Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works 20 YEARS! 2004-2024

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2/27/2023 8:04 pm  #1

Forbush Man

Forbush Man

Real Name: Irving Forbush

Occupation: None

Identity: Secret

Legal Status: Citizen of the United States of America

Place of Birth: New York City, New York

Marital Status: Single

Known Relatives: None

Group Affiliation: None

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: Not Brand Echh #1

History: Irving Forbush was an ordinary man living in New York City who stumbled upon a discarded superhero costume. Donning the costume, Forbush became the superhero Forbush Man, although his powers and abilities were somewhat questionable.

Forbush Man gained a cult following for his bizarre antics and absurd "powers," which included the ability to trip over his own feet and generate deadly puns. Despite his apparent lack of actual superhuman abilities, Forbush Man often found himself drawn into battles against villains and other superheroes.

At one point, Forbush Man was transported to an alternate dimension where he encountered a group of superheroes known as the Inferior Five. Forbush Man joined forces with the team, although his contributions to their battles were often more comical than heroic.

Powers and Abilities: Forbush Man possesses no actual superhuman abilities. He is, however, skilled at tripping over his own feet and generating terrible puns.

Equipment: Forbush Man's primary equipment is his superhero costume, which he acquired by chance. The costume provides no actual enhancements to Forbush Man's physical abilities.

Weaknesses: Forbush Man's lack of actual superhuman abilities and his tendency to engage in foolish behavior often make him more of a liability than an asset in battles against villains or other superheroes.

Note: Despite his lack of actual powers or abilities, Forbush Man remains a beloved and iconic figure among comic book fans, known for his absurd antics and irreverent humor.

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2/27/2023 8:07 pm  #2

Re: Forbush Man

He does have at least one known relative (Mayhem, his aunt). I'm not aware of him encountering the Inferior 5, but it's not a bad idea for an Marvel-DC humour crossover.

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2/28/2023 2:40 am  #3

Re: Forbush Man

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

He does have at least one known relative (Mayhem, his aunt). I'm not aware of him encountering the Inferior 5, but it's not a bad idea for an Marvel-DC humour crossover.

He's got several additional relatives, and no, he never encountered the Inferior Five, though I agree that it wouldn't be a terrible idea for a crossover.


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