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7/11/2020 8:04 am  #1

List of Changes in Hardcovers: The Complete Collection

I thought I’d amalgamate all these into one post, in order of original publication date, folding in any corrections people made. Any further corrections will be done here. At some point I’ll probably rework them by hardcover volume (below this version), but at 362 pages of text in word for this version, that’s a task for another day.
X-Men 2004
Text Changes: Powers & Abilities and Paraphernalia now Abilities/Accessiories. Distinguishing Features, Marital Status, Strength Level removed. Known Aliases now Aliases. First Appearance moved from back of book to main entry. Bibliography material at back otherwise removed

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised. Strength, Speed, Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: 12 new secondary illos (6 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary/reversed/captioned); 7 new captioned secondary illos (6 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation revised. Some History paragraphs merged; later History paragraphs as well as Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 13 secondary illos added (6 captioned). Classic Eliot Brown Visor specs from added.

Emma Frost
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. While a lot of the original text is still present, History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 7 new secondary illos (5 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. While a lot of the original text is still present, History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Fighting Skills on Power Grid increased.
Graphic Changes: 7 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories also completely revised, though word count appears reduced. Fighting Skills on Power Grid increased.
Graphic Changes: Original illo removed. New main illo and 7 secondary illos (5 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Identity, Group Affiliation revised. History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded (a little bit of old text intact). Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Original illo removed. New main illo and 14 secondary illos (8 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten (the former expanded).
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Marvel Girl
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories text replaced with new expanded material. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed, replaced with new main illo and 6 captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History greatly revised/expanded. Abilties/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now secondary; new main illo and 8 new secondary illos (4 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten (former expanded, latter abridged).
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); 13 new secondary illos (10 captioned)

Professor X
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 5
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten (former expanded, latter abridged).
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); old secondary illo removed; 14 new secondary illos (9 captioned)

Kitty Pryde
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly rewritten (former expanded).
Graphic Changes: 11 new secondary illos (8 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Real Name, Aliases, Known Relatives revised, Group Affiliation tweaked. Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten (former expanded).
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); 16 new secondary illos (6 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Physical Stats and Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary); 10 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 5
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten (former expanded). Eyes revised. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 22 new secondary illos (6 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten (former expanded). Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 21 new secondary illos (15 captioned), followed but classic Elliot R. Brown skeleton specs (upper right illo of this may not be Brown)

Xavier Institute for Higher Learning
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 9 to 10
Text Changes: 4th page text reworked into Base of Operations category (historical text removed); remaining old text removed. First Appearance and History categories added.
Graphic Changes: All old illos removed except the illo on the 2nd and 3rd pages, which is now shrunk, number circles recoloured, and Breakstone Lake caption removed. First four pages of new entry have 8 new illos (2 sharing a caption and 5 others captioned). Next four pages have 12 new secondary illos with numbers corresponding to a key. 71 new student headshots with code names, alter agos, powers, first active as students, 12 new School Staff headshots with names, occupations, first active as students.
Spider-Man 2004
Text Changes (all): Marital Status removed; Powers & Abilities merged with Paraphernalia; First Appearances moved from back of book to main text. Origin and Signficant Issues from back of book removed.

Black Cat
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten (the former expanded, the latter abridged). Hair revised, Strength, Speed, and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 7 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. New final paragraph added to end of History. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised. Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Daily Bugle
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. First Appearance removed.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; 6 new illos (4 captioned) followed by 72 headshots with first appearances

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Education revised. Abilities/Accessories slightly revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Doctor Octopus
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Group Affiliation revised. Final History paragraph revised (last sentence removed, then paragraph greatly expanded). Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary/tilted to the left a little). Old secondary illo removed, 3 new ones added plus 2 captioned classic Eliot R. Brown diagrams

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. Final History paragraph removed and replaced with new one. Hair revised
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped. 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories now past tense
Graphic Changes: None

Green Goblin
Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Norman Osborn
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/the former expanded. Height and Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 5 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Hobgoblin (Kingsley)
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Citizenship, Known Relatives, and Group Affiliation revised. Aside from 1st and last paragraphs, history almost completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories tweaked. Intelligence on Power Grid increased.
Graphic Changes: New captioned illo of van; 5 classic Eliot R. Brown accessories specs added.

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. 5th History paragraph revised and expanded; final paragraph replaced with new larger one. Height, Weight, Eyes tweaked.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st History paragraph tweaked; 2nd paragraph replaced with new one; new final paragraph added.
Graphic Changes: None

May Parker
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History greatly revised/expanded. Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories tweaked. Speed on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/the former expanded. Height and Weight revised. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Main illo now partly cropped. 8 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Venom
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Physical Stats revised. Speed, Durability, Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 9 new secondary illos (8 captioned, including a classic Eliot R. Brown diagram)

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/the former expanded, the latter abridged.
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/the former expanded. Height and Weight revised. Intelligence and Energy Projection on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed); 4 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 6 to 13
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Weight revised. Distinguishing Features removed.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 40 new secondary illos (36 captioned) of which one full page is completely drawn by Eliot R. Brown and one ½-page is co-drawn by him

Spider-Man’s Costumes
Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Spider-Man
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 13
Text Changes: Costume notes removed. Vital Statistics, History, Physical Stats, Abilities/Accessories, Power Grid added.
Graphic Changes: 5 illos removed, 1 tilted; new main illo and 37 new secondary illos (36 captioned) of which one full page is completely drawn by Eliot R. Brown and one ½-page is co-drawn by him

Gwen Stacy
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Text formerly under Strength Level removed. Intelligence on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2nd illo dialogue removed/other touching up. 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Supporting Cast
Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Spider-Man’s Friends & Associates
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 6
Text Changes: Occupation and Martial Status revised, Place of Birth (POB) added. Cross-reference note added. 8 sub-entries removed due to separate entries (remaining ones somewhat revised). 34 new sub-entries
Graphic Changes: 10 illos removed, 63 added (13 captioned, 19 numbered); 2 older illos now captioned

Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Anti-Venom
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/the former expanded. Height and Weight tweaked. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 10 new secondary illos (8 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Vulture (Toomes)
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Hair revised. Intelligence and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 7 new secondary illos (5 captioned)

Mary Jane Watson
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/the former expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 5 new secondary illos (2 captioned)
Avengers 2004
All: Marital Status deleted; Powers & Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; First Appearances moved from back of book to entries. Origin and Significant Issues in back of book removed

Because it’s more rare for this category than for History, when Abilities/Acccessories are in excess of a page, it’s noted below

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised; History, Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Black Panther
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised; History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Both old illos removed; new main illo and 8 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Captain America
Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Captain America (Rogers)
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 8
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded; History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Both old illos removed; new main illo and 11 new secondary illos (9 captioned)

Captain Britain
Hardcover Volume: 6
Now Listed As: Lionheart
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten (the former expanded). Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo reversed. 2 new secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Some Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (original illo still present as secondary illo). 11 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Henry Gyrich
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases and Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded, though latter only two sentences.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Ronin
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Acessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 11 new secondary illos (5 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised and expanded. History almost completely revised/expanded (slight bit of original text present).
Graphic Changes: Original illo replaced with new main illo and 5 new secondary illos

Iron Man
Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Iron Man (Tony Stark)
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 11
Text Changes: Vital Statistics greatly revised and expanded. History and Abilities Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original illo replaced with new captioned main illo with First appearance, 46 secondary illos (37 captioned with First Appearances, 4 more captioned). Additional page of armour specs (Bio/Metalo-Mimetic Suit Series Mk III)

Jack of Hearts
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Group Affiliation and Education expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original illo replaced with new main illo and 4 secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 6
Now Listed As: Edwin Jarvis
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten. Abilities/Accessories added (originally no similar category). Height and Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Acessories completely rewritten/expanded. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 8 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Acessories completely rewritten/expanded (the latter now in excess of a page). Eyes revised. Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 7 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Acessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now secondary); 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Scarlet Witch
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Acessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: old secondary illo removed; 13 new secondary illos (5 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 5
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Acessories completely rewritten/expanded. Weight revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: old illos removed; new main illo and 10 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 5
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Acessories completely rewritten/expanded. Height and Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: old illos removed; new main illo and 18 new secondary illos (12 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Acessories completely rewritten/expanded. Eyes and Hair revised. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: old illo removed; new main illo and 6 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: USAgent
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Acessories completely rewritten/expanded. Speed and Energy Projection on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary); 7 new secondary illos (6 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Vision (Victor Shade)
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 7
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Acessories completely rewritten/expanded, the latter now over a full page. Strength and Energy Projection on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: old illos removed; new main illo; 21 new secondary illos (16 captioned and 3 more sharing a caption)

Hardcover Volume: 7
Now Listed As: Ms. Marvel
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Acessories completely rewritten/expanded. Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary); old secondary illo removed; 6 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Wasp (Van Dyne)
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 8
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Acessories completely rewritten/expanded, the latter now over a full page. Intelligence, Strength, Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: old illos removed; new main illo; 5 new secondary illos (4 captioned), followed by 3 pages (232 illos) showcasing her various costumes

Wonder Man
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Acessories completely rewritten/expanded. Eyes revised. Strength and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: old illo removed; new main illo; 9 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Wasp (Pym)
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 8
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Acessories completely rewritten/expanded, the latter now over a full page. Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: old illo removed; new main illo; 26 new secondary illos (16 captioned, 4 sharing a caption, 2 sets of 2 sharing a caption)

Avengers Mansion/Quinjets
Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Avengers Headquarters & Vehicles
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: First Appearances of each expanded to cover all versions, History of each completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: entire second page of old entry showing a breakdown of Avengers Mansion removed; another illo of the mansion greatly shortened but now in colour/captioned; old Quinjet illo now captioned; 20 new captioned secondary illos inc. classic Elliot R. Brown spcs for the Latham Sky-Cycle

Avengers Roster
Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Avengers
Page Count: Increased from 4 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and History added
Graphic Changes: new captioned main illo and 16 new secondary illos (12 captioned); Headshots: old headshots removed, 86 new ones added, as well as 57 Avengers Civilian Staff & Associates headshots; the old headshots covere what’s now the first 1 5/8 pages of the new headshots; alter egos no longer listed; current status removed, issues Active present but now only lists when active under original alias
Hulk 2004
All: Known Aliases now Aliases. Abilities, Superhuman Powers, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; Distinguishing Features and Marital Status removed. Origin and Significant Issues (and additional First Appearance info) in back of book removed.

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Note added. Physical Statistics revised
Graphic Changes: Main illo far less cropped; 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Absorbing Man
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Identity, Citizenship, First Appearance revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded. Eyes revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo no longer cropped; old secondary illo removed; 3 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Hair revised. Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 9 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics added (previously just First Appearance). 3 new sentences added to end of final History paragraph. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Art Credit accidentally removed. Illo no longer cropped.

Doc Samson
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Last History paragraph heavily expanded, new paragraph added. Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo removed, replaced with new one. 2 new secondary illos

Nadia Dornova
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 3rd and 4th History paragraphs merged, final paragraph greatly expanded. Note added.
Graphic Changes: None

Galaxy Master
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Illo now shows less of the outer area but more of the inner area

Home Base
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Former Members and Base of Operations added. History completely revised.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo removed. 12 headshots with First Appearances added

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 6 to 9
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Secondary lllos removed, replaced with 24 new ones (20 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Members added. First Appearance expanded. History completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned. 9 headshots with First appearances, 4 other captioned secondary illos (3 with First Appearances). Gamma Base page from Marvel Atlas#2 added.

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Fighting Skills revised on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: 8 new secondary illos of K’ai residents.

Rick Jones
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: History completely rewritten/enlarged. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos replaced with new main illo and 6 secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Citizenship, Group Affiliation revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: 7 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation and First Appearance revised. History mostly rewritten and Expanded. Height and Weight tweaked. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly but not completely revised/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo now captioned secondary illo; new captioned main illo and 8 new captioned secondary illos, including a cross-section of the Mount.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Strength and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos (4 captioned).

Riot Squad
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New categories: Members, Former Members, Base of Operations. History mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present).
Graphic Changes: Illo now captioned.

Betty Ross
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases tweaked. Known Relatives revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Strength on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Old illo cropped to captioned headshot; new main illo and captioned secondary illo.

Thunderbolt Ross
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases tweaked. Identity, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Education revised. History mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: 4 new captioned secondary illos (2 captioned individually and 2 sharing a caption).

General Ryker
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten. Eyes revised. Abilities/Accessories has 7 ½ lines of new text immediately following the old sentence
Graphic Changes: None

Glenn Talbot
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 1 new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Members, Base of Operations, Physical Stats added. History greatly revised/expanded, which first two paragraphs merged/expanded into new Traits category.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now cropped/captioned; 3 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives revised, Group Affiliation tweaked. Alter egos added to History; new final History paragraph. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised.
Graphic Changes: Cropping altered on old illos; 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Membership now Current Members, with powers details reworked into History. History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New captioned main illo and 5 new captioned secondary illos

Sandra Verdugo
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Intelligence, Strength and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Old Vital Statistics categories except First Appearance removed. Known Members added. New Traits category, completely rewriting details in what for other entries is now the Abilities/Accessories section. Physical Stats revised. History completely written/expanded. Power Grid removed.
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped. 8 new captioned secondary illos (2 share a caption). 8 new headshots with First Appearances.

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Identity, Occupation, Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)
Daredevil 2004
All: Known Aliases now called Aliases. Marital Status and Distinguishing Features removed; Powers & Abilities and Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories. Significant Issues info from back of book removed.

Black Widow
Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Black Widow (Romanova)
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and Abilities/Accessories expanded, History revised.
Graphic Changes: Both illos removed; new main illo and 5 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded. Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: 7 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 5 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History: 3rd and 4th paragraphs merged; starting from paragraph reading “Foggy hired…” changes become a lot more extensive, though a lot of old material still present. Last two pages of new History text all new, but all new text shows up throughout. Abilities/Accessories also interweaves a lot of old and new text. Strength decreased, Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old Matt Murdock illo removed, replaced with new one and 9 other new secondary illos (all captioned, though 2 share the caption). The Eliot R. Brown-drawn Daredevil’s Billy Club entry from #15 of original series added.

Milla Donovan
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely revised. Abilities/Accessories a little reduced. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Final History paragraph revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Vanessa Fisk
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Last 2 sentences of History removed, but new large final paragraph added. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics a bit revised. History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories revised.
Graphic Changes: Original illo less cropped. 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Members and Base of Operations added. History considerably revised and expanded (some portions of original text still intact)
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed. New main illo plus two captioned secondary illos and 54 Headshots with First Appearances.

Jessica Jones
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded (the former greatly).
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 2 captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History greatly revised/expanded, though a lot of the old text still present as well. 3rd and 4th Abilities/Accessories paragraphs revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos

Mister Fear
Split into: Machinesmith, Mister Fear (Cranston), Mister Fear (Fagan), Mister Fear (Drago)
Hardcover Volume: 6 Machinesmith, 7 Mister Fear (Cranston/Fagan), 8 Mister Fear (Drago)
Page Count: originally 2; now 2 Machinesmith, 2 Mister Fear (Cranston), 1 Mister Fear (Fagan), ½ Mister Fear (Drago)
Text Changes: All: Vital Statistics revised; History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Machinesmith: Physical Statistics a bit revised, Power Grid completely revised. Mister Fear (Cranston): Intelligence on Power Grid revised. Mister Fear (Fagan): Hair revised. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised. Mister Fear (Drago): Intelligence, Energy Projection, Fighting Skills on Power Numbers (formerly Power Grid) revised
Graphic Changes: Old illo only used for Mister Fear (Drago); Machinesmith; new main illo and four new secondary illos (2 captioned). Mister Fear (Cranston): new main illo and 6 new secondary illos (1 captioned). Mister Fear (Fagan): new main illo and new secondary illo. Mister Fear (Drago): New secondary illo

Foggy Nelson
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories a little revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Citizenship, Group Affiliation revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos

Karen Page
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Education revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories rewritten. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: old main illo removed, replaced with new one

Purple Man
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. Older History paragraphs a little revised, with paragraphs merged; new final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories slightly revised. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Sammy Silke
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History almost completely rewritten. Abilities/Accessories a little expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases revised; Group Affiliation tweaked. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Speed and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised. Hair revised. Intelligence, Durability, Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: main illo now secondary; new main illo plus 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Identity, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories and Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: two new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History completely rewritten. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised. Energy Projeciton on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 6 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Ben Urich
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten. Abilities/Accessories a little revised. Intelligence and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo
Wolverine 2004
All Individuals: Marital Status, Distinguishing Features removed; Known Aliases now Aliases; Superhuman Powers, Special Skills, Costume, Personal Weaponry merged as Abilities/Accessories

All Teams: Purpose, Major Enemies, Known Extent of Operations removed; Known Bases of Operations now Base of Operations

All: Origin Issues and Significant Issues in back section removed.

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 10 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 21 new secondary illos (15 captioned), followed by classic Elliot R. Brown skeleton specs (supplemented by Adam Kubert & Sean Chen)

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed; 8 new secondary illos (7 captioned)

Agent Zero/Maverick
Hardcover Volume: 7
Now Listed As: Maverick (Nord)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation tweaked. Some History paragraphs merged/tweaked, then new final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised. Durability and Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary). Other illo removed, and three new ones added.

Alpha Flight
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Known Associates removed. Current and Former Members merged as Members, with sub-headings for The Flight, Eta Flight, and Gamma Flight, then Note. Base of Operations revised. History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo and 12 headshots with stats removed; new main illo with18 headshots underneath (all 19 illos sharing one caption) plus 2 additional captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised, History heavily revised, Abilities/Accessories revised and incorporates Special Limitations
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Speed and Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Original illo now secondary. New main illo, 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely revised and expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely revised.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo removed, 5 captioned new ones added.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Place of Birth now gives Earth number.
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed/less cropped. New secondary illo.

Lady Deathstrike
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary) and 2 new secondary illos. Old secondary illo cropped.

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Size removed. Places of Interest added. Population and Major Resources (formerly Major Industries) revised. History mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Street map removed. Flag, map of Madripoor’s position on the globe, and secondary illo added. Headshots: alter egos and Last Appearances removed; some Occupations revised Tyger Tiger headshot only lists earliest First Appearance; new illo for Karma; Aardwolf added.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name, Citizenship revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Mister X
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History. Abilities/Accessories revised/abridged
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Citizenship, Group Affiliation revised. Minor revison to start of first History paragraph; 3rd and 4th paragraphs merged; final 3 paragraphs merged. Abilities/Accessories slightly revised. Speed revised on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: Left illo now secondary; right illo removed; new main illo and 2 secondary illos (1 captioned).

Omega Red
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Eyes revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Members revised as Current Members and Former Members. Base of Operations tweaked. History mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos. Headshots: First and Last Appearances removed, First Active now called Active

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics somewhat revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 new secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/the former expanded. Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Both secondary illos removed; 6 new secondary illos (5 captioned)

Silver Fox
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name tweaked; Identity, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/the former expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Silver Samurai
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised; History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 6 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Matsu’o Tsurayaba
Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Matsuo Tsurayaba
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/the former expanded. Strength and Energy Projection on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Strength and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 8 new secondary illos

Weapon X
Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Weapon X Program
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: The various Member categories replaced with Current Members and many sub-categories of Former Members (greatly expanded). Base of Operations and First Appearance revised. History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo removed; new captioned main illo and 4 captioned secondary illos. Headshots: old Headshots removed, replaced with 48 new headshots (only carryover category is Active; some renaming in headshots) (there used to be 37 headshots, so 17 additional characters).

Mariko Yashida
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Identity, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Intelligence and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new one

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name, Identity, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/the former expanded. Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed
Book of the Dead 2004
Note: I removed the current living statuses as that is now being tracked by a separate thread.
All: Marital Status and, where applicable, Distinguishing Features removed; Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories. Origin and Significant Issues in back of book removed.

Ancient One
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded. Weight revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 4 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded. Weight revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Baron Zemo
Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Baron Zemo (Heinrich)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: 11 new secondary illos (10 sharing one caption)

Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Ulysses Bloodstone
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None other than Distinguishing Features removal
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Captain America (Barnes)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3.
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: old illo removed; new main illo and 5 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Captain Marvel
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilites/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: old illo removed; new main illo and 6 new secondary illos (2 captioned, 3 more sharing a caption)

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases revised. After 1st paragraph, History rewritten. Other than the former Paraphernalia paragraph, Abilities/Accessories rewritten.
Graphic Changes: new headshot

Fabian Cortez
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Special Limitations heading removed (wasn’t really a limitation regardless). Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Graydon Creed
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories revised. Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation expanded. Last History paragraph has one sentence removed, then expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Destiny (Adler)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics heavily revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Eyes and Hair revised. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Destiny (Destine)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Identity revised. History heavily revised. Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 5 secondary illos added (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives expanded. History somewhat revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Height abridged
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final 2 History sentences replaced with 2 new ones.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Ronin
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 11 new secondary illos (5 captioned)

Kraven the Hunter
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Acccessories completely rewritten/expanded. Height and Weight revised. Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos added (3 captioned, including classic Elliot R. Brown vest specs)

Moira MacTaggart
Hardcover Volume: 6
Now Listed As: Moira MacTaggert
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History considerably revised and expanded. 2 sentences added to Abilities/Accessories. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History greatly revised/expanded. Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned headshot.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories text replaced with new expanded material. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo and 12 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2nd last History paragraph tweaked; final paragraph converted to a Note (Punisher’s MAX series no longer considered 616 canon) and tweaked
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories text replaced with new expanded material. Note added. Fighting Skills on Power Grid increased.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now a secondary illo, sharing a caption with a new illo; new main illo, 2 additional secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Nova (Raye)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Physical Stats revised.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: 7 new captioned secondary illos

Omega the Unknown
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Energy Projection and Fighting Skills revised on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Harry Osborn
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/accessories completely rewritten. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned secondary; new main illo, new captioned secondary illo.

Ben Parker
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Identity tweaked. 4th-6th History paragraphs merged/expanded. Due to editing error, former 6th paragraph info then rephrased, thus repeating ino from the previous paragraph; old final paragraph removed. Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistiocs revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 18 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Real Name, Identity, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Aliases revised (the “Known” is still present), Occupation and Place of Birth tweaked, Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Hair revised. Durability on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Old illo reversed/less cropped; 3 new secondary illos

Captain George Stacy
Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: George Stacy
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Gwen Stacy
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Intelligence on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Swordsman (Duquesne)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Energy Projection and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Citizenship revised. History almost completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Height and Weight revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Height and Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 18 new secondary illos (12 captuioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Thunderbird (Proudstar)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History greatly revised/expanded. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Place of Birth revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (2 captuioned)

U-Go Girl
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Identity revised. History somewhat revised, then new final paragraph. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Union Jack
Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Union Jack (Montgomery Falsworth)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Weight and Hair revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed (actually Brian, so appears in his entry); new main illo and 5 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Vision (Victor Shade)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 7
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded (even the latter now greater than a page). Strength, Durability, Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: old illo removed; new main illo; 21 new secondary illos (16 captioned and 3 more sharing a caption)

Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Whiplash
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Hair revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: old illo less cropped as secondary illo; new main illo; 3 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: old illo removed; new main illo and 5 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Citizenship, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Height and Weight revised. Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: old illo now cropped/captioned secondary illo; new main illo and 5 new secondary illos (2 individually captioned, 2 sharing caption)

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)

7/11/2020 8:07 am  #2

Re: List of Changes in Hardcovers: The Complete Collection

Golden Age 2004
All Individuals: Marital Status deleted; Superhuman Powers/Abilities/Paraphernalia/Limitations merged as Abilities/Accessories. Origin/Significant Issues in back of the book removed.

All Teams: Purpose, Major Enemies, Extent of Operations removed, Former Members split from Known Members. Known Bases of Operations now Base of Operations

Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Angel (Holloway)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Note incorporated into History. Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Black Fox
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Black Marvel
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

Blazing Skull
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, final History paragraph, and Abilities/Accessories somewhat expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Blue Diamond
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new final History sentence
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Captain America (Barnes)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Height, Weight, Hair revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now captioned secondary illo); 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Captain America
Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Captain America (Rogers)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 8
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now secondary illo); 10 new secondary illos (9 captioned)

Citizen V
Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Citizen V (Watkins)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Crimson Commando
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories greatly revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary)

Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Destroyer (Marlow/Aubrey)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Group Affiliation, First Appearance revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Right hand now visible in original illo. 5 captioned secondary illos added.

Doctor Druid
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of 2nd History paragraph, 3 new sentences added to end of 4th paragraph.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos added.

Fin Fang Foom
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and Physical Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Grand Director
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics somewhat revised. History almost completely revised/expanded (some bits of old text still present). Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo removed, 3 new captioned secondary illos (illo as Cap now shows him as depicted in the 1950s, pre-retcon).

Howling Commandos
Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Howling Commandos (Sgt. Fury’s)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Known Members removed. History completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Fury’s legs partly cropped out of original illo. New secondary illo. 16 headshots with First Appearances added.

Human Torch
Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Human Torch (Hammond)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics expanded. History almost completely revised/expanded (a little text remains in 1st paragraph). Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 7
Now Listed As: Makkari
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Height and Weight revised. Strength, Durability, Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary with background added); 5 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Purpose and Major Enemies removed. Members expanded. History completely revised/expanded. Note added.
Graphic Changes: Original illo replaced with new main illo and 16 headshots

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st 3 History paragraphs merged (end of paragraph tweaked); last 2 also merged
Graphic Changes: Original illo recoloured, 3 new illos (2 captioned).

Jack Frost
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics somewhat revised. History and Abilities/Accessories almost completely revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo added.

Marvel Boy
Hardcover Volume: 7
Now Listed As: Marvel Boy (Grayson)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Height and Weight tweaked. Intelligence on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary; no longer cropped); 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Miss America
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Cape on old illo less cropped; new secondary illo

Namor the Sub-Mariner
Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Namor
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo and 8 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Hair and Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Height & Weight tweaked. Strength, Durability, and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now secondary; old secondary illo removed; new main illo and 5 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Patriot (Mace)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Red Raven
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now captioned secondary) and 2 new captioned secondary illos

Red Skull (Nazi)
Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Red Skull (Shmidt)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Physical Statistics revised. Strength and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed); 8 new secondary illos (5 captioned)

Red Skull (Communist)
Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Red Skull (Malik)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Silver Scorpion
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. History somewhat revised/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo reversed/l``ess cropped; new captioned secondary illo

Spirit of ‘76
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation, Education revised. History completely written/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely written/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now captioned secondary); old secondary illo now captioned. 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Sun Girl
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History completely written/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised. Intelligence, Energy Projection, Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Split Into: Battle-Axis, Super-Axis
Hardcover Volume: 1 (Battle-Axis), 11 (Super-Axis)
Page Count: Originally 1 total; now 1 each
Text Changes: Both: History completely rewritten/expanded; Battle-Axis Known Members revised, Former Members added; Super-Axis: Known Members revised as Former Members
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; Battle-Axis: new captioned main illo and 3 captioned secondary illos; Super-Axis: 4 new captioned illos (none stand out as main; one has two captions)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Terror (Peveley)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Height, Eyes revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Thin Man
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Height, Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

3-D Man
Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: 3-D Man (Chandler)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Citizenship, Group Affiliation revised, Known Relatives tweaked History greatly revised/expanded. Note added. Eyes/Hair tweaked. Abilities/Accessories a little revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Energy Projection and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos

Union Jack
Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Union Jack (Brian Falsworth)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Identity, Known Relatives revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Strength and Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Known Membership replaced with Current Members and Former Members (with further revisions). First Appearance revised. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new captioned main illo and 2 new captioned secondary illos (1 has five captions). 32 new headshots with alter egos (if applicable) and issues active (if deceased, noted as such)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Venus (Aphrodite)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Weight revised, Eyes/Hair tweaked. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one removed); 7 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Vision (Aarkus)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Eyes revised, Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Hair revised, Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 4 new secondary illos

Yellow Claw
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now secondary) and 4 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Appendix: capsule info on additional Golden Age characters not carried over; however, many are receiving hardcover entries due to additional handbooks.
Women of Marvel 2005
All: Marital Status, Distinguishing Features removed; Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories. Origin/Significant Issues at back of book removed

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Black Widow
Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Yelena Belova
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded. Power Grid Revised
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Sharon Carter
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics a little revised. History considerably revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 Main illo removed; new main illo with 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Power Grid tweaked.
Graphic Changes: 6 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History mostly revised and expanded. New sentence added at end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded
Graphic Changes: 4 secondary illos added (3 captioned).

Dark Angel
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2 (note that a misprint starts half way into the entry, then both parts appear together once the misprint ends)
Text Changes: Aliases tweaked. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised and expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Dazzler (Blaire)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded. Hair revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed, reaplced with new main illo and 3 secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded. Hair revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Occupation and Group Affiliation revised. All History paragraphs merged except the last sentence which starts the new lengthy final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories expanded.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Original illo no longer cropped; 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Note added.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics extensively revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely and extensively revised/expanded. Strength on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo and 6 secondary illos (5 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History and mostly (not completely) revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation and First Appearance expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Jennifer Kale
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilties/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new main illo and 3 secondary illos.

Misty Knight
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: ital Statistics revised. History and Abilties/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new main illo and secondary illo.

Lucy in the Sky
Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Karolina Dean
Page Count: unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Aliases revised. Education clarified. History and Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 10
Now Listed As: Amanda Sefton
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly rewritten/expanded. Speed and Durability on power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned secondary illo. New main illo and 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Beyonder
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old Illo removed; new main illo and 7 captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History mostly revised/expanded (small amount of old text still present). Abilities/Accessories greatly expanded (old text still present, but greatly added to). Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new, expanded text. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 7 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Millie the Model
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/greatly expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded (s0ome old text still present). Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned), followed by 42 new headshots of supporting characters (22 co-workers and 20 relatives), complete with role in Millie’s life and First Appearances.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Group Affiliation, First Appearance revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded (small amount of old text still present). Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New captioned main illo and 14 new secondary illos (13 captioned, of which 3 share the same caption).

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo and 5 new secondary illos (4 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Durability, Energy Projection, Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now secondary. New main illo and 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Eyes and Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Puck (Yu)
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Education revised. History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Real Name, Aliases, Known Relatives Group Affiliation revised (mostly minor changes). History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo and 16 new secondary illos (6 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Speed and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned). Main illo credit inadvertently removed.

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Speed and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now secondary. New main illlo and 6 new secondary illos (4 captioned).

Scarlet Witch
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now secondary. New main illlo and 13 new secondary illos (5 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now secondary. New main illlo and 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Shanna the She-Devil
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Strength and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illlo and 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Silver Sable
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illlo and 3 new captioned secondary illos.

Sister Grimm
Hardcover Volume: 7
Now Listed As: Nico Minoru
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives revised, Education clarified. Old History paragraphs merged, then lengthy new final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories a little review,
Graphic Changes: Top of staff no longer cropped.

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Physical Statistics tweaked. Strength and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illlo and 4 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded (the latter now a full page of text). Hair tweaked. Speed and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illlo and 6 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History complete rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories almost completely revised/expanded. Speed and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos (4 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Spider-Woman (Drew)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Eyes and Hairs stats inadvertently reversed. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo and 6 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Thor Girl
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History greatly rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Speed, Durability, and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 7 new secondary illos (4 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Valkyrie (Parrington)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Intelligence and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo moved to the Valkyrie (Brunnhilde) entry. New main illo and 3 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Dallas Riordan
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned secondary. New main illo and 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 6 new secondary illos (2 captioned)
Marvel Knights 2005
All: Abilities, Superhuman Powers, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; Marital Status removed. Origin and Significant Issues in back of book removed.

Black Panther
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised; History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 8 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History: new paragraph added after 3rd, last paragraph replaced with 2 large new ones, Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Main illos replaced with new one, text removed from secondary illo, three new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Luke Cage
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories almost completely revised.
Graphic Changes: Both illos removed, replaced with new main illo and 4 new secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation updated. Final 2 History paragraphs replaced by new ones. Power Grid tweaked.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 6
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Education tweaked. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Energy Projection on Power Grid increased
Graphic Changes: Original illo replaced with new main illo, 11 secondary illos (8 captions, with 1 caption referring to 2 illos). Eliot Brown-drawn Billy Club entry from original series#15 added.
District X
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Final sentence in History expanded and new final paragraph added.
Graphic Changes: Original illo cropped at bottom left. Map added. 34 headshots with First Appearances added.

Doctor Strange
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 4 to 5
Text Changes: History paragraph starting with “During his years of study…” split in 2 and expanded; new sentence added at end of one starting with “Weeks later…”; last sentence of final paragraph removed and new material added; 2 new paragraphs added; there might be more changes to history that I’m overlooking.
Graphic Changes: New main illo; old one reversed and new secondary. Old secondary illo rmoved, 7 new ones added (3 captioned)

Nick Fury
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 4 to 5
Text Changes: Place of Birth and Group Affiliation revised. Some text in 7th History paragraph moved to 8th so additional material could be added to the 7th; 2nd last paragraph revised at end; final paragraph removed, replaced with 4 new ones. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Ghost Rider (Blaze)
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Some Vital Statistics revised. New sentences added at end of 4th History paragraph; 6th paragraph split in 2 and from then until second half of paragraph just before one beginning “Years later…” almost completely revised/expanded; 4 new paragraphs added at end. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Speed revised on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: Both illos removed; new main illo and 10 secondary illos (5 individually captioned, 3 more share same caption).

Ghost Rider (Ketch)
Hardcover Volume: 6
Now Listed As: Dan Ketch
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely revised. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed. New main illo, 8 new secondary illos (7 captioned).

Iron Fist
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Aliases and Group Affiliation expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded, though a lot of the original text still present. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one reversed as secondary illo). 5 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Multiple Man
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Hair revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: secondary illo removed; 8 new secondary illos (6 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Final History paragraph’s last sentence replaced with a considerable amount of new text.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Marvel Knights
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Purpose, Major Enemies, Known Extent of Operations removed. Base of Operations tweaked.
Graphic Changes: Main illo captioned, secondary illo replaced with 2 new captioned ones.

Moon Knight
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. 2 History paragraphs merged while 1 split in 2; final paragraph replaced with new larger one. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo removed, replaced with new one. 9 new secondary illos added (5 captioned), plus the classic Elliot R. Brown Crescent Darts and Truncheon entries from Marvel Universe#15 now included.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 4 to 5
Text Changes: Real Name revised (as per History and the previous Real Name, he should probably still be listed as having been born Frank Castiglione). Some History paragraphs merged; paragraph beginning “At the same time…” tweaked at end; new paragraph added between subsequent two paragraphs; 2nd last paragraph replaced with 6 new ones. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Intelligence and Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo removed, replaced with new one. One secondary illo removed, 3 new captioned ones. Classic Eliot R. Brown van specs from Deluxe Edition added and captioned.

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives tweaked. 1 History paragraph split in 2, alter agos added, new large final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); cropping altered in old secondary illos; new secondary illo

White Tiger
Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: White Tiger (Del Toro)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Hair revised. Intelligence, Strength, Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed); new secondary illo
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse 2005
This one is a bit unusual in that only selected entries were tapped for the hardcovers

All covered: Abilities, Superhuman Powers, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; Distinguishing Features, Marital Status, Special Limitations removed, First Appearance added.

The Age of Apocalypse
Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Age of Apocalypse
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics added, History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Map removed; new captioned main illo, 18 new captioned headshots

Apocalypse: this version not transferred over
Abyss: this version not transferred over

Dark Beast
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics heavily revised/expanded. History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely revised. Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

Mikhail: this version not transferred over
Sinister: this version not transferred over

Sugar Man
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics tweaked. History and Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

X-Men: this version not transferred over
Magneto: this version not transferred over
Colossus: this version not transferred over
Dazzler: this version not transferred over
Gambit: this version not transferred over
Jean Grey: this version not transferred over
Nightcrawler: this version not transferred over
Quicksilver: this version not transferred over
Rogue & Charles Lensherr: these versions not transferred over
Shadowcat: this version not transferred over
Storm: this version not transferred over
Sunfire: this version not transferred over
Weapon X: this version not transferred over
Wild Child: this version not transferred over
Wolfsbane: this version not transferred over
Silver Samurai: this version not transferred over
Kirika: this version not transferred over
Xorn: this version not transferred over
Beak: this version not transferred over

The Exiles
Hardcover Volume: 4
Now Listed As: Exiles
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: Vital Statistics added. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed inc. headshots; 7 new illos (6 captioned); 24 new headshots of main team plus 7 headshots of the Wolverine Squad, 6 of the Earth-33629 team, 5 of the Earth-91172 team; all headshots have issue active; deceased characters are noted as such in the headshots

Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Blackwing (Bohusk)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Physical Statistics as Bohusk added. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Both illos removed. New main illo with four secondary illos (2 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 7
Now Listed As: Magik (Rasputin-4210)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name, Citizenship, Known Relatives revised. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new expanded text. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new expanded text. Intelligence and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Now Listed As: Mimic (Earth-12)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new expanded text. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos removed, replaced with 6 captioned new ones.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Now Listed As: Morph (Earth-1081)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new expanded text. Eyes revised. Intelligence and Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos removed, replaced with 4 new ones (3 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Namora (Earth-2185)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewtitten.
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 4 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Sabretooth (Earth-295)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Weight, Eyes revised. Strength on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Heather Hudson (Earth-3470)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new expanded text. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed, replaced with two new illos patched together to make one main illo.

Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Sunfire (Earth-210)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Speed and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed/less cropped.

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Thunderbird (Earth-1100)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo reversed/less cropped; 5 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Timebreakers
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Old Vital Statistics categories removed, replaced with Base of Operations and First Appearance. History completely rewritten/expanded. Physical Statistics, Superhuman Powers, Power Grid removed
Graphic Changes: Old illo now shares caption with another, new illo. 3 additional new captioned secondary illos.

Weapon X
Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Weapon X (Exiles)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics added. History almost completely rewritten/expanded. Note added.
Graphic Changes: 12 of the original 16 headshots replaced with new illos and 3 additional new headshots added; original headshot notes replaced with issues Active
Spider-Man 2005

All: Known Aliases now Aliases. Marital Status removed. Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories. Origin and Significant Issues in back of book removed.

Betty Brant
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. Revisions to Final 2 History paragraphs. Abilities/Accessories expanded. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories a little revised. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: old secondary illo no longer cropped. 4 new captioned secondary illos (3 being headshots).

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Final History paragraph revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos

Jean DeWolff
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First History paragraph tweaked
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed); 2 new secondary illos

Frederick Foswell
Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Big Man
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Identity revised. Old final History paragraph replaced with new expanded one. Abilities/Accessories a little revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 4
Now Listed As: Fusion (Markley)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First History paragraph tweaked. Abilities/Accessories revised.
Graphic Changes: Original illo replaed with main illo and 2 secondary illos (1 captioned)

Glory Grant
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph revised and expanded. New sentence added to Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation expanded. Last History paragraph has the long final sentence removed but otherwise expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Crusher Hogan
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed, new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name, Aliases, Group Affiliation tweaked. 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs merged except final sentence, which, with some tweaking, starts the new final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories greatly (not completely) revised
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases revised. Last sentence of 2nd last History paragraph replaced with 3 new ones. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: secondary illo now captioned; 2 new captioned secondary illos.

John Jameson
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo removed. 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned; a fourth one is a classic Eliot Brown schematic of Freedom’s Flight).

J. Jonah Jameson
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. 1st History paragraph a little revised; final paragraph mostly replaced with new, larger one (old first sentence remains). Fighting Skills revised on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2nd History paragraph somewhat revised; final paragraph revised and expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Headshot added.

Madame Web
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation tweaked. First History paragraph somewhat expanded and first sentence from 2nd paragraph moved to that paragraph; new final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories tweaked.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one cropped to headshot and reversed).

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Place of Birth revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and two new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History and abilities/Accessoires mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 8
Split Into: Mysterio (Beck) and Mysterio (Berkhart)
Page Count: Originally 2 total now 2 each
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised; Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten; Power Grid revised; Beck: History mostly revised/expanded, Eyes and Hair revised; Berkhart: History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo; Beck: 4 new captioned secondary illos; Berkhart: 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Liz Osborn
Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Liz (Allan) Osborn
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Intially final History paragraph somewhat revised, with final sentence removed, but then 8 new sentences added at end. Note revised.
Graphic Changes: Illo now captioned

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History; Abilities/Accessories a little revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Ben Reilly
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occuption, Known Relatives, Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); 2 new captioned secondary illos

Joe Robertson
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Real Name, Aliases, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History somewhat revised/expanded. Final 1.5 sentences of Abilities/Accessories replaced with new one.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary)

Joe Smith
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Identity, Known Relatives revised. History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Spider-Man Update
Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Spider-Man
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 13
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: New main illo; old illo removed; silk glands art now captioned; one caption tweaked. 37 new secondary illos (33 captioned) followed by ½ page each new equipment specs and silk glands specs (the former in part classic Elliot R. Brown specs) and full page Stark armour specs by Brown

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History somewhat revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 illos captioned/less cropped, remaining illos removed; 25 new captioned secondary illos (though 4 share a caption); 4 new headshots of designers with first appearances

Stacy Twins
Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Gabriel & Sarah Stacy
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. New final History paragraph. Sarah/Gabriel captions removed from Physical Stats / Abilities/Accessories / Power Grid; Gabriel’s Abilities/Accessories a little revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

Mendel Stromm
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Place of Birth, Group Affiliation, Education revised. History and Abilities/Acccessories completely rewritten/expanded. Weight, Eyes revised
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed; secondary illo now captioned; 8 new captioned secondary illos

Flash Thompson
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Real Names, Aliases, Occupation revised; Group Affiliation tweaked. History greatly revised/expanded; Height and Weight revised; Abilities/Accessories mostly revised; Intelligence on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 2 new secondary illos

Charlie Weiderman
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped
Teams 2005
All: Significant Issues on the back of the book removed. Other than that, this is the least altered in terms of formatting of the 2004-2006 books, even compared to team entries in previous books.

All-Winners Squad
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned; 3 new captioned secondary illos

Alpha Flight
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Current Members and Former Members being replaced with Members (including three sub-teams) and Base of Operations added; First Appearance also revised. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned secondary illo; new main illo with18 headshots underneath (all 19 illos sharing one caption) plus an additional secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised (including different Member related categories). History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new captioned main illo and 16 new secondary illos (13 captioned). 86 new team headshots and 57 new Civilian Staff & Associates headshots, all with issues active

Big Hero 6
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned; 2 new captioned secondary illos

Brotherhood of Mutants
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Current/Former members merged as Known Members. First History paragraph a bit rewritten. Two paragraphs on the second page (both books) merged. Final paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: Captions added to both illos. New secondary illo with caption added, followed by 45 new headshots indicating when first active.
Note: 1 paragraph used as the basis of a new 1 page Brotherhood entry with a main illo and 17 headshots with abilities

Champions of Los Angeles
Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Champions (of Los Angeles)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned. Two new secondary illos with captions added as well as 10 headshots added indicating when first active.

Champions of Xandar
Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Champions (of Xandar)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History largely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: new headshots with captions added for Diamondhead and Nova.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised and expanded. History completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo, 4 new secondary illos (all captioned), 48 new headshots with issues joined

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: More alter egos added to Current Members. Base of Operations revised. History greatly revised and expanded (some original text still present, particularly final paragraph).
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed, replaced with 7 captioned new illos.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised and expanded, with Former Members replaced with Members and each category broken down into the different incarnations. Final History paragraph removed, then the first full paragraph on the 3rd page moves on to the text from the Messiah Complex volume
Graphic Changes: Original illos now captioned. 7 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: Current Members and Base of Operations revised. Other member categories added. History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original illo removed, 6 new captioned illos followed by 42 headshots covering 4 versions of the team, all with issues Active.

Fantastic Force
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Original illo captioned. 3 Headshots with issues joined added.

First Line
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Original illo captioned. 18 new captioned secondary illos

Force Works
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: New paragraph added at end of History.
Graphic Changes: Original illo captioned. 12 new captioned secondary illos, 3 listing issues joined.

Frightful Four
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original illo removed. 2 new captioned illos plus 18 headshots indicating issues joined.

Heroes for Hire
Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Heroes for Hire (Oracle Inc.)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Base of Operations no longer includes Power Man/Iron Fist version info. First Appearance amended from Power Man/Iron Fist version to this version. End of 5th History paragraph’s last sentence expanded, new sentence added to 7th paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Original illos replaced by new captioned illo and 18 headshots with Active/Employed issues (old main illo now the main illo for the Power Man/Iron Fist version).
Note: while some might argue that this is a case of an entry-split, enough of the text remained the same that I felt it was more or less a simple revision of one entry, especially since the Power Man/Iron Fist version’s hardcover text was taken from Marvel Legacy: 1980s

Imperial Guard
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed, replaced with new captioned main and 1 secondary illos, plus 27 additional numbered secondary illos with corresponding key.

Infinity Watch
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New paragraph added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: Main illo replaced with new captioned one; secondary illos now captioned.

Knights of Pendragon
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current and Former Members and Base of Operations revised. History mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 9 new captioned secondary illos (8 with First Appearances).

Lethal Legion
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Former Members, Base of Operations, First Appearance revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Note added.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned. 5 new captioned secondary illos; 30 headshots with issues Active added.

Masters of Evil
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: First Appearance revised/expanded. First 2 History paragraphs merged, final paragraph abridged.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned. 6 new secondary illos (5 captioned); 64 new headshots with issues Active added.

Midnight Sons
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Former Members revised as Members. History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new captioned main illo and 2 new captioned secondary illos; 13 headshots with issues Active added.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current and Former Members and Base of Operations revised/expanded. History mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned; 2 new captioned secondary illos

New Mutants
Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: New Mutants (Xavier Institute)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Original team info removed from Vital Statistics; Current Members now in Former Members with remaining old Former Members. New lengthy final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned; 1 new captioned secondary illo
Note: As with Heroes for Hire above, I judged this to essentially be a Xavier Institute entry, with the amount of older team info being minimal. The hardcover entry for the original team is more accurately derived from Marvel Legacy: 1980s

New Warriors
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Current and Former Members and Base of Operations revised. Final History paragraph split in two, with the final half abridged, then 4 new final History paragraphs
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new captioned main illo, 2 new captioned secondary illos, 27 new headshots with issues Active.

Power Pack
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Base of Operations tweaked. History greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned; 10 additional new captioned illos

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current and Former Members and Base of Operations revised. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 11 new captioned headshots

Serpent Society
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current and Former Members and Base of Operations revised. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo with 20 captions and an additional captioned secondary illo
Note: The first paragraph of the old entry was the basis for a new 2-page Serpent Squads entry. This entry has Known Members, First Appearance, and History categories (all new text) and 8 captioned illos (none standing out as main; some have multiple captions)

Sinister Six
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current Members folded into Former Members (some broadly, some in the Sinister Twelve Only sub-heading. History greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos; 22 new headshots with issues active

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 8
Text Changes: Current and Former Members and Base of Operations revised and expanded. Thunderbolts Army Conscripts category added. History mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: old illo now captioned secondary; new captioned main illo and 20 new captioned secondary illos; 84 new headshots with issues active

Winter Guard
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded (except for Former Members, “Former” removed from category names). History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: old illo removed; new captioned main illo and 3 new captioned secondary illos; 11 new headshots with issues active

Hardcover Volume: 12
Split Into: X-Factor/X-Terminators; X-Factor (Federal Team)
Page Count: Originally 1; now 1 (X-Terminators), 3 (Federal Team)
Text Changes: Former Members and Base of Operations split between the two teams (latter further revised), History completely rewritten/expanded; Federal Team only: Former Members further revised, First Appearance for this specific incarnation now given.
Graphic Changes: X-Terminators: old illo removed, 8 new illos (6 captioned; now stand out as main); Federal Team: old illo now captioned, 5 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: X-Force (Cable Founded)
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Current and Former Members revised as Former Members and Infiltrator. History mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now secondary; new main illo and 4 new secondary illos; 15 new headshots with issues active, one with Infiltrator caption

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics mostly rewritten/expanded, with mostly different Members categories. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 29 new secondary illos (19 captioned). 7 new team headshots, 47 new sub-team headshots, 3 new imposter headshots, all with issues active

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 12
Text Changes: Former Members expanded, Farm Team Members and Personnel categories added. History completely rewritten/expanded. Note added
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned). 22 new team headshots, 8 new Farm Team headshots, 6 new personnel headshots, all with issues active; Personnel also list occupations
Secret War: From the Files of Nick Fury
No material carried over.

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7/11/2020 8:09 am  #3

Re: List of Changes in Hardcovers: The Complete Collection

Fantastic Four 2005
All: Abilities, Superhuman Powers, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; Distinguishing Features and Marital Status removed. Origin and Significant Issues info from back of book removed.

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one still present), two new secondary illos added

Doctor Doom
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: unchanged at 4
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, final History paragraph expanded
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Fantastic Four
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: increased from 3 to 5
Text Changes: Team Stats revised and expanded, including large section on Employees. History greatly expanded; initially text more or less untouched, with 2 paragraphs merged; starting on 3rd page, text starts to diverge more from the original text, with some text embedded within existing paragraphs, new paragraphs added even before post-2004 material, existing paragraphs rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo, 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned by Handbook writers with a 4th captioned as originally printed). 30 headshots with issues joined (21 members, 29 employees)

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: increased from 4 to 5
Text Changes: Aliases/Occupation expanded. History: revisions to 1st, 3rd, 16th paragraphs; 4 new paragraphs added before final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Main illos removed, replaced with classic Handbook illo; secondary illo now captioned; 3 new captioned secondary illos followed by 20 headshots of Galactus as viewed by other races.

Human Torch
Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Human Torch (Storm)
Page Count: increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics somewhat revised. History considerably revised/expanded, though some old paragraphs intact. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed, replaced with new main illo and 10 secondary illos (5 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: increased from 3 to 6
Text Changes: “Known Members” split into 8 new categories and greatly expanded. History largely revised; a lot of old text still present, with new and altered text weaving through it with new paragraphs, paragraph breaks etc. (it’s hard to look at black text on blue background –the original format- but the additions are clearly substantial, especially later on).
Graphic Changes: Main and secondary illos captioned; 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned). 96 new headshots with First Appearances added.

Invisible Woman
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics somewhat revised. New sentence added to end of 1st paragraph; the former 3rd-last paragraphs moved to new paragraph; then 2nd-last and last paragraphs removed; depending on if you ould the split off part of former 3rd last paragraph, 8 new paragraphs added. Abilities/Accessories greatly but not completely revised/expanded. Given old format’s black text on blue background, I may be overlooking some changes.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed), 7 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Mister Fantastic
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History paragraphs somewhat revised/expanded, though most original text still present; some paragraphs merged; final paragraph replaced with 6 new ones. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded, though a lot of old text still present.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 8 new secondary illos (4 captioned).

Mole Man
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics a little revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Alyssa Moy
Hardcover Volume: 7
Now Listed As: Alyssa Moy-Castle
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded (no longer just one paragraph). Abilities/Accessories almost completely revised/expanded (lots of new text for both History and Abilities/Accessories).
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases and Identity revised. History greatly revised/expanded, though a lot of old text still present. Abilities/Accessories a little revised/expanded. Height/Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo no longer cut off on right; 2 new secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly rewritten (small amount of old text still present). Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo no longer cut off on right and bottom; new captioned secondary illo.

Franklin Richards
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics greatly revised. History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities /Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2nd illo removed; 7 new secondary illos (6 captioned)

Valeria Richards
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Education revised. History somewhat revised/expanded, with paragraph mergers and new text weaving in and out of old. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Power Grids merged and Strength, Speed, and Durability as Valeria revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo no longer cut off on right and bottom; new captioned secondary illo.

Silver Surfer
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Aliases, identity, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. Final History paragraph revised, then 6 new paragraphs added. 2nd Abilities/Accessories paragraph somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: 6 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: increased from 3 to 7
Text Changes: Known Members and Base of Operations considerably revised/expanded. Traits added (2 paragraphs), incorporating material from first old History paragraph. History considerably revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned); 48 headshots with First Appearances added.

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: increased from 3 to 5
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Old History somewhat revised, with new text weaving in and out of old, with 6 new paragraphs added before the 2nd last. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Intelligence on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: old main illo removed and secondary illo cropped; new main illo and 12 new secondary illos (8 captioned).

Uatu the Watcher
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History somewhat revised/expanded, with new text weaving in and out of old, and some paragraph mergers. Nte added to Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).
Secrets of the House of M
No material carried over.
Avengers 2005
All: Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia replaced with Abilities/Accessories. Distinguishing Features removed where applicable. Origin and Significant Issues in back of book removed

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 6 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old non-headshots removed; new captioned main illo and 15 new secondary illos (11 captioned), Headshots: 2 of four headshots replaced, plus 82 additional new ones, as well as 57 Avengers Civilian Staff & Associates headshots; active info for headshots revised for Spider-Man and Wolverine

Black Knight
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: First Appearance revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 8 new secondary illos (7 captioned)

Count Nefaria
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None beyond the aforementioned Distinguishing Features
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo less cropped; 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Some Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Note added.
Graphic Changes: 3 new captioned secondary illos

Great Lakes Avengers
Hardcover Volume: 4
Now Listed As: Great Lakes Initiatives
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Former Members and First Appearance expanded. Final History paragraph greatly expanded
Graphic Changes: Original illo removed; new captioned main illo with issue Active, new captioned secondary illo, 8 new headshots with issues Active.
Grim Reaper
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: 4th History paragraph split in 2 and expanded; next paragraph has new material embedded; the former final paragraph expanded with 3 new large paragraphs added afterward. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo cropped/captioned; 6 new secondary illos (5 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation revised. Last sentence removed from 3rd last History paragraph, then new paragraph added, then 2nd last paragraph tweaked. Physical Statistics revised. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos now captioned; new captioned secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 6
Now Listed As: Justice (Astrovik)
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned secondary illo. New main illo; 6 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 7
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and Power Grid revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/former expanded (though a lot of original text still present). The Kang Timeline added
Graphic Changes: Old main illo now secondary; old secondary illo background removed and now main. 10 new secondary illos (7 captioned, including reformatted Eliot Brown ship specs).
Note: The Timeline has various colours but thus far I have been unable to determine what, if anything, the colours mean

Living Lightning
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. 2nd History paragraph tweaked; new ½ sentence added at end of History, followed by 5 new paragraphs. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo now secondary, old secondary illo removed; new main illo and 8 new captioned secondary illos.

Morgan Le Fay
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Citizenship and Group Affiliation revised. History greatly expanded, though a lot of old text still present; new final paragraph. New paragraph added to beginning of Note, and old Note paragraph rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Monica Rambeau
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: secondary illo removed; 6 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: old illos removed; new main illo and 5 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Jim Rhodes
Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: War Machine
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Weight revised. Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Main illo remnoved; secondary illo captioned/less cropped; 10 new secondary illos (6 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: old illo removed; new main illo and new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation tweaked. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories abridged.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (one split between 3 panels)

Spider-Woman (Drew)
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 new secondary illos

Spider-Woman (Carpenter)
Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Arachne
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 6 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Squirrel Girl
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo reversed; new main illo and 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Education revised. History and Abilities/Acccessories greatly rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Stark Tower
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Height revised as Height (Main Tower); Number of Floors revised as Stories (Main Tower). History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; New main illo followed by a full-page Elliot R. Brown-drawn spec sheet for Stark Tower Complex and Sentry Watchtower Structure.

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: 3-D Man (Garrett)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revisen/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 5 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 6
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. After the first page of the old entry, History mostly revised/expanded (alter egos added to the first page). Eyes and Hair tweaked. Other than the former Paraphernalia paragraph, Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned secondary. New captioned main illo and 26 new captioned secondary illos

Young Avengers
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current Members and Base of Operations revised. Former Members added. First Appearance moved from the back of the book to the entry. History on the first page of the new entry greatly revised/expanded (encompassing the period of the original text); next two pages of History entirely new.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new captioned main illo, 2 new captioned secondary illos, 8 new headshots with issues Active
Ultimate Fantastic Four and Spider-Man 2005
Entries not carried over
Alternate Universes 2005
All individuals: Superhuman Powers, Abilities, and Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories
All entries: Significant Issues info from back of book removed.

1602 A.D.
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants and Significant Locations expanded. Final History paragraph revised, then 3 new paragraphs added.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; 48 headshots with First Appearances added.

2020 A.D.
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New caption added to old illo, 9 new illos plus 9 more headshots, most with First Appearances and other stats

2099 A.D.
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Note added
Graphic Changes: Caption added to illo

2099 A.D. – Marvel Knights
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: ignificant Inhabitants expanded, new final History paragraph added
Graphic Changes: Caption added to illo; 3 new captioned secondary illos

8162 A.D.
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Caption added to illo, three new secondary illos added

Cable/Askani World
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants expanded, History completely revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned with captioned secondary illo. 42 new headshots with occupations and first appearances.

Chronomancer`s World
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned illo of Chronokeep. 35 new headshots with occupations and first appearances.

Counter-Earth (High Evolutionary)
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Four new captioned illos (2 with First Appearances) plus 30 headshots with First Appearances.

Counter-Earth (Franklin Richards)
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants/Locations increased. History completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned illo plus 21 headshots with First Appearances.

Crooked World
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: New sentence added to first History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: 10 new illos numbered to correspond to a newly added key, plus five unnumbered headshots. Main illo also numbered.

Days of Futures Past
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants expanded. History mostly revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo removed, replaced with 2 new ones (1 captioned).

Earth A
Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Earth-A (hyphenated)
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 3rd and 4th History paragraphs merged. New paragraph added to and of History.
Graphic Changes: Captions added to illos. Main illo cropped.

Earth X
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main and secondary illo replaced with new main illo and 8 secondary illos (1 captioned, the rest, including the main illo numbered to correspond with newly added key).

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 8 new captioned secondary illos. 13 new illos utilizing a number key

Here Comes Tomorrow
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Original illo now captioned. 5 new secondary illos

Kitty`s Fairy Tale
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants tweaked; Well removed from Significant Locations. History greatly revised/expanded (a lot of old text still present)
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned. 11 new captioned secondary illos.

Larval Earth (Spider-Ham)
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned. 21 new captioned secondary illos.

Last Avengers Story
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned. New captioned secondary illo plus 27 new numbered secondary illos corresponding to a key

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: final History sentence split from the old paragraph to form the start of an extensive new final paragraph
Graphic Changes: Old illo’s characters now numbered with number key below the illo. 10 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants expanded. 1st History sentence revised, 2nd last paragraph revised/abridged, new sentence added to final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Old illo captioned; new captioned secondary illo plus 48 new headshots with First Appearances.

Mutant X-Verse
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo which is numbered with accompanying number key; 6 new captioned secondary illos.

New Universe
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants significantly expanded. Significant Locations expanded less significantly. History greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now numbered with accompanying number key. 48 new headshots with First Appearance and main ability.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants and Significant Locations revised/expanded. History somewhat revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned. 12 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None.
Graphic Changes: Illo now captioned.

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants revised/expanded. History mostly revised/expanded. Note revised/abridged
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. 11 new illos with First Appearances, then 17 headshots with First Appearances

Supreme Power
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants and Significant Locations (the former greatly expanded). History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New captioned main illo and 6 captioned secondary illos; 3 new headshots

The Corps
Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Corps
Page Count: increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Current/Former Members expanded, History completely revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 72 illos of members in two grids, with names first appearances listed below the second grid.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Deathlok (Manning)
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: New final History paragraph added (i.e. before the Note). Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Original illo modified (mainly leg positions). 3 classic Eliot Brown diagrams added (original bionics, skull, gun), plus 3 more illos added (2 captioned).

Fantastic Five (Spider-Man)
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Former Members have Earth numbers added. First Appearance expanded to cover individual members. New sentence added to end of 3rd History paragraph; 4th paragraph revised and expanded, new paragraph added before final paragraph. Note added.
Graphic Changes: Original illo captioned. 6 new captioned secondary illos.

Guardians of the Galaxy
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 5
Text Changes: Base of Operations expanded. Some History paragraph merging and text tweaking; new paragraph added at end of History. New 3-paragraph note added re: other Guardians.
Graphic Changes: New captioned main illo. Original illo now captioned secondary illo. 13 new captioned secondary illos plus 14 headshots indicating when first Active.

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History somewhat revised, with paragraphs merged and new text weaving in and out of old text.
Graphic Changes: New captioned main illo. New main illo (old one now secondary with background added. 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Scarlet Centurion
Hardcover Volume: 10
Now Listed As: Scarlet Centurion (Nathaniel Richards)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos.

Squadron Supreme
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 6
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded. Note tweaked
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned secondary; new captioned main illo; 18 captioned secondary illos added, including a classic Elliot R. Brown illo; 25 new headshots with issues Active

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 1 new secondary illo.

Hardcover Volumes: 2-5
Now Listed As: Appendix: Core Continuum Designations
Page Count: increased from 1 to 5 2/3 (v2), 3 (v3), 6 (v4), 3 (v5)
Text Changes: Lots of new Earths listed including ones seen in role-playing game modules, descriptions added to many previously listed Earths.
Graphic Changes: None.
Horror 2005
All: Known Aliases now Aliases. Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia replaced with Abilities/Accessories.

Baroness Blood
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Big Mother
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Identity revised. Abilities/Accessories a little revised
Graphic Changes: Head on main illo changed; 3 new secondary illos sharing a caption

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Elsa Bloodstone
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Group Affiliation updated, 2nd History paragraph expanded, 5 new History paragraphs. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: New main illo (original now secondary).

Brother Voodoo
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation/Group Affiliation revised. End of last History paragraph revised, then new paragraph added.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo removed, 2 new secondary illos added.

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives/First Appearance revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Physical stats added.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one cropped/captioned as secondary illo), 3 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: In History, events of 1890-1898 heavily expanded upon in multiple paragraphs; paragraph starting with “A later explosion…” replaced with 3 new paragraphs; two new final paragraphs.
Graphic Changes: 6 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Physical stats added. Strength/Durability on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Height revised.
Graphic Changes: Original illo reversed. 2 new secondary illos.

Frankenstein’s Monster
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Note greatly expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo reversed/less cropped. 9 new captioned illos plus 15 headshots with first appearances of Frankenstein family members.

Gabriel the Devil-Hunter
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph and Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First Appearance expanded. History greatly revised and expanded, though a lot of original text still present (2nd and 3rd paragraphs merged). Note added.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised/expanded. History greatly revised and expanded, though a lot of original text still present. Note removed.
Graphic Changes: 8 new secondary illos (4 captioned).

Howling Commandos
Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Howling Commandos (S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Known Members greatly expanded. History completely revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 33 new headshots with First Appearances

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None.
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Jack the Ripper
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Hannibal King
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History. Abilities/Accessories revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Marie Laveau
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Legion of the Night
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned. Old headshots now cropped, with 2 new ones added.

Legion of the Unliving
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Former Members revised. 2nd History paragraph split in 2 while 4th and 5th merged.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned. 4 new secondary illos plus 6 more sharing 1 caption. 48 new headshots with issues Active.

Lilith – Mother of Demons
Hardcover Volume: 6
Now Listed As: Lilith (Mother of Demons); so parentheses instead of hyphen
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, Weight, and Power Grid revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Lilith – Daughter of Dracula
Hardcover Volume: 6
Now Listed As: Lilith (Daughter of Dracula); so parentheses instead of hyphen
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Citizenship, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Living Mummy
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation and Group Affiliation revised. New large paragraph added at end of History.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 6
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, First Appearance revised. Old History text replaced with extensive new text. Abilities/Acccessories considerably revised/expanded (some old text still present).
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed. New main illo plus 12 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History mostly revised/expanded (spome old text still present). Eyes & Hair revised. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo reversed; 4 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. All but the first History paragraph completely rewritten/expanded. Note added. Physical Stats added. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo no longer cropped; 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Note added. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Identity, Group Affiliation, Education revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Physical States added. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised. Speed on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Illo less cropped

Straw Man
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History considerably revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised. Energy Projection and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and two captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Terror (Schreck)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History completely rewritten/expanded. Physical Stats revised. Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded. Comment added to bottom of Power Grid
Graphic Changes: Main (old) illo no longer cropped; 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Identity, Place of Birth, Known Relatives revised. 1st History paragrapoh split in 2 and alter egos added; new sentence added to end of final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Vampire by Night
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Identity, Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Note added Abilities/Accessories greatly revised. Intelligence and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Vampire Hunters (no hyphen)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Former Members revised. DOA spelled out in History.
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo with First Appearance. 19 headshots of members and 4 of recurring allies, all with First Appearances (in the Marvel Universe)

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Real Name tweaked; Identity, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History greatly revised/expanded. Note added. Height revised. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 4 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases tweaked; Identity, Occupation, Citizenship revised. History initially only somewhat revised (including 2nd & 3rd paragraphs merged and alter egos added), then two new final paragraphs. New sentence added to end of first Abilities/Accessories paragraph.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned) covering the base of the main illo
New X-Men: Academy X Yearbook
I don’t own this one so I don’t have any notes on it.
Marvel Monsters
All: Original text more or less now History unless noted (therefore text changes below mainly focus on History, though there’s a couple of exceptions to this). Most other categories added (Vital Statistics, Abilities/Accessories, Physical Statistics, Power Grid/Numbers, and Art Credits). First Appearance moved from back of book to entry. Significant Issues from same section removed.

Bombu (1 page): Not carried over

Devil Dinosaur & Moon Boy
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Devil Dinosaur (Earth-78411) (note: no hardcover entry for Moon Boy)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: History completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo and 2 new captioned secondary illos

Droom (1 page): not carried over

Elektro (1 page): not carried over. Appears in the new Marvel Universe Update#2 but that’s beyond the scope of these lists.

Fin Fang Foom
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: History completely rewritten. Note added
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo and 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Gargantus (1 page): not carried over

Gog (1 page): not carried over. Appears in the new Marvel Universe Update#1 but that’s beyond the scope of these lists.

Googam (1 page): not carried over. Appears in the new Marvel Universe Update#1 but that’s beyond the scope of these lists.

Goom (1 page): not carried over
Gorgilla (1 page): not carried over
Gorgolla (1 page): not carried over
Grogg (1 page): not carried over

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: New main illo; old illo now captioned secondary/less cropped

Grottu (1 page): not carried over
House of Shadows (1 page): not carried over

It, the Living Colossus
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: History completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo and 3 new captioned secondary illos

Warlord Kaa (1 page): not carried over
KhlƟg (1 page): not carried over
Creatures from Kosmos (2 pages): not carried over
Krakoa (1 page): not carried over
Manoo (1 page): not carried over

Monster Isle
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Mole Man’s Monsters
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: History completely rewritten. Sub-sections added for Brute that Walks (see below), Fin Fang Foom, Goom, Googam, Kra, Korgarrian, Rhedollante, Skreeal variant, Slugmon, Tanakadon, Ugu, X, unidentified. Giganto, Gigantus, the Neolithic (now Ugu the Neolithic), Skreeal, Tricephalous, Vandoom’s Monster passages completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: New small but main illo; old one removed. Giganto, Tricephalous illos replaced with new ones with captions listing First Appearances (carried over from back of book). Gigantus, (Ugu) the Neolithic, Skreeal, Vandoom’s Monster illos now captioned with First Appearances (same). Neolithic illo removed. 16 additional new captioned secondary illos with First Appearances.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Old illo less cropped, background removed; new captioned secondary illo

Red Ronin (2 pages): not carried over
Rommbu (1 page): not carried over
Scarlet Beetle (1 page): not carried over
Spragg, the Living Hill (1 page): not carried over
Taboo (1 page): not carried over

Tim Boo Ba
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: History completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new one

Two-Headed Thing (1 page): not carried over
X, the Thing that Lived (1 page): not carried over

Xemnu (2 pages): not carried over. Appears in the new Marvel Universe Update #1 but that’s beyond the scope of these lists.

Yeti (1 page): not carried over (different version in hardcovers)
Zzutak (1 page): not carried over

Brute that Walks (½ page): not carried over, though illo used in Mole Man’s Monsters sub-section

Blip (½ page): not carried over

Chytlok the Che-k’n Kah
Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Chytlok
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: 1st paragraph removed; 2nd Paragraph heavily revised to form the two History paragraphs. 3rd paragraph revised to form the Abilities/Accessories paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now coloured

Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Diablo (5th Dimension)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new one

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Traits added (not Real Name, etc). History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. 7 new illos captioned with First Appearances of that particular Giganto

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Background removed from illo, which is now slightly cropped)

Lizard Men (½ page): not carried over
Living Totem (½ page): not carried over (different version in hardcovers)
Molten Man-Thing (½ page): not carried over
Monstrollo (½ page): not carried over

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new one

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: First Appearance revised. History completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 3 new captioned secondary illos
X-Men 2005
All: Known Aliases now Aliases (except Xorn); Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories. Origin and Significant Issues from back of book removed.

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: secondary illo now captioned; 6 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Angel (Worthington)
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History considerably revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now secondary); old secondary illo now captioned; 12 new secondary illos (6 captioned)

Jamie Braddock
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded. Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly (not entirely) revised and expanded. Abilities/Accessories revised, Power Grid tweaked.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed) and 16 new secondary illos (8 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives expanded. Final History paragraph revised and new one added. Info from former Paraphernalia category removed.
Graphic Changes: secondary illo removed; 10 new secondary illos (8 captioned)

Captain Britain
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed, 7 added (2 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation revised. Last History paragraph removed, 2nd last revised and expanded, 2 new paragraphs added. Abilities/Accessories revised.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo captioned, 8 added (5 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised and expanded. Final Hisory paragraph expanded. Abilities/Accessories revised/reduced. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Danger Room illo captioned, no longer overlaps main illo

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo less cropped.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics a bit revised. New paragraph at end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Hellfire Club
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: The various Members lists revised with new Employees category added. Base of Operations revised. History completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 1 illo removed, other captioned. 7 new captioned illos (2 with Active issues). 20 headshots with issues Active added.

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics somewhat revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly (not entirely) revised/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 8 new secondary illos
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 7 new captioned secondary illos.

Kid Omega
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation revised. New sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Citizenship and Group Affiliation revised. Final History paragraph expanded to include SWORD info. Abilities/Accessories tweaked.
Graphic Changes: Original illo reversed/Art Credit inadvertently removed. New captioned secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories consuiderable revised/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 11 new secondary illos (5 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Citizenship, Group Affiliation revised. History somewhat revised/expanded (I’d say greatly but a lot of the changes are just rewording, though there is new material esp. near the end. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed); old secondary illo now captioned; 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Education revised. History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary); old secondary illo’s cropping altered; 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Colossus’ alter ego added to History then new final paragraph added. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Phoenix Force
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Real Name, Citizenship, Education removed. Aliases, Occupation revised. History greatly revised/expanded, with new text weaving in and out of old. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 7 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation, First Appearance revised. History greatly revised/expanded (initially only somewhat revised, but then 2 very large paragraphs added at end). Abilities/Accessories mostly revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now secondary; new main illo and 7 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Savage Land
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 8
Text Changes: Capital City, Places of Interest (with Note), Major Languages, Mentary Unit, Major Resoources categories added. Government, First Appearance revised. Major Groups revised as Major Ethnic Groups. History mostly revised/expanded.New sub-section for 63 ethic groups (one sub-section having a note)
Graphic Changes: Main illo has dialogue removed and the X-Men covered by a secondary illo; old Eliot R. Brown maps removed; 6 new secondary illos before/after the sub-section (4 captioned, including a new Eliot R. Brown map); 59 new illos in the sub-section corresponding to their respective group, mostly 1 each but 3 for the Swamp Men (so not all groups get an illo). 42 new headshots with description and first appearance.

Stepford Cuckoos
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Eyes revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo removed; new main illo and 4 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo removed; cropping revised on secondary illos; new main illo and 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten (the former expanded, the latter abridged). Weight and Eyes revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: old illos removed; new main illo and 4 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Eyes revised. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos now captioned; 4 new captioned secondary illos

X-Men Roster
Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed as: X-Men
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and History added; some material from headshots added to Vital Statistics (see below)
Graphic Changes: new main illo and 29 new secondary illos (19 captioned). Headshots: Membership status removed, now indicated by Current/Former Members text categories. Alter egos removed, moved to the various members categoes. The various Ad-Hoc X-Men Rosters “headshots” removed, with the text now various members Categories, while the “joined” info now in First Appearance (“until” info removed completely); member members died removed, only the initial issue active maintained; most headshots replaced with new ones except Cyclops/Changeling/Thunderbird/Joseph/Emma Frost cropped (Frost also reversed); only Xorn (Shen) headshot still intact; Archangel/Jean Grey/both Thunderbird’s/Shadowcat/Rachel Summers/Wolverine Imposter/Mirage/both Xorn’s headshots also renamed; Phoenix Force/Dark Beast/Wolverine Imposter moved to new Imposter section; 24 additional new team headshots, 47 new sub-team headshots
New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
All Individuals: Vital Statistics (beyond the previously untitled Real Name category), Power Grid, Art Credits added. Abilities now Abilities/Accessories. User Notes removed.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Email: originally 1 page; not carried over

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New paragraph added to end of History
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History (especially) and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped; 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new paragraph added to History; Abilities/Accessories slightly abridged
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History slightly expanded, Height revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Blood Brothers
Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Blood Brother
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name category added. First History paragraph reworked especially at start, last paragraph revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat rewritten
Graphic Changes: Illo no longer cropped

Brothers Grimm
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories entirely rewritten. Physical stats now include Dolly and the mannequins.
Graphic Changes: 4 new captioned illos (two Mr. Doll illos share the same caption)
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New paragraph added to History.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo removed, three new ones added (two captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Long History paragraph split in two; the new second paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded. Note added. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo removed, 3 new ones added.

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History paragraph after 1st and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Count Nefaria
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded (closer to an earlier, more detailed earlier entry – Avengers 2005)
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised and expanded. Hair revised
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Crusader (Blackwood)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First History paragraph split in 2. Final History paragraph and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo replaced with new one.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2nd History paragraph tweaked, final paragraph replaced with new one.
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped. New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First two History paragraphs split in 2 and expanded; final two paragraphs merged and expanded. New sentence added at end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo replaced with new one.

Dr. Demonicus
Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Doctor Demonicus
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History mostly revised and expanded. Note added. Distinguishing Features incorporated into Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: New unmasked illo. 8 illos of monsters (7 captioned, Gojira uncaptioned for legal reasons).

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First History paragraph split in 2 and chronology reworked. Abilities/Accessories slightly expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Grey Gargoyle
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded (starting for the most part with 2nd paragraph). Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded (huge amount of new text)
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2nd History paragraph somewhat revised, with end of paragraph expanded; new final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History complete rewritten – replaced with earlier Spider-Man 2005 text
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

King Cobra
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 4 new secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded, though a lot of old text still present. Abilities/Accessories text replaced with new expanded material.
Graphic Changes: Old illo tilted, 4 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories text replaced with new expanded material.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo removed, 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Mister Fear
Hardcover Volume: 7
Now Listed As: Mister Fear (Fagan)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo replaced with new one.

Mister Hyde
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded, though some old text still present. Abilities/Accessories text replaced with new expanded material.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos.

Molecule Man
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories text replaced with new expanded material.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed, replaced with new main illo and 4 secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned, 3 sharing caption)

Purple Man
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo removed, replaced with three new ones (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Stuart Clarke
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo and secondary illo. Original main illo now a captioned secondary illo. Original secondary illo now captioned.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History greatly revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Crows added to main illo. Old secondary illo removed, replaced with 5 new ones (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed). 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Silver Samurai
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo removed, replaced with 6 new ones (4 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded. Weight revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed)

Tiger Shark
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Physical Stats revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Typhoid Mary
Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Typhoid
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Real Name revised. History and Abilities/Accessories cvolmpletely rewritten/expanded. Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current Members, Base of Operations, First Appearance added. History completely rewritten/expanded. Physical Stats and Abilities removed.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed); 3 secondary illos removed, 1 cropped; 4 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History considerably revised/expanded, most starting from the 2nd paragraph. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo less covered; 6 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Wrecking Crew
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Current and Former Members, Base of Operations, First Appearance added. History completely rewritten. Physical Stats and Abilities removed.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 6 new secondary illos (5 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories complete written/expanded. Eyes revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo no longer crow; 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

untitled 3/4 page list of prisons: not carried over
Ultimate: Ultimates & X-Men 2005
Not included in the hardcovers
X-Men: The 198 Files
Only one entry carried over?
Val Cooper
Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Valerie Cooper
Text Changes: Known Aliases now Aliases. Current Position revised as Occupation. Identity, Group Affiliation, Abilities/Accessories, Power Grid added. History completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed. New main illo and new secondary illo.

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
     Thread Starter

7/11/2020 8:11 am  #4

Re: List of Changes in Hardcovers: The Complete Collection

All-New A to Z #1
Because of the alphabetical placement, everyone in this volume is in Hardcover Volume 1 unless otherwise noted.

Treat “None” as “None significant” below. I ignore typo corrections and minor formatting changes.

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph. New line added to end of Abilities/Accessories. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None.

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Final History sentence replaced with new one, and then new paragraph added.
Graphic Changes: For Headshots: A largely expanded Abilities replaces Powers; Joanna Cargill listed as Frenzy (with Cargill first appearance omitted), new illo of Vindaloo, Random & Tempo added, black bars removed

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final History sentence removed, then new paragraph added
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Aged Genghis
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New illo of diary

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known relatives revised. New paragraph added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Agent X
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Last paragraph in History greatly expanded
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo removed, two new captioned secondary illos added

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 new secondary illos

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Alpha the Ultimate Mutant
Page Count: unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence added to Abilities/Accessories. Power Grid now Power Numbers
Graphic Changes: None

Page Count: increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Old History paragraph slightly expanded, then new paragraph added, Abilties/Accessories greatly expanded. Strength on power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo added

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation revised. History greatly expanded. Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed, 2 new secondary illo added

Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Tempest
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revused. History and AbiliteséAccessories greatly revised/expanded. Speed and Energy Projection on Power Grid revisedé
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned secondary illo. New main illo and 2 new secondary illos

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo added

Apache Kid
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Arabian Knight
Now Listed As: Arabian Knight (Qamar)
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Energy Projection on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo added

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo a lot larger

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Arsenic/Old Lace
Split Into: Old Lace, Gertrude Yorkes
Hardcover Volume: 8 (Old Lace), 13 (Yorkes)
Page Count: Originally 1, now ½ (Old Lace), 1 (Yorkes)
Text Changes: Old Lace: Vital Statistics beyond First Appearance added, History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded, Power Grid converted to Power Numbers, with Intelligence revised. Yorkes: Alises revised. Final History sentence revised, then final paragraph greatly expanded. Abililites/Accessories revised
Graphic Changes: Old Lace: New main illo (old one removed, but see Yorkes). Yorkes: newmain illo (old one now captioned secondary)

Asbestos Lady
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New Note below Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Page Count: Increased from 2 to 5
Text Changes: History substantially revised, First Appearance added, text only list of first appearances of lesser Atlanteans added
Graphic Changes: 1 illo captioned, 1 removed, 2 added; 42 new headshots with Deceased (if applicable), Occupation, First Appearance added

Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics a bit rewritten, History expanded at end, Abilities/Accessories expanded
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned), Smuggler illo more detailed

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Last sentence of History replaced with new sentence plus new paragraph, Abilities/Accessories rewritten/abridged
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Avengers (MC2)
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Current and Former Members added; History has new large final paragraph
Graphic Changes: Caption removed from main illo. Headshots: Black bars and Powers removed. Jubilee removed, Sabreclaw and Warp added

Awesome Andy
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Now Listed As: Awesome Android
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised, History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary)

Avengers (MC2)
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Current and Former Members added; History has new large final paragraph
Graphic Changes: Caption removed from main illo. Headshots: Black bars and Powers removed. Jubilee removed, Sabreclaw and Warp added

Axis Mundi
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Headshots: Abilities added, black bars removed

Page Count: unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History expanded. Power Grid replaced with Power Numbers
Graphic Changes: None

Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Sunset Bain
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph split in 2, and second half revised
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo now captioned.

Band of the Bland
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Night Thrasher (Donyell Taylor)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary); 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new sentence at end of History
Graphic Changes: All old illos now captioned; new captioned secondary illo

Baron Mordo
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text Changes: History a little revised
Graphic Changes: None

Baron Strucker
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo less cropped

Baron Zemo
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Now Listed As: Baron Zemo (Helmut)
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and History revised/expanded, Distinguishing Features removed, Abilities/Accessories revised
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed); old secondary illos now captioned; 3 new captioned secondary illos

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First Appearance expanded
Graphic Changes: None
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Text Changes All: Art Credits, Place of Birth, Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½ pagers)

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: History mostly revised and expanded, incorporating Where are They Now info. New sentence and then new paragraph added to end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: Old illo cropped; new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New final History paragraph, incorporating Where are They Now info
Graphic Changes: None

Android Man
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics beyond First Appearance added. 4 sentences added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Asbestos Man
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Main illo slightly more cropped

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 12
Text Changes: History mostly revised and expanded (old History spans pages 2-3 of hardcover in revised form).
Graphic Changes: Old illo new secondary, with captions removed; new main captioned illo and 15 new secondary illos (8 captioned); 86 new headshots of members with issues active, followed by 57 headshots of Civilian Staff & Associates with issues active

Beasts of Berlin
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded, with paragraphs merged, including info from Where are They Now
Graphic Changes: Old illo captioned; new secondary illo

Bull’s Eye
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New final History paragraph with info from Where are They Now
Graphic Changes: None

Captain America
Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Captain America (Rogers)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 8
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 11 new secondary illos (9 captioned)

Captain Marvel
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 6 new secondary illos (3 sharing captioned, 2 more captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. Old History greatly revised/expanded, then 2 new final paragraphs with Where are They Now info.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Chili Storm
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded, the latter including info from Where are They Now. Weight, Eyes, Hair revised/
Graphic Changes: New headshot

Collective Intelligence
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old illo captioned; new captioned secondary illo

Colossus (Super-Computer)
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics beyond First Appearance added. History mostly revised
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Colossus (Vegan)
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories tweaked
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Comrade X
Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Madame X
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely revised/expanded; Abilities/Accessories revised.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo removed and old main illo cropped to a headshot; new main illo.

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History greatly revised with info from Where are They Now. Final sentence added to Abilites/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo differently cropped. Secondary illo now captioned; new captioned secondary illo.

Crimson Dynamo
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics other than First Appearance (itself abridged) replaced with Known Members and Base of Operations. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Physical Stats added for 5 additional armor wearers.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned secondary; New captioned main illo and 12 captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real name and Citizenship identified. Note added
Graphic Changes: Illo no longer obscured by energy

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real name identified. History greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo replaced with new one. One secondary illo captioned, the other removed; classic Eliot R. Brown Billy Club diagram added; 10 additional new secondary illos (7 captioned)

Death’s Page
Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Death’s Head (Page)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New final History paragraph with Where are They Now info
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Destroyer (Stanton)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Doctor Strange
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed. New main illo and 8 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 4
Now Listed As: Exiles (WW2)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known members expanded (mostly first names added). New text added to end of 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs (latter incorporating info from Where are They Now?).
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Dr. Strange
Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Doctor Strange (Carlo)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name and History tweaked.
Graphic Changes: None

Faceless Ones
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Physical Stats added. History completely revised, incorporating details from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Factor Three
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Members and Base of Operations expanded (in former case, adding alter egos). New final History paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: New Sonny Baredo headshot. Two new captioned illos.

Fantastic Four
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 5
Text Changes: Team Stats and History completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Two illos removed (including Baxter Building cross section), 5 illos (3 captioned) plus 30 headshots added (13 members and 17 employees).

Forbidden Land
Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: El Dorado
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History completely revised.
Graphic Changes: One illo removed, one cropped differently, three added (2 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Original History paragraph greatly revised and expanded; new final paragraph including info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Original illo replaced with new main illo and two secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Happy Hogan
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics greatly revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Eyes revised.
Graphic Changes: Original illos replaced with new main illo and 2 secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics beyond First Appearance added. New final History sentence incorporating Where are They Now? info.
Graphic Changes: Original illo replaced with new main illo and 2 secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and History a somewhat revised, incorporating info from Where are They Now? Note added. Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo added

Hidden Man
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History expanded by 2 sentences, in part incorporating info from Where are They Now
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo added

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 9
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original illos replaced with new main illo and 2 secondary illos (20 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Hurricane (Kane)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: end of History expanded, in part including info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories a little revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Infant Terrible
Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Delinquent
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Old History paragraph greatly revised and expanded; 2 new final paragraphs with Where are They Now info. Note added. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary)

Iron Man
Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Iron Man (Tony Stark)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 11
Text Changes: Vital Statistics greatly revised and expanded. History and Abilities Accessories completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original illos replaced with new captioned main illo with First appearance, 46 secondary illos (37 captioned with First Appearances, 4 more captioned). Additional page of armour specs (Bio/Metalo-Mimetic Suit Series Mk III)

Iron Mask
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History somewhat revised (in part incorporating info from Where are They Now?). New sentence added to Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Citizenship and History tweaked to incorporate Where are They Now? info. Abilities/Accessories revised.
Graphic Changes: Caption on main illo expanded, secondary illo captioned, new captioned secondary illo.

Jack O’Diamonds
Hardcover Volume: 6
Now Listed As: Living Diamond
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Aliases revised due to name reversal. 2 sentences added to end of History incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Junior Juniper
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History somewhat revised and expanded, in part incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Citizenship revised. History a little revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Occupation and Citizenship revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Legion of the Living Lightning
Hardcover Volume: 6
Now Listed As: Lords of the Living Lightning
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: 5 new sentences added to end of History, incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: One of the illos now captioned.

Living Brain
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: New final History paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories mostly revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Mad Pharaoh
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Madame Menace
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new captioned one.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real name revised. History and Anilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History expanded, including but not limited to new sentence at end. Note added. Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Education revised. History revised/expanded. New sentence added at end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: None

Mister Rasputin
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Considerable amount of text added to end of History, incorporating info from Where are they Now?
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Mogul of the Mystic Mountain
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Citizenship, Known
Relatives and Group Affiliation revised. Original History paragraph split in 2 and expanded, 2 new paragraphs added at end (Where are They Now? info added into the text). Last Abilities/Accessories sentence expanded.
Graphic Changes: 10 new secondary illos (9 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Occupation and Group Affiliation tweaked. History revised/expanded, including but not limited to new material at end. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new one.

Painter of 1000 Perils
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. Originally History paragraph mostly revised, then two new ones added incorporating info from Where are They Now? End of abilities/Accessories greatly expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name, Occupation, Education revised. History somewhat expanded, with new text weaving in and out of the old text. Abilities/Accessories a bit expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old headshot replaced with new one.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Known Members revised and new final History paragraph, both incorporating info from Where are They Now? New sentence added at end of Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Aliases and Education revised. History somewhat revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised
Graphic Changes: None

Rabble Rouser
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised and 4 sentences added to end of History (all incorporating info from Where are They Now?). Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned headshot.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised and 4 sentences added to end of History (all incorporating info from Where are They Now?). Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and new captioned headshot.

Ringo Kid
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Citizenship, Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo reversed; new captioned secondary illo (unfortunately neither illo has his face looking towards the reader).

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: Known Members moved to Former Members, which has numerous additional members. New categories: Contingency, Elite Agents, Euromind, Eurolab, Howling Commandos, Super Agents (First Team, Second Team), Task Force. Base of Operations revised. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: New main illo and 5 new captioned secondary illos. Occupations removed from headshots. 6 headshots removed entirely, the remaining 9 old images replaced with new ones; 45 additional new headshots.

Silver Surfer
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Eyes and Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed); 6 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. History somewhat revised. Eyes revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Sorcerer (Murdstone)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised. Eyes revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Sorcerer (East)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name, Occupation, Education revised. History somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo cropped to headshot and captioned

Space Parasite
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. New half sentence added to end of old History paragraphs, then two new paragraphs added. Height and Weight tweaked. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now cropped as secondary illo)

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 13
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 40 new secondary illos (36 captioned) of which one full page is completely drawn by Eliot R. Brown and one ½-page is co-drawn by him

Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Namor
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 8 new secondary illos

Sun Stealer
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Identity, Occupation, Citizenship revised. History somewhat revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History slightly revised. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Terrible Trio
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Membership, Base of Operations revised. Old History somewhat revised, with 1st 2 paragraphs merged, alter egos added, etc.; new final paragraph including info from Where are They Now
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Occupation, Citizenship, Group Affiliation revised. History greatly revised. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Thermal Man
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics beyond First Appearance added. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo less cropped/eyebeams redrawn; new captioned secondary illo

Thing Imposter
Hardcover Volume: 6
Now Listed As: Ricardo Jones
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name and Known Relatives revised. Original History text tweaked/a bit condensed, with 2nd and 3rd paragraphs merged; new final paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Height and Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 18 new secondary illos (11 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo tilted. New secondary illo

El Toro
Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: El Toro (Rojo)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History greatly revised/expanded, including Where are They Now info. New sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name revised. History somewhat revised. New sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Triumvirate of Terror
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Alter egos added to Members. Base of Operations tweaked. History somewhat revised, including paragraphs merged and alter egos added
Graphic Changes: Old illo captioned; new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Info on a second Tumbler added to all categories. Vital Statistics revised. History considerably revised/expanded. The 2nd Tumbler’s name added to Physical Stats, though the stats themselves were inadvertently left out. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos, 2 sharing a caption, the other also captioned

Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Vulture (Drago)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name and Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised, the former including part of the Where are They Now passage
Graphic Changes: Main illo cropped differently

Patsy Walker
Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Hellcat
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics considerably revised and expanded. Weight and Eyes revised. History and Abilities Accessories completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 6 new secondarfy illos (5 captioned)

Warlord Wrogg
Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Wrogg
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Occupation tweaked. Citizenship, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised, the former including info from Where are They Now
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Wobbow
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Known Members, Base of Operations revised. Physical Stats added. History initially only a little revised, then 3 new final sentences with Where are They Now info.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Wrecker (Kort)
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. History somewhat revised
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo less cropped

Wrecker (Smith)
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. History somewhat revised
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo partly obscured by main illo

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 12
Text Changes: Old Vital Statistics revised/expanded; 10 new categories plus Note. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 29 new secondary illos (19 captioned). 7 new team headshots, 47 new sub-team headshots, 3 new imposter headshots, all with issues active

Professor Zaxton
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name revised. Thor’s surname added to History
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Occupation revised. History considerably revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary, slightly obscured by the former); new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Identity revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded, the former including Where are They Now info. Height and Weight tweaked
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History considerably revised/expanded, including Where are They Now info. 2 sentences added to end of Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo
All-New A to Z #2
Treat “None” as “None significant” below. I ignore typo corrections and minor formatting changes.

Benny Beckley
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None.
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Beta Ray Bill
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo added, one old secondary illo now captioned

Black Box
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation and First Appearance revised. Final History paragraph revised/expanded at end
Graphic Changes: Art Credit corrected

Black Dragon
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Black Widow
Hardcover Volume: 1
Now listed As : Black Widow (Voyant)
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. New sentence added to end of final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3 pages
Text Changes: Group Affiliation updated. History: old final paragraph split in two, with second part expanded, followed by 3 new paragraphs, then a Note. Abilities/Accessories expanded.
Graphic Changes: One of three old illos captioned. 9 new captioned illos of suits worn by all users.

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3 pages
Text Changes: Final paragraph of History expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one still present with new caption), depowered illo removed, 9 new illos (1 with caption).

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New final paragraph added to History
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos added

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Original illo captioned (still main), 4 new illos (3 captioned)

Alexander Bont
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories a bit revised
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 10
Now Listed As: Tabitha Smith
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History somewhat revised/expanded, especially at end. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo now secondary, 2 secondary illos removed, 4 secondary illos added

Bella Donna Boudreaux
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph expanded
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo added

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Members expanded. Final History paragraph removed and two new paragraphs added.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo removed, 3 new captioned secondary illos added

Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Molly Hayes
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Citizenship, Group Affiliation a little revised. Final History paragraph greatly expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original illos removed. New main illo with captioned secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None.
Graphic Changes: Main illo removed, replaced with new one (captioned as per old one)

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: 3rd History paragraph revised, new final paragraph added
Graphic Changes: Microns illo removed, two new captioned illos added.

John Bushmaster
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: captioned Power Master illo added

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final History paragraph expanded, new sentence added to Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Real Name revised, History almost completely revised/expanded, Abilities/Accessories: new sentence added at end.
Graphic Changes: 6 new secondary illos (2 captioned

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New final paragraph at end of History.
Graphic Changes: Main and “wedding” illos removed; new main illo, X-Force illo now captioned, 3 new captioned illos

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation and Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary illo), old secondary illo removed, 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Left hand now visible

Captain UK
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo altered and credit removed. 2 new secondary illos (one captioned)

Captain Ultra
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics a little revised. History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one still present, but flipped and captioned), old secondary illo removed, 2 new secondary illos.

Captain Universe
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text Changes: new final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos. Many recipients illos blown up to focus more on face, with Casey and Phalanx added; black bars removed

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 3 new captioned secondary illos.

Black Tom Cassidy
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: final History paragraph tweaked, then new one added, Abilities/Accessories revised and a little expanded, Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text Changes: new final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: Arishem illos replaced with captioned Dreaming Celestial illo

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Hair and Power Numbers revised
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Crazy Eight
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo now captioned

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo removed, 2 new ones

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Expanded from 1 to 2 pages
Text Changes: First Appearance expanded, new sentence added to end of History and Abilities Accessories.
Graphic Changes: No illo now stands out as main one (the one that was now cropped), all illos now captioned, original Cerebro illo decropped, 12 new illos, including the Elliot Brown stats from v1#15.

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo. Credit to main illo changed.

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation, and last two History paragraphs revised.
Graphic Changes: Unmasked shot added.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Decibel
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Final two History sentences replaced with extensive next text, then a new paragraph. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Durability and Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now captioned secondary illo). Old secondary illos removed; 7 new secondary illos (6 captioned)

Lila Cheney
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: None.

China Force
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 3rd History paragraph revised, Note added.
Graphic Changes: Black bars removed from headshots

Code: Blue
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new final paragraph added at end of History.
Graphic Changes: 9 headshots with First Appearances added.

Kaspar Cole
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives tweaked, end of final History paragraph revised with new paragraph added
Graphic Changes: None

Collective Man
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: first History paragraph split in 2, final paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo captioned, new captioned secondary illo of old suit

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos
All-New A to Z #3
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary shot of her as Domino

Cosmic Cube
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Somewhat revised; revisions including splitting of paragraphs and new text starting on page 2 and continuing thereon here and there.
Graphic Changes: One illo removed (headshot of Kubik), 10 new captioned illos added (including two new headshots and a replacement Kubik illo)

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: new paragraphs related to various Pantheons added alphabetically. Old African gods paragraph removed.
Graphic Changes: None

The Crazy Eight
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 4 new captioned headshots.

Crimson Cowl
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new sentence at end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Crimson Dynamo
Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Crimson Dynamo (Gavrilov)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo now captioned.

Jaine Cutter
Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Crimson Dynamo (Gavrilov)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Crimson Dynamo (Gavrilov)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First Appearance expanded. History somewhat expanded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Dark Gods
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Dark Riders
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History expanded.
Graphic Changes: First Appearance, Abilities, black bars removed from headshots.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History slightly expanded, at least in second paragraph. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Left arm now a bit cut of in main illo.

Darkhold Redeeemers
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: 2nd last old History paragraph expanded; new final paragraph added. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Daughters of the Dragon
Split into: Misty Knight, Colleen Wing
Hardcover Volume: 6 (Knight), 13 (Wing)
Page Count: Originally 2 total; now 2 each
Text Changes: Both: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Knight only: Inteliigence, Energy Projection, Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Both: Old illos removed, new main illo. Knight: 2 new secondary illos; Wing: 3 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Dazzler (Worthington)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: One caption moved to proper illo and new caption added.

Dead Girl
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph split in 2 and second half expanded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New sentence added at end of History and end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New History paragraph added.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Deathlok (Collins)
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final sentence removed from History but new final paragraph added. Strength revised. New captioned secondary illo (“Current Cyborg Form”; possibly inaccurate if he’s no longer a cyborg).
Graphic Changes: None
Deathlok (M-Tech)
Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Deathlok (Truman & Young)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added at end of History.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos.

Death’s Head (FPA)
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History sentence removed, replaced with 2 new sentences. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo captioned, no longer cropped; new captioned secondary illo.

Death’s Head (Minion)
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo, 9 captioned new headshots.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 3 new captioned headshots.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History tweaked.
Graphic Changes: Right hand no longer visible in original illo; new secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Demolition Man
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation tweaked. History completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Last History paragraph tweaked.
Graphic Changes: None

Desert Sword
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 4
Text Changes: Final History paragraph revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Black bars removed from headshots

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New final History paragraph. Speed on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories expanded.
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed

Diamond Lil
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation slightly expanded. Last sentence in History replaced with new one.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Diamondback (Leighton)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Last two History paragraphs expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph split in two and second half expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Dimension of Manifestations
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New large captioned secondary illo added.

Doctor Doom’s Generals
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Lancer illo replaced with new one.

Doctor Nemesis
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Dominic Fortune
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: In History, watching newsreels bit removed, final paragraph revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo captioned, 1 removed; 2 new captioned secondary illos added.

Doomsday Man
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary illo). Old secondary illo removed; 3 new secondary illos added (2 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Final History paragraph greatly expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Ethan Edwards
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Final History paragraph expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos
All-New A to Z #4
Damon Dran
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: More of body visible in main illo. One secondary illo captioned, the other resized and recoloured and thus easier to see.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: one secondary illo’s background now white

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: End of one History paragraph mildly reworded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Elements of Doom
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Elf with a Gun
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: 3rd paragraph added to Note
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now shows open eyes. New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Penance removed as possible Known Relative
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final History paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation expanded. New final paragraph added to History
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo added as Steckley

Eric the Red
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo added

Eternal Brain
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Walkabout illo removed and replaced with new captioned illo; new captioned illo of Homunculus form

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 4
Text Changes: Base of Operations expanded. Additional History material weaves in and out of old material, including new paragraphs.
Graphic Changes: New captioned illo of Uni-Mind. Headshots: First appearances still listed but “First appearance:” caption removed; not read left to right rather than up to down; illo updated for Ajax; Ajax, Forgotten One no longer deceased; new headshots for Kazantra, Legba.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History paragraph expanded, Power Grid added.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First 2 History paragraphs: text added, split at different spot in narrative.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: 2nd History paragraph split in 2 and revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo, old main illo removed. Black bars removed from headshots

Fallen One
Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Champion
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases tweaked, end of final History paragraph revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Father Time
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 3rd History paragraph expanded slightly to reference Twelve#1
Graphic Changes: Main and secondary illos replaced with new ones (both now face forward rather than to the left)

Fathom Five
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Femme Fatales
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Physical Stats and Power Numbers added for each member
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History greatly revised and expanded (a fair amount of original text still present).
Graphic Changes: 12 headshots of foes with first appearances added.

Richard Fisk
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: First Appearance expanded to cover various identities.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: End of final History paragraph revised.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos now captioned.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: None.

Flying Dutchman’s Ghost
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Folding Circle
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Force Four
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History greatly revised (some old text still present). New paragraph added to Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed. New main illo and 5 secondary illos (3 captioned).

Don Fortunato
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Intelligence and Fighting Skills revised on Power Grid
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

Free Spirit
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Split Into: Frog-Man, Leapfrog
Hardcover Volume: 4 (Frog-Man), 6 (Leap-Frog)
Page Count: Originally 2; now 2 (Frog-Man), 1 (Leap-Frog)
Text Changes: Frog-Man: Leap-Frog text removed. Group Affiliation expanded. History heavily revised in other areas to remove Vincent-only material and expand on Eugene (History more or less starts on what was the 3rd paragraph); more info added on other Frog-Men. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded. Leap-Frog: Frog-Man text removed. Aliases and Occupation revised. New sentence added to end of second History paragraph; rest of History revised and condense to remove Frog-Man-specific material. Abilities/Accessories a little revised.
Graphic Changes: Frog-Man: Leap-Frog illos removed. 2 new captioned secondary illos plus captioned Action Pack headshots. Leap-Frog: The two Frog-Man illos (main illo plus Eugene headshot) removed. Secondary illo of Leapfrog now main, with background removed. Vincent headshot no longer captioned.

Deacon Frost
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History slightly revised, with second paragraph split in 2.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final History paragraph revised/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Galactic Guardians
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History tweaked
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Strength and Fighting Skills on Power Numbers revised
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: War
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Strength and Fighting Skills on Power Numbers revised
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation expanded. Final History paragraph greatly expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

John Garrett
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 17 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph greatly expanded. Strength revised on Power Grid
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: new sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Death’s Head Squadron illo replaced with new one (still captioned). New captioned illo of Lump

Ma Gnucci
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation expanded. New History text weaves in and out of old material (particularly expanded at end).
Graphic Changes: Black Goliath illo less cropped. New captioned secondary illo of Tom Foster.

Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway
Hardcover Volume: 4
Now Listed As: Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Book
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: New categories added: Known Staff, Former Staff, Freeman Bonding Inc., Notable clients. Base of Operations accidentally listed twice (second time expanded to include Freeman). First Appearance expanded to include Freeman. History mostly (not completely) revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Positions removed from headshots; headshots removed for Jennifer Walters, Ditto, Pug, Matt Hawk, Mallory, Stu and replaced with captioned illo of above plus Chas, Bobo, Lewis (note added to list First appearances of these); new headshots for Emilee Freeman, Cecil Pierce, Smedley F. Smedley.

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
     Thread Starter

7/11/2020 8:13 am  #5

Re: List of Changes in Hardcovers: The Complete Collection

Marvel Legacy: 1970s
All: Art Credits, Place of Birth, Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½ pagers). 1970s style colouring replaced with brighter colouring

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History revised/expanded (old History spans pages 3-4 of hardcover in revised form)
Graphic Changes: Main illo removed captioned revised, dialogue removed; 2ndary illo removed; new captioned main illo and 15 new secondary illos (11 captioned). Headshots: Issue Active added, old headshots removed, 86 new ones added, as well as 57 Avengers Civilian Staff & Associates headshots

Black Brother
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo colourized, full bodyshot, background and dialogue removed. Illo of Belle added.

Devil’s Heart
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illos cropped, story captions removed.

Black Lama
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Distinguishing Feature moved to Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: Kingdom illo removed

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph reworked from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Dialogue removed from illos, secondary illo cropped.

Captain Marvel
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised; History and Abilities/Accessories heavily Revised and expanded
Graphic Changes: Main illo and one secondary illo removed; new main illo and five new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final history paragraph revised/expanded from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Dialogue removed from illos, secondary illo cropped.

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Statistics revised and expanded, including info on new team. History: Final paragraph removed; paragraph before that incorporates info from Where are they Now?; 2 New paragraphs added, the first one also having info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Group shot removed. Moon Knight removed from headshots. 16 additional headshots formatted as per the older ones; a few characters renamed in headshots.

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History paragraph rewritten and new paragraph added incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Images colourized and dialogue removed. Main image cropped and new illo added.

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Former Members expanded. First History paragraph has Silvermane info from Where Are They Now?; material from latter incorporated into new final paragraph. Graphic Changes: Moonstone and Veil added to headshots; Ayala and Maris headshots colourized. Dialogue removed and captions added to bottom right shot of Captain America, Hulk et al.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Former Members have more alter egos. History completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Dialogue, extraneous characters and most of the background removed from the main illo. Dyna-Mite illo replaced with new one. Tommy Lighting illo has story caption removed and is now properly identified. New image identified as Alfie added.

Deadly Dozen
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Dialogue and red line removed from main illo, new secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Initial History paragraphs somewhat revised, many new paragraphs added.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (original still present as captioned secondary shot. 3 new captioned secondary illos. The old 20 headshots completely replaced with 48 new ones with Active stats (some characters dropped as not true members).

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illos coloured, dialogue and some backgrounds removed

Doctor Glitternight
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History completely revised.
Graphic Changes: Background removed from main illo, new captioned secondary shot.

Dragon Circle
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Members revised, History completely revised, incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Largest illo heavily cropped.

Faceless One
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories somewhat expanded, the former incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Background removed from main illo. Omni-Ship illo removed.

Fantastic Four
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 5
Text Changes: Team Stats and History completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Both illos dropped, 6 illos (3 captioned) plus 30 headshots added (13 members and 17 employees).

Father Darklyte
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illo now shows full body; illo’s background removed

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: new sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: Background/dialogue removed from illo

Hardcover Volume: 4
Now Listed As: Goliath
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, and abilities/Accessories mostly revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: ackground removsed from original illo, 4 captioned secondary illos added.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation/Group Affiliation revised. First 2 History paragraphs somewhat expanded; new sentences added to 3rd paragraph incorporating Where are They Now? material.
Graphic Changes: Illo now shows full body; illo’s background removed

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name, Occupation, Group Affiliation a little revised. Where are They Now? info added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: Main illo no longer cropped, background removed. New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Occupation & Group Affiliation revised. New final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: New main illo; old illo cropped into headshot

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives/Education revised. 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs merged, with new sentence added to end of this paragraph; 2 new sentences added to end of final paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now? (such info slightly added to previous paragraph. Physical Stats revised.
Graphic Changes: Background removed from main illo

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New final History paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now? Eyes revised.
Graphic Changes: Background and text removed from main illo. Original text removed from secondary illo but caption added.

John Kowalski
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Original History paragraphs merged and slightly revised; new final paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned headshot.

Lady Liberators
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New Current Members category. Old Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/expanded, including info on new team.
Graphic Changes: Old illo dialogue removed but captions added. New captioned illos of new team.

Liberty Legion
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new captioned one.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and Physical Stats revised. Old History text replaced with new, expanded text. Old Abilities/Accessories paragraph revised at the start, with two new paragraphs added at end.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now cropped, thus eliminating dialogue, and captioned). One secondary illo has dialogue replaced with captioned; the other replaced with new captioned illo.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Original History paragraphs slightly expanded and new final one added, all incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Background/dialogue removed from main illo. Secondary illos cropped with old dialogue/story captions removed. Two now share a caption.

Hardcover Volume: 6
Now Listed As: John Jameson
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised and expanded, including details from Where are They Now? Note added. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten and expanded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned main illo (old one captioned secondary). Secondary illos removed, 3 new captioned secondary illos as well as Elliott] R. Brown plane design specs which may be unique to this volume

Martian Masters
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Members and Base of Operations revised. Traits somewhat revised/expanded. History mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Top illo removed. Dialogue removed from lower illo. 4 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. Note reworked into a new first History paragraph; other paragraphs somewhat revised, new final paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Background removed from old main illo. Secondary illo replaced with new one.

Missing Link
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph greatly expanded at end, incorporating info from Where are They Now? Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos replaced with new main illo and 2 new secondary illos.

Mister Kline
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First and last History paragraphs tweaked to provide an Earth number. Eyes, Hair, and Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Background, foreground, and dialogue removed from main illo. Two secondary illos cropped/dialogue removed, Emil illo removed.

Mr. Zodiac
Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Mister Zodiac
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Citizenship revised. History tweaked to reflect adjusted birthplace.
Graphic Changes: Images colourized; background removed from main illo; secondary illos cropped into headshots

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Aliases, Citizenship revised. History greatly revised/expanded, incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Background other than energy removed from main illo

Ms. Marvel
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new, expanded text.
Graphic Changes: Main illo and 2 of the 3 secondary illos removed. New main illo, 6 new secondary illos, 2 captioned.

Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Captain America (Rogers)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 8
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one still present in slightly modified format). Secondary illo removed, 11 illos added.

Power Man
Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Luke Cage
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, and Abilities/Accessories heavily revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo with old one now a secondary illo. Other illo removed but three new secondary illos added.

Prime Mover
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph greatly expanded, incorporating info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new one

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None (Where are They Now? info not used)
Graphic Changes: Background removed from main illos; saecondary illo reformatted/captioned/dialogue removed

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: Vital Statistics mostly revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 6 new secondary illos (3 captioned, one being a classic Elliot R. Brown van cross-section)

Royalist Forces of America
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New final History paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Largest illo removed; dialogue removed from another illo; new captioned secondary illo. 2 headshots replaced with new ones with names now spelled out, and three more added; headshots now list First Appearances

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence at end of History incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and new secondary illo

Steel Serpent
Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Steel Serpent (Unidentified)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Illo colourized, background removed

Sons of the Tiger
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: All Former Members now listed as Current Members, but there is still a revised Former Members category. Base of Operations revised. History considerably revised/expanded, including info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: 1 illo removed, three colourized (one illo has dialogue removed and is captioned, one doesn’t, the third is cropped to mainly show the pendant, thus also removing the dialogue). 7 new captioned secondary illos (though 2 share a caption)

Star Thief
Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Star Thief (Bauman)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded (within the paragraphs), incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: One illo now captioned, one cropped and dialogue removed. 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2nd History paragraph split in two and expanded, then 2 new final paragraphs, the first including info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old largest illo removed); 2nd largest illo’s dialogue removed

Tagak the Leopard Lord
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History somewhat expanded, Abilities/Accessories tweaked.
Graphic Changes: Top illo heavily altered into more clearly main illo, lower illo removed, two new secondary illos (1 captioned)

They Who Wield Power
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History greatly revised/expanded, including info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: 2 illos captioned/dialogue removed (one one case some background removed). 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Elaine Turac
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History somewhat revised, including new final sentence.
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped, with background/dialogue removed. One secondary illo heavily cropped, the other removed.

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History minor revisions (e.g. alter egos added; Where are They Now info not added)
Graphic Changes: New main illo; middle illo removed, other illos cropped/story text removed; Crystal caption rewritten

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None (Where are They Now info not added)
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped, background/dialogue removed; secondary illo less cropped; new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. Minor changes to older History paragaphs, then new final paragraph including info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 3 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics mostly rewritten/expanded, with mostly different Members categories. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 29 new secondary illos (19 captioned). 7 new team headshots, 47 new sub-team headshots, 3 imposter headshots, all with issues active

Xorr the God-Jewel
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph greatly expanded including info from Where are They Now? Eyes/Hair tweaked
Graphic Changes: Main illo background/dialogue removed; secondary illo dialogue removed; new secondary illo
All-New A to Z #5
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illo now shows full body/sword

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics somewhat revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Strength and Fighting Skills revised on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary). 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: 6th History paragraph expanded; 2 new paragraphs added before final paragraph, which is mostly revised and followed by 2 more new paragraphs.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation revised. New final History paragraph. Note removed.
Graphic Changes: Right arm/hand now fully visible.

Great Game
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: While still listed as deceased in History, Huan and Scott no longer listed as deceased under Known Sponsors.
Graphic Changes: Headshots now captioned Players (except chance: Player/Sponsor) and 5 Sponsor headshots added; headshots now read up to down rather than left to right.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives slightly expanded.
Graphic Changes: Unmasked shot replaced with new one, new captioned secondary illo.

“Cockroach” Hamilton
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases tweaked. 2 new sentences added to end of History. Secondary illo captioned.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Note added.
Graphic Changes: Old captioned illo of Cardinal replaced with new one.

Jonas Harrow
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Hate-Monger (Hitler Clone)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History paragraph now a Note with 2 new sentences added.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo captioned.
Note: A passing reference to the Psycho-Man Construct version was the basis of a new ½ page entry (1 illo) for that version

Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Hawkeye (Bishop)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph revised
Graphic Changes: none

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Physical Statistics and Power Numbers revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one cropped into a headshot).

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History. Power Numbers revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Known Members replaced with Current and Former Members and further revised. Base of Operations expanded. Traits greatly revised/expanded. History mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Headshots replaced with 12 secondary illos (11 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 5
Split Into: Hellions (Hellfire Club Trainees), Hellions (Emplate’s), Hellions (King Bedlam’s), Hellions (Xavier Institute’s)
Page Count: Originally 3; now 2 (Trainees), 1 (Emplate’s), 1 (Bedlam’s), 1 (Xavier)
Text Changes: Members and Base of Operations now only for the version covered per entry (Xavier version previously called Hellions Squad) except Members slightly revised for Emplate’s; First Appearances added except for Trainees (already present). Trainees: only 1st 7 paragraphs of History remain; Emplate’s/Bedlam’s: History completely revised/expanded. Xavier: only final 3 paragraphs of History remain
Graphic Changes: Trainees: Headshots replaced with 2 new captioned secondary illos. Old secondary illos removed or shifted to other Hellions. Emplate’s: Most illos removed. One illo retained mostly intact, another cropped, with captioned shared with a new illo, 5 additional new illos. Bedlam’s: Most illos removed. 2 illos retained mostly intact (in fact 1 less cropped), 2 new secondary illos. Xavier: Most illos removed. One illo retained. New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main and secondary illos reversed. New secondary illo

High Evolutionary
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Group Affiliation expanded. History largely expanded, with new text weaving in and out of one text, then new sentence added to end of old History followed be 2 new paragraphs. Abilities/Accessories paragraph split in 2 and expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 sets of four new secondary illos each sharing a caption plus one more new captioned secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final History sentence replaced with longer new one.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. First 1 History paragraphs 1 little revised/expanded, 2nd greatly, 3rd mostly (expansions are considerable); then 2 new paragraphs. Note added. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illo.

Howard the Duck
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Citizenship expanded. Some History paragraphs merged; new paragraph added (though last sentence of old final paragraph moved to new one). Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Caption added to secondary illos (2 now colourized).

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final History paragraph replaced with new one.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: ital Statistics somewhat revised. 6 paragraphs added to end of History, 2 to end of Abilities/Accessories. Strength and Durability revised on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary), 4 new secondary illos

Humus Sapien
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation expanded. New secondary illo. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Hurricane (Potter)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo ropped/captioned, new secondary illo added.

Hybrid (Marks)
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History sentence expanded. Abilities/Accessories tweaked.
Graphic Changes: None

Hybrid (Washington)
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: First Appearance expanded. History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 6 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 4
Text Changes: Current and Former Members a little revised. Final History paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: 4 secondary illos (2 captioned). Bob added to Headshots section.

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Hyperion (Earth-712)
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics somewhat revised. History greatly revised and expanded, with new text weaving in and out of the old. From the paragraph starting with “As noted…”-on, all paragraphs removed and used as basis for entries below; new paragraph added at end. Note added. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/extremely expanded.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos removed; 6 new secondary illos added.
Note: This entry was the basis for:
• Hyperion (Construct): basically new 1-page entry, though derived from Hyperion (Earth-712). Parts of the History paragraph in the old entry originally starting with “As noted…” revised and expanded into 2 new paragraphs. Rest of this entry is new. Has main illo and captioned secondary illo.
• Hyperion (Earth-4023): basically new 1-page entry, though derived from Hyperion (Earth-712). The History paragraph in the old entry originally starting with “On Earth-4023…” revised and expanded into 2 new paragraphs. Rest of this entry is new. Has main illo and 2 secondary illos.
• Hyperion (Zhib-Ran): basically new ½-page entry, though derived from Hyperion (Earth-712). History text derived from paragraph in old entry starting with “As noted…” but no text carry-over. All text is new. Illo brought over from old 712 entry (background removed but no longer cropped).

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: History considerably revised/expanded, though a fair bit of original text remains. Speed in power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: A secondary illo background removed/no longer cropped, and is now new main illo (old one now secondary), one secondary illo cropped, another no longer captioned, 6 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: unchanged from ½
Text Changes: Power Numbers revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

Jack Flag
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and Abilities/Accessories revised. History completely revised/expanded. Power Grid revised from Power Numbers.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: unchanged from 1
Text Changes: First Appearance revised. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Shola Inkosi
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: unchanged from 1
Text Changes: 1 ½ sentences added to end of History. Strength and Energy Projection revised on Power Grid
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: unchanged from 1
Text Changes: First Appearance corrected. New paragraph added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed.

Jack O’Lantern
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Place of Birth, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Eyes, Hair revised. Graphic Changes: none

Harold Jaekelsson
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: unchanged from 1
Text/Graphic Changes: none

“Mad Jim” Jaspers
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: First Appearance tweaked. History completely rewritten/enlarged; Abilites/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Power Grid a little revised.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Madison Jeffries
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text Changes: Occupation and First Appearance revised. Final History sentence replaced with two new ones. Last sentence removed from Abilities/Accessories. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo now captioned, two new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: 2 new sentences added to 2nd last History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: 6 new secondary illos (5 captioned).
Note; Basis for new ½ page entry Jester (Putt) (1 illo)

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Occupation and Group Affiliation revised. Last History sentence replaced with 2 new ones. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now secondary).

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: last sentence in Abilities/Accessories removed. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: none
Graphic Changes: Old non-headshot illos removed, replaced with new main illo and 2 secondary illos (all captioned). Gavel headshot added. USAgent headshot replaced with new one.

Marvel Westerns
Not adapted into the hardcover series
All-New A to Z #6
Hardcover Volume: 6
Now Listed As: Justice (Tensen)
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text Changes: 3rd and 4th History paragraphs merged. Speed corrected on Power Grid
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo removed; 4 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: First Appearance revised. Final sentence in Hstory replaced with 3 new ones. Height and Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: One of the secondary illos now main illo, while old main illo cropped into headshot.

Ka-Zar the Great
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Ka-Zar the Savage
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged from 3
Text Changes: Last 2/3 History sentence replaced with expanded material.
Graphic Changes: Final secondary illo replaced with new one.

Senator Robert Kelley
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Erik Killmonger
Hardcover Volume: 6
Now Listed As: Killmonger
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 10 new captioned secondary illos
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos sharing 1 caption

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo as Her replaced with new one (still captioned); new captioned secondary illo as Ayesha

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Second page secondary illos now captioned; new captioned secondary illo of Carina

Alyosha Kravinoff
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary, reversed, background added) and new secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 5
Text Changes: Known Members expanded. New final Traits paragraph. History greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Ruul illo now labelled “Ruul, Later Appearance” and no longer obscures main illo. 3 new captioned secondary illos (including an Eliot Brown light battle cruiser schematic adapted from first series #6), plus 6 more “new” secondary illos (actually classic handbook material) sharing one caption. Headshots expanded from 24 to 48 (Ronan removed, so actually 25 new ones); of the old ones, the one previously listed as Fer-Porr now amended as Phae-Dor, with corresponding amendments to Occupation and First Appearance.

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2 sentences added to final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised.
Graphic Changes: New headshot.

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new one-sentence final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Living Erasers
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Originally, the main illo was the same as one of the secondary illos, only with partially different colouring and background; that secondary illo removed but main illo now coloured as per the removed secondary illo. New secondary illo.

Living Tribunal
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of 2nd or 3rd History paragraph (depending on if you count the note).
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Note added to Known Relatives. First History paragraph revised. New final History paragraph. New sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessories. Speed revised on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo removed; new main illo. One secondary illo cropped, the other two removed, replaced with 2 new ones.

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New final History paragraph. New sentence added to Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: Main illo shifted slightly. 2 new secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History. Note revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and Physical Stats revised to include predecessors. History completely written/expanded and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded, in both cases in part to factor in predecessors. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illos of Penance and Twins replaced with new ones (still captioned); 4 additional new secondary illos

Gideon Mace
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed, thus correcting error of which hand holds the mace

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Occupation and Group Affiliation revised. History somewhat revised: confirmed changes to 3rd and 5th History paragraphs and the last 3, the second last of these being the most substantially changed (paragraphs also now split differently); new large final paragraph; likely other changes overlooked. Note added. 1st and 4th Abilities/Accessories paragraphs greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New headshot. 5 new captioned secondary illos.

Machine Man
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Education revised. History greatly revised/expanded. New paragraph added between 2nd and 3rd Abilities/Accessories paragraphs.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed, replaced with new one; background removed form another secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: final History sentence replaced with 2 new ones. Physical Stats tweaked.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Machine Teen
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final History paragraph converted to a Note.
Graphic Changes: None

Mad Jack
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new sentence added to end if History
Graphic Changes: None

Mad Thinker
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: new final History paragraph. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Madame Masque
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: new large final History paragraph. Distinguishing Features removed.
Graphic Changes: 2 secondary illos removed, 3 added (one captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Note added to Physical Stats. Strength and Durability revised on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: New headshot.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Proctor’s Earth in 1st History paragraph corrected. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Moses Magnum
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 3 sentences added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 3rd and 4th History paragraphs merged. Height, Weight, Eyes revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Major Mapleleaf
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. Final History paragraph expanded, with final sentence replaced with new one.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo captioned, new one added.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st 2 and last 2 History paragraphs merged.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: History tweaked (e.g. adding “(Peter Parker)” after “Spider-Man”
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None
Planet Hulk
Not adapted into the hardcover series
All-New #7
Victor Mancha
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Identity and Known Relatives revised. History and Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded (though some less key History bits removed). Strength and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Aliases & Occupation revised. Until last paragraphy, History somewhat revised and expanded, with new text weaving in and out of old text; new paragraph added before second last paragraph; final History paragraph revised and expanded, then 2 new paragraphs added at end. Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now secondary; one secondary illo removed, the other converted to the Eliot R. Brown rings stats from Marvel Universe#15. New main illo, 10 new secondary illos (7 captioned).

Mandarin (Temujin)
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Aliases revised. End of 2nd History paragraph abridged; final sentence in last paragraph replaced with new expanded text. Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Margali of the Winding Way
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation expanded. 1st History paragraph a little expanded, last 2 merged.
Graphic Changes: None

Man-Mountain Marko
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Occupation revised. 4 sentences added to end of History. Abilities/Accessories more quantified.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation and Education revised. Old History replaced with new expanded text. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised, particularly but not limited to changing the tense.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Marvel Boy
Hardcover Volume: 7
Now Listed As: Marvel Boy (Noh-Varr)
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly (but not completely) revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Note added
Graphic Changes: Old main illo now secondary/cropped, old secondary illo removed; new main illo and new captioned secondary illo. Note added

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities mostly (but not completely) revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo now secondary. New main illo and new captioned secondary illo.

Master Khan
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Master of the World
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation tweaked. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded, though a lot of old text still present. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now secondary and one of the secondary illos now main illo.

Mastermind (Computer)
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: First 2 History paragraphs merged. Abilities/Accessories expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned, new captioned secondary illo.

Alicia Masters
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text Changes: New small final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 7
Now Listed As: Maverick (Bentley)
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text Changes: Aliases slightly expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: main illo reversed.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Merlin Demonspawn
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: History greatly revised, with new text weaving in and out of old text. New Note paragraphs (1 each) added before and after the old one, which is tweaked.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Metal Master
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Place of Birth clarified. Skin stat removed.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo replaced with two new ones (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: 1st 2 History paragraphs merged; final History sentence replaced with a lot of new text. Final Abilities/Accessories sentence replaced with new one. Fighting Skills increased on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: some History paragraphs merged. 3rd last paragraph expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History greatly revised/expanded, though a lot of old text still present. Eyes revised. Abilities/Accessories slightly revised.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo now captioned secondary, one secondary illo removed. New main illo and 4 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Midnight Sun
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: First Appearance revised.
Graphic Changes: 1 new captioned secondary illo.

Layla Miller
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Group affiliation revised. History greatly revised/expanded, thoughy a lot of old text still present. 2 sentences added to end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text Changes: Final History sentence revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Mr. Sensitive
Hardcover Volume: 7
Now Listed As: Mister Sensitive
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Final History sentence tweaked.
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped. Old secondary illo replaced with 2 new captioned ones.

Mister Sinister
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 3
Text Changes: Aliases and Known Relatives revised. History almost completely revised (some original text still present). Abilities/Accessories replaced with new expanded text.
Graphic Changes: 3 of the 4 secondary illos now captioned, 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Mistress Love
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Speed revised on Power Grid with corresponding note
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. New sentence added to end of old final History paragraph, then 4 new paragraphs added. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old Tarleton headshot replaced with new one; another secondary illo captioned. 6 additional captioned secondary illos added, including of some variants

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text Changes: 3rd and 4th History paragraphs merged; new sentence added to end of 2nd last and last paragraphs; possibly a few other bits added. End of first Abilities/Accessories paragraph slightly expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed, caption removed from secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: 2nd History paragraph split in 2, with a half sentence added to the end of the new 2nd paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Sub-groups of Morlocks now converted into sub-headings of Known Members instead of given separate rows; Extremists sub-group added to Known Members and First Appearance. History greatly revised/expanded, though a lot of old text still present.
Graphic Changes: Headshots expanded from 48 to 92, including new sub-sections for London and Chicago communities, but power descriptions removed; Headshots changed for Caliban and Skids.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Place of Birth and Known Relatives revised. History and Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded (some original text still present).
Graphic Changes: 3 new captioned secondary illos

Ms. Marvel
Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Sharon Ventura
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation revised. Last phrase in History removed, replaced with new phrase then another sentence.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases tweaked. Abilities/Accessories paragraphs reordered
Graphic Changes: The uncaptioned secondary illo now captioned; new captioned headshot

Nasty Boys
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned headshot

Nasty Boys
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Master Hate
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded. Last Abilities/Accessories sentence replaced with new one
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 7
Now Listed As: Mastermind (Martinique Wyngarde)
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new expanded text.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Occupation and Known Relatives revised. History greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded. Speed on Power Numbers revised
Graphic Changes: new captioned headshot

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Introduction: 1-page entry not carried over

For the core section:

Background now History. Natural Abilities and Powers, Weapons, & Minions reworked as Abilities/Accessories. Most other categories removed and regular handbook categories (Vital Statistics, Physical Statistics, Power Grid --Power Numbers if ½-pagers-- for individuals) added. Symbols removed from main illo where applicable

Aegis & Tenebrous
Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Proemial Gods
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Members, Base of Operations, First Appearance added. History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed. 3 new captioned illos

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped. Old secondary illos removed. 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Baroness S’Bak
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Background removed from main illo; 3 secondary illos removed, 1 cropped

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History greatly rewritten. Abilities/Accessories paragraph rewritten somewhat with two new paragraphs.
Graphic Changes: 3 secondary illos removed, 1 less cropped, 1 added

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Background and foreground removed from main illo, leaving just Cammi himself; secondary illos removed

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed, 2 partly cropped but partly de-cropped, 1 de-cropped

Devos the Devastator
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History mostly revised and expanded. Abilities/Accessories complete revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Background removed from main illo. 1 secondary illo cropped, 3 removed.

Drax the Destroyer
Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed as: Drax
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo replaced with new one. 1 secondary illo cropped, 1 de-cropped, 2 removed.

Eradica, Extermina & Extirpia
Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Annihilus’ Queens
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos cropped (particularly Eradica) and captioned. Secondary illos removed

Fallen One
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st History paragraph split in 2 (second paragraph somewhat rewritten); 2 sentences added to end of 2nd paragraph. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo background removed but body no longer cropped; one secondary illos less cropped; other 3 secondary illos removed

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo background removed but body/staff no longer cropped; one secondary illo less cropped; other 3 secondary illos removed, new secondary illo added.

Gabriel the Air-Walker
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo less cropped/background removed/captioned; other old illos removed; classic Handbook main illo and 4 captioned secondary illos added, followed by 20 headshots of how Galactus is viewed by various races.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Background removed from main illo; secondary illos removed, replaced with 2 new ones (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Background/use of power removed from main illo; classic Handbook illo no longer cropped; other secondary illos removed, replaced with 2 new ones (1 captioned).

Korath the Pursuer
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Background removed from main illo, which is no longer cropped. Old secondary illos removed; 3 new ones (2 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illos removed, replaced with 3 new ones.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/the former expanded.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos removed.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old now secondary); old secondary illos removed; 1 new secondary illo

Tana Nile
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories most revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Background removed from main illo; old secondary illos removed; 5 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Nova (Rider)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illos removed; 8 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Omega Core
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Former Members added. Planet of Operations reworked as Base of Operations and slightly revised. History completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned. Secondary illo added. One headshot removed, the other 3 now captioned.

Paibok the Power-Skrull
Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Paibok
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old now secondary); old secondary illos removed; 1 new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new captioned main illo and 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos removed.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos removed.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo now secondary. Old secondary illos removed; 7 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and captioned secondary illo

Red Shift
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo now secondary and less cropped; one of the secondary illos now main illo and also less cropped (background removed), other 3 removed.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed and background removed but less cropped. Secondary illos removed.

Ronan the Accuser
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos

Admiral Salo
Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Salo
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: History completely rewritten/abridged. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/abridged
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new only illo

Silver Surfer
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 7 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History considerably revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 2 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed); 3 secondary illos removed, 1 cropped

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now differently cropped as secondary illo); secondary illos removed

Star-Lord (Quill)
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 7 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History moistly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped/background removed; old secondary illos removed; new secondary illo

Kl’rt the Super-Skrull
Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Super-Skrull
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped; Old secondary illos removed; 8 new secondary illos (2 sharing caption and 4 more captioned)

Talos the Untamed
Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Talos
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now secondary. One secondary illo less cropped/background removed to make it the new main illo; other secondary illos removed

Terrax the Tamer
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo slightly less cropped/background removed. Old secondary illos removed; 9 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/the former expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped; old secondary illos removed; 2 new captioned secondary illos

Alien Races section: Only races that had appeared in other books at the time carried over. Most stats removed beyond Average Height (now Height – in some cases it’s Average Length that’s now Length), Eyes and Hair (note that not all races have the Hair stat in the Files book). While an argument could be made that Notes are now History or Traits, they’re not really written the same (if you think they are, treat as “completely rewritten/expanded”). Vital Statistics (Known Members, Base of Operations, First Appearance), Traits, Weight, History added. Eyes now colour instead of number. The “Alien Races:” section of entry name removed (e.g. Alien Races: Badoon is now “Badoon”)

Alien Races: Badoon
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from ¼ to 2
Additional Text Changes: Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old illo removed). 5 new captioned secondary illos

Alien Races: Ballurians: ¼ page entry not carried over

Alien Races: Brood
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from ¼ to 2
Additional Text Changes: None. Note that Skin is carried over but there is no Hair category even in the hardcover
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old illo removed). 3 new captioned secondary illos

Alien Races: Centaurians: ¼ page entry not carried over
Races: Korbinites: ¼ page entry not carried over

Alien Races: Kree
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from ¼ to 5
Additional Text Changes: Height, Eyes, Hair not carried over.
Graphic Changes: Old illo less cropped. 5 new captioned secondary illos (one has five more captioned secondary illos imbedded) including classic Eliot R. Brown specs. 48 new headshots with occupations and first appearances

Alien Races: Luphomoids
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from ¼ to 1
Additional Text Changes: Skin rather than Hair carried over. Height, Eyes, Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo less cropped, now captioned; new captioned secondary illo
Alien Races: Rigellians: ¼ page entry not carried over. Included in A-Z Update #3 but that’s beyond the scope of this project.

Alien Races: Shi’ar
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from ¼ to 5
Additional Text Changes: Height, Eyes, Skin revised; this entry only number of eyes still included; Hair not carried over.
Graphic Changes: Old illo less cropped/background removed, now secondary illo; new main illo and 6 new captioned secondary illos. 48 new headshots with occupations and first appearances

Alien Races: Skrull
Hardcover Volume: 10
Now Listed As: Skrulls {plural}
Page Count: Increased from ¼ to 5
Additional Text Changes: Height, Eyes, Hair not carried over.
Graphic Changes: Old illo less cropped, now secondary illo; new main illo and 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned). 48 new headshots with occupations and first appearances

Alien Races: Spartoi: ¼ page entry not carried over
Alien Races: Terrans: ¼ page entry not carried over

Alien Races: Titans [Eternals of Titan]
Hardcover Volume: 4
Now Listed As: Eternals
Page Count: Increased from ¼ to 4
Additional Text Changes: Height, Eyes, Hair not carried over.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. 2 new illos (one captioned). 45 new headshots with occupations and first appearances

Alien Races: Xandarians: ¼ page entry not carried over
Alien Races: Zenn-Lavians: ¼ page entry not carried over
Alien Races: Zen-Whoberis: ¼ page entry not carried over

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7/11/2020 8:30 am  #6

Re: List of Changes in Hardcovers: The Complete Collection

All-New A to Z #8
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Last sentence in 4th History paragraph removed; final paragraph’s last sentence replaced with 2 new ones. Distinguishing Features removed. New sentence added to end of 1st abilities/Accessories paragraph.
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

New Men
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Paragraph beginning “On Earth…” tweaked. New sentences added to final History paragraph, doubling the size. ( new captioned secondary illos plus 3 more sharing one caption.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned.

New Son
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded, with new text weaving in and out of old
Graphic Changes: None

Night Nurse
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name and Education revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories revised/abridged.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo removed, replaced with new one. One headshot caption clarified, new captioned headshot

Night Raven
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Place of Birth clarified, Group Affiliation revised. History considerably revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New headshot embedded in the 1930s illo; 8 additional secondary illos (2 sets of 2 captioned)

Night Thrasher
Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Night Thrasher (Dwayne Taylor)
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Citizenship and Known Relatives revised. History somewhat revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded (now 4 paragraphs).
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Nighthawk (Richmond)
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now secondary; 2 new secondary illos

“Red” Norvell
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Place of Birth and Known Relatives revised. End of final history paragraph tweaked
Graphic Changes: old main illo removed, replaced with new one; new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Nova (Rider)
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Identity, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History considerably revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: headshot replaced with new one; another secondary illo removed, another one captioned; 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Nova Omega
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History phrase replaced with new sentence.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Number Nine
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new phrase added to end of 1st History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new added t end of final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: 3 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/greatly expanded. Eyes and Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: one secondary illo now captioned; 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Middle History Paragraph greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Outlaw Kid
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo: right hand/toes now cropped out instead of left
Pacific Overloads
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new illo added below the headshots; illos of Klaw, Living Lightning, Sunfire replaced with proper headshots

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History phrase replaced with 2 new sentences
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Patriot (Bradley)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: two secondary illos removed, replaced with 2 new ones (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Hollow
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten. Abilities/Accessories tweaked
Graphic Changes: captions reworded

Phantom Rider
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation revised. Final History paragraph removed, as well as last sentence from second last paragraph, then new sentences added to the end of the latter.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Occupation tweaked. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Intelligence on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: First 2 secondary illos removed, 2nd two now share caption; 4 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Phyla-Vell
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Intelligence and Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new captioned main illo; old one now captioned secondary; new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real name and Group Affiliation revised. 2 new sentences added to end of final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs merged, then two new sentences added to the end of this paragraph. 2 new sentences added to end of Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: First Appearance expanded. History greatly revised and expanded, with new text weaving in and out of old. 3 new paragraphs added to Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: 1st tiny illo enlarged/captioned/less cropped; 2nd and 4th tiny illo removed; 3rd tiny illo enlarged; 3 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st 2 History paragraphs merged
Graphic Changes: Art credits inadvertently removed

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: More alter egos mentioned in History; new sentence added to final paragraph
Graphic Changes: None
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Prester John
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Old final History sentence replaced with new one
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo now captioned; new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Old final History sentence replaced with new one
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Craig’s headshot replaced with new one

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name, Identity revised. Alter egos added in History
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Proteus (Earth-616)
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History greatly revised/expanded, with new text weaving in and out of old. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: other than piecemeal, 2nd and 3rd row of secondary illos moved to the Proteus (Earth-58163) entry (see below); new secondary illo
Note: Elements of the original entry used as the based for a new 1-page Earth-56163 entry; previously this Proteus was folded into the 616 version, though History is completely rewritten; Abilities/Accessories same as the old entry except the bit after the last semi-colon has been changed; this entry has a new main illo; all secondary illos moved over from the original Proteus entry, and both entries share one secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new headshot

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Alter egos added to History; 2 new sentences added to end of last History paragraph
Graphic Changes: New main illo

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Final History paragraph revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: New captioned main illo (old one removed); 2 secondary illos removed.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Place of Birth, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History paragraph beginning “The Kingpin…” replaced with new abridged one; final paragraph has considerable new text between the last 2 sentences. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: None.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)
Civil War Files
Not adapted into the hardcover series
All-New #9
Puppet Master
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. 2 new sentences added to final History paragraph. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed, new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation revised. Education tweaked. History initially only a little revised/expanded, then 4 ½ new paragraphs added to ended of History. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now secondary); 1 secondary illo removed, 1 new captioned secondary illo

Radioactive Man
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History initially only a little revised/expanded, then 7 new paragraphs added to ended of History. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Monica Rappaccini
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text Changes: New paragraph added at end of History. Note removed
Graphic Changes: None

Rawhide Kid
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of 3rd History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 5 new captioned secondary illos

Red Ghost
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation and Group Affiliation revised/abridged. History somewhat reivised/expanded, wioth new text weaving in and out of old. Second Abilities/Accessories paragraph abridged, likely due to the Super-Ages entry from the Marvel Pets handbook.
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo now captioned, 2 removed. 3 new secondary illos

Red Queen
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old main illo replaced with new one

Red Wolf
Hardcover Volume: 9
Now listed as: Red Wolf (Wakely), Red Wolf (Talltrees), Red Wolf (Wildrun), Red Wolf (Thunderhead)
Page Count: original 3; now 1 (Wakely), 2 (Talltrees), ½ (Wildrun, Thunderhead)
Text Changes: Vital Statistics added for everyone but Talltrees (his are revised). Wildrun’s History somewhat revised from the original 2nd paragraph; Wakely`s from the 3rd-6th paragraphs; Thunderhead’s from the 7th paragraph. Talltrees`History greatly revised/expanded, incorporating material from the 1st and 8th-on paragraphs. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Height/Weight/Eyes revised except Talltrees. Power Grid revisions (Numbers for ½-pagers): Speed/Durability (all), Strength (all but Talltrees),
Graphic Changes: Thunderhead, with Owayogata, Wildrun illos removed. Talltrees: 2 new secondary illos. Wakely: previous Wakely illo now main, with caption removed; new secondary illo. Wildrun: new only illo; Thunderhead: new main illo and new secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: History tweaked, e.g. adding alter egos.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned; Scream headshot replaced with new one

Ceila Reyes
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First appearance revised. Final 1.5 History sentences replaced with 1.5 new ones. New sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessores
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Nathaniel Richards
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases revised.
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo removed, replaced with new captioned one.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History greatly revised/expanded, with new text weaving in and out of old. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Now listed as Ringer and Ringer (Kraft) (while not titled as such, the larger entry hereafter called Davis).
Page Count: original 1; now 1 (Davis), ½ (Kraft)
Text Changes: Davis: 2nd History paragraph somewhat revised (note that the old History was predominately Davis). Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised, removing Kraft material. Strength/Speed on Power Grid revised, with Kraft note removed. Kraft: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History completely rewritten. Abilities/Accessories revised/abridged, removing Davis material. Power Grid reworked as Power Numbers, with Davis/Strikeback material removed.
Graphic Changes: Old illos remained with Davis, with new captioned secondary illo. New only illo for Kraft.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final sentence of 2nd History paragraph revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Rocket Racer
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. Final History paragraph replaced with extensive new text.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Ronan the Accuser
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. After the first page, History considerably revised/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text Changes: History somewhat revised, with new text weaving in and out of old and paragraph splitting
Graphic Changes: Old 1st page illo removed, basically making the One Roxxon Plaza illo the main illo.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First Appearance abridged. New sentence added to final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st 4 Vital Stats revised. End of 1st History paragraph revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History a little revised, esp. at end of last paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Education revised. History considerably revised/expanded. Weight as Wanda revised. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded, inc. Box stats. Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo removed, replaced with new one. 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History somewhat revised/expanded, with 1st 2 paragraphs merged and new text weaving in and out of old.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History considerably revised/expanded, mainly starting where Sharon Cole is mentioned.
Graphic Changes: Khadar illo now captioned twice, Archt`yr, Haemon, Tak now also have larger illos (1 each) in addition to the headshot illos; C`rel, Faelar headshots replaced with larger illo; JHimi, M`Kai, S`Gur, Viri headshots merged into one larger illo with First Appearances removed; Serpentyne headshot converted to larger illo; 3 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Scarlet Centurion
Hardcover Volume: 10
Now Listed As: Scarlet Centurion (Marcus Kang)
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo removed, replaced with new one; old secondary illo cropped 2 new secondary illos.

Nicholas Scratch
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

James Scully
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Secret Empire
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Alter egos added in History.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 4
Text Changes: Current Models and Former Models merged into a revised Models category. First Appearance greatly expanded. History somewhat revised and expanded, including paragraph mergers, with the largest revisions near the end.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned. 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. Final History sentence replaced with 2 new ones.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo removed, replaced with new one; secondary illo now captioned.

Justin Seyfert
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: None

Shadow King
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Final History paragraph reworked into five new ones.
Graphic Changes: New main illo; old one now secondary. Farouk/Karma illos replaced with new ones, also captioned; another secondary illo now captioned. 4 additional new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History somewhat revised/expanded. Power Numbers revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name revised. History a little revised/paragraphs merged.
Graphic Changes: None
All-New #10
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. Last sentence removed from History, then new final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary)

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Karima Shapandar
Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Omega Sentinel
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. Final History paragraph replaced with new expanded one. Weight abridged.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary)

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: 2 sentences added to end of final History paragraph. Weight abridged.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary/less cropped). 1 secondary removed, 2 added.

Shi’ar Death Commandos
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Members tweaked, First Appearance revised. History greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned main illo (old one removed); 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 5
Text Changes: Current Members moved into Former Members, which are expanded by at least alter egos (alter egos added to other categories too); to many names to go through and see if a few additions have been made. Euromind category added. Euroforce renamed Eurolab and revised. New Task Force category. History somewhat revised/expanded, with new text weaving in and out of old, and with paragraph mergers.
Graphic Changes: Briefing Room illo removed, captioned Cape-Killers illo added.

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Last sentence removed from History, then new final paragraph. Final History paragraph, except for the first little bit, replaced with 3 new paragraphs. Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Silver Dagger
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliations revised. After 1st paragraph, History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos now captioned; 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Identity, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History mostly rewritten. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo removed, 2 added

Six Pack
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Current Members folded into Former Members, which is further expanded. 1st 2 History paragraphs merged; final paragraph replaced with new one.
Graphic Changes: New captioned Deadpool headshot

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History somewhat revised, then 3 new sentences added to final paragraph. Note added. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: None
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised with considerable expansion.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Note added.
Graphic Changes: B&W illo now colourized.

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Current Members category removed. 2nd last History pargraph tweaked, last sentence removed, then 2 new sentences added.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos removed, replaced with 4 headshots with alter egos and First Appearances.

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: while First Appearances still listed on headshots, that tag removed. Scanner’s first appearance added to his caption.

Sons of the Serpent
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Current Members added; Former Members and Base of Operations expanded. History considerably revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now secondary). 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned). Headshots increased from 5 to 13. Hale more obviously black in his headshot.

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. First 2 History paragraphs merged ad other slight History revisions, including the amusement park’s name, plus the last sentence of the 2nd last paragraph being replaced with a new sentence. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised. Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None.

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: increased from 1 to 5 (focus shifted from mainly the 3rd Generation to all generations)
Text Changes: Current Members tweaked. Former Members expanded to cover other versions, plus one addition to 3rd Generation. History completely revised with massive expansion.
Graphic Changes: Old illos moved to back of entry with the second captioned as 3rd generation; new 1st page has 1st Generation illo with team First Appearance and individual members captioned. 2nd page has Astra headshot, then Firefall illo with 2 unmasked headshots with first appearances, then Terminator shot and unnamed headshot with first appearance and caption, the 2 more members with First Appearances. 3rd page has 4 captioned illos with First Appearances, another illo with a still masked headshot and First Appearance, and 3 illos with unmasked headshots and First Appearances. The last 2 pages have between then 5 illos with captions and First Apperances.

Speed Demon
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. Alter egos added to History; final History paragraph and note removed; previous two paragraphs merged, then that paragraph greatly expanded. Abilities/Accessories a little revised.
Graphic Changes: None.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Penance
Page Count: increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Initially History somewhat revised, including the largest paragraph being split, but then last paragraph replaced with 5 new ones. Height and Weight no longer indicate a different for Speedball. 3 new paragraphs added before the original Abilities/Accessories paragraph, which itself is a bit revised. Strength, Energy Projection, Fighting Skills on Power Grod revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed). 2 secondary illos greatly enlarged/captioned, one removed. 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None.

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Place of Birth, Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised, with new text weaving in and out of old. Speed on Power Grid revised (actually should be corrected further, with two stats as per other teleporters).
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Spider Society
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Current Members, Former Members, Base of Operations revised. Graphic Changes: Largest illo now captioned. Surnames added to Headshots; most of them blown up to varying degrees to make them more accurately headshots (andEzekiel rotated); Spider-Woman new headshot.

Spider-Woman (Franklin)
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History considerably revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 10 new secondary illos (9 captioned).

Spider-Woman (Witter)
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New ½-sentence added to last History sentence
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: identity, Group Affiliation revised. Middle of final History paragraph revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary)

Spirits of Vengeance
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Alter egos added to Members. Alter egos added to History; first 2 paragraphs split; final sentence replaced with 2 new ones
Graphic Changes: Background removed from illo

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. New large final History paragraph. Final sentence removed from Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo removed, 1 new captioned secondary illo

Squadron Sinister
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: current Members and Former Members revised. Final History paragraph mostly rewritten, then one more large paragraph added. Further Reading and Note removed.
Graphic Changes: None

Stacy X
Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Ripcord
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Speed, Durability, Energy Projeciton on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary); 1 more new secondary illo

Stained Glass Scarlet
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Fabian Stankowicz
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised (History in particular expanded).
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo less cropped; 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Star-Lord (Quill)
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Identity, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised, Known Relatives tweaked. History mostly revised/expanded. First Abilities/Accessories paragraph replaced with 2 new ones.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); headshot removed with the remaining illo cropped into a new captioned headshot. 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Star-Lord (Quarrel)
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Place of Birth clarified.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo removed; 2 new ones.

Steel Raven
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed

Steel Serpent
Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Steel Serpent (Davos)
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Hair revised. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)
Also, the Note, still present, appears to have been the basis of the new ½ page Steel Serpent (Unidentified) entry (no secondary illos); same volume

Steel Spider
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Place of Birth clarified. Alter egos added to History; new final History paragraph. Note removed.
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Place of Birth and Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo removed, 2 new ones (1 captioned)

Victor Strange
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2 sentences each added to end of 1st and 3rd History paragraph; alter egos added
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History (actually shouldn’t “Incindiary Eve-Series Synthetic Humanioid” be therefore listed as one of her aliases?). Speed on Power Numbers revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo reversed; new secondary illo
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
All: Art Credits, Place of Birth, Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½ pagers)

Note: For Text Changes, “None” refers to “other than above”

U.S. Archer
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised; new final History paragraph incorporates Where are they Now? info
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History revised/expanded (old History spans pages 4-6 of hardcover in revised form)
Graphic Changes: New captioned main illo and 15 new secondary illos (11 captioned); old headshots removed, 86 new ones added, as well as 57 Avengers Civilian Staff & Associates headshots, all with issues Active

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Captain Hero
Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Super-Skrull
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Physical Statistics, and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten (all but Physical Stats expanded).
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed); all but one secondary illo removed (latter now captioned); 6 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Captain Marvel
Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Monica Rambeau
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); one of the old secondary illos less cropped and captioned. 3 new secondary illos (one captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: First 2 History paragraphs merged; Where are They Now? Info incorporated into final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History tweaked.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Where are They Now? Info added to second History paragraph; new final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Deadly Ernest
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History a little revised, with new final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and especially History revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old illo captioned), 3 more captioned illos plus 48 headshots with Active issues added.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First History paragraph revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First History paragraph revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Holly-Ann Ember
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: New illo now secondary and vice versa. Main illo (in hardcover) background removed. Secondary illo (in hardcover) now captioned.

Fantastic Four
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 5
Text Changes: Team Stats and History completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Two illos dropped (including HQ), remaining illo captioned, 5 illos (2 captioned) plus 30 headshots added (13 members and 17 employees).

Followers of the Light
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: 2nd last History paragraph incorporates info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Text removed from Sanctuary illo, two new captioned illos added.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Alter egos added to Current Members, final History paragraph revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hercules of the 24th Century
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Core Timeline Designation category added as per Where are They Now? First History paragraph a little revised; final paragraph expanded to include Where are They Now? info
Graphic Changes: 5 headshots removed but 14 illos added (12 captioned), in part replacing the missing headshots.

Heroes for Hire
Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Heroes for Hire (Power Man & Iron Fist)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Where are They Now? info added to 3rd and 4th history paragraphs, as well as a new 5th paragraph.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed).

Iron Man
Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Iron Man (Tony Stark)
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 11
Text Changes: Vital Statistics greatly revised and expanded. History and Abilities Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original illos replaced with new captioned main illo with First appearance, 46 secondary illos (37 captioned with First Appearances, 4 more captioned). Additional page of armour specs (Bio/Metalo-Mimetic Suit Series Mk III)

Lady Daemon
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo colourized

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. Original History paragraphs somewhat revised; 6 new paragraphs incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded. New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 6
Now Listed As: Lunatik (Arisen Tyrk Fragments)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Where are They Now? passage added to end of final History paragraph. Physical Stats revised. New sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old main illo removed, replaced with new one; old secondary illos colourized; two new secondary illos (1 captioned)

New Mutants
Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: New Mutants (Xavier’s School)
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Current Members renamed former Members and expanded. Base of Operations tweaked. 2nd last History paragraph revised/shortened. Final History paragraph’s last sentence removed, then greatly expanded (length more than doubled).
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary) illo. Other secondary illos also captioned (though one, “Original Roster” slightly erroneously, as three of the members depicted joined after the team’s forming). 19 headshots with issues active added.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First two History paragraphs merged; new final paragraph (basically shortened Where are They Now? text). Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Dakota North
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Aliases & Occupation revised. History considerably revised/expanded (a lot of old text still present). Abilities/Accessories tweaked.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 3 secondary ones.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Real Name & Known Relatives revised. Two new initial History paragraphs; old first paragraph revised at beginning; two new final History paragraphs. Abilities/Accessories tweaked.
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Current Members, Former Members, Base of Operations revised. History greatly revised/expanded, with new text weaving in and out of the old.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Rocket Raccoon
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Identity, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. 3 new paragraphs (2 quite large) added to end of History (before the Note); the first of these incorporates info from Where are they Now? Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo; old one removed. Dialogue removed from Loonies illo; O’Hare illo shrunk to make it less cropped; 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Scourge of the Underworld
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Current Members category removed, members folded into Former Members, which is further revised. History considerably revised/expanded, incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: New main illo; old one removed. 3 new captioned secondary illos, one with issue Confirmed Active. Headshots: issues Confirmed Active added (except for the unmasked First Scourge headsht). Domino and Female Scourge headshots replaced with new ones, the latter recaptioned Caprice; 3 additional new headshots

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded (Known Relatives incorporates info from Where are They Now?). History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded, the former incorporating info from Where are They Now? Hieght tweaked. Weight revised
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 10 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 5
Text Changes: Current Members added. Members now Former Members, with Thoird Generation sub-category added. First Appearance revised. History initial somewhat revised, including info from Where are They Now?, then 2 new paragraphs added at end. Note added
Graphic Changes: The non-headshot illo now more clearly the main illo. Old headshots except Astra removed. 26 secondary illos (25 captioned) in part replacing former headshots; issues Active added except in three cases plus the following: 4 sets of 2 illos share the caption with issue Active

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Citizenship, Known Relatives revised. Final 1 ½ History sentences replaced with 3 new sentences incorporating inform from Where are They Now? Note added
Graphic Changes: Caption removed from secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 13
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: New main illo; old illos removed; 37 new secondary illos (33 captioned) followed by ½ page each new equipment specs and silk glands specs (the former in part classic Elliot R. Brown specs) and full page Stark armour specs by Brown

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Mycah Synn
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories a little revised
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 13
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Height and Weight revised, Eyes and Hair tweaked.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed); 14 new secondary illos (9 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Prominent Inhabitants revised. History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 3 secondary illos less cropped, one replaced with new one with same caption; 1 additional new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Weight and Eyes revised
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 21 new secondary illos (15 captioned), followed by modified classic Elliot R. Brown skeleton specs

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised, incorporating the Where are They Now? info. Thatcher info removed from Physical Statistics
Graphic Changes: New secondary captioned illo; one older secondary illo recaptioned.

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases and Education tweaked, Identity revised. History considerably revised/expanded, incorporating the Where are They Now? info. 2nd Abilities/Accessories paragraph removed.
Graphic Changes: Old illo reversed/cropping altered; new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: First History paragraph tweaked. New line added to Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo uncropped with caption added

O. Z. Chase
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos cropped

Crimson Mage
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Note tweaked to incorporate info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Now Listed As: Fusion (Fusser)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History expanded to incorporate info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed

The Generic Super-Hero
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Lois London
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History somewhat expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Schizoid Man
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Final History ½ sentence replaced with new sentence incorporating some of the info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed)

Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Star-Thief (Pterigil)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo cropped

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo cropped differently
All-New #11
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Aliases revised, Identity tweaked. Alter egos added to History; last sentence removed from paragraph beginning “The Stranger was present…”; end of 2nd last paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Strong Guy
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded. Hair revised. Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed). 1 secondary illo removed.

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Note completely rewritten/expanded. Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Intelligence, Energy Projection, Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed. 2 secondary illos removed, remaining 2 captioned. 6 new captioned secondary illos.

William Stryker
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised and expanded (History rewrites more noticeable towards the end).
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name and First Appearance revised. Minor History revisions.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos slightly less cropped

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation revised. Final History sentence reworded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised. Speed on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo now captioned

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History considerably revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Intelligence, Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed). Main illo reversed. 2 secondary illos removed; 6 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2nd History paragraph expanded in middle. Note removed.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: More alter egos added to History, in one case replacing Jackdaw reference.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives revised. History considerably revised/expanded, especially after the initial few paragraphs. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo removed; 8 new secondary illos (2 share a caption and 4 more captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed. 4 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Swordsman (von Strucker)
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Aliases, Occupation, Group affiliation revised; Known Relatives tweaked. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded (expansions especially History). Intelligence and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now secondary). Old secondary illos removed; 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned0

Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Chase Stein
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives revised. Final History paragraph greatly expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: New only illo (old illos thus removed)

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History mostly rewritten/expanded. Eyes and Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed). 3 secondary illos removed. 5 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: increased from 4 to 5
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised (and History expanded).mostly rewritten/expanded. Eyes and Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo removed; 8 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Thor (Dargo Ktor)
Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Thor (Ktor)
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation slightly revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Those Who Sit Above in Shadow
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

The Thousand
Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Thousand
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Other Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Thunderbird (Shaara)
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation slightly revised. Alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History; new sentence added to final paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Time Variance Authority
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: History somewhat revised and expanded, with paragraph and new text weaving in and out of old; Zaniac paragraph removed.
Graphic Changes: Text other than caption removed from Nulltime Zone illo. 2 new headshots; First Appearance caption removed but First Appearances still listed, though one First Appearance shifted to another character of the same name; Mr. Tesseract illo cropped into more of a proper headshot

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentenced added to end of final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary). 7 new secondary illos (5 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. Initial History somewhat revised, then final sentence reworked into the start of a new final paragraph. Note and Abilities/Accessories revised/condensed.
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo now captioned, new secondary illo

Titanium Man
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History; final 2 paragraphs a little expanded. Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. Initial History somewhat revised, then final sentence reworked into the start of a new final paragraph. Note and Abilities/Accessories revised/condensed.
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation, Education revised. History considerably revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories expanded. Height, Weight, Eyes revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 secondary illos removed, 5 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. Final History sentence removed, then final paragraph greatly expanded.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo cropped.

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Citizenship, Known Relatives revised. Final History sentence replaced with 3 new ones. Speed and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo now captioned, new secondary illo

Jonathan Tremont
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation, Education revised. 4 lengthy new final History paragraphs. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary). 3 new secondary illos

Two-Gun Kid
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. Final History sentence replaced with new expanded text (some of the old text is at the end of the new last paragraph), then 2 new paragraphs added; alter egos added. New sentence added to end of first Note paragraph; new final paragraph added. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo removed, 1 captioned/less cropped; 4 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories complete rewritten. Strength and Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Ultimate Nullifier
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Some History paragraph mergers, then final paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded. New final Abilities/Accessories paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo now captioned; 3 new captioned secondary illos

That Which Endures
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Spider-Man’s alter ego added to History; final History sentence revised/expanded, then new final sentence
Graphic Changes: None

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7/11/2020 8:31 am  #7

Re: List of Changes in Hardcovers: The Complete Collection

All-New A to Z #12
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Identity, Occupation, Group Affiliation, Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History paragraph greatly revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2 sentences added to end of Traits paragraph. Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First Appearance revised. History greatly revised
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned; new captioned secondary illo embedded in main illo

Undying Ones
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History greatly revised, with first 2 and last 2 History paragraphs merged
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Union Jack
Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Union Jack (Chapman)
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. History greatly revised/expanded. New half-sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed). 1 secondary illo now cropped; new captioned secondary illo

Unus the Untouchable
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Citizenship, Group Affiliation, Education revised. Final 2 History paragraphs greatly revised as a single paragraph. Abilities/Accessories considerably revised
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new one

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Eyes revised
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Current Members and Former Members categories added. History considerably revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo cropped/captioned. 2 new captioned secondary illos. Headshots: First Appearances replaced with issues Active; Clowes and Sabuki recoloured; Golden Sun image cropped but more clear; Miles Wharton added.

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Identity revised. History almost completely rewritten/expanded. History greatly revised/expanded, now two paragraphs
Graphic Changes: 3 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded. Physical Statistics revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary). Secondary illos removed; 9 new secondary illos (8 captioned, inc. classic Eliot R. Brown Scorpion tail stats)

Venus Dee Milo
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History somewhat revised. Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: Right hand of main illo cropped out

Kristoff Vernard
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: More alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: More alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Vision (Jonas)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Final 2 History sentences replaced with greatly expanded text.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History. Final ½-sentence removed from Abilities/Accessories. Intelligence on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo cropped differently. Old secondary illo removed; 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Eyes revised. Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed); 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation tweaked.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History greatly revised/expanded. Hair revised. Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo now main illo with background removed (old main illo now secondary); another old secondary illo less cropped. 7 new secondary illos (3 sharing caption)

Adam Warlock
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 5
Text Changes: Aliases, Identity, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Skin category removed.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); 9 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo; one old secondary illo now captioned

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: 2nd half of final History paragraph revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Wild Child
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Occupation Citizenship revised. Group Affiliation, First Appearance tweaked. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/a little expanded. Speed and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed); one secondary illo removed, one captioned. 7 new captioned secondary illos

Wild Thing
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Citizenship, Place of Birth revised. More alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: None

Alex Wilder
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History ½-sentence replaced with 2 ½ new sentences
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: Main illo cropped differently

Winter Soldier
Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Captain America (Barnes)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary); old secondary illos removed. 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Pete Wisdom
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Education revised. Up to final paragraph, History somewhat revised, then final paragraph removed and 5 new ones added. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised.
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo removed, 2 added

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases tweaked. Occupation revised. Large new sentence added to end of final History paragraph. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary)

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo removed, 1 added

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Height and Weight revised
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary). 1 secondary illo removed, 1 captioned/less cropped, 1 more captioned. 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Jimmy Woo
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Real Name, Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised/abridged. New sentence added to end of final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: The previously uncaptioned secondary illo now captioned

Xavier’s Underground Enforcers
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History a little revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current Members, Evil Babies revised. Age of Apocalyphe Evil Babies, Adorable X-Babies, and Unaffiliated categories added. New large final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned and moved to 2nd page (thus arguably no real main illo for this entry). 7 new captioned secondary illos (though in one case, the captions are from the original comic)

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases revised. History initially somewhat revised, including 1st 2 and last 2 paragraphs being merged, then new final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Young Allies
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Former Members, First Appearance revised. History considerably revised. Note added.
Graphic Changes: 2 of the captions in the old illo revised. New captioned secondary illo

Zarrko the Tomorrow Man
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases revised. Final History sentence and a little of the one before replaced with new longer sentence plus a new end to the previous sentence.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now cropped (part of cape)

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Members revised. New final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from 4 to 6
Text Changes: Membership categories added for Cartel, LMD Group, First Sign, Ecliptic’s, World Trust, United Nations, and Baal Abib. Base of Operations removed. First Appearance revised. History greatly revised. Dates added to the zodiac identities section, after the description of the signs. First Appearances added to every member described. LMD histories tweaked. New passages for United Nations/Baal Abib group members. First unidentified Aries now identified. Final history sentence for Libra/Brandt revised. 2nd unidentified Scorpio’s last history sentence replaced with 2 new ones. Note greatly revised/expanded,
Graphic Changes: Main illo and 2 secondary illos’ captions expanded. 1 secondary illo removed. 11 new captioned secondary illos (4 share a caption, as do 2 others)

Arnim Zola
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History. End of final History paragraph somewhat revised, then new final paragraph added.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo now cropped

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History. Final 2 History paragraphs replaced with two new ones. Abilities/Accessories tweaked.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Group Affiliation tweaked. First Appearance revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised/considerably expanded. History mostly revised/expanded. Height tweaked. Eyes revised. Power Numbers now Power Grid (same levels)
Graphic Changes: None

Yukon Jack
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Aliases, Identity, Known Relatives revised. History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised.
Graphic Changes: None
All-New A to Z Update #1
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Art Credits and new paragraph in History added
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo less cropped

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo added

Circus of Crime
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Current/Former members revised.
Graphic Changes: Main caption now indicates first appearances. Shot of Ringmaster and Princess Python removed and replaced with full body shots of each with first appearances. 3 illos less cropped than before. Two more illos have captions added, one with first appearances. Headshots expanded from 11 to 21 (mostly to depict Golden Age members) with first appearances and role added.

Contest of Champions
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Death’s Head 3.0
Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Death’s Head (Warguard)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History completely revised and expanded, no longer shorter than the Note following it. Power Grid added
Graphic Changes: 3 secondary illos (2 being parts diagrams)

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Fantastic Five
Hardcover Volume: 4
Now Listed As: Fantastic Five (MC2)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current and Former members revised. Final History paragraph revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original main illo removed, replaced with new captioned one. 8 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: History somewhat revised, including 3 History paragraphs merged, 2 new sentences added to end of final paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: first History paragraph revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Mark Hazard
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final History paragraph slightly expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Human Robot
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final History sentence replaced with two new ones.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo of creator

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hunter in Darkness
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st 2 History paragraphs merged, final paragraph slightly expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation and final History paragraph revised.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed, the other cropped to make room for a new captioned one.

Impossible Man
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Some of the History moved to an earlier part of the History, resulting in the 2nd paragraph being split in 2.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Living Laser
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised and expanded, though a lot of original text still present. Physical Stats expanded.
Graphic Changes: Background added to main illo making it easier to see. 3 new secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History sentence tweaked and new one added at end.
Graphic Changes: None

M’Kraan Crystal
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New History paragraph added between 4th and 5th; final History sentence removed but new final paragraph added.
Graphic Changes: Main illo cropped.

Nextwave Squad
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Base of Operations revised. Old final paragraph split in two, which final sentence in second half replaced by three new sentences, then a new final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new one (also captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Nightshade (Johnson)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. 2nd and 3rd, then 4th and 5th History paragraphs merged; final praragraph replaced with new larger one; Abilities/Accessories a bit expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Norman Osborn
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History considerably revised/expanded, though a lot of old text (even some entire paragraphs) still present. Height and Weight revised. New final paragraph added to Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: Main illo and three secondary illos removed (leaving one old one present); New main illo and three new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Puck (Judd)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. Some History paragraphs merged and final sentence tweaked. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. End of 5th History paragraph slightly expanded; last sentence removed from History, but new sentences then 2 new paragraphs added. Abilities/Accessories further greatly revised/expanded especially at beginning, with new text weaving in and out of old.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo now secondary; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Rebel Ralston
Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: “Rebel” Ralston
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final History sentence abridged
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Identity, Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. More alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: More alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo a little adjusted

Spider-Man (2099 A.D.)
Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Spider-Man (2099)
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Passages moved around a bit in the History paragraph starting on the 2nd page and ending on the 3rd
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Steel Wind
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name and Known Relatives revised. 1st History sentence revised
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 4 to 5
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now cropped secondary); cropping altered in at least seven of the old secondary illos; 2 o the old secondary illos now captioned; 10 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Tiger Shark
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Initially only minor History changes, including alter egos added; final History paragraph’s final sentence replaced with new one, then new large final paragraph ending with the old final sentence (plus a little more text tweaking). Final two Abilities/Accessories paragraphs merged/abridged
Graphic Changes: None

Bug-Eyed Voice
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Danger Man
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Eyes and Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Known Relatives tweaked
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Diamondback (Stryker)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Known Relatives tweaked
Graphic Changes: None

Freedom Ring
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Final History sentence expanded. Power Numbers now include ring stats.
Graphic Changes: None

Garko the Man-Frog
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name tweaked.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: end of final History sentence removed; new final sentence added. Eyes tweaked.
Graphic Changes: None

Red Raven
Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: “Red” Raven
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History slightly revised
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 1-2
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 8 total: 6 pages v1, 2 v2
Text Changes: This was originally an entry spread over 4 Handbooks, now it’s spread over the first two hardcovers; so greatly revised/expanded if you just count this segment, somewhat revised/expanded total
Graphic Changes: None
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
All: Place of Birth, Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½ pagers)
None=other than above

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History revised/expanded (old History spans pages 6-7 of hardcover in revised form)
Graphic Changes: New captioned main illo (old one now secondary); 14 new secondary illos (11 captioned); 86 new headshots added, as well as 57 Avengers Civilian Staff & Associates headshots, all with issues Active

Black Tarantula
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New final History paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: None

Blackwulf and the Underground Legion
Split Into: Blackwulf; Underground Legion
Hardcover Volume: 2 (Blackwulf); 12 (Legion)
Page Count: Originally 2; now 1 each
Text Changes: Both: History completely rewritten; Blackwulf: Solo character Vital Statistics (beyond First Apperance), Physical Statistics, Abilities/Accessories added; Legion: Blackwulf’s First Appearance moved to headshot
Graphic Changes: Blackwulf: Main illo and headshots removed; Lucian illo reworked into main illo (less cropped, background removed), then 2 new captioned; secondary illos; Legion: Headshots: first appearances added, Dr Broadhurst recaptioned, Toxin headshot more cropped, Lucian secondary illo cropped into headshot

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Captain Marvel
Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Photon
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History mostly revised/expanded. Weight revised; Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary); headshot removed; 4 new secondary illos (2 sharing a caption)

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo cropped; new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. New large History paragraph added incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Two secondary illos removed, one captioned secondary illo added.

Doctor Octopus
Hardcover Volume: 6
Now Listed As: Lady Octopus
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases and code name reversed. Last half-sentence in History replaced with new sentence incorporating info from Where are They Now? Hair tweaked.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation expanded. 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs merged, final paragraph replaced with new one incorporating infro from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: New main illo, old main illo now secondary, old secondary illo removed.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Generation X
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Current Members added to Former Members. Some History paragraphs merged; large new final paragraph added including info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned, 2 new captioned secondary illos added, 8 of 9 headshots removed (9th clarified).

Ghost Rider (2099 A.D.)
Hardcover Volume: 4
Now Listed As: Ghost Rider (2099)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Citizenship tweaked
Graphic Changes: one secondary illo cropped.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Great One
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Green Goblin
Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Phil Urich
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised and History greatly revised/expanded, both incorporating info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary; headshot removed; 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Infinity Gauntlet
Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Infinity Gems
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: First Appearance expanded. History completely rewritten/expanded. New Properties category
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo re-captioned. 3 new captioned secondary illos

Iron Man
Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Iron Man (“Teen Tony”)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives reduced. First 2 History paragraphs merged, final paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: new sentences added to end of 6th and 8th History paragraphs (plus minor other tweaking) incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: First Appearances added to headshots.

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. End of 1st History paragraph tweaked; new final paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: None

Stephen Loss
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Now Listed As: Lunatik (Mercenary)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation and Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Acessories almost completely revised/expanded. Height, Eyes, Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Lyja the Lazerfist
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. Last sentence removed from History and new large final paragraph added. Final Abilities/Accessories sentence tweaked, then new sentence added
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st History tweaked and Note added, both incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: None

Lynn Michaels
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases expanded. First 2 History Paragraphs merged; 4 sentences added to final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo replaced with new captioned one.

Mutant Liberation Front
Hardcover Volume: 8
Split Into: Mutant Liberation Front; Mutant Liberation Front (Humanity’s Last Stand)
Page Count: Originally 2; now 2 (core), 1 (HLS)
Text Changes: Core: HLS Vital Statistics removed, Members merges the other old member categories; Bases of Operations & First Appearance revised/shortened. First two History paragraphs split; next paragraph tweaked; 2nd last paragraph shortened as most of the HLS info moved out; last paragraph revised (possibly other minor revisions throughout); two new final paragraphs; HLS: Non-HLS members removed. First Appearance tweaked. Most of the History text is new, though a small amount from the old core entry included.
Graphic Changes: Core: 5 new headshots (HLS headshots removed; all headshots now have Active issues; HLS: old main illo and non HLS headshots removed; new main illo and captioned secondary illo. Three new headshots (distinguishing the three cases where two different people took a codename); alter egos added to most headshots.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First History paragraph revised at beginning; final two paragraphs merged.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives tweaked. History somewhat revised, with some paragraphs merged.
Graphic Changes: None

Nth Man
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Identity revised. History mostly revised/expanded (someoriginal text still present). New sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: Alfie illo less cropped. 12 new headshots.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. Traits mostly revised. History mostly revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary); old secondary illo removed; four new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. 4 sentences added to end of final History paragraph, incorporating info from Where are they Now?
Graphic Changes: None

Solomon Prey
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. Final History paragraph considerably expanded at end, incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: True Form illo now called Original Form and cropped to headshot; new secondary illo.

Schutz Heiliggruppe
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Minor History changes
Graphic Changes: First Appearance info moved into the character shots, with Vormund thus recaptioned; headshot added to Vormund and Zeitgeist; Art Credits now clarify who was by Rubenstein and who was by Alexander

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Old final 1 ½ History sentences replaced with new 1 ½ sentence incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: First Appearance info moved into the character shots, with Vormund thus recaptioned; headshot added to Vormund and Zeitgeist; Art Credits now clarify who was by Rubenstein and who was by Alexander

Secret Defenders
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: More alter egos added to History.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo now capotioned; 3 new captioned secondary illos; 26 new headshots with issues Active

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Citizenship revised, History greatly revised/expanded, both incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Illo less cropped

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. Final History paragraph removed; 2nd and 3rd paragraphs merged, then 1 new sentence added.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary)

Skrull Kill Krew
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Members revised as Current Members. History greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Identity, Group Affiliation revised. First History paragraph greatly revised/expanded, then rest of History completely rewritten/expanded. Final Abilities/Accessories sentence replaced with new one
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded, incorporating info from Where are They Now? Height and Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed; 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 13
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: New main illo; old illos removed; 37 new secondary illos (33 captioned) followed by ½ page each new equipment specs and silk glands specs (the former in part classic Elliot R. Brown specs) and full page Stark armour specs by Brown

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Members folded into Former Members. Final History paragraph greatly expanded at end, incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Time Bubble
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation tweaked. Final History sentence removed, then final paragraph greatly expanded (Where are They Now? text not located in entry)
Graphic Changes: None

White Tiger
Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: White Tiger (New Men)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. First 2 and last 2 History paragraphs merged, alter egos added, and new final sentence added to last paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

X-Men (2099 A.D.)
Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: X-Men (2099 AD)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Members revised as Current Members. History somewhat revised, including the inadvertent removal of the start of the 2nd paragraph; Where are They Now? incorporated.
Graphic Changes: Cropping altered for main and secondary illos. Headshots: issues Active added; new headshots for Junkpile and Lunatica, while Summers removed entirely; 7 additional new headshots

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name revised. Final two History paragraphs somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo less cropped, headshot more cropped

Moira Brandon
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Star-Thief (Pirvat)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence added at end of History
Graphic Changes: None
Civil War: Battle Damage Report
Not adapted into the hardcover series
Spider-Man: Back in Black
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Daily Bugle
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: History almost completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 6 new illos (4 captioned). In headshots, Laurie Lynton no longer listed as deceased, McTeer now Mike instead of J.J., Peter Parker no longer listed as “former”.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: 1st History paragraph expended, end of final paragraph greatly expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo no longer shows Big Man nor Spider-Man; new headshot shows Ox’s new look. Dialogue removed from Inner Circle illo but caption added.

Grim Hunter
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First 2 History paragraphs merged; 2 new sentences added to final paragraph
Graphic Changes: Main illo and one of the secondary illos switched.

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Kraven the Hunter
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation revised. New final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Jason Macendale
Hardcover Volume: 4
Now Listed As: Hobgoblin (Macendale)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: One caption rewritten for clarity.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Now Listed As: Magma (Darque)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Molten Man
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation slightly revised. Various History paragraphs merged; final paragraph’s old text tweaked, then greatly expanded at end.
Graphic Changes: 5 new captioned secondary illos (though three share the same caption).

Randy Robertson
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. Final History sentence replaced with new one; other minor editing
Graphic Changes: None

Split Into: Override, Shadrac
Hardcover Volume: 8 (Override), 11 (Shadrac)
Page Count: Originally 1; now 1 (Override), 1/2 (Shadrac)
Text Changes: Vital and Physical Statistics moved into their respective listings. Override: Final History paragraph revised/expanded. Shadrac: Occupation revised; Known Relatives now stated as None; History completely rewritten; Abilities/Accessories mostly revised; Power Grid now Power Numbers and Intelligence revised.
Graphic Changes: Override: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary); two secondary illos removed, 1 added; Dolman: two secondary illos and a caption removed.

Hardcover Volume: 10
Now Listed As: SHOC
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Last 2 History paragraphs merged; final History sentence tweaked, then new sentence added
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo captioned; new captioned secondary illo

Alistaire Smythe
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: End of 2nd History paragraph revised
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed, one added

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of 2nd History paragraph, then last paragraph somewhat revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed, one added

Spider-Man Update
Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Spider-Man
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 13
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present on page 8 of thee new entry). Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: New main illo; old main illo and one secondary illo removed; silk glands art now captioned; one caption tweaked. 31 new secondary illos (31 captioned) fllowed by new (to current Handbooks) captioned classic Elliott R. Brown web-shooters schematics

Gwen Stacy Clones
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Styx and Stone
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Final two History paragraphs greatly revised/expanded. Note completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 10 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Minor History revisions (e.g. adding alter egos)
Graphic Changes: None

White Dragon
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History, then new sentences at end of final Histoy paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Debra Whitman
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vulture’s alter ego added to History
Graphic Changes: None

Will O’ The Wisp
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New sentence added at end o final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: End of History revised
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: secondary illo removed

Blackie Gaxton
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hobgoblin (2211 A.D.)
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: 4 sentences added to end of Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: None

El Muerto
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Right hand in main illo cropped out

Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Mysterio (Klum)
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Know Relatives tweaked. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Power Grid converted to Power Numbers
Graphic Changes: None

Ben Parker (Earth-6078)
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Spider-Man (2211 A.D.)
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Final History sentence revised
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Building in main illo reformatted

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Vulture (Shallot)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Spider-Man’s alter ego added to History
Graphic Changes: None
All-New A to Z Update #2
Agents of Atlas
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: last sentence in History expanded
Graphic Changes: The uncaptioned illo now captioned

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Current Members expanded
Graphic Changes: 6 new captioned headshots

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Apocalypse Beast
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Black Cat
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: last sentence in history revised
Graphic Changes: None

Cabal of Scrier
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: “deceased” removed throughout Former Members. Last 2 History paragraphs merged, revised at end.
Graphic Changes: None

Captain America
Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Captain America (Rogers)
Page Count: Unchanged at 8
Text Changes: Aliases tweaked.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Crimson Dynamo
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Final and 3rd last paragraphs of History revised, new paragraph added at end
Graphic Changes: new captioned illo of Mark VII armour

Jean-Paul Duchamp
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Flying Tiger
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added at end of final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Main illo a bit less cropped.

Gun Runner
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Energy Projection revised on Power Grid
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: caption removed from secondary illo

Hulk (2099 A.D.)
Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Hulk (2099)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs merged, with alter egos added in what was the 2nd paragraph.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Iron Maniac
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

King Cobra
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: new final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First Traits paragraph expanded. Last ½ sentence of History replaced with about 2 ½ new ones.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned

Lord Moses
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Lotus Newmark
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Minor editing
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Current and Former Members revised (Deadbird no longer on either list but still has headshot).
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Minor editing
Graphic Changes: None

Panther God
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New final 1 ½ sentences added at end of History. Note removed.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs merged, final ½ sentence revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Pip the Troll
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Clive Reston
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 3 new sentences added to end of final History paragraph, then new final 1-sentence paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. Final 1/3 of last History paragraph replaced with new text
Graphic Changes: Main illo a little less cropped. New secondary illo

Shaper of Worlds
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Cropping altered on illo

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History sentence replaced with new one, then new final paragraph; alter egos added to History. Note added.
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo removed; new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Cropping altered on main illo; secondary illo recoloured

Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Swordsman (Jarvert)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Black Panther’s alter ego added to History
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo now slightly covers background of main illo

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: History initially somewhat revised (paragraphs merged, alter egos added), then two sentences added to end of final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed. One secondary illo’s background recoloured; new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: More alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos now captioned

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of 1st History paragraph; final paragraph greatly rewritten; alter egos added
Graphic Changes: Illo a little less cropped but smoke effect removed.

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

White Rabbit
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. First 2 History paragraphs merged; alter egos added; last sentence of final paragraph tweaked, then new expanded text added.
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo removed, 2 added.

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: First appearance tweaked. History paragraphs merged.
Graphic Changes: Illo tilted a bit to the left

Iron Maiden
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: 2 sentences added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Living Totem
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Pitiful One
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: None

Yankee Clipper
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 1-2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 8 total: 6 pages v1, 2 v2
Text Changes: This was originally an entry spread over 4 Handbooks, now it’s spread over the first two hardcovers; so greatly revised/expanded if you just count this segment, somewhat revised/expanded total
Graphic Changes: None
Mystic Arcana
Abdul Alhazred
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Bible John
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Black Crow
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Black Talon
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo; B&W illos now colourized

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st History paragraph expanded/merged with 2nd. Abilities/Accessories slightly expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Chondu the Mystic
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo now captioned

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Dark Rider
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Dream Weaver
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New final History paragraph added.
Graphic Changes: None

Dredmund the Druid
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st 5 History paragraphs merged; final 3 paragraphs merged. Intelligence on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo of Starwolf

Eye Killers
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo no longer cropped, now new main illo; old main illo now secondary illo (image reversed); onomatopoeia removed from other secondary illo.

Vera Gemini
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History slightly revised
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo less cropped

Ghost Dancer
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Agatha Harkness
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Ian McNee
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation revised, Known Relatives tweaked. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/greatly expanded
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); 2 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: illo now partly cropped

Modred the Mystic
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Citizenship, Place of Birth, Education revised. Old History text somewhat revised, then new final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: cloak in main illo a bit less cropped

Astrid Mordo
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Mordo’s Minions
Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Baron Mordo’s Minions
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Mordred the Evil
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New half-sentence added to end of 5th History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo tilted

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History somewhat revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 15 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Papa Shorty
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: main illo now partly cropped, secondary illo now longer obscured by main illo

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Citizenship, Place of Birth revised. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: secondary illos now colourized

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Three History paragraphs merged, Hobgoblin’s alter ego added. Note added
Graphic Changes: None

Salem’s Seven
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo recoloured for clarity

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Six-Fingered Hand
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Some recolouring of illos (resulting in some smoke removal from the 1st page lower left illo); some cropping revisions. Sign removed from Avarrish et al illo. Background removed from Man-Thing illo. Dialogue removed from 2nd page bottom right illo

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Swords of Sorcerous Might: 1-page entry not carried over

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final sentence in 1st History paragraph replaced with new expanded text
Graphic Changes: secondary illo now slightly obscured by main illo

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. History somewhat revised, including one paragraph break changing locations and new expanded text at end
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed One secondary illo less cropped

Talismans of Mystic Power: 1-page entry not carried over

Tomes of Eldrich Knowledge: 1-page entry not carried over

Sir Warren Traveler
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo; old one removed

Tribe of the Moon
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Some recolouring for clarity. 1st 3 headshots cropped. Final 5 captions now embedded in the illos instead of underneath.

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Dialogue from Agamotto/Oshtur/Hoggoth illo removed. Agamotto illo now with the two Agamotto – Other Forms illos (no longer captioned separately), now partly covered the to illo. 6 new captioned secondary illos (1 used to be in the Swords entry and 4 used to be in the Talismans entry)

War of the Seven Spheres
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Location removed. First Mentioned category recaptioned Key Chronicle. History greatly revised especially in middle
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. 3 new captioned illos, including one also used in the Vishanti entry

Witch Woman
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. Final History sentence tweaked, then new sentence added after.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st History paragraph slightly revised; final paragraph replaced with new one
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped.

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Citizenship, Education revised. History mostly revised
Graphic Changes: Cropping revised in main illo

Divinity Drake
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Feet no longer cropped out of illo

Rama Kaliph
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History slightly revised
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Hair revised. Final sentence removed from Abilities/Accessories. Power Numbers now Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: None

Sister Nil
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Appendix: Swords, Talismans, Tomes: 2-page entry not carried over
Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter
Nothing carried over into the hardcovers
Mighty Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 12
Text Changes: Some revisions to Vital Statistics (mainly in terms of added of Civilian Staff & Associates); History revised and expanded (original History mostly appears in rewritten form on pages 7-9)
Graphic Changes: Main illo removed; new captioned main illo and 16 new secondary illos (12 captioned). Headshots: issue Active added; 3 headshots reapled with new ones, 3 less cropped; 80 additional new Avengers headshots added, as well as 57 Avengers Civilian Staff & Associates headshots

Black Widow
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, & Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Maria Hill
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Originally History text somewhat revised, plus considerable amount of text added to end of 2nd paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Iron Man
Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Iron Man (Tony Stark)
Page Count: Increased from 8 to 11
Text Changes: Some History paragraphs merged; bits of new text weave in and out of the old History text (individual instances sometimes small, but substantial overall). Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed). New secondary illo of Tony. Some armours renumbered. Original illos replaced with new captioned main illo with First appearance, 46 secondary illos (37 captioned with First Appearances, 4 more captioned).

Daisy Johnson
Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Quake
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. Second half of final History paragraph replaced with new text. New sentence added to Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Ms. Marvel
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/the former expanded, though a lot of old text still present. Strength/Durability increased on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos.

Split Into: Olympians; Appendix: Olympians: Demi-Gods, Heroes & Other Graeco-Roman Mythological Figures
Hardcover Volume: 8 (Olympians); 8-9 (Appendix)
Page Count: Originally 4; now 6 (Olympians), 5 ¼ total (Appendix; 3 v8, 2 ¼ v9)
Text Changes: The various lists of individuals merged with headshots (see also Graphic Changes) and biographical information added.; Gods and Titans alphabetized together in the core entry; some Demigods in the core entry, some in the Appendix, Others alphabetized together in the Appendix; some not listed in the original categories included. Remaining list of changes refer to the core entry only: History greatly revised/expanded. New final Olympus paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo added. As noted above, headshots merged with text categories and made into biographical sections and expanded (the complex nature of these changes makes it more trouble than it’s worth to tally the new additions for the text and/or headshots. Of the headshots previously shown, the first set of headshots has been moved (mostly) to the Appendix (Cerberus remains in the main entry), with Arges to Minotaurs now in v8 and Prometheus to Yellow-Crested Titans in v9; Cyclopses less cropped; Cylla removed entirely; new gorgons headshot with the old headshot going to Medusa; new Huntsman and Typhon illos; Kottus now the Centtimane section. For second headshots section, everyone remains in core entry except Hippolyta in Appendix v8; “Occupation” worked into the bios; Apollo now under Phoebus Apollo; new headshots for Ares, Athena, Hera, Hercules; Bellona now under Eris; Poseidon/Neptune now under Neptune; Psyche cropped. Yellow number circles in Olympus map now red

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 5 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. 2 History paragraphs on 3rd page merged; more alter egos added to History; staring on the old page four, History revised/expanded more significantly. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos.

Stark Tower
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History somewhat revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History greatly revised/expanded more significantly. Abilities/Accessories revised.
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo removed, 4 added.

Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Wasp (Van Dyne)
Page Count: Unchanged at 8
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded, though most of the old text still present. Abilities/Acccessories now past tense.
Graphic Changes: 1 illo now cropped

Wonder Man
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History greatly revised/expanded, though most of the old text still present. History greatly revised/expanded, though most of the old text still present. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 secondary illos removed, 3 added.

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Most alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: First Appearances added to Headshots

Hardcover Volume: 1-2
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 8 total: 6 pages v1, 2 v2
Text Changes: This was originally an entry spread over 4 Handbooks, now it’s spread over the first two hardcovers; so greatly revised/expanded if you just count this segment, somewhat revised/expanded total
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos
Marvel Tarot
Not adapted into the hardcover series

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
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7/11/2020 8:35 am  #8

Re: List of Changes in Hardcovers: The Complete Collection

All-New A to Z Update #3
Acts of Vengeance
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Death Metal
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First two History paragraphs merged, new sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: None

Dragon Man
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: End of final History paragraph revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2 sentences added to end of History. Note added.
Graphic Changes: Most headshots removed (Murphy intact while Lightbright less cropped to make more of a body shot). Other two illos removed and replaced with new illo with members captioned.

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Group Affiliation tweaked. 1st History paragraph revised and expanded; 2nd paragraph tweaked at end; 5th and 6th paragraphs merged; 2 ½ sentences added to end (it’s possible that there’s more text weaved in that I’m overlooking). Abilities/Accessories paragraphs merged.
Graphic Changes: None

Kid Colt
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Kidney Lady
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Killer Shrike
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: new final History paragraph. New ½ sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Eric Koenig
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st 2 and next 2 History paragraphs merged. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: one secondary illo now captioned

Masked Marauder
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: First 3 History paragraphs greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 5 new captioned secondary illos.

Master Man
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final 2 History paragraphs merged.
Graphic Changes: Illo captioned Max Lohmer replaced with new one; 2 secondary illos cropped.

Master Order & Lord Chaos
Hardcover Volume: 6
Now Listed As: Lord Chaos & Master Order
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st 2 History paragraphs merged. Note added.
Graphic Changes: None

Namor the Sub-Mariner
Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Namor
Page Count: Increased from 5 to 6
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded, though a lot of the old text/paragraphs still present. Abilities/Accessories also greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. New sentence added at end of 3rd History paragraph; paragraph originally beginning “Upon recovery…” a bit revised; final paragraph tweaked at the beginning, then sentence replaced with new one, followed by 4 new paragraphs. Abilities/Accessories a little expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); two new secondary illos; stun gun illo replaced with Eliot R. Brown schematics

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Power Princess
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: 3 sentences added to end of final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories split into 2 paragraphs and made past tense
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed. New main illo and 4 new secondary illos

Space Phantoms
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Known Members paragraphs merged. Alter egos added to History and final paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: 10 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Classic Eliot R. Brown suit specs added (captioned), plus 3 additional new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo now cropped; another’s caption now embedded in the illo instead of underneath

Zodiac Key
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 3 sets of paragraph mergers
Graphic Changes: Illo less cropped

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo added.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. New sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Pink Lady
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. `
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 1-2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 8 total: 6 pages v1, 2 v2
Text Changes: This was originally an entry spread over 4 Handbooks, now it’s spread over the first two hardcovers; so greatly revised/expanded if you just count this segment, somewhat revised/expanded total; material from this part only appears in v2
Graphic Changes: None
Dark Tower: Gunslinger’s Guidebook
Nothing carried over into the hardcovers
World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Black Bolt
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New paragraph at end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Caiera the Oldstrong
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Captain Omen
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Gamma Corps
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Base of operations expanded. 3rd History paragraph removed, 2nd revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Ryker illo cropped to headshot.

Gamma Mutates
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 5 to 6
Text Changes: New sentence added to Abomination, Bannerman, Lucy Ryker., Rick Jones Hulk, ½ sentence to Geiger. General Rigby now William, not Dwight; paragraph completely revised/expanded. Rhino, Sasquatch, and X-Force now separated out. 2 new sentences added to Froma. New paragraphs devoted to Horde and red-skinned Hulk.
Graphic Changes: New captioned illo added to Rick Jones Hulk. 4 headshots of Headshop replaced with captioned illo (Largo still a headshot). Horde and red-skinned Hulk have headshots. Some cropping/resizing of illos.

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 8 to 9
Text Changes: Aliases and Known Relatives expanded. Some History paragraphs merged; end of three paragraphs have new text added to them (I could well be overlooking other pieces of texts embedded within these many paragraphs); last paragraph mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary). 1 secondary illo removed, 12 added (10 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final 2 History sentences replaced with 2 new ones, followed by new paragraph.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 9
Text Changes: Vital Statistics completely revised and expanded, with different membership categories. History considerably revised and expanded (though a lot of the original text remains).
Graphic Changes: 8 new illos (7 captioned). 6 headshots removed, 108 added; of old ones, alter egos removed, some have new illos/statuses

Rick Jones
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increated from 1 to 3 pages
Text Changes: Aliases, Group Affiliation revised. 3rd and 4th History paragraphs merged; final sentence in last paragraph replaced with 3 new ones.
Graphic Changes: Bucky and Hulk illos cropped. Captions removed from 2 secondary illos. New captioned secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo partly covering the main illo

Clay Quartermain
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Education revised. Alter egos added to History; new sentence added to final paragraph
Graphic Changes: [need to revisit]

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Members, Base of Operations revised. History somewhat revised/expanded, particularly in the middle of the last paragraph, new new final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: New captioned only illo (old main illo and headshots removed)

Rock & Redeemer
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised for both. History slightly revised. Both Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed, one added.

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 4 to 5
Text Changes: Occupation and Group Affiliation revised. History initially somewhat revised/expanded, then 3 large new final paragraphs. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now secondary)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: 3rd History paragraph slightly expanded
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo’s caption revised

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Current and Former Members and Base of Operations revised. History greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 headshots replaced with fully body shots, one headshot less cropped to full body shot; main illo thus no longer obscured by headshots; 4 new captioned secondary illos (2 share the same caption)

Kate Waynesboro
Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Katherine Waynesboro
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph replaced with new expanded one. New stence added to beginning of Abilities/Accessories, then new sentence tweaked.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed). Power Grid revised.

Jim Wilson
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Woodgod and the Changelings
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: History somewhat revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Headshots replaced with full body shots, still with First Appearances (Dovinia and Neptunus just less cropped from old headshot, while five others share one illo)

Captain Axis
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Hair tweaked, Power Numbers revised
Graphic Changes: None

Amadeus Cho
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Aliases expanded. History mostly revised and expanded. New sentence at end of Abilities/Accessories. Power numbers replaced with Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hero of the Day
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: final line of History no longer cut off.
Graphic Changes: None

Janis Jones
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories a little revised.
Graphic Changes: Illo replaced with new one.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None
Marvel Zombies
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Andy the Angel moved up in the text; new paragraphs on the Malakim and the Spirit of Christmas
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: First History paragraph split in 2; final paragraph revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: 9 new captioned illos (5 with first appearances). Other headshots with first appearances increased from 15 to 18.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 8 to 9
Text Changes: History paragraph beginning “Demons of the third class…” merged with previous paragraph (some additional rewriting) including new sentence at end. New sentence at end of paragraph starting with “Certain demons feed…” Final two paragraphs merged. List of unpictured demons revised.
Graphic Changes: Four new illos with first appearances. First appearances added to three existing captions. Headshots expanded from 120 to 150 (note that some headshots were removed because their first appearance is in the earlier illos.

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Energy Projection on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History sentence replaced with new one. Speed on Power Grid tweaked.
Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Zombies
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of first Traits paragraph; last sentence of 3rd paragraph replaced with new one. First History paragraph abridged; last sentence of 3rd last paragraph replaced with 2 new ones; between 3rd and 2nd last paragraph, new large one added; 2nd last paragraph revised; final History sentence replaced with new one, followed by 4 new paragraphs. New sentence added to end of 2nd Note paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned; 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: History somewhat expanded, with new text weaving in and out of the old text. Final sentence in Abilities/Accessories removed. Intelligence and Fighting Skills on Power Grid removed.
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo removed.

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Minor History revisions, including the final sentence being replaced with a new one.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation and Known Relatives revised. History somewhat revised, especially on the first page. Minor History revisions, including the final sentence being replaced with a new one.
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo removed

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 5 to 7
Text Changes: Known Members revised. Traits greatly revised/expanded, especially in the former 2nd page. History also greatly revised/expanded. Note considerably revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned. The 2 B&W illos now coloured. New captioned secondary illo. 54 new headshots with the issue they first appeared as a vampire.

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 5 to 7
Text Changes: Known Members revised. Traits somewhat revised. History somewhat revised overall, greatly in the first 2 paragraphs. 2 sentences added to 2nd last Note paragraph.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned by itself, 3 sharing a caption). 34 new headshots with the issue they first appeared, or first appeared as a werewolf, possibly both (unsure if any of them appeared prior to their affliction).

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Minor History changes (1st 2 paragraphs merged, Spider-Man’s alter ego added). Note added.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Lord of Death
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Lurking Unknown
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives revised.
Graphic Changes: None
All-New A to Z Update #4
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos.

Atom Smasher
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Blackwing (Manfredi)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Captain Marvel
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. End of first paragraph of original third page change and remaining paragraphs heavily revised. New paragraph added to Abilities/Accessories and teleporter error removed from Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Clan Destine
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Current/Deceased members expanded a little. A few History revisions including but not limited to final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Thaddeus added to headshots.

Count Abyss
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Doctor Faustus
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs merged; ditto 4th and 5th; final paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: End of History revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Captions switched for the Bug-Ships and submarines (apparently all 4 previously had the wrong captions)

Heroes for Hire
Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Heroes for Hire (Misty & Colleen)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: all Current Members now listed as Former Members. 1st 2 and last 2 History paragraphs merged; end of final paragraph revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Lunatic Legion
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo now cropped to make for a better headshot

Mindless Ones
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Negative Zone
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: New passage for Taptor
Graphic Changes: New illo accompanies Taptor passage; llos added for Mantracora & Threska’s unidentified planet

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Old final History sentence replaced with 4 new ones. First 2 Abilities/accessories paragraphs merged; final sentence in final paragraph replaced with new one.
Graphic Changes: None

Omega Flight
Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: Omega Flight (Canadian Government Team)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current Members revised. Former Members and Honorary members categories added. Half of final History paragraph removed and replaced with 4 new sentences.
Graphic Changes: Entire 2nd page is a new headquarters diagram from Marvel Atlas#2

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Arcturus Rann
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Red Skull
Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Red Skull (Shmidt)
Page Count: Unchanged at 4
Text Changes: History somewhat revised, with new text weaving in and out of old.
Graphic Changes: Last secondary illo replaced with 3 captioned new ones.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old main illo removed; new main illo and captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: The 2 Abilities/Accessories paragraphs reversed.
Graphic Changes: None

Ruby Thursday
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed)

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: More alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: None

Siege Perilous
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History; final two paragraphs merged
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo (covers Rogue in main illo)

Randall Spector
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases revised; alter egos added to History; final two sentences replaced with two new ones. Abilities/Accessories revised/abridged
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 11
Split Into: Spymaster (Unrevealed); Spymaster (Lemon); Spymaster (Abbott)
Page Count: Originally 2; now 2 (Unrevealed), 1 each (Lemon, Abbott)
Text Changes: (all) Text moved to respective entries as approrpriate. (Unrevealed): Occupation revised. Group Affiliation tweaked; History considerably revised/expanded; Eyes and Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Power Grid revised. (Lemon) Place of Birth revised. Group Affiliation tweaked. History greatly revised; new history encompasses final paragraph on 1st page with new beginning, then next two paragraphs of old entry, then new final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised. (Abbott): Aliases clarified; History mostly revised/exapanded; Weight revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: (Unrevealed) All but one now recaptioned secondary illo removed; new main illo and 2 new secondary illos (3 captioned); (Lomon); Abbott masked secondary illo now main illo with caption and background removed; partly unmasked illo of him cropped; remaining illos removed; (Abbott) precedessors illos removed; caption removed from headshot; new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Known Relatives tweaked. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 3 new captioned secondary illos

Supreme Intelligence
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Texas Twister
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation tweaked, final History sentence revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: Cropping revised on main illo

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. Alter egos added to History; 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs merged; new sentence added to end of last paragraph. Hair revised
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now cropped as secondary); 2 secondary illos removed, 2 added

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Unicorn (Masaryk)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Alter egos revised. Last two History paragraphs replaced with two new ones, the second being a lot smaller (see Note below). 1st sentence in 2nd Abilities/Accessories paragraph removed, then the two paragraphs merged
Graphic Changes: 2 secondary illos removed, 2 new captioned secondary illos inc. classic Elliot R. Brown helmet specs
Note: 2nd last paragraph used as the basic of a new ½ page Unicorn entry (no parentheses, but Masaryk’s immediate successor). This entry has some of the text from the former 2nd last paragraph of the original Unicorn entry. One of the illos removed from the core entry is the new, recaptioned main illo with background removed, while the other removed illo is a secondary for this version, with caption removed; there is an additional captioned secondary illo. The Vital/Physical Stats and Power numbers are all new, which is why I’m treating this as a derivative entry and not a true split entry

Leiko Wu
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: None

Arabian Knight
Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Arabian Knight (Hashim)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Captain America (Revolutionary War)
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Power Numbers revised
Graphic Changes: None

Lion God
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Durability revised in Power Numbers
Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Boy (Martin Simon Burns)
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: unmasked headshot added

Marvel Boy (Martin Oksner Burns)
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: unmasked headshot added

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: ½ sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Shagreen the Sorcerer
Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Shagreen
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History a little revised (first sentence at least)
Graphic Changes: illo reversed

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History
Graphic Changes: None
Marvel Atlas #1
Not part of the Hardcover series
X-Men: Messiah Complex
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name, Known Relatives, and Abilities/Accessories revised. New info added to end of History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Dazzler (Blaire)
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Final History sentence slightly expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Team stats completely revised/expanded, covering other incarnations of the team as well. Old History n0w begins on 3rd page of current History, with some tweaking to what was the first paragraph to make it flow better from the new text. New sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: One illo removed, 6 new captioned illos

Split Into: Exiles; Weapon X (Exiles)
Hardcover Volume: 4 (Exiles), 13 (Weapon X)
Page Count: Originally 3; now 5 (Exiles); 1 (Weapon X)
Text Changes: Exiles: Members lists completely revised, updating current/former members, adding Earth numbers, removing Weapon X, and adding. references to Earth-33629 and 91172 teams; History largely but not completely revised/expanded. Weapon X: Weapon X as category now labelled Former Members andEarth Numbers added. History completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Exiles: 5 new captioned illos added; Headshots for Weapon X removed but headshots for the 2 Earths above added; Alter egos removed from headshots; Shadowcat-Unrevealed amended to Cat-Unrevealed. Gambit-6706 added.Weapon X: All non-headshot illos and all non-Weapon X headshots removed; alter egos and current status removed from headshots; 7 headshots replaced with new ones; 3 headshots cropped/1 titled; issues Active revised for Mesmero, Wolverine, Maverick, Daredevil

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: first 2 History paragraphs merged; end of final paragraph revised and greatly expanded. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Lady Mastermind
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2nd History paragraph split in 2; new sentence added at end of final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Lifeguard & Slipstream
Split Into: Lifeguard; Slipstream
Hardcover Volume: 6 (Lifeguard); 11 (Slipstream)
Page Count: Original 1; now 1 (Lifeguard), ½ (Slipstream)
Text Changes: Both: Vital Statistics, Physical Statistics, Abilities/Accessories, Power Grid of the other character removed from each entry.; History somewhat revised to read better as solo entry (in Lifeguard’s case, split in two); Lifeguard: Note added; Abilities/Accessories paragraph split in 2. Slipstream: Power Grid now Power Numbers
Graphic Changes: Lifeguard: Slipstream removed from main illo (thus no longer obscuring her); 1 secondary illo now captioned; 2 new captioned secondary illos; Slipsteam: only his own illo remains.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Now Listed As: Magik (Illyana Rasputin)
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Education, and Eyes expanded. History somewhat revised and expanded, including splitting the 1st paragraph in 3 and the 3rd paragraph in 2. Abilities/Accessories somewhat expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed). The secondary illos that weren’t captioned before now are, 5 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new final History paragraph. Art credit corrected.
Graphic Changes: None

Irene Merryweather
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New half-sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: None

New X-Men
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final sentence and a half of History replaced with new expanded text, then 4 new paragraphs added
Graphic Changes: The uncaptioned illo now captioned; headshots removed.

Cassandra Nova
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 4
Text Changes: A couple History paragraph mergers, then new sentence added to end of final paragraph
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo less cropped; one new captioned secondary illo

Predator X
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Education revised. Final History paragraph greatly expanded at end, then new final paragraph. Eyes revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: None

Savage Land Mutates
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Known Members recaptioned Current Members. Former Leaders category added. More alter egos added to History, then new final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: New machine secondary illo; Headshots: Magneto’s alter ego revised, Zaladane’s and Lorelei’s removed. Zaladane a bit more cropped. Aside from Magneto, Zaladane, and Sauron, headshots replaced with bodyshots (in some but not all cases the same illo from the headshot was used). Leader info removed from Brainchild image; Lupo also has a second captioned secondary illo (only one lists issue Active). Amphibius also has a headshot sharing the caption with the larger illo

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised. Eyes revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed); 1 secondary illo removed, 1 captioned; 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 4 to 5
Text Changes: Known Members and Base of Operations revised. Traits somewhat reworded. History greatly revised/expanded. Note added.
Graphic Changes: 7 new secondary illos (6 captioned); Occupations added to headshots and if deceased, so noted; 18 headshots removed, 10 added, 1 recaptioned.

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Current and Former Members and Base of Operations revised. History somewhat revised/expanded. Note added
Graphic Changes: Uncaptioned secondary illo now captioned; some headshot cropping; alter egos and Corsair’s living status removed from headshots

Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: S.W.O.R.D.
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Current Members revised. Colossus’ alter ego added to History, then new final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: secondary illo now embedded in main illo; headshots: Brand illo replaced with new one; Spider-Woman added; issues Active instead of First Appearance (though of the old headshots this only impacts Lockheed)

Trish Tilby
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. 2/3 sentence added to end of History, other minor revisions
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Headshots: alter egos removed; Cross: issue died removed, new headshot image

X-Factor Investigations
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Members revised as Current Members and Former Members. Base of Operations revised. History greatly revised/expanded, especially starting on 2nd page
Graphic Changes: Old main illo removed; new main illo with captions, new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Eyes tweaked. Intelligence, Energy Projection on Power Numbers revised
Graphic Changes: None

Johnny Dee
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new headshot

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

X-Men Roster Update
Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: X-Men
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and History added; some material from headshots added to Vital Statistics (see below)
Graphic Changes: new main illo and 29 new secondary illos (19 captioned). Headshots: Membership status removed, now indicated by Current/Former Members text categories, though living status not carried over; references to flashbacks removed; alter egos removed, moved to the various members categories; all but one headshot replaced with new image, then 64 additional headshots added, plus 47 new sub-team headshots and 3 new imposter headshots
Ultimate Secrets
Not part of the Hardcover series
Hardcover #1 published between the above and the below
Marvel Atlas #2
Not part of the Hardcover series, though some diagrams folded into other entries
Hardcover #2 published between the above and the below
All-New Iron Manual
Bambi Arbogast
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Bethany Cabe
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. Final History sentence replaced with 2 new larger ones. New sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessories. Power Grid revised. New captioned secondary illo.
Graphic Changes: None

Crimson Dynamo
Hardcover Volume: 2 (Note: Hardcover entry preceded the Iron Manual by one week)
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Dum Dum Dugan
Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Timothy “Dum Dum” Dugan
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 2 headshot captions reversed to correct error

Rumiko Fujikawa
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Current and Former Members expanded. New sentence added to end of History. Main and one secondary illo now have First Appearances added.
Graphic Changes: None

Justin Hammer
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Caption added to a secondary illo

Maya Hansen
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Happy Hogan
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Pepper Hogan
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation expanded. New sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed, 1 added.

Iron Man
Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Iron Man (Tony Stark)
Page Count: Unchanged at 11
Text Changes: New sentence added to History paragraph starting with “As public sentiment…”; 2 paragraphs merged; 2 sentences added to final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Some armours renumbered due to former Model 14 now being designated Model 13 Hulkbuster; 38 armours including main illo have First Appearances added. 5 new secondary illos (2 captioned). Stark Notes page removed.

Iron Monger
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New sentence added to 2nd last History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Sal Kennedy
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed. Hands close-ups expanded to show the full rings information from Marvel Universe#15. 10 new secondary illos (7 captioned).

Mandarin (Temujin)
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Eddie March
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo of Mark 1 armour

Maria Stark Foundation
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Mordecai Midas
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Order of Abilities/Accessories paragraphs shifted; if you number the paragraphs according to the Iron Manual, the new order is: 3, 5, 4, 1, 2.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Michael O’Brien
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

The Order
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Current and Former Members categories added. Sub-entries removed, with a lot of the text merged into the main History section. Thus History considerably revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos replaced with four new captioned ones.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added at end of final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Marianne Rodgers
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Minor editing
Graphic Changes: None

SHIELD Helicarrier
Hardcover Volume: 10
Now Listed As: S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Figure B’s header error corrected but now part of the line in Figure C cut off in error

Jasper Sitwell
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories almost completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Sons of Yinsen
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Stark Industries
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Current Members and First Appearance revised. Former Members revised/broken down into sub-categories.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed. Avril, Carr, Harrigan, O’Brien headshots cropped. Endo headshot replaced with new one. Background removed from Zimmerman headshot

Morgan Stark
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation revised. Final History sentence replaced with 3 new ones
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Titanium Man
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History, which has a new half sentence at end of 2nd last paragraph.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

War Machine
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History initially somewhat revised/expanded; bottom half of the final History paragraph removed, then 4 new paragraphs added. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo removed; 5 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Ho Yinsen
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History sentence replaced with new one
Graphic Changes: None

Abraham Zimmer
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None
Hardcover #3 published between the above and the below
Dark Tower: End-World Almanac
Not part of the Hardcover series
Not part of the Hardcover series
Marvel: Your Universe Saga
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Big Hero 6
Hardcover Volume: 1 (preceded Your Universe)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Brood (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Last History paragraph on the 1st page slightly expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Captain America (Barnes)
Hardcover Volume: 2 (preceded Your Universe)
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Captain Marvel (Khn’nr)
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: 2 new sentences added to end of final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Diamondback (Bertrand)
Hardcover Volume: 3 (preceded Your Universe)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 3 (preceded Your Universe)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 4 (Both published same day)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: End of final History paragraph revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded at end
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

This is a Marvel Atlas style entry and thus beyond the scope of the hardcovers
Hardcover #4 published same day as above
Hardcover #5 published between the above and the below
Spider-Man: Brand New Day
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Aliases, First Appearance revised. Final History paragraph greatly expanded. New sentence added to end of final Abilities/Accessories paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Headshot replaced with new one. 7 new secondary illos (6 captioned)

Blue Shield
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History sentence revised, but some of the text appears to be incomplete and thus illegible. New ½ sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo now captioned; new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added at end of final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Hammerhead (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded. Weight, Eyes revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary). 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation, Education, First Appearance revised
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Menace (Hollister)
Page Count: Originally 1; now 2; merged with the Lily Hollister entry (see below)
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Physical Stats revised. Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded. Speed and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary/less cropped). 4 new captioned secondary illos (one from the Lily Hollister entry)

Mr. Negative
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Mister Negative
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Eyes revised. Speed and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Harry Osborn
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Education revised. Paragraph beinginning “With a skilful lawyer…” revised at end (arguably this happens at the end of “Harry recognized the futility…” if treated as a separate paragraph; if so these two paragraphs are now merged); final paragraph replaced with new expanded one. Intelligence on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: The uncaptioned secondary illo now captioned

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation tweaked
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Dexter Bennett
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Occupation revised. Final History sentence replaced with two new ones
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Carlie Cooper
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. 2 new sentences added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Vincent Gonzales
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Vin Gonzales
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Citizenship, Known Relatives revised. 2 new sentences added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Lily Hollister
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Menace (Hollister)
Page Count: Originally ½; now 2; merged with the Menace entry (see above)
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Physical Stats revised. Power Numbers revised as Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one secondary). 4 new captioned secondary illos (one from the Menace entry)

Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Ana Kravinoff
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Aliases revised. Final History sentence replaced with new one
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History a little revised
Graphic Changes: None

Paper Doll
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Dr. Benjamin Rabin
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: 2 new sentences added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Place of Birth, Group Affiliation revised. History considerably revised/expanded. Eyes and Hair revised. New sentence added to end of final Abilities/Accessories paragraph. Power Numbers now Power Grid
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary

Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Wayeb
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name, Citizenship, Group Affiliation revised. History somewhat revised, with first sentence replaced with new one
Graphic Changes: None

Bobby Carr
Randall Crowne
Bill Hollister
Alan O’Neil
Hardcover Volume: 11 or none depending on how you look at it (see below)
Now Listed As: No longer separate entries; all four folded into the Spider-Man’s Friends & Associates entry.
Page Count: Originally ¼ each; now 0 as separate entries; group entry 6 pages
Text Changes: All: Occupation, Place of Birth removed; All but Crowne: History considerably revised/expanded; Crowne: History completely rewritten/expanded. Additional: “See separate entries” paragraph added, 35 additional sections added
Graphic Changes (group entry): 63 new secondary illos (15 captioned, 19 numbered with accompanying keys)
Hardcover #6 published same day as above
Dark Tower: Guide to Gilead
Not part of the Hardcover series
Dark Reign Files
Not part of the Hardcover series
Hardcover #7 published between the above and the below
Wolverine: Weapon X Files
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First Appearance revised. First 2 History paragraphs merged, then new sentence added to end of this paragraph
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed

Blob (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Reduced from 3 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation revised. Final History paragraph replaced with new, shorter one. Weight revised. Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/abridged. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed. 1 secondary illo now captioned, 6 removed. 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History sentence replaced with 2 new ones
Graphic Changes: None

Nguyen Ngoc Coy
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Daken (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Deadpool (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Reduced from 4 to 3
Text Changes: Identity, Group Affiliation revised. History greatly revised/abridged. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 4 secondary illos removed

Dirt Nap
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: None

Gambit (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Group Affiliation tweaked. History somewhat revised, including paragraph mergers and end of final paragraph being revised. Abilities/Accessories paragraphs reordered.
Graphic Changes: None

Cameron Hodge
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History sentence replaced with new one
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Cropping altered in illo

Landau, Luckman & Lake
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Steven Lang
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised
Graphic Changes: None

Tigon Liger
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Mandate (Earth-3071)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History paragraph revised
Graphic Changes: None

Maverick (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 7
Was Listed As: Maverick (Nord)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First Appearance clarified
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed as: Orphan Maker (Note: the missing hyphen is probably in error)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed.

Donald Pierce
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 3 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History tweaked
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo now captioned

Silver Fox
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Rev. William Stryker
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History paragraph revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Tyger Tiger
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 6 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History considerably revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 7 new secondary illos (4 captioned), plus claws schematics partly using classic Eliot R. Brown illos; 3 secondary illos removed

John Wraith
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: X-Force (X-Men Strike Team)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current Members, Base of Operations revised. History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned main illo (old one removed). 2 new secondary illo0s (1 captioned) plus 5 new headshots. Headshots now list issue Active

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Edward Brecker
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Avery Connor
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Avery Conner (judging from the text, this appears to be in error)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Amiko Kobayashi
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Saint Cyrus Leviticus
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed

Lord Dark Wind
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Lord Shingen
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Sapphire Styx
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Bolivar Trask
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Final History sentence replaced with new one. Fighting Skills on Power Numbers revised
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo re-captioned

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Ethan Warren
Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Lt. Ethan Warren
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

White Ghost (Earth-4011)
Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: White Ghost (Howlett)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Place of Birth revised
Graphic Changes: None

White Ghost (McLeish)
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None
X-Men - Future History: The Messiah War Sourcebook
Not part of the Hardcover series
Hardcover #8 published between the above and the below

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7/11/2020 8:36 am  #9

Re: List of Changes in Hardcovers: The Complete Collection

Marvel Pets
Hardcover Volume: not in hardcovers (unsurprisingly)
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to 0

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Next text added to end of final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New ½-sentence added to end of final History sentence
Graphic Changes: None

Collector’s Creatures
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Collector’s Zoo
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph greatly expanded at end
Graphic Changes: None

Devil Dinosaur
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Devil Dinosaur (Earth-78411)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hellstorm`s Demon-Steeds
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Now Listed As: Hellstorm`s Horses
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: one secondary illo less cropped

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: final History paragraph abridged

Lockheed (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Last sentence of 1st History paragraph revised. New sentence added to end of final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Mole Man`s Monsters
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final general History sentence replaced with two new ones
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Red Ghost`s Super-Apes
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Some History paragraphs merged; new final paragraph
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Toothgnasher & Toothgrinder
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First 2 History paragraphs merged
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Ant-Man`s Ants
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; 24 new headshots with First Appearances

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

The Beasts of Berlin (Change below is from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 2
Was Listed As: Beasts of Berlin
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Bill & Don
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Blaze the Wonder Collie
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Diablo (Bear)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Droog (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History paragraphs merged
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Freki & Geri
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

The Frogs of Central Park
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Frogs of Central Park
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hellcow (Change below is from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Ina & Biri
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Kraven the Hunter’s Menagerie
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Monkey Joe
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed/tail slightly cropped out

Munin & Hugin
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Hugin & Munin
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Last two History sentences replaced with one new one
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Aliases revised. Last two History sentences replaced with one new one
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed

Old Lace
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Princess Python’s Pythons
Hardcover Volume: not in hardcovers
Page Count: Reduced from ½ to 0

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Valkyrior Steeds
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Appendix: Cowboy Horses of the Old West
Hardcover Volume: not in hardcovers
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to 0

Appendix: Miscellaneous Pets
Hardcover Volume: not in hardcovers
Page Count: Reduced from 3 to 0
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica
All Individuals: Identity, Citizenship added. First Appearance moved from Appendix at back of book to main text. Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½-pagers). For entries originally in hardcovers, the reverse is true. If a name change seems unclear it usually means the “The” has been dropped.

Most Groups: Prominent Members replaced with Known Members (or vice versa if the hardcover came first) unless noted.

I’m using when the entries first started to appear in the hardcovers, not when this was published as a basis of which direction to describe the changes. This is going to be pretty confusing as it is, and that seems the simplest approach.

Gaea (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Reduced from 3 to ½.
Text Changes: Aliases revised. History completely rewritten/abridged. Physical Description replaced with Physical Stats. 2nd Abilities/Accessories paragraph removed
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo reduced to headshot; remaining illos removed

Demogorge (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½.
Text Changes: Aliases, Group Affiliation, First Appearance revised. Place of Birth, Education tweaked. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/the former abridged.
Graphic Changes: Old illos replaced with new one.

Council of Godheads (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Reduced from 3 to 1
Text Changes: Pictured and Not Pictured revised as Prominent Members. Base of Operations revised. History considerably revised/abridged.
Graphic Changes: New illo replaced old ones.

The Aboriginal Gods
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Aboriginal Gods
Page Count: Unchanged at 1.
Text Changes: Known Members tweaked. Traits and History greatly revised.
Graphic Changes: Illo now captioned.

The Ahau
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Ahau (Mayan Gods)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1.
Text Changes: Known Members tweaked. Traits greatly revised. History completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Illo now captioned.

The Akua
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Akua (Oceanic Gods)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1.
Text Changes: Known Members tweaked. Traits greatly revised. History completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Illo now captioned.

The Amatsu-Kami (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 1
Was Listed As: Amatsu-Kami
Page Count: Unchanged at 1.
Text Changes: Prominent Members revised. Traits and History completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Old illos replaced with new one.

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. History greatly revised/abridged. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and main secondary illo

Mikaboshi (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½.
Text Changes: First Appearance revised. History somewhat revised/paragraphs merged. Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/abridged.
Graphic Changes: Illo cropped/background added.

The Annunaki (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 1
Was Listed As: Annunaki
Page Count: Reduced from 3 to 1.
Text Changes: Prominent Members, Base of Operations, Traits added. First Appearance revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Capsule histories of individual members removed.
Graphic Changes: New illo (old ones removed)

Ba’al (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History considerably revised/abridged.
Graphic Changes: Main illo cropped; secondary illo removed

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives revised. History considerably revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised. Group Affiliation revised. History greatly revised/abridged. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Illo less cropped/background removed

Lilith (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 6
Was Listed As: Lilith (Mother of Demons)
Page Count: Reduced from 2 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/abridged; 1st Abilities/Accessories paragraph somewhat rewritten/abridged, second one removed
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed

Marduk (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/the former abridged. Note removed.
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed

The Apu
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Apu (Incan Gods)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1.
Text Changes: Known Members tweaked. Traits and History greatly revised. Note added.
Graphic Changes: Illo now captioned.

The Asgardians
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Asgardians
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 7
Text Changes: Known Members, First Appearance revised (the former considerably). Traits and History completely rewritten (the latter expanded). Capsule passages on 60 Asgardians/Asgardian groups added
Graphic Changes: Old illo captioned; 60 new headshots on the aforementioned Asgardians/Asgardian groups added, plus 11 additional secondary illos (10 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely written/expanded (minor text present in former).
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 4 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Education revised. History greatly revised/abridged.
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new one

Enchantress (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Reduced from 2 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/abridged
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Occupation tweaked, Known Relatives revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/the former expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/the former expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Loki (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Reduced from 3 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/abridged
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed

Odin (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Reduced from 3 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/abridged
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 3
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 9 new secondary illos (6 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 5
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely written/expanded. Height and Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 18 new secondary illos (12 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Valkyrie (Brunnhilde)
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely written/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 9 new secondary illos (5 captioned; one is classic Eliot R. Brown stats for Dragonfang)

Warriors Three
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2 (unless you look at it from the perspective of the individual members, in which case reduced from 1/3 to 0 each)
Text Changes: Originally it was three individual listings under a group header. Now it’s a team entry, thus old Vital Statistics replaced with Members and Base of Operations (First Appearance carriers over). Old History texts replaced with new expanded group History text. Physical Statistics and Abilities/Accessories removed.
Graphic Changes: Old illos merged together/uncropped into captioned main illo; new secondary illo

The Daevas
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Daevas (Hindu Gods)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1.
Text Changes: Known Members revised. Traits and History considerably revised.
Graphic Changes: Illo now captioned.

The Dievas
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Dievas (Slavic Gods)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1.
Text Changes: Known Members revised/greatly expanded. Traits and History considerably revised.
Graphic Changes: Illo now captioned.

The Diwatas
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Diwatas (Filipino Gods)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1.
Text Changes: Known Members tweaked. Traits and History considerably revised.
Graphic Changes: Illo now captioned.

The Eternals (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 4
Was Listed As: Eternals
Page Count: Reduced from 4 to 1
Text Changes: Prominent Members reduced/sub-categories removed. First Appearance revised. Traits completely rewritten/expanded. History mostly revised/abridged.
Graphic Changes: New illo; old illos including headshots removed

The Deviants (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 3
Was Listed As: Deviants
Page Count: Reduced from 4 to 1
Text Changes: Prominent Members reduced/sub-categories removed. First Appearance revised. Traits considerably revised/expanded. History mostly revised/abridged.
Graphic Changes: New illo; headshots removed

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded (actually the old text was largely written earlier for another book, but the hardcover has the most current text nevertheless)
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

The Forgotten One (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 4
Was Listed As: Gilgamesh
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: Aliases, Group Affiliation revised. History greatly revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Main illo cropped; secondary illos removed

Ikaris (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Reduced from 2 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/abridged
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed

Makkari (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Reduced from 2 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/abridged
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed

The Heliopolitans
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Ennead (Heliopolitans/Egyptian Gods)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Known Members considerably revised. Traits greatly revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Note added.
Graphic Changes: Old illo captioned; 3 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Aliases revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and new secondary illo

Khonshu (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/the former abridged. Eyes revised
Graphic Changes: Main illo cropped; secondary illos removed

Lion God (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History somewhat revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Main illo cropped; secondary illo` removed

Panther God (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History greatly revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, First Appearance revised. History somewhat revised. Eyes and Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one less cropped as secondary illo)

The Inua (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 5
Was Listed As: Inua
Page Count: Unchanged at 1.
Text Changes: Prominent Members revised. Traits somewhat revised. History greatly revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos replaced with new one.

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: First Appearance revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Illo cropped, black background removed

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives, First Appearance revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Eyes and Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 4 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

The Jumala
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Jumula (Jumala/Egyptian Gods)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Members considerably revised. Traits considerably revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Note added.
Graphic Changes: Old illo captioned

The Manidoog
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Manidoog (North American Gods)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Known Members and First Appearance revised. Traits greatly revised. History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo captioned; 6 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. History somewhat revised/abridged. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Illo cropped, background removed

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History somewhat revised/abridged. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: New illo; old one removed

The Olympians (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 8 (main entry); 8-9 (Appendix)
Was Listed As: Olympians (main entry); Olympians: Demi-Gods, Heroes & Other Mythological Figures (Appendix)
Page Count: Reduced from 6 (main entry)/3+2 ¼ (the two Appendix sections) to 1
Text Changes: Prominent Members added. Traits and History completely rewritten. Olympus and capsule entries (main entry and Appendix text) removed
Graphic Changes: Old illos (including the map and the ones associated with all capsule entries) replaced with new one.

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History somewhat revised/abridged. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised
Graphic Changes: New illo; old one removed

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed as: Venus (Aphrodite)
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 4
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 1 new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Note added. Eyes and Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 7 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Ares (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Reduced from 2 to ½
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, First Appearance revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/abridged. Hair revised
Graphic Changes: Main illo cropped/reversed/background added; secondary illos removed

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably rewritten/expanded. Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 4 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives revised. History somewhat revised/abridged. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Illo less cropped/background removed

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives, First Appearance revised. Group Affiliation tweaked. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably rewritten/expanded. Physical Stats revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Height and Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Eyes and Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos
Note: While both Hephaestus and Hera were both previously listed as having first appeared in Thor#129 (1967), Hephaestus’ entry on the facing page amends this to 1966 while Hera’s does not; The Avengers/Captain America/Thor Index indicates that 1966 is the correct date.

Hercules (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Reduced from 3 to ½
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, First Appearance revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/abridged. Hair revised
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Height and Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/the former expanded. Height and Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo less cropped/background removed; 3 new secondary illos

The Huntsman (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 5
Was Listed As: Huntsman
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History greatly revised
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed

Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Poseidon
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, First Appearance revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Height and Weight revised. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised.
Graphic Changes: New illo; old one removed

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: History greatly replaced/expanded starting with the 2nd paragraph. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Pluto (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Reduced from 2 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/abridged. Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Known Relatives revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/the former expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: not carried over
Page Count: Reduced from ½ to 0

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Venus (Siren)
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten expanded. Eyes and Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 5 new secondary illos

The Tenger
Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Tenger
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Base of Operations tweaked. Traits greatly revised. History considerably revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo captioned

The Téteoh
Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Tēteoh
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Prominent Members revised as Members (not Known Members). History considerably revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo captioned

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo less cropped/background removed/shifted/eyes more visible; new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Aliases, Place of Birth revised. History considerably revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary/recoloured)

The Tuatha de Danaan
Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Tuatha de Danaan
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: First Appearance revised. Prominent Members removed, replaced with 20 paragraphs discussing confirmed and possible members. Traits and History completely revised. Physical stats added.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned; 23 new secondary illos (7 captioned) in the confirmed/possible members section

The Fomorians
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Fomor
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Traits and History completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Old illo captioned; new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 5
Text Changes: Type, Environment, Usual Means of Access, Dominant Lifeforms categories added. History mostly revised/expanded. Prominent Inhabitants added
Graphic Changes: 40 new captioned secondary illos

Bran the Blessed
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/the former abridged
Graphic Changes: Illo background removed/less cropped

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised
Graphic Changes: Illo background removed/less cropped

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History greatly revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new one.

The Dagda
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Dagda
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new one.

The Green Knight
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Green Knight
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Real Name, Aliases revised. History greatly revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: New main illo; old illo less cropped/now secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised
Graphic Changes: Old illo less cropped, background by head removed

Lady of the Lake
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History considerably revised/expanded. Note added. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History considerably revised/expanded. Note added. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Note added.
Graphic Changes: Old illo less cropped, background removed, caption added; new captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: New illo; old one removed

The Red Lord
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Red Lord
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Aliases, First Appearance revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised
Graphic Changes: New illo; old one removed

Y Ddraig Goch
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Education revised. History considerably revised. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and new secondary illo

The Vodū
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Prominent Members revised (category name intact). Traits considerably revised/abridged. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo captioned; 4 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Group Affiliation, First Appearance revised. History and Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised. Note added.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 new secondary illos

Damballah (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½.
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Place of Birth, Known Relatives revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/the former abridged.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo removed

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History considerably revised. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and new captioned secondary illo

The Xian
Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Xian
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Prominent Members and Traits greatly revised/the latter abridged especially at the top. History considerably revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo captioned

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History somewhat revised. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised
Graphic Changes: New illo; old one removed

Yu Huang
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Old illo less cropped/black background removed; new secondary illo

The Yazatas
Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Yazatas
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Traits and History considerably revised. Note: Prominent Members still listed as such.
Graphic Changes: Old illo captioned
Hardcover #9-10 published between the above and the below

Angel (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 1
Was Listed As: Angel (Halloway)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: First 2 History paragraphs somewhat revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Black Widow (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 1
Was Listed As: Black Widow (Voyant)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. 3rd History paragraph abridged to correct errors. Final History paragraph and Note revised/expanded. Note greatly expanded at end. Abiltiies/Accessories greatly expanded
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary/reversed)

Blue Blaze
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed

Betty Dean
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Dorma (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First Appearance revised. Final 2 History paragraphs merged
Graphic Changes: None

Dynamic Man
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Eternal Brain (Change below is from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Note revised
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Fiery Mask
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Phineas T. Horton
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History slightly revised (inc. change in 1st paragraph and 2 paragraphs merged)
Graphic Changes: None

Human Torch (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 5
Was Listed As: Human Torch (Hammond)
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Final History sentence replaced with 2 new ones
Graphic Changes: None

Ka-Zar (Change below is from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 6
Was Listed As: Ka-Zar the Great
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Laughing Mask
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Makkari (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: End of final History paragraph revised
Graphic Changes: None

Masked Raider
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Master Mind Excello
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Leonard McKenzie
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Mister E
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Namor the Sub-Mariner (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 7
Was Listed As: Namor
Page Count: Unchanged at 6
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. New entence added to end of final Hiustory paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Phantom Reporter
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Red Raven (Change below is from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Note added
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Thin Man
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: History somewhat revised, including new long sentence being added to end of final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Terry Vance
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Breeze Barton
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Whirlwind Carter
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Dakor the Magican
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Dakor
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Dale of the FBI
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None significant

Deadline Dawson
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Dave Dean
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo removed

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: End of History somewhat revised, with Note folded into it
Graphic Changes: None

Jimmy Everett
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed; secondary illo cropped

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Flying Flame
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Flash Foster
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Don Gorman
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

The Green Flame
Hardcover Volume: not in hardcovers
Page Count: Reduced from ½ to 0

Lynne Harris
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Final History sentence replaced with new one
Graphic Changes: None

Human Top
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed

Invisible Man
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Zephyr Jones
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: not in hardcovers
Page Count: Reduced from ½ to 0

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Magar the Mystic
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Boy (Martin Simon Burns)
Hardcover Volume: 8 (preceded this handbook)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo now captioned

Ken Masters
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Barney Mullen
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Phantom Bullet
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Final History sentence replaced with new one
Graphic Changes: None

Phantom of the Underword
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Comet Pierce
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Luther Robinson
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Sky Devils
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Space Rangers
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

John Steele
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Bob Strong
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Captain Bob Strong
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Taxi Taylor
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Texas Kid
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Three X’s
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Percy Webb
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

John Wilson
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Philo Zog
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Zombie Master
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None
Hardcover #11-14 were published after the cut-off point of what was carried cover.

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7/11/2020 8:37 am  #10

Re: List of Changes in Hardcovers: The Complete Collection

List of Changes in Hardcovers – By Hardcover Volume
In addition to below, the following applies to all in a particular volume (so None=other than these):
X-Men 2004
Text Changes: Powers & Abilities and Paraphernalia now Abilities/Accessiories. Distinguishing Features, Marital Status, Strength Level removed. Known Aliases now Aliases. First Appearance moved from back of book to main entry. Bibliography material at back otherwise removed
Spider-Man 2004
Text Changes: Marital Status removed; Powers & Abilities merged with Paraphernalia; First Appearances moved from back of book to main text. Origin and Signficant Issues from back of book removed.
Avengers 2004
Marital Status deleted; Powers & Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; First Appearances moved from back of book to entries. Origin and Significant Issues in back of book removed
Hulk 2004
Known Aliases now Aliases. Abilities, Superhuman Powers, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; Distinguishing Features and Marital Status removed. Origin and Significant Issues (and additional First Appearance info) in back of book removed.
Daredevil 2004
Known Aliases now called Aliases. Marital Status and Distinguishing Features removed; Powers & Abilities and Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories. Significant Issues info from back of book removed.
Wolverine 2004
Individuals: Marital Status, Distinguishing Features removed; Known Aliases now Aliases; Superhuman Powers, Special Skills, Costume, Personal Weaponry merged as Abilities/Accessories
Teams: Purpose, Major Enemies, Known Extent of Operations removed; Known Bases of Operations now Base of Operations
All: Origin Issues and Significant Issues in back section removed.
Book of the Dead 2004
Marital Status and, where applicable, Distinguishing Features removed; Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories. Origin and Significant Issues in back of book removed.
Golden Age 2004
Individuals: Marital Status deleted; Superhuman Powers/Abilities/Paraphernalia/Limitations merged as Abilities/Accessories. Origin/Significant Issues in back of the book removed. Teams: Purpose, Major Enemies, Extent of Operations removed, Former Members split from Known Members. Known Bases of Operations now Base of Operations
Women of Marvel 2005
Marital Status, Distinguishing Features removed; Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories. Origin/Significant Issues at back of book removed
Marvel Knights 2005
Abilities, Superhuman Powers, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; Marital Status removed. Origin and Significant Issues in back of book removed.
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse 2005
Abilities, Superhuman Powers, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; Distinguishing Features, Marital Status, Special Limitations removed, First Appearance added.
Spider-Man 2005
Known Aliases now Aliases. Marital Status removed. Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories. Origin and Significant Issues in back of book removed.
Teams 2005
Significant Issues on the back of the book removed.
Fantastic Four 2005
Abilities, Superhuman Powers, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; Distinguishing Features and Marital Status removed. Origin and Significant Issues info from back of book removed.
Avengers 2005
Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia replaced with Abilities/Accessories. Distinguishing Features removed where applicable. Origin and Significant Issues in back of book removed
Alternate Universes 2005
Individuals: Superhuman Powers, Abilities, and Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories
All: Significant Issues info from back of book removed.
Horror 2005
Known Aliases now Aliases. Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia replaced with Abilities/Accessories.
Marvel Monsters
Original text more or less now History unless noted (therefore text changes below mainly focus on History, though there’s a couple of exceptions to this). Most other categories added (Vital Statistics, Abilities/Accessories, Physical Statistics, Power Grid/Numbers, and Art Credits). First Appearance moved from back of book to entry. Significant Issues from same section removed.
X-Men 2005
Known Aliases now Aliases (except Xorn); Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories. Origin and Significant Issues from back of book removed.
New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Individuals: Vital Statistics (beyond the previously untitled Real Name category), Power Grid, Art Credits added. Abilities now Abilities/Accessories. User Notes removed.
Marvel Legacy: 1960s, 1980s
Art Credits, Place of Birth, Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½ pagers)
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Art Credits, Place of Birth, Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½ pagers). 1970s style colouring replaced with brighter colouring
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Place of Birth, Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½ pagers)
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Core section: Background now History. Natural Abilities and Powers, Weapons, & Minions reworked as Abilities/Accessories. Most other categories removed and regular handbook categories (Vital Statistics, Physical Statistics, Power Grid --Power Numbers if ½-pagers-- for individuals) added. Symbols removed from main illo where applicable
Alien Races section: Only races that had appeared in other books at the time carried over. Most stats removed beyond Average Height (now Height – in some cases it’s Average Length that’s now Length), Eyes and Hair (note that not all races have the Hair stat in the Files book). While an argument could be made that Notes are now History or Traits, they’re not really written the same (if you think they are, treat as “completely rewritten/expanded”). Vital Statistics (Known Members, Base of Operations, First Appearance), Traits, Weight, History added. Eyes now colour instead of number. The “Alien Races:” section of entry name removed (e.g. Alien Races: Badoon is now “Badoon”)
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica
Individuals: Identity, Citizenship added. First Appearance moved from Appendix at back of book to main text. Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½-pagers). For entries originally in hardcovers, the reverse is true. If a name change seems unclear it usually means the “The” has been dropped.
Most Groups: Prominent Members replaced with Known Members (or vice versa if the hardcover came first) unless noted.

1602 A.D.
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants and Significant Locations expanded. Final History paragraph revised, then 3 new paragraphs added.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; 48 headshots with First Appearances added.

2020 A.D.
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes:  None
Graphic Changes: New caption added to old illo, 9 new illos plus 9 more headshots, most with First Appearances and other stats

2099 A.D.
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Note added
Graphic Changes: Caption added to illo

2099 A.D. – Marvel Knights
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants expanded, new final History paragraph added
Graphic Changes: Caption added to illo; 3 new captioned secondary illos

8162 A.D.
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Caption added to illo, three new secondary illos added

Hulk 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Note added. Physical Statistics revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo far less cropped; 2 new captioned secondary illos.

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Absorbing Man
Hulk 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Identity, Citizenship, First Appearance revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded. Eyes revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo no longer cropped; old secondary illo removed; 3 new secondary illos

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph. New line added to end of Abilities/Accessories. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None.

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Final History sentence replaced with new one, and then new paragraph added.
Graphic Changes: For Headshots: A largely expanded Abilities replaces Powers; Joanna Cargill listed as Frenzy (with Cargill first appearance omitted), new illo of Vindaloo, Random & Tempo added, black bars removed

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: New sentence and then new paragraph added to end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: Old illo cropped; new captioned secondary illo

Acts of Vengeance
All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Wolverine 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed; 8 new secondary illos (7 captioned)

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History sentence removed, then new paragraph added
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

The Age of Apocalypse
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics added, History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Map removed; new captioned main illo, 18 new captioned headshots

Aged Genghis
All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New illo of diary

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known relatives revised. New paragraph added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Agent X
All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Last paragraph in History greatly expanded
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo removed, two new captioned secondary illos added

Agents of Atlas
All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: last sentence in History expanded
Graphic Changes: The uncaptioned illo now captioned

Ahab [revisit later]
All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Current Members expanded
Graphic Changes: 6 new captioned headshots

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 new secondary illos

Abdul Alhazred
Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-Winners Squad
Teams 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned; 3 new captioned secondary illos

Alpha Flight
Wolverine 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Known Associates removed. Current and Former Members merged as Members, with sub-headings for The Flight, Eta Flight, and Gamma Flight, then Note. Base of Operations revised. History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo and 12 headshots with stats removed; new main illo with18 headshots underneath (all 19 illos sharing one caption) plus 2 additional captioned secondary illos
Teams 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Current Members and Former Members being replaced with Members (including three sub-teams) and Base of Operations added; First Appearance also revised. History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned secondary illo; new main illo with18 headshots underneath (all 19 illos sharing one caption) plus an additional secondary illo

All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Art Credits and new paragraph in History added
Graphic Changes: None
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Now Listed As: The Amatsu-Kami
Page Count: Unchanged at 1.
Text Changes: Known Members revised. Traits and History completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Old illos replaced with new one.

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Old History paragraph slightly expanded, then new paragraph added, Abilties/Accessories greatly expanded. Strength on power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo added

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation revised. History greatly expanded. Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed, 2 new secondary illo added

Ancient One
Book of the Dead 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded. Weight revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 4 new captioned secondary illos

Angel (Holloway)
Golden Age 2004
Was Listed As: Angel (Holloway)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Note incorporated into History. Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)
Marvel Mystery Handbook [changes in other direction]
Now Listed As: Angel
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: First 2 History paragraphs somewhat revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Angel (Worthington)
X-Men 2005
Was Listed As: Archangel
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History considerably revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now secondary); old secondary illo now captioned; 12 new secondary illos (6 captioned)

Marvel Zombies
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Andy the Angel moved up in the text; new paragraphs on the Malakim and the Spirit of Christmas
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Fantastic Four 2005
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded. Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one still present), two new secondary illos added
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped. Old secondary illos removed. 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Annihilus’ Queens
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Was Listed As: Eradica, Extermina & Extirpia
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos cropped (particularly Eradica) and captioned. Secondary illos removed

All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text/Graphic Changes: None
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Now Listed As: The Annunaki
Page Count: Reduced from 3 to 1.
Text Changes: Prominent Members, Base of Operations, Traits added. First Appearance revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Capsule histories of individual members removed.
Graphic Changes: New illo (old ones removed)

X-Men: Messiah Complex
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New paragraph added to end of History
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo added

Avengers 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised; History, Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos (4 captioned)
Book of the Dead 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded. Weight revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Apache Kid
All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

X-Men 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: secondary illo now captioned; 6 new captioned secondary illos

Apocalypse Beast
All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos.

Arabian Knight (Qamar)
All-New A to Z #1
Was Listed As: Arabian Knight
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Energy Projection on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo added

Avengers 2005
Was Listed As: Spider-Woman (Carpenter)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 6 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

U.S. Archer
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised; new final History paragraph incorporates Where are they Now? info
Graphic Changes: None

Mighty Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Page Count: Reduced from 2 to ½
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, First Appearance revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/abridged. Hair revised
Graphic Changes: Main illo cropped/reversed/background added; secondary illos removed

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo a lot larger

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History (especially) and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped; 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Marvel Zombies
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Asbestos Lady
All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New Note below Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Marvel Zombies
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 5
Text Changes: History substantially revised, First Appearance added, text only list of first appearances of lesser Atlanteans added
Graphic Changes: 1 illo captioned, 1 removed, 2 added; 42 new headshots with Deceased (if applicable), Occupation, First Appearance added

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics a bit rewritten, History expanded at end, Abilities/Accessories expanded
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned), Smuggler illo more detailed

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Atom Smasher
All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Last sentence of History replaced with new sentence plus new paragraph, Abilities/Accessories rewritten/abridged
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Avengers 2004
Was Listed As: Avengers Roster
Page Count: Increased from 4 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and History added
Graphic Changes: new captioned main illo and 16 new secondary illos (12 captioned); Headshots: old headshots removed, 86 new ones added, as well as 57 Avengers Civilian Staff & Associates headshots; the old headshots covere what’s now the first 1 5/8 pages of the new headshots; alter egos no longer listed; current status removed, issues Active present but now only lists when active under original alias
Teams 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised (including different Member related categories). History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new captioned main illo and 16 new secondary illos (13 captioned). 86 new team headshots and 57 new Civilian Staff & Associates headshots, all with issues active
Avengers 2005
Page Count: Increased from 6 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old non-headshots removed; new captioned main illo and 15 new secondary illos (11 captioned), Headshots: 2 of four headshots replaced, plus 82 additional new ones, as well as 57 Avengers Civilian Staff & Associates headshots; active info for headshots revised for Spider-Man and Wolverine
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 12
Text Changes: History mostly revised and expanded (old History spans pages 2-3 of hardcover in revised form).
Graphic Changes: Old illo new secondary, with captions removed; new main captioned illo and 15 new secondary illos (8 captioned); 86 new headshots of members with issues active, followed by 57 headshots of Civilian Staff & Associates with issues active
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History revised/expanded (old History spans pages 3-4 of hardcover in revised form)
Graphic Changes: Main illo removed captioned revised, dialogue removed; 2ndary illo removed; new captioned main illo and 15 new secondary illos (11 captioned). Headshots: Issue Active added, old headshots removed, 86 new ones added, as well as 57 Avengers Civilian Staff & Associates headshots
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History revised/expanded (old History spans pages 4-6 of hardcover in revised form)
Graphic Changes: New captioned main illo and 15 new secondary illos (11 captioned); old headshots removed, 86 new ones added, as well as 57 Avengers Civilian Staff & Associates headshots, all with issues Active
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History revised/expanded (old History spans pages 6-7 of hardcover in revised form)
Graphic Changes: New captioned main illo (old one now secondary); 14 new secondary illos (11 captioned); 86 new headshots added, as well as 57 Avengers Civilian Staff & Associates headshots, all with issues Active
Mighty Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 12
Text Changes: Some revisions to Vital Statistics (mainly in terms of added of Civilian Staff & Associates); History revised and expanded (original History mostly appears in rewritten form on pages 7-9)
Graphic Changes: Main illo removed; new captioned main illo and 16 new secondary illos (12 captioned). Headshots: issue Active added; 3 headshots reapled with new ones, 3 less cropped; 80 additional new Avengers headshots added, as well as 57 Avengers Civilian Staff & Associates headshots

Avengers Headquarters & Vehicles
Avengers 2004
Was Listed As:  Avengers Mansion/Quinjets
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: First Appearances of each expanded to cover all versions, History of each completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: entire second page of old entry showing a breakdown of Avengers Mansion removed; another illo of the mansion greatly shortened but now in colour/captioned; old Quinjet illo now captioned; 20 new captioned secondary illos inc. classic Elliot R. Brown spcs for the Latham Sky-Cycle

Avengers (MC2)
All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Current and Former Members added; History has new large final paragraph
Graphic Changes: Caption removed from main illo. Headshots: Black bars and Powers removed. Jubilee removed, Sabreclaw and Warp added

Awesome Android
All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Was Listed As: Awesome Andy
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised, History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary)

Axis Mundi
All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Headshots: Abilities added, black bars removed

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History expanded. Power Grid replaced with Power Numbers
Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Zombies
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New final History paragraph, incorporating Where are They Now info
Graphic Changes: None

Alpha the Ultimate Mutant
All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence added to Abilities/Accessories. Power Grid now Power Numbers
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History expanded. Power Grid replaced with Power Numbers
Graphic Changes: None

Android Man
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics beyond First Appearance added. 4 sentences added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Arabian Knight (Hashim)
All-New A to Z Update #4
Was Listed As: Arabian Knight
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

X-Men: Messiah Complex
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Asbestos Man
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Main illo slightly more cropped

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

B.A.D. Girls, Inc.
[revisit later]
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Was: Alien Races: Badoon
Page Count: Increased from ¼ to 2
Additional Text Changes: Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old illo removed). 5 new captioned secondary illos
All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo less cropped
Sunset Bain
All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph split in 2, and second half revised
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo now captioned.

Band of the Bland
All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text Changes: new sentence at end of History
Graphic Changes: All old illos now captioned; new captioned secondary illo

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new paragraph added to History; Abilities/Accessories slightly abridged
Graphic Changes: None

Baron Mordo
All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text Changes: History a little revised
Graphic Changes: None

Baron Mordo’s Minions
Mystic Arcana
Was Listed As: Mordo’s Minions
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Baron Strucker
All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo less cropped

Baron Zemo (Heinrich)
Book of the Dead 2004
Was Listed As: Baron Zemo
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: 11 new secondary illos (10 sharing one caption)

Baron Zemo (Helmut)
All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Was Listed As: Baron Zemo
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and History revised/expanded, Distinguishing Features removed, Abilities/Accessories revised
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed); old secondary illos now captioned; 3 new captioned secondary illos

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Baroness Blood
Horror 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First Appearance expanded
Graphic Changes: None
All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Golden Age 2004
Split From: Super-Axis/Battle-Axis
Page Count: Originally 1 total; now 1 each
Text Changes: History completely rewritten/expanded; Known Members revised, Former Members added
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new captioned main illo and 3 captioned secondary illos
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #1
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

X-Men 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised. Strength, Speed, Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: 12 new secondary illos (6 captioned)

Benny Beckley
All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Zombies
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Yelena Belova
Women of Marvel 2005
Now Listed As:  Black Widow
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded. Power Grid Revised
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hulk 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Hair revised. Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 9 new captioned secondary illos.

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None.
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Beta Ray Bill
All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo added, one old secondary illo now captioned

Women of Marvel 2005
Now Listed As:  Maker
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old Illo removed; new main illo and 7 captioned secondary illos

Hulk 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics added (previously just First Appearance). 3 new sentences added to end of final History paragraph. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Art Credit accidentally removed. Illo no longer cropped.

Bible John
Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Big Hero 6
Teams 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned; 2 new captioned secondary illos
Marvel: Your Universe Saga (published subsequently)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Big Man
Spider-Man 2005
Was Listed As: Frederick Foswell
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Identity revised. Old final History paragraph replaced with new expanded one. Abilities/Accessories a little revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

Big Mother
Horror 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Identity revised. Abilities/Accessories a little revised
Graphic Changes: Head on main illo changed; 3 new secondary illos sharing a caption

Big Wheel
[revisit later]
X-Men 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary/reversed/captioned); 7 new captioned secondary illos (6 captioned)

Black Bolt
World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New paragraph at end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Black Box
All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation and First Appearance revised. Final History paragraph revised/expanded at end
Graphic Changes: Art Credit corrected

Black Cat
Spider-Man 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten (the former expanded, the latter abridged). Hair revised, Strength, Speed, and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 7 new secondary illos
All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: last sentence in history revised
Graphic Changes: None
Black Crow
Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Black Dragon
All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Black Fox
Golden Age 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Black Knight
Avengers 2005
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: First Appearance revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 8 new secondary illos (7 captioned)

Black Lama
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Distinguishing Feature moved to Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: Kingdom illo removed

Black Marvel
Golden Age 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

Black Panther
Avengers 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised; History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Both old illos removed; new main illo and 8 new secondary illos (3 captioned)
Marvel Knights 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised; History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 8 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Black Talon
Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo; B&W illos now colourized

Black Tarantula
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New final History paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: None

Black Widow (Voyant)
All-New A to Z #2
Was Listed As: Black Widow
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. New sentence added to end of final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None
Marvel Mystery Handbook [changes in other direction]
Was Listed As: Black Widow
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. 3rd History paragraph abridged to correct errors. Final History paragraph and Note revised/expanded. Note greatly expanded at end. Abiltiies/Accessories greatly expanded
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary/reversed)

Black Widow (Romanova)
Daredevil 2004
Was Listed As: Black Widow
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and Abilities/Accessories expanded, History revised.
Graphic Changes: Both illos removed; new main illo and 5 new secondary illos
Mighty Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Was Listed As: Black Widow
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, & Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Horror 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History slightly expanded, Height revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Blackwing (Manfredi)
All-New A to Z Update #4
Was Listed As: Blackwing
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Blackwing (Bohusk)
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse 2005
Was Listed As: Beak
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Physical Statistics as Bohusk added. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 captioned secondary illos

All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 8 total: 6 pages this volume (continues in v2)
Text Changes: This was originally an entry spread over 4 Handbooks, now it’s spread over the first two hardcovers; so greatly revised/expanded if you just count this segment, somewhat revised/expanded total
Graphic Changes: None
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Split From: Blackwulf and the Underground Legion
Hardcover Volume: 2 (Blackwulf); 12 (Legion)
Page Count: Originally 2; now 1 each
Text Changes: Both: History completely rewritten; Solo character Vital Statistics (beyond First Apperance), Physical Statistics, Abilities/Accessories added;
Graphic Changes: Blackwulf: Main illo and headshots removed; Lucian illo reworked into main illo (less cropped, background removed), then 2 new captioned; secondary illos
Marvel Knights 2005
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History: new paragraph added after 3rd, last paragraph replaced with 2 large new ones, Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Main illos replaced with new one, text removed from secondary illo, three new secondary illos (1 captioned).

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History greatly rewritten. Abilities/Accessories paragraph rewritten somewhat with two new paragraphs.
Graphic Changes: 3 secondary illos removed, 1 less cropped, 1 added

Blazing Skull
Golden Age 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, final History paragraph, and Abilities/Accessories somewhat expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

X-Men: Age of Apocalypse 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Both illos removed. New main illo with four secondary illos (2 captioned).

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3 pages
Text Changes: Group Affiliation updated. History: old final paragraph split in two, with second part expanded, followed by 3 new paragraphs, then a Note. Abilities/Accessories expanded.
Graphic Changes: One of three old illos captioned. 9 new captioned illos of suits worn by all users.

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3 pages
Text Changes: Final paragraph of History expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one still present with new caption), depowered illo removed, 9 new illos (1 with caption).
Wolverine: Weapon X Files (changes in other direction)
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Reduced from 3 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation revised. Final History paragraph replaced with new, shorter one. Weight revised. Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/abridged. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed. 1 secondary illo now captioned, 6 removed. 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Blood Brother
New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Was Listed As: Blood Brothers
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name category added. First History paragraph reworked especially at start, last paragraph revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat rewritten
Graphic Changes: Illo no longer cropped

Wolverine 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised, History heavily revised, Abilities/Accessories revised and incorporates Special Limitations
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

Elsa Bloodstone
Horror 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Group Affiliation updated, 2nd History paragraph expanded, 5 new History paragraphs. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: New main illo (original now secondary).

Ulysses Bloodstone
Book of the Dead 2004
Now Listed As: Bloodstone
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None other than Distinguishing Features removal
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New final paragraph added to History
Graphic Changes: None

Blue Diamond
Golden Age 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new final History sentence
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos added

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Original illo captioned (still main), 4 new illos (3 captioned)

Bella Donna Boudreaux
All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph expanded
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo added

Jamie Braddock
X-Men 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded. Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos

Betty Brant
Spider-Man 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. Revisions to Final 2 History paragraphs. Abilities/Accessories expanded. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Members expanded. Final History paragraph removed and two new paragraphs added.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo removed, 3 new captioned secondary illos added
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Was Listed As: Alien Races: Brood
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from ¼ to 2
Additional Text Changes: None. Note that Skin is carried over but there is no Hair category even in the hardcover
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old illo removed). 3 new captioned secondary illos
Marvel: Your Universe Saga (changes in other direction)
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Last History paragraph on the 1st page slightly expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Brother Voodoo
Horror 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation/Group Affiliation revised. End of last History paragraph revised, then new paragraph added.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo removed, 2 new secondary illos added.

Teams 2005
Derived from one paragraph from Brotherhood of Mutants; has main illo and 17 headshots with abilities

Brotherhood of Mutants
Teams 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Current/Former members merged as Known Members. First History paragraph a bit rewritten. Two paragraphs on the second page (both books) merged. Final paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: Captions added to both illos. New secondary illo with caption added, followed by 45 new headshots indicating when first active.

Brothers Grimm
New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories entirely rewritten. Physical stats now include Dolly and the mannequins.
Graphic Changes: 4 new captioned illos (two Mr. Doll illos share the same caption)

Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph reworked from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Dialogue removed from illos, secondary illo cropped.

All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo added

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None.
Graphic Changes: Main illo removed, replaced with new one (captioned as per old one)

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: 3rd History paragraph revised, new final paragraph added
Graphic Changes: Microns illo removed, two new captioned illos added.

Daredevil 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded. Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: 7 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. Old History greatly revised/expanded, then 2 new final paragraphs with Where are They Now info.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

John Bushmaster
All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: captioned Power Master illo added

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New paragraph added to History.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and new secondary illo

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final History paragraph expanded, new sentence added to Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: None

Baroness S’Bak
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Background removed from main illo; 3 secondary illos removed, 1 cropped

Beasts of Berlin
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded, with paragraphs merged, including info from Where are They Now
Graphic Changes: Old illo captioned; new secondary illo

Black Brother
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo colourized, full bodyshot, background and dialogue removed. Illo of Belle added.

Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: First History paragraph tweaked. New line added to Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo uncropped with caption added

Alexander Bont
All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories a bit revised
Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Zombies
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Moira Brandon
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Bug-Eyed Voice
All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Bull’s Eye
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New final History paragraph with info from Where are They Now
Graphic Changes: None

Cabal of Scrier
All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: “deceased” removed throughout Former Members. Last 2 History paragraphs merged, revised at end.
Graphic Changes: None

X-Men 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly (not entirely) revised and expanded. Abilities/Accessories revised, Power Grid tweaked.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed) and 16 new secondary illos (8 captioned)

Cable/Askani World
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants expanded, History completely revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned with captioned secondary illo. 42 new headshots with occupations and first appearances.

Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st History paragraph expanded/merged with 2nd. Abilities/Accessories slightly expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Luke Cage
Marvel Knights 2005
Was Listed As: Cage
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories almost completely revised.
Graphic Changes: Both illos removed, replaced with new main illo and 4 new secondary illos.
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Was Listed As: Power Man
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, and Abilities/Accessories heavily revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo with old one now a secondary illo. Other illo removed but three new secondary illos added.

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Real Name revised, History almost completely revised/expanded, Abilities/Accessories: new sentence added at end.
Graphic Changes: 6 new secondary illos (2 captioned

Caiera the Oldstrong
World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New final paragraph at end of History.
Graphic Changes: Main and “wedding” illos removed; new main illo, X-Force illo now captioned, 3 new captioned illos
All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation and Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary illo), old secondary illo removed, 2 new captioned secondary illos.

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Left hand now visible

Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Background and foreground removed from main illo, leaving just Cammi himself; secondary illos removed

X-Men 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives expanded. Final History paragraph revised and new one added. Info from former Paraphernalia category removed.
Graphic Changes: secondary illo removed; 10 new secondary illos (8 captioned)

Captain America (Rogers)
Avengers 2004
Was Listed As: Captain America
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 8
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded; History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Both old illos removed; new main illo and 11 new secondary illos (9 captioned)
Golden Age 2004
Was Listed As: Captain America
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 8
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now secondary illo); 10 new secondary illos (9 captioned)
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Was Listed As: Captain America
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 8
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 11 new secondary illos (9 captioned)
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Was Listed As: Nomad
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 8
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one still present in slightly modified format). Secondary illo removed, 11 illos added.
All-New A to Z Update #2
Was Listed As: Captain America
Page Count: Unchanged at 8
Text Changes: Aliases tweaked.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.
Captain America (Barnes)
Book of the Dead 2004
Was Listed As:  Bucky
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3.
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: old illo removed; new main illo and 5 new secondary illos (2 captioned)
Golden Age 2004
Was Listed As:  Bucky
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Height, Weight, Hair revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now captioned secondary illo); 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned)
All-New A to Z #12
Was Listed As:  Winter Soldier
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary); old secondary illos removed. 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned)
Marvel: Your Universe Saga (published subsequently)
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Captain Britain
X-Men 2005
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed, 7 added (2 captioned).

Captain Marvel
Book of the Dead 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilites/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: old illo removed; new main illo and 6 new secondary illos (2 captioned, 3 more sharing a caption)
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 6 new secondary illos (3 sharing captioned, 2 more captioned)
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised; History and Abilities/Accessories heavily Revised and expanded
Graphic Changes: Main illo and one secondary illo removed; new main illo and five new secondary illos
All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. End of first paragraph of original third page change and remaining paragraphs heavily revised. New paragraph added to Abilities/Accessories and teleporter error removed from Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Captain Omen
World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Captain U.K.
All-New A to Z #2
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo altered and credit removed. 2 new secondary illos (one captioned)

Captain Ultra
All-New A to Z #2
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics a little revised. History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one still present, but flipped and captioned), old secondary illo removed, 2 new secondary illos.

Captain Universe
All-New A to Z #2
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text Changes: new final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos. Many recipients illos blown up to focus more on face, with Casey and Phalanx added; black bars removed

Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 3 new captioned secondary illos.

Spider-Man 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. New final paragraph added to end of History. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised. Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)
New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo removed, three new ones added (two captioned)

Spider-Man 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories a little revised. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: old secondary illo no longer cropped. 4 new captioned secondary illos (3 being headshots).

Sharon Carter
Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics a little revised. History considerably revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 Main illo removed; new main illo with 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Black Tom Cassidy
All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: final History paragraph tweaked, then new one added, Abilities/Accessories revised and a little expanded, Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text Changes: new final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: Arishem illos replaced with captioned Dreaming Celestial illo

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo removed, 2 new ones

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Long History paragraph split in two; the new second paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo cropped; new captioned secondary illo

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: Expanded from 1 to 2 pages
Text Changes: First Appearance expanded, new sentence added to end of History and Abilities Accessories.
Graphic Changes: No illo now stands out as main one (the one that was now cropped), all illos now captioned, original Cerebro illo decropped, 12 new illos, including the Elliot Brown stats from v1#15.

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo. Credit to main illo changed.


Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (7/13/2020 5:38 am)

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     Thread Starter

7/11/2020 8:37 am  #11

Re: List of Changes in Hardcovers: The Complete Collection

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation, and last two History paragraphs revised.
Graphic Changes: Unmasked shot added.

Spider-Man 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Final History paragraph revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos

All-New A to Z #4
Now Listed As: Fallen One
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases tweaked, end of final History paragraph revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Champions (of Los Angeles)
Teams 2005
Now Listed As: Champions of Los Angeles
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned. Two new secondary illos with captions added as well as 10 headshots added indicating when first active.

Champions (of Xandar)
Teams 2005
Now Listed As: Champions of Xandar
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History largely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: new headshots with captions added for Diamondhead and Nova.

Book of the Dead 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases revised. After 1st paragraph, History rewritten. Other than the former Paraphernalia paragraph, Abilities/Accessories rewritten.
Graphic Changes: new headshot

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: None

Lila Cheney
All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: None.

China Force
All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 3rd History paragraph revised, Note added.
Graphic Changes: Black bars removed from headshots

Amadeus Cho
World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Aliases expanded. History mostly revised and expanded. New sentence at end of Abilities/Accessories. Power numbers replaced with Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: None

Chondu the Mystic
Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo now captioned

All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Chronomancer`s World
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned illo of Chronokeep. 35 new headshots with occupations and first appearances.

Horror 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives/First Appearance revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Physical stats added.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one cropped/captioned as secondary illo), 3 new captioned secondary illos.
Circus of Crime
All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Current/Former members revised.
Graphic Changes: Main caption now indicates first appearances. Shot of Ringmaster and Princess Python removed and replaced with full body shots of each with first appearances. 3 illos less cropped than before. Two more illos have captions added, one with first appearances. Headshots expanded from 11 to 21 (mostly to depict Golden Age members) with first appearances and role added.

Citizen V (Watkins)
Golden Age 2004
Was Listed As: Citizen V
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Citizen V (Watkins)
[revisit later]
Clan Destine
All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Current/Deceased members expanded a little. A few History revisions including but not limited to final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Thaddeus added to headshots.

Stuart Clarke
New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Was Listed As: Rampage
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo and secondary illo. Original main illo now a captioned secondary illo. Original secondary illo now captioned.

Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Power Grid tweaked.
Graphic Changes: 6 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Marvel Knights 2005
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation updated. Final 2 History paragraphs replaced by new ones. Power Grid tweaked.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final history paragraph revised/expanded from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Dialogue removed from illos, secondary illo cropped.

Code: Blue
All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new final paragraph added at end of History.
Graphic Changes: 9 headshots with First Appearances added.

Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Kasper Cole
All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives tweaked, end of final History paragraph revised with new paragraph added
Graphic Changes: None

The Collective
Mighty Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Collective Man
All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: first History paragraph split in 2, final paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo captioned, new captioned secondary illo of old suit

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text/Graphic Changes: None

X-Men 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation revised. Last History paragraph removed, 2nd last revised and expanded, 2 new paragraphs added. Abilities/Accessories revised.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo captioned, 8 added (5 captioned).

Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Statistics revised and expanded, including info on new team. History: Final paragraph removed; paragraph before that incorporates info from Where are they Now?; 2 New paragraphs added, the first one also having info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Group shot removed. Moon Knight removed from headshots. 16 additional headshots formatted as per the older ones; a few characters renamed in headshots.

Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History paragraph rewritten and new paragraph added incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Images colourized and dialogue removed. Main image cropped and new illo added.

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded. Note added. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo removed, 3 new ones added.

All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Contest of Champions
All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos
New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Val Cooper
X-Men: The 198 Files
Was Listed As: Val Cooper
Text Changes: Known Aliases now Aliases. Current Position revised as Occupation. Identity, Group Affiliation, Abilities/Accessories, Power Grid added. History completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed. New main illo and new secondary illo.
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary shot of her as Domino

Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Former Members expanded. First History paragraph has Silvermane info from Where Are They Now?; material from latter incorporated into new final paragraph. Graphic Changes: Moonstone and Veil added to headshots; Ayala and Maris headshots colourized. Dialogue removed and captions added to bottom right shot of Captain America, Hulk et al.

Alternate Universes 2005
Was Now Listed As: The Corps
Page Count: increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Current/Former Members expanded, History completely revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 72 illos of members in two grids, with names first appearances listed below the second grid.

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History paragraph after 1st and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Fabian Cortez
Book of the Dead 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Special Limitations heading removed (wasn’t really a limitation regardless). Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Cosmic Cube
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Somewhat revised; revisions including splitting of paragraphs and new text starting on page 2 and continuing thereon here and there.
Graphic Changes: One illo removed (headshot of Kubik), 10 new captioned illos added (including two new headshots and a replacement Kubik illo)

All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Council of Godheads
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Page Count: Reduced from 3 to 1
Text Changes: Pictured and Not Pictured revised as Prominent Members. Base of Operations revised. History considerably revised/abridged.
Graphic Changes: New illo replaced old ones.

Count Abyss
All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Count Nefaria
Avengers 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None beyond the aforementioned Distinguishing Features
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo less cropped; 2 new captioned secondary illos
New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded (closer to an earlier, more detailed earlier entry – Avengers 2005)
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Counter-Earth (High Evolutionary)
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Four new captioned illos (2 with First Appearances) plus 30 headshots with First Appearances.

Counter-Earth (Franklin Richards)
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants/Locations increased. History completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned illo plus 21 headshots with First Appearances.

The Crazy Eight
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 4 new captioned headshots.

Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Graydon Creed
Book of the Dead 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories revised. Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History greatly revised with info from Where are They Now. Final sentence added to Abilites/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo differently cropped. Secondary illo now captioned; new captioned secondary illo.

Crimson Commando
Golden Age 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories greatly revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary)

Crimson Cowl
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new sentence at end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Crimson Dynamo
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics other than First Appearance (itself abridged) replaced with Known Members and Base of Operations. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Physical Stats added for 5 additional armor wearers.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned secondary; New captioned main illo and 12 captioned secondary illos.
All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Final and 3rd last paragraphs of History revised, new paragraph added at end
Graphic Changes: new captioned illo of Mark VII armour
All-New Iron Manual (Note: Hardcover entry preceded the Iron Manual by one week)
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text/Graphic Changes: None
Appendix: Glossary
All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 8 total: 2 pages this volume (continued from v1)
Text Changes: This was originally an entry spread over 4 Handbooks, now it’s spread over the first two hardcovers; so greatly revised/expanded if you just count this segment, somewhat revised/expanded total
Graphic Changes: None
Appendix: Omniverse: A Glossary of Terms
New 1 1/3-page entry
Appendix: Core Continuum Designations
Alternate Universes 2005
Was Listed As: Appendix
Page Count: increased from 1 to 14 2/3 total; 5 2/3 this volume; spans v2-5
Text Changes: Lots of new Earths listed including ones seen in role-playing game modules, descriptions added to many previously listed Earths.
Graphic Changes: None.
Crimson Dynamo (Gavrilov)
All-New A to Z #3
Was Listed As: Crimson Dynamo
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo now captioned.

Crooked World
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: New sentence added to first History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: 10 new illos numbered to correspond to a newly added key, plus five unnumbered headshots. Main illo also numbered.

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised and expanded. Hair revised
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: First 2 History paragraphs merged; Where are They Now? Info incorporated into final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Crusader (Blackwood)
New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Was Listed As: Crusader
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First History paragraph split in 2. Final History paragraph and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo replaced with new one.

Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Former Members have more alter egos. History completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Dialogue, extraneous characters and most of the background removed from the main illo. Dyna-Mite illo replaced with new one. Tommy Lighting illo has story caption removed and is now properly identified. New image identified as Alfie added.

Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History mostly revised and expanded. New sentence added at end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History tweaked.
Graphic Changes: None

Jaine Cutter
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2nd History paragraph tweaked, final paragraph replaced with new one.
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped. New captioned secondary illo

Wolverine 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Speed and Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Original illo now secondary. New main illo, 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First Appearance expanded. History somewhat expanded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

X-Men 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation revised. Some History paragraphs merged; later History paragraphs as well as Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 13 secondary illos added (6 captioned). Classic Eliot Brown Visor specs from added.

Book of the Dead 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation expanded. Last History paragraph has one sentence removed, then expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: First appearance tweaked. History paragraphs merged.
Graphic Changes: Illo tilted a bit to the left

Captain America (Revolutionary War)
All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Captain Axis
World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Hair tweaked, Power Numbers revised
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Hair and Power Numbers revised
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

O. Z. Chase
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos cropped

All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Monsters
Was Listed As: Chytlok the Che-k’n Kah
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: 1st paragraph removed; 2nd Paragraph heavily revised to form the two History paragraphs. 3rd paragraph revised to form the Abilities/Accessories paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now coloured

All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo added.

Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Collective Intelligence
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old illo captioned; new captioned secondary illo

Colossus (Super-Computer)
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics beyond First Appearance added. History mostly revised
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Colossus (Vegan)
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories tweaked
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: End of History revised
Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real name and Citizenship identified. Note added
Graphic Changes: Illo no longer obscured by energy

Crazy Eight
All-New A to Z #2
Page Count: unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo now captioned

Crimson Mage
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Note tweaked to incorporate info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: None

Crusader (Z’Reg)
All-New A to Z Update #3
Was Listed As: Crusader
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. New sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real name identified. History greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded
Graphic Changes: 4 secondary illos added (3 captioned).

Daily Bugle
Spider-Man 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. First Appearance removed.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; 6 new illos (4 captioned) followed by 72 headshots with first appearances
Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: History almost completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 6 new illos (4 captioned). In headshots, Laurie Lynton no longer listed as deceased, McTeer now Mike instead of J.J., Peter Parker no longer listed as “former”.
X-Men: Messiah Complex
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name, Known Relatives, and Abilities/Accessories revised. New info added to end of History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None
Wolverine: Weapon X Files (changes in other direction)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Marvel Zombies
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

X-Men 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised and expanded. Final Hisory paragraph expanded. Abilities/Accessories revised/reduced. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Danger Room illo captioned, no longer overlaps main illo

Daredevil 2004
Page Count: Increased from 5 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History: 3rd and 4th paragraphs merged; starting from paragraph reading “Foggy hired…” changes become a lot more extensive, though a lot of old material still present. Last two pages of new History text all new, but all new text shows up throughout. Abilities/Accessories also interweaves a lot of old and new text. Strength decreased, Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old Matt Murdock illo removed, replaced with new one and 9 other new secondary illos (all captioned, though 2 share the caption). The Eliot R. Brown-drawn Daredevil’s Billy Club entry from #15 of original series added.
Marvel Knights 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 6
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Education tweaked. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Energy Projection on Power Grid increased
Graphic Changes: Original illo replaced with new main illo, 11 secondary illos (8 captions, with 1 caption referring to 2 illos). Eliot Brown-drawn Billy Club entry from original series#15 added.
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo replaced with new one. One secondary illo captioned, the other removed; classic Eliot R. Brown Billy Club diagram added; 10 additional new secondary illos (7 captioned)

Dark Angel
Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2 (note that a misprint starts half way into the entry, then both parts appear together once the misprint ends)
Text Changes: Aliases tweaked. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised and expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Dark Beast
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics heavily revised/expanded. History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely revised. Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and secondary illo

Dark Gods
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Dark Rider
Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Dark Riders
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History expanded.
Graphic Changes: First Appearance, Abilities, black bars removed from headshots.

Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Where are They Now? Info added to second History paragraph; new final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History slightly expanded, at least in second paragraph. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Left arm now a bit cut of in main illo.

Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. New large History paragraph added incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Two secondary illos removed, one captioned secondary illo added.

Marvel Zombies
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: First History paragraph split in 2; final paragraph revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: 9 new captioned illos (5 with first appearances). Other headshots with first appearances increased from 15 to 18.

Darkhold Redeeemers
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: 2nd last old History paragraph expanded; new final paragraph added. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

X-Men: Messiah Complex
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Days of Futures Past
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants expanded. History mostly revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo removed, replaced with 2 new ones (1 captioned).

Dazzler (Worthington)
All-New A to Z #3
Was Listed As: Dazzler
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Dazzler (Blaire)
Women of Marvel 2005
Now Listed As: Dazzler
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded. Hair revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed, reaplced with new main illo and 3 secondary illos (1 captioned).
X-Men: Messiah Complex
Now Listed As: Dazzler
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Final History sentence slightly expanded
Graphic Changes: None
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: One caption moved to proper illo and new caption added.

Dead Girl
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph split in 2 and second half expanded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Deadly Dozen
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Dialogue and red line removed from main illo, new secondary illo.

Deadly Ernest
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History a little revised, with new final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Wolverine 2004
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely revised and expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely revised.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo removed, 5 captioned new ones added.
Wolverine: Weapon X Files (changes in other direction)
Page Count: Reduced from 4 to 3
Text Changes: Identity, Group Affiliation revised. History greatly revised/abridged. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 4 secondary illos removed

Karolina Dean
Women of Marvel 2005
Was Listed As: Lucy in the Sky
Page Count: unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Aliases revised. Education clarified. History and Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New sentence added at end of History and end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: None

Death Metal
All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Death Wreck
[revisit later]
All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

[revisit later]
Deathlok (Manning)
Alternate Universes 2005
Was Listed As: Deathlok
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: New final History paragraph added (i.e. before the Note). Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Original illo modified (mainly leg positions). 3 classic Eliot Brown diagrams added (original bionics, skull, gun), plus 3 more illos added (2 captioned).

Deathlok (Collins)
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final sentence removed from History but new final paragraph added. Strength revised. New captioned secondary illo (“Current Cyborg Form”; possibly inaccurate if he’s no longer a cyborg).
Graphic Changes: None

Deathlok (Truman & Young)
All-New A to Z #3
Was Listed As: Deathlok (M-Tech)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added at end of History.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos.

Death’s Head (FPA)
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History sentence removed, replaced with 2 new sentences. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo captioned, no longer cropped; new captioned secondary illo.

Death’s Head (Minion)
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo, 9 captioned new headshots.

Death’s Head (Warguard)
All-New A to Z Update #1
Now Listed As: Death’s Head 3.0
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History completely revised and expanded, no longer shorter than the Note following it. Power Grid added
Graphic Changes: 3 secondary illos (2 being parts diagrams)

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First two History paragraphs split in 2 and expanded; final two paragraphs merged and expanded. New sentence added at end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo replaced with new one.

All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 3 new captioned headshots.
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #2
Was Listed As: Chamber
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Final two History sentences replaced with extensive next text, then a new paragraph. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Durability and Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now captioned secondary illo). Old secondary illos removed; 7 new secondary illos (6 captioned)

Teams 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised and expanded. History completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo, 4 new secondary illos (all captioned), 48 new headshots with issues joined
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Initial History paragraphs somewhat revised, many new paragraphs added.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (original still present as captioned secondary shot. 3 new captioned secondary illos. The old 20 headshots completely replaced with 48 new ones with Active stats (some characters dropped as not true members).
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and especially History revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old illo captioned), 3 more captioned illos plus 48 headshots with Active issues added.

Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Now Listed As: Infant Terrible
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Old History paragraph greatly revised and expanded; 2 new final paragraphs with Where are They Now info. Note added. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary)

Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First History paragraph revised.
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First two History paragraphs merged, new sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: None
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½.
Text Changes: Aliases, Group Affiliation, First Appearance revised. Place of Birth, Education tweaked. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/the former abridged.
Graphic Changes: Old illos replaced with new one.

Demolition Man
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation tweaked. History completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illos coloured, dialogue and some backgrounds removed

Marvel Zombies
Page Count: Increased from 8 to 9
Text Changes: History paragraph beginning “Demons of the third class…” merged with previous paragraph (some additional rewriting) including new sentence at end. New sentence at end of paragraph starting with “Certain demons feed…” Final two paragraphs merged. List of unpictured demons revised.
Graphic Changes: Four new illos with first appearances. First appearances added to three existing captions. Headshots expanded from 120 to 150 (note that some headshots were removed because their first appearance is in the earlier illos.

All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Last History paragraph tweaked.
Graphic Changes: None

Desert Sword
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Destiny (Destine)
Book of the Dead 2004
Was Listed As: Destiny
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Identity revised. History heavily revised. Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 5 secondary illos added (2 captioned)

Destiny (Adler)
Book of the Dead 2004
Was Listed As: Destiny
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics heavily revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Eyes and Hair revised. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Destroyer  (Marlow/Aubrey)
Golden Age 2004
Now Listed As: Destroyer
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Group Affiliation, First Appearance revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Right hand now visible in original illo. 5 captioned secondary illos added.

All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 4
Text Changes: Final History paragraph revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Black bars removed from headshots
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Now Listed As: The Deviants
Page Count: Reduced from 4 to 1
Text Changes: Prominent Members reduced/sub-categories removed. First Appearance revised. Traits considerably revised/expanded. History mostly revised/abridged.
Graphic Changes: New illo; headshots removed
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New final History paragraph. Speed on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories expanded.
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed

Jean DeWolff
Spider-Man 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First History paragraph tweaked
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Diamond Lil
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation slightly expanded. Last sentence in History replaced with new one.
Graphic Changes: None

Diamondback (Leighton)
All-New A to Z #3
Was Listed As: Diamondback
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Last two History paragraphs expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph split in two and second half expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Spider-Man 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Education revised. Abilities/Accessories slightly revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None
Marvel: Your Universe Saga (published subsequently)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Dimension of Manifestations
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New large captioned secondary illo added.

District X
Marvel Knights 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Final sentence in History expanded and new final paragraph added.
Graphic Changes: Original illo cropped at bottom left. Map added. 34 headshots with First Appearances added.

Doc Samson
Hulk 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Last History paragraph heavily expanded, new paragraph added. Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo removed, replaced with new one. 2 new secondary illos

Doctor Demonicus
New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Was Listed As: Dr. Demonicus
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History mostly revised and expanded. Note added. Distinguishing Features incorporated into Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: New unmasked illo. 8 illos of monsters (7 captioned, Gojira uncaptioned for legal reasons).

Doctor Doom
Fantastic Four 2005
Page Count: unchanged at 4
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, final History paragraph expanded
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Doctor Doom’s Generals
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Lancer illo replaced with new one.

Doctor Druid
Golden Age 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos.

Doctor Faustus
All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs merged; ditto 4th and 5th; final paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Doctor Glitternight
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History completely revised.
Graphic Changes: Background removed from main illo, new captioned secondary shot.

Doctor Nemesis
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Doctor Octopus
Spider-Man 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Group Affiliation revised. Final History paragraph revised (last sentence removed, then paragraph greatly expanded). Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary/tilted to the left a little). Old secondary illo removed, 3 new ones added plus 2 captioned classic Eliot R. Brown diagrams

Doctor Strange
Marvel Knights 2005
Page Count: Increased from 4 to 5
Text Changes: History paragraph starting with “During his years of study…” split in 2 and expanded; new sentence added at end of one starting with “Weeks later…”; last sentence of final paragraph removed and new material added; 2 new paragraphs added; there might be more changes to history that I’m overlooking.
Graphic Changes: New main illo; old one reversed and new secondary. Old secondary illo rmoved, 7 new ones added (3 captioned)
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed. New main illo and 8 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Dominic Fortune
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: In History, watching newsreels bit removed, final paragraph revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo captioned, 1 removed; 2 new captioned secondary illos added.

Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded. Hair revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Occupation and Group Affiliation revised. All History paragraphs merged except the last sentence which starts the new lengthy final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories expanded.

Milla Donovan
Daredevil 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely revised. Abilities/Accessories a little reduced. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Doomsday Man
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary illo). Old secondary illo removed; 3 new secondary illos added (2 captioned).

All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Spider-Man 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Dorma (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Book of the Dead 2004
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives expanded. History somewhat revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: None
Marvel Mystery Handbook [changes in other direction]
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First Appearance revised. Final 2 History paragraphs merged
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Nadia Dornova
Hulk 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 3rd and 4th History paragraphs merged, final paragraph greatly expanded. Note added.
Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Horror 2005
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: In History, events of 1890-1898 heavily expanded upon in multiple paragraphs; paragraph starting with “A later explosion…” replaced with 3 new paragraphs; two new final paragraphs.
Graphic Changes: 6 new secondary illos (2 captioned).
Dragon Circle
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Members revised, History completely revised, incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Largest illo heavily cropped.

Dragon Man
All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: End of final History paragraph revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Damon Dran
All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: More of body visible in main illo. One secondary illo captioned, the other resized and recoloured and thus easier to see.

All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Final History paragraph greatly expanded
Graphic Changes: None
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Was Listed as: Drax the Destroyer
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo replaced with new one. 1 secondary illo cropped, 1 de-cropped, 2 removed.

Dream Weaver
Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New final History paragraph added.
Graphic Changes: None

Dredmund the Druid
Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st 5 History paragraphs merged; final 3 paragraphs merged. Intelligence on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo of Starwolf

All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: End of History revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos.

Horror 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Physical stats added. Strength/Durability on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Jean-Paul Duchamp
All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Timothy “Dum Dum” Dugan
All-New Iron Manual
Was Listed As: Dum Dum Dugan
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

[revisit later]
Horror 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Height revised.
Graphic Changes: Original illo reversed. 2 new secondary illos.

Danger Man
All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Eyes and Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Known Relatives tweaked
Graphic Changes: None

Death’s Head
Legacy: 1960s
Now Listed As: Death’s Head (Page)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New final History paragraph with Where are They Now info
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Johnny Dee
X-Men: Messiah Complex
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History tweaked.
Graphic Changes: Right hand no longer visible in original illo; new secondary illo.

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Now Listed As: Destroyer (Stanton)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Devil’s Heart
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illos cropped, story captions removed.

Diamondback (Stryker)
All-New A to Z Update #1
Was Listed As: Diamondback
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Diamondback (Bertrand)
Marvel: Your Universe Saga (published subsequently)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Doctor Strange (Carlo)
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Was Listed As: Dr. Strange
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name and History tweaked.
Graphic Changes: None

Divinity Drake
Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Known Relatives tweaked
Graphic Changes: None

Alternate Universes 2005
Was Listed As: Earth A
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 3rd and 4th History paragraphs merged. New paragraph added to and of History.
Graphic Changes: Captions added to illos. Main illo cropped.

Earth X
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main and secondary illo replaced with new main illo and 8 secondary illos (1 captioned, the rest, including the main illo numbered to correspond with newly added key).

Daredevil 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Final History paragraph revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Ethan Edwards
All-New A to Z #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Final History paragraph expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos
Book of the Dead 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Height abridged
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: End of one History paragraph mildly reworded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: one secondary illo’s background now white
El Dorado
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Was Listed As: Forbidden Land
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History completely revised.
Graphic Changes: One illo removed, one cropped differently, three added (2 captioned).

Spider-Man 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. Final History paragraph removed and replaced with new one. Hair revised
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped. 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)
[Revisit later]
All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Elements of Doom
All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Appendix: Core Continuum Designations
Alternate Universes 2005
Was Listed As: Appendix
Page Count: increased from 1 to 14 2/3 total; 3 this volume; spans v2-5
Text Changes: Lots of new Earths listed including ones seen in role-playing game modules, descriptions added to many previously listed Earths.
Graphic Changes: None.
Elf with a Gun
All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: 3rd paragraph added to Note
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now shows open eyes. New secondary illo

Holly-Ann Ember
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: New illo now secondary and vice versa. Main illo (in hardcover) background removed. Secondary illo (in hardcover) now captioned.

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Penance removed as possible Known Relative
Graphic Changes: None

Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Original illo no longer cropped; 2 new captioned secondary illos.
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Page Count: Reduced from 2 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/abridged
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed
Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: 1st History paragraph expended, end of final paragraph greatly expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo no longer shows Big Man nor Spider-Man; new headshot shows Ox’s new look. Dialogue removed from Inner Circle illo but caption added.

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final History paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation expanded. New final paragraph added to History
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo added as Steckley

Eric the Red
All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo added

All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Eternal Brain
All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Walkabout illo removed and replaced with new captioned illo; new captioned illo of Homunculus form
Marvel Mystery Handbook [changes in other direction]
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Note revised
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 4
Text Changes: Base of Operations expanded. Additional History material weaves in and out of old material, including new paragraphs.
Graphic Changes: New captioned illo of Uni-Mind. Headshots: First appearances still listed but “First appearance:” caption removed; not read left to right rather than up to down; illo updated for Ajax; Ajax, Forgotten One no longer deceased; new headshots for Kazantra, Legba.
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Was Listed As: Alien Races: Titans [Eternals of Titan]
Page Count: Increased from ¼ to 4
Additional Text Changes: Height, Eyes, Hair not carried over.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. 2 new illos (one captioned). 45 new headshots with occupations and first appearances
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Now Listed As: The Eternals
Page Count: Reduced from 4 to 1
Text Changes: Prominent Members reduced/sub-categories removed. First Appearance revised. Traits completely rewritten/expanded. History mostly revised/abridged.
Graphic Changes: New illo; old illos including headshots removed

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History paragraph expanded, Power Grid added.
Graphic Changes: None

Teams 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: More alter egos added to Current Members. Base of Operations revised. History greatly revised and expanded (some original text still present, particularly final paragraph).
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed, replaced with 7 captioned new illos.

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First 2 History paragraphs: text added, split at different spot in narrative.
Graphic Changes: None
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 8 new captioned secondary illos. 13 new illos utilizing a number key

Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised and expanded, with Former Members replaced with Members and each category broken down into the different incarnations. Final History paragraph removed, then the first full paragraph on the 3rd page moves on to the text from the Messiah Complex volume
Graphic Changes: Original illos now captioned. 7 new captioned secondary illos.
X-Men: Messiah Complex
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Team stats completely revised/expanded, covering other incarnations of the team as well. Old History n0w begins on 3rd page of current History, with some tweaking to what was the first paragraph to make it flow better from the new text. New sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: One illo removed, 6 new captioned illos

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: 2nd History paragraph split in 2 and revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo, old main illo removed. Black bars removed from headshots

Exiles (WW2)
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Was Listed As: Exiles
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known members expanded (mostly first names added). New text added to end of 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs (latter incorporating info from Where are They Now?).
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

X-Men: Age of Apocalypse 2005
Was Listed As: The Exiles
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: Vital Statistics added. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed inc. headshots; 7 new illos (6 captioned); 24 new headshots of main team plus 7 headshots of the Wolverine Squad, 6 of the Earth-33629 team, 5 of the Earth-91172 team; all headshots have issue active; deceased characters are noted as such in the headshots
Teams 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: Current Members and Base of Operations revised. Other member categories added. History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original illo removed, 6 new captioned illos followed by 42 headshots covering 4 versions of the team, all with issues Active.
X-Men: Messiah Complex
Split From: Exiles (other entry split off was Weapon X)
Page Count: Originally 3 total; now 5 this entry
Text Changes: Members lists completely revised, updating current/former members, adding Earth numbers, removing Weapon X, and adding. references to Earth-33629 and 91172 teams; History largely but not completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 5 new captioned illos added; Headshots for Weapon X removed but headshots for the 2 Earths above added; Alter egos removed from headshots; Shadowcat-Unrevealed amended to Cat-Unrevealed. Gambit-6706 added.
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation expanded. 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs merged, final paragraph replaced with new one incorporating infro from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: New main illo, old main illo now secondary, old secondary illo removed.

Eye Killers
Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo no longer cropped, now new main illo; old main illo now secondary illo (image reversed); onomatopoeia removed from other secondary illo.

Spider-Man 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories now past tense
Graphic Changes: None

Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Feet no longer cropped out of illo

Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: secondary illo removed

Faceless One
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories somewhat expanded, the former incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Background removed from main illo. Omni-Ship illo removed.

Faceless Ones
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Physical Stats added. History completely revised, incorporating details from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Factor Three
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Members and Base of Operations expanded (in former case, adding alter egos). New final History paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: New Sonny Baredo headshot. Two new captioned illos.

Avengers 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Some Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (original illo still present as secondary illo). 11 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Fallen One
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st History paragraph split in 2 (second paragraph somewhat rewritten); 2 sentences added to end of 2nd paragraph. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo background removed but body no longer cropped; one secondary illos less cropped; other 3 secondary illos removed

Fantastic Five (MC2)
All-New A to Z Update #1
Was Listed As: Fantastic Five
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current and Former members revised. Final History paragraph revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original main illo removed, replaced with new captioned one. 8 new captioned secondary illos.

Fantastic Five (Spider-Man)
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None
Fantastic Force
Teams 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Original illo captioned. 3 Headshots with issues joined added.

Fantastic Four
Fantastic Four 2005
Page Count: increased from 3 to 5
Text Changes: Team Stats revised and expanded, including large section on Employees. History greatly expanded; initially text more or less untouched, with 2 paragraphs merged; starting on 3rd page, text starts to diverge more from the original text, with some text embedded within existing paragraphs, new paragraphs added even before post-2004 material, existing paragraphs rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo, 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned by Handbook writers with a 4th captioned as originally printed). 30 headshots with issues joined (21 members, 29 employees)
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 5
Text Changes: Team Stats and History completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Two illos removed (including Baxter Building cross section), 5 illos (3 captioned) plus 30 headshots added (13 members and 17 employees).
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 5
Text Changes: Team Stats and History completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Both illos dropped, 6 illos (3 captioned) plus 30 headshots added (13 members and 17 employees).
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 5
Text Changes: Team Stats and History completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Two illos dropped (including HQ), remaining illo captioned, 5 illos (2 captioned) plus 30 headshots added (13 members and 17 employees).
X-Men 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo less cropped.

Father Time
All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 3rd History paragraph expanded slightly to reference Twelve#1
Graphic Changes: Main and secondary illos replaced with new ones (both now face forward rather than to the left)

Fathom Five
All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Femme Fatales
All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Physical Stats and Power Numbers added for each member
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (7/13/2020 6:06 am)

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     Thread Starter

7/11/2020 8:37 am  #12

Re: List of Changes in Hardcovers: The Complete Collection

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History greatly revised and expanded (a fair amount of original text still present).
Graphic Changes: 12 headshots of foes with first appearances added.

Golden Age 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of 2nd History paragraph, 3 new sentences added to end of 4th paragraph.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos added.

Fin Fang Foom
Golden Age 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and Physical Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned).
Marvel Monsters
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: History completely rewritten. Note added
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo and 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Avengers 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Some Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Note added.
Graphic Changes: 3 new captioned secondary illos

Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo background removed but body/staff no longer cropped; one secondary illo less cropped; other 3 secondary illos removed, new secondary illo added.

All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Note added.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

First Line
Teams 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Original illo captioned. 18 new captioned secondary illos

Richard Fisk
All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: First Appearance expanded to cover various identities.
Graphic Changes: None

Vanessa Fisk
Daredevil 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Last 2 sentences of History removed, but new large final paragraph added. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None.

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: End of final History paragraph revised.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos now captioned.

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: None.

Spider-Man 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed); 2 new secondary illos

Flying Dutchman’s Ghost
All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Flying Tiger
All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added at end of final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Main illo a bit less cropped.

Folding Circle
All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Followers of the Light
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: 2nd last History paragraph incorporates info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Text removed from Sanctuary illo, two new captioned illos added.

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First History paragraph split in 2 and chronology reworked. Abilities/Accessories slightly expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 2 headshot captions reversed to correct error

Force Four
All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos

Force Works
Teams 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: New paragraph added at end of History.
Graphic Changes: Original illo captioned. 12 new captioned secondary illos, 3 listing issues joined.

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History greatly revised (some old text still present). New paragraph added to Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed. New main illo and 5 secondary illos (3 captioned).

Don Fortunato
All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Intelligence and Fighting Skills revised on Power Grid
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Original History paragraph greatly revised and expanded; new final paragraph including info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Original illo replaced with new main illo and two secondary illos (1 captioned).

Frankenstein’s Monster
Horror 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Note greatly expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo reversed/less cropped. 9 new captioned illos plus 15 headshots with first appearances of Frankenstein family members.

Free Spirit
All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Frightful Four
Teams 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original illo removed. 2 new captioned illos plus 18 headshots indicating issues joined.

All-New A to Z #4
Split From: Frog-Man (other entry split off was Leap-Frog)
Page Count: Originally 2 total; now 2
Text Changes: Leap-Frog text removed. Group Affiliation expanded. History heavily revised in other areas to remove Vincent-only material and expand on Eugene (History more or less starts on what was the 3rd paragraph); more info added on other Frog-Men. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded. Graphic Changes: Leap-Frog illos removed. 2 new captioned secondary illos plus captioned Action Pack headshots.
Deacon Frost
All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History slightly revised, with second paragraph split in 2.
Graphic Changes: None

Emma Frost
X-Men 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. While a lot of the original text is still present, History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 7 new secondary illos (5 captioned)

Rumiko Fujikawa
All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final History paragraph revised/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Nick Fury
Marvel Knights 2005
Page Count: Increased from 4 to 5
Text Changes: Place of Birth and Group Affiliation revised. Some text in 7th History paragraph moved to 8th so additional material could be added to the 7th; 2nd last paragraph revised at end; final paragraph removed, replaced with 4 new ones. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Fusion (Markley)
Spider-Man 2005
Was Listed As: Fusion
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First History paragraph tweaked. Abilities/Accessories revised.
Graphic Changes: Original illo replaed with main illo and 2 secondary illos (1 captioned)

Father Darklyte
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illo now shows full body; illo’s background removed

All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Brand new entry on the Everbest version
Freedom Ring
All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Final History sentence expanded. Power Numbers now include ring stats.
Graphic Changes: None

All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos

Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Was Listed As: Fusion
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History expanded to incorporate info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed

Gabriel the Air-Walker
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Gabriel the Devil-Hunter
Horror 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph and Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Page Count: Reduced from 3 to ½.
Text Changes: Aliases revised. History completely rewritten/abridged. Physical Description replaced with Physical Stats. 2nd Abilities/Accessories paragraph removed
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo reduced to headshot; remaining illos removed

Galactic Guardians
All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History tweaked
Graphic Changes: None

Fantastic Four 2005
Page Count: increased from 4 to 5
Text Changes: Aliases/Occupation expanded. History: revisions to 1st, 3rd, 16th paragraphs; 4 new paragraphs added before final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Main illos removed, replaced with classic Handbook illo; secondary illo now captioned; 3 new captioned secondary illos followed by 20 headshots of Galactus as viewed by other races.
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo less cropped/background removed/captioned; other old illos removed; classic Handbook main illo and 4 captioned secondary illos added, followed by 20 headshots of how Galactus is viewed by various races.

Galaxy Master
Hulk 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Illo now shows less of the outer area but more of the inner area

X-Men 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. While a lot of the original text is still present, History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Fighting Skills on Power Grid increased.
Graphic Changes: 7 new secondary illos (3 captioned)
Wolverine: Weapon X Files (changes in other direction)
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. While a lot of the original text is still present, History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Fighting Skills on Power Grid increased.
Graphic Changes: 7 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Gamma Corps
World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Base of operations expanded. 3rd History paragraph removed, 2nd revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Ryker illo cropped to headshot.

Gamma Mutates
World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Increased from 5 to 6
Text Changes: New sentence added to Abomination, Bannerman, Lucy Ryker., Rick Jones Hulk, ½ sentence to Geiger. General Rigby now William, not Dwight; paragraph completely revised/expanded. Rhino, Sasquatch, and X-Force now separated out. 2 new sentences added to Froma. New paragraphs devoted to Horde and red-skinned Hulk.
Graphic Changes: New captioned illo added to Rick Jones Hulk. 4 headshots of Headshop replaced with captioned illo (Largo still a headshot). Horde and red-skinned Hulk have headshots. Some cropping/resizing of illos.

Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Background removed from main illo; secondary illos removed, replaced with 2 new ones (1 captioned)

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation expanded. Final History paragraph greatly expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

John Garrett
All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Former Members have Earth numbers added. First Appearance expanded to cover individual members. New sentence added to end of 3rd History paragraph; 4th paragraph revised and expanded, new paragraph added before final paragraph. Note added.
Graphic Changes: Original illo captioned. 6 new captioned secondary illos.

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Vera Gemini
Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History slightly revised
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo less cropped

Generation X
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Current Members added to Former Members. Some History paragraphs merged; large new final paragraph added including info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned, 2 new captioned secondary illos added, 8 of 9 headshots removed (9th clarified).

Wolverine 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Place of Birth now gives Earth number.
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed/less cropped. New secondary illo.

X-Men 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics a bit revised. New paragraph at end of History
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 17 new captioned secondary illos.

All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Ghost Dancer
Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Ghost Rider (Blaze)
Marvel Knights 2005
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Some Vital Statistics revised. New sentences added at end of 4th History paragraph; 6th paragraph split in 2 and from then until second half of paragraph just before one beginning “Years later…” almost completely revised/expanded; 4 new paragraphs added at end. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Speed revised on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: Both illos removed; new main illo and 10 secondary illos (5 individually captioned, 3 more share same caption).

Ghost Rider (2099)
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Was Listed As: Ghost Rider (2099 A.D.)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Citizenship tweaked
Graphic Changes: one secondary illo cropped.

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph greatly expanded. Strength revised on Power Grid
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Book of the Dead 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final 2 History sentences replaced with 2 new ones.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Now Listed As: The Forgotten One
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: Aliases, Group Affiliation revised. History greatly revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Main illo cropped; secondary illos removed

Daredevil 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics a bit revised. History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories revised.
Graphic Changes: Original illo less cropped. 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Alter egos added to Current Members, final History paragraph revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: new sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: None

Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Background/use of power removed from main illo; classic Handbook illo no longer cropped; other secondary illos removed, replaced with 2 new ones (1 captioned).

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Death’s Head Squadron illo replaced with new one (still captioned). New captioned illo of Lump

Ma Gnucci
All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Captions switched for the Bug-Ships and submarines (apparently all 4 previously had the wrong captions)

Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation/Group Affiliation revised. First 2 History paragraphs somewhat expanded; new sentences added to 3rd paragraph incorporating Where are They Now? material.
Graphic Changes: Illo now shows full body; illo’s background removed

Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Was Listed As: Giant-Man
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, and abilities/Accessories mostly revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: ackground removsed from original illo, 4 captioned secondary illos added.
All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation expanded. New History text weaves in and out of old material (particularly expanded at end).
Graphic Changes: Black Goliath illo less cropped. New captioned secondary illo of Tom Foster.

Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Book
All-New A to Z #4
Was Listed As: Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: New categories added: Known Staff, Former Staff, Freeman Bonding Inc., Notable clients. Base of Operations accidentally listed twice (second time expanded to include Freeman). First Appearance expanded to include Freeman. History mostly (not completely) revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Positions removed from headshots; headshots removed for Jennifer Walters, Ditto, Pug, Matt Hawk, Mallory, Stu and replaced with captioned illo of above plus Chas, Bobo, Lewis (note added to list First appearances of these); new headshots for Emilee Freeman, Cecil Pierce, Smedley F. Smedley.
All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illo now shows full body/sword

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics somewhat revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Strength and Fighting Skills revised on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary). 2 new captioned secondary illos.
Grand Director
Golden Age 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics somewhat revised. History almost completely revised/expanded (some bits of old text still present). Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo removed, 3 new captioned secondary illos (illo as Cap now shows him as depicted in the 1950s, pre-retcon).

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: 6th History paragraph expanded; 2 new paragraphs added before final paragraph, which is mostly revised and followed by 2 more new paragraphs.
Graphic Changes: None

Glory Grant
Spider-Man 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph revised and expanded. New sentence added to Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: None

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned).
All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: History somewhat revised, including 3 History paragraphs merged, 2 new sentences added to end of final paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation revised. New final History paragraph. Note removed.
Graphic Changes: Right arm/hand now fully visible.

Great Game
All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: While still listed as deceased in History, Huan and Scott no longer listed as deceased under Known Sponsors.
Graphic Changes: Headshots now captioned Players (except chance: Player/Sponsor) and 5 Sponsor headshots added; headshots now read up to down rather than left to right.

Great Lakes Initiatives
Avengers 2005
Was Listed As: Great Lakes Avengers
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Former Members and First Appearance expanded. Final History paragraph greatly expanded
Graphic Changes: Original illo removed; new captioned main illo with issue Active, new captioned secondary illo, 8 new headshots with issues Active.

Great One
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Grey Gargoyle
New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded (starting for the most part with 2nd paragraph). Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded (huge amount of new text)
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2nd History paragraph somewhat revised, with end of paragraph expanded; new final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos.
Marvel: Your Universe Saga (published same day)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None
Grim Hunter
Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Grim Reaper
Avengers 2005
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: 4th History paragraph split in 2 and expanded; next paragraph has new material embedded; the former final paragraph expanded with 3 new large paragraphs added afterward. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo cropped/captioned; 6 new secondary illos (5 captioned).

Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First 2 History paragraphs merged; 2 new sentences added to final paragraph
Graphic Changes: Main illo and one of the secondary illos switched.

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives slightly expanded.
Graphic Changes: Unmasked shot replaced with new one, new captioned secondary illo.

Guardians of the Galaxy
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 5
Text Changes: Base of Operations expanded. Some History paragraph merging and text tweaking; new paragraph added at end of History. New 3-paragraph note added re: other Guardians.
Graphic Changes: New captioned main illo. Original illo now captioned secondary illo. 13 new captioned secondary illos plus 14 headshots indicating when first Active.

Appendix: Core Continuum Designations
Alternate Universes 2005
Was Listed As: Appendix
Page Count: increased from 1 to 14 2/3 total; 6 this volume; spans v2-5
Text Changes: Lots of new Earths listed including ones seen in role-playing game modules, descriptions added to many previously listed Earths.
Graphic Changes: None.
All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Current and Former Members expanded. New sentence added to end of History. Main and one secondary illo now have First Appearances added.
Graphic Changes: None

Gun Runner
All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Energy Projection revised on Power Grid
Graphic Changes: None

Henry Gyrich
Avengers 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases and Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded, though latter only two sentences.
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #4
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Strength and Fighting Skills on Power Numbers revised
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics beyond First Appearance added. New final History sentence incorporating Where are They Now? info.
Graphic Changes: Original illo replaced with new main illo and 2 secondary illos

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and History a somewhat revised, incorporating info from Where are They Now? Note added. Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Garko the Man-Frog
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name tweaked.
Graphic Changes: None

Blackie Gaxton
Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

The Generic Super-Hero
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

X-Men: Messiah Complex
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Eyes tweaked. Intelligence, Energy Projection on Power Numbers revised
Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo added

World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

“Cockroach” Hamilton
All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases tweaked. 2 new sentences added to end of History. Secondary illo captioned.
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: first History paragraph revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Justin Hammer
All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Caption added to a secondary illo

Spider-Man 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation expanded. Last History paragraph has the long final sentence removed but otherwise expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo
Spider-Man: Brand New Day (changes in other direction)
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded. Weight, Eyes revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary). 2 new captioned secondary illos
Daredevil 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Members and Base of Operations added. History considerably revised and expanded (some portions of original text still intact)
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed. New main illo plus two captioned secondary illos and 54 Headshots with First Appearances.

Horror 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First Appearance expanded. History greatly revised and expanded, though a lot of original text still present (2nd and 3rd paragraphs merged). Note added.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Maya Hansen
All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Agatha Harkness
Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Note added.
Graphic Changes: Old captioned illo of Cardinal replaced with new one.

Jonas Harrow
All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: None

Hate-Monger (Hitler Clone)
All-New A to Z #5
Was Listed As: Hate-Monger
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History paragraph now a Note with 2 new sentences added.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo captioned.
Note: A passing reference to the Psycho-Man Construct version was the basis of a new ½ page entry (1 illo) for that version
X-Men 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories also completely revised, though word count appears reduced. Fighting Skills on Power Grid increased.
Graphic Changes: Original illo removed. New main illo and 7 secondary illos (5 captioned).

Hawkeye (Bishop)
All-New A to Z #5
Was Listed As: Hawkeye
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph revised
Graphic Changes: none

Molly Hayes
All-New A to Z #2
Hardcover Volume: 5
Was Listed As: Bruiser
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Citizenship, Group Affiliation a little revised. Final History paragraph greatly expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original illos removed. New main illo with captioned secondary illo.

Mark Hazzard
All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final History paragraph slightly expanded
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Known Members replaced with Current and Former Members and further revised. Base of Operations expanded. Traits greatly revised/expanded. History mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Headshots replaced with 12 secondary illos (11 captioned)

Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics extensively revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely and extensively revised/expanded. Strength on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo and 6 secondary illos (5 captioned).
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Was Listed As: Patsy Walker
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics considerably revised and expanded. Weight and Eyes revised. History and Abilities Accessories completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 6 new secondarfy illos (5 captioned)

Marvel Zombies
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hellfire Club
X-Men 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: The various Members lists revised with new Employees category added. Base of Operations revised. History completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 1 illo removed, other captioned. 7 new captioned illos (2 with Active issues). 20 headshots with issues Active added.

[revisit later]
Hellions (Hellfire Club Trainees)
All-New A to Z #5
Split From: Hellions
Page Count: Originally 3 total; now 2
Text Changes: Members and Base of Operations now only for this version; only 1st 7 paragraphs of History remain
Graphic Changes: Headshots replaced with 2 new captioned secondary illos. Old secondary illos removed or shifted to other Hellions.
Hellions (Emplate’s)
All-New A to Z #5
Split From: Hellions
Page Count: Originally 3 total; now 1
Text Changes: Members and Base of Operations now only for this version, and Members slightly revised; First Appearances added;  History completely revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Most illos removed. One illo retained mostly intact, another cropped, with captioned shared with a new illo, 5 additional new illos.
Hellions (King Bedlam’s)
All-New A to Z #5
Split From: Hellions
Page Count: Originally 3 total; now 1
Text Changes: Members and Base of Operations now only for this; First Appearances added; History completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Most illos removed. 2 illos retained mostly intact (in fact 1 less cropped), 2 new secondary illos.
Hellions (Xavier Institute’s)
All-New A to Z #5
Split From: Hellions
Page Count: Originally 3 total; now 1
Text Changes: Members and Base of Operations now only for this version (previously called Hellions Squad); First Appearances added except for Trainees (already present); only final 3 paragraphs of History remain
Graphic Changes: Most illos removed. One illo retained. New secondary illo.

Horror 2005
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised/expanded. History greatly revised and expanded, though a lot of original text still present. Note removed.
Graphic Changes: 8 new secondary illos (4 captioned).

Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History and mostly (not completely) revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos.

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main and secondary illos reversed. New secondary illo

Avengers 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised and expanded. History almost completely revised/expanded (slight bit of original text present).
Graphic Changes: Original illo replaced with new main illo and 5 new secondary illos
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Page Count: Reduced from 3 to ½
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, First Appearance revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/abridged. Hair revised
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed

Hercules of the 24th Century
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Core Timeline Designation category added as per Where are They Now? First History paragraph a little revised; final paragraph expanded to include Where are They Now? info
Graphic Changes: 5 headshots removed but 14 illos added (12 captioned), in part replacing the missing headshots.

Here Comes Tomorrow
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Original illo now captioned. 5 new secondary illos

Heroes for Hire (Power Man & Iron Fist)
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Was Listed As: Heroes for Hire
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Where are They Now? info added to 3rd and 4th history paragraphs, as well as a new 5th paragraph.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed).
Heroes for Hire (Oracle Inc.)
Teams 2005
Was Listed As: Heroes for Hire
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Base of Operations no longer includes Power Man/Iron Fist version info. First Appearance amended from Power Man/Iron Fist version to this version. End of 5th History paragraph’s last sentence expanded, new sentence added to 7th paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Original illos replaced by new captioned illo and 18 headshots with Active/Employed issues (old main illo now the main illo for the Power Man/Iron Fist version).
Note: while some might argue that this is a case of an entry-split, enough of the text remained the same that I felt it was more or less a simple revision of one entry, especially since the Power Man/Iron Fist version’s hardcover text was taken from Marvel Legacy: 1980s

Heroes for Hire (Misty & Colleen)
All-New A to Z Update #4
Was Listed As: Heroes for Hire
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: all Current Members now listed as Former Members. 1st 2 and last 2 History paragraphs merged; end of final paragraph revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

High Evolutionary
All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Group Affiliation expanded. History largely expanded, with new text weaving in and out of one text, then new sentence added to end of old History followed be 2 new paragraphs. Abilities/Accessories paragraph split in 2 and expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 sets of four new secondary illos each sharing a caption plus one more new captioned secondary illo.

Maria Hill
Mighty Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Originally History text somewhat revised, plus considerable amount of text added to end of 2nd paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final History sentence replaced with longer new one.
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: caption removed from secondary illo

Hobgoblin (Kingsley)
Spider-Man 2004
Was Listed As: Hobgoblin
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Citizenship, Known Relatives, and Group Affiliation revised. Aside from 1st and last paragraphs, history almost completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories tweaked. Intelligence on Power Grid increased.
Graphic Changes: New captioned illo of van; 5 classic Eliot R. Brown accessories specs added.

Hobgoblin (Macendale)
Spider-Man: Back in Black
Was Listed As: Jason Macendale
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: One caption rewritten for clarity.

Crusher Hogan
Spider-Man 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed, new secondary illo

Happy Hogan
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Now Listed As: Freak
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics greatly revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Eyes revised.
Graphic Changes: Original illos replaced with new main illo and 2 secondary illos (1 captioned)
All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Pepper Hogan
All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation expanded. New sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed, 1 added.

All-New A to Z #8
Was Listed As: Penance
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten. Abilities/Accessories tweaked
Graphic Changes: captions reworded

X-Men: Age of Apocalypse 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

Home Base
Hulk 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Former Members and Base of Operations added. History completely revised.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo removed. 12 headshots with First Appearances added

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. First 1 History paragraphs 1 little revised/expanded, 2nd greatly, 3rd mostly (expansions are considerable); then 2 new paragraphs. Note added. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illo.

World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None
Howard the Duck
All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Citizenship expanded. Some History paragraphs merged; new paragraph added (though last sentence of old final paragraph moved to new one). Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Caption added to secondary illos (2 now colourized).

Howling Commandos (Sgt. Fury’s)
Golden Age 2004
Was Listed As: Howling Commandos
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Known Members removed. History completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Fury’s legs partly cropped out of original illo. New secondary illo. 16 headshots with First Appearances added.

Howling Commandos  (S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Horror 2005
Was Listed As: Howling Commandos
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Known Members greatly expanded. History completely revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 33 new headshots with First Appearances
Heather Hudson (Earth-3470)
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse 2005
Now Listed As: Sasquatch
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new expanded text. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed, replaced with two new illos patched together to make one main illo.

Hulk 2004
Page Count: Increased from 6 to 9
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Secondary lllos removed, replaced with 24 new ones (20 captioned).
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 9
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original illos replaced with new main illo and 2 secondary illos (20 captioned)
World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Increased from 8 to 9
Text Changes: Aliases and Known Relatives expanded. Some History paragraphs merged; end of three paragraphs have new text added to them (I could well be overlooking other pieces of texts embedded within these many paragraphs); last paragraph mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary). 1 secondary illo removed, 12 added (10 captioned).
Hulk (2099)
All-New A to Z Update #2
Was Listed As: Hulk (2099 A.D.)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs merged, with alter egos added in what was the 2nd paragraph.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Hulk 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Members added. First Appearance expanded. History completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned. 9 headshots with First appearances, 4 other captioned secondary illos (3 with First Appearances). Gamma Base page from Marvel Atlas#2 added.

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final History paragraph replaced with new one.
Graphic Changes: None

Human Robot
All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final History sentence replaced with two new ones.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo of creator

Human Torch (Hammond)
Golden Age 2004
Was Listed As: Human Torch
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics expanded. History almost completely revised/expanded (a little text remains in 1st paragraph). Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos
Marvel Mystery Handbook [changes in other direction]
Now Listed As: Human Torch
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Final History sentence replaced with 2 new ones
Graphic Changes: None
Human Torch (Storm)
Fantastic Four 2005
Was Listed As: Human Torch
Page Count: increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics somewhat revised. History considerably revised/expanded, though some old paragraphs intact. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed, replaced with new main illo and 10 secondary illos (5 captioned).

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: ital Statistics somewhat revised. 6 paragraphs added to end of History, 2 to end of Abilities/Accessories. Strength and Durability revised on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary), 4 new secondary illos

Humus Sapien
All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation expanded. New secondary illo. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hunter in Darkness
All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st 2 History paragraphs merged, final paragraph slightly expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Now Listed As: The Huntsman
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History greatly revised
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed

Hurricane (Potter)
All-New A to Z #5
Now Listed As: Hurricane
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo ropped/captioned, new secondary illo added.

X-Men 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics somewhat revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly (not entirely) revised/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 8 new secondary illos

Hybrid (Marks)
All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History sentence expanded. Abilities/Accessories tweaked.
Graphic Changes: None

Hybrid (Washington)
All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: First Appearance expanded. History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 6 new captioned secondary illos

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged at 4
Text Changes: Current and Former Members a little revised. Final History paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: 4 secondary illos (2 captioned). Bob added to Headshots section.
Spider-Man 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name, Aliases, Group Affiliation tweaked. 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs merged except final sentence, which, with some tweaking, starts the new final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories greatly (not completely) revised
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos.
New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History complete rewritten – replaced with earlier Spider-Man 2005 text
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos.

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hyperion (Earth-712)
All-New A to Z #5
Was Listed As: Hyperion
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics somewhat revised. History greatly revised and expanded, with new text weaving in and out of the old. From the paragraph starting with “As noted…”-on, all paragraphs removed and used as basis for entries below; new paragraph added at end. Note added. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/extremely expanded.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos removed; 6 new secondary illos added.

Hyperion (Construct)
All-New A to Z #5
Basically new 1-page entry, though derived from Hyperion. Parts of the History paragraph in the old entry originally starting with “As noted…” revised and expanded into 2 new paragraphs. Rest of this entry is new. Has main illo and captioned secondary illo.

Hyperion (Earth-4023)
All-New A to Z #5
Basically new 1-page entry, though derived from Hyperion. The History paragraph in the old entry originally starting with “On Earth-4023…” revised and expanded into 2 new paragraphs. Rest of this entry is new. Has main illo and 2 secondary illos.

Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hate-Monger (Psycho-Man Construct)
Brand new entry
Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Physical Statistics and Power Numbers revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one cropped into a headshot).

Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: new sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: Background/dialogue removed from illo
Marvel Pets (changes in other direction)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo
All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History. Power Numbers revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hero of the Day
World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hidden Man
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History expanded by 2 sentences, in part incorporating info from Where are They Now
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo added

Hobgoblin (2211 A.D.)
Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hurricane (Kane)
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Was Listed As: Hurricane
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: end of History expanded, in part including info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories a little revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hyperion  (Zhib-Ran)
All-New A to Z #5
Basically new ½-page entry, though derived from Hyperion (Earth-712). History text derived from paragraph in old entry starting with “As noted…” but no text carry-over. All text is new. Illo brought over from old 712 entry (background removed but no longer cropped).

Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name, Occupation, Group Affiliation a little revised. Where are They Now? info added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: Main illo no longer cropped, background removed. New captioned secondary illo

[revisit later]
X-Men 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Identity, Group Affiliation revised. History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded (a little bit of old text intact). Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Original illo removed. New main illo and 14 secondary illos (8 captioned).

All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation and final History paragraph revised.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed, the other cropped to make room for a new captioned one.
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Reduced from 2 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/abridged
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed

World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final 2 History sentences replaced with 2 new ones, followed by new paragraph.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Horror 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None.
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: History considerably revised/expanded, though a fair bit of original text remains. Speed in power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: A secondary illo background removed/no longer cropped, and is now new main illo (old one now secondary), one secondary illo cropped, another no longer captioned, 6 new captioned secondary illos

Imperial Guard
Teams 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed, replaced with new captioned main and 1 secondary illos, plus 27 additional numbered secondary illos with corresponding key.

Impossible Man
All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Some of the History moved to an earlier part of the History, resulting in the 2nd paragraph being split in 2.
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: unchanged from 1
Text Changes: First Appearance revised. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Infinity Gems
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Was Listed As: Infinity Gauntlet
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: First Appearance expanded. History completely rewritten/expanded. New Properties category
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo re-captioned. 3 new captioned secondary illos

Infinity Watch
Teams 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New paragraph added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: Main illo replaced with new captioned one; secondary illos now captioned.

Fantastic Four 2005
Page Count: increased from 3 to 6
Text Changes: “Known Members” split into 8 new categories and greatly expanded. History largely revised; a lot of old text still present, with new and altered text weaving through it with new paragraphs, paragraph breaks etc. (it’s hard to look at black text on blue background –the original format- but the additions are clearly substantial, especially later on).
Graphic Changes: Main and secondary illos captioned; 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned). 96 new headshots with First Appearances added.

World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 9
Text Changes: Vital Statistics completely revised and expanded, with different membership categories. History considerably revised and expanded (though a lot of the original text remains).
Graphic Changes: 8 new illos (7 captioned). 6 headshots removed, 108 added; of old ones, alter egos removed, some have new illos/statuses

Shola Inkosi
All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: unchanged from 1
Text Changes: 1 ½ sentences added to end of History. Strength and Energy Projection revised on Power Grid
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2 sentences added to end of History. Note added.
Graphic Changes: Most headshots removed (Murphy intact while Lightbright less cropped to make more of a body shot). Other two illos removed and replaced with new illo with members captioned.

Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Now Listed As: The Inua
Page Count: Unchanged at 1.
Text Changes: Prominent Members revised. Traits somewhat revised. History greatly revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos replaced with new one.

Golden Age 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Purpose and Major Enemies removed. Members expanded. History completely revised/expanded. Note added.
Graphic Changes: Original illo replaced with new main illo and 16 headshots

Invisible Woman
Fantastic Four 2005
Page Count: increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics somewhat revised. New sentence added to end of 1st paragraph; the former 3rd-last paragraphs moved to new paragraph; then 2nd-last and last paragraphs removed; depending on if you ould the split off part of former 3rd last paragraph, 8 new paragraphs added. Abilities/Accessories greatly but not completely revised/expanded. Given old format’s black text on blue background, I may be overlooking some changes.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed), 7 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Iron Fist
Marvel Knights 2005
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Aliases and Group Affiliation expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded, though a lot of the original text still present. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one reversed as secondary illo). 5 new secondary illos

Iron Lad
[revisit later]
Iron Man (Tony Stark)
Avengers 2004
Was Listed As: Iron Man
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 11
Text Changes: Vital Statistics greatly revised and expanded. History and Abilities Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original illo replaced with new captioned main illo with First appearance, 46 secondary illos (37 captioned with First Appearances, 4 more captioned). Additional page of armour specs (Bio/Metalo-Mimetic Suit Series Mk III)
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Was Listed As: Iron Man
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 11
Text Changes: Vital Statistics greatly revised and expanded. History and Abilities Accessories completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original illos replaced with new captioned main illo with First appearance, 46 secondary illos (37 captioned with First Appearances, 4 more captioned). Additional page of armour specs (Bio/Metalo-Mimetic Suit Series Mk III)
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Was Listed As: Iron Man
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 11
Text Changes: Vital Statistics greatly revised and expanded. History and Abilities Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original illos replaced with new captioned main illo with First appearance, 46 secondary illos (37 captioned with First Appearances, 4 more captioned). Additional page of armour specs (Bio/Metalo-Mimetic Suit Series Mk III)
Mighty Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Was Listed As: Iron Man
Page Count: Increased from 8 to 11
Text Changes: Some History paragraphs merged; bits of new text weave in and out of the old History text (individual instances sometimes small, but substantial overall). Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed). New secondary illo of Tony. Some armours renumbered. Original illos replaced with new captioned main illo with First appearance, 46 secondary illos (37 captioned with First Appearances, 4 more captioned).
All-New Iron Manual
Was Listed As: Iron Man
Page Count: Unchanged at 11
Text Changes: New sentence added to History paragraph starting with “As public sentiment…”; 2 paragraphs merged; 2 sentences added to final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Some armours renumbered due to former Model 14 now being designated Model 13 Hulkbuster; 38 armours including main illo have First Appearances added. 5 new secondary illos (2 captioned). Stark Notes page removed.

Iron Man (“Teen Tony”)
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Was Listed As: Iron Man
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives reduced. First 2 History paragraphs merged, final paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Iron Maniac
All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Iron Monger
All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New sentence added to 2nd last History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Golden Age 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st 3 History paragraphs merged (end of paragraph tweaked); last 2 also merged
Graphic Changes: Original illo recoloured, 3 new illos (2 captioned).

Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: 4 sentences added to end of Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: unchanged from ½
Text Changes: Power Numbers revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos

World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: final line of History no longer cut off.
Graphic Changes: None

Iron Maiden
All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: 2 sentences added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Iron Mask
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History somewhat revised (in part incorporating info from Where are They Now?). New sentence added to Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Citizenship and History tweaked to incorporate Where are They Now? info. Abilities/Accessories revised.
Graphic Changes: Caption on main illo expanded, secondary illo captioned, new captioned secondary illo.

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: unchanged from 1
Text Changes: First Appearance corrected. New paragraph added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed.

Jack Flag
All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and Abilities/Accessories revised. History completely revised/expanded. Power Grid revised from Power Numbers.
Graphic Changes: None

Jack Frost
Golden Age 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics somewhat revised. History and Abilities/Accessories almost completely revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo added.

Jack of Hearts
Avengers 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Group Affiliation and Education expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original illo replaced with new main illo and 4 secondary illos (3 captioned)

Jack O’Lantern
All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Place of Birth, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Eyes, Hair revised. Graphic Changes: none

Jack the Ripper
Horror 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Spider-Man 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases revised. Last sentence of 2nd last History paragraph replaced with 3 new ones. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: secondary illo now captioned; 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Appendix: Core Continuum Designations
Alternate Universes 2005
Was Listed As: Appendix
Page Count: increased from 1 to 14 2/3 total; 3 this volume; spans v2-5
Text Changes: Lots of new Earths listed including ones seen in role-playing game modules, descriptions added to many previously listed Earths.
Graphic Changes: None.

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (7/13/2020 5:58 pm)

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     Thread Starter

7/11/2020 8:37 am  #13

Re: List of Changes in Hardcovers: The Complete Collection

Harald Jaekelsson
All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: unchanged from 1
Text/Graphic Changes: none

John Jameson
Spider-Man 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo removed. 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned; a fourth one is a classic Eliot Brown schematic of Freedom’s Flight).
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Was Listed As: Man-Wolf
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised and expanded, including details from Where are They Now? Note added. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten and expanded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned main illo (old one captioned secondary). Secondary illos removed, 3 new captioned secondary illos as well as Elliott] R. Brown plane design specs which may be unique to this volume

J. Jonah Jameson
Spider-Man 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. 1st History paragraph a little revised; final paragraph mostly replaced with new, larger one (old first sentence remains). Fighting Skills revised on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives/Education revised. 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs merged, with new sentence added to end of this paragraph; 2 new sentences added to end of final paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now? (such info slightly added to previous paragraph. Physical Stats revised.
Graphic Changes: Background removed from main illo

Hulk 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Fighting Skills revised on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: 8 new secondary illos of K’ai residents.

Edwin Jarvis
Avengers 2004
Was Listed As: Jarvis
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten. Abilities/Accessories added (originally no similar category). Height and Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: None

“Mad Jim” Jaspers
All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: First Appearance tweaked. History completely rewritten/enlarged; Abilites/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Power Grid a little revised.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Madison Jeffries
All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text Changes: Occupation and First Appearance revised. Final History sentence replaced with two new ones. Last sentence removed from Abilities/Accessories. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo now captioned, two new secondary illos

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: 2 new sentences added to 2nd last History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: 6 new secondary illos (5 captioned).
New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Avengers 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation revised. Last sentence removed from 3rd last History paragraph, then new paragraph added, then 2nd last paragraph tweaked. Physical Statistics revised. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos now captioned; new captioned secondary illo.

Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation and First Appearance expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Janis Jones
World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories a little revised.
Graphic Changes: Illo replaced with new one.

Jessica Jones
Daredevil 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded (the former greatly).
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 2 captioned secondary illos.

Ricardo Jones
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Was Listed As: Thing Imposter
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name and Known Relatives revised. Original History text tweaked/a bit condensed, with 2nd and 3rd paragraphs merged; new final paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Rick Jones
Hulk 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: History completely rewritten/enlarged. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos replaced with new main illo and 6 secondary illos (3 captioned)
World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3 pages
Text Changes: Aliases, Group Affiliation revised. 3rd and 4th History paragraphs merged; final sentence in last paragraph replaced with 3 new ones.
Graphic Changes: Bucky and Hulk illos cropped. Captions removed from 2 secondary illos. New captioned secondary illo.

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Occupation and Group Affiliation revised. Last History sentence replaced with 2 new ones. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now secondary).

X-Men 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 7 new captioned secondary illos.

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: last sentence in Abilities/Accessories removed. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

X-Men 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten (the former expanded).
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned).
All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Group Affiliation tweaked. 1st History paragraph revised and expanded; 2nd paragraph tweaked at end; 5th and 6th paragraphs merged; 2 ½ sentences added to end (it’s possible that there’s more text weaved in that I’m overlooking). Abilities/Accessories paragraphs merged.
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #5
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: none
Graphic Changes: Old non-headshot illos removed, replaced with new main illo and 2 secondary illos (all captioned). Gavel headshot added. USAgent headshot replaced with new one.

Justice (Astrovik)
Avengers 2005
Was Listed As: Justice
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned secondary illo. New main illo; 6 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Justice (Tensen)
All-New A to Z #6
Was Listed As: Justice
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text Changes: 3rd and 4th History paragraphs merged. Speed corrected on Power Grid
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Jester (Putt)
All-New A to Z #5
One illo in above Jester entry basis for new ½ page entry
Junior Juniper
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History somewhat revised and expanded, in part incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: None

Spider-Man 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2nd History paragraph somewhat revised; final paragraph revised and expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Headshot added.

Jennifer Kale
Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilties/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new main illo and 3 secondary illos.

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo removed; 4 new captioned secondary illos

Avengers 2005
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 7
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and Power Grid revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/former expanded (though a lot of original text still present). The Kang Timeline added
Graphic Changes: Old main illo now secondary; old secondary illo background removed and now main. 10 new secondary illos (7 captioned, including reformatted Eliot Brown ship specs).
Note: The Timeline has various colours but thus far I have been unable to determine what, if anything, the colours mean

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: First Appearance revised. Final sentence in Hstory replaced with 3 new ones. Height and Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: One of the secondary illos now main illo, while old main illo cropped into headshot.

[revisit later]
Marvel Zombies
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Energy Projection on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: None

Ka-Zar the Great
All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None
Marvel Mystery Handbook [changes in other direction]
Now Listed As: Ka-Zar
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Ka-Zar the Savage
All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged from 3
Text Changes: Last 2/3 History sentence replaced with expanded material.
Graphic Changes: Final secondary illo replaced with new one.

Senator Robert Kelly
All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Sal Kennedy
All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Dan Ketch
Marvel Knights 2005
Was Listed As: Ghost Rider (Ketch)
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely revised. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed. New main illo, 8 new secondary illos (7 captioned).

All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/the former abridged. Eyes revised
Graphic Changes: Main illo cropped; secondary illos removed

Kid Colt
All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Kid Omega
X-Men 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation revised. New sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Kidney Lady
All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Killer Shrike
All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: new final History paragraph. New ½ sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #6
Was Listed As: Erik Killmonger
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 10 new captioned secondary illos

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos sharing 1 caption

Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History somewhat revised, with paragraphs merged and new text weaving in and out of old text.
Graphic Changes: New captioned main illo. New main illo (old one now secondary with background added. 2 new captioned secondary illos.

X-Men: Messiah Complex
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

King Cobra
New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 4 new secondary illos.
All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: new final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Hannibal King
Horror 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History. Abilities/Accessories revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Daredevil 2004
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History greatly revised/expanded, though a lot of the old text still present as well. 3rd and 4th Abilities/Accessories paragraphs revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo as Her replaced with new one (still captioned); new captioned secondary illo as Ayesha

Kitty`s Fairy Tale
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants tweaked; Well removed from Significant Locations. History greatly revised/expanded (a lot of old text still present)
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned. 11 new captioned secondary illos.

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Misty Knight
Women of Marvel 2005

Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: ital Statistics revised. History and Abilties/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new main illo and secondary illo.
All-New A to Z #3
Split From: Daughters of the Dragon
Page Count: Originally 2 total; now 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Inteliigence, Energy Projection, Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed, new main illo. 2 new secondary illos
Knights of Pendragon
Teams 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current and Former Members and Base of Operations revised. History mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 9 new captioned secondary illos (8 with First Appearances).

Eric Koenig
All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st 2 and next 2 History paragraphs merged. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None
Korath the Pursuer
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Background removed from main illo, which is no longer cropped. Old secondary illos removed; 3 new ones (2 captioned).

Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New final History paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now? Eyes revised.
Graphic Changes: Background and text removed from main illo. Original text removed from secondary illo but caption added.

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Second page secondary illos now captioned; new captioned secondary illo of Carina

X-Men: Messiah Complex
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: first 2 History paragraphs merged; end of final paragraph revised and greatly expanded. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

John Kowalski
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Original History paragraphs merged and slightly revised; new final paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned headshot.

Kraven the Hunter
Book of the Dead 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Acccessories completely rewritten/expanded. Height and Weight revised. Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos added (3 captioned, including classic Elliot R. Brown vest specs)
Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation revised. New final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None
Alyosha Kravinoff
All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary, reversed, background added) and new secondary illo.

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 5
Text Changes: Known Members expanded. New final Traits paragraph. History greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Ruul illo now labelled “Ruul, Later Appearance” and no longer obscures main illo. 3 new captioned secondary illos (including an Eliot Brown light battle cruiser schematic adapted from first series #6), plus 6 more “new” secondary illos (actually classic handbook material) sharing one caption. Headshots expanded from 24 to 48 (Ronan removed, so actually 25 new ones); of the old ones, the one previously listed as Fer-Porr now amended as Phae-Dor, with corresponding amendments to Occupation and First Appearance.
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Was: Alien Races: Kree
Page Count: Increased from ¼ to 5
Additional Text Changes: Height, Eyes, Hair not carried over.
Graphic Changes: Old illo less cropped. 5 new captioned secondary illos (one has five more captioned secondary illos imbedded) including classic Eliot R. Brown specs. 48 new headshots with occupations and first appearances

All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: one secondary illo now captioned

All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First Traits paragraph expanded. Last ½ sentence of History replaced with about 2 ½ new ones.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Occupation and Citizenship revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2 sentences added to final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Rama Kaliph
Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History slightly revised
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

New profile.
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Citizenship revised. History a little revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised.
Graphic Changes: New headshot.

Lady Daemon
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo colourized

Lady Deathstrike
Wolverine 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary) and 2 new secondary illos. Old secondary illo cropped.

Lady Liberators
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New Current Members category. Old Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/expanded, including info on new team.
Graphic Changes: Old illo dialogue removed but captions added. New captioned illos of new team.

Lady Mastermind
X-Men: Messiah Complex
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2nd History paragraph split in 2; new sentence added at end of final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Lady Octopus
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Was Listed As: Doctor Octopus
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases and code name reversed. Last half-sentence in History replaced with new sentence incorporating info from Where are They Now? Hair tweaked.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Larval Earth (Spider-Ham)
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned. 21 new captioned secondary illos.

Last Avengers Story
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned. New captioned secondary illo plus 27 new numbered secondary illos corresponding to a key

Marie Laveau
Horror 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Hulk 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Citizenship, Group Affiliation revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: 7 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

All-New A to Z #4
Split From: Frog-Man
Page Count: Originally 2 total, now 1
Text Changes:  Frog-Man text removed. Aliases and Occupation revised. New sentence added to end of second History paragraph; rest of History revised and condense to remove Frog-Man-specific material. Abilities/Accessories a little revised.
Graphic Changes:  The two Frog-Man illos (main illo plus Eugene headshot) removed. Secondary illo of Leapfrog now main, with background removed. Vincent headshot no longer captioned.

Legion of the Night
Horror 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned. Old headshots now cropped, with 2 new ones added.

Legion of the Unliving
Horror 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Former Members revised. 2nd History paragraph split in 2 while 4th and 5th merged.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned. 4 new secondary illos plus 6 more sharing 1 caption. 48 new headshots with issues Active.

Lethal Legion
Teams 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Former Members, Base of Operations, First Appearance revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Note added.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned. 5 new captioned secondary illos; 30 headshots with issues Active added.

Liberty Legion
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new captioned one.

X-Men: Messiah Complex
Split From: Lifeguard  & Slipstream
Page Count: Originally 1 total; now 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, Physical Statistics, Abilities/Accessories, Power Grid of the other character removed from each entry.; History somewhat revised to read better as solo entry (in Lifeguard’s case, split in two); Note added; Abilities/Accessories paragraph split in 2.
Graphic Changes: Slipstream removed from main illo (thus no longer obscuring her); 1 secondary illo now captioned; 2 new captioned secondary illos
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: new sentences added to end of 6th and 8th History paragraphs (plus minor other tweaking) incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: First Appearances added to headshots.

Lilith (Mother of Demons)
Horror 2005
Was Listed As: Lilith – Mother of Demons
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, Weight, and Power Grid revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Now Listed As: Lilith
Page Count: Reduced from 2 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/abridged; 1st Abilities/Accessories paragraph somewhat rewritten/abridged, second one removed
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed

Lilith (Daughter of Dracula)
Horror 2005
Was Listed As: Lilith – Daughter of Dracula
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Citizenship, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Avengers 2004
Was Listed As: Captain Britain
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten (the former expanded). Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo reversed. 2 new secondary illos.

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new one-sentence final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Living Brain
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: New final History paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories mostly revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

Living Erasers
All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Originally, the main illo was the same as one of the secondary illos, only with partially different colouring and background; that secondary illo removed but main illo now coloured as per the removed secondary illo. New secondary illo.

Living Laser
All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised and expanded, though a lot of original text still present. Physical Stats expanded.
Graphic Changes: Background added to main illo making it easier to see. 3 new secondary illos.

Living Lightning
Avengers 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Living Mummy
Horror 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation and Group Affiliation revised. New large paragraph added at end of History.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Living Tribunal
All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of 2nd or 3rd History paragraph (depending on if you count the note).
Graphic Changes: None

Spider-Man 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. 5th History paragraph revised and expanded; final paragraph replaced with new larger one. Height, Weight, Eyes tweaked.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. End of 1st History paragraph tweaked; new final paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

X-Men 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Citizenship and Group Affiliation revised. Final History paragraph expanded to include SWORD info. Abilities/Accessories tweaked.
Graphic Changes: Original illo reversed/Art Credit inadvertently removed. New captioned secondary illo.
Marvel Pets (changes in other direction)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Last sentence of 1st History paragraph revised. New sentence added to end of final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None
All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Note added to Known Relatives. First History paragraph revised. New final History paragraph. New sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessories. Speed revised on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo removed; new main illo. One secondary illo cropped, the other two removed, replaced with 2 new ones.
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Page Count: Reduced from 3 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/abridged
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed

Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. Original History paragraphs somewhat revised; 6 new paragraphs incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded. New secondary illo

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New final History paragraph. New sentence added to Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: Main illo shifted slightly. 2 new secondary illos.

Lord Chaos & Master Order
All-New A to Z Update #3
Was Listed As: Master Order & Lord Chaos
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Lord Moses
All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Stephen Loss
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Zombies
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History sentence replaced with new one. Speed on Power Grid tweaked.
Graphic Changes: None

Willy Lumpkin
[Revisit later]
Lunatic Legion
All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Lunatik (Arisen Tyrk Fragments)
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Was Listed As: Lunatik
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Where are They Now? passage added to end of final History paragraph. Physical Stats revised. New sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: None

Lunatik (Mercenary)
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Was Listed As: Lunatik
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation and Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Acessories almost completely revised/expanded. Height, Eyes, Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History. Note revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Lyja the Lazerfist
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. Last sentence removed from History and new large final paragraph added. Final Abilities/Accessories sentence tweaked, then new sentence added
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Power Numbers revised
Graphic Changes: None

Lion God
All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Durability revised in Power Numbers
Graphic Changes: None

Living Diamond
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Was Listed As: Jack O’Diamonds
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Aliases revised due to name reversal. 2 sentences added to end of History incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Living Totem
All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None
Lois London
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History somewhat expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Lord of Death
Marvel Zombies
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Lords of the Living Lightning
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Was Listed As: Legion of the Living Lightning
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: 5 new sentences added to end of History, incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: One of the illos now captioned.

Lurking Unknown
Marvel Zombies
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and Physical Stats revised to include predecessors. History completely written/expanded and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded, in both cases in part to factor in predecessors. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illos of Penance and Twins replaced with new ones (still captioned); 4 additional new secondary illos

All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Gideon Mace
All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed, thus correcting error of which hand holds the mace

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Occupation and Group Affiliation revised. History somewhat revised: confirmed changes to 3rd and 5th History paragraphs and the last 3, the second last of these being the most substantially changed (paragraphs also now split differently); new large final paragraph; likely other changes overlooked. Note added. 1st and 4th Abilities/Accessories paragraphs greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New headshot. 5 new captioned secondary illos.

Machine Man
All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Education revised. History greatly revised/expanded. New paragraph added between 2nd and 3rd Abilities/Accessories paragraphs.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed, replaced with new one; background removed form another secondary illo

Machine Teen
All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final History paragraph converted to a Note.
Graphic Changes: None

Daredevil 2004
Split From: Mister Fear
Page Count: originally 2 total; now 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised; History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Physical Statistics a bit revised, Power Grid completely revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo and four new secondary illos (2 captioned).
All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: final History sentence replaced with 2 new ones. Physical Stats tweaked.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Moira MacTaggert
Book of the Dead 2004
Was Listed As: Moira MacTaggart
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History considerably revised and expanded. 2 sentences added to Abilities/Accessories. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Mad Jack
All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new sentence added to end if History
Graphic Changes: None

Mad Thinker
All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: new final History paragraph. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Madame Masque
All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: new large final History paragraph. Distinguishing Features removed.
Graphic Changes: 2 secondary illos removed, 3 added (one captioned).

Madame Web
Spider-Man 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation tweaked. First History paragraph somewhat expanded and first sentence from 2nd paragraph moved to that paragraph; new final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories tweaked.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one cropped to headshot and reversed).

Hulk 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation and First Appearance revised. History mostly rewritten and Expanded. Height and Weight tweaked. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Wolverine 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Size removed. Places of Interest added. Population and Major Resources (formerly Major Industries) revised. History mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Street map removed. Flag, map of Madripoor’s position on the globe, and secondary illo added. Headshots: alter egos and Last Appearances removed; some Occupations revised Tyger Tiger headshot only lists earliest First Appearance; new illo for Karma; Aardwolf added.

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Note added to Physical Stats. Strength and Durability revised on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: New headshot.

Appendix: Earth’s Solar System
New entry

Appendix: Active Satellites
[revisit later]
Hulk 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly but not completely revised/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Proctor’s Earth in 1st History paragraph corrected. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Book of the Dead 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History greatly revised/expanded. Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned headshot.

Magik (Illyana Rasputin)
Book of the Dead 2004
Was Listed As: Magik
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories text replaced with new expanded material. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo and 12 new captioned secondary illos.
X-Men: Messiah Complex
Was Listed As: Magik
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Education, and Eyes expanded. History somewhat revised and expanded, including splitting the 1st paragraph in 3 and the 3rd paragraph in 2. Abilities/Accessories somewhat expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed). The secondary illos that weren’t captioned before now are, 5 new captioned secondary illos.

Magik (Rasputin-4210)
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse 2005
Was Listed As: Magik
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name, Citizenship, Known Relatives revised. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new expanded text. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed.

Magma (Darque)
Spider-Man: Back in Black
Was Listed As: Magma
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Magma (Aquilla)
[Revisit later]
X-Men 2005
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories consuiderable revised/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 11 new secondary illos (5 captioned)

Moses Magnum
All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 3 sentences added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: None

X-Men: Age of Apocalypse 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new expanded text. Intelligence and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics and Physical Stats revised. Old History text replaced with new, expanded text. Old Abilities/Accessories paragraph revised at the start, with two new paragraphs added at end.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now cropped, thus eliminating dialogue, and captioned). One secondary illo has dialogue replaced with captioned; the other replaced with new captioned illo.
All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 3rd and 4th History paragraphs merged. Height, Weight, Eyes revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Original History paragraphs slightly expanded and new final one added, all incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Background/dialogue removed from main illo. Secondary illos cropped with old dialogue/story captions removed. Two now share a caption.

Major Mapleleaf
All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. Final History paragraph expanded, with final sentence replaced with new one.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo captioned, new one added.

Golden Age 2004
Was Listed As: Hurricane
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Height and Weight revised. Strength, Durability, Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary with background added); 5 new secondary illos (1 captioned)
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Page Count: Reduced from 2 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/abridged
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed
Marvel Mystery Handbook [changes in other direction]
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: End of final History paragraph revised
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st 2 and last 2 History paragraphs merged.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos

All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo now cropped to make for a better headshot

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: History tweaked (e.g. adding “(Peter Parker)” after “Spider-Man”
Graphic Changes: None

[Revisit later]
All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Marvel Knights 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Final History paragraph’s last sentence replaced with a considerable amount of new text.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Victor Mancha
All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Identity and Known Relatives revised. History and Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded (though some less key History bits removed). Strength and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Aliases & Occupation revised. Until last paragraphy, History somewhat revised and expanded, with new text weaving in and out of old text; new paragraph added before second last paragraph; final History paragraph revised and expanded, then 2 new paragraphs added at end. Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now secondary; one secondary illo removed, the other converted to the Eliot R. Brown rings stats from Marvel Universe#15. New main illo, 10 new secondary illos (7 captioned).
All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed. Hands close-ups expanded to show the full rings information from Marvel Universe#15. 10 new secondary illos (7 captioned).
Mandarin (Temujin)
All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Aliases revised. End of 2nd History paragraph abridged; final sentence in last paragraph replaced with new expanded text. Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: None
All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None
New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded, though a lot of old text still present. Abilities/Accessories text replaced with new expanded material.
Graphic Changes: Old illo tilted, 4 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: final History sentence split from the old paragraph to form the start of an extensive new final paragraph
Graphic Changes: Old illo’s characters now numbered with number key below the illo. 10 new captioned secondary illos.

Avengers 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. 2nd History paragraph tweaked; new ½ sentence added at end of History, followed by 5 new paragraphs. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo now secondary, old secondary illo removed; new main illo and 8 new captioned secondary illos.
X-Men: Messiah Complex
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new final History paragraph. Art credit corrected.
Graphic Changes: None

Eddie March
All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo of Mark 1 armour

All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/the former abridged. Note removed.
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed

Margali of the Winding Way
All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation expanded. 1st History paragraph a little expanded, last 2 merged.
Graphic Changes: None

Maria Stark Foundation
All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Man-Mountain Marko
All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Occupation revised. 4 sentences added to end of History. Abilities/Accessories more quantified.
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation and Education revised. Old History replaced with new expanded text. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised, particularly but not limited to changing the tense.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Martian Masters
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Members and Base of Operations revised. Traits somewhat revised/expanded. History mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Top illo removed. Dialogue removed from lower illo. 4 new captioned secondary illos.

Marvel Boy (Grayson)
Golden Age 2004
Was Listed As: Marvel Boy
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Height and Weight tweaked. Intelligence on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary; no longer cropped); 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Marvel Boy (Noh-Varr)
All-New A to Z #7
Was Listed As: Marvel Boy
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly (but not completely) revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Note added
Graphic Changes: Old main illo now secondary/cropped, old secondary illo removed; new main illo and new captioned secondary illo. Note added

Marvel Girl
X-Men 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories text replaced with new expanded material. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed, replaced with new main illo and 6 captioned secondary illos

Marvel Knights
Marvel Knights 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Purpose, Major Enemies, Known Extent of Operations removed. Base of Operations tweaked.
Graphic Changes: Main illo captioned, secondary illo replaced with 2 new captioned ones.

Marvel Zombies
Marvel Zombies
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of first Traits paragraph; last sentence of 3rd paragraph replaced with new one. First History paragraph abridged; last sentence of 3rd last paragraph replaced with 2 new ones; between 3rd and 2nd last paragraph, new large one added; 2nd last paragraph revised; final History sentence replaced with new one, followed by 4 new paragraphs. New sentence added to end of 2nd Note paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned; 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Masked Marauder
All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: First 3 History paragraphs greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 5 new captioned secondary illos.

Louise Mason
[revisit later]
All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities mostly (but not completely) revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo now secondary. New main illo and new captioned secondary illo.

Master of the World
All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation tweaked. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded, though a lot of old text still present. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now secondary and one of the secondary illos now main illo.

Master Khan
All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Master Man
All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final 2 History paragraphs merged.
Graphic Changes: Illo captioned Max Lohmer replaced with new one; 2 secondary illos cropped.

Mastermind (Computer)
All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: First 2 History paragraphs merged. Abilities/Accessories expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned, new captioned secondary illo.

Mastermind (Martinique Wyngarde)
All-New A to Z #7
Was Listed As: Mastermind
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new expanded text.
Graphic Changes: None

Masters of Evil
Teams 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: First Appearance revised/expanded. First 2 History paragraphs merged, final paragraph abridged.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned. 6 new secondary illos (5 captioned); 64 new headshots with issues Active added.

Alicia Masters
All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text Changes: New small final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. Note reworked into a new first History paragraph; other paragraphs somewhat revised, new final paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Background removed from old main illo. Secondary illo replaced with new one.

Wolverine 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name, Citizenship revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Maverick (Nord)
Wolverine 2004
Was Listed As: Agent Zero/Maverick
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation tweaked. Some History paragraphs merged/tweaked, then new final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised. Durability and Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary). Other illo removed, and three new ones added.
Wolverine: Weapon X Files (changes in other direction)
Now Listed As: Maverick
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Maverick (Bradley)
All-New A to Z #7
Was Listed As: Maverick
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text Changes: Aliases slightly expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st History tweaked and Note added, both incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: None

Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants expanded. 1st History sentence revised, 2nd last paragraph revised/abridged, new sentence added to final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Old illo captioned; new captioned secondary illo plus 48 new headshots with First Appearances.

Ian McNee
Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation revised, Known Relatives tweaked. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/greatly expanded
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); 2 new secondary illos

Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: illo now partly cropped

Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History mostly revised/expanded (small amount of old text still present). Abilities/Accessories greatly expanded (old text still present, but greatly added to). Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos.

Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new, expanded text. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 7 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories text replaced with new expanded material.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo removed, 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: main illo reversed.

Horror 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 6
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, First Appearance revised. Old History text replaced with extensive new text. Abilities/Acccessories considerably revised/expanded (some old text still present).
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed. New main illo plus 12 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

[Revisit later]
All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Merlin Demonspawn
All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: History greatly revised, with new text weaving in and out of old text. New Note paragraphs (1 each) added before and after the old one, which is tweaked.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Irene Merryweather
X-Men: Messiah Complex
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New half-sentence added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: None

Metal Master
All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Place of Birth clarified. Skin stat removed.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo replaced with two new ones (1 captioned).

Lynn Michaels
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases expanded. First 2 History Paragraphs merged; 4 sentences added to final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo replaced with new captioned one.

Book of the Dead 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2nd last History paragraph tweaked; final paragraph converted to a Note (Punisher’s MAX series no longer considered 616 canon) and tweaked
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped.

All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: 1st 2 History paragraphs merged; final History sentence replaced with a lot of new text. Final Abilities/Accessories sentence replaced with new one. Fighting Skills increased on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos.

All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: some History paragraphs merged. 3rd last paragraph expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Mordecai Midas
All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Order of Abilities/Accessories paragraphs shifted; if you number the paragraphs according to the Iron Manual, the new order is: 3, 5, 4, 1, 2.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History greatly revised/expanded, though a lot of old text still present. Eyes revised. Abilities/Accessories slightly revised.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo now captioned secondary, one secondary illo removed. New main illo and 4 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Midnight Sons
Teams 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Former Members revised as Members. History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new captioned main illo and 2 new captioned secondary illos; 13 headshots with issues Active added.

Midnight Sun
All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: First Appearance revised.
Graphic Changes: 1 new captioned secondary illo.

Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½.
Text Changes: First Appearance revised. History somewhat revised/paragraphs merged. Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/abridged.
Graphic Changes: Illo cropped/background added.

Layla Miller
All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Group affiliation revised. History greatly revised/expanded, thoughy a lot of old text still present. 2 sentences added to end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Millie the Model
Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/greatly expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded (s0ome old text still present). Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned), followed by 42 new headshots of supporting characters (22 co-workers and 20 relatives), complete with role in Millie’s life and First Appearances.

All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text Changes: Final History sentence revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Mimic (Earth-12)
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse 2005
Was Listed As: Mimic
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new expanded text. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos removed, replaced with 6 captioned new ones.

Mindless Ones
All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Spider-Man 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Place of Birth revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and two new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Nico Minoru
Women of Marvel 2005
Was Listed As: Sister Grimm
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives revised, Education clarified. Old History paragraphs merged, then lengthy new final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories a little review,
Graphic Changes: Top of staff no longer cropped.

Miss America
Golden Age 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Cape on old illo less cropped; new secondary illo

Missing Link
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph greatly expanded at end, incorporating info from Where are They Now? Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos replaced with new main illo and 2 new secondary illos.


Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (7/14/2020 8:24 am)

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     Thread Starter

7/11/2020 8:37 am  #14

Re: List of Changes in Hardcovers: The Complete Collection

                Mister Fantastic
Fantastic Four 2005
Page Count: increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History paragraphs somewhat revised/expanded, though most original text still present; some paragraphs merged; final paragraph replaced with 6 new ones. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded, though a lot of old text still present.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 8 new secondary illos (4 captioned).

Mister Fear (Cranston)
Daredevil 2004
Split From: Mister Fear
Page Count: originally 2 total; now 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised; History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Intelligence on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 6 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Mister Fear (Fagan)
Daredevil 2004
Split From: Mister Fear
Page Count: originally 2 total; now 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised; History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Hair revised. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and new secondary illo.
New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo replaced with new one.

Mister Hyde
New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded, though some old text still present. Abilities/Accessories text replaced with new expanded material.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos.

Mister Kline
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First and last History paragraphs tweaked to provide an Earth number. Eyes, Hair, and Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Background, foreground, and dialogue removed from main illo. Two secondary illos cropped/dialogue removed, Emil illo removed.

Mr. Sensitive
All-New A to Z #7
Now Listed As: Mister Sensitive
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Final History sentence tweaked.
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped. Old secondary illo replaced with 2 new captioned ones.

Mister Sinister
All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 3
Text Changes: Aliases and Known Relatives revised. History almost completely revised (some original text still present). Abilities/Accessories replaced with new expanded text.
Graphic Changes: 3 of the 4 secondary illos now captioned, 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Mister X
Wolverine 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Mistress Love
All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Speed revised on Power Grid with corresponding note
Graphic Changes: None

M’Kraan Crystal
All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New History paragraph added between 4th and 5th; final History sentence removed but new final paragraph added.
Graphic Changes: Main illo cropped.

Book of the Dead 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories text replaced with new expanded material. Note added. Fighting Skills on Power Grid increased.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now a secondary illo, sharing a caption with a new illo; new main illo, 2 additional secondary illos.

All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. New sentence added to end of old final History paragraph, then 4 new paragraphs added. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old Tarleton headshot replaced with new one; another secondary illo captioned. 6 additional captioned secondary illos added, including of some variants

Modred the Mystic
Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Citizenship, Place of Birth, Education revised. Old History text somewhat revised, then new final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: cloak in main illo a bit less cropped

Mogul of the Mystic Mountain
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Citizenship, Known
Relatives and Group Affiliation revised. Original History paragraph split in 2 and expanded, 2 new paragraphs added at end (Where are They Now? info added into the text). Last Abilities/Accessories sentence expanded.
Graphic Changes: 10 new secondary illos (9 captioned).

All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 2
Text Changes: 3rd and 4th History paragraphs merged; new sentence added to end of 2nd last and last paragraphs; possibly a few other bits added. End of first Abilities/Accessories paragraph slightly expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Mole Man
Fantastic Four 2005
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics a little revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Molecule Man
New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories text replaced with new expanded material.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed, replaced with new main illo and 4 secondary illos (2 captioned)

Molten Man
Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation slightly revised. Various History paragraphs merged; final paragraph’s old text tweaked, then greatly expanded at end.
Graphic Changes: 5 new captioned secondary illos (though three share the same caption).

All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed, caption removed from secondary illo.

Moon Knight
Marvel Knights 2005
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. 2 History paragraphs merged while 1 split in 2; final paragraph replaced with new larger one. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo removed, replaced with new one. 9 new secondary illos added (5 captioned), plus the classic Elliot R. Brown Crescent Darts and Truncheon entries from Marvel Universe#15 now included.

All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Group Affiliation, First Appearance revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos.
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illos removed, replaced with 3 new ones.
[revisit later]
Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded (small amount of old text still present). Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New captioned main illo and 14 new secondary illos (13 captioned, of which 3 share the same caption).
Spider-Man 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History and abilities/Accessoires mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Astrid Mordo
Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Mordred the Evil
Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New half-sentence added to end of 5th History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged from 1
Text Changes: 2nd History paragraph split in 2, with a half sentence added to the end of the new 2nd paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/the former expanded.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos removed.
All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st 2 History paragraphs merged. Note added.
Graphic Changes: None

Morgan Le Fay
Avengers 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Citizenship and Group Affiliation revised. History greatly expanded, though a lot of old text still present; new final paragraph. New paragraph added to beginning of Note, and old Note paragraph rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Sub-groups of Morlocks now converted into sub-headings of Known Members instead of given separate rows; Extremists sub-group added to Known Members and First Appearance. History greatly revised/expanded, though a lot of old text still present.
Graphic Changes: Headshots expanded from 48 to 92, including new sub-sections for London and Chicago communities, but power descriptions removed; Headshots changed for Caliban and Skids.

Spider-Man 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st History paragraph tweaked; 2nd paragraph replaced with new one; new final paragraph added.
Graphic Changes: None

Morph (Earth-1081)
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse 2005
Was Listed As: Morph
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new expanded text. Eyes revised. Intelligence and Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos removed, replaced with 4 new ones (3 captioned).

All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Place of Birth and Known Relatives revised. History and Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded (some original text still present).
Graphic Changes: 3 new captioned secondary illos
Alyssa Moy-Castle
Fantastic Four 2005
Was Listed As: Alyssa Moy
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded (no longer just one paragraph). Abilities/Accessories almost completely revised/expanded (lots of new text for both History and Abilities/Accessories).
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Ms. Marvel
Avengers 2004
Was Listed As: Warbird
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Acessories completely rewritten/expanded. Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary); old secondary illo removed; 6 new secondary illos (1 captioned)
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new, expanded text.
Graphic Changes: Main illo and 2 of the 3 secondary illos removed. New main illo, 6 new secondary illos, 2 captioned.
Mighty Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/the former expanded, though a lot of old text still present. Strength/Durability increased on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos.

New “Files” type entry
Multiple Man
Marvel Knights 2005
Was Listed As: Madrox
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Hair revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: secondary illo removed; 8 new secondary illos (6 captioned)

Wolverine: Weapon X Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Mutant Growth Hormone
[revisit later]
Mutant Liberation Front
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Split From: Mutant Liberation Front (previously with Humanity’s Last Stand version)
Page Count: Originally 2 total; now 2
Text Changes: HLS Vital Statistics removed, Members merges the other old member categories; Bases of Operations & First Appearance revised/shortened. First two History paragraphs split; next paragraph tweaked; 2nd last paragraph shortened as most of the HLS info moved out; last paragraph revised (possibly other minor revisions throughout); two new final paragraphs
Graphic Changes: 5 new headshots (HLS headshots removed; all headshots now have Active issues
Mutant Liberation Front (Humanity’s Last Stand)
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Split From: Mutant Liberation Front
Page Count: Originally 2 total; now 1
Text Changes: Non-HLS members removed. First Appearance tweaked. Most of the History text is new, though a small amount from the old core entry included.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo and non HLS headshots removed; new main illo and captioned secondary illo. Three new headshots (distinguishing the three cases where two different people took a codename); alter egos added to most headshots.

Mutant X-Verse
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo which is numbered with accompanying number key; 6 new captioned secondary illos.

Teams 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current and Former Members and Base of Operations revised/expanded. History mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned; 2 new captioned secondary illos

Mysterio  (Beck)
Spider-Man 2005
Split From: Mysterio
Page Count: Originally 2 total; now 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised; Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten; Power Grid revised; History mostly revised/expanded, Eyes and Hair revised
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo; 4 new captioned secondary illos

Mysterio (Berkhart)
Spider-Man 2005
Split From: Mysterio
Page Count: Originally 2 total; now 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised; Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten; Power Grid revised; History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo; 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Mysterio (Klum)
Spider-Man: Back in Black
Was Listed As: Mysterio
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Know Relatives tweaked. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Power Grid converted to Power Numbers
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases tweaked. Abilities/Accessories paragraphs reordered
Graphic Changes: The uncaptioned secondary illo now captioned; new captioned headshot

Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo and 5 new secondary illos (4 captioned).
X-Men 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Citizenship, Group Affiliation revised. History somewhat revised/expanded (I’d say greatly but a lot of the changes are just rewording, though there is new material esp. near the end. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed); old secondary illo now captioned; 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned)
Mad Pharaoh
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

Madam Macabre
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new captioned one.

Madame X
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Was Listed As: Comrade X
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely revised/expanded; Abilities/Accessories revised.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo removed and old main illo cropped to a headshot; new main illo.

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real name revised. History and Anilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

X-Men: Messiah Complex
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Occupation & Group Affiliation revised. New final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: New main illo; old illo cropped into headshot

All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: end of final History sentence removed; new final sentence added. Eyes tweaked.
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #6
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None
Marvel Boy (Martin Simon Burns)
All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: unmasked headshot added
Marvel Mystery Handbook [published after this hardcover]
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Boy (Martin Oksner Burns)
All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: unmasked headshot added

Master Hate
All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded. Last Abilities/Accessories sentence replaced with new one
Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History expanded, including but not limited to new sentence at end. Note added. Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Education revised. History revised/expanded. New sentence added at end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: None

Wolverine: Weapon X Files
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Occupation and Known Relatives revised. History greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed

Mister Fear
Daredevil 2004
Split From: Mister Fear (with other versions)
Page Count: originally 2 total; now ½
Text Changes: All: Vital Statistics revised; History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Intelligence, Energy Projection, Fighting Skills on Power Numbers (formerly Power Grid) revised
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Mister Rasputin
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Considerable amount of text added to end of History, incorporating info from Where are they Now?
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Mister Zodiac
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Was Listed As: Mr. Zodiac
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Citizenship revised. History tweaked to reflect adjusted birthplace.
Graphic Changes: Images colourized; background removed from main illo; secondary illos cropped into headshots

All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Abilities/Accessories rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed

World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: ½ sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded. Speed on Power Numbers revised
Graphic Changes: new captioned headshot

El Muerto
Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Right hand in main illo cropped out

Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Hair revised. Final sentence removed from Abilities/Accessories. Power Numbers now Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: None

Avengers 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Acessories completely rewritten/expanded. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 8 new secondary illos
Golden Age 2004
Was Listed As: Namor the Sub-Mariner
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo and 8 new secondary illos
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Was Listed As: Sub-Mariner
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 8 new secondary illos
All-New A to Z Update #3
Was Listed As: Namor the Sub-Mariner
Page Count: Increased from 5 to 6
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded, though a lot of the old text/paragraphs still present. Abilities/Accessories also greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo
Marvel Mystery Handbook [changes in other direction]
Now Listed As: Namor the Sub-Mariner
Page Count: Unchanged at 6
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. New entence added to end of final Hiustory paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Golden Age 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Hair and Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Namora (Earth-2185)
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse 2005
Was Listed As: Namora
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewtitten.
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Durability, Energy Projection, Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now secondary. New main illo and 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Nasty Boys
All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned headshot

Wolverine 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History. Abilities/Accessories revised/abridged
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old now secondary); old secondary illos removed; 1 new secondary illo

Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo tilted

Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First History paragraph revised at beginning; final two paragraphs merged.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old main illo removed, replaced with new one; old secondary illos colourized; two new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Negative Zone
All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: New passage for Taptor
Graphic Changes: New illo accompanies Taptor passage; llos added for Mantracora & Threska’s unidentified planet

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Last sentence in 4th History paragraph removed; final paragraph’s last sentence replaced with 2 new ones. Distinguishing Features removed. New sentence added to end of 1st abilities/Accessories paragraph.
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Foggy Nelson
Daredevil 2004
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories a little revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 new secondary illos

Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Eyes and Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Wolverine: Weapon X Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First Appearance clarified
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed.

New Men
All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Paragraph beginning “On Earth…” tweaked. New sentences added to final History paragraph, doubling the size. ( new captioned secondary illos plus 3 more sharing one caption.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned.

New Mutants (Xavier’s School)
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Was Listed As: New Mutants
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Current Members renamed former Members and expanded. Base of Operations tweaked. 2nd last History paragraph revised/shortened. Final History paragraph’s last sentence removed, then greatly expanded (length more than doubled).
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary) illo. Other secondary illos also captioned (though one, “Original Roster” slightly erroneously, as three of the members depicted joined after the team’s forming). 19 headshots with issues active added.

New Mutants (Xavier Institute)
Teams 2005
Was Listed As: New Mutants
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Original team info removed from Vital Statistics; Current Members now in Former Members with remaining old Former Members. New lengthy final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned; 1 new captioned secondary illo
Note: As with Heroes for Hire above, I judged this to essentially be a Xavier Institute entry, with the amount of older team info being minimal. The hardcover entry for the original team is more accurately derived from Marvel Legacy: 1980s

New Son
All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

New Universe
Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants significantly expanded. Significant Locations expanded less significantly. History greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now numbered with accompanying number key. 48 new headshots with First Appearance and main ability.

New Warriors
Teams 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Current and Former Members and Base of Operations revised. Final History paragraph split in two, with the final half abridged, then 4 new final History paragraphs
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new captioned main illo, 2 new captioned secondary illos, 27 new headshots with issues Active.

New Warriors (Donyell Taylor’s)
Revisit later
New X-Men
X-Men: Messiah Complex
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final sentence and a half of History replaced with new expanded text, then 4 new paragraphs added
Graphic Changes: The uncaptioned illo now captioned; headshots removed.

Lotus Newmark
All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Minor editing
Graphic Changes: None

Nextwave Squad
All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Base of Operations revised. Old final paragraph split in two, which final sentence in second half replaced by three new sentences, then a new final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new one (also captioned).

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded, with new text weaving in and out of old
Graphic Changes: None

Night Nurse
All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name and Education revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories revised/abridged.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo removed, replaced with new one. One headshot caption clarified, new captioned headshot

Night Raven
All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Place of Birth clarified, Group Affiliation revised. History considerably revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New headshot embedded in the 1930s illo; 8 additional secondary illos (2 sets of 2 captioned)

Night Thrasher (Dwayne Taylor)
All-New A to Z #8
Was Listed As: Night Thrasher
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Citizenship and Known Relatives revised. History somewhat revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded (now 4 paragraphs).
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo
Night Thrasher (Donyell Taylor)
All-New A to Z #2
Was Listed As: Bandit
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary); 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

X-Men 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History greatly revised/expanded. Abilties/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now secondary; new main illo and 8 new secondary illos (4 captioned).

Nighthawk (Richmond)
All-New A to Z #8
Now Listed As: Nighthawk
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now secondary; 2 new secondary illos

Horror 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History mostly revised/expanded (spome old text still present). Eyes & Hair revised. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo reversed; 4 new captioned secondary illos

Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First two History paragraphs merged; new final paragraph (basically shortened Where are They Now? text). Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None
All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Current and Former Members revised (Deadbird no longer on either list but still has headshot).
Graphic Changes: None

Nightshade (Johnson)
All-New A to Z Update #1
Was Listed As: Nightshade
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. 2nd and 3rd, then 4th and 5th History paragraphs merged; final paragraph replaced with new larger one; Abilities/Accessories a bit expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives tweaked. History somewhat revised, with some paragraphs merged.
Graphic Changes: None

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned, 3 sharing caption)

X-Men: Age of Apocalypse 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 4 new captioned secondary illos.

Golden Age 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Height & Weight tweaked. Strength, Durability, and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now secondary; old secondary illo removed; new main illo and 5 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Dakota North
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Aliases & Occupation revised. History considerably revised/expanded (a lot of old text still present). Abilities/Accessories tweaked.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 3 secondary ones.

X-Men 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Education revised. History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary); old secondary illo’s cropping altered; 2 new captioned secondary illos

“Red” Norvell
All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Place of Birth and Known Relatives revised. End of final history paragraph tweaked
Graphic Changes: old main illo removed, replaced with new one; new secondary illo

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Nova (Rider)
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Was Listed As: Nova
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illos removed; 8 new secondary illos (4 captioned)
All-New A to Z #8
Was Listed As: Nova
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Identity, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History considerably revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: headshot replaced with new one; another secondary illo removed, another one captioned; 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)
Nova (Raye)
Book of the Dead 2004
Was Listed As: Nova
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Physical Stats revised.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Nova Corps
[Revisit later]
Nova Omega
All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History phrase replaced with new sentence.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Cassandra Nova
X-Men: Messiah Complex
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised
Graphic Changes: None

Nth Man
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Identity revised. History mostly revised/expanded (someoriginal text still present). New sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: Alfie illo less cropped. 12 new headshots.

Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Real Name & Known Relatives revised. Two new initial History paragraphs; old first paragraph revised at beginning; two new final History paragraphs. Abilities/Accessories tweaked.
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos.

Number Nine
All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new phrase added to end of 1st History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Nighthawk (Pennysworth)
[Revisit later]
Nomad (Ferbel)
Brand new entry
Marvel Zombies
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives revised.
Graphic Changes: None
Michael O’Brien
All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: new added t end of final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: 3 new captioned secondary illos

Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History somewhat revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 15 new captioned secondary illos

Book of the Dead 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: 7 new captioned secondary illos
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Page Count: Reduced from 3 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/abridged
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Wolverine 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Citizenship, Group Affiliation revised. Minor revison to start of first History paragraph; 3rd and 4th paragraphs merged; final 3 paragraphs merged. Abilities/Accessories slightly revised. Speed revised on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: Left illo now secondary; right illo removed; new main illo and 2 secondary illos (1 captioned).

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Mighty Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Split From: Olympians; other entry is Appendix: Olympians: Demi-Gods, Heroes & Other Graeco-Roman Mythological Figures
Page Count: Originally 4 total; now 6
Text Changes: The various lists of individuals merged with headshots (see also Graphic Changes) and biographical information added; Gods and Titans alphabetized together; some Demigods in the core entry, some in the Appendix, Others moved to Appendix; some not listed in the original categories included. History greatly revised/expanded. New final Olympus paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo added. As noted above, headshots merged with text categories and made into biographical sections and expanded (the complex nature of these changes makes it more trouble than it’s worth to tally the new additions for the text and/or headshots. Of the headshots previously shown, the first set of headshots has been moved (mostly) to the Appendix (Cerberus remains in the main entry); Cylla removed entirely.  For second headshots section, everyone remains in core entry except Hippolyta in Appendix; “Occupation” worked into the bios; Apollo now under Phoebus Apollo; new headshots for Ares, Athena, Hera, Hercules; Bellona now under Eris; Poseidon/Neptune now under Neptune; Psyche cropped. Yellow number circles in Olympus map now red

Omega the Unknown
Book of the Dead 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Energy Projection and Fighting Skills revised on Power Grid.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Omega Core
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Former Members added. Planet of Operations reworked as Base of Operations and slightly revised. History completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned. Secondary illo added. One headshot removed, the other 3 now captioned.

Omega Fight (Jerry Jaxon’s Team)
[Revisit later]
Omega Fight (Master’s Team)
[Revisit later]
Omega Flight (Canadian Government Team)
All-New A to Z Update #4
Was Listed As: Omega Flight
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current Members revised. Former Members and Honorary members categories added. Half of final History paragraph removed and replaced with 4 new sentences.
Graphic Changes: Entire 2nd page is a new headquarters diagram from Marvel Atlas#2

Omega Red
Wolverine 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Eyes revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Omega Sentinel
All-New A to Z #10
Was Listed As: Karima Shapandar
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. Final History paragraph replaced with new expanded one. Weight abridged.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary)

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/greatly expanded. Eyes and Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: one secondary illo now captioned; 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

X-Men 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Colossus’ alter ego added to History then new final paragraph added. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

The Order
All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Current and Former Members categories added. Sub-entries removed, with a lot of the text merged into the main History section. Thus History considerably revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos replaced with four new captioned ones.

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Middle History Paragraph greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Minor editing
Graphic Changes: None

Orphan Maker
Wolverine: Weapon X Files
Was Listed as: Orphan-Maker
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed.

Marvel Monsters
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: Old illo less cropped, background removed; new captioned secondary illo

Harry Osborn
Book of the Dead 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/accessories completely rewritten. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned secondary; new main illo, new captioned secondary illo.
Spider-Man: Brand New Day
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Education revised. Paragraph beinginning “With a skilful lawyer…” revised at end (arguably this happens at the end of “Harry recognized the futility…” if treated as a separate paragraph; if so these two paragraphs are now merged); final paragraph replaced with new expanded one. Intelligence on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: The uncaptioned secondary illo now captioned

Liz (Allan) Osborn
Spider-Man 2005
Was Listed As: Liz Osborn
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Intially final History paragraph somewhat revised, with final sentence removed, but then 8 new sentences added at end. Note revised.
Graphic Changes: Illo now captioned

Norman Osborn
Spider-Man 2004
Was Listed As: Green Goblin
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/the former expanded. Height and Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 5 new captioned secondary illos
All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History considerably revised/expanded, though a lot of old text (even some entire paragraphs) still present. Height and Weight revised. New final paragraph added to Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: Main illo and three secondary illos removed (leaving one old one present); New main illo and three new captioned secondary illos

Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Significant Inhabitants and Significant Locations revised/expanded. History somewhat revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned. 12 new captioned secondary illos.

Outlaw Kid
All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo less cropped

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo: right hand/toes now cropped out instead of left
Spider-Man: Back in Black
Split From: Shadrac
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Originally 1 total; now 1
Text Changes: Vital and Physical Statistics moved into their respective listings. Final History paragraph revised/expanded..
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary); two secondary illos removed, 1 added
Daredevil 2004
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Citizenship, Group Affiliation revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos

Old Lace
All-New A to Z #1
Split From: Arsenic/Old Lace
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Originally 1 total, now ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics beyond First Appearance added, History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded, Power Grid converted to Power Numbers, with Intelligence revised. Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed).
Marvel Pets
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Occupation and Group Affiliation tweaked. History revised/expanded, including but not limited to new material at end. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Spider-Man: Brand New Day
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History a little revised
Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new one.

Pacific Overloads
All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new illo added below the headshots; illos of Klaw, Living Lightning, Sunfire replaced with proper headshots

Karen Page
Daredevil 2004
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Education revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories rewritten. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: old main illo removed, replaced with new one

Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Was Listed As: Paibok the Power-Skrull
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old now secondary); old secondary illos removed; 1 new secondary illo
All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History phrase replaced with 2 new sentences
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Painter of 1000 Perils
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. Originally History paragraph mostly revised, then two new ones added incorporating info from Where are They Now? End of abilities/Accessories greatly expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. New sentence added at end of 3rd History paragraph; paragraph originally beginning “Upon recovery…” a bit revised; final paragraph tweaked at the beginning, then sentence replaced with new one, followed by 4 new paragraphs. Abilities/Accessories a little expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); two new secondary illos; stun gun illo replaced with Eliot R. Brown schematics

Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hulk 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo now captioned secondary illo; new captioned main illo and 8 new captioned secondary illos, including a cross-section of the Mount.

Panther God
All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New final 1 ½ sentences added at end of History. Note removed.
Graphic Changes: None
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History greatly revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed

Papa Shorty
Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Ben Parker
Book of the Dead 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Identity tweaked. 4th-6th History paragraphs merged/expanded. Due to editing error, former 6th paragraph info then rephrased, thus repeating ino from the previous paragraph; old final paragraph removed. Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

May Parker
Spider-Man 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History greatly revised/expanded. Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories tweaked. Speed on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Richard and Mary Parker
[revisit later]
Patriot (Mace)
Golden Age 2004
Was Listed As: Patriot
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Patriot (Bradley)
All-New A to Z #8
Was Listed As: Patriot
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: two secondary illos removed, replaced with 2 new ones (1 captioned)

Marvel Zombies
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #8
Was Listed As: Speedball
Page Count: increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Initially History somewhat revised, including the largest paragraph being split, but then last paragraph replaced with 5 new ones. Height and Weight no longer indicate a different for Speedball. 3 new paragraphs added before the original Abilities/Accessories paragraph, which itself is a bit revised. Strength, Energy Projection, Fighting Skills on Power Grod revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed). 2 secondary illos greatly enlarged/captioned, one removed. 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs merged, final ½ sentence revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: main illo now partly cropped, secondary illo now longer obscured by main illo

Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. Traits mostly revised. History mostly revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary); old secondary illo removed; four new captioned secondary illos.

Phantom Rider
All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation revised. Final History paragraph removed, as well as last sentence from second last paragraph, then new sentences added to the end of the latter.
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Book of the Dead 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistiocs revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 18 new secondary illos (2 captioned).
X-Men: Messiah Complex
Page Count: Unchanged at 4
Text Changes: A couple History paragraph mergers, then new sentence added to end of final paragraph
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo less cropped; one new captioned secondary illo
Phoenix Force
X-Men 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Real Name, Citizenship, Education removed. Aliases, Occupation revised. History greatly revised/expanded, with new text weaving in and out of old. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 7 new captioned secondary illos

Appendix: Olympians: Demi-Gods, Heroes & Other Graeco-Roman Mythological Figures
Mighty Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Split From: Olympians
Page Count: Originally 4 total; now 5 ¼, 3 this half (spans #8-9)
Text Changes: The various lists of individuals merged with headshots (see also Graphic Changes) and biographical information added; some Demigods in the core entry, some in the Appendix, Others alphabetized together in the Appendix; some not listed in the original categories included.
Graphic Changes: As noted above, headshots merged with text categories and made into biographical sections and expanded (the complex nature of these changes makes it more trouble than it’s worth to tally the new additions for the text and/or headshots. Of the headshots previously shown, the first set of headshots has been moved (mostly) to the Appendix (Cerberus remains in the main entry), with Arges to Minotaurs now in v8; Cyclopses less cropped; Cylla removed entirely; new gorgons headshot with the old headshot going to Medusa; new Huntsman illo; Kottus now the Centtimane section.

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Occupation tweaked. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Intelligence on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: First 2 secondary illos removed, 2nd two now share caption; 4 new secondary illos (2 captioned)
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Was Listed As: Captain Marvel
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History mostly revised/expanded. Weight revised; Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary); headshot removed; 4 new secondary illos (2 sharing a caption)

Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new captioned main illo and 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)
All-New A to Z #8
Was Listed As: Phyla
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Intelligence and Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new captioned main illo; old one now captioned secondary; new captioned secondary illo

Donald Pierce
Wolverine: Weapon X Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Pip the Troll
All-New A to Z Update #2

Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real name and Group Affiliation revised. 2 new sentences added to end of final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: new captioned secondary illo

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs merged, then two new sentences added to the end of this paragraph. 2 new sentences added to end of Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: First Appearance expanded. History greatly revised and expanded, with new text weaving in and out of old. 3 new paragraphs added to Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: 1st tiny illo enlarged/captioned/less cropped; 2nd and 4th tiny illo removed; 3rd tiny illo enlarged; 3 new secondary illos

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 1st 2 History paragraphs merged
Graphic Changes: Art credits inadvertently removed
Marvel Zombies
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: History somewhat expanded, with new text weaving in and out of the old text. Final sentence in Abilities/Accessories removed. Intelligence and Fighting Skills on Power Grid removed.
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo removed.
Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica [changes in other direction]
Page Count: Reduced from 2 to ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/abridged. Hair revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: New illo; old ones removed

Wolverine: Weapon X Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

X-Men 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten (former expanded, latter abridged).
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); 13 new secondary illos (10 captioned)

Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. 4 sentences added to end of final History paragraph, incorporating info from Where are they Now?
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: More alter egos mentioned in History; new sentence added to final paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Power Pack
Teams 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Base of Operations tweaked. History greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned; 10 additional new captioned illos

Power Princess
All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: 3 sentences added to end of final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

Predator X
X-Men: Messiah Complex
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Education revised. Final History paragraph greatly expanded at end, then new final paragraph. Eyes revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Prester John
All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Old final History sentence replaced with new one
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo now captioned; new captioned secondary illo
Solomon Prey
Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Old final History sentence replaced with new one
Graphic Changes: None
Prime Mover
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph greatly expanded, incorporating info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new one

[Revisit later]
Proemial Gods
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Was Listed As: Aegis & Tenebrous
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Members, Base of Operations, First Appearance added. History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed. 3 new captioned illos

Professor X
X-Men 2004
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 5
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten (former expanded, latter abridged).
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); old secondary illo removed; 14 new secondary illos (9 captioned)

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Craig’s headshot replaced with new one

Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Citizenship, Place of Birth revised. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: secondary illos now colourized

World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo partly covering the main illo

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Real Name, Identity revised. Alter egos added in History
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Proteus (Earth-616)
All-New A to Z #8
Was Listed As: Proteus
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History greatly revised/expanded, with new text weaving in and out of old. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: other than piecemeal, 2nd and 3rd row of secondary illos moved to the Proteus (Earth-58163) entry (see below); new secondary illo

Proteus (Earth-58163)
All-New A to Z #8
New entry, though based on the above. Some of the Abilities/Accessories text (start through last semi-colon) same as above; this entry has a new main illo; all secondary illos moved over from the original Proteus entry, and both entries share one secondary illo

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new headshot

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Alter egos added to History; 2 new sentences added to end of last History paragraph
Graphic Changes: New main illo

Kitty Pryde
X-Men 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly rewritten (former expanded).
Graphic Changes: 11 new secondary illos (8 captioned)

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (7/15/2020 6:36 am)

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     Thread Starter

7/11/2020 8:37 am  #15

Re: List of Changes in Hardcovers: The Complete Collection

Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Current Members, Former Members, Base of Operations revised. History greatly revised/expanded, with new text weaving in and out of the old.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Final History paragraph revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: New captioned main illo (old one removed); 2 secondary illos removed.

Fantastic Four 2005
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases and Identity revised. History greatly revised/expanded, though a lot of old text still present. Abilities/Accessories a little revised/expanded. Height/Weight revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo no longer cut off on right; 2 new secondary illos.

Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None (Where are They Now? info not used)
Graphic Changes: Background removed from main illos; saecondary illo reformatted/captioned/dialogue removed

X-Men 2005
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation, First Appearance revised. History greatly revised/expanded (initially only somewhat revised, but then 2 very large paragraphs added at end). Abilities/Accessories mostly revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now secondary; new main illo and 7 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Puck (Judd)
All-New A to Z Update #1
Was Listed As: Puck
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. Some History paragraphs merged and final sentence tweaked. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: None

Puck (Yu)
Women of Marvel 2005
Now Listed As: Puck
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Education revised. History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Place of Birth, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History paragraph beginning “The Kingpin…” replaced with new abridged one; final paragraph has considerable new text between the last 2 sentences. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: None.

Marvel Knights 2005
Page Count: Increased from 4 to 5
Text Changes: Real Name revised (as per History and the previous Real Name, he should probably still be listed as having been born Frank Castiglione). Some History paragraphs merged; paragraph beginning “At the same time…” tweaked at end; new paragraph added between subsequent two paragraphs; 2nd last paragraph replaced with 6 new ones. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Intelligence and Strength on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo removed, replaced with new one. One secondary illo removed, 3 new captioned ones. Classic Eliot R. Brown van specs from Deluxe Edition added and captioned.
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: Vital Statistics mostly revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 6 new secondary illos (3 captioned, one being a classic Elliot R. Brown van cross-section)

All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Puppet Master
All-New A to Z #9
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. 2 new sentences added to final History paragraph. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed, new captioned secondary illo

Wolverine: Weapon X Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Purple Man
Daredevil 2004
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. Older History paragraphs a little revised, with paragraphs merged; new final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories slightly revised. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)
New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old secondary illo removed, replaced with three new ones (1 captioned).

Book of the Dead 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Real Name, Identity, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

X-Men: Messiah Complex
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Paper Doll
Spider-Man: Brand New Day
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Ben Parker (Earth-6078)
Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

X-Men: Messiah Complex
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new headshot

Wolverine: Weapon X Files
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #7
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name, Occupation, Education revised. History somewhat expanded, with new text weaving in and out of the old text. Abilities/Accessories a bit expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old headshot replaced with new one.

Pink Lady
All-New A to Z Update #3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Pitiful One
All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Known Members revised and new final History paragraph, both incorporating info from Where are They Now? New sentence added at end of Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: None

Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos removed.

Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Secondary illos removed.
Marvel Pets
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Aliases and Education revised. History somewhat revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised
Graphic Changes: None

[revisit later]
Wolverine: Weapon X Files
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Marvel Pets
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Purple Phantom
[revisit later]
Pusher Man
[revisit later]
Mighty Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Daisy Johnson
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. Second half of final History paragraph replaced with new text. New sentence added to Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Clay Quartermain
World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Education revised. Alter egos added to History; new sentence added to final paragraph
Graphic Changes: [need to revisit]

Avengers 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Acessories completely rewritten/expanded (the latter now in excess of a page). Eyes revised. Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 7 new secondary illos (3 captioned)
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo now secondary. Old secondary illos removed; 7 new secondary illos (3 captioned)
All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. End of 5th History paragraph slightly expanded; last sentence removed from History, but new sentences then 2 new paragraphs added. Abilities/Accessories further greatly revised/expanded especially at beginning, with new text weaving in and out of old.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo now secondary; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Spider-Man 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Alter egos added to History; Abilities/Accessories a little revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Avengers 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Acessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now secondary); 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned)
All-New A to Z #9
Page Count: increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation revised. Education tweaked. History initially only a little revised/expanded, then 4 ½ new paragraphs added to ended of History. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now secondary); 1 secondary illo removed, 1 new captioned secondary illo

All-New A to Z #8
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)
Radioactive Man
All-New A to Z #9
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History initially only a little revised/expanded, then 7 new paragraphs added to ended of History. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Avengers 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: old illos removed; new main illo and 5 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added at end of final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

 “Rebel” Ralston
All-New A to Z Update #1
Was Listed As: Rebel Ralston
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final History sentence abridged
Graphic Changes: None

Fantastic Four 2005
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly rewritten (small amount of old text still present). Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo no longer cut off on right and bottom; new captioned secondary illo.

Monica Rambeau
Avengers 2005
Was Listed As: Pulsar
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: secondary illo removed; 6 new secondary illos (2 captioned)
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Was Listed As: Captain Marvel
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); one of the old secondary illos less cropped and captioned. 3 new secondary illos (one captioned).
Spider-Man: Brand New Day
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Marvel Legacy: 1990s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. Final History paragraph considerably expanded at end, incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: True Form illo now called Original Form and cropped to headshot; new secondary illo.

Arcturus Rann
All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Monica Rappaccini
All-New A to Z #9
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text Changes: New paragraph added at end of History. Note removed
Graphic Changes: None

Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and captioned secondary illo

Rawhide Kid
All-New A to Z #9
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of 3rd History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #9
Page Count: increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 5 new captioned secondary illos

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Wolverine 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Members revised as Current Members and Former Members. Base of Operations tweaked. History mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos. Headshots: First and Last Appearances removed, First Active now called Active

Red Ghost
All-New A to Z #9
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Occupation and Group Affiliation revised/abridged. History somewhat reivised/expanded, wioth new text weaving in and out of old. Second Abilities/Accessories paragraph abridged, likely due to the Super-Ages entry from the Marvel Pets handbook.
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo now captioned, 2 removed. 3 new secondary illos

Red Ghost`s Super-Apes
Marvel Pets
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Some History paragraphs merged; new final paragraph
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Red Queen
All-New A to Z #9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old main illo replaced with new one

Red Raven
Golden Age 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new main illo (old one now captioned secondary) and 2 new captioned secondary illos
Marvel Mystery Handbook [changes in other direction]
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Note added
Graphic Changes: None

Red Shift
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old main illo now secondary and less cropped; one of the secondary illos now main illo and also less cropped (background removed), other 3 removed.

Red Skull (Shmidt)
Golden Age 2004
Was Listed As: Red Skull (Nazi)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Physical Statistics revised. Strength and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed); 8 new secondary illos (5 captioned)
All-New A to Z Update #4
Was Listed As: Red Skull
Page Count: Unchanged at 4
Text Changes: History somewhat revised, with new text weaving in and out of old.
Graphic Changes: Last secondary illo replaced with 3 captioned new ones.

Red Skull (Malik)
Golden Age 2004
Was Listed As: Red Skull (Communist)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Red Wolf (Wakely)
All-New A to Z #9
Split From: Red Wolf
Page Count: originally 3 total; now 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics added; Wakely`s History from the 3rd-6th paragraphs of the original; Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Height/Weight/Eyes revised. Power Grid revisions: Speed/Durability/Strength
Graphic Changes: Thunderhead, with Owayogata, Wildrun illos removed. Previous Wakely illo now main, with caption removed; new secondary illo.
Red Wolf (Talltrees)
All-New A to Z #9
Split From: Red Wolf
Page Count: originally 3 total; now 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. Talltrees`History greatly revised/expanded, incorporating material from the 1st and 8th-on paragraphs. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Power Grid revisions: Speed/Durability
Graphic Changes: Thunderhead, with Owayogata, Wildrun, Wakely illos removed. 2 new secondary illos.
All-New A to Z #9
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: History tweaked, e.g. adding alter egos.
Graphic Changes: Main illo now captioned; Scream headshot replaced with new one

Marvel Pets
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Alternate Universes 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None.
Graphic Changes: Illo now captioned.

Ben Reilly
Spider-Man 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occuption, Known Relatives, Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); 2 new captioned secondary illos

[revisit later]
World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Members, Base of Operations revised. History somewhat revised/expanded, particularly in the middle of the last paragraph, new new final paragraph.
Graphic Changes: New captioned only illo (old main illo and headshots removed)

All-New A to Z Update #1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Clive Reston
All-New A to Z Update #2
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: 3 new sentences added to end of final History paragraph, then new final 1-sentence paragraph.
Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old main illo removed; new main illo and captioned secondary illo

Ceila Reyes
All-New A to Z #9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First appearance revised. Final 1.5 History sentences replaced with 1.5 new ones. New sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessories
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hulk 2004
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Strength and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos (4 captioned).

All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: The 2 Abilities/Accessories paragraphs reversed.
Graphic Changes: None

Franklin Richards
Fantastic Four 2005
Page Count: increased from 3 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics greatly revised. History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities /Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2nd illo removed; 7 new secondary illos (6 captioned)

Nathaniel Richards
All-New A to Z #9
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases revised.
Graphic Changes: 1 secondary illo removed, replaced with new captioned one.

Valeria Richards
Fantastic Four 2005
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Education revised. History somewhat revised/expanded, with paragraph mergers and new text weaving in and out of old. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Power Grids merged and Strength, Speed, and Durability as Valeria revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo no longer cut off on right and bottom; new captioned secondary illo.

All-New A to Z #9
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. History greatly revised/expanded, with new text weaving in and out of old. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

All-New A to Z #9
Split From: Ringer; other entry is Ringer (Kraft)
Page Count: originally 1 total; now 1
Text Changes: Davis: 2nd History paragraph somewhat revised. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised, removing Kraft material. Strength/Speed on Power Grid revised, with Kraft note removed.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.
Ringo Kid
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: Occupation, Citizenship, Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo reversed; new captioned secondary illo (unfortunately neither illo has his face looking towards the reader).

Mystic Arcana
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Three History paragraphs merged, Hobgoblin’s alter ego added. Note added
Graphic Changes: None

Dallas Riordan
Women of Marvel 2005
Was Listed As: Vantage
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned secondary. New main illo and 2 new captioned secondary illos
Riot Squad
Hulk 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New categories: Members, Former Members, Base of Operations. History mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present).
Graphic Changes: Illo now captioned.

All-New A to Z #10
Was Listed As: Stacy X
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Speed, Durability, Energy Projeciton on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now captioned secondary); 1 more new secondary illo

All-New A to Z #9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: final sentence of 2nd History paragraph revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Joe Robertson
Spider-Man 2005
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Real Name, Aliases, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History somewhat revised/expanded. Final 1.5 sentences of Abilities/Accessories replaced with new one.
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary)

Randy Robertson
Spider-Man: Back in Black
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives revised. Final History sentence replaced with new one; other minor editing
Graphic Changes: None

Rock & Redeemer
World War Hulk: Gamma Files
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised for both. History slightly revised. Both Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: One secondary illo removed, one added.

Rocket Raccoon
Marvel Legacy: 1980s
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Identity, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. 3 new paragraphs (2 quite large) added to end of History (before the Note); the first of these incorporates info from Where are they Now? Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New main illo; old one removed. Dialogue removed from Loonies illo; O’Hare illo shrunk to make it less cropped; 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Rocket Racer
All-New A to Z #9
Page Count: unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised. Final History paragraph replaced with extensive new text.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

[revisit later]
Marianne Rodgers
All-New Iron Manual
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Minor editing
Graphic Changes: None

X-Men 2004
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Real Name, Aliases, Known Relatives revised, Group Affiliation tweaked. Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten (former expanded).
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one now secondary); 16 new secondary illos (6 captioned)
Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Real Name, Aliases, Known Relatives Group Affiliation revised (mostly minor changes). History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo and 16 new secondary illos (6 captioned).

Women of Marvel 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Speed and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned). Main illo credit inadvertently removed.

Ronan the Accuser
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos
All-New A to Z #9
Page Count: increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. After the first page, History considerably revised/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Avengers 2004
Was Listed As: Hawkeye
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Acessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 11 new secondary illos (5 captioned)
Book of the Dead 2004
Was Listed As: Hawkeye
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 11 new secondary illos (5 captioned)
Mighty Avengers: Most Wanted Files
Page Count: Increased from 5 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. 2 History paragraphs on 3rd page merged; more alter egos added to History; staring on the old page four, History revised/expanded more significantly. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos.

Betty Ross
Hulk 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases tweaked. Known Relatives revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Strength on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Old illo cropped to captioned headshot; new main illo and captioned secondary illo.

Thunderbolt Ross
Hulk 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Aliases tweaked. Identity, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Education revised. History mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: 4 new captioned secondary illos (2 captioned individually and 2 sharing a caption).

Wolverine 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics somewhat revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 2 new secondary illos.

All-New A to Z #9
Page Count: unchanged at 3
Text Changes: History somewhat revised, with new text weaving in and out of old and paragraph splitting
Graphic Changes: Old 1st page illo removed, basically making the One Roxxon Plaza illo the main illo.

Royalist Forces of America
Marvel Legacy: 1970s
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New final History paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now?
Graphic Changes: Largest illo removed; dialogue removed from another illo; new captioned secondary illo. 2 headshots replaced with new ones with names now spelled out, and three more added; headshots now list First Appearances

Ruby Thursday
All-New A to Z Update #4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New main illo (old one removed)

Teams 2005
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current and Former Members and Base of Operations revised. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 11 new captioned headshots

All-New A to Z #9
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

General Ryker
Hulk 2004
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten. Eyes revised. Abilities/Accessories has 7 ½ lines of new text immediately following the old sentence
Graphic Changes: None

Rabble Rouser
Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised and 4 sentences added to end of History (all incorporating info from Where are They Now?). Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned headshot.

Dr. Benjamin Rabin
Spider-Man: Brand New Day
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

All-New A to Z #9
Page Count: unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History somewhat revised/expanded. Power Numbers revised.
Graphic Changes: None

 “Red” Raven
All-New A to Z Update #1
Was Listed As: Red Raven
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Real Name revised.
Graphic Changes: None

Red Wolf (Wildrun)
All-New A to Z #9
Split From: Red Wolf
Page Count: originally 3 total; now ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics added. Wildrun’s History somewhat revised from the original 2nd paragraph. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Height/Weight/Eyes revised. Power Numbers revisions: Speed/Durability/Strength.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed. New only illo.

Red Wolf (Thunderhead)
All-New A to Z #9
Split From: Red Wolf
Page Count: originally 3 total; now ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics added;  History somewhat revised from the 7th paragraph. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Height/Weight/Eyes revised. Power Numbers revisions: Speed/Durability/Strength.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed. New main illo and new secondary illo.

Marvel Legacy: 1960s
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised and 4 sentences added to end of History (all incorporating info from Where are They Now?). Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and new captioned headshot.

Ringer (Kraft)
All-New A to Z #9
Split from: Ringer
Page Count: originally 1 total; ½
Text Changes: Kraft: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. History completely rewritten. Abilities/Accessories revised/abridged, removing Davis material. Power Grid reworked as Power Numbers, with Davis/Strikeback material removed.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed. New only illo
Annihilation: Nova Corps Files
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to ½
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed and background removed but less cropped. Secondary illos removed.
