744 Arthur Simonson, Flash 1990
747 Wonder Woman, Walmart Back to School commercial
767 Batman, Walmart Back to School commercial
756 John Grayson, Batman Forever
757 Heinrich von Fuchs, Doom Patrol
758 Doctor Winger (Road to Hell reality), Superboy
770 Hawkwoman, SNL Superman's funeral
772 Sleepwalk, Doom Patrol
778 Gillian Loeb, Gotham
762 Emma Abar, Watchmen TV
787 Topher Abar, Watchmen TV
789 Green Lantern, San Antonio: DC Comics Superheroes Live Show commercial
797 Franco Mortelli, Flash 1990
799 Esther Cobblepot, Batman Returns
802 Gabe Sullivan, Smallville
Everyone correct; list updated. Sleepwalk is worth 5 bonus shots. Green Lantern 6 Flags I didn't want to do the first appearance of original for because his costume makes him Kyle, who first appeared in Green Lantern. Will add clues for previously missing character once I delete the dead clues.
Cleaned up clues:
680. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Strange Adventures; sided with heroes against the government organization he was part of after learning of its corruption
689. Original TV show character; 80s; criminal scientist
691. Original TV show character; 20s; had a near-encounter with aliens
695. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; doublecrossed main characters
700. Original TV show character; 10s; mother of police officer
708. Original TV show character; 20s; head nurse
709. Original TV show character; 10s; priest who performs weddings
714. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; All-Star Comics; seen in mostly non-superhero comedy
720. Original TV show character; 90s; surname has a sports connection
721. From a TV show; based on comics character with different surname; 10s; mother of major villain
732. Original movie serial character; 40s; criminal
735. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Detective Comics; seen in fake reality
746. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Detective Comics; has motorcycle
748. From a TV show; based on comics; 90s; Detective Comics; recurring skit character
754. From a commercial; based on comics; 80s; Detective Comics; seen shopping
760. Original TV show character; 10s; former combat instructor
763. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; The Flash; former technician
774. From a TV show; based on comics; 90s; Fury of Firestorm; can do a specific type of energy attack
779. Original TV show character but named after real person; 10s; news anchor
785. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Batman: Shadow of the Bat; secret society member
788. Original TV show character; 60s; kidnapped millionaire
790. Original TV show character; 10s; police officer
804. Original TV show character; 90s
809. Original TV show character; 80s
815. Original TV show character; 00s
822. Original TV show character; 00s
823. From a TV show; partly based on comics; 90s; Detective Comics
824. From a TV pilot; based on comics; 10s; Sensation Comics
829. From a TV show; at lest dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; All-Star Comics
832. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Batman and the Outsiders
833. Original TV show character; 00s
834. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Action Comics
839. From a TV show; based on comics/named after mythological figure; 10s; Detective Comics/Egyptian mythology
841. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Doom Patrol
843. Original TV show character; 20s
845. Original TV show character; 80s
848. Original movie character; 00s
856. From a TV show; indirectly based on comics; 70s; Action Comics
858. Original TV show character; 90s
861. Original TV show character; 90s
862. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Superman: The Man of Steel
864. Original TV show character; 80s
868. Original TV show character; 90s
870. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Doom Patrol
872. Original TV show character; 10s
873. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Young Justice
874. Original TV show character; 90s
880. Original TV show character; 20s
883. Original TV show character; 20s
888. From a TV show; based on comics (slightly different first name); 10s; Justice Society of America
890. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Naomi
891. Original TV pilot character; 90s
892. From a commercial; based on comics; 70s; Detective Comics
895. Original movie character; 10s
896. Original TV show character; 90s
898. Original movie character; 10s
900. Original TV show character; 10s
901. From a TV show; based on earlier show; 10s; Superman: The Animated Series
906. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Batman
913. Original TV show character; 20s
915. Original TV show character; 20s
916. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Detective Comics
917. Original movie character; 00s
921. From a commercial; based on comics; 70s; Action Comics
922. From a movie; based on religion; 00s; hard to determine original source; Syriac religion?
923. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Adventure Comics
924. Original TV show character; 00s
926. Original TV show character; 10s
927. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Detective Comics
932. Original movie character; 10s
933. Original TV show character; 00s
934. Original TV show character; 10s
937. From a movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 10s; Action Comics
938. Original TV show character; 10s
941. Original TV show character; 10s
942. Original TV show character; 90s
943. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Nightwing
944. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Watchmen
945. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; The Phantom Zone
947. Original TV show character; 10s
952. From a movie; based on TV show; 90s; Batman: The Animated Series
959. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Deadshot
963. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Batman
967. Original TV show character; 10s
968. Original TV show character; 80s
971. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Batman
972. Original TV show character; 90s
973. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Batman
977. Original TV show character; 10s
978. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; New Teen Titans
981. Original movie character; 00s
983. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Sandeman
985. Original movie character; 00s
989. From a commercial; based on comics; 90s; Detective Comics
990. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Sandman
991. Original TV show character; 90s
993. Original movie character; 90s
994. Original TV show character; 70s
995. Original movie character; 10s
997. Original TV show character; 50a
998. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different name); 10s; Deathstroke the Terminator
1001. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Superman
1002. Original TV show character; 10s
1003. Original TV show character; 10s
1007. Original TV show character; 50s
1012. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different name); 70s; Action Comics
1013. From a movie; based on comics (slightly different first name); 00s; Adventures of Superman
1014. Original TV show character; 20s
1015. Original movie character; 10s
1022. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version known by different surname); 10s; Arkham Asylum: Living Hell
1024. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Batman and the Outsiders
1027. From a TV show; based on toy; 20s
1030. From a TV show; based on comics; 90s; Action Comics
1031. Original movie character; 00s
1033. Original movie character; 00s
1035. Original TV show character; 10s
1037. Original movie character; 10s
1038. From a movie; partly based on comics; 70s; Batman
1043. Original TV show character; 20s
1048. Original movie character; 90s
1051. Original TV show character; 20s
1052. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Batman
1054. Original TV show character; 20s
1057. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Sandman
1059. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Justice League
1061. From a TV show; based on comics (name from radio show) but gender swapped, thus different first name; 10s; Action Comics
1062. Original TV show character; 00s
1063. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Saga of Swamp Thing
1064. Original TV show character; 90s
1066. Original TV show character; 10s
1067. Original movie character; 80s
1070. Original movie character; 00s
1071. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Swamp Thing
1072. Original TV show character; 70s
1075. From a TV show; somewhat based on mythology; 20s; Greek mythology
1078. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Sandman
1080. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Nightwing
1085. Original movie character; 10s
1087. From a TV movie; based on comics; 00s; Detective Comics
1088. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; New Teen Titans
1089. Original movie character; 10s
1090. Original movie character; 20s
1092. Original TV show character; 00s
1094. Original TV show character; 20s
689 Brian Gideon, Flash 1990
804 James Kipp, Swamp Thing 1990
809 Sofia Tomarquin, Flash 1990
968 Pete Donello, Flash 1990
989 Batgirl, Six Flags live show advert
1067 Richard White, Superman III
1080 Lady Vic, Titans
990 Nimrod, Sandman
1057 Zelda, Sandman
1078 Rosemary, Sandman
1022 Jane Doe, Gotham
945 Nadira, Man of Steel
922 Mammon, Constantine movie