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3/01/2023 10:37 am  #1

Arnold Rimmer

Arnold Rimmer

Real Name: Arnold Judas Rimmer

Aliases: None

Occupation: Hologram, former second technician of the mining spaceship Red Dwarf

Identity: Publicly known

Legal status: Deceased, but technically still a member of the Space Corps

Place of birth: Io, a moon of Jupiter

Marital status: Single

Known relatives: John Rimmer (father, deceased), Mrs. Rimmer (mother, deceased)

Group affiliation: None

Base of operations: The mining spaceship Red Dwarf

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 165 lbs

Eyes: Blue

Hair: None (as a hologram)

Powers and abilities: As a hologram, Arnold Rimmer possesses no physical powers, but he has access to the ship's computer systems and is able to manipulate and control them to some extent. He is also an expert in ship maintenance and repair.

History: Arnold Rimmer was a second technician on the mining spaceship Red Dwarf, until he was killed in a radiation leak. However, he was later revived as a hologram, serving as a constant reminder of his failure to become an officer in the Space Corps.

Throughout his time on the Red Dwarf, Rimmer struggled with feelings of inadequacy and insecurity, often seeking validation from others. He frequently clashed with his bunkmate and fellow technician, Dave Lister, who represented everything he was not - laid-back, confident, and popular.

Despite his flaws, Rimmer occasionally displayed moments of bravery and selflessness, proving that he was capable of more than he believed. He also had a deep sense of loyalty to the crew of the Red Dwarf, and was willing to risk his own life to save them.

Known allies: The crew of the Red Dwarf, including Lister, the Cat, Kryten, and Holly.

Known enemies: Various threats encountered on the Red Dwarf, including the homicidal computer virus, the Inquisitor, and the polymorph.

Strength level: As a hologram, Rimmer possesses no physical strength, but he has a high level of intelligence and technical knowledge.

Equipment: Rimmer wears a hologramatic suit that allows him to appear as a solid being, as well as a hologramatic light bee that is attached to his back and allows him to move around the ship.

Weaknesses: Rimmer's hologramatic form makes him vulnerable to being erased or disrupted by certain energy fields. He also suffers from existential angst, as he is unable to touch or interact with the physical world like a living being.

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