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5/31/2023 5:42 pm  #151

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

Anton is correct; list updated.

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)

6/01/2023 9:11 pm  #152

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

Adding clues regarding where a character is known to be active. If there are multiple locations, I'll pick at least one, maybe more, not necessarily where the character was actually seen (e.g. for someone at the UN Headquarters in New York, I may opt for their home country). In a few cases I'll include [decline] either because a location is only seen in one show or movie (e.g. the future version of the Lighthouse - thus no longer in any US state, seen only in Agents of SHIELD), points to a particular character variant type (e.g., the Dark Dimension, seen in at least Runaways and Cloak & Dagger), or both (e.g. Duat, seen only in Moon Knight). Cities and their boroughs are used interchangably. Up to #1694

1293. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1294. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mafia leader; Chicago
1296. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo
1297. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; nightclub manager; Harlem
1299. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bushman; Jamaica
1300. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; probable student; Nevada
1302. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier; Peru
1303. Original movie character; 80s; police lieutenant; Cleveland
1304. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; escort; Harlem
1305. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; tow truck driver; California
1306. Original TV show character; 00s; No; drug dealer; Detroit
1307. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, maybe student; New York City
1310. Original TV show character; 10s; No; psychiatrist turned lighthouse keeper; Brooklyn or vicinity?
1311. Original TV show character; 10s, though there'a an unrelated comics character with same name; Yes; unrelated character from Marvel Mystery Comics; pimp; New York City
1313. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; former miner; Kentucky
1315. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; chef; Harlem
1316. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; psychiatric hospital nurse; Los Angeles
1317. Original TV show character; 70s; army soldier turned medical centre computer room worker; Los Angeles
1318. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force officer; Washington, D.C.
1319. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; student if any; Waverly, Ohio
1320. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; professional gambler, marijuana grower; New York City
1321. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; possible housewife; Dallas?
1322. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; army colonel; North Vietnam
1323. Original webseries character, though an unrelated comics character has the same name; 10s; unrelated character from Ultimate Fantastic Four; Yes; hate group terrorist; Baltimore
1324. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco
1326. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ambulance driver for fire department; New York City
1327. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent socialite; New Orleans
1328. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; industrial company employee; New York City?
1329. Original movie character; 00s; No; federal agent; United States
1331. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; prison guard; Georgia
1333. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; firefighter; Wrigley, Pennsylvania
1334. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent criminal; Georgia
1337. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; biker gang leader; New York City
1338. From a movie; based on comics (this version's first name unrevealed unlike in comics); 10s; Thing; No; unrevealed, possible housewife; California?
1339. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; United States
1340. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Muskingum County, Ohio
1341. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; auto and body workshop owner; Los Angeles
1343. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; network reporter; Philadelphia?
1344. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City
1345. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1346. Original movie character; 00s; No; some sort of doctor (possibly in the scholarly sense rather than medical); New York City?
1347. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; personal assistant; New York City
1348. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force officer; southern California
1350. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1352. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Japan?
1353. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force technical sergeant; Washington, D.C.
1354. Original movie character; 00s; No; lawyer/familiar; Prague
1356. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1358. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student if any when last seen; New York City?
1359. Original TV show character; 70s; pilot; Treverton, Colorado
1361. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; terrorist group operative; United States
1362. Original TV show character; 70s; model; United States
1363. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State
1366. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles
1368. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; security company receptionist; New York City
1369. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital surgeon; Los Angeles
1370. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang leader; New York City
1371. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1373. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; Yes; possible student; Wheaton, New Jersey
1375. Original movie character; 10s; No; federal agent; Queens?
1377. Original TV show character; 70s; orderly; United States
1380. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; clan member; New York City
1381. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police lieutenant/criminal; New York City
1382. Original movie character; 00s; No; Chief of Staff; Washington, DC
1384. From a movie; possibly based on real person; 10s; Yes; support group leader; Brooklyn
1389. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster group member; New York City
1390. From a movie; possibly based on comics (different salutation); 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; chemistry teacher; New York City
1391. Original movie character; 00s; No; news reporter; New York City
1392. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; nightclub owner/criminal leader; Madripoor
1393. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang member; New York City
1394. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; electronics store consultant; New York City
1395. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; Los Angeles?
1396. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student if any; New York City
1397. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; pet of sorts; Norway
1398. Original TV show character; 10s; No; head of government group, some sort of admiral; unrevealed
1400. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; press secretary; Washington DC
1401. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1402. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; New York City
1405. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; special organization agent; New York City
1406. Original movie character (deleted scene); 00s; Yes; unrevealed, possible socialite; Dubai
1407. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.; Partial; student if any when last seen; Illinois
1408. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical centre doctor; New York City
1409. Original TV show character; 70s; doctor/surgeon; Baja
1413. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; army general; Washington DC
1414. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Dallas?
1415. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; possible student; United States
1416. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family enforcer; New York City
1417. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and can't recall
1418. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Thing; No; possible student; California
1419. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu
1421. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1422. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible former housewife; Los Angeles
1423. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scavenger; [decline]
1424. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; firefighter; Wrigley
1425. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; flutist, writer; New York City
1426. From a TV show; shares name with comics character but likely a coincidence; 10s; Hulk: Future Imperfect; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1427. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; grifter; New York City
1428. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Georgia?
1429. From a TV show; based on real person with somewhat different name, dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; musical actor; New York City
1430. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; veterinary office employee; New York City
1431. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none; Britain?
1432. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible student; New York City
1433. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles
1434. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1435. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City
1436. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; likely student; New York City?
1437. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news anchor; New York City
1438. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; news anchor; Los Angeles
1440. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; alleged criminal; alien world [decline to specify]
1441. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; henchman; Tampa
1442. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; special organization director; Los Angeles
1443. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland
1444. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school lacrosse team coach; Los Angeles
1445. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States
1446. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre security guard; Portland
1447. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States
1448. Original movie character; 10s; No; assassin; New York City
1449. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; medical scientist; Georgia
1451. From a TV special; based on real person; 20s; Yes; actor; Beverly Hills
1452. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; college student; New York City
1453. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier turned surfer; Oahu
1454. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Washington DC
1455. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo
1458. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; undertaker; Harlem
1460. Original TV show character but has subsequently been mentioned in a comic; 10s; Yes; newspaper editor-in-chief; New York City
1461. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal investigator; New York City
1462. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; casino enforcer; [decline]
1463. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Fantastic Four; presumed king; Paris?
1464. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Cable; No; unrevealed; United States?
1465. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and I don't recall them
1466. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn
1467. Original TV movie character; 70s; criminal; United States
1468. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; New York City
1470. From a short; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Partial; adventurer; Australia
1471. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; butler; New York City
1472. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hate group terrorist; United States
1473. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; jailor; [decline]
1474. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed, possible housewife; United States
1475. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed criminal; United States
1476. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; New York City
1477. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; businesswoman; New York City
1478. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Foreign Affairs MInister/terrorist; Belgium
1479. Original movie character; 90s; cage fighter; United States
1480. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Journey Into Mystery; Partial; particle physicist, postdoctoral researcher; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico
1481. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; brainwashed clan member, probable student; New York City
1483. Original TV show character but name probable nod to character based on novel; 10s; naming the novel would make this one too obvious; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC
1486. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; beauty pageant emcee; Chattanooga
1488. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; hunter of sorts; Oklahoma City
1491. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; rebel; alien world [decline to specify]
1492. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; police officer; New Orleans
1493. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; ditto
1497. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force major; Lancaster, California
1498. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City
1500. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; No; Marvel Graphic Nvel; priest; Scotland?
1501. From a movie; dressed as someone based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; actor, possible student; Asgard
1503. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technology company security agent; United States
1505. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; unrevealed, possible student; New York City?
1506. From a TV show; based on folklore; 10s; Arthurian legend; Partial; sorceress; Los Angeles
1507. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; revealed; Harlem
1508. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Punisher; No; mercenary; New York City
1510. Original TV show character; 70s; department store manager; United States
1513. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Oregon
1514. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; video blogger; Harlem
1515. Original TV show character; 70s; ex motorcyclist; United States
1516. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family member; Los Angeles?
1519. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government contractor/smuggler; New York
1520. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; entity/keeper; Yucatán
1521. From a commercial; based on comics; 80s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States
1525. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent musician; Harlem
1526. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime syndicate member; mobile in space
1527. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; house pet; London
1528. Original TV show character and first name unrevealed, but surname likely named after real person; 10s; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC?
1529. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; chief executive; New Orleans
1530. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; court judge; New York City
1531. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; unrevealed; Germany
1532. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1533. Original movie character; 10s; No; scientific group nurse; Mexico
1534. Original TV show character; 70s; mental institution patient; United States
1535. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1536. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City
1537. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City?
1538. Original movie character; 00s; No; scientist; New York City
1539. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1540. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; Illinois
1541. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant worker; New York City
1542. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; police officer; San Francisco
1544. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier of sorts; Alabama
1545. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; miner foreman; Brazil
1547. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; No; assassin; Nagasaki
1548. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1550. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government attorney; Washington DC
1551. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government undersecretary; Washington DC?
1552. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal trainer; New York City
1553. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; gladiator; [decline]
1554. Original movie character; 00s; No; hospital surgeon; New York City
1556. Original movie character; 00s; No; deputy sheriff; New Orleans
1557. Original TV show character; 00s; Yes; possible housewife; New York City
1559. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawfirm co-founder/named partner; New York City
1560. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Salem, Oregon
1561. From a movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; No; street performer; Los Angeles
1562. Original TV show character; 80s; police captain; Unted States
1563. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bartender, guitar/piano teacher; Michigan
1564. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; private jet flight attendant; New York City?
1565. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1566. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1568. Original movie character; 10s; No; news show worker; San Francisco
1571. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; insurance corporation employee; New York City
1574. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; Yes; scientist; England
1575. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; Oklahoma
1577. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; San Francisco
1578. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; henchman; Harlem
1581. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; some sort of shipper; New York City?
1582. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; baseball team Road Captain; New York City
1583. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre doctor; Portland
1584. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; former hospital surgeon; New York City
1585. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; waitress; New York City?
1586. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland
1587. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; small shop attendant; New York City
1589. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1590. Original TV show character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Detroit
1593. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Mighty Avengers; Partial; special organization agent; Bogotá
1595. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; private investigation firm head; New York City
1596. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; high school student; Jersey City
1597. Original movie character; 10s; No; crane operator; New York City
1598. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal representative; Italy
1602. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police chief; New York State
1603. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; police detective; New Orleans
1607. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker; New York City
1611. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; criminal; New York City
1613. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City
1614. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technician; Utah
1616. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier; [decline]
1617. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; medical examiner; New Orleans
1619. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1620. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal;  Los Angeles
1622. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; back-up dancer; New York City
1624. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; driver; New York City
1625. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; New York City
1626. Original movie character; 10s; No; security guard; San Francisco
1627. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ancient organization member; New York City
1628. Original movie character; 00s; No; general; New York City
1629. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; Tennessee
1630. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal organization leader;  Los Angeles
1631. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; Harlem
1633. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn
1634. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Karachi, Pakistan
1635. From on movie; based on comics but different first name; 00s; X-Men; No; farmer; Canada (Northwest Territories?)
1636. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1637. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; handyman; New York City
1638. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Spider-Man and Power Pack ; Yes; high school student; Queens
1639. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; biker;  Los Angeles
1640. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; avocado business owner;  Los Angeles
1641. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal assistant; Bucharest
1642. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; assassin for terrorist group;  Los Angeles
1643. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; All-New, All-Different Point One; Yes; community centre operator; New York City
1645. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital doctor; New York City
1646. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1648. Original movie character; 00s; Partial; unrevealed; New York City
1649. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; Harlem
1651. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City
1652. Original movie character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; New York City
1654. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal, former stock broker; New York City
1656. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine turned special program worker; Boston
1657. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; California
1658. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Fantastic Four; presumed student; New York City?
1659. Original movie character; 10s; No; paramedic; San Francisco
1661. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; coerced criminal assistant; New York City?
1662. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; unrevealed; New York City?
1663. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; CEO/founder of science corporation; New York City
1664. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; TV journalist; Britain
1666. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; mystical group member; Jersey City
1667. 1667. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different name); 10s; Punisher; Yes; presumed student; New York City
1668. Original movie character; 10s: No; presumed student; New York City
1669. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; New York City
1670. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; info sparse and I don't recall them; New Orleans?
1672. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; owner/curator; Los Angeles
1673. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scientist; Nevada
1674. Original TV show character; 10s; No; underground group member; Atlanta
1675. Original movie character; 00s; No; police detective; New York City
1677. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; terrorist group member turned personal aide; New York State
1678. Original short character; 10s; Yes; business pet; United States
1680. Original TV movie character; 80s; scientist, Institute head; Los Angeles
1681. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reverend; Harlem
1682. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State
1683. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version's surname unrevealed); 10s; Runaways; Yes; university employee;  Los Angeles
1684. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States
1685. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu
1686. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Air Force general, government body member; United States
1687. Original TV show character; 70s; professional football player/trainer; United States
1688. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City
1689. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school principal; Los Angeles
1691. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; probable student; London
1693. Original TV show character but later appeared in comic set in the same continuity; 70s; would-be world conquerer; New York City
1694. From a commercial; based on comics but gender swapped; 10s; Captain America Comics; probable student; United States
1695. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital clerk
1697. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Dardevil; No; bar owner
1698. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer of sorts also paid by technology company
1699. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Spanish teacher
1700. Original movie character; 10s; No; Yes; unrevealed
1701. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; unrevealed
1702. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; chancellor
1703. From a movie (deleted scene); based on real person; 00s; Yes; musical performer
1704. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; small-time criminal
1705. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Inhumans; Yes; former coerced spy/assassin
1706. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; TV reporter
1707. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; convenience store employee
1708. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; car thief
1709. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; illicit photo studio owner
1710. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 10s; one version from Fallen Angels; No; high school student/cheerleader
1711. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed
1712. Original movie character; 10s; No; arms dealer
1714. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; cultist
1715. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed
1716. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal figure
1719. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer
1720. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; senator
1721. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical academy student
1723. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 20s; earliest such character probably from X-Men; Yes; cultist
1724. From a TV show; birth name based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; special organization agent turned welder
1725. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana trafficker
1726. Original movie character; 00s; No; unemployed
1728. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed
1730. Original movie character but named after character from non-Marvel TV show; 10s; decline to answer as earlier version is also name of show; No; house pet
1732. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; inventor, industrialist, chairman, electrical engineer, adventurer
1733. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer
1734. From a TV show; based on earlier character same shiw; 20s; Partial; soldier
1735. From a movie; based on earlier character same movie; 10s; No; assassin
1736. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective
1738. Original TV movie character; 20s Yes; musician
1739. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s Yes; musical performer
1740. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed
1741. Original movie character; 10s Yes; probable student
1742. Original TV show character; 20s Yes; criminal soldier
1744. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed, possible housewife
1745. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; oil rig worker
1746. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed
1747. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; unrevealed


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6/02/2023 8:12 pm  #153

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

Adding clues regarding where a character is known to be active. If there are multiple locations, I'll pick at least one, maybe more, not necessarily where the character was actually seen (e.g. for someone at the UN Headquarters in New York, I may opt for their home country). In a few cases I'll include [decline] either because a location is only seen in one show or movie (e.g. the future version of the Lighthouse - thus no longer in any US state, seen only in Agents of SHIELD), points to a particular character variant type (e.g., the Dark Dimension, seen in at least Runaways and Cloak & Dagger), or both (e.g. Duat, seen only in Moon Knight). Cities and their boroughs are used interchangably. Remaining such clues added.

1293. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1294. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mafia leader; Chicago
1296. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo
1297. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; nightclub manager; Harlem
1299. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bushman; Jamaica
1300. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; probable student; Nevada
1302. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier; Peru
1303. Original movie character; 80s; police lieutenant; Cleveland
1304. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; escort; Harlem
1305. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; tow truck driver; California
1306. Original TV show character; 00s; No; drug dealer; Detroit
1307. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, maybe student; New York City
1310. Original TV show character; 10s; No; psychiatrist turned lighthouse keeper; Brooklyn or vicinity?
1311. Original TV show character; 10s, though there'a an unrelated comics character with same name; Yes; unrelated character from Marvel Mystery Comics; pimp; New York City
1313. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; former miner; Kentucky
1315. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; chef; Harlem
1316. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; psychiatric hospital nurse; Los Angeles
1317. Original TV show character; 70s; army soldier turned medical centre computer room worker; Los Angeles
1318. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force officer; Washington, D.C.
1319. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; student if any; Waverly, Ohio
1320. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; professional gambler, marijuana grower; New York City
1321. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; possible housewife; Dallas?
1322. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; army colonel; North Vietnam
1323. Original webseries character, though an unrelated comics character has the same name; 10s; unrelated character from Ultimate Fantastic Four; Yes; hate group terrorist; Baltimore
1324. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco
1326. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ambulance driver for fire department; New York City
1327. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent socialite; New Orleans
1328. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; industrial company employee; New York City?
1329. Original movie character; 00s; No; federal agent; United States
1331. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; prison guard; Georgia
1333. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; firefighter; Wrigley, Pennsylvania
1334. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent criminal; Georgia
1337. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; biker gang leader; New York City
1338. From a movie; based on comics (this version's first name unrevealed unlike in comics); 10s; Thing; No; unrevealed, possible housewife; California?
1339. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; United States
1340. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Muskingum County, Ohio
1341. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; auto and body workshop owner; Los Angeles
1343. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; network reporter; Philadelphia?
1344. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City
1345. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1346. Original movie character; 00s; No; some sort of doctor (possibly in the scholarly sense rather than medical); New York City?
1347. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; personal assistant; New York City
1348. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force officer; southern California
1350. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1352. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Japan?
1353. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force technical sergeant; Washington, D.C.
1354. Original movie character; 00s; No; lawyer/familiar; Prague
1356. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1358. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student if any when last seen; New York City?
1359. Original TV show character; 70s; pilot; Treverton, Colorado
1361. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; terrorist group operative; United States
1362. Original TV show character; 70s; model; United States
1363. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State
1366. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles
1368. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; security company receptionist; New York City
1369. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital surgeon; Los Angeles
1370. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang leader; New York City
1371. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1373. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; Yes; possible student; Wheaton, New Jersey
1375. Original movie character; 10s; No; federal agent; Queens?
1377. Original TV show character; 70s; orderly; United States
1380. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; clan member; New York City
1381. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police lieutenant/criminal; New York City
1382. Original movie character; 00s; No; Chief of Staff; Washington, DC
1384. From a movie; possibly based on real person; 10s; Yes; support group leader; Brooklyn
1389. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster group member; New York City
1390. From a movie; possibly based on comics (different salutation); 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; chemistry teacher; New York City
1391. Original movie character; 00s; No; news reporter; New York City
1392. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; nightclub owner/criminal leader; Madripoor
1393. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang member; New York City
1394. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; electronics store consultant; New York City
1395. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; Los Angeles?
1396. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student if any; New York City
1397. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; pet of sorts; Norway
1398. Original TV show character; 10s; No; head of government group, some sort of admiral; unrevealed
1400. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; press secretary; Washington DC
1401. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1402. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; New York City
1405. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; special organization agent; New York City
1406. Original movie character (deleted scene); 00s; Yes; unrevealed, possible socialite; Dubai
1407. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.; Partial; student if any when last seen; Illinois
1408. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical centre doctor; New York City
1409. Original TV show character; 70s; doctor/surgeon; Baja
1413. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; army general; Washington DC
1414. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Dallas?
1415. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; possible student; United States
1416. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family enforcer; New York City
1417. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and can't recall
1418. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Thing; No; possible student; California
1419. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu
1421. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1422. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible former housewife; Los Angeles
1423. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scavenger; [decline]
1424. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; firefighter; Wrigley
1425. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; flutist, writer; New York City
1426. From a TV show; shares name with comics character but likely a coincidence; 10s; Hulk: Future Imperfect; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1427. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; grifter; New York City
1428. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Georgia?
1429. From a TV show; based on real person with somewhat different name, dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; musical actor; New York City
1430. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; veterinary office employee; New York City
1431. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none; Britain?
1432. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible student; New York City
1433. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles
1434. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1435. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City
1436. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; likely student; New York City?
1437. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news anchor; New York City
1438. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; news anchor; Los Angeles
1440. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; alleged criminal; alien world [decline to specify]
1441. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; henchman; Tampa
1442. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; special organization director; Los Angeles
1443. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland
1444. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school lacrosse team coach; Los Angeles
1445. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States
1446. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre security guard; Portland
1447. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States
1448. Original movie character; 10s; No; assassin; New York City
1449. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; medical scientist; Georgia
1451. From a TV special; based on real person; 20s; Yes; actor; Beverly Hills
1452. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; college student; New York City
1453. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier turned surfer; Oahu
1454. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Washington DC
1455. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo
1458. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; undertaker; Harlem
1460. Original TV show character but has subsequently been mentioned in a comic; 10s; Yes; newspaper editor-in-chief; New York City
1461. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal investigator; New York City
1462. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; casino enforcer; [decline]
1463. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Fantastic Four; presumed king; Paris?
1464. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Cable; No; unrevealed; United States?
1465. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and I don't recall them
1466. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn
1467. Original TV movie character; 70s; criminal; United States
1468. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; New York City
1470. From a short; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Partial; adventurer; Australia
1471. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; butler; New York City
1472. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hate group terrorist; United States
1473. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; jailor; [decline]
1474. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed, possible housewife; United States
1475. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed criminal; United States
1476. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; New York City
1477. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; businesswoman; New York City
1478. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Foreign Affairs MInister/terrorist; Belgium
1479. Original movie character; 90s; cage fighter; United States
1480. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Journey Into Mystery; Partial; particle physicist, postdoctoral researcher; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico
1481. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; brainwashed clan member, probable student; New York City
1483. Original TV show character but name probable nod to character based on novel; 10s; naming the novel would make this one too obvious; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC
1486. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; beauty pageant emcee; Chattanooga
1488. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; hunter of sorts; Oklahoma City
1491. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; rebel; alien world [decline to specify]
1492. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; police officer; New Orleans
1493. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; ditto
1497. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force major; Lancaster, California
1498. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City
1500. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; No; Marvel Graphic Nvel; priest; Scotland?
1501. From a movie; dressed as someone based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; actor, possible student; Asgard
1503. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technology company security agent; United States
1505. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; unrevealed, possible student; New York City?
1506. From a TV show; based on folklore; 10s; Arthurian legend; Partial; sorceress; Los Angeles
1507. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; revealed; Harlem
1508. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Punisher; No; mercenary; New York City
1510. Original TV show character; 70s; department store manager; United States
1513. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Oregon
1514. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; video blogger; Harlem
1515. Original TV show character; 70s; ex motorcyclist; United States
1516. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family member; Los Angeles?
1519. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government contractor/smuggler; New York
1520. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; entity/keeper; Yucatán
1521. From a commercial; based on comics; 80s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States
1525. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent musician; Harlem
1526. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime syndicate member; mobile in space
1527. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; house pet; London
1528. Original TV show character and first name unrevealed, but surname likely named after real person; 10s; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC?
1529. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; chief executive; New Orleans
1530. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; court judge; New York City
1531. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; unrevealed; Germany
1532. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1533. Original movie character; 10s; No; scientific group nurse; Mexico
1534. Original TV show character; 70s; mental institution patient; United States
1535. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1536. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City
1537. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City?
1538. Original movie character; 00s; No; scientist; New York City
1539. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1540. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; Illinois
1541. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant worker; New York City
1542. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; police officer; San Francisco
1544. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier of sorts; Alabama
1545. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; miner foreman; Brazil
1547. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; No; assassin; Nagasaki
1548. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1550. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government attorney; Washington DC
1551. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government undersecretary; Washington DC?
1552. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal trainer; New York City
1553. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; gladiator; [decline]
1554. Original movie character; 00s; No; hospital surgeon; New York City
1556. Original movie character; 00s; No; deputy sheriff; New Orleans
1557. Original TV show character; 00s; Yes; possible housewife; New York City
1559. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawfirm co-founder/named partner; New York City
1560. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Salem, Oregon
1561. From a movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; No; street performer; Los Angeles
1562. Original TV show character; 80s; police captain; Unted States
1563. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bartender, guitar/piano teacher; Michigan
1564. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; private jet flight attendant; New York City?
1565. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1566. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1568. Original movie character; 10s; No; news show worker; San Francisco
1571. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; insurance corporation employee; New York City
1574. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; Yes; scientist; England
1575. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; Oklahoma
1577. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; San Francisco
1578. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; henchman; Harlem
1581. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; some sort of shipper; New York City?
1582. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; baseball team Road Captain; New York City
1583. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre doctor; Portland
1584. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; former hospital surgeon; New York City
1585. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; waitress; New York City?
1586. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland
1587. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; small shop attendant; New York City
1589. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1590. Original TV show character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Detroit
1593. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Mighty Avengers; Partial; special organization agent; Bogotá
1595. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; private investigation firm head; New York City
1596. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; high school student; Jersey City
1597. Original movie character; 10s; No; crane operator; New York City
1598. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal representative; Italy
1602. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police chief; New York State
1603. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; police detective; New Orleans
1607. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker; New York City
1611. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; criminal; New York City
1613. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City
1614. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technician; Utah
1616. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier; [decline]
1617. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; medical examiner; New Orleans
1619. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1620. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal;  Los Angeles
1622. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; back-up dancer; New York City
1624. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; driver; New York City
1625. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; New York City
1626. Original movie character; 10s; No; security guard; San Francisco
1627. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ancient organization member; New York City
1628. Original movie character; 00s; No; general; New York City
1629. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; Tennessee
1630. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal organization leader;  Los Angeles
1631. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; Harlem
1633. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn
1634. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Karachi, Pakistan
1635. From on movie; based on comics but different first name; 00s; X-Men; No; farmer; Canada (Northwest Territories?)
1636. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1637. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; handyman; New York City
1638. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Spider-Man and Power Pack ; Yes; high school student; Queens
1639. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; biker;  Los Angeles
1640. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; avocado business owner;  Los Angeles
1641. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal assistant; Bucharest
1642. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; assassin for terrorist group;  Los Angeles
1643. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; All-New, All-Different Point One; Yes; community centre operator; New York City
1645. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital doctor; New York City
1646. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1648. Original movie character; 00s; Partial; unrevealed; New York City
1649. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; Harlem
1651. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City
1652. Original movie character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; New York City
1654. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal, former stock broker; New York City
1656. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine turned special program worker; Boston
1657. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; California
1658. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Fantastic Four; presumed student; New York City?
1659. Original movie character; 10s; No; paramedic; San Francisco
1661. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; coerced criminal assistant; New York City?
1662. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; unrevealed; New York City?
1663. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; CEO/founder of science corporation; New York City
1664. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; TV journalist; Britain
1666. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; mystical group member; Jersey City
1667. 1667. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different name); 10s; Punisher; Yes; presumed student; New York City
1668. Original movie character; 10s: No; presumed student; New York City
1669. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; New York City
1670. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; info sparse and I don't recall them; New Orleans?
1672. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; owner/curator; Los Angeles
1673. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scientist; Nevada
1674. Original TV show character; 10s; No; underground group member; Atlanta
1675. Original movie character; 00s; No; police detective; New York City
1677. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; terrorist group member turned personal aide; New York State
1678. Original short character; 10s; Yes; business pet; United States
1680. Original TV movie character; 80s; scientist, Institute head; Los Angeles
1681. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reverend; Harlem
1682. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State
1683. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version's surname unrevealed); 10s; Runaways; Yes; university employee;  Los Angeles
1684. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States
1685. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu
1686. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Air Force general, government body member; United States
1687. Original TV show character; 70s; professional football player/trainer; United States
1688. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City
1689. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school principal; Los Angeles
1691. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; probable student; London
1693. Original TV show character but later appeared in comic set in the same continuity; 70s; would-be world conquerer; New York City
1694. From a commercial; based on comics but gender swapped; 10s; Captain America Comics; probable student; United States
1695. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital clerk; New York City
1697. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Dardevil; No; bar owner; New York City
1698. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer of sorts also paid by technology company; Italy
1699. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Spanish teacher; Los Angeles
1700. Original movie character; 10s; No; student if any; New York City
1701. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; unrevealed; Britain
1702. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; chancellor; China
1703. From a movie (deleted scene); based on real person; 00s; Yes; musical performer; New York City
1704. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; small-time criminal; New York City
1705. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Inhumans; Yes; former coerced spy/assassin; Soviet Union
1706. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; TV reporter; Los Angeles
1707. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; convenience store employee; Cincinnati
1708. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; car thief; New York City
1709. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; illicit photo studio owner; New York City
1710. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 10s; one version from Fallen Angels; No; high school student/cheerleader; New York City
1711. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed; Lincoln, Nebraska
1712. Original movie character; 10s; No; arms dealer; Turkey?
1714. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; cultist; London
1715. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; United States
1716. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal figure; New York City
1719. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; New York City
1720. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; senator; Washington DC
1721. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical academy student; New York City
1723. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 20s; earliest such character probably from X-Men; Yes; cultist; Egypt
1724. From a TV show; birth name based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; special organization agent turned welder; United States
1725. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana trafficker; Oahu
1726. Original movie character; 00s; No; unemployed; New York City
1728. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Norway
1730. Original movie character but named after character from non-Marvel TV show; 10s; decline to answer as earlier version is also name of show; No; house pet; San Francisco
1732. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; inventor, industrialist, chairman, electrical engineer, adventurer; New York City
1733. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1734. From a TV show; based on earlier character same show; 20s; Partial; soldier' [decline]
1735. From a movie; based on earlier character same movie; 10s; No; assassin; New York City
1736. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; Los Angeles
1738. Original TV movie character; 20s Yes; musician; [decline]
1739. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s Yes; musical performer; Harlem
1740. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1741. Original movie character; 10s Yes; probable student; Tennessee
1742. Original TV show character; 20s Yes; criminal soldier; Zürich
1744. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed, possible housewife; Albany
1745. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; oil rig worker; Louisiana
1746. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1747. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; New Orleans


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6/03/2023 7:33 pm  #154

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

Adding character specific clues to 1318

1293. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; responded to an altercation between a superhero and a crime family
1294. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mafia leader; Chicago; interrogated by anti-hero
1296. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo; named after Biblical being
1297. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; nightclub manager; Harlem; paid main character under the table
1299. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bushman, restaurant co-owner; Jamaica; mentor of major villain
1300. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; probable student; Nevada; startled by time machine flying overhead
1302. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier; Peru; commandeered mobile headquarters from main characters
1303. Original movie character; 80s; police lieutenant; Cleveland; threatened main character with jail
1304. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; escort; Harlem; hited to charm and blackmail someone
1305. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; tow truck driver; California; called to retrieve damaged car from retreat
1306. Original TV show character; 00s; No; drug dealer; Detroit; shakened down by main female character
1307. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, maybe student; New York City; spoke to lawye3r when realized mom needed help
1310. Original TV show character; 10s; No; psychiatrist turned lighthouse keeper; Brooklyn or vicinity?; treated main character for three years
1311. Original TV show character; 10s, though there'a an unrelated comics character with same name; Yes; unrelated character from Marvel Mystery Comics; pimp; New York City; caught one of his women keeping some of the money
1313. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; former miner; Kentucky; major protagonist
1315. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; chef; Harlem; attended event where someone announced the creation of a complex
1316. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; psychiatric hospital nurse; Los Angeles; part of a witch coven
1317. Original TV show character; 70s; army soldier turned medical centre computer room worker; Los Angeles; while in the army was the best marksman in his division
1318. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force captain; Washington, D.C.; recurring character called her and other female staffers together
1319. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; student if any; Waverly, Ohio
1320. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; professional gambler, marijuana grower; New York City
1321. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; possible housewife; Dallas?
1322. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; army colonel; North Vietnam
1323. Original webseries character, though an unrelated comics character has the same name; 10s; unrelated character from Ultimate Fantastic Four; Yes; hate group terrorist; Baltimore
1324. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco
1326. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ambulance driver for fire department; New York City
1327. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent socialite; New Orleans
1328. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; industrial company employee; New York City?
1329. Original movie character; 00s; No; federal agent; United States
1331. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; prison guard; Georgia
1333. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; firefighter; Wrigley, Pennsylvania
1334. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent criminal; Georgia
1337. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; biker gang leader; New York City
1338. From a movie; based on comics (this version's first name unrevealed unlike in comics); 10s; Thing; No; unrevealed, possible housewife; California?
1339. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; United States
1340. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Muskingum County, Ohio
1341. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; auto and body workshop owner; Los Angeles
1343. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; network reporter; Philadelphia?
1344. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City
1345. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1346. Original movie character; 00s; No; some sort of doctor (possibly in the scholarly sense rather than medical); New York City?
1347. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; personal assistant; New York City
1348. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force officer; southern California
1350. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1352. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Japan?
1353. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force technical sergeant; Washington, D.C.
1354. Original movie character; 00s; No; lawyer/familiar; Prague
1356. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1358. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student if any when last seen; New York City?
1359. Original TV show character; 70s; pilot; Treverton, Colorado
1361. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; terrorist group operative; United States
1362. Original TV show character; 70s; model; United States
1363. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State
1366. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles
1368. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; security company receptionist; New York City
1369. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital surgeon; Los Angeles
1370. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang leader; New York City
1371. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1373. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; Yes; possible student; Wheaton, New Jersey
1375. Original movie character; 10s; No; federal agent; Queens?
1377. Original TV show character; 70s; orderly; United States
1380. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; clan member; New York City
1381. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police lieutenant/criminal; New York City
1382. Original movie character; 00s; No; Chief of Staff; Washington, DC
1384. From a movie; possibly based on real person; 10s; Yes; support group leader; Brooklyn
1389. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster group member; New York City
1390. From a movie; possibly based on comics (different salutation); 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; chemistry teacher; New York City
1391. Original movie character; 00s; No; news reporter; New York City
1392. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; nightclub owner/criminal leader; Madripoor
1393. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang member; New York City
1394. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; electronics store consultant; New York City
1395. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; Los Angeles?
1396. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student if any; New York City
1397. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; pet of sorts; Norway
1398. Original TV show character; 10s; No; head of government group, some sort of admiral; unrevealed
1400. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; press secretary; Washington DC
1401. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1402. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; New York City
1405. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; special organization agent; New York City
1406. Original movie character (deleted scene); 00s; Yes; unrevealed, possible socialite; Dubai
1407. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.; Partial; student if any when last seen; Illinois
1408. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical centre doctor; New York City
1409. Original TV show character; 70s; doctor/surgeon; Baja
1413. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; army general; Washington DC
1414. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Dallas?
1415. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; possible student; United States
1416. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family enforcer; New York City
1417. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and can't recall
1418. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Thing; No; possible student; California
1419. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu
1421. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1422. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible former housewife; Los Angeles
1423. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scavenger; [decline]
1424. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; firefighter; Wrigley
1425. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; flutist, writer; New York City
1426. From a TV show; shares name with comics character but likely a coincidence; 10s; Hulk: Future Imperfect; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1427. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; grifter; New York City
1428. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Georgia?
1429. From a TV show; based on real person with somewhat different name, dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; musical actor; New York City
1430. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; veterinary office employee; New York City
1431. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none; Britain?
1432. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible student; New York City
1433. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles
1434. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1435. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City
1436. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; likely student; New York City?
1437. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news anchor; New York City
1438. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; news anchor; Los Angeles
1440. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; alleged criminal; alien world [decline to specify]
1441. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; henchman; Tampa
1442. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; special organization director; Los Angeles
1443. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland
1444. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school lacrosse team coach; Los Angeles
1445. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States
1446. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre security guard; Portland
1447. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States
1448. Original movie character; 10s; No; assassin; New York City
1449. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; medical scientist; Georgia
1451. From a TV special; based on real person; 20s; Yes; actor; Beverly Hills
1452. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; college student; New York City
1453. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier turned surfer; Oahu
1454. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Washington DC
1455. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo
1458. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; undertaker; Harlem
1460. Original TV show character but has subsequently been mentioned in a comic; 10s; Yes; newspaper editor-in-chief; New York City
1461. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal investigator; New York City
1462. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; casino enforcer; [decline]
1463. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Fantastic Four; presumed king; Paris?
1464. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Cable; No; unrevealed; United States?
1465. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and I don't recall them
1466. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn
1467. Original TV movie character; 70s; criminal; United States
1468. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; New York City
1470. From a short; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Partial; adventurer; Australia
1471. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; butler; New York City
1472. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hate group terrorist; United States
1473. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; jailor; [decline]
1474. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed, possible housewife; United States
1475. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed criminal; United States
1476. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; New York City
1477. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; businesswoman; New York City
1478. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Foreign Affairs MInister/terrorist; Belgium
1479. Original movie character; 90s; cage fighter; United States
1480. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Journey Into Mystery; Partial; particle physicist, postdoctoral researcher; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico
1481. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; brainwashed clan member, probable student; New York City
1483. Original TV show character but name probable nod to character based on novel; 10s; naming the novel would make this one too obvious; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC
1486. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; beauty pageant emcee; Chattanooga
1488. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; hunter of sorts; Oklahoma City
1491. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; rebel; alien world [decline to specify]
1492. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; police officer; New Orleans
1493. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; ditto
1497. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force major; Lancaster, California
1498. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City
1500. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; No; Marvel Graphic Nvel; priest; Scotland?
1501. From a movie; dressed as someone based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; actor, possible student; Asgard
1503. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technology company security agent; United States
1505. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; unrevealed, possible student; New York City?
1506. From a TV show; based on folklore; 10s; Arthurian legend; Partial; sorceress; Los Angeles
1507. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; revealed; Harlem
1508. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Punisher; No; mercenary; New York City
1510. Original TV show character; 70s; department store manager; United States
1513. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Oregon
1514. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; video blogger; Harlem
1515. Original TV show character; 70s; ex motorcyclist; United States
1516. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family member; Los Angeles?
1519. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government contractor/smuggler; New York
1520. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; entity/keeper; Yucatán
1521. From a commercial; based on comics; 80s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States
1525. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent musician; Harlem
1526. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime syndicate member; mobile in space
1527. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; house pet; London
1528. Original TV show character and first name unrevealed, but surname likely named after real person; 10s; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC?
1529. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; chief executive; New Orleans
1530. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; court judge; New York City
1531. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; unrevealed; Germany
1532. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1533. Original movie character; 10s; No; scientific group nurse; Mexico
1534. Original TV show character; 70s; mental institution patient; United States
1535. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1536. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City
1537. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City?
1538. Original movie character; 00s; No; scientist; New York City
1539. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1540. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; Illinois
1541. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant worker; New York City
1542. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; police officer; San Francisco
1544. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier of sorts; Alabama
1545. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; miner foreman; Brazil
1547. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; No; assassin; Nagasaki
1548. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1550. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government attorney; Washington DC
1551. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government undersecretary; Washington DC?
1552. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal trainer; New York City
1553. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; gladiator; [decline]
1554. Original movie character; 00s; No; hospital surgeon; New York City
1556. Original movie character; 00s; No; deputy sheriff; New Orleans
1557. Original TV show character; 00s; Yes; possible housewife; New York City
1559. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawfirm co-founder/named partner; New York City
1560. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Salem, Oregon
1561. From a movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; No; street performer; Los Angeles
1562. Original TV show character; 80s; police captain; Unted States
1563. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bartender, guitar/piano teacher; Michigan
1564. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; private jet flight attendant; New York City?
1565. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1566. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1568. Original movie character; 10s; No; news show worker; San Francisco
1571. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; insurance corporation employee; New York City
1574. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; Yes; scientist; England
1575. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; Oklahoma
1577. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; San Francisco
1578. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; henchman; Harlem
1581. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; some sort of shipper; New York City?
1582. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; baseball team Road Captain; New York City
1583. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre doctor; Portland
1584. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; former hospital surgeon; New York City
1585. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; waitress; New York City?
1586. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland
1587. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; small shop attendant; New York City
1589. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1590. Original TV show character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Detroit
1593. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Mighty Avengers; Partial; special organization agent; Bogotá
1595. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; private investigation firm head; New York City
1596. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; high school student; Jersey City
1597. Original movie character; 10s; No; crane operator; New York City
1598. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal representative; Italy
1602. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police chief; New York State
1603. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; police detective; New Orleans
1607. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker; New York City
1611. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; criminal; New York City
1613. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City
1614. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technician; Utah
1616. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier; [decline]
1617. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; medical examiner; New Orleans
1619. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1620. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal;  Los Angeles
1622. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; back-up dancer; New York City
1624. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; driver; New York City
1625. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; New York City
1626. Original movie character; 10s; No; security guard; San Francisco
1627. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ancient organization member; New York City
1628. Original movie character; 00s; No; general; New York City
1629. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; Tennessee
1630. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal organization leader;  Los Angeles
1631. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; Harlem
1633. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn
1634. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Karachi, Pakistan
1635. From on movie; based on comics but different first name; 00s; X-Men; No; farmer; Canada (Northwest Territories?)
1636. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1637. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; handyman; New York City
1638. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Spider-Man and Power Pack ; Yes; high school student; Queens
1639. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; biker;  Los Angeles
1640. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; avocado business owner;  Los Angeles
1641. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal assistant; Bucharest
1642. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; assassin for terrorist group;  Los Angeles
1643. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; All-New, All-Different Point One; Yes; community centre operator; New York City
1645. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital doctor; New York City
1646. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1648. Original movie character; 00s; Partial; unrevealed; New York City
1649. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; Harlem
1651. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City
1652. Original movie character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; New York City
1654. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal, former stock broker; New York City
1656. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine turned special program worker; Boston
1657. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; California
1658. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Fantastic Four; presumed student; New York City?
1659. Original movie character; 10s; No; paramedic; San Francisco
1661. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; coerced criminal assistant; New York City?
1662. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; unrevealed; New York City?
1663. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; CEO/founder of science corporation; New York City
1664. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; TV journalist; Britain
1666. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; mystical group member; Jersey City
1667. 1667. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different name); 10s; Punisher; Yes; presumed student; New York City
1668. Original movie character; 10s: No; presumed student; New York City
1669. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; New York City
1670. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; info sparse and I don't recall them; New Orleans?
1672. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; owner/curator; Los Angeles
1673. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scientist; Nevada
1674. Original TV show character; 10s; No; underground group member; Atlanta
1675. Original movie character; 00s; No; police detective; New York City
1677. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; terrorist group member turned personal aide; New York State
1678. Original short character; 10s; Yes; business pet; United States
1680. Original TV movie character; 80s; scientist, Institute head; Los Angeles
1681. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reverend; Harlem
1682. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State
1683. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version's surname unrevealed); 10s; Runaways; Yes; university employee;  Los Angeles
1684. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States
1685. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu
1686. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Air Force general, government body member; United States
1687. Original TV show character; 70s; professional football player/trainer; United States
1688. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City
1689. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school principal; Los Angeles
1691. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; probable student; London
1693. Original TV show character but later appeared in comic set in the same continuity; 70s; would-be world conquerer; New York City
1694. From a commercial; based on comics but gender swapped; 10s; Captain America Comics; probable student; United States
1695. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital clerk; New York City
1697. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Dardevil; No; bar owner; New York City
1698. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer of sorts also paid by technology company; Italy
1699. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Spanish teacher; Los Angeles
1700. Original movie character; 10s; No; student if any; New York City
1701. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; unrevealed; Britain
1702. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; chancellor; China
1703. From a movie (deleted scene); based on real person; 00s; Yes; musical performer; New York City
1704. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; small-time criminal; New York City
1705. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Inhumans; Yes; former coerced spy/assassin; Soviet Union
1706. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; TV reporter; Los Angeles
1707. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; convenience store employee; Cincinnati
1708. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; car thief; New York City
1709. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; illicit photo studio owner; New York City
1710. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 10s; one version from Fallen Angels; No; high school student/cheerleader; New York City
1711. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed; Lincoln, Nebraska
1712. Original movie character; 10s; No; arms dealer; Turkey?
1714. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; cultist; London
1715. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; United States
1716. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal figure; New York City
1719. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; New York City
1720. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; senator; Washington DC
1721. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical academy student; New York City
1723. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 20s; earliest such character probably from X-Men; Yes; cultist; Egypt
1724. From a TV show; birth name based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; special organization agent turned welder; United States
1725. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana trafficker; Oahu
1726. Original movie character; 00s; No; unemployed; New York City
1728. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Norway
1730. Original movie character but named after character from non-Marvel TV show; 10s; decline to answer as earlier version is also name of show; No; house pet; San Francisco
1732. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; inventor, industrialist, chairman, electrical engineer, adventurer; New York City
1733. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1734. From a TV show; based on earlier character same show; 20s; Partial; soldier' [decline]
1735. From a movie; based on earlier character same movie; 10s; No; assassin; New York City
1736. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; Los Angeles
1738. Original TV movie character; 20s Yes; musician; [decline]
1739. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s Yes; musical performer; Harlem
1740. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1741. Original movie character; 10s Yes; probable student; Tennessee
1742. Original TV show character; 20s Yes; criminal soldier; Zürich
1744. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed, possible housewife; Albany
1745. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; oil rig worker; Louisiana
1746. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1747. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; New Orleans


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6/04/2023 5:56 am  #155

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

1300. Biff, Chronicoms


6/04/2023 5:59 am  #156

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

1313. Cannonball, New Mutants


6/04/2023 6:59 am  #157

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

Those are correct; list updated. Adding a few more clues (to 1373) despite it not being a day because I'm about to enter a period where I'm not available so want to give people more of a chance to make more guesses until I'm able to post again.

1293. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; responded to an altercation between a superhero and a crime family
1294. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mafia leader; Chicago; interrogated by anti-hero
1296. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo; named after Biblical being
1297. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; nightclub manager; Harlem; paid main character under the table
1299. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bushman, restaurant co-owner; Jamaica; mentor of major villain
1302. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier; Peru; commandeered mobile headquarters from main characters
1303. Original movie character; 80s; police lieutenant; Cleveland; threatened main character with jail
1304. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; escort; Harlem; hited to charm and blackmail someone
1305. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; tow truck driver; California; called to retrieve damaged car from retreat
1306. Original TV show character; 00s; No; drug dealer; Detroit; shakened down by main female character
1307. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, maybe student; New York City; spoke to lawye3r when realized mom needed help
1310. Original TV show character; 10s; No; psychiatrist turned lighthouse keeper; Brooklyn or vicinity?; treated main character for three years
1311. Original TV show character; 10s, though there'a an unrelated comics character with same name; Yes; unrelated character from Marvel Mystery Comics; pimp; New York City; caught one of his women keeping some of the money
1315. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; chef; Harlem; attended event where someone announced the creation of a complex
1316. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; psychiatric hospital nurse; Los Angeles; part of a witch coven
1317. Original TV show character; 70s; army soldier turned medical centre computer room worker; Los Angeles; while in the army was the best marksman in his division
1318. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force captain; Washington, D.C.; recurring character called her and other female staffers together
1319. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; student if any; Waverly, Ohio; son of major character
1320. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; professional gambler, marijuana grower; New York City; went on the run after falling into debt with loan shark
1321. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; possible housewife; Dallas?; ex-wife of recurring adversary
1322. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; army colonel; North Vietnam; flew many Black Ops missions into the jungles of North Vietnam
1323. Original webseries character, though an unrelated comics character has the same name; 10s; unrelated character from Ultimate Fantastic Four; Yes; hate group terrorist; Baltimore; attempoted to purchase a powerful weapon
1324. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco; listened to stories from major characters at a restaurant
1326. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ambulance driver for fire department; New York City; attempted to take main characters away discreetly
1327. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent socialite; New Orleans; after being robbed by major character, tried to rape them
1328. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; industrial company employee; New York City?; joined a group of villains after the death of her previous employer
1329. Original movie character; 00s; No; federal agent; United States; located main character's hideout
1331. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; prison guard; Georgia; forced prisoners to fight one another and streamed this for profit
1333. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school physical education teacher and varsity football coach, scoutmaster, volunteer firefighter; Wrigley, Pennsylvania; aided in recovery in the wake of a failed invasion
1334. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent criminal; Georgia; acted as trainer for main character
1337. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; biker gang leader; New York City; participated imn a gang war in a park
1338. From a movie; based on comics (this version's first name unrevealed unlike in comics); 10s; Thing; No; unrevealed, possible housewife; California?; mother of major character
1339. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; United States; mainly looked after boss' needs
1340. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Muskingum County, Ohio; reported on the scene of an attack on a psychiatric facility
1341. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; auto and body workshop owner; Los Angeles; hired major ally to main characters
1343. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; network reporter; Philadelphia?; don't recall their specific role in the movie
1344. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City; sent to capture main character
1345. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; met major character in a bar
1346. Original movie character; 00s; No; some sort of doctor (possibly in the scholarly sense rather than medical); New York City?; debated on TV with a superhero
1347. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; personal assistant; New York City; right hand man for main villain
1348. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force officer; southern California; involved in detecting main character flying over another country
1350. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; assigned to guard major villain
1352. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Japan?; hypenated name with second part of name a body part
1353. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force technical sergeant; Washington, DC; arrived at recurring character's location with other soldiers
1354. Original movie character; 00s; No; lawyer/familiar; Prague; participated in a health consortium
1356. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; instructed to guad serial killer
1358. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student if any when last seen; New York City?; seen in the 1940s
1359. Original TV show character; 70s; pilot; Treverton, Colorado; sprayed chemical over crops to kill bugs
1361. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; terrorist group operative; United States; joined terrorist group to get a source of income to look after his family
1362. Original TV show character; 70s; model; United States; tried to exort money from a guy who didn't love her in order to get them both married
1363. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State; someone possessing his boss forced him to get them his cuffs
1366. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles; shot in the legs by major villain
1368. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; security company receptionist; New York City; while talking to a client was interrupted by CEO's daughter
1369. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital surgeon; Los Angeles; performed surgery on wife of major character
1370. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang leader; New York City; invited to meeting at a gym but was betrayed
1371. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; half-brother had her brutally assaulted by a group of thugs when she inherited a prized statue instead of him.
1373. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; Yes; possible student; Wheaton, New Jersey; attended a convention
1375. Original movie character; 10s; No; federal agent; Queens?
1377. Original TV show character; 70s; orderly; United States
1380. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; clan member; New York City
1381. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police lieutenant/criminal; New York City
1382. Original movie character; 00s; No; Chief of Staff; Washington, DC
1384. From a movie; possibly based on real person; 10s; Yes; support group leader; Brooklyn
1389. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster group member; New York City
1390. From a movie; possibly based on comics (different salutation); 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; chemistry teacher; New York City
1391. Original movie character; 00s; No; news reporter; New York City
1392. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; nightclub owner/criminal leader; Madripoor
1393. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang member; New York City
1394. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; electronics store consultant; New York City
1395. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; Los Angeles?
1396. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student if any; New York City
1397. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; pet of sorts; Norway
1398. Original TV show character; 10s; No; head of government group, some sort of admiral; unrevealed
1400. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; press secretary; Washington DC
1401. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1402. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; New York City
1405. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; special organization agent; New York City
1406. Original movie character (deleted scene); 00s; Yes; unrevealed, possible socialite; Dubai
1407. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.; Partial; student if any when last seen; Illinois
1408. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical centre doctor; New York City
1409. Original TV show character; 70s; doctor/surgeon; Baja
1413. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; army general; Washington DC
1414. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Dallas?
1415. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; possible student; United States
1416. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family enforcer; New York City
1417. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and can't recall
1418. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Thing; No; possible student; California
1419. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu
1421. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1422. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible former housewife; Los Angeles
1423. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scavenger; [decline]
1424. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; firefighter; Wrigley
1425. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; flutist, writer; New York City
1426. From a TV show; shares name with comics character but likely a coincidence; 10s; Hulk: Future Imperfect; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1427. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; grifter; New York City
1428. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Georgia?
1429. From a TV show; based on real person with somewhat different name, dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; musical actor; New York City
1430. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; veterinary office employee; New York City
1431. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none; Britain?
1432. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible student; New York City
1433. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles
1434. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1435. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City
1436. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; likely student; New York City?
1437. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news anchor; New York City
1438. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; news anchor; Los Angeles
1440. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; alleged criminal; alien world [decline to specify]
1441. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; henchman; Tampa
1442. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; special organization director; Los Angeles
1443. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland
1444. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school lacrosse team coach; Los Angeles
1445. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States
1446. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre security guard; Portland
1447. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States
1448. Original movie character; 10s; No; assassin; New York City
1449. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; medical scientist; Georgia
1451. From a TV special; based on real person; 20s; Yes; actor; Beverly Hills
1452. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; college student; New York City
1453. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier turned surfer; Oahu
1454. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Washington DC
1455. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo
1458. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; undertaker; Harlem
1460. Original TV show character but has subsequently been mentioned in a comic; 10s; Yes; newspaper editor-in-chief; New York City
1461. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal investigator; New York City
1462. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; casino enforcer; [decline]
1463. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Fantastic Four; presumed king; Paris?
1464. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Cable; No; unrevealed; United States?
1465. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and I don't recall them
1466. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn
1467. Original TV movie character; 70s; criminal; United States
1468. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; New York City
1470. From a short; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Partial; adventurer; Australia
1471. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; butler; New York City
1472. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hate group terrorist; United States
1473. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; jailor; [decline]
1474. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed, possible housewife; United States
1475. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed criminal; United States
1476. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; New York City
1477. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; businesswoman; New York City
1478. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Foreign Affairs MInister/terrorist; Belgium
1479. Original movie character; 90s; cage fighter; United States
1480. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Journey Into Mystery; Partial; particle physicist, postdoctoral researcher; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico
1481. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; brainwashed clan member, probable student; New York City
1483. Original TV show character but name probable nod to character based on novel; 10s; naming the novel would make this one too obvious; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC
1486. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; beauty pageant emcee; Chattanooga
1488. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; hunter of sorts; Oklahoma City
1491. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; rebel; alien world [decline to specify]
1492. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; police officer; New Orleans
1493. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; ditto
1497. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force major; Lancaster, California
1498. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City
1500. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; No; Marvel Graphic Nvel; priest; Scotland?
1501. From a movie; dressed as someone based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; actor, possible student; Asgard
1503. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technology company security agent; United States
1505. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; unrevealed, possible student; New York City?
1506. From a TV show; based on folklore; 10s; Arthurian legend; Partial; sorceress; Los Angeles
1507. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; revealed; Harlem
1508. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Punisher; No; mercenary; New York City
1510. Original TV show character; 70s; department store manager; United States
1513. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Oregon
1514. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; video blogger; Harlem
1515. Original TV show character; 70s; ex motorcyclist; United States
1516. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family member; Los Angeles?
1519. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government contractor/smuggler; New York
1520. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; entity/keeper; Yucatán
1521. From a commercial; based on comics; 80s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States
1525. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent musician; Harlem
1526. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime syndicate member; mobile in space
1527. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; house pet; London
1528. Original TV show character and first name unrevealed, but surname likely named after real person; 10s; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC?
1529. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; chief executive; New Orleans
1530. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; court judge; New York City
1531. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; unrevealed; Germany
1532. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1533. Original movie character; 10s; No; scientific group nurse; Mexico
1534. Original TV show character; 70s; mental institution patient; United States
1535. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1536. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City
1537. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City?
1538. Original movie character; 00s; No; scientist; New York City
1539. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1540. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; Illinois
1541. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant worker; New York City
1542. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; police officer; San Francisco
1544. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier of sorts; Alabama
1545. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; miner foreman; Brazil
1547. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; No; assassin; Nagasaki
1548. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1550. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government attorney; Washington DC
1551. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government undersecretary; Washington DC?
1552. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal trainer; New York City
1553. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; gladiator; [decline]
1554. Original movie character; 00s; No; hospital surgeon; New York City
1556. Original movie character; 00s; No; deputy sheriff; New Orleans
1557. Original TV show character; 00s; Yes; possible housewife; New York City
1559. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawfirm co-founder/named partner; New York City
1560. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Salem, Oregon
1561. From a movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; No; street performer; Los Angeles
1562. Original TV show character; 80s; police captain; Unted States
1563. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bartender, guitar/piano teacher; Michigan
1564. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; private jet flight attendant; New York City?
1565. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1566. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1568. Original movie character; 10s; No; news show worker; San Francisco
1571. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; insurance corporation employee; New York City
1574. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; Yes; scientist; England
1575. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; Oklahoma
1577. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; San Francisco
1578. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; henchman; Harlem
1581. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; some sort of shipper; New York City?
1582. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; baseball team Road Captain; New York City
1583. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre doctor; Portland
1584. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; former hospital surgeon; New York City
1585. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; waitress; New York City?
1586. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland
1587. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; small shop attendant; New York City
1589. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1590. Original TV show character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Detroit
1593. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Mighty Avengers; Partial; special organization agent; Bogotá
1595. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; private investigation firm head; New York City
1596. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; high school student; Jersey City
1597. Original movie character; 10s; No; crane operator; New York City
1598. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal representative; Italy
1602. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police chief; New York State
1603. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; police detective; New Orleans
1607. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker; New York City
1611. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; criminal; New York City
1613. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City
1614. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technician; Utah
1616. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier; [decline]
1617. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; medical examiner; New Orleans
1619. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1620. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal;  Los Angeles
1622. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; back-up dancer; New York City
1624. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; driver; New York City
1625. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; New York City
1626. Original movie character; 10s; No; security guard; San Francisco
1627. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ancient organization member; New York City
1628. Original movie character; 00s; No; general; New York City
1629. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; Tennessee
1630. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal organization leader;  Los Angeles
1631. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; Harlem
1633. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn
1634. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Karachi, Pakistan
1635. From on movie; based on comics but different first name; 00s; X-Men; No; farmer; Canada (Northwest Territories?)
1636. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1637. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; handyman; New York City
1638. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Spider-Man and Power Pack ; Yes; high school student; Queens
1639. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; biker;  Los Angeles
1640. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; avocado business owner;  Los Angeles
1641. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal assistant; Bucharest
1642. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; assassin for terrorist group;  Los Angeles
1643. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; All-New, All-Different Point One; Yes; community centre operator; New York City
1645. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital doctor; New York City
1646. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1648. Original movie character; 00s; Partial; unrevealed; New York City
1649. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; Harlem
1651. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City
1652. Original movie character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; New York City
1654. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal, former stock broker; New York City
1656. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine turned special program worker; Boston
1657. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; California
1658. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Fantastic Four; presumed student; New York City?
1659. Original movie character; 10s; No; paramedic; San Francisco
1661. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; coerced criminal assistant; New York City?
1662. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; unrevealed; New York City?
1663. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; CEO/founder of science corporation; New York City
1664. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; TV journalist; Britain
1666. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; mystical group member; Jersey City
1667. 1667. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different name); 10s; Punisher; Yes; presumed student; New York City
1668. Original movie character; 10s: No; presumed student; New York City
1669. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; New York City
1670. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; info sparse and I don't recall them; New Orleans?
1672. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; owner/curator; Los Angeles
1673. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scientist; Nevada
1674. Original TV show character; 10s; No; underground group member; Atlanta
1675. Original movie character; 00s; No; police detective; New York City
1677. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; terrorist group member turned personal aide; New York State
1678. Original short character; 10s; Yes; business pet; United States
1680. Original TV movie character; 80s; scientist, Institute head; Los Angeles
1681. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reverend; Harlem
1682. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State
1683. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version's surname unrevealed); 10s; Runaways; Yes; university employee;  Los Angeles
1684. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States
1685. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu
1686. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Air Force general, government body member; United States
1687. Original TV show character; 70s; professional football player/trainer; United States
1688. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City
1689. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school principal; Los Angeles
1691. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; probable student; London
1693. Original TV show character but later appeared in comic set in the same continuity; 70s; would-be world conquerer; New York City
1694. From a commercial; based on comics but gender swapped; 10s; Captain America Comics; probable student; United States
1695. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital clerk; New York City
1697. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Dardevil; No; bar owner; New York City
1698. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer of sorts also paid by technology company; Italy
1699. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Spanish teacher; Los Angeles
1700. Original movie character; 10s; No; student if any; New York City
1701. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; unrevealed; Britain
1702. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; chancellor; China
1703. From a movie (deleted scene); based on real person; 00s; Yes; musical performer; New York City
1704. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; small-time criminal; New York City
1705. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Inhumans; Yes; former coerced spy/assassin; Soviet Union
1706. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; TV reporter; Los Angeles
1707. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; convenience store employee; Cincinnati
1708. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; car thief; New York City
1709. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; illicit photo studio owner; New York City
1710. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 10s; one version from Fallen Angels; No; high school student/cheerleader; New York City
1711. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed; Lincoln, Nebraska
1712. Original movie character; 10s; No; arms dealer; Turkey?
1714. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; cultist; London
1715. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; United States
1716. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal figure; New York City
1719. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; New York City
1720. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; senator; Washington DC
1721. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical academy student; New York City
1723. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 20s; earliest such character probably from X-Men; Yes; cultist; Egypt
1724. From a TV show; birth name based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; special organization agent turned welder; United States
1725. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana trafficker; Oahu
1726. Original movie character; 00s; No; unemployed; New York City
1728. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Norway
1730. Original movie character but named after character from non-Marvel TV show; 10s; decline to answer as earlier version is also name of show; No; house pet; San Francisco
1732. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; inventor, industrialist, chairman, electrical engineer, adventurer; New York City
1733. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1734. From a TV show; based on earlier character same show; 20s; Partial; soldier' [decline]
1735. From a movie; based on earlier character same movie; 10s; No; assassin; New York City
1736. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; Los Angeles
1738. Original TV movie character; 20s Yes; musician; [decline]
1739. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s Yes; musical performer; Harlem
1740. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1741. Original movie character; 10s Yes; probable student; Tennessee
1742. Original TV show character; 20s Yes; criminal soldier; Zürich
1744. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed, possible housewife; Albany
1745. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; oil rig worker; Louisiana
1746. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1747. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; New Orleans


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6/04/2023 7:20 am  #158

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

1338. Mrs. Grimm, FF 2015


6/04/2023 7:24 am  #159

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

1348. David Owens, Iron Man


6/04/2023 7:27 am  #160

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

1358. Emmett Dooley, Agent Carter


6/04/2023 7:29 am  #161

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

1369. Doctor Chung, Agent Carter


6/04/2023 8:01 am  #162

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

Latest answers correct; list updated.

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6/04/2023 8:15 am  #163

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

Cleaned up clues:

1293. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; responded to an altercation between a superhero and a crime family
1294. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mafia leader; Chicago; interrogated by anti-hero
1296. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo; named after Biblical being
1297. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; nightclub manager; Harlem; paid main character under the table
1299. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bushman, restaurant co-owner; Jamaica; mentor of major villain
1302. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier; Peru; commandeered mobile headquarters from main characters
1303. Original movie character; 80s; police lieutenant; Cleveland; threatened main character with jail
1304. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; escort; Harlem; hited to charm and blackmail someone
1305. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; tow truck driver; California; called to retrieve damaged car from retreat
1306. Original TV show character; 00s; No; drug dealer; Detroit; shakened down by main female character
1307. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, maybe student; New York City; spoke to lawye3r when realized mom needed help
1310. Original TV show character; 10s; No; psychiatrist turned lighthouse keeper; Brooklyn or vicinity?; treated main character for three years
1311. Original TV show character; 10s, though there'a an unrelated comics character with same name; Yes; unrelated character from Marvel Mystery Comics; pimp; New York City; caught one of his women keeping some of the money
1315. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; chef; Harlem; attended event where someone announced the creation of a complex
1316. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; psychiatric hospital nurse; Los Angeles; part of a witch coven
1317. Original TV show character; 70s; army soldier turned medical centre computer room worker; Los Angeles; while in the army was the best marksman in his division
1318. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force captain; Washington, D.C.; recurring character called her and other female staffers together
1319. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; student if any; Waverly, Ohio; son of major character
1320. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; professional gambler, marijuana grower; New York City; went on the run after falling into debt with loan shark
1321. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; possible housewife; Dallas?; ex-wife of recurring adversary
1322. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; army colonel; North Vietnam; flew many Black Ops missions into the jungles of North Vietnam
1323. Original webseries character, though an unrelated comics character has the same name; 10s; unrelated character from Ultimate Fantastic Four; Yes; hate group terrorist; Baltimore; attempoted to purchase a powerful weapon
1324. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco; listened to stories from major characters at a restaurant
1326. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ambulance driver for fire department; New York City; attempted to take main characters away discreetly
1327. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent socialite; New Orleans; after being robbed by major character, tried to rape them
1328. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; industrial company employee; New York City?; joined a group of villains after the death of her previous employer
1329. Original movie character; 00s; No; federal agent; United States; located main character's hideout
1331. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; prison guard; Georgia; forced prisoners to fight one another and streamed this for profit
1333. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school physical education teacher and varsity football coach, scoutmaster, volunteer firefighter; Wrigley, Pennsylvania; aided in recovery in the wake of a failed invasion
1334. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent criminal; Georgia; acted as trainer for main character
1337. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; biker gang leader; New York City; participated imn a gang war in a park
1339. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; United States; mainly looked after boss' needs
1340. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Muskingum County, Ohio; reported on the scene of an attack on a psychiatric facility
1341. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; auto and body workshop owner; Los Angeles; hired major ally to main characters
1343. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; network reporter; Philadelphia?; don't recall their specific role in the movie
1344. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City; sent to capture main character
1345. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; met major character in a bar
1346. Original movie character; 00s; No; some sort of doctor (possibly in the scholarly sense rather than medical); New York City?; debated on TV with a superhero
1347. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; personal assistant; New York City; right hand man for main villain
1350. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; assigned to guard major villain
1352. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Japan?; hypenated name with second part of name a body part
1353. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force technical sergeant; Washington, DC; arrived at recurring character's location with other soldiers
1354. Original movie character; 00s; No; lawyer/familiar; Prague; participated in a health consortium
1356. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; instructed to guad serial killer
1359. Original TV show character; 70s; pilot; Treverton, Colorado; sprayed chemical over crops to kill bugs
1361. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; terrorist group operative; United States; joined terrorist group to get a source of income to look after his family
1362. Original TV show character; 70s; model; United States; tried to exort money from a guy who didn't love her in order to get them both married
1363. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State; someone possessing his boss forced him to get them his cuffs
1366. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles; shot in the legs by major villain
1368. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; security company receptionist; New York City; while talking to a client was interrupted by CEO's daughter
1370. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang leader; New York City; invited to meeting at a gym but was betrayed
1371. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; half-brother had her brutally assaulted by a group of thugs when she inherited a prized statue instead of him.
1373. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; Yes; possible student; Wheaton, New Jersey; attended a convention
1375. Original movie character; 10s; No; federal agent; Queens?
1377. Original TV show character; 70s; orderly; United States
1380. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; clan member; New York City
1381. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police lieutenant/criminal; New York City
1382. Original movie character; 00s; No; Chief of Staff; Washington, DC
1384. From a movie; possibly based on real person; 10s; Yes; support group leader; Brooklyn
1389. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster group member; New York City
1390. From a movie; possibly based on comics (different salutation); 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; chemistry teacher; New York City
1391. Original movie character; 00s; No; news reporter; New York City
1392. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; nightclub owner/criminal leader; Madripoor
1393. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang member; New York City
1394. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; electronics store consultant; New York City
1395. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; Los Angeles?
1396. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student if any; New York City
1397. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; pet of sorts; Norway
1398. Original TV show character; 10s; No; head of government group, some sort of admiral; unrevealed
1400. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; press secretary; Washington DC
1401. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1402. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; New York City
1405. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; special organization agent; New York City
1406. Original movie character (deleted scene); 00s; Yes; unrevealed, possible socialite; Dubai
1407. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.; Partial; student if any when last seen; Illinois
1408. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical centre doctor; New York City
1409. Original TV show character; 70s; doctor/surgeon; Baja
1413. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; army general; Washington DC
1414. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Dallas?
1415. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; possible student; United States
1416. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family enforcer; New York City
1417. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and can't recall
1418. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Thing; No; possible student; California
1419. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu
1421. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1422. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible former housewife; Los Angeles
1423. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scavenger; [decline]
1424. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; firefighter; Wrigley
1425. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; flutist, writer; New York City
1426. From a TV show; shares name with comics character but likely a coincidence; 10s; Hulk: Future Imperfect; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1427. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; grifter; New York City
1428. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Georgia?
1429. From a TV show; based on real person with somewhat different name, dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; musical actor; New York City
1430. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; veterinary office employee; New York City
1431. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none; Britain?
1432. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible student; New York City
1433. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles
1434. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1435. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City
1436. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; likely student; New York City?
1437. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news anchor; New York City
1438. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; news anchor; Los Angeles
1440. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; alleged criminal; alien world [decline to specify]
1441. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; henchman; Tampa
1442. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; special organization director; Los Angeles
1443. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland
1444. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school lacrosse team coach; Los Angeles
1445. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States
1446. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre security guard; Portland
1447. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States
1448. Original movie character; 10s; No; assassin; New York City
1449. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; medical scientist; Georgia
1451. From a TV special; based on real person; 20s; Yes; actor; Beverly Hills
1452. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; college student; New York City
1453. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier turned surfer; Oahu
1454. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Washington DC
1455. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo
1458. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; undertaker; Harlem
1460. Original TV show character but has subsequently been mentioned in a comic; 10s; Yes; newspaper editor-in-chief; New York City
1461. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal investigator; New York City
1462. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; casino enforcer; [decline]
1463. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Fantastic Four; presumed king; Paris?
1464. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Cable; No; unrevealed; United States?
1465. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and I don't recall them
1466. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn
1467. Original TV movie character; 70s; criminal; United States
1468. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; New York City
1470. From a short; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Partial; adventurer; Australia
1471. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; butler; New York City
1472. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hate group terrorist; United States
1473. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; jailor; [decline]
1474. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed, possible housewife; United States
1475. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed criminal; United States
1476. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; New York City
1477. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; businesswoman; New York City
1478. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Foreign Affairs MInister/terrorist; Belgium
1479. Original movie character; 90s; cage fighter; United States
1480. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Journey Into Mystery; Partial; particle physicist, postdoctoral researcher; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico
1481. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; brainwashed clan member, probable student; New York City
1483. Original TV show character but name probable nod to character based on novel; 10s; naming the novel would make this one too obvious; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC
1486. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; beauty pageant emcee; Chattanooga
1488. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; hunter of sorts; Oklahoma City
1491. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; rebel; alien world [decline to specify]
1492. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; police officer; New Orleans
1493. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; ditto
1497. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force major; Lancaster, California
1498. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City
1500. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; No; Marvel Graphic Nvel; priest; Scotland?
1501. From a movie; dressed as someone based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; actor, possible student; Asgard
1503. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technology company security agent; United States
1505. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; unrevealed, possible student; New York City?
1506. From a TV show; based on folklore; 10s; Arthurian legend; Partial; sorceress; Los Angeles
1507. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; revealed; Harlem
1508. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Punisher; No; mercenary; New York City
1510. Original TV show character; 70s; department store manager; United States
1513. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Oregon
1514. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; video blogger; Harlem
1515. Original TV show character; 70s; ex motorcyclist; United States
1516. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family member; Los Angeles?
1519. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government contractor/smuggler; New York
1520. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; entity/keeper; Yucatán
1521. From a commercial; based on comics; 80s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States
1525. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent musician; Harlem
1526. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime syndicate member; mobile in space
1527. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; house pet; London
1528. Original TV show character and first name unrevealed, but surname likely named after real person; 10s; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC?
1529. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; chief executive; New Orleans
1530. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; court judge; New York City
1531. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; unrevealed; Germany
1532. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1533. Original movie character; 10s; No; scientific group nurse; Mexico
1534. Original TV show character; 70s; mental institution patient; United States
1535. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1536. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City
1537. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City?
1538. Original movie character; 00s; No; scientist; New York City
1539. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1540. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; Illinois
1541. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant worker; New York City
1542. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; police officer; San Francisco
1544. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier of sorts; Alabama
1545. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; miner foreman; Brazil
1547. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; No; assassin; Nagasaki
1548. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1550. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government attorney; Washington DC
1551. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government undersecretary; Washington DC?
1552. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal trainer; New York City
1553. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; gladiator; [decline]
1554. Original movie character; 00s; No; hospital surgeon; New York City
1556. Original movie character; 00s; No; deputy sheriff; New Orleans
1557. Original TV show character; 00s; Yes; possible housewife; New York City
1559. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawfirm co-founder/named partner; New York City
1560. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Salem, Oregon
1561. From a movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; No; street performer; Los Angeles
1562. Original TV show character; 80s; police captain; Unted States
1563. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bartender, guitar/piano teacher; Michigan
1564. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; private jet flight attendant; New York City?
1565. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1566. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1568. Original movie character; 10s; No; news show worker; San Francisco
1571. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; insurance corporation employee; New York City
1574. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; Yes; scientist; England
1575. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; Oklahoma
1577. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; San Francisco
1578. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; henchman; Harlem
1581. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; some sort of shipper; New York City?
1582. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; baseball team Road Captain; New York City
1583. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre doctor; Portland
1584. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; former hospital surgeon; New York City
1585. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; waitress; New York City?
1586. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland
1587. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; small shop attendant; New York City
1589. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1590. Original TV show character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Detroit
1593. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Mighty Avengers; Partial; special organization agent; Bogotá
1595. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; private investigation firm head; New York City
1596. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; high school student; Jersey City
1597. Original movie character; 10s; No; crane operator; New York City
1598. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal representative; Italy
1602. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police chief; New York State
1603. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; police detective; New Orleans
1607. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker; New York City
1611. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; criminal; New York City
1613. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City
1614. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technician; Utah
1616. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier; [decline]
1617. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; medical examiner; New Orleans
1619. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1620. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal;  Los Angeles
1622. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; back-up dancer; New York City
1624. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; driver; New York City
1625. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; New York City
1626. Original movie character; 10s; No; security guard; San Francisco
1627. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ancient organization member; New York City
1628. Original movie character; 00s; No; general; New York City
1629. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; Tennessee
1630. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal organization leader;  Los Angeles
1631. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; Harlem
1633. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn
1634. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Karachi, Pakistan
1635. From on movie; based on comics but different first name; 00s; X-Men; No; farmer; Canada (Northwest Territories?)
1636. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1637. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; handyman; New York City
1638. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Spider-Man and Power Pack ; Yes; high school student; Queens
1639. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; biker;  Los Angeles
1640. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; avocado business owner;  Los Angeles
1641. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal assistant; Bucharest
1642. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; assassin for terrorist group;  Los Angeles
1643. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; All-New, All-Different Point One; Yes; community centre operator; New York City
1645. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital doctor; New York City
1646. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1648. Original movie character; 00s; Partial; unrevealed; New York City
1649. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; Harlem
1651. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City
1652. Original movie character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; New York City
1654. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal, former stock broker; New York City
1656. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine turned special program worker; Boston
1657. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; California
1658. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Fantastic Four; presumed student; New York City?
1659. Original movie character; 10s; No; paramedic; San Francisco
1661. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; coerced criminal assistant; New York City?
1662. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; unrevealed; New York City?
1663. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; CEO/founder of science corporation; New York City
1664. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; TV journalist; Britain
1666. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; mystical group member; Jersey City
1667. 1667. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different name); 10s; Punisher; Yes; presumed student; New York City
1668. Original movie character; 10s: No; presumed student; New York City
1669. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; New York City
1670. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; info sparse and I don't recall them; New Orleans?
1672. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; owner/curator; Los Angeles
1673. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scientist; Nevada
1674. Original TV show character; 10s; No; underground group member; Atlanta
1675. Original movie character; 00s; No; police detective; New York City
1677. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; terrorist group member turned personal aide; New York State
1678. Original short character; 10s; Yes; business pet; United States
1680. Original TV movie character; 80s; scientist, Institute head; Los Angeles
1681. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reverend; Harlem
1682. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State
1683. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version's surname unrevealed); 10s; Runaways; Yes; university employee;  Los Angeles
1684. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States
1685. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu
1686. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Air Force general, government body member; United States
1687. Original TV show character; 70s; professional football player/trainer; United States
1688. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City
1689. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school principal; Los Angeles
1691. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; probable student; London
1693. Original TV show character but later appeared in comic set in the same continuity; 70s; would-be world conquerer; New York City
1694. From a commercial; based on comics but gender swapped; 10s; Captain America Comics; probable student; United States
1695. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital clerk; New York City
1697. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Dardevil; No; bar owner; New York City
1698. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer of sorts also paid by technology company; Italy
1699. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Spanish teacher; Los Angeles
1700. Original movie character; 10s; No; student if any; New York City
1701. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; unrevealed; Britain
1702. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; chancellor; China
1703. From a movie (deleted scene); based on real person; 00s; Yes; musical performer; New York City
1704. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; small-time criminal; New York City
1705. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Inhumans; Yes; former coerced spy/assassin; Soviet Union
1706. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; TV reporter; Los Angeles
1707. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; convenience store employee; Cincinnati
1708. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; car thief; New York City
1709. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; illicit photo studio owner; New York City
1710. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 10s; one version from Fallen Angels; No; high school student/cheerleader; New York City
1711. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed; Lincoln, Nebraska
1712. Original movie character; 10s; No; arms dealer; Turkey?
1714. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; cultist; London
1715. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; United States
1716. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal figure; New York City
1719. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; New York City
1720. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; senator; Washington DC
1721. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical academy student; New York City
1723. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 20s; earliest such character probably from X-Men; Yes; cultist; Egypt
1724. From a TV show; birth name based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; special organization agent turned welder; United States
1725. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana trafficker; Oahu
1726. Original movie character; 00s; No; unemployed; New York City
1728. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Norway
1730. Original movie character but named after character from non-Marvel TV show; 10s; decline to answer as earlier version is also name of show; No; house pet; San Francisco
1732. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; inventor, industrialist, chairman, electrical engineer, adventurer; New York City
1733. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1734. From a TV show; based on earlier character same show; 20s; Partial; soldier' [decline]
1735. From a movie; based on earlier character same movie; 10s; No; assassin; New York City
1736. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; Los Angeles
1738. Original TV movie character; 20s Yes; musician; [decline]
1739. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s Yes; musical performer; Harlem
1740. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1741. Original movie character; 10s Yes; probable student; Tennessee
1742. Original TV show character; 20s Yes; criminal soldier; Zürich
1744. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed, possible housewife; Albany
1745. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; oil rig worker; Louisiana
1746. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1747. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; New Orleans


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6/16/2023 6:55 pm  #164

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

Adding character specific clues to 1394. Not a lot because I just came back from a trip and am a bit tired.

1293. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; responded to an altercation between a superhero and a crime family
1294. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mafia leader; Chicago; interrogated by anti-hero
1296. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo; named after Biblical being
1297. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; nightclub manager; Harlem; paid main character under the table
1299. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bushman, restaurant co-owner; Jamaica; mentor of major villain
1302. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier; Peru; commandeered mobile headquarters from main characters
1303. Original movie character; 80s; police lieutenant; Cleveland; threatened main character with jail
1304. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; escort; Harlem; hited to charm and blackmail someone
1305. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; tow truck driver; California; called to retrieve damaged car from retreat
1306. Original TV show character; 00s; No; drug dealer; Detroit; shakened down by main female character
1307. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, maybe student; New York City; spoke to lawye3r when realized mom needed help
1310. Original TV show character; 10s; No; psychiatrist turned lighthouse keeper; Brooklyn or vicinity?; treated main character for three years
1311. Original TV show character; 10s, though there'a an unrelated comics character with same name; Yes; unrelated character from Marvel Mystery Comics; pimp; New York City; caught one of his women keeping some of the money
1315. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; chef; Harlem; attended event where someone announced the creation of a complex
1316. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; psychiatric hospital nurse; Los Angeles; part of a witch coven
1317. Original TV show character; 70s; army soldier turned medical centre computer room worker; Los Angeles; while in the army was the best marksman in his division
1318. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force captain; Washington, D.C.; recurring character called her and other female staffers together
1319. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; student if any; Waverly, Ohio; son of major character
1320. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; professional gambler, marijuana grower; New York City; went on the run after falling into debt with loan shark
1321. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; possible housewife; Dallas?; ex-wife of recurring adversary
1322. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; army colonel; North Vietnam; flew many Black Ops missions into the jungles of North Vietnam
1323. Original webseries character, though an unrelated comics character has the same name; 10s; unrelated character from Ultimate Fantastic Four; Yes; hate group terrorist; Baltimore; attempoted to purchase a powerful weapon
1324. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco; listened to stories from major characters at a restaurant
1326. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ambulance driver for fire department; New York City; attempted to take main characters away discreetly
1327. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent socialite; New Orleans; after being robbed by major character, tried to rape them
1328. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; industrial company employee; New York City?; joined a group of villains after the death of her previous employer
1329. Original movie character; 00s; No; federal agent; United States; located main character's hideout
1331. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; prison guard; Georgia; forced prisoners to fight one another and streamed this for profit
1333. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school physical education teacher and varsity football coach, scoutmaster, volunteer firefighter; Wrigley, Pennsylvania; aided in recovery in the wake of a failed invasion
1334. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent criminal; Georgia; acted as trainer for main character
1337. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; biker gang leader; New York City; participated imn a gang war in a park
1339. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; United States; mainly looked after boss' needs
1340. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Muskingum County, Ohio; reported on the scene of an attack on a psychiatric facility
1341. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; auto and body workshop owner; Los Angeles; hired major ally to main characters
1343. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; network reporter; Philadelphia?; don't recall their specific role in the movie
1344. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City; sent to capture main character
1345. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; met major character in a bar
1346. Original movie character; 00s; No; some sort of doctor (possibly in the scholarly sense rather than medical); New York City?; debated on TV with a superhero
1347. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; personal assistant; New York City; right hand man for main villain
1350. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; assigned to guard major villain
1352. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Japan?; hypenated name with second part of name a body part
1353. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force technical sergeant; Washington, DC; arrived at recurring character's location with other soldiers
1354. Original movie character; 00s; No; lawyer/familiar; Prague; participated in a health consortium
1356. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; instructed to guad serial killer
1359. Original TV show character; 70s; pilot; Treverton, Colorado; sprayed chemical over crops to kill bugs
1361. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; terrorist group operative; United States; joined terrorist group to get a source of income to look after his family
1362. Original TV show character; 70s; model; United States; tried to exort money from a guy who didn't love her in order to get them both married
1363. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State; someone possessing his boss forced him to get them his cuffs
1366. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles; shot in the legs by major villain
1368. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; security company receptionist; New York City; while talking to a client was interrupted by CEO's daughter
1370. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang leader; New York City; invited to meeting at a gym but was betrayed
1371. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; half-brother had her brutally assaulted by a group of thugs when she inherited a prized statue instead of him.
1373. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; Yes; possible student; Wheaton, New Jersey; attended a convention
1375. Original movie character; 10s; No; federal agent; Queens?; claimed main character's father was a traitor
1377. Original TV show character; 70s; orderly; United States; sent after main character after the latter obtained a tape
1380. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; clan member; New York City; oversaw transportation of young both to New York.
1381. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police lieutenant/criminal; New York City; secretly on a criminal's payroll but exposed by major character
1382. Original movie character; 00s; No; Chief of Staff; Washington, DC; accompantied President to Oval Office before a speech
1384. From a movie; possibly based on real person; 10s; Yes; support group leader; Brooklyn; helped people deal with deaths of loved ones
1389. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster group member; New York City; was eager to follow in his father's footsteps, despite being ordered not to
1390. From a movie; possibly based on comics (different salutation); 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; chemistry teacher; New York City; taught a lesson about orbitals, drawing several on the board and listing a series of questions about them
1391. Original movie character; 00s; No; news reporter; New York City; reported tha a web  had a message
1392. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; nightclub owner/criminal leader; Madripoor; met be someone regarding a serum
1393. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang member; New York City; followed by main character
1394. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; electronics store consultant; New York City; helped someone choose a laptop.
1395. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; Los Angeles?
1396. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student if any; New York City
1397. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; pet of sorts; Norway
1398. Original TV show character; 10s; No; head of government group, some sort of admiral; unrevealed
1400. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; press secretary; Washington DC
1401. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1402. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; New York City
1405. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; special organization agent; New York City
1406. Original movie character (deleted scene); 00s; Yes; unrevealed, possible socialite; Dubai
1407. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.; Partial; student if any when last seen; Illinois
1408. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical centre doctor; New York City
1409. Original TV show character; 70s; doctor/surgeon; Baja
1413. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; army general; Washington DC
1414. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Dallas?
1415. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; possible student; United States
1416. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family enforcer; New York City
1417. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and can't recall
1418. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Thing; No; possible student; California
1419. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu
1421. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1422. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible former housewife; Los Angeles
1423. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scavenger; [decline]
1424. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; firefighter; Wrigley
1425. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; flutist, writer; New York City
1426. From a TV show; shares name with comics character but likely a coincidence; 10s; Hulk: Future Imperfect; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1427. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; grifter; New York City
1428. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Georgia?
1429. From a TV show; based on real person with somewhat different name, dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; musical actor; New York City
1430. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; veterinary office employee; New York City
1431. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none; Britain?
1432. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible student; New York City
1433. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles
1434. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1435. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City
1436. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; likely student; New York City?
1437. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news anchor; New York City
1438. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; news anchor; Los Angeles
1440. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; alleged criminal; alien world [decline to specify]
1441. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; henchman; Tampa
1442. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; special organization director; Los Angeles
1443. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland
1444. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school lacrosse team coach; Los Angeles
1445. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States
1446. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre security guard; Portland
1447. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States
1448. Original movie character; 10s; No; assassin; New York City
1449. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; medical scientist; Georgia
1451. From a TV special; based on real person; 20s; Yes; actor; Beverly Hills
1452. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; college student; New York City
1453. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier turned surfer; Oahu
1454. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Washington DC
1455. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo
1458. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; undertaker; Harlem
1460. Original TV show character but has subsequently been mentioned in a comic; 10s; Yes; newspaper editor-in-chief; New York City
1461. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal investigator; New York City
1462. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; casino enforcer; [decline]
1463. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Fantastic Four; presumed king; Paris?
1464. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Cable; No; unrevealed; United States?
1465. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and I don't recall them
1466. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn
1467. Original TV movie character; 70s; criminal; United States
1468. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; New York City
1470. From a short; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Partial; adventurer; Australia
1471. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; butler; New York City
1472. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hate group terrorist; United States
1473. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; jailor; [decline]
1474. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed, possible housewife; United States
1475. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed criminal; United States
1476. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; New York City
1477. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; businesswoman; New York City
1478. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Foreign Affairs MInister/terrorist; Belgium
1479. Original movie character; 90s; cage fighter; United States
1480. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Journey Into Mystery; Partial; particle physicist, postdoctoral researcher; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico
1481. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; brainwashed clan member, probable student; New York City
1483. Original TV show character but name probable nod to character based on novel; 10s; naming the novel would make this one too obvious; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC
1486. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; beauty pageant emcee; Chattanooga
1488. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; hunter of sorts; Oklahoma City
1491. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; rebel; alien world [decline to specify]
1492. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; police officer; New Orleans
1493. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; ditto
1497. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force major; Lancaster, California
1498. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City
1500. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; No; Marvel Graphic Nvel; priest; Scotland?
1501. From a movie; dressed as someone based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; actor, possible student; Asgard
1503. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technology company security agent; United States
1505. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; unrevealed, possible student; New York City?
1506. From a TV show; based on folklore; 10s; Arthurian legend; Partial; sorceress; Los Angeles
1507. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; revealed; Harlem
1508. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Punisher; No; mercenary; New York City
1510. Original TV show character; 70s; department store manager; United States
1513. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Oregon
1514. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; video blogger; Harlem
1515. Original TV show character; 70s; ex motorcyclist; United States
1516. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family member; Los Angeles?
1519. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government contractor/smuggler; New York
1520. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; entity/keeper; Yucatán
1521. From a commercial; based on comics; 80s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States
1525. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent musician; Harlem
1526. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime syndicate member; mobile in space
1527. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; house pet; London
1528. Original TV show character and first name unrevealed, but surname likely named after real person; 10s; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC?
1529. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; chief executive; New Orleans
1530. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; court judge; New York City
1531. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; unrevealed; Germany
1532. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1533. Original movie character; 10s; No; scientific group nurse; Mexico
1534. Original TV show character; 70s; mental institution patient; United States
1535. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1536. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City
1537. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City?
1538. Original movie character; 00s; No; scientist; New York City
1539. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1540. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; Illinois
1541. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant worker; New York City
1542. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; police officer; San Francisco
1544. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier of sorts; Alabama
1545. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; miner foreman; Brazil
1547. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; No; assassin; Nagasaki
1548. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1550. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government attorney; Washington DC
1551. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government undersecretary; Washington DC?
1552. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal trainer; New York City
1553. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; gladiator; [decline]
1554. Original movie character; 00s; No; hospital surgeon; New York City
1556. Original movie character; 00s; No; deputy sheriff; New Orleans
1557. Original TV show character; 00s; Yes; possible housewife; New York City
1559. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawfirm co-founder/named partner; New York City
1560. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Salem, Oregon
1561. From a movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; No; street performer; Los Angeles
1562. Original TV show character; 80s; police captain; Unted States
1563. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bartender, guitar/piano teacher; Michigan
1564. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; private jet flight attendant; New York City?
1565. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1566. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1568. Original movie character; 10s; No; news show worker; San Francisco
1571. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; insurance corporation employee; New York City
1574. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; Yes; scientist; England
1575. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; Oklahoma
1577. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; San Francisco
1578. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; henchman; Harlem
1581. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; some sort of shipper; New York City?
1582. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; baseball team Road Captain; New York City
1583. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre doctor; Portland
1584. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; former hospital surgeon; New York City
1585. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; waitress; New York City?
1586. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland
1587. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; small shop attendant; New York City
1589. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1590. Original TV show character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Detroit
1593. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Mighty Avengers; Partial; special organization agent; Bogotá
1595. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; private investigation firm head; New York City
1596. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; high school student; Jersey City
1597. Original movie character; 10s; No; crane operator; New York City
1598. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal representative; Italy
1602. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police chief; New York State
1603. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; police detective; New Orleans
1607. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker; New York City
1611. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; criminal; New York City
1613. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City
1614. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technician; Utah
1616. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier; [decline]
1617. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; medical examiner; New Orleans
1619. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1620. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal;  Los Angeles
1622. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; back-up dancer; New York City
1624. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; driver; New York City
1625. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; New York City
1626. Original movie character; 10s; No; security guard; San Francisco
1627. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ancient organization member; New York City
1628. Original movie character; 00s; No; general; New York City
1629. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; Tennessee
1630. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal organization leader;  Los Angeles
1631. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; Harlem
1633. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn
1634. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Karachi, Pakistan
1635. From on movie; based on comics but different first name; 00s; X-Men; No; farmer; Canada (Northwest Territories?)
1636. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1637. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; handyman; New York City
1638. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Spider-Man and Power Pack ; Yes; high school student; Queens
1639. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; biker;  Los Angeles
1640. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; avocado business owner;  Los Angeles
1641. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal assistant; Bucharest
1642. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; assassin for terrorist group;  Los Angeles
1643. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; All-New, All-Different Point One; Yes; community centre operator; New York City
1645. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital doctor; New York City
1646. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1648. Original movie character; 00s; Partial; unrevealed; New York City
1649. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; Harlem
1651. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City
1652. Original movie character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; New York City
1654. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal, former stock broker; New York City
1656. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine turned special program worker; Boston
1657. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; California
1658. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Fantastic Four; presumed student; New York City?
1659. Original movie character; 10s; No; paramedic; San Francisco
1661. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; coerced criminal assistant; New York City?
1662. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; unrevealed; New York City?
1663. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; CEO/founder of science corporation; New York City
1664. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; TV journalist; Britain
1666. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; mystical group member; Jersey City
1667. 1667. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different name); 10s; Punisher; Yes; presumed student; New York City
1668. Original movie character; 10s: No; presumed student; New York City
1669. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; New York City
1670. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; info sparse and I don't recall them; New Orleans?
1672. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; owner/curator; Los Angeles
1673. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scientist; Nevada
1674. Original TV show character; 10s; No; underground group member; Atlanta
1675. Original movie character; 00s; No; police detective; New York City
1677. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; terrorist group member turned personal aide; New York State
1678. Original short character; 10s; Yes; business pet; United States
1680. Original TV movie character; 80s; scientist, Institute head; Los Angeles
1681. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reverend; Harlem
1682. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State
1683. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version's surname unrevealed); 10s; Runaways; Yes; university employee;  Los Angeles
1684. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States
1685. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu
1686. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Air Force general, government body member; United States
1687. Original TV show character; 70s; professional football player/trainer; United States
1688. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City
1689. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school principal; Los Angeles
1691. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; probable student; London
1693. Original TV show character but later appeared in comic set in the same continuity; 70s; would-be world conquerer; New York City
1694. From a commercial; based on comics but gender swapped; 10s; Captain America Comics; probable student; United States
1695. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital clerk; New York City
1697. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Dardevil; No; bar owner; New York City
1698. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer of sorts also paid by technology company; Italy
1699. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Spanish teacher; Los Angeles
1700. Original movie character; 10s; No; student if any; New York City
1701. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; unrevealed; Britain
1702. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; chancellor; China
1703. From a movie (deleted scene); based on real person; 00s; Yes; musical performer; New York City
1704. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; small-time criminal; New York City
1705. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Inhumans; Yes; former coerced spy/assassin; Soviet Union
1706. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; TV reporter; Los Angeles
1707. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; convenience store employee; Cincinnati
1708. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; car thief; New York City
1709. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; illicit photo studio owner; New York City
1710. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 10s; one version from Fallen Angels; No; high school student/cheerleader; New York City
1711. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed; Lincoln, Nebraska
1712. Original movie character; 10s; No; arms dealer; Turkey?
1714. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; cultist; London
1715. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; United States
1716. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal figure; New York City
1719. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; New York City
1720. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; senator; Washington DC
1721. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical academy student; New York City
1723. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 20s; earliest such character probably from X-Men; Yes; cultist; Egypt
1724. From a TV show; birth name based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; special organization agent turned welder; United States
1725. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana trafficker; Oahu
1726. Original movie character; 00s; No; unemployed; New York City
1728. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Norway
1730. Original movie character but named after character from non-Marvel TV show; 10s; decline to answer as earlier version is also name of show; No; house pet; San Francisco
1732. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; inventor, industrialist, chairman, electrical engineer, adventurer; New York City
1733. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1734. From a TV show; based on earlier character same show; 20s; Partial; soldier' [decline]
1735. From a movie; based on earlier character same movie; 10s; No; assassin; New York City
1736. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; Los Angeles
1738. Original TV movie character; 20s Yes; musician; [decline]
1739. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s Yes; musical performer; Harlem
1740. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1741. Original movie character; 10s Yes; probable student; Tennessee
1742. Original TV show character; 20s Yes; criminal soldier; Zürich
1744. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed, possible housewife; Albany
1745. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; oil rig worker; Louisiana
1746. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1747. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; New Orleans

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6/17/2023 8:18 am  #165

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

Not yet a day but I only did a few last night and wanted to get on a morning schedule my time for clues. Now up to 1448.

1293. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; responded to an altercation between a superhero and a crime family
1294. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mafia leader; Chicago; interrogated by anti-hero
1296. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo; named after Biblical being
1297. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; nightclub manager; Harlem; paid main character under the table
1299. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bushman, restaurant co-owner; Jamaica; mentor of major villain
1302. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier; Peru; commandeered mobile headquarters from main characters
1303. Original movie character; 80s; police lieutenant; Cleveland; threatened main character with jail
1304. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; escort; Harlem; hited to charm and blackmail someone
1305. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; tow truck driver; California; called to retrieve damaged car from retreat
1306. Original TV show character; 00s; No; drug dealer; Detroit; shakened down by main female character
1307. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, maybe student; New York City; spoke to lawye3r when realized mom needed help
1310. Original TV show character; 10s; No; psychiatrist turned lighthouse keeper; Brooklyn or vicinity?; treated main character for three years
1311. Original TV show character; 10s, though there'a an unrelated comics character with same name; Yes; unrelated character from Marvel Mystery Comics; pimp; New York City; caught one of his women keeping some of the money
1315. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; chef; Harlem; attended event where someone announced the creation of a complex
1316. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; psychiatric hospital nurse; Los Angeles; part of a witch coven
1317. Original TV show character; 70s; army soldier turned medical centre computer room worker; Los Angeles; while in the army was the best marksman in his division
1318. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force captain; Washington, D.C.; recurring character called her and other female staffers together
1319. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; student if any; Waverly, Ohio; son of major character
1320. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; professional gambler, marijuana grower; New York City; went on the run after falling into debt with loan shark
1321. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; possible housewife; Dallas?; ex-wife of recurring adversary
1322. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; army colonel; North Vietnam; flew many Black Ops missions into the jungles of North Vietnam
1323. Original webseries character, though an unrelated comics character has the same name; 10s; unrelated character from Ultimate Fantastic Four; Yes; hate group terrorist; Baltimore; attempoted to purchase a powerful weapon
1324. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco; listened to stories from major characters at a restaurant
1326. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ambulance driver for fire department; New York City; attempted to take main characters away discreetly
1327. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent socialite; New Orleans; after being robbed by major character, tried to rape them
1328. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; industrial company employee; New York City?; joined a group of villains after the death of her previous employer
1329. Original movie character; 00s; No; federal agent; United States; located main character's hideout
1331. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; prison guard; Georgia; forced prisoners to fight one another and streamed this for profit
1333. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school physical education teacher and varsity football coach, scoutmaster, volunteer firefighter; Wrigley, Pennsylvania; aided in recovery in the wake of a failed invasion
1334. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent criminal; Georgia; acted as trainer for main character
1337. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; biker gang leader; New York City; participated imn a gang war in a park
1339. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; United States; mainly looked after boss' needs
1340. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Muskingum County, Ohio; reported on the scene of an attack on a psychiatric facility
1341. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; auto and body workshop owner; Los Angeles; hired major ally to main characters
1343. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; network reporter; Philadelphia?; don't recall their specific role in the movie
1344. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City; sent to capture main character
1345. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; met major character in a bar
1346. Original movie character; 00s; No; some sort of doctor (possibly in the scholarly sense rather than medical); New York City?; debated on TV with a superhero
1347. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; personal assistant; New York City; right hand man for main villain
1350. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; assigned to guard major villain
1352. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Japan?; hypenated name with second part of name a body part
1353. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force technical sergeant; Washington, DC; arrived at recurring character's location with other soldiers
1354. Original movie character; 00s; No; lawyer/familiar; Prague; participated in a health consortium
1356. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; instructed to guad serial killer
1359. Original TV show character; 70s; pilot; Treverton, Colorado; sprayed chemical over crops to kill bugs
1361. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; terrorist group operative; United States; joined terrorist group to get a source of income to look after his family
1362. Original TV show character; 70s; model; United States; tried to exort money from a guy who didn't love her in order to get them both married
1363. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State; someone possessing his boss forced him to get them his cuffs
1366. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles; shot in the legs by major villain
1368. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; security company receptionist; New York City; while talking to a client was interrupted by CEO's daughter
1370. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang leader; New York City; invited to meeting at a gym but was betrayed
1371. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; half-brother had her brutally assaulted by a group of thugs when she inherited a prized statue instead of him.
1373. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; Yes; possible student; Wheaton, New Jersey; attended a convention
1375. Original movie character; 10s; No; federal agent; Queens?; claimed main character's father was a traitor
1377. Original TV show character; 70s; orderly; United States; sent after main character after the latter obtained a tape
1380. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; clan member; New York City; oversaw transportation of young both to New York.
1381. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police lieutenant/criminal; New York City; secretly on a criminal's payroll but exposed by major character
1382. Original movie character; 00s; No; Chief of Staff; Washington, DC; accompantied President to Oval Office before a speech
1384. From a movie; possibly based on real person; 10s; Yes; support group leader; Brooklyn; helped people deal with deaths of loved ones
1389. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster group member; New York City; was eager to follow in his father's footsteps, despite being ordered not to
1390. From a movie; possibly based on comics (different salutation); 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; chemistry teacher; New York City; taught a lesson about orbitals, drawing several on the board and listing a series of questions about them
1391. Original movie character; 00s; No; news reporter; New York City; reported tha a web  had a message
1392. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; nightclub owner/criminal leader; Madripoor; met be someone regarding a serum
1393. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang member; New York City; followed by main character
1394. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; electronics store consultant; New York City; helped someone choose a laptop.
1395. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; Los Angeles?; major character handed her a flash drive, telling her there was there new information she needed to deliver with the rest.
1396. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student if any; New York City; lived in orphanage prior to adoption
1397. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; pet of sorts; Norway; attended a  failed coronation ceremony
1398. Original TV show character; 10s; No; head of government group, some sort of admiral; unrevealed; at age 17 he was selected to take part in an experiment that could protect his mind from telepaths so he could act as the government's "secret keeper"
1400. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; press secretary; Washington DC; gave a press conferenceafter a major battle
1401. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; had his sister brutally assaulted by a group of thugs when she inherited a prized statue instead of him.
1402. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; New York City; tasked with investigating a massacre inside a cinema theater
1405. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; special organization agent; New York City; diverged from another version shortly after a battle
1406. Original movie character (deleted scene); 00s; Yes; unrevealed, possible socialite; Dubai; party guest of main character
1407. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.; Partial; student if any when last seen; Illinois; much younger divergent version of major character
1408. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical centre doctor; New York City; assigned to major character's care
1409. Original TV show character; 70s; doctor/surgeon; Baja; wrongly accused of malpractice by the father of a girl who died in her care
1413. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; army general; Washington DC; present at a hearing regarding the fall of an organization
1414. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Dallas?; victim of a terrorist attack
1415. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; possible student; United States; a different version of this character (previously identified in an earlier collage) appeared in a commercial for the same product, but this version looks different enough that I'm treating them as different characters.
1416. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family enforcer; New York City; trailed a van in an attempt to kill a major character
1417. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and can't recall; vampire
1418. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Thing; No; possible student; California; brother of major character
1419. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu; recruited as a part of a task force to apprehend her former trainer.
1421. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City; ordered to perform a needle injection on a patient but was unsuccessful
1422. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible former housewife; Los Angeles; developed respiratory issues which forced her to rely on heavy and expensive medical equipment
1423. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scavenger; [decline]; one of the very few humans at his location allowed to have a baby
1424. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; firefighter; Wrigley; among the first responders that aided in the recovery after a major battle
1425. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; flutist, writer; New York City; interviewed on a talk show
1426. From a TV show; shares name with comics character but likely a coincidence; 10s; Hulk: Future Imperfect; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem;  received a visit from her son's childhood friend and was informed of son's death.
1427. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; grifter; New York City; approached for help by someone she betrayed
1428. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Georgia?; previously resided in the same foster home as major character
1429. From a TV show; based on real person with somewhat different name, dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; musical actor; New York City; participated in a news segment of sorts
1430. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; veterinary office employee; New York City; sold medical supplies to two comics based characters when they visited the office
1431. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none; Britain?; daughter of major characters
1432. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible student; New York City; screamed at major character during the latter's trial
1433. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles; sent to a diner after being alterted that a major villain was there
1434. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; attended a party where her friend attacked her while under the influence of heroin
1435. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City; sent to capture major character along with others, only to be ambushed
1436. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; likely student; New York City?; accidentally revealed true form while eating a burger
1437. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news anchor; New York City; reported on a bombing
1438. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; news anchor; Los Angeles; claimed ythat a battle could turn into a tragic day for the people of New York
1440. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; alleged criminal; alien world [decline to specify]; executed by cousin for high treason
1441. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; henchman; Tampa; assisted in murders of main character's family members
1442. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; special organization director; Los Angeles; identity usurped by another character
1443. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland; the surname of the actor playing him is often a first name
1444. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school lacrosse team coach; Los Angeles; made a speech in front of the team, reminding them about the importance of their sport careers, and urging them to put aside their difficulties to not risk them.
1445. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States; father of major character
1446. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre security guard; Portland; showed major characters security footage
1447. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States; mother of major character
1448. Original movie character; 10s; No; assassin; New York City; counterpart of 1735
1449. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; medical scientist; Georgia
1451. From a TV special; based on real person; 20s; Yes; actor; Beverly Hills
1452. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; college student; New York City
1453. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier turned surfer; Oahu
1454. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Washington DC
1455. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo
1458. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; undertaker; Harlem
1460. Original TV show character but has subsequently been mentioned in a comic; 10s; Yes; newspaper editor-in-chief; New York City
1461. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal investigator; New York City
1462. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; casino enforcer; [decline]
1463. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Fantastic Four; presumed king; Paris?
1464. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Cable; No; unrevealed; United States?
1465. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and I don't recall them
1466. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn
1467. Original TV movie character; 70s; criminal; United States
1468. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; New York City
1470. From a short; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Partial; adventurer; Australia
1471. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; butler; New York City
1472. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hate group terrorist; United States
1473. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; jailor; [decline]
1474. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed, possible housewife; United States
1475. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed criminal; United States
1476. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; New York City
1477. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; businesswoman; New York City
1478. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Foreign Affairs MInister/terrorist; Belgium
1479. Original movie character; 90s; cage fighter; United States
1480. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Journey Into Mystery; Partial; particle physicist, postdoctoral researcher; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico
1481. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; brainwashed clan member, probable student; New York City
1483. Original TV show character but name probable nod to character based on novel; 10s; naming the novel would make this one too obvious; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC
1486. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; beauty pageant emcee; Chattanooga
1488. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; hunter of sorts; Oklahoma City
1491. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; rebel; alien world [decline to specify]
1492. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; police officer; New Orleans
1493. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; ditto
1497. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force major; Lancaster, California
1498. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City
1500. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; No; Marvel Graphic Nvel; priest; Scotland?
1501. From a movie; dressed as someone based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; actor, possible student; Asgard
1503. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technology company security agent; United States
1505. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; unrevealed, possible student; New York City?
1506. From a TV show; based on folklore; 10s; Arthurian legend; Partial; sorceress; Los Angeles
1507. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; revealed; Harlem
1508. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Punisher; No; mercenary; New York City
1510. Original TV show character; 70s; department store manager; United States
1513. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Oregon
1514. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; video blogger; Harlem
1515. Original TV show character; 70s; ex motorcyclist; United States
1516. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family member; Los Angeles?
1519. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government contractor/smuggler; New York
1520. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; entity/keeper; Yucatán
1521. From a commercial; based on comics; 80s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States
1525. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent musician; Harlem
1526. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime syndicate member; mobile in space
1527. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; house pet; London
1528. Original TV show character and first name unrevealed, but surname likely named after real person; 10s; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC?
1529. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; chief executive; New Orleans
1530. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; court judge; New York City
1531. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; unrevealed; Germany
1532. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1533. Original movie character; 10s; No; scientific group nurse; Mexico
1534. Original TV show character; 70s; mental institution patient; United States
1535. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1536. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City
1537. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City?
1538. Original movie character; 00s; No; scientist; New York City
1539. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1540. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; Illinois
1541. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant worker; New York City
1542. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; police officer; San Francisco
1544. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier of sorts; Alabama
1545. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; miner foreman; Brazil
1547. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; No; assassin; Nagasaki
1548. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1550. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government attorney; Washington DC
1551. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government undersecretary; Washington DC?
1552. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal trainer; New York City
1553. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; gladiator; [decline]
1554. Original movie character; 00s; No; hospital surgeon; New York City
1556. Original movie character; 00s; No; deputy sheriff; New Orleans
1557. Original TV show character; 00s; Yes; possible housewife; New York City
1559. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawfirm co-founder/named partner; New York City
1560. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Salem, Oregon
1561. From a movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; No; street performer; Los Angeles
1562. Original TV show character; 80s; police captain; Unted States
1563. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bartender, guitar/piano teacher; Michigan
1564. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; private jet flight attendant; New York City?
1565. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1566. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1568. Original movie character; 10s; No; news show worker; San Francisco
1571. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; insurance corporation employee; New York City
1574. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; Yes; scientist; England
1575. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; Oklahoma
1577. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; San Francisco
1578. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; henchman; Harlem
1581. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; some sort of shipper; New York City?
1582. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; baseball team Road Captain; New York City
1583. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre doctor; Portland
1584. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; former hospital surgeon; New York City
1585. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; waitress; New York City?
1586. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland
1587. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; small shop attendant; New York City
1589. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1590. Original TV show character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Detroit
1593. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Mighty Avengers; Partial; special organization agent; Bogotá
1595. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; private investigation firm head; New York City
1596. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; high school student; Jersey City
1597. Original movie character; 10s; No; crane operator; New York City
1598. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal representative; Italy
1602. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police chief; New York State
1603. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; police detective; New Orleans
1607. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker; New York City
1611. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; criminal; New York City
1613. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City
1614. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technician; Utah
1616. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier; [decline]
1617. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; medical examiner; New Orleans
1619. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1620. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal;  Los Angeles
1622. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; back-up dancer; New York City
1624. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; driver; New York City
1625. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; New York City
1626. Original movie character; 10s; No; security guard; San Francisco
1627. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ancient organization member; New York City
1628. Original movie character; 00s; No; general; New York City
1629. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; Tennessee
1630. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal organization leader;  Los Angeles
1631. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; Harlem
1633. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn
1634. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Karachi, Pakistan
1635. From on movie; based on comics but different first name; 00s; X-Men; No; farmer; Canada (Northwest Territories?)
1636. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1637. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; handyman; New York City
1638. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Spider-Man and Power Pack ; Yes; high school student; Queens
1639. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; biker;  Los Angeles
1640. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; avocado business owner;  Los Angeles
1641. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal assistant; Bucharest
1642. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; assassin for terrorist group;  Los Angeles
1643. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; All-New, All-Different Point One; Yes; community centre operator; New York City
1645. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital doctor; New York City
1646. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1648. Original movie character; 00s; Partial; unrevealed; New York City
1649. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; Harlem
1651. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City
1652. Original movie character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; New York City
1654. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal, former stock broker; New York City
1656. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine turned special program worker; Boston
1657. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; California
1658. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Fantastic Four; presumed student; New York City?
1659. Original movie character; 10s; No; paramedic; San Francisco
1661. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; coerced criminal assistant; New York City?
1662. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; unrevealed; New York City?
1663. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; CEO/founder of science corporation; New York City
1664. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; TV journalist; Britain
1666. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; mystical group member; Jersey City
1667. 1667. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different name); 10s; Punisher; Yes; presumed student; New York City
1668. Original movie character; 10s: No; presumed student; New York City
1669. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; New York City
1670. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; info sparse and I don't recall them; New Orleans?
1672. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; owner/curator; Los Angeles
1673. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scientist; Nevada
1674. Original TV show character; 10s; No; underground group member; Atlanta
1675. Original movie character; 00s; No; police detective; New York City
1677. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; terrorist group member turned personal aide; New York State
1678. Original short character; 10s; Yes; business pet; United States
1680. Original TV movie character; 80s; scientist, Institute head; Los Angeles
1681. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reverend; Harlem
1682. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State
1683. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version's surname unrevealed); 10s; Runaways; Yes; university employee;  Los Angeles
1684. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States
1685. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu
1686. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Air Force general, government body member; United States
1687. Original TV show character; 70s; professional football player/trainer; United States
1688. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City
1689. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school principal; Los Angeles
1691. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; probable student; London
1693. Original TV show character but later appeared in comic set in the same continuity; 70s; would-be world conquerer; New York City
1694. From a commercial; based on comics but gender swapped; 10s; Captain America Comics; probable student; United States
1695. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital clerk; New York City
1697. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Dardevil; No; bar owner; New York City
1698. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer of sorts also paid by technology company; Italy
1699. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Spanish teacher; Los Angeles
1700. Original movie character; 10s; No; student if any; New York City
1701. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; unrevealed; Britain
1702. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; chancellor; China
1703. From a movie (deleted scene); based on real person; 00s; Yes; musical performer; New York City
1704. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; small-time criminal; New York City
1705. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Inhumans; Yes; former coerced spy/assassin; Soviet Union
1706. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; TV reporter; Los Angeles
1707. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; convenience store employee; Cincinnati
1708. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; car thief; New York City
1709. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; illicit photo studio owner; New York City
1710. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 10s; one version from Fallen Angels; No; high school student/cheerleader; New York City
1711. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed; Lincoln, Nebraska
1712. Original movie character; 10s; No; arms dealer; Turkey?
1714. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; cultist; London
1715. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; United States
1716. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal figure; New York City
1719. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; New York City
1720. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; senator; Washington DC
1721. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical academy student; New York City
1723. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 20s; earliest such character probably from X-Men; Yes; cultist; Egypt
1724. From a TV show; birth name based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; special organization agent turned welder; United States
1725. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana trafficker; Oahu
1726. Original movie character; 00s; No; unemployed; New York City
1728. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Norway
1730. Original movie character but named after character from non-Marvel TV show; 10s; decline to answer as earlier version is also name of show; No; house pet; San Francisco
1732. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; inventor, industrialist, chairman, electrical engineer, adventurer; New York City
1733. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1734. From a TV show; based on earlier character same show; 20s; Partial; soldier' [decline]
1735. From a movie; based on earlier character same movie; 10s; No; assassin; New York City
1736. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; Los Angeles
1738. Original TV movie character; 20s Yes; musician; [decline]
1739. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s Yes; musical performer; Harlem
1740. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1741. Original movie character; 10s Yes; probable student; Tennessee
1742. Original TV show character; 20s Yes; criminal soldier; Zürich
1744. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed, possible housewife; Albany
1745. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; oil rig worker; Louisiana
1746. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1747. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; New Orleans


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6/18/2023 6:50 am  #166

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

Adding character specific clues to 1501.

1293. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; responded to an altercation between a superhero and a crime family
1294. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mafia leader; Chicago; interrogated by anti-hero
1296. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo; named after Biblical being
1297. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; nightclub manager; Harlem; paid main character under the table
1299. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bushman, restaurant co-owner; Jamaica; mentor of major villain
1302. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier; Peru; commandeered mobile headquarters from main characters
1303. Original movie character; 80s; police lieutenant; Cleveland; threatened main character with jail
1304. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; escort; Harlem; hited to charm and blackmail someone
1305. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; tow truck driver; California; called to retrieve damaged car from retreat
1306. Original TV show character; 00s; No; drug dealer; Detroit; shakened down by main female character
1307. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, maybe student; New York City; spoke to lawye3r when realized mom needed help
1310. Original TV show character; 10s; No; psychiatrist turned lighthouse keeper; Brooklyn or vicinity?; treated main character for three years
1311. Original TV show character; 10s, though there'a an unrelated comics character with same name; Yes; unrelated character from Marvel Mystery Comics; pimp; New York City; caught one of his women keeping some of the money
1315. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; chef; Harlem; attended event where someone announced the creation of a complex
1316. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; psychiatric hospital nurse; Los Angeles; part of a witch coven
1317. Original TV show character; 70s; army soldier turned medical centre computer room worker; Los Angeles; while in the army was the best marksman in his division
1318. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force captain; Washington, D.C.; recurring character called her and other female staffers together
1319. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; student if any; Waverly, Ohio; son of major character
1320. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; professional gambler, marijuana grower; New York City; went on the run after falling into debt with loan shark
1321. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; possible housewife; Dallas?; ex-wife of recurring adversary
1322. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; army colonel; North Vietnam; flew many Black Ops missions into the jungles of North Vietnam
1323. Original webseries character, though an unrelated comics character has the same name; 10s; unrelated character from Ultimate Fantastic Four; Yes; hate group terrorist; Baltimore; attempoted to purchase a powerful weapon
1324. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco; listened to stories from major characters at a restaurant
1326. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ambulance driver for fire department; New York City; attempted to take main characters away discreetly
1327. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent socialite; New Orleans; after being robbed by major character, tried to rape them
1328. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; industrial company employee; New York City?; joined a group of villains after the death of her previous employer
1329. Original movie character; 00s; No; federal agent; United States; located main character's hideout
1331. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; prison guard; Georgia; forced prisoners to fight one another and streamed this for profit
1333. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school physical education teacher and varsity football coach, scoutmaster, volunteer firefighter; Wrigley, Pennsylvania; aided in recovery in the wake of a failed invasion
1334. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent criminal; Georgia; acted as trainer for main character
1337. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; biker gang leader; New York City; participated imn a gang war in a park
1339. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; United States; mainly looked after boss' needs
1340. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Muskingum County, Ohio; reported on the scene of an attack on a psychiatric facility
1341. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; auto and body workshop owner; Los Angeles; hired major ally to main characters
1343. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; network reporter; Philadelphia?; don't recall their specific role in the movie
1344. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City; sent to capture main character
1345. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; met major character in a bar
1346. Original movie character; 00s; No; some sort of doctor (possibly in the scholarly sense rather than medical); New York City?; debated on TV with a superhero
1347. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; personal assistant; New York City; right hand man for main villain
1350. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; assigned to guard major villain
1352. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Japan?; hypenated name with second part of name a body part
1353. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force technical sergeant; Washington, DC; arrived at recurring character's location with other soldiers
1354. Original movie character; 00s; No; lawyer/familiar; Prague; participated in a health consortium
1356. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; instructed to guad serial killer
1359. Original TV show character; 70s; pilot; Treverton, Colorado; sprayed chemical over crops to kill bugs
1361. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; terrorist group operative; United States; joined terrorist group to get a source of income to look after his family
1362. Original TV show character; 70s; model; United States; tried to exort money from a guy who didn't love her in order to get them both married
1363. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State; someone possessing his boss forced him to get them his cuffs
1366. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles; shot in the legs by major villain
1368. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; security company receptionist; New York City; while talking to a client was interrupted by CEO's daughter
1370. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang leader; New York City; invited to meeting at a gym but was betrayed
1371. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; half-brother had her brutally assaulted by a group of thugs when she inherited a prized statue instead of him.
1373. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; Yes; possible student; Wheaton, New Jersey; attended a convention
1375. Original movie character; 10s; No; federal agent; Queens?; claimed main character's father was a traitor
1377. Original TV show character; 70s; orderly; United States; sent after main character after the latter obtained a tape
1380. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; clan member; New York City; oversaw transportation of young both to New York.
1381. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police lieutenant/criminal; New York City; secretly on a criminal's payroll but exposed by major character
1382. Original movie character; 00s; No; Chief of Staff; Washington, DC; accompantied President to Oval Office before a speech
1384. From a movie; possibly based on real person; 10s; Yes; support group leader; Brooklyn; helped people deal with deaths of loved ones
1389. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster group member; New York City; was eager to follow in his father's footsteps, despite being ordered not to
1390. From a movie; possibly based on comics (different salutation); 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; chemistry teacher; New York City; taught a lesson about orbitals, drawing several on the board and listing a series of questions about them
1391. Original movie character; 00s; No; news reporter; New York City; reported tha a web  had a message
1392. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; nightclub owner/criminal leader; Madripoor; met be someone regarding a serum
1393. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang member; New York City; followed by main character
1394. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; electronics store consultant; New York City; helped someone choose a laptop.
1395. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; Los Angeles?; major character handed her a flash drive, telling her there was there new information she needed to deliver with the rest.
1396. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student if any; New York City; lived in orphanage prior to adoption
1397. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; pet of sorts; Norway; attended a  failed coronation ceremony
1398. Original TV show character; 10s; No; head of government group, some sort of admiral; unrevealed; at age 17 he was selected to take part in an experiment that could protect his mind from telepaths so he could act as the government's "secret keeper"
1400. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; press secretary; Washington DC; gave a press conferenceafter a major battle
1401. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; had his sister brutally assaulted by a group of thugs when she inherited a prized statue instead of him.
1402. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; New York City; tasked with investigating a massacre inside a cinema theater
1405. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; special organization agent; New York City; diverged from another version shortly after a battle
1406. Original movie character (deleted scene); 00s; Yes; unrevealed, possible socialite; Dubai; party guest of main character
1407. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.; Partial; student if any when last seen; Illinois; much younger divergent version of major character
1408. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical centre doctor; New York City; assigned to major character's care
1409. Original TV show character; 70s; doctor/surgeon; Baja; wrongly accused of malpractice by the father of a girl who died in her care
1413. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; army general; Washington DC; present at a hearing regarding the fall of an organization
1414. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Dallas?; victim of a terrorist attack
1415. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; possible student; United States; a different version of this character (previously identified in an earlier collage) appeared in a commercial for the same product, but this version looks different enough that I'm treating them as different characters.
1416. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family enforcer; New York City; trailed a van in an attempt to kill a major character
1417. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and can't recall; vampire
1418. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Thing; No; possible student; California; brother of major character
1419. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu; recruited as a part of a task force to apprehend her former trainer.
1421. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City; ordered to perform a needle injection on a patient but was unsuccessful
1422. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible former housewife; Los Angeles; developed respiratory issues which forced her to rely on heavy and expensive medical equipment
1423. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scavenger; [decline]; one of the very few humans at his location allowed to have a baby
1424. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; firefighter; Wrigley; among the first responders that aided in the recovery after a major battle
1425. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; flutist, writer; New York City; interviewed on a talk show
1426. From a TV show; shares name with comics character but likely a coincidence; 10s; Hulk: Future Imperfect; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem;  received a visit from her son's childhood friend and was informed of son's death.
1427. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; grifter; New York City; approached for help by someone she betrayed
1428. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Georgia?; previously resided in the same foster home as major character
1429. From a TV show; based on real person with somewhat different name, dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; musical actor; New York City; participated in a news segment of sorts
1430. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; veterinary office employee; New York City; sold medical supplies to two comics based characters when they visited the office
1431. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none; Britain?; daughter of major characters
1432. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible student; New York City; screamed at major character during the latter's trial
1433. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles; sent to a diner after being alterted that a major villain was there
1434. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; attended a party where her friend attacked her while under the influence of heroin
1435. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City; sent to capture major character along with others, only to be ambushed
1436. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; likely student; New York City?; accidentally revealed true form while eating a burger
1437. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news anchor; New York City; reported on a bombing
1438. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; news anchor; Los Angeles; claimed ythat a battle could turn into a tragic day for the people of New York
1440. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; alleged criminal; alien world [decline to specify]; executed by cousin for high treason
1441. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; henchman; Tampa; assisted in murders of main character's family members
1442. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; special organization director; Los Angeles; identity usurped by another character
1443. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland; the surname of the actor playing him is often a first name
1444. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school lacrosse team coach; Los Angeles; made a speech in front of the team, reminding them about the importance of their sport careers, and urging them to put aside their difficulties to not risk them.
1445. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States; father of major character
1446. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre security guard; Portland; showed major characters security footage
1447. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States; mother of major character
1448. Original movie character; 10s; No; assassin; New York City; counterpart of 1735
1449. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; medical scientist; Georgia; performed experiments on prison inmates
1451. From a TV special; based on real person; 20s; Yes; actor; Beverly Hills; kidnapped by aliens
1452. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; high school student; New York City; refuses to let main character sit beside her on a bus
1453. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier turned surfer; Oahu; saved major character from drowing
1454. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Washington DC; assisted woman when someone broke into her home
1455. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo; named after Biblical being
1458. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; undertaker; Harlem;  presided over the funeral arrangements for recurring character
1460. Original TV show character but has subsequently been mentioned in a comic; 10s; Yes; newspaper editor-in-chief; New York City; fired reporter over his obsession with someone
1461. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal investigator; New York City; assigned to interview someone
1462. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; casino enforcer; [decline]; presided over a game where people bet their own lives to win colossal amounts of money, with the risk of being sold into slavery should they lose.
1463. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Fantastic Four; presumed king; Paris?; assisted another hero sharing half of code name in fighting super-villain
1464. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Cable; No; unrevealed; United States?; attacked at some point in the future
1465. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and I don't recall them; vampire
1466. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn; approved of major villain beating down main character
1467. Original TV movie character; 70s; criminal; United States; played by future recurring A-Team actor
1468. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; New York City; hired by woman who blamed a company for her son's cancer
1470. From a short; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Partial; adventurer; Australia; became an office worker's roommate
1471. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; butler; New York City; tasked with bringing youth hoime from the airport
1472. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hate group terrorist; United States; led teammates to try to kill someone but fell into trap
1473. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; jailor; [decline]; tortured someone into committing murder
1474. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed, possible housewife; United States; asked main character to try to reasonn with her  husband, who had anger issues
1475. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed criminal; United States; in prison, tried to sit at a table but walked away after being told the seat was alredy taken
1476. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; New York City; groomed by parents to run for President, which meant keeping his homosexuality secret
1477. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; businesswoman; New York City; partnered with lawyer to work on her patent
1478. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Foreign Affairs MInister/terrorist; Belgium; debatd with senator on TV
1479. Original movie character; 90s; cage fighter; United States; fought major character in cage match
1480. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Journey Into Mystery; Partial; particle physicist, postdoctoral researcher; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico; history diverged when ambushed by time travelling hero
1481. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; brainwashed clan member, probable student; New York City;  kidnapped, brainwashed and eventually sacrificed by a clan
1483. Original TV show character but name probable nod to character based on novel; 10s; naming the novel would make this one too obvious; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC; went mad on an alien world
1486. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; beauty pageant emcee; Chattanooga; asked pageant candidate what she would like for Christmas that year
1488. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; hunter of sorts; Oklahoma City; had cybernetic arm
1491. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; rebel; alien world [decline to specify]; participated in a slave revolt
1492. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; police officer; New Orleans; received phone call that major character was missing
1493. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; ditto; told main character he had " what you need for the shakes".
1497. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force major; Lancaster, California; present when main character detected by Air Force for first time.
1498. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City; developed violent tendencies including stealing skateboard after dad seemingly died
1500. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; No; Marvel Graphic Novel; priest; Scotland?; beat major character after latter showed him her mutation
1501. From a movie; dressed as someone based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; actor, possible student; Asgard; one of two characters playing the same person in a play.
1503. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technology company security agent; United States
1505. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; unrevealed, possible student; New York City?
1506. From a TV show; based on folklore; 10s; Arthurian legend; Partial; sorceress; Los Angeles
1507. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; revealed; Harlem
1508. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Punisher; No; mercenary; New York City
1510. Original TV show character; 70s; department store manager; United States
1513. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Oregon
1514. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; video blogger; Harlem
1515. Original TV show character; 70s; ex motorcyclist; United States
1516. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family member; Los Angeles?
1519. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government contractor/smuggler; New York
1520. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; entity/keeper; Yucatán
1521. From a commercial; based on comics; 80s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States
1525. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent musician; Harlem
1526. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime syndicate member; mobile in space
1527. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; house pet; London
1528. Original TV show character and first name unrevealed, but surname likely named after real person; 10s; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC?
1529. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; chief executive; New Orleans
1530. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; court judge; New York City
1531. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; unrevealed; Germany
1532. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem
1533. Original movie character; 10s; No; scientific group nurse; Mexico
1534. Original TV show character; 70s; mental institution patient; United States
1535. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1536. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City
1537. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City?
1538. Original movie character; 00s; No; scientist; New York City
1539. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1540. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; Illinois
1541. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant worker; New York City
1542. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; police officer; San Francisco
1544. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier of sorts; Alabama
1545. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; miner foreman; Brazil
1547. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; No; assassin; Nagasaki
1548. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1550. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government attorney; Washington DC
1551. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government undersecretary; Washington DC?
1552. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal trainer; New York City
1553. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; gladiator; [decline]
1554. Original movie character; 00s; No; hospital surgeon; New York City
1556. Original movie character; 00s; No; deputy sheriff; New Orleans
1557. Original TV show character; 00s; Yes; possible housewife; New York City
1559. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawfirm co-founder/named partner; New York City
1560. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Salem, Oregon
1561. From a movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; No; street performer; Los Angeles
1562. Original TV show character; 80s; police captain; Unted States
1563. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bartender, guitar/piano teacher; Michigan
1564. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; private jet flight attendant; New York City?
1565. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1566. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1568. Original movie character; 10s; No; news show worker; San Francisco
1571. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; insurance corporation employee; New York City
1574. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; Yes; scientist; England
1575. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; Oklahoma
1577. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; San Francisco
1578. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; henchman; Harlem
1581. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; some sort of shipper; New York City?
1582. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; baseball team Road Captain; New York City
1583. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre doctor; Portland
1584. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; former hospital surgeon; New York City
1585. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; waitress; New York City?
1586. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland
1587. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; small shop attendant; New York City
1589. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1590. Original TV show character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Detroit
1593. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Mighty Avengers; Partial; special organization agent; Bogotá
1595. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; private investigation firm head; New York City
1596. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; high school student; Jersey City
1597. Original movie character; 10s; No; crane operator; New York City
1598. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal representative; Italy
1602. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police chief; New York State
1603. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; police detective; New Orleans
1607. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker; New York City
1611. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; criminal; New York City
1613. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City
1614. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technician; Utah
1616. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier; [decline]
1617. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; medical examiner; New Orleans
1619. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1620. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal;  Los Angeles
1622. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; back-up dancer; New York City
1624. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; driver; New York City
1625. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; New York City
1626. Original movie character; 10s; No; security guard; San Francisco
1627. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ancient organization member; New York City
1628. Original movie character; 00s; No; general; New York City
1629. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; Tennessee
1630. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal organization leader;  Los Angeles
1631. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; Harlem
1633. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn
1634. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Karachi, Pakistan
1635. From on movie; based on comics but different first name; 00s; X-Men; No; farmer; Canada (Northwest Territories?)
1636. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1637. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; handyman; New York City
1638. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Spider-Man and Power Pack ; Yes; high school student; Queens
1639. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; biker;  Los Angeles
1640. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; avocado business owner;  Los Angeles
1641. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal assistant; Bucharest
1642. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; assassin for terrorist group;  Los Angeles
1643. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; All-New, All-Different Point One; Yes; community centre operator; New York City
1645. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital doctor; New York City
1646. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1648. Original movie character; 00s; Partial; unrevealed; New York City
1649. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; Harlem
1651. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City
1652. Original movie character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; New York City
1654. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal, former stock broker; New York City
1656. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine turned special program worker; Boston
1657. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; California
1658. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Fantastic Four; presumed student; New York City?
1659. Original movie character; 10s; No; paramedic; San Francisco
1661. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; coerced criminal assistant; New York City?
1662. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; unrevealed; New York City?
1663. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; CEO/founder of science corporation; New York City
1664. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; TV journalist; Britain
1666. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; mystical group member; Jersey City
1667. 1667. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different name); 10s; Punisher; Yes; presumed student; New York City
1668. Original movie character; 10s: No; presumed student; New York City
1669. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; New York City
1670. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; info sparse and I don't recall them; New Orleans?
1672. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; owner/curator; Los Angeles
1673. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scientist; Nevada
1674. Original TV show character; 10s; No; underground group member; Atlanta
1675. Original movie character; 00s; No; police detective; New York City
1677. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; terrorist group member turned personal aide; New York State
1678. Original short character; 10s; Yes; business pet; United States
1680. Original TV movie character; 80s; scientist, Institute head; Los Angeles
1681. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reverend; Harlem
1682. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State
1683. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version's surname unrevealed); 10s; Runaways; Yes; university employee;  Los Angeles
1684. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States
1685. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu
1686. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Air Force general, government body member; United States
1687. Original TV show character; 70s; professional football player/trainer; United States
1688. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City
1689. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school principal; Los Angeles
1691. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; probable student; London
1693. Original TV show character but later appeared in comic set in the same continuity; 70s; would-be world conquerer; New York City
1694. From a commercial; based on comics but gender swapped; 10s; Captain America Comics; probable student; United States
1695. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital clerk; New York City
1697. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Dardevil; No; bar owner; New York City
1698. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer of sorts also paid by technology company; Italy
1699. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Spanish teacher; Los Angeles
1700. Original movie character; 10s; No; student if any; New York City
1701. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; unrevealed; Britain
1702. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; chancellor; China
1703. From a movie (deleted scene); based on real person; 00s; Yes; musical performer; New York City
1704. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; small-time criminal; New York City
1705. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Inhumans; Yes; former coerced spy/assassin; Soviet Union
1706. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; TV reporter; Los Angeles
1707. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; convenience store employee; Cincinnati
1708. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; car thief; New York City
1709. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; illicit photo studio owner; New York City
1710. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 10s; one version from Fallen Angels; No; high school student/cheerleader; New York City
1711. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed; Lincoln, Nebraska
1712. Original movie character; 10s; No; arms dealer; Turkey?
1714. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; cultist; London
1715. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; United States
1716. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal figure; New York City
1719. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; New York City
1720. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; senator; Washington DC
1721. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical academy student; New York City
1723. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 20s; earliest such character probably from X-Men; Yes; cultist; Egypt
1724. From a TV show; birth name based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; special organization agent turned welder; United States
1725. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana trafficker; Oahu
1726. Original movie character; 00s; No; unemployed; New York City
1728. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Norway
1730. Original movie character but named after character from non-Marvel TV show; 10s; decline to answer as earlier version is also name of show; No; house pet; San Francisco
1732. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; inventor, industrialist, chairman, electrical engineer, adventurer; New York City
1733. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1734. From a TV show; based on earlier character same show; 20s; Partial; soldier' [decline]
1735. From a movie; based on earlier character same movie; 10s; No; assassin; New York City
1736. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; Los Angeles
1738. Original TV movie character; 20s Yes; musician; [decline]
1739. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s Yes; musical performer; Harlem
1740. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1741. Original movie character; 10s Yes; probable student; Tennessee
1742. Original TV show character; 20s Yes; criminal soldier; Zürich
1744. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed, possible housewife; Albany
1745. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; oil rig worker; Louisiana
1746. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1747. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; New Orleans


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6/19/2023 8:31 am  #167

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

Adding character specific clues to 1539.

1293. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; responded to an altercation between a superhero and a crime family
1294. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mafia leader; Chicago; interrogated by anti-hero
1296. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo; named after Biblical being
1297. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; nightclub manager; Harlem; paid main character under the table
1299. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bushman, restaurant co-owner; Jamaica; mentor of major villain
1302. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier; Peru; commandeered mobile headquarters from main characters
1303. Original movie character; 80s; police lieutenant; Cleveland; threatened main character with jail
1304. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; escort; Harlem; hited to charm and blackmail someone
1305. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; tow truck driver; California; called to retrieve damaged car from retreat
1306. Original TV show character; 00s; No; drug dealer; Detroit; shakened down by main female character
1307. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, maybe student; New York City; spoke to lawye3r when realized mom needed help
1310. Original TV show character; 10s; No; psychiatrist turned lighthouse keeper; Brooklyn or vicinity?; treated main character for three years
1311. Original TV show character; 10s, though there'a an unrelated comics character with same name; Yes; unrelated character from Marvel Mystery Comics; pimp; New York City; caught one of his women keeping some of the money
1315. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; chef; Harlem; attended event where someone announced the creation of a complex
1316. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; psychiatric hospital nurse; Los Angeles; part of a witch coven
1317. Original TV show character; 70s; army soldier turned medical centre computer room worker; Los Angeles; while in the army was the best marksman in his division
1318. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force captain; Washington, D.C.; recurring character called her and other female staffers together
1319. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; student if any; Waverly, Ohio; son of major character
1320. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; professional gambler, marijuana grower; New York City; went on the run after falling into debt with loan shark
1321. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; possible housewife; Dallas?; ex-wife of recurring adversary
1322. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; army colonel; North Vietnam; flew many Black Ops missions into the jungles of North Vietnam
1323. Original webseries character, though an unrelated comics character has the same name; 10s; unrelated character from Ultimate Fantastic Four; Yes; hate group terrorist; Baltimore; attempoted to purchase a powerful weapon
1324. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco; listened to stories from major characters at a restaurant
1326. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ambulance driver for fire department; New York City; attempted to take main characters away discreetly
1327. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent socialite; New Orleans; after being robbed by major character, tried to rape them
1328. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; industrial company employee; New York City?; joined a group of villains after the death of her previous employer
1329. Original movie character; 00s; No; federal agent; United States; located main character's hideout
1331. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; prison guard; Georgia; forced prisoners to fight one another and streamed this for profit
1333. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school physical education teacher and varsity football coach, scoutmaster, volunteer firefighter; Wrigley, Pennsylvania; aided in recovery in the wake of a failed invasion
1334. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent criminal; Georgia; acted as trainer for main character
1337. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; biker gang leader; New York City; participated imn a gang war in a park
1339. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; United States; mainly looked after boss' needs
1340. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Muskingum County, Ohio; reported on the scene of an attack on a psychiatric facility
1341. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; auto and body workshop owner; Los Angeles; hired major ally to main characters
1343. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; network reporter; Philadelphia?; don't recall their specific role in the movie
1344. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City; sent to capture main character
1345. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; met major character in a bar
1346. Original movie character; 00s; No; some sort of doctor (possibly in the scholarly sense rather than medical); New York City?; debated on TV with a superhero
1347. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; personal assistant; New York City; right hand man for main villain
1350. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; assigned to guard major villain
1352. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Japan?; hypenated name with second part of name a body part
1353. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force technical sergeant; Washington, DC; arrived at recurring character's location with other soldiers
1354. Original movie character; 00s; No; lawyer/familiar; Prague; participated in a health consortium
1356. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; instructed to guad serial killer
1359. Original TV show character; 70s; pilot; Treverton, Colorado; sprayed chemical over crops to kill bugs
1361. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; terrorist group operative; United States; joined terrorist group to get a source of income to look after his family
1362. Original TV show character; 70s; model; United States; tried to exort money from a guy who didn't love her in order to get them both married
1363. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State; someone possessing his boss forced him to get them his cuffs
1366. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles; shot in the legs by major villain
1368. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; security company receptionist; New York City; while talking to a client was interrupted by CEO's daughter
1370. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang leader; New York City; invited to meeting at a gym but was betrayed
1371. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; half-brother had her brutally assaulted by a group of thugs when she inherited a prized statue instead of him.
1373. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; Yes; possible student; Wheaton, New Jersey; attended a convention
1375. Original movie character; 10s; No; federal agent; Queens?; claimed main character's father was a traitor
1377. Original TV show character; 70s; orderly; United States; sent after main character after the latter obtained a tape
1380. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; clan member; New York City; oversaw transportation of young both to New York.
1381. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police lieutenant/criminal; New York City; secretly on a criminal's payroll but exposed by major character
1382. Original movie character; 00s; No; Chief of Staff; Washington, DC; accompantied President to Oval Office before a speech
1384. From a movie; possibly based on real person; 10s; Yes; support group leader; Brooklyn; helped people deal with deaths of loved ones
1389. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster group member; New York City; was eager to follow in his father's footsteps, despite being ordered not to
1390. From a movie; possibly based on comics (different salutation); 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; chemistry teacher; New York City; taught a lesson about orbitals, drawing several on the board and listing a series of questions about them
1391. Original movie character; 00s; No; news reporter; New York City; reported tha a web  had a message
1392. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; nightclub owner/criminal leader; Madripoor; met be someone regarding a serum
1393. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang member; New York City; followed by main character
1394. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; electronics store consultant; New York City; helped someone choose a laptop.
1395. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; Los Angeles?; major character handed her a flash drive, telling her there was there new information she needed to deliver with the rest.
1396. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student if any; New York City; lived in orphanage prior to adoption
1397. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; pet of sorts; Norway; attended a  failed coronation ceremony
1398. Original TV show character; 10s; No; head of government group, some sort of admiral; unrevealed; at age 17 he was selected to take part in an experiment that could protect his mind from telepaths so he could act as the government's "secret keeper"
1400. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; press secretary; Washington DC; gave a press conferenceafter a major battle
1401. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; had his sister brutally assaulted by a group of thugs when she inherited a prized statue instead of him.
1402. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; New York City; tasked with investigating a massacre inside a cinema theater
1405. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; special organization agent; New York City; diverged from another version shortly after a battle
1406. Original movie character (deleted scene); 00s; Yes; unrevealed, possible socialite; Dubai; party guest of main character
1407. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.; Partial; student if any when last seen; Illinois; much younger divergent version of major character
1408. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical centre doctor; New York City; assigned to major character's care
1409. Original TV show character; 70s; doctor/surgeon; Baja; wrongly accused of malpractice by the father of a girl who died in her care
1413. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; army general; Washington DC; present at a hearing regarding the fall of an organization
1414. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Dallas?; victim of a terrorist attack
1415. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; possible student; United States; a different version of this character (previously identified in an earlier collage) appeared in a commercial for the same product, but this version looks different enough that I'm treating them as different characters.
1416. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family enforcer; New York City; trailed a van in an attempt to kill a major character
1417. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and can't recall; vampire
1418. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Thing; No; possible student; California; brother of major character
1419. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu; recruited as a part of a task force to apprehend her former trainer.
1421. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City; ordered to perform a needle injection on a patient but was unsuccessful
1422. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible former housewife; Los Angeles; developed respiratory issues which forced her to rely on heavy and expensive medical equipment
1423. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scavenger; [decline]; one of the very few humans at his location allowed to have a baby
1424. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; firefighter; Wrigley; among the first responders that aided in the recovery after a major battle
1425. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; flutist, writer; New York City; interviewed on a talk show
1426. From a TV show; shares name with comics character but likely a coincidence; 10s; Hulk: Future Imperfect; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem;  received a visit from her son's childhood friend and was informed of son's death.
1427. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; grifter; New York City; approached for help by someone she betrayed
1428. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Georgia?; previously resided in the same foster home as major character
1429. From a TV show; based on real person with somewhat different name, dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; musical actor; New York City; participated in a news segment of sorts
1430. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; veterinary office employee; New York City; sold medical supplies to two comics based characters when they visited the office
1431. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none; Britain?; daughter of major characters
1432. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible student; New York City; screamed at major character during the latter's trial
1433. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles; sent to a diner after being alterted that a major villain was there
1434. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; attended a party where her friend attacked her while under the influence of heroin
1435. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City; sent to capture major character along with others, only to be ambushed
1436. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; likely student; New York City?; accidentally revealed true form while eating a burger
1437. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news anchor; New York City; reported on a bombing
1438. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; news anchor; Los Angeles; claimed ythat a battle could turn into a tragic day for the people of New York
1440. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; alleged criminal; alien world [decline to specify]; executed by cousin for high treason
1441. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; henchman; Tampa; assisted in murders of main character's family members
1442. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; special organization director; Los Angeles; identity usurped by another character
1443. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland; the surname of the actor playing him is often a first name
1444. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school lacrosse team coach; Los Angeles; made a speech in front of the team, reminding them about the importance of their sport careers, and urging them to put aside their difficulties to not risk them.
1445. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States; father of major character
1446. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre security guard; Portland; showed major characters security footage
1447. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States; mother of major character
1448. Original movie character; 10s; No; assassin; New York City; counterpart of 1735
1449. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; medical scientist; Georgia; performed experiments on prison inmates
1451. From a TV special; based on real person; 20s; Yes; actor; Beverly Hills; kidnapped by aliens
1452. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; high school student; New York City; refuses to let main character sit beside her on a bus
1453. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier turned surfer; Oahu; saved major character from drowing
1454. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Washington DC; assisted woman when someone broke into her home
1455. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo; named after Biblical being
1458. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; undertaker; Harlem;  presided over the funeral arrangements for recurring character
1460. Original TV show character but has subsequently been mentioned in a comic; 10s; Yes; newspaper editor-in-chief; New York City; fired reporter over his obsession with someone
1461. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal investigator; New York City; assigned to interview someone
1462. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; casino enforcer; [decline]; presided over a game where people bet their own lives to win colossal amounts of money, with the risk of being sold into slavery should they lose.
1463. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Fantastic Four; presumed king; Paris?; assisted another hero sharing half of code name in fighting super-villain
1464. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Cable; No; unrevealed; United States?; attacked at some point in the future
1465. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and I don't recall them; vampire
1466. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn; approved of major villain beating down main character
1467. Original TV movie character; 70s; criminal; United States; played by future recurring A-Team actor
1468. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; New York City; hired by woman who blamed a company for her son's cancer
1470. From a short; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Partial; adventurer; Australia; became an office worker's roommate
1471. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; butler; New York City; tasked with bringing youth hoime from the airport
1472. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hate group terrorist; United States; led teammates to try to kill someone but fell into trap
1473. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; jailor; [decline]; tortured someone into committing murder
1474. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed, possible housewife; United States; asked main character to try to reasonn with her  husband, who had anger issues
1475. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed criminal; United States; in prison, tried to sit at a table but walked away after being told the seat was alredy taken
1476. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; New York City; groomed by parents to run for President, which meant keeping his homosexuality secret
1477. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; businesswoman; New York City; partnered with lawyer to work on her patent
1478. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Foreign Affairs MInister/terrorist; Belgium; debatd with senator on TV
1479. Original movie character; 90s; cage fighter; United States; fought major character in cage match
1480. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Journey Into Mystery; Partial; particle physicist, postdoctoral researcher; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico; history diverged when ambushed by time travelling hero
1481. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; brainwashed clan member, probable student; New York City;  kidnapped, brainwashed and eventually sacrificed by a clan
1483. Original TV show character but name probable nod to character based on novel; 10s; naming the novel would make this one too obvious; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC; went mad on an alien world
1486. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; beauty pageant emcee; Chattanooga; asked pageant candidate what she would like for Christmas that year
1488. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; hunter of sorts; Oklahoma City; had cybernetic arm
1491. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; rebel; alien world [decline to specify]; participated in a slave revolt
1492. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; police officer; New Orleans; received phone call that major character was missing
1493. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; ditto; told main character he had " what you need for the shakes".
1497. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force major; Lancaster, California; present when main character detected by Air Force for first time.
1498. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City; developed violent tendencies including stealing skateboard after dad seemingly died
1500. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; No; Marvel Graphic Novel; priest; Scotland?; beat major character after latter showed him her mutation
1501. From a movie; dressed as someone based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; actor, possible student; Asgard; one of two characters playing the same person in a play.
1503. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technology company security agent; United States; tasked with transporting a secret project
1505. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; unrevealed, possible student; New York City?; holds a giant toothbrush at one point
1506. From a TV show; based on folklore; 10s; Arthurian legend; Partial; sorceress; Los Angeles; diverges from the main version in a mansion
1507. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; revealed; Harlem; regularly abused by partner
1508. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Punisher; No; mercenary; New York City; main character entrusted him with the lives of a woman and her daughter
1510. Original TV show character; 70s; department store manager; United States; behaved very badly towards employees.
1513. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Oregon; helped a man he found on the road
1514. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; video blogger; Harlem;  entered barber shop, narrating what he was doing
1515. Original TV show character; 70s; ex motorcyclist; United States; left motorcycle gang before police arrived for illegal assault weapons
1516. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family member; Los Angeles?; assigned by boss to retrieve major characters
1519. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government contractor/smuggler; New York; operates illegal cargo smuggling outside of the US
1520. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; entity/keeper; Yucatán; keeper of a fragment of a powerful object    
1521. From a commercial; based on comics; 80s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States; this is one instance where I used a loophole to get around my rule of not using characters from commercials played by the original actor
1525. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent musician; Harlem; guitar was stolen
1526. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime syndicate member; mobile in space; major character thought he needed this character's eye
1527. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; house pet; London; distinguished from another fish in having one fin
1528. Original TV show character and first name unrevealed, but surname likely named after real person; 10s; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC?; turned mad on an alien world
1529. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; chief executive; New Orleans; attended a gala event
1530. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; court judge; New York City; presided over the arraignment of recurring villain
1531. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; unrevealed; Germany; diverged from an earlier version when her husband went away to Morocco
1532. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; mother of major character
1533. Original movie character; 10s; No; scientific group nurse; Mexico; supervised cloned children
1534. Original TV show character; 70s; mental institution patient; United States; was in an institution where main character applied for job
1535. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; wife of major character
1536. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City; took command after an apparent suicide
1537. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City?; mother of major villain
1538. Original movie character; 00s; No; scientist; New York City; aided future main villain in his experiments
1539. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; got sick with cancer
1540. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; Illinois
1541. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant worker; New York City
1542. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; police officer; San Francisco
1544. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier of sorts; Alabama
1545. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; miner foreman; Brazil
1547. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; No; assassin; Nagasaki
1548. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1550. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government attorney; Washington DC
1551. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government undersecretary; Washington DC?
1552. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal trainer; New York City
1553. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; gladiator; [decline]
1554. Original movie character; 00s; No; hospital surgeon; New York City
1556. Original movie character; 00s; No; deputy sheriff; New Orleans
1557. Original TV show character; 00s; Yes; possible housewife; New York City
1559. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawfirm co-founder/named partner; New York City
1560. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Salem, Oregon
1561. From a movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; No; street performer; Los Angeles
1562. Original TV show character; 80s; police captain; Unted States
1563. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bartender, guitar/piano teacher; Michigan
1564. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; private jet flight attendant; New York City?
1565. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1566. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1568. Original movie character; 10s; No; news show worker; San Francisco
1571. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; insurance corporation employee; New York City
1574. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; Yes; scientist; England
1575. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; Oklahoma
1577. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; San Francisco
1578. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; henchman; Harlem
1581. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; some sort of shipper; New York City?
1582. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; baseball team Road Captain; New York City
1583. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre doctor; Portland
1584. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; former hospital surgeon; New York City
1585. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; waitress; New York City?
1586. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland
1587. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; small shop attendant; New York City
1589. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1590. Original TV show character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Detroit
1593. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Mighty Avengers; Partial; special organization agent; Bogotá
1595. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; private investigation firm head; New York City
1596. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; high school student; Jersey City
1597. Original movie character; 10s; No; crane operator; New York City
1598. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal representative; Italy
1602. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police chief; New York State
1603. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; police detective; New Orleans
1607. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker; New York City
1611. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; criminal; New York City
1613. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City
1614. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technician; Utah
1616. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier; [decline]
1617. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; medical examiner; New Orleans
1619. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1620. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal;  Los Angeles
1622. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; back-up dancer; New York City
1624. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; driver; New York City
1625. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; New York City
1626. Original movie character; 10s; No; security guard; San Francisco
1627. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ancient organization member; New York City
1628. Original movie character; 00s; No; general; New York City
1629. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; Tennessee
1630. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal organization leader;  Los Angeles
1631. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; Harlem
1633. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn
1634. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Karachi, Pakistan
1635. From on movie; based on comics but different first name; 00s; X-Men; No; farmer; Canada (Northwest Territories?)
1636. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1637. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; handyman; New York City
1638. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Spider-Man and Power Pack ; Yes; high school student; Queens
1639. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; biker;  Los Angeles
1640. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; avocado business owner;  Los Angeles
1641. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal assistant; Bucharest
1642. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; assassin for terrorist group;  Los Angeles
1643. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; All-New, All-Different Point One; Yes; community centre operator; New York City
1645. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital doctor; New York City
1646. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1648. Original movie character; 00s; Partial; unrevealed; New York City
1649. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; Harlem
1651. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City
1652. Original movie character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; New York City
1654. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal, former stock broker; New York City
1656. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine turned special program worker; Boston
1657. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; California
1658. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Fantastic Four; presumed student; New York City?
1659. Original movie character; 10s; No; paramedic; San Francisco
1661. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; coerced criminal assistant; New York City?
1662. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; unrevealed; New York City?
1663. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; CEO/founder of science corporation; New York City
1664. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; TV journalist; Britain
1666. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; mystical group member; Jersey City
1667. 1667. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different name); 10s; Punisher; Yes; presumed student; New York City
1668. Original movie character; 10s: No; presumed student; New York City
1669. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; New York City
1670. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; info sparse and I don't recall them; New Orleans?
1672. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; owner/curator; Los Angeles
1673. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scientist; Nevada
1674. Original TV show character; 10s; No; underground group member; Atlanta
1675. Original movie character; 00s; No; police detective; New York City
1677. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; terrorist group member turned personal aide; New York State
1678. Original short character; 10s; Yes; business pet; United States
1680. Original TV movie character; 80s; scientist, Institute head; Los Angeles
1681. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reverend; Harlem
1682. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State
1683. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version's surname unrevealed); 10s; Runaways; Yes; university employee;  Los Angeles
1684. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States
1685. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu
1686. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Air Force general, government body member; United States
1687. Original TV show character; 70s; professional football player/trainer; United States
1688. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City
1689. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school principal; Los Angeles
1691. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; probable student; London
1693. Original TV show character but later appeared in comic set in the same continuity; 70s; would-be world conquerer; New York City
1694. From a commercial; based on comics but gender swapped; 10s; Captain America Comics; probable student; United States
1695. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital clerk; New York City
1697. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Dardevil; No; bar owner; New York City
1698. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer of sorts also paid by technology company; Italy
1699. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Spanish teacher; Los Angeles
1700. Original movie character; 10s; No; student if any; New York City
1701. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; unrevealed; Britain
1702. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; chancellor; China
1703. From a movie (deleted scene); based on real person; 00s; Yes; musical performer; New York City
1704. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; small-time criminal; New York City
1705. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Inhumans; Yes; former coerced spy/assassin; Soviet Union
1706. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; TV reporter; Los Angeles
1707. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; convenience store employee; Cincinnati
1708. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; car thief; New York City
1709. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; illicit photo studio owner; New York City
1710. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 10s; one version from Fallen Angels; No; high school student/cheerleader; New York City
1711. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed; Lincoln, Nebraska
1712. Original movie character; 10s; No; arms dealer; Turkey?
1714. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; cultist; London
1715. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; United States
1716. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal figure; New York City
1719. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; New York City
1720. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; senator; Washington DC
1721. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical academy student; New York City
1723. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 20s; earliest such character probably from X-Men; Yes; cultist; Egypt
1724. From a TV show; birth name based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; special organization agent turned welder; United States
1725. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana trafficker; Oahu
1726. Original movie character; 00s; No; unemployed; New York City
1728. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Norway
1730. Original movie character but named after character from non-Marvel TV show; 10s; decline to answer as earlier version is also name of show; No; house pet; San Francisco
1732. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; inventor, industrialist, chairman, electrical engineer, adventurer; New York City
1733. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1734. From a TV show; based on earlier character same show; 20s; Partial; soldier' [decline]
1735. From a movie; based on earlier character same movie; 10s; No; assassin; New York City
1736. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; Los Angeles
1738. Original TV movie character; 20s Yes; musician; [decline]
1739. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s Yes; musical performer; Harlem
1740. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1741. Original movie character; 10s Yes; probable student; Tennessee
1742. Original TV show character; 20s Yes; criminal soldier; Zürich
1744. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed, possible housewife; Albany
1745. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; oil rig worker; Louisiana
1746. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1747. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; New Orleans


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6/20/2023 7:35 am  #168

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

Adding character specific clues to 1590.

1293. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; responded to an altercation between a superhero and a crime family
1294. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mafia leader; Chicago; interrogated by anti-hero
1296. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo; named after Biblical being
1297. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; nightclub manager; Harlem; paid main character under the table
1299. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bushman, restaurant co-owner; Jamaica; mentor of major villain
1302. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier; Peru; commandeered mobile headquarters from main characters
1303. Original movie character; 80s; police lieutenant; Cleveland; threatened main character with jail
1304. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; escort; Harlem; hited to charm and blackmail someone
1305. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; tow truck driver; California; called to retrieve damaged car from retreat
1306. Original TV show character; 00s; No; drug dealer; Detroit; shakened down by main female character
1307. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, maybe student; New York City; spoke to lawye3r when realized mom needed help
1310. Original TV show character; 10s; No; psychiatrist turned lighthouse keeper; Brooklyn or vicinity?; treated main character for three years
1311. Original TV show character; 10s, though there'a an unrelated comics character with same name; Yes; unrelated character from Marvel Mystery Comics; pimp; New York City; caught one of his women keeping some of the money
1315. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; chef; Harlem; attended event where someone announced the creation of a complex
1316. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; psychiatric hospital nurse; Los Angeles; part of a witch coven
1317. Original TV show character; 70s; army soldier turned medical centre computer room worker; Los Angeles; while in the army was the best marksman in his division
1318. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force captain; Washington, D.C.; recurring character called her and other female staffers together
1319. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; student if any; Waverly, Ohio; son of major character
1320. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; professional gambler, marijuana grower; New York City; went on the run after falling into debt with loan shark
1321. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; possible housewife; Dallas?; ex-wife of recurring adversary
1322. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; army colonel; North Vietnam; flew many Black Ops missions into the jungles of North Vietnam
1323. Original webseries character, though an unrelated comics character has the same name; 10s; unrelated character from Ultimate Fantastic Four; Yes; hate group terrorist; Baltimore; attempoted to purchase a powerful weapon
1324. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco; listened to stories from major characters at a restaurant
1326. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ambulance driver for fire department; New York City; attempted to take main characters away discreetly
1327. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent socialite; New Orleans; after being robbed by major character, tried to rape them
1328. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; industrial company employee; New York City?; joined a group of villains after the death of her previous employer
1329. Original movie character; 00s; No; federal agent; United States; located main character's hideout
1331. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; prison guard; Georgia; forced prisoners to fight one another and streamed this for profit
1333. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school physical education teacher and varsity football coach, scoutmaster, volunteer firefighter; Wrigley, Pennsylvania; aided in recovery in the wake of a failed invasion
1334. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent criminal; Georgia; acted as trainer for main character
1337. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; biker gang leader; New York City; participated imn a gang war in a park
1339. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; United States; mainly looked after boss' needs
1340. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Muskingum County, Ohio; reported on the scene of an attack on a psychiatric facility
1341. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; auto and body workshop owner; Los Angeles; hired major ally to main characters
1343. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; network reporter; Philadelphia?; don't recall their specific role in the movie
1344. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City; sent to capture main character
1345. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; met major character in a bar
1346. Original movie character; 00s; No; some sort of doctor (possibly in the scholarly sense rather than medical); New York City?; debated on TV with a superhero
1347. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; personal assistant; New York City; right hand man for main villain
1350. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; assigned to guard major villain
1352. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Japan?; hypenated name with second part of name a body part
1353. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force technical sergeant; Washington, DC; arrived at recurring character's location with other soldiers
1354. Original movie character; 00s; No; lawyer/familiar; Prague; participated in a health consortium
1356. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; instructed to guad serial killer
1359. Original TV show character; 70s; pilot; Treverton, Colorado; sprayed chemical over crops to kill bugs
1361. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; terrorist group operative; United States; joined terrorist group to get a source of income to look after his family
1362. Original TV show character; 70s; model; United States; tried to exort money from a guy who didn't love her in order to get them both married
1363. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State; someone possessing his boss forced him to get them his cuffs
1366. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles; shot in the legs by major villain
1368. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; security company receptionist; New York City; while talking to a client was interrupted by CEO's daughter
1370. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang leader; New York City; invited to meeting at a gym but was betrayed
1371. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; half-brother had her brutally assaulted by a group of thugs when she inherited a prized statue instead of him.
1373. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; Yes; possible student; Wheaton, New Jersey; attended a convention
1375. Original movie character; 10s; No; federal agent; Queens?; claimed main character's father was a traitor
1377. Original TV show character; 70s; orderly; United States; sent after main character after the latter obtained a tape
1380. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; clan member; New York City; oversaw transportation of young both to New York.
1381. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police lieutenant/criminal; New York City; secretly on a criminal's payroll but exposed by major character
1382. Original movie character; 00s; No; Chief of Staff; Washington, DC; accompantied President to Oval Office before a speech
1384. From a movie; possibly based on real person; 10s; Yes; support group leader; Brooklyn; helped people deal with deaths of loved ones
1389. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster group member; New York City; was eager to follow in his father's footsteps, despite being ordered not to
1390. From a movie; possibly based on comics (different salutation); 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; chemistry teacher; New York City; taught a lesson about orbitals, drawing several on the board and listing a series of questions about them
1391. Original movie character; 00s; No; news reporter; New York City; reported tha a web  had a message
1392. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; nightclub owner/criminal leader; Madripoor; met be someone regarding a serum
1393. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang member; New York City; followed by main character
1394. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; electronics store consultant; New York City; helped someone choose a laptop.
1395. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; Los Angeles?; major character handed her a flash drive, telling her there was there new information she needed to deliver with the rest.
1396. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student if any; New York City; lived in orphanage prior to adoption
1397. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; pet of sorts; Norway; attended a  failed coronation ceremony
1398. Original TV show character; 10s; No; head of government group, some sort of admiral; unrevealed; at age 17 he was selected to take part in an experiment that could protect his mind from telepaths so he could act as the government's "secret keeper"
1400. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; press secretary; Washington DC; gave a press conferenceafter a major battle
1401. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; had his sister brutally assaulted by a group of thugs when she inherited a prized statue instead of him.
1402. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; New York City; tasked with investigating a massacre inside a cinema theater
1405. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; special organization agent; New York City; diverged from another version shortly after a battle
1406. Original movie character (deleted scene); 00s; Yes; unrevealed, possible socialite; Dubai; party guest of main character
1407. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.; Partial; student if any when last seen; Illinois; much younger divergent version of major character
1408. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical centre doctor; New York City; assigned to major character's care
1409. Original TV show character; 70s; doctor/surgeon; Baja; wrongly accused of malpractice by the father of a girl who died in her care
1413. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; army general; Washington DC; present at a hearing regarding the fall of an organization
1414. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Dallas?; victim of a terrorist attack
1415. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; possible student; United States; a different version of this character (previously identified in an earlier collage) appeared in a commercial for the same product, but this version looks different enough that I'm treating them as different characters.
1416. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family enforcer; New York City; trailed a van in an attempt to kill a major character
1417. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and can't recall; vampire
1418. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Thing; No; possible student; California; brother of major character
1419. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu; recruited as a part of a task force to apprehend her former trainer.
1421. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City; ordered to perform a needle injection on a patient but was unsuccessful
1422. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible former housewife; Los Angeles; developed respiratory issues which forced her to rely on heavy and expensive medical equipment
1423. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scavenger; [decline]; one of the very few humans at his location allowed to have a baby
1424. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; firefighter; Wrigley; among the first responders that aided in the recovery after a major battle
1425. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; flutist, writer; New York City; interviewed on a talk show
1426. From a TV show; shares name with comics character but likely a coincidence; 10s; Hulk: Future Imperfect; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem;  received a visit from her son's childhood friend and was informed of son's death.
1427. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; grifter; New York City; approached for help by someone she betrayed
1428. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Georgia?; previously resided in the same foster home as major character
1429. From a TV show; based on real person with somewhat different name, dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; musical actor; New York City; participated in a news segment of sorts
1430. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; veterinary office employee; New York City; sold medical supplies to two comics based characters when they visited the office
1431. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none; Britain?; daughter of major characters
1432. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible student; New York City; screamed at major character during the latter's trial
1433. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles; sent to a diner after being alterted that a major villain was there
1434. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; attended a party where her friend attacked her while under the influence of heroin
1435. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City; sent to capture major character along with others, only to be ambushed
1436. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; likely student; New York City?; accidentally revealed true form while eating a burger
1437. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news anchor; New York City; reported on a bombing
1438. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; news anchor; Los Angeles; claimed ythat a battle could turn into a tragic day for the people of New York
1440. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; alleged criminal; alien world [decline to specify]; executed by cousin for high treason
1441. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; henchman; Tampa; assisted in murders of main character's family members
1442. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; special organization director; Los Angeles; identity usurped by another character
1443. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland; the surname of the actor playing him is often a first name
1444. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school lacrosse team coach; Los Angeles; made a speech in front of the team, reminding them about the importance of their sport careers, and urging them to put aside their difficulties to not risk them.
1445. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States; father of major character
1446. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre security guard; Portland; showed major characters security footage
1447. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States; mother of major character
1448. Original movie character; 10s; No; assassin; New York City; counterpart of 1735
1449. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; medical scientist; Georgia; performed experiments on prison inmates
1451. From a TV special; based on real person; 20s; Yes; actor; Beverly Hills; kidnapped by aliens
1452. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; high school student; New York City; refuses to let main character sit beside her on a bus
1453. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier turned surfer; Oahu; saved major character from drowing
1454. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Washington DC; assisted woman when someone broke into her home
1455. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo; named after Biblical being
1458. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; undertaker; Harlem;  presided over the funeral arrangements for recurring character
1460. Original TV show character but has subsequently been mentioned in a comic; 10s; Yes; newspaper editor-in-chief; New York City; fired reporter over his obsession with someone
1461. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal investigator; New York City; assigned to interview someone
1462. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; casino enforcer; [decline]; presided over a game where people bet their own lives to win colossal amounts of money, with the risk of being sold into slavery should they lose.
1463. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Fantastic Four; presumed king; Paris?; assisted another hero sharing half of code name in fighting super-villain
1464. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Cable; No; unrevealed; United States?; attacked at some point in the future
1465. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and I don't recall them; vampire
1466. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn; approved of major villain beating down main character
1467. Original TV movie character; 70s; criminal; United States; played by future recurring A-Team actor
1468. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; New York City; hired by woman who blamed a company for her son's cancer
1470. From a short; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Partial; adventurer; Australia; became an office worker's roommate
1471. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; butler; New York City; tasked with bringing youth hoime from the airport
1472. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hate group terrorist; United States; led teammates to try to kill someone but fell into trap
1473. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; jailor; [decline]; tortured someone into committing murder
1474. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed, possible housewife; United States; asked main character to try to reasonn with her  husband, who had anger issues
1475. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed criminal; United States; in prison, tried to sit at a table but walked away after being told the seat was alredy taken
1476. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; New York City; groomed by parents to run for President, which meant keeping his homosexuality secret
1477. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; businesswoman; New York City; partnered with lawyer to work on her patent
1478. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Foreign Affairs MInister/terrorist; Belgium; debatd with senator on TV
1479. Original movie character; 90s; cage fighter; United States; fought major character in cage match
1480. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Journey Into Mystery; Partial; particle physicist, postdoctoral researcher; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico; history diverged when ambushed by time travelling hero
1481. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; brainwashed clan member, probable student; New York City;  kidnapped, brainwashed and eventually sacrificed by a clan
1483. Original TV show character but name probable nod to character based on novel; 10s; naming the novel would make this one too obvious; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC; went mad on an alien world
1486. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; beauty pageant emcee; Chattanooga; asked pageant candidate what she would like for Christmas that year
1488. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; hunter of sorts; Oklahoma City; had cybernetic arm
1491. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; rebel; alien world [decline to specify]; participated in a slave revolt
1492. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; police officer; New Orleans; received phone call that major character was missing
1493. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; ditto; told main character he had " what you need for the shakes".
1497. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force major; Lancaster, California; present when main character detected by Air Force for first time.
1498. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City; developed violent tendencies including stealing skateboard after dad seemingly died
1500. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; No; Marvel Graphic Novel; priest; Scotland?; beat major character after latter showed him her mutation
1501. From a movie; dressed as someone based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; actor, possible student; Asgard; one of two characters playing the same person in a play.
1503. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technology company security agent; United States; tasked with transporting a secret project
1505. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; unrevealed, possible student; New York City?; holds a giant toothbrush at one point
1506. From a TV show; based on folklore; 10s; Arthurian legend; Partial; sorceress; Los Angeles; diverges from the main version in a mansion
1507. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; revealed; Harlem; regularly abused by partner
1508. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Punisher; No; mercenary; New York City; main character entrusted him with the lives of a woman and her daughter
1510. Original TV show character; 70s; department store manager; United States; behaved very badly towards employees.
1513. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Oregon; helped a man he found on the road
1514. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; video blogger; Harlem;  entered barber shop, narrating what he was doing
1515. Original TV show character; 70s; ex motorcyclist; United States; left motorcycle gang before police arrived for illegal assault weapons
1516. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family member; Los Angeles?; assigned by boss to retrieve major characters
1519. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government contractor/smuggler; New York; operates illegal cargo smuggling outside of the US
1520. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; entity/keeper; Yucatán; keeper of a fragment of a powerful object    
1521. From a commercial; based on comics; 80s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States; this is one instance where I used a loophole to get around my rule of not using characters from commercials played by the original actor
1525. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent musician; Harlem; guitar was stolen
1526. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime syndicate member; mobile in space; major character thought he needed this character's eye
1527. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; house pet; London; distinguished from another fish in having one fin
1528. Original TV show character and first name unrevealed, but surname likely named after real person; 10s; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC?; turned mad on an alien world
1529. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; chief executive; New Orleans; attended a gala event
1530. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; court judge; New York City; presided over the arraignment of recurring villain
1531. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; unrevealed; Germany; diverged from an earlier version when her husband went away to Morocco
1532. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; mother of major character
1533. Original movie character; 10s; No; scientific group nurse; Mexico; supervised cloned children
1534. Original TV show character; 70s; mental institution patient; United States; was in an institution where main character applied for job
1535. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; wife of major character
1536. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City; took command after an apparent suicide
1537. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City?; mother of major villain
1538. Original movie character; 00s; No; scientist; New York City; aided future main villain in his experiments
1539. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; got sick with cancer
1540. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; Illinois; counterpart of major chaacter's uncle
1541. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant worker; New York City; was present when her sister got into a legal argument
1542. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; police officer; San Francisco; went to main character's prison cell and discovered he escaped
1544. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier of sorts; Alabama; memory is supressed
1545. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; miner foreman; Brazil; father of major character
1547. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; No; assassin; Nagasaki; assisted in an attempt to prevent a kidnapping
1548. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; boyfriend lied to her about a rodent problem
1550. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government attorney; Washington DC; authorized a deal for criminal to turn over evidence on another criminal
1551. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government undersecretary; Washington DC?; someone requested he hand over kill codes for a nuclear facility where a missile was due to be launched
1552. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal trainer; New York City; slept with woman he was training
1553. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; gladiator; [decline]; gladiator under duress who befriended other contestants
1554. Original movie character; 00s; No; hospital surgeon; New York City; tried to saw off villain's artificial limbs
1556. Original movie character; 00s; No; deputy sheriff; New Orleans; torn apart by main character
1557. Original TV show character; 00s; Yes; possible housewife; New York City; mother of major villain
1559. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawfirm co-founder/named partner; New York City; arrested for aiding major villain with illicit activities.
1560. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Salem, Oregon;  attempted to help her son, whom she believed was possessed by a demon
1561. From a movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; No; street performer; Los Angeles; seen in documentary
1562. Original TV show character; 80s; police captain; Unted States; actress playing the  character's first and last name start with the same letter as the start of the character's name
1563. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bartender, guitar/piano teacher; Michigan; had a brief relationship with main character
1564. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; private jet flight attendant; New York City?; had a fling with main character
1565. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; task to secure perimeter after a church became a crime scene
1566. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; aunto of major character
1568. Original movie character; 10s; No; news show worker; San Francisco; worked for main character's former show
1571. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; insurance corporation employee; New York City; interrogated at her home by major character
1574. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; Yes; scientist; England, Argentina;  major charactre has him fired and discredited while he was working on quantum research
1575. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; Oklahoma; took mpart in preliminary hearings as she came to sign legal documents designed to control and regulate the activities of certain individuals
1577. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; San Francisco; brother of major character
1578. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; henchman; Harlem; helped try to  capture several important political figures in order to evade  a police siege
1581. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; some sort of shipper; New York City?; delivered parcel to a familiar looking person
1582. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; baseball team Road Captain; New York City; organizes a food drive every Thanksgiving
1583. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre doctor; Portland; possessed by demon
1584. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; former hospital surgeon; New York City; was forced to save villain's life by removing someone's kidneys
1585. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; waitress; New York City?; served major characters at a cafe when they were attacked by two assassins
1586. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland; shares name with Futurama character
1587. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; small shop attendant; New York City; she and partner were beaten and bloodied before they were gagged and roped to the horses on a carousel.
1589. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City;  was worried that husband's actions would endanger the latter's job at a hospital.
1590. Original TV show character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Detroit; appeared in the ninth episode of a series
1593. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Mighty Avengers; Partial; special organization agent; Bogotá
1595. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; private investigation firm head; New York City
1596. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; high school student; Jersey City
1597. Original movie character; 10s; No; crane operator; New York City
1598. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal representative; Italy
1602. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police chief; New York State
1603. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; police detective; New Orleans
1607. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker; New York City
1611. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; criminal; New York City
1613. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City
1614. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technician; Utah
1616. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier; [decline]
1617. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; medical examiner; New Orleans
1619. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1620. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal;  Los Angeles
1622. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; back-up dancer; New York City
1624. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; driver; New York City
1625. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; New York City
1626. Original movie character; 10s; No; security guard; San Francisco
1627. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ancient organization member; New York City
1628. Original movie character; 00s; No; general; New York City
1629. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; Tennessee
1630. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal organization leader;  Los Angeles
1631. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; Harlem
1633. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn
1634. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Karachi, Pakistan
1635. From on movie; based on comics but different first name; 00s; X-Men; No; farmer; Canada (Northwest Territories?)
1636. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City
1637. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; handyman; New York City
1638. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Spider-Man and Power Pack ; Yes; high school student; Queens
1639. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; biker;  Los Angeles
1640. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; avocado business owner;  Los Angeles
1641. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal assistant; Bucharest
1642. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; assassin for terrorist group;  Los Angeles
1643. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; All-New, All-Different Point One; Yes; community centre operator; New York City
1645. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital doctor; New York City
1646. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1648. Original movie character; 00s; Partial; unrevealed; New York City
1649. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; Harlem
1651. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City
1652. Original movie character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; New York City
1654. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal, former stock broker; New York City
1656. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine turned special program worker; Boston
1657. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; California
1658. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Fantastic Four; presumed student; New York City?
1659. Original movie character; 10s; No; paramedic; San Francisco
1661. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; coerced criminal assistant; New York City?
1662. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; unrevealed; New York City?
1663. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; CEO/founder of science corporation; New York City
1664. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; TV journalist; Britain
1666. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; mystical group member; Jersey City
1667. 1667. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different name); 10s; Punisher; Yes; presumed student; New York City
1668. Original movie character; 10s: No; presumed student; New York City
1669. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; New York City
1670. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; info sparse and I don't recall them; New Orleans?
1672. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; owner/curator; Los Angeles
1673. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scientist; Nevada
1674. Original TV show character; 10s; No; underground group member; Atlanta
1675. Original movie character; 00s; No; police detective; New York City
1677. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; terrorist group member turned personal aide; New York State
1678. Original short character; 10s; Yes; business pet; United States
1680. Original TV movie character; 80s; scientist, Institute head; Los Angeles
1681. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reverend; Harlem
1682. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State
1683. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version's surname unrevealed); 10s; Runaways; Yes; university employee;  Los Angeles
1684. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States
1685. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu
1686. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Air Force general, government body member; United States
1687. Original TV show character; 70s; professional football player/trainer; United States
1688. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City
1689. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school principal; Los Angeles
1691. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; probable student; London
1693. Original TV show character but later appeared in comic set in the same continuity; 70s; would-be world conquerer; New York City
1694. From a commercial; based on comics but gender swapped; 10s; Captain America Comics; probable student; United States
1695. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital clerk; New York City
1697. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Dardevil; No; bar owner; New York City
1698. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer of sorts also paid by technology company; Italy
1699. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Spanish teacher; Los Angeles
1700. Original movie character; 10s; No; student if any; New York City
1701. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; unrevealed; Britain
1702. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; chancellor; China
1703. From a movie (deleted scene); based on real person; 00s; Yes; musical performer; New York City
1704. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; small-time criminal; New York City
1705. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Inhumans; Yes; former coerced spy/assassin; Soviet Union
1706. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; TV reporter; Los Angeles
1707. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; convenience store employee; Cincinnati
1708. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; car thief; New York City
1709. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; illicit photo studio owner; New York City
1710. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 10s; one version from Fallen Angels; No; high school student/cheerleader; New York City
1711. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed; Lincoln, Nebraska
1712. Original movie character; 10s; No; arms dealer; Turkey?
1714. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; cultist; London
1715. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; United States
1716. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal figure; New York City
1719. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; New York City
1720. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; senator; Washington DC
1721. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical academy student; New York City
1723. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 20s; earliest such character probably from X-Men; Yes; cultist; Egypt
1724. From a TV show; birth name based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; special organization agent turned welder; United States
1725. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana trafficker; Oahu
1726. Original movie character; 00s; No; unemployed; New York City
1728. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Norway
1730. Original movie character but named after character from non-Marvel TV show; 10s; decline to answer as earlier version is also name of show; No; house pet; San Francisco
1732. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; inventor, industrialist, chairman, electrical engineer, adventurer; New York City
1733. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1734. From a TV show; based on earlier character same show; 20s; Partial; soldier' [decline]
1735. From a movie; based on earlier character same movie; 10s; No; assassin; New York City
1736. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; Los Angeles
1738. Original TV movie character; 20s Yes; musician; [decline]
1739. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s Yes; musical performer; Harlem
1740. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1741. Original movie character; 10s Yes; probable student; Tennessee
1742. Original TV show character; 20s Yes; criminal soldier; Zürich
1744. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed, possible housewife; Albany
1745. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; oil rig worker; Louisiana
1746. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1747. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; New Orleans


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6/22/2023 5:05 am  #169

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

Adding character specific clues to 1642.

1293. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; responded to an altercation between a superhero and a crime family
1294. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mafia leader; Chicago; interrogated by anti-hero
1296. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo; named after Biblical being
1297. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; nightclub manager; Harlem; paid main character under the table
1299. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bushman, restaurant co-owner; Jamaica; mentor of major villain
1302. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier; Peru; commandeered mobile headquarters from main characters
1303. Original movie character; 80s; police lieutenant; Cleveland; threatened main character with jail
1304. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; escort; Harlem; hited to charm and blackmail someone
1305. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; tow truck driver; California; called to retrieve damaged car from retreat
1306. Original TV show character; 00s; No; drug dealer; Detroit; shakened down by main female character
1307. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, maybe student; New York City; spoke to lawye3r when realized mom needed help
1310. Original TV show character; 10s; No; psychiatrist turned lighthouse keeper; Brooklyn or vicinity?; treated main character for three years
1311. Original TV show character; 10s, though there'a an unrelated comics character with same name; Yes; unrelated character from Marvel Mystery Comics; pimp; New York City; caught one of his women keeping some of the money
1315. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; chef; Harlem; attended event where someone announced the creation of a complex
1316. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; psychiatric hospital nurse; Los Angeles; part of a witch coven
1317. Original TV show character; 70s; army soldier turned medical centre computer room worker; Los Angeles; while in the army was the best marksman in his division
1318. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force captain; Washington, D.C.; recurring character called her and other female staffers together
1319. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; student if any; Waverly, Ohio; son of major character
1320. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; professional gambler, marijuana grower; New York City; went on the run after falling into debt with loan shark
1321. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; possible housewife; Dallas?; ex-wife of recurring adversary
1322. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; army colonel; North Vietnam; flew many Black Ops missions into the jungles of North Vietnam
1323. Original webseries character, though an unrelated comics character has the same name; 10s; unrelated character from Ultimate Fantastic Four; Yes; hate group terrorist; Baltimore; attempoted to purchase a powerful weapon
1324. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco; listened to stories from major characters at a restaurant
1326. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ambulance driver for fire department; New York City; attempted to take main characters away discreetly
1327. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent socialite; New Orleans; after being robbed by major character, tried to rape them
1328. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; industrial company employee; New York City?; joined a group of villains after the death of her previous employer
1329. Original movie character; 00s; No; federal agent; United States; located main character's hideout
1331. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; prison guard; Georgia; forced prisoners to fight one another and streamed this for profit
1333. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school physical education teacher and varsity football coach, scoutmaster, volunteer firefighter; Wrigley, Pennsylvania; aided in recovery in the wake of a failed invasion
1334. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent criminal; Georgia; acted as trainer for main character
1337. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; biker gang leader; New York City; participated imn a gang war in a park
1339. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; United States; mainly looked after boss' needs
1340. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Muskingum County, Ohio; reported on the scene of an attack on a psychiatric facility
1341. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; auto and body workshop owner; Los Angeles; hired major ally to main characters
1343. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; network reporter; Philadelphia?; don't recall their specific role in the movie
1344. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City; sent to capture main character
1345. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; met major character in a bar
1346. Original movie character; 00s; No; some sort of doctor (possibly in the scholarly sense rather than medical); New York City?; debated on TV with a superhero
1347. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; personal assistant; New York City; right hand man for main villain
1350. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; assigned to guard major villain
1352. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Japan?; hypenated name with second part of name a body part
1353. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force technical sergeant; Washington, DC; arrived at recurring character's location with other soldiers
1354. Original movie character; 00s; No; lawyer/familiar; Prague; participated in a health consortium
1356. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; instructed to guad serial killer
1359. Original TV show character; 70s; pilot; Treverton, Colorado; sprayed chemical over crops to kill bugs
1361. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; terrorist group operative; United States; joined terrorist group to get a source of income to look after his family
1362. Original TV show character; 70s; model; United States; tried to exort money from a guy who didn't love her in order to get them both married
1363. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State; someone possessing his boss forced him to get them his cuffs
1366. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles; shot in the legs by major villain
1368. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; security company receptionist; New York City; while talking to a client was interrupted by CEO's daughter
1370. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang leader; New York City; invited to meeting at a gym but was betrayed
1371. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; half-brother had her brutally assaulted by a group of thugs when she inherited a prized statue instead of him.
1373. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; Yes; possible student; Wheaton, New Jersey; attended a convention
1375. Original movie character; 10s; No; federal agent; Queens?; claimed main character's father was a traitor
1377. Original TV show character; 70s; orderly; United States; sent after main character after the latter obtained a tape
1380. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; clan member; New York City; oversaw transportation of young both to New York.
1381. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police lieutenant/criminal; New York City; secretly on a criminal's payroll but exposed by major character
1382. Original movie character; 00s; No; Chief of Staff; Washington, DC; accompantied President to Oval Office before a speech
1384. From a movie; possibly based on real person; 10s; Yes; support group leader; Brooklyn; helped people deal with deaths of loved ones
1389. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster group member; New York City; was eager to follow in his father's footsteps, despite being ordered not to
1390. From a movie; possibly based on comics (different salutation); 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; chemistry teacher; New York City; taught a lesson about orbitals, drawing several on the board and listing a series of questions about them
1391. Original movie character; 00s; No; news reporter; New York City; reported tha a web had a message
1392. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; nightclub owner/criminal leader; Madripoor; met be someone regarding a serum
1393. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang member; New York City; followed by main character
1394. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; electronics store consultant; New York City; helped someone choose a laptop.
1395. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; Los Angeles?; major character handed her a flash drive, telling her there was there new information she needed to deliver with the rest.
1396. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student if any; New York City; lived in orphanage prior to adoption
1397. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; pet of sorts; Norway; attended a failed coronation ceremony
1398. Original TV show character; 10s; No; head of government group, some sort of admiral; unrevealed; at age 17 he was selected to take part in an experiment that could protect his mind from telepaths so he could act as the government's "secret keeper"
1400. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; press secretary; Washington DC; gave a press conferenceafter a major battle
1401. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; had his sister brutally assaulted by a group of thugs when she inherited a prized statue instead of him.
1402. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; New York City; tasked with investigating a massacre inside a cinema theater
1405. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; special organization agent; New York City; diverged from another version shortly after a battle
1406. Original movie character (deleted scene); 00s; Yes; unrevealed, possible socialite; Dubai; party guest of main character
1407. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.; Partial; student if any when last seen; Illinois; much younger divergent version of major character
1408. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical centre doctor; New York City; assigned to major character's care
1409. Original TV show character; 70s; doctor/surgeon; Baja; wrongly accused of malpractice by the father of a girl who died in her care
1413. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; army general; Washington DC; present at a hearing regarding the fall of an organization
1414. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Dallas?; victim of a terrorist attack
1415. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; possible student; United States; a different version of this character (previously identified in an earlier collage) appeared in a commercial for the same product, but this version looks different enough that I'm treating them as different characters.
1416. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family enforcer; New York City; trailed a van in an attempt to kill a major character
1417. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and can't recall; vampire
1418. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Thing; No; possible student; California; brother of major character
1419. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu; recruited as a part of a task force to apprehend her former trainer.
1421. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City; ordered to perform a needle injection on a patient but was unsuccessful
1422. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible former housewife; Los Angeles; developed respiratory issues which forced her to rely on heavy and expensive medical equipment
1423. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scavenger; [decline]; one of the very few humans at his location allowed to have a baby
1424. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; firefighter; Wrigley; among the first responders that aided in the recovery after a major battle
1425. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; flutist, writer; New York City; interviewed on a talk show
1426. From a TV show; shares name with comics character but likely a coincidence; 10s; Hulk: Future Imperfect; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; received a visit from her son's childhood friend and was informed of son's death.
1427. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; grifter; New York City; approached for help by someone she betrayed
1428. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Georgia?; previously resided in the same foster home as major character
1429. From a TV show; based on real person with somewhat different name, dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; musical actor; New York City; participated in a news segment of sorts
1430. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; veterinary office employee; New York City; sold medical supplies to two comics based characters when they visited the office
1431. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none; Britain?; daughter of major characters
1432. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible student; New York City; screamed at major character during the latter's trial
1433. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles; sent to a diner after being alterted that a major villain was there
1434. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; attended a party where her friend attacked her while under the influence of heroin
1435. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City; sent to capture major character along with others, only to be ambushed
1436. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; likely student; New York City?; accidentally revealed true form while eating a burger
1437. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news anchor; New York City; reported on a bombing
1438. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; news anchor; Los Angeles; claimed ythat a battle could turn into a tragic day for the people of New York
1440. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; alleged criminal; alien world [decline to specify]; executed by cousin for high treason
1441. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; henchman; Tampa; assisted in murders of main character's family members
1442. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; special organization director; Los Angeles; identity usurped by another character
1443. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland; the surname of the actor playing him is often a first name
1444. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school lacrosse team coach; Los Angeles; made a speech in front of the team, reminding them about the importance of their sport careers, and urging them to put aside their difficulties to not risk them.
1445. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States; father of major character
1446. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre security guard; Portland; showed major characters security footage
1447. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States; mother of major character
1448. Original movie character; 10s; No; assassin; New York City; counterpart of 1735
1449. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; medical scientist; Georgia; performed experiments on prison inmates
1451. From a TV special; based on real person; 20s; Yes; actor; Beverly Hills; kidnapped by aliens
1452. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; high school student; New York City; refuses to let main character sit beside her on a bus
1453. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier turned surfer; Oahu; saved major character from drowing
1454. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Washington DC; assisted woman when someone broke into her home
1455. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo; named after Biblical being
1458. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; undertaker; Harlem; presided over the funeral arrangements for recurring character
1460. Original TV show character but has subsequently been mentioned in a comic; 10s; Yes; newspaper editor-in-chief; New York City; fired reporter over his obsession with someone
1461. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal investigator; New York City; assigned to interview someone
1462. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; casino enforcer; [decline]; presided over a game where people bet their own lives to win colossal amounts of money, with the risk of being sold into slavery should they lose.
1463. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Fantastic Four; presumed king; Paris?; assisted another hero sharing half of code name in fighting super-villain
1464. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Cable; No; unrevealed; United States?; attacked at some point in the future
1465. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and I don't recall them; vampire
1466. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn; approved of major villain beating down main character
1467. Original TV movie character; 70s; criminal; United States; played by future recurring A-Team actor
1468. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; New York City; hired by woman who blamed a company for her son's cancer
1470. From a short; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Partial; adventurer; Australia; became an office worker's roommate
1471. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; butler; New York City; tasked with bringing youth hoime from the airport
1472. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hate group terrorist; United States; led teammates to try to kill someone but fell into trap
1473. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; jailor; [decline]; tortured someone into committing murder
1474. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed, possible housewife; United States; asked main character to try to reasonn with her husband, who had anger issues
1475. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed criminal; United States; in prison, tried to sit at a table but walked away after being told the seat was alredy taken
1476. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; New York City; groomed by parents to run for President, which meant keeping his homosexuality secret
1477. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; businesswoman; New York City; partnered with lawyer to work on her patent
1478. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Foreign Affairs MInister/terrorist; Belgium; debatd with senator on TV
1479. Original movie character; 90s; cage fighter; United States; fought major character in cage match
1480. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Journey Into Mystery; Partial; particle physicist, postdoctoral researcher; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico; history diverged when ambushed by time travelling hero
1481. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; brainwashed clan member, probable student; New York City; kidnapped, brainwashed and eventually sacrificed by a clan
1483. Original TV show character but name probable nod to character based on novel; 10s; naming the novel would make this one too obvious; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC; went mad on an alien world
1486. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; beauty pageant emcee; Chattanooga; asked pageant candidate what she would like for Christmas that year
1488. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; hunter of sorts; Oklahoma City; had cybernetic arm
1491. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; rebel; alien world [decline to specify]; participated in a slave revolt
1492. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; police officer; New Orleans; received phone call that major character was missing
1493. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; ditto; told main character he had " what you need for the shakes".
1497. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force major; Lancaster, California; present when main character detected by Air Force for first time.
1498. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City; developed violent tendencies including stealing skateboard after dad seemingly died
1500. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; No; Marvel Graphic Novel; priest; Scotland?; beat major character after latter showed him her mutation
1501. From a movie; dressed as someone based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; actor, possible student; Asgard; one of two characters playing the same person in a play.
1503. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technology company security agent; United States; tasked with transporting a secret project
1505. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; unrevealed, possible student; New York City?; holds a giant toothbrush at one point
1506. From a TV show; based on folklore; 10s; Arthurian legend; Partial; sorceress; Los Angeles; diverges from the main version in a mansion
1507. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; revealed; Harlem; regularly abused by partner
1508. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Punisher; No; mercenary; New York City; main character entrusted him with the lives of a woman and her daughter
1510. Original TV show character; 70s; department store manager; United States; behaved very badly towards employees.
1513. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Oregon; helped a man he found on the road
1514. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; video blogger; Harlem; entered barber shop, narrating what he was doing
1515. Original TV show character; 70s; ex motorcyclist; United States; left motorcycle gang before police arrived for illegal assault weapons
1516. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family member; Los Angeles?; assigned by boss to retrieve major characters
1519. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government contractor/smuggler; New York; operates illegal cargo smuggling outside of the US
1520. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; entity/keeper; Yucatán; keeper of a fragment of a powerful object    
1521. From a commercial; based on comics; 80s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States; this is one instance where I used a loophole to get around my rule of not using characters from commercials played by the original actor
1525. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent musician; Harlem; guitar was stolen
1526. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime syndicate member; mobile in space; major character thought he needed this character's eye
1527. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; house pet; London; distinguished from another fish in having one fin
1528. Original TV show character and first name unrevealed, but surname likely named after real person; 10s; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC?; turned mad on an alien world
1529. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; chief executive; New Orleans; attended a gala event
1530. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; court judge; New York City; presided over the arraignment of recurring villain
1531. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; unrevealed; Germany; diverged from an earlier version when her husband went away to Morocco
1532. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; mother of major character
1533. Original movie character; 10s; No; scientific group nurse; Mexico; supervised cloned children
1534. Original TV show character; 70s; mental institution patient; United States; was in an institution where main character applied for job
1535. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; wife of major character
1536. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City; took command after an apparent suicide
1537. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City?; mother of major villain
1538. Original movie character; 00s; No; scientist; New York City; aided future main villain in his experiments
1539. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; got sick with cancer
1540. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; Illinois; counterpart of major chaacter's uncle
1541. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant worker; New York City; was present when her sister got into a legal argument
1542. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; police officer; San Francisco; went to main character's prison cell and discovered he escaped
1544. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier of sorts; Alabama; memory is supressed
1545. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; miner foreman; Brazil; father of major character
1547. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; No; assassin; Nagasaki; assisted in an attempt to prevent a kidnapping
1548. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; boyfriend lied to her about a rodent problem
1550. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government attorney; Washington DC; authorized a deal for criminal to turn over evidence on another criminal
1551. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government undersecretary; Washington DC?; someone requested he hand over kill codes for a nuclear facility where a missile was due to be launched
1552. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal trainer; New York City; slept with woman he was training
1553. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; gladiator; [decline]; gladiator under duress who befriended other contestants
1554. Original movie character; 00s; No; hospital surgeon; New York City; tried to saw off villain's artificial limbs
1556. Original movie character; 00s; No; deputy sheriff; New Orleans; torn apart by main character
1557. Original TV show character; 00s; Yes; possible housewife; New York City; mother of major villain
1559. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawfirm co-founder/named partner; New York City; arrested for aiding major villain with illicit activities.
1560. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Salem, Oregon; attempted to help her son, whom she believed was possessed by a demon
1561. From a movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; No; street performer; Los Angeles; seen in documentary
1562. Original TV show character; 80s; police captain; Unted States; actress playing the character's first and last name start with the same letter as the start of the character's name
1563. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bartender, guitar/piano teacher; Michigan; had a brief relationship with main character
1564. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; private jet flight attendant; New York City?; had a fling with main character
1565. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; task to secure perimeter after a church became a crime scene
1566. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; aunto of major character
1568. Original movie character; 10s; No; news show worker; San Francisco; worked for main character's former show
1571. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; insurance corporation employee; New York City; interrogated at her home by major character
1574. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; Yes; scientist; England, Argentina; major charactre has him fired and discredited while he was working on quantum research
1575. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; Oklahoma; took mpart in preliminary hearings as she came to sign legal documents designed to control and regulate the activities of certain individuals
1577. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; San Francisco; brother of major character
1578. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; henchman; Harlem; helped try to capture several important political figures in order to evade a police siege
1581. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; some sort of shipper; New York City?; delivered parcel to a familiar looking person
1582. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; baseball team Road Captain; New York City; organizes a food drive every Thanksgiving
1583. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre doctor; Portland; possessed by demon
1584. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; former hospital surgeon; New York City; was forced to save villain's life by removing someone's kidneys
1585. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; waitress; New York City?; served major characters at a cafe when they were attacked by two assassins
1586. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland; shares name with Futurama character
1587. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; small shop attendant; New York City; she and partner were beaten and bloodied before they were gagged and roped to the horses on a carousel.
1589. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; was worried that husband's actions would endanger the latter's job at a hospital.
1590. Original TV show character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Detroit; appeared in the ninth episode of a series
1593. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Mighty Avengers; Partial; special organization agent; Bogotá; divergent version of major character
1595. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; private investigation firm head; New York City; contacted main character with the intention of absorbing their company and hiring them
1596. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; high school student; Jersey City; listened to other student as she explained her ordeal being saved by an enhanced individual.
1597. Original movie character; 10s; No; crane operator; New York City; got other crane operators to assist in getting main character to destination
1598. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal representative; Italy; attended committee sessioin to discuss organization's involvement with superhumans
1602. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police chief; New York State; locked up major character after latter was arrested drunk and unable to pay for his drinks
1603. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; police detective; New Orleans; mentor to someone he helped become a police officer
1607. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker; New York City; he and others liked harassing someone in workplace
1611. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; criminal; New York City; waved tommy gun around
1613. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City; attended a wedding
1614. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technician; Utah; trapped nbetween two dimensions, renderring him invisible and intangible
1616. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier; [decline]; had to subdue someone by bending latter's arm around his back
1617. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; medical examiner; New Orleans; noticed plantlife appeared in bodies
1619. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City; sent someone medical details while latter was driving
1620. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal; Los Angeles; was asked to kill major character
1622. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; back-up dancer; New York City; friend of major character whom she was back-up dancer for
1624. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; driver; New York City;l heard his boss/major character talking to himself
1625. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; New York City; was told to collect money, but there was a bomb within the money
1626. Original movie character; 10s; No; security guard; San Francisco ; worked for genetics corporation
1627. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ancient organization member; New York City; after being stabed, warned main character that the stabber was searching for someone he cared about
1628. Original movie character; 00s; No; general; New York City; warned main villain  that if the performance enhancers had not had a successful human trial within two weeks, he'd pull all of the funding and give it to their competitor
1629. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; Tennessee; life saved in part by someone he bullied
1630. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal organization leader; Los Angeles; made a deal with villain to assist latter in building a weapon     
1631. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; Harlem; attended a party where she snorted heroin
1633. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn; befriended someone he was unaware had killed his son while not in his right mind
1634. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Karachi, Pakistan; cousoin of main character
1635. From on movie; based on comics but different first name; 00s; X-Men; No; farmer; Canada (Northwest Territories?); offered shelter to main character
1636. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City; asked by mjaor character/friend to keep someone's fingerprints and data off the record.
1637. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; handyman; New York City; hired to terrorize the homes of innocent people
1638. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Spider-Man and Power Pack ; Yes; high school student; Queens; took part in a field trip to Europe
1639. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; biker; Los Angeles; motorbike stolen by main character
1640. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; avocado business owner; Los Angeles;  briefly had a romantic relationship with major character
1641. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal assistant; Bucharest; took major characters to hidden underground room where latter were requested to perform surgery
1642. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; assassin for terrorist group; Los Angeles; active in 1955
1643. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; All-New, All-Different Point One; Yes; community centre operator; New York City
1645. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital doctor; New York City
1646. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1648. Original movie character; 00s; Partial; unrevealed; New York City
1649. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; Harlem
1651. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City
1652. Original movie character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; New York City
1654. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal, former stock broker; New York City
1656. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine turned special program worker; Boston
1657. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; California
1658. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Fantastic Four; presumed student; New York City?
1659. Original movie character; 10s; No; paramedic; San Francisco
1661. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; coerced criminal assistant; New York City?
1662. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; unrevealed; New York City?
1663. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; CEO/founder of science corporation; New York City
1664. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; TV journalist; Britain
1666. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; mystical group member; Jersey City
1667. 1667. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different name); 10s; Punisher; Yes; presumed student; New York City
1668. Original movie character; 10s: No; presumed student; New York City
1669. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; New York City
1670. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; info sparse and I don't recall them; New Orleans?
1672. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; owner/curator; Los Angeles
1673. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scientist; Nevada
1674. Original TV show character; 10s; No; underground group member; Atlanta
1675. Original movie character; 00s; No; police detective; New York City
1677. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; terrorist group member turned personal aide; New York State
1678. Original short character; 10s; Yes; business pet; United States
1680. Original TV movie character; 80s; scientist, Institute head; Los Angeles
1681. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reverend; Harlem
1682. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State
1683. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version's surname unrevealed); 10s; Runaways; Yes; university employee; Los Angeles
1684. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States
1685. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu
1686. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Air Force general, government body member; United States
1687. Original TV show character; 70s; professional football player/trainer; United States
1688. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City
1689. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school principal; Los Angeles
1691. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; probable student; London
1693. Original TV show character but later appeared in comic set in the same continuity; 70s; would-be world conquerer; New York City
1694. From a commercial; based on comics but gender swapped; 10s; Captain America Comics; probable student; United States
1695. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital clerk; New York City
1697. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Dardevil; No; bar owner; New York City
1698. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer of sorts also paid by technology company; Italy
1699. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Spanish teacher; Los Angeles
1700. Original movie character; 10s; No; student if any; New York City
1701. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; unrevealed; Britain
1702. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; chancellor; China
1703. From a movie (deleted scene); based on real person; 00s; Yes; musical performer; New York City
1704. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; small-time criminal; New York City
1705. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Inhumans; Yes; former coerced spy/assassin; Soviet Union
1706. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; TV reporter; Los Angeles
1707. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; convenience store employee; Cincinnati
1708. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; car thief; New York City
1709. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; illicit photo studio owner; New York City
1710. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 10s; one version from Fallen Angels; No; high school student/cheerleader; New York City
1711. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed; Lincoln, Nebraska
1712. Original movie character; 10s; No; arms dealer; Turkey?
1714. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; cultist; London
1715. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; United States
1716. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal figure; New York City
1719. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; New York City
1720. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; senator; Washington DC
1721. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical academy student; New York City
1723. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 20s; earliest such character probably from X-Men; Yes; cultist; Egypt
1724. From a TV show; birth name based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; special organization agent turned welder; United States
1725. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana trafficker; Oahu
1726. Original movie character; 00s; No; unemployed; New York City
1728. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Norway
1730. Original movie character but named after character from non-Marvel TV show; 10s; decline to answer as earlier version is also name of show; No; house pet; San Francisco
1732. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; inventor, industrialist, chairman, electrical engineer, adventurer; New York City
1733. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1734. From a TV show; based on earlier character same show; 20s; Partial; soldier' [decline]
1735. From a movie; based on earlier character same movie; 10s; No; assassin; New York City
1736. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; Los Angeles
1738. Original TV movie character; 20s Yes; musician; [decline]
1739. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s Yes; musical performer; Harlem
1740. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1741. Original movie character; 10s Yes; probable student; Tennessee
1742. Original TV show character; 20s Yes; criminal soldier; Zürich
1744. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed, possible housewife; Albany
1745. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; oil rig worker; Louisiana
1746. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1747. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; New Orleans


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6/23/2023 6:45 am  #170

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

Adding character specific clues to 1701.

1293. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; responded to an altercation between a superhero and a crime family
1294. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mafia leader; Chicago; interrogated by anti-hero
1296. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo; named after Biblical being
1297. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; nightclub manager; Harlem; paid main character under the table
1299. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bushman, restaurant co-owner; Jamaica; mentor of major villain
1302. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier; Peru; commandeered mobile headquarters from main characters
1303. Original movie character; 80s; police lieutenant; Cleveland; threatened main character with jail
1304. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; escort; Harlem; hited to charm and blackmail someone
1305. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; tow truck driver; California; called to retrieve damaged car from retreat
1306. Original TV show character; 00s; No; drug dealer; Detroit; shakened down by main female character
1307. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, maybe student; New York City; spoke to lawye3r when realized mom needed help
1310. Original TV show character; 10s; No; psychiatrist turned lighthouse keeper; Brooklyn or vicinity?; treated main character for three years
1311. Original TV show character; 10s, though there'a an unrelated comics character with same name; Yes; unrelated character from Marvel Mystery Comics; pimp; New York City; caught one of his women keeping some of the money
1315. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; chef; Harlem; attended event where someone announced the creation of a complex
1316. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; psychiatric hospital nurse; Los Angeles; part of a witch coven
1317. Original TV show character; 70s; army soldier turned medical centre computer room worker; Los Angeles; while in the army was the best marksman in his division
1318. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force captain; Washington, D.C.; recurring character called her and other female staffers together
1319. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; student if any; Waverly, Ohio; son of major character
1320. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; professional gambler, marijuana grower; New York City; went on the run after falling into debt with loan shark
1321. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; possible housewife; Dallas?; ex-wife of recurring adversary
1322. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; army colonel; North Vietnam; flew many Black Ops missions into the jungles of North Vietnam
1323. Original webseries character, though an unrelated comics character has the same name; 10s; unrelated character from Ultimate Fantastic Four; Yes; hate group terrorist; Baltimore; attempoted to purchase a powerful weapon
1324. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco; listened to stories from major characters at a restaurant
1326. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ambulance driver for fire department; New York City; attempted to take main characters away discreetly
1327. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent socialite; New Orleans; after being robbed by major character, tried to rape them
1328. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; industrial company employee; New York City?; joined a group of villains after the death of her previous employer
1329. Original movie character; 00s; No; federal agent; United States; located main character's hideout
1331. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; prison guard; Georgia; forced prisoners to fight one another and streamed this for profit
1333. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school physical education teacher and varsity football coach, scoutmaster, volunteer firefighter; Wrigley, Pennsylvania; aided in recovery in the wake of a failed invasion
1334. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent criminal; Georgia; acted as trainer for main character
1337. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; biker gang leader; New York City; participated imn a gang war in a park
1339. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; United States; mainly looked after boss' needs
1340. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Muskingum County, Ohio; reported on the scene of an attack on a psychiatric facility
1341. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; auto and body workshop owner; Los Angeles; hired major ally to main characters
1343. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; network reporter; Philadelphia?; don't recall their specific role in the movie
1344. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City; sent to capture main character
1345. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; met major character in a bar
1346. Original movie character; 00s; No; some sort of doctor (possibly in the scholarly sense rather than medical); New York City?; debated on TV with a superhero
1347. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; personal assistant; New York City; right hand man for main villain
1350. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; assigned to guard major villain
1352. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Japan?; hypenated name with second part of name a body part
1353. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force technical sergeant; Washington, DC; arrived at recurring character's location with other soldiers
1354. Original movie character; 00s; No; lawyer/familiar; Prague; participated in a health consortium
1356. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; instructed to guad serial killer
1359. Original TV show character; 70s; pilot; Treverton, Colorado; sprayed chemical over crops to kill bugs
1361. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; terrorist group operative; United States; joined terrorist group to get a source of income to look after his family
1362. Original TV show character; 70s; model; United States; tried to exort money from a guy who didn't love her in order to get them both married
1363. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State; someone possessing his boss forced him to get them his cuffs
1366. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles; shot in the legs by major villain
1368. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; security company receptionist; New York City; while talking to a client was interrupted by CEO's daughter
1370. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang leader; New York City; invited to meeting at a gym but was betrayed
1371. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; half-brother had her brutally assaulted by a group of thugs when she inherited a prized statue instead of him.
1373. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; Yes; possible student; Wheaton, New Jersey; attended a convention
1375. Original movie character; 10s; No; federal agent; Queens?; claimed main character's father was a traitor
1377. Original TV show character; 70s; orderly; United States; sent after main character after the latter obtained a tape
1380. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; clan member; New York City; oversaw transportation of young both to New York.
1381. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police lieutenant/criminal; New York City; secretly on a criminal's payroll but exposed by major character
1382. Original movie character; 00s; No; Chief of Staff; Washington, DC; accompantied President to Oval Office before a speech
1384. From a movie; possibly based on real person; 10s; Yes; support group leader; Brooklyn; helped people deal with deaths of loved ones
1389. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster group member; New York City; was eager to follow in his father's footsteps, despite being ordered not to
1390. From a movie; possibly based on comics (different salutation); 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; chemistry teacher; New York City; taught a lesson about orbitals, drawing several on the board and listing a series of questions about them
1391. Original movie character; 00s; No; news reporter; New York City; reported tha a web had a message
1392. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; nightclub owner/criminal leader; Madripoor; met be someone regarding a serum
1393. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang member; New York City; followed by main character
1394. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; electronics store consultant; New York City; helped someone choose a laptop.
1395. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; Los Angeles?; major character handed her a flash drive, telling her there was there new information she needed to deliver with the rest.
1396. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student if any; New York City; lived in orphanage prior to adoption
1397. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; pet of sorts; Norway; attended a failed coronation ceremony
1398. Original TV show character; 10s; No; head of government group, some sort of admiral; unrevealed; at age 17 he was selected to take part in an experiment that could protect his mind from telepaths so he could act as the government's "secret keeper"
1400. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; press secretary; Washington DC; gave a press conferenceafter a major battle
1401. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; had his sister brutally assaulted by a group of thugs when she inherited a prized statue instead of him.
1402. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; New York City; tasked with investigating a massacre inside a cinema theater
1405. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; special organization agent; New York City; diverged from another version shortly after a battle
1406. Original movie character (deleted scene); 00s; Yes; unrevealed, possible socialite; Dubai; party guest of main character
1407. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.; Partial; student if any when last seen; Illinois; much younger divergent version of major character
1408. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical centre doctor; New York City; assigned to major character's care
1409. Original TV show character; 70s; doctor/surgeon; Baja; wrongly accused of malpractice by the father of a girl who died in her care
1413. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; army general; Washington DC; present at a hearing regarding the fall of an organization
1414. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Dallas?; victim of a terrorist attack
1415. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; possible student; United States; a different version of this character (previously identified in an earlier collage) appeared in a commercial for the same product, but this version looks different enough that I'm treating them as different characters.
1416. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family enforcer; New York City; trailed a van in an attempt to kill a major character
1417. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and can't recall; vampire
1418. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Thing; No; possible student; California; brother of major character
1419. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu; recruited as a part of a task force to apprehend her former trainer.
1421. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City; ordered to perform a needle injection on a patient but was unsuccessful
1422. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible former housewife; Los Angeles; developed respiratory issues which forced her to rely on heavy and expensive medical equipment
1423. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scavenger; [decline]; one of the very few humans at his location allowed to have a baby
1424. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; firefighter; Wrigley; among the first responders that aided in the recovery after a major battle
1425. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; flutist, writer; New York City; interviewed on a talk show
1426. From a TV show; shares name with comics character but likely a coincidence; 10s; Hulk: Future Imperfect; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; received a visit from her son's childhood friend and was informed of son's death.
1427. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; grifter; New York City; approached for help by someone she betrayed
1428. Original TV show character; 10s; No; student if any; Georgia?; previously resided in the same foster home as major character
1429. From a TV show; based on real person with somewhat different name, dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; musical actor; New York City; participated in a news segment of sorts
1430. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; veterinary office employee; New York City; sold medical supplies to two comics based characters when they visited the office
1431. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none; Britain?; daughter of major characters
1432. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible student; New York City; screamed at major character during the latter's trial
1433. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Los Angeles; sent to a diner after being alterted that a major villain was there
1434. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; attended a party where her friend attacked her while under the influence of heroin
1435. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military firm agent; New York City; sent to capture major character along with others, only to be ambushed
1436. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; likely student; New York City?; accidentally revealed true form while eating a burger
1437. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news anchor; New York City; reported on a bombing
1438. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; news anchor; Los Angeles; claimed ythat a battle could turn into a tragic day for the people of New York
1440. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; alleged criminal; alien world [decline to specify]; executed by cousin for high treason
1441. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; henchman; Tampa; assisted in murders of main character's family members
1442. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; special organization director; Los Angeles; identity usurped by another character
1443. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland; the surname of the actor playing him is often a first name
1444. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school lacrosse team coach; Los Angeles; made a speech in front of the team, reminding them about the importance of their sport careers, and urging them to put aside their difficulties to not risk them.
1445. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States; father of major character
1446. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre security guard; Portland; showed major characters security footage
1447. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States; mother of major character
1448. Original movie character; 10s; No; assassin; New York City; counterpart of 1735
1449. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hero for Hire; Yes; medical scientist; Georgia; performed experiments on prison inmates
1451. From a TV special; based on real person; 20s; Yes; actor; Beverly Hills; kidnapped by aliens
1452. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; high school student; New York City; refuses to let main character sit beside her on a bus
1453. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier turned surfer; Oahu; saved major character from drowing
1454. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Washington DC; assisted woman when someone broke into her home
1455. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; cultist of sorts; Cairo; named after Biblical being
1458. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; undertaker; Harlem; presided over the funeral arrangements for recurring character
1460. Original TV show character but has subsequently been mentioned in a comic; 10s; Yes; newspaper editor-in-chief; New York City; fired reporter over his obsession with someone
1461. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal investigator; New York City; assigned to interview someone
1462. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; casino enforcer; [decline]; presided over a game where people bet their own lives to win colossal amounts of money, with the risk of being sold into slavery should they lose.
1463. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Fantastic Four; presumed king; Paris?; assisted another hero sharing half of code name in fighting super-villain
1464. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Cable; No; unrevealed; United States?; attacked at some point in the future
1465. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; info sparse and I don't recall them; vampire
1466. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn; approved of major villain beating down main character
1467. Original TV movie character; 70s; criminal; United States; played by future recurring A-Team actor
1468. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; New York City; hired by woman who blamed a company for her son's cancer
1470. From a short; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Partial; adventurer; Australia; became an office worker's roommate
1471. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; butler; New York City; tasked with bringing youth hoime from the airport
1472. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hate group terrorist; United States; led teammates to try to kill someone but fell into trap
1473. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; jailor; [decline]; tortured someone into committing murder
1474. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed, possible housewife; United States; asked main character to try to reasonn with her husband, who had anger issues
1475. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed criminal; United States; in prison, tried to sit at a table but walked away after being told the seat was alredy taken
1476. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; New York City; groomed by parents to run for President, which meant keeping his homosexuality secret
1477. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; businesswoman; New York City; partnered with lawyer to work on her patent
1478. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Foreign Affairs MInister/terrorist; Belgium; debatd with senator on TV
1479. Original movie character; 90s; cage fighter; United States; fought major character in cage match
1480. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Journey Into Mystery; Partial; particle physicist, postdoctoral researcher; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico; history diverged when ambushed by time travelling hero
1481. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; brainwashed clan member, probable student; New York City; kidnapped, brainwashed and eventually sacrificed by a clan
1483. Original TV show character but name probable nod to character based on novel; 10s; naming the novel would make this one too obvious; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC; went mad on an alien world
1486. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; beauty pageant emcee; Chattanooga; asked pageant candidate what she would like for Christmas that year
1488. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; hunter of sorts; Oklahoma City; had cybernetic arm
1491. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; rebel; alien world [decline to specify]; participated in a slave revolt
1492. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; police officer; New Orleans; received phone call that major character was missing
1493. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; ditto; told main character he had " what you need for the shakes".
1497. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force major; Lancaster, California; present when main character detected by Air Force for first time.
1498. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City; developed violent tendencies including stealing skateboard after dad seemingly died
1500. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; No; Marvel Graphic Novel; priest; Scotland?; beat major character after latter showed him her mutation
1501. From a movie; dressed as someone based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; actor, possible student; Asgard; one of two characters playing the same person in a play.
1503. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technology company security agent; United States; tasked with transporting a secret project
1505. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; unrevealed, possible student; New York City?; holds a giant toothbrush at one point
1506. From a TV show; based on folklore; 10s; Arthurian legend; Partial; sorceress; Los Angeles; diverges from the main version in a mansion
1507. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; revealed; Harlem; regularly abused by partner
1508. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Punisher; No; mercenary; New York City; main character entrusted him with the lives of a woman and her daughter
1510. Original TV show character; 70s; department store manager; United States; behaved very badly towards employees.
1513. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Oregon; helped a man he found on the road
1514. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; video blogger; Harlem; entered barber shop, narrating what he was doing
1515. Original TV show character; 70s; ex motorcyclist; United States; left motorcycle gang before police arrived for illegal assault weapons
1516. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family member; Los Angeles?; assigned by boss to retrieve major characters
1519. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government contractor/smuggler; New York; operates illegal cargo smuggling outside of the US
1520. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; entity/keeper; Yucatán; keeper of a fragment of a powerful object    
1521. From a commercial; based on comics; 80s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States; this is one instance where I used a loophole to get around my rule of not using characters from commercials played by the original actor
1525. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent musician; Harlem; guitar was stolen
1526. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime syndicate member; mobile in space; major character thought he needed this character's eye
1527. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; house pet; London; distinguished from another fish in having one fin
1528. Original TV show character and first name unrevealed, but surname likely named after real person; 10s; Yes; astronaut; Washington DC?; turned mad on an alien world
1529. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; chief executive; New Orleans; attended a gala event
1530. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; court judge; New York City; presided over the arraignment of recurring villain
1531. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; unrevealed; Germany; diverged from an earlier version when her husband went away to Morocco
1532. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; mother of major character
1533. Original movie character; 10s; No; scientific group nurse; Mexico; supervised cloned children
1534. Original TV show character; 70s; mental institution patient; United States; was in an institution where main character applied for job
1535. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; wife of major character
1536. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City; took command after an apparent suicide
1537. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City?; mother of major villain
1538. Original movie character; 00s; No; scientist; New York City; aided future main villain in his experiments
1539. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; got sick with cancer
1540. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; Illinois; counterpart of major chaacter's uncle
1541. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant worker; New York City; was present when her sister got into a legal argument
1542. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; police officer; San Francisco; went to main character's prison cell and discovered he escaped
1544. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier of sorts; Alabama; memory is supressed
1545. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; miner foreman; Brazil; father of major character
1547. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; No; assassin; Nagasaki; assisted in an attempt to prevent a kidnapping
1548. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; boyfriend lied to her about a rodent problem
1550. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government attorney; Washington DC; authorized a deal for criminal to turn over evidence on another criminal
1551. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government undersecretary; Washington DC?; someone requested he hand over kill codes for a nuclear facility where a missile was due to be launched
1552. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal trainer; New York City; slept with woman he was training
1553. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; gladiator; [decline]; gladiator under duress who befriended other contestants
1554. Original movie character; 00s; No; hospital surgeon; New York City; tried to saw off villain's artificial limbs
1556. Original movie character; 00s; No; deputy sheriff; New Orleans; torn apart by main character
1557. Original TV show character; 00s; Yes; possible housewife; New York City; mother of major villain
1559. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawfirm co-founder/named partner; New York City; arrested for aiding major villain with illicit activities.
1560. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Salem, Oregon; attempted to help her son, whom she believed was possessed by a demon
1561. From a movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; No; street performer; Los Angeles; seen in documentary
1562. Original TV show character; 80s; police captain; Unted States; actress playing the character's first and last name start with the same letter as the start of the character's name
1563. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bartender, guitar/piano teacher; Michigan; had a brief relationship with main character
1564. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; private jet flight attendant; New York City?; had a fling with main character
1565. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; task to secure perimeter after a church became a crime scene
1566. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; aunto of major character
1568. Original movie character; 10s; No; news show worker; San Francisco; worked for main character's former show
1571. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; insurance corporation employee; New York City; interrogated at her home by major character
1574. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; Yes; scientist; England, Argentina; major charactre has him fired and discredited while he was working on quantum research
1575. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; Oklahoma; took mpart in preliminary hearings as she came to sign legal documents designed to control and regulate the activities of certain individuals
1577. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; San Francisco; brother of major character
1578. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; henchman; Harlem; helped try to capture several important political figures in order to evade a police siege
1581. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; some sort of shipper; New York City?; delivered parcel to a familiar looking person
1582. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; baseball team Road Captain; New York City; organizes a food drive every Thanksgiving
1583. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mental health centre doctor; Portland; possessed by demon
1584. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; former hospital surgeon; New York City; was forced to save villain's life by removing someone's kidneys
1585. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; waitress; New York City?; served major characters at a cafe when they were attacked by two assassins
1586. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland; shares name with Futurama character
1587. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; small shop attendant; New York City; she and partner were beaten and bloodied before they were gagged and roped to the horses on a carousel.
1589. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; was worried that husband's actions would endanger the latter's job at a hospital.
1590. Original TV show character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Detroit; appeared in the ninth episode of a series
1593. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Mighty Avengers; Partial; special organization agent; Bogotá; divergent version of major character
1595. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; private investigation firm head; New York City; contacted main character with the intention of absorbing their company and hiring them
1596. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; high school student; Jersey City; listened to other student as she explained her ordeal being saved by an enhanced individual.
1597. Original movie character; 10s; No; crane operator; New York City; got other crane operators to assist in getting main character to destination
1598. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; federal representative; Italy; attended committee sessioin to discuss organization's involvement with superhumans
1602. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police chief; New York State; locked up major character after latter was arrested drunk and unable to pay for his drinks
1603. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; police detective; New Orleans; mentor to someone he helped become a police officer
1607. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker; New York City; he and others liked harassing someone in workplace
1611. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; criminal; New York City; waved tommy gun around
1613. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City; attended a wedding
1614. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technician; Utah; trapped nbetween two dimensions, renderring him invisible and intangible
1616. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier; [decline]; had to subdue someone by bending latter's arm around his back
1617. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; medical examiner; New Orleans; noticed plantlife appeared in bodies
1619. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City; sent someone medical details while latter was driving
1620. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal; Los Angeles; was asked to kill major character
1622. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; back-up dancer; New York City; friend of major character whom she was back-up dancer for
1624. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; driver; New York City;l heard his boss/major character talking to himself
1625. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; New York City; was told to collect money, but there was a bomb within the money
1626. Original movie character; 10s; No; security guard; San Francisco ; worked for genetics corporation
1627. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ancient organization member; New York City; after being stabed, warned main character that the stabber was searching for someone he cared about
1628. Original movie character; 00s; No; general; New York City; warned main villain  that if the performance enhancers had not had a successful human trial within two weeks, he'd pull all of the funding and give it to their competitor
1629. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; Tennessee; life saved in part by someone he bullied
1630. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal organization leader; Los Angeles; made a deal with villain to assist latter in building a weapon     
1631. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed, possible student; Harlem; attended a party where she snorted heroin
1633. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn; befriended someone he was unaware had killed his son while not in his right mind
1634. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Karachi, Pakistan; cousoin of main character
1635. From on movie; based on comics but different first name; 00s; X-Men; No; farmer; Canada (Northwest Territories?); offered shelter to main character
1636. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital nurse; New York City; asked by mjaor character/friend to keep someone's fingerprints and data off the record.
1637. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; handyman; New York City; hired to terrorize the homes of innocent people
1638. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Spider-Man and Power Pack ; Yes; high school student; Queens; took part in a field trip to Europe
1639. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; biker; Los Angeles; motorbike stolen by main character
1640. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; avocado business owner; Los Angeles;  briefly had a romantic relationship with major character
1641. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal assistant; Bucharest; took major characters to hidden underground room where latter were requested to perform surgery
1642. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; assassin for terrorist group; Los Angeles; active in 1955
1643. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; All-New, All-Different Point One; Yes; community centre operator; New York City; major character asked him to protect a couple people
1645. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; hospital doctor; New York City; was impressed by main character's memory and wondered how he could remember all the details he knew about songs and artists.
1646. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; fan of major character, whom she met on the street
1648. Original movie character; 00s; Partial; unrevealed; New York City; mother of major character
1649. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; Harlem; was considered by barber to be "the craziest Puerto Rican in Harlem"
1651. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; New York City;  was in charge of getting major villain into prison
1652. Original movie character; 00s; No; unrevealed; New York City; widow of star witness in criminal case
1654. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal, former stock broker; New York City; arrested after making the wrong stock deal
1656. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine turned special program worker; Boston; main contact between special program and major villain
1657. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; California; took part in major character's preliminary hearing
1658. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Fantastic Four; presumed student; New York City?; battled main villain (kind of)
1659. Original movie character; 10s; No; paramedic; San Francisco; called to respond to a shuttle crash
1661. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; coerced criminal assistant; New York City?;  employed and tortured by major villain
1662. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; unrevealed; New York City?; verbally abusive drunk father of major character
1663. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; CEO/founder of science corporation; New York City; suffered all his life due to a degenerative disease
1664. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; TV journalist; Britain;  reported on supporting character being arrested
1666. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; mystical group member; Jersey City; with others, banished from a dimension and formed their own group to get back
1667. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different name); 10s; Punisher; Yes; presumed student; New York City; erroneously believed her dad had been killed by Homeland Security
1668. Original movie character; 10s: No; presumed student; New York City; brother of major character
1669. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; New York City; moved into an apartment with his father after parents' divorce
1670. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; info sparse and I don't recall them; New Orleans?; first name of actress plauying her is something you might see in winter
1672. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; owner/curator; Los Angeles; was mad when someone didn't call his magic show real magic
1673. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; scientist; Nevada; active in the 1950s
1674. Original TV show character; 10s; No; underground group member; Atlanta; guarded headquarters gate
1675. Original movie character; 00s; No; police detective; New York City; helped stake out a party
1677. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; terrorist group member turned personal aide; New York State; got a phone call informing her that targes nhad been spotted
1678. Original short character; 10s; Yes; business pet; United States; "actor" shares name with a Royal Family of the Inhumans member
1680. Original TV movie character; 80s; scientist, Institute co-head; Los Angeles; his broither was the other head
1681. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reverend; Harlem; attended a rally
1682. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; special organization agent; New York State; recruiuted as a tactical member
1683. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version's surname unrevealed); 10s; Runaways; Yes; university employee; Los Angeles; became addicted to a mysterious type of rocks that gave him enhanced strength and longevity
1684. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States; attended anger management session
1685. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard member; Oahu;  able to generate strong electric charges from the palms of his hands
1686. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Air Force general, government body member; United States; watched a hacked TV message
1687. Original TV show character; 70s; professional football player/trainer; United States; befriended main character, who was training the team
1688. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; New York City;  potentially lost his ability to stand and walk after he was exposed to a substance
1689. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school principal; Los Angeles; at school's annual Open House, Tezuka gave a speech to the parents of its students.
1691. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; probable student; London; with others found a portal to other realms
1693. Original TV show character but later appeared in comic set in the same continuity; 70s; would-be world conquerer; New York City; has two lackeys and an additional evil assistant
1694. From a commercial; based on comics but gender swapped; 10s; Captain America Comics; probable student; United States; faced off against another "superhero" (sibling)
1695. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital clerk; New York City; helped unwell man and nurse after the man fell into the nurse and her cart
1697. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Daredevil; No; bar owner; New York City; served a recently acquitted man
1698. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer of sorts also paid by technology company; Italy; doublecrossed main characters in a train mission
1699. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Spanish teacher; Los Angeles; gave major character a C after an exam
1700. Original movie character; 10s; No; student if any; New York City; bullied by a group of kids when main character intervened and scared off the bullies
1701. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; unrevealed; Britain; father of major character
1702. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; chancellor; China
1703. From a movie (deleted scene); based on real person; 00s; Yes; musical performer; New York City
1704. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; small-time criminal; New York City
1705. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Inhumans; Yes; former coerced spy/assassin; Soviet Union
1706. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; TV reporter; Los Angeles
1707. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; convenience store employee; Cincinnati
1708. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; car thief; New York City
1709. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; illicit photo studio owner; New York City
1710. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 10s; one version from Fallen Angels; No; high school student/cheerleader; New York City
1711. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed; Lincoln, Nebraska
1712. Original movie character; 10s; No; arms dealer; Turkey?
1714. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; cultist; London
1715. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; United States
1716. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal figure; New York City
1719. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug dealer; New York City
1720. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; senator; Washington DC
1721. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical academy student; New York City
1723. From a TV show; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 20s; earliest such character probably from X-Men; Yes; cultist; Egypt
1724. From a TV show; birth name based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; special organization agent turned welder; United States
1725. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana trafficker; Oahu
1726. Original movie character; 00s; No; unemployed; New York City
1728. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Norway
1730. Original movie character but named after character from non-Marvel TV show; 10s; decline to answer as earlier version is also name of show; No; house pet; San Francisco
1732. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; inventor, industrialist, chairman, electrical engineer, adventurer; New York City
1733. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City
1734. From a TV show; based on earlier character same show; 20s; Partial; soldier' [decline]
1735. From a movie; based on earlier character same movie; 10s; No; assassin; New York City
1736. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; Los Angeles
1738. Original TV movie character; 20s Yes; musician; [decline]
1739. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s Yes; musical performer; Harlem
1740. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1741. Original movie character; 10s Yes; probable student; Tennessee
1742. Original TV show character; 20s Yes; criminal soldier; Zürich
1744. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed, possible housewife; Albany
1745. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; oil rig worker; Louisiana
1746. Original TV show character; 10s Yes; unrevealed; New York City
1747. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; New Orleans


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     Thread Starter

6/23/2023 10:56 am  #171

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

1402. Prendergast, Agent Carter


6/23/2023 10:58 am  #172

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

1406. Giorgio, Iron Man 1


6/23/2023 11:00 am  #173

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

1407. Alphonso Mackenzie, Chronicoms


6/23/2023 11:04 am  #174

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

1418. Jimmy Grimm, FF 2015


6/23/2023 11:11 am  #175

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

1429. Ryan Christopher, SNL Weekend Update


6/23/2023 11:23 am  #176

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

1455. Famine, X-Men Apocalypse


6/23/2023 11:25 am  #177

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

1470. Thor, Team Thor


6/23/2023 11:28 am  #178

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

1480. Jane Foster, Asgard Time Heist


6/23/2023 11:34 am  #179

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

1497. Major Allen, Iron Man 1


6/23/2023 11:35 am  #180

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #59 Marvel Live Update 2022-2023 4 of 9?

1500. Reverend Craig Sinclair, New Mutants


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