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2/27/2023 7:33 pm  #1

Firestar (Cartoon Version)


Real Name: Angelica Jones

Aliases: None

Identity: Secret

Occupation: Adventurer, student

Citizenship: United States

Place of Birth: Forest Hills, New York City

Known Relatives: Mrs. Jones (mother), Mr. Jones (father)

Group Affiliations: X-Men

Education: High school student

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 110 lbs.

Eyes: Green

Hair: Auburn

Abilities: Firestar is a mutant with the ability to project intense heat and flames from her body. She can also fly by creating thermal updrafts with her powers. She has also received some training in hand-to-hand combat.

Paraphernalia: None

History: Angelica Jones was a normal high school student until she discovered she was a mutant with the power to control fire. She was recruited by the White Queen to join the Hellions, a group of young mutants who were trained to become soldiers for the Hellfire Club. However, Angelica soon realized that the Hellions were being used for evil purposes and defected to the X-Men.

As Firestar, Angelica became a valued member of the X-Men and quickly made friends with her fellow teammates, Spider-Man and Iceman. She also formed a close bond with Professor Xavier, who helped her control and hone her powers.

Firestar's abilities make her a powerful ally in battle, and she has been instrumental in helping the X-Men defeat many villains, including the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and the Morlocks. She has also faced personal challenges, such as dealing with her parents' disapproval of her mutant powers and the difficulties of balancing her superhero life with her schoolwork.

Strength Level: Firestar possesses the strength level of a normal human female who engages in moderate physical exercise.

Known Superhuman Powers: Firestar is a mutant with the ability to project intense heat and flames from her body. She can also fly by creating thermal updrafts with her powers.

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2/27/2023 7:36 pm  #2

Re: Firestar (Cartoon Version)

Obviously the Spider-Friends and X-Men are two separate teams and the White Queen/Hellions bit is from the comics. Other bits seem made up entirely. Since that the Earth number is a loophole (causing some sources to treat that as just the comic tie-in), I don't mind that her Spider-Verse fate isn't mentioned.

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