Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works 20 YEARS! 2004-2024

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4/02/2023 10:46 am  #1



Real Name: Alia

Identity/Class: Unknown, possibly extraterrestrial or extradimensional

Occupation: Unknown

Affiliations: Dr. Samuel Beckett, Ziggy, Al Calavicci

Enemies: Unknown

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: "A Leap for Lisa" (Quantum Leap Season 1, Episode 8)

Powers/Abilities: Alia possesses the ability to manipulate reality and has a limited control over time, allowing her to "leap" individuals through time and space. She can also communicate telepathically and has some degree of precognition.

History: Alia is a mysterious entity encountered by Dr. Samuel Beckett during his time-traveling adventures in the Quantum Leap project. It is unclear what Alia is or where she comes from, but she possesses the ability to manipulate reality and control time to a limited extent. She first appeared to Beckett in the form of a holographic projection, communicating with him telepathically and guiding him through his leaps.

Alia also appeared physically to Beckett on several occasions, usually taking the form of a woman dressed in white. During one such encounter, Alia revealed that she was part of a group of beings who were monitoring Beckett's leaps and studying the effects of his actions on history. She also warned Beckett of the existence of an evil force that was trying to disrupt the timeline, and advised him to be wary of this threat.

Despite her enigmatic nature and unclear motives, Alia continued to assist Beckett throughout his journey, occasionally leaping him into different time periods and providing him with vital information. She was also known to communicate with Beckett's friend and advisor, Admiral Al Calavicci, as well as the artificial intelligence program known as Ziggy.

Height: Variable

Weight: Variable

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blonde

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4/02/2023 10:47 am  #2

Re: Alia

No, Alia is a reformed Evil Leaper

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4/20/2024 8:07 am  #3

Re: Alia

Second try, using the new format:
Real Name: Alia
Aliases: None
Identity: Public
Occupation: Quantum Leap Technician
Citizenship: American
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: Quantum Leap Project
Education: Advanced Degree in Quantum Physics
First Appearance: Quantum Leap (TV Series, 1989)
History: Alia is a Quantum Leap technician who works alongside Dr. Samuel Beckett in the Quantum Leap Project. Her role involves monitoring and assisting Dr. Beckett as he leaps through time, ensuring the success of his missions and helping him navigate the challenges he encounters.While little is known about Alia's personal history or background, her expertise in quantum physics and her dedication to the Quantum Leap Project are evident. She plays a crucial role in providing support to Dr. Beckett as he leaps into the lives of various individuals throughout history, striving to put right what once went wrong and hoping each time that his next leap will be the leap home.Throughout the series, Alia remains a steadfast ally to Dr. Beckett, offering guidance, encouragement, and technical assistance as he strives to fulfill his mission and unravel the mysteries of his own leaps through time. Despite the risks and uncertainties inherent in their work, Alia's unwavering commitment to the project and her belief in Dr. Beckett's ability to make a difference serve as a source of strength and inspiration for both herself and her colleague.
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Abilities: Alia possesses advanced knowledge of quantum physics and temporal mechanics, allowing her to monitor and analyze Dr. Beckett's leaps through time and provide him with valuable assistance and guidance. She is skilled in operating the complex technology of the Quantum Leap Project and is dedicated to ensuring its success.
Accessories: Alia may utilize various technological devices and equipment related to the Quantum Leap Project, including computers, monitoring equipment, and communication devices.
Notable Appearances:

  • Quantum Leap (TV Series, 1989)

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4/20/2024 8:08 am  #4

Re: Alia

Still completely wrong.

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