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Real Name: Bart Hill
Aliases: None
Occupation: Adventurer, detective, lawyer
Identity: Secret
Legal status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record
Place of birth: Unknown
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: None
Group affiliation: None
Base of operations: New York City
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Powers and abilities: Daredevil possesses no superhuman powers, but he is a highly skilled fighter and athlete. He is an expert in various forms of martial arts and has exceptional acrobatic and gymnastic abilities. Additionally, he has highly developed senses of hearing, touch, and smell, which allow him to compensate for his blindness.
History: Bart Hill was a wealthy young man who, as a child, was blinded in an accident involving a chemical explosion. Determined to use his remaining senses to fight crime, Hill created the identity of Daredevil and became a skilled fighter and detective.
Over the years, Daredevil faced a variety of foes, including gangsters, mad scientists, and other villains. He also became involved in various romantic entanglements, most notably with his secretary, Betty Dean.
Despite his successes as Daredevil, Hill struggled with personal demons and often found himself at odds with the law. Nevertheless, he remained committed to fighting for justice and protecting the innocent.
Known allies: Betty Dean, Silas Burr, various police officers and detectives.
Known enemies: The Claw, the Copperhead, various other criminals and supervillains.
Strength level: Daredevil possesses no superhuman strength, but he is in excellent physical condition and is an expert fighter and athlete.
Equipment: Daredevil is often seen using a billy club, which can be used as a weapon or as a grappling hook. He also wears a red and yellow costume, which includes a mask to conceal his blindness.
Weaknesses: Daredevil's blindness can sometimes put him at a disadvantage in certain situations, although he compensates for this with his other senses. He can also be prone to taking risks and acting impulsively, which can sometimes put him in danger.
Starts off okay before switching to the Marvel version at the end.
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