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3/12/2023 7:29 am  #1

Anne Fortier (TV version)

Name: Anne Fortier

Aliases: None known

Occupation: Archaeologist, adventurer

Identity: Publicly known

Legal status: Citizen of Canada

Place of birth: Unknown

Marital status: Unknown

Known relatives: Unknown

Group affiliation: None

Base of operations: Canada

First appearance: "Fortier" TV series, Season 1, Episode 1

History: Anne Fortier is an archaeologist who specializes in the study of ancient civilizations. She is known for her bravery and adventurous spirit, which has led her on many dangerous expeditions around the world. Anne's passion for archaeology began at an early age, when she accompanied her father on his own archaeological excavations.

Anne has a deep love for history, and she is always searching for new and exciting discoveries. Her expertise in deciphering ancient languages and scripts has led her to uncover many important artifacts and historical documents.

In her quest for knowledge, Anne has often found herself in perilous situations. She has faced down dangerous creatures, explored hidden tombs, and braved treacherous terrain in her pursuit of the truth. Despite the dangers, Anne remains undaunted and always ready for her next adventure.

Powers and abilities: Anne Fortier is an accomplished archaeologist and linguist, with a deep knowledge of ancient civilizations and their cultures. She is skilled in combat and survival techniques, having faced many dangerous situations in her travels. Anne also possesses a keen intellect and a sharp wit, allowing her to quickly adapt to any situation she finds herself in.

Equipment: Anne often carries a variety of tools and equipment with her on her expeditions, including shovels, brushes, cameras, and notebooks. She also carries a pistol for self-defense.

Weaknesses: Anne's adventurous spirit sometimes leads her into dangerous situations that could result in injury or even death. She is also susceptible to being outwitted by her opponents, as her passion for history can sometimes blind her to the present danger.

Notes: Anne Fortier is a respected member of the archaeological community, and her discoveries have contributed greatly to our understanding of ancient civilizations. Her passion for history and adventure make her a fascinating and engaging figure, beloved by many who share her love of exploration and discovery.

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3/12/2023 7:30 am  #2

Re: Anne Fortier (TV version)

Actually she's a specialized police officer.

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