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11/09/2022 6:32 am  #511

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #54 DC Live Update 2022 3 of 4

Adding the letter R. Letters found so far: DEFIR

714. From a movie; wears costume based on comics; 00s; All-Star Comics; seen in mostly non-superhero comedy; the actress playing her is definitely Shy; struggling actress' ***ER***E ***DER ***** / ***E*E** I* *** ***E*E*
829. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; All-Star Comics; presumed cos-player at a comics convention; non-speaking role "***DER *****" / **RED ** *E***: ***ER R** I* **R***
856. From a TV show; indirectly based on comics; 60s; Action Comics; specialized mechanic of sorts (land vehicle); has two names, will accept either or both F. *. ***ER*** a.k.a. *I****E RE**IR *** / ***** ******'* F**I** *IR***: *I****E RE**IR ***
921. From a commercial; based on comics; 70s; Action Comics; seen at home; breaks the fourth wall to sell the product; no other characters are in the commercial. ***ER*** / **** *E***

[commercial for something blue used mainly in bathroom]   1
[non-DC detective comedy series]    1
[non-DC romantic comedy movie set in a specific city]    1
[world famous non-DC skit comedy series]  1

One is from a British source
One is played by an actor whose surname is a synonym for vacation
For the remaining two, if you try searching specifically for lesser known versions of the character, you'll probably find them both pretty quickly.

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11/09/2022 6:42 am  #512

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #54 DC Live Update 2022 3 of 4

829 Wonder Woman, Bored to Death "Super Ray is Mortal"


11/09/2022 6:47 am  #513

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #54 DC Live Update 2022 3 of 4

856 F.G. Superman a.k.a Bicycle Repair Man, Monty Python's Flying Circus "Bicycle Repair Man"
Though the actual episode title, rather than the skit, is "How to Recognise Different Types of Trees From Quite a Long Way Away"


11/09/2022 7:17 am  #514

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #54 DC Live Update 2022 3 of 4

Both of those are correct; list updated. I'll amalgamate the clues since it's pretty obvious which clues go with which character:

714. From a movie; wears costume based on comics; 00s; All-Star Comics; seen in mostly non-superhero comedy; the actress playing her is definitely Shy; struggling actress; non-DC romantic comedy movie set in a specific city; if you try searching specifically for lesser known versions of the character, you'll probably find her and other lesser known versions pretty quickly ***ER***E ***DER ***** / ***E*E** I* *** ***E*E*
921. From a commercial; based on comics; 70s; Action Comics; seen at home; breaks the fourth wall to sell the product; no other characters are in the commercial; commercial for something blue used mainly in bathroom; played by an actor whose surname is a synonym for vacation ***ER*** / **** *E***


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11/09/2022 7:44 am  #515

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #54 DC Live Update 2022 3 of 4

I suspect that a practical decision inadvertently made the Monty Python one harder: because only F.G. stood out as a separate character (the others can only really be separated out by actor), I decided to only include him. Had other Python members dressed as Superman been scattered about these collages, I bet he would have been identified a lot sooner.

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11/10/2022 7:16 am  #516

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #54 DC Live Update 2022 3 of 4

Adding the letter H but there are no Hs so that takes us to O. Letters found so far: DEFHIOR

714. From a movie; wears costume based on comics; 00s; All-Star Comics; seen in mostly non-superhero comedy; the actress playing her is definitely Shy; struggling actress; non-DC romantic comedy movie set in a specific city; if you try searching specifically for lesser known versions of the character, you'll probably find her and pother lesser known versions pretty quickly ***ER***E *O*DER *O*** / *O*E*E** I* *O* ***E*E*
921. From a commercial; based on comics; 70s; Action Comics; seen at home; breaks the fourth wall to sell the product; no other characters are in the commercial; commercial for something blue used mainly in bathroom; played by an actor whose surname is a synonym for vacation ***ER*** / **** *E***


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11/10/2022 7:43 am  #517

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #54 DC Live Update 2022 3 of 4

714 Shy Pilgreen as Alternate Wonder Woman, Loveless in Los Angeles.


11/10/2022 7:56 am  #518

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #54 DC Live Update 2022 3 of 4

714 is correct. List updated. That leaves 912. The actor shown has also played Superman elsewhere, not just in this commercial. In this commercial the product admittedly looks more green than blue but other commercials call the product "ice blue".

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11/10/2022 8:15 am  #519

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #54 DC Live Update 2022 3 of 4

921 Superman, Aqua Velva advert


11/10/2022 8:22 am  #520

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #54 DC Live Update 2022 3 of 4

921 is correct. He was played by Bob Holiday. That ends part 3. Part 4 will begin shortly.

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