if applicable ****** *D**** (*****)
989. Original; cultist K******
990. Original; unrevealed **** D****P***
991. Original; unrevealed ******* F***W******
992. Original in terms of names but power set apparently close to a comics character with different name; gender swapped if counterpart; blogger/junior reporter *P***** **U*G
993. Comics; bartender; probably Hellblazer **** ****
994. Original; unrevealed **** *****
995. Comics; terrorist; JLA ****K
996. Original; weapons supplier K**U* ******
997. Original; unrevealed K******** G****
998. Original, though aludes to being part of a comics character's legacy; executive vice president/CEO ***QU** ***
999. Original; night club owner **** *******
1000. Original; military general **P***** ****
1001. Possible counterpart of comics character with different name; barkeep; possibly Constantine: The Hellblazer D******
1002. Original; crime boss/shipping port facility owner ***** **********
1003. Original; government divisiion director ***E ***P**
1004. Original; police lieutenant *** *******
1005. Original, though comics character posed as him previously; scientist/lab director ******** W**** (*****-1)
1006. Original; unrevealed ***** W*******
1007. Original; assistant district attorney **G** *******
1008. Original; unrevealed *** ****D***
1009. Original; COO **D F*****
1010. Race based on folklore; entertainer; race from Celtic folklore U*****D PÚ**
1011. Comics; unrevealed; New Teen Titans **G**** / F***K** K***
1012. Original; psychiatric doctor ******
1013. Original; high school student D***** *****
1014. Movie; priestess/judicator/council member; Supergirl ******
1015. Original; CEO/businessman ***** ******
1016. Movie apparently; unrevealed; Superman II *****-3# D****D** P********
1017. Race based on comics; would-be conquerer; Adventure Comics for race U*****D D******** (*****-1)
1018. Original; house staff *****
1019. Earlier character this continuity; temporal agent to the extent applicable **P****** **U* (*****)
1020. Original; unrevealed ****D*
1021. Original, though with similarities to comics character; possible criminal, terrorist under duress **P*
1022. Real person; novelist **** *U****
1023. Original; crime leader *******
1024. Real person; singer ***** P******
1025. Original but resembles other character this continuity; mobster D*G** F***
1026. Original; unrevealed G***** **U*
1027. Gender swapped version of comics character despite other versions of the character who aren't gender swapped also existing; gangster/black market arms dealer; Showcase **** *****G
1028. Movies; criminal/warlord/military general; Superman: The Movie ***
1029. Comics; crime boss; probably Huntress P*** **********
1030. Original; musician ***
1031. Original; used car salesman D*** *W***
1032. Original; nation ruler *** D*G****
1033. Original; crime boss *****G*** *******
1034. Comics; district attorney; Manhunter K*** *P*****
1035. Comics; editor-in-chief; The Brave and the Bold ******** ****
1036. Original; unrevealed D***K
1037. Original; student ***K
1038. Original; security agent ***QU** (*****-#)
1039. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed ***** W**** (*****-#4)
1040. Original; university professor **DU* ****D****
1041. Comics; scientist; Firestorm ***** *U***
1042. Comics; criminal; The Flash ***** ***K**
1043. Comics; game show host turned criminal; Detective Comics **U******* / ****** ***W*
1044. Original; apparent criminal *****
1045. Original; criminal *U**U*
1046. Original; unrevealed P******* D******
1047. Real person; pharaoh ******** **
1048. Original; unrevealed G**** G******' ******
1049. Original; unrevealed *****
1050. Original; undercover agent/freelance IT specialist ***** *******
1051. Real person; physicist ***** *U***
1052. Real person (with caveat); none (not even the real version) ***** P******
1053. Original; CEO ***** *******
1054. Original but name refers to two real people; criminal ******* ******
1055. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed ****'* *****-*UD1# D*PP**G**G** (one letter has accent)
1056. Original; art thief ******* ******
1057. Race from mythology; camp counselor; race from  Albanian mythology U*****D *****G* / "***D ***P****"
1058. Original; influencer ******** *** / ****** D**K**
1059. Original; government agent ***** ****D**
1060. Comics; criminal; Flash Comics *** ***** / *DW*** *******
1061. Original; time pirate D****
1062. Comics (different code name); lawyer/serial killer; Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters *******G ******* / ******D
1063. Comics; bar owner; Lobo ** (*****-*UD1#)
1064. Comics (indirectly); criminal to the extent applicable; Adventures of Superman ***K ******W (****D*** P*****U*)
1065. Original; actress P** ******
1066. Original; technology firm employee K**** G*****
1067. Original; technician D**** *U******G
1068. Earlier character this continuity; scientist/socialite *. ******** W**** (*****-4#)
1069. Original; terrorist/technology firm employee ***G** ********
1070. Earlier character this continuity; some sort of cook ***F ***
1071. Comics (comics version has different real first name); criminal turned bartender; The Flash P**K-*-*** / ***W** ****
1072. Comics; mortgage manager/cheerleading coach/mayor; Superboy **** ***G *U****G
1073. Comics; political decoy/bodyguard; Action Comics *********** ******
1074. Original but race from comics; none; race from Adventure Comics GU*****
1075. Comics (indirectly); criminal of sorts; Showcase **** W***-***** (***********)
1076. Original; nightclub employee ***K*
1077. Original; head of PR ******* ****K*
1078. Comics (different first name); unrevealed; The Flash **G *** / D***D *******
1079. Original; CTO/hacktivist/tech store employee K*** ****G******* / ***** W******K
1080. Original; police detective **K**** ****
1081. Comics; police sergeant/criminal; Flash Comics D**** D***K* (*****-2)
1082. Original; crime syndicate member/army special ops member *U****** / ****** **W****
1083. Comics; bank robber; The Flash ***** ***D**
1084. Original; unrevealed **GG** ******'* G***D******
1085. Comics (amalgmation of two characters); unrevealed; New Teen Titans and New Teen Titans Annual **** ****K
1086. Earlier character this continuity; criminal of sorts P******* D****** (***********)
1087. Original; can't state occupation without revealing the answer but worked in a prison in some capacity W****D ** ****K**'* *****D P***********
1088. Original; Chief of Staff ***** W**K**
1089. Origina; judge;   *UDG* *****K*
1090. Possibly comics but different though somewhat similar name if so; drug dealer/crime boss; possibly More Fun Comics D***K ***P***
1091. Comics; unrevealed; Action Comics ******** # (*****-*UD1#)
1092. Original; scientist ***D *'******
1093. Comics; princess; Captain Atom **** ********
1094. Real person; Prohibition agent ***** ****
1095. Original; some sort of bearer (being specific would reveal answer) F**** W**** ***** ******
1096. Comics; crime godfather; Outsiders ******* G**G**
1097. Comics (somewhat, with different name); village guardian; Justice League of America ***
1098. Comics; pet; Action Comics *****K*
1099. Original; student *UK*
1100. Original; scientist D*. D*****D ****
1101. Comics; welder; All-Star Squadron ** ********* (*****-1)


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5/24/2022 3:45 am  #38

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

Easy wins (especially if you know the comics version/real person):
797 (costume is comics accurate)

Easy wins if you follow the patterns from the first two collages in this series:

The following are main characters, which I define as having been played by a member of the cast for the bulk of at least one season, as opposed to imposters/counterparts played by the same cast member:

The following are non-main characters also played by main cast members, usually but not always on the parent series:
836 (two actresses, only one main cast)
1073 (only when in disguise)

Partial guesses okay.

As before, this link is a good location if you're stuck: https://arrow.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Characters

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     Thread Starter

5/24/2022 4:53 pm  #39

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

Adding letters/number to answers as chosen by Random Number Generator. Letter (*) and number (#) patterns below. If there is a forward slash, the first name is the code name and the second name is the real name (for such characters I'll accept either name).  Not every number appears in this collage but every letter does. Obviously if a letter is revealed but not shown for a particular character, they don't have that letter in their name.

Adding the letter V.

Letters/numbers found so far: DGKPQUVWX1234

731. Comics (indirectly); criminal if any; Daring New Adventures of Supergirl; P** (****D*** P*****U*)
732. Original; geology professor *. D****
733. Original; philosophy student **D**** D*******
734. Original; security agent ******
735. Real person; military officer ******* *****G* (one letter has accent)
736. Original; none G***** (**** **U**)
737. Original; businessman F***K ****
738. Original; musician D*****
739. Original; unrevealed ***. F***K**
740. Original; psychiatrist, crime boss D*. W***
741. Original;  bartender to the extent applicable *** (****D*** P*****U*)
742. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed to the extent applicable  V*** (****D*** P*****U*)
743. Original; serial killer **K* *** ***K*
744. Comics (at least code name); bank robber; Justice League of America *** (*****D ***** F*U** G**G)
745. Original; police detective D******V* K*V**
746. Comics; criminal; The Flash **** K*D**** (P*******)
747. Original; computer programmer *** KW**
748. Comics; soldIer and government agency director turned terrorist; Adventures of Superman *****G *UP***** / ***K ******W
749. Original; businessman **. G**D***
750. Original; bearer of some sort of item F**** *** ***** ******
751. Original, but likely named after crew member; scientist/cultist *. V***K
752. Comics; assassin; Titans, though at least one earlier character used the same code name *******K**
753. Original; student if any when last seen **
754. Original; unrevealed ***V** *****
755. Original; club owner/illegal technology dealer ********
756. Original (Arrowverse claims a comics connection but it's a reach) but related to comics based character; socialite; if going by Arrowverse claims, Huntress ****** **********
757. Original; professional bowler **K* *** ****K*
758. Comics; some sort of overseer; The Multiversity Guidebook **********D ***
759. Original; government agent **** ****G
760. Original; some sort of school worker (saying more would revealed too much of the answer) V*** P******** *F D*V** **DD** ******
761. Original; unrevealed ** G*****
762. Comics; police commissioner; Batman: The Dark Knight ************ F*****
763. Original; student/army agent **G ******
764. Race based on comics; slave trader or at least ally of one; race: Adventure Comics U*****D D******** (*****-3#)
765. Mythology; club employee; Greek mythology ********
766. Real person; army general turned national president G***G* W*****G***
767. Earlier character this continuity; wizard, hacker W**** *** G*** (*****-13)
769. Comics; bio-geneticist; Firestorm *U**P**X / D***** *****
770. Original; unrevealed *******
771. Original (Arrowverse claims a comics connection but it's a reach) but related to a character whose alias is based on comics; would-be conquerer; if you want to go with Arrowverse claims, then Superman ****-***
772. Comics; CEO/crime syndicate leader; The Flash ****** ******
773. Comics; government agency secretary/mlitary colonel; Wonder Woman ******* **U** *****
774. Original; editor-in-chief **** ***K**
775. Comics; government agent; Batman ******* *****
776. Original; councilman *****D G**V***
777. Comics; head of security; The Brave and the Bold **V*
778. Original; army officer **P**
779. Comics; unrevealed; Fury of Firestorm ******** *****
780. Original; police officer **** W*****G***
781. Original; student (graduated) ******* ***P**
782. Original; socialite ***** V**K***
783. Original; crime family member F***K *******
784. Possibly comics at least for code name; gender swapped if so; criminal turned security guard; Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. *** ******* / **** *****
785. Original; unrevealed ****
786. Comics; government agent; Green Lantern *****
787. Original; Director of Tutoring *****
788. Original; unrevealed ***-***
789. Original; unrevealed **** *****
790. Earlier character this continuity; author/scientist ******** W**FG**G W**** (*****-12)
791. Original; warrior PU***
792. Original; art smuggler ***D**X
793. Comics; stewardess turned crime boss; The Flash: Iron Heights **U** ***** / ****** *****
794. Earlier show; military lieutenant;  Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman ***** ****K
795. Original; attorney **** D*****
796. Comics; unrevealed; Hellblazer ***** ***********
797. Comics; circus strongman/enforcer and bodyguard; Showcase *'W*** *****
798. Original; criminal (posed as security agent) ***** K*****
799. Original; unrevealed K**** *****
800. Original; unrevealed ***D*
801. Comics, though almost for sure different surname; model; Batman ***** ******
802. Real person; mobster/club owner ******** "*UG**" ***G**
803. Original; vehicle company owner **K**
804. Original; biochemist ******* *****
805. Comics (indirectly); unrevealed to the extent applicable; Action Comics K*** D**V*** (****D*** P*****U*)
806. Original; terrorist ******* **WK**G*
807. Original; criminal GU*** / *** *UFF***
808. Original; bar owner *****
809. Original; student U*****D ***
810. Original; outlaw/gang leader *** *****W****
811. Comics; assassin; probably Batwoman *** **F**
812. Comics; business manager; Batman *U**U* F*X
813. Original; crime boss V****** *******
814. Comics; criminal; 52 *V****** / ******** *****
815. Original, but has since appeared in comics; code name from comics; vigilante/martial arts instructor/bar manager/acting CEO ***W**** / **** W**D**
816. Real person; pilot ****** *******
817. Original; lab technician *** W**K***
818. Comics (code name missing a word); drug dealer/crime boss; Green Arrow V****G* / W***** *****
819. Comics; government agent/mercenary/crime leader; Tales of the Teen Titans K*** W****** / *** W*****
820. Original; apparent criminal **** G**D
821. Original; lab employee K***
822. Comics (comics version's real name unreveale); criminal arms dealer; Green Lantern **V**** / ******* ***D
823. Original; social networking platform employee **** (UP***** ********)
824. Original; CEO's assistant **U****
825. Original; gang member under duress K*V** *******
826. Original; weapons manufacturing company employee *D**
827. Original, but race based on comics; some sort of monarch at least in name D******** QU***
828. Original; unrevealed **D* *****G***D
829. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed ******** ******QU* W****' *****D *X-W*F* (*****-*UD#)
830. Original; student *V*** P***
831. Comics (possibly); criminal; Tom Strong or The Silencer Annual if so (if the latter, code name has extra word in show) G*** ******
832. Original; unrevealed G****** ****
833. Original; priestess *****
834. Comics; thief; The Flash D*. **G** / ***D* P*** (*****-#)
835. Original; possible criminal G****** P*****P* a.k.a. P******* 2444
836. Comics; test subject; Supergirl for closest match ******* / **** D**
837. Comics; criminal; Firestorm ***D D**** / *DD** ****K / *****-2)
838. Comics (somewhat; different code name); assassin; Justice League of America *****-X / **U*** ***** (*****-X)
839. Comics but gender swapped so slightly different first name; prison maintenance worker/criminal; Action Comics ***QU***** *******
840. Original; district attorney ***V** ***
841. Real person; film director ****** ***D* (one letter has accent)
842. Original; unrevealed DU* P***
843. Original but inspired by real person; performer/circus attraction ****D*D **D* / ***D*
844. Original; student ***** ********
845. Comics (slightly different first name); crime boss/CEO; Huntress F***K **********
846. Original; student ******** **** U**V****** **UD***
847. Original; unrevealed K**** K**
849. Comics; police officer; More Fun Comics *** *****G**
850. Original; student D*****
851. Comics; toy shop owner/serial bomber; Doom Patrol ****P*** / ***K ****FF**
852. Original; firefighter ****** **V****
853. Real person (though this version's surname unconfirmed); robber ******
854. Original; unrevealed P**** D*****
855. Radio show; sales associate/arsonist; The Adventures of Superman ****-*** ***** ******
856. Original; revealed *****
857. Original; judge P******
858. Comics (different code name or different real name depending on how you look at it); criminal/hacker; Adventure Comics (closest match among those with same code names), Justice League of America (variation of real name) **** ***** ***** (*****-1#)
859. Original; missionary ****** F****
860. Real person; national president ******K *****
861. Original; alien trafficker F*G**** / *****
862. Original; housewife D**** *****
863. Original; businessman ****** **V***
864. Original; police detective *** P********
865. Original; apparent criminal P****** F*** **** ****P**
866. Original; attorney ****D *********
867. Original; businesswoman/co-CEO ****** ********
868. Original; bank employee ****
869. Movie (mentioned); housewife; Superman: The Movie *** ***********'* ******
870. Comics (indirectly); government agent to the extent applicable; Action Comics ****** / QU*** D*X (****D*** P*****U*)
871. Original; businessman ****** *****
872. Original but parody of real person; DJ *'**** *****
873. Religion (so depending on beliefs real person); comics as separate being from a better known name; some sort of ruler; under this name, possibly The Hebrew Bible, possibly specifically Deuteronomy or Book of Proverbs being first mention or maybe Apocrypha ******
874. Stage musical; newspaper employee; It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman **X ****K**
875. Original; unrevealed D***K
876. Original but named after two real people; photographer ***** K****
877. Comics; criminal; The Flash ****** ****** / *** **UDD**
878. Original but made to look like earlier character based on comics; unrevealed to the extent applicable ***** *****
879. Original; bowler ***** *** *P***
880. Comics (but missing suffix); henchman; Action Comics ***
881. Original; police officer/terrorist D*** P*********
882. Original; criminal **** *****
883. Original; housewife ****** ***********
884. Original; technology manufacturing company employee/terrorist ***** K**X
885. Original; councilwoman **** ***K**
886. Comics; unrevealed; The Flash F**D*D *** / **W** G*U**
887. Comics (mix of two characters, one by name, the other by role); housewife; The Flash going by name, possibly same for role ****** *******
888. Comics; some sort of group leader; JLA **** **U*****
889. Original; unrevealed **** **X
890. Comics; scientist; Action Comics ***-**
891. Original; unrevealed **** WU
892. Comics; student if any; Deadshot *** **W***
893. Real person; unrevealed (real version was domestic servant) ***** ****
894. Original; unrevealed **. ****
895. Original; drug supplier ******** K***
896. Comics; mobster; Green Arrow ****K / D**** ****KW***
897. Original; friend of cast character ***K*
898. Real person; mystic/monk **D ***K / G**G*** ***PU***
899. Original; advanced technology company employee **DD ********
900. Original but name probably inspired by two real people; national leader ***V** ****D**
901. Original; unrevealed ***-**
902. Real person; army commander *P*****U*
903. Earlier show; therapist/criminal; Batman: The Animated Series ****** QU*** (note: only appeared in deleted scene)
904. Comics; businesswoman/head of branch of advanced technology company/owner and  editor-in-chief/assassin; Superman Annual ****** / **D*** *****
905. Comics if just going by code name, but earlier show by code name and theme (different real name in both cases); prison worker (exact type is his code name)/vigilante; Detective Comics or Gotham *X**U******* / *******D **D**
906. Comics; mercenary; More Fun Comics W****** G******G**
907. Comics; criminal; Detective Comics ******** / ******* K**G**
908. Original; unrevealed P*UD**** **W******
909. Original; test subject *U***** #331 / *D**
910. Comics; unrevealed; Action Comics ******** # / "****** F*F*" (*****-*UD##)
911. Original; double agent *. **G***
912. Original; totem bearer ***** **W*'* ********
913. Original; attorney G**G *U*K
914. Original; some sort of employer to the extent applicable ****'* ****
915. Comics; bank robber; Justice League of America QU*** (****D ***** F*U** G**G)
916. Original; student if any *****
917. Comics (comics version's first name unknown); unrevealed; Green Arrow: Year One *** ***K***
918. Original; soldier *D** ****K*
919. Comics; assassin; possibly Titans U****V**** / **P******* G*****
920. Earlier show (photos only); doctor/plastic surgeon/philanthropist/university professor/criminal; Gotham *****P***** a.k.a. ***** ***P**** / *UGU** ****W**G**
921. Original; unrevealed D*** ***V***
922. Original; slave *******
923. Original; high school strudent/vigilante ***D** K***
924. Comics; mercenary; Green Lantern ***K******
925. Possibly comics but a bit of a reach; police detective; Detective Comics if comics, Batman using surname ***** ******
926. Original; attorney D***** F**K
927. Real person; soldier turned author *.*.*. ***K***
928. Earlier show; criminal; Batman: The Animated Series **** F****
929. Comics; criminal/CEO/real estate mogul; Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen ***G** **G* (*****-##)
930. Original; district attorney D***
931. Original but related to comics based character; student, terrorist turned peace activist G***G* ***KW**D
932. Original; unrevealed ***** *******
933. Original; villager ****K* *********
934. Original; CFO/criminal **** *****
935. Original; mercenary arsonist *** ******
936. Original; barista/server ******
937. Original; vigilante/computer technician/custodian/car wash attendant **V*** / ****** F**K
938. Original; waitress ******
939. Comics; senator; Suicide Squad *****P* ****
940. Original; drug lord ***** ******
941. Original; security guard W***'* *****P****
942. Original; agency director W***U* *******
943. Comics; agency director; Action Comics ******** # / QU*** D*X (*****-*UD1#)
944. Original; technology firm employee/crime syndicate member ******* ********D
945. Comics; mercenary; Savage Hawkman ***D** ****F / *V*V* ***U**
946. Original; student if any P**G*
947. Original; unrevealed **** K**X*********
948. Original; unrevealed **X**** *D***
949. Original; some sort of capturer (can't be more speific without revealing part of "name") *****X **U*** *U****
950. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; doctor; Adventures of Superman ****** ********
951. Demonology; unrevealed if applicable; possibly Ars Goetia **********
952. Comics but gender swapped (comics version real name unknown); thief; Hawkman *U** a.k.a. *U***** 11 / ***** P****
953. Original; temporal agent *****
954. Original; arms industry and defense contractor company employee D*** D*V***UX
955. Original; unrevealed **** D*V**
956. Original; unrevealed ****** (one letter has accent)
957. Original; family restaurant co-owner *U***
958. Comics; scientist/physics professor plus vigilante in one future; Brave New World **** / **** ****
959. Original; reporter F***K***
960. Comics; reporter; Action Comics **** **** (*****-*UD22)
961. Comics; army intelligence officer/government commission member, interim police captain; The Flash Secret Files and Origins K****** K*****
962. Comics (code name and real name being separate characters in comics); industrial company foreman turned bank robber; Justice League of America for both code name and real name K*** / D***K ******
963. Folklore; arguably real person but heavily embellished if so; warrior turned queen; possibly Historia Regum Britanniae GU***V***
964. Mythology; prophet of sorts; Greek mythology ****P**
965. Shares surname (minus one letter) with comics character who fought the same hero but appearently actually named after two characters from non-DC show, making him essentially Original; crime leader V****** *********
966. Comics; security agent/criminal gang member; Batwing *U***** **V*****
967. Original; unrevealed ***K*
968. Comics; streamer/scientist/tech consultant; The Flash ****** P. *U*K
969. Comics (comics version's first name unknown); weapons dealer; Huntress ***** *******
970. Original; instituion worker (can't be more specific without revealing "name") **K*** ****U* *U***
971. Original; some sort of business head (can't be more specific without revealing "name") *** ** ***V****** ****** ***U*****
972. Comics (different relation in comics); military general/marine commandant/chairman; probably Green Lantern *** *******
973. Original; security agent ***K*
974. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed if any *V* P****
975. Original; student ***G**
976. Comics; scientist/criminal; 52 ********** / ***** ******
977. Original; crime boss *U***** *****
978. Original; cult leader *** **
979. Possible amalgmation of two comics characters; unrevealed; if comics, both from the same issue of The Flash F******* W***
980. Original; police captain/police detective ******** ****
981. Original; crime captain V*K***
982. Comics; blackjack dealer/bank robber; Infinity Inc. *****D / ***K* ****P*
983. Comics; criminal; The Flash *** P** / ****** **********
984. Original; government agent/terrorist ******
985. Original; football player tight end turned criminal ***** / *** *****W
986. Original; engineer ****
987. Original; unrevealed *D** *******
988. Real person (indirectly); possible inventor/businessman if applicable ****** *D**** (*****)
989. Original; cultist K******
990. Original; unrevealed **** D*V**P***
991. Original; unrevealed ******* F***W******
992. Original in terms of names but power set apparently close to a comics character with different name; gender swapped if counterpart; blogger/junior reporter *P***** **U*G
993. Comics; bartender; probably Hellblazer **** ****
994. Original; unrevealed **** *****
995. Comics; terrorist; JLA ****K
996. Original; weapons supplier K**U* ******
997. Original; unrevealed K******** G****
998. Original, though aludes to being part of a comics character's legacy; executive vice president/CEO ***QU** ***
999. Original; night club owner **** *******
1000. Original; military general **P***** ****
1001. Possible counterpart of comics character with different name; barkeep; possibly Constantine: The Hellblazer D******
1002. Original; crime boss/shipping port facility owner ***** **********
1003. Original; government divisiion director ***E ***P**
1004. Original; police lieutenant *** *******
1005. Original, though comics character posed as him previously; scientist/lab director ******** W**** (*****-1)
1006. Original; unrevealed ***** W*******
1007. Original; assistant district attorney **G** *******
1008. Original; unrevealed *** ****D***
1009. Original; COO **D F*****
1010. Race based on folklore; entertainer; race from Celtic folklore U*****D PÚ**
1011. Comics; unrevealed; New Teen Titans **G**** / F***K** K***
1012. Original; psychiatric doctor ******
1013. Original; high school student D***** *****
1014. Movie; priestess/judicator/council member; Supergirl ******
1015. Original; CEO/businessman ***** ******
1016. Movie apparently; unrevealed; Superman II *****-3# D****D** P********
1017. Race based on comics; would-be conquerer; Adventure Comics for race U*****D D******** (*****-1)
1018. Original; house staff *****
1019. Earlier character this continuity; temporal agent to the extent applicable **P****** **U* (*****)
1020. Original; unrevealed ****D*
1021. Original, though with similarities to comics character; possible criminal, terrorist under duress **P*
1022. Real person; novelist **** *U****
1023. Original; crime leader *******
1024. Real person; singer ***** P******
1025. Original but resembles other character this continuity; mobster D*G** F***
1026. Original; unrevealed G***** **U*
1027. Gender swapped version of comics character despite other versions of the character who aren't gender swapped also existing; gangster/black market arms dealer; Showcase **** *****G
1028. Movies; criminal/warlord/military general; Superman: The Movie ***
1029. Comics; crime boss; probably Huntress P*** **********
1030. Original; musician ***
1031. Original; used car salesman D*** *W***
1032. Original; nation ruler *** D*G****
1033. Original; crime boss *****G*** *******
1034. Comics; district attorney; Manhunter K*** *P*****
1035. Comics; editor-in-chief; The Brave and the Bold ******** ****
1036. Original; unrevealed D***K
1037. Original; student ***K
1038. Original; security agent V**QU** (*****-#)
1039. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed ***** W**** (*****-#4)
1040. Original; university professor **DU* ****D****
1041. Comics; scientist; Firestorm ***** *U***
1042. Comics; criminal; The Flash ***** ***K**
1043. Comics; game show host turned criminal; Detective Comics **U******* / ****** ***W*
1044. Original; apparent criminal *****
1045. Original; criminal *U**U*
1046. Original; unrevealed P******* D******
1047. Real person; pharaoh ******** **
1048. Original; unrevealed G**** G******' ******
1049. Original; unrevealed *****
1050. Original; undercover agent/freelance IT specialist ***** *******
1051. Real person; physicist ***** *U***
1052. Real person (with caveat); none (not even the real version) ***** P******
1053. Original; CEO ***** *******
1054. Original but name refers to two real people; criminal ******* ******
1055. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed V***'* *****-*UD1# D*PP**G**G** (one letter has accent)
1056. Original; art thief ******* ******
1057. Race from mythology; camp counselor; race from  Albanian mythology U*****D *****G* / "***D ***P****"
1058. Original; influencer V******* *** / ****** D**K**
1059. Original; government agent V**** ****D**
1060. Comics; criminal; Flash Comics *** **V** / *DW*** *******
1061. Original; time pirate D****
1062. Comics (different code name); lawyer/serial killer; Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters *******G ******* / ******D
1063. Comics; bar owner; Lobo ** (*****-*UD1#)
1064. Comics (indirectly); criminal to the extent applicable; Adventures of Superman ***K ******W (****D*** P*****U*)
1065. Original; actress P** ******
1066. Original; technology firm employee K**** G**V**
1067. Original; technician D*V** *U******G
1068. Earlier character this continuity; scientist/socialite *. ******** W**** (*****-4#)
1069. Original; terrorist/technology firm employee ***G** ********
1070. Earlier character this continuity; some sort of cook ***F ***
1071. Comics (comics version has different real first name); criminal turned bartender; The Flash P**K-*-*** / ***W** ****
1072. Comics; mortgage manager/cheerleading coach/mayor; Superboy **** ***G *U****G
1073. Comics; political decoy/bodyguard; Action Comics *********** ******
1074. Original but race from comics; none; race from Adventure Comics GU*****
1075. Comics (indirectly); criminal of sorts; Showcase **** W***-***** (******V****)
1076. Original; nightclub employee ***K*
1077. Original; head of PR ******* ****K*
1078. Comics (different first name); unrevealed; The Flash **G *** / D***D *******
1079. Original; CTO/hacktivist/tech store employee K*** ****G******* / ***** W******K
1080. Original; police detective **K**** ****
1081. Comics; police sergeant/criminal; Flash Comics D**** D***K* (*****-2)
1082. Original; crime syndicate member/army special ops member *U****** / ****** **W****
1083. Comics; bank robber; The Flash ***** ***D**
1084. Original; unrevealed **GG** ******'* G***D******
1085. Comics (amalgmation of two characters); unrevealed; New Teen Titans and New Teen Titans Annual **** ****K
1086. Earlier character this continuity; criminal of sorts P******* D****** (******V****)
1087. Original; can't state occupation without revealing the answer but worked in a prison in some capacity W****D ** ****K**'* *****D P***********
1088. Original; Chief of Staff ***** W**K**
1089. Origina; judge;   *UDG* *****K*
1090. Possibly comics but different though somewhat similar name if so; drug dealer/crime boss; possibly More Fun Comics D***K ***P***
1091. Comics; unrevealed; Action Comics ******** # (*****-*UD1#)
1092. Original; scientist ***D *'******
1093. Comics; princess; Captain Atom **** ********
1094. Real person; Prohibition agent ***** ****
1095. Original; some sort of bearer (being specific would reveal answer) F**** W**** ***** ******
1096. Comics; crime godfather; Outsiders ******* G**G**
1097. Comics (somewhat, with different name); village guardian; Justice League of America ***
1098. Comics; pet; Action Comics *****K*
1099. Original; student *UK*
1100. Original; scientist D*. D*****D ****
1101. Comics; welder; All-Star Squadron ** ********* (*****-1

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5/25/2022 5:27 am  #40

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

Added character specific clues to a few, just the ones I felt like doing so with. Will add another Hangman letter this eve if no guesses by then.

731. Comics (indirectly); criminal if any; Daring New Adventures of Supergirl; P** (****D*** P*****U*)
732. Original; geology professor *. D****
733. Original; philosophy student **D**** D*******
734. Original; security agent ******
735. Real person; military officer ******* *****G* (one letter has accent)
736. Original; none; voiced by a Gotham cast member G***** (**** **U**)
737. Original; businessman F***K ****
738. Original; musician D*****
739. Original; unrevealed ***. F***K**
740. Original; psychiatrist, crime boss D*. W***
741. Original;  bartender to the extent applicable *** (****D*** P*****U*)
742. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed to the extent applicable  V*** (****D*** P*****U*)
743. Original; serial killer **K* *** ***K*
744. Comics (at least code name); bank robber; Justice League of America *** (*****D ***** F*U** G**G)
745. Original; police detective D******V* K*V**
746. Comics; criminal; The Flash **** K*D**** (P*******)
747. Original; computer programmer *** KW**
748. Comics; soldIer and government agency director turned terrorist; Adventures of Superman; identity usurped by another character *****G *UP***** / ***K ******W
749. Original; businessman **. G**D***
750. Original; bearer of some sort of item F**** *** ***** ******
751. Original, but likely named after crew member; scientist/cultist *. V***K
752. Comics; assassin; Titans, though at least one earlier character used the same code name *******K**
753. Original; student if any when last seen **
754. Original; unrevealed ***V** *****
755. Original; club owner/illegal technology dealer ********
756. Original (Arrowverse claims a comics connection but it's a reach) but related to comics based character; socialite; if going by Arrowverse claims, Huntress ****** **********
757. Original; professional bowler **K* *** ****K*
758. Comics; some sort of overseer; The Multiversity Guidebook; speedster **********D ***
759. Original; government agent **** ****G
760. Original; some sort of school worker (saying more would revealed too much of the answer) V*** P******** *F D*V** **DD** ******
761. Original; unrevealed ** G*****
762. Comics; police commissioner; Batman: The Dark Knight ************ F*****
763. Original; student/army agent **G ******
764. Race based on comics; slave trader or at least ally of one; race: Adventure Comics U*****D D******** (*****-3#)
765. Mythology; club employee; Greek mythology ********
766. Real person; army general turned national president; from very early on in that nation's history G***G* W*****G***
767. Earlier character this continuity; wizard, hacker W**** *** G*** (*****-13)
769. Comics; bio-geneticist; Firestorm; can dupplkicate himself *U**P**X / D***** *****
770. Original; unrevealed *******
771. Original (Arrowverse claims a comics connection but it's a reach) but related to a character whose alias is based on comics; would-be conquerer; if you want to go with Arrowverse claims, then Superman ****-***
772. Comics; CEO/crime syndicate leader; The Flash ****** ******
773. Comics; government agency secretary/mlitary colonel; Wonder Woman ******* **U** *****
774. Original; editor-in-chief **** ***K**
775. Comics; government agent; Batman; comics version had her own series ******* *****
776. Original; councilman *****D G**V***
777. Comics; head of security; The Brave and the Bold **V*
778. Original; army officer **P**
779. Comics; unrevealed; Fury of Firestorm; wife of a superhero ******** *****
780. Original; police officer **** W*****G***
781. Original; student (graduated) ******* ***P**
782. Original; socialite ***** V**K***
783. Original; crime family member F***K *******
784. Possibly comics at least for code name; gender swapped if so; criminal turned security guard; Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. *** ******* / **** *****
785. Original; unrevealed ****
786. Comics; government agent; Green Lantern *****
787. Original; Director of Tutoring *****
788. Original; unrevealed ***-***
789. Original; unrevealed **** *****
790. Earlier character this continuity; author/scientist ******** W**FG**G W**** (*****-12)
791. Original; warrior PU***
792. Original; art smuggler ***D**X
793. Comics; stewardess turned crime boss; The Flash: Iron Heights; usually a villain but has aided heroes at least once **U*** ***** / ****** *****
794. Earlier show; military lieutenant;  Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman ***** ****K
795. Original; attorney **** D*****
796. Comics; unrevealed; Hellblazer ***** ***********
797. Comics; circus strongman/enforcer and bodyguard; Showcase; comics version first appeared as lead character *'W*** *****
798. Original; criminal (posed as security agent) ***** K*****
799. Original; unrevealed K**** *****
800. Original; unrevealed ***D*
801. Comics, though almost for sure different surname; model; Batman; former cast character was brainwashed into believing she was her ***** ******
802. Real person; mobster/club owner ******** "*UG**" ***G**
803. Original; vehicle company owner **K**
804. Original; biochemist ******* *****
805. Comics (indirectly); unrevealed to the extent applicable; Action Comics K*** D**V*** (****D*** P*****U*)
806. Original; terrorist ******* **WK**G*
807. Original; criminal GU*** / *** *UFF***
808. Original; bar owner *****
809. Original; student U*****D ***
810. Original; outlaw/gang leader *** *****W****
811. Comics; assassin; probably Batwoman *** **F**
812. Comics; business manager; Batman; apparently seen in afterlife *U**U* F*X
813. Original; crime boss V****** *******
814. Comics; criminal; 52 *V****** / ******** *****
815. Original, but has since appeared in comics; code name from comics; vigilante/martial arts instructor/bar manager/acting; character's debut was highly publicized in comics related news sites CEO ***W**** / **** W**D**
816. Real person; pilot ****** *******
817. Original; lab technician *** W**K***
818. Comics (code name missing a word); drug dealer/crime boss; Green Arrow V****G* / W***** *****
819. Comics; government agent/mercenary/crime leader; Tales of the Teen Titans K*** W****** / *** W*****
820. Original; apparent criminal **** G**D
821. Original; lab employee K***
822. Comics (comics version's real name unreveale); criminal arms dealer; Green Lantern **V**** / ******* ***D
823. Original; social networking platform employee **** (UP***** ********)
824. Original; CEO's assistant **U****
825. Original; gang member under duress K*V** *******
826. Original; weapons manufacturing company employee *D**
827. Original, but race based on comics; some sort of monarch at least in name; mother of 1074 D******** QU***
828. Original; unrevealed **D* *****G***D
829. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed ******** ******QU* W****' *****D *X-W*F* (*****-*UD#)
830. Original; student *V*** P***
831. Comics (possibly); criminal; Tom Strong or The Silencer Annual if so (if the latter, code name has extra word in show) G*** ******
832. Original; unrevealed G****** ****
833. Original; priestess *****
834. Comics; thief; The Flash; apparently replaced with another character with same code name Post-Crisis D*. **G** / ***D* P*** (*****-#)
835. Original; possible criminal G****** P*****P* a.k.a. P******* 2444
836. Comics; test subject; Supergirl for closest match, though earlier characters of this type exist ******* / **** D**
837. Comics; criminal; Firestorm ***D D**** / *DD** ****K / *****-2)
838. Comics (somewhat; different code name); assassin; Justice League of America *****-X / **U*** ***** (*****-X)
839. Comics but gender swapped so slightly different first name; prison maintenance worker/criminal; Action Comics ***QU***** *******
840. Original; district attorney ***V** ***
841. Real person; film director; created a character who remains prominent to this day ****** ***D* (one letter has accent)
842. Original; unrevealed DU* P***
843. Original but inspired by real person; performer/circus attraction ****D*D **D* / ***D*
844. Original; student ***** ********
845. Comics (slightly different first name); crime boss/CEO; Huntress F***K **********
846. Original; student ******** **** U**V****** **UD***
847. Original; unrevealed K**** K**
849. Comics; police officer; More Fun Comics; comics version is a ghostly superhero *** *****G**
850. Original; student D*****
851. Comics; toy shop owner/serial bomber; Doom Patrol ****P*** / ***K ****FF**
852. Original; firefighter ****** **V****
853. Real person (though this version's surname unconfirmed); robber ******
854. Original; unrevealed P**** D*****
855. Radio show; sales associate/arsonist; The Adventures of Superman ****-*** ***** ******
856. Original; revealed *****
857. Original; judge P******
858. Comics (different code name or different real name depending on how you look at it); criminal/hacker; Adventure Comics (closest match among those with same code names), Justice League of America (variation of real name) **** ***** ***** (*****-1#)
859. Original; missionary ****** F****
860. Real person; national president; 21st century leader ******K *****
861. Original; alien trafficker F*G**** / *****
862. Original; housewife D**** *****
863. Original; businessman ****** **V***
864. Original; police detective *** P********
865. Original; apparent criminal P****** F*** **** ****P**
866. Original; attorney ****D *********
867. Original; businesswoman/co-CEO ****** ********
868. Original; bank employee ****
869. Movie (mentioned); housewife; Superman: The Movie *** ***********'* ******
870. Comics (indirectly); government agent to the extent applicable; Action Comics ****** / QU*** D*X (****D*** P*****U*)
871. Original; businessman ****** *****
872. Original but parody of real person; DJ *'**** *****
873. Religion (so depending on beliefs real person); comics as separate being from a better known name; some sort of ruler; under this name, possibly The Hebrew Bible, possibly specifically Deuteronomy or Book of Proverbs being first mention or maybe Apocrypha ******
874. Stage musical; newspaper employee; It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman **X ****K**
875. Original; unrevealed D***K
876. Original but named after two real people; photographer; named after a famous comics duo ***** K****
877. Comics; criminal; The Flash ****** ****** / *** **UDD**
878. Original but made to look like earlier character based on comics; unrevealed to the extent applicable ***** *****
879. Original; bowler ***** *** *P***
880. Comics (but missing suffix); henchman; Action Comics ***
881. Original; police officer/terrorist D*** P*********
882. Original; criminal **** *****
883. Original; housewife ****** ***********
884. Original; technology manufacturing company employee/terrorist ***** K**X
885. Original; councilwoman **** ***K**
886. Comics; unrevealed; The Flash F**D*D *** / **W** G*U**
887. Comics (mix of two characters, one by name, the other by role); housewife; The Flash going by name, possibly same for role ****** *******
888. Comics; some sort of group leader; JLA **** **U*****
889. Original; unrevealed **** **X
890. Comics; scientist; Action Comics; father of cast character ***-**
891. Original; unrevealed **** WU
892. Comics; student if any; Deadshot *** **W***
893. Real person; unrevealed (real version was domestic servant) ***** ****
894. Original; unrevealed **. ****
895. Original; drug supplier ******** K***
896. Comics; mobster; Green Arrow ****K / D**** ****KW***
897. Original; friend of cast character ***K*
898. Real person; mystic/monk **D ***K / G**G*** ***PU***
899. Original; advanced technology company employee **DD ********
900. Original but name probably inspired by two real people; national leader but not actually eligible to run for office ***V** ****D**
901. Original; unrevealed ***-**
902. Real person; army commander *P*****U*
903. Earlier show; therapist/criminal; Batman: The Animated Series ****** QU*** (note: only appeared in deleted scene)
904. Comics; businesswoman/head of branch of advanced technology company/owner and  editor-in-chief/assassin; Superman Annual; has been both ally and adversary to heroes ****** / **D*** *****
905. Comics if just going by code name, but earlier show by code name and theme (different real name in both cases); prison worker (exact type is his code name)/vigilante; Detective Comics or Gotham *X**U******* / *******D **D**
906. Comics; mercenary; More Fun Comics W****** G******G**
907. Comics; criminal; Detective Comics ******** / ******* K**G**
908. Original; unrevealed P*UD**** **W******
909. Original; test subject *U***** #331 / *D**
910. Comics; unrevealed; Action Comics ******** # / "****** F*F*" (*****-*UD##)
911. Original; double agent *. **G***
912. Original; totem bearer ***** **W*'* ********
913. Original; attorney G**G *U*K
914. Original; some sort of employer to the extent applicable ****'* ****
915. Comics; bank robber; Justice League of America QU*** (****D ***** F*U** G**G)
916. Original; student if any *****
917. Comics (comics version's first name unknown); unrevealed; Green Arrow: Year One *** ***K***
918. Original; soldier *D** ****K*
919. Comics; assassin; possibly Titans U****V**** / **P******* G*****
920. Earlier show (photos only); doctor/plastic surgeon/philanthropist/university professor/criminal; Gotham; pivotal figure in major villain's origin *****P***** a.k.a. ***** ***P**** / *UGU** ****W**G**
921. Original; unrevealed D*** ***V***
922. Original; slave *******
923. Original; high school strudent/vigilante; son of a major hero ***D** K***
924. Comics; mercenary; Green Lantern ***K******
925. Possibly comics but a bit of a reach; police detective; Detective Comics if comics, Batman using surname ***** ******
926. Original; attorney D***** F**K
927. Real person; soldier turned author; works have been turned intoi many movies *.*.*. ***K***
928. Earlier show; criminal; Batman: The Animated Series; wife of major comics villain **** F****
929. Comics; criminal/CEO/real estate mogul; Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen; first of two times this character was adapted into the Arrowverse ***G** **G* (*****-##)
930. Original; district attorney D***
931. Original but related to comics based character; student, terrorist turned peace activist G***G* ***KW**D
932. Original; unrevealed ***** *******
933. Original; villager ****K* *********
934. Original; CFO/criminal **** *****
935. Original; mercenary arsonist *** ******
936. Original; barista/server ******
937. Original; vigilante/computer technician/custodian/car wash attendant **V*** / ****** F**K
938. Original; waitress ******
939. Comics; senator; Suicide Squad *****P* ****
940. Original; drug lord ***** ******
941. Original; security guard W***'* *****P****
942. Original; agency director W***U* *******
943. Comics; agency director; Action Comics; counterpart of cast character but gender swapped thus not the same actor ******** # / QU*** D*X (*****-*UD1#)
944. Original; technology firm employee/crime syndicate member ******* ********D
945. Comics; mercenary; Savage Hawkman; comics version is a legacy villain ***D** ****F / *V*V* ***U**
946. Original; student if any P**G*
947. Original; unrevealed **** K**X*********
948. Original; unrevealed **X**** *D***
949. Original; some sort of capturer (can't be more speific without revealing part of "name") *****X **U*** *U****
950. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; doctor; Adventures of Superman ****** ********
951. Demonology; unrevealed if applicable; possibly Ars Goetia **********
952. Comics but gender swapped (comics version real name unknown); thief; Hawkman *U** a.k.a. *U***** 11 / ***** P****
953. Original; temporal agent *****
954. Original; arms industry and defense contractor company employee D*** D*V***UX
955. Original; unrevealed **** D*V**
956. Original; unrevealed ****** (one letter has accent)
957. Original; family restaurant co-owner *U***
958. Comics; scientist/physics professor plus vigilante in one future; Brave New World; comics version is a legacy hero **** / **** ****
959. Original; reporter F***K***
960. Comics; reporter; Action Comics; married to a different person than her Earth-Prime counterpart **** **** (*****-*UD22)
961. Comics; army intelligence officer/government commission member, interim police captain; The Flash Secret Files and Origins K****** K*****
962. Comics (code name and real name being separate characters in comics); industrial company foreman turned bank robber; Justice League of America for both code name and real name K*** / D***K ******
963. Folklore; arguably real person but heavily embellished if so; warrior turned queen; possibly Historia Regum Britanniae; known for having an affair GU***V***
964. Mythology; prophet of sorts; Greek mythology ****P**
965. Shares surname (minus one letter) with comics character who fought the same hero but appearently actually named after two characters from non-DC show, making him essentially Original; crime leader V****** *********
966. Comics; security agent/criminal gang member; Batwing *U***** **V*****
967. Original; unrevealed ***K*
968. Comics; streamer/scientist/tech consultant; The Flash; comics version has a code name that is probably now non-PC ****** P. *U*K
969. Comics (comics version's first name unknown); weapons dealer; Huntress ***** *******
970. Original; instituion worker (can't be more specific without revealing "name") **K*** ****U* *U***
971. Original; some sort of business head (can't be more specific without revealing "name") *** ** ***V****** ****** ***U*****
972. Comics (different relation in comics); military general/marine commandant/chairman; probably Green Lantern *** *******
973. Original; security agent ***K*
974. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed if any *V* P****
975. Original; student ***G**
976. Comics; scientist/criminal; 52 ********** / ***** ******
977. Original; crime boss *U***** *****
978. Original; cult leader *** **
979. Possible amalgmation of two comics characters; unrevealed; if comics, both from the same issue of The Flash F******* W***
980. Original; police captain/police detective ******** ****
981. Original; crime captain V*K***
982. Comics; blackjack dealer/bank robber; Infinity Inc. *****D / ***K* ****P*
983. Comics; criminal; The Flash *** P** / ****** **********
984. Original; government agent/terrorist ******
985. Original; football player tight end turned criminal ***** / *** *****W
986. Original; engineer ****
987. Original; unrevealed *D** *******
988. Real person (indirectly); possible inventor/businessman if applicable ****** *D**** (*****)
989. Original; cultist K******
990. Original; unrevealed **** D*V**P***
991. Original; unrevealed ******* F***W******
992. Original in terms of names but power set apparently close to a comics character with different name; gender swapped if counterpart; blogger/junior reporter *P***** **U*G
993. Comics; bartender; probably Hellblazer **** ****
994. Original; unrevealed **** *****
995. Comics; terrorist; JLA ****K
996. Original; weapons supplier K**U* ******
997. Original; unrevealed; mother of cast character K******** G****
998. Original, though aludes to being part of a comics character's legacy; executive vice president/CEO ***QU** ***
999. Original; night club owner **** *******
1000. Original; military general **P***** ****
1001. Possible counterpart of comics character with different name; barkeep; possibly Constantine: The Hellblazer D******
1002. Original; crime boss/shipping port facility owner ***** **********
1003. Original; government divisiion director ***E ***P**
1004. Original; police lieutenant *** *******
1005. Original, though comics character posed as him previously; scientist/lab director ******** W**** (*****-1)
1006. Original; unrevealed ***** W*******
1007. Original; assistant district attorney **G** *******
1008. Original; unrevealed *** ****D***
1009. Original; COO **D F*****
1010. Race based on folklore; entertainer; race from Celtic folklore U*****D PÚ**
1011. Comics; unrevealed; New Teen Titans **G**** / F***K** K***
1012. Original; psychiatric doctor ******
1013. Original; high school student D***** *****
1014. Movie; priestess/judicator/council member; Supergirl ******
1015. Original; CEO/businessman ***** ******
1016. Movie apparently; unrevealed; Superman II; played by an actor from a Star Trek series *****-3# D****D** P********
1017. Race based on comics; would-be conquerer; Adventure Comics for race U*****D D******** (*****-1)
1018. Original; house staff *****
1019. Earlier character this continuity; temporal agent to the extent applicable **P****** **U* (*****)
1020. Original; unrevealed ****D*
1021. Original, though with similarities to comics character; possible criminal, terrorist under duress **P*
1022. Real person; novelist **** *U****
1023. Original; crime leader *******
1024. Real person; singer; one of the most famous musicians of all time ***** P******
1025. Original but resembles other character this continuity; mobster D*G** F***
1026. Original; unrevealed G***** **U*
1027. Gender swapped version of comics character despite other versions of the character who aren't gender swapped also existing; gangster/black market arms dealer; Showcase **** *****G
1028. Movies; criminal/warlord/military general; Superman: The Movie ***
1029. Comics; crime boss; probably Huntress P*** **********
1030. Original; musician ***
1031. Original; used car salesman D*** *W***
1032. Original; nation ruler *** D*G****
1033. Original; crime boss *****G*** *******
1034. Comics; district attorney; Manhunter K*** *P*****
1035. Comics; editor-in-chief; The Brave and the Bold; in name only version of comics character, who was a teenage mascot ******** ****
1036. Original; unrevealed D***K
1037. Original; student ***K
1038. Original; security agent V**QU** (*****-#)
1039. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed ***** W**** (*****-#4)
1040. Original; university professor **DU* ****D****
1041. Comics; scientist; Firestorm ***** *U***
1042. Comics; criminal; The Flash ***** ***K**
1043. Comics; game show host turned criminal; Detective Comics; one of the few Arrowverse villains to be actually shown putting characters into a traditional comics style deathtrap (maybe even the only such character) **U******* / ****** ***W*
1044. Original; apparent criminal *****
1045. Original; criminal *U**U*
1046. Original; unrevealed; mother of recurring character P******* D******
1047. Real person; pharaoh ******** **
1048. Original; unrevealed G**** G******' ******
1049. Original; unrevealed *****
1050. Original; undercover agent/freelance IT specialist ***** *******
1051. Real person; physicist ***** *U***
1052. Real person (with caveat); none (not even the real version); real version was stillborn ***** P******
1053. Original; CEO ***** *******
1054. Original but name refers to two real people; criminal ******* ******
1055. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed V***'* *****-*UD1# D*PP**G**G** (one letter has accent)
1056. Original; art thief ******* ******
1057. Race from mythology; camp counselor; race from  Albanian mythology U*****D *****G* / "***D ***P****"
1058. Original; influencer V******* *** / ****** D**K**
1059. Original; government agent V**** ****D**
1060. Comics; criminal; Flash Comics *** **V** / *DW*** *******
1061. Original; time pirate D****
1062. Comics (different code name); lawyer/serial killer; Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters; comics version operated out of Seattle *******G ******* / ******D
1063. Comics; bar owner; Lobo ** (*****-*UD1#)
1064. Comics (indirectly); criminal to the extent applicable; Adventures of Superman ***K ******W (****D*** P*****U*)
1065. Original; actress P** ******
1066. Original; technology firm employee K**** G**V**
1067. Original; technician D*V** *U******G
1068. Earlier character this continuity; scientist/socialite *. ******** W**** (*****-4#)
1069. Original; terrorist/technology firm employee ***G** ********
1070. Earlier character this continuity; some sort of cook ***F ***
1071. Comics (comics version has different real first name); criminal turned bartender; The Flash P**K-*-*** / ***W** ****
1072. Comics; mortgage manager/cheerleading coach/mayor; Superboy; childhood sweetheart of major character **** ***G *U****G
1073. Comics; political decoy/bodyguard; Action Comics; two other versions of this character have been prominently seen in non-Arrowverse live action series *********** ******
1074. Original but race from comics; none; race from Adventure Comics; offspring of 827 GU*****
1075. Comics (indirectly); criminal of sorts; Showcase; replaced another character for an extended period of time **** W***-***** (******V****)
1076. Original; nightclub employee ***K*
1077. Original; head of PR ******* ****K*
1078. Comics (different first name); unrevealed; The Flash **G *** / D***D *******
1079. Original; CTO/hacktivist/tech store employee; has strong ties to cast character K*** ****G******* / ***** W******K
1080. Original; police detective **K**** ****
1081. Comics; police sergeant/criminal; Flash Comics; killed by antimatter D**** D***K* (*****-2)
1082. Original; crime syndicate member/army special ops member *U****** / ****** **W****
1083. Comics; bank robber; The Flash ***** ***D**
1084. Original; unrevealed **GG** ******'* G***D******
1085. Comics (amalgmation of two characters); unrevealed; New Teen Titans and New Teen Titans Annual **** ****K
1086. Earlier character this continuity; criminal of sorts P******* D****** (******V****)
1087. Original; can't state occupation without revealing the answer but worked in a prison in some capacity W****D ** ****K**'* *****D P***********
1088. Original; Chief of Staff ***** W**K**
1089. Origina; judge;   *UDG* *****K*
1090. Possibly comics but different though somewhat similar name if so; drug dealer/crime boss; possibly More Fun Comics D***K ***P***
1091. Comics; unrevealed; Action Comics ******** # (*****-*UD1#)
1092. Original; scientist ***D *'******
1093. Comics; princess; Captain Atom **** ********
1094. Real person; Prohibition agent; took on a famous gangster ***** ****
1095. Original; some sort of bearer (being specific would reveal answer) F**** W**** ***** ******
1096. Comics; crime godfather; Outsiders ******* G**G**
1097. Comics (somewhat, with different name); village guardian; Justice League of America ***
1098. Comics; pet; Action Comics; no actual appearance, seen only in room constructed by main character's memories *****K*
1099. Original; student *UK*
1100. Original; scientist D*. D*****D ****
1101. Comics; welder; All-Star Squadron; comics version is a superhero ** ********* (*****-1)


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5/25/2022 5:54 pm  #41

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

Adding letters/number to answers as chosen by Random Number Generator. Letter (*) and number (#) patterns below. If there is a forward slash, the first name is the code name and the second name is the real name (for such characters I'll accept either name).  Not every number appears in this collage but every letter does. Obviously if a letter is revealed but not shown for a particular character, they don't have that letter in their name.

Adding the letter H.

Letters/numbers found so far: DGHKPQUVWX1234

731. Comics (indirectly); criminal if any; Daring New Adventures of Supergirl; P** (****D*** P*****U*)
732. Original; geology professor *. D****
733. Original; philosophy student **D**** D******H
734. Original; security agent ******
735. Real person; military officer ******* *****G* (one letter has accent)
736. Original; none; voiced by a Gotham cast member G***** (**** **U**)
737. Original; businessman F***K *H**
738. Original; musician D*****
739. Original; unrevealed ***. F***K**
740. Original; psychiatrist, crime boss D*. W***
741. Original;  bartender to the extent applicable *** (****D*** P*****U*)
742. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed to the extent applicable  V*** (****D*** P*****U*)
743. Original; serial killer **K* *** ***K*
744. Comics (at least code name); bank robber; Justice League of America *** (*****D ***** F*U*H G**G)
745. Original; police detective D******V* K*V**
746. Comics; criminal; The Flash **** K*D**** (PH******)
747. Original; computer programmer *** KW**
748. Comics; soldIer and government agency director turned terrorist; Adventures of Superman; identity usurped by another character *****G *UP***** / H**K H*****W
749. Original; businessman **. G**D***
750. Original; bearer of some sort of item F**** *** ***** ******
751. Original, but likely named after crew member; scientist/cultist *. V***K
752. Comics; assassin; Titans, though at least one earlier character used the same code name *****H**K**
753. Original; student if any when last seen **
754. Original; unrevealed ***V** *****
755. Original; club owner/illegal technology dealer ********
756. Original (Arrowverse claims a comics connection but it's a reach) but related to comics based character; socialite; if going by Arrowverse claims, Huntress ****** **********
757. Original; professional bowler **K* *** ****K*
758. Comics; some sort of overseer; The Multiversity Guidebook; speedster **********D ***
759. Original; government agent **** *H**G
760. Original; some sort of school worker (saying more would revealed too much of the answer) V*** P******** *F D*V** **DD** ******
761. Original; unrevealed ** G*****
762. Comics; police commissioner; Batman: The Dark Knight ************ F*****
763. Original; student/army agent **G H*****
764. Race based on comics; slave trader or at least ally of one; race: Adventure Comics U*****D D******** (****H-3#)
765. Mythology; club employee; Greek mythology ***H****
766. Real person; army general turned national president; from very early on in that nation's history G***G* W**H**G***
767. Earlier character this continuity; wizard, hacker W**** *** G*** (****H-13)
769. Comics; bio-geneticist; Firestorm; can dupplkicate himself *U**P**X / D***** *****
770. Original; unrevealed **H****
771. Original (Arrowverse claims a comics connection but it's a reach) but related to a character whose alias is based on comics; would-be conquerer; if you want to go with Arrowverse claims, then Superman ****-*H*
772. Comics; CEO/crime syndicate leader; The Flash *****H ******
773. Comics; government agency secretary/mlitary colonel; Wonder Woman ******* **U** H****
774. Original; editor-in-chief **** ***K**
775. Comics; government agent; Batman; comics version had her own series ******* *****
776. Original; councilman H****D G**V***
777. Comics; head of security; The Brave and the Bold **V*
778. Original; army officer **P**
779. Comics; unrevealed; Fury of Firestorm; wife of a superhero ******** *****
780. Original; police officer **** W**H**G***
781. Original; student (graduated) ******* H**P**
782. Original; socialite ***** V**K***
783. Original; crime family member F***K *******
784. Possibly comics at least for code name; gender swapped if so; criminal turned security guard; Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. *H* H****** / **** *****
785. Original; unrevealed ****
786. Comics; government agent; Green Lantern ****H
787. Original; Director of Tutoring *****
788. Original; unrevealed ***-***
789. Original; unrevealed **** *****
790. Earlier character this continuity; author/scientist H******* W**FG**G W**** (****H-12)
791. Original; warrior PU***
792. Original; art smuggler ***D**X
793. Comics; stewardess turned crime boss; The Flash: Iron Heights; usually a villain but has aided heroes at least once **U*** ***** / ****** *****
794. Earlier show; military lieutenant;  Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman ***** ****K
795. Original; attorney **** D*****
796. Comics; unrevealed; Hellblazer ***** ***********
797. Comics; circus strongman/enforcer and bodyguard; Showcase; comics version first appeared as lead character *'W*** *****
798. Original; criminal (posed as security agent) ***** K*****
799. Original; unrevealed K**** *****
800. Original; unrevealed ***D*
801. Comics, though almost for sure different surname; model; Batman; former cast character was brainwashed into believing she was her ***** ******
802. Real person; mobster/club owner ******** "*UG**" ***G**
803. Original; vehicle company owner **K**
804. Original; biochemist **FF*** *H***
805. Comics (indirectly); unrevealed to the extent applicable; Action Comics K*** D**V*** (****D*** P*****U*)
806. Original; terrorist ******* H*WK**G*
807. Original; criminal GU*** / *** HUFF***
808. Original; bar owner *****
809. Original; student U*****D ***
810. Original; outlaw/gang leader *** *****W****
811. Comics; assassin; probably Batwoman *H* **F**
812. Comics; business manager; Batman; apparently seen in afterlife *U**U* F*X
813. Original; crime boss V****** *******
814. Comics; criminal; 52 *V****** / H******* *****
815. Original, but has since appeared in comics; code name from comics; vigilante/martial arts instructor/bar manager/acting; character's debut was highly publicized in comics related news sites CEO ***W**** / **** W**D**
816. Real person; pilot ****** ***H***
817. Original; lab technician *** W**K***
818. Comics (code name missing a word); drug dealer/crime boss; Green Arrow V****G* / W***** *****
819. Comics; government agent/mercenary/crime leader; Tales of the Teen Titans K*** W****** / *** W*****
820. Original; apparent criminal **** G**D
821. Original; lab employee K***
822. Comics (comics version's real name unreveale); criminal arms dealer; Green Lantern **V**** / ******* ***D
823. Original; social networking platform employee **** (UP***** ********)
824. Original; CEO's assistant **U****
825. Original; gang member under duress K*V** **H****
826. Original; weapons manufacturing company employee *D**
827. Original, but race based on comics; some sort of monarch at least in name; mother of 1074 D******** QU***
828. Original; unrevealed **D* *****G***D
829. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed H******* ******QU* W****' *****D *X-W*F* (****H-*UD#)
830. Original; student *V*** P***
831. Comics (possibly); criminal; Tom Strong or The Silencer Annual if so (if the latter, code name has extra word in show) G*** ******
832. Original; unrevealed G****** H***
833. Original; priestess *****
834. Comics; thief; The Flash; apparently replaced with another character with same code name Post-Crisis D*. **GH* / ***D* P*** (****H-2)
835. Original; possible criminal G****** PH****P* a.k.a. P******* 2444
836. Comics; test subject; Supergirl for closest match, though earlier characters of this type exist ******* / **** D**
837. Comics; criminal; Firestorm ***D D**** / *DD** ****K / ****H-2)
838. Comics (somewhat; different code name); assassin; Justice League of America *****-X / **U*** ***** (****H-X)
839. Comics but gender swapped so slightly different first name; prison maintenance worker/criminal; Action Comics ***QU***** *******
840. Original; district attorney ***V** ***
841. Real person; film director; real version created a character who remains prominent to this day **H*** H***D* (one letter has accent)
842. Original; unrevealed DU* PH**
843. Original but inspired by real person; performer/circus attraction ****D*D **D* / H**D*
844. Original; student ***** ********
845. Comics (slightly different first name); crime boss/CEO; Huntress F***K **********
846. Original; student ******** **** U**V****** **UD***
847. Original; unrevealed K**** K**
849. Comics; police officer; More Fun Comics; comics version is a ghostly superhero *** *****G**
850. Original; student D*****
851. Comics; toy shop owner/serial bomber; Doom Patrol *H**P*** / ***K **H*FF**
852. Original; firefighter ****** **V****
853. Real person (though this version's surname unconfirmed); robber ******
854. Original; unrevealed P**** D*****
855. Radio show; sales associate/arsonist; The Adventures of Superman ****-*** ***** ******
856. Original; revealed *****
857. Original; judge P******
858. Comics (different code name or different real name depending on how you look at it); criminal/hacker; Adventure Comics (closest match among those with same code names), Justice League of America (variation of real name) **H* / ***** ***** (*****-1#)
859. Original; missionary *H**** F****
860. Real person; national president; 21st century leader ******K *****
861. Original; alien trafficker F*G**** / ****H
862. Original; housewife D**** *****
863. Original; businessman ****** **V**H
864. Original; police detective *** P********
865. Original; apparent criminal P***H** F*** **** ****P**
866. Original; attorney ****D *********
867. Original; businesswoman/co-CEO ***H** ***H****
868. Original; bank employee ****
869. Movie (mentioned); housewife; Superman: The Movie *** ****H***H**'* ***H**
870. Comics (indirectly); government agent to the extent applicable; Action Comics ****** / QU*** D*X (****D*** P*****U*)
871. Original; businessman *****H *****
872. Original but parody of real person; DJ *'**** *****
873. Religion (so depending on beliefs real person); comics as separate being from a better known name; some sort of ruler; under this name, possibly The Hebrew Bible, possibly specifically Deuteronomy or Book of Proverbs being first mention or maybe Apocrypha ******
874. Stage musical; newspaper employee; It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman **X ****K**
875. Original; unrevealed D***K
876. Original but named after two real people; photographer; named after a famous comics duo ***** K****
877. Comics; criminal; The Flash ****** ****** / *** **UDD**
878. Original but made to look like earlier character based on comics; unrevealed to the extent applicable ***** *****
879. Original; bowler ***** *** *P***
880. Comics (but missing suffix); henchman; Action Comics ***
881. Original; police officer/terrorist D*** P*********
882. Original; criminal **** *****
883. Original; housewife ****** ****H***H**
884. Original; technology manufacturing company employee/terrorist **H** K**X
885. Original; councilwoman **** ***K**
886. Comics; unrevealed; The Flash F**D*D *** / **W** G*U**
887. Comics (mix of two characters, one by name, the other by role); housewife; The Flash going by name, possibly same for role ****** *******
888. Comics; some sort of group leader; JLA **** **U*****
889. Original; unrevealed **** **X
890. Comics; scientist; Action Comics; father of cast character ***-**
891. Original; unrevealed **** WU
892. Comics; student if any; Deadshot *** **W***
893. Real person; unrevealed (real version was domestic servant) ***** ****
894. Original; unrevealed **. ****
895. Original; drug supplier ****H*** K***
896. Comics; mobster; Green Arrow ****K / D**** ****KW***
897. Original; friend of cast character ***K*
898. Real person; mystic/monk **D ***K / G**G*** ***PU***
899. Original; advanced technology company employee **DD ****H***
900. Original but name probably inspired by two real people; national leader but not actually eligible to run for office ***V** ****D**
901. Original; unrevealed ***-**
902. Real person; army commander *P*****U*
903. Earlier show; therapist/criminal; Batman: The Animated Series H***** QU*** (note: only appeared in deleted scene)
904. Comics; businesswoman/head of branch of advanced technology company/owner and  editor-in-chief/assassin; Superman Annual; has been both ally and adversary to heroes ****** / **D*** *****
905. Comics if just going by code name, but earlier show by code name and theme (different real name in both cases); prison worker (exact type is his code name)/vigilante; Detective Comics or Gotham *X**U******* / *******D **D**
906. Comics; mercenary; More Fun Comics W****** G******G**
907. Comics; criminal; Detective Comics ******** / ******* K**G**
908. Original; unrevealed P*UD**** **W*H****
909. Original; test subject *U***** #331 / *D**
910. Comics; unrevealed; Action Comics ******** # / "****** F*F*" (****H-*UD##)
911. Original; double agent *. **G***
912. Original; totem bearer ***** **W*'* ********
913. Original; attorney G**G *U*K
914. Original; some sort of employer to the extent applicable ****'* ****
915. Comics; bank robber; Justice League of America QU*** (****D ***** F*U** G**G)
916. Original; student if any *****
917. Comics (comics version's first name unknown); unrevealed; Green Arrow: Year One *** H**K***
918. Original; soldier *D** ****K*
919. Comics; assassin; possibly Titans U****V**** / **P******* G*****
920. Earlier show (photos only); doctor/plastic surgeon/philanthropist/university professor/criminal; Gotham; pivotal figure in major villain's origin *****P***** a.k.a. **H** ***P**** / *UGU** ****W**GH*
921. Original; unrevealed D*** ***V***
922. Original; slave *******
923. Original; high school strudent/vigilante; son of a major hero ***D** K***
924. Comics; mercenary; Green Lantern ***K******
925. Possibly comics but a bit of a reach; police detective; Detective Comics if comics, Batman using surname ***** ******
926. Original; attorney D***** F**K
927. Real person; soldier turned author; works have been turned intoi many movies *.*.*. ***K***
928. Earlier show; criminal; Batman: The Animated Series; wife of major comics villain **** F****
929. Comics; criminal/CEO/real estate mogul; Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen; first of two times this character was adapted into the Arrowverse ***G** **G* (****H-3#)
930. Original; district attorney D***
931. Original but related to comics based character; student, terrorist turned peace activist G***G* ***KW**D
932. Original; unrevealed ***** *******
933. Original; villager ****K* *****H***
934. Original; CFO/criminal ***H *****
935. Original; mercenary arsonist *** ******
936. Original; barista/server ******
937. Original; vigilante/computer technician/custodian/car wash attendant **V*** / *****H F**K
938. Original; waitress ******
939. Comics; senator; Suicide Squad *****P* ****
940. Original; drug lord H**** ******
941. Original; security guard W***'* *****P****
942. Original; agency director W***U* *******
943. Comics; agency director; Action Comics; counterpart of cast character but gender swapped thus not the same actor ******** # / QU*** D*X (****H-*UD1#)
944. Original; technology firm employee/crime syndicate member ******* ********D
945. Comics; mercenary; Savage Hawkman; comics version is a legacy villain *H*D** *H**F / *V*V* ***U**
946. Original; student if any P**G*
947. Original; unrevealed **** K**X*********
948. Original; unrevealed **X**** *D***
949. Original; some sort of capturer (can't be more speific without revealing part of "name") *****X **U*** HU****
950. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; doctor; Adventures of Superman ****** H*******
951. Demonology; unrevealed if applicable; possibly Ars Goetia ****H*****
952. Comics but gender swapped (comics version real name unknown); thief; Hawkman *U** a.k.a. *U***** 11 / ***** P****
953. Original; temporal agent *****
954. Original; arms industry and defense contractor company employee D*** D*V***UX
955. Original; unrevealed **** D*V**
956. Original; unrevealed ****** (one letter has accent)
957. Original; family restaurant co-owner *U***
958. Comics; scientist/physics professor plus vigilante in one future; Brave New World; comics version is a legacy hero **** / **** *H**
959. Original; reporter F***K***
960. Comics; reporter; Action Comics; married to a different person than her Earth-Prime counterpart **** **** (****H-*UD22)
961. Comics; army intelligence officer/government commission member, interim police captain; The Flash Secret Files and Origins K****** K*****
962. Comics (code name and real name being separate characters in comics); industrial company foreman turned bank robber; Justice League of America for both code name and real name K*** / D***K ******
963. Folklore; arguably real person but heavily embellished if so; warrior turned queen; possibly Historia Regum Britanniae; known for having an affair GU***V***
964. Mythology; prophet of sorts; Greek mythology ****P**
965. Shares surname (minus one letter) with comics character who fought the same hero but appearently actually named after two characters from non-DC show, making him essentially Original; crime leader V****** *********
966. Comics; security agent/criminal gang member; Batwing *U***** **V*****
967. Original; unrevealed ***K*
968. Comics; streamer/scientist/tech consultant; The Flash; comics version has a code name that is probably now non-PC *H**** P. *U*K
969. Comics (comics version's first name unknown); weapons dealer; Huntress ***** *******
970. Original; instituion worker (can't be more specific without revealing "name") **K*** ****U* *U***
971. Original; some sort of business head (can't be more specific without revealing "name") *** ** ***V****** H****H ***U*****
972. Comics (different relation in comics); military general/marine commandant/chairman; probably Green Lantern *** *******
973. Original; security agent ***K*
974. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed if any *V* P****
975. Original; student ***G**
976. Comics; scientist/criminal; 52 ********** / ***** H*****
977. Original; crime boss *U***** *****
978. Original; cult leader **H **
979. Possible amalgmation of two comics characters; unrevealed; if comics, both from the same issue of The Flash F******* W***
980. Original; police captain/police detective ******** H***
981. Original; crime captain V*K***
982. Comics; blackjack dealer/bank robber; Infinity Inc. H****D / ***K* *H**P*
983. Comics; criminal; The Flash *** P** / *****H **********
984. Original; government agent/terrorist ******
985. Original; football player tight end turned criminal ***** / *** *****W
986. Original; engineer ****
987. Original; unrevealed *D** H******
988. Real person (indirectly); possible inventor/businessman if applicable *H**** *D**** (*****)
989. Original; cultist K*****H
990. Original; unrevealed **** D*V**P***
991. Original; unrevealed ******* F***W***H**
992. Original in terms of names but power set apparently close to a comics character with different name; gender swapped if counterpart; blogger/junior reporter *P***** **U*G
993. Comics; bartender; probably Hellblazer **** ****
994. Original; unrevealed **** *****
995. Comics; terrorist; JLA ****K
996. Original; weapons supplier K**U* ***K**
997. Original; unrevealed; mother of cast character K**H***** G****
998. Original, though aludes to being part of a comics character's legacy; executive vice president/CEO ***QU** ***
999. Original; night club owner **** *******
1000. Original; military general **PH**** ****
1001. Possible counterpart of comics character with different name; barkeep; possibly Constantine: The Hellblazer D******
1002. Original; crime boss/shipping port facility owner ***** **********
1003. Original; government divisiion director *H*P ***P**
1004. Original; police lieutenant *** ****H**
1005. Original, though comics character posed as him previously; scientist/lab director; killed in flashback in first appearance but later brought back H******* W**** (****H-1)
1006. Original; unrevealed ***** WH******
1007. Original; assistant district attorney **G** *******
1008. Original; unrevealed *** ****D***
1009. Original; COO **D F*****
1010. Race based on folklore; entertainer; race from Celtic folklore U*****D PÚ**
1011. Comics; unrevealed; New Teen Titans **G**** / F***K** K***
1012. Original; psychiatric doctor H****H
1013. Original; high school student D***** *****
1014. Movie; priestess/judicator/council member; Supergirl ******
1015. Original; CEO/businessman ***** H*****
1016. Movie apparently; unrevealed; Superman II; played by an actor from a Star Trek series ****H-3# D****D** P********
1017. Race based on comics; would-be conquerer; Adventure Comics for race U*****D D******** (****H-1)
1018. Original; house staff *****
1019. Earlier character this continuity; temporal agent to the extent applicable **P****** **U* (*****)
1020. Original; unrevealed ****D*
1021. Original, though with similarities to comics character; possible criminal, terrorist under duress **P*
1022. Real person; novelist **** *U****
1023. Original; crime leader *H**H**
1024. Real person; singer; one of the most famous musicians of all time ***** P******
1025. Original but resembles other character this continuity; mobster D*G** F***
1026. Original; unrevealed G***** **U*
1027. Gender swapped version of comics character despite other versions of the character who aren't gender swapped also existing; gangster/black market arms dealer; Showcase **** *****G
1028. Movies; criminal/warlord/military general; Superman: The Movie ***
1029. Comics; crime boss; probably Huntress P*** **********
1030. Original; musician ***
1031. Original; used car salesman D*** *W***
1032. Original; nation ruler *** D*G****
1033. Original; crime boss *****G*** *******
1034. Comics; district attorney; Manhunter K*** *P*****
1035. Comics; editor-in-chief; The Brave and the Bold; in name only version of comics character, who was a teenage mascot ******** ****
1036. Original; unrevealed D***K
1037. Original; student ***K
1038. Original; security agent V**QU** (****H-1)
1039. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed ***** W**** (****H-24)
1040. Original; university professor **DU* ****D****
1041. Comics; scientist; Firestorm ***** *U**H
1042. Comics; criminal; The Flash ***** ***K**
1043. Comics; game show host turned criminal; Detective Comics; one of the few Arrowverse villains to be actually shown putting characters into a traditional comics style deathtrap (maybe even the only such character) **U******* / ***H** ***W*
1044. Original; apparent criminal *****
1045. Original; criminal *U**U*
1046. Original; unrevealed; mother of recurring character P******* D******
1047. Real person; pharaoh ******** **
1048. Original; unrevealed G**** G******' ***H**
1049. Original; unrevealed *****
1050. Original; undercover agent/freelance IT specialist ***** **H****
1051. Real person; physicist ***** *U***
1052. Real person (with caveat); none (not even the real version); real version was stillborn ***** P******
1053. Original; CEO ***** *******
1054. Original but name refers to two real people; criminal ******* ******
1055. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed V***'* ****H-*UD1# D*PP**G**G** (one letter has accent)
1056. Original; art thief ******* ******
1057. Race from mythology; camp counselor; race from  Albanian mythology U*****D *H***G* / "*H*D ***PH***"
1058. Original; influencer V******* *** / ****** D**K**
1059. Original; government agent V**** ****D**
1060. Comics; criminal; Flash Comics *** **V** / *DW*** *******
1061. Original; time pirate D****
1062. Comics (different code name); lawyer/serial killer; Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters; comics version operated out of Seattle *******G *****H** / ***H**D
1063. Comics; bar owner; Lobo ** (****H-*UD1#)
1064. Comics (indirectly); criminal to the extent applicable; Adventures of Superman H**K H*****W (****D*** P*****U*)
1065. Original; actress P** *H****
1066. Original; technology firm employee K**** G**V**
1067. Original; technician D*V** *U******G
1068. Earlier character this continuity; scientist/socialite H. ***H**** W**** (****H-4#)
1069. Original; terrorist/technology firm employee ***G** ********
1070. Earlier character this continuity; some sort of cook *H*F *V*
1071. Comics (comics version has different real first name); criminal turned bartender; The Flash P**K-*-*** / *H*W** ****
1072. Comics; mortgage manager/cheerleading coach/mayor; Superboy; childhood sweetheart of major character **** ***G *U*H**G
1073. Comics; political decoy/bodyguard; Action Comics; two other versions of this character have been prominently seen in non-Arrowverse live action series *H******H** *H****
1074. Original but race from comics; none; race from Adventure Comics; offspring of 827 GU*****
1075. Comics (indirectly); criminal of sorts; Showcase; replaced another character for an extended period of time **** W***-***** (******V****)
1076. Original; nightclub employee ***K*
1077. Original; head of PR *H***** ****K*
1078. Comics (different first name); unrevealed; The Flash **G *** / D***D ****H**
1079. Original; CTO/hacktivist/tech store employee; has strong ties to cast character K*** ****G*H***** / ***** W**H***K
1080. Original; police detective **K**** H***
1081. Comics; police sergeant/criminal; Flash Comics; killed by antimatter D**** D***K* (****H-2)
1082. Original; crime syndicate member/army special ops member *U**H*** / ****** **W****
1083. Comics; bank robber; The Flash ***** ***D**
1084. Original; unrevealed **GG** H*****'* G***D***H**
1085. Comics (amalgmation of two characters); unrevealed; New Teen Titans and New Teen Titans Annual **** ****K
1086. Earlier character this continuity; criminal of sorts P******* D****** (******V****)
1087. Original; can't state occupation without revealing the answer but worked in a prison in some capacity W****D ** ****K**'* *****D P***********
1088. Original; Chief of Staff ***** W**K**
1089. Origina; judge;   *UDG* *****K*
1090. Possibly comics but different though somewhat similar name if so; drug dealer/crime boss; possibly More Fun Comics D***K ***P***
1091. Comics; unrevealed; Action Comics ******** # (****H-*UD1#)
1092. Original; scientist ***D *'******
1093. Comics; princess; Captain Atom **** H*******
1094. Real person; Prohibition agent; took on an infamous gangster in real life ***** ****
1095. Original; some sort of bearer (being specific would reveal answer) F**** W**** ***** ******
1096. Comics; crime godfather; Outsiders **H**** G**G**
1097. Comics (somewhat, with different name); village guardian; Justice League of America ***
1098. Comics; pet; Action Comics; no actual appearance, seen only in room constructed by main character's memories *****K*
1099. Original; student *UK*
1100. Original; scientist D*. D*****D ****
1101. Comics; welder; All-Star Squadron; comics version is a superhero ** ***H***** (****H-1)


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5/26/2022 3:13 pm  #42

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

Adding letters/number to answers as chosen by Random Number Generator. Letter (*) and number (#) patterns below. If there is a forward slash, the first name is the code name and the second name is the real name (for such characters I'll accept either name).  Not every number appears in this collage but every letter does. Obviously if a letter is revealed but not shown for a particular character, they don't have that letter in their name.

Adding the letter E.

Letters/numbers found so far: DEGHKPQUVWX1234

731. Comics (indirectly); criminal if any; Daring New Adventures of Supergirl; P** (****D*** P*****U*)
732. Original; geology professor *. D****
733. Original; philosophy student **D**** D******H
734. Original; security agent ******
735. Real person; military officer ******* ****EG* (one letter has accent)
736. Original; none; voiced by a Gotham cast member G**E** (***E **U**)
737. Original; businessman F***K *HE*
738. Original; musician DE****
739. Original; unrevealed ***. F**EK**
740. Original; psychiatrist, crime boss D*. WE** [LOCKED; actually two different letters remaining but the first word in the name is pretty obvious and the remaining two letters are the same; letters found at time of locking: DEGHKPQUVWX1234]
741. Original;  bartender to the extent applicable *** (****D*** P*****U*)
742. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed to the extent applicable  V*** (****D*** P*****U*)
743. Original; serial killer **KE *HE *P*KE
744. Comics (at least code name); bank robber; Justice League of America **E (*E***D ***** F*U*H G**G)
745. Original; police detective DE*E***VE KEV**
746. Comics; criminal; The Flash **** K*D**** (PH*****E)
747. Original; computer programmer *** KW**
748. Comics; soldIer and government agency director turned terrorist; Adventures of Superman; identity usurped by another character *****G *UPE**** / H**K HE****W
749. Original; businessman **. G**D*E*
750. Original; bearer of some sort of item F**** *** ***E* *E**E*
751. Original, but likely named after crew member; scientist/cultist *. V***K
752. Comics; assassin; Titans, though at least one earlier character used the same code name **E**H**KE*
753. Original; student if any when last seen **
754. Original; unrevealed **EV** ****E
755. Original; club owner/illegal technology dealer ***E****
756. Original (Arrowverse claims a comics connection but it's a reach) but related to comics based character; socialite; if going by Arrowverse claims, Huntress ****** *E****E***
757. Original; professional bowler **KE *HE ****KE
758. Comics; some sort of overseer; The Multiversity Guidebook; speedster ***E*E***ED ***
759. Original; government agent **** *H**G
760. Original; some sort of school worker (saying more would revealed too much of the answer) V**E P******** *F D*V** **DD*E ******
761. Original; unrevealed ** G*****
762. Comics; police commissioner; Batman: The Dark Knight **********E* F***E*
763. Original; student/army agent **G H*****
764. Race based on comics; slave trader or at least ally of one; race: Adventure Comics U****ED D******** (E***H-3#)
765. Mythology; club employee; Greek mythology ***HR***
766. Real person; army general turned national president; from very early on in that nation's history GE**GE W**H**G***
767. Earlier character this continuity; wizard, hacker WE*** *HE G*E* (E***H-13)
769. Comics; bio-geneticist; Firestorm; can dupplkicate himself *U**P*EX / D***** *****
770. Original; unrevealed **H****
771. Original (Arrowverse claims a comics connection but it's a reach) but related to a character whose alias is based on comics; would-be conquerer; if you want to go with Arrowverse claims, then Superman *E**-*H*
772. Comics; CEO/crime syndicate leader; The Flash ***E*H ****E*
773. Comics; government agency secretary/mlitary colonel; Wonder Woman *****E* **U*E* H**E*
774. Original; editor-in-chief E*** ***K**
775. Comics; government agent; Batman; comics version had her own series ***E*** ****E
776. Original; councilman H****D G**V*E*
777. Comics; head of security; The Brave and the Bold **V*
778. Original; army officer **PE*
779. Comics; unrevealed; Fury of Firestorm; wife of a superhero ******** **E**
780. Original; police officer **** W**H**G***
781. Original; student (graduated) ******* H**PE*
782. Original; socialite ***** V**K***
783. Original; crime family member F***K *******
784. Possibly comics at least for code name; gender swapped if so; criminal turned security guard; Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. *HE H***E** / **** ****H
785. Original; unrevealed ****
786. Comics; government agent; Green Lantern ****H
787. Original; Director of Tutoring *****
788. Original; unrevealed *E*-***
789. Original; unrevealed **** ***E*
790. Earlier character this continuity; author/scientist H******* W**FG**G WE*** (E***H-12)
791. Original; warrior PU***
792. Original; art smuggler ***D**X
793. Comics; stewardess turned crime boss; The Flash: Iron Heights; usually a villain but has aided heroes at least once **U*E* ***** / *E***E *****
794. Earlier show; military lieutenant;  Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman ***** ****K
795. Original; attorney **** D***E*
796. Comics; unrevealed; Hellblazer ***** **********E
797. Comics; circus strongman/enforcer and bodyguard; Showcase; comics version first appeared as lead character *'W*** *E***
798. Original; criminal (posed as security agent) ***** K***E*
799. Original; unrevealed K**E* ***E*
800. Original; unrevealed ***D*
801. Comics, though almost for sure different surname; model; Batman; former cast character was brainwashed into believing she was her ****E ******
802. Real person; mobster/club owner *E****** "*UG**" **EGE*
803. Original; vehicle company owner **KE*
804. Original; biochemist *EFF*E* *H**E
805. Comics (indirectly); unrevealed to the extent applicable; Action Comics K*** D**VE** (****D*** P*****U*)
806. Original; terrorist ******E H*WK**G*
807. Original; criminal GU*** / *** HUFF***
808. Original; bar owner E***E
809. Original; student U****ED ***
810. Original; outlaw/gang leader *E* *****W**E*
811. Comics; assassin; probably Batwoman *HE **F*E
812. Comics; business manager; Batman; apparently seen in afterlife *U**U* F*X
813. Original; crime boss V***E** *******
814. Comics; criminal; 52 EVE***** / H******* ***E*
815. Original, but has since appeared in comics; code name from comics; vigilante/martial arts instructor/bar manager/acting; character's debut was highly publicized in comics related news sites CEO ***W**** / **** W**DE*
816. Real person; pilot **E*** E**H***
817. Original; lab technician **E W**K***
818. Comics (code name missing a word); drug dealer/crime boss; Green Arrow VE***G* / WE**E* ****E
819. Comics; government agent/mercenary/crime leader; Tales of the Teen Titans K**E W****** / **E W*****
820. Original; apparent criminal **** G**D
821. Original; lab employee K**E
822. Comics (comics version's real name unreveale); criminal arms dealer; Green Lantern **VE*** / ******* ***D
823. Original; social networking platform employee **** (UP*W*P* E*P***EE)
824. Original; CEO's assistant **U***E
825. Original; gang member under duress KEV** **H****
826. Original; weapons manufacturing company employee ED**
827. Original, but race based on comics; some sort of monarch at least in name; mother of 1074 D******** QUEE*
828. Original; unrevealed **D* ***E*G***D
829. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed H******* **E***QUE WE***' *E***D EX-W*FE (E***H-*UD#)
830. Original; student *VE** PH**
831. Comics (possibly); criminal; Tom Strong or The Silencer Annual if so (if the latter, code name has extra word in show) G*** *E**E*
832. Original; unrevealed G***E** H***
833. Original; priestess *****
834. Comics; thief; The Flash; apparently replaced with another character with same code name Post-Crisis D*. **GH* / ***D* P*** (E***H-2)
835. Original; possible criminal G****** PH****P* a.k.a. P*****E* 2444
836. Comics; test subject; Supergirl for closest match, though earlier characters of this type exist ******* / ***E D*E
837. Comics; criminal; Firestorm ***D DE*** / EDD*E ****K / E***H-2)
838. Comics (somewhat; different code name); assassin; Justice League of America ***E*-X / **U*E* ****E (E***H-X)
839. Comics but gender swapped so slightly different first name; prison maintenance worker/criminal; Action Comics ***QUE***E *******
840. Original; district attorney **EVE* *EE
841. Real person; film director; real version created a character who remains prominent to this day **H*** H***D* (one letter has accent)
842. Original; unrevealed DU* PH**
843. Original but inspired by real person; performer/circus attraction *E**DED **D* / H**D*
844. Original; student E**** ********
845. Comics (slightly different first name); crime boss/CEO; Huntress F***K *E****E***
846. Original; student ******** **** U**VE***** **UDE**
847. Original; unrevealed KE**E K**
849. Comics; police officer; More Fun Comics; comics version is a ghostly superhero *** *****G**
850. Original; student D****E
851. Comics; toy shop owner/serial bomber; Doom Patrol *H**P*E* / ***K **HEFFE*
852. Original; firefighter *****E **V**E*
853. Real person (though this version's surname unconfirmed); robber *****E
854. Original; unrevealed PE*E* DE****
855. Radio show; sales associate/arsonist; The Adventures of Superman ****-*** / HE*** ****E*
856. Original; revealed ***E*
857. Original; judge P******
858. Comics (different code name or different real name depending on how you look at it); criminal/hacker; Adventure Comics (closest match among those with same code names), Justice League of America (variation of real name) E*H* / ***** ***** (E***H-1#)
859. Original; missionary *H**** F****
860. Real person; national president; 21st century leader ******K *****
861. Original; alien trafficker F*G***E / ****H
862. Original; housewife D***E ****E
863. Original; businessman *E**** **V**H
864. Original; police detective *** P***E****
865. Original; apparent criminal P***H** F*** **** E***PEE
866. Original; attorney ***ED *********
867. Original; businesswoman/co-CEO ***HE* ***H****
868. Original; bank employee ****
869. Movie (mentioned); housewife; Superman: The Movie EVE *E**H***HE*'* ***HE*
870. Comics (indirectly); government agent to the extent applicable; Action Comics ****** / QUE** D*X (****D*** P*****U*)
871. Original; businessman E****H KE***
872. Original but parody of real person; DJ *'***E ***E*
873. Religion (so depending on beliefs real person); comics as separate being from a better known name; some sort of ruler; under this name, possibly The Hebrew Bible, possibly specifically Deuteronomy or Book of Proverbs being first mention or maybe Apocrypha *E****
874. Stage musical; newspaper employee; It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman **X *E**KE*
875. Original; unrevealed DE*EK [LOCKED; Letters/numbers found at time of locking: DEGHKPQUVWX1234]
876. Original but named after two real people; photographer; named after a famous comics duo ***** K****
877. Comics; criminal; The Flash ****** ****** / *** **UDDE*
878. Original but made to look like earlier character based on comics; unrevealed to the extent applicable ***** *****
879. Original; bowler ****E *EE *P**E
880. Comics (but missing suffix); henchman; Action Comics ***
881. Original; police officer/terrorist DW** PE****E***
882. Original; criminal ***E *****
883. Original; housewife *****E *E**H***HE*
884. Original; technology manufacturing company employee/terrorist E*H** K**X
885. Original; councilwoman *E** ***K**
886. Comics; unrevealed; The Flash F**DED *** / E*W** G*U**
887. Comics (mix of two characters, one by name, the other by role); housewife; The Flash going by name, possibly same for role ****E* *******
888. Comics; some sort of group leader; JLA **** **U***E*
889. Original; unrevealed E*** **X
890. Comics; scientist; Action Comics; father of cast character ***-E*
891. Original; unrevealed **E* WU
892. Comics; student if any; Deadshot **E **W***
893. Real person; unrevealed (real version was domestic servant) ***** *E**
894. Original; unrevealed **. **VE
895. Original; drug supplier ****H*** K***
896. Comics; mobster; Green Arrow ****K / D**** ****KWE**
897. Original; friend of cast character ***KE
898. Real person; mystic/monk **D ***K / G**G*** ***PU***
899. Original; advanced technology company employee **DD ****H**E
900. Original but name probably inspired by two real people; national leader but not actually eligible to run for office ***V** ****D**
901. Original; unrevealed ***-**
902. Real person; army commander *P*****U*
903. Earlier show; therapist/criminal; Batman: The Animated Series H***E* QU*** (note: only appeared in deleted scene)
904. Comics; businesswoman/head of branch of advanced technology company/owner and  editor-in-chief/assassin; Superman Annual; has been both ally and adversary to heroes ****** / **D*E* *****
905. Comics if just going by code name, but earlier show by code name and theme (different real name in both cases); prison worker (exact type is his code name)/vigilante; Detective Comics or Gotham EXEX*U*****E* / *E*****D E*D**
906. Comics; mercenary; More Fun Comics W****** G*E****G**
907. Comics; criminal; Detective Comics ******** / ******* K**G**
908. Original; unrevealed P*UD***E **W*H***E
909. Original; test subject *U**E** #331 / *D**
910. Comics; unrevealed; Action Comics ******** # / "****E* F*FE" (E***H-*UD##)
911. Original; double agent *. **G***
912. Original; totem bearer ***** **WE'* ***E****
913. Original; attorney G*EG *U*K
914. Original; some sort of employer to the extent applicable ****'* ****
915. Comics; bank robber; Justice League of America QUEE* (****D ***** F*U** G**G)
916. Original; student if any *****
917. Comics (comics version's first name unknown); unrevealed; Green Arrow: Year One *** H**KE**
918. Original; soldier *D** **E*KE
919. Comics; assassin; possibly Titans U****V**E* / E*PE****** G*****
920. Earlier show (photos only); doctor/plastic surgeon/philanthropist/university professor/criminal; Gotham; pivotal figure in major villain's origin ***E*P***** a.k.a. E*H** ***P*E** / *UGU** ****W**GH*
921. Original; unrevealed D*** ***V***
922. Original; slave ****H**
923. Original; high school strudent/vigilante; son of a major hero ***D** KE**
924. Comics; mercenary; Green Lantern ***KH***E*
925. Possibly comics but a bit of a reach; police detective; Detective Comics if comics, Batman using surname ***** *****E
926. Original; attorney DE**** F**K
927. Real person; soldier turned author; works have been turned intoi many movies *.*.*. ***K*E*
928. Earlier show; criminal; Batman: The Animated Series; wife of major comics villain **** F**E*
929. Comics; criminal/CEO/real estate mogul; Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen; first of two times this character was adapted into the Arrowverse ***G** E*GE (E***H-3#)
930. Original; district attorney D***
931. Original but related to comics based character; student, terrorist turned peace activist G***G* ***KW**D
932. Original; unrevealed **E*E *******
933. Original; villager ****K* *****H***
934. Original; CFO/criminal *E*H **EE*
935. Original; mercenary arsonist *** ****E*
936. Original; barista/server *****E
937. Original; vigilante/computer technician/custodian/car wash attendant **V*** / ***E*H F**K
938. Original; waitress ******
939. Comics; senator; Suicide Squad ***EPH ****
940. Original; drug lord H***E *****E
941. Original; security guard WE**'* *****P***E
942. Original; agency director W***U* *E**E**
943. Comics; agency director; Action Comics; counterpart of cast character but gender swapped thus not the same actor ******** # / QUE** D*X (E***H-*UD1#)
944. Original; technology firm employee/crime syndicate member ******* ********D
945. Comics; mercenary; Savage Hawkman; comics version is a legacy villain *H*D** *H*EF / *V*V* *E*U**
946. Original; student if any P**GE
947. Original; unrevealed **** K**X*********
948. Original; unrevealed **X***E *D***
949. Original; some sort of capturer (can't be more speific without revealing part of "name") *****X **U*** HU**E*
950. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; doctor; Adventures of Superman **E*** H*******
951. Demonology; unrevealed if applicable; possibly Ars Goetia ****H*****
952. Comics but gender swapped (comics version real name unknown); thief; Hawkman *U** a.k.a. *U**E** 11 / ***E* PE***
953. Original; temporal agent *E*E*
954. Original; arms industry and defense contractor company employee DE** DEVE**UX
955. Original; unrevealed **E* D*V**
956. Original; unrevealed **É**E
957. Original; family restaurant co-owner *U***
958. Comics; scientist/physics professor plus vigilante in one future; Brave New World; comics version is a legacy hero **** / **** *H**
959. Original; reporter F***K***
960. Comics; reporter; Action Comics; married to a different person than her Earth-Prime counterpart **** ***E (E***H-*UD22)
961. Comics; army intelligence officer/government commission member, interim police captain; The Flash Secret Files and Origins K****E* K***E*
962. Comics (code name and real name being separate characters in comics); industrial company foreman turned bank robber; Justice League of America for both code name and real name K*** / DE*EK *E****
963. Folklore; arguably real person but heavily embellished if so; warrior turned queen; possibly Historia Regum Britanniae; known for having an affair GU**EVE*E
964. Mythology; prophet of sorts; Greek mythology ****P**
965. Shares surname (minus one letter) with comics character who fought the same hero but appearently actually named after two characters from non-DC show, making him essentially Original; crime leader V***E** **EE*****E
966. Comics; security agent/criminal gang member; Batwing *U**E** **V*****
967. Original; unrevealed E**K*
968. Comics; streamer/scientist/tech consultant; The Flash; comics version has a code name that is probably now non-PC *HE**E* P. *U*K
969. Comics (comics version's first name unknown); weapons dealer; Huntress ***** ***E***
970. Original; instituion worker (can't be more specific without revealing "name") **K*** ****U* *U**E
971. Original; some sort of business head (can't be more specific without revealing "name") *E* ** ***VE****E HE***H ***U****E
972. Comics (different relation in comics); military general/marine commandant/chairman; probably Green Lantern *** **EW***
973. Original; security agent ***K*
974. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed if any *V* P***E
975. Original; student ***G**
976. Comics; scientist/criminal; 52 ****E***** / E**** H*****
977. Original; crime boss *U***** *****
978. Original; cult leader **H **
979. Possible amalgmation of two comics characters; unrevealed; if comics, both from the same issue of The Flash F******E WE**
980. Original; police captain/police detective ****E*** H***
981. Original; crime captain V*K***
982. Comics; blackjack dealer/bank robber; Infinity Inc. H****D / *E*K* *H**PE
983. Comics; criminal; The Flash *** P** / ***E*H ****E*E**E
984. Original; government agent/terrorist ******
985. Original; football player tight end turned criminal ***** / *** *E***W
986. Original; engineer ****
987. Original; unrevealed *D** H******
988. Real person (indirectly); possible inventor/businessman if applicable *H**** ED**** (*****)
989. Original; cultist KE**E*H
990. Original; unrevealed ***E D*VE*P***
991. Original; unrevealed E*E**** F***WE**HE*
992. Original in terms of names but power set apparently close to a comics character with different name; gender swapped if counterpart; blogger/junior reporter *PE**E* **U*G
993. Comics; bartender; probably Hellblazer **** ***E
994. Original; unrevealed **** *EW**
995. Comics; terrorist; JLA ***EK
996. Original; weapons supplier K**U* ***K**
997. Original; unrevealed; mother of cast character K**H****E G****
998. Original, though aludes to being part of a comics character's legacy; executive vice president/CEO; related to two cast characters ***QU** *E*
999. Original; night club owner E*** *****E*
1000. Original; military general **PH**** ****
1001. Possible counterpart of comics character with different name; barkeep; possibly Constantine: The Hellblazer DE*****
1002. Original; crime boss/shipping port facility owner *E*** *E****E***
1003. Original; government divisiion director *H*P ***PE*
1004. Original; police lieutenant *** ****H**
1005. Original, though comics character posed as him previously; scientist/lab director; killed in flashback in first appearance but later brought back H******* WE*** (E***H-1)
1006. Original; unrevealed ***** WHEE*E*
1007. Original; assistant district attorney **G** *******
1008. Original; unrevealed *** ****D***
1009. Original; COO *ED F***E*
1010. Race based on folklore; entertainer; race from Celtic folklore U****ED PÚ**
1011. Comics; unrevealed; New Teen Titans **GE*** / F***K*E K**E
1012. Original; psychiatric doctor H****H
1013. Original; high school student DE***E ***WE
1014. Movie; priestess/judicator/council member; Supergirl *E*E**
1015. Original; CEO/businessman ***E* H***E*
1016. Movie apparently; unrevealed; Superman II; played by an actor from a Star Trek series E**H-3# D****D** P***E****
1017. Race based on comics; would-be conquerer; Adventure Comics for race U****ED D******** (E***H-1)
1018. Original; house staff *****
1019. Earlier character this continuity; temporal agent to the extent applicable E*PE***** **U* (*****)
1020. Original; unrevealed ****D*
1021. Original, though with similarities to comics character; possible criminal, terrorist under duress **P*
1022. Real person; novelist ***E *U**E*
1023. Original; crime leader *H**H**
1024. Real person; singer; one of the most famous musicians of all time E**** P*E**E*
1025. Original but resembles other character this continuity; mobster D*G** F***
1026. Original; unrevealed G***** **U*
1027. Gender swapped version of comics character despite other versions of the character who aren't gender swapped also existing; gangster/black market arms dealer; Showcase **** *****G
1028. Movies; criminal/warlord/military general; Superman: The Movie ***
1029. Comics; crime boss; probably Huntress P*** *E****E***
1030. Original; musician ***
1031. Original; used car salesman DE** *WE**
1032. Original; nation ruler *** DEG****
1033. Original; crime boss *E***G*** *E***E*
1034. Comics; district attorney; Manhunter K**E *PE**E*
1035. Comics; editor-in-chief; The Brave and the Bold; in name only version of comics character, who was a teenage mascot ***PPE* ****
1036. Original; unrevealed DE*EK [LOCKED; Letters/numbers found at time of locking: DEGHKPQUVWX1234]
1037. Original; student ***K
1038. Original; security agent V**QUE* (E***H-1)
1039. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed ***** WE*** (E***H-24)
1040. Original; university professor **DU* ****D****
1041. Comics; scientist; Firestorm ***** *U**H
1042. Comics; criminal; The Flash ****E ***K**
1043. Comics; game show host turned criminal; Detective Comics; one of the few Arrowverse villains to be actually shown putting characters into a traditional comics style deathtrap (maybe even the only such character) **UE****E* / ***H** ***W*
1044. Original; apparent criminal *****
1045. Original; criminal *U**U*
1046. Original; unrevealed; mother of recurring character PE*E**PE DE*****
1047. Real person; pharaoh ***E**E* **
1048. Original; unrevealed G***E G******' ***HE*
1049. Original; unrevealed *****
1050. Original; undercover agent/freelance IT specialist *E*** **H****
1051. Real person; physicist ****E *U**E
1052. Real person (with caveat); none (not even the real version); real version was stillborn *E**E P*E**E*
1053. Original; CEO ***E* *******
1054. Original but name refers to two real people; criminal ******E *****E
1055. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed V***'* E***H-*UD1# D*PPE*G**GE* (one letter has accent)
1056. Original; art thief ******* ******
1057. Race from mythology; camp counselor; race from  Albanian mythology U****ED *H***G* / "*H*D **EPHE**"
1058. Original; influencer VE****** *** / ****** D**KE*
1059. Original; government agent V***E ****D**
1060. Comics; criminal; Flash Comics *HE **V** / EDW*** *******
1061. Original; time pirate D**KE
1062. Comics (different code name); lawyer/serial killer; Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters; comics version operated out of Seattle *******G *****HE* / ***H**D
1063. Comics; bar owner; Lobo ** (E***H-*UD1#)
1064. Comics (indirectly); criminal to the extent applicable; Adventures of Superman H**K HE****W (****D*** P*****U*)
1065. Original; actress P** *H***E
1066. Original; technology firm employee K**** G**VE*
1067. Original; technician D*V** *U*E**E*G
1068. Earlier character this continuity; scientist/socialite H. ***H**** WE*** (E***H-4#)
1069. Original; terrorist/technology firm employee ***G** ********
1070. Earlier character this continuity; some sort of cook *HEF *V*
1071. Comics (comics version has different real first name); criminal turned bartender; The Flash PEEK-*-*** / *H*W** **E*
1072. Comics; mortgage manager/cheerleading coach/mayor; Superboy; childhood sweetheart of major character **** ***G *U*H**G
1073. Comics; political decoy/bodyguard; Action Comics; two other versions of this character have been prominently seen in non-Arrowverse live action series *H******HE* *H***E
1074. Original but race from comics; none; race from Adventure Comics; offspring of 827 GU*****
1075. Comics (indirectly); criminal of sorts; Showcase; replaced another character for an extended period of time **** WE**-***E* (******VE**E)
1076. Original; nightclub employee *E*K*
1077. Original; head of PR *H****E ****KE
1078. Comics (different first name); unrevealed; The Flash **G *** / D*V*D ****HE*
1079. Original; CTO/hacktivist/tech store employee; has strong ties to cast character K*** **E*GEH***E* / **E** WH*****K
1080. Original; police detective **KE*** H***
1081. Comics; police sergeant/criminal; Flash Comics; killed by antimatter D***H D**KE (E***H-2)
1082. Original; crime syndicate member/army special ops member *U**H**E / *****E **W****
1083. Comics; bank robber; The Flash ****E ***D**
1084. Original; unrevealed *EGG*E H*****'* G***D***HE*
1085. Comics (amalgmation of two characters); unrevealed; New Teen Titans and New Teen Titans Annual **** *E**K
1086. Earlier character this continuity; criminal of sorts PE****PE DE***** (******VE**E)
1087. Original; can't state occupation without revealing the answer but worked in a prison in some capacity W**DE** ** ****KE*'* *****D PE***E******
1088. Original; Chief of Staff ****H W**KE*
1089. Origina; judge;   *UDGE *****K*
1090. Possibly comics but different though somewhat similar name if so; drug dealer/crime boss; possibly More Fun Comics DE*EK ***P***
1091. Comics; unrevealed; Action Comics ******** # (E***H-*UD1#)
1092. Original; scientist ***D *'*E****
1093. Comics; princess; Captain Atom **** H*******
1094. Real person; Prohibition agent; took on an infamous gangster in real life E**** *E**
1095. Original; some sort of bearer (being specific would reveal answer) F**** W**E* ***E* *E**E*
1096. Comics; crime godfather; Outsiders **H**E* G*EG**
1097. Comics (somewhat, with different name); village guardian; Justice League of America E**
1098. Comics; pet; Action Comics; no actual appearance, seen only in room constructed by main character's memories ***E*K*
1099. Original; student *UKE  [LOCKED; Letters/numbers found at time of locking: DEGHKPQUVWX1234]
1100. Original; scientist D*. DE****D ****
1101. Comics; welder; All-Star Squadron; comics version is a superhero ** ***H**E** (E***H-1)


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5/26/2022 3:22 pm  #43

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

Locked characters:
740 (with caveat)

And yes two of the locked characters have the same name. Same name, different characters on different shows

More easy wins (especially if you know the comics version/real person):
745 (original but enough letters revealed to guess at)
797 (costume is comics accurate)
815 (for now; at this stage I'll accept the code name and reasonable clarifier if you don't know her real name))
905 (for now; at this stage I'll accept just the code name)

Easy wins if you follow the patterns from the first two collages in this series:

The following are main characters, which I define as having been played by a member of the cast for the bulk of at least one season, as opposed to imposters/counterparts played by the same cast member:

The following are non-main characters also played by main cast members, usually but not always on the parent series:
836 (two actresses, only one main cast)
1073 (only when in disguise)

Partial guesses okay.

As before, this link is a good location if you're stuck: https://arrow.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Characters

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5/27/2022 5:50 pm  #44

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

Adding letters/number to answers as chosen by Random Number Generator. Letter (*) and number (#) patterns below. If there is a forward slash, the first name is the code name and the second name is the real name (for such characters I'll accept either name).  Not every number appears in this collage but every letter does. Obviously if a letter is revealed but not shown for a particular character, they don't have that letter in their name.

Adding the number 9 and letters Z and B.

Letters/numbers found so far: BDEGHKPQUVWXZ12349

731. Comics (indirectly); criminal if any; Daring New Adventures of Supergirl; P** (*B**D*** P*****U*)
732. Original; geology professor *. D**B*
733. Original; philosophy student **D**** D******H
734. Original; security agent ******
735. Real person; military officer **P**** ****EG* (one letter has accent)
736. Original; none; voiced by a Gotham cast member G*DE** (***E V*U**)
737. Original; businessman F***K *HE*
738. Original; musician DE****
739. Original; unrevealed ***. F*ZEK**
740. Original; psychiatrist, crime boss D*. WE**  [LOCKED; actually two different letters remaining but the first word in the name is pretty obvious and the remaining two letters are the same; letters found at time of locking: DEGHKPQUVWX1234]
741. Original;  bartender to the extent applicable *** (*B**D*** P*****U*)
742. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed to the extent applicable  V*** (*B**D*** P*****U*)
743. Original; serial killer **KE *HE *P*KE
744. Comics (at least code name); bank robber; Justice League of America **E (*E***D ***** F*U*H G**G)
745. Original; police detective DE*E***VE KEV**
746. Comics; criminal; The Flash *B** K*D*B** (PH***PPE)
747. Original; computer programmer *** KW**
748. Comics; soldIer and government agency director turned terrorist; Adventures of Superman; identity usurped by another character **B**G *UPE**** / H**K HE****W
749. Original; businessman **. G**D*E*
750. Original; bearer of some sort of item F**** *** ***E* BE**E*
751. Original, but likely named after crew member; scientist/cultist *. V***K
752. Comics; assassin; Titans, though at least one earlier character used the same code name B*E**H**KE*
753. Original; student if any when last seen **
754. Original; unrevealed **EV** ****E
755. Original; club owner/illegal technology dealer ***E****
756. Original (Arrowverse claims a comics connection but it's a reach) but related to comics based character; socialite; if going by Arrowverse claims, Huntress B***** BE****E***
757. Original; professional bowler **KE *HE ****KE
758. Comics; some sort of overseer; The Multiversity Guidebook; speedster ***E*E***ED *** (E***H-19)
759. Original; government agent **** *H**G
760. Original; some sort of school worker (saying more would revealed too much of the answer) V**E P*****P** *F D*V** **DD*E ******
761. Original; unrevealed ** G****F
762. Comics; police commissioner; Batman: The Dark Knight **********E* F**BE*
763. Original; student/army agent **G H*****
764. Race based on comics; slave trader or at least ally of one; race: Adventure Comics U****ED D******** (E***H-3#)
765. Mythology; club employee; Greek mythology ***HE***
766. Real person; army general turned national president; from very early on in that nation's history GE**GE W**H**G***
767. Earlier character this continuity; wizard, hacker WE*** *HE G*E* (E***H-13)
769. Comics; bio-geneticist; Firestorm; can dupplkicate himself *U***P*EX / D***** B***K
770. Original; unrevealed **H****
771. Original (Arrowverse claims a comics connection but it's a reach) but related to a character whose alias is based on comics; would-be conquerer; if you want to go with Arrowverse claims, then Superman ZE**-*H*
772. Comics; CEO/crime syndicate leader; The Flash ***EPH ***VE*
773. Comics; government agency secretary/mlitary colonel; Wonder Woman *****E* **U*E* H**E*
774. Original; editor-in-chief E*** ***K**
775. Comics; government agent; Batman; comics version had her own series ***E*** ****E
776. Original; councilman H****D G**V*E*
777. Comics; head of security; The Brave and the Bold **V*
778. Original; army officer **PEZ
779. Comics; unrevealed; Fury of Firestorm; wife of a superhero ******** **E**
780. Original; police officer **** W**H**G***
781. Original; student (graduated) **FF*** H**PE*
782. Original; socialite ***** V**K*V*
783. Original; crime family member F***K *******
784. Possibly comics at least for code name; gender swapped if so; criminal turned security guard; Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. *HE H***E** / **** B***H
785. Original; unrevealed ****
786. Comics; government agent; Green Lantern ****H
787. Original; Director of Tutoring *****
788. Original; unrevealed *E*-***
789. Original; unrevealed **** B**E*
790. Earlier character this continuity; author/scientist H******* W**FG**G WE*** (E***H-12)
791. Original; warrior PU****
792. Original; art smuggler ***D**X
793. Comics; stewardess turned crime boss; The Flash: Iron Heights; usually a villain but has aided heroes at least once **U*E* B***K / *E***E *****
794. Earlier show; military lieutenant;  Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman ***** ****K
795. Original; attorney **** D***E*
796. Comics; unrevealed; Hellblazer ***** **********E
797. Comics; circus strongman/enforcer and bodyguard; Showcase; comics version first appeared as lead character B'W*** BE***
798. Original; criminal (posed as security agent) ***** K***E*
799. Original; unrevealed K**E* ***E*
800. Original; unrevealed ***D*
801. Comics, though almost for sure different surname; model; Batman; former cast character was brainwashed into believing she was her ****E ******
802. Real person; mobster/club owner BE****** "BUG**" **EGE*
803. Original; vehicle company owner B*KE*
804. Original; biochemist *EFF*E* *H**E
805. Comics (indirectly); unrevealed to the extent applicable; Action Comics K*** D**VE** (*B**D*** P*****U*)
806. Original; terrorist ******E H*WK**G*
807. Original; criminal GU**** / *** HUFF***
808. Original; bar owner E***E
809. Original; student U****ED B**
810. Original; outlaw/gang leader *EB *****W**E*
811. Comics; assassin; probably Batwoman *HE **F*E
812. Comics; business manager; Batman; apparently seen in afterlife *U**U* F*X
813. Original; crime boss V***E** *******
814. Comics; criminal; 52 EVE***** / H****B** B**E*
815. Original, but has since appeared in comics; code name from comics; vigilante/martial arts instructor/bar manager/acting; character's debut was highly publicized in comics related news sites CEO B**W**** / **** W**DE*
816. Real person; pilot **E*** E**H***
817. Original; lab technician **E W**K***
818. Comics (code name missing a word); drug dealer/crime boss; Green Arrow VE***G* / WE**E* Z***E
819. Comics; government agent/mercenary/crime leader; Tales of the Teen Titans K**E W**F*** / **E W*****
820. Original; apparent criminal **** G**D
821. Original; lab employee K**E
822. Comics (comics version's real name unreveale); criminal arms dealer; Green Lantern **VE*** / ******* B**D
823. Original; social networking platform employee **** (UP*W*PZ E*P***EE)
824. Original; CEO's assistant **U***E
825. Original; gang member under duress KEV** **H****
826. Original; weapons manufacturing company employee ED**
827. Original, but race based on comics; some sort of monarch at least in name; mother of 1074 D******** QUEE*
828. Original; unrevealed **D* ***E*G***D
829. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed H******* **E***QUE WE***' *E***D EX-W*FE (E***H-*UD#)
830. Original; student *VE** PH**
831. Comics (possibly); criminal; Tom Strong or The Silencer Annual if so (if the latter, code name has extra word in show) G*** *E**E*
832. Original; unrevealed G***E** H***
833. Original; priestess *****
834. Comics; thief; The Flash; apparently replaced with another character with same code name Post-Crisis D*. **GH* / ***D* P*** (E***H-2)
835. Original; possible criminal G*B**E* PH****P* a.k.a. P*****E* 2444
836. Comics; test subject; Supergirl for closest match, though earlier characters of this type exist B*Z**** / ***E D*E
837. Comics; criminal; Firestorm ***D DE*** / EDD*E ****K / E***H-2)
838. Comics (somewhat; different code name); assassin; Justice League of America ***E*-X / **U*E* ****E (E***H-X)
839. Comics but gender swapped so slightly different first name; prison maintenance worker/criminal; Action Comics ***QUE***E ***B***
840. Original; district attorney **EVE* *EE
841. Real person; film director; real version created a character who remains prominent to this day **H*** H**D* (one letter has accent)
842. Original; unrevealed DU* PH**
843. Original but inspired by real person; performer/circus attraction BE**DED **D* / H**D*
844. Original; student E**** ********
845. Comics (slightly different first name); crime boss/CEO; Huntress F***K BE****E***
846. Original; student ******** **** U**VE***** **UDE**
847. Original; unrevealed KE**E K**
849. Comics; police officer; More Fun Comics; comics version is a ghostly superhero *** *****G**
850. Original; student D****E
851. Comics; toy shop owner/serial bomber; Doom Patrol *H**P*E* / ***K **HEFFE*
852. Original; firefighter **BB*E **V**EZ
853. Real person (though this version's surname unconfirmed); robber B****E
854. Original; unrevealed PE*E* DE****
855. Radio show; sales associate/arsonist; The Adventures of Superman ****-*** / HE*** ****E*
856. Original; revealed **BE*
857. Original; judge P******
858. Comics (different code name or different real name depending on how you look at it); criminal/hacker; Adventure Comics (closest match among those with same code names), Justice League of America (variation of real name) E*H* / ***** ***** (E***H-19)
859. Original; missionary *H**** F****
860. Real person; national president; 21st century leader B*****K *B***
861. Original; alien trafficker F*G**E / ****H
862. Original; housewife D***E ****E
863. Original; businessman *E**** **V**H
864. Original; police detective *** P***E****
865. Original; apparent criminal P***H** F*** **ZZ E***PEE
866. Original; attorney ***ED *********
867. Original; businesswoman/co-CEO ***HE* ***H*W**
868. Original; bank employee ****
869. Movie (mentioned); housewife; Superman: The Movie EVE *E**H***HE*'* ***HE*
870. Comics (indirectly); government agent to the extent applicable; Action Comics B***** / QUE** D*X (*B**D*** P*****U*)
871. Original; businessman E****H KE***
872. Original but parody of real person; DJ *'***E ***E*
873. Religion (so depending on beliefs real person); comics as separate being from a better known name; some sort of ruler; under this name, possibly The Hebrew Bible, possibly specifically Deuteronomy or Book of Proverbs being first mention or maybe Apocrypha BE****
874. Stage musical; newspaper employee; It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman **X *E**KE*
875. Original; unrevealed DE*EK [LOCKED; Letters/numbers found at time of locking: DEGHKPQUVWX1234]
876. Original but named after two real people; photographer; named after a famous comics duo ***** K****
877. Comics; criminal; The Flash ****** ****** / *** **UDDE*
878. Original but made to look like earlier character based on comics; unrevealed to the extent applicable ***** *****
879. Original; bowler ****E *HE *P**E
880. Comics (but missing suffix); henchman; Action Comics ***
881. Original; police officer/terrorist DE** PE****E***
882. Original; criminal ***E *****
883. Original; housewife B****E *E**H***HE*
884. Original; technology manufacturing company employee/terrorist E*H** K**X
885. Original; councilwoman *E** ***K**
886. Comics; unrevealed; The Flash F**DED *** / EDW** G*U**
887. Comics (mix of two characters, one by name, the other by role); housewife; The Flash going by name, possibly same for role ****E* Z******
888. Comics; some sort of group leader; JLA **** **U**FE*
889. Original; unrevealed E*** **X
890. Comics; scientist; Action Comics; father of cast character Z**-E*
891. Original; unrevealed **E* WU
892. Comics; student if any; Deadshot Z*E **W***
893. Real person; unrevealed (real version was domestic servant) ***** *E**
894. Original; unrevealed **. **VE
895. Original; drug supplier ****H*** K**Z
896. Comics; mobster; Green Arrow B***K / D**** B***KWE**
897. Original; friend of cast character B**KE
898. Real person; mystic/monk **D ***K / G**G*** ***PU***
899. Original; advanced technology company employee **DD **PPH**E
900. Original but name probably inspired by two real people; national leader but not actually eligible to run for office ***V** ****D**
901. Original; unrevealed ***-**
902. Real person; army commander *P*****U*
903. Earlier show; therapist/criminal; Batman: The Animated Series H***E* QU*** (note: only appeared in deleted scene)
904. Comics; businesswoman/head of branch of advanced technology company/owner and  editor-in-chief/assassin; Superman Annual; has been both ally and adversary to heroes ****** / **D*E* *****
905. Comics if just going by code name, but earlier show by code name and theme (different real name in both cases); prison worker (exact type is his code name)/vigilante; Detective Comics or Gotham EXE*U****E* / BE*****D E*D**
906. Comics; mercenary; More Fun Comics W****** G*E****G**
907. Comics; criminal; Detective Comics ******** / ******* K**GH*
908. Original; unrevealed P*UDE**E H*W*H**NE
909. Original; test subject *UB*E** #331 / *D**
910. Comics; unrevealed; Action Comics B***N*** # / "B**NE* F*FE" (E***H-*UD##)
911. Original; double agent *. **G***
912. Original; totem bearer ***** **WE'* *N*E****
913. Original; attorney G*EG *U*K
914. Original; some sort of employer to the extent applicable Z***'* B***
915. Comics; bank robber; Justice League of America QUEEN (*H**D ***** F*U** G*NG)
916. Original; student if any *****
917. Comics (comics version's first name unknown); unrevealed; Green Arrow: Year One *** H**KE**
918. Original; soldier *D** **E*KE
919. Comics; assassin; possibly Titans U****V**E* / E*PE***Z* G*****
920. Earlier show (photos only); doctor/plastic surgeon/philanthropist/university professor/criminal; Gotham; pivotal figure in major villain's origin ***E*P***** a.k.a. E*H** ***PBE** / *UGU** ****W**GH*
921. Original; unrevealed D*** ***V***
922. Original; slave *B**H**
923. Original; high school strudent/vigilante; son of a major hero ***D** KE**
924. Comics; mercenary; Green Lantern ***KH***E*
925. Possibly comics but a bit of a reach; police detective; Detective Comics if comics, Batman using surname B**** *****E
926. Original; attorney DE**** F**K
927. Real person; soldier turned author; works have been turned into many movies *.*.*. ***K*E*
928. Earlier show; criminal; Batman: The Animated Series; wife of major comics villain **** F**E*
929. Comics; criminal/CEO/real estate mogul; Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen; first of two times this character was adapted into the Arrowverse ***G** EDGE (E***H-3#)
930. Original; district attorney D**Z
931. Original but related to comics based character; student, terrorist turned peace activist GE**GE ***KW**D
932. Original; unrevealed **E*E *******
933. Original; villager ****K* *****H***
934. Original; CFO/criminal BE*H B*EE*
935. Original; mercenary arsonist *** ****EZ
936. Original; barista/server *****E
937. Original; vigilante/computer technician/custodian/car wash attendant **V*** / ***EPH F**K
938. Original; waitress ******
939. Comics; senator; Suicide Squad ***EPH ****
940. Original; drug lord H*DE* ****NE
941. Original; security guard WEBB'* *****P***E
942. Original; agency director W**BU* BE**E**
943. Comics; agency director; Action Comics; counterpart of cast character but gender swapped thus not the same actor B******* # / QUE** D*X (E***H-*UD1#)
944. Original; technology firm employee/crime syndicate member ******* *****B**D
945. Comics; mercenary; Savage Hawkman; comics version is a legacy villain *H*D*W *H*EF / *V*V* *E*U**
946. Original; student if any P**GE
947. Original; unrevealed **** K**X*********
948. Original; unrevealed **X***E *D***
949. Original; some sort of capturer (can't be more speific without revealing part of "name") ****X B*U*** HU**E*
950. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; doctor; Adventures of Superman **E*** H*******
951. Demonology; unrevealed if applicable; possibly Ars Goetia ****H*****
952. Comics but gender swapped (comics version real name unknown); thief; Hawkman *U** a.k.a. *UB*E** 11 / ***E* PE***
953. Original; temporal agent *E*E*
954. Original; arms industry and defense contractor company employee DE** DEVE**UX
955. Original; unrevealed **E* D*V**
956. Original; unrevealed **É**E
957. Original; family restaurant co-owner *U***
958. Comics; scientist/physics professor plus vigilante in one future; Brave New World; comics version is a legacy hero **** / **** *H**
959. Original; reporter F***K***
960. Comics; reporter; Action Comics; married to a different person than her Earth-Prime counterpart **** ***E (E***H-*UD22)
961. Comics; army intelligence officer/government commission member, interim police captain; The Flash Secret Files and Origins K****E* K***E*
962. Comics (code name and real name being separate characters in comics); industrial company foreman turned bank robber; Justice League of America for both code name and real name K**G / DE*EK *E****
963. Folklore; arguably real person but heavily embellished if so; warrior turned queen; possibly Historia Regum Britanniae; known for having an affair GU**EVE*E
964. Mythology; prophet of sorts; Greek mythology ****P**
965. Shares surname (minus one letter) with comics character who fought the same hero but appearently actually named after two characters from non-DC show, making him essentially Original; crime leader V***E** **EE*G**VE
966. Comics; security agent/criminal gang member; Batwing *U**E** **V***FF
967. Original; unrevealed E**K*
968. Comics; streamer/scientist/tech consultant; The Flash; comics version has a code name that is probably now non-PC *HE**E* P. *U*K
969. Comics (comics version's first name unknown); weapons dealer; Huntress B*BB* ***E***
970. Original; instituion worker (can't be more specific without revealing "name") **KH** ****U* *U**E
971. Original; some sort of business head (can't be more specific without revealing "name") *E* *F ***VE****E HE***H ***U****E
972. Comics (different relation in comics); military general/marine commandant/chairman; probably Green Lantern *** **EW***
973. Original; security agent B**K*
974. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed if any *V* P***E
975. Original; student ***G**
976. Comics; scientist/criminal; 52 ****E***** / E**Z* H****N
977. Original; crime boss *U***** *****
978. Original; cult leader **H **
979. Possible amalgmation of two comics characters; unrevealed; if comics, both from the same issue of The Flash F******E WE**
980. Original; police captain/police detective K**BE*** H***
981. Original; crime captain V*K***
982. Comics; blackjack dealer/bank robber; Infinity Inc. H*Z**D / BE*K* *H**PE
983. Comics; criminal; The Flash *** P** / ***EPH ****E*E**E
984. Original; government agent/terrorist ******
985. Original; football player tight end turned criminal ***** / *** *E***W
986. Original; engineer ****
987. Original; unrevealed *D** H*FF***
988. Real person (indirectly); possible inventor/businessman if applicable *H**** ED**** (**B**)
989. Original; cultist KE**E*H
990. Original; unrevealed **KE D*VE*P***
991. Original; unrevealed E*E**** F***WE**HE*
992. Original in terms of names but power set apparently close to a comics character with different name; gender swapped if counterpart; blogger/junior reporter *PE**E* **U*G
993. Comics; bartender; probably Hellblazer **** ***E
994. Original; unrevealed **** *EW**
995. Comics; terrorist; JLA ***EK
996. Original; weapons supplier K**U* ***K**
997. Original; unrevealed; mother of cast character K**HE***E G****
998. Original, though aludes to being part of a comics character's legacy; executive vice president/CEO; related to two cast characters ***QU** *E*
999. Original; night club owner E*** *****E*
1000. Original; military general **PH**** ****
1001. Possible counterpart of comics character with different name; barkeep; possibly Constantine: The Hellblazer DE****D
1002. Original; crime boss/shipping port facility owner *E*** BE****E***
1003. Original; government divisiion director *H*P ***PE*
1004. Original; police lieutenant *** ****H**
1005. Original, though comics character posed as him previously; scientist/lab director; killed in flashback in first appearance but later brought back H******* WE*** (E***H-1)
1006. Original; unrevealed ***** WHEE*E*
1007. Original; assistant district attorney **G** *******
1008. Original; unrevealed *** B***D***
1009. Original; COO *ED F***E*
1010. Race based on folklore; entertainer; race from Celtic folklore U****ED PÚ**
1011. Comics; unrevealed; New Teen Titans **GE*** / F***K*E K**E
1012. Original; psychiatric doctor H****H
1013. Original; high school student DE***E ***WE
1014. Movie; priestess/judicator/council member; Supergirl *E*E**
1015. Original; CEO/businessman ***E* H**DE*
1016. Movie apparently; unrevealed; Superman II; played by an actor from a Star Trek series E**H-3# D****D** P***E****
1017. Race based on comics; would-be conquerer; Adventure Comics for race U****ED D******** (E***H-1)
1018. Original; house staff *****
1019. Earlier character this continuity; temporal agent to the extent applicable E*PE***Z* **UZ (**B**)
1020. Original; unrevealed ****D*
1021. Original, though with similarities to comics character; possible criminal, terrorist under duress K*P*
1022. Real person; novelist ***E *U**E*
1023. Original; crime leader ZH**H**
1024. Real person; singer; one of the most famous musicians of all time E*V** P*E**E*
1025. Original but resembles other character this continuity; mobster D*G** F***
1026. Original; unrevealed G***** **UZ
1027. Gender swapped version of comics character despite other versions of the character who aren't gender swapped also existing; gangster/black market arms dealer; Showcase **H* *****G
1028. Movies; criminal/warlord/military general; Superman: The Movie ***
1029. Comics; crime boss; probably Huntress P*** BE****E***
1030. Original; musician ***
1031. Original; used car salesman DE** *WE**
1032. Original; nation ruler *** DEG****
1033. Original; crime boss *E***G*** *E***E*
1034. Comics; district attorney; Manhunter K**E *PE**E*
1035. Comics; editor-in-chief; The Brave and the Bold; in name only version of comics character, who was a teenage mascot ***PPE* ****
1036. Original; unrevealed DE*EK [LOCKED; Letters/numbers found at time of locking: DEGHKPQUVWX1234]
1037. Original; student Z**K
1038. Original; security agent V**QUEZ (E***H-1)
1039. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed ***** WE*** (E***H-24)
1040. Original; university professor **DU* B***D***
1041. Comics; scientist; Firestorm ***** *U**H
1042. Comics; criminal; The Flash ***VE ***K**
1043. Comics; game show host turned criminal; Detective Comics; one of the few Arrowverse villains to be actually shown putting characters into a traditional comics style deathtrap (maybe even the only such character) **UE****E* / ***H** B**W*
1044. Original; apparent criminal B****
1045. Original; criminal *U**U*
1046. Original; unrevealed; mother of recurring character PE*E**PE DE**B**
1047. Real person; pharaoh ***E**E* **
1048. Original; unrevealed G***E G******' F**HE*
1049. Original; unrevealed *****
1050. Original; undercover agent/freelance IT specialist *E*** **H****
1051. Real person; physicist ****E *U**E
1052. Real person (with caveat); none (not even the real version); real version was stillborn *E**E P*E**E*
1053. Original; CEO ***E* *******
1054. Original but name refers to two real people; criminal ******E B****E
1055. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed V***'* E***H-*UD1# D*PPE*G**GE* (one letter has accent)
1056. Original; art thief B****** ******
1057. Race from mythology; camp counselor; race from  Albanian mythology U****ED *H***G* / "*H*D **EPHE**"
1058. Original; influencer VE****** *** / ****** D**KE*
1059. Original; government agent V***E B***D**
1060. Comics; criminal; Flash Comics *HE **V** / EDW*** *******
1061. Original; time pirate D**KE
1062. Comics (different code name); lawyer/serial killer; Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters; comics version operated out of Seattle *******G *****HE* / ***H**D
1063. Comics; bar owner; Lobo ** (E***H-*UD1#)
1064. Comics (indirectly); criminal to the extent applicable; Adventures of Superman H**K HE****W (*B**D*** P*****U*)
1065. Original; actress P** *H***E
1066. Original; technology firm employee K**** G**VE*
1067. Original; technician D*V*D *U*E*BE*G
1068. Earlier character this continuity; scientist/socialite H. ***H**** WE*** (E***H-4#)
1069. Original; terrorist/technology firm employee ***G** ********
1070. Earlier character this continuity; some sort of cook *HEF *V*
1071. Comics (comics version has different real first name); criminal turned bartender; The Flash PEEK-*-B** / *H*W** B*EZ
1072. Comics; mortgage manager/cheerleading coach/mayor; Superboy; childhood sweetheart of major character **** ***G *U*H**G
1073. Comics; political decoy/bodyguard; Action Comics; two other versions of this character have been prominently seen in non-Arrowverse live action series *H*****PHE* *H***E
1074. Original but race from comics; none; race from Adventure Comics; offspring of 827 GU*B***
1075. Comics (indirectly); criminal of sorts; Showcase; replaced another character for an extended period of time **** WE**-***E* (******VE**E)
1076. Original; nightclub employee BE*K*
1077. Original; head of PR *H****E ****KE
1078. Comics (different first name); unrevealed; The Flash B*G *** / D*V*D ****HE*
1079. Original; CTO/hacktivist/tech store employee; has strong ties to cast character K*** **EDGEH***E* / **E** WH*****K
1080. Original; police detective **KE*** H***
1081. Comics; police sergeant/criminal; Flash Comics; killed by antimatter D***H D**KE (E***H-2)
1082. Original; crime syndicate member/army special ops member *U**H**E / *****E **W****
1083. Comics; bank robber; The Flash ***DE ***D**
1084. Original; unrevealed *EGG*E H*****'* G***D***HE*
1085. Comics (amalgmation of two characters); unrevealed; New Teen Titans and New Teen Titans Annual **** *E**K
1086. Earlier character this continuity; criminal of sorts PE****PE DE**B** (******VE**E)
1087. Original; can't state occupation without revealing the answer but worked in a prison in some capacity W**DE* *F ****KE*'* *****D PE***E******
1088. Original; Chief of Staff ****H W**KE*
1089. Origina; judge;   *UDGE ****K*
1090. Possibly comics but different though somewhat similar name if so; drug dealer/crime boss; possibly More Fun Comics DE*EK ***P***
1091. Comics; unrevealed; Action Comics B******* # (E***H-*UD1#)
1092. Original; scientist ***D *'*E****
1093. Comics; princess; Captain Atom **** H*******
1094. Real person; Prohibition agent; took on an infamous gangster in real life E**** *E**
1095. Original; some sort of bearer (being specific would reveal answer) F**** W**E* ***E* BE**E*
1096. Comics; crime godfather; Outsiders **H**E* G*EG**
1097. Comics (somewhat, with different name); village guardian; Justice League of America E**
1098. Comics; pet; Action Comics; no actual appearance, seen only in room constructed by main character's memories ***E*K*
1099. Original; student *UKE  [LOCKED; Letters/numbers found at time of locking: DEGHKPQUVWX1234]
1100. Original; scientist D*. DE****D ***B
1101. Comics; welder; All-Star Squadron; comics version is a superhero ** ***H**E** (E***H-1)


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5/27/2022 6:02 pm  #45

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

As I'll have company in the evening tomorrow and as I want to move this along, I'll do the next clues in the morning Pacific time if there haven't been any guesses (or if there's only been one or two).

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5/27/2022 7:43 pm  #46

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

Fine tuned the above list to correct various errors/oversights.

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5/28/2022 4:06 am  #47

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

As previously mentioned, switching to a morning schedule due to an evening commitment.

Adding letters/number to answers as chosen by Random Number Generator. Letter (*) and number (#) patterns below. If there is a forward slash, the first name is the code name and the second name is the real name (for such characters I'll accept either name).  Not every number appears in this collage but every letter does. Obviously if a letter is revealed but not shown for a particular character, they don't have that letter in their name.

Adding the letter N.

Letters/numbers found so far: BDEFGHKNPQUVWXZ12349

731. Comics (indirectly); criminal if any; Daring New Adventures of Supergirl; P** (*B**D**N P****NU*)
732. Original; geology professor *. D**B*
733. Original; philosophy student **D***N D*NF***H
734. Original; security agent ******
735. Real person; military officer **P***N N***EG* (one letter has accent)
736. Original; none; voiced by a Gotham cast member G*DE*N (***E V*U**)
737. Original; businessman F**NK *HEN
738. Original; musician DE***N
739. Original; unrevealed ***. F*ZEK**
740. Original; psychiatrist, crime boss D*. WE**  [LOCKED; actually two different letters remaining but the first word in the name is pretty obvious and the remaining two letters are the same; letters found at time of locking: DEGHKPQUVWX1234]
741. Original;  bartender to the extent applicable *** (*B**D**N P****NU*)
742. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed to the extent applicable  V*** (*B**D**N P****NU*)
743. Original; serial killer **KE *HE *P*KE
744. Comics (at least code name); bank robber; Justice League of America **E (*E**ND ***** F*U*H G*NG)
745. Original; police detective DE*E***VE KEV*N
746. Comics; criminal; The Flash *B** K*D*B** (PH***PPE)
747. Original; computer programmer *** KW*N
748. Comics; soldIer and government agency director turned terrorist; Adventures of Superman; identity usurped by another character **B**G *UPE***N / H*NK HEN***W
749. Original; businessman **. G**DNE*
750. Original; bearer of some sort of item F**** *** ***E* BE**E*
751. Original, but likely named after crew member; scientist/cultist *. V***K
752. Comics; assassin; Titans, though at least one earlier character used the same code name B*E**H**KE*
753. Original; student if any when last seen **
754. Original; unrevealed **EV** ***NE
755. Original; club owner/illegal technology dealer **NE****
756. Original (Arrowverse claims a comics connection but it's a reach) but related to comics based character; socialite; if going by Arrowverse claims, Huntress B**N** BE***NE***
757. Original; professional bowler **KE *HE ****KE
758. Comics; some sort of overseer; The Multiversity Guidebook; speedster ***E*E***ED **N (E***H-19)
759. Original; government agent ***N *H*NG
760. Original; some sort of school worker (saying more would revealed too much of the answer) V**E P**N**P** *F D*V** **DD*E ******
761. Original; unrevealed ** G*N**F
762. Comics; police commissioner; Batman: The Dark Knight *********NE* F**BE*
763. Original; student/army agent **G H*****
764. Race based on comics; slave trader or at least ally of one; race: Adventure Comics UNN**ED D***N**** (E***H-3#)
765. Mythology; club employee; Greek mythology ***HE***
766. Real person; army general turned national president; from very early on in that nation's history GE**GE W**H*NG**N
767. Earlier character this continuity; wizard, hacker WE*** *HE G*E* (E***H-13)
769. Comics; bio-geneticist; Firestorm; can duplicate himself *U***P*EX / D*N**N B***K
770. Original; unrevealed **H*NN*
771. Original (Arrowverse claims a comics connection but it's a reach) but related to a character whose alias is based on comics; would-be conquerer; if you want to go with Arrowverse claims, then Superman ZE**-*H*
772. Comics; CEO/crime syndicate leader; The Flash ***EPH ***VE*
773. Comics; government agency secretary/mlitary colonel; Wonder Woman ****NE* **U*EN H**E*
774. Original; editor-in-chief E*** ***K*N
775. Comics; government agent; Batman; comics version had her own series ***E**N ****E
776. Original; councilman H****D G**VNE*
777. Comics; head of security; The Brave and the Bold **V*
778. Original; army officer **PEZ
779. Comics; unrevealed; Fury of Firestorm; wife of a superhero ******** **E*N
780. Original; police officer ***N W**H*NG**N
781. Original; student (graduated) **FF*N* H**PE*
782. Original; socialite ***** V**K*V*
783. Original; crime family member F**NK **N**N*
784. Possibly comics at least for code name; gender swapped if so; criminal turned security guard; Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. *HE H**NE** / **** B***H
785. Original; unrevealed ****
786. Comics; government agent; Green Lantern ****H
787. Original; Director of Tutoring ***N*
788. Original; unrevealed *E*-***
789. Original; unrevealed **HN B**EN
790. Earlier character this continuity; author/scientist H******N W**FG*NG WE*** (E***H-12)
791. Original; warrior PU****
792. Original; art smuggler **ND**X
793. Comics; stewardess turned crime boss; The Flash: Iron Heights; usually a villain but has aided heroes at least once **UNE* B***K / *E***E *****
794. Earlier show; military lieutenant;  Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman ****N ****K
795. Original; attorney **N* D*N*E*
796. Comics; unrevealed; Hellblazer ***** **N***N**NE
797. Comics; circus strongman/enforcer and bodyguard; Showcase; comics version first appeared as lead character B'W*N* BE***
798. Original; criminal (posed as security agent) ***** K***E*
799. Original; unrevealed K**EN ***E*
800. Original; unrevealed ***D*
801. Comics, though almost for sure different surname; model; Batman; former cast character was brainwashed into believing she was her ****E ***N**
802. Real person; mobster/club owner BEN****N "BUG**" **EGE*
803. Original; vehicle company owner B*KE*
804. Original; biochemist *EFF*E* *H**E
805. Comics (indirectly); unrevealed to the extent applicable; Action Comics K*** D*NVE** (*B**D**N P****NU*)
806. Original; terrorist N*****E H*WK*NG*
807. Original; criminal GUN**N / *** HUFF**N
808. Original; bar owner EDD*E [LOCKED; characters found at time of locking: DEGHKPQUVWX1234]
809. Original; student UNN**ED B**
810. Original; outlaw/gang leader *EB *****W**E*
811. Comics; assassin; probably Batwoman *HE **F*E
812. Comics; business manager; Batman; apparently seen in afterlife *U**U* F*X
813. Original; crime boss V*N*EN* **N**N*
814. Comics; criminal; 52 EVE****N / H*NN*B** B**E*
815. Original, but has since appeared in comics; code name from comics; vigilante/martial arts instructor/bar manager/acting; character's debut was highly publicized in comics related news sites CEO B**W***N / ***N W**DE*
816. Real person; pilot **E*** E**H***
817. Original; lab technician **E W**K*N*
818. Comics (code name missing a word); drug dealer/crime boss; Green Arrow VE***G* / WE*NE* Z***E
819. Comics; government agent/mercenary/crime leader; Tales of the Teen Titans K*NE W**F**N / **E W****N
820. Original; apparent criminal **** G**D
821. Original; lab employee K**E
822. Comics (comics version's real name unrevealed); criminal arms dealer; Green Lantern **VE**N / ******* B**D
823. Original; social networking platform employee ***N (UP*W*PZ E*P***EE)
824. Original; CEO's assistant **U***E
825. Original; gang member under duress KEV*N **HN**N
826. Original; weapons manufacturing company employee EDN* [LOCKED; letters found at time of locking: BDEFGHKNPQUVWXZ12349]
827. Original, but race based on comics; queen at least in name; mother of 1074 D***N**** QUEEN
828. Original; unrevealed *ND* ***E*G***D
829. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed H******N *HE***QUE WE***' *E**ND EX-W*FE (E***H-*UD#)
830. Original; student *VE** PH*N
831. Comics (possibly); criminal; Tom Strong or The Silencer Annual if so (if the latter, code name has extra word in show) G*** *E*PE*
832. Original; unrevealed G***E** H***
833. Original; priestess *****
834. Comics; thief; The Flash; apparently replaced with another character with same code name Post-Crisis D*. **GH* / **ND* P**K (E***H-2)
835. Original; possible criminal G*B**E* PH****P* a.k.a. P*****E* 2444
836. Comics; test subject; Supergirl for closest match, though earlier characters of this type exist B*Z**** / **NE D*E
837. Comics; criminal; Firestorm **ND DE**N / EDD*E ****K / E***H-2)
838. Comics (somewhat; different code name); assassin; Justice League of America ***EN-X / **U*E* **N*E (E***H-X)
839. Comics but gender swapped so slightly different first name; prison maintenance worker/criminal; Action Comics ***QUE**NE N**B***
840. Original; district attorney **EVEN *EE
841. Real person; film director; real version created a character who remains prominent to this day **H*** H*ND* (one letter has accent)
842. Original; unrevealed DU* PH*N
843. Original but inspired by real person; performer/circus attraction BE**DED **D* / H**D*
844. Original; student E**K* *******N
845. Comics (slightly different first name); crime boss/CEO; Huntress F**NK BE***NE***
846. Original; student N****N** **** UN*VE***** **UDEN*
847. Original; unrevealed KE**E K**
849. Comics; police officer; More Fun Comics; comics version is a ghostly superhero *** *****G*N
850. Original; student D*NN*E
851. Comics; toy shop owner/serial bomber; Doom Patrol *H**PNE* / ***K **HEFFE*
852. Original; firefighter **BB*E **V**EZ
853. Real person (though this version's surname unconfirmed); robber B*NN*E (surname probably P**KE*)
854. Original; unrevealed PE*E* DE***N
855. Radio show; sales associate/arsonist; The Adventures of Superman ****-**N / HEN** ****E*
856. Original; unrevealed **BE*
857. Original; judge P*****N
858. Comics (different code name or different real name depending on how you look at it); criminal/hacker; Adventure Comics (closest match among those with same code names), Justice League of America (variation of real name) E*H* / ***** ****N (E***H-19)
859. Original; missionary *H**** F**NN
860. Real person; national president; 21st century leader B****K *B***
861. Original; alien trafficker F*G**E / ****H
862. Original; housewife D**NE ****E
863. Original; businessman NE***N **V**H
864. Original; police detective *** P***E***N
865. Original; apparent criminal P***H** F*** **ZZ E***PEE
866. Original; attorney ***ED ***N*****
867. Original; businesswoman/co-CEO ***HE* ***H*W**
868. Original; bank employee N*N*
869. Movie (mentioned); housewife; Superman: The Movie EVE *E**H***HE*'* ***HE*
870. Comics (indirectly); government agent to the extent applicable; Action Comics B***N* / QUE** D*X (*B**D**N P****NU*)
871. Original; businessman E****H KE***
872. Original but parody of real person; DJ *'***E **NE*
873. Religion (so depending on beliefs real person); comics as separate being from a better known name; some sort of ruler; under this name, possibly The Hebrew Bible, possibly specifically Deuteronomy or Book of Proverbs being first mention or maybe Apocrypha BE****
874. Stage musical; newspaper employee; It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman **X *EN*KEN
875. Original; unrevealed DE*EK [LOCKED; Letters/numbers found at time of locking: DEGHKPQUVWX1234]
876. Original but named after two real people; photographer; named after a famous comics duo ****N K**B*
877. Comics; criminal; The Flash ****** ****** / *** **UDDE*
878. Original but made to look like earlier character based on comics; unrevealed to the extent applicable ***** ****N
879. Original; bowler ****E *HE *P**E
880. Comics (but missing suffix); henchman; Action Comics ***
881. Original; police officer/terrorist DE** PE****E***
882. Original; criminal ***E *N**N
883. Original; housewife B****E *E**H***HE*
884. Original; technology manufacturing company employee/terrorist E*H*N KN*X
885. Original; councilwoman *E*N **NK*N
886. Comics; unrevealed; The Flash F**DED **N / EDW*N G*U**
887. Comics (mix of two characters, one by name, the other by role); housewife; The Flash going by name, possibly same for role ****E* Z*****N
888. Comics; some sort of group leader; JLA ***D **U**FE*
889. Original; unrevealed E*** **X
890. Comics; scientist; Action Comics; father of cast character Z**-E*
891. Original; unrevealed **EN WU
892. Comics; student if any; Deadshot Z*E **W**N
893. Real person; unrevealed (real version was domestic servant) ***** NE**
894. Original; unrevealed **. N*VE
895. Original; drug supplier ****H*** K**Z
896. Comics; mobster; Green Arrow B***K / D*NN* B***KWE**
897. Original; friend of cast character B**KE
898. Real person; mystic/monk **D **NK / G**G*** ***PU**N
899. Original; advanced technology company employee **DD **PPH**E
900. Original but name probably inspired by two real people; national leader but not actually eligible to run for office ***V** ****D*N
901. Original; unrevealed ***-**
902. Real person; army commander *P*****U*
903. Earlier show; therapist/criminal; Batman: The Animated Series H***E* QU*NN / D*. H***EE* QU*NZE* (note: only appeared in deleted scene)
904. Comics; businesswoman/head of branch of advanced technology company/owner and  editor-in-chief/assassin; Superman Annual; has been both ally and adversary to heroes ****** / *ND*E* *****
905. Comics if just going by code name, but earlier show by code name and theme (different real name in both cases); prison worker (exact type is his code name)/vigilante; Detective Comics or Gotham EXE*U***NE* / BE****ND E*D*N
906. Comics; mercenary; More Fun Comics W****** G*EN***G*N
907. Comics; criminal; Detective Comics N***U*N* / N****** KN*GH*
908. Original; unrevealed P*UDEN*E H*W*H**NE
909. Original; test subject *UB*E** #331 / *D**
910. Comics; unrevealed; Action Comics B****N*** # / "B**NE* F*FE" (E***H-*UD##)
911. Original; double agent *. **G***
912. Original; totem bearer ***** **WE'* *N*E****
913. Original; attorney G*EG *U*K
914. Original; some sort of employer to the extent applicable Z***'* B***
915. Comics; bank robber; Justice League of America QUEE* (*H**D ***** F*U*H G*NG)
916. Original; student if any ****N
917. Comics (comics version's first name unknown); unrevealed; Green Arrow: Year One *** H**KE**
918. Original; soldier *D** **E*KE
919. Comics; assassin; possibly Titans U****V**E* / E*PE**NZ* G*****
920. Earlier show (photos only); doctor/plastic surgeon/philanthropist/university professor/criminal; Gotham; pivotal figure in major villain's origin ***E*P***** a.k.a. E*H*N ***PBE** / *UGU** ****W**GH*
921. Original; unrevealed D*N* ***V***
922. Original; slave *B**H**
923. Original; high school student/vigilante; son of a major hero ***D*N KEN*
924. Comics; mercenary; Green Lantern ***KH***E*
925. Possibly comics but a bit of a reach; police detective; Detective Comics if comics, Batman using surname B**** ****NE
926. Original; attorney DENN** F**K
927. Real person; soldier turned author; works have been turned into many movies *.*.*. ***K*EN
928. Earlier show; criminal; Batman: The Animated Series; wife of major comics villain N*** F**E*
929. Comics; criminal/CEO/real estate mogul; Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen; first of two times this character was adapted into the Arrowverse ***G*N EDGE (E***H-3#)
930. Original; district attorney D**Z
931. Original but related to comics based character; student, terrorist turned peace activist GE**GE ***KW**D
932. Original; unrevealed **ENE ******N
933. Original; villager ****K* *****H***
934. Original; CFO/criminal BE*H B*EEN
935. Original; mercenary arsonist **N ****EZ
936. Original; barista/server N*****E
937. Original; vigilante/computer technician/custodian/car wash attendant **V*** / ***EPH F**K
938. Original; waitress ******
939. Comics; senator; Suicide Squad ***EPH ****
940. Original; drug lord H*DE* ****NE
941. Original; security guard WEBB'* *****P***E
942. Original; agency director W**BU* BENNE**
943. Comics; agency director; Action Comics; counterpart of cast character but gender swapped thus not the same actor B***N*** # / QUE** D*X (E***H-*UD1#)
944. Original; technology firm employee/crime syndicate member ******* *****B**D
945. Comics; mercenary; Savage Hawkman; comics version is a legacy villain *H*D*W *H*EF / *V*V* *E*U**
946. Original; student if any P**GE
947. Original; unrevealed ***D KN*X********N
948. Original; unrevealed **X*NNE *D***
949. Original; some sort of capturer (can't be more speific without revealing part of "name") ****X B*UN** HUN*E*
950. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; doctor; Adventures of Superman **E*** H******N
951. Demonology; unrevealed if applicable; possibly Ars Goetia ****H*****
952. Comics but gender swapped (comics version real name unknown); thief; Hawkman NU** a.k.a. *UB*E** 11 / **NE* PE***
953. Original; temporal agent *E*E*
954. Original; arms industry and defense contractor company employee DE*N DEVE**UX
955. Original; unrevealed **E* D*V**
956. Original; unrevealed **É**E
957. Original; family restaurant co-owner *U***
958. Comics; scientist/physics professor plus vigilante in one future; Brave New World; comics version is a legacy hero **** / ***N *H**
959. Original; reporter F**NK**N
960. Comics; reporter; Action Comics; married to a different person than her Earth-Prime counterpart **** **NE (E***H-*UD22)
961. Comics; army intelligence officer/government commission member, interim police captain; The Flash Secret Files and Origins K****EN K***E*
962. Comics (code name and real name being separate characters in comics); industrial company foreman turned bank robber; Justice League of America for both code name and real name K*NG / DE*EK *E***N
963. Folklore; arguably real person but heavily embellished if so; warrior turned queen; possibly Historia Regum Britanniae; known for having an affair GU*NEVE*E
964. Mythology; prophet of sorts; Greek mythology ****P**
965. Shares surname (minus one letter) with comics character who fought the same hero but appearently actually named after two characters from non-DC show, making him essentially Original; crime leader V*N*EN* **EE*G**VE
966. Comics; security agent/criminal gang member; Batwing *U**E** **V***FF
967. Original; unrevealed E**K*
968. Comics; streamer/scientist/tech consultant; The Flash; comics version has a code name that is probably now non-PC *HE**E* P. *UNK
969. Comics (comics version's first name unknown); weapons dealer; Huntress B*BB* ***E***
970. Original; instituion worker (can't be more specific without revealing "name") **KH** ****U* NU**E
971. Original; some sort of business head (can't be more specific without revealing "name") *E* *F ***VE***NE HE***H ***U**N*E
972. Comics (different relation in comics); military general/marine commandant/chairman; probably Green Lantern *** **EW***
973. Original; security agent B*NK*
974. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed if any *V* P***E
975. Original; student ***G*N    
976. Comics; scientist/criminal; 52 ****E***** / E**Z* H****N
977. Original; crime boss *U***N* *****
978. Original; cult leader *NH **
979. Possible amalgmation of two comics characters; unrevealed; if comics, both from the same issue of The Flash F**N**NE WE**
980. Original; police captain/police detective K**BE*** H***
981. Original; crime captain V*K***
982. Comics; blackjack dealer/bank robber; Infinity Inc. H*Z**D / BE*K* *H**PE
983. Comics; criminal; The Flash *** P** / ***EPH **N*E*E*NE
984. Original; government agent/terrorist ******
985. Original; football player tight end turned criminal ****N / *** *E***W
986. Original; engineer ****
987. Original; unrevealed *D** H*FF**N
988. Real person (indirectly); possible inventor/businessman if applicable *H**** ED***N (**B**)
989. Original; cultist KENNE*H [LOCKED; letters found at time of locking: BDEFGHKNPQUVWXZ12349]
990. Original; unrevealed **KE D*VENP***
991. Original; unrevealed E*E***N F***WE**HE*
992. Original in terms of names but power set apparently close to a comics character with different name; gender swapped if counterpart; blogger/junior reporter *PEN*E* **UNG
993. Comics; bartender; probably Hellblazer **** *NNE
994. Original; unrevealed **** *EW**
995. Comics; terrorist; JLA ***EK
996. Original; weapons supplier K**U* ***K**
997. Original; unrevealed; mother of cast character K**HE**NE G**N*
998. Original, though aludes to being part of a comics character's legacy; executive vice president/CEO; related to two cast characters ***QU** *E*
999. Original; night club owner E*** *****E*
1000. Original; military general **PH*N** ***N
1001. Possible counterpart of comics character with different name; barkeep; possibly Constantine: The Hellblazer DE***ND
1002. Original; crime boss/shipping port facility owner *E*** BE***NE***
1003. Original; government divisiion director *H*P ***PE*
1004. Original; police lieutenant *** **N*H*N
1005. Original, though comics character posed as him previously; scientist/lab director; killed in flashback in first appearance but later brought back H******N WE*** (E***H-1)
1006. Original; unrevealed N**** WHEE*E*
1007. Original; assistant district attorney *NG** ***N**N
1008. Original; unrevealed *** B***D**N
1009. Original; COO NED F***E*
1010. Race based on folklore; entertainer; race from Celtic folklore UNN**ED PÚ**
1011. Comics; unrevealed; New Teen Titans **GEN** / F**NK*E K*NE
1012. Original; psychiatric doctor H*NN*H [LOCKED; both remaining letters the same; letters found at time of locking: BDEFGHKNPQUVWXZ12349]
1013. Original; high school student DEN**E ***WE
1014. Movie; priestess/judicator/council member; Supergirl *E*EN*
1015. Original; CEO/businessman ***E* H**DE*
1016. Movie apparently; unrevealed; Superman II; played by an actor from a Star Trek series E**H-3# D****D** P***E****
1017. Race based on comics; would-be conquerer; Adventure Comics for race UNN**ED D***N**** (E***H-1)
1018. Original; house staff *****
1019. Earlier character this continuity; temporal agent to the extent applicable E*PE**NZ* **UZ (**B**)
1020. Original; unrevealed ***ND*
1021. Original, though with similarities to comics character; possible criminal, terrorist under duress K*P*
1022. Real person; novelist **NE *U**EN
1023. Original; crime leader ZH**H*N
1024. Real person; singer; one of the most famous musicians of all time E*V** P*E**E*
1025. Original but resembles other character this continuity; mobster D*G** F***
1026. Original; unrevealed G***** **UZ
1027. Gender swapped version of comics character despite other versions of the character who aren't gender swapped also existing; gangster/black market arms dealer; Showcase **HN ****NG
1028. Movies; criminal/warlord/military general; Superman: The Movie N*N [LOCKED; letters found at time of locking: BDEFGHKNPQUVWXZ12349]
1029. Comics; crime boss; probably Huntress P*N* BE***NE***
1030. Original; musician **N
1031. Original; used car salesman DE*N *WEN*
1032. Original; nation ruler *** DEG***N
1033. Original; crime boss *E**NG**N *E***E*
1034. Comics; district attorney; Manhunter K**E *PEN*E*
1035. Comics; editor-in-chief; The Brave and the Bold; in name only version of comics character, who was a teenage mascot *N*PPE* ****
1036. Original; unrevealed DE*EK [LOCKED; Letters/numbers found at time of locking: DEGHKPQUVWX1234]
1037. Original; student Z**K
1038. Original; security agent V**QUEZ (E***H-1)
1039. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed **NN* WE*** (E***H-24)
1040. Original; university professor **DU* B***D**N
1041. Comics; scientist; Firestorm ****N *U**H
1042. Comics; criminal; The Flash ***VE ***K*N
1043. Comics; game show host turned criminal; Detective Comics; one of the few Arrowverse villains to be actually shown putting characters into a traditional comics style deathtrap (maybe even the only such character) **UE***E* / ***H** B**WN
1044. Original; apparent criminal B****
1045. Original; criminal *U**U*
1046. Original; unrevealed; mother of recurring character PENE**PE DE**B*N
1047. Real person; pharaoh ***E**E* **
1048. Original; unrevealed G***E G*BB*N*' F**HE*
1049. Original; unrevealed ****N
1050. Original; undercover agent/freelance IT specialist *ENN* **HN**N
1051. Real person; physicist ****E *U**E
1052. Real person (with caveat); none (not even the real version); real version was stillborn *E**E P*E**E*
1053. Original; CEO **NE* *******
1054. Original but name refers to two real people; criminal *****NE B****E
1055. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed V***'* E***H-*UD1# D*PPE*G*NGE* (one letter has accent)
1056. Original; art thief B*****N *****D
1057. Race from mythology; camp counselor; race from  Albanian mythology UNN**ED *H***G* / "*H*D **EPHEN*"
1058. Original; influencer VE**N*** *** / ****** D*NKE*
1059. Original; government agent V*N*E B**ND*N
1060. Comics; criminal; Flash Comics *HE **V** / EDW**D *******
1061. Original; time pirate D**KE
1062. Comics (different code name); lawyer/serial killer; Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters; comics version operated out of Seattle ******NG *****HE* / ***H**D
1063. Comics; bar owner; Lobo ** (E***H-*UD1#)
1064. Comics (indirectly); criminal to the extent applicable; Adventures of Superman H*NK HEN***W (*B**D**N P****NU*)
1065. Original; actress P** *H***E
1066. Original; technology firm employee K**** G**VE*
1067. Original; technician D*V*D *U*ENBE*G
1068. Earlier character this continuity; scientist/socialite H. ***H**** WE*** (E***H-4#)
1069. Original; terrorist/technology firm employee ***G** *******N
1070. Earlier character this continuity; some sort of cook *HEF *V*
1071. Comics (comics version has different real first name); criminal turned bartender; The Flash PEEK-*-B** / *H*WN* B*EZ
1072. Comics; mortgage manager/cheerleading coach/mayor; Superboy; childhood sweetheart of major character **N* **NG *U*H*NG
1073. Comics; political decoy/bodyguard; Action Comics; two other versions of this character have been prominently seen in non-Arrowverse live action series *H*****PHE* *H*N*E
1074. Original but race from comics; none; race from Adventure Comics; offspring of 827 GU*B***
1075. Comics (indirectly); criminal of sorts; Showcase; replaced another character for an extended period of time **** WE**-***EN (******VE**E)
1076. Original; nightclub employee BE*K*
1077. Original; head of PR *H****E ****KE
1078. Comics (different first name); unrevealed; The Flash B*G *** / D*V*D ****HE*
1079. Original; CTO/hacktivist/tech store employee; has strong ties to cast character K*** **EDGEH***E* / **EN* WH*****K
1080. Original; police detective **KENN* H***
1081. Comics; police sergeant/criminal; Flash Comics; killed by antimatter D*N*H D**KE (E***H-2)
1082. Original; crime syndicate member/army special ops member *UN*H*NE / *****E **W**N*
1083. Comics; bank robber; The Flash ***DE ***D*N
1084. Original; unrevealed *EGG*E H*****'* G**ND***HE*
1085. Comics (amalgmation of two characters); unrevealed; New Teen Titans and New Teen Titans Annual **** *E**K
1086. Earlier character this continuity; criminal of sorts PEN***PE DE**B*N (******VE**E)
1087. Original; can't state occupation without revealing the answer but worked in a prison in some capacity W**DEN *F ****KE*'* ****ND PEN**EN*****
1088. Original; Chief of Staff ****H W**KE*
1089. Origina; judge;   *UDGE **N*K*
1090. Possibly comics but different though somewhat similar name if so; drug dealer/crime boss; possibly More Fun Comics DE*EK ***P**N
1091. Comics; unrevealed; Action Comics B***N*** # (E***H-*UD1#)
1092. Original; scientist **ND *'*E****
1093. Comics; princess; Captain Atom N*** H*******
1094. Real person; Prohibition agent; took on an infamous gangster in real life E**** NE**
1095. Original; some sort of bearer (being specific would reveal answer) F**** W**E* ***E* BE**E*
1096. Comics; crime godfather; Outsiders **H**E* G*EG**
1097. Comics (somewhat, with different name); village guardian; Justice League of America E**
1098. Comics; pet; Action Comics; no actual appearance, seen only in room constructed by main character's memories ***E*K*
1099. Original; student *UKE  [LOCKED; Letters/numbers found at time of locking: DEGHKPQUVWX1234]
1100. Original; scientist D*. DE***ND ***B
1101. Comics; welder; All-Star Squadron; comics version is a superhero ** ***H**E*N (E***H-1)


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5/28/2022 4:15 am  #48

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

Locked characters:
740 (with caveat)

And yes two of the locked characters have the same name. Same name, different characters on different shows

More easy wins (especially if you know the comics version/real person):
745 (original but enough letters revealed to guess at)
797 (costume is comics accurate)
815 (for now; at this stage I'll accept the code name and reasonable clarifier if you don't know her real name)
905 (for now; at this stage I'll accept just the code name)

Easy wins if you follow the patterns from the first two collages in this series:

The following are main characters, which I define as having been played by a member of the cast for the bulk of at least one season, as opposed to imposters/counterparts played by the same cast member:

The following are non-main characters also played by main cast members, usually but not always on the parent series:
836 (two actresses, only one main cast)
1073 (only when in disguise)

Partial guesses okay.

As before, this link is a good location if you're stuck: https://arrow.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Characters

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5/29/2022 5:09 am  #49

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

Adding letters/number to answers as chosen by Random Number Generator. Letter (*) and number (#) patterns below. If there is a forward slash, the first name is the code name and the second name is the real name (for such characters I'll accept either name).  Not every number appears in this collage but every letter does. Obviously if a letter is revealed but not shown for a particular character, they don't have that letter in their name.

Adding the letter L.

Letters/numbers found so far: BDEFGHKLNPQUVWXZ12349

731. Comics (indirectly); criminal if any; Daring New Adventures of Supergirl; P** (*B**D**N PL***NU*)
732. Original; geology professor *. D**B*
733. Original; philosophy student **D***N D*NF***H
734. Original; security agent ***L**
735. Real person; military officer **P***N N***EG* (one letter has accent)
736. Original; none; voiced by a Gotham cast member G*DE*N (***E V*UL*)
737. Original; businessman F**NK *HEN
738. Original; musician DE*L*N
739. Original; unrevealed ***. F*ZEK**
740. Original; psychiatrist, crime boss D*. WE**  [LOCKED; actually two different letters remaining but the first word in the name is pretty obvious and the remaining two letters are the same; letters found at time of locking: DEGHKPQUVWX1234]
741. Original;  bartender to the extent applicable *** (*B**D**N PL***NU*)
742. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed to the extent applicable  V*** (*B**D**N P****NU*)
743. Original; serial killer **KE *HE *P*KE
744. Comics (at least code name); bank robber; Justice League of America **E (*E**ND ****L FLU*H G*NG)
745. Original; police detective DE*E***VE KEV*N
746. Comics; criminal; The Flash *B** K*D*B** (PH*L*PPE)
747. Original; computer programmer *** KW*N
748. Comics; soldIer and government agency director turned terrorist; Adventures of Superman; identity usurped by another character **B**G *UPE***N / H*NK HEN***W
749. Original; businessman **. G**DNE*
750. Original; bearer of some sort of item F**** *** ***E* BE**E*
751. Original, but likely named after crew member; scientist/cultist *. V***K
752. Comics; assassin; Titans, though at least one earlier character used the same code name B*E**H**KE*
753. Original; student if any when last seen **
754. Original; unrevealed **EV** ***NE
755. Original; club owner/illegal technology dealer **NE****
756. Original (Arrowverse claims a comics connection but it's a reach) but related to comics based character; socialite; if going by Arrowverse claims, Huntress B**N** BE***NELL*
757. Original; professional bowler **KE *HE ****KE
758. Comics; some sort of overseer; The Multiversity Guidebook; speedster ***ELE***ED **N (E***H-19)
759. Original; government agent *L*N *H*NG
760. Original; some sort of school worker (saying more would revealed too much of the answer) V**E P**N**P*L *F D*V** **DDLE *****L
761. Original; unrevealed ** G*N**F
762. Comics; police commissioner; Batman: The Dark Knight *********NE* F**BE*
763. Original; student/army agent **G H*****
764. Race based on comics; slave trader or at least ally of one; race: Adventure Comics UNN**ED D***N**** (E***H-3#)
765. Mythology; club employee; Greek mythology L**HE***
766. Real person; army general turned national president; from very early on in that nation's history GE**GE W**H*NG**N
767. Earlier character this continuity; wizard, hacker WELL* *HE G*E* (E***H-13)
769. Comics; bio-geneticist; Firestorm; can duplicate himself *UL**P*EX / D*N**N BL**K
770. Original; unrevealed **H*NN*
771. Original (Arrowverse claims a comics connection but it's a reach) but related to a character whose alias is based on comics; would-be conquerer; if you want to go with Arrowverse claims, then Superman ZE**-*H*
772. Comics; CEO/crime syndicate leader; The Flash ***EPH ***VE*
773. Comics; government agency secretary/mlitary colonel; Wonder Woman **L*NEL L*U*EN H*LE*
774. Original; editor-in-chief E*** L**K*N
775. Comics; government agent; Batman; comics version had her own series ***E**N ****E
776. Original; councilman H***LD G**VNE*
777. Comics; head of security; The Brave and the Bold **V*
778. Original; army officer L*PEZ [LOCKED; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BDEFGHKLNPQUVWXZ12349]
779. Comics; unrevealed; Fury of Firestorm; wife of a superhero *L****** **E*N
780. Original; police officer ***N W**H*NG**N
781. Original; student (graduated) **FF*N* H**PE*
782. Original; socialite ***** V*LK*V*
783. Original; crime family member F**NK **N**N*
784. Possibly comics at least for code name; gender swapped if so; criminal turned security guard; Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. *HE H**NE** / **** B***H
785. Original; unrevealed ****
786. Comics; government agent; Green Lantern ****H
787. Original; Director of Tutoring ***N*
788. Original; unrevealed LE*-L**
789. Original; unrevealed **HN B*LEN
790. Earlier character this continuity; author/scientist H******N W*LFG*NG WELL* (E***H-12)
791. Original; warrior PU****
792. Original; art smuggler **ND**X
793. Comics; stewardess turned crime boss; The Flash: Iron Heights; usually a villain but has aided heroes at least once **UNE* BL**K / LE*L*E *****
794. Earlier show; military lieutenant;  Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman ****N ****K
795. Original; attorney **N* D*N*EL
796. Comics; unrevealed; Hellblazer ***** **N***N**NE
797. Comics; circus strongman/enforcer and bodyguard; Showcase; comics version first appeared as lead character B'W*N* BE***
798. Original; criminal (posed as security agent) ***** K***E*
799. Original; unrevealed K**EN ***E*
800. Original; unrevealed **LD*
801. Comics, though almost for sure different surname; model; Batman; former cast character was brainwashed into believing she was her ****E ***N**
802. Real person; mobster/club owner BEN****N "BUG**" **EGEL
803. Original; vehicle company owner B*KE*
804. Original; biochemist *EFF*E* *H**E
805. Comics (indirectly); unrevealed to the extent applicable; Action Comics K*** D*NVE** (*B**D**N PL***NU*)
806. Original; terrorist N***L*E H*WK*NG*
807. Original; criminal GUN**N / *** HUFF**N
808. Original; bar owner EDD*E [LOCKED; characters found at time of locking: DEGHKPQUVWX1234]
809. Original; student UNN**ED B**
810. Original; outlaw/gang leader *EB ***LLW**E*
811. Comics; assassin; probably Batwoman *HE **FLE
812. Comics; business manager; Batman; apparently seen in afterlife LU**U* F*X
813. Original; crime boss V*N*EN* **N**N*
814. Comics; criminal; 52 EVE****N / H*NN*B*L B**E*
815. Original, but has since appeared in comics; code name from comics; vigilante/martial arts instructor/bar manager/acting; character's debut was highly publicized in comics related news sites CEO B**W***N / ***N W*LDE*
816. Real person; pilot **EL** E**H***
817. Original; lab technician **E W**K*N*
818. Comics (code name missing a word); drug dealer/crime boss; Green Arrow VE***G* / WE*NE* Z**LE
819. Comics; government agent/mercenary/crime leader; Tales of the Teen Titans K*NE W*LF**N / **E W*L**N
820. Original; apparent criminal L*** G*LD
821. Original; lab employee K*LE [LOCKED; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BDEFGHKLNPQUVWXZ12349]
822. Comics (comics version's real name unrevealed); criminal arms dealer; Green Lantern **VEL*N / **L**L* B**D
823. Original; social networking platform employee *L*N (UP*W*PZ E*PL**EE)
824. Original; CEO's assistant **U***E
825. Original; gang member under duress KEV*N **HN**N
826. Original; weapons manufacturing company employee EDN* [LOCKED; letters found at time of locking: BDEFGHKNPQUVWXZ12349]
827. Original, but race based on comics; queen at least in name; mother of 1074 D***N**** QUEEN
828. Original; unrevealed *ND* ***E*G***D
829. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed H******N *HE*L*QUE WELL*' *E**ND EX-W*FE (E***H-*UD#)
830. Original; student *VE** PH*N
831. Comics (possibly); criminal; Tom Strong or The Silencer Annual if so (if the latter, code name has extra word in show) G*** *E*PE*
832. Original; unrevealed G***E** H*LL
833. Original; priestess ***L*
834. Comics; thief; The Flash; apparently replaced with another character with same code name Post-Crisis D*. L*GH* / L*ND* P**K (E***H-2)
835. Original; possible criminal G*B**EL PH*LL*P* a.k.a. P*****E* 2444
836. Comics; test subject; Supergirl for closest match, though earlier characters of this type exist B*Z**** / **NE D*E
837. Comics; criminal; Firestorm **ND DE**N / EDD*E *L**K / E***H-2)
838. Comics (somewhat; different code name); assassin; Justice League of America ***EN-X / L*U*EL L*N*E (E***H-X)
839. Comics but gender swapped so slightly different first name; prison maintenance worker/criminal; Action Comics ***QUEL*NE N**B*LL
840. Original; district attorney **EVEN LEE
841. Real person; film director; real version created a character who remains prominent to this day **H*** H*ND* (one letter has accent)
842. Original; unrevealed DU* PH*N
843. Original but inspired by real person; performer/circus attraction BE**DED L*D* / H*LD*
844. Original; student E**K* *******N
845. Comics (slightly different first name); crime boss/CEO; Huntress F**NK BE***NELL*
846. Original; student N****N*L **** UN*VE***** **UDEN*
847. Original; unrevealed KE**E K**
849. Comics; police officer; More Fun Comics; comics version is a ghostly superhero *** *****G*N
850. Original; student D*NN*E
851. Comics; toy shop owner/serial bomber; Doom Patrol *H**PNEL / ***K **HEFFE*
852. Original; firefighter **BB*E *LV**EZ
853. Real person (though this version's surname unconfirmed); robber B*NN*E (surname probably P**KE*)
854. Original; unrevealed PE*E* DE*L*N
855. Radio show; sales associate/arsonist; The Adventures of Superman ****-**N / HEN** **LLE*
856. Original; unrevealed **BE*
857. Original; judge P*****N
858. Comics (different code name or different real name depending on how you look at it); criminal/hacker; Adventure Comics (closest match among those with same code names), Justice League of America (variation of real name) E*H* / ***** ****N (E***H-19)
859. Original; missionary *H**** FL*NN
860. Real person; national president; 21st century leader though seen before becoming President B****K *B***
861. Original; alien trafficker F*G**E / ****H
862. Original; housewife D**NE ****E
863. Original; businessman NEL**N **V**H
864. Original; police detective *** P***E***N
865. Original; apparent criminal P***H** F*** **ZZ E***PEE
866. Original; attorney ***ED ***N*****
867. Original; businesswoman/co-CEO ***HEL ***H*W**
868. Original; bank employee N*N*
869. Movie (mentioned); housewife; Superman: The Movie EVE *E**H***HE*'* ***HE*
870. Comics (indirectly); government agent to the extent applicable; Action Comics B***N* / QUE*L D*X (*B**D**N PL***NU*)
871. Original; businessman E*L**H KEL**
872. Original but parody of real person; DJ *'***E **NE*
873. Religion (so depending on beliefs real person); comics as separate being from a better known name; some sort of ruler; under this name, possibly The Hebrew Bible, possibly specifically Deuteronomy or Book of Proverbs being first mention or maybe Apocrypha BEL**L
874. Stage musical; newspaper employee; It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman **X *EN*KEN
875. Original; unrevealed DE*EK [LOCKED; Letters/numbers found at time of locking: DEGHKPQUVWX1234]
876. Original but named after two real people; photographer; named after a famous comics duo ****N K**B*
877. Comics; criminal; The Flash ****** ****** / *** **UDDE*
878. Original but made to look like earlier character based on comics; unrevealed to the extent applicable ***** ****N
879. Original; bowler *L**E *HE *P**E
880. Comics (but missing suffix); henchman; Action Comics ***
881. Original; police officer/terrorist DE** PE****ELL*
882. Original; criminal ***E *N**N
883. Original; housewife B****E *E**H***HE*
884. Original; technology manufacturing company employee/terrorist E*H*N KN*X
885. Original; councilwoman *E*N **NK*N
886. Comics; unrevealed; The Flash F*LDED **N / EDW*N G*U**
887. Comics (mix of two characters, one by name, the other by role); housewife; The Flash going by name, possibly same for role ***LE* Z*L***N
888. Comics; some sort of group leader; JLA L**D **U**FE*
889. Original; unrevealed E*** **X
890. Comics; scientist; Action Comics; father of cast character Z**-EL
891. Original; unrevealed L*EN WU  [LOCKED; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BDEFGHKLNPQUVWXZ12349]
892. Comics; student if any; Deadshot Z*E L*W**N
893. Real person; unrevealed (real version was domestic servant) ***** NE*L
894. Original; unrevealed **. N*VE
895. Original; drug supplier ****H*LL K**Z
896. Comics; mobster; Green Arrow B***K / D*NN* B***KWELL
897. Original; friend of cast character BL*KE  [LOCKED; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BDEFGHKLNPQUVWXZ12349]
898. Real person; mystic/monk **D **NK / G**G*** ***PU**N
899. Original; advanced technology company employee **DD **PPH**E
900. Original but name probably inspired by two real people; national leader but not actually eligible to run for office *L*V** ****D*N
901. Original; unrevealed L**-*L
902. Real person; army commander *P*****U*
903. Earlier show; therapist/criminal; Batman: The Animated Series H**LE* QU*NN / D*. H**LEE* QU*NZEL (note: only appeared in deleted scene)
904. Comics; businesswoman/head of branch of advanced technology company/owner and  editor-in-chief/assassin; Superman Annual; has been both ally and adversary to heroes ****** / *ND*E* *****
905. Comics if just going by code name, but earlier show by code name and theme (different real name in both cases); prison worker (exact type is his code name)/vigilante; Detective Comics or Gotham EXE*U***NE* / BE****ND ELD*N
906. Comics; mercenary; More Fun Comics W*LL*** GLEN***G*N
907. Comics; criminal; Detective Comics N***U*N* / N***L** KN*GH*
908. Original; unrevealed P*UDEN*E H*W*H**NE
909. Original; test subject *UB*E** #331 / *D**
910. Comics; unrevealed; Action Comics B****N*** # / "B**NE* F*FE" (E***H-*UD##)
911. Original; double agent *. **G*LL
912. Original; totem bearer ***** **WE'* *N*E****
913. Original; attorney G*EG *U*K
914. Original; some sort of employer to the extent applicable Z***'* B***
915. Comics; bank robber; Justice League of America QUEEN (*H**D ****L FLU*H G*NG)
916. Original; student if any ****N
917. Comics (comics version's first name unknown); unrevealed; Green Arrow: Year One *** H**KE**
918. Original; soldier *D** **E*KE
919. Comics; assassin; possibly Titans UL***V*LE* / E*PE**NZ* G*****
920. Earlier show (photos only); doctor/plastic surgeon/philanthropist/university professor/criminal; Gotham; pivotal figure in major villain's origin ***E*P*LL** a.k.a. E*H*N ***PBELL / *UGU** ****W**GH*
921. Original; unrevealed D*N* **LV***
922. Original; slave *B**H**
923. Original; high school student/vigilante; son of a major hero ***D*N KEN*
924. Comics; mercenary; Green Lantern ***KH***E*
925. Possibly comics but a bit of a reach; police detective; Detective Comics if comics, Batman using surname B*LL* **L*NE
926. Original; attorney DENN** F**K
927. Real person; soldier turned author; works have been turned into many movies *.*.*. **LK*EN
928. Earlier show; criminal; Batman: The Animated Series; wife of major comics villain N*** F**E*
929. Comics; criminal/CEO/real estate mogul; Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen; first of two times this character was adapted into the Arrowverse ***G*N EDGE (E***H-3#)
930. Original; district attorney D**Z
931. Original but related to comics based character; student, terrorist turned peace activist GE**GE L**KW**D
932. Original; unrevealed **ENE *L****N
933. Original; villager ****K* *****H***
934. Original; CFO/criminal BE*H B*EEN
935. Original; mercenary arsonist **N ****EZ
936. Original; barista/server N*****E
937. Original; vigilante/computer technician/custodian/car wash attendant **V*** / ***EPH F*LK
938. Original; waitress ******
939. Comics; senator; Suicide Squad ***EPH ****
940. Original; drug lord H*DE* ****NE
941. Original; security guard WEBB'* *****PL**E
942. Original; agency director W*LBU* BENNE**
943. Comics; agency director; Action Comics; counterpart of cast character but gender swapped thus not the same actor B***N*** # / QUE*L D*X (E***H-*UD1#)
944. Original; technology firm employee/crime syndicate member **L**L* *****B**D
945. Comics; mercenary; Savage Hawkman; comics version is a legacy villain *H*D*W *H*EF / *V*V* *E*UL*
946. Original; student if any P**GE
947. Original; unrevealed L**D KN*X****LL**N
948. Original; unrevealed **X*NNE *D***
949. Original; some sort of capturer (can't be more speific without revealing part of "name") ****X B*UN** HUN*E*
950. Comics but gender swapped, so slightly different first name; doctor; Adventures of Superman **EL** H***L**N
951. Demonology; unrevealed if applicable; possibly Ars Goetia ****H*****
952. Comics but gender swapped (comics version real name unknown); thief; Hawkman NULL a.k.a. *UB*E** 11 / **NE* PE***
953. Original; temporal agent *E*E*
954. Original; arms industry and defense contractor company employee DE*N DEVE**UX
955. Original; unrevealed **E* D*V**
956. Original; unrevealed **ÉL*E
957. Original; family restaurant co-owner *U***
958. Comics; scientist/physics professor plus vigilante in one future; Brave New World; comics version is a legacy hero **** / ***N *H**
959. Original; reporter F**NK**N
960. Comics; reporter; Action Comics; married to a different person than her Earth-Prime counterpart L*** L*NE (E***H-*UD22)
961. Comics; army intelligence officer/government commission member, interim police captain; The Flash Secret Files and Origins K****EN K***E*
962. Comics (code name and real name being separate characters in comics); industrial company foreman turned bank robber; Justice League of America for both code name and real name K*NG / DE*EK *E***N
963. Folklore; arguably real person but heavily embellished if so; warrior turned queen; possibly Historia Regum Britanniae; known for having an affair GU*NEVE*E
964. Mythology; prophet of sorts; Greek mythology ****P**
965. Shares surname (minus one letter) with comics character who fought the same hero but appearently actually named after two characters from non-DC show, making him essentially Original; crime leader V*N*EN* **EELG**VE
966. Comics; security agent/criminal gang member; Batwing *U**ELL **V***FF
967. Original; unrevealed E**K*
968. Comics; streamer/scientist/tech consultant; The Flash; comics version has a code name that is probably now non-PC *HE**E* P. *UNK
969. Comics (comics version's first name unknown); weapons dealer; Huntress B*BB* ***E***
970. Original; instituion worker (can't be more specific without revealing "name") **KH** ***LU* NU**E
971. Original; some sort of business head (can't be more specific without revealing "name") *E* *F **LVE***NE HE*L*H ***U**N*E
972. Comics (different relation in comics); military general/marine commandant/chairman; probably Green Lantern *** **EW***
973. Original; security agent B*NK*
974. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed if any *V* P***E
975. Original; student ***G*N    
976. Comics; scientist/criminal; 52 ****E***** / EL*Z* H****N
977. Original; crime boss LU***N* *****
978. Original; cult leader *NH L*
979. Possible amalgmation of two comics characters; unrevealed; if comics, both from the same issue of The Flash F**N**NE WE**
980. Original; police captain/police detective K**BE*L* H*LL
981. Original; crime captain V*K***
982. Comics; blackjack dealer/bank robber; Infinity Inc. H*Z**D / BE*K* *H**PE
983. Comics; criminal; The Flash *** P** / ***EPH **N*ELE*NE
984. Original; government agent/terrorist ***L**
985. Original; football player tight end turned criminal ****N / *** *E*L*W
986. Original; engineer ***L
987. Original; unrevealed *D** H*FF**N
988. Real person (indirectly); possible inventor/businessman if applicable *H**** ED***N (**B**)
989. Original; cultist KENNE*H [LOCKED; letters found at time of locking: BDEFGHKNPQUVWXZ12349]
990. Original; unrevealed **KE D*VENP***
991. Original; unrevealed E*E***N F***WE**HE*
992. Original in terms of names but power set apparently close to a comics character with different name; gender swapped if counterpart; blogger/junior reporter *PEN*E* **UNG
993. Comics; bartender; probably Hellblazer **** *NNE
994. Original; unrevealed **** LEW**
995. Comics; terrorist; JLA ***EK
996. Original; weapons supplier KL*U* ***K**
997. Original; unrevealed; mother of cast character K**HE**NE G**N*
998. Original, though aludes to being part of a comics character's legacy; executive vice president/CEO; related to two cast characters ***QU** *E*
999. Original; night club owner E*** *****E*
1000. Original; military general *LPH*N** ***N
1001. Possible counterpart of comics character with different name; barkeep; possibly Constantine: The Hellblazer DE***ND
1002. Original; crime boss/shipping port facility owner *E*** BE***NELL*
1003. Original; government divisiion director *H*P ***PE*
1004. Original; police lieutenant *** **N*H*N
1005. Original, though comics character posed as him previously; scientist/lab director; killed in flashback in first appearance but later brought back H******N WELL* (E***H-1)
1006. Original; unrevealed N**** WHEELE*
1007. Original; assistant district attorney *NG** ***N**N
1008. Original; unrevealed *** B***D**N
1009. Original; COO NED F***E*
1010. Race based on folklore; entertainer; race from Celtic folklore UNN**ED PÚ**
1011. Comics; unrevealed; New Teen Titans **GEN** / F**NK*E K*NE
1012. Original; psychiatric doctor H*NN*H [LOCKED; both remaining letters the same; letters found at time of locking: BDEFGHKNPQUVWXZ12349]
1013. Original; high school student DEN**E *L*WE
1014. Movie; priestess/judicator/council member; Supergirl *ELEN*
1015. Original; CEO/businessman ***E* H*LDE*
1016. Movie apparently; unrevealed; Superman II; played by an actor from a Star Trek series E**H-3# D****D** P***E****
1017. Race based on comics; would-be conquerer; Adventure Comics for race UNN**ED D***N**** (E***H-1)
1018. Original; house staff *****
1019. Earlier character this continuity; temporal agent to the extent applicable E*PE**NZ* **UZ (**B**)
1020. Original; unrevealed ***ND*
1021. Original, though with similarities to comics character; possible criminal, terrorist under duress K*P*
1022. Real person; novelist **NE *U**EN
1023. Original; crime leader ZH**H*N
1024. Real person; singer; one of the most famous musicians of all time ELV** P*E*LE*
1025. Original but resembles other character this continuity; mobster D*G** F***
1026. Original; unrevealed GL**** **UZ
1027. Gender swapped version of comics character despite other versions of the character who aren't gender swapped also existing; gangster/black market arms dealer; Showcase **HN L***NG
1028. Movies; criminal/warlord/military general; Superman: The Movie N*N [LOCKED; letters found at time of locking: BDEFGHKNPQUVWXZ12349]
1029. Comics; crime boss; probably Huntress P*N* BE***NELL*
1030. Original; musician **N
1031. Original; used car salesman DE*N *WEN*
1032. Original; nation ruler *** DEG***N
1033. Original; crime boss *E**NG**N *E***E*
1034. Comics; district attorney; Manhunter K**E *PEN*E*
1035. Comics; editor-in-chief; The Brave and the Bold; in name only version of comics character, who was a teenage mascot *N*PPE* ****
1036. Original; unrevealed DE*EK [LOCKED; Letters/numbers found at time of locking: DEGHKPQUVWX1234]
1037. Original; student Z**K
1038. Original; security agent V**QUEZ (E***H-1)
1039. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed **NN* WELL* (E***H-24)
1040. Original; university professor *LDU* B***D**N
1041. Comics; scientist; Firestorm ****N *U**H
1042. Comics; criminal; The Flash *L*VE ***K*N
1043. Comics; game show host turned criminal; Detective Comics; one of the few Arrowverse villains to be actually shown putting characters into a traditional comics style deathtrap (maybe even the only such character) *LUE***E* / ***H** B**WN
1044. Original; apparent criminal B****
1045. Original; criminal *UL*U*
1046. Original; unrevealed; mother of recurring character PENEL*PE DE**B*N
1047. Real person; pharaoh ***E**E* **
1048. Original; unrevealed G***E G*BB*N*' F**HE*
1049. Original; unrevealed ****N
1050. Original; undercover agent/freelance IT specialist *ENN* **HN**N
1051. Real person; physicist ****E *U**E
1052. Real person (with caveat); none (not even the real version); real version was stillborn *E**E P*E*LE*
1053. Original; CEO **NE* *****LL
1054. Original but name refers to two real people; criminal *****NE B****E
1055. Earlier character this continuity; unrevealed V***'* E***H-*UD1# D*PPELG*NGE* (one letter has accent)
1056. Original; art thief B*****N *****D
1057. Race from mythology; camp counselor; race from  Albanian mythology UNN**ED *H***G* / "*H*D **EPHEN*"
1058. Original; influencer VE**N*** *** / ****** D*NKE*
1059. Original; government agent V*N*E B**ND*N
1060. Comics; criminal; Flash Comics *HE **V*L / EDW**D *L*****
1061. Original; time pirate D**KE
1062. Comics (different code name); lawyer/serial killer; Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters; comics version operated out of Seattle ****L*NG *L***HE* / ***H**D
1063. Comics; bar owner; Lobo *L (E***H-*UD1#) [name part LOCKED as it's obvious what the letters in parentheses are; will still add the remaining number if it comes up; Letters/numbers found at time of locking: DEGHKPQUVWX1234]
1064. Comics (indirectly); criminal to the extent applicable; Adventures of Superman H*NK HEN***W (*B**D**N PL***NU*)
1065. Original; actress P** *H***E
1066. Original; technology firm employee K**L* G**VE*
1067. Original; technician D*V*D *U*ENBE*G
1068. Earlier character this continuity; scientist/socialite H. L**H**** WELL* (E***H-4#)
1069. Original; terrorist/technology firm employee ***G** *******N
1070. Earlier character this continuity; some sort of cook *HEF *V*
1071. Comics (comics version has different real first name); criminal turned bartender; The Flash PEEK-*-B** / *H*WN* B*EZ
1072. Comics; mortgage manager/cheerleading coach/mayor; Superboy; childhood sweetheart of major character L*N* L*NG *U*H*NG
1073. Comics; political decoy/bodyguard; Action Comics; two other versions of this character have been prominently seen in non-Arrowverse live action series *H*****PHE* *H*N*E
1074. Original but race from comics; none; race from Adventure Comics; offspring of 827 GU*B*LL
1075. Comics (indirectly); criminal of sorts; Showcase; replaced another character for an extended period of time **** WE**-*LLEN (******VE**E)
1076. Original; nightclub employee BE*K*
1077. Original; head of PR *H**L*E *L**KE
1078. Comics (different first name); unrevealed; The Flash B*G *** / D*V*D ****HE*
1079. Original; CTO/hacktivist/tech store employee; has strong ties to cast character K*** *LEDGEH***E* / *LEN* WH**L**K
1080. Original; police detective **KENN* H*LL
1081. Comics; police sergeant/criminal; Flash Comics; killed by antimatter D*N*H D**KE (E***H-2)
1082. Original; crime syndicate member/army special ops member *UN*H*NE / **LL*E **WL*N*
1083. Comics; bank robber; The Flash *L*DE ***D*N
1084. Original; unrevealed *EGG*E H*****'* G**ND***HE*
1085. Comics (amalgmation of two characters); unrevealed; New Teen Titans and New Teen Titans Annual **** *E**K
1086. Earlier character this continuity; criminal of sorts PEN*L*PE DE**B*N (******VE**E)
1087. Original; can't state occupation without revealing the answer but worked in a prison in some capacity W**DEN *F ****KE*'* **L*ND PEN**EN*****
1088. Original; Chief of Staff ****H W*LKE*
1089. Origina; judge;   *UDGE **N*K*
1090. Possibly comics but different though somewhat similar name if so; drug dealer/crime boss; possibly More Fun Comics DE*EK ***P**N
1091. Comics; unrevealed; Action Comics B***N*** # (E***H-*UD1#)
1092. Original; scientist **ND *'*E*LL*
1093. Comics; princess; Captain Atom N*** H*******
1094. Real person; Prohibition agent; took on an infamous gangster in real life EL*** NE**
1095. Original; some sort of bearer (being specific would reveal answer) F**** W**E* ***E* BE**E*
1096. Comics; crime godfather; Outsiders **H**EL G*EG**
1097. Comics (somewhat, with different name); village guardian; Justice League of America E**
1098. Comics; pet; Action Comics; no actual appearance, seen only in room constructed by main character's memories ***E*K*
1099. Original; student *UKE  [LOCKED; Letters/numbers found at time of locking: DEGHKPQUVWX1234]
1100. Original; scientist D*. DE***ND ***B
1101. Comics; welder; All-Star Squadron; comics version is a superhero *L ***H**E*N (E***H-1)

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5/29/2022 5:21 am  #50

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

Locked characters:
740 (with caveat)
1063 (with caveat)

And yes two of the locked characters have the same name. Same name, different characters on different shows

More easy wins (especially if you know the comics version/real person):
745 (original but enough letters revealed to guess at)
797 (costume is comics accurate)
815 (for now; at this stage I'll accept the code name and reasonable clarifier if you don't know her real name)
884 (original but enough letters revealed to guess at)
905 (for now; at this stage I'll accept just the code name)
942 (original but enough letters revealed to guess at)

Easy wins if you follow the patterns from the first two collages in this series:

The following are main characters, which I define as having been played by a member of the cast for the bulk of at least one season, as opposed to imposters/counterparts played by the same cast member:

The following are non-main characters also played by main cast members, usually but not always on the parent series:
836 (two actresses, only one main cast)
1073 (only when in disguise)

Partial guesses okay.

As before, this link is a good location if you're stuck: https://arrow.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Characters

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5/30/2022 6:58 am  #51

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

With so many easy answers now on the Arrowverse 3 collage game, I'll hold off on the next "Hangman" set of clues until a week has passed or at least 20 characters are identified, whichever comes first. Might do character specific clues in the meantime, but I'd rather see some of the ones that are obvious with the letters already revealed cleared from the board before revealing another letter. Some of the answers I've all but revealed as it is.

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
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5/30/2022 7:56 am  #52

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

740. Dr. Webb


5/30/2022 7:58 am  #53

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

778. Lopez


5/30/2022 7:58 am  #54

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

808. Eddie


5/30/2022 7:59 am  #55

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

821. Kyle


5/30/2022 7:59 am  #56

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

826. Edna


5/30/2022 8:01 am  #57

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

875. Derek


5/30/2022 8:02 am  #58

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

897. Blake


5/30/2022 8:03 am  #59

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

989. Kenneth


5/30/2022 8:03 am  #60

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #50 Arrowverse Update 2022 3 of 4

1012. Hannah


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