Loki wrote:
Andy E. Nystrom wrote:
For 1251 it's definitely not Tobias Ford, who's an active participant in that episode. I'm going with
says, which is a character other than Frank Delacourt, though I don't know how they determined which is which. I agree it's ambiguus though, so had you mentioned the other character I probably would have given this to you.
Yeah, I meant to write that it was unclear if it was Jack Benson or Frank Delacourt. Per this wiki, it's not confirmed which is which. So either that wiki is wrong, or the wiki you linked to is. Wikis not being right and treating assumptions as hard fact? I'm shocked. That's never, ever, happened before. #sarcasm
Jack Benson is correct for our purposes. I definitely suspect as well that aveleyman is making an assumption and the other wiki you mention is right. However, since the characters are highly unlikely to every reappear, I don't mind going with that in the absence of other evidence, particularly since they're highly unlikely to ever return. Just as my left to right system of for groupings of characters not otherwise identified isn't meant to be official but rather just a way to separate them out.
1236 Spider-Man, SAM commercial
1278 Magei, AoS
1225 Gary (Mike Peterson's supervisor), AoS
891 Rivera, AoS
1290 Anderson (USAF), AoS
Those are correct; list updated. Glad you found the SAM one because I don't know what SAM is and couldn't figure it out in the context of the commercial, thus making it hard to provide further clues. Maybe some sort of "don't drink and drive" campaign?
Cleaned up clues:
917. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; was asked to design a new type of dessert; we never see the rest of their body W********
978. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Captain America Comics; jumped from aircraft; told to keep both eyes open
1193. From a commercial; based on comics ; 10s; Sgt. Fury; told someone he needs to keep both eyes open; apparently a leader
1257. Original TV show character, though comics characters have same code name; 10s; earliest known instance from X-Men; security guard; tasked with the custody of a secret compound; Yes
1288. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; part of terrorist organization; seen in divergent reality; Partial
Agents of SHIELD 2
[car commercial] 2
[dessert commercial] 1
Letter R yesterday (see top of page).
Letter T today please.
1257 Alpha, AoS
1288 Gideon Malick (History altered by Chronicoms), AoS
Those two are correct; list updated. Normally a day needs to pass between guesses before Hangman kicks in, which is why I was thrown off earlier. But now that there are only three left I'll allow both:
917. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; was asked to design a new type of dessert; we never see the rest of their body W****R*** / ******-R******
978. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Captain America Comics; jumped from aircraft; told to keep both eyes open ***T*** ***R*** / ****R***T TR***R**
1193. From a commercial; based on comics ; 10s; Sgt. Fury; told someone he needs to keep both eyes open; apparently a leader **** **R* / ****R***T TR***R**
[car commercial] 2
[dessert commercial] 1
917. Wolverine, Baskin-Robbins
978. Captain America, Chevrolet Traverse
1193. Nick Fury, Chevrolet Traverse
Those are all correct, thus ending this round. Next round will begin within half an hour.