Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works estab. 2004

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8/31/2023 6:35 am  #1

Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

The Dark Forbush Man of Earth-666666666 from the main comics Earth's perspective, Earth-199999 from the MCU's perspective. Earth-Minus 616 from Earth-Ecch's perspective, and Earth-Four (emphasizing the th and the F) from the Electric Company's perspective has captured at least 3736 characters from across the Megaverse and placed them in an unknown number of locations, possibly nine. For the first two days you can fire up to 80 shots per day to rescue them as that's when more people are likely to try to find characters. After that it's unlimited. At least at first one guess per post to allow others to chime in, but if no one else seems to be playing, feel free to group guesses. You can also ask up to 30 questions a day.

Rules I'm playing by this round:
1. If a particular version of a character was played by multiple actors, only one actor is used, not always my own favourite.
2. Conversely the same actor can appear in multiple roles, even in the same continuity.
3. No characters from previous rounds, though counterparts possible (more on this below)
4. Characters originating in the show or movie are okay.
5. Invevitably some great characters are going to be missed for one reason or another.
6. As before some characters are other Earth counterparts are possible, from other characters in this collage and also from earlier collages (still more on the below).
7. Streaming service characters are okay.
8. Some characters are from commercials. Since commercials are often done in ways that if you squint you could place them in an existing continuity, I'm trying to leave out versions of characters played by TV/movie actors playing the same character.
9. Some cosplay is okay as long is it's full costume and not just a t-shirt (for commercials I'll allow the likes of people pretneding to be a character).
10. Some characters are thus from documentaries.
11. Some characters are from unauthorized movies. I've tried to avoid anything too pornographic. When in doubt I leave them out.
12. Characters from skits okay. If a show has multiple skits, mention the specific skit unless the show always has the same skit or there's been only one skit. Due to the exaggerated nature of skits, I do treat skits involving TV movie actors as separate continuities from the other shows/movies
13. Some name variations okay, on a case by case basis (e.g. if a skit has a gender swapped version of a character).
14. No one is directly from a live show, but characters in commercials for live shows are possible.
15. I usually avoid characters with no revealed names, but I've made exceptions if such a character is particularly notable.
16. To avoid the collage being diluted by too many fan film characters, no YouTube originals and the like. Everyone here reaches a minimum level of professionalism.
17. Counterparts from artificial realities are okay, so long as it's not an existing character's consciousness in the body.  It's pretty common for one character to be from the "real" world but interacting with an artificial version of someone they know.
18. Unlike with DC, trips to the past or future in the Marvel Multiverse if not Megaverse tends to involve divergent timelines.
19. While most characters were not in the 2020 collages, there's one exception: The Frost Sisters from The Gifted, previously grouped together, are now separated into individuals.
20. For possessed characters (usually from Helstrom), if the image shows them possessed, name the possessor, but name the person possessed if the image shows them in a not possessed state.
21. As always the default is the Earth the main character(s) is/are from. You may use official or unofficial reality numbers for non-default versions of characters, but descriptors are encouraged.
22. Because over half the characters in this series are MCU, don't simply put MCU as where they're from, though it doesn't have to be their first appearance as long as they were in it.
23. For groupings of characters where they are named but it's not clarified who is who, assume they are named in order of left to right,
24. Characters from deleted scenes are fine.

Making sense of Marvel Mutant movie continuity (some shows discussed seperately below):
Original continuity: X-Men, X2: X-Men United, X-Men: The Last Stand, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, The Wolverine, X-Men: First Class, parts of X-Men: Days of Future Past
Second continuity: Most of X-Men: Days of Future Past, Deadpool, X-Men: Apocalypse, X-Men: Dark Phoenix, parts of Deadpool 2
Most of Deadpool is in a continuity that diverges from the second continuity. Other continuities also seen.
Logan and New Mutants are self-contained.

Alternate and artificial realities (I'll include spoiler space for each in case someone hasn't seen a movie or all seasons of a show but intends to):
Agents of SHIELD:

The Framework (excludes characters with the consciousness of the original versions), a future reality seen in season 5 (one character diverges further), the divergent past seen in season 7.


Alternate realities seen in season 2 episode 6. Another divergence occurs near the end of the series.

Cloak & Dagger:

D'Spayre's false realities have courterparts (though Tandy is the original in all of them); different D'Spayre realities can have counterparts of the same character so be specific. Also Dark Dimension counterparts.


Dark Dimension counterparts, plus another artificial reality (the Healing Algorithm). A couple divergent realities seen towards the end of the series, but for some reason one visit to the past doesn't seen to cause a divergence.

Avengers: Endgame:

The various past realities are divergent


Multiple counterparts seen, particularly of Loki himself.

Spider-Man: No Way Home:

Villains from previous movies diverge from their original history but two other overworldly characters from previous movies are considered the originals.

Moon Knight:

The afterlife realm counts if the character doesn't seen to have the original's consciousness or a ragment thereof.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness:

A few additional realities seen, one in particular having a lot of screen time. Okay to use reality numbers given in the movie itself for non-MCU proper characters.

1749 Senator Goodwin, Iron Man 2
1750 Toothache Alligator, Supaidāman/Japanese Spider-Man
1751 Costel, Avengers: Age of Ultron
1752 Tolbert, Jessica Jones
1753 Agent Julian, Agents of SHIELD
1754 Ian Ilson, Captain America II: Death Too Soon
1755 Psylocke, X-Men: The Last Stand
1756 Bo, Cloak and Dagger
1757 Saunders, Avengers
1758 Gavin Merchant, Deadpool
1759 Rudy, Falcon and the Winter Soldier
1760 Dr Highland, WandaVision
1761 Amira Ahmed, Iron Man
1762 Iron Man, Conan "Batman wants to join the Marvel universe" sketch
1763 Human Torch, Fantastic 4 - Big Hands & Human Torch - Toy TV Commercial - TV Spot - TV Ad - Biz Toys
1764 David Haller (office drone David reality), Legion
1765 Patricia Wilson, Luke Cage
1766 Camilla Reyes, Agents of SHIELD
1767 Thor (Asgardian actor), Thor Ragnarok
1768 Santino, Daredevil TV
1769 Kirk, Runaways
1770 Jovana Lara, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
1771 Horus, Moon Knight
1772 Gary, Iron Fist
1773 Jimmy, Iron Fist
1774 Delancey, Thor
1775 Owen D'Ancanto/Rogue's father, X-Men
1776 Janet, Agents of SHIELD
1777 Gerald Durand, Captain America: The Winter Soldier
1778 Malik Saini, Daredevil TV
1779 Mark, Daredevil TV
1780 Samuel Voss, Agents of SHIELD
1781 Hulk, Cinemax commercial
1782 Wolf Woman, Thor: Love and Thunder
1783 Sheila, Luke Cage
1784 Christine Palmer (Earth-838), Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
1785 Kamenger, Supaidāman/Japanese Spider-Man
1786. Douglas, Spider-Man: Homecoming
1787 Molly Hernandez (Dark Dimension), Runaways
1788 Agent Hauer, Agents of SHIELD
1789 Dante Jackson, Daredevil movie
1790. Helen, Agent Carter
1791 Deadpool (Earth-41633), Deadpool 2
1792 The radioactive spider, Amazing Spider-Man series pilot
1793. Mystique, Carl's Jr. commercial
1794 Jefferson Coop, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
1795 Doyle, Daredevil TV
1796 Raj, Jessica Jones
1797 Eddie, Punisher TV
1798 Polly Hinton, Agents of SHIELD
1799 Johnny, Daredevil TV
1800 Graciela Aguirre, Runaways
1801 DJ Mister Cee, Luke Cage
1802 Jace Montero, Jessica Jones
1803 Carl, Agent Carter
1804 Ellingson, Blade Trinity
1805 Vanessa Carlyle, Deadpool 2 (timeline where Vanessa died)
1806 Gabe Krasner, Luke Cage
1807 Lucio, Agents of SHIELD
1808 P. Wenham, Captain America: The Winter Soldier
1809 Giuliana DePandi/Rancic, Fantastic Four: Rise of Silver Surfer
1810 Chase Stein, Quantum Gravity time travel, Runaways
1811 Sebastian Derik, Agents of SHIELD
1812 Will Daniels, Agents of SHIELD
1813 Donny Blaze, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
1814. Ant-Man cos-player, Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special
1815 Hulk (J.D.), Scrubs
1816 Laurent Bouchard, Jessica Jones
1817. Anna, Morbius
1818 Sam, Cloak & Dagger
1819 Simms, Captain America serial
1820 Dr. Lingenfelter, Agents of SHIELD
1821 Ahmed, Iron Man
1822. Larry Ellison, Iron Man 2
1823 Minuteman 1507311, Loki
1824 Kenneth Fuchs, Cloak & Dagger
1825. Ovechkin, Agent Carter
1826 Sammy Silke, Daredevil TV
1827 Other Captain Marvel, Ms Marvel
1828 Tanto Buffalo/Tank Buffalo, Supaidāman/Japanese Spider-Man
1829 Detective Lemieux, Iron Man 2
1830 Sarah, Man-Thing
1831 Robert Stanley, Incredible Hulk TV
1832 Wilson, Incredible Hulk TV
1833 Stan Lee, Gifted
1834 Joseph Vasquez, Runaways
1835. Hajo, Thor: Ragnarok
1836 Duke, Iron Fist
1837 Neils, Agents of SHIELD
1838. William Dole, Chromicom reality, Agents of SHIELD
1839 Agent Kirk Skadden, Agents of SHIELD
1840 Spider-Man, Burger King Kids Meals Spider-Man 3 Evil Squirrel commercial
1841 Red Dagger, Ms Marvel
1842 Shannon, Iron Fist
1843 Stavros, Daredevil movie
1844 Samurai, Hawkeye
1884 Rance, Daredevil TV
1845 Att-Lass, Captain Marvel
1846. Marv-Vell, Captain Marvel
1847 Hannah Hutchins, Agents of SHIELD
1848 Candace Miller, Luke Cage
1849 Michael Morbius (deleted scene), Blade
1850 Lola, Luke Cage
1851 Doris Toomes, Spider-Man Homecoming
1852 Abu Bakaar, Iron Man
1853 Harlan Bates, Incredible Hulk TV
1854. Principal Morita, Spider-Man: Homecoming
1855 Madge (Chronicon-altered timeline), Agents of SHIELD
1856 Thunderball, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
1857 Toothgrinder, Thor: Love and Thunder
1858 Larry, Luke Cage
1859 Russian, Punisher (2004)
1860 Mamba, Luke Cage
1861 Johnson, Luke Cage
1862 Esther, Agent Carter
1863 Ana Silva, Jessica Jones
1864 Luke Jacobson, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
1865 Ernesto, Agents of SHIELD
1866 Melvin Potter, Daredevil TV
1867 Minuteman 750682931199, Loki
1868 Greer, Hawkeye
1869 Qovas, Agents of SHIELD
1870 Mika Prada, Iron Fist
1871 Carlos, Falcon and the Winter Soldier
1872 Casey, Loki
1873 Geno, Punisher TV
1874 Eddie Cain, Incredible Hulk TV
1875 Magistrate's daughter, Runaways
1876 Josef, Captain America: Civil War
1877 Sana Ali, Ms Marvel
1878 Nick Fury, SNL: Scarlett Johansson Holiday Monologue
1879 Star, Daredevil TV
1880 Carmine "Pittsy" Gazzera, Punisher War Zone
1881 Isis, Moon Knight
1882 President Loki, Loki
1883 Spider-Man, Yummy Awards TV
1885 Agent Yauch, Agent Carter
1886 Hulk (time heist 2012 timeline), Endgame
1887 Sammy, Hulk 2003 film
1888 Akihiko, Avengers: Endgame
1889 Agent Runco, Agents of SHIELD
1890 Stan Gibson, Daredevil TV
1891 Barrie, Ms Marvel
1892 Arthur Hart/Todd Davis, WandaVision
1893. Wolfsbane, New Mutants
1894 Dave, Black Panther
1895 Krakchev, Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
1896 Lia, Avengers Endgame
1898 Timmy Nelson, Daredevil TV
1899 Holden Holliway, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
1900 Private Brown, Agents of SHIELD
1901 Naren, Helstrom
1902 Steven Benowitz, Jessica Jones
1903 Mrs Hart/Sharon Davis, WandaVision
1904 Detective Constable Bobbi Kennedy, Moon Knight
1905 Agent Wilkes, Marvel One-Shot: Agent Carter
1906 Jigsaw, Blade II
1907 Membrain, Gifted
1908. Violet, Agent Carter
1909 Anton Mogart, Moon Knight
1910 Jason, Runaways
1911 Agent Rodriguez, WandaVision
1912 Phantom Cat Beast/Cat Demon Monster, Supaidāman/Japanese Spider-Man
1913. William Ginter Riva, Iron Man
1914 Dr Murray, Daredevil TV
1915 Spider-Man (Jack Black), 2002 MTV Movie Awards
1916 Sofia Vasquez, Runaways
1917 Zhou Cheng, Iron Fist
1918 Gino DeLucia, Agent Carter
1919 Russo, Captain America: The Winter Soldier
1920 Ruthie Nelson, Daredevil TV
1921 Dmitry,  Daredevil TV
1922 Zeider, Amazing Spider-Man TV
1923 Bertrand Crawley (Duat), Moon Knight
1924 Albert, Agent Carter
1925 James Davis, Agents of SHIELD
1926 Shran, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
1927 Dr Meyer, Helstrom
1928 Lorraine, Agent Carter
1929 Hunter B-15, Loki
1930 Cypher/Doug Ramsey, X2: X-Men United
1931 Mrs Triplett, Agents of SHIELD
1932 Joan Barrett, Legion
1933 Xiao Chen, Agents of SHIELD
1934 Heinrich Schäfer, Avengers
1935 Blum, Agents of SHIELD
1936 Thomas, Daredevil TV
1937 Phoebe Frost, Gifted
1938 Buck, Deadpool
1939 Phillip, Punisher TV
1940 Jim Chase, Incredible Hulk TV
1941. Nu-An/Yü-Ti, Iron Fist
1942 Lonnie Wilson, Luke Cage
1943 Foster, Spider-Man Homecoming
1944 Caliban, X-Men Apocalypse
1945 Wolverine, Pizza Hut X-Men Video Pack
1946 Jake,  Daredevil TV
1947 Vice President Rodriguez, Iron Man 3
1948 Kanon, Daredevil TV
1949 Aisha, Ms Marvel
1950 Linda, Black Panther
1951. Shang-Chi, Shang-Chi  and the Legend of the Ten Rings
1952 Bryce, Helstrom
1953 Fire Fox, Supaidāman/Japanese Spider-Man
1954 Kam, Blade
1955 Vicar (Destroyed Earth future), Agents of SHIELD
1956 Warden Green, Agents of SHIELD
1957 Lizard (variant of Amazing Spider-man movie version), Spider-Man: No Way Home
1958 Tashi, Iron Fist
1959 Firefist (Earth-41633), Deadpool 2
1960 Nadya Ketch, Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
1961 Radovan Bernivig, Iron Fist
1962 Tyrone Johnson (Tandy Bowen engineer vision), Cloak & Dagger
1963 Mrs Lee (Framework), Agents of SHIELD
1964 Rose Sanders, Incredible Hulk TV
1965 Scrapman, Supaidāman/Japanese Spider-Man   
1966 Perez, Agents of SHIELD
1967 Agent Zero, X-Men Origins Wolverine
1968 Jack, Spider-Man 2
1969 The Third, Agents of SHIELD
1970 Tucker Price, Cloak & Dagger
1971 Mordis, Inhumans
1972 Captain Johnston, Agents of SHIELD
1973 Firefist (Cable's dark future), Deadpool 2
1974 Moloka Dar, Guardians of the Galaxy
1975 Axi Heimdallson, Thor: Love and Thunder
1976 Mama Mabel/Maybelline Stokes, Luke Cage
1977 Amber, Jessica Jones
1978 Hulk, Gender Reveal Hulk - Conan sketch
1979 Paul Edmonds, Iron Fist
1980 Julie Angel, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
1981 Ben, Legion
1982 Death-Dealer, Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
1983 Gupta Hindu Priest, Eternals
1984 Muneeba Khan, Ms Marvel
1985 Mary Jane Watson, The Amazing Spider-Man 2
1986 M. Caldwell, Daredevil TV
1987 Mrs Davis, Iron Man 3
1988 Johnny, Punisher TV
1989 Looney Bin Jim. Punisher War Zone
1990 Doctor Karl Malus, Jessica Jones
1991 Bonnie, Captain America: The First Avenger
1992 Caulder, Blade Trinity
1993 Sherry Yang, Iron Fist
1994 Pamela Norris, Incredible Hulk TV
1995 Agent Oliver, Agents of SHIELD 
1996 James Davis LMD, Agents of SHIELD
1997 Robinson, Jessica Jones
1998 Danny, Incredible Hulk TV
1999 Luke, Agents of SHIELD
2000 Amy Pratt, Death of the Incredible Hulk
2001 Spider-Man, Spider-Man : Turn Off The Dark Commercial
2002 Spider-Man Cheese Nips movie theatre commercial
2003 Bret Johnson, Captain Marvel
2004 Ignacio, Agents of SHIELD
2005 Amalia Chavez, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
2006. She-Hulk, unmade She-Hulk movie 1990 that was to star Brigitte Nielsen
2007. Deadpool, Deadpool
2008 Andrei Veznikov, Iron Fist
2009 Anole/Lizard Man, X-Men: The Last Stand
2010 Ted Hoffman, Spider-Man movie
2011 Joe, Punisher TV
2012 Taskmaster, Marvel Avengers Campus - Disneyland Paris commercial
2013 Dr Charles, Punisher TV
2014 Louie, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier
2015 Makayla, Jessica Jones
2016 Amatsu-Mikaboshi, Thor: Love and Thunder
2017 Laura Banner, Incredible Hulk TV movie/pilot
2018 Gabe Wilson Jr, Ms Marvel
2019. Berkeley Institute security guard (Lou Ferrigno), Hulk 2003
2020 Kropsky, Agents of SHIELD
2021 Hameed, Ms Marvel
2022 Tawni (Chronicon-altered timeline), Agents of SHIELD 
2023 Gamora, Marvel Universe Live! Age of Heroes commercial
2024 Kayla, Generation X
2025 Mystique, X-Men: Days of Future Past, etc.
2026 Katya Belakov (Framework), Agents of SHIELD  
2027 Francisco Rodriguez, Agents of SHIELD
2028 Officer Scott, Ant-Man and Wasp
2029 Spider-Man (Clone), Amazing Spider-Man TV series
2030 Bobby Fish, Luke Cage
2031 Kinokongar, Supaidāman/Japanese Spider-Man 
2032 Moke, Punisher TV
2033 Morty Bennett, Punisher TV
2034 Dr Moon, Amazing Spider-Man TV series
2035. Jack Russell, Werewolf By Night
2036 Steve Silva, Incredible Hulk TV
2037 Jackson Norriss, Marvel One-Shot: All Hail the King
2038 Boyle, Agents of SHIELD
2039 Reno, Inhumans
2040 Zoha Souliotis, Spider-Man: Far From Home
2041 Sally, Jessica Jones
2042 Inez Green, Jessica Jones
2043 Hulk (Gordy Dodd), Dodd's Furniture commercial
2044 Chloe Tan, Gifted
2045 Zoe Sommerfield, Blade Trinity
2046 David Kawecki, Jessica Jones
2047 Dontell "Cockroach" Hamilton, Luke Cage
2048 Lana Tsai, Iron Fist
2049 Minuteman 90150, Loki
2050 Spider-Man, Toybiz motorized web-blaster commercial
2051 Carlos, Ant-Man
2052 Yasmin Monette, Spider-Man: Far from Home
2053 Chojinju, Supaidāman/Japanese Spider-Man
2054 Evita Fusilier, Cloak & Dagger
2055 Dr Fine, Captain America: The Winter Soldier
2056. N'Jobu, Black Panther
2057 Randy, Loki
2058. Gilmore Hodge, Captain America: The First Avenger
2059 Holt, Agents of SHIELD  
2060 Marion James, Punisher TV
2061 Burnell (Framework), Agents of SHIELD
2062 Brayden, Runaways
2063 Charlotte, Logan
2064 Pompiliu, Punisher War Zone
2065 Josh Scarino, Spider-Man: Far From Home
2066 Justis Ambrose, Jessica Jones
2067 Toothgnasher, Thor: Love and Thunder
2068 Mother Teresa, Daredevil TV
2069 Evanora Harkness, WandaVision
2070 Dr Myman, Daredevil TV
2071 Aubree Richards, Helstrom
2072 Estella Espinosa, Generation X
2073 Mazur, Punisher TV
2074 Sorceress Beast/Witch Monkey, Supaidāman/Japanese Spider-Man
2075 Alexi, Iron Fist
2076. Billy Swan, Werewolf by Night
2077 Dr Camille Pazzo, Venom: Let There Be Carnage
2078 Lighthammer, Blade II
2079 Ryhno, Iron Fist
2080 Jason Ellison, Daredevil TV
2081 Tomás Calderon, Agents of SHIELD
2082. Kid Colt Actor (or the Kid Colt of another reality seen in movies), Agent Carter
2083 Jorge, Jessica Jones
2084 Raj Patel, Iron Fist
2085 Senator Gaius Ponarian (Destroyed Earth future), Agents of SHIELD
2086 Morgan Le Fay, Runaways
2087. Abe Brown, Spider-Man: Homecoming
2088 Tony, Luke Cage
2089 Max, Gifted
2090 Chris DiMolina, Daredevil TV
2091 Agent Baylin, Agents of SHIELD
2092 Gary Tower, Agent Carter
2093 Jerome Zandow, Agent Carter
2094 Jemiah the Analyzer, Eternals
2095 Jack, Punisher
2096 Jerome Wolf, Legion
2097 Rapu, Thor: Love and Thunder
2098 Alex Tilden, Helstrom
2099 Billy Fitzgerald (Duat), Moon Knight
2100 Hill. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier
2101 Stan Lee, Venom
2102 Louise Thompson, Jessica Jones
2103 Simon, Iron Fist
2104 Bomb Wolf, Supaidāman/Japanese Spider-Man
2105 Todd Chesterfield, Agents of SHIELD
2106 Agent Fisher, Agents of SHIELD
2107 Delilah, Logan
2108. Miriam Sharpe, Captain America: Civil War
2109 Gregory, Cloak & Dagger
2110 Elena, Agents of SHIELD
2111 Todd White, Jessica Jones
2112 Taylor, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
2113 Melinda May (destroyed Earth timeline), Agents of SHIELD
2114 Zoe Richards, Helstrom
2115 Reyna Pincer, Jessica Jones
2116. Darryl Jacobson, Love & Thunder
2117 Ink, X-Men: Days of Future Past
2118 Charles Xavier, changed timeline where he and Farouk didn't fight, Legion
2119 Captain William Pike, Iron Fist
2120 Vijay Nadeer (Framework), Agents of SHIELD
2121 Basar, Helstrom
2122. Elon Musk, Iron Man 2
2123 Ciara, Iron Fist
2124 Frank Delcourt, Agents of SHIELD
2125 Hank, Loki
2126 Ivan Hess, Cloak & Dagger
2127 Bart Matson, Captain America serial
2128 Christian Ward, Agents of SHIELD
2129 Guido Carboni, Marvel One-Shot: All Hail the King
2130 Katherine Summers, X-Men Apocalypse
2131 Steemie Blueliver, Guardians of the Galaxy
2132 Hydro-Man, Spider-Man: Far From Home
2133 Brick, Agents of SHIELD
2134 Gabrielle Xavier (original timeline), Legion
2135 Ernestro, Luke Cage
2136 General Jacobs, Agents of SHIELD
2137 Marisol, Luke Cage
2138 Jerry (Lighthouse/Destroyed Earth future), Agents of SHIELD
2139 Najma, Ms Marvel
2140 Pablo, Inhumans
2141 Henry Hunter/Pop, Luke Cage
2142 Jack, Gifted
2143 Peter Horn, Man-Thing
2144 Gabi, Punisher
2145 Katherine Shane, Agents of SHIELD
2146. Daniel Gooobler, Ant-Man & Wasp
2147 Farley, Luke Cage
2148 Pickett, Jessica Jones
2149 Bober, Agents of SHIELD
2150 Kelly Scott, Jessica Jones
2151 Grace Donatelli, Punisher War Zone
2152. Hela actress, Thor: Love & Thunder
2153 Kirk Vogel, Agents of SHIELD
2154 Michelle Raymond, Defenders
2155 Schneider, Agents of SHIELD
2156 Rebecca Walters, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
2157 Kyle, Iron Fist
2158 Amberleigh, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
2159 Dorothy Walker, Jessica Jones
2160. Fandral actor, Thor: Ragnarok
2161 Brubaker, Legion
2162 Finn Miller, Helstrom
2163 Officer Washburn, Jessica Jones
2164 Captain America, Avengers Age of UItron Hero Gear commercial
2165 Sharon Xavier, X-Men First Class
2166 Lin, Jessica Jones
2167 Miek, Thor Ragnarok
2168 Louisa Delgado, Daredevil TV
2169 Jack Denton, Jessica Jones
2170 Karman-Kan, Guardians of the Galaxy
2171 Thor, Avengers Little Avengers Target commercial
2172 Nikolas Natchios, Daredevil movie
2173 Billy Johnson, Cloak & Dagger
2174 Lucy Bauer, Agents of SHIELD
2175. Ant-Man, SNL, Superhero Party
2176. Fanny, Black Widow
2177 Todd, Punisher TV
2178 Kara Hunter, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
2179. Darryl Jacobson, Team Thor
2180 Catherine Wilder (Dark Dimension), Runaways
2181 Morgan Stark, Avengers Endgame
2182 Emily, Ant-Man
2183 Durant (Chronicon-altered timeline), Agents of SHIELD
2184 Julia, FF Rise of Silver Surfer
2185. Porcupine, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
2186 Marlena Olin, Punisher TV
2187 "Dr. Stan Nielson", WandaVision
2188 Sarah, Agent Carter
2189 Caspar Marx, Jessica Jones
2190 Nico Minoru (Healing Algorithm), Runaways
2191 Mikey, Luke Cage
2192 Wyatt, Cloak & Dagger
2193 Crank, Iron Fist
2194 Walker, Agents of SHIELD
2195 Sam Roberts, Incredible Hulk TV
2196 Virgil (Destroyed Earth future), Agents of SHIELD
2197 Maury Tuttlebaum, Jessica Jones
2198 James Power, Power Pack pilot
2199. Black Widow (Ana), Hawkeye
2200 Trip, Cloak & Dagger
2201 Rynda, Inhumans
2202 Frank Taylor, Dr Strange TV movie
2203 David Haller, timeline where he's crippled/uses heavy medication, Legion
2204. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Chronicon-altered reality), Agents of SHIELD
2205 Balzaroth, Dr Strange TV movie
2206 The Sheikh, Agents of SHIELD
2207. Betty Brant, Spider-Man: Homecoming
2208. Mister Fantastic (Earth-838/Illuminati), Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
2209 Gressil, Ghost Rider
2210 Midtown Science High School Librarian/Stan Lee, Amazing Spider-Man movie
2211 Loki (older), Loki
2212 Daisy Johnson (LMD), Agents of SHIELD
2213 Seymour O'Reilly, SPider-Man: Homecoming
2214 Dane Whitman, Eternals
2215 Chuck Donelan, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
2216 Man-Thing, Superman's Funeral SNL skit
2217. Bill Fisk, Daredevil TV
2218 Damon Keller, Agents of SHIELD
2219 Smith, X2: X-Men United
2220 Morris, Punisher (2004)
2221 Lauren Jesper, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
2222 Anibal Izqueda, Luke Cage
2223 Amy Chance, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
2224 The Beast (Lighthouse/Destroyed Earth future), Agents of SHIELD
2225 Martin, Punisher TV
2226 Verussa Bloodstone, Werewolf by Night
2227 Alisha Whitley, Agents of SHIELD
2228 Berkowitz, Defenders
2229 Vladimi, Agents of SHIELD

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (2/03/2024 9:50 am)

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8/31/2023 7:08 am  #2

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

1786. Douglas, Homecoming


8/31/2023 7:10 am  #3

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

1846. Marv-Vell, Captain Marvel


8/31/2023 7:13 am  #4

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

1790. Helen, Agent Carter


8/31/2023 7:16 am  #5

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

1825. Ovechkin, Agent Carter


8/31/2023 7:19 am  #6

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

1838. William Dole, Chromicoms


8/31/2023 7:20 am  #7

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

1854. Principal Morita, Homecoming


8/31/2023 7:23 am  #8

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

1908. Violet, Agent Carter


8/31/2023 7:24 am  #9

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

1835. Hajo, Ragnarok


8/31/2023 7:31 am  #10

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

2058. Gilmore Hodge, yer majesty, First Avenger


8/31/2023 7:34 am  #11

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

2082. Kid Colt, Earth-Stark Pictures


8/31/2023 7:35 am  #12

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

2076. Billy Swan, Werewolf


8/31/2023 7:36 am  #13

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

2108. Miriam Sharpe, Civil War


8/31/2023 7:37 am  #14

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

2087. Abe Brown, Homecoming


8/31/2023 7:41 am  #15

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

2146. Daniel Gooobler, Ant-Man & Wasp


8/31/2023 7:42 am  #16

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

2179. Darryl Jacobson, Team Thor


8/31/2023 7:43 am  #17

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

2175. Ant-Man, SNL, Superhero Party


8/31/2023 7:45 am  #18

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

2207. Betty Brant, Homecoming


8/31/2023 7:46 am  #19

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

2208. Mister Fantastic, Multiverse of Madness, Illuminati Assembled


8/31/2023 7:01 pm  #20

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

Those are all correct. When I try to edit the first post it tries to erase the entire post so I'll try pasting the characters found image here for now and will change the first post later.
1786. Douglas, Spider-Man: Homecoming
1790. Helen, Agent Carter
1793. Mystique, Carl Jr.s commercial
1825. Ovechkin, Agent Carter
1835. Hajo, Thor: Ragnarok
1838. William Dole, Chromicom reality, Agents of SHIELD
1846. Marv-Vell, Captain Marvel
1854. Principal Morita, Spider-Man: Homecoming
1908. Violet, Agent Carter
2058. Gilmore Hodge, Captain America: The First Avenger
2076. Billy Swan, Werewolf by Night
2082. Kid Colt Actor (or the Kid Colt of another reality seen in movies), Agent Carter
2087. Abe Brown, Spider-Man: Homecoming
2108. Miriam Sharpe, Captain America: Civil War
2146. Daniel Gooobler, Ant-Man & Wasp
2175. Ant-Man, SNL, Superhero Party
2179. Darryl Jacobson, Team Thor
2207. Betty Brant, Spider-Man: Homecoming
2208. Mister Fantastic (Earth-838/Illuminati), Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness


Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (9/06/2023 6:05 am)

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9/05/2023 6:41 am  #21

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

Adding source clues to 1800. I redid the first post but I see that this time around characters on the right are being cut off so I also added Google Drive links below the images.

1749. Original movie character
1750. Original TV show character
1751. Original movie character
1752. Original TV show character
1753. Original TV show character
1754. Original TV movie character
1755. From a movie; based on comics
1756. Original TV show character
1757. Original movie character
1758. Original movie character
1759. Original TV show character
1760. Original TV show character
1761. Original movie character
1762. From a TV show; based on comics
1763. From a commercial; based on comics
1764. From a TV show; based on comics
1765. Original TV show character
1766. Original TV show character
1767. From a movie; dressed as someone based on mythology
1768. Original TV show character
1769. Original TV show character
1770. From a TV show; based on real person
1771. From a TV show; based on mythology
1772. Original TV show character
1773. Original TV show character
1774. Original movie character
1775. From a movie; based on comics (comics version's surname unrevealed)
1776. Original TV show character
1777. Original movie character
1778. Original TV show character
1779. Original TV show character
1780. Original TV show character
1781. From a commercial; based on comics
1782. Original movie character
1783. Original TV show character
1784. From a movie; based on comics
1785. Original TV show character
1787. From a TV show; based on comics
1788. Original movie character
1789. Original TV show character
1791. From a movie; based on comics
1792. From a TV movie; based on comics
1793. From a commercial; based on comics
1794. Original TV show character
1795. Original TV show character
1796. Original TV show character
1797. Original TV show character
1798. Original TV show character
1799. Original TV show character
1800. Original TV show character


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9/05/2023 7:31 am  #22

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

1793. Mystique, Reality-Carl Jr.s


9/06/2023 6:07 am  #23

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

1793 is correct; list updated

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9/07/2023 6:56 am  #24

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

Expanded clues to 1840

1749. Original movie character
1750. Original TV show character
1751. Original movie character
1752. Original TV show character
1753. Original TV show character
1754. Original TV movie character
1755. From a movie; based on comics
1756. Original TV show character
1757. Original movie character
1758. Original movie character
1759. Original TV show character
1760. Original TV show character
1761. Original movie character
1762. From a TV show; based on comics
1763. From a commercial; based on comics
1764. From a TV show; based on comics
1765. Original TV show character
1766. Original TV show character
1767. From a movie; dressed as someone based on mythology
1768. Original TV show character
1769. Original TV show character
1770. From a TV show; based on real person
1771. From a TV show; based on mythology
1772. Original TV show character
1773. Original TV show character
1774. Original movie character
1775. From a movie; based on comics (comics version's surname unrevealed)
1776. Original TV show character
1777. Original movie character
1778. Original TV show character
1779. Original TV show character
1780. Original TV show character
1781. From a commercial; based on comics
1782. Original movie character
1783. Original TV show character
1784. From a movie; based on comics
1785. Original TV show character
1787. From a TV show; based on comics
1788. Original movie character
1789. Original TV show character
1791. From a movie; based on comics
1792. From a TV movie; based on comics
1794. Original TV show character
1795. Original TV show character
1796. Original TV show character
1797. Original TV show character
1798. Original TV show character
1799. Original TV show character
1800. Original TV show character
1801. From a TV show; based on real person
1802. Original TV show character
1803. Original TV show character
1804. Original movie character
1805. From a movie; based on comics
1806. Original TV show character
1807. Original TV show character
1808. Original movie character
1809. From a movie; based on real person
1810. From a TV show; based on comics
1811. Original TV show character
1812. Original TV show character
1813. Original TV show character, though name sounds similar to a couple of comics based characters
1814. From a TV special; dressed as someone based on comics
1815. From a TV show; based on comics, though this version has different real name
1816. Original TV show character
1817. Original movie character
1818. Original TV show character
1819. Original movie serial character
1820. Original TV show character
1821. Original movie character
1822. From a movie; based on real person
1823. Original TV show character
1824. Original TV show character
1826. From a TV show; based on comics
1827. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics
1828. Original TV show character
1829. Original movie character
1830. Original movie character
1831. Original TV show character
1832. Original TV show character
1833. From a TV show; based on real person
1834. Original TV show character
1836. Original TV show character
1837. Original TV show character
1839. Original TV show character
1840. From a commercial; based on comics

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9/07/2023 7:12 am  #25

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

1814. "Ant-Man", GOTG Holiday Special


9/07/2023 7:17 am  #26

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

1819. Cyrus Maldor?, Captain America serial


9/07/2023 7:18 am  #27

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

1822. Larry Ellison, Iron Man 2


9/07/2023 7:33 am  #28

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

1819 isn't Maldor (he made it into the 2020 collages), though you obviously have the right source. The rest are correct; list updated.

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9/09/2023 7:48 am  #29

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

Adding more "source" clues up to 1890.
1749. Original movie character
1750. Original TV show character
1751. Original movie character
1752. Original TV show character
1753. Original TV show character
1754. Original TV movie character
1755. From a movie; based on comics
1756. Original TV show character
1757. Original movie character
1758. Original movie character
1759. Original TV show character
1760. Original TV show character
1761. Original movie character
1762. From a TV show; based on comics
1763. From a commercial; based on comics
1764. From a TV show; based on comics
1765. Original TV show character
1766. Original TV show character
1767. From a movie; dressed as someone based on mythology
1768. Original TV show character
1769. Original TV show character
1770. From a TV show; based on real person
1771. From a TV show; based on mythology
1772. Original TV show character
1773. Original TV show character
1774. Original movie character
1775. From a movie; based on comics (comics version's surname unrevealed)
1776. Original TV show character
1777. Original movie character
1778. Original TV show character
1779. Original TV show character
1780. Original TV show character
1781. From a commercial; based on comics
1782. Original movie character
1783. Original TV show character
1784. From a movie; based on comics
1785. Original TV show character
1787. From a TV show; based on comics
1788. Original movie character
1789. Original TV show character
1791. From a movie; based on comics
1792. From a TV movie; based on comics
1794. Original TV show character
1795. Original TV show character
1796. Original TV show character
1797. Original TV show character
1798. Original TV show character
1799. Original TV show character
1800. Original TV show character
1801. From a TV show; based on real person
1802. Original TV show character
1803. Original TV show character
1804. Original movie character
1805. From a movie; based on comics
1806. Original TV show character
1807. Original TV show character
1808. Original movie character
1809. From a movie; based on real person
1810. From a TV show; based on comics
1811. Original TV show character
1812. Original TV show character
1813. Original TV show character, though name sounds similar to a couple of comics based characters
1815. From a TV show; based on comics, though this version has different real name
1816. Original TV show character
1817. Original movie character
1818. Original TV show character
1819. Original movie serial character
1820. Original TV show character
1821. Original movie character
1823. Original TV show character
1824. Original TV show character
1826. From a TV show; based on comics
1827. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics
1828. Original TV show character
1829. Original movie character
1830. Original movie character
1831. Original TV show character
1832. Original TV show character
1833. From a TV show; based on real person
1834. Original TV show character
1836. Original TV show character
1837. Original TV show character
1839. Original TV show character
1840. From a commercial; based on comics
1841. From a TV show; based on comics
1842. Original TV show character
1843. Original movie character
1844. Original TV show character
1845. From a movie; based on comics
1847. Original TV show character
1848. Original TV show character
1849. From a movie (deleted scene); based on comics
1850. Original TV show character
1851. Original movie character
1852. Original movie character
1853. Original TV show character
1855. Original TV show character
1856. From a TV show; based on comics
1857. From a movie; based on mythology (slightly different name in comics and movie)
1858. Original TV show character
1859. From a movie; based on comics
1860. Original TV show character
1861. Original TV show character
1862. Original TV show character
1863. Original TV show character
1864. From a TV show; based on comics
1865. Original TV show character
1866. From a TV show; based on comics
1867. Original TV show character
1868. Original TV show character
1869. Original TV show character
1870. Original TV show character
1871. Original TV show character
1872. Original TV show character
1873. Original TV show character
1874. Original TV show character
1875. Original TV show character
1876. Original movie character
1877. Original TV show character
1878. From a TV show; based on comics
1879. Original TV show character
1880. From a movie; based on comics
1881. From a TV show; based on mythology
1882. From a TV show; based on mythology
1883. From a TV special; based on comics
1884. Original TV show character
1885. Original TV show character
1886. From a movie; based on comics
1887. Original movie character
1888. From a movie; based on comics
1889. Original TV show character
1890. Original TV show character


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9/11/2023 6:20 am  #30

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All #60 Collage 45 Marvel Live Update 2022-2024 5 of 9

Adding more "source" clues up to 1960.
1749. Original movie character
1750. Original TV show character
1751. Original movie character
1752. Original TV show character
1753. Original TV show character
1754. Original TV movie character
1755. From a movie; based on comics
1756. Original TV show character
1757. Original movie character
1758. Original movie character
1759. Original TV show character
1760. Original TV show character
1761. Original movie character
1762. From a TV show; based on comics
1763. From a commercial; based on comics
1764. From a TV show; based on comics
1765. Original TV show character
1766. Original TV show character
1767. From a movie; dressed as someone based on mythology
1768. Original TV show character
1769. Original TV show character
1770. From a TV show; based on real person
1771. From a TV show; based on mythology
1772. Original TV show character
1773. Original TV show character
1774. Original movie character
1775. From a movie; based on comics (comics version's surname unrevealed)
1776. Original TV show character
1777. Original movie character
1778. Original TV show character
1779. Original TV show character
1780. Original TV show character
1781. From a commercial; based on comics
1782. Original movie character
1783. Original TV show character
1784. From a movie; based on comics
1785. Original TV show character
1787. From a TV show; based on comics
1788. Original movie character
1789. Original TV show character
1791. From a movie; based on comics
1792. From a TV movie; based on comics
1794. Original TV show character
1795. Original TV show character
1796. Original TV show character
1797. Original TV show character
1798. Original TV show character
1799. Original TV show character
1800. Original TV show character
1801. From a TV show; based on real person
1802. Original TV show character
1803. Original TV show character
1804. Original movie character
1805. From a movie; based on comics
1806. Original TV show character
1807. Original TV show character
1808. Original movie character
1809. From a movie; based on real person
1810. From a TV show; based on comics
1811. Original TV show character
1812. Original TV show character
1813. Original TV show character, though name sounds similar to a couple of comics based characters
1815. From a TV show; based on comics, though this version has different real name
1816. Original TV show character
1817. Original movie character
1818. Original TV show character
1819. Original movie serial character
1820. Original TV show character
1821. Original movie character
1823. Original TV show character
1824. Original TV show character
1826. From a TV show; based on comics
1827. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics
1828. Original TV show character
1829. Original movie character
1830. Original movie character
1831. Original TV show character
1832. Original TV show character
1833. From a TV show; based on real person
1834. Original TV show character
1836. Original TV show character
1837. Original TV show character
1839. Original TV show character
1840. From a commercial; based on comics
1841. From a TV show; based on comics
1842. Original TV show character
1843. Original movie character
1844. Original TV show character
1845. From a movie; based on comics
1847. Original TV show character
1848. Original TV show character
1849. From a movie (deleted scene); based on comics
1850. Original TV show character
1851. Original movie character
1852. Original movie character
1853. Original TV show character
1855. Original TV show character
1856. From a TV show; based on comics
1857. From a movie; based on mythology (slightly different name in comics and movie)
1858. Original TV show character
1859. From a movie; based on comics
1860. Original TV show character
1861. Original TV show character
1862. Original TV show character
1863. Original TV show character
1864. From a TV show; based on comics
1865. Original TV show character
1866. From a TV show; based on comics
1867. Original TV show character
1868. Original TV show character
1869. Original TV show character
1870. Original TV show character
1871. Original TV show character
1872. Original TV show character
1873. Original TV show character
1874. Original TV show character
1875. Original TV show character
1876. Original movie character
1877. Original TV show character
1878. From a TV show; based on comics
1879. Original TV show character
1880. From a movie; based on comics
1881. From a TV show; based on mythology
1882. From a TV show; based on mythology
1883. From a TV special; based on comics
1884. Original TV show character
1885. Original TV show character
1886. From a movie; based on comics
1887. Original movie character
1888. From a movie; based on comics
1889. Original TV show character
1890. Original TV show character
1891. Original TV show character
1892. Original TV show character
1893. From a movie; based on comics
1894. Original movie character
1895. Original movie character
1896. Original movie character
1897. Original TV show character
1898. Original TV show character
1899. From a TV show; based on comics
1900. Original TV show character
1901. Original TV show character
1902. Original TV show character
1903. Original TV show character
1904. Original TV show character (Marvel Fandom says she's based on a comics character with no surname and slightly different first name due to gender swap and different occuption but that seems to me to be too much of a reach)
1905. Original short character
1906. Original movie character, though shares code name with different Marvel villain from comics
1907. From a TV show; based on comics
1909. From a TV show; based on comics
1910. Original TV show character
1911. Original TV show character
1912. Original TV show character
1913. Original movie character
1914. Original TV show character
1915. From a TV special; based on comics (apparently with different real real name, based on real person)
1916. Original TV show character
1917. From a TV show; based on comics
1918. Original TV show character
1919. Original movie character
1920. Original TV show character
1921. Original TV show character
1922. Original TV show character
1923. Original TV show character
1924. Original TV show character
1925. Original TV show character
1926. Original movie character
1927. Original TV show character
1928. Original TV show character
1929. Original TV show character
1930. From a movie; based on comics
1931. Original TV show character
1932. Original TV show character
1933. From a TV show; possibly loosely based on comics (slightly different first name)
1934. Original movie character
1935. Original TV show character
1936. Original TV show character
1937. From a TV show; based on comics
1938. Original movie character
1939. Original TV show character
1940. Original TV show character
1941. From a TV show; based on comics
1942. Original TV show character
1943. Original movie character
1944. From a movie; based on comics
1945. From a commercial; based on comics
1946. Original TV show character
1947. Original movie character
1948. Original TV show character
1949. From a TV show; based on comics
1950. Original movie character
1951. From a movie; based on comics
1952. Original TV show character
1953. Original TV show character
1954. From a movie; based on comics
1955. Original TV show character
1956. Original TV show character
1957. From a movie; based on comics
1958. From a TV show; based on comics
1959. From a movie; based on comics
1960. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different name)

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